Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, ( ISI ), Volume (133), No (1), Year (2024-3) , Pages (108253-108277)

Title : ( Sustainable strategies based on the social responsibility of the beverage industry companies for the circular supply chain )

Authors: ,

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Abstract Circular supply chain management (CSCM) offers a fresh approach to enhancing supply chain sustainability and minimizing waste. A significant amount of waste is generated daily in the beverage industry, primarily due to the extensive production of beverages. The increasing waste amount causes the destruction of the environment and many problems for human life. The social responsibility of the beverage industry dictates that social and environmental performances are combined with the company’s economic performance to benefit society and the environment. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effective factors and provide sustainable solutions for waste management in the CSCM of beverage industry companies based on their social responsibility. So in this regard, six sustainable strategies are suggested and evaluated based on the circular design, biodegradable packaging, product and manufacturer’s responsibility, critical success factors, and corporate social responsibility criteria, and theirs 24 sub-criteria for improving CSCM in the beverage industry. A novel group decision-making approach is proposed by developing the base-criterion method (BCM) and multi-attribute border approximation area comparison (MABAC) under fuzzy Z-extended numbers in order to evaluate the criteria weights and the rank of the strategies. A comprehensive managerial sensitivity analysis was performed better to understand the impact of different criteria for each strategy. The results show that cooperation with charities to return the waste and spend the added value created to help the needy fulfill the company’s social responsibility is one of the most important strategies specified by decision-makers and experts for improving the CSCM of beverage industry.


Circular supply chain Corporate social responsibility
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author = {, },
title = {Sustainable strategies based on the social responsibility of the beverage industry companies for the circular supply chain},
journal = {Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence},
year = {2024},
volume = {133},
number = {1},
month = {March},
issn = {0952-1976},
pages = {108253--108277},
numpages = {24},
keywords = {Circular supply chain Corporate social responsibility},


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%T Sustainable strategies based on the social responsibility of the beverage industry companies for the circular supply chain
%A ,
%J Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
%@ 0952-1976
%D 2024
