Multicultural Education, Volume (7), No (3), Year (2021-4) , Pages (192-211)

Title : ( The Relationship Between Iraqi EFL Teachers\' Spiritual Intelligence, And Their Teaching Autonomy: A Case Study AL-Diwaniyah, Ira )

Authors: Taif Abdulhussein Dakhil , Zargham Ghabanchi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Scarce studies have been conducted to understand Teachers\\\\\\\' spiritual intelligence, their teaching autonomy exhibited by English as foreign language (EFL) teachers.This study was conducted to fill this gap by exploringthe relationship between Iraqi EFL teachers’ spiritual intelligence, their teaching autonomy. The research was conducted in Al-Diwanieh, Iraq.A total of 60 (35 males and 25 females) Iraqi EFL teachersteachingin Al-Diwanieh, Iraq participated in this study. The subjects’ age will range from 23 to 50 years old (their participation criterion is 2 years of teaching experience). Their academic degree ranged from BA to M.A.Data included two questionnaires and a written interview:Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory SISRI-24 developed by King (2008) was used to measure sampled teacher’s SI. SISRI was a 24-item (Cronbach\\\\\\\'s alpha = .92) self-report measure of SI. It was consisted of four main constituents including: Critical Existential Thinking, Personal Meaning Production, Transcendental Awareness, and Conscious State Expansion. King (2008) reported Cronbach\\\\\\\'s alpha of .78 for the first (critical existential thinking) and second (personal meaning production) component, Cronbach\\\\\\\'s alpha of .87 for the third component (transcendental awareness), and Cronbach\\\\\\\'s alpha of .91 for the last component (conscious state expansion).The Teacher Autonomy Scale (TAS) developed by Çolak (2016) was utilized to measure sampled EFL teachers’ autonomy. The scale consists of 18 Likert- type items. There was no inversely scored item in the scale. A total score can be taken from the scale. Increasing scores taken from the scale means increasing autonomy behaviors of teachers. TAS had four sub-dimensions which were teaching autonomy, curriculum autonomy, professional development autonomy, and communication autonomy.The results showed that there no was a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence and teaching autonomy. There was no significant relationship between spiritual intelligence /teaching autonomyand gender.


, Spiritual Intelligence, Teaching Autonomy, Teacher autonomy
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author = {Taif Abdulhussein Dakhil and Ghabanchi, Zargham},
title = {The Relationship Between Iraqi EFL Teachers\' Spiritual Intelligence, And Their Teaching Autonomy: A Case Study AL-Diwaniyah, Ira},
journal = {Multicultural Education},
year = {2021},
volume = {7},
number = {3},
month = {April},
issn = {1068-3844},
pages = {192--211},
numpages = {19},
keywords = {Spiritual Intelligence; Teaching Autonomy; Teacher autonomy},


%0 Journal Article
%T The Relationship Between Iraqi EFL Teachers\' Spiritual Intelligence, And Their Teaching Autonomy: A Case Study AL-Diwaniyah, Ira
%A Taif Abdulhussein Dakhil
%A Ghabanchi, Zargham
%J Multicultural Education
%@ 1068-3844
%D 2021
