Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Year (2024-6)

Title : ( Early warning systems for desertification hazard: a review of integrated system models and risk management )

Authors: Morteza Akbari , Mohamad Alizadeh Noughani ,

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Early warning systems (EWS) are broadly regarded as crucial components of disaster risk reduction strategies and action plans. Desertification, a significant land degradation process, is accompanied by detrimental environmental and socioeconomic consequences. However, no operational web-based system has yet been designed to effectively mitigate the impacts of desertification. Consequently, the design and development of web-based early warning systems for desertification could serve as an effective step toward achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and enhancing environmental risk management in desertification-prone countries. The aim of this research is to introduce an online, integrated, people-centred, model-based early warning system for desertification. This system represents a comprehensive knowledge-based platform predicated on four vital components: risk assessment, monitoring, stakeholder awareness-raising, and the provision of management strategies. The key components of early warning desertification systems include: 1-risk assessment based on global models, 2-monitoring of spatiotemporal indicators based on regional conditions, 3-awareness-building among stakeholders through ICT infrastructure, and 4-provision of management strategies grounded in conceptual models such as SWOT and DPSIR. The significance of this research lies in the fact that web-based systems enhance access to data and accelerate communication with and among stakeholders. Online systems also facilitate the creation of comprehensive databases, which has consistently posed a challenge for warning systems. While these systems are still in their initial stages of design and implementation, they offer unique opportunities to researchers and managers. As tools and applications continue to evolve, web-based early warning systems for desertification have the potential to substantially mitigate the human and financial impacts of hazards.


, Environmental impacts, Land degradation, Monitoring, Strategy, Sustainable development goals
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author = {Akbari, Morteza and Alizadeh Noughani, Mohamad},
title = {Early warning systems for desertification hazard: a review of integrated system models and risk management},
journal = {Modeling Earth Systems and Environment},
year = {2024},
month = {June},
issn = {2363-6203},
keywords = {Environmental impacts; Land degradation; Monitoring; Strategy; Sustainable development goals},


%0 Journal Article
%T Early warning systems for desertification hazard: a review of integrated system models and risk management
%A Akbari, Morteza
%A Alizadeh Noughani, Mohamad
%J Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
%@ 2363-6203
%D 2024
