Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Volume (53), No (1), Year (2024-1)

Title : ( Cognition-Emotion Interaction during L2 Sentence Comprehension: The Correlation of ERP and GSR Responses to Sense Combinations )

Authors: Reza Pishghadam , Shaghayegh Shayesteh , Farveh Daneshvar fard , Nasim Boustani , zahra seyednozadi , Mohammad Zabetipour , Morteza Pishghadam ,

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This study mainly examined the role of the combination of three senses (i.e., auditory, visual, and tactile) and five senses (i.e., auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory) in the correlation between electrophysiological and electrodermal responses underlying second language (L2) sentence comprehension. Forty subjects did two acceptability judgment tasks, encompassing congruent and semantically/pragmatically incongruent sentences. The event-related potential (ERP) and galvanic skin response (GSR) data for both the target and final words of the sentences were collected and analyzed. The results revealed that there is an interaction between cognitive and emotional responses in both semantically and pragmatically incongruent sentences, yet the timing of the interaction is longer in sentences with pragmatic incongruity due to their complexity. Based on the ERP and GSR correlation results, it was further found that the five-sense combination approach improves L2 sentence comprehension and interest in learning materials yet reduces the level of excitement or arousal. While this approach might be beneficial for some learners, it might be detrimental for those in favor of stimulating learning environments.


, Cognition, Emotion, ERP, GSR, Comprehension
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Pishghadam, Reza and Shayesteh, Shaghayegh and Daneshvar Fard, Farveh and Boustani, Nasim and Seyednozadi, Zahra and Zabetipour, Mohammad and مرتضی پیش قدم},
title = {Cognition-Emotion Interaction during L2 Sentence Comprehension: The Correlation of ERP and GSR Responses to Sense Combinations},
journal = {Journal of Psycholinguistic Research},
year = {2024},
volume = {53},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {0090-6905},
keywords = {Cognition; Emotion; ERP; GSR; Comprehension},


%0 Journal Article
%T Cognition-Emotion Interaction during L2 Sentence Comprehension: The Correlation of ERP and GSR Responses to Sense Combinations
%A Pishghadam, Reza
%A Shayesteh, Shaghayegh
%A Daneshvar Fard, Farveh
%A Boustani, Nasim
%A Seyednozadi, Zahra
%A Zabetipour, Mohammad
%A مرتضی پیش قدم
%J Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
%@ 0090-6905
%D 2024
