Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies, Volume (16), No (1), Year (2024-1) , Pages (1-20)

Title : ( Designing and Validating a Brainling Model: A Case of High School and Language School Textbooks )

Authors: samira sanatipour , Shaghayegh Shayesteh , Reza Pishghadam , Nasim Boustani ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Textbook evaluation is of paramount importance in ensuring that textbooks are of high quality and aligned with educational goals. This study evaluated two common English language textbooks in Iran (i.e., American English File [private schools] and Vision series [state schools]) based on the brainling (brain+ language) model, heeding EFL learners’ cognition, senses, emotions, and culture. To this end, a brainling-based scale was validated based on “cogling”, “emoling”, “sensoling”, and “cultuling” components of the brainling model and distributed among Iranian teachers ( N=218) and EFL learners ( N=236). It was found that there were significant differences in the brainling components present in English textbooks used in state and private schools. Moreover, the independent samples t-tests revealed that there were significant differences in mean scores for brainling components between the two types of textbooks for students. However, it is worth noting that such differences were not observed among teachers’ ratings of these components. The results could assist content developers in incorporating brainling as a worthwhile scale for evaluating English language textbooks.


, textbook analysis, sense, emotion, cognition, culture
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author = {Sanatipour, Samira and Shayesteh, Shaghayegh and Pishghadam, Reza and نسیم بوستانی},
title = {Designing and Validating a Brainling Model: A Case of High School and Language School Textbooks},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies},
year = {2024},
volume = {16},
number = {1},
month = {January},
issn = {2008-5494},
pages = {1--20},
numpages = {19},
keywords = {textbook analysis; sense; emotion; cognition; culture},


%0 Journal Article
%T Designing and Validating a Brainling Model: A Case of High School and Language School Textbooks
%A Sanatipour, Samira
%A Shayesteh, Shaghayegh
%A Pishghadam, Reza
%A نسیم بوستانی
%J Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies
%@ 2008-5494
%D 2024
