Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, ( ISI ), Volume (35), No (7), Year (2022-4) , Pages (1101-1119)
Title : ( A compact MLCP-based projection recurrent neural network model to solve shortest path problem )
Authors: mohammad eshaghnezhad , Sohrab Effati , Amin Mansoori ,Access to full-text not allowed by authors
We develop a projection recurrent neural network (RNN) to obtain the solution of the shortest path problem (SPP). Our focus on the paper is to give a compact single-layer structure RNN model to solve the SPP. To present the RNN model, we utilise a mixed linear complementarity problem (MLCP). Moreover, the developed RNN is proved to be globally stable. Finally, some numerical simulations are stated to show the performance of the presented approach. We compare the results with some other methods.