Meat Science, ( ISI ), Volume (156), No (1), Year (2019-10) , Pages (231-239)

Title : ( Modeling of osmotic treatment of ostrich meat coated by tragacanth and salep )

Authors: samaneh Alamatian , Mohebbat Mohebbi , Mehdi Varidi , Mehdi Momen Nezhad ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


This study involved coating of ostrich meat pieces (30 × 30 × 20 mm) with tragacanth gum (0.25%, 0.5%, and 1%) and salep gum (1%, 2%, and 3%) before osmotic treatment with salt solution (5, 15, and 27%) with the immersing duration of 1, 2, 4, 12, and 24 h to accelerate the transfer of moisture and minimize solid gain. This study also involved the investigation of the efficiency of the Peleg\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s model, Azuara\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s model, and diffusion equation in modeling water gain/loss and solid gain in meat pieces. Water gain/loss and solid gain were significantly affected by osmotic and coating concentrations during osmotic treatment. The Peleg\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s model had the best efficiency in the prediction of water loss at 5% and 27% concentrations and solid gain at 27% concentration. Diffusion model showed a favorable performance in the prediction of water loss and solid gain at 27% and 15% concentrations, respectively. It can be concluded that coating pre-treatment could control solid gain and facilitate water loss/gain.


Osmotic treatment Coating Hydration Dehydration Peleg\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s model Diffusion coefficient
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Alamatian, Samaneh and Mohebbi, Mohebbat and Varidi, Mehdi and مهدی مومن نژاد},
title = {Modeling of osmotic treatment of ostrich meat coated by tragacanth and salep},
journal = {Meat Science},
year = {2019},
volume = {156},
number = {1},
month = {October},
issn = {0309-1740},
pages = {231--239},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {Osmotic treatment Coating Hydration Dehydration Peleg\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s model Diffusion coefficient},


%0 Journal Article
%T Modeling of osmotic treatment of ostrich meat coated by tragacanth and salep
%A Alamatian, Samaneh
%A Mohebbi, Mohebbat
%A Varidi, Mehdi
%A مهدی مومن نژاد
%J Meat Science
%@ 0309-1740
%D 2019
