مقالات ارائه شده در مجلات


  1. Mohammad Eskandari , Mojtaba Joodaki , Amir Reza Attari , A Modal Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields Coupling Into an Open-Ended Waveguide Mounted on a Finite Flange: Evaluation of a Rectangular Waveguide With a Square Flange, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume (73), No (3), Year (2025-3), Pages (1437-1447)
  2. Chih-Chieh Hsu , Wun-Ciang Jhang , Yu-Sheng Chien , Chao-Wen Cheng , Mojtaba Joodaki , High on–off current ratio titanium oxynitride write-once-read-many-times memory, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Volume (36), No (6), Year (2021-6), Pages (06LT01-06LT01)
  3. Emadoddin Zia Khodadadian , Mojtaba Joodaki , Decreasing the Loading Effect of the TVS Diode Using a Transmission Line for RF and Microwave Applications, IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications, Volume (3), No (1), Year (2021-3), Pages (29-33)
  4. Rouhollah Feghhi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Odd-Mode Instability Analysis of f T-Doubler Hybrid Power Amplifiers Based on GaN-HEMT, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Briefs, Volume (68), No (4), Year (2020-1), Pages (1193-1197)
  5. mahdi kordi , Seyyed Mohammad Reza Vaziri , Fahimeh Armin , Mojtaba Joodaki , An approach for one dimensional periodic arbitrary lithography based on Fourier series, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Volume (24), No (2), Year (2020-10), Pages (343-347)
  6. Alireza Ghaneizadeh , Khlil Mafinezhad , Mojtaba Joodaki , An extremely ultrathin flexible Huygens’s transformer, AIP Advances, Volume (10), No (10), Year (2020-10), Pages (105201-105201-17)
  7. Alireza Ghaneizadeh , Khlil Mafinezhad , Mojtaba Joodaki , A new compact dual-band perfect absorption ultrathin planar metasurface energy harvester in X- and V-bands with a wide incident angle, AIP Advances, Volume (10), No (8), Year (2020-8), Pages (085007-085007-12)
  8. چیه چیه هسو , جین سیان لی , پو تسونگ چن , Mojtaba Joodaki , Performance dependence of self-aligned dual-gate poly-Si TFTs on localized defective regions, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Volume (35), No (8), Year (2020-8), Pages (085027-085027)
  9. علیرضا قانعی زاده , Mojtaba Joodaki , یوزف بورشوک , عباس گلمکانی , Khlil Mafinezhad , Analysis, Design, and Implementation of a New Extremely Ultrathin 2-D-Isotropic Flexible Energy Harvester Using Symmetric Patch FSS, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Volume (68), No (6), Year (2020-6), Pages (2108-2115)
  10. Majid Salari , Mojtaba Joodaki , Investigation of Electrical Characteristics Dependency of Roll-to-Roll Printed Solar Cells With Silver Electrodes on Mechanical Tensile Strain, IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, Volume (19), No (4), Year (2019-1), Pages (718-722)
  11. , Mojtaba Joodaki , Extracting voltage-dependent series resistance of single diode model for organic solar cells, SN Applied Sciences, Volume (1), No (6), Year (2019-6)
  12. Rouhollah Feghhi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Realization of a broadband Hybrid X-Band Power Amplifier Based on fT -Doubler Technique, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume (104), No (5), Year (2019-5), Pages (119-127)
  13. Abbas shaban , Mojtaba Joodaki , Saeed Mehregan , Ivo W Rangelow , Probe-induced resistive switching memory based on organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite materials, Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications, Volume (69), No (6), Year (2019-6), Pages (106-113)
  14. Alireza Ghaneizadeh , Khlil Mafinezhad , Mojtaba Joodaki , Design and fabrication of a 2D-isotropic flexible ultra-thin metasurface for ambient electromagnetic energy harvesting, AIP Advances, Volume (9), No (2), Year (2019-2), Pages (25304-25304)
  15. Ali Shourvarzi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Shielding Effectiveness Measurement for Extremely Small Dimension Enclosures, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume (99), No (1), Year (2018-12), Pages (1-6)
  16. Rouhollah Feghhi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Thermal analysis of microwave GaN-HEMTs in conventional and flip-chip assemblies, International journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Volume (28), No (8), Year (2018-10), Pages (e21513-14)
  17. Vahid Khoshdel , Mojtaba Joodaki , Mehrdad Shokooh-Saremi , UV and IR cut-off filters based on plasmonic crossed-shaped nano-antennas for solar cell applications, Optics Communications, Volume (433), No (1), Year (2019-2), Pages (275-282)
  18. Mojtaba Joodaki , Majid Salari , Investigation of the tensile strain influence on flicker noise of organic solar cells under dark condition, Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications, Volume (59), Year (2018-8), Pages (230-235)
  19. Javad Basseri , Mojtaba Joodaki , An Angular Displacement Sensor With a Curved Two-Metal-Layer CPW Loaded by an EBG Structure, IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume (18), No (6), Year (2018-3), Pages (2335-2341)
  20. amir attar , Mojtaba Joodaki , Microstrip differential passband filter with high common-mode suppression using periodically loaded stubs and coupled resonators, Journal of Engineering-JOE, Volume (2018), No (4), Year (2018-2), Pages (242-247)
  21. Ali Shourvarzi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Using a network of ports for shielding effectiveness optimization of an enclosure with arbitrary shape apertures, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Volume (31), No (6), Year (2018-2), Pages (e2334-13)
  22. Majid Salari , Mojtaba Joodaki , Saeed Mehregan , Experimental investigation of tensile mechanical strain influence on the dark current of organic solar cells, Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications, Volume (54), No (3), Year (2017-12), Pages (192-196)
  23. Mehdi Forouzanfar , Mojtaba Joodaki , Systematic design of hybrid high power microwave amplifiers using large gate periphery GaN HEMTs, AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume (84), No (2), Year (2017-1), Pages (225-233)
  24. Mehdi Forouzanfar , Mojtaba Joodaki , Efficiency enhancement by employing the transistor nonlinear capacitors effects in a 6W hybrid X-band Class-J power amplifier, International journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, Volume (28), No (2), Year (2017-1), Pages (e21187-13)
  25. Ali Shourvarzi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Using Aperture Impedance for Shielding Effectiveness Estimation of a Metallic Enclosure With Multiple Apertures on Different Walls Considering Higher Order Modes, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume (60), No (3), Year (2017-1), Pages (629-637)
  26. Javad Basseri , Mojtaba Joodaki , Realization of a Low Cost Displacement Sensor on PCB with Two-Metal-Layer Coplanar Waveguide Loaded by an EBG Structure, IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume (17), No (15), Year (2017-8), Pages (4797-4804)
  27. Mojtaba Joodaki , amir attar , A Measurement Setup for Radiated EMI of Un-buffered DRAM Modules, Journal of Electrical Systems and Signals, Volume (3), No (1), Year (2015-12), Pages (15-22)
  28. Ali Shourvarzi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Shielding Effectiveness Estimation of a Metallic Enclosure with Aperture Using S-parameter Analysis: Analytic Validation and Experiment, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Volume (59), No (2), Year (2016-1), Pages (1-4)
  29. Mojtaba Joodaki , M. Rezaee , Two-Dimensional Displacement Sensor Based on CPW Line Loaded by Defected Ground Structure (DGS) with Two Separated Transmission Zeroes, IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume (17), No (4), Year (2016-2), Pages (994-999)
  30. Mojtaba Joodaki , Uprising nano memories: Latest advances in monolithic three dimensional (3D) integrated Flash memories, Microelectronic Engineering, Volume (164), No (10), Year (2016-10), Pages (75-87)
  31. Mojtaba Joodaki , Morteza Rezae , Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) Loaded With an Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structure: Modeling and Application to Displacement Sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume (16), No (9), Year (2016-5), Pages (3034-3040)
  32. Reihaneh Zohourian Aboutorabi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Thermal analysis of organic solar cells using an enhanced opto-thermal model, Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications, Volume (25), No (10), Year (2015-10), Pages (184-192)
  33. Mojtaba Joodaki , On the extraction of the external drain and source resistors and effective channel length in Si-MOSFET, Solid-State Electronics, Volume (111), No (9), Year (2015-9), Pages (1-6)
  34. Mojtaba Joodaki , An extended drain current conductance extraction method and its application to DRAM support and array devices, Solid-State Electronics, Volume (53), No (9), Year (2009-9), Pages (1020-1031)
  35. Alexander Kricke , Mojtaba Joodaki , Nethaji Dharmarasu , Guenter Kompa , Hartmut Hillmer , Quasi-monolithic integration of high-power GaN-based HEMTs for high-frequency applications, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Volume (22), No (11), Year (2007-11), Pages (1245-1248)
  36. Mojtaba Joodaki , A voltage-dependent channel length extraction method for MOSFET’s, Solid-State Electronics, Volume (50), No (11), Year (2006-11), Pages (1787-1795)
  37. Mojtaba Joodaki , Günter Kompa , Application of neural networks for extraction of distance and reflectance in pulsed laser radar, Measurement, Volume (40), No (6), Year (2007-7), Pages (724-736)
  38. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , H. Hillmer , Thermomechanical stress analysis and measurement in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT), IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, Volume (5), No (3), Year (2005-9), Pages (581-594)
  39. Mojtaba Joodaki , Small-Signal Characterization of SiGe-HBT<tex>$f_T$</tex>-Doubler up to 120 GHz, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Volume (52), No (9), Year (2005-9), Pages (2108-2111)
  40. Mojtaba Joodaki , Pawel Janus , Teodor Gotszalk , Günter Kompa , Klaus Edinger , Ivo W. Rangelow , Application of a Scanning Thermal Nano-Probe for Thermal Imaging of High Frequency Active devices, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Volume (44), No (9), Year (2005-9), Pages (6823-6825)
  41. Mojtaba Joodaki , Günter Kompa , Hartmut Hillmer , Rainer Kassing , Heat transfer improvement in quasi-monolithic integration technology, Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, Volume (4), No (3), Year (2005-7), Pages (033011-33011)
  42. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , H. Hillmer , An enhanced quasi-monolithic integration technology for microwave and millimeter wave applications, IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packagin, Volume (26), No (4), Year (2003-11), Pages (402-409)

مقالات ارایه شده در کنفرانس


  1. صادق صباغ گل , مجتبی جودکی , فهیمه آرمین , حمیدرضا انصاریان , ابراهیم شهبازی , بابک منبری , بهینه سازی پکیج 72 پایه QFN تجاری برای کاربردهای موج میلی متری , 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Enginnering , 2014-05-20
  2. محمد صادقی , مجتبی جودکی , علی اوسط علیپور , مرتضی راستگو , محمود حاجیان , طراحی ساختارهای تست فرایند ساخت یک ترانزیستور توان و فرکانس بالای VDMOS , 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Enginnering , 2014-05-20
  3. سعید مهرگان راد , کوثر شهبازی , ریحانه ظهوریان ابوترابی , نوید رمضانیان , مجتبی جودکی , بررسی و بهبود ویژگی‎های لایه‌ی فعال در سلول خورشیدی آلی P3HT:C60 , کنفرانس تخصصی سلول های خورشیدی نانوساختاری , 2014-11-13
  4. نوید رمضانیان , کوثر شهبازی , مجتبی جودکی , ریحانه ظهوریان ابوترابی , بررسی تاثیر حلال بر روی طیف جذب محلول‌های P3HT:C60 , سومین کنفرانس سلول های خورشیدی نانو ساختاری , 2013-11-07
  5. نوید رمضانیان , کوثر شهبازی , مجتبی جودکی , ریحانه ظهوریان ابوترابی , بررسی تاثیر حلال بر روی طیف جذب محلول‎های P3HT:C60 , دومین کنفرانس سلول‎های خورشیدی نانو ساختاری , 2013-11-07
  6. مجتبی جودکی , Heydari Z , Simulation of Phase Shifting Mask Lithography , The First Iranian University Student Conference on Electrical Engineering , 1998-09-01
  7. مجتبی جودکی , محمدکاظم مروج فرشی , طراحی و ساخت یک سلول SSL , The 7th Iranian Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Proceeding of Solid State, Microelectronics and Computer Engineering) , 1998-09-01
  8. مجتبی جودکی , محمدکاظم مروج فرشی , بررسی اثر تزریق شدید و مقاومت بیس بر بهره جریان رو به بالای سلول SSL , The 6th Iranian Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Proceeding of Solid State, Microelectronics and Computer Engineering) , 1998-05-01
  9. مجتبی جودکی , نوید رمضانیان , کوثر شهبازی , سنتز مواد اولیه و ساخت سلول خورشیدی P3HT:C60 , سلول های خورشیدی نانو ساختاری , 2012-10-18


  1. Ehsan Moshir , Mojtaba Joodaki , Design and Implementation of SIW Cavity Oscillators for Humidity Sensing Applications , 2020 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) , 2020-05-26
  2. Elham Amiri , Mojtaba Joodaki , مهدی فروزانفر , گونتر کومپا , A Distributed Power Amplifier Design with a High Power Gain , 2020 28th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE) , 2020-05-26
  3. علیرضا قانعی زاده , Mojtaba Joodaki , یوزف بورشوک , Khlil Mafinezhad , A new extremely ultrathin metasurface energy harvester and its simple modelling based on resonant half-wave dipole antenna , IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes , 2019-07-16
  4. Ali Shourvarzi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Shielding Effectiveness Estimation of an Enclosure with an Arbitrary Shape Aperture , EMC Europe 2017 , 2017-09-04
  5. akram ramezani , Mojtaba Joodaki , Electromagnetic Modeling of an Enclosure with an Aperture Excited by an External Thin Wire , EMC Europe 2017 , 2017-09-04
  6. Mehdi Forouzanfar , Rouhollah Feghhi , Javad Basseri , Mojtaba Joodaki , High efficiency 8.8-9.6 GHz Class J Power Amplifier , 2016 16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS) , 2016-11-14
  7. Rouhollah Feghhi , Javad Basseri , Mehdi Forouzanfar , Mojtaba Joodaki , Design and Fabrication of Hybrid 30-watt X-band GaN-based Amplifier , 2016 16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS) , 2016-11-14
  8. Ali Shourvarzi , Mojtaba Joodaki , A network of ports to estimate shielding effectiveness of an enclosure with apertures , EMC EUROPE 2016 , 2016-09-05
  9. amir attar , Mojtaba Joodaki , A Wide Differential Passband Filter with Common Mode Suppression Property Based on Left Handed Metamaterial Transmission Line , EMC Europe 2016 , 2016-09-05
  10. Mojtaba Joodaki , A Collector-Up SiGe-HBT for High Frequency Applications , German Microwave Conference - GeMiC 2006 - , 2006-03-28
  11. Reihaneh Zohourian Aboutorabi , Mojtaba Joodaki , A Computational Study of Solvent Effects on Polymer Photovoltaics Considering the Field Dependendent Series Resistance , 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Enginnering , 2014-05-20
  12. Mehdi Forouzanfar , Mojtaba Joodaki , Rouhollah Feghhi , An 8.8–9.8 GHz 100W hybrid solid state power amplifier for high power applications , 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Enginnering , 2014-05-20
  13. Reihaneh Zohourian Aboutorabi , Mojtaba Joodaki , A TRIPARTITE PHYSICS-BASED MODEL FOR ORGANIC SOLAR CELLS , 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference , 2014-09-22
  14. maryam poostforush , Mojtaba Joodaki , DC Characterization and Parameter Extraction of Sub-100nm Technology with Halo Implant , The 5th International Conference on Nanostructures , 2014-03-06
  15. Reihaneh Zohourian Aboutorabi , Mojtaba Joodaki , K. Shahbazi , Simulation of Solvent Effects on Poly(3-hexylthiophene):C60 based Bulk Heterojunction Photovoltaic Device Performance , The 5th International Conference on Nanostructures , 2014-03-06
  16. Reihaneh Zohourian Aboutorabi , Mojtaba Joodaki , Kowsar Shahbazi , In-depth analysis of solvent effects on bulk heterojunction solar cell performance , SPIE Photonics Europe , 2014-04-14
  17. Ali Shourvarzi , Mojtaba Joodaki , A fast method in estimating shielding effectiveness for an enclosure with apertures , ٍEMC Europe Conference , 2014-09-01
  18. Mojtaba Joodaki , amir attar , An EMI Measurement Setup for Un-buffered DRAM PCBs , EMC Europe Conference , 2014-09-01
  19. Mojtaba Joodaki , Senyildiz T , Kompa G , Hillmer H , Kassing R , Three Dimensional Static Thermal Analysis of Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology (QMIT) , the 47th International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology (Annual Meeting of SPIE) , 2001-07-29
  20. Kompa G , Mojtaba Joodaki , Wasige E , Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology for Flexible and Reliable Design of Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits , Conference Proceeding of Asia-Pacific Telecom-2000 (APT-2000) , 2000-12-01
  21. Mojtaba Joodaki , Pawel Janus , Teodor Gotszalk , Guenter Kompa , Klaus Edinger , Ivo W. Rangelow , Thermal imaging of microwave power GaAs-FET with scanning thermal nanoprobe , Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 4809, Nanoscale Optics and Applications , 2002-11-04
  22. Mojtaba Joodaki , Guenter Kompa , Reliable neural modeling of pHEMT from a smaller number of measurement data , Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 4787, Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation , 2002-12-06
  23. Mojtaba Joodaki , A. Tarraf , M. Salih , D. Albert , H. Schröter-Hohmann , W. Scholz , G. Kompa , H. Hillmer , R. Kassing , Improvements of Thermal Resistance and Thermal Stress in Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology (QMIT) with a New Fabrication Process , European Microwave Week 2002, GaAs 2002 , 2002-09-01
  24. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , H. Hillmer , R. Kassing , Advantages of the New Generation Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology (QMIT) , European Microwave Week 2002, GaAs 2002 , 2002-09-01
  25. Mojtaba Joodaki , Teoman Senyildiz , Guenter Kompa , Rainer Kassing , Hartmut Hillmer , Using scanning probe microscopy and nanomoter surface profiler of DEKTAK for determination of thermal stress in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) , Proceeding of SPIE, vol. 4468, Engineering Thin Films with Ion Beams, Nanoscale Diagnostics, and Molecular Manufacturing , 2001-12-27
  26. Mojtaba Joodaki , Guenter Kompa , Seyed M. Golam Arshad , Vahid Ahmadi , Mohammed K. Moravvej-Farshi , Using a neural networks algorithm for high-resolution imaging in pulsed laser radar , Proceeding of SPIE, vol. 4471, Algorithms and Systems for Optical Information Processing V , 2001-12-01
  27. Mojtaba Joodaki , T. Senyildiz , G. Kompa , H. Hillmer , T. Leinhos , R. Kassing , Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology (QMIT) for Power Applications , European Microwave Week 2001, GaAs 2001 , 2001-12-27
  28. Mojtaba Joodaki , Gunter Kompa , S. M. Golam Arshad , George Kamucha , Vahid Ahmadi , Mohammad K. Moravvej-Farshi , Application of Neural Networks for Distance Measurement in Pulsed Laser Radar (PLR) , 3rd Topical Meeting on Optoelectronic Distance/Displacement Measurements and Applications ODIMAP III , 2001-09-20
  29. Mojtaba Joodaki , T. Senyildiz , G. Kompa , T. Leinhos , R. Kassing , H. Hilmer , Thermal stress in Quasi Monolithic Integration Technology (QMIT) , 11th Conference on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MIOP) , 2001-05-08
  30. Mojtaba Joodaki , Gunter Kompa , Seyed M. Gholam Arshad , Vahid Ahmadi , Mohammed K. Moravej-Farshi , Neural Method for Near Distance Measurements with Overlapping of Reference and Reflected Pulses in Pulsed laser Radar , 11th Conference on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility (MIOP) , 2001-05-08
  31. G. Kompa , W. Wasige , Mojtaba Joodaki , Quasi-Monolithic Hybrid Technology Based on Si Micromachining and Low-Temperature Thin-Film Processing , VDE world micro-technologies congress; Micro.tec 2000 applications - trends - visions , 2000-09-01
  32. Mojtaba Joodaki , A.G. Qimonda , A. Kricke , H. Hillmer , G. Kompa , Interconnects Analyses in Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology (QMIT) , IEEE Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging, 2006 , 2006-10-23
  33. Mojtaba Joodaki , H. Hillmer , Technological requirements for a self-aligned lateral SiGe HBT with the SiGe layer formed by Ge ion implantation in Si including theoretical performance , 8th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, 2006. ICSICT \'06. , 2006-10-23
  34. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , A systematic approach to a reliable neural model for pHEMT using different numbers of training data , IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 2002 , 2002-06-02
  35. Mojtaba Joodaki , T. Senyildiz , G. Kompa , Heat transfer and thermal stress analysis in the new generation quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) , 52nd Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2002 , 2002-05-31
  36. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , H. Hillmer , New generation quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) , 52nd Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2002 , 2002-05-31
  37. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , V. Ahmadi , M.K.M. Farshi , Using neural networks for high resolution distance measurements in pulsed laser radar , 18th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, IMTC 2001 , 2001-05-21
  38. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , T. Leinhos , R. Kassing , H. Hillmer , Simulation and measurement of thermal stress in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) , 51st Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2001 , 2001-05-29
  39. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , S.M.Golam Arshad , V. Ahmadi , M.K. Moravvej-Farshi , Neural Method for Two Dimensional (2D) High Contrast Imaging in Pulsed Laser Radar , 31st European Microwave Conference, 2001 , 2001-09-24
  40. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , H. Hillmer , R. Kassing , Optimization of thermal resistance in quasi monolithic integration technology (QMIT) structure , Seventeenth Annual IEEE Symposium Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management, 2001 , 2001-03-19
  41. Mojtaba Joodaki , G. Kompa , H. Hillmer , R. Kassing , Static thermal design of quasi monolithic integration technology (QMIT) , 8th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications, 2000 , 2000-11-13
  42. Mojtaba Joodaki , Static thermal design of quasi monolithic technology (QMT) for realization of power microwave and millimeter wave circuits , The 12th International Conference on Microelectronics , 2000-10-31