Statistics, ( ISI ), Year (2024-6)

Title : ( Characterizations of continuous log-symmetric distributions based on properties of order statistics )

Authors: Jafar Ahmadi , Balakrishnan ,

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The class of log-symmetric distributions is a generalization of log-normal distribution and includes some well-known distributions such as log-normal, log-logistic, log-Laplace, log-Cauchy, log-power exponential, log-student-t, log-slash, and Birnbaum-Saunders distributions. In this paper, several characterization results are obtained for log-symmetric distributions based on moments of some functions of the parent distribution and also on the basis of some properties of order statistics. Specifically, when X is identical in distribution with a decreasing continuous function h( X), then a relationship is established between upper and lower order statistics which is then utilized to construct characterization results for log-symmetric distributions in terms of functions of order statistics. The established results can be used for constructing a goodness-of-fit test for log-symmetric distributions.


, Complete sequence; log-symmetric distributions; order statistics; R-symmetric, distribution; symmetric distribution
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author = {Ahmadi, Jafar and ن. بالاکریشنان},
title = {Characterizations of continuous log-symmetric distributions based on properties of order statistics},
journal = {Statistics},
year = {2024},
month = {June},
issn = {0233-1888},
keywords = {Complete sequence; log-symmetric distributions; order statistics; R-symmetric;distribution; symmetric distribution},


%0 Journal Article
%T Characterizations of continuous log-symmetric distributions based on properties of order statistics
%A Ahmadi, Jafar
%A ن. بالاکریشنان
%J Statistics
%@ 0233-1888
%D 2024
