مهندسی برق و الکترونیک ایران, Year (2004-4) , Pages (15-23)

Title : ( Determination of PSS Location Based on the Control Structure Design Indices )

Authors: Ali Karimpour , Rajab Asgharian Ghannad Yazdi , Naser Pariz , Hamid Khaloozadeh , O. P. Malik ,

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Most available control theories assume that a control structure is given at the outset. so they do not use the provisions of control structure design. control structure design tries to close the gap between theory and practice. In fact control structure design helps the designert o utilize the maximum capabilityo f the sys_ tem\\\\\\\' Control structure design is crearly ,no.. important in large-scales ystems. Power systemsa re large_scalesy stemst hat are subject to low frequency oscillations. These oscillations degrade the system performance. power system stabi_ lizers (PSSs) are used to improve the performance of power systemsD. eterminationo f the suitabres ignalf or applying to power system stabilizer and determination of the PSSl ocationsis an importanti ssuei n powers ys_ tems. Some control structured esignm easuresa re introduced in this paper\\\\\\\'T hesem easuresa re usedt o determinet he inputs, outputs and control configuration based on a systematicp roceduret hatr educest he relianceo n exper_ iment and the art of the designerA. pplicabirity of these measuresin power systemsi s shown. Selectiono f a suitable signal for applying to a power system stabilizer and determinatioonf the pSS locationsa re the major contributionso f this paper


, Power system stabilizer. singular value decomposition, relative gain array and block relative gain.
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Karimpour, Ali and Asgharian Ghannad Yazdi, Rajab and Pariz, Naser and Khaloozadeh, Hamid and O. P. Malik},
title = {Determination of PSS Location Based on the Control Structure Design Indices},
journal = {مهندسی برق و الکترونیک ایران},
year = {2004},
month = {April},
issn = {2676-5810},
pages = {15--23},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {Power system stabilizer. singular value decomposition; relative gain array and block relative gain.},


%0 Journal Article
%T Determination of PSS Location Based on the Control Structure Design Indices
%A Karimpour, Ali
%A Asgharian Ghannad Yazdi, Rajab
%A Pariz, Naser
%A Khaloozadeh, Hamid
%A O. P. Malik
%J مهندسی برق و الکترونیک ایران
%@ 2676-5810
%D 2004
