Nutrition: from Laboratory Research to Clinical Studies , 2017-09-06

Title : ( Nano Food: New Opportunities, New Approach, New Concern )

Authors: Saeid Khanzadi , kobra keykhosravy ,

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Background: The term ‘Nano-food’ describes food that has been cultivated, produced, processed or packaged using nanotechnology techniques, or to which manufactured nanomaterials have been added. The purpose of Nano-food is to improve food safety, enhance nutrition and flavor, and cut costs. Like any new technology, public confidence, trust, and ultimately acceptance will be the key determinants for the success or failure of nanotechnology applications for food. Results: There are a number of knowledge gaps that need further research; these include: a clear, fit-for-purpose, definition of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies is needed; validated methods for detection and characterization of nanomaterials in complex food matrices; toxicological research on nanomaterial safety; lack of specific guidelines,guidance documents for testing, or testing requirements under any of the existing regulations. Conclusion: These challenges require efforts at an international level to realize the potential of nanotechnologies in a manner that is both beneficial and safe to the consumer. Possible ways to achieve this could be through: Establishment of international research collaborations and networks that can address different aspects of the existing and new nanotechnology applications in food sectors; Development of clear and consistent guidelines for risk assessment of Nano-food products; Establishment of a global body to ensure quality control and safety assessment of Nano-food products on a case-by-case basis. A harmonized regulatory system at the global level that ensures pre-market evaluation of Nano-food products, sets liabilities, and sets clear limits for any Nano-additives in food and related applications.


, Nano food, Concerns, Human health, The consumer
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author = {Khanzadi, Saeid and Keykhosravy, Kobra},
title = {Nano Food: New Opportunities, New Approach, New Concern},
booktitle = {Nutrition: from Laboratory Research to Clinical Studies},
year = {2017},
location = {مشهد, IRAN},
keywords = {Nano food; Concerns; Human health; The consumer},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Nano Food: New Opportunities, New Approach, New Concern
%A Khanzadi, Saeid
%A Keykhosravy, Kobra
%J Nutrition: from Laboratory Research to Clinical Studies
%D 2017
