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نمایش نتایج جستجو برای

کلمات کلیدی: Aging

موارد یافت شده: 222

1 - A four in one nanoplatform: Theranostic bismuth-containing nanoMOFs for chemo-photodynamic- radiation therapy and CT scan imaging (چکیده)
2 - کاربرد آپتامرها در تشخیص، دارورسانی و تصویربرداری (چکیده)
3 - Analysis of the impact of social media on the buying behavior of Generation Z consumers: a case study of Iran\\\'s clothing market (چکیده)
4 - Development of antibacterial packaging films via sonication based on polyethylene/ZnO nanoparticles (چکیده)
5 - Optical Techniques for Fungal Disease Detection in Citrus Fruit: A Review (چکیده)
6 - Contextual Interference Effects on Approach Motivation When Learning Timing Tasks: A Frontal Electroencephalography (EEG) Alpha Asymmetry Study in Older Adults (چکیده)
7 - Conformational Folding Activates Photoinduced Electron Transfer (چکیده)
8 - Optimization of antimicrobial nanocomposite films based on carboxymethyl cellulose incorporating chitosan nanofibers and Guggul gum polysaccharide (چکیده)
9 - Electrospun PEO/WPI Nanofibers with Vanillin for Food Applications (چکیده)
10 - Indocyanine green-loaded N-doped carbon quantum dot nanoparticles for effective photodynamic therapy and cell imaging of melanoma cancer: in vitro , ex vivo and in vivo study (چکیده)
11 - Biogenesis of bacterial cellulose/xanthan/CeO2NPs composite films for active food packaging (چکیده)
12 - Effects of Online Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Over the Parietal Cortex and Supplementary Motor Area on Bimanual Coordination in Elderly Women (چکیده)
13 - High Quality Brain Image Reconstruction Based on DBIM and U-Net (چکیده)
14 - A Modified Microwave Imaging Method for Brain Stroke Detection (چکیده)
15 - Impact of Core Strengthening Exercise Program on Balance, Functional Ability, Physical Activity Levels, Fear of Falling, and Risk of Falls in Healthy Older Women: Study Protocol for a Randomized Control Trial (چکیده)
16 - Bio-nanocomposite active packaging films based on carboxymethyl cellulose, myrrh gum, TiO2 nanoparticles and dill essential oil for preserving fresh-fish (Cyprinus carpio) meat quality (چکیده)
17 - Application of bacteriophage MS2 in preliminary simulation of inactivation rate of pathogenic viruses in commercial beef and chicken packaging (چکیده)
18 - Effect of dual-task training on motor-cognitive interference among older women: implication for postural control during sit to stand in different visual conditions (چکیده)
19 - Integrated Fast UWB Time-Domain Microwave Breast Screening (چکیده)
20 - Whey Protein Concentrate Coating Incorporated with Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Extending Tangerines Shelf-Life: Physicochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Evaluation Through Refrigerated Storage (چکیده)
21 - Adaptive three-phase support vector data description (چکیده)
22 - اختلال شخصیت مرزی از منظر تصویربرداری مغزی: یک مطالعه مرور توصیفی از نقش بدکارکردیهای ساختاری فرونتو ـ لیمبیک (چکیده)
23 - Effect of Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Packaging on the Quality Characteristics and Shelf Life of ‘California’ Plum (چکیده)
24 - Isolation and Culture of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells from the Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus of Young Adult and Aged Rats (چکیده)
25 - Effect of pre-rolling aging treatment on evolutions of the microstructure and the texture of aluminium alloy 7005 subjected to heavy cold rolling (چکیده)
26 - Fabrication and characterization of PVA/WPI nanofibers containing probiotics using electrospinning technique (چکیده)
27 - Effect of storage conditions on physicochemical, barrier, mechanical and structural characteristics of Eremurus luteus root gum edible film (چکیده)
28 - Effects of coating formulation on structural changes of turkey nugget during frying: MRI evaluation (چکیده)
29 - Introduction of calcium lignosulfonate to delay aging in bituminous mixtures (چکیده)
30 - A Quantitative Microwave Imaging Approach for Brain Stroke Classification Based on the Generalized Tikhonov Regularization (چکیده)
31 - Fabrication of green colorimetric smart packaging based on basil seed gum/chitosan/red cabbage anthocyanin for real‐time monitoring of fish freshness (چکیده)
32 - Interactions of soil quality, ages of alluvial fans, and mechanisms controlling total soil organic carbon dynamics (چکیده)
33 - Identification of Sunn-pest affected (Eurygaster Integriceps put.) wheat plants and their distribution in wheat fields using aerial imaging (چکیده)
34 - Evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant effect of gelatin-chitosan bilayer edible coating containing nanoemulsion of Perovskia abrotanoides Kar. essential oil on growth control of Aeromonas hydrophila inoculated into rainbow trout fillet (چکیده)
35 - N doped-carbon quantum dots with ultra-high quantum yield photoluminescent property conjugated with folic acid for targeted drug delivery and bioimaging applications (چکیده)
36 - Comment on “Nonlinear refraction measurements of materials using the moiré deflectometry” (چکیده)
37 - High‐contrast optical microscopy of graphene sheets (چکیده)
38 - Dual targeting of Mg/N doped-carbon quantum dots with folic and hyaluronic acid for targeted drug delivery and cell imaging (چکیده)
39 - Photosensing of chain polarity and visualization of latent fingerprints by amine-functionalized polymer nanoparticles containing oxazolidine (چکیده)
40 - Fabrication and characterization of gallic-acid/nisin loaded electrospun core/shell chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofiberous membranes with free radical scavenging capacity and antimicrobial activity for food packing applications (چکیده)
41 - Modified atmosphere packaging with chitosan coating to prevent deterioration of fresh in-hull Badami’s pistachio fruit (چکیده)
42 - Novel antimicrobial/antioxidant Eremurus luteus root gum coating containing rosemary essential oil nanoemulsions for extension of chicken meat shelf life (چکیده)
43 - Surface guided radiotherapy in Deep Inspiration Breath Hold for toxicity management in left-sided breast cancer irradiation: implementation and first clinical experience in Iran (چکیده)
44 - Titanium dioxide nanoparticles as multifunctional surface-active materials for smart/active nanocomposite packaging films (چکیده)
45 - Surface guided 3DCRT in deep-inspiration breath-hold for left sided breast cancer radiotherapy: implementation and first clinical experience in Iran (چکیده)
46 - Effects of glycerol and sorbitol on a novel biodegradable edible film based on Malva sylvestris flower gum (چکیده)
47 - Quantitative kinetic analysis of γ′ precipitate evolution in a Co–Al–W superalloy during aging heat treatment (چکیده)
48 - Manufacturing of high strength thin-walled aluminum 6063 tubes through severe plastic deformation combined with peak-aging treatment (چکیده)
49 - Experimental and statistical exploring for mixed-mode (I&II) fracture behavior of cement emulsified asphalt mortar under freeze–thaw cycles and aging condition (چکیده)
50 - Poly (lactic acid) and whey protein/pullulan composite bilayer film containing phage A511 as an anti-Listerial packaging for chicken breast at refrigerated temperatures (چکیده)
51 - Multi‑objective Optimization of PVA/TiO 2/MMT Mixed Matrix Membrane for Food Packaging (چکیده)
52 - A novel multiscale parallel finite element method for the study of the hygrothermal aging effect on the composite materials (چکیده)
53 - Synthesis of a targeted, dual pH and redox-responsive nanoscale coordination polymer theranostic against metastatic breast cancer in vitro and in vivo (چکیده)
54 - Current status and future prospects of nanoscale metal-organic frameworks in bioimaging (چکیده)
55 - Optimization of Antibacterial, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Novel Chitosan/Olibanum Gum Film for Food Packaging Application (چکیده)
57 - Biodegradable Nanocomposite Film Based on Carboxymethyl Cellulose/Persian Gum Containing TiO2 and Fennel Essential Oil: Investigation of Chemical, Antimicrobial, and Sensory Properties on Rainbow Trout Fillet (چکیده)
58 - Optimization of a biodegradable packaging film based on carboxymethyl cellulose and Persian gum containing titanium dioxide nanoparticles and Foeniculum vulgare essential oil using response surface methodology (چکیده)
59 - A fluorescence imaging-supported aptasensor for sensitive monitoring of cadmium pollutant in diverse samples: A critical role of metal organic frameworks (چکیده)
60 - Effects of Soy Milk in Conjunction With Resistance Training on Physical Performance and Skeletal Muscle Regulatory Markers in Older Men (چکیده)
61 - Characterization of antioxidant active biopolymer bilayer film based on gelatin-frankincense incorporated with ascorbic acid and Hyssopus officinalis essential oil (چکیده)
62 - What's in a Color? A neuropsycholinguistic study on the effect of colors on EEG brainwaves, immediate emotional responses, and English language vocabulary retention among Iranian young adults (چکیده)
63 - Fabrication and characterization of biodegradable active films with modified morphology based on polycaprolactone-polylactic acid-green tea extract (چکیده)
64 - Aging effect on the mixed-mode (I/III) fracture toughness of cement emulsified asphalt composite: Experimental and statistical investigation (چکیده)
65 - Effects of tillage systems on soil organic carbon and some soil physical properties (چکیده)
66 - Impacts of physical activity and exercise on physical and mental health in older adults during covid-19 pandemic: a review of literatur (چکیده)
67 - The Assessment of Some Metabolic Markers by Combination of Ursolic Acid Supplementation and Resistance Training in Young Older Obese Women (چکیده)
68 - The pros and cons of using calcium lignosulfonate as a recycled anti-aging additive on engineering properties of bituminous mastics (چکیده)
69 - Implementing High Definition Combined EEG-fNIRS System (چکیده)
70 - Identify important factors in the design of sports product packaging from the perspective of experts (چکیده)
71 - Identify important factors in the design of sports product packaging from the perspective of experts (چکیده)
72 - Development of Antibacterial Biocomposites Based on Poly(lactic acid) with Spice Essential Oil (Pimpinella anisum) for Food Applications (چکیده)
73 - Brain Tumor Segmentation using Graph Coloring Approach in Magnetic Resonance Images (چکیده)
74 - Effect of packaging material and oxygen concentration on quality of Ghavoot during the storage (چکیده)
75 - Enhancing image quality of single-frequency microwave imaging with a multistatic full-view array based on sidelobe reduction (چکیده)
76 - Near-Field Radar-Based Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection: A Study on Resolution and Image Quality (چکیده)
77 - Detection of foreign materials in cocoa beans by hyperspectral imaging technology (چکیده)
78 - Non-linear Frequency Response and Stability Analysis of Piezoelectric Nanoresonator Subjected to Electrostatic Excitation (چکیده)
79 - Nonlinear dynamic response and frequency analysis of the FG-PCNS with surface energy effects (چکیده)
80 - Pull-in instability and nonlinear vibration analysis of electrostatically piezoelectric nanoresonator with surface/interface effects (چکیده)
81 - Nonlinear dynamics and stability analysis of piezo-visco medium nanoshell resonator with electrostatic and harmonic actuation (چکیده)
82 - The effects of nonlocal and surface/interface parameters on nonlinear vibrations of piezoelectric nanoresonator (چکیده)
83 - Nonlinear vibration and stability analysis of double-walled piezoelectric nanoresonator with nonlinear van der Waals and electrostatic excitation (چکیده)
84 - Fetal dosimetry for 18F-FDG PET Imaging during pregnancy: a comparative Monte Carlo study (چکیده)
85 - Effect of sodium alginate coating containing clove ( Syzygium Aromaticum ) and lemon verbena ( Aloysia Citriodora ) essential oils and different packaging treatments on shelf life extension of refrigerated chicken breast (چکیده)
86 - The combined impact of calcium lactate with cysteine pretreatment and perforation‐mediated modified atmosphere packaging on quality preservation of fresh‐cut ‘Romaine’ lettuce (چکیده)
87 - Microwave Breast Screening Prototype: System Miniaturization With IC Pulse Radio (چکیده)
88 - Effects of resistance training on muscle strength, insulin-like growth factor-1, and insulin-like growth factor–binding protein-3 in healthy elderly subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (چکیده)
89 - The kinetics of colour degradation, chlorophylls and xanthophylls loss in pistachio nuts during roasting process (چکیده)
90 - Evaluation of the association between exosomal levels and female reproductive system and fertility outcome during aging: a systematic review protocol (چکیده)
91 - Achieving extraordinary combination of strength and elongation of AZ80-0.5Ca alloy (چکیده)
92 - Barrier Properties of PVA/TiO2/MMT Mixed-Matrix Membranes for Food Packaging (چکیده)
93 - Comparison of the Effect of Eight Weeks of Water-Based Versus Land-Based Cycling on Serum Levels of Testosterone and IGF-1 in Elderly Men (چکیده)
94 - Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Barrier and Mechanical Properties of PVA Films (چکیده)
95 - Simulation of a Natural Gas-to-Liquid Process with a Multitubular Fischer–Tropsch Reactor and Variable Chain Growth Factor for Product Distribution (چکیده)
96 - The Effect of Seed Aging on the Seedling Growth as Affected by Environmental Factors in Wheat (چکیده)
97 - The antioxidant activity and total phenol content of seeds from four species of Apiaceae family under different storage conditions (چکیده)
98 - Infographic: Trunk exercise training improves muscle size, strength, and function in older adults: A randomized controlled trial (چکیده)
99 - Associations between trunk muscle morphology, strength and function in older adults (چکیده)
100 - Trunk exercise training improves muscle size, strength, and function in older adults: A randomized controlled trial (چکیده)
101 - Incorporation of nanoencapsulated garlic essential oil into edible films: A novel approach for extending shelf life of vacuum-packed sausages (چکیده)
102 - Germination and gene expression as affected by aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid in deteriorated soybean seed (چکیده)
103 - Antimicrobial evaluation of novel poly-lactic acid based nanocomposites incorporated with bioactive compounds in-vitro and in refrigerated vacuum-packed cooked sausages (چکیده)
104 - Hand Prosthesis: Finger Localization Based on Forearm Ultrasound Imaging (چکیده)
105 - Nininvasive vein finder with ability of concomitant wireless connection to multiple cell phones (چکیده)
106 - Sensitivity to sweetness correlates to elevated reward brain responses to sweet and high-fat food odors in young healthy volunteers (چکیده)
107 - Salicylic acid priming before and after accelerated aging process increases seedling vigor in aged soybean seed (چکیده)
108 - Discerning expiration status of edible vegetable oils based on color changes during oxidation process: Using digital image and linear discriminant analysis in both primary and secondary oxidations (چکیده)
109 - Deep neural network with generative adversarial networks pre-training for brain tumor classification based on MR images (چکیده)
110 - Best Precision–Recall Confidence Threshold and F-Measure to Determine Quality of Camel Meat by Support Vector Regression Based Electronic Nose (چکیده)
111 - Probing the interactions between hardness and sensory of pistachio nuts during storage using principal component analysis (چکیده)
112 - Virtual Aging and Langerian Psychology of Possibility (Revisiting the Medical Disempowering Models of Aging) (چکیده)
113 - Study the Physicochemical and Sensory Attributes of Seedless Barberries Treated by Edible Coating and Packaging of During Storage (چکیده)
114 - Controlled release of nisin from polyvinyl alcohol - Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum composite films: Nisin kinetics (چکیده)
115 - Size‑Dependent Pull‑In Instability Analysis of Electrically Actuated Packaged FG Micro‑Cantilevers under the Effect of Mechanical Shock (چکیده)
116 - Development of shelf life kinetic model for fresh rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets stored under modified atmosphere packaging (چکیده)
117 - The relationships between fatty acids and heterotrophic seedling growth in winter canola cultivars during accelerated seed aging process (چکیده)
118 - Prey preference and prey switching in Anthocoris minki Dohrn (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) (چکیده)
119 - Skin Artifact Removal Algorithms for Radar-based Microwave Breast Cancer Detection (چکیده)
120 - Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) and Storage Temperature on Colour, Flavour, and Aroma of Saffron (چکیده)
121 - Different Neural Processing of Umami and Salty Taste Determined by Umami Identification Ability Independent of Repeated Umami Exposure (چکیده)
122 - A brief review on NIOC exploration directorate geophysical Mega project: research and development on subsurface imaging improvement (چکیده)
123 - Self-Optimizing Control Structure Design for a Staged Fischer-Tropsch GTL Process – Steady State Analysis (چکیده)
124 - FoCA: A new framework of coupled geometric active contours for segmentation of 3D cardiac magnetic resonance images (چکیده)
125 - Analysis and design of coded apertures for defocus deblurring based on imaging system properties and optical features (چکیده)
126 - Detection and classification of citrus green mold caused by Penicillium digitatum using multispectral imaging (چکیده)
127 - Application of Vis/SNIR hyperspectral imaging in ripeness classification of pear (چکیده)
128 - Hyperspectral imaging as an effective tool for prediction the moisture content and textural characteristics of roasted pistachio kernels (چکیده)
129 - Multi-objective optimization of a gas-to-liquids (GTL) process with staged Fischer-Tropsch reactor (چکیده)
130 - Effects of Compatibilizer and Thermoplastic Starch (TPS) Concentration on Morphological, Rheological, Tensile, Thermal and Moisture Sorption Properties of Plasticized Polylactic Acid/TPS Blends (چکیده)
131 - Investigation of the effect of thermal aging on rapid gas decompression (RGD) resistance of nitrile rubber (چکیده)
132 - Nanotechnology in food packaging and its health safety aspects (چکیده)
133 - Relationship between the weighted distributions and some inequality measures (چکیده)
134 - Quantitative assessment of wound healing using high‐frequency ultrasound image analysis (چکیده)
135 - Effect of Neurofeedback Interactions and Mental Imagery on the Elderly’s Balance (چکیده)
136 - The Connection between Inequality Measures and Reliability Aspects (چکیده)
137 - Characterization of distributions through Cauchy-Schwarz (چکیده)
138 - A New Algorithm for Multimodal Medical Image Fusion Based on the Surfacelet Transform (چکیده)
139 - A Novel Scheme for Segmentation of T1-Weighted Brain Magnetic Resonance Images (چکیده)
140 - A New Automated Method for Segmentation of Brain Magnetic Resonance Images (چکیده)
141 - A New Compressed Sensing Algorithm based on Wavelet Denoising for Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (چکیده)
142 - Determining quality and maturity of pomegranates using multispectral imaging (چکیده)
143 - Mixture representation for the residual lifetime of a repairable system (چکیده)
144 - Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) on the Moisture and Sensory Property of Saffron (چکیده)
145 - Effect of meat aging on survival of MS2 bacteriophage as a surrogate of enteric viruses on lamb meat (چکیده)
146 - Comparison of Drying Characteristics and Quality of Peppermint Leaves Using Different Drying Methods (چکیده)
147 - Investigation of a metamaterial slab lens and an imaging system based on an ellipsoidal cavity (چکیده)
148 - Application of Risk-BasedMultipleCriteria Decision Analysis for Selection of the Best AgriculturalScenario forEffective Watershed Management (چکیده)
149 - Investigating Gray-Matter Volume Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder (چکیده)
150 - A Novel Automated Method for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease by Using T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images (چکیده)
151 - Modeling the Factors Affecting Customer trust in Meat Packaging (چکیده)
152 - Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of swaged Tungsten alloy -- بررسی مشخصات ریزساختاری و خواص مکانیکی آلیاژ تنگستن سویج شده (چکیده)
153 - Packaging methods and storage duration affect essential oil content and composition of lemon verbena (Lippia citriodora Kunth.) (چکیده)
154 - Effect of resistant starch and aging conditions (چکیده)
155 - Optimal Design of a Gas‐to‐Liquids Process with a Staged Fischer‐Tropsch Reactor (چکیده)
156 - Development of a multispectral imaging system for online quality assessment of pomegranate fruit (چکیده)
157 - 3D imaging of elemental concentration associated with malignant tumor in breast cancer using Neutron Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography: a Monte Carlo simulation study (چکیده)
158 - Some bivariate distributions:Construction and Properties (چکیده)
159 - Mitochondrial Adaptations in Aged Skeletal Muscle: Effect of Exercise Training (چکیده)
160 - Quality Assessment Based Coded Apertures for Defocus Deblurring (چکیده)
161 - Residual Probability Function, Associated Orderings, and Related Aging Classes (چکیده)
162 - Monitoring native plants in large scale regions using VIS-NIR, hyperspectral and thermal imaging (چکیده)
163 - Effects of salicylic acid and ethylene on germination improvement of deteriorated seed of Glycine max (L.) (چکیده)
164 - Exercise training increases anabolic and attenuates catabolic and apoptotic processes in aged skeletal muscle of male rats (چکیده)
165 - Development of new active packaging film made from a soluble soybean polysaccharide incorporating ZnO nanoparticles (چکیده)
166 - New Optimization Approach for Source Encoding Full-waveform Inversion (چکیده)
167 - Physically Based Model of the Yield Strength for an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Zn Alloy (چکیده)
168 - On preservation under univariate weighted distributions (چکیده)
169 - Computational Studies on the inhibition and aging of Candida Antarctica Lipase B by dimethyl methylphosphonate (چکیده)
170 - The influence of different plasticisers and fatty acids on functional properties of basil seed gum edible film (چکیده)
171 - On the natural aging behavior of Aluminum 6061 alloy after severe plastic deformation (چکیده)
172 - Severe plastic deformation of 6061 aluminum alloy tube with pre and post heat treatments (چکیده)
173 - A combined portable multimodal imaging system for electric and hemodynamic activity of the brain (چکیده)
174 - On the residual lifetimes of repairable systems (چکیده)
176 - Consideration to the effects of gender on some quality characteristics of ostrich meat during aging (چکیده)
177 - The effect of gamma irradiation and vacuum packaging upon selected quality traits of refrigerated ostrich meat. Part 2. Colour, texture and lipid oxidation properties (چکیده)
178 - Effects of Quran sound on children and study of learning rate in normal laboratorial situations (چکیده)
179 - The effect of gamma irradiation and vacuum packaging upon selected quality traits of refrigerated ostrich meat. Part 1. Microbial assessment (چکیده)
180 - Thermal imaging of microwave power GaAs-FET with scanning thermal nanoprobe (چکیده)
181 - Using a neural networks algorithm for high-resolution imaging in pulsed laser radar (چکیده)
182 - Assessing Safety of Food Packaging Materials (چکیده)
183 - Neural Method for Two Dimensional (2D) High Contrast Imaging in Pulsed Laser Radar (چکیده)
184 - Application of neural networks for extraction of distance and reflectance in pulsed laser radar (چکیده)
185 - Thermomechanical stress analysis and measurement in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) (چکیده)
186 - Application of a Scanning Thermal Nano-Probe for Thermal Imaging of High Frequency Active devices (چکیده)
187 - Applications of hyperspectral imaging in grains and nuts quality and safety assessment; a review (چکیده)
188 - Some results for repairable systems with minimal repairs (چکیده)
189 - Controlled Forging of a Nb Containing Microalloyed Steel for Automotive Applications (چکیده)
190 - Review of interactions between e-commerce, brand and packaging on value added of saffron: A structural equation modeling approach (چکیده)
191 - On a class of distributions generated by stochastic mixture of the extreme order statistics of a sample of size two (چکیده)
192 - The Effects of Aging Treatment Parameters on Microstructure and Hardness of Aluminium Bronze Alloy (چکیده)
193 - A quaternionic approach to x-ray transform inversion in \sbb{R}^3 (چکیده)
194 - The R3 exponential x-ray transform inversion in quaternion analysis (چکیده)
195 - Inversion formula for the non-uniformly attenuated x-ray transform for emission imaging in R3 using quaternionic analysis (چکیده)
196 - Altered JS‐2 expression in colorectal cancers and its clinical pathological relevance (چکیده)
197 - Elasto-plastic deformation analysis of rotating disc beyond its limit speed (چکیده)
198 - Hyperspectral imaging combined with principal component analysis for surface damage detection on white mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus (چکیده)
199 - Identification of mushrooms subjected to freeze damage using hyperspectral imaging (چکیده)
200 - Prediction of white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) moisture content using hyperspectral imaging (چکیده)
201 - The potential of visible-near infrared hyperspectral imaging to discriminate between casing soil, enzymatic browning and undamaged tissue on mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) surfaces. (چکیده)
202 - Comparison of hyperspectral imaging with conventional digital imaging for quality evaluation of Agaricus bisporus mushrooms. (چکیده)
203 - Tunable leaky-mode MEMS filters for multispectral imaging applications (چکیده)
204 - Use of hyperspectral imaging for evaluation of the shelf-life of fresh white button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) stored in different packaging films (چکیده)
205 - Nonlinear free and forced vibration analysis of a single-walled carbon nanotube using shell model (چکیده)
206 - Participation in Reactive Power Market Considering Generator Aging (چکیده)
207 - Differentiating Heavy from Light Drinkers by Neural Responses to Visual Alcohol Cues and Other Motivational Stimuli (چکیده)
208 - EFL Learners as Visualizers in Reading and Recalling Literary Texts (چکیده)
209 - The Role of Visualization in EFL Learners Reading Comprehension and Recall of Short Stories (چکیده)
210 - Influence of Different Packaging Systems on Stability of Raw Dried Pistachio nuts at Various Conditions (چکیده)
211 - On the transfer of culture-specific terms in dubbing: A case study (چکیده)
212 - The effect of cation composition on the electrical properties and aging of Mn-Co-Ni thermistors (چکیده)
213 - Response of sour cherry cultivar Erdi jubileum fruits to modified atmosphere packaging after ethephon spraying (چکیده)
214 - Robust control methodologies for dc/dc PWM converters under wide changes in operating conditions (چکیده)
215 - Influence of Different Packaging Systems on Stability of Raw Dried Pistachio Nuts at Various Conditions (چکیده)
216 - Influence of Different Packaging Systems on Stability of Raw Dried Pistachio Nuts at Various Conditions (چکیده)
217 - Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Quality Properties and Storability Extending in Two Sour Cherry Cultivars (چکیده)
218 - Effects of parameters of sol–gel process on the phase evolution of sol–gel-derived hydroxyapatite (چکیده)
219 - optimization of soy - yogurt production according to iranian preference (چکیده)
220 - تفاوت یادگیری زبان اول و دوم از دیدگاه عصب شناسی زبان (چکیده)
221 - Organization of chromatin in the interphase mammalian cell (چکیده)
222 - The number of PML nuclear bodies increases in early S phase by a fission mechanism (چکیده)