IMS 2009-BOSTON , 2009-06-07

Title : ( Designing a fuzzy reasoning system in GIS )

Authors: Rouzbeh Shad ,

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The proposed methodology relies on the fuzzy 9-intersection matrix which is a generalization of the crisp 4-intersection matrix for topological similarity computing. The similarity computation between 3D fuzzy matrix and 3D crisp intersection matrix enables the decision variables, to be derived. Decision variables which are used for deducing and drawing conclusion are consisted of semantic parts and quantifiers (type and strength of relations). Since, these variables are dependent on the boundary directly, it is essential to present an efficient method for defining 3D fuzzy boundary. So, ٥ ٠ in this paper we complete information about how can define fuzzy boundaries between two 3D phenomena and present a new procedure for simulation of 3D spatial topology in a deductive GIS. Therefore, a fuzzy knowledge base system and an inference engine will be shown results for deduction in GIS environment.


, GIS, Fuzzy, Topology, Deduction.
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author = {Shad, Rouzbeh},
title = {Designing a fuzzy reasoning system in GIS},
booktitle = {IMS 2009-BOSTON},
year = {2009},
location = {Boston, USA},
keywords = {GIS; Fuzzy; Topology; Deduction.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Designing a fuzzy reasoning system in GIS
%A Shad, Rouzbeh
%D 2009
