Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Year (2022-9)

Title : ( Incomplete Caudal Duplication with Correction of Pygomelia in a Dog )

Authors: Shiva Amanollahi , Farzad Hayati , Ali Mirshahi , Mohammad Reza Golmakani ,

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Congenital malformations are structural defects that occur in all species during fetal development. Pygomelia is a type of polymelia in which the supernumerary legs are joined to the pelvis. It is observed in both human beings and animals. A mixed female (Shih Tzu) puppy with a rigid mass, which resembled two hindlimbs in the pelvic region was referred to a pet clinic in Mashhad. In survey radiographic assessments, two extra hindlimbs stemmed from malformed pelvic bones and were shorter than normal limbs. Both extra acetabulums were detected on the hemipelvis, and two extra coxofemoral joints were found perpendicular to the regular hip joints in the caudal direction. Also, two vulvas and two anuses were seen, but only one vulva and anus were functional. Finally, the additional limbs were amputated by surgery. This is the first report of a dog with incomplete caudal duplication and successful correction of Pygomelia in Iran.


Developmental anomaly; hemipelvis; shih Tzu; twin; surgery
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author = {Amanollahi, Shiva and Hayati, Farzad and Mirshahi, Ali and Golmakani, Mohammad Reza},
title = {Incomplete Caudal Duplication with Correction of Pygomelia in a Dog},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine},
year = {2022},
month = {September},
issn = {2251-8894},
keywords = {Developmental anomaly; hemipelvis; shih Tzu; twin; surgery},


%0 Journal Article
%T Incomplete Caudal Duplication with Correction of Pygomelia in a Dog
%A Amanollahi, Shiva
%A Hayati, Farzad
%A Mirshahi, Ali
%A Golmakani, Mohammad Reza
%J Iranian Journal of Veterinary Medicine
%@ 2251-8894
%D 2022
