Title : ( Two Novel Mixed-Valent and Metal Trinuclear Complexes Containing Monochloroacetate Bridging Ligands )
Authors: Mohammad Yazdanbakhsh , ,Abstract
Oxo-centered carboxylatc-bridged trinuctear complexes of the type [M2M(p3-O)(u-RC02)6L3]t1~ constitute an important class of compounds in transition metal chemistry. They are known with a wide variety of metal ions (M,), bridging carboxylate anions (RCOY), and monodentate terminal ligands (L) as well as with mixed-valence and mixed-metal combinations. These complexes are used as models of biological systems [1] and as efficient catalysts for some organic reactions such as selective oxidation of primary alcohols to aldehydes and secondary alcohols to ketones by 02 under mild conditions or autoxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons [23. Moreover, these complexes have been attracting renewed interest because of their intramolecular magnetic exchange interactions [3] and their application as the simple models of oligonuclear active sites in metalloproteins [4]. In this work we report Two new oxo-centered trinuclear monochloroacetates complexes, [Mn2 Mn (0) (CH2CIC00)6 (py)2 (H20)] (1) and [Cr2 Fe (0) (CH2C1COO)6 (I-120)3].N03 (2), were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, infrared and electronic spectroscopy.
, Mixed-Valent, Metal Trinuclear, Monochloroacetate@inproceedings{paperid:1014689,
author = {Yazdanbakhsh, Mohammad and , },
title = {Two Novel Mixed-Valent and Metal Trinuclear Complexes Containing Monochloroacetate Bridging Ligands},
booktitle = {یازدهمین کنفرانس شیمی معدنی ایران},
year = {2009},
location = {اصفهان, IRAN},
keywords = {Mixed-Valent; Metal Trinuclear; Monochloroacetate},
%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Two Novel Mixed-Valent and Metal Trinuclear Complexes Containing Monochloroacetate Bridging Ligands
%A Yazdanbakhsh, Mohammad
%A ,
%J یازدهمین کنفرانس شیمی معدنی ایران
%D 2009