Annals of Operations Research, Year (2024-8)

Title : ( The assignment of project managers to projects in an uncertain dynamic environment )

Authors: Aidin Rezaeian , Hamidreza Koosha , Mohammad Ranjbar , Saeed Poormoaied ,

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In this paper, we consider a project-based organization that deals with an assignment problem in which a set of projects must be assigned to a group of project managers. This assignment is done based on the relative contributions of projects to the organizational mission and a matching score between each pair of a project and a project manager. We assume that some projects are deterministic, and the organization has signed their corresponding contracts while others are stochastic, i.e. the organization has submitted bids for these projects and may or may not win them in the future. Furthermore, we consider a finite planning horizon and presume a predetermined start time for each deterministic and stochastic project.We develop two models including a multi-stage stochastic integer programming model and a stochastic dynamic programming model to solve the problem. The latter shows better performance for small-size and less complex instances whereas the former gives better performance for more complex instances. We also developed a heuristic algorithm to solve large-size and more complex instances. Computational results indicate that the developed heuristic algorithm can reach near-optimal solutions in reasonable CPU run times and dominates the two other solution approaches particularly for large-size instances.


, Project management, Stochastic generalized assignment problem, Multi-stage stochastic programming, Stochastic dynamic programming, Heuristic algorithm
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author = {Rezaeian, Aidin and Koosha, Hamidreza and Ranjbar, Mohammad and سعید پورموید},
title = {The assignment of project managers to projects in an uncertain dynamic environment},
journal = {Annals of Operations Research},
year = {2024},
month = {August},
issn = {0254-5330},
keywords = {Project management; Stochastic generalized assignment problem; Multi-stage stochastic programming; Stochastic dynamic programming; Heuristic algorithm},


%0 Journal Article
%T The assignment of project managers to projects in an uncertain dynamic environment
%A Rezaeian, Aidin
%A Koosha, Hamidreza
%A Ranjbar, Mohammad
%A سعید پورموید
%J Annals of Operations Research
%@ 0254-5330
%D 2024
