Journal of Applied Polymer Science, ( ISI ), Volume (141), No (28), Year (2024-4)

Title : ( Synergistic effects of silane‐modified carbon black and nano‐silica hybrid fillers on the performance of natural rubber compounds )

Authors: Farzaneh Jaberi Mofrad , Ali Ahmadpour , Saeed Ostad Movahed ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


This study investigates the efficiency of already developed surface-modified carbon black (CB), both independently and in conjunction with nano-silica, as a hybrid filler, to the properties of natural rubber (NR) compounds. The modification process, followed by coupling agent treatment, enhanced cross-link density and curing characteristics, though the inclusion of nano-silica alone negatively affected curing due to its inherent polarity and tendency to agglomerate. The filled compounds with modified CB exhibited significant improvements in mechanical properties, notably tear resistance. Moreover, the combination of nano-silica with modified CB yielded compounds with superior tear resistance, attributed to synergistic effects. CB surface modification exhibited varying effects on the glass transition temperature, with enhancements observed in tan δ at lower temperatures, indicating improved ice and wet grip potential. Also, it reduced rolling resistance after treatment with a coupling agent. While thermal stability remained consistent across the studied compounds, swelling resistance varies with filler type and ratio. Thermodynamic analysis confirmed the positive impact of CB surface modification on the elasticity and chain mobility of the investigated rubber compounds. It was concluded that the strategic selection of fillers and modification approaches were essential for achieving optimal results in the rubber compound\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s performance and application.


, Carbon black, Dynamical properties, Dispersion, Hybrid filler, Mechanical properties, Natural rubber, Rubber compound, Surface modification, TESPT.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Jaberi Mofrad, Farzaneh and Ahmadpour, Ali and Ostad Movahed, Saeed},
title = {Synergistic effects of silane‐modified carbon black and nano‐silica hybrid fillers on the performance of natural rubber compounds},
journal = {Journal of Applied Polymer Science},
year = {2024},
volume = {141},
number = {28},
month = {April},
issn = {0021-8995},
keywords = {Carbon black; Dynamical properties; Dispersion; Hybrid filler; Mechanical properties; Natural rubber; Rubber compound; Surface modification; TESPT.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Synergistic effects of silane‐modified carbon black and nano‐silica hybrid fillers on the performance of natural rubber compounds
%A Jaberi Mofrad, Farzaneh
%A Ahmadpour, Ali
%A Ostad Movahed, Saeed
%J Journal of Applied Polymer Science
%@ 0021-8995
%D 2024
