Iranian Journal of Management Studies, Year (2023-4)

Title : ( Investigating the cognitive process of attention while watching sport advertisements in interested and non-interested people using Electroencephalogram technology )

Authors: zahra aminiroshan , Javad Gholamian , Ahmad Mahmoudi , sahar pirjamadi ,

Citation: BibTeX | EndNote


Abstract This study aims to investigate the attention cognitive process while watching sport advertisements in interested and non-interested people using electroencephalogram technology. The research method was semi-experimental and the population included 30 students of Birjand University who were selected randomly as sample. To collect data, the General Health and Sanchez-Torres Questionnaire (2021) was used. Then to record the brain signal, the 21-channel Electroencephalography Instrument was used. The results revealed a significant difference in attention index (AI) between sports advertising and non-sport advertising. Also, the attention index in people who were interested in sports showed a significant difference compared to those who were not. It can be concluded that sports are suitable platform for advertising products, so that it can create a positive effect through increasing the customers’ attention. The level of interest also in sports may be a persuasive calculation of consideration for publicizing.


Advertising Attention Index (AI) Brain Wave Interest in Sport Sport
برای دانلود از شناسه و رمز عبور پرتال پویا استفاده کنید.

author = {Aminiroshan, Zahra and Gholamian, Javad and Ahmad Mahmoudi and Sahar Pirjamadi},
title = {Investigating the cognitive process of attention while watching sport advertisements in interested and non-interested people using Electroencephalogram technology},
journal = {Iranian Journal of Management Studies},
year = {2023},
month = {April},
issn = {2008-7055},
keywords = {Advertising Attention Index (AI) Brain Wave Interest in Sport Sport},


%0 Journal Article
%T Investigating the cognitive process of attention while watching sport advertisements in interested and non-interested people using Electroencephalogram technology
%A Aminiroshan, Zahra
%A Gholamian, Javad
%A Ahmad Mahmoudi
%A Sahar Pirjamadi
%J Iranian Journal of Management Studies
%@ 2008-7055
%D 2023
