Applied Mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology, Volume (2), No (1), Year (2013-12) , Pages (96-102)

Title : ( The Impact of Job Stress on Turnover Intention Mediating role of Job Satisfaction and Affective Commitment; Case Study: Mashhad s Public Hospitals )

Authors: Azar Kaffashpoor , samane sadeghian , neda shakoori , Sara Kavoosi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


The present study mainly aims to examine the effects of job stress on turnover intension with the mediating role of affective commitment and job satisfaction of nurses in Mashhad’s public hospitals. A sample of 242 individuals with more than %80 for Cronbach s alpha is collected. Chi-square test and gamma test are applied to evaluate the research hypotheses and to measure the relationship intensity between study variables respectively. While study results comply a direct and positive relationship between Affective commitment and job satisfaction, turnover intention was negatively correlated with turnover intention.


, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Turnover Intention