مقالات ارائه شده در مجلات


  1. عذرا قندهاریون , Internationalization Strategic Planning: Guidelines, Challenges, and Best Practices for Iranian Universities, A Guidebook to Internationalizing Iranian Universities , دوره (1), شماره (2), سال (2024-6), صفحات (133-162)
  2. سعیده میرابی , علی یوسفی , عذرا قندهاریون , مروری نظام مند بر رویکردهای نظری سکشوالیته, علوم اجتماعی, سال (2022-4)
  3. عذرا قندهاریون , رویا عباس زاده , زهره تائبی نقندری , The Comparative Study of Joyce’s “The Dead” and Mosaffa’s Film Adaptation, The Last Step, نامه فرهنگستان, دوره (7), شماره (2), سال (2017-8), صفحات (117-129)
  4. سیده ژاله عباسی حسینی , عذرا قندهاریون , علیرضا انوشیروانی , هنر کمیک در آینة تصاویر دیداری و ذهنی: بازنمایی مرجان در پرسپولیس, جهانی رسانه, دوره (13), شماره (1), سال (2018-12), صفحات (207-227)
  5. مهدی ظریفیان , عذرا قندهاریون , بررسی برگردان سینمایی داستان اوسنه باباسبحان برمبنای نظریّةفزون‌متنیّت ژار ژنت, ادبیات پارسی معاصر, دوره (7), شماره (2), سال (2017-9), صفحات (51-81)
  6. عذرا قندهاریون , محبوبه رستمی , کلیشه سازی آرمان‌شهر در تبلیغات تلویزیونی ایران: بررسی آگهی‌های بازرگانی لوازم‌ خانگی, رسانه و فرهنگ, دوره (1), شماره (7), سال (2017-9), صفحات (67-87)
  7. عذرا قندهاریون , محبوبه رستمی , بازنماییِ کلیشه و ضدکلیشة زن: کاوشی در دنیای تبلیغات تلویزیون ایران با رویکرد تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی فرکلاف, راهبرد فرهنگ , دوره (2), شماره (38), سال (2017-9), صفحات (185-206)
  8. رویا عباس زاده , عذرا قندهاریون , زهره تائبی نقندری , بازآفرینی یک روایت در دو اثر: داستان «مردگان» اثر جویس در سینمای ایران, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (49), شماره (3), سال (2017-5), صفحات (105-121)
  9. عذرا قندهاریون , رویا عباس زاده , زهره تائبی نقندری , بررسی تطبیقی داستان «مردگان» اثر جویس با فیلم اقتباسی پله آخر ساخته مصفا, نامه فرهنگستان, دوره (7), شماره (2), سال (2017-8), صفحات (117-129)
  10. عذرا قندهاریون , مرتضی یزدانجو , مطالعه تطبیقی عوامل شهرت فیلم 12 سال بردگی در رسانه‌های ایران و آمریکا, جهانی رسانه, دوره (10), شماره (2), سال (2016-3), صفحات (191-204)
  11. عذرا قندهاریون , علی رضا انوشیروانی , ادبیات تطبیقی نو و اقتباس ادبی: نمایشنامه باغ وحش شیشه ای ویلیامز و فیلم اینجا بدون من توکلی, نامه فرهنگستان, سال (2014-1), صفحات (10-43)


  1. Azra Ghandeharion , Strategic Planning of Internationalization in the Legal Infrastructure of Iranian Universities: Aligning Faculty Promotion Regulations with Global Standards, A Guidebook to Internationalizing Iranian Universities , Volume (1), No (1), Year (2024-4), Pages (96-132)
  2. Azra Ghandeharion , MOHAMMADREZA YOUSSEFI SARRAF , Iranian Cinema in Postmodern Costume: How Ghanizadeh’s Maskhareh-baz/ A Hairy Tale (2019) Approaches Postmodern Art, Persian Literary Studies Journal, Volume (8), No (14), Year (2022-1), Pages (1-18)
  3. Fatemeh Khajavian , Azra Ghandeharion , Roland Hardenberg , Twinning Literature and Anthropology: A Proposed Theoretical Framework for Litero-Anthropological Research via Exemplary Person, Value Formation and the Good Life, Critical Literary Studies, Volume (7), No (2), Year (2023-5), Pages (1-27)
  4. Saeideh Mirabi , Ali Yousofi , Azra Ghandeharion , تحلیل گفتمان انتقادی نقش زنان در سیاست‌های توسعه ای بعد از انقلاب اسلامی ایران, مطالعات اجتماعی روان شناختی زنان, Volume (20), No (3), Year (2022-9), Pages (58-73)
  5. Saeideh Mirabi , Ali Yousofi , Azra Ghandeharion , مروری نظام مند بر رویکردهای نظری سکشوالیته, علوم اجتماعی, Year (2022-4)
  6. Kadhim Al Quraishi , Azra Ghandeharion , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , The Plight of Godlessness in Eastern and Western Literature: A Comparative Reading of Absurdity in Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Al-Hakim’s The Tree Climber, Religious Inquiries, Volume (11), No (2), Year (2023-1), Pages (251-267)
  7. Seyedeh Zhaleh Abbasi Hosseini , Azra Ghandeharion , Alireza Anushirvani , From Visual to Imagined Level of Images in Comics: Representation of Marjane in Persepolis, جهانی رسانه, Volume (13), No (11), Year (2018-12), Pages (207-227)
  8. sima zaferanchi , Azra Ghandeharion , Ali behdad , Postcolonial Cinematic Adaptation, Mimicry, or Indigenization? Miller’s Death of a Salesman in Farhadi’s Salesman, پژوهش ادبیات معاصر جهان - Research in Contemporary World Literature, Volume (26), No (2), Year (2022-3), Pages (454-485)
  9. sima zaferanchi , Azra Ghandeharion , Ali behdad , Stereotypes on Iranian Silver Screen: The Case of Farhadi’s The Salesman from a Neo-Orientalist Perspective, رسانه و فرهنگ, Volume (11), No (2), Year (2022-1), Pages (10-23)
  10. Mahdi Zarifian , Samira Bameshki , Azra Ghandeharion , Reading the Adaption of Baba Sobhan’s Tale through the Lens of Genette’s Intertextuality, ادبیات پارسی معاصر, Volume (7), No (2), Year (2017-9), Pages (51-81)
  11. Reihane Ghamkhar Yazdi , Azra Ghandeharion , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Voicing the Marginalized in Rowling’s Harry Potter Series: How Book Illustrations Echo Thematic Postcolonial Spatiality, Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie, Volume (31), No (2), Year (2021-1), Pages (74-96)
  12. Azra Ghandeharion , علی رضا انوشیروانی , New Comparative Literature and Literary Adaptation: Williams’s Glass Menagerie and Tavakoli’s Here without Me, نامه فرهنگستان, Volume (7), No (1), Year (2014-1), Pages (10-43)
  13. Azra Ghandeharion , roya abbaszadeh , Hollywood Dubliners Becomes Personal: Joyce’s Gabriel Morphs to John Huston in The Dead, Cogent Arts and Humanities, Volume (7), No (1), Year (2020-11), Pages (1-12)
  14. atyaf ALLAMI , Azra Ghandeharion , A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SHAKESPEARE’S HAMLET AND ERKSAN’S ADAPTATION: INDIGENIZATION AND RECEPTION OF THE PLAY IN TURKISH CULTURE, European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, Volume (8), No (8), Year (2020-12), Pages (1-19)
  15. Mohamed Abdulhasan , Azra Ghandeharion , When British and Arab Novelists Teach Feminism: A Comparative Reading of Wollstonecraft’s and El Saadawi’s Views, Forum for World Literature Studies, Volume (12), No (3), Year (2020-9), Pages (497-514)
  16. Azra Ghandeharion , A Museum of Adaptation and the Cinema of Iranian Diaspora, Persian Literary Studies Journal, Volume (7), No (11), Year (2020-9), Pages (1-3)
  17. Azra Ghandeharion , MARYAMOSSADAT MOOSAVI TAKIEH , To Judge a Book by its Cover: Religio-Cultural Myth on the Cover of Iranian War Literature, Journal of Literary Studies, Volume (36), No (2), Year (2020-4), Pages (49-66)
  18. Azra Ghandeharion , Recasting James Bond in Iran: The Voice of Masculinity at the Cost of Silencing Women, Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie, Volume (30), No (1), Year (2020-2), Pages (208-226)
  19. MARYAMOSSADAT MOOSAVI TAKIEH , Azra Ghandeharion , Mahmood Reza Ghorban Sabbagh , Gendered Narrative in Female War Literature: Helen Benedict’s Sand Queen, Hawwa, Volume (18), Year (2020-1), Pages (1-21)
  20. Azra Ghandeharion , MARYAMOSSADAT MOOSAVI TAKIEH , Ideology Behind the Covers of the Bestselling Books in Iran: Female Narrators in War Literature, Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, Volume (40), No (1), Year (2019-4), Pages (146-175)
  21. Azra Ghandeharion , Being Muslim in Central Asia: Practices, Politics, and Identities., Acta Via Serica, Volume (4), No (1), Year (2019-6), Pages (147-169)
  22. Farzad Ghaemi , Azra Ghandeharion , When Literature and Religion Intertwine: Rostam as a Pre-Historic Iranian Hero or the Shi’itic Missionary?, Forum for World Literature Studies, Volume (11), No (2), Year (2019-7), Pages (242-261)
  23. Azra Ghandeharion , Fatemeh Khajavian , As Rumi Travels along the Silk Road in Feminist Costume: Shafak’s The Forty Rules of Love, Acta Via Serica, Volume (4), No (1), Year (2019-6), Pages (71-86)
  24. Azra Ghandeharion , The Thousand and One Nights and Twentieth-Century Fiction: Intertextual Readings, Acta Via Serica, Volume (3), No (2), Year (2018-12), Pages (199-203)
  25. Azra Ghandeharion , Shirin Sheykh Farshi , Homi Bhabha and Iranian-American Literature of Diaspora: Is Firoozeh Dumas’s Funny in Farsi Postcolonially Funny?, Forum for World Literature Studies, Volume (9), No (3), Year (2017-11), Pages (489-504)
  26. Azra Ghandeharion , leili badrlou , Iranian Advertisements: A Postcolonial Semiotic Reading, Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences, Volume (39), No (2), Year (2018-9), Pages (334-342)
  27. Azra Ghandeharion , The Music of Central Asia, Acta Via Serica, Volume (2), No (2), Year (2017-6), Pages (121-143)
  28. Azra Ghandeharion , Behnaz Heydari , Mahmood Reza Ghorban Sabbagh , When Shakespeare travels along the silk road: Tardid, an Iranian Adaptation of Hamlet, Acta Via Serica, Volume (2), No (2), Year (2017-6), Pages (65-84)
  29. Azra Ghandeharion , MILAD MAZARI , The Surrealist Dialogue between Kafka and Hedayat: A Comparative Reading of Country Doctor and Three Drops of Blood, IUP Journal of English Studies, Volume (12), No (2), Year (2017-9), Pages (90-108)
  30. Azra Ghandeharion , MILAD MAZARI , Women Entrapment and Flight in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Alicante Journal of English Studies / Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, Volume (29), No (29), Year (2017-7), Pages (113-129)
  31. Azra Ghandeharion , Behnaz Heydari , Shakespeare Tragedies Recontextualized as Comedies in Iran State TV Sitcom, Kolah Ghermezī, Forum for World Literature Studies, Volume (8), No (4), Year (2016-12), Pages (572-689)
  32. Azra Ghandeharion , Anxious Masculinity: A Comparative Study of Philip Dick’s Scanner Darkly and Richard Linklater’s Adaptation, Forum for World Literature Studies, Volume (8), No (2), Year (2016-6), Pages (333-350)
  33. Azra Ghandeharion , Intertextual Dystopia of A Scanner Darkly: Philip K Dick’s Novel and Richard Linklater’s Movie Adaptation, IUP Journal of English Studies, Volume (11), No (3), Year (2016-9), Pages (24-39)
  34. Azra Ghandeharion , Morteza Yazdanjoo , Governmental Discourses in Advertising on Iran's State, CLCWeb - Comparative Literature and Culture, Volume (19), No (3), Year (2017-9), Pages (2-9)
  35. Azra Ghandeharion , MARYAMOSSADAT MOOSAVI TAKIEH , Yeats’s Redefinition of Poetic Self in Nature Symbolism, Epiphany: Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies, Volume (9), No (1), Year (2016-8), Pages (25-31)
  36. Azra Ghandeharion , MARYAMOSSADAT MOOSAVI TAKIEH , Yeats’s Archetypal Eternity in The Wild Swans At Coole, Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie, Volume (27), No (2), Year (2016-5), Pages (13-21)
  37. Azra Ghandeharion , Fahimeh Bozorgian , Mahmood Reza Ghorban Sabbagh , Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar: a Mirror of American Fifties, Kata, Volume (17), No (2), Year (2015-12), Pages (64-70)
  38. Azra Ghandeharion , Manzay Feyz , Desperate Housewives in Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Analele Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Filologie, Volume (15), No (1), Year (2015-4), Pages (12-22)
  39. Azra Ghandeharion , A. Anushirvani , Tennessee Williams in the 50s: A Mirror of Competing Discourses, Kata, Volume (14), No (2), Year (2013-5), Pages (75-80)

مقالات ارایه شده در کنفرانس


  1. Azra Ghandeharion , MAYTHAM ABDULHAMZA JAWAD OBADA , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Bronte’s Jane Eyre in Egyptian Cinema: Hilmy’s Adaptation as The Man I Love , The First International Conference on Comparative Research in Fiction , 2024-02-20
  2. Azra Ghandeharion , Inam Mohammed Abed Aljawazeree , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , The Traumatized Identity of Women in War: A Comparative Reading of Kachachi’s The American Granddaughter and Benedict’s Sand Queen , The First International Conference on Comparative Research in Fiction , 2024-02-20
  3. muthana alzaidawi , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Azra Ghandeharion , Analysis of the Main Character Disrupted World in Wings by Arthur Kopit:A Postmodern Approach , The Fourth National Coference on English Studies and Linguistics , 2018-02-01
  4. RAGHDAH Al-JABBAN , Azra Ghandeharion , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , A comparative Study of al-Jawahiri Tigris the Donor of Walfar and Mattawa Date Palm Trinity , The Fourth National Coference on English Studies and Linguistics , 2018-02-02
  5. Hawraa Sabbar , Azra Ghandeharion , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , The Lonely Heroines Pressed into Margins: El Saadawi’s Love in the Kingdom of Oil and Rum’s A Woman is No Man , The Thirteenth National Conference on Textual Research , 2023-06-26
  6. Azra Ghandeharion , Sattar Abdul Hussein , The Taming of the Unruly Arab Shrew: El-Degheidy Reframes Shakespeare’s Comedy for the Arab Screen , The Thirteenth National Conference on Textual Research , 2023-06-26
  7. Hawraa Sabbar , Azra Ghandeharion , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , How To Teach Feminism as an Arab-American Woman: Rum’s A Woman is No Man (2019) , The Second National Conference on Comparative Literature: Persian, Arabic and English Literature , 2023-03-14
  8. Azra Ghandeharion , Zahraa Al Zeyadi , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Greenblatt Meets Foucault in Movies and Comics: The 1980s America Resonated in the 2010s America and Lebanon via the Character of Joker , The Third National Conference on Performing and Digital Arts , 2022-06-07
  9. Azra Ghandeharion , zahra oday hatem alboard , Josef Kraus , From America to Egypt: Transcoding and Indigenizing Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? into Sami’s The End , The Third National Conference on Performing and Digital Arts , 2022-10-09
  10. Azra Ghandeharion , zahra oday hatem alboard , Josef Kraus , American Science Fiction Echoed in Arab Sci-Fi Movie Adaptation: When History and Theory Connect Adaptation Studies to Intertextuality , 4th Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies , 2022-05-17
  11. Azra Ghandeharion , shahad naser , Rajabali Askarzadeh Torghabeh , Twinning Existentialism and Feminism: The Intersection of Philosophy and Social Science in Literary Criticism , The First National Conference on New Perspectives in Interpreting and Translation Studies and Teaching English as a Foreign Language , 2021-09-15
  12. Azra Ghandeharion , ZAINAB IBRAHIM ALWAN ALKAEEBA , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Promoting Peace by Althusserian and Foucauldian Reading of Literature: Sinan Antoon’s I’jaam , The First National Conference on New Perspectives in Interpreting and Translation Studies and Teaching English as a Foreign Language , 2021-09-15
  13. Samar Adil Najim Al - Rammahi , Azra Ghandeharion , Rajabali Askarzadeh Torghabeh , Towards a Theory of Adaptation , The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics , 2018-02-01
  14. Azra Ghandeharion , MORTEZA BAROOEE , Sara Khazaee , As Narrative Travels from Literature to Video Game: Digital Narrative, Interactivity, Characters and Game Space in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , First National Conference on Recent Developments in English Language Teaching, Literature and Translation , 2021-05-19
  15. Azra Ghandeharion , Ali Eatesam , Binary Pairs of Yin/ Yang and Body / Soul in Xiao Yao’s Chaotic Sword God , First National Conference on Recent Developments in English Language Teaching, Literature and Translation , 2021-05-19
  16. Azra Ghandeharion , Reihane Ghamkhar Yazdi , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Representing Post-Colonialism through Visual Arts: From Bhabha to Kress and Van Leeuwen , The 8th National Conference of Literary Theory and Criticism , 2020-10-14
  17. Azra Ghandeharion , Mohammad Reza Shafaie , Vahideh Sayedi , Muslimness in the United States and Spaces of Individual Identity: Scrutinizing Mattu and Maznavi’s American Muslim Characters , The 8th National Conference of Literary Theory and Criticism , 2020-10-14
  18. Azra Ghandeharion , MORTEZA BAROOEE , Postmodernism and Popular Video Games: Interactive Narrative in Inside (2016), Metal Gear Solid (2015), Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (2011), Detroit: Become Human (2018) , The 6th International Conference on Computer Games; Challenges and Opportunities (CGCO2021) , 2021-02-18
  19. Estabraq Altharwanee , Azra Ghandeharion , Ahmad Reza Heidaryan Shahri , البرز قندهاری , Twinning Comparative Literature and Arab Diaspora , 8th National Congress of New Finds in English Language Studies , 2020-09-21
  20. Javad Mehrabi , Azra Ghandeharion , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Studying Robots’ Capability in Loving and Being Loved in Science Fiction , 8th National Congress of New Finds in English Language Studies , 2020-09-21
  21. Azra Ghandeharion , When American Dramatists come from Hollywood to Iranian Cinema: Socio-Semiotic Exchange in Literary Adaptation , National Conference on Applied Research on Language Studies, 7th سخنران کلیدی , 2019-12-12
  22. Azra Ghandeharion , How America and Iran Meet in Transnational Space: Literary Adaptations of American Dramatists in Post -9/11 Iran , American Comparative Literature Association , 2019-03-07
  23. Safa Al mijbilee , Azra Ghandeharion , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , From Foucault to Postcolonialism: New Outlook into the Middle East , The Fifth National Conference on English Studies and Linguistics , 2019-01-31
  24. Azra Ghandeharion , Fatemeh Khajavian , Rumi’s Message of All-embracing Love and Tolerance: A Case Study of Rumi’s Values and Their Role as ResourceCultures for the Achievement of a Good Life , Values and Valuation: Identifying Resources and the Quest for the Good Life , 2018-12-01
  25. Azra Ghandeharion , Fatemeh Sarvghadi , Value Contextualization in the Road of Translation: The Conference of the Birds in Circulation between Iran and the West , Values and Valuation: Identifying Resources and the Quest for the Good Life , 2018-12-01
  26. Azra Ghandeharion , Fatemeh Khajavian , Contemporary Reception of Rumi in the West as a Resource in Creating Space for Pluralism and the Promotion of the Good Life , german-iranian-workshop-resource-based-perspectives-on-the-good-life-buen-vivir-in-the-humanities , 2018-06-25
  27. Azra Ghandeharion , Fatemeh Sarvghadi , The Conference of the Birds Meets Good Life , german-iranian-workshop-resource-based-perspectives-on-the-good-life-buen-vivir-in-the-humanities , 2018-06-25
  28. Baqer Safi Azeez Albushore , Azra Ghandeharion , Vahideh Sayedi , Towards A Theory of Comparative Literature: From West To The Arab World , The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics , 2018-02-01
  29. Azra Ghandeharion , RAGHDAH Al-JABBAN , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Arabic Poetry through The Lens of Comparative Literature: The Literature of Iraq and Libya , The Second International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics, , 2018-02-01
  30. Ahmed Lateef , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Azra Ghandeharion , A Victim or a Victimizer: A Study of Disintegration in Mustaf\'s Character in Tayeb Salih\'s Season of Migration to the North , دومین کنفرانس بین المللی ادبیات و زبان شناسی , 2017-06-23
  31. ilham Ward , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Azra Ghandeharion , Examining Black Women's Resistance Voice in Maya Angelou's All God's Children Need Travelling Shoes , LTLTS3- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies ) , 2017-10-24
  32. Azra Ghandeharion , MORTEZA BAROOEE , From Gothic Fiction to Video Games: Batman: Arkham Knight the Gothic Hero , LTLTS3- Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies ) , 2017-10-24
  33. Tahani Alsaad , Rajabali Askarzadeh Torghabeh , Azra Ghandeharion , Emotional Detachment in Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf: An Adlerian psychoanalysis , نخستین همایش ملی پژوهشهای نوین میان رشته ای و کاربردی در علوم انسانی , 2017-07-21
  34. Seyedeh Zhaleh Abbasi Hosseini , Azra Ghandeharion , Dr. Alireza Anushiravani , Challenging Cultural Identity: The Role of Graphic Novels in Representing Local Identity in Worldwide Context , The Third International Conference On Contemporary Linguistics With Emphasis On New Dimensions Of Knowledge And Language , 2017-08-27
  35. Azra Ghandeharion , Prof. Christopher Larkosh (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth) , Iran Is Not As It Is Told: Contemporary Persian Art and Culture , American Comparative Literature Association ACLA , 2016-03-17
  36. Azra Ghandeharion , Mohanud Al Saadi , Rajabali Askarzadeh Torghabeh , Heros in Modern Verse Drama of England and Egypt: The Similarities of Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral and al-Sharqawi’s al-Husayn Revolutionary and Martyr , نخستین همایش ملی پژو ش های نوین میان رشته ای و کاربردی در علوم انسانی , 2017-06-24
  37. Azra Ghandeharion , ALLA BALLAH , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Ahmad Reza Heidaryan Shahri , A Comparative Study of the Modern and Lower Class Woman in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and Mahfouz's Midaq Ally , The International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics2-3 February 2017, Iran-Ahwaz , 2017-02-02
  38. Azra Ghandeharion , KADHIM AL QURAISHI , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Ahmad Reza Heidaryan Shahri , WHEN ARAB DRAMA REDEFINES THE FRENCH THEATEROF THE ABSURD: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF AL HAKIM'S THE TREE CLIMBER AND SAMUEL BECKETT'S WAITING FOR GODOT , The International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics2-3 February 2017, Iran-Ahwaz , 2017-02-02
  39. Azra Ghandeharion , Mohamed Abdulhasan , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Ahmad Reza Heidaryan Shahri , Propagating Feminism: A Comparative Perspective of Western and Eastern Feminism in Wollstonecraft’s Maria and El Saadawi’sWoman at Point Zero , 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND SOCIETY , 2017-01-05
  40. Azra Ghandeharion , Mohamed Abdulhasan , Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Ahmad Reza Heidaryan Shahri , Delineating Female Characters in Wollstonecraft’s Maria and El Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero: A Comparative Study , The International Conference on Current Issues of Languages, Dialects and Linguistics2-3 February 2017, Iran-Ahwaz , 2017-02-02
  41. Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , leili badrlou , Azra Ghandeharion , A comparative study of hamlet and haideras its indian adaptation by vishal bhardwaj , اولین کنفرانس ملی زبان ومطالعات آموزشی , 2016-11-10
  42. Azra Ghandeharion , Seyedeh Zhaleh Abbasi Hosseini , Pilgrimage versus stereotype: Forging new links between , German - Iranian Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Tertiary Education , 2016-07-11
  43. Azra Ghandeharion , Nasrin Bani Assadi , The impact of the Iranian media on shifting the meaning of Arba’een March , German - Iranian Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Methods and Tertiary Education , 2016-07-11
  44. Zohreh Taebi Noghondari , Azra Ghandeharion , leili badrlou , A comparative study of hamlet and haider as its indian adaptation by vishal bhardwaj: An intertextual Approach , چهارمین کنفرانس بین المللی مطالعات زبان , 2016-11-25
  45. Azra Ghandeharion , Behnaz Heydari , Shakespeare Retold by Iranians in the Popular State TV Sitcom , The XXIst Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association , 2016-07-21
  46. Azra Ghandeharion , Western Cannon in Iranian Popular Culture , The XXIst Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association , 2016-07-21
  47. Azra Ghandeharion , The Rise or the Fall of Padideh Empire? , The XXIst Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association , 2016-07-21
  48. Azra Ghandeharion , The Rivalry of Reinforcing and Subversive Discourse in Iranian Hit Singles , The XXIst Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association , 2016-07-21
  49. Azra Ghandeharion , The Bridge between Popular and Elite Iran: Mahmoud Farshchian’s Painting , American Comparative Literature Association ACLA , 2016-03-17
  50. Azra Ghandeharion , MARYAMOSSADAT MOOSAVI TAKIEH , Mahmood Reza Ghorban Sabbagh , Da: The Honor of Popularity and Authenticity , American Comparative Literature Association ACLA , 2016-03-17
  51. Azra Ghandeharion , Mahmood Reza Ghorban Sabbagh , Behnaz Heydari , Naming and Nominalization in Hamlet and Tardid: A Stylistics Analysis , اولین همایش بینارشته ای ادبیات و سینما , 2016-02-19
  52. Azra Ghandeharion , Iran Is Not As It Is Told: Contemporary Persian Art and Culture , American Comparative Literature Association , 2016-02-17
  53. Azra Ghandeharion , Roya Abbas zadeh , The Intertextuality of Famous Figures in IRIB Advertisements , 13th TELLSI International Conference , 2015-11-17
  54. Azra Ghandeharion , Samira Haghi , Recontextualization of Williams’s A Streetcar Named Desire in Tavakoli’s Stranger [Biganeh] , Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies , 2015-10-06
  55. Azra Ghandeharion , Behnaz Heydari , Pieces of Shakespeare in Iran’s State TV Sitcom: Kolah Ghermezi on Stage , Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching, Literature and Translation Studies , 2015-10-06
  56. Azra Ghandeharion , Intertextual Postmodernism through WWW.com: Reading Dick’s Scanner Darkly and Linklater’s Adaptation , American Comparative Literature Association ACLA , 2015-04-13
  57. Azra Ghandeharion , The Adaptation(S) of Adaptation In Fractal Paintings of Farshchian as Fine-Popular Art , The XIXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association , 2010-08-15
  58. Azra Ghandeharion , World Wide Web and Intertextual Postmodernism in Media , The XIXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association , 2010-08-15
  59. Azra Ghandeharion , Reading the Positive Side of Narcissism as Disorder in the Confessional Art of Ginsberg and Kahlo , The XIXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association , 2010-08-15
  60. Azra Ghandeharion , Projection as Catharsis: God-Adam-Satan-Eve, a Damaged Family in Milton’s Paradise Lost , 3rd National Congress of Family Pathology , 2008-05-12
  61. Azra Ghandeharion , Power Play and the Space in ‘Feminist . . . Male Directors’ , ICLA Congres Paris 2013: The International Comparative Literature Association (ICLAبیستمین کنگره بین المللی ادبیات تطبیقی , 2013-07-18