Title : ( Investigating the effect of electromagnetic field and Eucalyptus oil Citriodora on polymorphism of PVDF film )
Authors: marjan doaei , Seyed Mahmoud Mousavi , Ehsan Saljoughi , Hamed Karkhanechi ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) films were prepared for evaluating the effect of electromagnetic field and Eucalyptus oil Citriodora as an additive on the poly- morphism. The values of PVDF crystalline phases were determined by attenu- ated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Differential scanning calorimetry was performed to achieve the crystallinity degree of the PVDF films. To evaluate the impact of the electromagnetic field on the PVDF crystalline phases, the polymeric solution was placed in 1 tesla electromagnetic field for different times. The proper time for dominating the β phase was deter- mined 10 min. Additionally, the sum of β and γ phases percentages augmented from 28.8 for the sample without the additive of Eucalyptus oil Citriodora to 65.2 for the sample containing 8% additive.
, electromagnetic field, eucalyptus oil citriodora, piezoelectric, polymorph, polyvinylidene fluoride@article{paperid:1098890,
author = {Doaei, Marjan and Mousavi, Seyed Mahmoud and Saljoughi, Ehsan and Karkhanechi, Hamed},
title = {Investigating the effect of electromagnetic field and Eucalyptus oil Citriodora on polymorphism of PVDF film},
journal = {Journal of Applied Polymer Science},
year = {2024},
volume = {141},
number = {30},
month = {May},
issn = {0021-8995},
keywords = {electromagnetic field; eucalyptus oil citriodora; piezoelectric; polymorph; polyvinylidene
%0 Journal Article
%T Investigating the effect of electromagnetic field and Eucalyptus oil Citriodora on polymorphism of PVDF film
%A Doaei, Marjan
%A Mousavi, Seyed Mahmoud
%A Saljoughi, Ehsan
%A Karkhanechi, Hamed
%J Journal of Applied Polymer Science
%@ 0021-8995
%D 2024