Annals of Applied Sport Science, Volume (8), No (2), Year (2019-8) , Pages (1-9)

Title : ( Explaining the Conceptual Model of Factors Affecting the Brand Identity of Handball )

Authors: maryam balali , Seyed Morteza Azimzadeh , Mohammad Keshtidar , brenda pitts ,

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ABSTRACT Background. Brand identity is a dynamic phenomenon with both internal and external aspects and the principles of brand identity have become a topic of the day in the field of brand literature and marketing. Objectives. The present study seeks to explain the conceptual model of factors affecting the brand identity of handball. Methods. The present study was applied in terms of purpose and was of descriptive-analytical type conducted as a field study. Statistical population included the experts in the areas of brand, brand identity, urban branding, brand management and sport management. For sampling, 60 individuals were selected among 200 experts through purposeful sampling and were invited to participate in fuzzy Delphi rounds. Eventually, 25 individuals entered the Delphi rounds as the final statistical sample. A semi-open researcher-made questionnaire was used for data collection. Results. The results of implementing the two fuzzy Delphi rounds led to the consolidation of the conceptual model of internal and external factors affecting the brand identity of handball. These included humanware factors (managers, coaches, veterans, players, fans, volunteers, sponsors, citizens and citizen fans of handball) with a score of 0.89, \\\\\\\"performance\\\\\\\" of handball with a score of 0.88, and having macro goals and media relations with a score of 0.86. Conclusions. The leading model can provide managers with a comprehensive guide to building and promoting the brand of handball. In this regard, the brand identity of handball depends on the development and promotion of human resources, club performance and media relations more than any other factor.


, Brand Identity, Urban Brand, Handball, Conceptual Model
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author = {Balali, Maryam and Azimzadeh, Seyed Morteza and Keshtidar, Mohammad and Brenda Pitts},
title = {Explaining the Conceptual Model of Factors Affecting the Brand Identity of Handball},
journal = {Annals of Applied Sport Science},
year = {2019},
volume = {8},
number = {2},
month = {August},
issn = {2476-4981},
pages = {1--9},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {Brand Identity; Urban Brand; Handball; Conceptual Model},


%0 Journal Article
%T Explaining the Conceptual Model of Factors Affecting the Brand Identity of Handball
%A Balali, Maryam
%A Azimzadeh, Seyed Morteza
%A Keshtidar, Mohammad
%A Brenda Pitts
%J Annals of Applied Sport Science
%@ 2476-4981
%D 2019
