مقالات ارائه شده در مجلات


  1. Majid Jabbar Saadan Al Othman , Mohammad Janfada , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Frame of translates and its canonical dual in L2(G), International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Volume (19), No (6), Year (2021-6)
  2. sadaf fakhri moghadam , Seyyed Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee , Mohammad Janfada , Some Sharp Estimations for Davis–Wielandt Radius in B(H), Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Volume (19), No (6), Year (2022-11)
  3. sadaf fakhri moghadam , Seyyed Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee , Mohammad Janfada , q -Numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Volume (72), No (5), Year (2023-1), Pages (751-763)
  4. nastaran alizadeh moghaddam , Mohammad Janfada , Frame-cyclic operators and their properties, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, Volume (24), No (1), Year (2021-3), Pages (2150009-2150009)
  5. TAJEDIN DERIKVAND , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , Banach Algebra of Bounded Complex Radon Measures on Homogeneous Space, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transaction A: Science, Volume (44), No (5), Year (2020-10), Pages (1429-1437)
  6. Majid Jabbar Saadan Al Othman , Mohammad Janfada , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Quaternionic inverse Fourier transforms on locally compact abelian groups, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Volume (66), No (8), Year (2020-5), Pages (1264-1286)
  7. hamide azarmi , Mohammad Janfada , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , On $K$-pseudoframes for subspaces, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume (49), No (3), Year (2019-12), Pages (1057-1066)
  8. mohammed almohammed , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , Weyl transforms and the products of two wavelet multiplier operators on locally compact abelian topological groups, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, Volume (10), No (4), Year (2019-12), Pages (793-804)
  9. Mohammad Janfada , ABOLFAZL NEZHADALI BAGHAN , HYPERCYCLIC TUPLE C0-SEMIGROUPS OF OPERATORS, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series A, Volume (81), No (1), Year (2019-2), Pages (103-110)
  10. mohammed almohammed , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , On wavelet multipliers and Landau–Pollak–Slepian operators on locally compact abelian topological groups, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, Volume (10), No (2), Year (2019-6), Pages (257-267)
  11. vahid reza morshedi , Mohammad Janfada , Approximately dual frames in Banach spaces via semi-inner products, Mathematical Reports, Volume (22), No (4), Year (2020-12), Pages (245-260)
  12. ABOLFAZL NEZHADALI BAGHAN , Mohammad Janfada , On Bi-J-Class Bilinear Mappings on Banach Spaces, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume (44), No (2), Year (2018-10), Pages (1653-1663)
  13. TAJEDIN DERIKVAND , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , The Radon transform on function spaces related to homogenous spaces, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, Volume (93), No (9), Year (2018-8), Pages (1-12)
  14. TAJEDIN DERIKVAND , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , Isometric isomorphism of homogeneous space algebras, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, Volume (93), No (1), Year (2018-7), Pages (125-142)
  15. Bahram Dastourian , Mohammad Janfada , Atomic Systems in 2-inner Product Spaces, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Volume (13), No (1), Year (2018-1), Pages (103-110)
  16. vahid reza morshedi , Mohammad Janfada , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , FRAME FOR OPERATORS IN FINITE DIMENSIONAL HILBERT SPACE, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, Volume (49), No (1), Year (2018-1), Pages (35-48)
  17. TAJEDIN DERIKVAND , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , On the Generalized Quotient Integrals on Homogenous Spaces, Journal of Applied Analysis, Volume (23), No (2), Year (2017-11), Pages (1-7)
  18. ABOLFAZL NEZHADALI BAGHAN , Mohammad Janfada , On J-class $C_0$-semigroups of operators, International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, Volume (12), No (1), Year (2021-1), Pages (397-403)
  19. TAJEDIN DERIKVAND , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , The X-ray Transform and its Application in Nano- Crystallography, Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures, Volume (2), No (1), Year (2017-7), Pages (29-40)
  20. Bahram Dastourian , Mohammad Janfada , K-FRAMES AND UNITARY REPRESENTATIONS, Mathematical Reports, Volume (72), No (1), Year (2019-1), Pages (1-50)
  21. hamide azarmi , Mohammad Janfada , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Frame of translates and FMRA on $L^2 (R,C^N)$ as a Hilbert M_N(C)-module, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Volume (15), No (3), Year (2017-5), Pages (1-26)
  22. hamide azarmi , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , Pseudoframe multiresolution structure on locally compact abelian groups, Wavelets and Linear Algebra, Volume (3), No (2), Year (2016-12), Pages (43-54)
  23. Masood Mosallanezhad , Mohammad Janfada , On Mixed C-Semigroups of Operators on Banach Spaces Masoud Mosallanezhada, Filomat, Volume (30), No (10), Year (2016-12), Pages (2673-2682)
  24. Masood Mosallanezhad , Mohammad Janfada , Iteration regularized semigroups of set-valued functions, Journal of Applied Analysis, Volume (22), No (2), Year (2016-11), Pages (121-130)
  25. Bahram Dastourian , Mohammad Janfada , frames for operators on Hilbert modules-*, Wavelets and Linear Algebra, Volume (3), No (1), Year (2016-6), Pages (27-43)
  26. Bahram Dastourian , Mohammad Janfada , Frames for operators in Banach spaces via semi-inner products, International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, Volume (14), No (3), Year (2016-4), Pages (1650011-17)
  27. Asadollah Niknam , saeedeh shamsi gamchi , Mohammad Janfada , Some results on TVS-cone normed spaces and algebraic cone metric spaces, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics, Volume (9), No (1), Year (2014-5), Pages (68-77)
  28. Mohammad Janfada , Tayebe Laal Shateri , Rahele Shourvarzi , On a functional equation originating from a mixed additive and cubic equation and its stability, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume (43), No (1), Year (2014-1), Pages (1-19)
  29. Mohammad Janfada , Abolfazl Nezhadali Baghan , Fuzzy 2-Normed Spaces and Its Fuzzy I-Topology, Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics, Volume (7), No (1), Year (2014-1), Pages (77-87)
  30. Mohammad Janfada , Ghadir Sadeghi , Stability of The Volterra integrodifferential equation, Folia Mathematica, Volume (18), No (1), Year (2013-11), Pages (11-20)
  31. Mohammad Janfada , Rahele Shourvazi , On Solutions of A Generalized Quadratic Functional Equation of Pexider Type, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume (41), No (2), Year (2012-3), Pages (265-270)
  32. Mohammad Janfada , On solutions and stability of a generalized quadratic equation on non-Archimedean normed spaces, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Volume (30), No (5), Year (2012-6), Pages (829-845)
  33. Mohammad Janfada , Rahele Shourvarzi , On solutions and Hyeres--Ulam--Rassias stability of a generalized quadratic equation, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Volume (10), No (2), Year (2010-3), Pages (231-237)
  34. Mohammad Janfada , A. R. Janfada , Z. Mollaee , Probabilistic G-Metric space and some fixed point results, Journal Nonlinear Analysis and Application, Volume (2013), No (1), Year (2013-1), Pages (1-10)
  35. Mahnaz Khanehgir , Mohammad Janfada , Asadollah Niknam , Inhomogeneous two-parameter abstract Cauchty problem, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Volume (31), No (2), Year (2005-8), Pages (71-81)
  36. Mohammad Janfada , Asadollah Niknam , ON THE n-PARAMETER ABSTRACT CAUCHY PROBLEM, Bulletin of Australian Mathematical Society, Volume (69), No (1), Year (2004-11), Pages (383-384)
  37. Mohammad Janfada , Asadollah Niknam , On Two-parameter Dynamical Systems and Applications, Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran, Volume (15), No (2), Year (2004-11), Pages (163-169)
  38. Mohammad Janfada , Abolfazl Nezhadali Baghan , On Felbin-Type Fuzzy 2-Normed Spaces and Its Fuzzy I-Topologies, Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics, Volume (26), No (1), Year (2012-2), Pages (1-12)
  39. Mohammad Janfada , Hamid Baghani , omid baghani , ON FELBIN’S-TYPE FUZZY NORMED LINEAR SPACES AND FUZZY BOUNDED OPERATORS, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Volume (8), No (5), Year (2011-9), Pages (117-130)
  40. Mohammad Janfada , On Two‐Parameter Regularized Semigroups and the Cauchy Problem, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume (2009), No (1), Year (2009-7), Pages (1-15)
  41. Mohammad Janfada , Rahele Shourvarzi , On Solution and Hyeres–Ulam–Rasstas Stability of a Generalized Quadratic Equation, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, Volume (10), No (2), Year (2010-4), Pages (231-237)
  42. Mohammad Janfada , Ghadir Sadeghi , GENERALIZED HYERES-ULAM STABILITY OF A QUADRATIC FUNCTIONAL EQUATION WITH INVOLUTION IN QUASI--NORMED SPACES, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Volume (29), No (5), Year (2011-4), Pages (1421-1433)
  43. Ghadir Sadeghi , Reza Saadati , Mohammad Janfada , M. Rassias , STABILITY OF EULER-LAGRANGE QUADRATIC FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS IN NON-ARCHIMEDEAN NORMED SPACES, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume (40), No (4), Year (2011-6), Pages (571-579)
  44. Mohammad Janfada , Rahele Shourvazi , Solutions and the Generalized Hyers‐Ulam‐Rassias Stability of a Generalized Quadratic‐Additive Functional Equation, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume (2011), No (1), Year (2011-4), Pages (1-19)
  45. Mohammad Janfada , On Regularized Quasi‐Semigroups and Evolution Equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume (2010), No (1), Year (2010-4), Pages (1-13)
  46. Sohrab Effati , Mohammad Janfada , M. Esmaeili , Solving the optimal control problem of the parabolic PDEs in exploitation of oil, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume (340), No (1), Year (2008-4), Pages (606-620)
  47. Sohrab Effati , Mohammad Janfada , M. Esmaeili , H. Roohparvar , Solving of optimal control problem of parabolic PDEs in exploitation of oil by iterative dynamic programming, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume (181), No (2), Year (2006-5), Pages (1505-1512)
  48. Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , banach algebras related to the elements of the unit ball of a banach Aljebra, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Volume (12), No (7), Year (2008-12), Pages (1769-1779)

مقالات ارایه شده در کنفرانس


  1. Mohammad Janfada , عصمت سمیعی پور , SOME COMMON FIXED POINT RESULTS IN G-CONE METRIC , The third Internatinal Conference on Mathematics , 2010-10-15
  2. Mohammad Janfada , On Regularized Quasi-Semigroups and the Evolution Equation , International Conference of Mathematical Sciences , 2009-08-04
  3. Mohammad Janfada , On Some Properties of a Banach Algebra with a Modular Multiplication arising from a module map , 2nd International Conference on mathematics & statistics , 2008-06-16
  4. Mohammad Janfada , ابوالفضل نژادعلی باغان , FUZZY 2-NORMED SPACES AND ITS FUZZY I-TOPOLOGY , International Conference of Mathematical Siences , 2009-08-04
  5. Mohammad Janfada , Two-Parameter C-semi-groups and the abstract Cauchy problem , 38امین کنفرانس ریاضی ایران , 2007-09-03
  6. Mohammad Janfada , Asadollah Niknam , On continuity of X-parameter *-automorphism groups , 34 امین کنفرانس ریاضی ایران , 2003-08-30
  7. حسنی جعفرمنش , Mohammad Janfada , طیبه لعل شاطری , Semi-inner product reproducing kernel Banach spaces , ششمین سمینار آنالیز هارمونیک و کاربردها , 2018-01-31
  8. Mohammad Janfada , Frame of translates a different point of view , ششمین سمینار آنالیز هارمونیک و کاربردها , 2018-01-31
  9. vahid reza morshedi , Mohammad Janfada , FRAME FOR OPERATORS IN FINITE DIMENTIONAL HILBERT SPACE , پنجمین سمینار آنالیز هارمونیک و کاربردها , 2017-01-18
  10. Masood Mosallanezhad , Mohammad Janfada , MIXED C-COSINE FAMILIES ON BANACH SPACES , سومین سمینار نظریه عملگرها و کاربردهای آن , 2017-03-08
  11. Mohammad Janfada , Masood Mosallanezhad , ITERATION REGULARIZED SEMIGROUPS OF SET-VALUED FUNCTIONS , چهارمین سمینار آنالیز تابعی و کاربردهای آن , 2016-03-02
  12. hamide azarmi , Rajab Ali Kamyabi Gol , Mohammad Janfada , Pseudoframe Multiresolution Structure on the Space , چهارمین سمینار آنالیز هارمونیک و کاربردها , 2016-01-20
  13. Mohammad Janfada , ON MIXED C-SEMIGROUPS OF OPERATORS ON BANACH SPACES , چهل و چهارمین کنفرانس ریاضی ایران , 2013-08-27
  14. Mohammad Janfada , A REVIEW AND A COMPARISION OF RADON TRANSFORM WITH FOURIER TRANSFORM , چهل و چهارمین کنفرانس ریاضی ایران , 2013-08-27