مقالات ارائه شده در مجلات


  1. حسین نجاتیان بستانی , محمدرضا پهلوان نژاد , بهزاد قنسولی , علی علیزاده , تحلیل مقابله ای محتوای دو مجموعه آموزشی آزفا بر پایه طبقه بندی اصلاح شده بلوم در حیطه شناختی (پژوهشی), پژوهش‌نامه آموزش زبان فارسی به غیرفارسی زبانان, دوره (10), شماره (2), سال (2022-4), صفحات (285-304)
  2. سعیده سرافرازیزدی , عطیه کامیابی گل , بهزاد قنسولی , اعتبارسنجی آزمون تعیین سطح مرکز آزفا در دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, مطالعات آموزش زبان فارسی, دوره (4), شماره (8), سال (2019-9), صفحات (85-112)
  3. علی حسن درجال المذکوری , ضرغام قبانچی , بهزاد قنسولی , Role of Social Media Application in Promoting Motivation and Listening Skill of Iraqi EFL Learners: A Skype-Based Study, Asian Social Science, دوره (16), شماره (8), سال (2020-7), صفحات (20-32)
  4. محسن رودمعجنی , احسان قبول , بهزاد قنسولی , اعتبارِ سازه‌ی معیارنمره‌دهیِ مهارت نوشتن در آزمون جامع فارسی دانشگاه فردوسی برای غیرفارسی‌زبانان, پژوهش‌نامه آموزش زبان فارسی به غیرفارسی زبانان, دوره (9), شماره (1), سال (2020-4), صفحات (25-46)
  5. خلیل مطلب زاده , آیناز سامیر , حمید اشرف , بهزاد قنسولی , بررسی برنامه درسی کارشناسی ارشد مترجمی زبان انگلیسی در دانشگاه‌های برجسته آسیا, پژوهش های زبانشناختی در زبان های خارجی, دوره (9), شماره (1), سال (2019-4), صفحات (217-253)
  6. نعیمه خرقانی , بهزاد قنسولی , پرویز بیرجند , تأثیر انگیزه و برنامۀ کمک آموزشیِ مبتنی بر رابطۀ متقابل بین زبان آموز و معلم و کارِ گروهی بین زبان آموزان بر روی درک مطلب زبان آموزان ایرانی, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (48), شماره (4), سال (2016-1), صفحات (99-116)
  7. پریسا طاهری , مجید الهی شیروان , بهزاد قنسولی , احمد صفار مقدم , بررسی آشناییِ مدرسان زبان انگلیسی با فرهنگ خارجی از منظر توانش بین فرهنگی, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (24), شماره (2), سال (2015-7), صفحات (77-92)
  8. رؤیا عراقیان , بهزاد قنسولی , افسانه غنی زاده , طراحی و اعتبارسنجی پرسش‌نامة خودکارآمدی ترجمه و ارتباط آن با راهبردهای حل مسئله در ترجمه, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (50), شماره (2), سال (2018-5), صفحات (67-95)
  9. محسن رودمعجنی , بهزاد قنسولی , احسان قبول , سنجش مهارت گوش کردن در محیط دانشگاه: بررسی موردی آزمون بسندگی فارسی در دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, زبانشناسی و گویش های خراسان, دوره (11), شماره (2), سال (2019-10), صفحات (25-54)
  10. محسن رودمعجنی , بهزاد قنسولی , احسان قبول , محمدجعفر یاحقی , بررسی بخش خواندن در آزمون بسندگی زبان فارسی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد, جستارهای نوین ادبی, دوره (51), شماره (2), سال (2018-7), صفحات (1-26)
  11. سمیرا رحمانی , مجید الهی شیروان , بهزاد قنسولی , امید اکبری , تهیه و تدوین کتا بهای دوزبانه داستان محور، مبتنی بر تقویت سواد عاطفی دانش آموزان 8 تا 14 سال, پژوهش های زبانشناختی در زبان های خارجی, دوره (7), شماره (2), سال (2018-1), صفحات (425-451)
  12. اعظم اکرمی , بهزاد قنسولی , پوریا محمد علمی , طراحی و اعتبارسنجی مدلی برای تعیین سطح رایانه ای توانایی ترجمه انگلیسی به فارسی دانشجویان از طریق سنجش پویا, پژوهش های زبانشناختی در زبان های خارجی, دوره (8), شماره (1), سال (2018-5), صفحات (247-270)
  13. فرزانه حسن زاده توکلی , محمدرضا پهلوان نژاد , بهزاد قنسولی , بررسی رابطۀ سرمایه فرهنگی دبیران زبان انگلیسی دورۀ متوسطۀ دوم با خودکارآمدی آنها, پژوهش های زبانشناختی در زبان های خارجی, دوره (6), شماره (2), سال (2017-10), صفحات (417-448)
  14. فرزانه شادلومشهدی , حسام الدین شهریاری احمدی , بهزاد قنسولی , بررسی پیچیدگی دستوری در متون استدلالی زبان آموزان ایرانی از سه سطح مختلف توانش زبانی, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (49), شماره (4), سال (2017-2), صفحات (61-75)
  15. الهام ناجی میدانی , رضا پیش قدم , بهزاد قنسولی , آذر حسینی فاطمی , بررسی دیدگاه مدرسان زبان انگلیسی و زبان آموزان در مورد نقش زمان در آموزش و فرهنگ ایران, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (49), شماره (2), سال (2016-10), صفحات (1-22)
  16. مرضیه مشتاق پور , بهزاد قنسولی , بررسی وضعیت آموزش و یادگیری زبان فارسی در دانشگاههای جهان, جستارهای نوین ادبی, دوره (4), شماره (187), سال (2015-3), صفحات (111-136)
  17. حسام الدین شهریاری احمدی , بهزاد قنسولی , آذر حسینی فاطمی , تحلیل پیکره ای بسته های لغوی در مواد و روش مقالات رشته آموزش زبان انگلیسی, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (45), شماره (2), سال (2012-8), صفحات (51-65)
  18. مجید الهی شیروان , بهزاد قنسولی , آذر حسینی فاطمی , تأثیر بافت در آموزش راهبردهای یادگیری زبان انگلیسی: فراتحلیل مطالعات تجربی, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (45), شماره (4), سال (2013-1), صفحات (1-26)
  19. بهزاد قنسولی , سیده مریم فضائلی , واکاوی موردی فرایند درک نوشتاری در زبان فارسی یک دانشجوی کره ای, زبان پژوهی, دوره (5), شماره (9), سال (2013-12), صفحات (143-174)
  20. الهه رضوانی , بهزاد قنسولی , چند معنایی در قرآن کریم: مطالعه موردی ترجمه واژه فتنه, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (44), شماره (4), سال (2012-3), صفحات (35-55)
  21. بهزاد قنسولی , علیرضا جمالی منش , واکاوی نظریه هدف مندی ترجمه از منشور نظریه نظامهای اجتماعی لومان, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (2), شماره (44), سال (2011-9), صفحات (19-42)
  22. مصطفی مرادی مقدم , بهزاد قنسولی , تطبیق ویژگی های متنی و فرامتنی در اقتباس: بررسی موردی ترجمه رمان غرور و تعصب, Language Related Research- جستارهای زبانی, دوره (3), شماره (12), سال (2013-3), صفحات (215-234)
  23. بهزاد قنسولی , رضا پیش قدم , نقدی بر کتب زبان انگلیسی برای مقاصد خاص (بررسی زبان عمومی دانشگاه), مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (42), شماره (3), سال (2011-3), صفحات (21-35)
  24. بهزاد قنسولی , خلیل قاضی زاده , مجید الهی شیروان , تحلیل گفتمان امام رضا از منظر برنامه هدایت اعصابی-زبانی, ادبیات و هنر دینی, دوره (1), شماره (3), سال (2011-9), صفحات (97-110)
  25. بهزاد قنسولی , روش عینی کردن آزمون ترجمه, مترجم, دوره (3), شماره (13), سال (1994-9), صفحات (9-13)
  26. بهزاد قنسولی , تاملی در روش کنونی آموزش ترجمه, مترجم, دوره (1), شماره (10), سال (1991-6), صفحات (3-8)
  27. خلیل قاضی زاده , بهزاد قنسولی , بررسی گونه کاربردی زبان نوشتاری در وسایل نقلیه برون شهری بر اساس نظریه نقش های هفت گانه زبان از دیدگاه هلیدی, مطالعات زبان و ترجمه, دوره (42), شماره (1), سال (2010-7), صفحات (111-125)
  28. بهزاد قنسولی , طراحی و روایی سنجی آزمون بسندگی زبان فارسی, پژوهش های زبانشناختی در زبان های خارجی, دوره (12), شماره (57), سال (2010-4), صفحات (115-129)
  29. بهزاد قنسولی , بررسی عارضه نارسا خوانی در درس زبان فارسی دانش آموزان دوره ابتدایی, تخصصی زبان و ادبیات دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی, دوره (41), شماره (127), سال (2008-12), صفحات (247-264)
  30. رضا پیش قدم , بهزاد قنسولی , نقش هوش هیجانی در یادگیری زبان انگلیسی و موفقیت تحصیلی, پژوهش های زبانشناختی در زبان های خارجی, شماره (42), سال (2008-11), صفحات (41-56)
  31. بهزاد قنسولی , تاثیر آزمونهای زبان بر آموزش و یادگیری زبان ( بررسی موردی آزمونهای زبان کارشناسی ارشد در علوم انسانی ), تخصصی زبان و ادبیات دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی, شماره (2), سال (2006-9)
  32. بهزاد قنسولی , درجه دشواري متون و متدولوژي آموزش زبان فارسي به غيرفارسي زبانان, تخصصی زبان و ادبیات دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی, سال (2004-11)
  33. بهزاد قنسولی , مدلي پيشنهادي براي تحليل پروتكلهاي بياني در مهارت خواندن و درك نوشتاري, تخصصی زبان و ادبیات دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی, سال (2003-3)
  34. بهزاد قنسولی , بررسي موردي فرايند ساخت ايده كلي متن از ديدگاه نظريه تعاملي - جبراني استانوويچ, تخصصی زبان و ادبیات دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی, سال (2001--1)
  35. بهزاد قنسولی , بررسي كنشهاي گفتار در خطبه يكصد و يازدهم نهج البلاغه, تخصصی زبان و ادبیات دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی, سال (2000-9)


  1. Azar Hosseini Fatemi , neda moezzipour , Behzad Ghonsooly , Insights into Moral Education: Iranian English Teachers’ Conception of Morality, Language Related Research- جستارهای زبانی, Volume (15), No (1), Year (2021-6), Pages (293-319)
  2. Behzad Ghonsooly , Review of the Verbal Report Data in English L2 Reading: In Memory of K. Anders. Ericsson, Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies, Volume (1), No (2), Year (2022-10), Pages (1-12)
  3. Maryam Jalili Kia , Behzad Ghonsooly , Hassan Soodmand Afshar , Zargham Ghabanchi , Exploring Iranian TEFL Ph.D. Candidates and Faculty Members, Teaching English Language, Volume (17), No (2), Year (2023-11), Pages (287-324)
  4. مهدی هاسلی سنقری , Behzad Ghonsooly , شهرام افراز , Language teacher immunity among Iranian EFL teachers: its possible sources, impacts on classroom practice, and influencing its developmental path, Journal of Language Horizons, Year (2020-9)
  5. مهدی هاسلی سنقری , Behzad Ghonsooly , شهرام افراز , Language Teacher Immunity among Iranian EFL Teachers: A Self-Organization Perspective, Iranian Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Volume (7), No (1), Year (2018-11), Pages (128-143)
  6. آرزو شاهمرادی , Behzad Ghonsooly , امید مازندرانی , قاسم بارانی , ethical challenges of designing on application on reading instruction management system (RIMS) : A phenomenological study, Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, Volume (14), No (29), Year (2022-9), Pages (198-213)
  7. Behzad Ghonsooly , A Video Game-based Paragraph Writing Instruction vs. Teacher-based Writing Instruction: Examining L2 Learners’ Perception through Dynamic Assessment, Journal of Teaching Language Skills, Year (2023-1)
  8. Hussein Kareem Badi Alsharhanee , Behzad Ghonsooly , Elham Naji Meidani , Probing the relationship among reading anxiety, mindfulness, reflective thinking, and reading comprehension ability of Iraqi intermediate and advanced EFL learners, Training, Language and Culture, Volume (7), No (3), Year (2023-9), Pages (9-22)
  9. Nahid Royaei , Behzad Ghonsooly , Zargham Ghabanchi , Mohamad Reza Ahanchian , Scrutinizing the Professional Agency of EFL Teachers: Identifying the Contributors and Manifestations, Mextesol Journal, Volume (47), No (2), Year (2023-6), Pages (1-12)
  10. Ali Akbar Boori , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Behzad Ghonsooly , پوریا بقائی , The Construction and Validation of a Q-matrix for Cognitive Diagnostic Analysis: The Case of the Reading Comprehension Section of the IAUEPT, International Journal of Language Testing, Year (2023-2)
  11. Mahsa Hariri , Behzad Ghonsooly , Majid Nemati , Investigating pausology of lower-intermediate and skilled EFL learners’ writing and its relation to writing genres: A keystroke logging study, Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers, Volume (13), No (1), Year (2022-1)
  12. Mostafa Azari Noughabi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Safoura Jahedizadeh , Modeling the associations between EFL teachers’ immunity, L2 grit, and work engagement, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Year (2022-6)
  13. Behzad Ghonsooly , Tania Hossain , Safoura Jahedizadeh , Fadhil Shihan , Exploring Genre, Research Method, and Reliability Coefficients of the ESP Journal Articles Published Between 2010 and 2020, Iranian Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Volume (11), No (1), Year (2022-5), Pages (71-89)
  14. Haniyeh Moghadam , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Effect of Mindfulness-Cultivation Intervention on EFL Learners’ Reflective Thinking, Positive Orientation, and Language Achievement, Journal of Teaching Language Skills, Volume (41), No (1), Year (2021-8), Pages (69-101)
  15. Ali Hasan Dirjal Al - Madhkoori , Zargham Ghabanchi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Integrating social media applications into EFL students’ classrooms: Iraqi EFL teachers’ perceptions, International Journal of Language Studies, Volume (16), No (1), Year (2022-1), Pages (89-114)
  16. Roghayeh Mehrazmay , Behzad Ghonsooly , Jimmy de la Torre , Detecting Differential Item Functioning Using Cognitive Diagnosis Models: Applications of the Wald Test and Likelihood Ratio Test in a University Entrance Examination, Applied Measurement in Education, Volume (34), No (4), Year (2021-10), Pages (262-284)
  17. Haniyeh Moghadam , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , Differences in EFL learners’ burnout levels and receptive language skills with regard to the mindfulness-based instruction, ExELL, Volume (8), No (2), Year (2020-12), Pages (185-219)
  18. Mojdeh Shahnama , Behzad Ghonsooly , Majid Elahi Shirvan , A meta‑analysis of relative effectiveness of flipped learning in English as second/foreign language research, Educational Technology Research and Development, Volume (23), No (4), Year (2021-5), Pages (1-32)
  19. neda moezzipour , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Morality Strives to Precede Society But Fails, Human Arenas, Volume (6), No (1), Year (2021-4), Pages (2-13)
  20. Tahereh Heydarnejad , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Relationship between Critical Thinking, Self-regulation, and Teaching Style Preferences among EFL Teachers: A Path Analysis Approach, Journal of Language and Education, Volume (7), No (1), Year (2021-3), Pages (98-110)
  21. Tahereh Heydarnejad , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , The interplay among self-regulation, emotions and teaching styles in higher education: a path analysis approach, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Volume (14), No (2), Year (2021-3), Pages (594-609)
  22. Safoura Jahedizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Student Evaluation Apprehension: An Interdisciplinary Review of Determinants and Ramifications, polish psychological bulletin, Volume (50), No (3), Year (2019-10), Pages (226-236)
  23. Maryam Moazzeni Limoudehi , Omid Mazandaran , Behzad Ghonsooly , Jila Naeini , The Effectiveness and Rank of Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback Strategies on Written Grammatical Performance: Monolingual Persian vis-à-vis Bilingual Turkmen EFL Learners, Issues in Language Teaching, Volume (9), No (2), Year (2020-12), Pages (245-284)
  24. fatemeh vahidnia , Behzad Ghonsooly , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Development and validation of students’ attitudes towards teacher’s pet phenomenon scale in the higher education setting: Differences by levels of study and Grade-Point-Average, Studies In Educational Evaluation, Volume (70), No (1), Year (2021-2), Pages (1-11)
  25. Maryam Moazzeni Limoudehi , Omid Mazandarani , Behzad Ghonsooly , Jila Naeini , A Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach to Ranking the Effectiveness of Corrective Feedback Strategies: Monolingual Persian Versus Bilingual Turkmen EFL Learners, Journal of Teaching Language Skills, Volume (40), No (1), Year (2021-2), Pages (153-186)
  26. Safoura Jahedizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , afSaneh ghanizadeh , A model of language students’ sustained flow, personal best, buoyancy, evaluation apprehension, and academic achievement, Porta Linguarum, Volume (35), No (1), Year (2021-1), Pages (257-275)
  27. Ali Hasan Dirjal Al - Madhkoori , Zargham Ghabanchi , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Role of Skype in Developing Listening and Speaking Skills of EFL Learners, Multicultural Education, Volume (7), No (1), Year (2021-1), Pages (177-190)
  28. Yaser Kheyrkhahnia , Behzad Ghonsooly , Javad Salehi Fadardi , Induction of Emotions from TOEFL iBT Reading Tests as a Construct-irrelevant Factor and its Interference with Emotional Intelligence, International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Volume (8), No (32), Year (2020-11), Pages (93-105)
  29. NARJIS ABDULLAH , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Behzad Ghonsooly , Mahmood Reza Ghorban Sabbagh , Representation of Males and Females as Social Actors in Naguib Mahfouz’s Midaq Alley: A CDA Study, Multicultural Education, Volume (6), No (5), Year (2020-12), Pages (106-115)
  30. NARJIS ABDULLAH , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Mahmood Reza Ghorban Sabbagh , Behzad Ghonsooly , Representation of Gender Roles in the Discourse of a Literary Text: A CDA Study of Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms, Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, Volume (51), No (2), Year (2020-6), Pages (834-849)
  31. Ali Hasan Dirjal Al - Madhkoori , Zargham Ghabanchi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Innovative Technology and its Impact on Promoting Motivation and Listening Skills of Iraqi University Learners, Solid state Technology, Volume (63), No (6), Year (2020-11), Pages (8151-8171)
  32. Fatemeh Poorebrahim , Mohammad Afsharrad , Behzad Ghonsooly , Bilingualism, monoliteracy, and third language writing: A case from Turkish-Persian context in Iran, Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Volume (10), No (2), Year (2020-10), Pages (369-381)
  33. Seyed Mohammad Reza Amirian , Behzad Ghonsooly , Khadijeh Amirian , Investigating Fairness of Reading Comprehension Section of INUEE: Learner’s Attitudes towards DIF Sources, International Journal of Language Testing, Volume (10), No (2), Year (2020-10), Pages (88-100)
  34. Vahid Rahmani Doqaruni , Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , Development and validation of an Inventory on Teachers’ Beliefs about Action Research (ITBAR) in second language education, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Volume (15), No (5), Year (2020-9), Pages (428-441)
  35. افسانه غنی زاده , غزاله گلدست , Behzad Ghonsooly , Designing and Validating the Sources of EFL Teacher Apprehension Scale (STAS), Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Volume (29), No (6), Year (2020-12), Pages (495-508)
  36. Zahra Loghmani , Behzad Ghonsooly , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Engagement in doctoral dissertation discussion sections written by English native speakers, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Volume (45), Year (2020-5), Pages (100851-100863)
  37. Vahid Rahmani Doqaruni , Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , Second language teachers’ reasons for doing/not doing action research in their classrooms, International Journal of Action Research, Volume (15), No (3), Year (2020-2), Pages (255-273)
  38. Laila Samavarchi , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Learner Immunity in an EFL Context: A Qualitative Case Study of Iranian University Students Majoring in English, IUP Journal of English Studies, Volume (14), No (2), Year (2019-6), Pages (95-115)
  39. Farzaneh Shadloo , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Behzad Ghonsooly , Exploring syntactic complexity and its relationship with writing quality in EFL argumentative essays, Topics in Linguistics, Volume (20), No (1), Year (2019-4), Pages (68-81)
  40. Mostafa Hosseyni Ramshe , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Role of Social Goals in Iranian Undergraduate Students' Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Engagement, Applied Research on English Language, Volume (8), No (1), Year (2019-1), Pages (115-138)
  41. Safoura Jahedizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Academic buoyancy in higher education, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Volume (11), No (2), Year (2019-4), Pages (162-177)
  42. Zahra Loghmani , Behzad Ghonsooly , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Textual Engagement of Native English Speakers in Doctoral Dissertation Discussion Sections, Journal of Research in Applied Linguistic, Volume (10), No (1), Year (2019-4), Pages (78-107)
  43. Roya Araghian , Behzad Ghonsooly , The relationship between burnout and personality, Babel - International Journal of Translation, Volume (64), No (5), Year (2018-1), Pages (840-864)
  44. HADI AKBARI , Behzad Ghonsooly , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Zargham Ghabanchi , Enriching the Construct Structure of L2 Reading Motivation: Learners’ Attitudes in Focus, Reading Psychology, Volume (40), No (4), Year (2019-5), Pages (371-395)
  45. Behzad Ghonsooly , tahereh hassanzadeh , Effect of interactionist dynamic assessment on English vocabulary learning: Cultural perspectives in focus, Issues in Educational Research, Volume (29), No (1), Year (2019-1), Pages (70-88)
  46. Mostafa Hosseyni Ramshe , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Role of Personal Best Goals in EFL Learners’ Behavioural, Cognitive, and Emotional Engagement, International Journal of Instruction, Volume (12), No (1), Year (2019-1), Pages (1627-1638)
  47. atena attaran , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Immunology of Language Learners: A Social Psychological Perspective, Interchange, Volume (50), No (1), Year (2018-11), Pages (57-76)
  48. fatemeh vahidnia , Behzad Ghonsooly , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Proposing a working definition for the concept of teacher’s pet in the Iranian higher education context, Social Psychology of Education, Year (2018-10), Pages (1-20)
  49. kiyana zhaleh , Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , Effects of Conceptions of Intelligence and Ambiguity Tolerance on Teacher Burnout: A Case of Iranian EFL Teachers1, Journal of Research in Applied Linguistic, Volume (9), No (2), Year (2018-8), Pages (118-140)
  50. Gholam Hassan Khajavy Fadafen , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Anne C. Frenzel , Antecedents of Pleasant and Unpleasant Emotions of EFL Teachers Using an Appraisal-theoretical Framework, Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, Volume (6), No (2), Year (2018-7), Pages (39-55)
  51. Vahid Rahmani Doqaruni , Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , A Practical Model for Integrating Action Research Time into Second Language Education Schedule, International Journal of Action Research, Volume (14), No (1), Year (2018-7), Pages (52-66)
  52. R. Araghian , Behzad Ghonsooly , A. Ghanizadeh , Investigating problem-solving strategies of translation trainees with high and low levels of self-efficacy, Translation, Cognition and Behavior, Volume (1), No (1), Year (2018-4), Pages (74-97)
  53. A. Akrami , Behzad Ghonsooly , M. Yazdani , P. M. Alami , Construction and Validation of a Computerized Open-ended Bi-functional Translation Assessment System, New Voices in Translation Studies, Volume (1), No (18), Year (2018-7), Pages (1-37)
  54. Elham Naji Meidani , Reza Pishghadam , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Constructing and validating a language teachers’ temporal intelligence scale and examining its relationship with teacher burnout, Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, Volume (12), No (4), Year (2018-6), Pages (1-17)
  55. H. Hosseini , Behzad Ghonsooly , INTEGRATING ASSESSMENT AND INSTRUCTION: DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT AND ITS CRITICISMS EXAMINED, Advanced Education, Volume (7), No (3), Year (2017-10), Pages (9-16)
  56. somayeh Javadimehr , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , The Factors Affecting Moral Competency of Iranian Undergraduate Students Majoring in English Language and Literature: Investigating the Role of Applied ELT in Iranian Collectivist Culture, Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies, Volume (9), No (1), Year (2017-6), Pages (59-78)
  57. Naser Ranjbar , Behzad Ghonsooly , Peer scaffolding behaviors emerging in revising a written task: A microgenetic analysis, Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, Volume (5), No (2), Year (2017-7), Pages (75-90)
  58. Gholamali Kalanzadeh , Manoochehr Jafarigohar , Behzad Ghonsooly , Hassan Soleimani , Mixed Effects of Input Enhancement, Explicit Instruction, Corrective Feedback, and Pushed Output in an Input-Output Mapping Practice1, Journal of Research in Applied Linguistic, Volume (9), No (1), Year (2018-1), Pages (57-82)
  59. J. Roshandel , Behzad Ghonsooly , A. Ghanizadeh , L2 Motivational Self-System and Self-Efficacy: A Quantitative Survey- Based Study, International Journal of Instruction, Volume (11), No (1), Year (2017-10), Pages (329-344)
  60. Behzad Ghonsooly , tahereh hassanzadeh , Laila Samavarchi , Seyyedeh Mina Hamedi , A mixed-methods approach to demotivating factors among Iranian EFL learners, Issues in Educational Research, Volume (27), No (3), Year (2017-9), Pages (417-434)
  61. Sara Showqi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Learning a Foreign Language: A New Path to Enhancement of Cognitive Functions, Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Volume (47), No (1), Year (2017-1), Pages (125-138)
  62. Gh.Hassan Khajavy , Behzad Ghonsooly , Predictors of willingness to read in English: testing a model based on possible selves and selfconfidence, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Volume (16), No (3), Year (2017-2), Pages (1-16)
  63. Gholam Hassan Khajavy Fadafen , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Testing a Burnout Model Based on Affective-motivational Factors among EFL Teachers, Current Psychology, Volume (36), No (2), Year (2016-2), Pages (339-349)
  64. Farzaneh Hassanzadeh Tavakoli , Mohammad Reza Pahlavannezhad , Behzad Ghonsooly , A Mixed Methods Study of the Relationship Between Cultural Capital of Senior High School English Teachers and Their Self-Efficacy in Iran’s English Language Classrooms, Sage Open, Volume (7), No (3), Year (2017-7), Pages (1-16)
  65. - - , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , An Exploration of EFL Teachers' Teaching Styles and Emotions, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, Volume (4), No (2), Year (2017-6), Pages (26-46)
  66. - - , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Emotions and Self-regulation: A Case of Iranian EFL High School and Private Language Institute Teachers, International Journal of Educational Investigations, Volume (4), No (4), Year (2017-8), Pages (82-100)
  67. Hadi Akbari , Behzad Ghonsooly , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Attitude Toward Reading: L1 or L2 or Both, Sage Open, Volume (7), No (3), Year (2017-7), Pages (1-10)
  68. A.H.Baygi , Behzad Ghonsooly , A.Ghanizadeh , Self-Fulfillment in Higher Education: Contributions from Mastery Goal, Intrinsic Motivation, and Assertions, Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, Volume (26), No (3), Year (2017-6), Pages (171-182)
  69. Masoumeh Hassanpour , Behzad Ghonsooly , Mehdi Jabbari Nooghabi , Mohammad Naser Shafiee , Investigating the relationships among metacognitive strategy training, willingness to read English medical texts, and reading comprehension ability using structural equation modeling, Reading Matrix, Volume (17), No (2), Year (2017-9), Pages (52-78)
  70. Vahid Rahmani Doqaruni , Reza Pishghadam , Behzad Ghonsooly , A Mixed Methods Research on Teachers' Beliefs about Action Research in Second Language Education, International Journal of Action Research, Volume (13), No (1), Year (2017-5), Pages (75-94)
  71. kiyana zhaleh , Behzad Ghonsooly , Investigating the Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Burnout among EFLTeachers, International Journal of Educational Investigations, Volume (4), No (2), Year (2017-3), Pages (49-61)
  72. Zahra Kordjazi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Mohammad Ghazanfari , The Lyrical Sensibility in English Nature Writing: An Appraisal Analysis, Applied Research on English Language, Volume (6), No (1), Year (2017-7), Pages (43-66)
  73. Safoura Jahedizadeh , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , The role of EFL learners’ demotivation, perceptions of classroom activities, and mastery goal in predicting their language achievement and burnout, Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, Volume (16), No (1), Year (2016-10), Pages (1-17)
  74. Masoud Motamedynia , Navid Nasrollahi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Do Heavy-NP Shift Phenomenon and Constituent Ordering in English Cause Sentence Processing Difficulty for EFL Learners?, Journal of Teaching Language Skills, Volume (35), No (1), Year (2016-6), Pages (139-159)
  75. Elahe Goudarzi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , An Exploration Of The Interrelationships Among EFL learners’ English Self-efficacy, Metacognitive Awareness, And Their Test Performance, Pragmatics and Cognition, Volume (22), No (3), Year (2014-10), Pages (325-339)
  76. , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Behzad Ghonsooly , Evaluating the Pedagogic Value of Multi-Word Expressions Based on EFL Teachers’ and Advanced Learners’ Value Judgments, TESOL Journal, Volume (8), No (2), Year (2016-1), Pages (489-511)
  77. , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , The Effectiveness of Strategy-Based Instruction in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: A Meta-analysis of Experimental Studies, Sino-US English Teaching, Volume (14), No (3), Year (2016-4), Pages (163-181)
  78. Soroor Sadat Farhang , Majid Elahi Shirvan , Behzad Ghonsooly , Exploring English Language Learning Policies in Iran Based on Secondary School Course Books for Learning English in Light of Globalization and Culture, Sino-US English Teaching, Volume (13), No (3), Year (2016-4), Pages (169-186)
  79. Zahra Kordjazi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Brain Dominance and Test Format: A Case of Vocabulary, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Volume (6), No (3), Year (2015-5), Pages (695-703)
  80. Mohammad Hassan Alishahi , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , Omid Akbari , Contextual Discrepancies in EFL Learners' Self-Regulatory Skills, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, Volume (3), No (4), Year (2016-6), Pages (1-11)
  81. Soroor Rostami , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , External Factors Affecting Second Language Motivation: The Role of Teacher Burnout and Family Influence, زبان شناسی کاربردی - Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Volume (18), No (2), Year (2015-10), Pages (165-187)
  82. zari sadat Seyyedrezaie , Behzad Ghonsooly , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Examining the Effects of Google Docs-Based Instruction and Peer Feedback Types (Implicit vs. Explicit) on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance, Call-EJ, Volume (17), No (1), Year (2016-3), Pages (35-51)
  83. fahime sabouri , Reza Pishghadam , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Culture and Identity: Linking Iranian Identity Components and Cultural Dimensions, Issues in Language Teaching, Volume (4), No (1), Year (2016-4), Pages (49-78)
  84. Sara Salar , Behzad Ghonsooly , A comparative analysis of metadiscourse features in knowledge management research articles written in English and Persian, International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, Volume (5), No (1), Year (2016-1), Pages (15-27)
  85. Leila Sayah , Reza Pishghadam , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , L2 Learners' Perceptions of Teachers' Roles in EFL Settings, Humanising Language Teaching, Volume (18), No (1), Year (2016-2), Pages (1-10)
  86. VahidehSadat Vahedi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , Vocabulary Glossing: A Meta-analysis of the Relative Effectiveness of Different Gloss Types on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition, Teaching English with Technology, Volume (16), No (1), Year (2016-3), Pages (3-25)
  87. Sima Safa , Behzad Ghonsooly , Examining the Relationship among Sense of Self-efficacy, Teaching experience and beliefs about classroom management: A case of Iranian EFL teachers, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, Volume (2), No (8), Year (2015-12), Pages (273-283)
  88. Elahe Goudarzi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Zahra Taghipour , Politeness Strategies in English Business Letters: a Comparative Study of Native and Non-Native Speakers of English, Psychology of Language and Communication, Volume (19), No (1), Year (2015-8), Pages (44-57)
  89. Behzad Ghonsooly , Seyyedeh Maryam Hamedi , Seyyedeh Mina Hamedi , Metadiscourse Analysis of the Extraverted-Introverted L2 Learners’ Oral Production, World Journal of Educational Research, Volume (2), No (1), Year (2015-6), Pages (52-64)
  90. Omid Keshmandi , Omid Akbari , Behzad Ghonsooly , On the relationship between cognitive style (field-dependence/independence) and translation achievement of Iranian translation students, International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, Volume (4), No (3), Year (2015-6), Pages (67-76)
  91. Saeed Ghorbani , Omid Akbari , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Relationship between Iranian EFL Teachers' Gender and their Pedagogical Success as Evaluated by Learners, International Journal of Educational Investigations, Volume (2), No (10), Year (2015-9), Pages (35-44)
  92. Atefeh Saffarian , Behzad Ghonsooly , Omid Akbari , Cultural and Social Intelligences and Their Relationship to the Ability of Student Translators When Translating Cultural and Social Texts, International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies, Volume (3), No (1), Year (2015-1), Pages (45-54)
  93. Mahshid Hejazi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Home Culture Attachment and Comprehending L2 Written Texts: A Study on EFL learners in Iran, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume (6), No (4), Year (2015-7), Pages (383-390)
  94. Mostafa Amiri , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Relationship between English Learning Anxiety and the Students' Achievement on Examinations, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Volume (6), No (4), Year (2015-6), Pages (855-865)
  95. Sara Showqi , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Nature of Metacognitive Awareness in Foreign Language Learners and Its Interaction with Creativity, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Volume (6), No (5), Year (2015-9), Pages (1051-1057)
  96. Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , Designing and validating a language teacher attribution scale: a structural equation modeling approach, Teacher Development, Volume (19), No (4), Year (2015-11), Pages (553-572)
  97. Omid Keshmandi , Omid Akbari , Behzad Ghonsooly , On the relationship between locus of control and translation achievement of Iranian translation students, International Journal of Research Studies in Education, Volume (1), No (1), Year (2015-6), Pages (1-12)
  98. Behzad Ghonsooly , zari sadat Seyyedrezaie , The Comparison of Language Learning Strategies and Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Students Taking Web-based and Face-to-face Instruction, Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Volume (4), No (6), Year (2014-6), Pages (1296-1302)
  99. fahime sabouri , Reza Pishghadam , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Development and Validation of a Cultural Dimensions Scale (CDS) and Its Application in an Iranian Context, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume (6), No (4), Year (2015-6), Pages (367-378)
  100. somayeh Javadimehr , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , Constructing and Validating a Scale to Measure the Role of Factors Affecting EFL learners’ Moral Competency, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, Volume (2), No (5), Year (2015-6), Pages (152-164)
  101. Safoura Jahedizadeh , Behzad Ghonsooly , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Omid Akbari , A Cross-contextual Analysis of EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Classroom Activities, Journal of Applied Linguistics and Language Research, Volume (2), No (4), Year (2015-5), Pages (322-336)
  102. Behzad Ghonsooly , Seyyedeh Mina Hamedi , An investigation of the most Flow Inducing Genres, International Journal of Research Studies in Education, Volume (4), No (2), Year (2014-5), Pages (1-10)
  103. Behzad Ghonsooly , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Mohammad Ghazanfari , Zargham Ghabanchi , An exploration of EFL teachers’ attributions, European Journal of Teacher Education, Year (2014-6)
  104. Nahid Royaei , Behzad Ghonsooly , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , A mixed methods analysis of EFL teachers' self-regulated strategies and burnout, International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, Volume (4), No (2), Year (2015-4), Pages (71-81)
  105. Nahid Royaei , Behzad Ghonsooly , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Narrative Intelligence and EFL Teachers' Self-regulation, International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching in the Islamic World, Volume (2), No (6), Year (2014-12), Pages (14-20)
  106. Naeemeh Kharaghani , Behzad Ghonsooly , The impact of vocabulary knowledge on reading comprehension ability of Iranian English learners receiving reciprocal teaching and cooperative grouping intervention program, International Journal of Research Studies in Education, Volume (4), No (3), Year (2015-6), Pages (47-56)
  107. Gholam Hassan Khajavi Fadafen , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , CHARLES W. CHOI , Willingness to Communicate in English: A Microsystem Model in the IranianEFLClassroom Context, TESOL Quarterly, Volume (50), No (1), Year (2015-1), Pages (154-180)
  108. Saeed Ghorbani , Omid Akbari , Behzad Ghonsooly , Iranian EFL teachers' major personality types and teaching attitudes, International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology, Volume (4), No (2), Year (2015-2), Pages (27-40)
  109. Zeinab Azizi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Exploging Flwo theory in TOEFL Texts: expository and argumentative genre, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Volume (6), No (1), Year (2015-1), Pages (210-215)
  110. Mohammad Zabetipour , Reza Pishghadam , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Impacts of Open/closed Body Positions and Postures on Learners’ Moods, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume (6), No (2), Year (2015-3), Pages (643-655)
  111. Leila Sayah , Reza Pishghadam , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Identity Statuses Scale in EFL Settings: A Case of Formal and Informal Contexts, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume (5), No (27), Year (2014-12), Pages (1530-1542)
  112. Behzad Ghonsooly , Seyyed Ehsan Golparvar , Probing the Predictive Power of Cultural Intelligence on Iranian EFL learners' performance on IELTS writing test, Studies in Applied Linguistics, Volume (3), No (2), Year (2013-7), Pages (3-18)
  113. Atiyeh Kamyabi Gol , Behzad Ghonsooly , Esmaeil Mahdavi Soghondikolaei , A Contrastive Study of Rhetorical Functions of Citation in Iranian and International ELT Scopus Journals, Linguistics and Literature Studies, Volume (2), No (6), Year (2014-9), Pages (155-165)
  114. , Behzad Ghonsooly , A tripartite model of EFL teacher attributions, burnout,and self regulation:toward the prospects of effictive teaching, Educational Research for Policy and Practice, Volume (13), No (2), Year (2014-5), Pages (145-166)
  115. HASSAN KHEIRKHAH , Behzad Ghonsooly , Qualitative Study of Iranian English University Entrance examination in light of positive washback strategies, Study in English Language Teaching, Volume (2), No (1), Year (2014-3), Pages (37-65)
  116. Behzad Ghonsooly , Maryam Golkar Hamzehee Yazd , Mohammad Reza Hashemi , Samira Abaszadeh , - - , Is Reading Mistreated in a Translation Class?, Iranian EFL Journal, Volume (8), No (6), Year (2012-10), Pages (427-440)
  117. atefeh taheryan , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Role of Single-sex and Mixed-sex Context on Iranian Students' Willingness to communicate, International Journal of English and Education, Volume (3), No (1), Year (2014-1), Pages (1-14)
  118. Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Gholam Hassan Khajavy Fadafen , Examining the relationships between willingness tocommunicate in English, communication confidence and classroom environment, International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology, Volume (3), No (1), Year (2013-10), Pages (1-9)
  119. Behzad Ghonsooly , somayye shalchi toosi , Cultural Intelligence and Writing Ability: Delving into Fluency, Accurasy and Complexity, Novitas-ROYAL-Research on Youth and Language, Volume (7), No (2), Year (2013-9), Pages (147-159)
  120. Elahe Goudarzi , Behzad Ghonsooly , The Relationship Between Metacognitive Awareness and Test-Taking Strategies and Their Effects on Test Performance of Iranian EFL learners, International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World, Volume (5), No (1), Year (2014-1), Pages (598-608)
  121. Hesamoddin Shahriari , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , An Analysis of Lexical Bundles in Research Article Abstracts by Iranian and Native English-speaking Authors of Applied Linguistics Articles, Asian ESP Journal, Volume (9), No (1), Year (2013-6), Pages (5-25)
  122. Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Gholam Hassan Khajavy Fadafen , Examining the Relationship between Willingness to Communicate in English , Communication confidence and classroom Environment, International Journal of Research Studies in Educational Technology, Volume (3), No (1), Year (2013-11), Pages (23-40)
  123. Yaser Kheyrkhahnia , Behzad Ghonsooly , Ali Mashhadi , The Effect of Musical Dialogue on EFL Learners’ Syllabic Stuttering, Journal of Advances in English Language Teaching, Volume (1), No (4), Year (2013-6), Pages (85-95)
  124. Behzad Ghonsooly , Nasrin Ashrafi , The Interface of Tradition and Modernity: Ideological Manipulation of Translators, Journal of Educational and Social Research, Volume (2), No (3), Year (2012-9), Pages (377-390)
  125. Behzad Ghonsooly , Shaqayeq Shayesteh , exploring the language of informal English text messages, Journal of Research in Applied Linguistic, Volume (2), No (2), Year (2011-8), Pages (34-47)
  126. Behzad Ghonsooly , Mohammad Ali Shams , Exploring Language Learners’ Cognitive Processes in On-line ESP Courses via Think-aloud Protocol A, Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, Volume (9), No (127), Year (2012-9), Pages (1-32)
  127. Behzad Ghonsooly , , Seyyed Ehsan Golparvar , General English University Students’ Self-efficacy and their Achievement, Iranian EFL Journal, Volume (8), No (3), Year (2012-6), Pages (153-173)
  128. Hesamoddin Shahriari , Behzad Ghonsooly , Azar Hosseini Fatemi , Analyzing research article introductions by Iranian and native English-speaking authors of Applied Linguistics, International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, Volume (2), No (3), Year (2013-7), Pages (3-18)
  129. Behzad Ghonsooly , Ali Raeesi , Exploring the Relationship between Creativity and Burnout among Iranian EFL Teachers, International Journal of Linguistics, Volume (4), No (3), Year (2012-12), Pages (121-134)
  130. Behzad Ghonsooly , farnaz farrokhalaee , motahareh natanzi , identification of moves of informal internet-based chats between Iranian EFL teenagers and foreigners, Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English, Volume (1), No (1), Year (2011-10), Pages (87-105)
  131. Behzad Ghonsooly , Ali Moharer , Examining the Relationship between Translation Students‟ Locus of Control and Their Translation Achievement, International Journal of Linguistics, Volume (4), No (2), Year (2012-7), Pages (244-259)
  132. Behzad Ghonsooly , development and validation of a translation test, Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics, Volume (4), No (3), Year (1993-10), Pages (54-62)
  133. Behzad Ghonsooly , Sara Showqi , The Effects of Foreign Language Learning on Creativity, English Language Teaching, Volume (5), No (4), Year (2012-4), Pages (10-23)
  134. Behzad Ghonsooly , Gholam Hassan Khajavy Fadafen , seyyed fatemeh asadpour , Willingness to Communicate in English Among Iranian Non–English Major University Students, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, Volume (31), No (2), Year (2012-5), Pages (197-211)
  135. Mehdi Mirlohi , Joy Egbert , Behzad Ghonsooly , Flow in translation, Target, Volume (23), No (2), Year (2011-11), Pages (251-271)
  136. Behzad Ghonsooly , Afsaneh Ghanizadeh , Self-efficacy and self-regulation and their relationship: a study of, Language Learning Journal, Volume (25), No (4), Year (2011-11), Pages (1-17)
  137. Behzad Ghonsooly , , the effect of motivational self-regulatory strategies on beneral English learners achievement adn their use of language learning strategies, Studies in Applied Linguistics, Volume (1), No (4), Year (2011-11), Pages (3-20)
  138. Behzad Ghonsooly , Babak Barghchi , an introspective study of reading anxiety, Journal of Teaching Language Skills, Volume (62), No (4), Year (2011-4), Pages (65-98)
  139. Behzad Ghonsooly , , mediating processes of expert interpreting: a deliberate practice approach, Novitas-ROYAL-Research on Youth and Language, Volume (5), No (2), Year (2011-10), Pages (287-298)
  140. Behzad Ghonsooly , Khalil Ghazizadeh , rahil sheibani abdlusefi , Genre-based Analysis of English Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) and Examining the Reading Strategies Used by Skilled and Novice Readers in Reading PILs, Iranian EFL Journal, Volume (7), No (4), Year (2011-9), Pages (8-23)
  141. Behzad Ghonsooly , mehri javadiyan , An Examination of Developmental Dyslexia among Iranian EFL Second Graders, International Journal of Language Studies, Volume (4), No (4), Year (2010-10), Pages (333-356)
  142. Behzad Ghonsooly , Arezoo Hosienpour , The Effect of Concept Mapping on EFL Speaking Fluency, زبان شناسی کاربردی - Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Volume (12), No (1), Year (2010-3), Pages (87-115)
  143. Behzad Ghonsooly , , Learners Self-efficacy in Reading and its relation to Foreign Language Reading Anxiety and Reading Achievement, Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, Volume (53), No (127), Year (2010-8), Pages (45-67)
  144. Behzad Ghonsooly , validating locus of control questionnaire and examining its relation to general english achievement, Journal of Teaching Language Skills, Volume (1), No (2), Year (2010-4), Pages (117-143)
  145. Behzad Ghonsooly , Mohammad Saber Khaghaninejad , Hesamoddin Shahriari , Formulaic Writing: A Novel Approach to Writing Instruction, پژوهش های زبانشناختی در زبان های خارجی, Volume (4), No (56), Year (2010-11), Pages (127-148)
  146. Shohreh Shahsavandi , Behzad Ghonsooly , Atiyeh Kamyabi Gol , Designing and validating Home Culture Attachment Questionnaire for students of foreign languages and its application, Studies in Applied Linguistics, Volume (1), No (1), Year (2010-10), Pages (49-76)
  147. Behzad Ghonsooly , Reza Pishghadam , فاطمه محقق محجوبی , The impact of colocational instrucion on the writing skill of Iranian EFL learners, Iranian EFL Journal, Volume (2), No (1), Year (2008-10), Pages (36-59)
  148. Behzad Ghonsooly , Role of Cognitive Style of Field-dependence/ independence in Using Metacognitive and Cognitive Reading Strategies by a Group of Skilled and Novice Iranian Students of English Literature, Iranian EFL Journal, Year (2007-4)

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