Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, ( ISI ), Volume (196), No (7), Year (2024-7)

Title : ( Multi-criteria GIS-based land suitability analysis for rice cultivation: a case study in Guilan Province, Iran )

Authors: Pooya Aalaee Bazkiaee , Behnam Kamkar , Ebrahim Amiri , Hossein Kazemi , Mojtaba Rezaei , Hamidreza Ahmadzadeh Araji ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Abstract Ensuring food security and sustain-able resource management has become a paramount global concern, prompting significant attention to land suitability analysis for enhancing agricultural production. In this study, an AHP-weighted overlay method was employed to delineate rice cultivation suitability in Guilan province, Iran, a central hub for rice production. Sixteen climatic, topographic, and soil variables were integrated, and individual maps were reclassified to align with the specific requisites for rice production. The results revealed three suit-ability classes: including ‘very suitable,’ ‘suitable,’ and ‘moderately suitable’, covering 91%, 6%, and 3% of the land, respectively. Soil attributes, particu-larly organic matter, significantly influenced suit-ability (weight value of 0.745), with topographic and soil factors outweighing climate in assessment. While salinity is generally absent, organic mat-ter deficiency affects 44% of the land. Phosphorus imbalances are prevalent, with potassium toxicity observed in 10%. Microelement deficiencies, espe-cially in iron and zinc, are noted. Additionally, the results indicated that topographic and soil attributes played a more significant role than climate-related factors in assessing land suitability for rice cultiva-tion within the study area. This research provides a comprehensive spatial analysis of all variables in the study region, shedding light on the complexities of land suitability for rice cultivation. These findings contribute to the understanding of agricultural sus-tainability and resource management strategies in the context of food security.


, Agro-ecological zoning, AHP, Climatic variables, GIS, Rice, Soil properties
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {پویا اعلایی بازکیایی and Kamkar, Behnam and ابراهیم امیری and Hossein Kazemi and مجتبی رضوی and Hamidreza Ahmadzadeh Araji},
title = {Multi-criteria GIS-based land suitability analysis for rice cultivation: a case study in Guilan Province, Iran},
journal = {Environmental Monitoring and Assessment},
year = {2024},
volume = {196},
number = {7},
month = {July},
issn = {0167-6369},
keywords = {Agro-ecological zoning; AHP; Climatic variables; GIS; Rice;Soil properties},


%0 Journal Article
%T Multi-criteria GIS-based land suitability analysis for rice cultivation: a case study in Guilan Province, Iran
%A پویا اعلایی بازکیایی
%A Kamkar, Behnam
%A ابراهیم امیری
%A Hossein Kazemi
%A مجتبی رضوی
%A Hamidreza Ahmadzadeh Araji
%J Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
%@ 0167-6369
%D 2024
