Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center, Year (2024-6)

Title : ( Generalized total time on test transform for weighted variables properties and applications )

Authors: mojtaba esfahani , Mohammad Amini , Gholam Reza Mohtashami Borzadaran ,

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In this article, the generalized total time on test transform and some related transforms for weighted variables are stated. Their characteristics and relationship with each other have been considered and also these transforms have been investigated in the weighted mode from the point of view of stochastic orders. Also, by presenting graphs of generalized total time on test transform for some common weight functions, its behavior with respect to the weighted function is studied. Then the relationship of this transform with its initial state is expressed. In the following, the topic under discussion is explained with some practical examples. Then providing a comprehensive exploration of the applications of the studied transforms within the domains of insurance and reliability. By delving into these practical contexts, we gain valuable insights into how these mathematical tools can be effectively utilized to address complex challenges in risk assessment, decision-making, and resource allocation. Additionally, the examination of the NBU class of distributions offers a deeper understanding of their behavior, shedding light on their relevance and applicability in various statistical analyses. Finally, the article concludes with a detailed discussion of a specific real dataset, offering a concrete demonstration of how the topic under study can be applied in practice.


, Keywords: Total Time on Test Transform, Weighted Variable, Location Independent Riskier Transform, Excess Wealth Transform, Distortion Pricing Principle. 2020 MSC : Primary 62N05 - 62E15 - 62G30
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author = {Esfahani, Mojtaba and Amini, Mohammad and Mohtashami Borzadaran, Gholam Reza},
title = {Generalized total time on test transform for weighted variables properties and applications},
journal = {Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center},
year = {2024},
month = {June},
issn = {2251-7952},
keywords = {Keywords: Total Time on Test Transform; Weighted Variable; Location Independent Riskier Transform; Excess Wealth Transform; Distortion Pricing Principle. 2020 MSC : Primary 62N05 - 62E15 - 62G30},


%0 Journal Article
%T Generalized total time on test transform for weighted variables properties and applications
%A Esfahani, Mojtaba
%A Amini, Mohammad
%A Mohtashami Borzadaran, Gholam Reza
%J Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center
%@ 2251-7952
%D 2024
