A-Train Symposium 2017 , 2017-04-19

Title : ( Satellite observations of mineral dust in the Sistan region )

Authors: Isabelle Chiapello , Fanny Minvielle , Michel Legrand , Benoit Laurent , Christèle Bouet , Guillaume Siour , Béatrice Marticorena , Alireza Rashki , Dimitris Kaskaoutis ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Investigate dust emission and transport in Sistan with special interest on the role of synoptic/local atmospheric dynamics. Climatological analysis of desert dust satellite retrievals in the Sistan region, especially MODIS/Aqua Dark Target Deep blue combined AOD550 nm. Identification of specific dust events (case studies) that where analyzed by combining multiple ground-based/satellite obs. and numerical simulations of dust (RAMS regional meteorological model and CHIMERE-CTM model). Dust temporal and spatial variability over the Sistan are investigated through analysis of 14 years of MODIS/Aqua aerosol retrievals (2003-2016). Our analysis confirms the seasonal cycle and highlight high interrannual variability of summer dust events. Case studies (June 2012 – July 2016) was investigated by combining regional modeling and multiple observations.


, AOD, Dust, Sistan
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Isabelle Chiapello and Fanny Minvielle and Michel Legrand and Benoit Laurent and Christèle Bouet and Guillaume Siour and Béatrice Marticorena and Rashki, Alireza and Dimitris Kaskaoutis},
title = {Satellite observations of mineral dust in the Sistan region},
booktitle = {A-Train Symposium 2017},
year = {2017},
location = {California, USA},
keywords = {AOD; Dust; Sistan},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Satellite observations of mineral dust in the Sistan region
%A Isabelle Chiapello
%A Fanny Minvielle
%A Michel Legrand
%A Benoit Laurent
%A Christèle Bouet
%A Guillaume Siour
%A Béatrice Marticorena
%A Rashki, Alireza
%A Dimitris Kaskaoutis
%J A-Train Symposium 2017
%D 2017
