Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami, Year (2024-4)

Title : ( Evolution of Elastic Shear Modulus During Shearing Under Different Stress Paths Considering Anisotropic Stress History )

Authors: Kamran Fani , Ali Akhtarpour , Jafar Bolouri Bazaz ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Continuous shear wave velocity measurements are conducted on cylindrical triaxial sandy specimens consolidated with isotropic and anisotropic stress histories to characterize the evolution of the elastic shear modulus under different stress paths. The shear wave velocity is measured using an automatic device capable of consecutive measurements of travel time. All specimens were prepared using the Water Sedimentation (WS) method, and after undergoing a stress-controlled path representing the stress history of the specimens, they were subjected to stresscontrolled drained shearing along eight different paths. The stress components used in the existing correlations estimating the shear moduli are specified under different stress paths. The results demonstrate that the existing empirical correlations can appropriately be used within the elastic region or the loading surface. However, the accuracy of such models estimating shear moduli might be depreciated as shearing commences, particularly if the stress path involves deviatoric stress, diverging from the expected trends at a specific stress ratio, which is strongly linked to the consolidation stress state. A criterion at which the shear modulus is diverted is also suggested, found to be directly related to the initial stress anisotropy.


, Shear Modulus, Stress Path, Anisotropic Consolidation, Stress History
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author = {Fani, Kamran and Akhtarpour, Ali and Bolouri Bazaz, Jafar},
title = {Evolution of Elastic Shear Modulus During Shearing Under Different Stress Paths Considering Anisotropic Stress History},
journal = {Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami},
year = {2024},
month = {April},
issn = {1793-4311},
keywords = {Shear Modulus; Stress Path; Anisotropic Consolidation; Stress History},


%0 Journal Article
%T Evolution of Elastic Shear Modulus During Shearing Under Different Stress Paths Considering Anisotropic Stress History
%A Fani, Kamran
%A Akhtarpour, Ali
%A Bolouri Bazaz, Jafar
%J Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami
%@ 1793-4311
%D 2024
