XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Spain. Book of Abstracts. Posters. , 2024-07-21

Title : ( A comparative study on CSR strategies in two closely related Cousinia species endemic to the serpentine soils of Northeastern Iran )

Authors: Elaheh Tabasi , Hamid Ejtehadi , Farshid Memariani , Hossein Rahmaninia ,

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Serpentine soils host a large number of endemic species and contribute to the turnover of commu- nity composition. The infertility of the soil strongly influences the species and functional composition of serpentine environments. Plant communities in environmentally harsh habitats such as serpentine soils may demonstrate unique responses to envi- ronmental change, via the mediating role of their functional traits.


, CSR strategies, Cousinia
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Tabasi, Elaheh and Ejtehadi, Hamid and Memariani, Farshid and Rahmaninia, Hossein},
title = {A comparative study on CSR strategies in two closely related Cousinia species endemic to the serpentine soils of Northeastern Iran},
booktitle = {XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Spain. Book of Abstracts. Posters.},
year = {2024},
location = {مادرید},
keywords = {CSR strategies;Cousinia},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A comparative study on CSR strategies in two closely related Cousinia species endemic to the serpentine soils of Northeastern Iran
%A Tabasi, Elaheh
%A Ejtehadi, Hamid
%A Memariani, Farshid
%A Rahmaninia, Hossein
%J XX International Botanical Congress IBC 2024, Spain. Book of Abstracts. Posters.
%D 2024
