مقالات ارائه شده در مجلات
- پیلای، ج , بکر، آ , فریرا، ی , Mohammad Arashi , Soft computing for the posterior of a matrix t graphical network, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume (180), Year (2025-2), Pages (109397-109397)
- mozhgan taavoni , Mohammad Arashi , High-dimensional semiparametric mixed-effects model for longitudinal data with non-normal errors, Statistics, Volume (59), No (1), Year (2025-1), Pages (207-227)
- آدوال لوکمان , امانوئل تی آدئویی , احد القاسم , Mohammad Arashi , کایود آیینده , Enhanced Model Predictions through Principal Components and Average Least Squares-Centered Penalized Regression, Symmetry, Volume (16), No (4), Year (2024-4), Pages (469-1672)
- سیده الهه حسینی , داوود شاهسونی , محمدرضا ربیعی , Mohammad Arashi , Small area estimation with partially linear mixed-t model with measurement error, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume (446), No (9), Year (2024-8), Pages (115871-115883)
- پریانکا ناگار , آندریت بکر , Mohammad Arashi , کور جاکس کات , آنت کریستی بارنارد , A dependent circular-linear model for multivariate biomechanical data: Ilizarov ring fixator study, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Volume (33), No (9), Year (2024-9), Pages (1660-1672)
- م. نوروزی راد , آر. مورا , Mohammad Arashi , ف. مارکس , Marginalized LASSO in the low-dimensional difference-based partially linear model for variable selection, Journal of Applied Statistics, Volume (52), No (2), Year (2024-7), Pages (400-428)
- اکرم , امین , کیبریا , Mohammad Arashi , لوکمان , افضل , A new improved Liu estimator for the QSAR model with inverse Gaussian response, Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, Volume (53), No (4), Year (2024-4), Pages (1873-1888)
- صادق خانی، ا , Mohammad Arashi , Matrix variate density estimation with additional information, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Volume (52), No (3), Year (2023-9), Pages (522-530)
- Salehi M , Bekker A , Mohammad Arashi , A Semi-parametric Density Estimation with Application in Clustering, Journal of Classification, Volume (40), No (1), Year (2023-4), Pages (52-78)
- لوکمان، ا ف , Mohammad Arashi , پروکاش، ویلماس , Robust biased estimators for Poisson regression model: Simulation and applications, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume (35), No (7), Year (2023-1)
- , Mohammad Arashi , ماندا، س , Multicollinearity and Linear Predictor Link Function Problems in Regression Modelling of Longitudinal Data, Mathematics, Volume (11), No (3), Year (2023-1), Pages (530-530)
- A. Kheyri , A. Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , High-Dimensional Precision Matrix Estimation through GSOS with Application in the Foreign Exchange Market, Mathematics, Volume (10), No (22), Year (2022-11), Pages (4232-4232)
- R. Lotfi , D. Shahsavani , Mohammad Arashi , Classification in High Dimension Using the Ledoit–Wolf Shrinkage Method, Mathematics, Volume (10), No (21), Year (2022-11), Pages (4069-4069)
- S.E. Hosseini , D. Shahsavani , M. R. Rabiei , Mohammad Arashi , H. Baghishani , Small Area Estimation Using a Semiparametric Spatial Model with Application in Insurance, Symmetry, Volume (14), No (10), Year (2022-10), Pages (2194-2194)
- Najmeh Nakhaei Rad , Andriette Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , Enhancing wind direction prediction of South Africa wind energy hotspots with Bayesian mixture modeling, Scientific Reports, Volume (12), No (1), Year (2022-7)
- Z.Mozafari , M. Arab Chamjangali , Mohammad Arashi , N. Goudarzi , QSRR models for predicting the retention indices of VOCs in different datasets using an efficient variable selection method coupled with artificial neural network modeling: ANN-based QSPR modeling, Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, Volume (19), No (6), Year (2022-6), Pages (2617-2630)
- Mohammad Arashi , Adewale F. Lukman , Zakariya Y. Algamal , Liu regression after random forest for prediction and modeling in high dimension, Journal of Chemometrics, Volume (36), No (4), Year (2022-3)
- Farzane Hashemi , Andriette Bekker , Kirsten Smith , Mohammad Arashi , Sibling rivalry within inverse Weibull family to predict the COVID-19 spread in South Africa, Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications, Volume (8), No (1), Year (2022-1), Pages (119-132)
- Ayyub Sheikhi , Fatemeh Bahador , Mohammad Arashi , On a generalization of the test of endogeneity in a two stage least squares estimation, Journal of Applied Statistics, Volume (49), No (3), Year (2022-2), Pages (709-721)
- Zeinab Mozafari , Mansour Arab Chamjangali , Mohammad Arashi , Nasser Goudarzi , Application of the LAD-LASSO as a dimensional reduction technique in the ANN-based QSAR study: Discovery of potent inhibitors using molecular docking simulation, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Volume (222), Year (2022-3), Pages (104510-104510)
- J. Smith , Mohammad Arashi , A. Bekker , Empowering differential networks using Bayesian analysis, PLOS One, Volume (17), No (1), Year (2022-1), Pages (e0261193-e0261193)
- , Mohammad Arashi , High-dimensional generalized semiparametric model for longitudinal data, Statistics, Volume (55), No (4), Year (2021-7), Pages (831-850)
- Mohammad Arashi , A. Bekker , M. Salehi , S. Millard , T. Botha , M. Golpaygani , Evaluating prediction of COVID-19 at provincial level of South Africa: a statistical perspective, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume (29), No (15), Year (2021-11), Pages (21289-21302)
- Mohammad Arashi , Mina Norouzirad , Mahdi Roozbeh , Naushad Mamode Khan , A High-Dimensional Counterpart for the Ridge Estimator in Multicollinear Situations, Mathematics, Volume (9), No (23), Year (2021-11), Pages (3057-3057)
- Z. Mozafari , M. Arab Chamjangali , Mohammad Arashi , N. Goudarzi , Suggestion of active 3-chymotrypsin like protease (3CLPro) inhibitors as potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents using predictive QSAR model based on the combination of ALASSO with an ANN model, SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, Volume (32), No (11), Year (2021-11), Pages (863-888)
- Mohammad Arashi , N. Nakhaei Rad , A. Bekker , Wolf-Dieter Schubert , Möbius Transformation-Induced Distributions Provide Better Modelling for Protein Architecture, Mathematics, Volume (9), No (21), Year (2021-10), Pages (2749-2749)
- M. Wagener , A. Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , Mastering the Body and Tail Shape of a Distribution, Mathematics, Volume (9), No (21), Year (2021-10), Pages (2648-2648)
- Seitebaleng Makgai , Andriette Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , Compositional Data Modeling through Dirichlet Innovations, Mathematics, Volume (9), No (19), Year (2021-10), Pages (2477-2477)
- Janet van Niekerk , Andriette Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , Matrix-Variate Beta Generator - Developments and Application, Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, Volume (20), No (1), Year (2021-6), Pages (289-306)
- Bahadir Yuzbasi , Mohammad Arashi , Fikri Akdeniz , Penalized regression via the restricted bridge estimator, Soft Computing, Volume (25), No (13), Year (2021-7), Pages (8401-8416)
- Andriette Bekker , Farzane Hashemi , Mohammad Arashi , Flexible Factor Model for Handling Missing Data in Supervised Learning, Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, Volume (11), No (2), Year (2023-6), Pages (477-501)
- M. Kashani , Mohammad Arashi , M. R. Rabiei , Resampling in Fuzzy Regression via Jackknife-after-Bootstrap (JB), International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume (29), No (4), Year (2021-8), Pages (517-535)
- Mohammad RezaAzad , Abolghasem Kamkar Rouhani , Behzad Tokhmechi , Mohammad Arashi , Multiresolution simultaneous upscaling of two features of the reservoir using the bandwidth of the kernel function and wavelet transformation, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume (206), Year (2021-11), Pages (106697-106697)
- M. Kashani , M.R. Rabie , Mohammad Arashi , An integrated shrinkage strategy for improving efficiency in fuzzy regression modeling, Soft Computing, Volume (25), No (13), Year (2021-7), Pages (8095-8107)
- M. Kashani , Mohammad Arashi , M.R. Rabie , P. Durso , L.D.Giovani , A fuzzy penalized regression model with variable selection, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume (175), Year (2021-8), Pages (114696-114696)
- Mohammad-Reza Azad , Abolghasem Kamkar-Rouhani , Behzad Tokhmechi , Mohammad Arashi , Hierarchical simultaneous upscaling of porosity and permeability features using the bandwidth of kernel function and wavelet transformation in two dimensions: Application to the SPE-10 model, Oil & Gas Science and Technology, Volume (76), Year (2021-1), Pages (26-26)
- Mohammad Arashi , Y. Asar , B. Yuzbasi , SLASSO: a scaled LASSO for multicollinear situations, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume (91), No (15), Year (2021-10), Pages (3170-3183)
- Mohammad Arashi , Mahdi Roozbeh , N. A. Hamzah , M. Gasparini , Ridge regression and its applications in genetic studies, PLOS One, Volume (16), No (4), Year (2021-4), Pages (e0245376-e0245376)
- Mahdi Salehi , Mohammad Arashi , Andriette Bekker , Johan Ferreira , Ding-Geng Chen , Foad Esmaeili , Motala Frances , A Synergetic R-Shiny Portal for Modeling and Tracking of COVID-19 Data, Frontiers in Public Health, Volume (8), Year (2021-1)
- M. Taavoni , Mohammad Arashi , Wan-LunWang , Tsung-I Lin , Multivariatetsemiparametric mixed-effects model for longitudinal data with multiple characteristics, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume (91), No (2), Year (2021-1), Pages (260-281)
- Mohammad Arashi , Mohammad Mehdi Tabatabaey Mashhadi , Mahsa Hassanzadeh Bashtian , Shrinkage Ridge Estimators in Linear Regression, Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, Volume (43), No (4), Year (2014-1), Pages (871-904)
- S.Torehzadeh , Mohammad Arashi , A note on shrinkage wavelet estimation in Bayesian analysis, Statistics and Probability Letters, Volume (84), Year (2014-1), Pages (231-234)
- Mohammad Arashi , B.M.GolamKibria , M.Norouzirad , S.Nadarajah , Improved preliminary test and Stein-rule Liu estimators for the ill-conditioned elliptical linear regression model, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume (126), Year (2014-4), Pages (53-74)
- M. ROOZBEH , Mohammad Arashi , Feasible Ridge Estimator in Seemingly Unrelated Semiparametric Models, Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, Volume (43), No (10), Year (2014-11), Pages (2593-2613)
- Reza Arabi Belaghi , Mohammad Arashi , S. M. M. Tabatabaey , Improved confidence intervals for the scale parameter of Burr XII model based on record values, Computational Statistics, Volume (29), No (5), Year (2014-10), Pages (1153-1173)
- Mohammad Arashi , Anis Iranmanesh , M. Norouzirad , Hashem Salarzadeh Jenatabadi , Bayesian analysis in multivariate regression models with conjugate priors, Statistics, Volume (48), No (6), Year (2014-11), Pages (1324-1334)
- Fikri Akdeniz , Esra Akdeniz Duran , Mahdi Roozbeh , Mohammad Arashi , Efficiency of the generalized difference-based Liu estimators in semiparametric regression models with correlated errors, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume (85), No (1), Year (2015-1), Pages (147-165)
- Reza Arabi Belaghi , Mohammad Arashi , S. M. M. TABATABAEY , On the Construction of Preliminary Test Estimator Based on Record Values for the Burr XII Model, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (44), No (1), Year (2015-1), Pages (1-23)
- Mohammad Arashi , B. M. Golam Kibria , A. Tajadod , On shrinkage estimators in matrix variate elliptical models, Metrika, Volume (78), No (1), Year (2015-1), Pages (29-44)
- Mohammad Arashi , T. Valizadeh , Performance of Kibria’s methods in partial linear ridge regression model, Statistical Papers, Volume (56), No (1), Year (2015-2), Pages (231-246)
- Mohammad Arashi , A. BEKKER , M. T. LOOTS , J. J. J. ROUX , Integral Representation of Quaternion Elliptical Density and its Applications, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (44), No (4), Year (2015-2), Pages (778-789)
- Reza Arabi Belaghi , Mohammad Arashi , S. M. M. Tabatabaey , Improved estimators of the distribution function based on lower record values, Statistical Papers, Volume (56), No (2), Year (2015-5), Pages (453-477)
- Mohammad Arashi , Mahdi Roozbeh , Shrinkage estimation in system regression model, Computational Statistics, Volume (30), No (2), Year (2015-6), Pages (359-376)
- Mohammad Arashi , A. K. MD. Ehsanes Saleh , Daya K. Nagar , S. M. M.Tabatabaey , Bayesian Statistical Inference For Laplacian Class of Matrix Variate Elliptically Contoured Models, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (44), No (13), Year (2015-7), Pages (2774-2787)
- Mohammad Arashi , M. Janfada , M. Norouzirad , Singular Ridge Regression With Stochastic Constraints, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (44), No (6), Year (2015-3), Pages (1281-1292)
- J. VAN NIEKERK , A. BEKKER , Mohammad Arashi , J.J.J. ROUX , Subjective Bayesian Analysis of the Elliptical Model, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (44), No (17), Year (2015-9), Pages (3738-3753)
- Mahdi Roozbeh , Saman Babaie-Kafaki , Mohammad Arashi , A class of biased estimators based on QR decomposition, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume (508), Year (2016-11), Pages (190-205)
- Mahdi Roozbeh , Mohammad Arashi , Shrinkage ridge regression in partial linear models, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (45), No (20), Year (2016-10), Pages (6022-6044)
- M. Roozbeh , Mohammad Arashi , New Ridge Regression Estimator in Semiparametric Regression Models, Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, Volume (45), No (10), Year (2016-11), Pages (3683-3715)
- J.T. Ferreira , A. Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , Objective Bayesian estimators for the right-censored Rayleigh distribution: evaluating the Al-Bayyati loss function, Revstat Statistical Journal, Volume (14), No (4), Year (2016-10), Pages (433-454)
- Mohammad Arashi , Saralees Nadarajah , Fikri Akdeniz , The distribution of the Liu-type estimator of the biasing parameter in elliptically contoured models, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (46), No (8), Year (2017-4), Pages (3829-3837)
- Mohammad Arashi , B. M. Golam Kibria , T. Valizadeh , On ridge parameter estimators under stochastic subspace hypothesis, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume (87), No (5), Year (2017-3), Pages (966-983)
- D. K. Nagar , Mohammad Arashi , S. Nadarajah , Bimatrix variate gamma-beta distributions, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (46), No (9), Year (2017-5), Pages (4464-4483)
- Andriette Bekker , Janetvan Niekerk , Mohammad Arashi , Wishart distributions: Advances in theory with Bayesian application, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Volume (155), Year (2017-3), Pages (272-283)
- Mahdi Roozbeh , Mohammad Arashi , Least-trimmed squares: asymptotic normality of robust estimator in semiparametric regression models, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume (87), No (6), Year (2017-4), Pages (1130-1147)
- Mohammad Arashi , Andriette Bekker , Janet van Niekerk , Weighted-type Wishart distributions with application, Revstat Statistical Journal, Volume (15), No (2), Year (2017-4), Pages (205-222)
- Mohammad Arashi , S. Nadarajah , Generalized elliptical distributions, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (46), No (13), Year (2017-7), Pages (6412-6432)
- Yasin Asar , MuratEri so glu , Mohammad Arashi , Developing a restricted two-parameter Liu-type estimator: A comparison of restricted estimators in the binary logistic regression model, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (46), No (14), Year (2017-7), Pages (6864-6873)
- M. Norouzirad , Mohammad Arashi , S.E.Ahmed , Improved robust ridge M-estimation, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume (87), No (18), Year (2017-12), Pages (3469-3490)
- reza fallah , Mohammad Arashi , Mohammad Mehdi Tabatabaey Mashhadi , On the ridge regression estimator with sub-space restriction, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (46), No (23), Year (2017-12), Pages (11854-11865)
- Janet van Niekerk , Andriette Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , A gamma-mixture class of distributions with Bayesian application, Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, Volume (46), No (10), Year (2017-11), Pages (8152-8165)
- Hashem Salarzadeh Jenatabadi , Sedigheh Moghavvemi , Che Wan Jasimah Bt Wan Mohamed Radzi , Parastoo Babashamsi , Mohammad Arashi , Testing students’ e-learning via Facebook through Bayesian structural equation modeling, PLOS One, Volume (12), No (9), Year (2017-9), Pages (e0182311-e0182311)
- mohammadhossein karbalaee , Mohammad Arashi , Mohammad Mehdi Tabatabaey Mashhadi , Performance analysis of the preliminary test estimator with series of stochastic restrictions, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (47), No (1), Year (2018-1), Pages (1-17)
- M. Norouzirad , S. Hossain , Mohammad Arashi , Shrinkage and penalized estimators in weighted least absolute deviations regression models, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Volume (88), No (8), Year (2018-5), Pages (1557-1575)
- reza fallah , Mohammad Arashi , Mohammad Mehdi Tabatabaey Mashhadi , Shrinkage Estimation in Restricted Elliptical Regression Model, Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, Volume (17), No (1), Year (2018-6), Pages (49-61)
- M. Norouzirad , Mohammad Arashi , Preliminary test and Stein-type shrinkage LASSO-based estimators, SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, No (42), Year (2018-1), Pages (45–58-58)
- Jibo Wu , Yasin Asar , Mohammad Arashi , On the restricted almost unbiased Liu estimator in the logistic regression model, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (47), No (18), Year (2018-9), Pages (4389-4401)
- Mohammad Arashi , Mina Norouzirad , S. Ejaz Ahmed , Bahadir Yuzba sl , Rank-based Liu regression, Computational Statistics, Volume (33), No (3), Year (2018-9), Pages (1525-1561)
- Mohammad Kazemi , Davood Shahsavani , Mohammad Arashi , Variable selection and structure identification for ultrahigh-dimensional partially linear additive models with application to cardiomyopathy microarray data, Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing, Volume (6), No (3), Year (2018-8)
- J. Kleyn , Mohammad Arashi , S. Millard , Preliminary test estimation in system regression models in view of asymmetry, Computational Statistics, Volume (33), No (4), Year (2018-12), Pages (1897-1921)
- M. Rahmani , Mohammad Arashi , N. Mamode Khan , Y. Sunecher , Improved mixed model for longitudinal data analysis using shrinkage method, Mathematical Sciences, Volume (12), No (4), Year (2018-12), Pages (305-312)
- Hamid Karamikabir , Mahmoud Afshari , Mohammad Arashi , Shrinkage estimation of non-negative mean vector with unknown covariance under balance loss, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Volume (2018), No (1), Year (2018-12)
- Mohammad Arashi , A. Bekker , J. van Niekerk , Weighted distributions of eigenvalues, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume (561), Year (2019-1), Pages (24-40)
- A. Safariyan , Mohammad Arashi , R. Arabi Belaghi , Improved point and interval estimation of the stress–strength reliability based on ranked set sampling, Statistics, Volume (53), No (1), Year (2019-1), Pages (101-125)
- M. Kazemi , D. Shahsavani , Mohammad Arashi , A sure independence screening procedure for ultra-high dimensional partially linear additive models, Journal of Applied Statistics, Volume (46), No (8), Year (2019-6), Pages (1385-1403)
- Yuvraj Sunecher , Naushad Mamode Khan , Ibrahim Koodoruth , Zeinab Jannoo , Smita Rampat , Vandna Jowaheer , Mohammad Arashi , Larceny trend in some areas of Mauritius via a bivariate INAR(1) model with dispersed COM-Poisson innovations, Communications in Statistics: Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications, Volume (4), No (2), Year (2018-4), Pages (69-81)
- B. Yuzba sl , Mohammad Arashi , Double shrunken selection operator, Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, Volume (48), No (3), Year (2019-3), Pages (666-674)
- A. Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , J.T.Ferreira , New bivariate gamma types with MIMO application, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Volume (48), No (3), Year (2019-2), Pages (596-615)
- Mohammad Arashi , Mahdi Roozbeh , Some improved estimation strategies in high-dimensional semiparametric regression models with application to riboflavin production data, Statistical Papers, Volume (60), No (3), Year (2019-6), Pages (667-686)
- - - , Mohammad Mehdi Tabatabaey Mashhadi , Mohammad Arashi , On the Preliminary Test Generalized Liu Estimator with Series of Stochastic Restrictions, Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, Volume (18), No (1), Year (2019-6), Pages (113-131)
- MOHAMMAD Reza Azad , ABOLGHASEM KamkarRouhani , BEHZAD Tokhmechi , Mohammad Arashi , EHSAN Baratnezhad , Simultaneous upscaling of two properties of reservoirs in one dimension using adaptive bandwidth in kernel function method, Petroleum Exploration and Development, Volume (46), No (4), Year (2019-8), Pages (746-752)
- Yuvraj Sunecher , Naushad Mamode Khan , Vandna Jowaheer , Marcelo Bourguignon , Mohammad Arashi , A Primer on a Flexible Bivariate Time Series Model for Analyzing First and Second Half Football Goal Scores: The Case of the Big 3 London Rivals in the EPL, Annals of Data Science, Volume (6), No (3), Year (2019-9), Pages (531-548)
- A. Safariyan , Mohammad Arashi , R. Arabi Belaghi , Improved estimators for stress-strength reliability using record ranked set sampling scheme, Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, Volume (48), No (9), Year (2019-10), Pages (2708-2726)
- Mohammad Reza Rabiei , Mohammad Arashi , Masoumeh Farrokhi , Fuzzy ridge regression with fuzzy input and output, Soft Computing, Volume (23), No (23), Year (2019-12), Pages (12189-12198)
- M. Norouzirad , Mohammad Arashi , Preliminary test and Stein-type shrinkage ridge estimators in robust regression, Statistical Papers, Volume (60), No (6), Year (2019-12), Pages (1849-1882)
- Janet van Niekerk , Andriette Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , Beta regression in the presence of outliers – A wieldy Bayesian solution, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, Volume (28), No (12), Year (2019-12), Pages (3729-3740)
- Andriette Bekker , Priyanka Nagar , Mohammad Arashi , Hannes Rautenbach , From Symmetry to Asymmetry on the Disc Manifold: Modeling of Marion Island Data, Symmetry, Volume (11), No (8), Year (2019-8), Pages (1030-1030)
- Marzieh Mahmoudi , Mohammad Arashi , Ahmad Nezakati , Shrinkage Estimators of the Probability Density Function Under Association, Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, Volume (18), No (2), Year (2019-12), Pages (173-197)
- M. Kazemi , D. Shahsavani , Mohammad Arashi , P. C. Rodrigues , Estimation in partial linear model with spline modal function, Communications in Statistics Part B: Simulation and Computation, Volume (50), No (11), Year (2019-6), Pages (3256-3272)
- M. Taavoni , Mohammad Arashi , Kernel estimation in semiparametric mixed effect longitudinal modeling, Statistical Papers, Volume (62), No (3), Year (2019-7), Pages (1095-1116)
- Mohammad Arashi , S. Nadarajah , A paradoxical argument about domination, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume (370), No (1), Year (2020-5), Pages (112664-112664)
- M. Mozafari , M. Arab Chamangangali , Mohammad Arashi , Combination of least absolute shrinkage and selection operator with Bayesian Regularization artificial neural network (LASSO-BR-ANN) for QSAR studies using functional group and molecular docking mixed descriptors, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Volume (200), Year (2020-5), Pages (103998-103998)
- M. Naderi , A. Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , A. Jamalizadeh , A theoretical framework for Landsat data modeling based on the matrix variate mean-mixture of normal model, PLOS One, Volume (15), No (4), Year (2020-4), Pages (e0230773-e0230773)
- B. Yuzbasi , Mohammad Arashi , S.E. Ahmed , Shrinkage Estimation Strategies in Generalised Ridge Regression Models: Low/High‐Dimension Regime, International Statistical Review, Volume (88), No (1), Year (2020-4), Pages (229-251)
- Mohammad Arashi , P. Nagar , A. Bekker , Joint Probabilistic Modeling of Wind Speed and Wind Direction for Wind Energy Analysis: A Case Study in Humansdorp and Noupoort, Sustainability, Volume (12), No (11), Year (2020-5), Pages (4371-4371)
- M. Roozbeh , Mohammad Arashi , N.A. Hamzah , Generalized Cross-Validation for Simultaneous Optimization of Tuning Parameters in Ridge Regression, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transaction A: Science, Volume (44), No (2), Year (2020-4), Pages (473-485)
- Mohammad Arashi , S. Nadarajah , D.K. Nagar , A note on linearly constrained Bayes estimator in elliptical models, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume (382), No (1), Year (2021-1), Pages (113088-113088)
- Johan Ferreira , Andriette Bekker , Mohammad Arashi , Advances in Wishart-type modelling of channel capacity, Revstat Statistical Journal, Volume (18), No (3), Year (2020-7), Pages (237-255)
- M. Mahmoudi , A Nezakati , Mohammad Arashi , M R Mahmoudi , Density derivative estimation for stationary and strongly mixing data, Alexadria Engineering Journal, Volume (59), No (4), Year (2020-8), Pages (2323-2330)
- Mohammad Arashi , Mohammad Mehdi Tabatabaey Mashhadi , A note on classical Stein-type estimators in elliptically contoured models, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Volume (140), No (1), Year (2010-1), Pages (1206-1213)
- Mahdi Emadi , Mohammad Arashi , Evidential inference based on record data and inter-record times, Statistical Papers, Volume (49), No (2), Year (2008-1), Pages (291-301)
مقالات ارایه شده در کنفرانس
- فاطمه محمدی , محمد آرشی , آرزو حبیبی راد , مدل بندی زمان حوادث ترافیکی با استفاده از تحلیل بقای عمیق , سومین سمینار تخصصی علم داده ها و کاربردهای آن , 2024-12-11
- ترنم ترابی نعمان , مهدی عمادی , محمد آرشی , یادگیری تابع درستنمایی پواسن با استفاده از شبکه های عصبی عمیق , سومین سمینار تخصصی علم دادهها و کاربردهای آن , 2024-12-11
- Mohammad Arashi , Sparse Bayesian DAG Learning , 1st International Conference on Role of Mathematics and Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development: Bridging Industry and Academia , 2024-04-26
- Mohammad Arashi , Classification in High-Dimension , 16th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2023) , 2023-12-16