Materials Today Sustainability, Volume (28), Year (2024-12) , Pages (100956-1)

Title : ( One-pot synthesis of tungsten oxynitride/nitrogen-doped graphene with particle-sheet hybrid nanostructure as a highly effective binder-free supercapacitor electrode )

Authors: Narjess Sadat Kia Firoozkoohi , Shaban Reza Ghorbani , Hadi Arabi , Reza Ghanbari ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


High-performance nanoscale composites have achieved predominance as promising materials for supercapacitor applications. Graphene nanosheets decorated with transition metal oxynitride nanoparticles can be highly benefcial in improving supercapacitor properties. However, they are hardly retrieved, and their electrochemical characterizations and inherent charge-storage mechanisms have not been deeply investigated. Herein, tungsten oxynitride decorated nitrogen-doped graphene (WON-NG) is synthesized by a facile one-pot strategy in a particle-sheet hybrid nanostructure. The nanocomposite is grown directly on a nickel foam (NF) as the current collector through the synthesis process. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and TEM images have confrmed the particle-sheet hybrid nanostructure of the prepared nanocomposite with tungsten oxynitride nanoparticles and nitrogen-doped graphene nanosheet. The oxygen and nitrogen-based redox groups, which synergistically coexist in the hybrid network, inherently cooperate in the electrochemical activities of the nanocomposite. The electrochemical measurements show that the WON-NG|NF electrode can deliver a superior specifc capacitance of 1079.4 F g− 1 (4.6 F cm− 2) at 1 A g− 1 in 1 M KOH aqueous electrolyte. In-depth investigations suggest that the diffusive-controlled process governs the charge storage mechanism at all scan rates in the composite for the advantageous porous morphology. The assembled all-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitor device exhibits a high energy density of 81.6 Wh kg− 1 and a power density of 5005.4 W kg− 1. Also, the designed devise shows an excellent cycle life with 87.7% capacitance retention of 10,000 cycles.


, Tungsten oxynitride; Nitrogen, doped graphene; Solution combustion reaction; Electrochemical charge storage mechanism Solid, state asymmetric supercapacitor
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Kia Firoozkoohi, Narjess Sadat and Ghorbani, Shaban Reza and Arabi, Hadi and رضا قنبری},
title = {One-pot synthesis of tungsten oxynitride/nitrogen-doped graphene with particle-sheet hybrid nanostructure as a highly effective binder-free supercapacitor electrode},
journal = {Materials Today Sustainability},
year = {2024},
volume = {28},
month = {December},
issn = {2589-2347},
pages = {100956--1},
numpages = {-100955},
keywords = {Tungsten oxynitride; Nitrogen-doped graphene; Solution combustion reaction; Electrochemical charge storage mechanism Solid-state asymmetric supercapacitor},


%0 Journal Article
%T One-pot synthesis of tungsten oxynitride/nitrogen-doped graphene with particle-sheet hybrid nanostructure as a highly effective binder-free supercapacitor electrode
%A Kia Firoozkoohi, Narjess Sadat
%A Ghorbani, Shaban Reza
%A Arabi, Hadi
%A رضا قنبری
%J Materials Today Sustainability
%@ 2589-2347
%D 2024
