The Sixth International Congress and the Eighteenth National Congress of Genetics , 2024-07-07

Title : ( Lack of correlation between ACE2 gene expression levels and tissue damage in covid-19 infection in different species: an in-silico study )

Authors: Kimia Kazemi , Ali Javadmanesh ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The emergence and spread of the coronavirus among human and animal species in 2019 led to the creation of a global pandemic. In this study, factors contributing to the coronavirus, its functionality were introduced, and the relationship between the ACE2 gene, a major receptor of corona virus, and tissue damage using transcriptome data is explained. Expressen values of ACE2 gene from different tissues of human, cow, chicken and horse were acquired from Expression Atlas database. After analysis it was found that there is likely no distinct correlation between the expression of this gene and the damages caused by the coronavirus.


, ACE2 gene expression, Coronavirus, Histopathology, Mammals
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Kazemi, Kimia and Javadmanesh, Ali},
title = {Lack of correlation between ACE2 gene expression levels and tissue damage in covid-19 infection in different species: an in-silico study},
booktitle = {The Sixth International Congress and the Eighteenth National Congress of Genetics},
year = {2024},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {ACE2 gene expression; Coronavirus; Histopathology; Mammals},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Lack of correlation between ACE2 gene expression levels and tissue damage in covid-19 infection in different species: an in-silico study
%A Kazemi, Kimia
%A Javadmanesh, Ali
%J The Sixth International Congress and the Eighteenth National Congress of Genetics
%D 2024
