مقالات ارائه شده در مجلات


  1. Azam Rahimi , Mohammad Javad Sobouti , - - , Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno , Amirhossein Mohajerzadeh , - - , حلیم یانیکومرگلو , An Efficient 3-D Positioning Approach to Minimize Required UAVs for IoT Network Coverage, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume (9), No (1), Year (2022-1), Pages (558-571)
  2. Mohammad Javad Sobouti , Azam Rahimi , Amirhossein Mohajerzadeh , Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno , - - , مارکوز برجا , حامد احمدی , Efficient Deployment of Small Cell Base Stations Mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for the Internet of Things Infrastructure, IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume (20), No (13), Year (2020-7), Pages (7460-7471)
  3. محمد رضا پارسایی , Mohammad Javad Sobouti , سید رئوف خیامی , رضا جاودن , Network Traffic Classification using Machine Learning Techniques over Software Defined Networks, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Volume (8), No (7), Year (2017-1)
  4. Mohammad Javad Sobouti , Seyed Mojtaba Miraghajanian , هایتام آدارباه , امیرحسین مهاجرزاده , Cooperative High-Rate and Low-Latency Transmission, Employing Two-Tier Narrow-Band Internet-of-Things and Bluetooth Low-Energy Networks, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Volume (5), Year (2024-1), Pages (6135-6149)
  5. Mohammad Javad Sobouti , زهرا رحیمی , امیرحسین مهاجر زاده , هایتام آدرباه , Utilizing UAVs in Wireless Networks: Advantages, Challenges, Objectives, and Solution Methods, Vehicles, Volume (6), No (4), Year (2024-10), Pages (1769-1800)
  6. Mohammad Javad Sobouti , هیثم آدرباه , Afshin Alaghehband , Hamid Chitsaz , امیر حسین مهاجر زاده , مهدی سوخک , Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno , Abedin Vahedian Mazloum , فاطمه افقه , Efficient Fuzzy-Based 3-D Flying Base Station Positioning and Trajectory for Emergency Management in 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks, IEEE Systems Journal, Volume (18), No (2), Year (2024-1), Pages (814-825)
  7. Mohammad Javad Sobouti , Amirhossein Mohajerzadeh , Seyed Amin Hosseini Seno , حلیم یانی کومراوغلو , Managing Sets of Flying Base Stations Using Energy Efficient 3D Trajectory Planning in Cellular Networks, IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume (23), No (10), Year (2023-5), Pages (10983-10997)

مقالات ارایه شده در کنفرانس