Fuel, ( ISI ), Volume (373), No (1), Year (2024-10) , Pages (132349-132356)

Title : ( Evaluation of low-cost carbon/metal electrodes as cathodes and anodes in sediment microbial fuel cells )

Authors: Saba Ghasemi , Reza Gheshlaghi , Mahmood Akhavan Mahdavi , Elham Abazarian ,

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In the present study, influence of different anode and cathode materials including carbon felt, carbon cloth, and several metal electrodes with or without carbon cloth covering on sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) performance was investigated. Results suggested that stainless steel poorly performed as cathode electrode whereas it exhibited reasonable performance as anode. In SMFCs with carbon felt cathode, anodes including 400 series stainless steel mesh and 300 series stainless steel plate, both covered with carbon cloth, led to higher maximum power densities of 88 and 87 mW/m− 2 , respectively, compared with carbon felt, carbon cloth, 400 series stainless steel mesh, 300 series stainless steel mesh covered with carbon cloth, and copper plate covered with carbon cloth (power densities of 40, 74, 53, 68, and 47 mW/m− 2 , respectively). They also resulted in higher loss on ignition (LOI) removals of 9.4 % and 8.7 %, respectively. Cyclic voltammetry results showed that stainless steel plate covered with carbon cloth produced the highest redox current that was two times that of the carbon cloth. In addition, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy indicated lower charge transfer resistance in the SMFC with anodes including 400 series stainless steel mesh (20.6 Ω) and 300 series stainless steel plate (25.7 Ω), both covered with carbon cloth, compared to other anode materials. These findings suggest that stainless steel electrodes covered with carbon cloth provide SMFCs with improved electrochemical characteristics that enhance their electricity production and organic matter removal.


, Sediment microbial fuel cell, Electrode material, Power density, Electrochemical characteristics
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author = {Ghasemi, Saba and Gheshlaghi, Reza and Akhavan Mahdavi, Mahmood and Abazarian, Elham},
title = {Evaluation of low-cost carbon/metal electrodes as cathodes and anodes in sediment microbial fuel cells},
journal = {Fuel},
year = {2024},
volume = {373},
number = {1},
month = {October},
issn = {0016-2361},
pages = {132349--132356},
numpages = {7},
keywords = {Sediment microbial fuel cell; Electrode material; Power density; Electrochemical characteristics},


%0 Journal Article
%T Evaluation of low-cost carbon/metal electrodes as cathodes and anodes in sediment microbial fuel cells
%A Ghasemi, Saba
%A Gheshlaghi, Reza
%A Akhavan Mahdavi, Mahmood
%A Abazarian, Elham
%J Fuel
%@ 0016-2361
%D 2024
