International conference on food industry sciences organic farming and food security , 2023-11-07

Title : ( Effect of trace minerals from different sources on growth performance of Baluchi male lambs )

Authors: Reza Valizadeh ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


To achieve a high level of performance in animal’s farms, adding mineral supplementation such as Zn, Cu and Mn can seem necessary to provide the normal requirements of livestock. In the current study, the effectiveness of supplementation capsules of mineral mixture from different resources on growth in Baluchi lambs receiving mineral-supplements was investigated. Twenty-five Baluchi fattening lambs were randomly housed and assigned to four dietary treatments over the course of 60 day, as follows: T1: the control group (without received mineral-supplemented capsulate); T2: the treated group with receiving Zn-Cu-Mn-sulfate supplemented capsulate; T3: the treated group with receiving mixed 70%Zn-Cu-Mn-sulfate+30%Zn-Cu-Mn-hydroxychloride supplemented capsulate, T4: the treated group with receiving sulphate-organic 70%Zn-Cu-Mnsulft+30% Zn-Cu-Mn-Meth supplemented capsulate. The results show that supplementation with a mixture of organic-sulfate minerals improved body weight gain (kg) and average daily gain (ADG) compared to lambs groups receiving just inorganic mineral supplementation during the 60 d of the trial. Feed conversion ratio was notably (P<0.05) lower in the organic group compared to sulfate and the control groups. The findings of this research indicated that providing one third livestock\\\'s mineral requirements from organic mineral source improves performance in the fattening lambs.


, trace mineral, growth performance, lambs
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author = {Valizadeh, Reza},
title = {Effect of trace minerals from different sources on growth performance of Baluchi male lambs},
booktitle = {International conference on food industry sciences organic farming and food security},
year = {2023},
location = {IRAN},
keywords = {trace mineral; growth performance; lambs},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Effect of trace minerals from different sources on growth performance of Baluchi male lambs
%A Valizadeh, Reza
%J International conference on food industry sciences organic farming and food security
%D 2023
