Indian Veterinary Journal, ( ISI ), Volume (84), No (54), Year (2007-3) , Pages (395-396)

Title : Histology of placenta in persian CAT ( Histology of placenta in persian CAT )

Authors: zohreh saadatfar , R. Hassanzadeh ,

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There is an early yolk sac placentation in cat that is soon replaced by the large allantoic placenta. The cat placenta, like the human, has the capacity for regrowth in explant culture, including both trophoblast and stromal components (Jones et al., 2005). There are numerous infectious diseases and genetic errors that may occur in placenta. The FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) infected cat can be a model for HIV infections due to similarities in biology and clinical disease (Weaver et al., 2005). Many infections like viral disease (Evermann et al., 1981) and anaemia by the blood parasite occurs frequently, also tumours like mast cell s neoplasm are common in the placenta in cat. Domestic cats have many genetic breeds with different colour, hair and other differences. In this work the structure of placenta from short hair version of Persian cat (Exotic) was studied.


Histology of placenta in persian CAT
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author = {Saadatfar, Zohreh and R. Hassanzadeh},
title = {Histology of placenta in persian CAT},
journal = {Indian Veterinary Journal},
year = {2007},
volume = {84},
number = {54},
month = {March},
issn = {0019-6479},
pages = {395--396},
numpages = {1},
keywords = {Histology of placenta in persian CAT},


%0 Journal Article
%T Histology of placenta in persian CAT
%A Saadatfar, Zohreh
%A R. Hassanzadeh
%J Indian Veterinary Journal
%@ 0019-6479
%D 2007
