The Sixth International Congress and the Eighteenth National Congress of Genetics , 2024-07-07

Title : ( Identification of selection signatures related to milk production trait in Qezal and Chios sheep breeds )

Authors: Sadegh Taheri , Elnaz Karbaschian , Saeed Zerehdaran , Ali Javadmanesh ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Milk production is an important factor because it plays a major role in human nutrition and health, and various products are obtained from it. On the other hand, the identification of genomic regions under selection in animals leads to the improvement of economic traits. To identify the genomic regions under selection related to the milk production trait between Qezel and Chios sheep breeds, a genomic survey was conducted using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). In this study, 35 Qezel and 23 Chios individuals were used, which were genotyped with Illumina\\\'s ovine 50K Beadchip. In this research, the iHS test was used to identify the selected genomic regions. The results of the iHS test showed that the regions under selection are much more in the Chios breed than in Qezel breed, the Chios breed in 35 regions in the Qezel breed, only 11 regions of adjacent SNPs were also under strong selection. The identified genes are related to the regions under selection in the Chios breed with 303 genes and the regions under selection in the Qezel breed with the number of 234 genes. The identified genes were related to the pathways of Cell development, Secretion by tissue, Cell projection, and Cellular component organization. In addition, these genes are generally involved in both Animal and Whole-body tissues. Certainly, more extensive studies with more samples and higher density of markers will provide a better understanding of the candidate genes related to milk production traits in sheep species.


, Milk production, Qezel breed, Chios breed, iHS, SNP
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Taheri, Sadegh and Karbaschian, Elnaz and Zerehdaran, Saeed and Javadmanesh, Ali},
title = {Identification of selection signatures related to milk production trait in Qezal and Chios sheep breeds},
booktitle = {The Sixth International Congress and the Eighteenth National Congress of Genetics},
year = {2024},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {Milk production; Qezel breed; Chios breed; iHS; SNP},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Identification of selection signatures related to milk production trait in Qezal and Chios sheep breeds
%A Taheri, Sadegh
%A Karbaschian, Elnaz
%A Zerehdaran, Saeed
%A Javadmanesh, Ali
%J The Sixth International Congress and the Eighteenth National Congress of Genetics
%D 2024
