Title : ( Analytical solution of piezolaminated rectangular plates with arbitrary clamped/simply-supported boundary conditions under thermo-electro-mechanical loadings )
Authors: Peyman Yazdanpanah Moghadam , Masoud Tahani , ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
This paper extends an analytical method for static analysis of general cross-ply piezolaminated rectangular plates with any combination of clamped/simply-supported boundary conditions under uncoupled thermo-electro-mechanical loadings. This method is based on the novel superposition method and the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT). The FSDT enables this expanded method to consider the effect of shear deformation of the plate. The process of applying electrical and thermal resultants causes some advantages due to its simplicity and less computational process. In this analysis displacement components are written in terms of unknown force and moment resultants. Using Fourier series for displacement components, mechanical, thermal, and/or electrical stress resultants, the complex governing differential equations of the plate are reduced to a set of linear algebraic equations with non-trivial solution. The obtained equations may be solved analytically to determine the unknown stress resultants. Several examples are proposed, and their obtained numerical results are compared with those available in the literature to verify the convergence, high accuracy, and the capability of the present method to analyze the static behavior of piezolaminated plates. It is found that there is high agreement between the present results with those obtained by other investigators.
, Piezolaminated rectangular plate Clamped/simply, supported edges Thermo, electro, mechanical loading Superposition method First, order shear deformation theory@article{paperid:1031959,
author = {Yazdanpanah Moghadam, Peyman and Tahani, Masoud and , },
title = {Analytical solution of piezolaminated rectangular plates with arbitrary clamped/simply-supported boundary conditions under thermo-electro-mechanical loadings},
journal = {Applied Mathematical Modelling},
year = {2013},
volume = {37},
number = {5},
month = {March},
issn = {0307-904X},
pages = {3228--3241},
numpages = {13},
keywords = {Piezolaminated rectangular plate
Clamped/simply-supported edges
Thermo-electro-mechanical loading
Superposition method
First-order shear deformation theory},
%0 Journal Article
%T Analytical solution of piezolaminated rectangular plates with arbitrary clamped/simply-supported boundary conditions under thermo-electro-mechanical loadings
%A Yazdanpanah Moghadam, Peyman
%A Tahani, Masoud
%A ,
%J Applied Mathematical Modelling
%@ 0307-904X
%D 2013