25th Workshop on Applied Stochastic Processes , 2024-05-28

Title : ( Application of Branching Processes in Estimation of the Effective Reproduction Number for Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Iran: A Bayesian Approach )

Authors: Vahid Fakoor , Maryam Rastegar , Mohammad Taghi Shakeri ,

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Branching processes are stochastic processes with extensive applications across various scientific disciplines, including biology, medicine, epidemiology, and finance. These processes are particularly effective in modeling the reproduction mechanisms of entities such as human populations, cellular structures, and even subatomic particles. In the realm of epidemiology, branching processes are instrumental in estimating reproduction numbers, which are crucial for understanding the spread of infectious diseases. The reproduction number, often denoted as R, represents the average number of secondary infections produced by a single infected individual in a susceptible population. Tuberculosis (TB), caused by the bacterium \\\"Mycobacterium tuberculosis\\\", remains one of the most significant global health threats, especially in developing countries. The estimation of the reproduction number for TB is vital for public health authorities to design effective control and prevention strategies. In this talk, we focus on the application of a Bayesian approach to estimate the reproduction number for pulmonary tuberculosis in Iran, leveraging the framework of branching processes.


, Branching processes , Tuberculosis,
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Fakoor, Vahid and مریم رستگار and محمد تقی شاکری},
title = {Application of Branching Processes in Estimation of the Effective Reproduction Number for Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Iran: A Bayesian Approach},
booktitle = {25th Workshop on Applied Stochastic Processes},
year = {2024},
location = {کاشان, IRAN},
keywords = {Branching processes ; Tuberculosis;},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Application of Branching Processes in Estimation of the Effective Reproduction Number for Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Iran: A Bayesian Approach
%A Fakoor, Vahid
%A مریم رستگار
%A محمد تقی شاکری
%J 25th Workshop on Applied Stochastic Processes
%D 2024
