The Biennial International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics (XMech-2020) , 2020-02-18

Title : ( A Novel Mechanism that Harvests Energy via Ideal Hydraulic PTO Units )

Authors: marjan noroozi , Masoud Tahani , Aref Afsharfard ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


These days regarding to the importance of the renewable energies, lots of studies are carried out in this field. The density of the ocean wave energy is more than another renewable energy sources. In this study, a novel electro-hydraulic mechanism is presented in order to convert the wave energy into the electricity. Mechanical energy of this mechanism is provided by two plates those are hinged together and are exposed to the ocean waves. Interaction between the ocean waves and plates of the mechanism leads to generate rotational and translational motions. Each rotational motion is converted to the two translational motions, which are transferred to the electro-hydraulic systems. The equation of motion of the mechanism that is connected to ideal hydraulic power take-off (PTO) units is presented and theoretically investigated. Ideal hydraulic power take-off unit parameters effect on the plates motions and wave energy harvesting. Optimized version of this mechanism can be a good breakwater and energy harvester.


, Ocean wave energy, Energy harvesting, Renewable energy, Hydraulic power take-off unit, Hydraulic PTO, Breakwater.
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author = {Noroozi, Marjan and Tahani, Masoud and Afsharfard, Aref},
title = {A Novel Mechanism that Harvests Energy via Ideal Hydraulic PTO Units},
booktitle = {The Biennial International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics (XMech-2020)},
year = {2020},
location = {Tehran, IRAN},
keywords = {Ocean wave energy; Energy harvesting; Renewable energy; Hydraulic power take-off unit; Hydraulic PTO; Breakwater.},


%0 Conference Proceedings
%T A Novel Mechanism that Harvests Energy via Ideal Hydraulic PTO Units
%A Noroozi, Marjan
%A Tahani, Masoud
%A Afsharfard, Aref
%J The Biennial International Conference on Experimental Solid Mechanics (XMech-2020)
%D 2020
