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کلمات کلیدی: Gradient

موارد یافت شده: 134

1 - Fixed‐Time Stable Gradient Flows for Optimal Adaptive Control of Continuous‐Time Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
2 - Experimental and numerical analysis of cavitator angle effects on artificial cavitation characteristics under low ventilation coefficients, with prediction using optimized random forest and extreme gradient boosting models (چکیده)
3 - Nonlocal strain gradient-based nonlinear vibration analysis of nonlinear FG three-phase HJCNT/MWCNT/epoxy composite microbeam resonators using a modified micromechanical model (چکیده)
4 - A subgradient-based neurodynamic algorithm to constrained nonsmooth nonconvex interval-valued optimization (چکیده)
5 - Application of the Green's function method for static analysis of nonlocal stress-driven and strain gradient elastic nanobeams (چکیده)
6 - Conformal and approximate analysis of the effect of cutoff wall thickness on finite depth seepage characteristics (چکیده)
7 - A distributed learning based on robust diffusion SGD over adaptive networks with noisy output data (چکیده)
8 - Enhancing convergence and accuracy: A comparative study of preconditioning for steady, laminar, and high gradient flows over a wide range of Mach numbers (چکیده)
9 - کاربرد مدلهای پیشرفته یادگیری ماشین جهت پیشبینی رخسارههای سنگی در یکی از میدانهای نفتی جنوب ایران (چکیده)
10 - Effects of the strain gradients on the band structures of the elastic waves propagating in 1D phononic crystals: An analytical approach (چکیده)
11 - Embedding MXene nanosheets into cation exchange membranes to enhance power generation by reverse electrodialysis (چکیده)
12 - A gradient-enhanced physics-informed neural network (gPINN) scheme for the coupled non-fickian/non-fourierian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis: A novel gPINN structure (چکیده)
13 - Prediction of boundary shear stress distribution in straight open channels using velocity distribution (چکیده)
14 - Closed-form analytical solution for infinite-depth seepage below diversion dams considering the width of cutoff wall (چکیده)
15 - Clarifying the Vital Role of Fluid Type in Diffusion through Complex Porous Media under Apparently Weak but Essentially Powerful Force of Gravity by Simulations Performed Using Image Processing Technique and D3Q27 Model of Lattice Boltzmann Method (چکیده)
16 - Fuzzy-Based Gait Events Detection System During Level-Ground Walking Using Wearable Insole (چکیده)
17 - Effects of strain gradient on Moore-Gibson-Thompson generalized coupled non-fickian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis in a Love-Bishop nanorod resonator: A size dependent meshless implementation (چکیده)
18 - The novel PINN/gPINN-based deep learning schemes for non-Fickian coupled diffusion-elastic wave propagation analysis (چکیده)
19 - A modified strain gradient beam constraint model (چکیده)
20 - Expert systems and the prospects of artificial intelligence for the automatic supervisory control of salinity gradient solar ponds (چکیده)
21 - Hydrodynamic forces on emergent cylinders in non-uniform flow (چکیده)
22 - Turbulence Structures in Accelerated Flow over a Flat Plate with Non-Zero Pressure Gradient (چکیده)
23 - Integration of a solar pond in a salt work in Sabzevar in Northeast Iran (چکیده)
24 - Plasma-affected photo-thermoelastic wave propagation in a semiconductor Love–Bishop nanorod using strain-gradient Moore–Gibson–Thompson theories (چکیده)
25 - A size-dependent study on buckling and post-buckling behavior of imperfect piezo-flexomagnetic nano-plate strips (چکیده)
26 - Automated design of phononic crystals under thermoelastic wave propagation through deep reinforcement learning (چکیده)
27 - A Nonmonotone Hestenes ans Stiefel Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Nonsmooth Convex Optimization (چکیده)
28 - Strain gradient bistability of bimorph piezoelectric curved beam interacting with a curved electrode (چکیده)
29 - Recent progress in membrane development, affecting parameters, and applications of reverse electrodialysis: A review (چکیده)
30 - Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance in Drone Navigation using Deep Reinforcement Learning (چکیده)
31 - A size-dependent differential quadrature element model for vibration analysis of FG CNT reinforced composite microrods based on the higher order Love-Bishop rod model and the nonlocal strain gradient theory (چکیده)
32 - The Effect of Climatic Gradient on Variations in Taxonomic and Functional Plant Diversity (چکیده)
33 - Plant–plant interactions determine taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity in severe ecosystems (چکیده)
34 - Thermal shock-induced Moore-Gibson-Thompson generalized coupled thermoelasticity analysis based on the strain gradient Love-Bishop theory in a nanorod resonator (چکیده)
35 - Modeling the ionospheric gradient by using VSS base functions and GPS data over Iran (چکیده)
36 - Strain gradient and Green–Naghdi-based thermoelastic wave propagation with energy dissipation in a Love–Bishop nanorod resonator under thermal shock loading (چکیده)
37 - The Role of Spatial Gradient on Vertical Total Electron Content Extraction From Geodetic Very Long Baseline Interferometry Observation: Case Study CONT08 to CONT17‐L1 (چکیده)
38 - Geometrically nonlinear thermohermo-mechanical analysis of grapheneraphene-reinforced moving polymer nanoplates (چکیده)
39 - Convergence behavior of diffusion stochastic gradient descent algorithm (چکیده)
40 - Decision Tree based Electricity Theft Detection in Smart Grid (چکیده)
41 - A New Method for Pupil Detection in Gaze-Point Estimation Systems Based on Active Contours (چکیده)
42 - Size-dependent analysis of a functionally graded piezoelectric micro-cylinder based on the strain gradient theory with the consideration of flexoelectric effect: plane strain problem (چکیده)
43 - Water distribution networks optimization using GA, SMPSO, and SHGAPSO algorithms based on engineering approach: a real case study (چکیده)
44 - Stable equilibrium configuration of two bar truss by an efficient nonmonotone global Barzilai–Borwein gradient method in a fuzzy environment (چکیده)
45 - An adaptive nonmonotone global Barzilai–Borwein gradient method for unconstrained optimization (چکیده)
46 - Robustness in nonsmooth nonlinear multi-objective programming (چکیده)
47 - Graphene-based mass sensors: Chaotic dynamics analysis using the nonlocal strain gradient model (چکیده)
48 - Numerical investigation into dynamic behaviors of axially moving functionally graded porous sandwich nanoplates reinforced with graphene platelets (چکیده)
49 - Online maximum torque per ampere control for induction motor drives considering iron loss using input–output feedback linearisation (چکیده)
50 - Functional gradient approach to probabilistic minimax active learning (چکیده)
51 - An Adaptive Three-Term Conjugate Gradient Method with Sufficient Descent Condition and Conjugacy Condition (چکیده)
52 - Application of hetero junction CNTs as mass nanosensor using nonlocal strain gradient theory: An analytical solution (چکیده)
53 - Single- and two-phase water jet impingement heat transfer on a hot moving surface (چکیده)
54 - An iterative method for damage identification of skeletal structures utilizing biconjugate gradient method and reduction of search space (چکیده)
55 - A new hypothesis on parameters controlling the formation and size of porphyry copper deposits: Implications on thermal gradient of subducted oceanic slab, depth of dehydration and partial melting along the Kerman copper belt in Iran (چکیده)
56 - Size-dependent analysis of FG microplates with temperature-dependent material properties using modified strain gradient theory and isogeometric approach (چکیده)
57 - A Linear Hybridization of the Hestenes–Stiefel Method and the Memoryless BFGS Technique (چکیده)
58 - Lateral vibrations of embedded hetero-junction carbon nanotubes based on the nonlocal strain gradient theory: Analytical and differential quadrature element (DQE) methods (چکیده)
59 - Evaluating the Modulated Gradient Model in Large-Eddy Simulation of Channel Flow with OpenFOAM (چکیده)
60 - A New Correntropy-Based Conjugate Gradient Backpropagation Algorithm for Improving Training in Neural Networks (چکیده)
61 - A new and fast correntropy-based method for system identification with exemplifications in low-SNR communications regime (چکیده)
62 - A gradient descent method for solving quadratic optimal control of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
63 - A class of descent four–term extension of the Dai–Liao conjugate gradient method based on the scaled memoryless BFGS update (چکیده)
64 - Two Adaptive Dai–Liao Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods (چکیده)
65 - An extended Dai-Liao conjugate gradient method with global convergence for nonconvex functions (چکیده)
66 - A class of adaptive Dai–Liao conjugate gradient methods based on the scaled memoryless BFGS update (چکیده)
67 - An Optimal–Ribière–Polyak Conjugate Gradient Method (چکیده)
68 - On the size-dependent nonlinear dynamic of beam-mass micro structures based on strain gradient elasticity (چکیده)
69 - An analytical approach for modeling nonlinear vibration of doubly clamped functionally graded Timoshenko microbeams using strain gradient theory (چکیده)
70 - Size-dependent piezoelectric energyharvesting analysis of micro/nano bridges subjected to random ambient excitations (چکیده)
71 - On the vortical characteristics and cold-to-hot transfer of rarefied flow in a lid-driven isosceles orthogonal triangular cavity with isothermal walls (چکیده)
72 - Surface nanocrystallization and gradient microstructural evolutions in the surface layers of 321 stainless steel alloy treated via severe shot peening (چکیده)
73 - Some new three-term Hestenes–Stiefel conjugate gradient methods with affine combination (چکیده)
74 - Estimation of surface heat flux in a one‑ dimensional hyperbolic bio‑ heat conduction problem with temperature‑ dependent properties during thermal therapy (چکیده)
75 - Development of a Polymerase Chain Reaction-Temporal Temperature Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Assay for Identification of Salmonella enterica Subspecies enterica Using a Hypothetical Non-specific Endonucleas S. entericae Gene Sequence (چکیده)
76 - Geofluids assessment of the Ayub and Shafa hot springs in Kope-Dagh zone (NE Iran): an isotopic geochemistry approach (چکیده)
77 - The Conflation Of Gradient Method From Geoffrion With Fuzzy Logic, A New Approach for optimizing Multi-Objective Decision-Making Models (چکیده)
78 - A descent hybrid modification of the Polak–Ribiere–Polyak conjugate gradient method (چکیده)
79 - Descent Symmetrization of the Dai–Liao Conjugate Gradient Method (چکیده)
80 - Zeta Sperm Selection Improves Pregnancy Rate and Alters Sex Ratio in Male Factor Infertility Patients: A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial (چکیده)
81 - Multi‐loop control of stand‐alone inverters with minimum number of sensors (چکیده)
82 - Adaptive analysis of three-dimensional structures using an isogeometric control net refinement approach (چکیده)
83 - A New Three–Term Conjugate Gradient Method with Descent Direction for Unconstrained Optimization (چکیده)
84 - A New Algorithm for Edge Detection based on Edge Following (چکیده)
85 - An extended three-term conjugate gradient method with sufficient descent property (چکیده)
86 - Particle Swarm Optimization for Hydraulic Analysis of Water Distribution Systems (چکیده)
87 - Assessment and Presentation of a Treatment Method to Seepage Problems of the Alluvial Foundation of Ghordanloo Dam, NE Iran (چکیده)
88 - Climate and soil attributes determine plant species turnover in global drylands (چکیده)
89 - Effects of shear work on non-equilibrium heat transfer characteristics of rarefied gas flows through micro/nanochannels (چکیده)
90 - A descent extension of the Polak–Ribière–Polyak conjugate gradient method (چکیده)
91 - Two modified three-term conjugate gradient methods with sufficient descent property (چکیده)
92 - An Efficient 3D Gradient-Based Algorithm for Medical Image Registration Using Correlation-Coefficient Maximization (چکیده)
93 - A modified scaled conjugate gradient method with global convergence for nonconvex functions (چکیده)
94 - Simultaneous estimation of controllable parameters in a living tissue during thermal therapy (چکیده)
95 - Two optimal Dai–Liao conjugate gradient methods (چکیده)
96 - A descent family of Dai–Liao conjugate gradient methods (چکیده)
97 - A hybridization of the Polak-Ribière-Polyak and Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient methods (چکیده)
98 - The Dai–Liao nonlinear conjugate gradient method with optimal parameter choices (چکیده)
99 - Nested splitting CG-like iterative method for solving the continuous Sylvester equation and preconditioning (چکیده)
100 - Experimental Study of Flow Developing in Adverse Pressure Gradient Condition of Open Circuit Suction-Type Wind Tunnel by Particle Image Velocimetry (چکیده)
101 - A free of parasitic shear strain formulation for plane element (چکیده)
102 - Estimating the heat source and the heat transfer coefficient simultaneously in a living tissue by conjugate gradient method (چکیده)
103 - Nested splitting conjugate gradient method for matrix equation AXB = C and preconditioning (چکیده)
106 - Estimation of the time- dependent heat flux using the temperature distribution at a point (چکیده)
107 - Vibration and Stability Analysis of Micropipes Conveying Fluid Based on Strain Gradient Theory with Surface Energy (چکیده)
108 - 3D Reconstruction Using Cubic Bezier Spline Curves and Active Contours, Case Study (چکیده)
109 - Two hybrid nonlinear conjugate gradient methods based on a modified secant equation (چکیده)
110 - A microstructure-dependent Timoshenko beam model for vibration analysis of micropipes conveying fluid based on strain gradient theory (چکیده)
111 - Inverse Boundary Design Free Convection Problem By Conjugate Gradient Method (چکیده)
112 - Inverse estimation of boundary conditions on radiant enclosures by temperature measurement on a solid object (چکیده)
113 - Microbial diversity of the traditional Iranian cheeses Lighvan and Koozeh, as revealed by polyphasic culturing and culture-independent approaches (چکیده)
114 - تخمین رسانش حرارتی تماس مشترک در فرضیه انجماد با استفاده از روش گرادیان مزدوج (چکیده)
115 - The Effect of Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium on A 2-D Symmetric Porous (چکیده)
116 - source term identification in inversse heat conduction problem using variable metric method (چکیده)
117 - On the performance of a salt gradient solar pond (چکیده)
119 - Estimation of the time- dependent heat flux using the temperature distribution at a point in a two layer system (چکیده)
120 - Estimation of the time- dependent heat flux using the temperature distribution at a point by conjugate gradian method (چکیده)
121 - A Numerical Solution to Modify the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem with Noisy Data during the Heating a Solid Bar (چکیده)
122 - A modified nonlinear conjugate gradient algorithm for unconstrained optimization (چکیده)
123 - Motion Estimation Using the Gradient Method by Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
124 - An inverse radiation-conduction problem of estimating temperature-dependent emissivity using a combined (چکیده)
125 - Two new conjugate gradient methods based on modified secant equations (چکیده)
126 - A Gradient Weighted Moving Finite‐Element Method with Polynomial Approximation of Any Degree (چکیده)
127 - Band structure of tetragonal BaTiO3 (چکیده)
128 - Study on the effect of drought stress on morphological and physiological characteristic of millets (چکیده)
129 - Best Effort Flow Control in Network-on-Chip (چکیده)
131 - Determination of a good value of the time step and preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for the Navier-Stokes equations (چکیده)
132 - Heat extraction from a salinity-gradient solar pond using in pond heat exchanger (چکیده)
133 - Thermal behavior of a small salinity-gradient solar pond with wall shading effect (چکیده)
134 - evaluation of the methods for gradient establishment in salinity gradient solar ponds (چکیده)