دوازدهمین کنگره بین المللی آزمایشگاه و بالین , 2019-12-12

Title : ( Effects of stanozolol injection in endurance-trained rats on some circulating biochemical, hormonal and oxidative status indices )

Authors: Hasan Baghishani , Farzaneh Ali Akbarian Kahani , Amir Rashidlamir , Zahra Taher nejad javazm ,

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Background: While anabolic–androgenic drugs havesome therapeutic applications, their misemploy and self-administration inrelatively high dosages is widespread among athletic and non-athletic persons.Stanozolol (ST) is one of the most routinely misemployed anabolic–androgenicdrugs with the aim of enhancing physical performance. This work was aimed to evaluate the influences of ST on some circulating biochemical,hormonal and oxidative status indices alterations in endurance-trained rats. Methods: Male rats werehaphazardly designated to receive either placebo (group 1) or stanozolol (5mgkg-1 b.w.; group 2) for 8 weeks. All of the animals were engaged inendurance training protocol included running exercise on a rodent treadmill for30 minutes at a speed of 10 meters per minute, 5 successive days per week. Results: Glutathioneperoxidase and catalase activities in erythrocyte haemolysate were increasedsignificantly in group 2, but the increment of superoxide dismutase activity inST-treated group was not significant as compared to first group. Althoughvalues of all measured plasma enzymes increased in group 2, the increments werefound to be significant only for ALP and ALT. Plasma TSH concentration decreased significantly in ST-treated group. However,other quantified indices showed no significant alterations between groups. Conclusion: Itcan be concluded that stanozolol administration in endurance-trained rats caninduce some alterations in circulating markers of organ function and oxidativestatus which may be used for better understanding the side effects andpathophysiological aspects of nontherapeutic doses of anabolic–androgenicsteroids.


, Stanozolol, Endurance training, Oxidative status, Plasma biochemistry
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Baghishani, Hasan and Ali Akbarian Kahani, Farzaneh and Rashidlamir, Amir and Taher Nejad Javazm, Zahra},
title = {Effects of stanozolol injection in endurance-trained rats on some circulating biochemical, hormonal and oxidative status indices},
booktitle = {دوازدهمین کنگره بین المللی آزمایشگاه و بالین},
year = {2019},
location = {تهران, IRAN},
keywords = {Stanozolol;Endurance training; Oxidative status; Plasma biochemistry},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T Effects of stanozolol injection in endurance-trained rats on some circulating biochemical, hormonal and oxidative status indices
%A Baghishani, Hasan
%A Ali Akbarian Kahani, Farzaneh
%A Rashidlamir, Amir
%A Taher Nejad Javazm, Zahra
%J دوازدهمین کنگره بین المللی آزمایشگاه و بالین
%D 2019
