ISA Transactions, ( ISI ), Volume (53), No (4), Year (2014-7) , Pages (1131-1142)

Title : ( Applying the min-projection strategy to improve the transient performance of the three-phase grid-connected inverter )

Authors: Mahdi Oloumi Baygi , Reza Ghazi , Mohammad Monfared ,

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Applying the min-projection strategy (MPS) to a three-phase grid-connected inverter to improve its transient performance is the main objective of this paper. For this purpose, the inverter is first modeled as a switched linear system. Then, the feasibility of the MPS technique is investigated and the stability criterion is derived. Hereafter, the fundamental equations of the MPS for the control of the inverter are obtained. The proposed scheme is simulated in PSCAD/EMTDC environment. The validity of the MPS approach is confirmed by comparing the obtained results with those of VOC method. The results demonstrate that the proposed method despite its simplicity provides an excellent transient performance, fully decoupled control of active and reactive powers, acceptable THD level and a reasonable switching frequency.


, Grid, connected inverter; Switched linear system (SLS); Min, projection strategy (MPS)