نمایش نتایج جستجو برای
نام مجله: System
موارد یافت شده: 848
1 - Generalized Schur-constant bivariate distribution and its associated Archimedean copula (چکیده)2 - Investigating the main drivers of COVID-19 outbreak challenges in metropolis management: a case study of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
3 - Growth and blow-up of viscoelastic wave equation solutions with logarithmic source, acoustic and fractional conditions, and nonlinear boundary delay (چکیده)
4 - Elicitation with multi-walled carbon nanotubes improved growth and production of polyphenolic compounds in Melissa officinalis (چکیده)
5 - Feature selection by utilizing kernel-based fuzzy rough set and entropy-based non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm in multi-label data (چکیده)
6 - Identifying and Determining the Importance of Central Bank Transparency Measurements, Capital Market Reaction Metrics, And Micro and Macro Factors Affecting Capital Market Reaction Using Delphi and Dimtel Fuzzy Method (چکیده)
7 - Withius hispanus (L. Koch, 1873) new to the fauna of Iran: with an identification key of Withius Kew, 1911 in the Palaearctic (Pseudoscorpione; Withiidae) (چکیده)
8 - Preserving data distribution in sampling and instance selection with Renyi’s divergence (چکیده)
9 - A High-Precision and High-Dynamic-Range Current-Mode WTA Circuit for Low-Supply-Voltage Applications (چکیده)
10 - Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Lophanthus and its allies (Lamiaceae) (چکیده)
11 - Towards optimal control of HPV model using safe reinforcement learning with actor–critic neural networks (چکیده)
12 - Pathogenic bacteria and the prevalence of virulence genes in E. coli isolated from passerine birds of Iran (چکیده)
13 - Deep learning‐based location prediction in VANET (چکیده)
14 - Analysis of the impact of social media on the buying behavior of Generation Z consumers: a case study of Iran\\\'s clothing market (چکیده)
15 - The Evaluation of the Effectiveness and the Determination of the Relationship between the Dimensions of the Quality of Services Provided by Central Library of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
16 - Science and Engineering of Superaerophobic Surfaces for Electrochemical Gas—Evolving Reactions: A Review of Recent Advances and Perspective (چکیده)
17 - Fanout-Based Reliability Model for SER Estimation in Combinational Circuits (چکیده)
18 - A Hybrid Approach based on PSO and Boosting Technique for Data Modeling in Sensor Networks (چکیده)
19 - Monte Carlo statistical test for fuzzy quality (چکیده)
20 - Statistical testing quality and its Monte Carlo simulation based on fuzzy specification limits (چکیده)
21 - An interpretable multi-scaled agent hierarchy for time series prediction (چکیده)
22 - Fixed‐Time Stable Gradient Flows for Optimal Adaptive Control of Continuous‐Time Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
23 - First breeding record of the Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus, Linnaeus, 1758) in man-made wetlands, northeast Iran: Implications of agricultural expansion and farm damming. (چکیده)
24 - On Shortest Path Problem via a Novel Neurodynamic Model: A Case Study (چکیده)
25 - Continuous-Time Distributed Generalized Nash Equilibrium Seeking in Nonsmooth Fuzzy Aggregative Games (چکیده)
26 - Systems Thinking in the Circular Economy: An Integrative Literature Review (چکیده)
27 - Channel Parameter Estimation in the Presence of Phase Noise Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion (چکیده)
28 - Fast Supersingular Isogeny Diffie–Hellman and Key Encapsulation Using a Customized Pipelined Montgomery Multiplier (چکیده)
29 - Hardware Architecture for Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman and Key Encapsulation Using a Fast Montgomery Multiplier (چکیده)
30 - Implementation of Supersingular Isogeny-Based Diffie-Hellman and Key Encapsulation Using an Efficient Scheduling (چکیده)
31 - Diversity of the Rodents of Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
32 - Biosystematics study of Steppe Field Mouse Apodemus witherbyi (Rodentia: Muridae) from North-West Iran (چکیده)
33 - Early warning systems for desertification hazard: a review of integrated system models and risk management (چکیده)
34 - An automated framework for selectively tolerating SDC errors based on rigorous instruction-level vulnerability assessment (چکیده)
35 - prevalence and genetic diversity of avian blood parasites (apicomplexa: haemosporidia) in songbirds from the west of iran (چکیده)
36 - Compact electromagnetic vibration suppressor and energy harvester; an experimental study (چکیده)
37 - Quadrotors Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Review (چکیده)
38 - Drug repositioning for immunotherapy in breast cancer using single-cell analysis (چکیده)
39 - Enhancing the water quality index for assessing sustainable water resources in the Abarkuh aquifer (چکیده)
40 - Incentive-Based Demand Response Program for Blockchain Network (چکیده)
41 - Effects of chronic physical exercise on executive functions and episodic memory in clinical and healthy older adult populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol (چکیده)
42 - An assignment mechanism for workflow scheduling in Function as a Service edge environment (چکیده)
43 - An Isolated High Boost Ratio DC–DC Converter With Very Low Input Current Ripples (چکیده)
44 - Integrative systematics of the widespread Middle Eastern buthid scorpion, Hottentotta saulcyi (Simon, 1880), reveals a new species in Iran (چکیده)
45 - Efficient Fuzzy-Based 3-D Flying Base Station Positioning and Trajectory for Emergency Management in 5G and Beyond Cellular Networks (چکیده)
46 - A Multi-objective Feature Selection Method Considering the Interaction Between Features (چکیده)
47 - Kriging and Radial Basis Function Models for Optimized Design of UAV Wing Fences to Reduce Rolling Moment (چکیده)
48 - Supply chain behaviour under carbon regulations: an experimental study with system dynamic simulation (چکیده)
49 - Robust hybrid learning approach for adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (چکیده)
50 - An Energy Efficient Coherent IR-UWB Receiver With Non-Coherent-Assisted Synchronization (چکیده)
51 - Analytical Expressions for Similarity Measure Between Gaussian Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets With Uncertain Means (چکیده)
52 - A Recommender System for Scientific Resources Based on Recurrent Neural Networks (چکیده)
53 - Topic Modeling on System Thinking Themes Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and BERTopic (چکیده)
54 - RPTRF: A rapid perfect tandem repeat finder tool for DNA sequences (چکیده)
55 - Prevalence of Avian Haemosporidian Parasites: A Comparative Study between Resident and Migratory Birds of Iraq (چکیده)
56 - The spider genus Latrodectus Walckenaer, 1805 (Araneae, Theridiidae) in Iran with the first record of Latrodectus revivensis Shulov, 1948 (چکیده)
57 - A new isolate cold-adapted Ankistrodesmus sp. OR119838: influence of light, temperature, and nitrogen concentration on growth characteristics and biochemical composition using the two-stage cultivation strategy (چکیده)
58 - Real-time water demand pattern estimation using an optimized extended Kalman filter (چکیده)
59 - The impact of business ethics on stress, anxiety and depression and the success of auditors (چکیده)
60 - Network Planning in Unbundled Power Systems (چکیده)
61 - Robust classification via clipping-based kernel recursive least lncosh of error (چکیده)
62 - Evaluation of dissimilar 7075 aluminum/AISI 304 stainless steel joints using friction stir welding (چکیده)
63 - A decentralized control method for proportional current-sharing, voltage restoration, and SOCs balancing of widespread DC microgrids (چکیده)
64 - A new species of brush-tailed mice of the genus Calomyscus from southern Iran (Calomyscidae: Rodentia) (چکیده)
65 - A bi-level economic evaluation of interruptible loads for daily energy acquisition of a distribution company (چکیده)
66 - Cache Point Selection and Transmissions Reduction using LSTM Neural Network (چکیده)
67 - Comparing type-1, interval and general type-2 fuzzy approach for dealing with uncertainties in active control (چکیده)
68 - Enhancing Peak Shaving through Nonlinear Incentive-Based Demand Response: A Consumer-Centric Utility Optimization Approach (چکیده)
69 - A study on behavior of producers, retailers and speculators in futures and day-ahead markets: A Nash equilibrium model (چکیده)
70 - An extension of Cover–Chiang work on point to point channel to less noisy broadcast channel and analysis of the receivers cognition impacts (چکیده)
71 - A 20-year satellite-reanalysis-based climatology of extreme precipitation characteristics over the Sinai Peninsula (چکیده)
72 - Integration of strategic and operational attributes to calculate the optimal cultivation of crops (چکیده)
73 - Inventory management of manufacturers with yield uncertainty and lateral transshipment (چکیده)
74 - Geometric morphometric analysis of the sternocoxal structure in the genus Hottentotta (Birula 1908) (Arachnida: Scorpiones) (چکیده)
75 - Towards finding the lost generation of autistic adults: A deep and multi-view learning approach on social media (چکیده)
76 - A Price-Based Load Flow Algorithm in Decentralized Distribution Markets (چکیده)
77 - A new approach to human error assessment in financial service based on the modified CREAM and DANP (چکیده)
78 - Theoretical design of molecularly imprinted polypyrrole biosensor for the detection of renal failure biomarkers (چکیده)
79 - Online electricity theft detection framework for large-scale smart grid data (چکیده)
80 - Undiscounted reinforcement learning for infinite-time optimal output tracking and disturbance rejection of discrete-time LTI systems with unknown dynamics (چکیده)
82 - Extracts obtained from organs of saffron (Crocus sativus) alter growth and seed germination of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) and barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) (چکیده)
83 - Theoretical development of a probabilistic fuzzy model for opinion formation in social networks (چکیده)
84 - A new copula-based bivariate Gompertz--Makeham model and its application to COVID-19 mortality data (چکیده)
85 - Systemic mutational rescue in Escherichia coli elicited by a valency dependent, high affinity protein DNA interaction. (چکیده)
86 - Contribution to the knowledge of Entomobryomorpha (Hexapoda: Collembola) from Northeastern Iran with new records and a key to the species (چکیده)
87 - A Triplet-loss Dilated Residual Network for High-Resolution Representation Learning in Image Retrieval (چکیده)
88 - Assist-As-Needed Control of a Hip Exoskeleton, Using Central Pattern Generators in a Stride Management Strategy (چکیده)
89 - Karyological studies of Iranian Allium (Amaryllidaceae) species with a focus on sect. Acanthoprason. 2. Meiotic chromosomes (چکیده)
90 - teinernema feltiae- Xenorhabdus bovienii: more information on this bactohelminthic complex from Iran (چکیده)
91 - lrm;Optimal control problem: A case study on production planning in reverse logistics system (چکیده)
92 - Reliable Fuzzy Neural Networks for Systems Identification and Control (چکیده)
93 - Species delimitation, molecular phylogeny and historical biogeography of the sweetlips fish (Perciformes, Haemulidae) (چکیده)
94 - Genetic Diversity of Urial Population in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
95 - Molecular and morphological data reveal a new species of Sclerorhachis (Compositae, Anthemideae) and the reassessment of another species of the genus (چکیده)
96 - Observer-Based Robust Adaptive TS Fuzzy Control of Uncertain Systems with High-Order Input Derivatives and Nonlinear Input–Output Relationships (چکیده)
97 - Proposing a Customer Experience Management Model Based on the Grounded Theory Approach in Aviation Industry Case study: Taban Airline) (چکیده)
98 - A Compact Wideband Two-Stage LNA with Multiple Notches for Out-of-Band Filtering Using Center-Tap Inductors (چکیده)
99 - Synchronisation of fractional dynamical chaotic systems with several slaves (چکیده)
100 - Measuring lane-changing trajectories by employing context-based modified dynamic time warping (چکیده)
101 - CAFI: A Configurable location-Aware Fault Injection technique for software reliability assessment against soft errors (چکیده)
102 - Ticks parasitizing songbirds in Iran with new host records Metastigmata: Ixodidae) (چکیده)
103 - Grounded Theory approach in Discovering the Factors effective on the Sexual Communication of Iranian Couples (چکیده)
104 - Reliability-Centered Maintenance for Overhead Transmission Lines in Composite Power System (چکیده)
105 - Reliability of degrading complex systems with two dependent components per element (چکیده)
106 - Bayesian reliability analysis of complexk-out-of-n:ℓsystems under degradation performance (چکیده)
107 - A report on Platyceps ventromaculatus Colubridae) from Fereydan County in Isfahan province-Iran (چکیده)
108 - Interpreting sarcasm on social media using attention-based neural networks (چکیده)
109 - Adaptive output consensus of nonlinear fractional-order multi-agent systems: a fractional-order backstepping approach (چکیده)
110 - Simplex algorithm for hesitant fuzzy linear programming problem with hesitant cost coefficient (چکیده)
111 - Dynamic Discrimination Pricing and Freelance Drivers to Rebalance Mixed-Fleet Carsharing Systems (چکیده)
112 - An Open Set of Skew Products with Invariant Multi-graphs and Bony Multi-graphs (چکیده)
113 - A New Dynamic Nursing Workforce Planning Considering Skills Required at the Different Organizational Hierarchy: An Optimal Control Method (چکیده)
114 - Two-dimensional modelling of free-surface flows in presence of a spherical object using the Modified Volume of Fluid technique (چکیده)
115 - Minimization of Nonproductive Time in Drilling: A New Tool Path Generation Algorithm for Complex Parts (چکیده)
116 - Comparison of different sampling and surrogate modelling approaches for a multi-objective optimization problem of direct dimethyl ether synthesis in the fixed-bed reactor (چکیده)
117 - Estimating the Short-term Price Elasticity of Residential Electricity Demand in Iran (چکیده)
118 - Modelling OPEC profit based on economics and political variables (چکیده)
119 - Systemic evaluation of human resources risks in the public sector (چکیده)
120 - Speed-Power Improvement in High-Voltage Switches Employed in Multielectrode Arrays (چکیده)
121 - Dynamic Event-Triggered Control for a Class of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Systems (چکیده)
122 - Multi-objective dynamic distribution feeder reconfiguration along with capacitor allocation using a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm (چکیده)
123 - Efficient-Cost Task Offloading Scheme in Fog-Internet of Vehicle Networks (چکیده)
124 - Context-aware similarity measurement of lane-changing trajectories (چکیده)
125 - Mixed membrane matrices (MMMs) based on Nafion® pristine/defected-UiO-66(Zr) MOFs: assessment of the effects of dopants on cluster morphology (چکیده)
126 - A multi-class workflow ensemble management system using on-demand and spot instances in cloud (چکیده)
127 - Event-Triggered Tracking Formation of Networked Nonlinear Intelligent Transportation Systems Surrounded by Random Disturbances (چکیده)
128 - Adaptive cache content placement for software-defined Internet of Things (چکیده)
129 - New record of black fungus gnat (Diptera: Sciaroidea, Sciaridae) from Iran, with a first record for the fauna of the Middle East (چکیده)
130 - An ensemble neural network framework for improving the detection ability of a base control chart in non-parametric profile monitoring (چکیده)
131 - Modeling and classifying the in-operando effects of wear and metal contaminations of lubricating oil on diesel engine: A machine learning approach (چکیده)
132 - A novel control strategy based on a look-up table for optimal operation of MTDC systems in post-contingency conditions (چکیده)
133 - A novel communication-less control method to improve proportional power-sharing and SOCs balancing in a geographically dispersed hybrid AC/DC microgrid (چکیده)
134 - The detection of saffron adulterants using a deep neural network approach based on RGB images taken under uncontrolled conditions (چکیده)
135 - Prototype-Based Interpretation of the Functionality of Neurons in Winner-Take-All Neural Networks (چکیده)
136 - Application of the LAD-LASSO as a dimensional reduction technique in the ANN-based QSAR study: Discovery of potent inhibitors using molecular docking simulation (چکیده)
137 - Optimum Dynamic Design of a Stewart Platform with Symmetric Weight Compensation System (چکیده)
138 - Target Convergence Analysis of Cancer-Inspired Swarms for Early Disease Diagnosis and Targeted Collective Therapy (چکیده)
139 - Enhanced two-loop model predictive control design for linear uncertain systems (چکیده)
140 - An open-source toolbox for investigating functional resilience in sewer networks based on global resilience analysis (چکیده)
141 - A novel approach based on genetic algorithm to speed up the discovery of classification rules on GPUs (چکیده)
142 - An Energy-Efficient Voltage-Level Shifter Based on Controlling Pull-Up Network Strength (چکیده)
143 - Arithmetic operations and ranking of hesitant fuzzy numbers by extension principle (چکیده)
144 - Fault location in Series-compensated Transmission Lines Using Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
145 - Equilibrium-Based Black-Scholes Option Pricing in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
146 - Barriers to the Implementation and Use of Internet Banking in the Keshavarzi Bank (چکیده)
147 - A novel fuzzy sliding mode control approach for chaotic systems (چکیده)
148 - New data on brittle stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, Iran (چکیده)
149 - Distributed Consensus Control for a Network of Incommensurate Fractional-Order Systems (چکیده)
150 - A Checklist of the bees of the genus Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae) of Iran (چکیده)
151 - Evidence for introgressive hybridization of wild black‐necked pheasant with the exotic ring‐necked pheasant during the past 50 years in the Hyrcanian zone, an integrative molecular and morphological approach (چکیده)
152 - Learning product representations for generating reviews for cold products (چکیده)
153 - HAM-Net: Predictive Business Process Monitoring with a hierarchical attention mechanism (چکیده)
154 - A two-stage location-sensitive and user preference-aware recommendation system (چکیده)
155 - Application of the Traveling Salesman Problem in Generating an Optimized Collision-Free Tool Path for CNC Drilling (چکیده)
156 - A novel communication-less fuzzy based control method to improve SOC balancing, current-sharing, and voltage restoration in a widespread DC microgrid (چکیده)
157 - Using evolutionary artificial neural networks in monitoring binary and polytomous logistic profiles (چکیده)
158 - A New Backup Protection Scheme for Transmission Lines with Limited Phasor Measurement Units (چکیده)
159 - Taxonomy of Production Systems with Combining K-Means and Evolutionary Algorithms (چکیده)
160 - Exploring the factors in aligning information systems and organizational strategies in tall organizational structures in an uncertain environment (چکیده)
161 - An intelligent controller for ionic polymer metal composites using optimized fuzzy reinforcement learning (چکیده)
162 - A maintenance policy for a k-out-of-n system under enhancing the system’s operating time and safety constraints, and selling the second-hand components (چکیده)
163 - Body Field: Structured Mean Field with Human Body Skeleton Model and Shifted Gaussian Edge Potentials (چکیده)
164 - Density-oriented linear discriminant analysis (چکیده)
165 - Functional process capability indices for a simple linear profile in fuzzy environment (چکیده)
166 - AK-SESC: a novel reliability procedure based on the integration of active learning kriging and sequential space conversion method (چکیده)
167 - Sparsity‐aware support vector data description reinforced by expectation maximization (چکیده)
168 - Non-technical loss detection in limited-data low-voltage distribution feeders (چکیده)
169 - In Memory of Professor Ebrahim Behdad (چکیده)
170 - A bilateral fuzzy support vector machine hybridizing the Gaussian mixture model (چکیده)
171 - Resampling in Fuzzy Regression via Jackknife-after-Bootstrap (JB) (چکیده)
172 - A family of similarity measures for q‐rung orthopair fuzzy sets and their applications to multiple criteria decision making (چکیده)
173 - A fuzzy penalized regression model with variable selection (چکیده)
174 - Using Hybrid Artificial Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Modeling and Optimization of Welding Process (چکیده)
175 - Simulating the state of jungle cat (Felis chaus Schreber, 1777) using cross-impact analysis in Sistan, Iran (چکیده)
176 - Optimal delivery and replenishment policies for perishable products considering lost sale cost: an efficient hybrid algorithm (چکیده)
177 - Taxonomy of Manufacturing Firms’ Flexibility Under Influence of Dynamic Organizational Capabilities (چکیده)
178 - Dynamic analysis of a shape memory alloy beam with pseudoelastic behavior (چکیده)
179 - Adaptive particularly tunable fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm (چکیده)
180 - The effects of nonlocal and surface/interface parameters on nonlinear vibrations of piezoelectric nanoresonator (چکیده)
181 - Hydroelastic analysis of surface gravity wave interacting with elastic plate resting on a linear viscoelastic foundation (چکیده)
182 - Solving nonlinear Fredholm integral equations with PQWs in complex plane (چکیده)
183 - Wide-area security assessment based on informative variables of power system (چکیده)
184 - Demand dispatch on dispatchable prosumer PEVs in a smart microgrid: A comprehensive framework (چکیده)
185 - High Power Quality Maximum Power Point Tracking-based Islanding Detection Method for Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems (چکیده)
186 - Situation Assessment-Augmented Interactive Kalman Filter for Multi-Vehicle Tracking (چکیده)
187 - Impacts of large-scale penetration of wind power on day-ahead electricity markets and forward contracts (چکیده)
188 - A Machine Learning Approach for Collusion Detection in Electricity Markets Based on Nash Equilibrium Theory (چکیده)
189 - Collusion Strategy Investigation and Detection for Generation Units in Electricity Market Using Supervised Learning Paradigm (چکیده)
190 - Discovering the dimensions of E-learning with the role of social networks (چکیده)
191 - Fuzzy linear singular differential equations under granular differentiability concept (چکیده)
192 - A soft-computing approach to estimate soil electrical conductivity (چکیده)
193 - Integrating a Forward Feature Selection algorithm, Random Forest, and Cellular Automata to extrapolate urban growth in the Tehran-Karaj Region of Iran (چکیده)
194 - Swarm intelligence based robotic search in unknown maze-like environments (چکیده)
195 - A novel dynamic function allocation method in human-machine systems focusing on trigger mechanism and allocation strategy (چکیده)
196 - A pathological analysis of challenges related to systems thinking studies in Iran (چکیده)
197 - MVDF-RSC: Multi-view data fusion via robust spectral clustering for geo-tagged image tagging (چکیده)
198 - Estimating shear wave velocity of soil using standard penetration test (SPT) blow counts in Mashhad city (چکیده)
199 - A 17 Gbps 156 fJ/bit Two-Channel Optical Receiver With Optical-Input Split and Delay in 65 nm CMOS (چکیده)
200 - Observer-Based Adaptive Hybrid Feedback for Robust Global Attitude Stabilization of a Rigid Body (چکیده)
201 - Modeling Opinion Formation in Social Networks: A Probabilistic Fuzzy Approach (چکیده)
202 - Experiment-based affect heuristic using fuzzy rules and Taguchi statistical method for tuning complex systems (چکیده)
203 - Professor Mahmoud Shojaei (1925-2018): Memorial letter (چکیده)
204 - Optimization of A-TIG Welding Process Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm (چکیده)
205 - On the properties of zero-divisor graphs of posets (چکیده)
206 - Primary zariski topology on the primary spectrum of a module (چکیده)
207 - A new fractional-order developed type-2 fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
208 - A Stochastic Approach for Valuing Customers in Banking Industry: A Case Study (چکیده)
209 - Variability in the essential oil of different wild populations of Prangos platychlaena collected from Southwestern Iran (چکیده)
210 - Seed germination, antioxidant enzymes activity and proline content in medicinal plant Tagetes minuta under salinity stress (چکیده)
211 - Bayesian Decision Network-Based Security Risk Management Framework (چکیده)
212 - Joint Peak Clipping and Load Scheduling Based on User Behavior Monitoring in an IoT Platform (چکیده)
213 - Exact and efficient reliability and performance optimization of synchronous task graphs (چکیده)
214 - Portfolio optimization of bank credits with interval returns: Empirical evidence from Iran (چکیده)
215 - Evaluation of the association between exosomal levels and female reproductive system and fertility outcome during aging: a systematic review protocol (چکیده)
216 - FGM Generated Archimedean Copulas with Concave Multiplicative Generatorss (چکیده)
217 - A provably secure and lightweight authentication scheme for Internet of Drones for smart city surveillance (چکیده)
219 - An adaptive characteristic for overcurrent relays considering uncertainty in presence of distributed generation (چکیده)
220 - Assist-As-Needed control of a hip exoskeleton based on a novel strength index (چکیده)
221 - Solving a System of Nonlinear Fractional Partial Di?erential Equations Using the Sinc-Muntz Collocation Method (چکیده)
222 - Seven new vagrant eriophyoid species (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from semi-arid and arid environment in East Iran (چکیده)
223 - Odd-Mode Instability Analysis of f T-Doubler Hybrid Power Amplifiers Based on GaN-HEMT (چکیده)
224 - Minimum variance based-Bayes Combination for prediction of soil properties on Vis-NIR reflectance spectroscopy (چکیده)
225 - Monitoring linear profiles using Artificial Neural Networks with run rules (چکیده)
226 - Additional notes to the morphology of Hyperaspis pseudopustulata Mulsant, 1853 (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) (چکیده)
227 - Designing a Comprehensive Human Resources Model Based on ISO34000 Standard (چکیده)
228 - A drift aware adaptive method based on minimum uncertainty for anomaly detection in social networking (چکیده)
229 - Risk-adjusted control charts based on LR-fuzzy data (چکیده)
230 - A new model of the contact force for the collision between two solid bodies (چکیده)
231 - A Novel Method to Solve a Class of Non-local Diffusion Optimal Control Problems by using Bernstein Polynomials (چکیده)
232 - Evaluating social perceptions of ecosystem services, biodiversity, and land management: Trade-offs, synergies and implications for landscape planning and management (چکیده)
233 - Combination of least absolute shrinkage and selection operator with Bayesian Regularization artificial neural network (LASSO-BR-ANN) for QSAR studies using functional group and molecular docking mixed descriptors (چکیده)
234 - Cross-MapReduce: Data transfer reduction in geo-distributed MapReduce (چکیده)
235 - Resource management in the federated cloud environment using Cournot and Bertrand competitions (چکیده)
236 - Pointwise Weakly Mixing Property and Li-Yorke Sensitivity in Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems (چکیده)
237 - Dynamic Facility Location with Stochastic Demand (چکیده)
238 - Copula-Based Analysis of Power Allocation for Two-Sensor Composite Fading MAC With Dependent Channel Coefficients (چکیده)
239 - Scorpions of Iran (Arachnida: Scorpiones): Annotated checklist, DELTA database and identification key (چکیده)
240 - Aphids living on Asteraceae plants in North Khorasan, Iran: report of three aphid species new to fauna of Iran (چکیده)
241 - A low‐complexity pilot contamination elimination method for channel estimation in massive MIMO systems (چکیده)
242 - A recurrent neural network–based model for predicting bending behavior of ionic polymer–metal composite actuators (چکیده)
243 - A novel communication-less control method to improve DC microgrid performance based on AC signal injection (چکیده)
244 - New geographic records of Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, Iran (چکیده)
245 - A comprehensive comparison of handcrafted features and convolutional autoencoders for epileptic seizures detection in EEG signals (چکیده)
246 - Optimal extended warranty length with limited number of repairs in the warranty period (چکیده)
247 - A modified method on estimating and assessing the process yield with imprecise multiple characteristics (چکیده)
248 - A Specificity-Based Approach to Semantic Interpretation and Hierarchical Complexity Reduction in Fuzzy Models (چکیده)
249 - Reliability analysis of a load sharing k-out-of-n:F degradation system with dependent competing failures (چکیده)
250 - Vehicle tracking with Kalman filter using online situation assessment (چکیده)
251 - Sexual dimorphism in the scorpions of the genus Odontobuthus Vachon, 1950 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) (چکیده)
252 - J‐divergence‐based Power Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Distributed Detection under Correlated Noises (چکیده)
253 - A contribution to the knowledge of ground beetles (Col.: Carabidae) fauna of northeastern Iran along with two new records (چکیده)
254 - A Low-Power Time-to-Digital Converter for Sensor Interface Circuits (چکیده)
255 - A necessary condition of Pontryagin type for fuzzy fractional optimal control problems (چکیده)
256 - Optimality conditions for optimal control under parametric representation of interval uncertainty (چکیده)
257 - Fuzzy Taylor formula: An approach via fuzzification of the derivative and integral operators (چکیده)
258 - A Fully Differential and Power-Efficient Difference Integrating ADC (چکیده)
259 - <p class="Body"><strong>Two new species of eriophyid mites (Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) associated with Lamiaceae species from semi-arid and arid environment in East Iran</strong></p> (چکیده)
260 - A New Capacity Theorem for the Gaussian Channel with Two-sided Input and Noise Dependent State Information (چکیده)
261 - Evaluation of WEPP and EPM for improved predictions of soil erosion in mountainous watersheds: A case study of Kangir River basin, Iran (چکیده)
262 - TMTCPT: The Tree Method based on the Taxonomic Categorization and the Phylogenetic Tree for fine-grained categorization (چکیده)
263 - A data-based comparison of BN-HRA models in assessing human error probability: An offshore evacuation case study (چکیده)
264 - Integrating Household Travel Survey and Social Media Data to Improve the Quality of OD Matrix: A Comparative Case Study (چکیده)
265 - Research Directions in information Systems Field, Current Status and Future Trends (چکیده)
266 - Projection Recurrent Neural Network Model: A New Strategy to Solve Maximum Flow Problem (چکیده)
267 - Urban sprawl modeling using statistical approach in Mashhad, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
268 - <p class="Body"><strong>Four new species (Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) and one new record of <em>Aceria</em> from arid and semi-arid areas in East Iran </strong></p><p> </p> (چکیده)
269 - THE (△,□)-EDGE GRAPH G△,□ OF A GRAPH G (چکیده)
270 - Rule-based joint fuzzy and probabilistic networks (چکیده)
271 - On the rectifying multiple deferred state plan in the presence of uncertain parameter (چکیده)
272 - Hesitant fuzzy numbers with (α, k)-cuts in compact intervals and applications (چکیده)
273 - An SDN based framework for maximizing throughput and balanced load distribution in a Cloudlet network (چکیده)
274 - An Iterative and Cost-Based Approach for Optimal SFCL Allocation in Fault Level-Constrained Meshed Networks (چکیده)
275 - The new locally endemic genusYazdana(Caryophyllaceae) and patterns of endemism highlight the high conservation priority of the poorly studied Shirkuh Mountains (central Iran) (چکیده)
276 - Discrete-time Terminal Sliding Mode Control of Chaotic Lorenz System (چکیده)
277 - Decentralised sliding mode control of RL-derivative based fractional-order large-scale nonlinear systems (چکیده)
278 - <p class="Body"><strong>Three new <em>Aceria </em>spp. (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) associated to <em>Artemisia</em> spp.<em> </em>(Compositae) from South Khorasan province, East Iran </strong></p><p class="Body"> </p> (چکیده)
279 - A modified wide-area backup protection scheme for shunt-compensated transmission lines (چکیده)
280 - On ergodicity of Markovian mostly expanding semi-group actions (چکیده)
281 - Performance evaluation of CoAP proxy virtualisation in cloud‐assisted sensor networks (چکیده)
282 - (1811-4829) Fuzzy based efficient DBS placement in the 5G cellular network (چکیده)
283 - An Analog LO Harmonic Suppression Technique for SDR Receivers (چکیده)
284 - Bingley, James George (چکیده)
285 - Some new approaches on prime and composite order Cayley graphs (چکیده)
286 - Closed-Form Dynamic Formulation of a General 6-P US Robot (چکیده)
287 - Optimal age replacement policy for parallel and series systems with dependent components (چکیده)
288 - Application of Distribution Locational Marginal Price in optimal simultaneous distributed generation placement and sizing in electricity distribution networks (چکیده)
289 - A global Budyko model to partition evaporation into interception and transpiration (چکیده)
291 - Role of incompetent strata and geometry of faults on the folding mechanism, a case study: the Karun oil field in the Dezful Embayment, Iran (چکیده)
292 - <p class="Body"><strong>Two new species of eriophyid mites (Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) associated with <em>Clematis orientalis</em> (Ranunculaceae) from East Iran</strong></p> (چکیده)
293 - Secure communication in CloudIoT through design of a lightweight authentication and session key agreement scheme (چکیده)
294 - Enhanced Schemes for Data Fragmentation, Allocation, and Replication in Distributed Database Systems (چکیده)
295 - Day-ahead Resource Scheduling in Distribution Networks with Presence of Electric Vehicles and Distributed Generation Units (چکیده)
296 - Hybrid particle swarm optimization for rule discovery in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease (چکیده)
297 - Corrigendum to “MILP Approach for Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays in Interconnected Power Systems” [Electr. Power Syst. Res. 158 (2018) 267–274] (چکیده)
298 - Iterated Function Systems with the Weak Average Contraction Conditions (چکیده)
299 - A novel anomaly detection method based on adaptive Mahalanobis-squared distance and one-class kNN rule for structural health monitoring under environmental effects (چکیده)
300 - Development of a risk-based maintenance decision making approach for automotive production line (چکیده)
301 - cCUDA: Effective Co-Scheduling of Concurrent Kernels on GPUs (چکیده)
302 - A lightweight key management protocol for secure communication in smart grids (چکیده)
303 - Investigating the effects of climate change on stream flows of Urmia Lake basin in Iran (چکیده)
304 - A systematic literature review on semantic web enabled software testing (چکیده)
305 - Multi-Resonant Indirect Digital Current Control Technique for Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters (چکیده)
306 - The evolutionary composition of desirable execution traces from event logs (چکیده)
307 - Adaptive inverse control of chatter vibrations in internal turning operations (چکیده)
308 - A New Pricing Mechanism for Optimal Load Scheduling in Smart Grid (چکیده)
309 - HealthFog: An ensemble deep learning based Smart Healthcare System for Automatic Diagnosis of Heart Diseases in integrated IoT and fog computing environments (چکیده)
310 - How can health professionals contribute to the internet of things body of knowledge (چکیده)
311 - ( 1901-4968 ) On the Non-Parametric Multivariate Control Charts in Fuzzy Environment (چکیده)
312 - Systematics and evolution of the libyan jird based on molecular and morphometric data (چکیده)
313 - Sultan ‛Ali Mashhadi (چکیده)
314 - <p class="Body"><strong>Three new vagrant eriophyoid species (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) associated to Rosaceae species from South Khorasan province, East Iran</strong></p> (چکیده)
315 - Annotated checklist of the endemic Tetrapoda species of Iran (چکیده)
316 - BN-SLIM: A Bayesian Network methodology for human reliability assessment based on Success Likelihood Index Method (SLIM) (چکیده)
317 - Evaluating the efficiency and house mice response to Faragir and snap traps in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
318 - A Highly Linear 8-Bit M–2M Digital-to-Analog Converter for Neurostimulators (چکیده)
319 - A Low-Voltage High-Precision Time-Domain Winner-Take-All Circuit (چکیده)
320 - Ergodic shadowing of non-autonomous discrete-time dynamical systems (چکیده)
321 - Specification and Thermodynamic Properties of Topological Time-Dependent Dynamical Systems (چکیده)
322 - Efficient target tracking in directional sensor networks with selective target area’s coverage (چکیده)
323 - Genomic, phylogenetic and catabolic re-assessment of the Pseudomonas putida clade supports the delineation of Pseudomonas alloputida sp. nov., Pseudomonas inefficax sp. nov., Pseudomonas persica sp. nov., and Pseudomonas shirazica sp. nov (چکیده)
324 - Two new species and an additional record of eriophyoids (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyidae) from semi-arid and arid environments in East Iran (چکیده)
325 - Generalized Variant Support Vector Machine (چکیده)
326 - Parametric NCP-Based Recurrent Neural Network Model: A New Strategy to Solve Fuzzy Nonconvex Optimization Problems (چکیده)
327 - Energy harvesting from unimorph piezoelectric circular plates under random acoustic and base acceleration excitations (چکیده)
328 - Supply function Nash equilibrium of joint day-ahead electricity markets and forward contracts (چکیده)
329 - Design of Nonlinear Conformable Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Controller for a Class of Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
330 - <p class="Body">Two new species of Eriophyidae (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) on Tilia begoniifolia Steven (Tiliaceae) in Golestan province of Iran (چکیده)
331 - Sparse Bayesian approach for metric learning in latent space (چکیده)
332 - A new digital control of four‐leg inverters in the natural reference frame for renewable energy–based distributed generation (چکیده)
333 - A first report of Canuellina insignis Gurrney, 1927 -Canuellidae: Copepoda- from The Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman (چکیده)
334 - Developing Semantically-Enabled Families of Method-Oriented Architectures (چکیده)
335 - Validation of user intentions in process orchestration and choreography (چکیده)
336 - Development and validation of customized process models (چکیده)
337 - Goal-oriented modeling and verification of feature-oriented product lines (چکیده)
338 - Additional notes with detailed biometric data on Brachycaudus cerasicola -Mordvilko, 1929- -Hemiptera: Aphididae-, a new record for Iran (چکیده)
339 - Multi-Target State Estimation Using Interactive Kalman Filter for Multi-Vehicle Tracking (چکیده)
340 - Symmetric and Right-Hand-Side Hesitant Fuzzy Linear Programming (چکیده)
341 - Valorization of municipal solid wastes through biogas production in Iran (چکیده)
342 - Evaluating the lifetime performance index of products based on generalized order statistics from two-parameter exponential model (چکیده)
343 - A new species, a redescription of Aceria lamii -Liro, 1943- and two new records of eriophyoid mites -Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea- on weeds in Golestan province, Iran (چکیده)
344 - A variable neighborhood search algorithm for solving fuzzy number linear programming problems using modified Kerre’s method (چکیده)
345 - A resilient supply portfolio considering political and disruption risks (چکیده)
346 - Recurrent Neural Network Model: A New Strategy to Solve Fuzzy Matrix Games (چکیده)
347 - An iterative method for damage identification of skeletal structures utilizing biconjugate gradient method and reduction of search space (چکیده)
348 - Foreword to the special issue on mining actionable insights from social networks (چکیده)
349 - A Power-Efficient CMOS Active Rectifier with Circuit Delay Compensation for Wireless Power Transfer Systems (چکیده)
350 - Parameterization via Time-Scale Separation Adaptive Control oF Pure-Feedback Systems with Nonlinear (چکیده)
351 - Double stiffness vibration suppressor and energy harvester: An experimental study (چکیده)
352 - A repair and replacement policy for repairable systems based on probability and mean of profits (چکیده)
353 - Two new eriophyoid mite species (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) on Quercus castaneifolia in Iran (چکیده)
354 - A 0.8–4-GHz Software-Defined Radio Receiver With Improved Harmonic Rejection Through Non-Overlapped Clocking (چکیده)
355 - Investigating the Asymmetric Prices and the Role of Technology and Environmental Constraints in the Oil Demand Function of the Iran Oil Importing Countries (چکیده)
356 - Handling startling circumstances with IRM scheduler of real-time systems (چکیده)
357 - Designing a Communicational Model between the Competitiveness Types of Small and Medium Industries in Iran (چکیده)
358 - Anomaly ‐ based DoS detection and prevention in SIP networks by modeling SIP normal traffic (چکیده)
359 - Evaluation of Synchronization and MPPT Algorithms in a DFIG Wind Turbine Controlled by an Indirect Matrix Converter (چکیده)
360 - Collaborative linear dynamical system identification by scarce relevant/irrelevant observations (چکیده)
361 - Predicting future personal life events on twitter via recurrent neural networks (چکیده)
362 - A decomposition-based reliability and makespan optimization technique for hardware task graphs (چکیده)
363 - Robust Learning Over Multitask Adaptive Networks With Wireless Communication Links (چکیده)
364 - Put Option Pricing and Its Effects on Day-Ahead Electricity Markets (چکیده)
365 - A Direct Method to Compare Bipolar LR Fuzzy Numbers (چکیده)
366 - Effects of models and spatial resolutions on the species distribution model performance (چکیده)
367 - Incorporating Nonparametric Knowledge to the Least Mean Square Adaptive Filter (چکیده)
368 - From modeling to implementation of a method for restraining back relaxation in ionic polymer–metal composite soft actuators (چکیده)
369 - A new approach to design an observer for load current of UPS based on Fourier series theory in model predictive control system (چکیده)
370 - A Study on Kinematics and Workspace Determination of a General 6-PUS Robot (چکیده)
371 - Analytical Network Process to Prioritize the Influencing Parameters on Local Participation: The Development of Livestock Drinking Water Resources (چکیده)
372 - A combined fuzzy logic and artificial neural network approach for non‐linear identification of IPMC actuators with hysteresis modification (چکیده)
373 - Partial Feedback Impact on Achievable Rate Region in Multiple Access Relay Channels (چکیده)
374 - The off‐grid frequency selective millimeter wave channel estimation (چکیده)
375 - New look at the con-specificity of the two shrews, Crocidura gmelini and C. suaveolens from Iran; geometric morphometrics approach (چکیده)
376 - A new linear adjacency approach for facility layout problem with unequal area departments (چکیده)
377 - The effects of misclassification errors on multiple deferred state attribute sampling plan (چکیده)
379 - Thermal management of a distribution transformer: An optimization study of the cooling system using CFD and response surface methodology (چکیده)
380 - A survey on the tribes Phaeogenini and Platylabini (Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) with two generic records for the fauna of Iran (چکیده)
381 - Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database (چکیده)
382 - Identification of accident-prone sections in roadways with incomplete and uncertain inspection-based information: A distributed hazard index based on evidential reasoning approach (چکیده)
383 - Audit report forecast: an application of nonlinear grey Bernoulli model (چکیده)
384 - Determining secondary arc extinction time for single-pole auto-reclosing based on harmonic signatures (چکیده)
385 - Capability Indices for Rayleigh Process (چکیده)
386 - Assessing the Relative Performance of Nurses Using Data Envelopment Analysis Matrix (DEAM) (چکیده)
387 - Two new Diptacus species (Acari: Trombidiformes: Diptilomiopidae) from Iran (چکیده)
388 - Surface hardness improvement in surface grinding process using combined Taguchi method and regression analysis (چکیده)
389 - Chance Order of Two Uncertain Random Variables (چکیده)
390 - Non Hyperbolic Solenoidal Thick Bony Attractors (چکیده)
391 - A New Correntropy-Based Conjugate Gradient Backpropagation Algorithm for Improving Training in Neural Networks (چکیده)
392 - Whole-genome-based revisit of Photorhabdus phylogeny: Proposal for the elevation of most subspecies to the species level and the emendation of several species, and description of one novel species: Photorhabdus bodei sp. nov. and one novel subspecies: Photorhabdus laumondii subsp. clarkei subsp.nov. (چکیده)
393 - Fuzzy multiple deferred state variable sampling plan (چکیده)
394 - Ad hoc retrieval via entity linking and semantic similarity (چکیده)
395 - Robust Semi-Supervised Growing Self-Organizing Map (چکیده)
396 - Vibration suppression of a double-beam system by a two beam system by a two-degree-of-freedom mass-spring system (چکیده)
397 - Sparse online feature maps (چکیده)
398 - Adaptive Neural Tracking Control of Switched Stochastic Pure-Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Unknown Bouc–Wen Hysteresis Input (چکیده)
399 - Synchronization of multiple chaotic systems using a nonlinear grouping feedback function method (چکیده)
400 - Phylogeography of the Oenanthe hispanica–pleschanka–cypriaca complex (Aves, Muscicapidae: Saxicolinae): Diversification history of open‐habitat specialists based on climate niche models, genetic data, and morphometric data (چکیده)
401 - Low‐power successive approximation ADC using split‐monotonic capacitive DAC (چکیده)
402 - Designing Communication Model Between Effective Factors On Competitiveness of SMEs Using ISM (چکیده)
403 - Kalman Filter Reinforced by Least Mean Square for Systems with Unknown Inputs (چکیده)
404 - Detecting life events from twitter based on temporal semantic features (چکیده)
405 - STT-RAM Energy Reduction Using Self-Referenced Differential Write Termination Technique (چکیده)
406 - Robust Impedance Control of Uncertain Mobile Manipulators Using Time-Delay Compensation (چکیده)
407 - <p class="Default">Two new species of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) on Zelkova carpinifolia (Ulmaceae) from Iran<p class="Default"><br /> (چکیده)
408 - Genome-wide nucleotide diversity and associations with geography, ploidy level and glucosinolate profiles in Aethionema arabicum (Brassicaceae) (چکیده)
409 - Parameter Uncertainty in the Optimal Coordination of Overcurrent Relays (چکیده)
410 - A new cytotype of the Iranian house mouse, Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 (Rodentia: Muridae), in Birjand region, eastern Iran: Implications for the evolution of sex- autosome translocations (چکیده)
411 - Study of rodents’ fauna of the Jiroft, Kerman Province in southeast of Iran (چکیده)
412 - MicroRNAs regulate the main events in rice drought stress response by manipulating the water supply to shoots (چکیده)
413 - MILP Approach for Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays in Interconnected Power Systems Electric Power Systems Research (چکیده)
414 - Adaptation of simulated annealing to an integrated municipal solid waste location-routing problem (چکیده)
415 - Physical measures for certain class of non-uniformly hyperbolic endomorphisms on the solid torus (چکیده)
416 - Divergence in the ecological niches of the white wagtail (Motacilla alba Linnaeus, 1758) complex using the ecological niche modeling approach (چکیده)
417 - Phylogeny of Iranian species of the genus Daphnia O. F. Müller, 1785 (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anomopoda) based on morphological characters (چکیده)
418 - Universal Approximation by Using the Correntropy Objective Function (چکیده)
419 - The development and evaluation of a portable polyethylene biogas reactor (چکیده)
420 - Use of solvent mixtures for total lipid extraction of Chlorella vulgaris and gas chromatography FAME analysis (چکیده)
421 - Multiple Deferred State Sampling Plan with Fuzzy Parameter (چکیده)
422 - 65 nm CMOS switching discontinuous conduction mode buck converter with 330 ns start-up time for light-load power-cycled applications (چکیده)
423 - A 170-dB CMOS TIA With 52-pA Input-Referred Noise and 1-MHz Bandwidth for Very Low Current Sensing (چکیده)
424 - Frequency response analysis (FRA) of transformers as a tool for fault detection and location: A review (چکیده)
425 - INDEX: Incremental depth extension approach for protein–protein interaction networks alignment (چکیده)
426 - Reliability and Makespan Optimization of Hardware Task Graphs in Partially Reconfigurable Platforms (چکیده)
427 - Robust output feedback assistive control of a compliantly actuated knee exoskeleton (چکیده)
428 - Information extraction from effective descriptor variables in reconstruction of power system security region by considering correlation between loads (چکیده)
429 - Gasification of potato shoots: An experimental and theoretical investigation (چکیده)
430 - Heteroptera fauna in alfalfa fields of Ghaen and vicinity, South Khorasan province, with a new record for Iran (چکیده)
431 - A Charge-Redistribution Phase-Domain ADC Using an IQ-Assisted Binary-Search Algorithm (چکیده)
432 - An Efficient Neural Network Model for Solving the Absolute Value Equations (چکیده)
433 - Design, implementation and performance evaluation of a proactive overload control mechanism for networks of SIP servers (چکیده)
434 - Sensitivity studies of the forth-generation regional climate model simulation of dust storms in the Sistan plain, Iran (چکیده)
435 - Enhancing flood hazard estimation methods on alluvial fans using an integrated hydraulic, geological and geomorphological approach (چکیده)
436 - Adaptive synchronization between two non-identical BAM neural networks with unknown parameters and time-varying delays (چکیده)
437 - Modified FFT based high impedance fault detection technique considering distribution non-linear loads: Simulation and experimental data analysis (چکیده)
438 - Fuzzy multiple deferred state attribute sampling plan in the presence of inspection errors (چکیده)
439 - A general p-value-based approach for testing quality by considering fuzzy hypotheses (چکیده)
440 - A New Fuzzy Process Capability Index for Asymmetric Tolerance Interval (چکیده)
441 - A Joint Image Registration and Super Resolution Method Using a Combinational Continuous Generative Model (چکیده)
442 - Simultaneous Methods of Image Registration and Super-Resolution Using Analytical Combinational Jacobian Matrix (چکیده)
443 - Granular Differentiability of Fuzzy-Number-Valued Functions (چکیده)
444 - New data on Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar, 1976 from south eastern Iran (چکیده)
445 - Query expansion using pseudo relevance feedback on wikipedia (چکیده)
446 - Interval-valued fuzzy derivatives and solution to interval-valued fuzzy differential equations (چکیده)
447 - Mining Fuzzy Temporal Itemsets Within Various Time Intervals In Quantitative Datasets (چکیده)
448 - Application of nonlinear magnetic vibro-impact vibration suppressor and energy harvester (چکیده)
449 - A secure authentication and key agreement scheme for roaming service with user anonymity (چکیده)
450 - Evolutionary history of the Persian Jird,Meriones persicus,based on genetics, species distribution modelling and morphometric data (چکیده)
451 - Integrative taxonomy of Meriones persicus (Rodentia, Gerbillinae) in Iran (چکیده)
452 - Quasi type 2 fuzzy differential equations (چکیده)
453 - Designing a Fuzzy Expert System with a Hybrid Approach to Select Operational Strategies in Project-Based Organizations with a Selected Competitive Priority (چکیده)
454 - Mining variable fragments from process event logs (چکیده)
455 - A Measurement Setup for Radiated EMI of Un-buffered DRAM Modules (چکیده)
456 - New records of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Trombidiformes, Eriophyidae) from Golestan province of Iran (چکیده)
457 - Reliability Improvement of Hardware Task Graphs via Configuration Early Fetch (چکیده)
458 - Numerical Schemes for Fractional Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
459 - Sip Overload Control Testbed: Design, Building and Evaluation (چکیده)
460 - A mathematical model for the municipal solid waste location-routing problem with intermediate transfer stations (چکیده)
461 - A High-Speed and Power-Efficient Voltage Level Shifter for Dual-Supply Applications (چکیده)
462 - A Power-Efficient Signal-Specific ADC for Sensor-Interface Applications (چکیده)
463 - Design pattern detection based on the graph theory (چکیده)
464 - Efficient indexing for semantic search (چکیده)
465 - Energy use efficiency, GHG emissions and carbon efficiency of paddy rice production in Iran (چکیده)
466 - Determining the Optimum Brands Diversity of Cheese Using PSO (Case Study: Mashhad) (چکیده)
467 - efficient landcover segmentation using meta fusion (چکیده)
468 - The state of the art on design patterns: A systematic mapping of the literature (چکیده)
469 - Reconstruction of Security region with high information content using effective attributes extraction (چکیده)
470 - Oceanobacillus longus sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from a salt lake (چکیده)
471 - Delay-Aware Resource Provisioning for Cost-Efficient Cloud Gaming (چکیده)
474 - Support vector regression with random output variable and probabilistic constraints (چکیده)
475 - Performance analysis of classification algorithms on early detection of liver disease (چکیده)
476 - A novel reversible design for double edge triggered flip-flops and new designs of reversible sequential circuits (چکیده)
477 - A 5.3-9.3 fJ/Conversion-Step 4-32 MS/s 10 bit Asynchronous SAR ADC with Optimized DAC Timing Strategy in 0.13 μm CMOS (چکیده)
478 - On Relative Central Extensions and Covering Pairs (چکیده)
479 - Rotation-Based Design and Synthesis of Quantum Circuits (چکیده)
480 - Design of a Secure Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme Preserving User Privacy Usable in Telecare Medicine Information Systems (چکیده)
481 - Design of GMR-Based Wideband Optical Reflector Using Memetic Algorithm with Fuzzy Logic Local Search (چکیده)
482 - Explaining and validating stressed power systems behavior using modal series (چکیده)
483 - Quality Assessment Based Coded Apertures for Defocus Deblurring (چکیده)
484 - A constraint-based search algorithm for parameter identification of environmental models (چکیده)
485 - A note on “A class of linear differential dynamical systems with fuzzy initial condition” (چکیده)
486 - Impacts of Strategic Bidding of Wind Power Producers on Electricity Markets (چکیده)
487 - A bi-objective model for integrated scheduling of production anddistribution in a supply chain with order release date restrictions (چکیده)
488 - Modeling and scheduling hybrid workflows of tasks and task interaction graphs on the cloud (چکیده)
489 - Symbiotic ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) associated with aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Golestan province, Iran (چکیده)
490 - Extended Fuzzy Logic: Sets and Systems (چکیده)
491 - Applying Hybrid Interval Linear Programming and Genetic Algorithm to Coordinate Distance and Directional Overcurrent Relays (چکیده)
492 - Fuzzy Projection Over a Crisp Set and Applications (چکیده)
493 - Effects of nitrogen fertilization on population growth of two-spotted spider mites (چکیده)
494 - Oceanobacillus halophilus sp. nov., a novel moderately halophilic bacterium from a hypersaline lake (چکیده)
495 - Halosiccatus urmianus gen. nov., sp. nov., a haloarchaeon from a salt lake (چکیده)
496 - An integrated model for generation maintenance coordination in a restructured power system involving gas network constraints and uncertainties (چکیده)
497 - Effect of landscape structure on agrobiodiversity in western Iran (Gilan-E Gharb) (چکیده)
498 - Pastoral Nomadism, a Sustainable System for Grazing Land Management in Arid Areas (چکیده)
499 - A Comparative Analysis of Phase-Domain ADC and Amplitude-Domain IQ ADC (چکیده)
500 - Ecological foodprint of Iran (چکیده)
501 - <strong>Eriophyid mites (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyidae) of Elm trees in Iran</strong> (چکیده)
502 - Fuzzy multivariate process capability vector (چکیده)
503 - Improvement of the Aircraft Traffic Management Advisor Optimization Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
504 - Nonparametric Tests for Median in Fuzzy Environment (چکیده)
505 - Impacts of Ramp Rate Limits on Oligopolistic Opportunities in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
506 - Designing Coordinated Power System Stabilizers: A Reference Model Based Controller Design (چکیده)
507 - Maximizing Service Level in a β-robust Job Shop Scheduling Model (چکیده)
508 - The ammonoids from the Late PermianParatirolitesLimestone of Julfa (East Azerbaijan, Iran) (چکیده)
509 - Simulation of Skulduggery in a Multi-Agent System (چکیده)
510 - Nonlinear control of structure using neuro-predictive algorithm (چکیده)
511 - The Effect of Implementation of Accounting Information System on Efficiency, Profitability and Productivity of SMEs in Iran (چکیده)
512 - A load scheduler for SIP proxy servers: design, implementation and evaluation of a history weighted window approach (چکیده)
513 - On-line Voltage and Power Flow Contingencies Rankings Using Enhanced Radial Basis Function Neural Network and Kernel Principal Compnent Analysis (چکیده)
514 - A fast static security assessment method based on radial basis function neural networks using enhanced clustering (چکیده)
515 - Biosystematic study of Calomyscus mystax (Rodentia, Calomyscidae) from northeastern Iran (چکیده)
516 - Security-based multi-objective congestion management for emission reduction in power system (چکیده)
517 - A multi-attribute congestion-driven approach for evaluation of power generation plans (چکیده)
518 - A 350-MS/s Continuous-Time Delta–Sigma Modulator With a Digitally Assisted Binary-DAC and a 5-Bits Two-Step-ADC Quantizer in 130-nm CMOS (چکیده)
519 - A Fully Digital Front-End Architecture for ECG Acquisition System With 0.5 V Supply (چکیده)
520 - Low Energy Write Operation for 1T-1MTJ STT-RAM Bitcells with Negative Bitline Technique (چکیده)
521 - Dynamic soil properties of some deep trenches in Mashhad city, NE Iran (چکیده)
522 - Dual Mode Square SIW Cavity Filter Using Corner Cut Perturbation (چکیده)
523 - A new tree-based approach for evaluating rule antecedent constraint in confabulation based association rule mining (چکیده)
524 - Removal of arsenate and arsenite from aqueous solution by adsorption on clay minerals (چکیده)
525 - Halovarius luteus gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a salt lake (چکیده)
526 - A New Approach to the Quantitative Measurement of Software Reliability (چکیده)
527 - An iterative method for suboptimal control of linear time-delayed systems (چکیده)
528 - Active Steganalysis of Transform Domain Steganography Based on Sparse Component Analysis (چکیده)
529 - Morphological Study of Hemidactylus Geckos (Squamata:Gekkonidae) from Iran (چکیده)
530 - Faunistic and taxonomic study of Rodents from northwestern Iran (چکیده)
531 - Vehicle Model Recognition Using Image Processing and Wavelet Analysis (چکیده)
532 - Using Mutual Aggregate Uncertainty Measures in a Threat Assessment Problem Constructed by Dempster–Shafer Network (چکیده)
533 - Morphometric variation of Periophthalmus waltoni Koumans, 1941(Teleostei: Gobiidae) in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman (چکیده)
534 - An Analytical Fault Location Method based on Minimum Number of Installed PMUs (چکیده)
535 - Multiplicative distance: a method to alleviate distance instability for high-dimensional data (چکیده)
536 - Tree Fusion Method for Semantic Concept Detection in Images (چکیده)
537 - Mathematical modelling and dynamic simulation of multi-effect falling-film evaporator for milk powder production (چکیده)
538 - Design of a robust quantitative feedback theory position controller for an ionic polymer metal composite actuator using an analytical dynamic model (چکیده)
539 - A Low-Power Subthreshold to Above-Threshold Voltage Level Shifter (چکیده)
540 - Epsilon-Zero Resonance Antennas with Modified Unit Cells (چکیده)
541 - Preprocessing of Distance and Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Problem Considering Changes in Network Topology (چکیده)
542 - Preliminary study of rodents using pellets of predatory birds in Iran (چکیده)
544 - Nonlinear viscoelastic dynamic modeling of high-speed polypyrrole-based trilayer bending plate-like actuators based on first-order shear deformation plate theory (چکیده)
545 - Nonlinear Signal-Specific ADC for Efficient Neural Recording in Brain-Machine Interfaces (چکیده)
546 - Analysis and Design of a Low-Voltage Low-Power Double-Tail Comparator (چکیده)
547 - Controller Design Using Ant Colony Algorithm for a Non-inverting Buck–Boost Chopper Based on a Detailed Average Model (چکیده)
548 - Removal of chromium [Cr(VI)] from contaminated solutions by using biogenic ferrous iron in bioreduced minerals (چکیده)
549 - Approximate Dynamic Programming for Two-player Zero-sum Game Related to H∞ Control of Unknown Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems (چکیده)
550 - Learning parameters of fuzzy Bayesian Network based on imprecise observations (چکیده)
551 - Indirect Adaptive Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Pi Sliding Mode Control For A Class Of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
552 - A Low-Noise Low-Power MOSFET only Electrocardiogram Amplifier (چکیده)
553 - Security-Based Tariff forWheeling Contracts Considering Fair Congestion Cost Allocation (چکیده)
554 - Probabilistic Congestion Management Considering Power System Uncertainties Using Chance-constrained Programming (چکیده)
555 - VPP decision making in power markets using Benders decomposition (چکیده)
556 - Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of EEG Signals in Epileptic Seizure Recognition (چکیده)
557 - A Fully Digital ASK Demodulator With Digital Calibration for Bioimplantable Devices (چکیده)
558 - Confabulation Inspired Association Rule Mining for Rare and Frequent Itemsets (چکیده)
559 - Toward mitigating wind-uncertainty costs in power system operation: A demand response exchange market framework (چکیده)
560 - A Bi-level Programming For Reverse Logistics Network Design (چکیده)
561 - Halovivax cerinus sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a hypersaline lake (چکیده)
562 - Cooperative Beamforming in Relay Assisted MIMO-OFDMA Cognitive Radio Systems (چکیده)
563 - Use of grey relational analysis for multi-objective optimisation of NiTiCu shape memory alloy produced by powder metallurgy process (چکیده)
564 - The Karaman vole Microtus irani karamani is a new record for Iran (Arvicolinae; Microtus) (چکیده)
565 - A study on combinational effects of job and resource characteristics on energy consumption (چکیده)
566 - Application of single unit impact dampers to harvest energy and suppress vibrations (چکیده)
567 - Step-by-step design and tuning of VOC control loops for grid connected rectifiers (چکیده)
568 - Memetic and scatter search metaheuristic algorithms for a multiobjective fortnightly university course timetabling problem: a case study (چکیده)
569 - Contribution to the distribution of spiders with significant medical importance (Araneae: Loxosceles and Latrodectus) in Iran, with a new record for the country (چکیده)
570 - Predictive permeability model of faults in crystalline rocks; verification by joint hydraulic factor (JH) obtained from water pressure tests (چکیده)
571 - Cooperative beamforming and relay selection in cognitive radio systems (چکیده)
572 - Diabetic Control Using Genetic Fuzzy-PI Controller (چکیده)
573 - High-level design space exploration of locally linear neuro-fuzzy models for embedded systems (چکیده)
574 - A 10-bit 110 kS/s 1.16 μW SA-ADC With a Hybrid Differential/Single-Ended DAC in 180-nm CMOS for Multichannel Biomedical Applications (چکیده)
575 - On the Kullback Leibler information for mixed systems (چکیده)
576 - Genetic diversity of Malaysian indigenous Mahseer, Tor douronensis in Sarawak river basins as revealed by cytochrome c oxidase I gene sequences (چکیده)
577 - Pseudomonas salegens sp. nov., a halophilic member of the genus Pseudomonas isolated from a wetland (چکیده)
578 - Halovivax limisalsi sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a hypersaline mud (چکیده)
579 - Average Shadowing Property With Non Uniform Hyperbolicity on Periodic Points (چکیده)
580 - Scenario-based quasi-static task mapping and scheduling for temperature-efficient MPSoC design under process variation (چکیده)
581 - A new merit function for custom instruction selection under an area budget constraint (چکیده)
582 - Nonuniform deformation and curvature identification of ionic polymer metal composite actuators (چکیده)
583 - Ultra-wideband multiple-access relay channel with correlated noises and its diversity analysis (چکیده)
584 - Global stability analysis and existence of periodic solutions in an eight-neuron BAM neural network model with delays (چکیده)
585 - Runoff generation processes during the wet-up phase in a semi-arid basin in Iran (چکیده)
586 - Accelerated Local Binary Fitting Scheme for Medical Images Segmentation (چکیده)
587 - New data on the Jumping spiders from northeast of Iran (Aranei: Salticidae) (چکیده)
588 - Transmission line fault location using hybrid wavelet-Prony method and relief algorithm (چکیده)
590 - Optimal Control of Fuzzy Linear Controlled System with Fuzzy Initial Conditions (چکیده)
591 - Hierarchical tree clustering of fuzzy number (چکیده)
592 - Aliicoccus persicus gen. nov., sp. nov., a halophilic member of the Firmicutes isolated from a hypersaline lake (چکیده)
593 - Current-comparison based new low-leakage high speed domino circuit for wide fan-in gates (چکیده)
594 - adaptive optimal control of unknown constrained-input system using policy iteration and neural networks (چکیده)
595 - A Layer Model of a Confidence-aware Trust Management System (چکیده)
596 - Analytical model for CMOS cross‐coupled LC‐tank oscillator (چکیده)
597 - Field evaluation of the Hillslope Erosion Model (HEM) in Iran (چکیده)
598 - Segmented Architecture for Successive Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converters (چکیده)
599 - Study on application offlux linkage of synchronous generator for loss of excitation detection (چکیده)
600 - Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness, Earliness, and Transportation Costs in Fuzzy Job Shop Scheduling and Location Problem (چکیده)
601 - Modeling and analysis of magnetorheological inner mass single unit impact dampers (چکیده)
602 - Oceanobacillus limi sp. nov., a novel moderately halophilic bacterium from a salt lake (چکیده)
603 - A reliability-based approach to optimize preventive maintenance scheduling for coherent systems (چکیده)
604 - Remote sensing techniques for predicting evapotranspiration from mixed vegetated surfaces (چکیده)
605 - Molecular phylogeny of Malaysian Pangasiid based on cytochrome C oxidase I (COI) DNA sequences (چکیده)
606 - Analysis of capacity and coverage region for Rayleigh fading MIMO relay channel (چکیده)
607 - Halorientalis persicus sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from a salt lake and emended description of the genus Halorientalis (چکیده)
608 - Geometric morphometric analyses of four species of brush-tailed mice, genus Calomyscus (Rodentia: Calomyscidae), from (چکیده)
609 - New Records of Naked-footed Gerbil Gerbillus nanus and Pygmy Gerbil Gerbillus cfr. henleyi (Rodentia, Muridae) from Iran (چکیده)
610 - Biosystematic approach to geographic variations of house mouse group, Mus musculus L.1766 (چکیده)
611 - A new record of Allactaga euphratica from Ilam province, West of Iran (چکیده)
612 - Cytogenetic Characterization of 23 Species of Rodents From Iran (چکیده)
613 - Patterns of skull shape variation in Meriones persicus (Rodentia: Muridae) in relation to geoclimatical conditions (چکیده)
614 - Cranial variation in Meriones tristrami (Rodentia: Muridae: Gerbillinae) and its morphological comparison with Meriones persicus ,Meriones vinogradovi and Meriones libycus : a geometric morphometric study (چکیده)
615 - Geographic pattern of cranial differentiation in the Asian Midday JirdMeriones meridianus(Rodentia: Muridae: Gerbillinae) and its taxonomic implications (چکیده)
616 - Recursive least square perceptron model for non-stationary and imbalanced data stream classification (چکیده)
617 - New record of the Mediterranean Recluse Spider Loxosceles rufescens (Dufour, 1820) and its bite from Khorasan Province, northeast of Iran (Aranei: Sicariidae) (چکیده)
618 - Generalized Instance-based Fault Locating in Transmission Lines Using Single-ended Voltage Measurements (چکیده)
619 - Solvability of Free Products, Cayley graphs and Complexes (چکیده)
620 - Inverse Unified Power Quality Conditioner: Investigations towards its Performance and Capabilities (چکیده)
621 - Classification of fuzzy data based on the support vector machines (چکیده)
622 - Bifurcation conditions for stabilizing the unstable orbits of nonlinear planar systems (چکیده)
623 - A closed-form solution for a fluid-structure system: shear beam-compressible fluid (چکیده)
624 - Further record of Golunda ellioti Gray, 1837 (Muridae, Rodentia) from South East of Iran with notes on its postcranial skeleton (چکیده)
625 - The evolution of Dianthus polylepis complex (Caryophyllaceae) inferred from morphological and nuclear DNA sequence data: one or two species (چکیده)
626 - Proposed mechanism for performance of power system stabilizers in the condition of strong resonance (چکیده)
627 - Reliable yet flexible software through formal model transformation (rule definition) (چکیده)
628 - Aeroelastic stability of smart sandwich plates with electrorheological fluid core and orthotropic faces (چکیده)
629 - Mitochondrial DNA (CYTB) divergences in two distinct, Old World and New World Barn Owls (چکیده)
630 - A type-2 fuzzy rule-based expert system model for stock price analysis (چکیده)
631 - Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for solubility prediction of carbon dioxide in polymers (چکیده)
632 - A cluster validity index for fuzzy clustering (چکیده)
633 - Rule Base Simplification by Using a Similarity Measures of Fuzzy Sets (چکیده)
634 - A fast static security assessment method based on radial basis function neural networks using enhanced clustering (چکیده)
635 - Ranking Fuzzy Random Variables Based on New Fuzzy Stochastic Orders (چکیده)
636 - Analysis of the Probability Distribution of LMP by Central Limit Theorem (چکیده)
638 - LMP decomposition: A novel approach for structural market power monitoring (چکیده)
639 - Applying dynamic load estimation and distributed‐parameter line model to enhance the accuracy of impedance based fault location methods for power distribution networks (چکیده)
640 - Statistical inference for the lifetime performance index based on generalized order statistics from exponential distribution (چکیده)
641 - A New Approach for the Generalized First Derivative and Extension It to the Generalized Second Derivative of Nonsmooth Functions (چکیده)
642 - Generalized Derivative of Fuzzy Nonsmooth Functions (چکیده)
643 - A Stochastic Hybrid Method to Forecast Operating Reserve: Comparison of Fuzzy and Classical Set Theory (چکیده)
644 - Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems via He’s Variational Iteration Method (چکیده)
645 - Coordinated Decisions for Transmission and Generation Expansion Planning in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
646 - An interval-valued fuzzy controller for complex dynamical systems with application to a 3-PSP parallel robot (چکیده)
647 - New species and records of eriophyid mites from Iran (چکیده)
648 - Dynamics analysis of a 3-RRP spherical parallel manipulator using the natural orthogonal complement (چکیده)
649 - Acceptance single sampling plan with fuzzy parameter (چکیده)
650 - Sequential sampling plan using fuzzy SPRT (چکیده)
651 - Monitoring Fuzzy Capability Index Cpk by using the EWMA Control Chart with Imprecise Data (چکیده)
652 - On-line Voltage and Power Flow Contingencies Rankings Using Enhanced Radial Basis Function Neural Network and Kernel Principal Component Analysis (چکیده)
653 - A strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm–based conflict assessment framework of electricity market participants’ objectives in generation maintenance scheduling (چکیده)
654 - Halopenitus malekzadehii sp. nov., a novel extremely halophilic archaeon from a salt lake (چکیده)
655 - Digital Background Calibration of Capacitor Mismatch Errors in Pipelined ADCs (چکیده)
656 - Area and Power Optimization of High-Order Gain Calibration in Digitally-Enhanced Pipelined ADCs (چکیده)
657 - A Reconfigurable and Power-Scalable 10–12 Bit 0.4–44 MS/s Pipelined ADC With 0.35–0.5 pJ/Step in 1.2 V 90 nm Digital CMOS (چکیده)
658 - Isosyme variation in some populations of wild diploid wheats from Iran (چکیده)
659 - Combination of New Solid/Liquid Phase Microextraction Technique Based on Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for the Extraction and Determination of Zn(II) in the Environmental Samples (چکیده)
660 - CycloidGrid: A proximity-aware P2P-based resource discovery architecture in volunteer computing systems (چکیده)
661 - Dynamic modeling and robust control of an L-shaped microrobot based on fast trilayer polypyrrole-bending actuators (چکیده)
662 - Hybrid Modeling of a DC-DC Series Resonant Converter: Direct Piecewise Affine Approach (چکیده)
663 - Distribution and morphological variation of Emys orbicularis in the coastal areas of the Caspian sea (چکیده)
664 - Optimization of PM scheduling for multi-component systems - A simulated annealing approach (چکیده)
665 - Limimonas halophila gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic bacterium in the family Rhodospirillaceae (چکیده)
666 - Haloarchaeobius iranensis gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from a saline lake (چکیده)
667 - Halopenitus persicus gen. nov., sp. nov., an archaeon from an inland salt lake (چکیده)
668 - Salinibacter iranicus sp. nov. and Salinibacter luteus sp. nov., isolated from a salt lake, and emended descriptions of the genus Salinibacter and of Salinibacter ruber (چکیده)
669 - Dimensions of Organizational Intelligence in Iranian Universities an Information Processing Perspective (چکیده)
670 - Particle Tracking BasedMethod for Evaluation of Cylinder-to- CylinderDistribution of EGR/Blowby (چکیده)
671 - Current-Comparison-Based Domino: New Low-Leakage High-Speed Domino Circuit for Wide Fan-In Gates (چکیده)
672 - Application of outline analysis on fossil and modern specimens of Apodemus (چکیده)
673 - Vector Fuzzy C-means (چکیده)
674 - An Iterative Procedure for Optimal Control of Bilinear Systems (چکیده)
675 - Employing Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of an Exciter Machine (چکیده)
676 - A new fault location algorithm for radial distribution systems using modal analysis (چکیده)
677 - Orbital shadowing and weak shadowing points (چکیده)
678 - A Novel Evolutionary Approach for Optimizing Content-Based Image Indexing Algorithms (چکیده)
679 - σ, γ− Generalized Dynamics on Modules (چکیده)
680 - Evaluation of genetic diversity among Iranian accessions of Ocimum spp.using AFLP markers (چکیده)
681 - Quantitative Trait Loci for Fleece Traits in Baluchi Sheep (چکیده)
682 - Optimal control of switched systems based on Bezier control points (چکیده)
683 - Molecular analysis of species of Tulipa L. from Iran based on ISSR markers (چکیده)
684 - A Colpitts CMOS Quadrature VCO Using Direct Connection of Substrates for Coupling (چکیده)
685 - Eight new records of bird species from North-Eastern Iran (چکیده)
686 - A new single ended fault location algorithm for combined transmission line considering fault clearing transients without using line parameters (چکیده)
687 - Comparative morphological and molecular study of Iranian populations of Heterodera filipjevi (Madzhidov, 1981) Stelter,1984 and other members of ‘H. avenae group’ (چکیده)
688 - Harmonic reduction in wind turbine generators using a Shunt Active Filter based on the proposed modulation technique (چکیده)
689 - Accuracy improvement of impedance based fault location method for power distribution network using distributed-parameter line model (چکیده)
690 - Biosystematic analysis of genus Rattus (Rodentia: Murinae) in Iran using total proteins of plasma and esterase-1 (چکیده)
691 - A novel multicarrier CDMA transmission scheme for cognitive radios with sidelobe suppression (چکیده)
692 - Deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithms for Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (چکیده)
693 - Cost-Driven Scheduling of Grid Workflows Using Partial Critical Paths (چکیده)
694 - Asymptotic Average Shadowing Property For Flows (چکیده)
695 - Studies of Water Arsenic and Boron Pollutants and Algae Phytoremediation in Three Springs, Iran (چکیده)
696 - Preparation, Characterization and Optimization of Egg Albumin Nanoparticles as Low Molecular‐Weight Drug Delivery Vehicle (چکیده)
697 - Nonlinear modal analysis of interaction between torsional modes and SVC controllers (چکیده)
698 - Design and experimental verification of a dead beat power control strategy for low cost three phase PWM converters (چکیده)
699 - Comment on ‘‘Support vector machine for classification based on fuzzy training data’’ by A.-B. Ji, J.-H. Pang, H.-J. Qiu [Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 3495–3498] (چکیده)
700 - Morphological comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Rodentia: Gerbillinae) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
701 - Testing fuzzy hypotheses using fuzzy data based on fuzzy test statistic (چکیده)
702 - Simultaneous placement and tuning of power system stabilizers via genetic algorithm (چکیده)
703 - Position Control of Servomotors Using Neural Dynamic Sliding Mode (چکیده)
704 - Critical discourse analysis and critical thinking: An experimental study in an EFL context (چکیده)
705 - Fuzzy linear regression based on least absolute deviations (چکیده)
706 - Optimal Control Approach for Solving Linear Volterra Integral Equations (چکیده)
707 - On Felbin-Type Fuzzy 2-Normed Spaces and Its Fuzzy I-Topologies (چکیده)
708 - A modified adaptive controller design for teleoperation systems (چکیده)
710 - Model Reference Adaptive Control Design for a Teleoperation System with Output Prediction (چکیده)
711 - Evolutionary model selection in a wavelet-based support vector machine for automated seizure detection (چکیده)
712 - Analysis and Design of Tunable Amplifiers for Implantable Neural Recording Applications (چکیده)
713 - A novel congestion control protocol with AQM support for IP-based networks (چکیده)
714 - Shadowing and Chaos (چکیده)
715 - Uniquely remotal sets in c_0-SUMS AND L∞-SUMS OF FUZZY NORMED SPACES (چکیده)
716 - Biosystematic study of the genus Berberis L. (Berberidaceae) in Khorassan, NE Iran (چکیده)
717 - Predicting air pollution using fuzzy genetic linear membership kriging in GIS (چکیده)
718 - Approximation of accessible diffeomorphisms by stable non uniformly hyperbolic systems (چکیده)
719 - Phylogenetic analysis of the five-toed Jerboa (Rodentia) from the Iranian Plateau based on mtDNA and morphometric data (چکیده)
720 - First record of Zarudny’s Jird, Meriones zarudnyi Heptner, 1937 (Rodentia: Muridae) in Shirvan, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
721 - Geometric morphometric comparison of mandible and skull of five species of genus Allactaga (Rodentia: Dipodidae) from Iran (چکیده)
722 - Comparison of hyperspectral imaging with conventional digital imaging for quality evaluation of Agaricus bisporus mushrooms. (چکیده)
723 - Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Structure of Baluchi Sheep by Microsatellite Markers (چکیده)
724 - Contemporary and sub-fossil house mice (Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758) (Rodentia: Muridae) from Iran (چکیده)
725 - Analysis of power consumption and linearity in capacitive digital-to-analog converters used in successive-approximation ADCs (چکیده)
726 - Morphometrical and genetic diversity of Meloidogyne javanica from the north east of Iran (چکیده)
727 - Artificial neural network approach for locating internal faults in salient-pole synchronous generator (چکیده)
728 - Measurement of Power Supplier’s Market Power Using a Proposed Fuzzy Estimator (چکیده)
729 - Perturbation of generalized derivations in fuzzy Menger normed algebras (چکیده)
730 - Relaxed constraints support vector machine (چکیده)
731 - Improve Performance of Multivariable Robust Control in Boiler System (چکیده)
732 - An optimal energy‐efficient clustering method in wireless sensor networks using multi‐objective genetic algorithm (چکیده)
733 - A general insight into the effect of neuron structure on classification (چکیده)
734 - Rodent fauna of the western Golestan Province in northeast Iran (چکیده)
735 - Classification of imprecise data using interval Fisher discriminator (چکیده)
736 - Determination of PSS Location Based on Singular Value Decomposition (چکیده)
737 - Application of grey theory approach to evaluation of organizational vision (چکیده)
738 - A Virtual Work Based Algorithm for Solving Direct Dynamics Problem of a 3-RRP Spherical Parallel Manipulator (چکیده)
739 - Extended decision template presentation for combining classifiers (چکیده)
740 - Exact and approximate solutions of fuzzy LR linear systems: New algorithms using a least squares model and the ABS approach (چکیده)
741 - Prediction of tractor repair and maintenance costs using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
742 - An Adaptive Q-Learning Algorithm Developed for Agent-Based Computational Modeling of Electricity Market (چکیده)
743 - An adaptive ordered fuzzy time series with application to FOREX (چکیده)
744 - A QoS-based Multichannel MAC Protocol for Two-Tiered Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
745 - Proportionally fair flow control mechanism for best effort traffic in network-on-chip architectures (چکیده)
746 - Buffer Optimization in Network-on-Chip Through Flow Regulation (چکیده)
747 - Bootstrap testing fuzzy hypotheses and observations on fuzzy statistic (چکیده)
748 - Entropy for Pareto-types and its Order Statistics Distributions (چکیده)
749 - Management of Energy Consumption on Cluster Based Routing Protocol for MANET (چکیده)
750 - Shell fitting space for classification (چکیده)
752 - A preliminary molecular study of the Iranian species of Calomyscus (Rodentia- Calomyscidae) using RFLP (چکیده)
753 - Geometric morphometric study of two species of the psammophilous genus Erodiontes (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from the Lute desert, Central Iran (چکیده)
754 - Morphmetric comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Gerbillinae, Rodentia) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
755 - Impacts of Large-Scale Integration of Intermittent Resources on Electricity Markets: A Supply Function Equilibrium Approach (چکیده)
756 - Monte Carlo Simulation of Atom Displacement Damage in ZnO Crystal Structure by Fast Neutron Radiation Using MCNP Code (چکیده)
757 - A Transmission Planning Framework Considering Future Generation Expansions in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
758 - A scenario based multi-objective model for multi-stage transmission expansion planning (چکیده)
759 - A Multi-Objective Framework for Transmission Expansion Planning in Deregulated Environments (چکیده)
760 - Considering system non-linearity in transmission pricing (چکیده)
761 - CTV, Complex Transient and Voltage stability: A new method for computing dynamic ATC (چکیده)
762 - Market-Based Transmission Expansion Planning (چکیده)
763 - Analysis of Interaction Between Energy-spinning Reserve and Replacement Reserve Markets (چکیده)
764 - A generalized Heffron-Phillips model for power systems with voltage and frequency dependent loads (چکیده)
765 - Evaluation of Regulatory Impacts on Dynamic Behavior of Investments in Electricity Markets: A New Hybrid DP/GAME Framework (چکیده)
766 - Design of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna Fed by Dielectric Image Line With a Finite Ground Plane (چکیده)
767 - Faunistic study of spiders in Khorasan Province, Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
768 - New records of three Latrodectus species found in Khorasan province (Araneae: Theridiidae) (چکیده)
770 - Active noise cancellation of variable frequency narrow band noise using mixture of RLS and LMS algorithms (چکیده)
771 - SVM-based Relevance Feedback for semantic video retrieval (چکیده)
772 - Vis/NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for the prediction of soluble solids content and acidity (pH) of kiwifruit (چکیده)
773 - An Experimental Study on the Effect of Premixed and Equivalence Ratios on CO and HC Emissions of Dual Fuel HCCI Engine (چکیده)
774 - A Novel Fuzzy Model and Control of SingleIntersection at Urban Traffic Network (چکیده)
775 - Intrusion Detection by Ellipsoid Boundary (چکیده)
776 - A comparative study of DWT, CWT and DCT transformations in ECG arrhythmias classification (چکیده)
777 - A New Approach for Predicting andOptimizing Weld Bead Geometry in GMAW (چکیده)
778 - A Statistical Approach for Predicting andOptimizing Depth of Cut in AWJ Machiningfor 6063-T6 Al Alloy (چکیده)
779 - Optimization of Shared Autonomy Vehicle Control Architectures for Swarm Operations (چکیده)
780 - New records of the afghan Vole, Blanfordimys of ghanus (Rodenia: Arvicoinoe) form North- East of khorasan Iran (چکیده)
781 - Diversity of the Rodents of Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
782 - New record of Naked-footed Gerbil Gerbillius nanus and Pygmy Gerbi Gerbillius cfr. henleyi (Rodentia, Muridae)from Iran (چکیده)
783 - A preliminary study on Indian Gerbils, Tatera indica Hardwicke, 1807 at population level in eastern and southern parts of Iran (Rodentia: Muridae) (چکیده)
784 - Investigation of climatic effects on the shape and volume of tympanic bulla of Meriones libycus and M.Persicus(Muridae: Rodentia) form Northeastern Iran: An evolutionary approach (چکیده)
785 - Biosystematic approach to geographie variations of house mouse group, Mus musculus L.1766 (چکیده)
786 - Biosystimatics study of steppe field mouse Apodemus witherbyi (rodentia: Muridae) form North-West Iran, (چکیده)
787 - morphometric comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Gerbillinae, Rodentia) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
788 - Rodents and Lagomorphs remains from late pleistocene and early Holoeene Caves and Rochshelter sites in the Zagros region, iran (چکیده)
789 - A Novel Overlap-Based Logic Cell: An Efficient Implementation of Flip–Flops With Embedded Logic (چکیده)
790 - Distortion analysis of bootstrap switch using Volterra series (چکیده)
791 - Preference of adults of Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing (Acari: Trombidiidae) for eggs of Planococcus citri (Risso) and Pulvinaria aurantii Cockerell on citrus leaves in the laboratory (چکیده)
792 - Accurate fault location algorithm for transmission line in the presence of series connected FACTS devices (چکیده)
793 - A new genetic algorithm with lamarckian individual learning for generation scheduling (چکیده)
794 - Market clearing price and load forecasting using cooperative co-evolutionary approach (چکیده)
795 - A qualitative comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines in ECG arrhythmias classification (چکیده)
796 - An adaptive scheme for compressed video steganoghraphy using temporal and spatial features of the video signal (چکیده)
797 - A New Method For CDMA Signal Modeling In Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
798 - A recurrent neural network-based method for training probabilistic Support Vector Machine (چکیده)
799 - Design of Three-Stage Nested-Miller Compensated Operational Amplifiers Based on Settling Time (چکیده)
800 - Improving videophone subjective quality using audio information (چکیده)
801 - Impact of Audio on Subjective Assessment of Video Quality in Videoconferencing Applications (چکیده)
802 - WheatPot: A simple model for spring wheat yield potential (چکیده)
803 - A study of geographical changes of bullae characteristic in genus Meriones (Rodentia Muridae) using outline Method (چکیده)
804 - DTMOS Technique for Low-Voltage Analog Circuits (چکیده)
805 - A new and accurate fault location algorithm for combined transmission lines using Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
806 - A Digitally Programmable Delay Element: Desing and Analysis (چکیده)
807 - Modified Model for Settling Behavior of Operational Amplifiers in Nanoscale CMOS (چکیده)
808 - Optimum utilisation of low-capacity combine harvesters in high-yielding wheat farms using multi-criteria decision making (چکیده)
809 - Automatic off-road vehicle steering system with a surface (چکیده)
810 - Extending the perturbation technique to the modal representation of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
811 - Robust control methodologies for dc/dc PWM converters under wide changes in operating conditions (چکیده)
812 - Investigation of climatic effects on the shape and volume of tympanic bulla of Meriones libycus and M.Persicus(Muridae: Rodentia) form Northeastern Iran: An evolutionary approach (چکیده)
813 - Metabolic flux analysis for optimizing the specific growth rate of recombinant Aspergillus niger (چکیده)
814 - Fuzzy Cost Support Vector Regression (چکیده)
815 - Stability of additive mappings in non-Archimedean fuzzy normed spaces (چکیده)
816 - A fixed point approach to almost quartic mappings in quas ifuzzy normed spaces (چکیده)
818 - Determination of Meriones species (Rodentiam Gerbillinae) by RAPD-PCR (چکیده)
819 - Genetic Study on Apodemus avicennicus and Apodemus witherbyi by RAPD-PCR (چکیده)
820 - Induction Motor Identification Using Elman Neural Network (چکیده)
821 - Effect of all quatratic terms on the third order oscillation (چکیده)
822 - Transient Response of Sandwich Beams with Electrorheological Core (چکیده)
823 - PI Adaptive Fuzzy Control With Large and Fast Disturbance Rejection for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
824 - Limsup Shadowing Property and Chaotic Behaviours (چکیده)
825 - An algorithm for the determination of the Economic Order Quantity in a Two-Level Supply Chain with Transportation Costs: comparison of decentralized with centralized decision (چکیده)
826 - Supplier’s optimal bidding strategy in electricity pay-as-bid auctionComparison of the Q-learning and a model-based approac (چکیده)
827 - The farm-retail Iran s beef marketing margin model (چکیده)
828 - Multi-agent Data Fusion Architecture for Intelligent Web Information Retrieval (چکیده)
829 - Fuzzy versions of Hyers–Ulam–Rassias theorem (چکیده)
830 - Fuzzy stability of the Jensen functional equation (چکیده)
831 - Risk analysis of bidding strategies in an electricity pay as bid auction: A new theorem (چکیده)
832 - Rolling element bearings multi-fault classification based on the wavelet denoising and support vector machine (چکیده)
833 - Soil seed bank and seedling populations of Hordeum murinum and Cardaria draba in saffron fields (چکیده)
834 - Agrobiodiversity of Field Crops: A Case Study for Iran (چکیده)
836 - FAD-ATC:A new method for computing dynamic ATC (چکیده)
837 - Singular Value Decomposition as a Measure for Control Structure Design in Power Systems (چکیده)
838 - The effects of irrigation efficiency and uniformity coefficient on relative yield and profit for deficit irriga (چکیده)
839 - high frequency torsional vibration of vehicular driveline systems in clonk (چکیده)
840 - driveline shuffle in rear wheel vehicles (چکیده)
841 - General nonlinear modal representation of large scale power systems (چکیده)
842 - Strong Expansive Homeomorphisms Have No Almost Lyapunov Stable points (چکیده)
844 - cottinuation of periodic orbits of a third order oscillator (چکیده)
845 - Simulated Annealing Application for Structural Optimization (چکیده)
846 - A Novel Constructive-Optimizer Neural Network for the Traveling Salesman Problem (چکیده)
847 - A comparison between Ant colony and Tabu search algorithms for job shop scheduling with sequence-dep (چکیده)
848 - Experiencing Small-Scale e-Democracy in Iran (چکیده)