مقالات ارائه شده در مجلات


  1. Neda Khorasani , Faeze Ramezani , Hoda Taheri , neda mohammadi , Parisa Khoshdel , Bahareh Taghavi , Saeid Abrishami , Abbas Rasoolzadegan , Cloud Broker: A Systematic Mapping Study, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume (17), No (5), Year (2024-9), Pages (2989-3005)
  2. sahar pilevarmoakhar , Saeid Abrishami , An efficient mechanism for function scheduling and placement in function as a service edge environment, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume (226), No (1), Year (2024-6), Pages (103890-103902)
  3. Samaneh Mahdizadeh , Saeid Abrishami , An assignment mechanism for workflow scheduling in Function as a Service edge environment, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume (157), Year (2024-8), Pages (543-557)
  4. پیمان شبیری , Mehdi Akbarian Rastaghi , Saeid Abrishami , Behnam Shobiri , PCP–ACO: a hybrid deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithm for cloud environment, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume (80), No (6), Year (2023-11), Pages (7750-7780)
  5. Hoda Taheri , Saeid Abrishami , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , A Cloud Broker for Executing Deadline-Constrained Periodic Scientific Workflows, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume (16), No (5), Year (2023-9), Pages (3089-3100)
  6. Bahareh Taghavi , Behrooz Zolfaghari , Saeid Abrishami , A Cost-Efficient Workflow as a Service Broker Using On-demand and Spot Instances, Journal of Grid Computing, Volume (21), No (3), Year (2023-7)
  7. jalal sakhdari , Behrooz Zolfaghari , ُShaghayegh Izadpanah , Samaneh Mahdizadeh , Mahla Rahati Ghouchani , mahsa shadi , Saeid Abrishami , Abbas Rasoolzadegan , Edge computing: A systematic mapping study, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume (35), No (22), Year (2023-5)
  8. Faeze Ramezani , Saeid Abrishami , Mehdi Feizi , A Market-based Framework for Resource Management in Cloud Federation, Journal of Grid Computing, Volume (21), No (1), Year (2022-12)
  9. malihe hariri , Mostafa Nouri Baygi , Saeid Abrishami , A hybrid algorithm for scheduling scientific workflows in IaaS cloud with deadline constraint, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume (78), No (15), Year (2022-10), Pages (16975-16996)
  10. Behrooz Zolfaghari , Saeid Abrishami , A multi-class workflow ensemble management system using on-demand and spot instances in cloud, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume (137), No (1), Year (2022-12), Pages (97-110)
  11. ghazaleh khojasteh , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Saeid Abrishami , Hoda Taheri , Hamidreza Abrishami , EDQWS: an enhanced divide and conquer algorithm for workflow scheduling in cloud, Journal of Cloud Computing, Volume (11), No (1), Year (2022-5)
  12. Nafise Soezy , Saeid Abrishami , Majid Lotfian , Scheduling Data-Driven Workflows in Multi-Cloud Environment, Journal of Computer and Knowledge Engineering, Volume (1), No (1), Year (2018-1), Pages (33-42)
  13. Alifreza Salehan , Hossein Deldari , Saeid Abrishami , Performance Evaluation of Two New Lightweight Real-Time Scheduling Mechanisms for Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing Environments, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume (44), No (4), Year (2019-4), Pages (3083-3099)
  14. Hossein Deldari , Saeid Abrishami , An online context-aware mechanism for computation offloading in ubiquitous and mobile cloud environments, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume (75), No (7), Year (2019-7), Pages (3769-3809)
  15. mahsa shadi , Saeid Abrishami , Amirhossein Mohajerzadeh , Behrooz Zolfaghari , Ready-time partitioning algorithm for computation offloading of workflow applications in mobile cloud computing, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume (77), No (6), Year (2021-6), Pages (6408-6434)
  16. Neda Khorasani , Saeid Abrishami , Mehdi Feizi , مهدی ابوالفضلی اصفهانی , Faeze Ramezani , Resource management in the federated cloud environment using Cournot and Bertrand competitions, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume (113), Year (2020-12), Pages (391-406)
  17. Alireza Salehan , Hossein Deldari , Saeid Abrishami , Characteristics and Categorization of Services in CLOUBI: A CLOud-based UBIquitous Architecture, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, Volume (10), No (2), Year (2018-3), Pages (195-219)
  18. ََAzin Moradbeikei , Saeid Abrishami , Creating Time-Limited Attributes for TimeLimited Services in Cloud Computing, International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, Volume (10), No (4), Year (2016-10), Pages (44-57)
  19. Alireza Salehan , Hossein Deldari , Saeid Abrishami , An online valuation-based sealed winner-bid auction game for resource allocation and pricing in clouds, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume (73), No (11), Year (2017-11), Pages (4868-4905)
  20. Peyman Neamatollahi , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Saeid Abrishami , Mohammad Hossein Yaghmaee Moghaddam , Distributed Clustering-Task Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Dynamic Hyper Round Policy, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume (17), No (2), Year (2018-2), Pages (334-347)
  21. Peyman Neamatollahi , Saeid Abrishami , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Mohammad Hossein Yaghmaee Moghaddam , O.Younes , Hierarchical Clustering-Task Scheduling Policy in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Volume (14), No (5), Year (2018-5), Pages (1876-1886)
  22. Peyman Neamatollahi , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Saeid Abrishami , Fuzzy-Based Clustering-Task Scheduling for Lifetime Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume (17), No (20), Year (2017-10), Pages (6837-6844)
  23. sayyed ali nadjar , Saeid Abrishami , Hossein Deldari , Load dispersion-aware VM placement in favor of energy-performance tradeoff, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume (73), No (4), Year (2017-4), Pages (1547-1566)
  24. Arash Deldari , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Saeid Abrishami , CCA: a deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithm for multicore resources on the cloud, Journal of Supercomputing, Volume (73), No (2), Year (2017-2), Pages (756-781)
  25. Arash Deldari , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Saeid Abrishami , Amin Rezaeian , A Clustering Approach to Scientific Workflow Scheduling on the Cloud with Deadline and Cost Constraints, International Journal of Modeling, Identification, Simulation and Control, Volume (46), No (1), Year (2014-6), Pages (19-29)
  26. Fattane Zarrinkalam , Saeid Abrishami , Mohsen Kahani , A Review of the Distributed Methods for Large-Scale Social Network Analysis, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, Volume (6), No (3), Year (2014-9), Pages (53-61)
  27. Saeid Abrishami , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Deadline-constrained workflow scheduling in software as a service Cloud, Scientia Iranica, Volume (19), No (3), Year (2012-6), Pages (680-689)
  28. Saeid Abrishami , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Dick H.J. Epema , Deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithms for Infrastructure as a Service Clouds, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume (29), No (1), Year (2013-1), Pages (158-169)
  29. Saeid Abrishami , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Dick H.J. Epema , Cost-Driven Scheduling of Grid Workflows Using Partial Critical Paths, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume (23), No (8), Year (2012-8), Pages (1400-1414)

مقالات ارایه شده در کنفرانس


  1. Negin Shafinezhad , Hamid Reza Abrishami , Saeid Abrishami , A Cloud Broker with Gap Analysis Perspective for Scheduling Multi-Workflows Across On-Demand and Reserved Resources , 14th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE 2024) , 2024-11-19
  2. Zahra Rezaei , Saeid Abrishami , Seid Nima Moeintaghavi , FaaScaler: An Automatic Vertical and Horizontal Scaler for Serverless Computing Environments , 14th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE 2024) , 2024-11-19
  3. Negin Shafinezhad , Hamid Reza Abrishami , Saeid Abrishami , An Adaptive Budget and Deadline-aware Algorithm for Scheduling Workflows Ensemble in IaaS Clouds , 13th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE 2023) , 2023-11-01
  4. Ahmad Arab , Saeid Abrishami , MDMP: A new algorithm to create inverted index files in BigData, using MapReduce , Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE), 2017 7th International Conference on , 2017-10-26
  5. Amin Rezaeian , Hamid Reza Abrishami , Saeid Abrishami , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , A Budget Constrained Scheduling Algorithm for Hybrid Cloud Computing Systems Under Data Privacy , 2016 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E , 2016-04-04
  6. sayyed ali nadjar , Saeid Abrishami , Hossein Deldari , Hierarchical VM Scheduling to Improve Energy and Performance Efficiency in IaaS Cloud Data Centers , Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE), 2015 5th International Conference on , 2015-10-29
  7. Nafise Soezy , Saeid Abrishami , Majid Lotfian , Scheduling Data-Driven Workflows in Multi-cloud Environment , 2015 IEEE 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom , 2015-11-30
  8. Peyman Neamatollahi , Hoda Taheri , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Saeid Abrishami , A Distributed Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks , 6th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2014 , 2014-05-27
  9. Peyman Neamatollahi , Hoda Taheri , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Saeid Abrishami , A Distributed Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks , 6th Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2014 , 2014-05-27
  10. Saeid Abrishami , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Budget Constrained Scheduling of Grid Workflows Using Partial Critical Paths , (World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP’11 , 2011-07-18
  11. Saeid Abrishami , Mahmoud Naghibzadeh , Dick Epema , Cost-driven Scheduling of Grid Workflows Using Partial Critical Paths , The 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid2010 , 2010-10-25