XXVI congress of the European Association of veterinary Anatomists , 2006-07-19

Title : ( Histology of Sturgeon(Acipenseridea) Gills )

Authors: zohreh saadatfar , Davar Shahsavani , - - ,

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Acipenser guldenstaedti percicus gills were comprized of four gill arches on either side. in each gill arch, a part of the septum between two hemibranch remained. 14 lamellae were counted in each millimeter. the diameter of each lamellae was 13 Micrones and the distance between lamellae was 40 Micrones.......


, Histology, Sturgeon, Gills
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author = {Saadatfar, Zohreh and Shahsavani, Davar and -, -},
title = {Histology of Sturgeon(Acipenseridea) Gills},
booktitle = {XXVI congress of the European Association of veterinary Anatomists},
year = {2006},
location = {Messina, ITALY},
keywords = {Histology- Sturgeon- Gills},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Histology of Sturgeon(Acipenseridea) Gills
%A Saadatfar, Zohreh
%A Shahsavani, Davar
%A -, -
%J XXVI congress of the European Association of veterinary Anatomists
%D 2006
