Title : ( The Survey of Raisin Marketing Process and Structure in North Khorasan Province )
Authors: Mohammad Ghorbani , علی دریجانی ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
This study investigated marketing process and structure of raisin in North Khorasan province. Survey data were collected from 187 producers, 12 middleman, 2 processing factories, and one rural cooperative society in 2003. The results showed that the share of producer, marketing margin and marketing cost in export price in main channel of marketing (producer, middleman, manufactory, export) are 55.3, 44.6 and 26.9 percent, respectively. Also, the marketing efficiency of main channel (with high market share) is less than the second channel (producer, cooperative, manufactory, export). Regard to results, establishment rural purchasing center with guarantee price, improving efficiency of extension service, training for better processing so as to improve quality of product, constructing marketing data banks as well as undertaking marketing research can increase total profit and social welfare through reducing marketing costs
, Marketing, Marketing Margin, Marketing Efficiency, dry fruit, cooperative@article{paperid:1009644,
author = {Ghorbani, Mohammad and علی دریجانی},
title = {The Survey of Raisin Marketing Process and Structure in North Khorasan Province},
journal = {Asian Journal of Plant Sciences},
year = {2009},
volume = {8},
number = {2},
month = {March},
issn = {1682-3974},
pages = {178--182},
numpages = {4},
keywords = {Marketing; Marketing Margin; Marketing Efficiency; dry fruit; cooperative},
%0 Journal Article
%T The Survey of Raisin Marketing Process and Structure in North Khorasan Province
%A Ghorbani, Mohammad
%A علی دریجانی
%J Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
%@ 1682-3974
%D 2009