مقالات ارائه شده در مجلات


  1. مجید رجبی جاغرق , محمد موسوی بایگی , سیدعلیرضا عراقی , هادی جباری نوقابی , واسنجی بارش روزانه ERA5 با استفاده از الگوریتم های D-Tree ،MLP و KNN در استان خراسان رضوی, سامانه سطوح آبگیر باران, دوره (12), شماره (1), سال (2024-6), صفحات (129-147)
  2. مجید رجبی جاغرق , محمد موسوی بایگی , سیدعلیرضا عراقی , هادی جباری نوقابی , ارزیابی دقت مقادیر بارش روزانه TRMM، GPM، ERA5 و PERSIANN در استان خراسان رضوی, سامانه سطوح آبگیر باران, دوره (11), شماره (2), سال (2023-8), صفحات (79-101)
  3. سیدعلیرضا عراقی , محمد موسوی بایگی , برآورد دمای خاک با استفاده از مدل‌های ترکیبی بر پایه تبدیل موجک گسسته, آبیاری و زهکشی ایران, دوره (11), شماره (5), سال (2018-1), صفحات (876-887)
  4. سیدعلیرضا عراقی , محمد موسوی بایگی , سیدمجید هاشمی نیا , بکارگیری تبدیل موجک گسسته برای تحلیل روند و شناسایی الگوهای نوسانی دما, آب و خاک, دوره (29), شماره (1), سال (2015-5), صفحات (239-249)
  5. سیدعلیرضا عراقی , محمد موسوی بایگی , سیدمجید هاشمی نیا , بکارگیری تبدیل موجک گسسته برای تحلیل همبستگی بسامدی رطوبت نسبی, آبیاری و زهکشی ایران, دوره (8), شماره (2), سال (2014-7), صفحات (257-265)


  1. ابولقاسم اکبری , Majid Rajabi Jaghargh , Azizan Abu Samah , Jonathan Peter Cox , مجتبی غلام زاده , Alireza Araghi , Patricia M. Saco , خبات خسروی , Utilization of the Google Earth Engine for the evaluation of daily soil temperature derived from Global Land Data Assimilation System in two different depths over a semiarid region, Meteorological Applications, Volume (31), No (4), Year (2024-7)
  2. Alireza Araghi , Christopher J. Martinez , Evaluation of CRU-JRA gridded meteorological dataset for modeling of wheat production systems in Iran, International Journal of Biometeorology, Volume (68), No (6), Year (2024-4), Pages (1201-1211)
  3. Alireza Araghi , Jan F. Adamowski , Assessment of 30 gridded precipitation datasets over different climates on a country scale, Earth Science Informatics, Volume (17), No (2), Year (2024-4), Pages (1301-1313)
  4. Fereshteh Modaresi , Alireza Araghi , Projecting future reference evapotranspiration in Iran based on CMIP6 multi-model ensemble, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, Volume (153), Year (2023-7), Pages (101-112)
  5. Alireza Araghi , Christopher J. Martinez , Jan F. Adamowski , Evaluation of TerraClimate gridded data across diverse climates in Iran, Earth Science Informatics, Volume (16), No (2), Year (2023-6), Pages (1347-1358)
  6. Alireza Araghi , Christopher J. Martinez , Jorgen E. Olesen , Evaluation of MSWX gridded data for modeling of wheat performance across Iran, European Journal of Agronomy, Volume (144), Year (2023-3), Pages (126769-126769)
  7. Mohsen Maghrebi , Roohollah Noori , Ali Danandeh Mehr , Raziyeh Lak , Farzaneh Darougheh , Rahman Razmgir , Hossein Farnoush , Hamid Taherpour , Seyed Mohammad Reza Alavai Moghaddam , Alireza Araghi , Bjorn Klove , Spatiotemporal changes in Iranian rivers’ discharge, Elementa, Volume (11), No (1), Year (2023-1)
  8. Alireza Araghi , Christopher J. Martinez , Jorgen E. Olesen , Gerrit Hoogenboom , Assessment of nine gridded temperature data for modeling of wheat production systems, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume (199), Year (2022-8)
  9. Alireza Araghi , Christopher J.Martinez , Jorgen E. Olesen , Evaluation of multiple gridded solar radiation data for crop modeling, European Journal of Agronomy, Volume (133), Year (2022-2)
  10. Alireza Araghi , Mohsen Maghrebi , Jorgen E. Olesen , Effect of wind speed variation on rainfed wheat production evaluated by the CERES-Wheat model, International Journal of Biometeorology, Volume (66), No (1), Year (2021-11), Pages (225-233)
  11. Alireza Araghi , Majid Rajabi Jaghargh , Mohsen Maghrebi , Christopher J. Martinez , Clyde W. Fraisse , Jorgen E. Olesen , Gerrit Hoogenboom , Investigation of satellite-related precipitation products for modeling of rainfed wheat production systems, Agricultural Water Management, Volume (258), No (2021), Year (2021-12), Pages (1-10)
  12. Alireza Araghi , Jan Adamowski , Christopher J. Martinez , Comparison of wavelet-based hybrid models for the estimation of daily reference evapotranspiration in different climates, Journal of Water and Climate Change, Volume (11), No (1), Year (2020-11), Pages (39-53)
  13. Mohsen Maghrebi , Roohollah Noori , Sadegh Partani , Alireza Araghi , Reza Barati , Hosein Farnoush , Ali Torabi Haghighi , Iran's Groundwater Hydrochemistry, Earth and Space Science, Volume (8), No (8), Year (2021-8)
  14. Alireza Araghi , Mohammad Mousavi Baygi , Variability in snowfall/total precipitation-day ratio in Iran, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, Volume (140), Year (2020-4), Pages (547-558)
  15. Alireza Araghi , Christopher J.Martinez , Jan Adamowski , JQrgen EivindOlesen , Associations between large-scale climate oscillations and land surface phenology in Iran, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume (278), Year (2019-11), Pages (107682-107689)
  16. Alireza Araghi , Jan Adamowski , Christopher J. Martinez , Jørgen Eivind Olesen , Projections of future soil temperature in northeast Iran, Geoderma, Volume (349), Year (2019-9), Pages (11-24)
  17. Alireza Araghi , Mohammad Mousavi Baygi , Jan Adamowski , Christopher J. Martinez , Analyzing trends of days with low atmospheric visibility in Iran during 1968–2013, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume (191), No (4), Year (2019-4)
  18. Alireza Araghi , Ch. J. Martinez , J. Adamowski , J. E. Olesen , Spatiotemporal variations of aridity in Iran using high‐resolution gridded data, International Journal of Climatology, Volume (38), No (1), Year (2018-3), Pages (2701-2717)
  19. Alireza Araghi , Mohammad Mousavi Baygi , J.Adamowski , Ch. Martinez , M. van der Ploeg , Forecasting Soil Temperature Based on Surface Air Temperature Using Wavelet-Artificial Neural Network, Meteorological Applications, Volume (24), No (4), Year (2017-10), Pages (603-611)
  20. Alireza Araghi , Mohammad Mousavi Baygi , J. Adamowski , Detecting soil temperature trends in Northeast Iran from 1993 to 2016, Soil and Tillage Research, Volume (174), No (174), Year (2017-8), Pages (177-192)
  21. Alireza Araghi , Mohammad Mousavi Baygi , J. Adamowski , Ch. Martinez , Association between three prominent climatic teleconnections and precipitation in Iran using wavelet coherence, International Journal of Climatology, Volume (37), No (6), Year (2016-1), Pages (2809-2830)
  22. Alireza Araghi , Jan Adamowski , majid rajabi jaghargh , Detection of trend in days with thunderstorms in Iran Over the Past five decades, Atmospheric Research, Volume (172), Year (2016-12), Pages (174-185)
  23. Alireza Araghi , Mohammad Mousavi Baygi , Jan Adamowski , Detection of trends in days with extreme temperatures in Iran from 1961 to 2010, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, Volume (125), No (1), Year (2016-1), Pages (213-225)
  24. Alireza Araghi , Mohammad Mousavi Baygi , J. Adamowski , J. Malard , D. Nalley , Seyed Majid Hasheminia , Using wavelet transforms to estimate surface temperature trends and dominant periodicities in Iran based on gridded reanalysis data, Atmospheric Research, Volume (155), Year (2015-2), Pages (52-72)

مقالات ارایه شده در کنفرانس