نمایش نتایج جستجو برای
اعتبار علمی: ISI
زبان مقاله: انگلیسی
موارد یافت شده: 8479
1 - Microwave-assisted synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of new derivatives of 1,2-dihydro-3H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-3-one (چکیده)2 - Evaluation of the effects of saffron–cumin intercropping on growth,quality and land equivalent ratio under semi-arid conditions (چکیده)
3 - Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 5-nitrosalicylaldehyde: IR spectrum and quantum chemical calculations (چکیده)
4 - A simple, efficient and solvent-free reaction for the synthesis of quinolones using caesium iodide (چکیده)
5 - Removal of 2-propanol from water by pervaporation usingpoly(vinylidene fluoride) membrane filled with carbon black (چکیده)
6 - Sensitivity analysis of monthly reference crop evapotranspiration trends in Iran: a qualitative approach (چکیده)
7 - Effects of supplementation of active dried yeast and malate during sub-acute ruminal acidosis on rumen fermentation, microbial population, selected blood metabolites, and milk production in dairy cows (چکیده)
8 - Axisymmetric stagnation flow and heat transfer of a compressible fluid impinging on a cylinder moving axially (چکیده)
9 - Comparative study among different time series models applied to monthly rainfall forecasting in semi-arid climate condition (چکیده)
10 - Comment on “Effects of thermophoresis and Brownian motion on nanofluid heat transfer and entropy generation” by M. Mahmoodi, Sh. Kandelousi, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 211 (2015) 15–24. (چکیده)
11 - On the role of sinigrin (mustard oil) in a tritrophic context: plant–aphid–aphidophagous hoverfly (چکیده)
12 - Depositional environments and ichnology of Upper Cretaceous deep-marine deposits in the Sistan Suture Zone, Birjand, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
13 - Up-Regulation of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Chemokine Production in Avian Influenza H9N2 Virus-Infected Human Lung Epithelial Cell Line (A549) (چکیده)
14 - Optimisation of broiler chicken responses from 0 to 7 d of age to dietary leucine, isoleucine and valine using Taguchi and mathematical methods (چکیده)
15 - Label-free impedimetric biosensor for Salmonella Typhimurium detection based on poly [pyrrole-co-3-carboxyl-pyrrole] copolymer supported aptamer (چکیده)
16 - Evaluation of the activity of cyanide-metabolizing sulfurtransferase enzymes in different tissues of turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) (چکیده)
17 - Assessment of aflatoxin B1 adsorption efficacy of natural and processed bentonites: In vitro and in vivo assays (چکیده)
18 - Overall, and Specific Life Satisfaction Domains: Preliminary Iranian Students Norms (چکیده)
19 - Holographic entanglement entropy from minimal surfaces with/without extrinsic curvature (چکیده)
20 - Interval estimations for the mean of the generalized Poisson and generalized negative binomial distributions (چکیده)
21 - Vibrational assignments and structure of bis(3-amino-1- phenyl-2- buten-1-onato)copper(II) complex (چکیده)
22 - A fast and efficient approach to prepare starch nanocrystals from normal corn starch (چکیده)
23 - Fuzzy multivariate process capability vector (چکیده)
24 - Bioinspired Nanonetworks for Targeted Cancer Drug Delivery (چکیده)
25 - Stigmergic cooperation of nanoparticles for swarm fuzzy control of low-density lipoprotein concentration in the arterial wall (چکیده)
26 - analysis the status of ecological parametrs in development of mashhad metropolis (چکیده)
27 - Perspectives of ICT Geography of Regional IRAN: Obstacles and Advantages (چکیده)
28 - Robust adaptive mixed H 2/H∞ interval type-2 fuzzy control of nonlinear uncertain systems with minimal control effort (چکیده)
29 - Unaxisymmetric stagnation‑point flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid on a moving cylinder with time‑dependent axial velocity (چکیده)
30 - An iterative method for solving the continuous sylvester equation by emphasizing on the skewhermitian parts of the coefficient matrices (چکیده)
31 - Histopathological evaluation of the effect of platelet-rich fibrin on canine cutaneous incisional wound healing (چکیده)
32 - Nitric oxide: a signaling molecule which activates cell wall-associated defense of tomato against Rhizoctonia solani (چکیده)
33 - D-brane action at order a^2 (چکیده)
34 - One-pot Synthesis of 1-Amidoalkyl-2-naphthols Catalyzed by Polyphosphoric Acid Supported on Silica-coated NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles (چکیده)
35 - Online MTPA Control Approach for Synchronous Reluctance Motor Drives Based on Emotional Controller (چکیده)
36 - Lithofacies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Upper Jurassic siliciclastics in the eastern Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
37 - Electrochemical determination of carbamazepin in the presence of paracetamol using a carbon ionic liquid paste electrode modified with a three-dimensional graphene/MWCNT hybrid composite film (چکیده)
38 - Inhibition properties of new amino acids for prevention of hydrate formation in carbon dioxide–water system: Experimental and modeling investigations (چکیده)
39 - Phylogeography of Calomyscus elburzensis (Calomyscidae, Rodentia) around the Central Iranian Desert with Description of a New Subspecies in Center of Iranian Plateau (چکیده)
40 - The effect of feeding low quality date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) on the performance, antioxidant status and ruminal fermentation of mid-lactating Saanen dairy goats (چکیده)
41 - Effect of treating alfalfa silage with pistachio by-products extract on Saanen dairy goats performance and microbial nitrogen synthesis (چکیده)
42 - Effects of supplementation level and particle size of alfalfa hay on growth characteristics and rumen development in dairy calves (چکیده)
43 - Supramolecular β-Cyclodextrin/Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Paste Electrode for Amperometric Detection of Naproxen (چکیده)
44 - Effect of annealing temperature on structural and magnetic properties of stontium hexaferrite nanoparticles synthesised by sol-gel auto- combustiom method (چکیده)
45 - Perspective: Cooperation of Nanog, NF-κΒ, and CXCR4 in a regulatory network for directed migration of cancer stemcells (چکیده)
46 - On the 2-Nilpotent Multiplier of a Finite p-Groups (چکیده)
47 - Body size estimation of new born lambs using image processing and its effect on the genetic gain of a simulated population (چکیده)
48 - Global least squares method (Gl-LSQR) for solving general linear systems with several right-hand sides (چکیده)
49 - Practical methods for evaluating the accuracy of the eigenelements of a symmetric matrix (چکیده)
50 - The use of the CADNA library for validating the numerical results of the hybrid GMRES algorithm (چکیده)
51 - The stable ATA-orthogonal s-step Orthomin(k) algorithm with the CADNA library (چکیده)
52 - Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum) seed protein isolate: extraction optimization, amino acid composition, thermo and functional properties (چکیده)
53 - Impacts of Ramp Rate Limits on Oligopolistic Opportunities in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
54 - Designing Coordinated Power System Stabilizers: A Reference Model Based Controller Design (چکیده)
55 - Mechanistic insights into the activation process in electrocatalytic ethanol oxidation by phosphomolybdic acid-stabilised palladium(0) nanoparticles (PdNPs@PMo12) (چکیده)
56 - Spectral homotopy analysis method and its convergence for solving a class of nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
57 - zero-divisor graphs of modules via module homomorphisms (چکیده)
58 - Numerical Analysis of Seepage of Concrete-Coated Water Transmission Channels Considering Saturated-Unsaturated Conditions (چکیده)
59 - Modeling the adult female phantom in the supine and prone postures and initial dose assessment in breast cancer diagnosis with Neutron Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography (چکیده)
60 - In vitro histological investigation of interactions between rat decellularized large intestine scaffold and human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (چکیده)
61 - Numerical Investigation of the Unstart Suppression in a Supersonic Air Intake (چکیده)
62 - Analytical modeling of large amplitude free vibration of non-uniform beams carrying a both transversely and axially eccentric tip mass (چکیده)
63 - Performance Study of a Supersonic Inlet in the Presence of a Heat Source (چکیده)
64 - Two fast and accurate heuristic RBF learning rules for data classification (چکیده)
65 - Discerning primary versus diagenetic signals in carbonate carbon and oxygen isotope records: An example from the Permian–Triassic boundary of Iran (چکیده)
66 - New Sensitivity-based Methods for Structural damage Diagnosis by Least Square Minimal Residual Techniques (چکیده)
67 - Investigation of linear alkylbenzene synthesis using nanotitania-supported Dawson heteropolyacid as catalyst by statistical design approaches (چکیده)
68 - Optimization of Foaming Condition and Drying Behavior of White Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) (چکیده)
69 - Synthesis and Characterization of Au NPs/ Molybdophosphoric Acid/CNT Tricomponent Nanohybrid (چکیده)
70 - Study of competitive transport of some heavy metal cations across bulk liquid membranes containing phenylaza-15-crown-5 and cryptand 222 as carriers using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
71 - Evolution of entropy in different types of non-Markovian three-level systems: Single reservoir vs. two independent reservoirs (چکیده)
72 - Frequency of specific agr groups and antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bovine mastitis in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
73 - Purification of cress seed (Lepidium sativum) gum: Physicochemical characterization and functional properties (چکیده)
74 - A new method based on generalized Taylor expansion for computing a series solution of the linear systems (چکیده)
75 - The block LSMR method: a novel efficient algorithm for solving non-symmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand sides (چکیده)
76 - A shifted nested splitting iterative method with applications to ill-posed problems and image restoration (چکیده)
77 - Synopsis of The Genus Alyssum in Iran (چکیده)
78 - A high-yielding, expeditious, and multicomponent synthesis of urea and carbamate derivatives by using triphenylphosphine/trichloroisocyanuric acid system (چکیده)
79 - A Robust aCGH Data Recovery Framework Based on Half Quadratic Minimization (چکیده)
80 - A Change Point Method for Monitoring Generalized Linear Profiles in Phase I (چکیده)
81 - Estimating the Change Point of a Normal Process Mean with a Monotonic Change (چکیده)
82 - Scour Hole Influence on Turbulent Flow Field around Complex Bridge Piers (چکیده)
83 - Effects of a supplement containing multiple types of gluconeogenic precursors on production and metabolism in Holstein bull calves during heat stress (چکیده)
84 - Ichnology and sedimentology of a shallow marine Upper Cretaceous depositional system (Neyzar Formation, Kopet-Dagh, Iran): Palaeoceanographic influence on ichnodiversity (چکیده)
85 - Contribution of Peripheral and Central Fatigue in Different Conditions- Gender and Time of Day Differences (چکیده)
86 - An efficient tabu search for solving the uncapacitated single allocation hub location problem (چکیده)
87 - Studying the changes of environmental Indicators after applying fertilizer subsidy policies at farm land in Iran: a positive mathematical programming approach (چکیده)
88 - Mesenchymal stem cells can survive on the extracellular matrix derived decellularized bovine articular cartilage scaffold (چکیده)
89 - Determining the timing of project control points using a facility location model and simulation (چکیده)
90 - Norm-parallelism in the geometry of Hilbert C^*-modules (چکیده)
91 - Squaring operator Polya--Szego and Diaz--Metcalf type inequalities (چکیده)
92 - In situ rheological characterisation of wastewater sludge: Comparison of stirred bioreactor and pipe flow configurations (چکیده)
93 - The Determination of Reference Evapotranspiration for Spatial Distribution Mapping Using Geostatistics (چکیده)
94 - Preparation and characterization of tragacanth–locust bean gumedible blend films (چکیده)
95 - Estimating Evaporation from Lakes and Reservoirs under Limited Data Condition in a Semi-Arid Region (چکیده)
96 - Synthesis of new derivatives of 10H-benzo[b] pyridazino[3,4-e][1,4]thiazines (چکیده)
97 - The effect of mesenchymal stem cells as co-culture in in vitro nuclear maturation of ovine oocytes (چکیده)
98 - Evaluation of Techniques and Intentions of Arabic Poetry in Quhistan (چکیده)
99 - Deriving relativistic Bohmian potential using variational method and conformal transformations (چکیده)
100 - Evaluating the effects of statistical changes on internal dosimetry (چکیده)
101 - Canine nasal neuroendocrine carcinoma: case report with a brief review of the literature (چکیده)
102 - Structural optimization of nanofluid flow around an equilateral triangular obstacle (چکیده)
103 - Study of the Microstructure evolution of heat treated Ti-rich NiTi shape memory alloy (چکیده)
104 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Doxorubicin Adsorption on a Bundle of Functionalized CNT (چکیده)
105 - Electrospun nanofibrous composite membranes of chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol-polyacrylonitrile: preparation, characterization, and performance (چکیده)
106 - Thermodynamic analysis of the carbothermic reduction of electric arc furnace dust in the presence of ferrosilicon (چکیده)
107 - Detection of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum associated with bacterial soft rot of two succulent plants in Iran using recA and pmrA Genes (چکیده)
108 - The effect of functionalized SiO2 nanoparticles on the morphology and triazines separation properties of cellulose acetate membranes (چکیده)
109 - Robustly berwise minimal iterated function systems on the torus (چکیده)
110 - Homosynthon robustness in the stabilization of new 1D polymeric mercury(II) complex with anthranilic acid ligand and generation of 3D supramolecular network: Experimental and DFT studies (چکیده)
111 - Connexin-43: A possible mediator of heat stress effects on ram Sertoli cells (چکیده)
112 - Microstructural and mechanical properties of Al-SiO2 nanocomposite foams produced by ultrasonic technique (چکیده)
113 - Strategic Planning of Transportation in Iran Using SWOT and QSPM, Case study: Yazd City (چکیده)
114 - Topological Fundamental Groups and Small Generated Coverings (چکیده)
115 - Numerical and model validation of uncovered nanofluid sheet and tube type photovoltaic thermal solar system (چکیده)
116 - Pareto-based robust optimization of water-flooding using multiple realizations (چکیده)
117 - Preparation and characterization of Al doped ZnO NPs/graphene nanocomposites synthesized by a facile one-step solvothermal method (چکیده)
118 - G-CSF Administration Attenuates Brain Injury in Rats Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning via Different Mechanisms (چکیده)
119 - Solubility of Ethene in n-Hexane and n-Heptane as Common Slurry-Phase Polymerization Solvents: Experimental Measurement and Modeling (چکیده)
120 - Efficient data collecting and target parameter estimation in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
121 - Butyl rubber reclamation by combined microwave radiation and chemical reagents (چکیده)
122 - Genotype imputation using support vector machine in parent-offspring trios (چکیده)
123 - Analyses and comparison of K-nearest neighbour and AdaBoost algorithms for genotype imputation (چکیده)
124 - Cloning and Expression of Iranian Turkmen-thoroughbred Horse Follicle Stimulating Hormone in Pichia pastoris (چکیده)
125 - Proton transfer in acetylacetone and its alpha-halo derivatives (چکیده)
126 - Detection of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in faeces of healthy calves in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
127 - The effect of short-time microwave exposures on Listeria monocytogenes inoculated onto chicken meat portions (چکیده)
128 - Evidential inference for diffusion-type processes (چکیده)
129 - The study of industrial town refinery sludge effects on Festuca arundinacea Schreb growth and phytoremediation capacity (چکیده)
130 - Genotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolated from broiler meat in Northeastern of Iran (چکیده)
131 - A New Record of The Genus Vitis (Vitaceae) for The Flora of Iran (چکیده)
132 - A load scheduler for SIP proxy servers: design, implementation and evaluation of a history weighted window approach (چکیده)
133 - Three- dimensional atom probe analysis and magnetic properties of Fe85Cu1Si2B8P4 melt spun ribbons (چکیده)
134 - Photocatalytic activity performance of novel cross-linked PEBAX copolymer nanocomposite on azo dye degradation (چکیده)
135 - Microstructure and wear resistance of in-situ TiC – Al2O3 particles reinforced Fe-based coatings produced by gas tungsten arc cladding (چکیده)
136 - Hydrogeochemical investigations and groundwater quality assessment of Torbat-Zaveh plain, Khorasan Razavi, Iran (چکیده)
137 - Static analysis of variable thickness two‑directional functionally graded annular sector plates fully or partially resting on elastic foundations by the GDQ method (چکیده)
138 - Depositional architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the Oligo–Miocene Asmari platform; Southeastern Izeh Zone, Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
139 - Depositional processes of ribbon carbonates in Middle Cambrian of Iran (Deh‑Sufiyan Formation, Central Alborz) (چکیده)
140 - Hydrogen failure sensitivity of A516-Gr70 and API 5L-X70 steels in sour environments (چکیده)
141 - Synthesis of new derivatives of pyridazino[6,1-c]pyrimido[5,4-e][1,2,4]triazine; a novel heterocyclic system (چکیده)
142 - Lattice Boltzmann simulation of a Cu-water nanofluid filled cavity in order to investigate the influence of volume fraction and magnetic field specifications on flow and heat transfer (چکیده)
143 - How does clamping pressure influence actuation performance of soft ionic polymer–metal composites? (چکیده)
144 - A knowledge encapsulation approach to ontology modularization (چکیده)
145 - Comparison of virulence factors and capsular types of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from human and bovine infections (چکیده)
146 - One new species and two new records of the genus Aeolothrips from Iran (Insecta, Thysanoptera, Aeolothripidae) (چکیده)
147 - General thermo-elastic solution of radially heterogeneous, spherically isotropic rotating sphere (چکیده)
148 - Brucella melitensis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis depict overlapping gene expression patterns induced in infected THP-1 macrophages (چکیده)
149 - Modeling and optimization of effective parameters on the size of synthesized Fe3O4 superparamagnetic nanoparticles by coprecipitation technique using response surface methodology (چکیده)
150 - The relationship between growth hormone polymorphism and growth hormone receptor genes with milk yield and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
151 - A stable neural network controller for linear saturated systems containing hysteresis (چکیده)
152 - On-line Voltage and Power Flow Contingencies Rankings Using Enhanced Radial Basis Function Neural Network and Kernel Principal Compnent Analysis (چکیده)
153 - A fast static security assessment method based on radial basis function neural networks using enhanced clustering (چکیده)
154 - Fast and de-noise support vector machine training method based on fuzzy clustering method for large real world datasets (چکیده)
155 - Improved grid voltage sensorless control strategy for railway power conditioners (چکیده)
156 - Gypsophila Heteropoda (Caryophyllaceae), a New Record for The Flora of Iran (چکیده)
157 - The Study on Application of TiO2/water Nanofluid in Plate Heat Exchanger of Milk Pasteurization Industries (چکیده)
158 - Preparation and Characterization of PVA/ZnO Nanocomposite (چکیده)
159 - Some physico-chemical properties of Prunus armeniaca L. gum exudates (چکیده)
160 - The Effect of Irrigation Regime and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Seed Yield and Qualitative Characteristics of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) (Case study of Gilan Province, Iran) (چکیده)
161 - Neural network and neuro-fuzzy modeling to investigate the power density and Columbic efficiency of microbial fuel cell (چکیده)
162 - Sonosynthesis of an Ag/AgBr/Graphene-oxide nanocomposite as a solar photocatalyst for efficient degradation of methyl orange (چکیده)
163 - Effect of environmental enrichment on physical and psychological dependence signs and voluntary morphine consumption in morphine-dependent and morphine-withdrawn rats (چکیده)
164 - Control of wake and vortex shedding behind a porous circular obstacle by exerting an external magnetic field (چکیده)
165 - An Eco-friendly Three Component Manifold for the Synthesis of -Aminophosphonates under Catalyst and Solvent-free Conditions, X-ray Characterization and Their Evaluation as Anticancer Agents (چکیده)
166 - Magnetized property effect of a non-aqueous solvent 1 upon complex 2 formation between kryptofix 22DD with lanthanum (III) cation: 3 experimental aspects and molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
167 - New records of eriophyoid mites (Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae, Diptilomiopidae) from Iran (چکیده)
168 - Opposition of Magnetohydrodynamicand AL2O3-waternanofluidflow around a vertex facing triangular obstacle (چکیده)
169 - Application of statistical techniques in modeling and optimization of a snake robot (چکیده)
170 - An improved hybrid method for forward kinematic analysis of parallel robots (چکیده)
171 - Stochastic congestion management considering power system uncertainties: a chance-constrained programming approach (چکیده)
172 - Chance-constrained programming approach to stochastic congestion management considering system uncertainties (چکیده)
173 - Finite element modeling of a wind turbine blade (چکیده)
174 - Improved general solution for the dynamic modeling of Gough–Stewart platform based on principle of virtual work (چکیده)
175 - Geometrically non-linear bending analysis of thick two-directional functionally graded annular sector and rectangular plates with variable thickness resting on non-linear elastic foundation (چکیده)
176 - Effect of Ultrasound-Assisted Osmotic Dehydration as a Pretreatment on Deep Fat Frying of Potatoes (چکیده)
177 - An Investigation on Stiffness Analysis of a 3-PSP Spatial Parallel Mechanism with Flexible Moving Platform Using Invariant Form (چکیده)
178 - Study on Jacobian, singularity and kinematics sensitivity of the FUM 3-PSP parallel manipulator (چکیده)
179 - Sensory and instrumental texture assessment of roasted pistachio nut/kernel by partial least square (PLS) regression analysis: effect of roasting conditionses (چکیده)
180 - Structural and physicochemical characteristics of a novel water-soluble gum from Lallemantia royleana seed (چکیده)
181 - Efficient synthesis of novel pyrano[2,3-d]pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidine derivatives via isocyanide-based three-component reactions (چکیده)
182 - Fauna Iranica: I. Annotated checklist of the spiders of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
183 - A bioinformatic approach to check the spatial epitope structure of an immunogenic protein coded by DNA vaccine plasmids (چکیده)
184 - A Novel Algorithm for Implementing Specified Wall Hat Flux in DSMC: Application to Micro/Nano Flows and Hypersonic Flows (چکیده)
185 - Investigation of cavitation around 3D hemispherical head-form body and conical cavitators using different turbulence and cavitation models (چکیده)
186 - Investigation of graphene oxide nanosheets dispersion in water based on solubility parameters: a molecular dynamics simulation study (چکیده)
187 - Non-covalent interactions in tungsten-doped sodium ammonium decavanadate decahydrate (چکیده)
188 - Seroprevalence of leptospiral infection in feline population in urban and dairy cattle herds in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
189 - A Novel Carbon Paste Electrode for Potentiometric Determination of Vanadyl Ion (چکیده)
190 - Hydrodynamical wind on vertically self-gravitating ADAFs in the presence of toroidal magnetic field (چکیده)
191 - Expanded perlite: an inexpensive natural efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the green and highly accelerated solvent-free synthesis of 5- substituted-1H-tetrazoles using [bmim]N3 and nitriles† (چکیده)
192 - Modification of k-ε Turbulent Model Using Kinetic Energy–Preserving Method (چکیده)
193 - Investigation on the mutualistic interactions of ant species and the aphids, Cinara spp. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Pinus mugo trees in urban green space of Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan, Iran (چکیده)
194 - Biosystematic study of Calomyscus mystax (Rodentia, Calomyscidae) from northeastern Iran (چکیده)
195 - An analytical study of controlling chaotic dynamics in a spur gear system (چکیده)
196 - Nested validation of AquaCrop model for simulation of winter wheat grain yield, soil moisture and salinity profiles under simultaneous salinity and water stress (چکیده)
197 - Effect of some plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and chemical fertilizer on growth parameters, yield and essential oil of fennel (چکیده)
198 - Strategies to improve homing of mesenchymal stem cells for greater efficacy in stem cell therapy. (چکیده)
199 - Mechanistic investigation of the influence of phosphoric and boric acids in the formation of homogeneous Ni–P/ZnO@SiO2 coatings (چکیده)
200 - Security-based multi-objective congestion management for emission reduction in power system (چکیده)
201 - A multi-attribute congestion-driven approach for evaluation of power generation plans (چکیده)
202 - Perfect ranking test in moving extreme ranked set sampling (چکیده)
203 - The effect of large-scale magnetic field on outflow in ADAFs: an odd symmetry configuration (چکیده)
204 - A 350-MS/s Continuous-Time Delta–Sigma Modulator With a Digitally Assisted Binary-DAC and a 5-Bits Two-Step-ADC Quantizer in 130-nm CMOS (چکیده)
205 - The effect of choline-based ionic liquid on CNTs' arrangement in epoxy resin matrix (چکیده)
206 - A survey of Hersiliidae (Arachnida: Araneae) of Iran with description of one new genus and two new species (چکیده)
207 - Synchronization in oscillator networks with time delay and limited non-homogeneous coupling strength (چکیده)
208 - Pomegranate seed pulp, pistachio hulls, and tomato pomace as replacement of wheat bran increased milk conjugated linoleic acid concentrations without adverse effects on ruminal fermentation and performance of Saanen dairy goats (چکیده)
209 - The effect of chemical modification of SiO2 nanoparticles on the nanofiltration characteristics of polyamide membrane (چکیده)
210 - Designing a range modulator wheel to spread-out the Bragg peak for a passive proton therapy facility (چکیده)
211 - Tuning the topology of hybrid inorganic–organic materials based on the study of flexible ligands and negative charge of polyoxometalates: A crystal engineering perspective (چکیده)
212 - Double Field Domain Walls with Explicit Symmetry Breaking (چکیده)
213 - on the domain of an unbounded derivation of a C*-algebra (چکیده)
215 - A new switching strategy design for uncertain switched linear systems based on min-projection strategy in guaranteed cost control problem (چکیده)
216 - Self and Cross-Pollination Affect Fruit Quality of Iranian Pomegranate ‘Malas-e- Yazdi’ (چکیده)
217 - Hydration kinetics and physical properties of split chickpea as affected by soaking temperature and time (چکیده)
218 - Serish inulin and wheat biopolymers interactions in model systems as a basis for understanding the impact of inulinl (چکیده)
219 - Geochronologic, geochemical, and isotopic constraints on petrogenesis of the dioritic rocks associated with Fe skarn in the Bisheh area, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
220 - Multi-phase inversion tectonics related to the Hendijan–Nowrooz–Khafji Fault activity, Zagros Mountains, SW Iran (چکیده)
221 - Investigation on decomposition behavior of austenite under continuous cooling in vanadium microalloyed steel (30MSV6) (چکیده)
222 - Design and analysis of an ultra-low-power double-tail latched comparator for biomedical applications (چکیده)
223 - On Topological Shape Homotopy Groups (چکیده)
224 - Is MWCNT a good synergistic candidate in APP–PER–MELintumescent coating for steel structure? (چکیده)
225 - New faunistic records of spiders (Araneae) from Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
226 - An ion-based nonelectrolyte NRTL-NRF for aqueous electrolyte solutions (چکیده)
227 - A Norm Inequality for Chebyshev Centres (چکیده)
228 - On the formation of Mo2C nanocrystals by a novel system through microwave assisted combustion synthesis (چکیده)
229 - Fabrication of nanocrystalline TiC coating on AISI D2 steel substrate via high-energy mechanical alloying of Ti and C (چکیده)
230 - The effect of preliminary mechanical activation on the zinc loss control in combustive reduction of MoO3 by Zn (چکیده)
231 - Low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO nanorods: Effects of zinc salt concentration, various solvents and alkaline mineralizers (چکیده)
232 - Ultratrace determination of cadmium(II) ions in water samples using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after separation and preconcentration using magnetic activated carbon nanocomposites (چکیده)
233 - Two-Sample Prediction for Progressively Type-II Censored Weibull Lifetimes (چکیده)
234 - Effect of ferroelectric substrate on carrier mobility in graphene field-effect transistors (چکیده)
235 - Application of F+RNA Coliphages as Source Tracking Enteric Viruses on Parsley and Leek Using RT-PCR (چکیده)
236 - Low velocity impact and quasi-static in-plane loading on a graded honeycomb structure; experimental, analytical and numerical study (چکیده)
237 - Control of flow around a circular cylinder wrapped with a porous layer by magnetohydrodynamic (چکیده)
238 - Stability analysis of electrostatically actuated nano/micro-beams under the effect of van der Waals force, a semi-analytical approach (چکیده)
239 - Hydrophilicity improvement in polyphenylsulfone nanofibrous filtration membranes through addition of polyethylene glycol (چکیده)
240 - Heat transfer and MLP Neural Network models to predict inside environment variables and energy lost in a semi-solar greenhouse (چکیده)
241 - Cubic Ag/AgBr–graphene oxide nanocomposite: sono-synthesis and use as a solar photocatalyst for the degradation of DCF as a pharmaceutical pollutant (چکیده)
242 - Jordan C*- Dynamical Systems (چکیده)
243 - An unusual necrotic myositis by C. perfringens in a German Shephered dog: a clinical report, bacteriological and molecular identification (چکیده)
244 - Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness (چکیده)
245 - Quadrotor Full dynamic Modeling, Nonlinear Simulation and Control of Attitudes (چکیده)
246 - Automated mineral identification algorithm using optical properties of crystals (چکیده)
247 - n-weak amenability for Lau product of Banach algebras (چکیده)
248 - Mechanochemical Reduction of MoS2 by Zn in Presence of Lime to Produce Nano-CaMoO4 and -ZnS Simultaneously (چکیده)
249 - Relative n-th non-commuting graphs of finite groups (چکیده)
250 - The future of human resources in sport organizations with scenario making, the Case study: Developing country of Iran (چکیده)
251 - Modules, annihilators and module derivations of JB * -algebras (چکیده)
252 - Eocene climatic events recorded in dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from the Kopeh-Dagh Basin, NE Iran; a statistical approach (چکیده)
253 - Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies of the sanganeh formation in Qarah-Su section (NE, Iran) (چکیده)
254 - Rheological properties of the nanofluids of tungsten oxide nanoparticles in ethylene glycol and glycerol (چکیده)
255 - Interactions between Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum e Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) protein isolate in composite biodegradable film (چکیده)
256 - A remark on closability of linear mappings in normed algebras (چکیده)
257 - a note on finsler modules (چکیده)
258 - Heat Transfer Enhancement and Pressure Drop Penalty in Porous Solar Heaters: Numerical Simulations (چکیده)
259 - A novel halo-alkali-tolerant and thermotolerant chitinase from Pseudoalteromonas sp. DC14 isolated from the Caspian Sea (چکیده)
260 - Prediction of energy contents and potential nutrient supply of raisin byproducts for ruminants using National Research Council feeding system and in vitro gas production method (چکیده)
261 - Nutritive value of several raisin by-products for ruminants evaluated by chemical analysis and in situ ruminal degradability (چکیده)
262 - Fragmentation functions of the pion, kaon, and proton in the NLO approximation: Laplace transform approach (چکیده)
263 - In vitro acaricidal effects of Thyme essential oil, Tobacco extract and Carbaryl against Dermanyssus gallinae (Acari: Dermanyssidae) (چکیده)
264 - A new spectral meshless radial point interpolation(SMRPI) method fo rthe two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations on general domains with error analysis (چکیده)
265 - Gastrointestinal helminths of the Caspian snowcock (Tetraogallus caspius) partridge from the North Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
266 - An analytical solution for thermoelastic damping in a micro-beam based on generalized theory of thermoelasticity and modified couple stress theory (چکیده)
267 - A modified multivariate process capability vector (چکیده)
268 - Al2O3 and TiO2 entrapped ABS membranes: Preparation, characterization and study of irradiation effect (چکیده)
269 - A Berry-Esseen Type Bound for the Kernel Density Estimator of Length-Biased Data (چکیده)
270 - Toward a durable superhydrophobic aluminum surface by etching and ZnO nanoparticle deposition (چکیده)
271 - Effect of plant extracts derived from thyme on male broiler performance (چکیده)
272 - On C0-Group of Linear Operators (چکیده)
273 - Manipulation of broiler chickens sex differentiation by in ovo injection of aromatase inhibitors, and garlic and tomato extracts (چکیده)
274 - On the range of a derivation (چکیده)
275 - A histological study of adrenal gland in guinea pig and hamster (چکیده)
276 - Comparison of flux pinning in Si- and SiCl4-doped MgB2 superconductors: Evidence for coexistence of different pinning mechanisms (چکیده)
277 - Homogeneous Spaces and Square Integrable Representations (چکیده)
278 - On The Continuous Wavelet Transform on Homogeneous Spaces (چکیده)
279 - Experimental and numerical investigation of nanofluids heat transfer characteristics for application in solar heat exchangers (چکیده)
280 - Effect of applied voltage and frequency on extraction parameters and extracted essential oils from Mentha piperita by ohmic assisted hydrodistillation (چکیده)
281 - Synthesis and characterization of composite polymer, polyethylene glycol grafted flower-like cupric nano oxide for solid phase microextraction of ultra-trace levels of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene and o-xylene in human hair and water samples (چکیده)
282 - Oxidation kinetics of common Kilka (Clupeonella cultiventris caspia) oil in presence of bene oils’ unsaponifiable matter (چکیده)
283 - Studies on the protective effects of ascorbic acid and thiamine on lead-induced lipid and protein oxidation as well as enzymatic alterations in some tissues of Cyprinus carpio (چکیده)
284 - Influence of Interfacial Engineering on Stability of Emulsions Stabilized with Soy Protein Isolate (چکیده)
285 - Improvement of heat dissipation in agarose gel electrophoresis by metal oxide nanoparticles (چکیده)
286 - Stress Analysis of Free-Edge Laminated Composite Plates by Two Bending Elements (چکیده)
287 - continuity of the farthest point map (چکیده)
288 - Studying the Structural Effects of High-rise Construction on Urban Environment Sustainability (چکیده)
289 - Characterization of aflatoxigenic Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus strain isolates from animal feedstuffs in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
290 - Modulational instability of dust ion acoustic waves in dusty plasmas with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
291 - Genotyping of Echinococcus granulosus from goats and sheep indicating G7 genotype in goats in the Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
292 - The effects of Ostertagia occidentalis somatic antigens on ovine TLR2 and TLR4 expression (چکیده)
293 - Thermally activated flux flow in Fe1.06Te0.6Se0.4 single crystal (چکیده)
294 - CitB is required for full virulence of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (چکیده)
295 - Ion acoustic solitary waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas with q-nonextensive electrons and high relativistic ions (چکیده)
296 - The Fish Fauna of North and East Regions of Khorasan-e-Razavi Province, Iran (چکیده)
297 - Sulfonated nanohydroxyapatite functionalized with 2-aminoethyl dihydrogen phosphate (HAP@AEPH2- SO3H) as a new recyclable and eco-friendly catalyst for rapid one-pot synthesis of 4,40-(aryl methylene) bis(3-methyl-1H-pyrazol-5-ol)s (چکیده)
298 - A comparison between two and three dimensional seepage analysis results in earth dams using SEEP/W and SEEP/3D (Case study: Shian and Khaan-Abad Dams) (چکیده)
299 - Modulation of Lipopolysaccharide Stimulated Nuclear Factor kappa B Mediated iNOS/NO Production by Bromelain in Rat Primary Microglial Cells (چکیده)
300 - Application of esterase inhibitors: A possible new approach to protect unsaturated fatty acids from ruminal biohydrogenation (چکیده)
301 - Microwave-Assisted Direct Coupling of Graphene Nanoplatelets with Poly Ethylene Glycol and 4-Phenylazophenol Molecules for Preparing Stable-Colloidal System (چکیده)
302 - Unbounded Derivations of Group C*-Algebras (چکیده)
303 - invariant meant on the isometry semigroups of C*-algebras and Von Newmann algebras (چکیده)
304 - A kaplansky theorem for JB*-algebras (چکیده)
305 - Approximately Inner Two-parameter 0 C -group of Tensor Product of C* -Algebras (چکیده)
306 - Closable Derivations of Simple C*-Algebras (چکیده)
307 - Innerness of Higher Derivations (چکیده)
308 - Relationship of concentrations of cortisol in hair with health, biomarkers in blood, and reproductive status in dairy cows (چکیده)
309 - Factors affecting hair cortisol concentrations in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
310 - Synthesis of some derivatives of pyrimido[5,4-e]tetrazolo[5,1-c][1,2,4]triazine; a novel heterocyclic system (چکیده)
311 - Effects of heparin, citrate, and EDTA on plasma biochemistry of cat: comparison with serum (چکیده)
312 - A note on the inverse spectral problem for symmetric doubly stochastic matrices (چکیده)
313 - Recent developments of the conditional stability of the homomorphism equation (چکیده)
314 - Approximate Roberts orthogonality (چکیده)
315 - Advances in Operator Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities and their reverses (چکیده)
316 - Reverses and variations of Heinz inequality (چکیده)
317 - Exact and approximate operator parallelism (چکیده)
318 - Two new organotin(IV)‑phosphoryl complexes: crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis (چکیده)
319 - Quasiparticle energies and optical excitations in the GaAs monolayer (چکیده)
320 - Dynamic Stall Analysis of S809 Pitching Airfoil in Unsteady Free Stream Velocity (چکیده)
321 - Optical excitations and quasiparticle energies in the AlN monolayer honeycomb structure (چکیده)
322 - First record of Karnyothrips Watson (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Iran (چکیده)
323 - Sono-intercalation of CdS nanoparticles into the layers of titanate facilitates the sunlight degradation of Congo red (چکیده)
324 - Brain activity and affect: Overall and asymmetric activity of the brain lobes in affective states (چکیده)
325 - Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS): a Study on Persian Language Websites (چکیده)
326 - The Relationship between Trust-in-God, Positive and Negative Affect, and Hope (چکیده)
327 - Peritoneal fluid analysis in dairy cows suffering from peritonitis (چکیده)
328 - Hereditary Genes and SNPs Associated with Breast Cancer (چکیده)
329 - Identification of Germline BRCA1 Mutations among Breast Cancer Families in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
330 - Genes and SNPs Associated with Non-hereditary and Hereditary Colorectal Cancer (چکیده)
331 - Estrogen Receptor Alpha Gene Expression in Breast Cancer Tissues from the Iranian Population - a Pilot Study (چکیده)
332 - Synthesis and Characterization of First 3-D Inorganic– Organic Hybrids Based on Keggin Polyoxometalate and Melamine with Three Layers Solvent Diffusion Method (چکیده)
333 - A novel simplified Bernoulli trials collision scheme in the direct simulation Monte Carlo with intelligence over particle distances (چکیده)
334 - A low-power fast tag comparator by modifying charging scheme of widefan-indynamic OR gates (چکیده)
335 - The spatial learning and memory performance in methamphetamine–sensitized and withdrawn rats (چکیده)
336 - On fuzzy linear projection equation and applications (چکیده)
337 - Approximating the Solution of Optimal Control Problems by Fuzzy Systems (چکیده)
338 - An efficient method to solve a fractional differential equation by using linear programming and its application to an optimal control problem (چکیده)
339 - Stereoelectronic effects: a powerful concept in explaning kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of retro cheletropic reactions (چکیده)
340 - Physically Based Model of the Yield Strength for an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Zn Alloy (چکیده)
341 - Meteorological regimes modulating dust outbreaks in southwest Asia: The role of pressure anomaly and Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone on the 1–3 July 2014 case (چکیده)
342 - Suppressing Forced Vibrations of Structures Using Smart Vibro-Impact Systems (چکیده)
343 - Effect of dietry thiamin on growth of the Iranian honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera meda) in different season (چکیده)
344 - Genetic polymorphism of the CAPN1 gene is associated with meat quality (چکیده)
345 - Modal processes in 2D resonant reflectors and their correlation with spectra of 1D equivalents (چکیده)
346 - Effects of polymorphic variants of GH, Pit 1 and beta LG genes on milk productions (چکیده)
347 - Determination of economic values for some important traits in Moghani sheep (چکیده)
348 - Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial properties of Bene (Pistacia atlantica subsp. mutica) hull essential oil (چکیده)
349 - Dereplication of antioxidant compounds in Bene (Pistacia atlanticasubsp. mutica) hull using a multiplex approach of HPLC–DAD, LC–MS and 1H NMR techniques (چکیده)
350 - Agricultural Management by new Diagnostic of Selling Sulfur Organic Granular Fertilizer (چکیده)
351 - Effects of Dexamethasone and Insulin Alone (چکیده)
352 - A macro model with consideration of driver's reaction time and distance (چکیده)
353 - Effects of using plant extracts and a probiotic on performance, intestinal morphology, and microflora population in broilers (چکیده)
354 - Application of molecularly-imprinted polymers in solid-phase microextraction techniques (چکیده)
355 - Generalized conjugate graph (چکیده)
356 - Genetic properties of egg quality traits and their correlations (چکیده)
357 - Genetic evaluation of meat quality traits and their correlation with growth and carcase composition in Japanese quail (چکیده)
358 - Multi-Objective Optimization of Deep-Fat Frying of Ostrich Meat Plates Using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) (چکیده)
359 - Characterization of Lie Higher Derivations on C*-Algebras (چکیده)
360 - Serological study of small ruminant lentiviruses in sheep population of Khorasan-e-Razavi province in Iran (چکیده)
361 - Homotopy properties of subsets of Euclidean spaces (چکیده)
362 - The Linear Switching State Space: A New Modeling Paradigm for Task Scheduling Problems (چکیده)
363 - Discernible visualization of high dimensional data using label information (چکیده)
364 - Effect of layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte method on encapsulation of vanillin (چکیده)
365 - Study of Two Top Production Through FCNC Anomalous Couplings at the LHC (چکیده)
366 - Facies, depositional sequences, and biostratigraphy of the Oligo-Miocene Asmari Formation in Marun oilfield, North Dezful Embayment, Zagros Basin, SW Iran (چکیده)
367 - Synthesis and application of diethanolamine-functionalized polystyrene as a new sorbent for the removal of p-toluenesulfonic acid from aqueous solution (چکیده)
368 - Investigation of Some Quantitative and Qualitative Characters of Medicinal Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) under Different Organic Substrates and Different Levels of Phosphorus Fertilization (چکیده)
369 - Petrogenesis of Subvolcanic rocks from the Khunik Prospecting Area, South of Birjand, Iran: Geochemical, Sr-Nd Isotopic and U-Pb Zircon Constraints (چکیده)
370 - Nanomagnetically modified polyphosphoric acid (NiFe2O4@SiO2–PPA): an efficient, fast, and reusable catalyst for the synthesis of 2-thioxoquinazolinones under solvent-free conditions (چکیده)
371 - Thermal stability and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Ti41.5Cu42.5Ni7.5Zr2.5Hf5Si1 bulk metallic glass (چکیده)
372 - the category of customers to analyze of CLV in the East Cement Co of Iran (چکیده)
373 - U–Pb zircon geochronology, Sr–Nd geochemistry, petrogenesis and tectonic setting of Mahoor granitoid rocks (Lut Block, Eastern Iran) (چکیده)
374 - Reinforcement Q-learning for optimal tracking control of linear discrete-time systems with unknown dynamics (چکیده)
375 - Zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopes and geochemistry of intrusive rocks in the Gazu copper deposit, Iran: Petrogenesis and geological implications (چکیده)
376 - A new two-dimensional cracked finite element for fracture mechanics (چکیده)
377 - Normal coordinate analysis, hydrogen bonding, and conformation analysis of heptane-3,5-dione (چکیده)
378 - The effect of Al2O3-nanoparticles as the reinforcement additive on the hot deformation behavior of 7075 aluminum alloy (چکیده)
379 - Optimal operation of a divided-wall column with local operating condition changes (چکیده)
380 - Exp-Kumaraswamy Distributions: Some Properties and Applications (چکیده)
381 - Tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) improves antioxidant status in rat tissues following chronic diazinon intoxication (چکیده)
382 - Classifying and Designing Customer's Strategy Pyramid by Customer LifeTime Value (CLV)(Case study: Shargh Cement Company) (چکیده)
383 - Direct and Facile Synthesis of Acyl Isothiocyanates from Carboxylic Acids Using Trichloroisocyanuric Acid/Triphenylphosphine System (چکیده)
384 - Quantifying Changes in Reconnaissance Drought Index using Equiprobability Transformation Function (چکیده)
385 - U–Pb zircon geochronology, petrochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic characteristic of Late Neoproterozoic granitoid of the Bornaward Complex (Bardaskan-NE Iran) (چکیده)
386 - Synthesis of dihydrobenzo[b]pyrimido[4,5-e][1,4]thiazepines; derivatives of a novel ring system (چکیده)
387 - Alternative route for the synthesis of new derivatives of benzimidazo[2’,1’:2,3] thiazolo[5,4-d]pyrimidine (چکیده)
388 - Phylogenetic group determination of Escherichia coli isolated from broilers and layers with colibacillosis (چکیده)
389 - Investigation of structural distribution of gold mineralization in (چکیده)
390 - Analysis of flow and LDL concentration polarization in siphon of internal carotid artery: Non-Newtonian effects (چکیده)
391 - Dynamics of non-Markovianity in the presence of a driving field (چکیده)
392 - Use of an in vitro model in tissue engineering to study wound repair and differentiation of blastema tissue from rabbit pinna (چکیده)
393 - Electrochemical synthesis of Alizarin Red S doped polypyrrole and its applications in designing a novel silver (I) potentiometric and voltammetric sensor (چکیده)
394 - Vibrational spectra of a-bromo and a-chloro derivatives of tris(acetylacetonato)chromium(III (چکیده)
395 - Position tracking of a 3-PSP parallel robot using dynamic growinginterval type-2 fuzzy neural control (چکیده)
396 - Simple reduced Lp-operator crossed products with unique trace (چکیده)
397 - A One-Pot, Fast, and Efficient Amidation of Carboxylic Acids, α-Amino Acids and Sulfonic Acids Using PPh3/N-chlorobenzotriazole System (چکیده)
398 - Truly Absorbed Microbial Protein Synthesis, Rumen Bypass Protein, Endogenous Protein, and Total Metabolizable Protein from Starchy and Protein-Rich Raw Materials: Model Comparison and Predictions (چکیده)
399 - Influence of phosphorus and soil amendments on black seed (Nigellasativa L.) oil yield and nutrient uptakeSeyyed (چکیده)
400 - Effects of fumaric or malic acid and 9, 10 anthraquinone on digestibility, microbial protein synthesis, methane emission and performance of growing calves (چکیده)
401 - Experimental investigation of a PVT system performance using nano ferrofluids (چکیده)
402 - Differential Effects and Temporal Course of Attentional and Motivational Training on Excessive Drinking (چکیده)
403 - Ce(III) immobilised on aminated epichlorohydrin-activated agarose matrix – “green” and efficient catalyst for transamidation of carboxamides (چکیده)
404 - The study of modifications in land usage in the City of Shandiz towards ecological city realization (چکیده)
405 - Two new copper and nickel complexes of pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid N-oxide and their proton transferred salt: Solid state and DFT insights (چکیده)
406 - Exact cosmological solutions for MOG (چکیده)
407 - Theoretical Design of the Cyclic Lipopeptide Nanotube as a Molecular Channel in the Lipid Bilayer, Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Mechanics Approach (چکیده)
408 - A Numerical Method to Material and Geometric Nonlinear Analysis of Cable Structures (چکیده)
409 - Photoimmunological properties of borage in bovine neutrophil in vitro model (چکیده)
410 - Radio-frequency small-signal model of hetero-gate-dielectric p-n-p-n tunneling field effect transistor including charge conservation capacitance and substrate parameters (چکیده)
411 - Halovarius luteus gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a salt lake (چکیده)
412 - Benzimidazolium Dicationic Ionic Liquid as an Efficient and Reusable Catalyst for the Synthesis of α-aminophosphonates and Bis (α-aminophosphonates) under Solvent-free Condition (چکیده)
413 - Seismic Analysis of the Soil-Structure Interaction for a High Rise Building Adjacent to Deep Excavation (چکیده)
414 - Steady shear flow behavior and thixotropy of wheat starch gel: Impact of chemical modification, concentration and saliva addition, (چکیده)
415 - Simulation of liquid sloshing in 2D containers using the volume of fluid method (چکیده)
416 - Improving antifouling performance of PAN hollow fiber membrane using surface modification method (چکیده)
417 - Vertical Structure of Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows (چکیده)
418 - Ion pair based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for the preconcentration of ultratrace levels of bismuth(III) and its determination by electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy (چکیده)
419 - Identification and optimization of key parameters in preparation of thin film composite membrane for water desalination using multi-step statistical method (چکیده)
420 - Sequence stratigraphy of the Hauterivian–Barremian time interval in land and offshore of the Bandar Abbas Area (SE Zagros, Iran) (چکیده)
421 - Synthesis of aspartic acid-treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes based water coolant and experimental investigation of thermal and hydrodynamic properties in circular tube (چکیده)
422 - The influence of basil seed gum, guar gum and their blend on the rheological, physical and sensory properties of low fat ice cream (چکیده)
423 - Simple control scheme for single-phase uninterruptible power supply inverters with Kalman filter-based estimation of the output voltage (چکیده)
424 - Generalised single-phase N-level voltage-source inverter with coupled inductors (چکیده)
425 - Therapeutic effects of pomegranate (Punica granatum) pith and carpellary membrane extract on lead-induced toxicity in rats (چکیده)
426 - Facies Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy of Silurian C arbonate Ramps In the Turan(Kopeh-Dagh) and Central Iran Plates with Emphasis Gondwana Tectonic Event (چکیده)
427 - Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum: Dilute solution and somephysicochemical properties (چکیده)
428 - An experimental investigation into the warm deep-drawing process on laminated sheets under various grain sizes (چکیده)
429 - Microstructural Characterization of Quenched AISI D2 Tool Steel Using Magnetic/Electromagnetic Nondestructive Techniques (چکیده)
430 - Graphitic carbon nitride embedded hydrogels for enhanced gel electrophoresis (چکیده)
431 - Hirshfeld surface analysis of two new phosphorothioic triamide structures (چکیده)
432 - Shock-induced two dimensional coupled non-Fickian diffusion–elasticity analysis using meshless generalized finite difference (GFD) method (چکیده)
433 - Double flower formation in Tricyrtis macranthopsis is related to lowexpression of AGAMOUS ortholog gene (چکیده)
434 - Resonance Antennas Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide (چکیده)
435 - Transverse spin structure function g2(x,Q2) in the valon model (چکیده)
436 - Transparent microstrip patch antenna based on fluorine-doped tin oxide deposited by spray pyrolysis technique (چکیده)
437 - Comparison of virulence factors and biofilm formation among Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from human and bovine infections (چکیده)
438 - Numerical investigation on heat transfer characteristics amelioration of a solar chimney power plant through passive flow control approach (چکیده)
439 - Importance of polarization assisted/resonance assisted hydrogen bonding interactions and unconventional interactions in crystal formations of five new complexes bearing chelidamic acid through proton transfer mechanism (چکیده)
440 - Source term prediction in a multilayer tissue during hyperthermia (چکیده)
441 - An investigation on the energy absorption of aluminum foam core sandwich panel via quasi-static perforation test (چکیده)
442 - Stock price forecasting for companies listed on Tehran stock exchange using multivariate adaptive regression splines model and semi-parametric splines technique (چکیده)
443 - A taguchi approach for optimization of process parameters in waterjet cleaning process (چکیده)
444 - Regression modeling of welded joint quality in gas metal arc welding process using acoustic and electrical signals (چکیده)
445 - General templates for n-noded bar elements based on reduced representations and numerical dispersion reduction by optimized finite elements (چکیده)
446 - Simulation of power extraction from tidal currents by flapping foil hydrokinetic turbines in tandem formation (چکیده)
447 - Prediction of cobalt particle size during of catalyst deactivation in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis (چکیده)
448 - The effect of magnetic field on instabilities of heat transfer from an obstacle in a channel (چکیده)
449 - The information loss for QCD matter due to interaction potential between branes near higher dimensional Ads black holes at LHC (چکیده)
450 - Osteoarthritis and systemic infection caused by Candida Albicans in a common Mynah (Acridotheres tristis) (چکیده)
451 - Detection of Coxiella burnetii and sequencing the IS1111 gene fragment in bulk tank milk of dairy herds (چکیده)
452 - Heat Transfer Enhancement and Pressure Drop Penalty in Porous Solar Exchangers: A Sensitivity Analysis (چکیده)
453 - FE modelling of the compressive behavior of porous copper-matrix nanocomposites (چکیده)
454 - Stable solitary waves in super dense plasmas at external magnetic fields (چکیده)
455 - Erratum to -Modeling job rotation in manufacturing systems: The study of employee's boredom and skill variations- [Int. J. Production Economics 123 (2010) 69--85.] (چکیده)
456 - Occurrence of Noroviruses and Their Correlation with Microbial Indicators in Raw Milk (چکیده)
457 - Achieving to a superhydrophobic glass with high transparency by a simple sol–gel-dip-coating method (چکیده)
458 - Entropy maximization under the constraints on the generalized Gini index and its application in modeling income distributions (چکیده)
459 - Harderian Gland in Canadian Ostrich (Struthio camelus): A Morphological and Histochemical Study (چکیده)
460 - Effect of fluid-porous interface conditions on steady flow around and through a porous circular cylinde (چکیده)
461 - Structure–antioxidant activity relationships of o-hydroxyl, o-methoxy, and alkyl ester derivatives of p-hydroxybenzoic acid (چکیده)
462 - Combined reforming of methane by carbon dioxide and water: Particle size effect of Ni-Mg nanoparticles (چکیده)
463 - GPSO-LS algorithm for a multi-item EPQ model with production capacity restriction (چکیده)
464 - Infestation and pathological lesions of some lymph nodes induced by Linguatula serrata nymphs in sheep slaughtered in Shahrekord Area (Southwest Iran) (چکیده)
465 - Effects of different operating parameters on the particle size of silver chloride nanoparticles prepared in a spinning disk reactor (چکیده)
466 - Buckling analysis of semi-rigid gabled frames (چکیده)
467 - Preparation and characterization of anion exchange resin decorated with magnetite nanoparticles for removal of p-toluic acid from aqueous solution (چکیده)
468 - Higher-derivative corrections to type II supergravity: Four Ramond-Ramond terms (چکیده)
469 - The effect of grape seed extract and vitamin C feed supplementation on some blood parameters and HSP70 gene expression of broiler chickens suffering from chronic heat stress (چکیده)
470 - Effect of Thermal Treatment on Chemical Structure of Β-Lactoglobulin and Basil Seed Gum Mixture at Different States by ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy (چکیده)
471 - Dose estimations for Iranian 11-year-old pediatric phantoms undergoing computed tomography examinations (چکیده)
472 - Silica coated magnetic NiFe2O4 nanoparticle supported phosphomolybdic acid; synthesis, preparation and its application as a heterogeneous and recyclable catalyst for the one-pot synthesis of tri- and tetra-substituted imidazoles under solvent free conditions (چکیده)
473 - Facile Synthesis of New [1,2,4]Triazolo[4,3-b]pyridazine (چکیده)
475 - Non-linear analysis of DFIG based wind farm in stressed power systems (چکیده)
476 - Cryptic diversity, reproductive isolation and cytoplasmic incompatibility in a classic biological control success story (چکیده)
477 - Effect of recess length on the flame parameters and combustion performance of a low swirl burner (چکیده)
478 - Aflatoxin B1 interferes with the antigen-presenting capacity of porcine dendritic cells (چکیده)
479 - Why is the electroanalytical performance of carbon paste electrodes involving ionic liquid binder higher than paraffinic binders? a simulation investigation (چکیده)
480 - Empirical relationships of shear wave velocity, SPT-N value and vertical effective stress for different soils in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
481 - Comparison of chemical compounds found in the gum essential oil of male and female Pistacia atlantica subsp. Kurdica. (چکیده)
482 - Depth dose evaluation for prostate cancer treatment using boron neutron capture therapy (چکیده)
483 - Hybrid Molecular Simulation of Methane Storage inside Pillared Graphene (چکیده)
484 - DFT investigation and molecular dynamic simulation on the selectivecomplexation of cis-cyclic nanopeptides with alkaline earth metalions (چکیده)
485 - Identify in Indigenous Knowledge and its Application in Rural Crisis (چکیده)
486 - An efficient projection neural network for solving bilinear programming problems (چکیده)
487 - New studies on basil (Ocimum bacilicum L.) seed gum: Part I - Fractionation, physicochemical and surface activity characterization (چکیده)
488 - X-Band Multi-Hole Directional Coupler with Folded Substrate-Integrated Waveguide (چکیده)
489 - Nano-sized NiLa2O4 spinel–NaBH4-mediated reduction of imines to secondary amines (چکیده)
490 - Two dimensional analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion-elastodynamics problems in functionally graded materials using meshless local Petrov–Galerkin (MLPG) method (چکیده)
491 - Detailed Investigation of Flow and Thermal Field in Micro/Nano Nozzle using Simplified Bernoulli Trial (SBT) collision Scheme in DSMC (چکیده)
492 - Preparation of hydrophilic nanofiltration membranes for removal of pharmaceuticals from water (چکیده)
493 - Evaluation of corrosion resistance of polypyrrole/functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite coatings on 60Cu–40Zn brass alloy (چکیده)
494 - Molecular detection of equine piroplasms in donkeys (Equus asinus) in North Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
495 - The conformational transitions in organic solution on the cress seed gum nanoparticles production (چکیده)
496 - Angle Preserving Mappings (چکیده)
497 - Synthesis of new derivatives of pyrazolo[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-c]pyrimidine (چکیده)
498 - Solamargine inhibits migration and invasion of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells through down-regulation of matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 expression and activity (چکیده)
499 - Effect of tannery wastes and biochar on soil chemical and physicochemical properties and growth traits of radish (چکیده)
500 - On preservation under univariate weighted distributions (چکیده)
501 - Transparent microstrip antenna made of fluorine doped tin oxide: a comprehensive study (چکیده)
502 - Modification of C/TiO2@MCM-41 with nickel nanoparticles for photocatalytic desulfurization enhancement of a diesel fuel model under visible light (چکیده)
503 - New data on spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae), Part II (چکیده)
504 - Bending of Moderately Thick Annular Sector Plates with Variable Thickness and General Boundary Conditions Using Extended Knatorovich Method (چکیده)
505 - The first mixed-ligand coordination compound involving 8-aminoquinoline and pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate: Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, and DFT studies (چکیده)
507 - Effect of Loading Position and Storage Duration on the Textural Properties of Eggplant (چکیده)
508 - The Response Surface Method as an Experimental Design Technique to Explore and Model the Performance of Corrosion Inhibitors (چکیده)
509 - Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Rat brain tissue after exposure to mobile phone radiation (چکیده)
510 - Treatment of clinical endometritis in dairy cows by previously used controlled internal drug release devices (چکیده)
511 - Evaluation of fructosamine as a new biomarker for diagnosis of hepatic lipidosis in dairy cows (چکیده)
512 - Development of sourdough system for improving the quality and shelf life of flat bread: Study with Univariate and Multivariate Analyses (چکیده)
513 - A quantum chemistry study on the performance of porphyrin-based solar cell sensitisers; Zinc and anchor group position effects (چکیده)
514 - Investigation of Cold-to-Hot Transfer and Thermal Separation Zone through Nano Step Geometries (چکیده)
515 - Non-Newtonian effects of blood on LDL transport inside the arterial lumen and across multi-layered arterial wall with and without stenosis (چکیده)
516 - Determination of tissue equivalent materials of a physical 8-year-old phantom for use in computed tomography (چکیده)
517 - Kink scattering from a parity-time-symmetric defect in the φ^4 model (چکیده)
518 - Prevalence of tick infestation in dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) brought for slaughter in Mashhad abattoir, Iran (چکیده)
519 - Evaluation and comparison of the early outcomes of open and laparoscopic surgery of liver hydatid cyst (چکیده)
520 - Testing a long-standing hypothesis on the relation between the auditory bulla size and environmental conditions: a case study in two bird species (Muridae: Meriones libycus and M. crassus ) (چکیده)
521 - Vibrational spectra of tris(acetylacetonato)chromium(III) (چکیده)
522 - Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Plant Mediated Silver Nanoparticles Biosynthesized Using Scrophularia striata Flower Extract (چکیده)
523 - A bi-level programming model for protection of hierarchical facilities under imminent attacks (چکیده)
524 - Development of robust and adaptive controller for blade testing machine (چکیده)
525 - Effects of Land Use on the Concentrations of Some Heavy Metals in Soils of Golestan Province, Iran (چکیده)
526 - Antibody response effect of fusing IgY and C3d gene segments to hemagglutinin9 (H9) gene on influenza DNA vaccines in chicken (چکیده)
527 - Three Dimensional Natural Frequency Analysis of Sandwich Plates with Functionally Graded Core Using Hybrid Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method and Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
528 - A new form of the second order temperature jump boundary condition for the low-speed nanoscale and hypersonic rarefied gas flow simulations (چکیده)
529 - Using electrofacies cluster analysis to evaluate shale-gas potential: Carynginia Formation, Perth Basin, Western Australia (چکیده)
530 - Use of an in vitro model in tissue engineering to study wound repair and differentiation of blastema tissue from rabbit pinna (چکیده)
531 - Effects of phosphorus and seed priming on seed vigor, fatty acidscomposition and heterotrophic seedling growth of black seed (Nigellasativa L.) grown in a calcareous soil (چکیده)
532 - Basin and petroleum system modeling of the Cretaceous and Jurassic source rocks of the gas and oil reservoirs in Darquain field, south west Iran (چکیده)
533 - Enhancement of the corrosion protection of electroless Ni–P coating by deposition of sonosynthesized ZnO nanoparticles (چکیده)
534 - Mechanism and regioselectivity of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions of bicyclic monoterpenes with aryl and heteroaryl nitrile oxides: a DFT study (چکیده)
535 - Direct and indirect sonication affect differently the microstructure and the morphology of ZnO nanoparticles: Optical behavior and its antibacterial activity (چکیده)
536 - Simulation of ThreeDimensional Cavitation behind a Disk using Various Turbulence and Mass Transfer Models (چکیده)
537 - Geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders using total Lagrangian MLPG method (چکیده)
538 - Complex Formation between 2,9-Dihydroxy-1,10-diphenoxy-4,7-dithiadecane and La3+, UO2 2+, Ce3+, and Y3+Cations in Acetonitrile–Ethyl Acetate Binary Media as Studied by Conductometry (چکیده)
539 - Construction of a New Aluminum(III) Cation Selective Electrode Based on 12-Crown-4 as an Ionophore (چکیده)
540 - Cesaro Supermodular Order and Archimedean Copulas (چکیده)
541 - A micromechanical study on the stress rotation in granular materials due to fabric evolution (چکیده)
542 - Application of intelligent modeling to predict the population dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Frankfurter sausage containing Satureja bachtiarica extracts (چکیده)
543 - Isolation and molecular typing of Clostridium perfringens isolated from minced meat (چکیده)
544 - A potential-gated molecularly imprinted smart electrode for nicotinamide analysis (چکیده)
545 - Some Results on Dynamic Generalized Survival Entropy (چکیده)
546 - The Effect of Histaminergic System on Nociceptin/Orphanin FQ Induced Food Intake in Chicken (چکیده)
547 - Analysis and evaluation of antibacterial effects of new herbal formulas,AP-001 and AP-002, against Escherichia coli O157:H7 (چکیده)
548 - Fabrication of multi-walled carbon nanotube thin films via electrophoretic deposition process: effect of water magnetization on deposition efficiency (چکیده)
549 - Analysis of “Dorjoldorar” as an unknown and literary book by -Asileddin Vaez Dashtaki (چکیده)
550 - Specific Knockdown of Oct4 and β2-microglobulin Expression by RNA Interference in Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Embryonic Carcinoma Cells (چکیده)
551 - Improving the Quality Properties of Extruded Linseed as Mixed with Different Absorbent Materials in Iran (چکیده)
552 - Effects of extrusion process on physicochemical properties, in situ rumen degradability, oxidative stability and α-Linolenic acid retention in Flaxseed during long term storage (چکیده)
553 - Fat Absorption Capacity of Alfalfa Hay Harvested at Three Stages of Maturity with Different Particle Sizes and some Feedstuffs on Common Oil Sources (چکیده)
554 - Effect of blade installation on heat transfer and fluid flow within a single slope solar still (چکیده)
555 - Germination of Spotted Spurge (Chamaesyce maculata) Seeds in Response to Different Environmental Factors (چکیده)
556 - Embedded ceria nanoparticles in gel improve electrophoretic separation: a preliminary demonstration (چکیده)
557 - Local stability of self-gravitating disks in f (R) gravity (چکیده)
558 - Common bean canopy characteristics and N assimilation as affected by weed pressure and nitrogen rate (چکیده)
559 - A revision of Rhaponticoides (Asteraceae, Cardueae–Centaureinae) from Iran (چکیده)
560 - Numerical and experimental investigation of a three dimensional spherical-nose projectile water entry problem (چکیده)
561 - Seroepidemiology of Q fever in one-humped camel population in northeast Iran (چکیده)
562 - The Holarctic genus Aeolothrips (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) from Iran, with description of two new species (چکیده)
563 - Surface Modification of PAN Hollow Fiber Membrane by Chemical Reaction (چکیده)
564 - Estimation of convective heat transfer coefficient and water-productivity in a tubular solar still – CFD simulation and theoretical analysis (چکیده)
565 - Proposed kinematic model for fish-like swimming with two pitch motions (چکیده)
566 - Adsorption of hexavalent chromium ions from aqueous solution by graphene nanosheets: kinetic and thermodynamic studies (چکیده)
567 - Lift characteristics of pitching NACA0015 airfoil due to unsteady forced surface inflation (چکیده)
568 - Redescription of Rhagodes eylandti (Walter, 1889) (Arachnida: Solifugae) with notes on its morphological variation and geographic distribution (چکیده)
569 - Electrically Engineered Band Gap in Two-Dimensional Ge, Sn, and Pb: A First-Principles and Tight-Binding Approach (چکیده)
570 - Freeze - thaw stability of emulsions with soy protein isolate through interfacial engineering (چکیده)
571 - Geogenic thallium and lead pollution in soils and potential risk of toxicity: A report from Iran (چکیده)
572 - Prevalence and Intensity of Paramphistomum Spp. In Cattle from South-Eastern Iran (چکیده)
573 - Thermal Decomposition Mechanisms of the Ionic Liquids Based on a-Amino Acid Anion and N7,N9- Dimethyladeninium Cation; Quantum Chemistry Approach (چکیده)
574 - Experimental investigation of residual stress around cold-worked holes and its effect on fatigue life (چکیده)
575 - Can Wolbachia infection improve qualitative characteristics of Trichogramma brassicae reared on cold stored eggs of the host (چکیده)
576 - Microstructure and mechanical properties of an Al–Mg–Si tube processed by severe plastic deformation and subsequent annealing (چکیده)
577 - The new aspects of the anticorrosive ZnO@SiO2core–shell NPs in stabilizing of the electrolytic Ni bath and the Ni coating structure; electrochemical behavior of the resulting nano-composite coatings (چکیده)
578 - Morphological Study of Hemidactylus Geckos (Squamata:Gekkonidae) from Iran (چکیده)
579 - A rapid metal free synthesis of 5-substituted-1Htetrazoles using cuttlebone as a natural high effective and low cost heterogeneous catalyst (چکیده)
580 - Colloid-enhanced ultrafiltration of canola oil: Effect of process conditions and MWCO on flux, fouling and rejections (چکیده)
581 - First report of Anarsia (Ananarsia) eleagnella (Lep.: Gelechiidae) from Iran (چکیده)
582 - Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of SolhAbad igneous masses (S.W.Bajestan - Razavi Khorasan) (چکیده)
583 - The role of tetragonal-metal-organic framework-5 loadings with extra ZnO molecule on the gas separation performance of mixed matrix membrane (چکیده)
584 - Head on collision of shock and breaking waves in degenerate hadronic plasmas (چکیده)
585 - X-MR control chart for autocorrelated fuzzy data using Dp,q-distance (چکیده)
586 - Faunistic and taxonomic study of Rodents from northwestern Iran (چکیده)
587 - Effect of in ovo injection of threonine on Mucin2 gene expression and digestive enzyme activity in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) (چکیده)
588 - Operator inequalities related to Q-class functions (چکیده)
589 - Electrochemical and quantum chemical study of Thiazolo-pyrimidine derivatives as corrosion inhibitors on mild steel in 1 M H2SO4 (چکیده)
590 - A new species of the family Mesopsocidae (Insecta: Psocoptera) on ash trees from Iran (چکیده)
591 - Eurasian house mouse (Mus musculus L.) differentiation at microsatellite loci identifies the Iranian plateau as a phylogeographic hotspot (چکیده)
592 - Rationalized Haar wavelet bases to approximate solution of nonlinear Fredholm integral equations with error analysis (چکیده)
593 - Effect of permeable pavement basecourse aggregates on stormwater quality for irrigation reuse (چکیده)
594 - T-duality of O-plane action at order α (چکیده)
595 - On thermomechanical stress analysis of adhesively bonded composite joints in presence of an interfacial void (چکیده)
596 - Equivalent dynamic thermoviscoelastic modeling of ionic polymers (چکیده)
597 - Effect of applied voltage and frequency on extraction parameters and extracted essential oils from Mentha piperita by ohmic assisted hydrodistillation (چکیده)
598 - N–ethylcarbazole-Doped Fullerene as a Potential Candidate for Hydrogen Storage, Kinetics Approach (چکیده)
599 - Microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of Al-2024 alloy processed via a rheocasting route (چکیده)
600 - Implicit and explicit solvent effects on the selectivity of cycloaddition reaction of cyclopentadiene and methyl acrylate; a theoretical study (چکیده)
601 - Ultrasonography of the supramammary lymph nodes for diagnosis of bovine chronic subclinical mastitis (چکیده)
602 - Arthroscopic surgery in racehorses with joint osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) or trauma (چکیده)
603 - Larger benthic foraminifera: a tool for biostratigraphy, facies analysis and paleoenvironmental interpretations of the Oligo-Miocene carbonates, NW Central Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
604 - The estimation of ruminal protein degradation parameters of various feeds using in vitro modified gas production technique (چکیده)
605 - Effects of chromium and chromium+vitamin C combination on metabolic, oxidative, and fear responses of broilers transported under summer conditions (چکیده)
606 - Solutions of fuzzy LR algebraic linear systems using linear programs (چکیده)
607 - Employing XIAP to Enhance the Duration of Antigen Expression and Immunity Against an Avian Influenza H5 DNA Vaccine (چکیده)
608 - Patient-specific voxel phantom dosimetry during the prostate treatment with high-energy linac (چکیده)
609 - Neutron spectrometry and determination of neutron contamination around the 15 MV Siemens Primus LINAC (چکیده)
610 - Neural network unfolding of neutron spectrum measured by gold foil-based Bonner sphere (چکیده)
611 - GAS Antisolvent Crystallization of Aspirin Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: Experimental Study and Characterization (چکیده)
612 - Influence of Selected Gums and Pregelatinized Corn Starch on Reduced Fat Mayonnaise: Modeling of Properties by Central Composite Design (چکیده)
613 - Predicting Cantaloupe Bruising Using Non-Linear Finite Element Method (چکیده)
614 - Genetic evaluation of carcass traits in Japanese quail using ultrasonic and morphological measurements (چکیده)
615 - A Novel Ionic Liquid Based on Imidazolium Cation as an Efficient and Reusable Catalyst for the One-pot Synthesis of Benzoxazoles, Benzthiazoles, Benzimidazoles and 2-Arylsubstituted Benzimidazoles (چکیده)
616 - A general optimized geometry of angled ribs for enhancing the thermo-hydraulic behavior of a solar air heater channel e A Taguchi approach (چکیده)
617 - The Effect of a Human Antibacterial Neuropeptide SL-21 on the Expression of Pro-inflammatory Factors in Airway Epithelial Cells (چکیده)
618 - Influence of Ca(NO3)2 and KNO3 Application on Biomass, Yield, Oil and Mineral Contents of Tarragon in “Ray” Region (چکیده)
619 - A graphite based STT-RAM cell with reduction in switching current (چکیده)
620 - Synthesis, spectroscopic investigations and computational study of monomeric and dimeric structures of 2-methyl-4-quinolinol (چکیده)
621 - Co-precipitation synthesis of CaF2:Er nanocomposites and photoluminescence characterizations of electrospun polyvinyl alcohol/CaF2:Er nanofibers (چکیده)
622 - Removal of triazines from water using a novel OA modified SiO2/PA/PSf nanocomposite membrane (چکیده)
623 - Presentation of Empirical Equations for Estimating Internal Friction Angle of GW and GC Soils in Mashhad, Iran Using Standard Penetration and Direct Shear Tests and Comparison with Previous Equations (چکیده)
624 - Numerical study of flow patterns and heat transfer in mini twisted oval tubes (چکیده)
625 - Assessment and Presentation of a Treatment Method to Seepage Problems of the Alluvial Foundation of Ghordanloo Dam, NE Iran (چکیده)
626 - Effects of some elicitors on tanshinone production in adventitiousroot cultures of Perovskia abrotanoides KarelArehzoo (چکیده)
627 - A semi-automated approach to adapt activity diagrams for new use cases (چکیده)
628 - Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Heated tube Caused by Wire-Coil and Rings (چکیده)
629 - The effect of anisotropy of Hc2 on transport current in silicone oil- doped MgB2 superconductor (چکیده)
630 - Long-term exposure of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) to ZnO nanoparticles: anatomical and ultrastructural responses (چکیده)
631 - Variability of total phenolic, flavonoid and rosmarinic acid content among Iranian basil accessions (چکیده)
632 - An N-acetyl-beta-Dglucosaminidase gene, cr-nag1, from the biocontrol agent Clonostachys (چکیده)
633 - Immune defenses of Agriotes lineatus larvae against entomopathogenic nematodes (چکیده)
634 - Removal of Pb(II) from aqueous solution by mesoporous silica MCM-41 modified by ZnCl2: kinetics, thermodynamics, and isotherms (چکیده)
635 - Low computational burden grid voltage estimation for grid connected voltage source converter-based power applications (چکیده)
636 - Transient heat conduction in multiwall carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
637 - Analytical determination of size-dependent natural frequencies of fully clamped rectangular microplates based on the modified couple stress theory (چکیده)
638 - Identification of Safranal as the Main Allelochemical from Saffron (Crocus sativus) (چکیده)
639 - High coercivity FePt/CNT nanocomposites on SiO 2 surfaces (چکیده)
640 - In-situ synthesis of nanostructured NiAl-Al2O3 composite coatings on cast iron substrates by spark plasma sintering of mechanically activated powders (چکیده)
641 - On the extraction of the external drain and source resistors and effective channel length in Si-MOSFET (چکیده)
642 - The molecular signature and spermatogenesis potential of newborn chicken spermatogonial stem cells in vitro (چکیده)
643 - Constructing T–S fuzzy model from imprecise and uncertain knowledge represented as fuzzy belief functions (چکیده)
644 - Biophysical probing of the binding properties of a Cu(II) complex with G-quadruplex DNA: an experimental and computational study (چکیده)
645 - Fourth-Order Dual Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter (چکیده)
646 - Three-dimensional analytical solution for transport problem during convection drying using Green's function method (GFM) (چکیده)
647 - A comparative study on clinical pathology changes in experimentally infected sheep with active and arrested larvae of Haemonchus contortus (چکیده)
648 - Damage mechanisms in aluminum-matrix composites reinforced with nano-alumina particles (چکیده)
649 - (2-Aminopyrimidine- κ N 1 )aqua(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato- κ 3 O 2 , N,O 6 )copper(II): X-ray and DFT calculated structure (چکیده)
650 - Modeling, simulation and control of a tubular fixed-bed dimethyl ether reactor (چکیده)
651 - The role of throat orientation on dispersion of solvent in crude oil saturated porous media (چکیده)
652 - Application of Multi-Criterion Robust Optimization in Water-flooding of Oil Reservoir (چکیده)
653 - Tautomerism, conformational analysis, and spectroscopy studies of 3-bromo-pentane-2,4-dione (چکیده)
654 - On the short-horned grasshopper (Orthoptera: Caelifera) fauna of northeastern Iran with some information on sweep sampling capture rates (چکیده)
655 - Synthesis of new multi-functionalised 1,1’-carbonylbispyrazole derivatives (چکیده)
656 - Synthesis of [1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b]pteridines as a novel class of heterocyclic compounds (چکیده)
657 - Gegenbauer spectral method for time-fractional convection–diffusion equations with variable coefficients (چکیده)
658 - Effects of rice cultivation restriction policy, Case study: Marvdasht city (چکیده)
659 - An alternative approach to the synthesis of new pyrimido[5′,4′:5,6][1,4] thiazino[2,3-b]quinoxaline derivatives (چکیده)
660 - Carbon pricing versus emissions trading: A supply chain planning perspective (چکیده)
661 - Experimental investigation on the thermal efficiency and performance characteristics of a flat plate solar collector using SiO2/EG– water nanofluids (چکیده)
662 - Some rugose corals from the Devonian (Givetian and Frasnian) of Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
663 - Heat Transfer, Pressure Drop, and Entropy Generation in a Solar Collector Using SiO2/Water Nanofluids: Effects of Nanoparticle Size and pH (چکیده)
664 - Novel thallium(I) ion-selective electrodes with poly(vinyl chloride) membranes based on three noncyclic crown-type polyethers as suitable neutral ionophores (چکیده)
665 - A survey on hepatic and renal trace elements status of sheep and goats in Zarrinshahr region, Isfahan, Iran: an abattoir study (چکیده)
666 - SEMG-based prediction of masticatory kinematics in rhythmic clenching movements (چکیده)
667 - Laxative effect of bitter almond (Amygdalus communis var. amara) (چکیده)
668 - Study of Convergence Time for Rarefied Gas Simulations Using an Unstructured DSMC Solver (چکیده)
669 - Determination of cardinal germination temperatures of two ecotypes of Thymus daenensis subsp. daenensis (چکیده)
670 - The origin of regio- and stereoselectivity in 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of nitrile oxides with C1-substituted 7- oxabenzonorbornadienes, A DFT study (چکیده)
671 - node to node error sensitivity analysis usimg a graph based approach for vlsi logic circuits (چکیده)
672 - A new approach for solving a class of fuzzy optimal control systems under generalized Hukuhara differentiability (چکیده)
673 - Synthesis and Spectral Characteristics of Nove lFluorescentDyes Based on Pyrimido[4,5-d ][1, 2,4 ]triazolo[4,3-a ]pyrimidine (چکیده)
675 - Urea biosensor based on immobilization of urease on ZnO nanoparticles (چکیده)
676 - Peach Water Relations, Gas Exchange, Growth and Shoot Mortality under Water Deficit in Semi-Arid Weather Conditions (چکیده)
677 - Electricity price forecasting using a new data fusion algorithm (چکیده)
678 - The influence of different plasticisers and fatty acids on functional properties of basil seed gum edible film (چکیده)
679 - Optimization of the parabolic mirror position in a solar cooker using the response surface method (RSM) (چکیده)
680 - Dissociative hydrogen adsorption on the cubic cobalt surfaces: A DFT study (چکیده)
681 - Photocatalytic oxidative desulfurization of dibenzothiophene by C/TiO2@MCM-41 nanoparticles under visible light and mild conditions (چکیده)
682 - Mineralogic, fluid inclusion, and sulfur isotope evidence for the genesis of Sechangi lead-zinc (-copper) deposit, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
683 - On capacity region of certain classes of threereceiver broadcast channels with side information (چکیده)
684 - Numerical study on fatigue crack growth in railway wheels under the influence of residual stresses (چکیده)
685 - Methylmercury-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Liver: Ameliorating Effect of Vitamin C (چکیده)
686 - Relationship between nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency insaffron (Crocus sativus L.) as affected by mother corm size andfertilization (چکیده)
687 - Sol–gel combustion synthesis of Zr-doped BaTiO3 nanopowders and ceramics: Dielectric and ferroelectr ic studies (چکیده)
688 - Fully automated diabetic retinopathy screening using morphologicalcomponent analysis (چکیده)
689 - Expressions for moments of order statistics and records from the skew-normal distribution in terms of multivariate normal orthant probabilities (چکیده)
690 - Effect of powder reactivity on fabrication and properties of NiAl/Al2O3composite coated on cast iron using spark plasma sintering (چکیده)
691 - A new phosphorothioic triamide structure: P(S)[NHCH2C6H5]3 (چکیده)
692 - Synthesis of oak gall tannin-immobilized hexagonal mesoporous silicate (OGT-HMS) as a new super adsorbent for the removal of anionic dye from aqueous solution (چکیده)
693 - Characterization of Aspergillus sectionFlavi from pistachio soils in Iran (چکیده)
694 - Identification of a Specific Pseudo attP Site for Phage PhiC31 Integrase in Bovine Genome (چکیده)
695 - Investigation of the effect of solution annealing temperature on critical pitting temperature of 2205 duplex stainless steel by measuring pit solution chemistry (چکیده)
696 - Gradual Growth of Gold Nanoseeds on Silica for Silica@Gold Core–Shell Nano Applications by Two Different Methods: A Comparison on Structural Properties (چکیده)
697 - Nanomagnetically modified ferric hydrogen sulfate (NiFe2O4@SiO2-FHS): a reusable green catalyst for the synthesis of highly functionalized piperidine derivatives (چکیده)
698 - Design of GMR-based narrow bandpass filters using improved shuffled frog leaping algorithm (چکیده)
699 - An investigation into the applicability of Barkhausen noise technique in evaluation of machining properties of high carbon steel parts with different degrees of spheroidization (چکیده)
700 - A statistical study on the effect of annealing temperature on pitting corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel (چکیده)
701 - The effect of dichromate ion on the pitting corrosion of AISI 316 stainless steel Part II: Pit initiation and transition to stability (چکیده)
702 - Facies analysis and carbonate ramp evolution of Oligo-Miocene Asmari Formation in the Gachsaran and Bibi-Hakimeh oilfields and the nearby Mish Anticline, Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
703 - Fast Prepared Ni-Al2O3 Nanocomposi te Thro ugh Solution Combustion Synthesis (چکیده)
704 - Accruals Quality, Dividend Policy and Investment Efficiency and Decisions Using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM): Empirical Evidence from Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
705 - Hydrogen Storage by N-ethylcarbazol as a New Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier: A DFT Study on the Mechanism (چکیده)
706 - The effect of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seed extract on theinhibition of PUFA biohydrogenation in the rumen oflactating goats via changes in the activity of rumen bacteriaand linoleate isomerase enzyme (چکیده)
707 - Quantum Chemistry Study on the Mechanism of Oxidation of Cysteine to Cystine Using Hydrogen Peroxide (چکیده)
708 - UV Spectrophotometric Determination and Validation of Hydroquinone in Liposome (چکیده)
709 - A new copper(II) Schiff base complex containing asymmetrical tetradentate N2O2 Schiff base ligand: Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure and DFT study (چکیده)
710 - Shadowing and average shadowing properties for iterated function systems (چکیده)
711 - Improving the physical and moisture barrier properties of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum biodegradable film with stearic and palmitic acids (چکیده)
712 - Hydrostatic pressure induced transformation from δT_c to δl pinning in MgB2 (چکیده)
713 - Iterative methods for nonlinear systems associated with finite difference approach in stochastic differential equations (چکیده)
714 - Hydrothermal synthesis, X-ray structure and DFT and magnetic studies of a (H2SiW12O40)2− based one-dimensional linear coordination polymer (چکیده)
715 - Estimation of Soil Cation Exchange Capacity using Multiple Regression, Artificial Neural Networks, and Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System Models in Golestan Province, Iran (چکیده)
716 - Effect of grain size on pitting corrosion of 304L austenitic stainless steel (چکیده)
717 - Synthesis of [1,2,4]triazolo[4′′,3′′:1′,6′]pyrimido[4′,5′:3,4]pyridazino[1,6-d ] [1,2,4]triazine; a novel tetracyclic system (چکیده)
718 - Heat Transfer Performance of Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon with Oxidized CNT/Water Nanofluids (چکیده)
719 - A Combined Molecular Dynamic and Quantum Mechanic Study of the Solvent and Guest Molecule Effect on the Stability and Length of Heterocyclic Peptide Nanotube (چکیده)
720 - Size-dependent free vibration analysis of electrostatically pre-deformed rectangular micro-plates based on the modified couple stress theory (چکیده)
721 - A new technique to evaluate the effect of chitosan on properties of deep-fried Kurdish cheese nuggets by TOPSIS (چکیده)
722 - Electrical conductivity of water-based palladium nanofluids (چکیده)
723 - Variation in essential oil composition and antioxidant activity ofcumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) fruits during stages of maturit (چکیده)
724 - Improving the Performance of Water Balance Equation Using Fuzzy Logic Approach (چکیده)
725 - Particle size effects in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis by cobalt catalyst supported on carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
726 - Evaluation of antibacterial activity of anticorrosive electroless Ni–Pcoating against Escherichia coli and its enhancement by deposition of sono-synthesized ZnO nanoparticlesncement by deposition (چکیده)
727 - Maximal Invariant and Weakly Equivariant Estimators (چکیده)
728 - Effect of Temperature on Young's Modulus of Graphene (چکیده)
729 - Numerical investigation on the lifetime decline of burners in a wall-fired dual-fuel utility boiler (چکیده)
730 - New data on the wolf spiders of Iran (Aranei: Lycosidae) (چکیده)
731 - Synthesis, Characterization, and Docking Evaluations of New Derivatives of Pyrimido[4,5-c]pyridazine as Potential Human AKT1 Inhibitors (چکیده)
732 - Inhibition of quorum sensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by two herbal essential oils from Apiaceae family (چکیده)
733 - A Cenomanian-Turonian drowning unconformity on the eastern part of Kopet-Dagh basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
734 - Effect of aging treatment on the crushing behavior of aluminum 6061 alloy tube (چکیده)
735 - The effects of die geometry in tube channel pressing: Severe plastic deformation (چکیده)
736 - Dose estimation in reference and non-reference pediatric patients undergoing computed tomography examinations: a Monte Carlo study (چکیده)
737 - Studying the effect of the lung size variation on dosimetry and systematic parameters of FUM-IVNAA facility (چکیده)
738 - A study of the effect of the lung shape on the lung absorbed dose in six standard photon and neutron exposure geometries (چکیده)
739 - A Numerical Approach to the Prediction of Hardness at Different Points of a Heat-Treated Steel (چکیده)
740 - Control of Wake Structure Behind a Square Cylinder by Magnetohydrodynamics (چکیده)
741 - Fluid structures of flapping airfoil with elliptical motion trajectory (چکیده)
742 - Wolbachia grouping study, in major Trichogramma wasps in Iran (چکیده)
743 - A Modified Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
744 - The Orbit Graph of Finite p -Groups and Groups of Order pq (چکیده)
745 - Planar infinite groups (چکیده)
747 - On the Exterior Degree of the Wreath Product of Finite Abelian Groups (چکیده)
748 - A combined quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics study on nitrogen oxide adsorption/ dissociation on a tungsten oxide surface (چکیده)
749 - On power graphs of finite groups with forbidden induced subgraphs (چکیده)
750 - A Kind of Non-commuting Graph of Finite Groups (چکیده)
751 - Mesenchymal stem cell based therapy for osteo-diseases (چکیده)
752 - On the Stability of a Galactic Disk in Modified Gravity (چکیده)
753 - Reliability-centred maintenance for circuit breakers in transmission networks (چکیده)
754 - Cobweb theory-based generation maintenance coordination in restructured power systems (چکیده)
755 - Diphenyl (p-tolylamido)phosphate (چکیده)
756 - Evaluation of price-sensitive loads’ impacts on transmission network congestion using an analytical approach (چکیده)
757 - Enhancement of heat transfer by nanofluids and orientations of the equilateral triangular obstacle (چکیده)
758 - Effect of blend ratio and coagulation bath temperature on the morphology, tensile strength and performance of cellulose acetate/poly(butylene succinate) membranes (چکیده)
759 - The Use of Taguchi Method with Grey Relational Analysis to optimize the EDM Process Parameters with Multiple Quality Characteristics (چکیده)
760 - Synthesis, molecular structure, spectroscopic investigations and computational studies of (E)-1-(4-(4-(diethylamino)-2- hydroxybenzylideneamino)phenyl)ethanone (چکیده)
761 - Morphometric variation of Periophthalmus waltoni Koumans, 1941(Teleostei: Gobiidae) in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman (چکیده)
762 - Effect of corn replacement with graded levels of wheat screening and enzyme supplementation on performance, blood lipids, viscosity and jejunal histomorphology of finisher broilers (چکیده)
763 - Water-base acrylic terpolymer as a corrosion inhibitor for SAE1018 in simulated sour petroleum solution in stagnant and hydrodynamic conditions (چکیده)
764 - Application of simplex-centroid mixture design to optimize stabilizer combinations for ice cream manufacture (چکیده)
765 - The role of constituent phases on corrosion initiation of NiAl bronze in acidic media studied by SEM–EDS, AFM and SKPFM (چکیده)
766 - The effect of grid configurations on potential and current densitydistributions in positive plate of lead–acid battery vianumerical modeling (چکیده)
767 - Microstructure and corrosion behaviour of plain carbon steel–B4C composite produced by GTAW method in 3?5 wt-%NaCl solution (چکیده)
768 - The effect of homogenization on microstructure and hot ductility behaviour of AZ91 magnesium alloy (چکیده)
769 - Probing of local dissolution of Al-alloys in chloride solutions by AFM and SECM (چکیده)
770 - Determine Stability Wellbore Utilizing by Artificial Intelligence Systems andEstimation of Elastic Coefficients of Reservoir Rock (چکیده)
771 - Structural and optical properties of (K,Na)NbO3 nanoparticles synthesized by a modified sol–gel method using starch media (چکیده)
772 - A polyoxometalate-assisted approach for synthesis of Pd nanoparticles on graphene nanosheets: synergistic behaviour for enhanced electrocatalytic activity (چکیده)
773 - Evaluating the prior knowledge of toxoplasmosis among students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
774 - Effect of thermomechanical parameters on dynamically recrystallized grain size of AZ91 magnesium alloy (چکیده)
775 - Developing an AFM-Based SECM System; Instrumental Setup, SECM Simulation, Characterization, and Calibration (چکیده)
776 - Dipyrimido[4,5‑b:5,4‑e][1,4]thiazine: synthesis and their enzyme inhibitory activity assessment on soybean 15‑lipoxygenase (چکیده)
777 - Corrosion Inhibitive Evaluation of an Environmentally Friendly Water-Base Acrylic Terpolymer on Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Media (چکیده)
778 - Analysis of Incentive Effects of Managers’ Bonuses on Real Activities Manipulation Relevant to Future Operating Performance (چکیده)
779 - An insight into the influence of morphological and compositional heterogeneity of an individual intermetallic particle on aluminium alloy corrosion initiation (چکیده)
780 - A comparative H2S corrosion study of 304L and 316L stainless steels in acidic media (چکیده)
781 - Aircraft Propulsion (چکیده)
782 - Extraction of essential oils from Mentha piperitausing using advanced techniques: Microwave versus ohmic assisted hydrodistillation (چکیده)
783 - Environmental impacts of peanut production system using life cycle assessment methodology (چکیده)
784 - An explicit computation of the Bures metric over the space of N-dimensional density matrices (چکیده)
785 - Effect of spin-orbit interaction on entanglement of two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ systems in an inhomogeneous magnetic field (چکیده)
786 - Elastic/plastic buckling analysis of skew plates under in-plane shear loading with incremental and deformation theories of plasticity by GDQ method (چکیده)
787 - Modified Burzynski criterion with non-associated flow rule for anisotropic asymmetric metals in plane stress problems (چکیده)
788 - Development of a Linearly Polarized Circular Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed 2 × 2-Slot Antenna Array (چکیده)
789 - Optimization of the Performance of ADouble-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell Through Factorial Design of Experiments and Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
790 - Analysis of the Effect of Missing Weather Data on Estimating Daily Reference Evapotranspiration Under Different Climatic Conditions (چکیده)
791 - Multianalytical and in situ studies of localized corrosion of EN AW-3003 alloy - Influence of intermetallic particles (چکیده)
792 - The Role of Intermetallic Particles in Localized Corrosion of an Aluminum Alloy Studied by SKPFM and Integrated AFM/SECM (چکیده)
793 - Integrated AFM and SECM for in situ studies of localized corrosion of Al alloys (چکیده)
794 - Effects of Spirulina on tissue enzymes in carp (Cyprinus carpio) exposed to sublethal cyanide (چکیده)
795 - Optimal selection of project portfolios using reinvestment strategy within a flexible time horizon (چکیده)
796 - The concept of life and the human truth (چکیده)
797 - Modelling of Some Physical Characteristics of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruit during Ripening Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
798 - Electronic properties of α -graphyne nanoribbons under the electric field effect (چکیده)
799 - A New Write Assist Technique for SRAM Design in 65nm CMOS Technology (چکیده)
800 - Predictions of wet natural gases condensation rates via multi-component and multi-phase simulation of supersonic separators (چکیده)
801 - Microwave-assisted oxidative desulfurization of sour natural gas condensate via combination of sulfuric and nitric acids (چکیده)
802 - In vitro differentiation of adipose-tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells into neural retinal cells through expression of human PAX6 (5a) gene (چکیده)
803 - Reliable estimation of adsorption isotherm parameters using adequate pore size distribution (چکیده)
804 - Variance of Different Models in Electron Positron Annihilations (چکیده)
805 - A GRASP algorithm for a humanitarian relief transportation problem (چکیده)
806 - Combining ant colony optimization algorithm and dynamic programming technique for solving the covering salesman problem (چکیده)
807 - Syntheses and X-ray crystal structure studies of four new coordination complexes and salts based on proton transferred pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid N-oxide (چکیده)
808 - Characterization of fructan extracted from Eremurus spectabilis tubers: a comparative study on different technical conditions (چکیده)
810 - First-principles study of the superconductivity in MgB2 bulk and in its bilayer thin film based on electron–phonon coupling (چکیده)
811 - Effect of external strain on electronic structure of stanene (چکیده)
812 - Spin-dependent transport properties of an armchair boron-phosphide nanoribbon embedded between two graphene nanoribbon electrodes (چکیده)
813 - Complementary and refined inequalities of Callebaut inequality for operators (چکیده)
814 - Some generalized numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space operators (چکیده)
815 - Cartesian decomposition and Numerical radius inequalities (چکیده)
816 - Simple digital current control strategy for single-phase grid-connected converters (چکیده)
817 - An identified antioxidant peptide obtained from ostrich ( Struthio camelus ) egg white protein hydrolysate shows wound healing properties (چکیده)
819 - Effect of Essential Oils, Ethanol a nd Methanol to Extend the Vase-life of Carnation ( Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Flowers (چکیده)
820 - Synthesis of Novel 1-(Benzo[d]thiazol-2-yl)-1H-pyrrol-2(5H)-ones (چکیده)
821 - Effects of sucrose and sunflower oil addition to diet of Saanen dairy goats on performance and milk fatty acid profile (چکیده)
822 - Optimal operation of a three-product dividing-wall column with self-optimizing control structure design (چکیده)
823 - Assessment of Retained Austenite in AISI D2 Tool Steel Using Magnetic Hysteresis and Barkhausen Noise Parameters (چکیده)
824 - When the unit, unitary and total graphs are ring graphs and outerplanar (چکیده)
825 - The annihilator graph of a commutative semigroup (چکیده)
826 - Minimal path cover sets and monomial ideals (چکیده)
827 - Cayley sum graph of ideals of a commutative ring (چکیده)
828 - Amino-functionalized silica magnetite nanoparticles for the simultaneous removal of pollutants from aqueous solution (چکیده)
829 - Geometric discord of the Jaynes-Cummings model: pure dephasing regime (چکیده)
830 - Progress on Quantum Discord of Two-Qubit States: Optimization and Upper Bound (چکیده)
831 - Theoretical and experimental investigations on corrosion control of65Cu–35Zn brass in nitric acid by two thiophenol derivativesM (چکیده)
832 - Skin colonization by Malassezia species in healthy neonatal calves and their dams (چکیده)
833 - Providing a Model to Investigate the Impact of Service quality, Perceived Value and Corporate Image on Customers Loyalty Considering Mediator Role of Customer Satisfaction and Moderator Role of Switching Costs (چکیده)
834 - Viscous-resistive ADAF with a general large-scale magnetic field (چکیده)
835 - Vertically self-gravitating ADAFs in the presence of toroidal magnetic field (چکیده)
836 - An r-mode in a magnetic rotating spherical layer: application to neutron stars (چکیده)
837 - Synthesis and Evaluation of a New Series of 3,5-bis ((5-bromo-6-methyl-2- t-aminopyrimidin-4-yl)thio)-4 H-1,2,4-triazol-4-amines and their Cyclized Products ‘Pyrimidinylthio Pyrimidotriazolothiadiazines’ as 15- Lipo-Oxygenase Inhibitors (چکیده)
838 - Multiplicative distance: a method to alleviate distance instability for high-dimensional data (چکیده)
841 - Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation of tempering processin AISI D2 tool steel (چکیده)
842 - A mechanistic study on the production of nanosized Mo in microwave assisted combustive reduction of MoO3 by Zn (چکیده)
843 - Cayley graphs of ideals in a commutative ring (چکیده)
844 - Tree Fusion Method for Semantic Concept Detection in Images (چکیده)
845 - A generalization of noncommutating graph via automorphisms of a group (چکیده)
846 - On cyclic graphs of finite semigroups (چکیده)
847 - On the stable set of associated prime ideals of monomial ideals and square-free monomial ideals (چکیده)
848 - Fabrication of nano Delafossite LiCo0.5Fe0.5O2 as the new adsorbent in efficient removal of reactive blue 5 from aqueous solutions (چکیده)
849 - On the Nearness of Records to Population Quantiles with Respect Order Statistics in the Sense of Pitma Closenessn (چکیده)
850 - Road safety performance evaluation and policy making by data envelopment analysis: A case study of provincial data in Iran (چکیده)
851 - Studies on Aspergillus flavus Link. isolated from maize in Iran (چکیده)
852 - Effect of Eight Weeks Central Stability Exercise, Powerful, Knee Power, Power of Muscles, Pain, Osteoarthritis Woman Performance (چکیده)
853 - Comparison of Eight Weeks Sub Maximal Aerobic Exercises During Dialysis on Calcium Level and Life Quality of Hemodialysis Patients in Bojnurd (چکیده)
854 - Some Results Based on a Version of the Generalized Dynamic Entropies (چکیده)
856 - The effect of dichromate ion on the pitting corrosion of AISI 316 stainless steel. Part I: Critical pitting temperature (چکیده)
857 - Effects of pistachio by-products on digestibility, milk production, milk fatty acid profile and blood metabolites in Saanen dairy goats (چکیده)
859 - The influence of steam treated sugarcane pith on digestibility, rumen passage rate and fermentation of Iranian Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
860 - Chemical Composition, DM and NDF Degradation Kinetics in Rumen of Eleven Different Date Pits (چکیده)
861 - Effect of Addition Molasses on the Degradability Kinetics, Net Energy for Lactation, In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility and Metabolizable Energy of Potato Plant Silage in Ruminant Animals (چکیده)
862 - Extraction of Phenolic Compounds and Tannins from Pistachio By-products (چکیده)
863 - Surveying relation between body fitness factors, some bloody factors and quality of life level of active and non-active staff of sewage and water office (چکیده)
864 - Aspects of the mean residual life order for weighted distributions (چکیده)
865 - Effect of a six-week concurrent exercise (stretching and aerobic) and the consumption of tetra hydro cannabinol additive on fatigue severity level among female MS patients (چکیده)
866 - Detecting carbohydrate molecular structural makeup indifferent types of cereal grains and different cultivars withineach type of grain grown in semi-arid area using FTIRspectroscopy with uni- and multi-variate molecular spectralanalyses (چکیده)
867 - Effects of 8-Week Endurance Exercise on Cholesterol & Triglycerides in Male Rates (چکیده)
868 - Purification, biochemical characterization and structural modeling of a potential htrA-like serine protease from Bacillus subtilis DR8806 (چکیده)
869 - Applying an intelligent model and sensitivity analysis to inspect mass transfer kinetics, shrinkage and crust color changes of deep-fat fried ostrich meat cubes (چکیده)
870 - Application of fuzzy linear regression method for sensory evaluation of fried donut (چکیده)
871 - Analysis of one dimensional inviscid and two dimensional viscous flows using Entropy Preserving method (چکیده)
872 - Economic Plantwide Control of the Cumene Process (چکیده)
873 - Synthesis of robust PID controller for controlling a single input single output system using quantitative feedback theory technique (چکیده)
874 - Selection of Controlled Variables for a Natural Gas to Liquids Process (چکیده)
875 - Experimental Measurement of Heat Trans of Cuo/Turbine Oil Nanofluid in Circular Constant Heat Flux Boundary Condition (چکیده)
876 - Efficient synthesis of novel spiro[indole-3,6'- pyrano[2,3-d][1,3]thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidine derivatives through an organobase-catalyzed, three- component reaction (چکیده)
877 - An investigation of artificial intelligence methodologies in the prediction of dirty amine flow rate of gas sweetening absorption column (چکیده)
878 - Application of Artificial Intelligent Modeling for Predicting Activated Carbons Properties Used for Methane Storage (چکیده)
879 - Novel Au NPs/Preyssler Acid/TiO2 Nanocomposite for the Photocatalytic Removal of Azo Dye (چکیده)
880 - Reduction of sulfur components in the tail gas using oxygen concentration (چکیده)
881 - Application of Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems to Predict Activated Carbon Properties for Methane Storage (چکیده)
882 - Internal wave deposits in Jurassic Kermanshah pelagic carbonates and radiolarites (Kermanshah area,West Iran (چکیده)
883 - Numerical investigation of the flameless oxidation of natural gas in the IFRF furnace using large eddy simulation (چکیده)
884 - Ecological quality assessment based on macrobenthic assemblages indices along West Port, Malaysia coast (چکیده)
885 - Exploring the influence of crystal environment on the geometry of bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato) chromium (III) anionic complexes containing various cationic moieties: Synthesis, structures and Hirshfeld surface analysis (چکیده)
886 - Dynamics and vibration of a 3-PSP parallel robot with flexible moving platform (چکیده)
887 - Approximate analytical solution for vibration of a 3-PRP planar parallel robot with flexible moving platform (چکیده)
888 - An analytical model for vibration and control of a PR-PRP parallel robot with flexible platform and prismatic joint (چکیده)
889 - Design of a robust quantitative feedback theory position controller for an ionic polymer metal composite actuator using an analytical dynamic model (چکیده)
890 - Copper(II) and Lead(II) Complexes Based on 2,3,5,6-tetrakis(2-Pyridyl)Pyrazine as a Polydentate Ligand (چکیده)
891 - Liver ischemia preconditions the heart against ischemia-reperfusion arrhythmias. (چکیده)
892 - Experimental Comparison between Thermal Characteristics of 3 Metal Oxide (چکیده)
893 - Accurate Dynamic Modeling of Helical Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Actuator Based on Intrinsic Equations (چکیده)
894 - Length Scale effect of PCL-PB-PCL on the Light Scatteringand Dynamics of Network (چکیده)
895 - Length Scale of Polyisopirene and Dynamic Light Scattering and Structure of Sodium-2-Diethylhexyl Sulfosuccinate/Water/Decane (چکیده)
896 - Foam-Mat Drying of Cantaloupe (Cucumis melo): Optimization of Foaming Parameters and Investigating Drying Characteristics (چکیده)
897 - Evaluation of broiler chicks responses to protein, methionine and tryptophan using neural network models (چکیده)
898 - Efficient TALEN-Mediated Mutagenesis on a Highly Conserved Region of Myostatin Gene in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells (چکیده)
899 - A Low-Power Subthreshold to Above-Threshold Voltage Level Shifter (چکیده)
900 - Label Propagation Based on Local Information with Adaptive Determination of Number and Degree of Neighbor ’ s Similarity (چکیده)
901 - A Natural Gas to Liquids Process Model for Optimal Operation (چکیده)
902 - Economically efficient operation of CO2 capturing process. Part II. Design of control layer (چکیده)
903 - Conductometric Study of Complex Formation between Benzylbisthiosemicarbazone and Metal Cations in Acetonitrile, Dimethylformamide, and Their Binary Mixtures (چکیده)
904 - Conductometric Study of Complexation Reaction of 4'-Nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 with Mn+2, Co+2, Y+3, and ZrO+2 Cations in Acetonitrile, Methanol and Their Binary Solvent Solutions (چکیده)
905 - Cloning, molecular analysis and epitopics prediction of a new chaperon GroEL B.melitensis antigen (چکیده)
906 - Correlation between sensitisation and pitting corrosion of AISI 403 martensitic stainless steel (چکیده)
907 - Frequency control of the drop detachment in the automatic GMAW process (چکیده)
908 - Improving the dynamic metal transfer model of gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process (چکیده)
910 - Genetic Properties of Productive Traits in Iranian Native Fowl: Genetic Relationship between Performance and Egg Quality Traits (چکیده)
911 - In vitro Effect of Garlic Oil and Turmeric Extract on Methane Production from Gas Test Medium (چکیده)
912 - Modeling of Glycolysis of Flexible Polyurethane Foam Wastes by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Methodology (چکیده)
913 - The Evaluation Of Pipe Wall Reaction Coefficient Effect/Impact On Urban Water Network Simulation Using The Epanet2 Model (چکیده)
914 - The effect of silver concentration and calcination temperature on structural and optical properties of ZnO:Ag nanoparticles (چکیده)
915 - Analytical modeling of a p-n-i-n tunneling field effect transistor (چکیده)
916 - Effects of dietary L-carnitine level on growth performance, immune responses and stress resistance of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
917 - Optimal modeling of urban ambient air ozone concentration based on its precursors’ concentrations and temperature, employing genetic programming and genetic algorithm (چکیده)
918 - Modeling and simulation of road traffic noise using artificial neural network and regression (چکیده)
919 - A new asymmetric 6T SRAM cell with a write assist technique in 65 nm CMOS technology (چکیده)
920 - The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Map4 adhesin is a glycoprotein that can be extracted from the cell wall with alkali but not with beta-glucanases and requires the C-terminal DIPSY domain for function (چکیده)
921 - Preprocessing of Distance and Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Problem Considering Changes in Network Topology (چکیده)
922 - The tetraspan protein Dni1p is required for correct membrane organization and cell wall remodelling during mating in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. (چکیده)
923 - The integrity of the cytokinesis machinery under stress conditions requires the glucan synthase Bgs1p and its regulator Cfh3p (چکیده)
924 - The fission yeast Map4 protein is a novel adhesin required for mating (چکیده)
925 - Reliable estimation of optimal sulfinol concentration in gas treatment unit via novel stabilized MLP and regularization network (چکیده)
926 - Deep eutectic solvent for multi-component reactions:a highly efficient and reusable acidic catalystfor synthesis of 2,4,5-triaryl-1H-imidazoles (چکیده)
927 - Transient Expression of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) Coat Protein in Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacom ) via Agroinfiltration (چکیده)
929 - Modeling the effects of Bunium persicum (Black Zira) essential oil, pH, inoculums size and temperature on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes (چکیده)
930 - In vitro effect of nanosilver on gene expression of superoxide dismutases and nitric oxide synthases in chicken sertoli cells (چکیده)
931 - Discovery of triploidy in Palearctic green toads (Anura: Bufonidae) from Iran with indications for a reproductive system involving diploids and triploids (چکیده)
932 - Investigating binucleate Rhizoctonia induced defence responses in kidney bean against Rhizoctonia solani (چکیده)
933 - IRAHC: Instance Reduction Algorithm using Hyperrectangle Clustering (چکیده)
934 - A QM/MM study of NO oxidation on the nanocrystalline surface of tungsten oxide (چکیده)
935 - Explicit Formulation of Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations on Rock Masses Using Artificial Neural Networks: Application and Supplementary Studies (چکیده)
936 - The effect of emotional intelligence and cognitive performance on creativity of university students (چکیده)
937 - Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Winter Salad (Local Pickle) during Fermentation Using 16S rRNA Gene Sequence Analysis (چکیده)
938 - Feasibility of solar thermal collectors usage in dwelling apartments in Mashhad, the second megacity of Iran (چکیده)
939 - Changes in composition and essential oil yield of Ocimum ciliatum at different phenological stages (چکیده)
940 - Chemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oil from the seed of Echinophora platyloba DC. against phytopathogens fungi by two different screening methods (چکیده)
941 - Transient megaoesophagus following vincristine administration in a German shepherd dog: possible vincristine-induced neuropathy (چکیده)
942 - A fast convergent numerical method for matrix sign function with application in SDEs (چکیده)
943 - Properties and ultrafiltration efficiency of cellulose acetate/organically modified Mt (CA/OMMt) nanocomposite membrane for humic acid removal (چکیده)
944 - Preliminary study of rodents using pellets of predatory birds in Iran (چکیده)
945 - Preyssler heteropoly acid supported on silica coated NiFe2O4 nanoparticles for the catalytic synthesis of bis(dihydropyrimidinone)benzene and 3,4‐dihydropyrimidin‐2(1H)‐ones (چکیده)
946 - Improving Textural and Sensory Characteristics of Low-Fat UF Feta Cheese Made with Fat Replacers (چکیده)
947 - Oxidative stability of purified common Kilka (Clupeonella cultiventris caspia) oil as a function of the bene kernel and hull oil (چکیده)
948 - Speciation and determination of iron using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on solidification of organic drop followed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
949 - Vortex-assisted surfactant-enhanced emulsification microextraction based on solidification of floating organic drop followed by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry for speciation of antimony (ΙΙΙ,V (چکیده)
950 - Determining the factors affecting on performance evaluation of the national teams coaches of Wushu Federation of Republic Islamic of Iran (چکیده)
951 - Holographic two-point functions in conformal gravity (چکیده)
952 - Effect of Thiosulfate on Pitting Corrosion of 316SS II. Metastable Pitting and Transition to Stability (چکیده)
953 - Cu(II) immobilized on aminated epichlorohydrin activated silica (CAES): as a new, green and efficient nanocatalyst for preparation of 5-substituted-1Htetrazoles† (چکیده)
954 - The eco-geomorphological roles of rocky deep crevices for water supply on arid zone mountain slopes (case study: Mehriz–Yazd, Iran) (چکیده)
955 - Morphological, physicochemical, and viscoelastic properties of sonicated corn starch (چکیده)
956 - Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Based on Solidification of Floating Organic Drop Combined with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Preconcentration and Determination of Thallium(III) in Water Samples (چکیده)
957 - Effect of Storage Period on Some Orange Physical Parameters (cv. Valencia) (چکیده)
958 - Effect of Storage Period on Some Orange Mechanical Parameters (cv. Valencia) (چکیده)
959 - Optimizing Sulfosulfuron and combination of Sulfosulfuron Metsulfuron-methyl Activity Tank-Mixed with Vegetable Oil to Control Wild Barley(Hordeum spontaneum Koch.) (چکیده)
960 - Combination of Modified Yld2000-2d and Yld2000-2d in Anisotropic Pressure Dependent Sheet Metals (چکیده)
961 - Using Fuzzy Regression Approach in Prediction Municipal Solid Waste Generation: A Case Study of Mashhad (چکیده)
962 - Thermal Bending Analysis of Doubly-Curved Composite Laminated Shell Panels with General Boundary Conditions and Laminations (چکیده)
963 - Prevalence and distribution of gastrointestinal helminths in free range chickens in Mashhad, northeast of Iran (چکیده)
964 - The daily radon dose in body organs caused by drinking milk and water (چکیده)
965 - Thyme and cinnamon essential oils: Potential alternatives formonensin as a rumen modifier in beef production systems (چکیده)
966 - Mechanical properties and energy absorption capability of thin-walled square columns of silica/epoxy nanocomposite (چکیده)
967 - On a class of subadditive duals for the uncapacitated facility location problem (چکیده)
968 - Molecular and morphological identification of hymenoptran parasitoids from the pomegranate aphid, Aphis punicae in Razavi Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
969 - Effect of fungicidal essential oils against Botrytis cinerea and (چکیده)
970 - Faunistic study of Thysanoptera (Insecta) in Khorasan-e- Razavi province, north-east Iran (چکیده)
971 - Novel Ni-based FI catalyst for ethylene polymerization (چکیده)
972 - Microbiological, Biochemical and Rheological Changes Throughout Ripening of Kurdish Cheese (چکیده)
973 - Investigating the influence of pH, temperature and agitation speed on yellow pigment production by Penicillium aculeatum ATCC 10409 (چکیده)
974 - Application of PCR Technique in Combination with DNase Treatment for Detection of Viable Lactobacillus acidophilus Bacteria (چکیده)
975 - Synthesis of mullite–MoSi2 nano-composite through a mechanochemical processing (چکیده)
976 - Effect of heat absorbing alumina addition on mechanochemical synthesis of WC–Al2O3 nanocomposites (چکیده)
977 - Application of the Taguchi Method in Poultry Science: Estimation of the in Vitro Optimum Intrinsic Phytase Activity of Rye, Wheat and Barley (چکیده)
979 - Morphometric and morphological differentiation of the subspecies of Phasianus colchicus (Linnaeus, 1758) on the Iranian Plateau (Aves: Galliformes) (چکیده)
980 - Nonlinear viscoelastic dynamic modeling of high-speed polypyrrole-based trilayer bending plate-like actuators based on first-order shear deformation plate theory (چکیده)
981 - Nonlinear analysis of functionally graded nanocomposite rotating thick disks with variable thickness reinforced with carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
982 - Fe(HSO4)3: An efficient, heterogeneous and reusable catalyst for C-alkylation of β-dicar bonyl compounds (چکیده)
983 - Frequency dependence of Néel temperature in CaMnO3-δ ceramics: Synthesized by two different methods (چکیده)
984 - The effects of different polymerization agents on structural and optical properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3nanopowders synthesized by a facile green route (چکیده)
985 - Course timetabling using evolutionary operators (چکیده)
986 - Thermoelastic damping in a nonlocal nano-beam resonator as NEMS based on the type III of Green-Naghdi theory (with energy dissipation) (چکیده)
988 - Synthesis, characterization, X-ray structure and DFT calculation of two Mo(VI) and Ni(II) Schiff-base complexes (چکیده)
989 - Experimental investigation of stability and thermophysical properties of carbon nanotubes suspension in the presence of different surfactants (چکیده)
990 - First report of Lachesilla quercus KOLBE, 1880 (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha: Lachesillidae) from Iran (چکیده)
991 - Analysis and Design of a Low-Voltage Low-Power Double-Tail Comparator (چکیده)
992 - Separation of C3H8 and C2H6 from CH4 in polyurethane–zeolite 4Å and ZSM-5 mixed matrix membranes (چکیده)
993 - Analytical modeling of entropy generation for Casson nano-fluid flow induced by a stretching surface (چکیده)
994 - Pitman closeness of predictors of future order statistics for two-parameter exponential distribution (چکیده)
995 - Empirical relations between strength and static and dynamic elastic properties of Asmari and Sarvak limestones, two main oil reservoirs in Iran (چکیده)
996 - Exponential-based integration for Bigonie-Piccolroaz plasticity model (چکیده)
997 - Effects of autologous keratinocyte cell spray with and without Chitosan on 3rd degree burn healing; Animal experiment (چکیده)
998 - Design of an expert system based on neuro-fuzzy inference analyzer for on-line microstructural characterization using magnetic NDT method (چکیده)
999 - Service Quality Satisfaction among Eastern and Western Asia Sport Tourists (چکیده)
1000 - Gruss inequality for some types of positive linear maps (چکیده)
1001 - Facile and direct synthesis of symmetrical acid anhydrides using a newly prepared powerful and efficient mixed reagent (چکیده)
1002 - Sonochemical synthesis of lithium fluoride nano cubic as an active and simple catalyst for thia-Michael addition process: synthesis and structural characterization of β-aryl-β-mercapto ketones (چکیده)
1003 - A New Iterative Method for Finding Approximate Inverses of Complex Matrices (چکیده)
1004 - Morphology and micromorphology of the genus Fraxinus L. in Iran (چکیده)
1005 - Rosa freitagii Ziel. (Rosaceae), a new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
1006 - Spectroscopic studies on tungstoheteropolyanions functionalized by amino acids (چکیده)
1007 - Morphological development of ovaries in ostrich (Struthio camelus) embryo (چکیده)
1008 - Headspace solid phase microextraction of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons using a steel wire coated with an electrochemicalprepared nanocomposite consisting of polypyrrole, carbon nanotubes, and titanium oxide (چکیده)
1009 - Controller Design Using Ant Colony Algorithm for a Non-inverting Buck–Boost Chopper Based on a Detailed Average Model (چکیده)
1010 - Low Mach number slip flow through diverging microchannel (چکیده)
1011 - Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New N-(2,6-Dichlorobenzoyl)-N',N''-bis(pyrrolidinyl)-phosphoric Triamide As a Carrier and Competitive Bulk Liquid Membrane Transport of Six Metal Cations (چکیده)
1012 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Carbon Molecular Sieve Preparation for Air Separation (چکیده)
1013 - Rationalization of noncovalent interactions within six new MII/8-aminoquinoline supramolecular complexes (MII = Mn, Cu, and Cd): A combined experimental and theoretical DFT study (چکیده)
1014 - Representation of activity and osmotic coefficients of electrolyte solutions using non-electrolyte Wilson-NRF model with ion-specific parameters (چکیده)
1015 - Artificial neural network method for solving the Navier–Stokes equations (چکیده)
1016 - X-ray diffraction and vibrational spectroscopic study of transbis( acetylacetonato)-bis(4-methylpyridine)cobalt(III) (چکیده)
1017 - Appraisal of the entire mitochondrial genome for DNA barcoding in birds (چکیده)
1018 - Synthesis and docking analysis of new heterocyclic system of tetrazolo[5',1':2,3][1,3,4]thiadiazepino [7,6-b]quinolines as aldose reductase inhibitors (چکیده)
1019 - A Rapid Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using a Radical Initiator under UV Light and Evaluation of Their Antibacterial Activities (چکیده)
1020 - Process Control Strategies for Dual-Phase Steel Manufacturing Using ANN and ANFIS (چکیده)
1021 - Convergence analysis of Bernoulli matrix aproach for one-dimensional matrix hyperbolic equations of the first order (چکیده)
1022 - LSMR Iterative Method for General Coupled Matrix Equations (چکیده)
1023 - Regulation of Cell Wall Synthesis by the Clathrin Light Chain Is Essential for Viability in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (چکیده)
1024 - Emotional education through islamic teachings (چکیده)
1025 - Costs Due to Entropy Generation in a Vertical Annulus Using Nanofluids and Different Thermophysical Models (چکیده)
1026 - Rarefied gas flow simulations of NACA 0012 airfoil and sharp 25-55-deg biconic subject to high order nonequilibrium boundary conditions in CFD (چکیده)
1027 - Numerical simulation of a flat electroosmotic driven flow in the presence of a charged mid-plate (چکیده)
1028 - The effect of in ovo injection of grape seed extract and vitamin C on hatchability, antioxidant activity, yolk sac weight, performance and ileal micro flora of broiler chickens (چکیده)
1029 - Microneedle Copper (II) Selective Electrode based on Polypyrrole Doped with 8-Hydroxyquinoline-5-Sulfonic Acid (چکیده)
1030 - Hot-spot cooling using microliter liquid drops (چکیده)
1031 - Experimental study on mercury ions removal from aqueous solution by MnO2/CNTs nanocomposite adsorbent (چکیده)
1032 - Nanomagnetic organiceinorganic hybrid (Fe@Si-Gu-Prs): a novel magnetically green catalyst for the synthesis of tetrahydropyridine derivatives at room temperature under solvent-free conditions (چکیده)
1033 - The effects of dietary supplement of annatto (Bixa orellana) seed meal on blood carotenoid content and fillet color stability in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (چکیده)
1034 - Free vibration of high-speed rotating Timoshenko shaft with various boundary conditions: effect of centrifugally induced axial force (چکیده)
1035 - Identification and control of chaos in nonlinear gear dynamic systems using Melnikov analysis (چکیده)
1036 - Parametric assessment of a low-swirl burner using the exergy analysis (چکیده)
1037 - A hybrid NN-FE approach to adjust blank holder gap over punch stroke in deep drawing process (چکیده)
1038 - Novel grid voltage estimation by means of the Newton–Raphson optimisation for three-phase grid connected voltage source converters (چکیده)
1039 - Dust-ion acoustic waves modulation in dusty plasmas with nonextensive electrons (چکیده)
1040 - A Comprehensive Study of the Solvent Effects on the Cycloaddition Reaction of Diethyl Azodicarboxylate and Ethyl Vinyl Ether: Efficient Implementation of QM and TD-DFT Study (چکیده)
1041 - Application of Smart Collocation Method for Solving Strongly Nonlinear Boundary Value Ordinary Differential Equations (چکیده)
1042 - Two higher order hybrid-Trefftz elements for thin plate bending analysis (چکیده)
1043 - Angles based integration for generalized non-linear plasticity model (چکیده)
1044 - Stability boundaries of two-parameter non-linear elastic structures (چکیده)
1045 - Fictitious Time Step for the Kinetic Dynamic Relaxation Method (چکیده)
1046 - Effect of Some Plant Essential Oils on In vitro Ruminal Methane Production and on Fermentation Characteristics of a Mid-forage Diet (چکیده)
1047 - Relationship between microbial load and histamine content in the rainbow trout fillet during refrigeration (چکیده)
1048 - Parameter-free fault location for transmission lines based on optimization (چکیده)
1049 - Transformer Differential Protection by Online Core Modeling and Orthogonal Polynomials (چکیده)
1050 - Synophthalmia in a Holstein cross calf (چکیده)
1051 - Properties of two-dimensional resonant reflectors with zero-contrast gratings (چکیده)
1052 - Antioxidant and anticoccidial effects of garlic powder and sulfur amino acids on Eimeria-infected and uninfected broiler chickens (چکیده)
1053 - Electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and rheological properties of graphene oxide-based nanofluids (چکیده)
1054 - Free vibration analysis of a double-beam system joined by a mass-spring device (چکیده)
1055 - Damage identification of 2D and 3D trusses by using complete and incomplete noisy measurements (چکیده)
1056 - Crack detection in concrete gravity dams by using new cracked element and genetic algorithm (چکیده)
1057 - An efficient formulation for linear and geometric non- linear membrane elements (چکیده)
1058 - Numerical study of liquid flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannel with longitudinal vortex generators (چکیده)
1059 - Three new species of mygalomorph and filistatid spiders from Iran (Araneae, Cyrtaucheniidae, Nemesiidae and Filistatidae) (چکیده)
1060 - The motivational basis of cognitive determinants of addictive behaviors (چکیده)
1061 - Effects of shear work on non-equilibrium heat transfer characteristics of rarefied gas flows through micro/nanochannels (چکیده)
1062 - A new solvated complex of the uranyl ion (UO22+) with 8-hydroxyquinoline (چکیده)
1063 - A robust triangular membrane element (چکیده)
1064 - Rarefied Gas Flow Behavior in Micro/Nanochannels under Specified Wall Heat Flux (چکیده)
1065 - New records of the huntsman spider genus Olios (Araneae: Sparassidae) from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan (چکیده)
1066 - Differential Physiological and Morphological Responsesof Persian and Hybrid Petunia (Petunia hybrida cv. Sonja Pink) in Vegetative and Reproductive Growth Stagesunder Drought Stress (چکیده)
1067 - Application of a New Type of Dispersed Particles-Stabilized Biomass in Aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) for Treating Starchy Wastewater (چکیده)
1068 - Modeling the Removal of Phenol Dyes Using a Photocatalytic Reactor with SnO2/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles by Intelligent System (چکیده)
1069 - The Impact of Water Stress and Salinity on Water Requirement and Crop Coefficient of Greenhouse Bell Pepper (چکیده)
1070 - A new family of distributions: the Kumaraswamy odd log-logistic, properties and applications (چکیده)
1071 - Synthesis of the new heterocyclic system 7,8-dihydro-6H-benzotetrazolothiadiazine and derivatives (چکیده)
1072 - Effects of different ploidy levels on glycoalkaloid content of four solanum melongena cultivars (چکیده)
1073 - Comparisons of mixed systems with decreasing failure rate component lifetimes using dispersive order (چکیده)
1074 - Incorporation of new technique for processing of Al/SiCp composites based on Evaporative Pattern Casting (EPC) method (چکیده)
1076 - Differential expression of TIR-like genes embeded in the Mi-1 Gene cluster in nematode-resistant and -susceptible tomato roots (چکیده)
1077 - Effects of essential oils, yeast culture and malate on rumen fermentation, blood metabolites, growth performance and nutrient digestibility of Baluchi lambs fed high-concentrate diets (چکیده)
1078 - Effect of deep-fat frying on sensory and textural attributes of pellet snacks (چکیده)
1079 - Gold-gold sulfide nanoshell as a novel intensifier for antitumor effects of radiofrequency fields (چکیده)
1080 - Assessment and Classification of Rock Mass Properties in Iran Central Iron Ore Mines (چکیده)
1081 - A descent extension of the Polak–Ribière–Polyak conjugate gradient method (چکیده)
1082 - Two new thiophosphoramide structures: N,N',N"-tricyclohexylphosphorothioic triamide and O,O'-diethyl (2-phenylhydrazin-1-yl)thiophosphonate (چکیده)
1083 - Write ‘systemic small RNAs’: read ‘systemic immunity’ (چکیده)
1084 - How to effectively deploy plant resistances to pests and pathogens in crop breeding (چکیده)
1085 - To the knowledge of the Ensifera (Insecta: Orthoptera) fauna in Mashhad and vicinity, NE Iran (چکیده)
1086 - Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Fluid-Structure Interaction in Presence of a Hyperelastic Body (چکیده)
1087 - Three dimensional elasticity solution for static and dynamic analysis of multi-directional functionally graded thick sector plates with general boundary conditions (چکیده)
1088 - Effect of partition coefficient on microsegregation during solidification of aluminium alloys (چکیده)
1089 - Canine Heartworm in Southeastern of Iran with Review of di s - ease distribution (چکیده)
1090 - Optimization of photocatalytic degradation of naphthalene using nano-TiO2/UV system: statistical analysis by a response surface methodology (چکیده)
1091 - Conformation, molecular structure, and vibrational assignment of bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethylheptane-3,5-dionato)copper(II) (چکیده)
1092 - Biostratigraphy and Paleoecological Study of Pabdeh Formation in Interior Fars, Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
1093 - Size-dependent dynamic pull-in analysis of beam-type MEMS under mechanical shock based on the modified couple stress theory (چکیده)
1094 - Development of a Finite Element Method Model to Determine Mechanical Behavior of Pumpkin Seed (چکیده)
1095 - Two modified three-term conjugate gradient methods with sufficient descent property (چکیده)
1096 - Radio-Frequency Modeling of Square-Shaped Extended Source Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors (چکیده)
1098 - Capacity region of the Gaussian doubly dirty two-way channel in the presence of partial side information (چکیده)
1099 - Effect of Thiosulfate on Pitting Corrosion of 316SS I. Critical Pitting Temperature and Pit Chemistry (چکیده)
1100 - Critical path-aware voltage island partitioning and floorplanning for hard real-time embedded systems (چکیده)
1101 - Lithostratigraphy and carbonate microfacies across the Permian–Triassic boundary near Julfa (NW Iran) and in the Baghuk Mountains (Central Iran) (چکیده)
1102 - INTRODUCING Pistacia khinjuk(KOLKHOUNG) FRUIT HULL (چکیده)
1103 - Hydrogen bond strength and vibrational assignment of the enol form of 3-(ortho-methoxyphenylthio) and 3-(para-methoxyphenylthio) pentane-2,4-dione (چکیده)
1104 - Sono-synthesis of biodiesel from soybean oil by KF/c-Al2O3 as a nano-solid-base catalyst (چکیده)
1105 - Determination of optimal strip width in strip intercropping of maize (Zea mays L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Northeast Iran (چکیده)
1106 - Genetics and molecular mechanisms of resistance to powdery mildews in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and its wild relatives (چکیده)
1107 - Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Biological Parameters of the Cowpea Aphid and Associated Productivity Losses in Common Globe Amaranth (چکیده)
1108 - Multiple-access relay channels with non-causal channel state information at the relay (چکیده)
1109 - A General Write Channel Model for Bit-Patterned Media Recording (چکیده)
1110 - Comparison of gastric adverse effects of aspirin and celecoxib before and after eradicating Helicobacter spp. infection in dogs (چکیده)
1111 - Five new records of gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Iran (چکیده)
1112 - Efficacy of orally administered montmorillonite for acute iron poisoning detoxification in rat (چکیده)
1113 - Three new phosphoric triamides with a [C(O)NH]P(O)[N(C)(C)]2 skeleton: a database analysis of C—N—C and P—N—C bond angles (چکیده)
1114 - Database analysis of hydrogen bond patterns in phosphoric triamides completed with seven new compounds: a crystallographic and 15N NMR study (چکیده)
1116 - Geochemistry of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous shales (Shurijeh Formation) in the intracontinental Kopet-Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran: implication for provenance, source weathering, and paleoenvironments (چکیده)
1117 - Entropy generation analysis of squeeze film air damping in torsional micromirrors (چکیده)
1118 - Dynamic Analysis of a Layered Cylinder Reinforced by Functionally Graded Carbon Nanotubes Distributions Subjected to Shock Loading using MLPG Method (چکیده)
1119 - An off-line NMPC strategy for continuous-time nonlinear systems using an extended modal series method (چکیده)
1123 - A meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for nonlinear dynamic analyses of hyper-elastic FG thick hollow cylinder with Rayleigh damping (چکیده)
1124 - Investigation of thermal distribution for pulsed laser radiation in cancer treatment with nanoparticle-mediated hyperthermia (چکیده)
1125 - Vibration suppression of composite plates using smart electrorheological dampers (چکیده)
1126 - Dust-storm dynamics over Sistan region, Iran: Seasonality, transport characteristics and affected areas (چکیده)
1127 - Influence of spark plasma sintering and subsequent hot rolling on microstructure and flexural behavior of in-situ TiB and TiC reinforced Ti-6Al-4V composite (چکیده)
1128 - Microstructural aspects of in-situ TiB reinforced Ti6Al4V composite processed by spark plasma sintering (چکیده)
1129 - Microstructural evolution of aluminum 6061 alloy through tube channel pressing (چکیده)
1130 - On the natural aging behavior of Aluminum 6061 alloy after severe plastic deformation (چکیده)
1131 - Severe plastic deformation of 6061 aluminum alloy tube with pre and post heat treatments (چکیده)
1132 - Deformation Behavior of 6061 Aluminum Alloy Through Tube Channel Pressing: Severe Plastic Deformation (چکیده)
1133 - optimization of Extraction Process of Bioactive Compounds from (چکیده)
1134 - An outbreak of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection in lambs (چکیده)
1135 - Effect of centrifugation of milk samples on bacteriologic culture (چکیده)
1136 - Facies Analysis, Depositional Environment and Cyclostratigraphy of the Lower Permian deposits Chili Formation in the Kalmard Block, East Central Iran (Godar-e-Gachal section) (چکیده)
1137 - Approximate Dynamic Programming for Two-player Zero-sum Game Related to H∞ Control of Unknown Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems (چکیده)
1138 - Online Concurrent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm to Solve Two-player Zero-sum Games for Partially-unknown Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems (چکیده)
1139 - Gene expression of heat shock protein 70 and antioxidant enzymes, oxidative status, and meat quality of cyclically heat challenged finishing broilers fed Oreganum compactum and Curcuma xanthorrhiza essential oils (چکیده)
1140 - Cellulose sulfuric acid as a bio-supported and efficient solid acid catalyst for synthesis of pyrazoles in aqueous medium (چکیده)
1141 - Efficient synthesis of novel tricyclic fused pyranothiazolopyrimidine derivatives via isocyanide-based three-component reactions (چکیده)
1142 - Continuous frames and g-frames (چکیده)
1143 - A New Approach to Active Rule Scheduling (چکیده)
1144 - Water scarcity conditions affect peach fruit size and polyphenol contents more severely than other fruit quality traits (چکیده)
1145 - Kinetics and Mechanism of Diallyl Sulfoxide Pyrolysis; A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study in Gas Phase (چکیده)
1146 - Ionic liquids based on α-amino acids; a structural insights into [dMA] 2 [AA] and computational evaluation of the hydrogen bonds (چکیده)
1149 - The contributions of source regions to organ doses from incorporated radioactive iodine (چکیده)
1150 - Adaptation of maize to climate change impacts in Iran (چکیده)
1151 - Evaluation of of wild Hawthorns (Crateagus spp.) in various regions of Iran by means of morphological markers (چکیده)
1152 - Seismic inversion and attributes analysis for porosity evaluation of the tight gas sandstones of the Whicher Range field in the Perth Basin, Western Australia (چکیده)
1153 - Possible polaron formation of zigzag graphene nano-ribbon in the (چکیده)
1154 - Adaptive Competitive Resource Control Protocol for Alleviating Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Evolutionary Game Theory Approach (چکیده)
1155 - Hydrogen adsorption on the α-graphyne using ab initio calculations (چکیده)
1156 - Non-singlet spin structure function in the valon model and low-x-scaling behavior of g1NS and g1 p (چکیده)
1157 - Oxidative burst and enzymatic antioxidant systems in rice plants during interaction with Alternaria alternata (چکیده)
1158 - Influence of different emulsifiers on characteristics of eggless cake containing soy milk: Modeling of physical and sensoryproperties by mixture experimental design (چکیده)
1159 - Removal of nickel ions from aqueous solution by micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration, using mixed anionic–non-ionic surfactants (چکیده)
1160 - A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the multi-depot covering tour vehicle routing problem (چکیده)
1161 - Anomaly Detection and Foresight Response Strategy for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
1162 - Gas separation properties of polyvinylchloride (PVC)-silica nanocomposite membrane (چکیده)
1163 - Effect of doping on structural and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles: study of antibacterial properties (چکیده)
1164 - One-pot Solvent Free Synthesis of Some Tert-indolylmethane Amine Derivatives by Fe(HSO4)3 as a Recyclable Catalyst (چکیده)
1165 - Protective effects of pomegranate seed oil on ovariectomized rats as a model of postmenopausal osteoporosis; amultidetector computed tomography evaluation (چکیده)
1166 - Developing an Integrated Model to Improve the Performance of Kansei Engineering by PCA and TOPSIS (چکیده)
1167 - Transplantation of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells with platelet-rich plasma accelerate distraction osteogenesis in a canine model (چکیده)
1168 - Impacts of feeding selenium-methionine and chromium-methionine on performance, serum components, antioxidant status, and physiological responses to transportation stress of baluchi ewe lambs (چکیده)
1169 - Topography and Surface Roughness of Floor in Groove Micro Milling (چکیده)
1170 - Irrigation levels and dense planting affect flower yield andphosphorus concentration of saffron corms under semi-arid region ofMashhad, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
1171 - Fe(HSO4)3'SiO2 as an efficient, heterogeneous and recyclable catalyst for the synthesis of bis-(b-enaminones) and bis-(b-enamino esters) (چکیده)
1172 - N-bromosuccinimide (NBS)-promoted, threecomponent synthesis of a,b-unsaturated isoxazol-5(4H)- ones, and spectroscopic investigation and computational study of 3-methyl-4-(thiophen-2-ylmethylene)isoxazol- 5(4H)-one (چکیده)
1173 - Spectroscopic study of the interaction of insulin and its aptamer - sensitive optical detection of insulin (چکیده)
1174 - Heat transfer and rheological properties of transformer oil-oxidized MWCNT nanofluid (چکیده)
1175 - Models for predicting the mass of lime fruits by some engineering properties (چکیده)
1176 - Correlation of solute solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide using a new empirical equation (چکیده)
1177 - On estimation of a density function in multiplicative censoring (چکیده)
1178 - Indirect Adaptive Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Pi Sliding Mode Control For A Class Of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
1179 - Comparison of a Point-of-Care Glucometer and a Laboratory Autoanalyzer for Measurement of Blood Glucose Concentrations in Domestic Pigeons (Columba livia domestica) (چکیده)
1180 - Histopathological and molecular study of Neospora caninum infection in bovine aborted fetuses (چکیده)
1181 - Early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a) in Northeastern Arabian Plate setting: an example from Dariyan Formation in Zagros fold–trust belt, SE Iran (چکیده)
1182 - Some Reverses of the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality for Complex Functions of Self-adjoint Operators in Hilbert spaces (چکیده)
1183 - A New Strategy for the Synthesis of Size-controlled L1 0 FePt Nanoparticles on Nanotube Substrate (چکیده)
1184 - Exponentiality test based on the progressive type II censoring via cumulative entropy (چکیده)
1185 - Ultrasonic-assisted extraction of antioxidative compounds from Bene (Pistacia atlantica subsp. mutica) hull using various solvents of different physicochemical properties (چکیده)
1186 - Flux pinning mechanism in SiC and nano-C doped MgB2: Evidence for transformation from δTc to δl pinning (چکیده)
1187 - Development of a dimethyl disulfide electrochemical sensor based on electrodeposited reduced graphene oxide-chitosan modified glassy carbon electrode (چکیده)
1188 - Hydride generation coupled to microfunnel-assisted headspace liquid-phase microextraction for the determination of arsenic with UV–Vis spectrophotometry (چکیده)
1189 - Large deflection analysis of moderately thick radially functionally graded annular sector plates fully and partially rested on two-parameter elastic foundation by GDQ method (چکیده)
1190 - Total Data Collection Algorithm Based on Estimation Model for Wireless Sensor Network (چکیده)
1191 - Hybrid Control of DC–DC Series Resonant Converters: The Direct Piecewise Affine Approach (چکیده)
1192 - ODT: Optimal Deadline-based Trajectory for Mobile Sinks in WSN: A Decision Tree and Dynamic Programming Approach (چکیده)
1193 - On Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks in Event-Driven Applications With Mobile Sinks (چکیده)
1194 - Polymer length scale on modification of a reverse microemulsion (چکیده)
1195 - ACE-Inhibitory and Antioxidant Activityof Temporin-Ra Peptide: Biochemical Characterization and Molecular Modeling Study (چکیده)
1196 - Modeling the exceptional south Foehn event (Garmij) over the Alborz Mountains during the extreme forest fire of December 2005 (چکیده)
1197 - Effect of forage inclusion and particle size in diets of neonatal lambs on performance and rumen development (چکیده)
1198 - Temporal and spatial variations of the water erosion rate (چکیده)
1199 - A novel imidazolium-based acidic ionic liquid as an efficient and reusable catalyst for the synthesis of 2-aryl-1H-phenanthro[9,10-d]imidazoles (چکیده)
1200 - Optimal Irrigation Water Allocation Using a Genetic Algorithm under Various Weather Conditions (چکیده)
1201 - Application of Robust Optimization Approach for Agricultural Water Resource Management under Uncertainty (چکیده)
1202 - Eight New records of gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Iran (چکیده)
1203 - Experimental Investigation of the Vortex Generator Effects on a Gas Liquid Finned Tube Heat Exchanger Using Irrevesibility Analysis (چکیده)
1204 - Numerical and Experimental Study of a Ventilated Supercavitating Vehicle (چکیده)
1205 - Demographic parameters of Lipaphis erysimi on canola cultivars under different nitrogen fertilization regimes (چکیده)
1206 - Intrinsic kinetics of Fischer–Tropsch synthesis over Co/CNTs catalyst: Effects of metallic cobalt particle size (چکیده)
1207 - Effects of high concentrate:forage ratio diets containing monensin on the management of ruminal acidosis in Gezhel lambs (چکیده)
1208 - Modification in the Functional Properties of Sodium Caseinate-based Imitation Cheese through Use of Whey Protein and Stabilizer (چکیده)
1209 - Heuristic optimization of submerged hydrofoil using ANFIS–PSO (چکیده)
1210 - Preparation of alumina supported super active sulfated zirconia and assessment of its activity in esterification reaction (چکیده)
1211 - An evolutionary computational approach for formulation of compression index of fine-grained Soils (چکیده)
1212 - Optimization of a novel improver gel formulation for Barbari flat bread using response surface methodology (چکیده)
1215 - Synthesis of pyrimido[4′,5′:2,3][1,4]thiazepino[ 7,6-b]quinolines, derivatives of a novel ring system Abstract: Several derivatives of the novel pyrimido[4′,5′:2,3] (چکیده)
1216 - Selective Acidic Leaching of Spent Zinc- Carbon Batteries Followed by Zinc Electrowinning (چکیده)
1217 - Synthesis of novel heterocycle systems: 6,8-dimethyl-2-(methylsulfanyl-4-amino-substituted pyrimido[4′,5′:3,4]pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine and 9,11-dimethyl-5-(methylsulfanyl)pyrimido[2′,1′:5,1]pyrazolo[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-c]pyrimidine (چکیده)
1218 - Critical Current Density and Intergranular Coupling Study of the Dysprosium Oxide Nanoparticle Added Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3Oy Superconductor (چکیده)
1219 - On Generalized Convexity of Nonlinear Complementarity Functions (چکیده)
1220 - Application of heat pipe in an experimental investigation on a novel photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) system (چکیده)
1221 - The Relationship between Early maladaptive schemas and marital adjustment: (چکیده)
1222 - Serum biochemistry of ostrich (Striothio camelus) in Iran (چکیده)
1223 - Spatio-temporal variability of dust aerosols over the Sistan region in Iran based on satellite observations (چکیده)
1224 - Application of Glazing for Bread Quality Improvement (چکیده)
1225 - Effect of alcoholic extract of Tarantula cubensis on wound healing in dogs (چکیده)
1226 - Probabilistic Congestion Management Considering Power System Uncertainties Using Chance-constrained Programming (چکیده)
1227 - VPP decision making in power markets using Benders decomposition (چکیده)
1228 - Modeling the effects of demand response on generation expansion planning in restructured power systems (چکیده)
1229 - Effect of salicylic acid on morphological and ornamental characteristics of Petunia hybrida at drought stress (چکیده)
1230 - Effects of low ozone concentrations and short exposure (چکیده)
1231 - Hybrid projective synchronization and control of the Baier–Sahle hyperchaotic flow in arbitrary dimensions with unknown parameters (چکیده)
1232 - Buckling behavior of perfect and defective DWCNTs under axial, bending and torsional loadings via a structural mechanics approach (چکیده)
1233 - Least-squares approach to regression modeling in full interval-valued fuzzy environment (چکیده)
1234 - Circulation of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Strains Among Hospitalized Children with Acute Lower Respiratory Infection in Malaysia (چکیده)
1235 - Fecundity and maturation of South Caspian spirlin, Alburnoides sp. (Actinopterygii: Cypriniade) from Iran (چکیده)
1236 - Liposomal suspension of DSPC/cholesterol with polyethylene glycol: a study by light and X-ray scattering (چکیده)
1237 - Synthesis, structure and DFT study of a chelidamic acid based Cu coordination polymer: On the importance of p–p interactions and hexameric water clusters (چکیده)
1238 - Design of a Disposable Solid State Potentiometric Sensor for Codeine Content Control in Pharmaceutical Preparations (چکیده)
1239 - A Fully Digital ASK Demodulator With Digital Calibration for Bioimplantable Devices (چکیده)
1240 - Modeling, Simulation, and Economic Assessment of Membrane-Based Gas Dehydration System and Comparison with Other Natural Gas Dehydration Processes (چکیده)
1241 - Effect of pulverized anthracite coal particles injection on thermal and radiative characteristics of natural gas flame: An experimental study (چکیده)
1242 - Statistical analysis of thermal conductivity of nanofluid containingdecorated multi-walled carbon nanotubes with TiO (چکیده)
1243 - Effects of Fe additions on self propagating high temperature synthesis characteristics of TiO2–Al–C system (چکیده)
1244 - Confabulation Inspired Association Rule Mining for Rare and Frequent Itemsets (چکیده)
1245 - Adaptive brain emotional decayed learning for online prediction of geomagnetic activity indices (چکیده)
1246 - Preparation and Spectral Investigation of Bis[N(2-methyl-phenyl) 4-Nitro-thiobenzamidato]- mercury(II), Bis[N(2-methoxy-phenyl) 4-Nitro-thiobenzamidato]mercury(II), and Bis[N(2-chloro-phenyl) 4-Nitro-thiobenzamidato]mercury(II) Complexes (چکیده)
1247 - Dynamic task scheduling modeling in unstructured heterogeneous multiprocessor systems (چکیده)
1248 - Methane storage in homogeneous armchair open-ended single-walled boron nitride nanotube triangular arrays: a grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation study (چکیده)
1249 - Introducing validity in fuzzy probability for judicial decision-making (چکیده)
1251 - New data on the spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
1252 - Effect of selected aerobic exercise training on the occurrence of electroencephalographic disorders in epileptic children (چکیده)
1254 - In situ pre-concentration and voltammetric determination of trace lead and cadmium by a novel ionic liquid mediated hollow fiber-graphite electrode and design of experiments via Taguchi method (چکیده)
1255 - Experimental study on the effects of flame regime on the exergy destruction in premixed low swirl combustion (چکیده)
1256 - Effect of various efficient vulcanization cure systems on the compression set of a nitrile rubber filled with different fillers (چکیده)
1257 - Hemocytes immunity of rose sawfly, Arge ochropus (Hym.: Argidae) against entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (چکیده)
1258 - Toward mitigating wind-uncertainty costs in power system operation: A demand response exchange market framework (چکیده)
1259 - Reliability-based generation resource planning in electricity markets (چکیده)
1260 - Numerical Analysis of Mass and Momentum Transfer in Co-Axial Cylinders with Rotating Inner Cylinder (چکیده)
1261 - Rheological Behavior of Zinc-Oxide Nanolubricants (چکیده)
1262 - Would Kaolin Particle Film Avoid Sunburn in “ Ardestani “ Pomegranate (چکیده)
1263 - Alcohol Cognitive Bias Modification training for problem drinkers over the web (چکیده)
1264 - Effects of High-Order Slip/Jump, Thermal Creep, and Variable Thermophysical Properties on Natural Convection in Microchannels With Constant Wall Heat Fluxes (چکیده)
1265 - Fluid-structure interaction in abdominal aortic aneurysms: structural and geometrical considerations (چکیده)
1266 - A 24-channel implantable neural recording based on time and frequency-division multiplexing (چکیده)
1267 - Halovivax cerinus sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a hypersaline lake (چکیده)
1268 - New records of plant parasitic nematodes Nothotylenchus ferepolitor andNeopsilenchus paragracilis from rhizosphere of Allium cepa in Iran (چکیده)
1269 - Transversity distribution functions in the valon model (چکیده)
1270 - Assessment of the micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration process with a tight UF membrane for the removal of aniline from water (چکیده)
1271 - Evaluation of repeat sequences on plasmid pEA29 of Erwinia (چکیده)
1272 - Effect of Milling Time and Clay Content on the Thermal Stability of Polyethylene-clay Nanocomposite (چکیده)
1273 - Efficacy of two entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema carpocapsae for control of the leopard moth borer Zeuzera pyrina (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) larvae under laboratory conditions (چکیده)
1274 - Elastic wave propagation and time history analysis in FG nanocomposite cylinders reinforced by carbon nanotubes using a hybrid mesh-free method (چکیده)
1275 - Investigating anticancer properties of the sesquiterpene ferutinin on colon carcinoma cells, in vitro and in vivo (چکیده)
1276 - New models for heat flux splitting at the boundary of a porous medium: three energy equations for nanofluid flow under local thermal nonequilibrium conditions (چکیده)
1277 - Foliar application of Ca(NO3)2and KNO3affects growth, essential oil content, and oil composition of French tarragon (چکیده)
1278 - Theoretical and spectroscopic studies on molecular structure and hydrogen bonding of 2-trifluoroacetylphenol (چکیده)
1279 - The generalized covering traveling salesman problem (چکیده)
1280 - Axisymmetric Elastoplasticity of a Temperature-Sensitive Functionally Graded Cylindrical Vessel (چکیده)
1281 - Essential oil composition of four Ocimum species and varieties growing in Iran (چکیده)
1282 - Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil of Ocimum ciliatum, as a new source of methyl chavicol, against ten phytopathogens (چکیده)
1283 - An Investigation into the Thermoelastic Analysis of Circular and Annular Functionally Graded Material Plates (چکیده)
1284 - Design of multilayer high-dispersion mirrors using multi-swarm optimization method (چکیده)
1285 - Molecular structure and intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 2-hydroxybenzophenones: A theoretical study (چکیده)
1286 - Vibrational assignment and structure of trinuclear oxo-centered of basic formate iron(III) and chromium(III) complexes: A density functional theory study (چکیده)
1287 - Fine-Tuning of the Cellular Signaling Pathways by Intracellular GTP Levels (چکیده)
1288 - Spectroscopic and molecular modeling study on the separate and simultaneous bindings of alprazolam and fluoxetine hydrochloride to human serum albumin (HSA): W ith the aim of the drug interactions probing (چکیده)
1289 - CO2 bioremediation by microalgae in photobioreactors: Impacts of biomass and CO2 concentrations, light, and temperature (چکیده)
1290 - New contribution to the eriophyoid (Acari: Eriophyidae) fauna of Iran (چکیده)
1291 - Genetic structure and molecular variability of potato virus M populations (چکیده)
1292 - Use of grey relational analysis for multi-objective optimisation of NiTiCu shape memory alloy produced by powder metallurgy process (چکیده)
1293 - Genetic Diversity of Thanatephorus cucumeris Infecting Tomato in Iran (چکیده)
1294 - Bayesian inference for the Pareto lifetime model in the presence of outliers under progressive censoring with binomial removals (چکیده)
1295 - Uncertainty assessment of the agro-hydrological SWAP model application at field scale: A case study in a dry region (چکیده)
1296 - An investigation on the mechanism of land subsidence in the northwest of mashhad city, NE Iran (چکیده)
1297 - Geochemical constraints on the provenance of Oligocene– Miocene siliciclastic deposits (Zivah Formation) of NW Iran: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Caucasus (چکیده)
1298 - Trend Detection of Drought in Aridand Semi-Arid Regions of Iran Basedon Implementation of Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) and Application of Non-Parametrical Statistical Method (چکیده)
1299 - Ten years of snakebites in Iran (چکیده)
1300 - A two-phase theoretical study of Al2O3–water nanofluid flow inside a concentric pipe with heat generation/absorption (چکیده)
1301 - Molecular crowding effects on conformation and stability of G-quadruplex DNA structure: Insights from molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
1302 - Effects of carboxy methyl cellulose and thymol + carvacrol on performance, digesta viscosity and some blood metabolites of broilers (چکیده)
1303 - Analytical solution for dynamic behavior of multiwall carbon nanotubes subjected to mechanical shock loading (چکیده)
1304 - Parenting styles and their relationships with pre-school children’s first language proficiency (چکیده)
1305 - Exploring the relationship between fluid intelligence and language proficiency: Correlational approach (چکیده)
1306 - Effects of Supplemental Vitamin C and Chromium on Metabolic and Hormonal Responses, Antioxidant Status, and Tonic Immobility Reactions of Transported Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
1307 - First record of the velvet ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) reared from puparia of the ber fruit fly Carpomya vesuviana Costa (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Iran (چکیده)
1308 - Chebyshev type inequalities for Hilbert space operators (چکیده)
1309 - Functional properties of Balangu seed gum over multiple freeze–thaw cycles (چکیده)
1310 - Pt catalysts on PANI coated WC/C nanocomposites for methanol electro-oxidation and oxygen electro-reduction in DMFC (چکیده)
1311 - The Iranian Deendrothripinae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) with description of a new genus and species (چکیده)
1312 - The influence of the flavonoid quercetin on the interaction of propranolol with human serum albumin: Experimental and theoretical approaches (چکیده)
1313 - The Karaman vole Microtus irani karamani is a new record for Iran (Arvicolinae; Microtus) (چکیده)
1314 - Gradient of rodent species diversity across altitudes in Hyrcanian region, northeast Iran (چکیده)
1315 - A modified scaled conjugate gradient method with global convergence for nonconvex functions (چکیده)
1316 - Theoretical investigation of the chemoselectivity and synchronously pyrazole ring formation mechanism from ethoxymethylenemalononitrile and hydrazine hydrate in the gas and solvent phases: DFT, meta-GGA studies and NBO analysis (چکیده)
1317 - Clinical, laboratory and pathological findings in sub-acute monensin intoxication in goats (چکیده)
1318 - Structural verification and optical characterization of SiO2–Au–Cu2O nanoparticles (چکیده)
1319 - Isolation and identification of Helicobacter pullorum from caecal content of broiler chickens in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1320 - Pathological findings of slaughtered camels’ (Camelus dromedaris) kidneys in Najaf-Abad, Iran (چکیده)
1321 - Evaluate and control the weld quality, using acoustic data and artifical neural network modeling (چکیده)
1322 - Numerical Study Of Mixed Convection In The Annulus Between Eccentric Rotating Cylinders (چکیده)
1323 - Deep-drawing of thermoplastic metal-composite structures: Experimental investigations, statistical analyses and finite element modeling (چکیده)
1324 - Performance analysis of a minichannel-based solar collector using different nanofluids (چکیده)
1325 - Entropy generation during Al2O3/water nanofluid flow in a solar collector: Effects of tube roughness, nanoparticle size, and different thermophysical models (چکیده)
1326 - Synthesis, characterization and first application of keggin-type heteropoly acids supported on silica coated NiFe2O4 as novel magnetically catalysts for the synthesis of tetrahydropyridines (چکیده)
1327 - 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition reactions between ethyl diazoacetate and substituted alkynes: A density functional theory study (چکیده)
1328 - The analytical modeling of propane-oxygen mixture at catalytic micro-channel (چکیده)
1329 - Serological study of Toxoplasma gondii infection in Turkoman horses in the North Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
1330 - New polypyrrole–carbon nanotubes–silicon dioxide solid-phase microextraction fiber for the preconcentration and determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene using gas liquid chromatography (چکیده)
1331 - Robust fault-tolerant tracking control design for spacecraft under control input saturation (چکیده)
1332 - Yield gap analysis of chickpea under semi-arid conditions: A simulation study (چکیده)
1333 - Application of single unit impact dampers to harvest energy and suppress vibrations (چکیده)
1335 - Cranial Mesenteric Arterial Obstruction Due To Strongylus vulgaris Larvae in a Donkey (Equus asinus) (چکیده)
1336 - Predicting Job Failures in AuverGrid Based on Workload Log Analysis (چکیده)
1337 - Gene cloning and characterization of a thermostable organic-tolerant alpha-amylase from Bacillus subtilis DR8806 (چکیده)
1338 - Spatial Variability of Shear Wave Velocity Using Geostatistical Analysis in Mashhad City, NE Iran (چکیده)
1339 - Geometrically nonlinear elastodynamic analysis of hyper-elastic neo-Hooken FG cylinder subjected to shock loading using MLPG method (چکیده)
1340 - Constrained Semi-Supervised Growing Self-Organizing Map (چکیده)
1341 - Step-by-step design and tuning of VOC control loops for grid connected rectifiers (چکیده)
1342 - More on five dimensional EVH black rings (چکیده)
1343 - The analytical modeling of hydrogen-air mixture in a catalytic micro-channel (چکیده)
1344 - Capacity analysis of power line communication point-to-point and relay channels (چکیده)
1345 - Gaussian doubly dirty compound multiple-access channel with partial side information at the transmitters (چکیده)
1346 - Contribution to the distribution of spiders with significant medical importance (Araneae: Loxosceles and Latrodectus) in Iran, with a new record for the country (چکیده)
1347 - A facile access to highly functionalized triphenylphosphoranylidene succinimides through a three-component reaction and DFT investigation on the reaction mechanism (چکیده)
1348 - Minimizing the total weighted late work in scheduling of identical parallel processors with communication delays (چکیده)
1349 - Wall heat transfer effects on the hydro/thermal behaviour of Poiseuille flow in micro/nanochannels (چکیده)
1350 - Investigation of Unsteady Parameters Effects on Aerodynamic Coefficients of Pitching Airfoil Using Coarse Grid CFD (چکیده)
1351 - A fluorescent aptasensor for Potassium ion detection based triple-helix molecular switch (چکیده)
1352 - Similarity Solutions Of Axisymmetric Stagnation-Point Flow And Heat Transfer Of A Viscous, (Compressible) Boussinesq-Related Density Fluid On An Accelerated Flat Plate (چکیده)
1353 - Characterisation of a new biodegradable edible film based on sage seed gum: Influence of plasticiser type and concentration (چکیده)
1354 - Radiation spectrum of a magnetized supercritical accretion disc with thermal conduction (چکیده)
1355 - Dynamics of clumps embedded in a hot accretion flow with toroidal magnetic field (چکیده)
1356 - An Integrated Rock Typing Approach for Unraveling the Reservoir Heterogeneity of Tight Sands in the Whicher Range Field of Perth Basin, Western Australia (چکیده)
1357 - Enhancement of Biogas Production by Co-digestion of Potato Pulp with Cow Manure in a CSTR System (چکیده)
1358 - Flexural ductility of reinforced concrete beams with lap-spliced bars (چکیده)
1359 - Pressure Drop and Thermal Performance of CuO/Ethylene Glycol (60%)- Water (40%) Nanofluid in Car Radiator (چکیده)
1360 - The effect of cognitive group therapy based on schema- focused therapy approach in runaway girls (چکیده)
1361 - Exogenous melatonin improves growth performance, intestinal microbiota, and morphology in temporarily feed restricted broilers (چکیده)
1362 - Statistical Analysis of Laminar Convective Heat Transfer of MWCNT- Deionized Water Nanofluid by Using Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
1363 - Experimental investigation and characterization of an efficient nanopowder-based flame retardant coating for atmospheric-metallic substrates (چکیده)
1364 - Steady Shear Rheological Behavior and Thixotropy of Low-Calorie Pistachio Butter (چکیده)
1365 - Investigation of Nonlinear Bending Analysis of Moderately Thick Functionally Graded Material Sector Plates Subjected to Thermomechanical Loads by the GDQ Method (چکیده)
1366 - Essential Oil Composition and Antibacterial Activity of Nepeta glomerulosa Boiss from Iran (چکیده)
1367 - Cooperative beamforming and relay selection in cognitive radio systems (چکیده)
1368 - Spin dependent transport through triangular graphene quantum dot in the presence of Rashba type spin–orbit coupling (چکیده)
1369 - The role of electron–phonon interaction on the transport properties of graphene based nano-devices (چکیده)
1370 - A comparison investigation of DNP-binding effects to HSA and HTF by spectroscopic and molecular modeling techniques (چکیده)
1371 - Preparation of Pt-Co nanoparticles by galvanostatic pulse electrochemical codeposition on in situ electrochemical reduced graphene nanoplates based carbon paper electrode for oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cell (چکیده)
1372 - Erysimum hezarense, a new species and Rhammatophyllum gaudanense, a new record of Brassicaceae from Iran (چکیده)
1373 - Photocatalytic Abatement of Naphthalene Catalyzed by Nanosized TiO2 Particles: Assessment of Operational Parameters (چکیده)
1374 - Growth performance and nitrogen retention in lambs fed diets containing two different levels of crude protein supplemented with pistachio by-product extract as a source of tannins (چکیده)
1375 - Unconventional resource evaluation: Kockatea Shale, Perth Basin, Western Australia (چکیده)
1376 - Diagenetic Model of Carbonate Rocks of Guri Member of Mishan Formation (Lower to Middle Miocene) SE Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
1377 - Simultaneous estimation of controllable parameters in a living tissue during thermal therapy (چکیده)
1378 - Intramolecular hydrogen bonding and vibrational assignment of 1,1,1-trifluoro-5,5-dimethyl-2,4-hexanedione (چکیده)
1379 - First and second laws analysis of a minichannel-based solar collector using boehmite alumina nanofluids: Effects of nanoparticle shape and tube materials (چکیده)
1380 - A novel method for fabrication of Fe catalyst used for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
1381 - Designing an Ontology-based Health Information System: A systematic Approach (چکیده)
1382 - On the Role of Stearic Acid on the Surface properties of Carbon Nanotubes (چکیده)
1383 - Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the upper Cretaceous succession (Abtalkh Formation) of the Kopeh-Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran based on foraminiferal and palynological analyses (چکیده)
1384 - High-level design space exploration of locally linear neuro-fuzzy models for embedded systems (چکیده)
1385 - A 10-bit 110 kS/s 1.16 μW SA-ADC With a Hybrid Differential/Single-Ended DAC in 180-nm CMOS for Multichannel Biomedical Applications (چکیده)
1386 - Jeans analysis in modified gravity (چکیده)
1387 - Thermal conductivity and heat transport properties of graphene nanoribbons (چکیده)
1388 - Practical emotional neural networks (چکیده)
1389 - Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of polyethylene–clay nanocomposites prepared by high-energy ball milling (چکیده)
1390 - Development of Low Profile Patch and Semi - Circular SIW Cavity Hybrid Antenna s (چکیده)
1391 - Simulation of a Non-isothermal Industrial Hydrotreating Reactor Using Simulink (چکیده)
1393 - Two optimal Dai–Liao conjugate gradient methods (چکیده)
1394 - Experimental and Modeling of the Propene Solubility in the Heptane and Methylbenzene Solvents (چکیده)
1395 - A review on catalytic applications of Au/TiO2 nanoparticles in the removal of water pollutant (چکیده)
1396 - The Application of Silica-Supported Preyssler HPA as a Heterogeneous and Green Catalyst for the Alkylation of Benzene (چکیده)
1397 - Square planar nickel(II) complexes derived from 5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde S-ethylisothiosemicarbazone: Preparation, characterization and structural studies (چکیده)
1398 - An ice nucleation protein from Fusarium acuminatum: cloning, expression, biochemical characterization and computational modeling (چکیده)
1399 - Investigation of nano-SiO2 impact on mechanical and biocompatibility properties of cyanoacryalate based nanocomposites for dental application (چکیده)
1400 - Alteration-mineralization, and radiometric ages of the source pluton at the (چکیده)
1401 - Preparation of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene membrane : Investigation of solvent/nonsolvent type and additive concentration (چکیده)
1402 - Joint detection channel estimation and interference cancellation in downlink MC-CDMA communication systems using complex-valued multilayer neural networks (چکیده)
1403 - Modeling of microreactor for methane dry reforming: Comparison of Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetic and microkinetic models (چکیده)
1404 - Genetic diversity of Malaysian indigenous Mahseer, Tor douronensis in Sarawak river basins as revealed by cytochrome c oxidase I gene sequences (چکیده)
1405 - Prediction of Shear Wave Velocity Using Artificial Neural Network Technique, Multiple Regression and Petrophysical Data: A Case Study in Asmari Reservoir (SW Iran (چکیده)
1406 - Pseudomonas salegens sp. nov., a halophilic member of the genus Pseudomonas isolated from a wetland (چکیده)
1407 - Optimization of biomass and biokinetic constant in Mazut biodegradation by indigenous bacteria BBRC10061 (چکیده)
1408 - Optimized Congestion Management Protocol for Healthcare Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
1409 - Effect of Knitted Loop Length on the Fluctuation Amplitude of Yarn Fed into a Circular Weft-Knitting Machine using a New Opto-Electro Device (چکیده)
1412 - An application of principal component analysis method in wood defects identification (چکیده)
1414 - Interactions between entomopathogenic nematodes and imidacloprid for rose sawfly control (چکیده)
1415 - Development of An Indirect Enzyme-linked Immunosorb ent Assay (ELISA) for the detection and quantification of avian influ enza A, subtype H5 using a recombinant H5 antigen expressed in sf9 insect cell s (چکیده)
1416 - Spatio-temporal soil quality assessment under crop rotation irrigated with treated urban waste water using fuzzy modeling (چکیده)
1417 - Facile and fast synthesis of graphene oxide nanosheets via bath ultrasonic irradiation (چکیده)
1418 - Preparation of an ionic liquid-mediated carbon nanotube-poly(dimethylsiloxane) fiber by sol–gel technique for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urine samples using head-space solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography (چکیده)
1419 - Graphene nanosheets as efficient adsorbent for an azo dye removal: kinetic and thermodynamic studies (چکیده)
1420 - Cellular reactions of the white grub larvae, Polyphylla adspersa, against entomopathogenic nematodes (چکیده)
1421 - Optimal economic designing of grid-connected photovoltaic systems with multiple inverters using linear and nonlinear module models based on Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
1422 - Entropy analysis for an unsteady MHD flow past a stretching permeable surface in nano-fluid (چکیده)
1423 - Synthesis, structure, solution and DFT studies of a pyrazine-bridged binuclear Cu(II) complex: On the importance of noncovalent interactions in the formation of crystalline network (چکیده)
1424 - Nodular dermatitis as an atypical form of canine demodicosis in an English bulldog (چکیده)
1425 - Two simple overmodulation algorithms for space vector modulated three-phase to three-phase matrix converter (چکیده)
1426 - Finite element buckling analysis of multi-layered graphene sheets on elastic substrate based on nonlocal elasticity theory (چکیده)
1427 - Very strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding of 1,2-dithenoylcyclopentadiene; DFT and spectroscopic studies (چکیده)
1428 - Investigation of the Quality and Quantity Characteristics of Isfahan Quince Fruit Genotypes during the Storage Period. (چکیده)
1429 - A framework for analysis of extended fuzzy logic (چکیده)
1430 - An Overview of Brevinin Superfamily: Structure, Function and Clinical Perspectives (چکیده)
1431 - Effects of hot rolling and inter-stage annealing on the microstructure and texture evolution in a partially homogenized AZ91 magnesium alloy (چکیده)
1432 - Halovivax limisalsi sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon from a hypersaline mud (چکیده)
1433 - provienence, tectonic setting and geochemistary of Ahvaz sandstone member (Asmari Formation, oligo -miocene), Asmari Formation, Marun oilfield Zagros Basin, NW Iran (چکیده)
1434 - Selective adsorptionofmetoprolol enantiomersusing 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin cross-linked multiwalled carbon nanotube (چکیده)
1435 - Response of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) to sulfosulfuron: The role of degradation (چکیده)
1436 - Evaluating the efficacy of pre- and post-emergence herbicides for controllingAmaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium album L. in potato (چکیده)
1437 - Overcoming the Antagonistic Effect from Spray Carrier (چکیده)
1438 - Structural, stability and electronic properties of C15-AB (A = Ti, Zr; B = Cr) intermetallic compounds and their hydrides: An ab initio study (چکیده)
1439 - Seismic control response of structures using an ATMD with fuzzy logic controller and PSO method (چکیده)
1440 - A DFT study of associative and dissociative chemical adsorption of DMMP onto SnO2(110) surface nano-cluster (چکیده)
1441 - Improvements in fatigue life of amine-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotube-reinforced epoxy composites: Effect of functionalization degree and microwave-assisted precuring (چکیده)
1442 - Photochemical Behavior of Sethoxydim in the Presence of Vegetable Oils (چکیده)
1443 - First-principles study of structural and electronic properties of different phases of GaAs (چکیده)
1444 - A comprehensive investigation of structural, morphological, hydrogen absorption and magnetic properties of MmNi4.22Co0.48Mn0.15Al0.15 alloy (چکیده)
1445 - An Efficient Method for Chemoselective Reduction of Nitro Compounds Using Bimetallic Fe-Ni NPs/H3PW12O4o.xH2O System (چکیده)
1446 - Extremely high aerosol loading over Arabian Sea during June 2008: the specific role of the atmospheric dynamics and Sistan dust storms (چکیده)
1447 - Forcing, damping and detuning for single and coupled Van der Pol oscillators (چکیده)
1448 - A case report of typical leishmaniasis in dog (چکیده)
1449 - The first detection of Cytauxzoon felis in a wild cat (Felis silvestris) in Iran (چکیده)
1450 - Foliar application of Ca and K improves growth, yield, essential oil yield and nutrient uptake of tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) grown in Iran (چکیده)
1451 - Simulation of light C4+ ion irradiation and its significant enhancement to the critical current density in Ba(Fe1xNix)2As2 single crystals (چکیده)
1452 - Effect of magnetic field on property of a non-aqueous solvent upon complex formation between kryptofix 22DD with yttrium (III) cation (چکیده)
1453 - Accurate electrostatic and van der Waals pull-in prediction for fully clamped nano/micro-beams using linear universal graphs of pull-in instability (چکیده)
1454 - Preservation of Dependence Concepts Under Bivariate Weighted Distributions (چکیده)
1455 - On a bivariate Kumaraswamy type exponential distribution (چکیده)
1456 - DSMC Simulation of Micro/Nano Flows using SBT-TAS Technique (چکیده)
1457 - Scenario-based quasi-static task mapping and scheduling for temperature-efficient MPSoC design under process variation (چکیده)
1458 - A multi-crack effects analysis and crack identification in functionally graded beams using particle swarm optimization algorithm and artificial neural network (چکیده)
1459 - Wheat yield, some physiological traits and nitrogen use efficiency response to nitrogen fertilization under salinity stress (چکیده)
1460 - Prioritizing of effective factors on development of medicinal plants cultivation using the analytic network process (چکیده)
1461 - Evaluation of Ceres-Rice, Aquacrop and Oryza2000 Models in Simulation of Rice Yield Response to Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Strategies (چکیده)
1462 - A descent family of Dai-Liao conjugate gradient methods (چکیده)
1463 - A hybridization of the Polak-Ribière-Polyak and Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient methods (چکیده)
1464 - Fluorometric assay of lipase by some new synthetized fluorescein aralkyl esters (چکیده)
1465 - Naphthazarin, a simple model of important antitumor agents in a facile size-tunable synthesis of gold nanoparticles (چکیده)
1466 - Fuzzy LR linear systems: quadratic and least squares models to characterize exact solutions and an algorithm to compute approximate solutions (چکیده)
1467 - QTAIM and NBO Analysis of a New Oxidative Salt of 1,1/-(Ethane-1, 2-diyl) Dipyridinium bisiodate (چکیده)
1468 - Valence quark polarization in the nucleon and the deuteron data (چکیده)
1469 - Polarized structure of nucleon in the valon representation (چکیده)
1470 - Predicting Total Acceptance of Ice Cream Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
1471 - Trichloroisocyanuric Acid/Triphenylphosphine-Mediated Synthesis of Benzimidazoles, Benzoxazoles, and Benzothiazoles (چکیده)
1472 - Pool boiling heat transfer of CNT/water nanofluids (چکیده)
1473 - Mixed matrix membranes incorporated with cubic-MOF-5 for improved polyetherimide gas separation membranes: Theory and experiment (چکیده)
1474 - Two New Supramolecular Hybrids Inorganic-Organic of 12-Silicotungstic Acid Heteropolyoxometalate and Trinuclear Lanthanide Clusters: Syntheses, Structures, and Magnetic Properties (چکیده)
1475 - He-3 and H-3 polarized structure functions, using the constituent quark model (چکیده)
1476 - New plant records for Khorassan province,Iran, V, with complementary notes to its flora (چکیده)
1477 - A new merit function for custom instruction selection under an area budget constraint (چکیده)
1478 - Free Vibration Analysis of Rods using Adomian Decomposition Method (چکیده)
1479 - Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration of soft drink wastewater using anionic and mixed anionic/nonionic surfactants (چکیده)
1480 - Erratum to ‘‘Structure and vibrational assignment of bis(4-amino-3-penten-2-onato)nickel(II). A density functional theoretical study’’ [J. Mol. Struct. 997 (2011) 117–125] (چکیده)
1481 - Conformational analysis, tautomerization, IR, Raman, and NMR studies of benzyl acetoacetate (چکیده)
1482 - Quasielastic Light Scattering and Structure of Nanodroplets Mixed with Polycaprolactone (چکیده)
1483 - A new generation of process capability indices based on fuzzy measurements (چکیده)
1484 - Environmental pollution evaluation of steel plants for achieving sustainable development; case study: khorasan steel complex of Iran (چکیده)
1485 - Analysis Role of Cost, Time and Attractiveness at leisure time physical activities in students of Tehran universities, Iran (چکیده)
1486 - On a new absolutely continuous bivariate generalized exponential distribution (چکیده)
1487 - Petrography and geochemistry of Silurian Niur sandstones, Derenjal Mountains, East Central Iran: implications for tectonic setting, provenance and weathering (چکیده)
1488 - The Dai-Liao nonlinear conjugate gradient method with optimal parameter choices (چکیده)
1489 - Influence of processing conditions on the physicochemical and sensory properties of sesame milk: A novel nutritional beverage (چکیده)
1490 - Simultaneous Determination of Rosmarinic Acid, Salvianolic Acid B And Caffeic Acid in Salvia Leriifolia Benth. Root, Leaf and Callus Extracts Using A High Performance Liquid Chromatography With Diode Array Detection Technique (چکیده)
1491 - Chaos Process Testing (Time-Series in The Frequency Domain) in Predicting Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Eechange (چکیده)
1492 - On the microsegregation of Al–Mg alloys by thermal analysis and numerical modeling (چکیده)
1493 - Facies architecture, depositional environments, and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian Fasham and Deh- Sufiyan Formations in the central Alborz, Iran (چکیده)
1494 - The linear and quadratic link between metacognitive-knowledge, and self-regulation with goal-orientation of young male and female athletes (چکیده)
1495 - Nonuniform deformation and curvature identification of ionic polymer metal composite actuators (چکیده)
1496 - Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure determination, computational study, and thermal decomposition into NiO nano-particles of a new NiIIL2 Schiff base complex (L = 2-{(E)-[2-chloroethyl)imino]methylphenolate) (چکیده)
1497 - The Evaluation of Seismic Hazard of Rasht City Area, Using Probabilistic Methods And Its Effect on Environmental Issues (چکیده)
1498 - Ultrasonographic biometry of the normal eye of the Persian cat (چکیده)
1499 - Phlomoides binaludensis (Phlomideae, Lamioideae, Lamiaceae), a new species from northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1500 - Effect of Level and Duration of Application of a Commercial Enzyme Mixture on In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation Responses of a Mid-Forage Total Mixed Ration (چکیده)
1501 - Improvements in mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube-reinforced epoxy composites through novel magnetic-assisted method for alignment of carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
1502 - An integrated experimental and theoretical investigation of the structural and spectroscopic properties of two nickel(II) isothiosemicarbazone complexes (چکیده)
1503 - Assessing the effect of heavy metal concentrations (Fe, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cd, As, Cu,Cr) on the quality of adjacent groundwater resources of Khorasan Steel Complex (چکیده)
1504 - The Effect of Rate of Weight Reduction on Serum Myostatin and Follistatin Concentrations in Competitive Wrestlers (چکیده)
1505 - An investigating on the soil standard penetration test (SPT) variations, using geostatistical methods in Chehel Baze National Park of Mashhad city, North East of Iran (چکیده)
1506 - Conformational switch of insulin-binding aptamer into G-quadruplex induced by K+ and Na+: an experimental and theoretical approach (چکیده)
1507 - An Epidemiological Survey of Setaria in the Abdominal Cavities of Iranian Sistani and Brahman Cattle in the Southeastern of Iran (چکیده)
1508 - Asymptotic behaviors of nearest neighbor kernel density estimator in left-truncated data (چکیده)
1509 - A simplified control strategy for single-phase UPS inverters (چکیده)
1510 - Characterization and nanomechanical properties of novel dental implant coatings containing copper decorated-carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
1511 - Preliminary experimental investigation of a natural gas-fired ORC-based micro-CHP system for residential buildings (چکیده)
1512 - Optimizing Noise Control Strategy in a Forging Workshop (چکیده)
1513 - Magnetoelastic effects in La0.7Sr0.3xCaxMnO3 nanocrystalline perovskites (چکیده)
1514 - Modeling the growth of Staphylococcus aureus as affected by black zira (Bunium persicum) essential oil, temperature, pH and inoculum levels (چکیده)
1515 - Prevalence of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1516 - IL-17A concentration of seminal plasma and follicular fluid in infertile men and women with various clinical diagnoses (چکیده)
1517 - Proactive task migration with a self-adjusting migration threshold for dynamic thermal management of multi-core processors (چکیده)
1518 - A stopping rule for an iterative algorithm in systems of integral equations (چکیده)
1519 - Applying the min-projection strategy to improve the transient performance of the three-phase grid-connected inverter (چکیده)
1520 - Genetic parameters for feed efficiency and body weight traits in Japanese quail (چکیده)
1521 - Two relaxation time lattice Boltzmann equation for high Knudsen number flows using wall function approach (چکیده)
1522 - Exergy Analysis of Gas Turbine with Air Bottoming Cycle (چکیده)
1523 - The Kinetics of Infrared Drying of Lemon (Citrus Lemon (L.) Burms.F) (چکیده)
1524 - Effect of a new wet soot absorber on soot removal of a diesel engine (چکیده)
1525 - Evaluation of Zn–Al–SO4 layered double hydroxide for the removal of arsenite and arsenate from a simulated soil solution: Isotherms and kinetics (چکیده)
1526 - Highly selective removal of nitrate and perchlorate by organoclay (چکیده)
1527 - Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Cobalt Hydrogensulfate as a New Heterogeneous, Reusable and Efficient Catalyst in Onepot Synthesis of 14–aryl–14H–dibenzo[a,j]xanthenes and 1,8–dioxooctahydroxanthes (چکیده)
1528 - Time evolution of nonplanar electron acoustic shock waves in a plasma with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
1529 - Experimental Investigation of the Effect Exerted by NANOPARTICLES ON THE HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT OF HERSCHEL−BULKLEY FLUIDS (چکیده)
1530 - Trichoepithelioma in a neonatal calf (چکیده)
1531 - Outbreak of ovine congenital toxoplasmosis in Iran, confirmed by different diagnostic methods (چکیده)
1532 - Biochemical Characterization of A Novel Thermophilic Esterase Isolated from Shewanella sp F88 (چکیده)
1533 - Biochemical changes in barberries during adventitious root formation: the role of indole-3-butyric acid and hydrogen peroxide (چکیده)
1534 - Effects of in ovo injection of conjugated linoleic acid on immune status and blood biochemical factors of broiler chickens (چکیده)
1535 - Integrated biostratigraphy and stage boundaries of the Abderaz Formation, east of the Kopeh-Dagh sedimentary basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
1536 - A survey of Nosema apis infection in apiaries of North Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
1537 - In vitro Investigation of Anticancer, Cell-Cycle-Inhibitory, and Apoptosis-Inducing Effects of Diversin, a Natural Prenylated Coumarin, on Bladder Carcinoma Cells (چکیده)
1538 - Heat Transfer and Fluid Characteristics of Rarefied flow in Thermal Cavities (چکیده)
1539 - Improving chilling tolerance of rice seedling by seed priming with salicylic acid (چکیده)
1540 - Ramond-Ramond S-matrix elements from T-dual Ward identity (چکیده)
1541 - Optimization of Foaming Parameters and Investigating the Effects of Drying Temperature on the Foam-Mat Drying of Shrimp (Penaeus indicus) (چکیده)
1542 - The Khopik porphyry copper-gold prospect, Lut Block, Eastern Iran: geology, alteration, mineralization, fluid inclusion, and oxygen isotope studies (چکیده)
1544 - Application of fuzzy AHP method to IOCG prospectivity mappingAcase study in Taherabad prospecting area, eastern Iran (چکیده)
1545 - Quasi-elastic light scattering and small-angle X-ray scattering study of a mixture of a biopolymer with microemulsion (چکیده)
1546 - Potential angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from gluten hydrolysate: Biochemical characterization and molecular docking study (چکیده)
1547 - Investigating the interactions of the enantiomers of phenylglycine with nanopores of ZSM-5 zeolite (چکیده)
1548 - Bifurcation and Chaos Prediction in Nonlinear Gear Systems (چکیده)
1549 - S-duality constraint on higher-derivative couplings (چکیده)
1550 - Sphere-level Ramond-Ramond couplings in Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz formalism (چکیده)
1551 - Effects of Intrathecal Carbenoxolone Treatment on Nociception and Analgesia in Rat (چکیده)
1552 - Facile synthesis of some novel 6‑alkyl or aryl-7H-tetrazolo[5,1-b][1,3,4] thiadiazine (چکیده)
1553 - A comprehensive study on the microstructure of high strength low alloy pipeline welds (چکیده)
1554 - Antioxidant properties of a human neuropeptide and its protective effect on free radical-induced DNA damage (چکیده)
1555 - Single or combined effects of fructo- and mannan oligosaccharide supplements on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, immune responses and stress resistance of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
1556 - On multiple-access relay channel with common message (چکیده)
1557 - LMIRA: Large Margin Instance Reduction Algorithm (چکیده)
1558 - New Oxo Centered Basic p-Chlorobenzoate Bridging Heterotrinuclear Complex, [Cr2MnO(C7H4O2Cl)6(Py)3]C7H5O2Cl: Synthesis, X-ray Crystal Structure, and Theoretical DFT Study (چکیده)
1559 - Hypotheses testing with the two-parameter Pareto distribution on the basis of records in fuzzy environment (چکیده)
1560 - Development of 9-month pregnant hybrid phantom and its internal dosimetry for thyroid agents (چکیده)
1561 - Removal of Phenol Dyes Using a Photocatalytic Reactor with SnO2/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles (چکیده)
1562 - Chemical composition, antibacterial activity, and cytotoxicity of essential oil from Nepeta ucrainica L. spp. kopetdaghensis (چکیده)
1563 - Investigation on the effect of nitrate ion on the critical pitting temperature of 2205 duplex stainless steel along a mechanistic approach using pencil electrode (چکیده)
1564 - Shallow burial dolomitization of an Eocene carbonate platform, southeast Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
1565 - Construction of a PVC based 15-crown-5 electrochemical sensor for Ag(I) cation (چکیده)
1567 - Temperature and pressure dependence of secondary process in an epoxy system (چکیده)
1568 - Variations in Structure Explain the Viscometric Behavior of AOT Microemulsions at Low Water/AOT Molar Ratios (چکیده)
1569 - The effect of TBAC on the collective diffusion coefficient and morphology of AOT microemulsion at X = 6.7 (چکیده)
1570 - The Effect of Different Polymer Length on Water Droplets of Reverse AOT microemulsion (چکیده)
1571 - Light Scattering of Liposomal Structure of 1,2-Distearoyl-Sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine and Cholesterol with NaCl. (چکیده)
1572 - Depletion induced sphere-cylinder transition in C12E5 microemulsion: A Small-Angle X-ray Scattering study. (چکیده)
1573 - Light Scattering and SAXS of Spherical to Cylindrical Transition of AOT/H2O/Cyclohexane/PI. (چکیده)
1574 - Constrained classifier: a novel approach to nonlinear classification (چکیده)
1575 - Effect of solvent surface tension on the radius of hematite nanoparticles (چکیده)
1576 - Evaluation of synthetic zeolites as oral delivery vehicle for anti-inflammatory drugs (چکیده)
1577 - Human health risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from consumption of blood cockle and exposure to contaminated sediments and water along the Klang Strait, Malaysia (چکیده)
1578 - Performance investigation of electrochemical treatment process on wastewater of applicable (چکیده)
1579 - Determining the effective parameters and their optimal combination in rill erosion modeling (چکیده)
1580 - A survey of ecto- and endo-parasites of domestic pigeons (Columba livia) in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1582 - Seismic dissipation in deep seismic zones from spectral ratio of sP/P (چکیده)
1583 - Experimental study of SS316L cantilevered cylindrical shells under cyclic bending load (چکیده)
1586 - Design and Evaluate Assembly-Line Design Alternatives With Equipment Selection -Pass:ijsr1 (چکیده)
1587 - Seroepidemiology of coxiellosis (Q fever) in sheep and goat populations in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1588 - Lithostratigraphic revision of the middle Cambrian (Series 3) and Upper cambrian (Furongian) in northern and central Iran (چکیده)
1589 - Simultaneous isogeometrical shape and material design of functionally graded structures for optimal eigenfrequencies (چکیده)
1590 - Ultra-wideband multiple-access relay channel with correlated noises and its diversity analysis (چکیده)
1591 - Fuzzy Min–Max Neural Network for Learning a Classifier with Symmetric Margin (چکیده)
1592 - Spectroscopic and molecular modeling Based Approaches to Study on the Binding Behavior of DNA with a Copper (II) complex (چکیده)
1593 - Direct Adaptive General Type-2 Fuzzy Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
1594 - Alternative curved-boundary treatment for the lattice Boltzmann method and its application in simulation of flow and potential fields (چکیده)
1595 - Purification and Modeling Amphipathic Alpha Helical Antimicrobial Peptides from Skin Secretions of Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (چکیده)
1596 - Sudden death in a foal due to Tyzzer’s disease: a case report (چکیده)
1597 - Mode Count and Modal Density of Isotropic Circular Cylindrical Shells Using a Modified Wavenumber Space Integration Method (چکیده)
1598 - Dynamic Pull-In Investigation of a Clamped-Clamped Nanoelectromechanical Beam under Ramp-Input Voltage and the Casimir Force (چکیده)
1599 - Scorpions of the genus Odontobuthus Vachon, 1950 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Iran: Phylogenetic relationships inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence data (چکیده)
1600 - Morphological divergence in the Walton's Mudskipper, Periophthalmus waltoni Koumans, 1941, from the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman (Gobioidei: Gobiidae) (چکیده)
1601 - CFD Simulation of Deep-Bed Paddy Drying Process and Performance (چکیده)
1602 - Polyethersulfone/poly (butylene succinate) membrane: Effect of preparation conditions on properties and performance (چکیده)
1603 - Solar-Fenton catalytic degradation of phenolic compounds by impure bismuth ferrite nanoparticles synthesized via ultrasound (چکیده)
1604 - Kinetics of Color and Physical Attributes of Cookie during Deep-Fat Frying by Image Processing Techniques (چکیده)
1605 - Assessment of Khorasan Steel Complex Impacts on Ground Wather Resources of Neyshabur Plain of Iran, Using Water Quality Index and Statistical Methods (چکیده)
1606 - Three-dimensional static analysis of thick functionally graded plates using graded finite element method (چکیده)
1607 - Bootstrapped neural network models for analyzing the responses of broiler chicks to dietary protein and branched chain amino acids (چکیده)
1608 - Global stability analysis and existence of periodic solutions in an eight-neuron BAM neural network model with delays (چکیده)
1609 - Pollen Grain Morphological Characteristics of Ten Iranian Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) Cultivars by Using Scanning Electron Microscopy (چکیده)
1610 - Effects of including alfalfa hay cut in the afternoon ormorning at three stages of maturity in high concentraterations on dairy cows performance, diet digestibility andfeeding behavior (چکیده)
1611 - Morphological development of testes in ostrich (Struthio camelus) embryo (چکیده)
1612 - Magnetostriction and thermal expansion of HoFe 11 x Co x Ti intermetallic compounds (چکیده)
1613 - Magnetoelastic properties of substituted Er1xGdxMn6Sn6intermetallic system (چکیده)
1614 - Evaluation of the Incidence of Complications of Lost Gallstones During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (چکیده)
1615 - Synthesis, characterization and intramolecular proton transfer of 3,3’-Dihydroxy-4,4’-[5-methyl-1,3-phenylenebis(nitrilomethylidyne)]-bis-phenol (چکیده)
1616 - The 2003 Bam, Iran, Earthquake: An Interpretation of the Strong Motion Records (چکیده)
1619 - On the importance of non covalent interactions in the structure of coordination Cu(II) and Co(II) complexes of pyrazine- and pyridine-dicarboxylic acid derivatives: Experimental and theoretical views (چکیده)
1620 - Crystal engineering with coordination compounds of NiII, CoII, and CrIII bearing dipicolinic acid driven by the nature of the noncovalent interactions (چکیده)
1621 - Extended structures in copper(II) complexes with 4-hydroxypyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate and pyrimidine derivative ligands: X-ray crystal structure, (چکیده)
1623 - ML and MW Scales in the Iranian Plateau Based on the Strong-Motion Records (چکیده)
1625 - Runoff generation processes during the wet-up phase in a semi-arid basin in Iran (چکیده)
1626 - Stochastic Finite-Fault Modeling of Strong Ground Motions from the 26 December 2003 Bam, Iran, Earthquake (چکیده)
1627 - An ML Scale in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
1628 - Ground-Motion Attenuation and Source Spectral Shape for Earthquakes in Eastern Iran (چکیده)
1629 - A graph based approach for reliability analysis of nano-scale VLSI logic circuits (چکیده)
1630 - Recreation Carrying Capacity Estimations to Support Forest Park Management (Case Study: Telar Forest Park, Ghaemshahr, Iran) (چکیده)
1631 - Polyethersulfone/Poly(D,L-lactide) Blend Membranes: Preparation, Characterization, and Performance (چکیده)
1632 - The Effect of RAST Anaerobic Test on Creatine Phosphokinase and Lactate Dehydrogenase Enzymes in Active and Non- active Females (چکیده)
1633 - The Estimate of Combining Ability and Heterosis for Yield and Yield Components in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) (چکیده)
1634 - More on operator Bellman inequality (چکیده)
1635 - Operator convexity in Krein spaces (چکیده)
1636 - Riemann sums for self-adjoint operators (چکیده)
1637 - Further refinements of the Heinz inequality (چکیده)
1638 - The rare genus Apratylenchoides Sher,1973 (Nematoda: Pratylenchidae) fromfaba bean in Iran (چکیده)
1639 - Extension of a Second Order Velocity Slip/Temperature Jump Boundary Condition to Simulate High Speed Micro/Nanoflows (چکیده)
1640 - Interactions of alfalfa hay and sodium propionate on dairy calf performance and rumen development (چکیده)
1641 - Points of openness and closedness of some mappings (چکیده)
1642 - Genetic structure and molecular variability of potato virus M (چکیده)
1643 - Occurrence of Soil-Borne Cereal Viruses and Molecular Characterization of The COAT PROTEIN GENE OF BARLEY YELLOW MOSAIC VIRUS ISOLATES FROM IRAN (چکیده)
1644 - An investigation of the tensile and compressive properties of Al6061 and its nanocomposites in as-cast state and in extruded condition (چکیده)
1645 - Three-dimensional transient analysis of functionally graded truncated conical shells with variable thickness subjected to an asymmetric dynamic pressure (چکیده)
1646 - The Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Biochemical and Performance Parameters in Collegiate Wrestlers (چکیده)
1647 - Effects of concurrent exercise protocols on strength, aerobic power, flexibility and body composition (چکیده)
1648 - Metabolizable Energy and Digestible Amino Acid Prediction of Wheat using Mathematical Models (چکیده)
1649 - Applying Multinomial Logit model for determining socio-economic factors effecting major choice of consumers in food purchasing: The case of Mashhad (چکیده)
1650 - Normal Form Analysis of the Subsynchronous Torsional Interaction with SVC in the Complex Power Systems (چکیده)
1651 - Neurofeedback and physical balance in Parkinson’s patients (چکیده)
1652 - Efficacy of two entomopathogenic nematode species as potential biocontrol agents against the rosaceae longhorned beetle, Osphranteria coerulescens under laboratory conditions (چکیده)
1653 - Thermal rarefied gas flow investigations through micro/nano backward-facing step: Comparison of DSMC and CFD subject to hybrid slip and jump boundary conditions (چکیده)
1654 - Acute erythroid leukemia with multineage dysplasia in a cat (چکیده)
1655 - A 2-D Analytical Model for Double-Gate Tunnel FETs (چکیده)
1656 - Nondestructive characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of intercritically annealed dual-phase steel by magnetic Barkhausen noise technique (چکیده)
1657 - Thiosulphate: cyanide sulphur transferase activity in some species of helminth parasites (چکیده)
1658 - Shock-induced molar concentration wave propagation and coupled non-Fick diffusion-elasticity analysis using an analytical method (چکیده)
1659 - A comparative numerical study of a geosynthetic-reinforced soil wall using three different constitutive soil models (چکیده)
1660 - First report of Graphopsocus cruciatus (L INNAEUS ) and Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (E NDERLEIN ) (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha: Stenopsocidae and Ectopsocidae) from Iran (چکیده)
1661 - A combined experimental and density functional theory study on the complexation ability of 15-crown-5 with Li+, Na+, K+, and NH4+ cations (چکیده)
1662 - Influence of temperature, mono- and divalent cations on dilutesolution properties of sage seed gum (چکیده)
1663 - Density functional theory study of the regio and stereoselectivity in 1,3-dipolar cycloddition reactions between N-methyl methylenenitrone and fluorinated dipolarophiles (چکیده)
1664 - Experimental Investigation of TiO2/Water Nanofluid Laminar Forced Convective Heat Transfer Through Helical Coiled Tube (چکیده)
1665 - A novel multicomponent Zr-catalyzed synthesis of functionalized pyrano[3,2-b]pyrrole derivatives (چکیده)
1666 - Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate–whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions (چکیده)
1667 - Investigation of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Rarefied Flow around NACA 0012 Airfoil Using DSMC and NS Solvers (چکیده)
1668 - Physicochemical Properties of Bell Pepper and Kinetics of Its Color Change Influenced by Aloe vera and Gum Tragacanth Coatings during Storage at Different Temperatures (چکیده)
1669 - In situ stabilization of As and Sb with naturally occurring Mn, Al andFe oxides in a calcareous soil: Bioaccessibility, bioavailability andspeciation studies (چکیده)
1670 - dq-Frame Cascaded Delayed Signal Cancellation Based PLL: Analysis, Design, and Comparison With Moving Average Filter Based PLL (چکیده)
1671 - Integration of artificial neural network and simulated annealing algorithm to optimize deep drawing process (چکیده)
1672 - Drought monitoring using a Soil Wetness Deficit Index (SWDI)derived from MODIS satellite data (چکیده)
1673 - Biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, and paleoecology of the Lower–Middle Miocene of Northern Bandar Abbas, Southeast Zagros basin in south of Iran (چکیده)
1674 - Wrapped omentum with periosteum concurrent with adipose derived adult stem cells for bone tissue engineering in dog model (چکیده)
1675 - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Coastal Sediment of Klang Strait, Malaysia: Distribution Pattern, Risk Assessment and Sources (چکیده)
1676 - Super-non-wettable surfaces: A review (چکیده)
1677 - Nd2-xGdxZr2O7 electrolytes: Thermal expansion and effect of temperature and dopant concentration on ionic conductivity of oxygen (چکیده)
1678 - How a protein can remain stable in a solvent with high content of urea: Insights from molecular dynamics simulation of Candida antarcetica lipase B in urea:choline chloride deep eutectic solvent (چکیده)
1679 - New data on the Jumping spiders from northeast of Iran (Aranei: Salticidae) (چکیده)
1680 - Mapping groundwater recharge areas using CRD and RIB methods in the semi-arid Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
1681 - Comparison of numerical, experimental and empirical results for flows over vertical drops (چکیده)
1682 - Bioinformatic characterization and expression analysis of miRNAs in Solanum lycopersicum (چکیده)
1683 - Predicting range expansion of Invasive Raccoons in Northern Iran Using GARP and ENFA Models at Two Different Scales (چکیده)
1684 - Reassessment of the Taxonomic Position of Iranocypris typhlops Bruun and Kaiser, 1944 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) (چکیده)
1685 - Habitat requirements of the Black Woodpecker, Dryocopus martius, in Hyrcanian forests, Iran (Aves: Picidae (چکیده)
1686 - First record of Thrips juniperinus (Thys.: Thripidae) from Iran (چکیده)
1687 - Asymptotic average shadowing property on nonuniformly expanding maps (چکیده)
1688 - Ferutinin, an Apoptosis Inducing Terpenoid from Ferula ovina (چکیده)
1689 - The impact of the flower mite Aceria acroptiloni on the invasive plant Russian knapweed, Rhaponticum repens, in its native range (چکیده)
1690 - Biofilm formation, hemolysin production and antimicrobial susceptibilities of Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from the mastitis milk of dairy cows in Shahrekord district, Iran (چکیده)
1691 - Shi‘a Rijali Views of Muhammad ibn Muslim ibn Shihab al-Zuhri (چکیده)
1692 - Dopant induced changes in physical properties of ZnO:Mg nanosuspensions: Study of antibacterial activity (چکیده)
1693 - Transmission line fault location using hybrid wavelet-Prony method and relief algorithm (چکیده)
1694 - Fluctuation conductivity of RE1-2xCaxMxBa2Cu3O7-delta (RE=Nd, Y and M=Pr, Th) superconductors (چکیده)
1695 - Probabilistic and sensitivity analyses of effective geotechnical parameters on rock slope stability: a case study of an urban area in northeast Iran (چکیده)
1696 - Mites associated with passerine birds in eastern Iran (چکیده)
1697 - Alternative growth functions for predicting body, carcass, and breast weight in ducks: Lomolino equation and extreme value function (چکیده)
1698 - Quenching effect of deferoxamine on free radical-mediated photon production in luminol and ortho-phenanthroline-dependent chemiluminescence (چکیده)
1699 - Size-controlled synthesis of SnO2 nanoparticles using reverse microemulsion method (چکیده)
1700 - Fractionation of Eremurus spectabilis fructans by ethanol: Box–Behnken design and principal component analysis (چکیده)
1701 - Chemical composition, cell wall features and degradability of stem, leaf blade and sheath in untreated and alkali-treated rice straw (چکیده)
1702 - Dry chemical processing and ensiling of rice straw to improve its quality for use as ruminant feed (چکیده)
1703 - Age-specific functional response of Trichogramma brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) parasitizing different egg densities of Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) (چکیده)
1704 - A contribution to the knowledge of spiders in wheat fields of Khorasan-e-Razavi Province (چکیده)
1705 - The effect of gamma irradiation and vacuum packaging upon selected quality traits of refrigerated ostrich meat. Part 2. Colour, texture and lipid oxidation properties (چکیده)
1706 - Using data island method for creating metadata records with indexability and visibility of tag names in web search engines (چکیده)
1707 - Distribution and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments along southeast coast of the Caspian Sea (چکیده)
1708 - Antioxidant enzymes activities, plasma hormone levels, and serum metabolites of finishing broiler chickens reared under high ambient temperature and fed lemon and orange peel extracts and Curcuma xanthorrhiza essential oil (چکیده)
1709 - Carbonate Diagenesis of the Upper Jurassic Successions in the West of Binalud - Eastern Alborz (NE Iran) (چکیده)
1710 - Effects of coagulation-bath temperature and montmorillonite nanoclay content on asymmetric cellulose acetate butyrate membranes (چکیده)
1711 - Construction of an Amperometric Glucose Biosensor by Immobilization of Glucose Oxidase on Nanocomposite at the Surface of FTO Electrode (چکیده)
1712 - Theoretical study, and infrared and Raman spectra of copper(II) chelated complex with dibenzoylmethane (چکیده)
1713 - A comparative study on the effects of type I and type II diabetes on learning and memory deficit and hippocampal neuronal loss in rat (چکیده)
1714 - Microwave-induced high surface functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes for long-term dispersion in water (چکیده)
1715 - Preparation of ethylene/a-olefins copolymers using (2-RInd)2ZrCl2/MCM-41 (R:Ph,H) catalyst, microstructural study (چکیده)
1716 - Nano-manganese hydrogen sulfate as a novel catalyst for the anti-diastereoselective Mannich reaction in water (چکیده)
1717 - A New Versatile Route to the Synthesis of Novel Highly Substituted Series of 1,1´-Carbonyl-bispyrazole Derivatives (چکیده)
1718 - Plastic deformation influence on material properties of autofrettaged tubes used in diesel engines injection system (چکیده)
1719 - Adaptive Mesh Generation for Approximation of Traffic Flow Equations (چکیده)
1720 - Optimal Control of Fuzzy Linear Controlled System with Fuzzy Initial Conditions (چکیده)
1721 - A new approach for the optimal fuzzy linear time invariant controlled system with fuzzy coefficients (چکیده)
1722 - Optimal control of time-varying linear delay systems based on the Bezier curves (چکیده)
1723 - Numerical solution of some linear optimal control systems with pantograph delays (چکیده)
1724 - Bezier Curves for Solving Fredholm Integral Equations of the Second Kind (چکیده)
1725 - Bezier Curves Based Numerical Solutions of Delay Systems with Inverse Time (چکیده)
1726 - Antioxidant activity of gallic acid and methyl gallate in triacylglycerols of Kilka fish oil and its oil-in-water emulsion (چکیده)
1727 - Application of a hybrid mesh-free method for shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a layered functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with nonlinear grading patterns (چکیده)
1728 - An annotated catalog of the Iranian Reduvioidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha) (چکیده)
1729 - Seroepidemiology of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in one-humped camels (Camelus dromedarius) population in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1730 - A Proposal for Geological Groutability Index (GGI) of Cement Grouting in Rock Foundations (چکیده)
1731 - Preparation and spectral investigation of bis[N-(substituted-phenyl)thiobenzamidato]mercury(II) complexes (چکیده)
1732 - Epidemiological study of hydatidosis in the dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius) of different regions of Iran (چکیده)
1733 - Investigation of work softening mechanisms and texture in a hot deformed 6061 aluminum alloy at high temperature (چکیده)
1734 - Kinetic and thermodynamic studies of Hg(II) adsorption onto MCM-41 modified by ZnCl2 (چکیده)
1735 - Two-dimensional analytical model of flame characteristic in catalytic micro-combustors for a hydrogeneair mixture (چکیده)
1736 - Structural, electrical, and rheological properties of palladium/silver bimetallic nanoparticles prepared by conventional and ultrasonic-assisted reduction methods (چکیده)
1737 - Experimental investigation of the effects of silica/water nanofluid on PV/T (photovoltaic thermal units) (چکیده)
1738 - Introducing a Novel Active Multi-Chamber Engine Mount with Self-Cooling Capability with an Estimation of Vibrational Parameters (چکیده)
1739 - Depositional environments and ichnology of the deep-marine succession of the Amiran Formation (upper Maastrichtian–Paleocene), Lurestan Province, Zagros Fold–Thrust Belt, Iran (چکیده)
1740 - Meteorological aspects of an abnormal cooling event over Iran in April 2009 (چکیده)
1741 - Two dimensional transient analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion-thermoelasticity based on Green-Naghdi theory using meshless local Petrov – Galerkin (MLPG) method (چکیده)
1742 - A HMSIW Circularly Polarized Leaky-Wave Antenna With Backward, Broadside, and Forward Radiation (چکیده)
1743 - A modification to dense sand dynamic simulation capability of Pastor–Zienkiewicz–Chan model (چکیده)
1744 - Pitman closeness of k-records from two sequences to progressive Type-II censored order statistics (چکیده)
1745 - Kerosene wick lamp flame deformation in gradient magnetic fields (چکیده)
1746 - Effect of Soil Conditioners on Cation Ratio of Soil Structural Stability, Structural Stability Indicators in a Sodic Soil, and On Dry Weight of Maize (چکیده)
1747 - Estimation of stress-strength reliability using record ranked set sampling scheme from the exponential distribution (چکیده)
1748 - Low power wide gates for modern power efficient processors (چکیده)
1749 - Estimating climate change, CO2 and technology development effects on wheat yield in northeast Iran (چکیده)
1750 - Enhancement of cisplatin cytotoxicity in combination with herniarin in vitro (چکیده)
1751 - Ionic Liquid-Based Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Combined with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Determination of Silver in Water Samples (چکیده)
1752 - preconcentration of mercury in water samples by cloud point extraction and its determination by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
1753 - The Possibility of Enhanced Oil Recovery by Using Magnetic Water Flooding (چکیده)
1754 - Study of in vitro rumen fermentation kinetics of sour grape pomace ensiled with some additives in ruminants (چکیده)
1755 - Effects of timing to start lipogenic diet on productive and reproductive responses in periparturient dairy cows (چکیده)
1756 - The effect of lead toxicity on embryonic development and early larval growth of the Echinometra mathaei sea urchin (Persian Gulf), morphologic and morphometric studies (چکیده)
1757 - Supplementation of clove essential oils and probiotic on blood components, lymphoid organs and immune response in broiler chickens (چکیده)
1758 - The behavior of tillage tools with acute and obtuse lift angles (چکیده)
1759 - Experimental investigation of pool boiling heat transfer of Al2O3/ethylene glycol-water (60/40) nanofluids (چکیده)
1760 - An alternative reduced order model for electrically actuatedmicro-beams under mechanical shock (چکیده)
1761 - Microstructural analysis and mechanical properties of aluminum matrix nanocomposites reinforced with uncoated and Cu-coated alumina particles (چکیده)
1762 - Effects of Osmo-Hydropriming and Drought Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Rye (Secale Montanum) (چکیده)
1763 - Niobium Pentachloride Catalyzed One-Pot Multicomponent Condensation Reaction of -Naphthol, Aryl Aldehydes and Cyclic 1, 3-Dicarbonyl Compounds (چکیده)
1764 - Hierarchical tree clustering of fuzzy number (چکیده)
1765 - Optimization of extraction, antioxidant activity and functionalproperties of quince seed mucilage by RSM (چکیده)
1766 - Effect of nanodiamond surface functionalization using oleylamine on the scratch behavior of polyacrylic/nanodiamond nanocomposite (چکیده)
1767 - Aliicoccus persicus gen. nov., sp. nov., a halophilic member of the Firmicutes isolated from a hypersaline lake (چکیده)
1768 - A simple method for isolation, culture, and in vitro maintenance of chicken spermatogonial stem cells (چکیده)
1769 - Naturally occurring level of mixed aflatoxins B and G stimulate toll-like receptor-4 in bovine mononuclear cells (چکیده)
1770 - Aflatoxin B1 interferes with the antigen-presenting capacity of porcine dendritic cells (چکیده)
1771 - Cytochrome P450 isoforms are differently up-regulated in aflatoxin B1-exposed human lymphocytes and monocytes (چکیده)
1772 - Ethno-Medicinal Plants Used to Cure Jaundice byTraditional Healers of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1773 - Genetic algorithm-artificial neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzyi nference system modeling of antibacterial activity of annatto dye on Salmonella enteritidis (چکیده)
1774 - Global bifurcation and chaos analysis in nonlinear vibration of spur gear systems (چکیده)
1775 - The mixture of poly(propylene-glycol)-block-poly(ethylene-glycol)-block-PPG with C12E5 microemulsion (چکیده)
1776 - First report of Scolothrips dilongicornis (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) from Iran (چکیده)
1777 - Life table parameters and development of Aphis nerri (Hemiptera: Aphididae) at five different temperatures under laboratory condition (چکیده)
1778 - Molecular and morphometric variation of Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) populations on onion and tobacco in Iran (چکیده)
1779 - Effect of honey as an immunomodulator against invasive aspergillosis in BALB/c mice (چکیده)
1780 - Ferric hydrogen sulfate supported on silica‐coated nickel ferrite nanoparticles as new and green magnetically separable catalyst for 1,8‐dioxodecahydroacridine synthesis (چکیده)
1781 - Effect of water and sport beverage intake on biochemical and physiological variables in traioned wrestlers (چکیده)
1782 - Partial Sequencing and Investigation of Leptin and Calpain, Candidate Genes for Meat Quality in Camel (چکیده)
1783 - Water–gas shift kinetics over lanthanum-promoted iron catalyst in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: thermodynamic analysis of nanoparticle size effect (چکیده)
1784 - One-pot, procedure for the preparation of some thiazino[2,3-b]quinoxaline derivatives (چکیده)
1785 - A note on the discovery of the suturocavate dinoflagellate cyst (Limbodinium absidatum) in the Middle East (Binalud Mountains, NE Iran (چکیده)
1786 - Corrosion evaluation of multi-pass welded nickel–aluminum bronze alloy in 3.5% sodium chloride solution: A restorative application of gas tungsten arc welding process (چکیده)
1787 - Deactivation studies of Co/CNTs catalyst in FischereTropsch synthesis (چکیده)
1788 - The Relative n-th Commutativity Degree of 2-Generator p-Groups of Nilpotency Class Two (چکیده)
1789 - On Graphs Associated to Conjugacy Classes of Some Metacyclic 2-Groups (چکیده)
1790 - Non-normal graphs of finite groups (چکیده)
1791 - Relative n-isoclinism Classes and Relative n-th Nilpotency Degree of Finite Groups (چکیده)
1792 - On the nonabelian tensor square and capability of groups of order 8q (چکیده)
1793 - Conjugacy classes and commutativity degree of metacyclic 2-groups (چکیده)
1794 - Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor Kulczyski, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae) (چکیده)
1795 - A Topological Approach to the Nilpotent Multipliers of a Free Product (چکیده)
1796 - Preparation and characterization of UZM-5/polyamide thin film nanocomposite membrane fo rdewaxing solvent recovery (چکیده)
1797 - Attentional bias modification for addictive behaviors: clinical implications (چکیده)
1798 - The growth and survival of plants in urban green roofs in a dry climate (چکیده)
1799 - Current-comparison based new low-leakage high speed domino circuit for wide fan-in gates (چکیده)
1800 - Computational plasticity of mixed hardening pressure-dependency constitutive equations (چکیده)
1801 - Comprehensive evaluation of structural geometrical nonlinear solution techniques Part I: Formulation and characteristics of the methods (چکیده)
1802 - Quantum Chemistry Aspects of the Solvent Effects on the Ene Reaction of 1-Phenyl-1,3,4-triazolin-2,5-dione and 2-Methyl-2-butene (چکیده)
1803 - ExcaliBAR: a simple and fast software utility to calculate intra- and interspecific distances from DNA barcodes (چکیده)
1804 - Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of natural pigment from annatto seeds by response surface methodology (چکیده)
1805 - Comparative analysis of LEA and Dehydrin genes in response to drought stress in chickpea phonological different stages (چکیده)
1806 - Analysis of sequence variations of prion protein gene in dromedary camels in Iran (چکیده)
1807 - Effects of vitamin B12 supplementation on the quality of Ovine spermatozoa (چکیده)
1808 - Molecular Characterization of Iranian Encarsia formosa Gahan Populations with Natural Incidence of Wolbachia Infection (چکیده)
1809 - Adjustment of pH and enzymatic treatment of barley straw by dry processing method (چکیده)
1810 - Trace fossils analysis of fluvial to open marine transitional sediments:Example from the Upper Devonian (Geirud Formation), Central Alborz, Iran (چکیده)
1811 - Experimental study of two phase closed thermosyphon using CuO/Water nanofluid in the presence of electric field (چکیده)
1812 - Experimental study of CuO/water nanofluid turbulent convective heat transfer in square cross-section duct (چکیده)
1813 - Optimization of Thermal Efficiency of a Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon using Active Learning on the Human Algorithm Interaction (چکیده)
1814 - Effect of electric field on thermal performance of thermosyphon heat pipes using nanofluids (چکیده)
1815 - A comparative experimental study on the natural convection heat transfer of different metal oxide nanopowders suspended in turbine oil inside an inclined cavity (چکیده)
1816 - Heat Transfer Performance of Milk Pasteurization Plate Heat Exchangers Using MWCNT/Water Nanofluid (چکیده)
1817 - Sequence stratigraphy of the Early–Middle Devonian succession (Padeha Formation) in Tabas Block, East-Central Iran: Implication for mixed tidal flat deposits (چکیده)
1818 - Nonlinear Identification of IPMC Actuators Based on ANFIS-NARX Paradigm (چکیده)
1819 - Prediction intervals for generalized order statistics with random sample size (چکیده)
1820 - Synthesis and characterization of permalloy-reinforced Al2O3 nanocomposite powders by mechanical alloying (چکیده)
1821 - Molecular and serological detection of Theileria equi and Babesiacaballi infection in horses and ixodid ticks in Irani (چکیده)
1822 - Mechanisms of hepatitis B virus-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (چکیده)
1823 - A policy iteration approach to online optimal control of continuous-time constrained-input systems (چکیده)
1824 - Integral reinforcement learning and experience replay for adaptive optimal control of partially-unknown constrained-input continuous-time systems (چکیده)
1825 - Extrusion of sorghum starch enhances ruminal and intestinaldigestibility, rumen microbial yield and growth in lambs fedon high-concentrate diets (چکیده)
1826 - Influence of Moisture Content, Variety and Parboiling on Milling Quality of Rice Grains (چکیده)
1827 - On a functional equation originating from a mixed additive and cubic equation and its stability (چکیده)
1828 - Experimental investigation of performance improving and emissions reducing in a two stroke SI engine by using ethanol additives (چکیده)
1829 - Ionic-liquid-mediated poly(dimethylsiloxane)- grafted carbon nanotube fiber prepared by the sol–gel technique for the head space solid-phase microextraction of methyl tert-butyl ether using GC (چکیده)
1830 - Determination of Mercury in Real Water Samples Using in situ Derivatization Followed by Sol-Gel–Solid-Phase Microextraction with Gas Chromatography–Flame Ionization Detection (چکیده)
1831 - adaptive optimal control of unknown constrained-input system using policy iteration and neural networks (چکیده)
1832 - Nested splitting CG-like iterative method for solving the continuous Sylvester equation and preconditioning (چکیده)
1833 - An iterative method for computing the approximate inverse of a square matrix and the Moore–Penrose inverse of a non-square matrix (چکیده)
1834 - Methods of Utilizing Natural Organisms in Technological Architecture (چکیده)
1835 - On the cozero-divisor graphs and comaximal graphs of commutative rings (چکیده)
1836 - Projective Total Graphs of Commutative Rings (چکیده)
1837 - 2--2Nitroso-1-naphthol as a selective reagent for preconcentration of cobalt by vortex assisted combined with solidification of organic droplet and its determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
1838 - Preconcentration Procedure using Vortex Agitator System for Determination of Trace Levels of Cadmium by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (چکیده)
1839 - A Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified by Polypyrrole and Platinum Nanoparticles to Enhance the Catalytic Oxidation of Methanol (چکیده)
1840 - Comparison of job burnout among male and female teachers of physical education in Mashhad Region 6 (چکیده)
1841 - On the Regular Digraph of Ideals of Commutative Rings (چکیده)
1842 - Cayley graphs of partially ordered sets (چکیده)
1843 - On The Annihilators of Derived Functors of Local Cohomology Modules and Finiteness Dimension (چکیده)
1844 - Analytical model for CMOS cross-coupled LC-tank oscillator (چکیده)
1845 - Molecular dynamics study of DNA oligomers under angled pulling (چکیده)
1846 - On Locally 1-Connectedness of Quotient Spaces and its Applications to Fundamental Groups (چکیده)
1847 - Taxonomy of Alyssum Sect. Gamosepalum on the Basis of Anatomical Properties (چکیده)
1848 - Responses of Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera: Syrphidae) in relation to prey density and predator size (چکیده)
1849 - On a general structure of the bivariate FGM type distributions (چکیده)
1850 - Slow light transmission in a photonic crystal power splitter with parallel outputs (چکیده)
1851 - The effect of subacute intoxication of monensin on minerals and trace elements in goats (چکیده)
1852 - Lead poisoning in cattle associated with batteries recycling: High lead levels in milk of nonsymptomatic exposed cattle (چکیده)
1853 - Highly Efficient and Selective Membrane Transport of Silver(I) Using 15-Crown-5 as a Selective Ion Carrier (چکیده)
1854 - Comparative study of eddy current and Barkhausen noise nondestructive testing methods in microstructural examination of ferrite–martensite dual-phase steel (چکیده)
1855 - Enhancement of bimetallic Fe-Mn/CNTs nano catalyst activity and product selectivity using microemulsion technique (چکیده)
1856 - Recent developments in the crystal engineering of diverse coordination modes (0-12) for Keggin-type polyoxometalates in hybrid inorganic-organic architectures (چکیده)
1857 - Physical properties of Christmas Lima bean at different moisture content (چکیده)
1858 - Special criterion for crack path prediction at microstructure scale based on dominate slip system and grain boundary (چکیده)
1859 - The effects of dietary nucleotide content on the growth performance, digestibility and immune responses of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
1860 - The cytotoxic activities of 7-isopentenyloxycoumarin on 5637 cells via induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in G2/M stage (چکیده)
1861 - Emulsion Semi-Batch Terpolymerization Process Using Hybrid Emulsifiers for Synthesizing New Emulsion Pressure Sensitive Adhesives (EPSAs) (چکیده)
1862 - Fabrication of multi-walled carbon nanotube–carbon fiber hybrid material via electrophoretic deposition followed by pyrolysis process (چکیده)
1863 - Investigation of regioselectivity on the reaction of 5-bromo-2,4-dichloro-6-methylpyrimidine with ammonia (چکیده)
1864 - Elastic/plastic buckling of isotropic thin plates subjected to uniform and linearly varying in-plane loading using incremental and deformation theories (چکیده)
1865 - A Thorough Study on Thermal Mass Flux of Rarefied Flow through Micro/Nanochannels (چکیده)
1866 - Purification and Characterization of an Antibacterial, Antifungal and Non Hemolytic Peptide from Rana Ridibunda (چکیده)
1867 - Oscheius rugaoensis and Pristionchus maupasi, two new records of entomophilic nematodes from Iran (چکیده)
1868 - Experimental Study of Flow Developing in Adverse Pressure Gradient Condition of Open Circuit Suction-Type Wind Tunnel by Particle Image Velocimetry (چکیده)
1869 - Comparison of Theoretical Prediction and Experimental Values of Nanofluids Thermal Conductivity filled by TiO2, SiO2, and Al2O3 (چکیده)
1870 - Optimization of preparation conditions of polyamide thin film composite membrane for organic solvent nanofiltration (چکیده)
1871 - Experimental and theoretical characterization of N,N′-bis(2,4- dihydroxybenzylidene)-1,2-diaminobenzene schiff base and its Cu(II) complex (چکیده)
1872 - Simultaneous removal of aniline and nickel from water by micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration with different molecular weight cut-off membranes (چکیده)
1873 - Lattice Boltzmann simulation of viscous-fluid flow and conjugate heat transfer in a rectangular cavity with a heated moving wall (چکیده)
1874 - Thermal Performance Prediction of Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
1875 - Effectiveness of Clodinafop-Propargyl, Haloxyfop-p-methyl and Difenzoquat-methyl-sulfate Plus Adigor® and Propel™ Adjuvants in Controlling Avena ludoviciana Durieu. (چکیده)
1876 - Biodegradation of heavy fuel oil by newly isolated strain Enterobacter cloacae BBRC10061: Study of unstructured kinetic models and innovative equation (چکیده)
1877 - Hirshfeld surface analysis of the 1,100 0 -(ethane-1,2-diyl)dipyridinium dication in two new salts: perchlorate and peroxodisulfate (چکیده)
1878 - The effect of Al 2 O 3 and CaO presence on the kinetics of mechanochemical reduction of MoS 2 by Zn (چکیده)
1879 - The Comaximal Graph of a Lattice (چکیده)
1880 - An analytical investigation on thermomechanical stress analysis of adhesively bonded joints undergoing heat conduction (چکیده)
1881 - Preparation and characterization of poly (ethersulfone) nanofiltration membranes for amoxicillin removal from contaminated water (چکیده)
1882 - Dependence properties of bivariate distributions with proportional (reversed) hazards marginals (چکیده)
1883 - Stochastic Ordering for C-Fuzzy Random Variables and Its Applications (چکیده)
1884 - An economic policy for noise control in industry using genetic algorithm (چکیده)
1885 - A Study on the relationship between human development and intellectual and human capital in banking industry (چکیده)
1886 - Analytical investigation of simultaneous effects of friction and heating to a supersonic nucleating Laval nozzle (چکیده)
1887 - Effect of quince seed mucilage edible films incorporated with oregano or thyme essential oil on shelf life extension of refrigerated rainbow trout fillets (چکیده)
1888 - Static Damage Identification of 3D and 2D Frames (چکیده)
1889 - Optimal Node Location in Triangular Plate Bending Elements (چکیده)
1890 - Hybrid Stress and Analytical Functions for Analysis of Thin Plates Bending (چکیده)
1891 - Two new hybrid methods in integrating constitutive equations (چکیده)
1892 - Integrating the Pressure-Sensitive Nonassociative Plasticity by Exponential-Based Methods (چکیده)
1893 - Comprehensive evaluation of structural geometrical nonlinear solution techniques Part II: Comparing efficiencies of the methods (چکیده)
1894 - Co-activation of the knee joint flexor and extensor muscles during multidirectional perturbations after fatiguing exercise (چکیده)
1895 - Experimental Investigation of Parameters Affecting Nanofluid Effective Thermal Conductivity (چکیده)
1896 - Evolution of Oxidative Values during Kinetic Studies on Olive Oil Oxidation in the Rancimat Test (چکیده)
1897 - Numerical Simulation of Electroosmotic Flow in Flat Microchannels with Lattice Boltzmann Method (چکیده)
1898 - Monitoring of dust storm and estimation of aerosol concentration in the Middle East using remotely sensed images (چکیده)
1899 - Five new species of Astragalus sect. Malacothrix (Fabaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
1900 - Field Evaluation of The Hillslope Erosion Model (HEM) in IRAN (چکیده)
1901 - Validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire 2 (چکیده)
1902 - Performance Improvement of a Pre-filtered Synchronous-Reference-Frame PLL By Using a PID-Type Loop Filter (چکیده)
1903 - Moving Average Filter Based Phase-Locked Loops: Overview and Design Guidelines (چکیده)
1904 - The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Its Dimensions With Organizational Entrepreneurship (چکیده)
1905 - A new Bernoulli matrix method for solving second order linear partial differential equations with the convergence analysis (چکیده)
1906 - Modelling and analysis of compressive strength properties of parboiled paddy and milled rice (چکیده)
1907 - A karyological study of some Dianthus L. species (Caryophyllaceae) (چکیده)
1908 - The biostratigraphy of the uppermost calcareous nannofossils of Cretaceous deposit in both Shahdar and Namazgah sections (NE Iran) (چکیده)
1909 - Nannostratigraphy and palaeoecology of uppermost Mozduran Formation in the Kopeh-Dagh range (NE Iran) (چکیده)
1910 - Direct, Rapid and Convenient Synthesis of Esters and Thioesters Using PPh3/N-Chlorobenzotriazole System (چکیده)
1911 - Future Production of Rainfed Wheat in Khorasan Province: Climate Change Scenario Analysis (چکیده)
1912 - Crystal engineering with coordination compounds of 2,6-dicarboxy-4-hydroxypyridine and 9-aminoacridine fragments driven by different nature of the face-to-face π-π stacking (چکیده)
1913 - Probing the interaction of lysozyme with ciprofloxacin in the presence of different-sized Ag nano-particles by multispectroscopic techniques and isothermal titration calorimetry (چکیده)
1914 - Twist-stretch correlation of DNA (چکیده)
1915 - Changes in productivity in the boundary between Abderaz and Abtalkh Formations (East Kopet Dagh, NE Iran) evidenced by calcareous nannofossils and elements (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and CaCO3) (چکیده)
1916 - Nannostratigraphy, nannofossil events, and paleoclimate fluctuations in the lower boundary of Kalat formation in East Kopet Dagh (NE Iran) (چکیده)
1917 - Nannostratigraphy and investigation of sedimentation conditions of the lower boundary and the upper boundary of the Aitamir Formation in the east and west Kopet Dagh, northeast of Iran (چکیده)
1918 - Forecasting Bank Deposits Rate: Application of ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks (چکیده)
1919 - Fe(HSO4 )3 /SiO2: an efficient and heterogeneous catalyst for one-pot synthesis of 2-aryl-chromene-4-ones (flavanones) (چکیده)
1920 - A note on signature based expressions for the entropy of mixed r-out-of-n systems (چکیده)
1921 - Injuries at the Iranian Championship in Indoor Rock Climbing (چکیده)
1922 - Effects of Different Intensities of Warm up on the Balance of Indoor Climbers (چکیده)
1923 - Synthesis of amino acid polyoxometalate hybrid nanotubes under solid-state chemical reaction at room temperature (چکیده)
1924 - Fault section estimation in power distribution network using impedance based fault distance calculation and frequency spectrum analysis (چکیده)
1925 - Effects of supplementation of lactic acid bacteria on growth performance, blood metabolites and fecal coliform and lactobacilli of young dairy calves (چکیده)
1926 - Exergy recovery from the exhaust cooling in a DI diesel engine for BSFC reduction purposes (چکیده)
1927 - An offset cancellation technique for comparators using body-voltage trimming (چکیده)
1928 - Cauchy--Schwarz inequality in semi-inner product C*-modules via polar decomposition (چکیده)
1929 - Enhancement of the human factor IX expression, mediated by an intron derived fragment from the rat aldolase B gene in cultured hepatoma cells (چکیده)
1930 - A systematic study of the function of the human β-globin introns on the expression of the human coagulation factor IX in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells (چکیده)
1931 - Government and managerial influence on auditor switching under partial privatization (چکیده)
1932 - Circuit breakers maintenance planning for composite power systems (چکیده)
1933 - Genomic and nongenomic effects of intrahippocampal microinjection of testosterone on long-term memory in male adult rats. (چکیده)
1934 - Distribution of interaural time difference in the barn owl s inferior colliculus in the low- and high-frequency ranges. (چکیده)
1935 - Neural correlates of binaural masking level difference in the inferior colliculus of the barn owl (Tyto alba). (چکیده)
1936 - Multi-objective expansion planning approach: distant wind farms and limited energy resources integration (چکیده)
1937 - Global Inhibition and Stimulus Competition in the Owl Optic Tectum (چکیده)
1938 - An augmented NSGA-II technique with virtual database to solve the composite generation and transmission expansion planning problem (چکیده)
1939 - Stimulus-driven competition in a cholinergic midbrain nucleus. (چکیده)
1940 - Signaling of the strongest stimulus in the owl optic tectum (چکیده)
1941 - Rules of competitive stimulus selection in a cholinergic isthmic nucleus of the owl midbrain (چکیده)
1942 - Segmented Architecture for Successive Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converters (چکیده)
1943 - Protein molecular structures in alfalfa hay cutat three stages of maturity and in the afternoonand morning and relationship with nutrient (چکیده)
1944 - Extraction of Phenolic Compounds and Tanninsfrom Pistachio By-products (چکیده)
1945 - Effects of pistachio by-products in replacement of alfalfa hay onpopulations of rumen bacteria involved in biohydrogenation andfermentative parameters in the rumen of sheep (چکیده)
1946 - Study on application offlux linkage of synchronous generator for loss of excitation detection (چکیده)
1947 - Detecting Chemical Molecular StructureDifferences among Different Iranian BarleyCultivars Using Fourier Transform InfraredSpectroscopy (چکیده)
1948 - Structure of advection-dominated accretion discs with outflows: the role of toroidal magnetic fields (چکیده)
1949 - Effect of addition barley on the degradability kinetics, net energy, in vitro drymatter digestibility and metabolizable energy of potato plant silage by gas testtechnique (چکیده)
1950 - The effect of toroidal magnetic field on the thickness of a viscous-resistive hot accreting flow (چکیده)
1951 - Role of Safe Water in Urban Environments : Accessing and Obstacles (چکیده)
1952 - Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells can survive and integrate into the adult rat eye following xenotransplantation (چکیده)
1953 - Head-on collision of electron-acoustic solitary waves in a plasma with superthermal hot electrons (چکیده)
1954 - Interaction of nonthermal muon beam with electron-positron-photon plasma: A thermal field theory approach (چکیده)
1955 - Nonplanar Dust-Ion Acoustic Solitary Waves in Warm Plasma With Superthermal Electrons (چکیده)
1956 - Evaluation of the Urban Environmental Quality in Golbahar New Town (چکیده)
1957 - Inequality of Region in Eastern Iran (A Review on Khorasan Razavi Province) (چکیده)
1958 - On the kinetics of TiAl3 intermetallic layer formation in the titanium and aluminum diffusion couple (چکیده)
1959 - Effect of Zn doping on optical properties and photoconductivity of SnS2 nanocrystalline thin films (چکیده)
1960 - Fatty acids profiling: A selective criterion for screening microalgae strains for biodiesel production (چکیده)
1961 - Mechanization planning for tillage of saffron fields using multiple criteria decision-making technique as a policy framework in Iran (چکیده)
1962 - Next-to-next-to-leading order calculation of the strong coupling constant αs by using moments of event-shape variables (چکیده)
1963 - Geometrical correlations in the nucleosomal DNA conformation and the role of the covalent bonds rigidity (چکیده)
1964 - Nonlinear-dynamics theory of up-down transitions in neocortical neural networks (چکیده)
1965 - Parametrization of Projector-Based Witnesses for Bipartite Systems (چکیده)
1966 - Non-equilibrium entanglement dynamics of a two-qubit Heisenberg XY system in the presence of an inhomogeneous magnetic field and spin-orbit interaction (چکیده)
1967 - Decoherence in a one-dimensional quantum walk (چکیده)
1968 - Entanglement dynamics and decoherence of an atom coupled to a dissipative cavity field (چکیده)
1969 - Influence of dephasing on the entanglement teleportation via a two-qubit Heisenberg XYZ system (چکیده)
1970 - The beneficial effects of olibanum on memory deficit induced by hypothyroidism in adult rats tested in morris water maze (چکیده)
1971 - The effect of repetitive spreading depression on neuronal damage in juvenile rat brain (چکیده)
1972 - Concurrence of superpositions of many states (چکیده)
1973 - Morphological and systematic interpretation of some Late cretaceous (Turonian-Santonian) irregular echinoids, Kopet-dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
1974 - Comparisons between the Urgonian platform carbonates from eastern Serbia (Carpatho-Balkanides) and northeast Iran (Kopet-Dagh Basin): Depositional facies, microfacies, biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironments and palaeoecology (چکیده)
1975 - Barremian-Aptian Dasycladalean algae, new and revisited, from the Tirgan Formation in the Kopet Dagh, NE Iran (چکیده)
1976 - Balkhania balkhanica Mamontova, 1966 (benthic foraminifera) and Kopetdagaria sphaerica Maslov, 1960 (dasycladalean alga) from the Lower Cretaceous Tirgan Formation of the Kopet Dagh mountain range (NE Iran) and their paleobiogeographic significance (چکیده)
1977 - Reconstruction of the last marine connectivity of the Zagros basin, based on fossil evidences of the clastic-dominated Bakhtiari Formation (چکیده)
1978 - Oil Rents, Institutions and Financial Development: Case Study of selected Oil Exporting Countries (چکیده)
1979 - Miocene scleractinian corals from a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate system: Bakhtiari succession, Zagros Basin (central-western Iran) (چکیده)
1980 - The Time Constrained Maximal Covering Salesman Problem (چکیده)
1981 - Ideal ratio of threonine to lysine in straight-run Cobb 500 broiler chickens from 15 to 28 d of age predicted from regression and broken-line models (چکیده)
1982 - Experimental study of argon dilution effects on NO x emission in a non-premixed flame in comparison with nitrogen (چکیده)
1983 - Induction of callogenesis and rhizogenesis in Perovskia abrotanoides Karel., a little known medicinal plant (چکیده)
1984 - Classification of images of wheat, ryegrass and brome grass species at early growth stages using principal component analysis (چکیده)
1985 - Fault section estimation in power distribution network only with special cutout fuse links setting (چکیده)
1986 - Accurate inference of shoot biomass from high-throughput images of cereal plants (چکیده)
1987 - The effect of gamma irradiation and vacuum packaging upon selected quality traits of refrigerated ostrich meat. Part 1. Microbial assessment (چکیده)
1988 - Modeling and analysis of magnetorheological inner mass single unit impact dampers (چکیده)
1989 - An Exact Formulation for Dual-Band Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission Line Design (چکیده)
1990 - Quasi-continuity of horizontally quasi-continuous functions (چکیده)
1991 - An overview of exposure parameters, dose measurements and strategies for dose reduction in pediatric CT examinations (چکیده)
1992 - Internal dosimetry estimates using voxelized reference phantoms for thyroid agents (چکیده)
1993 - Optimisation of the body composition analyser using the gamma shield and improvement of accuracy using ORNL anthropomorphic phantoms (چکیده)
1994 - Oceanobacillus limi sp. nov., a novel moderately halophilic bacterium from a salt lake (چکیده)
1995 - Hirshfeld surface analysis of new organotin(IV)-phosphoramide complexes (چکیده)
1996 - The Relationship Between Cultural Intelligence And Its Dimensions With Organizational Entrepreneurship (چکیده)
1997 - Effect of pre-harvest ethylene application on phyto-chemicals and antioxidant activity of sour cherry (چکیده)
1998 - Bounded operators on topological vector spaces and their spectral radii (چکیده)
1999 - Comparing the Performance of KOH with NaOH Activated Anthracites in terms of Methane Storage (چکیده)
2000 - Pore Size Distribution Analysis of Activated Carbons Prepared from Coconut Shell Using Methane Adsorption Data (چکیده)
2001 - Comparison of RSM and ANN for the investigation of linear alkylbenzene synthesis over H14[NaP5W30O110]/SiO2 catalyst (چکیده)
2002 - Biodegradable Starch/Poly (vinyl alcohol) Film Reinforced with TiO2 Nanoparticles (چکیده)
2003 - Breaking dormancy of seeds from eight populations of Bunium persicum (Apiaceae) (چکیده)
2004 - Chelation of thallium by combining deferasirox and desferrioxamine in rats (چکیده)
2005 - An investigation into the static response of fiber-reinforced open conical shell panels considering various types of orthotropy (چکیده)
2006 - Realisation of New Single-Layer Triple-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide and Dual Mode Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filters Using a Circular Shape Perturbation (چکیده)
2007 - Forecasting natural gas spot prices with nonlinear modeling using Gamma test analysis (چکیده)
2008 - A Generalized Circuit Model for High Directivity Coupler Using Mu-Negative Transmission Lines (چکیده)
2009 - Predictions of apple bruise volume using artificial neural network (چکیده)
2010 - Optimization of traits to increasing barley grain yield using an artificial neural network (چکیده)
2011 - Solvent influence upon complex formation between kryptofix5 and Cd2+ in some pure and binary mixed non-aqueous solvents using conductometry (چکیده)
2012 - Complexation Study of Cryptand 222 with Lanthanum(III) Cation in Binary Mixed Nonaqueous Solvents1 (چکیده)
2013 - Complexation of Cd2+, Ni2+, and Ag+ Metal Ions with 4,13Didecyll,7,10,16tetraoxa4,13diazacyclooctadecane in Acetonitrile–Ethylacetate Binary Mixtures1 (چکیده)
2014 - Immortality of cell lines: challenges and advantages of establishment (چکیده)
2015 - Physiochemical Properties of Gundelia tournefortii L. Seed Oil (چکیده)
2016 - Gluon parton density in the chiral quark model (چکیده)
2017 - Gluon polarization in nucleon (چکیده)
2018 - Geometric morphometric analyses of the short-tailed Bandicoot Rat (Nesokia indica) (Rodentia: Muridae) in the north and southeast of Iran (چکیده)
2019 - A Reliability-based Approach to Optimize Preventive Maintenance Scheduling for Coherent Systems (چکیده)
2020 - α-Visibility (چکیده)
2021 - Proteomics study reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying water stress tolerance induced by Piriformospora indica in barley (چکیده)
2022 - Analytic Investigation of the Effects of Condensation Shock on Turbulent Boundary Layer Parameters of Nucleating Flow in a Supersonic Convergent-Divergent Nozzle (چکیده)
2023 - Space/query-time tradeoff for computing the visibility polygon (چکیده)
2024 - Scheduling tasks with exponential duration on unrelated parallel machines (چکیده)
2025 - Self-similar solutions of viscous–resistive advection-dominated accretion flows with poloidal magnetic fields (چکیده)
2026 - The relationship between Ownership Structure and Stock Price Volatility with Dividend in Listed Firms of TehranStock Exchange (چکیده)
2027 - Automated characterization of blood vessels as arteries and veins in retinal images (چکیده)
2028 - Rate-distortion analysis of multiview coding in a DIBR framework (چکیده)
2029 - Low Q2 proton structure function, using gluon and pseudoscalar meson clouds in the constituent quark framework (چکیده)
2030 - Potential Therapeutic Effects of Morus alba Leaf Extract on Modulation Oxidative Damages Induced by Hyperglycemia in Cultured Fetus Fibroblast Cells (چکیده)
2031 - Equilibria of a Self-Gravitating, Rotating Disk Around a Magnetized Compact object (چکیده)
2032 - Strong quasi-continuity of set-valued functions (چکیده)
2033 - Analysis of supersonic separators geometry using generalized radial basis function (GRBF) artificial neural networks (چکیده)
2034 - Experimental study and techno-economical evaluation of Khangiran sour natural gas condensate desulfurization process (چکیده)
2035 - Reliable prediction of condensation rates for purification of natural gas via supersonic separators (چکیده)
2036 - Effect of Substitutions of Zn for Mn on Size and Magnetic Properties of Mn–Zn Ferrite Nanoparticles (چکیده)
2037 - A new approach to calculate the gluon polarization (چکیده)
2038 - Electrochemical preparation of effective and low cost catalyst for electrooxidation of ethanol (چکیده)
2039 - On/off-switchable electrochemical folic acid sensor based onmolecularly imprinted polymer electrode (چکیده)
2040 - An ultrasensitivemolecularly-imprintedhumancardiac troponinsensor (چکیده)
2041 - [(Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)copper(II)]- l-(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)-[bis(ethylenediamine) copper(II)]-l-(pyridine-2,6- dicarboxylato)-[(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato) copper(II)] ethylenediamine monosolvate tetrahydrate (چکیده)
2042 - Chelation of aluminum by combining deferasirox and deferiprone in rats (چکیده)
2043 - Removal of cadmium by combining deferasirox and desferrioxamine chelators in rats (چکیده)
2044 - Remote sensing techniques for predicting evapotranspiration from mixed vegetated surfaces (چکیده)
2045 - 3,3′dihydroxy-4,4′-[1,2-cyclohexanediyl-bis(nitrilomethylidyne)]-bis-phenol schiff-base and its Mn(II) complex: Synthesis, experimental, and theoretical characterization (چکیده)
2046 - The effects of dietary 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol and hydroalcoholic extract of Withania somnifera root on bone mineralisation, strength and histological characteristics in broiler chickens (چکیده)
2047 - apd analysis of genetic variation within and among natural Population of Two Species of Dianthus L. (Caryophyllaceae) In Ne Iran (چکیده)
2048 - Deriving data mining and regression based water-salinity production functions for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) (چکیده)
2049 - Dianthus pseudocrinitus (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Northeast of Iran identified by morphological and molecular data (چکیده)
2050 - Pentoxifylline induces capacitation and acrosome reaction and improves quality of motility in canine ejaculated spermatozoa (چکیده)
2051 - In vitro effects of nanosilver colloid on kinematic parameters of ram sperm (چکیده)
2052 - Effects of adipose tissue stem cell concurrent with greater omentum on experimental long-bone healing in dog (چکیده)
2053 - Commercialization of Gene Therapy Drugs (چکیده)
2054 - Evaluating stem and cancerous biomarkers in CD15 + CD44 + KYSE30 cells (چکیده)
2055 - Effective pruning strategies for branch and bound Bayesian networks (چکیده)
2056 - Fuzzy c-means improvement using relaxed constraints support vector machines (چکیده)
2057 - Evaluation of hooves’ morphometric parameters in different hoof trimming times in dairy cows (چکیده)
2058 - Neuregulin 1-alpha regulates phosphorylation, acetylation, and alternative splicing in lymphoblastoid cells (چکیده)
2059 - Intracellular GTP levels determine cell fate toward differentiation and apoptosis (چکیده)
2060 - Regulation of p38, PKC/Foxo3a/p73 signaling network by GTP during erythroid differentiation in chronic myelogenous leukemia (چکیده)
2061 - Foxo3a targets mitochondria during guanosine 5 -triphosphate guided erythroid differentiation (چکیده)
2062 - Flavonoid Baicalein Modulates H2O2-Induced Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases Activation and Cell Death in SK-N-MC Cells (چکیده)
2063 - Efficient shooting and bouncing ray tracing using decomposition of wavefronts (چکیده)
2064 - Accuracy and computational efficiency improvement of ray tracing using line search theory (چکیده)
2065 - Modified wavefront decomposition method for fast and accurate ray-tracing simulation (چکیده)
2066 - Efficient ultrawideband propagation modelling by using the cubic B-spline function in ray tracing calculations (چکیده)
2067 - Human PTCHD3 nulls: rare copy number and sequence variants suggest a non-essential gene (چکیده)
2068 - Streetscale bioretention basins in Melbourne and their effect on local biodiversity (چکیده)
2069 - Factors affecting terrestrial invertebrate diversity in bioretention basins in an Australian urban environment (چکیده)
2070 - Streetscape biodiversity and the role of bioretention swales in an Australian urban environment (چکیده)
2071 - Gene and miRNA expression profiles in autism spectrum disorders (چکیده)
2072 - Transcriptomic analysis of dystrophin RNAi knockdown reveals a central role for dystrophin in muscle differentiation and contractile apparatus organization (چکیده)
2073 - Soy milk as an emulsifier in mayonnaise: physico-chemical, stability and sensory evaluation (چکیده)
2074 - RNAi-mediated knockdown of dystrophin expression in adult mice does not lead to overt muscular dystrophy pathology (چکیده)
2075 - Molecular Dynamics Study of Complex Dopant Electrolyte Nd2–xHoxZr2O7: Structure, Conductivity, and Thermal Expansion (چکیده)
2076 - Analysis the Status of Strategic Planning in Future Development of Saqqez City, Iran (چکیده)
2077 - Involvement of oxidative stress in taxol-induced apoptosis in chronic myelogenous leukemia K562 cells (چکیده)
2078 - The nematicidal potential of local Bacillus species against the root-knot nematode infecting greenhouse tomatoes (چکیده)
2079 - Isolation and characterization of rhizosphere auxin producing Bacilli and evaluation of their potency on wheat growth improvement (چکیده)
2080 - Effect of Acetylcysteine on Experimental Corneal Wounds in Dogs (چکیده)
2081 - Chitosan-based injectable hydrogel as a promising in situ forming scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering (چکیده)
2082 - Pitting corrosion of cold rolled solution treated 17-4 PH stainless steel (چکیده)
2083 - EIS assessment of critical pitting temperature of 2205 duplex stainless steel in acidified ferric chloride solution (چکیده)
2084 - Biomimetic synthesis and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite/poly (vinyl alcohol) nanocomposites (چکیده)
2085 - The Effect of Conformation Method and Sintering Technique on the Densification and Grain Growth of Nanocrystalline 8 mol% Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (چکیده)
2086 - Synthesis and characterisation of dental composite materials reinforced with fluoroapatite–mullite glass–ceramic particles (چکیده)
2087 - Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Spacecraft Attitude Control Design With Transient Response Control (چکیده)
2088 - Petrography and Geochemistry of the Early-Middle Devonian sandstones of the Padeha Formation in the North of Kerman, SE Iran. Implications for provenance (چکیده)
2089 - Water requirements of urban landscape plants: a comparison of three factor-based approaches (چکیده)
2090 - A review of ET measurement techniques for estimating the water requirements of urban landscape vegetation (چکیده)
2091 - Impact of green roofs on stormwater quality in a South Australian urban environment (چکیده)
2092 - Hydrogen storage on silicon, carbon, and silicon carbide nanotubes: A combined quantum mechanics and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation study (چکیده)
2093 - In situ synthesis and characterization of nano-size hydroxyapatite in poly(vinyl alcohol) matrix (چکیده)
2094 - The role of TiO2, ZrO2, BaO and SiO2on the mechanical properties and crystallization behavior offluorapatite–mullite glass–ceramics (چکیده)
2095 - Morphological Relationships of the Wheatears (genus Oenanthe) (چکیده)
2096 - Molecular phylogeny of Malaysian Pangasiid based on cytochrome C oxidase I (COI) DNA sequences (چکیده)
2097 - Microbial toxicity of ethanolamines— Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
2098 - Analysis of capacity and coverage region for Rayleigh fading MIMO relay channel (چکیده)
2099 - Cognitive Radio Channels with Arbitrarily Correlated Sources (چکیده)
2100 - The effect of 2 liquid feeds and 2 sources of protein in starter on performance and blood metabolites in Holstein neonatal calves (چکیده)
2101 - Achievable rate regions for a three-user multiple access channel with partial side information (چکیده)
2102 - Halorientalis persicus sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from a salt lake and emended description of the genus Halorientalis (چکیده)
2103 - Geometric morphometric analyses of four species of brush-tailed mice, genus Calomyscus (Rodentia: Calomyscidae), from (چکیده)
2104 - DNA barcoding of Dutch birds (چکیده)
2105 - Potentiometric and spectroscopic studies of three new mixed inorganic–organic hybrid materials based on Preyssler and Wells–Dawson heteropolyoxometalates containing proline, leucine, and asparagine (چکیده)
2106 - Immersion and Invariance Based Fault Tolerant Adaptive Spacecraft Attitude Control (چکیده)
2107 - Exact analysis of resonance frequency and mode shapes of isotropic and laminated composite cylindrical shells; Part II: Parametric studies (چکیده)
2108 - Controllable one-step synthesis of ZnO nanostructures using molybdophosphoric acid (چکیده)
2109 - Blind joint estimation of channel order and the number of active users in direct sequence code-division multiple-access multi-path channels (چکیده)
2110 - Length of dsRNA (poly I:C) drives distinct innate immune responses, depending on the cell type (چکیده)
2111 - The Role of Accounting Profession in Development of Capital Market (چکیده)
2112 - Intracerebroventricular injection of ghrelin produces hypophagia through central serotonergic mechanisms in chicken (چکیده)
2113 - Molecular Structure, and Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding of Thenoyltrifluoroacetone (چکیده)
2114 - Callus induction and organogenesis capacity from lamina and petiole explants of Anthurium andreanum Linden (Casino and Antadra) (چکیده)
2115 - The effect of melanocortin (Mc3 and Mc4) antagonists on serotonin-induced food and water intake of broiler coc (چکیده)
2116 - Antinociceptive effect of the aqueous extract obtained from Foeniculum vulgare in mice: the role of histamine H1 and H2 receptors (چکیده)
2117 - The role of 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptors on harmaline induced eating behavior in 24-h food-deprived broiler cockerels (چکیده)
2118 - Vibrational assignment and structure of trifluorobenzoylacetone: A density functional theoretical study (چکیده)
2119 - Preliminary study of rodents’ fauna (mammalia; rodentia) of Khaf township, southeast of Khorasan Razavi province, Iran, using pellets of birds of prey (چکیده)
2120 - The effect of impurity on a spin- fi lter device based on graphene (چکیده)
2121 - Exact analysis of resonance frequency and mode shapes of isotropic and laminated composite cylindrical shells; Part I: analytical studies (چکیده)
2122 - Evaluation of Varying Levels of Acid-binding Capacity of Diets Forulated with Various Acidifiers on Physical and Histological Characteristics of Leg Bones in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
2123 - Direct synthesis of sulfonyl azides from sulfonic acids (چکیده)
2124 - Expression dynamics of pluripotency genes in chicken primordial germ cells before and after colonization of the genital ridges (چکیده)
2125 - Short communication: Quantitative comparison of iodothyronine deiodinase I and II mRNA expression in ovine tissues (چکیده)
2126 - Application of modal analysis to the watermelon through finite element modeling for use in ripeness assessment (چکیده)
2127 - Optimization of Operational Parameters to Fortify Iranian UF-Feta Cheese with Fish Oil Using Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
2128 - Implications of Partial Conjugation of Whey Protein Isolate to Durian Seed Gum through Maillard Reactions: Foaming Properties, Water Holding Capacity and Interfacial Activity (چکیده)
2129 - New Records of Naked-footed Gerbil Gerbillus nanus and Pygmy Gerbil Gerbillus cfr. henleyi (Rodentia, Muridae) from Iran (چکیده)
2130 - Biosystematic approach to geographic variations of house mouse group, Mus musculus L.1766 (چکیده)
2131 - A new record of Allactaga euphratica from Ilam province, West of Iran (چکیده)
2132 - depositional history and sequence stratigraphy of Tirgan Formation (Barremian-Aptian) in Central Kopet-Dagh, NE Iran (چکیده)
2133 - Spin polarization tuning in the graphene quantum dot by using in-plane external electric field (چکیده)
2134 - Study of the electron–photon interaction on the spin-dependent transport in nano-structures (چکیده)
2135 - Influence of Mechanical Alloying on Dielectric Features of Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Microcrystals (چکیده)
2136 - Effects of salicylic acid and putrescine on storability, quality attributes and antioxidant activity of plum cv. ‘Santa Rosa’ (چکیده)
2137 - Preparation of Polyvinylchloride Membranes from Solvent Mixture by Immersion Precipitation (چکیده)
2138 - Two new XP(O)[NHC(CH3)3]2 phosphoramidates, with X = (CH3)2N and [(CH3)3CNH]2P(O)(O). Corrigendum (چکیده)
2139 - Using satellite data for soil cation exchange capacity studies (چکیده)
2140 - Vegetation Cover Assessment Based on Soil Properties in Arid and Semi-arid Areas using Landsat Images: A Case Study in Neyshaboor Area (چکیده)
2141 - Prevalence and Molecular Identification of Cryptosporidium Spp in Pre-Weaned Dairy Calves in Mashhad Area,Province, Iran Khorasan Razavi. (چکیده)
2142 - Robust support vector machine-trained fuzzy system (چکیده)
2143 - Assessment of magnetized drinking water on excreta quality, nutrients digestibility, serum components and histomorphology of digestive tract in broiler chickens (چکیده)
2144 - EMPSACO: An improved hybrid optimization algorithm based on particle swarm, ant colony and elitist mutation algorithms (چکیده)
2145 - Generalized Euler–Lagrange equation for nonsmooth calculus of variations (چکیده)
2146 - Experimental study of asphaltic concrete dynamic properties as an impervious core in embankment dams (چکیده)
2147 - On uncertainty and information properties of ranked set samples (چکیده)
2148 - Molecular Identification of Echinococcus multilocularis Infection in Small Mammals from Northeast, Iran (چکیده)
2149 - In Situ Synthesis of 2-Phenylbenzimidazole as an Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion Inhibitor of Carbon Steel (چکیده)
2150 - Nitrite ionic liquid as a new reagent for in situ synthesis of aryl iodides and azides (چکیده)
2151 - New faunistic records of Salticidae (Araneae) from Khorasan Province of Iran (چکیده)
2152 - Investigation of the Boundary between Abderaz and Kalat Formations Based on Calcareous Nannofossils in West Kopet-Dagh (NE IRAN) (چکیده)
2153 - Two-fold enhancement in tensile strength of carbon nanotube–carbon fiber hybrid epoxy composites through combination of electrophoretic deposition and alternating electric field (چکیده)
2154 - tectonic and paleogeography implication of compositional variations within the siliciclastics Ab-Haji Formation (Lower Jurassic east-central Iran (چکیده)
2155 - Adaptive fuzzy tuning of PID controllers (چکیده)
2156 - Effects of prolonged oral exposure to cyanide on some oxidative stress biomarkers in blood of rats (چکیده)
2157 - The Effect of Maternal Thyroid Disorders (Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism) During Pregnancy and Lactation on Skin Development in Wistar Rat Newborns (چکیده)
2158 - Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer through Constant Wall Heat Flux Micro/Nano Channels Using DSMC (چکیده)
2159 - A novel dual-membranes WGS reactor with palladium alloy and polyvinyl alcohol membranes for enhanced hydrogen recovery (چکیده)
2160 - Ky Fan inequalities (چکیده)
2161 - Diastereoselective synthesis of highly functionalized quinolizines via a pyridine-based three-component reaction and a DFT investigation on the reaction mechanism (چکیده)
2162 - New rac-XP(O)(OC6H5)(NHC6H4-p-CH3) [X = N(CH3)(cyclo-C6H11) and NH(C3H5)] and rac-(C6H5CH2NH)-P(O)(OC6H5)(NH-cyclo-C6H11) mixed-amide phosphinates (چکیده)
2163 - PPh3-catalyzed Mannich reaction: a facile one-pot synthesis of b-amino carbonyl compounds under solvent-free conditions at room temperature (چکیده)
2164 - Syntheses, structures, properties and DFT study of hybrid inorganic – organic architectures constructed from trinuclear lanthanide frameworks and Keggin-type polyoxometalates (چکیده)
2165 - A facile one-pot synthesis of functionalized fused benzochromene derivatives via intramolecular Wittig reactions (چکیده)
2166 - Ionic liquids bis(2-N-methylimidazoliumethyl)ether dichloroiodate/dibromochlorate as an efficient halogenating reagent for the synthesis of a-haloketones (چکیده)
2167 - Synthesis of novel bis(b-aminocarbonyl) compounds and some b-aminocarbonyls by catalyst-free multicomponent Mannich reactions (چکیده)
2168 - Polyphosphoric acid supported on silica-coated NiFe2O4 nanoparticles: An efficient and magnetically-recoverable catalyst for N-formylation of amines (چکیده)
2169 - Establishing a correlation between interfacial microstructures and corrosion initiation sites in Al/Cu joints by SEM–EDS and AFM–SKPFM (چکیده)
2170 - Presence of the endosymbiont Wolbachia among some fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Iran: A multilocus sequence typing approach (چکیده)
2171 - Cytogenetic Characterization of 23 Species of Rodents From Iran (چکیده)
2172 - Cellular Automata Modeling of Hesperetin Release Phenomenon from Lipid Nanocarriers (چکیده)
2173 - Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization of a thermoacidophilic, organic-solvent tolerant -amylase from a Bacillus strain in Escherichia coli (چکیده)
2174 - Effect of Aflatoxin B1 on in vitro Rumen Microbial Fermentation Responses Using Batch Culture (چکیده)
2175 - N-Phenyl-1-methyl-6-methylenecyclohexa-2,4- dienylmethanimine retro cheletropic-ene reaction, a theoretical kinetic study (چکیده)
2176 - NLO Analytical Solutions to The Polarized Parton Distributions, Based on The Laplace Transformation (چکیده)
2177 - A recursive algorithm for optimizing differentiation (چکیده)
2178 - Comment on ”Robustness and Regularization of Support Vector Machines” by H. Xu et al. (Journal of Machine Learning Research, vol. 10, pp. 1485-1510, 2009) (چکیده)
2179 - Stochastic analysis of elastic wave and second sound propagation in media with Gaussian uncertainty in mechanical properties using a stochastic hybrid mesh-free method (چکیده)
2180 - On linear functional equations and completeness of normed spaces (چکیده)
2181 - Deformation of involution and multiplication in a C*-algebra (چکیده)
2182 - Bellman inequality for Hilbert space operators (چکیده)
2183 - Quasi-representations of Finsler modules over C*-algebras (چکیده)
2184 - Non-commutative f-divergence functional (چکیده)
2185 - Refinements of the operator Jensen-Mercer inequality (چکیده)
2186 - Molecular detection of Theileria spp in sheep and vector ticks in Fasa and Kazeroun areas, Fars Province, Iran (چکیده)
2187 - Isolation, Identification and Virulence Gene Profiling of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Retail Doner Kebabs, Iran (چکیده)
2188 - Caesium iodide as an efficient catalyst for synthesis of N‑substituted azepines via tandem Michael addition and cyclisation under aqueous conditions (چکیده)
2189 - A Study of Relationship between Accruals over Life Cycles of Food and Drug Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
2190 - Application of a Hybrid Mesh-free Method Based on Generalized Finite Difference (GFD) Method for Natural Frequency Analysis of Functionally Graded Nanocomposite Cylinders Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes (چکیده)
2191 - Transabdominal ultrasonography of the ruminal mucosa as a tool to diagnose subacute ruminal acidosis in adult dairy bulls: a pilot study (چکیده)
2192 - Conjunctival flora in normal dogs (چکیده)
2193 - The effects of trichlorfon (neguvon) against Sarcoptes scabiei var canis (چکیده)
2194 - Bacterial and fungal normal flora of the external ear canal of dogs (چکیده)
2195 - Pupillotonia in a Spitz dog: A case report (چکیده)
2196 - Effects of Acetylcysteine and Dexamethasone on Experimental Corneal Wounds in Rabbits (چکیده)
2197 - Effects of three steroidal compounds on estrus suppression in queens (چکیده)
2198 - Comparison of the effects of different doses of acepromazine-xylazine on the electrocardiogram in dogs (چکیده)
2199 - Effects of acepromazine-xylazine combinations on intraocular pressure, pupil size and heart rate in clinically normal dogs (چکیده)
2200 - Effects of acetylcysteine and dexamethasone on intraocular pressure and pupil diameter in normal dogs (چکیده)
2201 - Optimal thresholds of metabolic indicators of hepatic lipidosis in dairy cows (چکیده)
2202 - Performance Analysis of Two-Level Asynchronous Optical CDMA Systems Utilizing Wrapped OPPM (چکیده)
2203 - Eradication of gastric Helicobacter spp. by triple therapy in dogs (چکیده)
2204 - An unusual complication of endotracheal intubation in a dog (چکیده)
2205 - Central vestibular disease associated with Horner’s syndrome in a kitten (چکیده)
2206 - Patterns of skull shape variation in Meriones persicus (Rodentia: Muridae) in relation to geoclimatical conditions (چکیده)
2207 - Lethal effects of four insecticides on immature stages of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in laboratory conditions (چکیده)
2208 - Structure and vibrational assignment of bis(benzoylacetonato)copper(II) (چکیده)
2209 - A newly recorded genus and species of Megaseliini (Diptera: Phoridae), a parasitoid of ladybird pupae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), from Iran (چکیده)
2210 - Influences of rennet and container types on proteolysis of traditional Kurdish cheese during the ripening (چکیده)
2211 - Response Surface Optimization of Barbari Bread-Making Process Variables: Interrelationship of Texture, Image and Organoleptic Characteristics; Using Image Analysis for Quality and Shelf Life Prediction (چکیده)
2212 - Bread-Making Process Optimization: Staling Kinetics, Relationship of Batter Rheology, Shelf Life, Quality and Sensory Characteristics of Barbari Bread (چکیده)
2213 - Effect of aluminum nanoparticles on combustion characteristics and pollutants emission of liquid fuels – A numerical study (چکیده)
2214 - Lexical bundles in research article acknowledgments: A corpus comparison (چکیده)
2215 - Cranial variation in Meriones tristrami (Rodentia: Muridae: Gerbillinae) and its morphological comparison with Meriones persicus, Meriones vinogradovi and Meriones libycus: a geometric morphometric study (چکیده)
2216 - The impact of genomic and classic selection on accuracy of breeding value in threshold traits (چکیده)
2217 - A simulation study of heritability and marker effect on accuracy of breeding value in animal breeding (چکیده)
2218 - Geographic pattern of cranial differentiation in the Asian Midday Jird Meriones meridianus (Rodentia: Muridae: Gerbillinae) and its taxonomic implications (چکیده)
2219 - Predicting the metabolizable energy content of corn for ducks: a comparison of support vector regression with other methods (چکیده)
2220 - Effects of dietary melatonin supplementation on some blood oxidative status biomarkers and biochemical parameters in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (چکیده)
2221 - Computing a fuzzy shortest path in a network with mixed fuzzy arc lengths using lengths using a-Cut (چکیده)
2222 - The spider family Hersiliidae Thorell, 1870 (Arachnida: Araneae) in Iran (چکیده)
2223 - Co(III) and Fe(III) complexes of Schiff bases derived from 2,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde S-allyl-isothiosemicarbazonehydrobromide (چکیده)
2224 - Screening of selected feedstuffs by sub-adult narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
2225 - Analysis of the reservoir electrofacies in the framework of hydraulic flow units in the Whicher Range Field, Perth Basin, Western Australia (چکیده)
2226 - Investigation of vacancy defects effects on the buckling behavior of SWCNTs via a structural mechanics approach (چکیده)
2227 - Exact Solution of Unsteady Conductive Heat Transfer in Cylindrical Composite Laminates (چکیده)
2228 - Crocetin Attenuates Spatial Learning Dysfunction and Hippocampal Injury in a Model of Vascular Dementia (چکیده)
2229 - Efficiency of ranked set sampling in entropy estimation and goodness-of-fit testing for the inverse Gaussian law (چکیده)
2230 - Quantile Estimation Using Ranked Set Samples from a Population with Known Mean (چکیده)
2231 - Improved entropy based test of uniformity using ranked set samples (چکیده)
2232 - Investigation of temporal and spatial climate variability and aridity of Iran (چکیده)
2233 - The role of epiphytic Pseudomonas and Pantoea population diversity on prevalence of fire blight disease (چکیده)
2234 - Measurement of the latency parameters of the Multi-BSP model: a multicore benchmarking approach (چکیده)
2235 - Pathogenicity of the fungus Lecanicillium longisporum against Sipha maydis and Metopolophium dirhodum in laboratory conditions (چکیده)
2236 - Risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the West Port semi-enclosed basin (Malaysia) (چکیده)
2237 - A review of strategies to monitor water and sediment quality for a sustainability assessment of marine environment (چکیده)
2238 - Use of Eddy-Current Method for Determining the Thickness of Induction-Hardened Layer in Cast Iron (چکیده)
2239 - Decoupling of soil nutrient cycles as a function of aridity in global drylands (چکیده)
2240 - Numerical simulation of a submerged cylindrical wave energy converter (چکیده)
2241 - Investigation of natural gas sweetening process in corrugated packed bed column using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model (چکیده)
2242 - Effect of dexamethasone in combination with acetylcysteine at different times on corneal wound healing in dogs (چکیده)
2243 - Clinical Comparison of Primary versus Secondary Epilepsy in 125 Cats (چکیده)
2244 - Iron deficiency anemia and seizure in a kitten (چکیده)
2245 - Effects of latanoprost and pilocarpine combination on the intraocular pressure and pupil size of dogs (چکیده)
2246 - Effects of latanoprost and pilocarpine combination on the intraocular pressure and pupil size of normal rabbits (چکیده)
2247 - Clinical evaluation of the sedative properties of acepromazine xylazine combinations with or without atropine and their effects on physiologic values in dogs (چکیده)
2248 - Effects of concomitant administration of latanoprost and pilocarpine on the intraocular pressure of experimentally glaucomatous rabbits (چکیده)
2249 - Treatment and long-term follow-up of cats with suspected primary epilepsy (چکیده)
2250 - Integrated biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Abderaz Formation of the East Kopet Dagh Basin (NE Iran) (چکیده)
2251 - Preparation and Characterization of Biodegradable Blend Membranes of PBS/CA (چکیده)
2252 - The study of dermatoglyphic patterns and distribution of theminutiae in Inherited Essential hypertension disease (چکیده)
2253 - A preliminary study on some potential toxic effects of Rosa damascena Mill (چکیده)
2254 - An efficient concept for non-dimensionalizing the Duffing equations based on the parameterized perturbation method (چکیده)
2255 - Molecular characterization of Avian Adenoviruses in Iranian Broiler Flocks (چکیده)
2256 - Molecular diagnosis of mycoplasma conjunctivae in an outbreak of infectious keratoconjunctivitis in sheep. (چکیده)
2257 - Isolation, antimicrobial susceptibility and mecA gene analysis of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Iranian white cheeses (چکیده)
2258 - Dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Bajocian–Lower Oxfordianof the Dalichai Formation in Binalud Mountains (their biostratigraphical and biogeographical significanceNE Iran): (چکیده)
2259 - Sequence analysis of VP1 gene in three Iranian very virulent Infectious bursal disease virus strains (چکیده)
2260 - Influence of different amino acid groups on the free radical scavenging capability of multi walled carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
2261 - Facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy of the evaporite bearing Sachun Formation at the type locality, South East Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
2262 - Comparison of two methods estrus synchronization by CIDR and sponge along with PMSG various levels on Baloochi ewes on reproductive performance in breeding season (چکیده)
2263 - Evaluation of broadleaf weeds control with some post-emergence herbicides in maize (Zea mays L.) in Iran (چکیده)
2264 - Numerical Solution for IVP in Volterra Type Linear Integrodifferential Equations System (چکیده)
2265 - Ensemble of online neural networks for non-stationary and imbalanced data streams (چکیده)
2266 - Effect of salt stress on carbon isetop discrimination of shoot and root of sugar beet cultivars (چکیده)
2267 - Evaluation of process behavior and crystallite specifications of mechano-chemically synthesized WC–Al2O3 nano-compositesEvaluation of process behavior and crystallite specifications of mechano-chemically synthesized WC–Al2O3 nano-composites (چکیده)
2268 - Direct solid state synthesis ofW–Al2O3 nanostructured composite using ammonium paratungstate (APT) and Al powder mixture (چکیده)
2269 - Examining the Mutual Relationship among Organizational Trust and Organizational Learning in Small Manufacturing-Industrial Firms (چکیده)
2270 - Dispersion of ZnO Nanoparticles in a Mixture of Ethylene Glycol–Water, Exploration of Temperature-Dependent Density, and Sensitivity Analysis (چکیده)
2271 - The use of native turf mixtures to approach sustainable lawn in urban landscapes (چکیده)
2272 - Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of Al6061-nanocomposite fabricated by stir casting (چکیده)
2273 - Electrochemical and quantum chemical assessment of two organic compounds from pyridine derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in HCl solution under stagnant condition and hydrodynamic flow (چکیده)
2274 - A new equation proposed for evaluation of IR drop on buried pipelines (چکیده)
2275 - Effect of S-doping on structural, optical and electrochemical properties of vanadium oxide thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis (چکیده)
2276 - Characterization and Electrochromic Properties of Vanadium Oxide Thin Films Prepared Via Spray Pyrolysis (چکیده)
2277 - Pharmaceutical application of frog skin on full-thickness skin wound healing in mice (چکیده)
2278 - Molecular surveillance of Theileria ovis, Theilerialestoquardi and Theileria annulata infection in sheep and ixodid ticks in Iran (چکیده)
2279 - Synthesis, characterization and the interaction of some new water-soluble metal Schiff base complexes with human serum albumin (چکیده)
2280 - Magnetic effects on the solvent properties investigated by molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
2281 - Creep Characterization of Ni-Based Superalloy IN-792 Using the 4 and 6-h Projection Method (چکیده)
2282 - Double Derivations, Higher Double Derivations and Automatic Continuity (چکیده)
2283 - Approximately Quasi Inner Generalized Dynamics on Modules (چکیده)
2284 - Douglas range factorization theorem for regular operators on Hilbert C∗-modules (چکیده)
2285 - Effect of Esterified Glucomannan on Carryover of Aflatoxin from Feed to Milk in Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
2286 - Simultaneous Determination of Vitamin A and E in Infant Milk Formulas Using Semi-Micro liquid–liquid Extraction Followed by HPLC-UV (چکیده)
2287 - DNA Barcoding as a Tool for Elucidating Species Delineation in Wide-ranging Species as Illustrated by Owls (Tytonidae and Strigidae) (چکیده)
2288 - Beak and skull shapes of human commensal and non-commensal house sparrows Passer domesticus (چکیده)
2289 - New record of the Mediterranean Recluse Spider Loxosceles rufescens (Dufour, 1820) and its bite from Khorasan Province, northeast of Iran (Aranei: Sicariidae) (چکیده)
2290 - PQWs in complex plane: Application to Fredholm integral equations (چکیده)
2291 - Reevaluation of the taxonomic status of sand boas of the genus Eryx (Daudin, 1803) (Serpentes: Boidae) in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
2292 - The effect of Pediococcus acidilactici bacteria used as probiotic supplement on the growth and non-specific immune responses of green terror, Aequidens rivulatus (چکیده)
2293 - The Effects of Ramadan Fasting and Physical Activity on Blood Hematological-Biochemical Parameters (چکیده)
2294 - Generalized Instance-based Fault Locating in Transmission Lines Using Single-ended Voltage Measurements (چکیده)
2295 - Preliminary assessment of the quantitative relationships between testicular tissue composition and ultrasonographic image attributes in the ram (چکیده)
2296 - Characterization of MAO-Modified Silicas for Ethylene Polymerization (چکیده)
2297 - Thermodynamic analysis of nanoparticle size effect on kinetics in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by lanthanum promoted iron catalyst (چکیده)
2298 - Coupling Constant in Dispersive Model (چکیده)
2299 - Discussion of “Clear-Water Local Scour around Pile Groups in Shallow-Water Flow” (چکیده)
2300 - Effects of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) emergence time and density on growth and competition of maize (Zea mays L.) (چکیده)
2301 - Molecular cloning of a thermo-alkaliphilic lipase from Bacillus subtilis DR8806: Expression and biochemical characterization (چکیده)
2302 - The influence of vitamin E on semen characteristics of ghezel rams in during (چکیده)
2303 - Provenance of the Oligocene–Miocene Zivah Formation, NW Iran, assessed using heavy mineral assemblage and detrital clinopyroxene and detrital apatite analyses (چکیده)
2304 - Estimation based on sequential order statistics with random removals (چکیده)
2305 - Optimum design of dynamic vibration absorbers for a beam, based on H ∞ and H2 Optimization (چکیده)
2306 - Evaluating Compositions and Comparing Pathos radical power and Oxidative Stability of Different Concentrations of Laurus Nobilis Leaf Extract with BHT (چکیده)
2307 - Collocation Discrete Least Square (CDLS) Method for Elasticity Problems (چکیده)
2308 - Engineering geological investigations of mechanized tunneling in soft ground: A case study, East–West lot of line 7, Tehran Metro, Iran (چکیده)
2309 - Improvements in mechanical properties of carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy composites: A microwave-assisted approach in functionalization of carbon fiber via diamines (چکیده)
2310 - Real-Time Mapping of PGA Distribution in Tehran Using TRRNet and peeqMap (چکیده)
2311 - Free vibration characteristics of functionally graded structures by an isogeometrical analysis approach (چکیده)
2312 - Attitudes of rangeland holders towards sustainable range management in Iran: a case study of the Semnan rangelands (چکیده)
2313 - Effects of pistachio by-products in replacement of alfalfa hay on ruminal fermentation, blood metabolites, and milk fatty acid composition in Saanen dairy goats fed a diet containing fish oil (چکیده)
2314 - Physical, barrier and antioxidant properties of a novel plasticizededible film from quince seed mucilage (چکیده)
2315 - An extended drain current conductance extraction method and its application to DRAM support and array devices (چکیده)
2316 - Quasi-monolithic integration of high-power GaN-based HEMTs for high-frequency applications (چکیده)
2317 - A voltage-dependent channel length extraction method for MOSFET’s (چکیده)
2318 - Application of neural networks for extraction of distance and reflectance in pulsed laser radar (چکیده)
2319 - Thermomechanical stress analysis and measurement in quasi-monolithic integration technology (QMIT) (چکیده)
2320 - Small-signal characterization of SiGe-HBT fT-doubler up to 120 GHz (چکیده)
2321 - Application of a Scanning Thermal Nano-Probe for Thermal Imaging of High Frequency Active devices (چکیده)
2322 - Heat transfer improvement in quasi-monolithic integration technology (چکیده)
2323 - Large Eddy Simulation of Shock Train in a Convergent- Divergent Nozzle (چکیده)
2324 - Analysis of Lattice Temperature Effects on a GaInP/6H-SiC Strained Quantum-Well Lasers (چکیده)
2325 - Intrinsic viscosity of cress (Lepidium sativum) seed gum: effect of salts and sugars (چکیده)
2326 - THY1 as a reliable marker for enrichment of undifferentiated spermatogonia in the goat (چکیده)
2327 - Some physicochemical properties of sage (Salvia macrosiphon) seed gum (چکیده)
2328 - Introducing a risk estimation index for drivers: A case of Iran (چکیده)
2329 - Predictions of viscoelastic behavior of pomegranate using artificial (چکیده)
2330 - Effect of feeding citrus peel extracts on growth performance, serum components, and intestinal morphology of broilers exposed to high ambient temperature during the finisher phase (چکیده)
2331 - Quality of bovine chilled or frozen-thawed semen after addition of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation to extender (چکیده)
2332 - The effect of co-culturing denuded oocytes on the in vitro maturation of bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (چکیده)
2333 - The effect of pH, salts and sugars on the rheological properties of cress seed (Lepidium sativum) gum (چکیده)
2334 - Thermo-elastic optimization of material distribution of functionally graded structures by an isogeometrical approach (چکیده)
2335 - Durable, superhydrophobic, superoleophobic and corrosion resistantcoating on the stainless steel surface using a scalable method (چکیده)
2336 - Super-liquid-repellent coating on the carbon steel surface (چکیده)
2337 - Response surface methodology for modeling and optimizing the treatment of synthetic starchy wastewater using hydrophilic PES membrane (چکیده)
2338 - Effect of Dietary Energy Source on Ruminal Fermentation, Venous Blood Gases and Various Blood Metabolites of Baluchi Sheep (چکیده)
2339 - Pathological study on liver of dromedary camels (چکیده)
2340 - Dual 2d CFT identication of extremal black rings from holes (چکیده)
2341 - Odontobuthus tirgari sp. nov. (Scorpiones, Buthidae) from the eastern region of the Iranian Plateau (چکیده)
2342 - Composition and Antifungal Activity of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) Essential Oil from Iran (چکیده)
2343 - Symptoms of bovine endocardial hydatidosis (چکیده)
2344 - Subcutaneous cellulitis of the thigh due to grass awn migration in a German shepherd dog (چکیده)
2345 - Cerebral coenurosis in a goat: pathological findings and literature review (چکیده)
2346 - Vascular hamartoma in the gingiva of a Calf (چکیده)
2347 - The First Report of Intracranial Meningioma in a Donkey (چکیده)
2348 - Gentamicin and phenylbutazone nephrotoxicity in a calf (چکیده)
2349 - Contagious ecthyma: case report and review (چکیده)
2350 - Pleural mesothelioma in a sheep (چکیده)
2351 - Severe and diffuse nodular hyperplasia of jejunum due to Eimeria species in an Iranian native kid (چکیده)
2352 - Pathological study of the uterine tubes in non-pregnant camels (Camelus dromedarius) slaughtered in Yazd province, Iran. (چکیده)
2353 - Analytical two-dimensional analysis of the transport phenomena occurring during convective drying: Apple slices (چکیده)
2354 - Shielding optimization in an in vivo activation analysis setup (چکیده)
2355 - Hepatocellular carcinoma in a sheep (چکیده)
2356 - Pathological study of ovaries of non-pregnant camels (Camelus dromedarius) slaughtered in Iran (چکیده)
2357 - Double outlet right ventricle in a calf (چکیده)
2358 - Effect of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers on Morphological and Physiological Characteristics, Essential Oil Content and Constituents of Agastache (Agastache foeniculum) (چکیده)
2359 - Pathological study on lungs of dromedary camels slaughtered in the central part of Iran (چکیده)
2360 - Ostrich tendon (new xenogenic) transplantation in rabbit model (چکیده)
2361 - Can the same dose data be estimated from phantoms with different anatomies? (چکیده)
2362 - Study of size, type and the kerma approximation for Thermoluminescent dosimetry (چکیده)
2363 - Assessing Sedimentary Basin Effect on Compressibility of City of Kerman Sediments Using Stress Sensitivity and Standard Penetration Test (چکیده)
2364 - Finding a suitable shield for mixed neutron and photon fields based on an Am–Be source (چکیده)
2365 - The measurements of thermal neutron flux distribution in a paraffin phantom (چکیده)
2366 - Facility optimization to improve activation rate distributions during IVNAA (چکیده)
2367 - An optimized pre-moderator improves uniformity of activation rate distribution in an ORNL phantom-IVNAA facility (چکیده)
2368 - Prevalence of thin-walled Sarcocystis cruzi and thick-walled Sarcocystis hirsuta or Sarcocystis hominis from cattle in Iran (چکیده)
2369 - An unusual migration of Taenia hydatigena larvae in a lamb (چکیده)
2370 - Fresh autogenous and allogenous tendon graft in rabbit model (چکیده)
2371 - The operator dose assessment of landmine detection systems using the neutron backscattering method (چکیده)
2372 - An experimental investigation on the effects of surface gravity waves on the water evaporation rate in different air flow regimes (چکیده)
2373 - Unsteady Two-Dimensional Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous, Compressible Fluid on an Accelerated Flat Plate (چکیده)
2374 - Nanocomposite Catalysts Obtaining by Mechanochemical Technique for Synthesizing Carbon Nanotubes (چکیده)
2375 - Dynamic rheological properties of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum: Effect of concentration, temperature and heating/cooling rate (چکیده)
2376 - Conformation, molecular structure, and intramolecular hydrogen bonding of 1,1,1-trifluoro-5,5-dimethyl-2,4-hexanedione (چکیده)
2377 - Instability of cracked CFRP composite cylindrical shells under combined loading (چکیده)
2378 - Capacity for the doubly dirty multiple access channel with partial side information at the transmitters (چکیده)
2379 - General and new inner bound for multiple-access relay channel and two certain capacity theorems (چکیده)
2380 - On the microscopic parameters at a moving contact line during wetting process (چکیده)
2381 - Some Criteria for Detecting Capable Lie Aldebras (چکیده)
2382 - T-duality of D-brane action at order α′ in bosonic string theory (چکیده)
2383 - S-duality invariant dilaton couplings at order α′3 (چکیده)
2384 - An ultrastructural investigation of the blood neutrophils in camel (Camelus dromedarius (چکیده)
2385 - Effects of Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Entrepreneurship: Case Study (چکیده)
2386 - Effect of compost on antioxidant components and fruit quality of sweet pepper (capsicum annuum L.) (چکیده)
2387 - Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum: A new source of carbohydrate tomake a biodegradable film (چکیده)
2388 - Assessment of potential probiotic properties and multiple bacteriocin encoding-genes of the technological performing strain Enterococcus faecium MMRA (چکیده)
2389 - Influence of Strain Rate on the Toughening Effect of CaCO3 in Polypropylene/CaCO3 Composites (چکیده)
2390 - Entrance Effects of Thermal Creep on Fluid Heating in Rectangular Microchannels (چکیده)
2391 - An atypical pattern of accumulation of scopolamine and other tropane alkaloids and expression of alkaloid pathway genes in Hyoscyamus senecionis (چکیده)
2392 - Synthesis of novel cyclophane-type crown ethers from 2-methylindole (چکیده)
2393 - Room temperature magnetization in Co-doped Anatase phase of TiO2 (چکیده)
2394 - Similarity Solutions of Axisymmetric Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous, Boussinesq-Related Density Fluid On a Moving Flat Plate (چکیده)
2395 - Treatment of newly hatched chicken with CpG oligodeoxynucleotides decreases liver/spleen colonization of Salmonella enteritidis in broiler chickens (چکیده)
2396 - Effect of mass transfer limitations on catalyst performance during reduction and carburization of iron based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalysts (چکیده)
2397 - Mechanistic double ASF product distribution study of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on precipitated iron catalyst (چکیده)
2398 - Detailed kinetics of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis on a precipitated iron catalyst (چکیده)
2399 - Size control of iron oxide nanoparticles using reverse microemulsion method: morphology, reduction and catalytic activity in CO hydrogenation (چکیده)
2400 - An operator Karamata inequality (چکیده)
2401 - Non-linear bending analysis of shear deformable functionally graded rotating disk (چکیده)
2402 - extraction of lipids from spent coffee grounds using organic solvents and supercritical carbon dioxide (چکیده)
2403 - Comparison of tp can and flexible pouch on physicochemical, microbial and sensory properties of mashhad blackcherry preserves at different storage conditions (چکیده)
2404 - Value of Water in an Arid Area of Central Iran (چکیده)
2405 - Some asymptotic results of kernel density estimator in length-biased sampling (چکیده)
2406 - Investigation of effective Microorganisms (EM) Impact in Water Stress (چکیده)
2407 - In Vitro Establishment and Clonal Propagation of Sebri Pear (چکیده)
2408 - The genus Mycterothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Iran, with three new species (چکیده)
2409 - Plant extract enhanced ruminal CLA concentration, in vitro (چکیده)
2410 - High coupling efficiency to a low dispersion slow light-supporting photonic crystal waveguide (چکیده)
2411 - Robust Density of Periodic Orbits for Skew Products with High Dimensional Fiber (چکیده)
2412 - Biologically relevant doses of mixed aflatoxins B and G up-regulate MyD88, TLR2, TLR4 and CD14 transcripts in human PBMCs (چکیده)
2413 - Indirect Chemiluminescence-based Determination of Catecholamines in Pharmaceutical Formulations by Furandicarboxylate Derivative as a Novel Blue Fluorescer in Peroxyoxalate-H2O2 System (چکیده)
2414 - An unusual squamous cell carcinoma in a sheep: a case report (چکیده)
2415 - A New Tau Method for Solving Nonlinear Lane-Emden Type Equations via Bernoulli Operational Matrix of Differentiation (چکیده)
2416 - A New Solvated Phosphoric Triamide, [(C6H4(3-CH3)NH)3P(O)] · (C2H5OH): A Database Analysis of N Atom Geometry in Compounds with an [N]3P(O) Fragment (چکیده)
2417 - Bovine salmonellosis in Northeast of Iran: Frequency, genetic fingerprinting and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella spp. (چکیده)
2418 - Exergetic Performance of a Cylindrical Methane-Air Microcombustor under Various Inlet Conditions (چکیده)
2419 - Classification of fuzzy data based on the support vector machines (چکیده)
2420 - The impact of carbon pricing on a closed-loop supply chain: an Australian case study (چکیده)
2421 - extension of chicone s method for perturbation systems of three parameters with application to Lienard system (چکیده)
2422 - Study of Broiler Chicken Responses to Dietary Protein and Lysine Using Neural Network and Response Surface Models (چکیده)
2423 - Multiple hydrocarbon charging events in Kuh-e-Mond oil field, Coastal Fars: evidence from biomarkers in oil inclusions (چکیده)
2424 - Forecasting Tehran Stock Exchange Return; Kalman Filter Approach (چکیده)
2425 - An Alexandroff topology on graphs (چکیده)
2426 - catena-Poly[[di-miu2-aqua-hexaaquabis(miu3-4-oxidopyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)trimanganese(II)] trihydrate]: a new one-dimensional coordination polymer based on a trinuclear MnII complex of chelidamic acid (چکیده)
2427 - Magnetostriction effect of Co substitution in the Nd6Fe13Si intermetallic compound (چکیده)
2428 - Exact cosmological solutions from Hojman conservation quantities (چکیده)
2429 - An effective hair removal algorithm for dermoscopy images (چکیده)
2430 - Histology and histometry of different parts of urinary bladder in Camelus dromedarius (چکیده)
2431 - The investigation of non-genetic factors affecting survival of Karakul lambs from birth to one year of age using linear and nonlinear models (چکیده)
2432 - Effects of drought stress on quantitative and qualitative yield and antioxidative activity of Bunium persicum (چکیده)
2433 - Numerical Study of Three-Dimensional Mixed Convection in an Eccentric Annulus (چکیده)
2434 - Survey of dermatological conditions in a population of domestic dogs in Mashhad, northeast of Iran (2007-2011) (چکیده)
2435 - Free-edge stress analysis of general rectangular composite laminates under bending, torsion and thermal loads (چکیده)
2436 - Pyrimido[5,4-e]tetrazolo[5,1-b][1,3,4]thiadiazines as a new heterocyclic system (چکیده)
2437 - Quince seed mucilage films incorporated with oregano essential oil: Physical, thermal, barrier, antioxidant and antibacterial properties (چکیده)
2438 - The intersection properties of generalized Hellyfamilies for inverse limit spaces (چکیده)
2439 - Notes on the flora of Iran 5: Halimocnemis longifolia (چکیده)
2440 - Development of a novel thin film composite membrane by Interfacial polymerization on polyetherimide/ modified SiO2 support for organic solvent nanofiltration (چکیده)
2441 - New and interesting records for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
2442 - Online bio-inspired trajectory generation of seven-link biped robot based on T–S fuzzy system (چکیده)
2443 - Facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy of an Upper Jurassic carbonate ramp in the Eastern Alborz range and Binalud Mountains, NE Iran (چکیده)
2444 - Further record of Golunda ellioti Gray, 1837 (Muridae, Rodentia) from South East of Iran with notes on its postcranial skeleton (چکیده)
2445 - Distribution patterns of The Genus Cousinia (ASTERACEAE) in Iran (چکیده)
2446 - Investigation of damage detection in blade root joints of a 100 kW wind turbine using frequency tracking (چکیده)
2447 - Biostratigraphy and Sequence Stratigraphy of Paleogene Deposits in Central Kopet-Dagh Basin (NE of Iran) (چکیده)
2448 - Investigation of microstructural and mechanical properties of austempered steel bar-reinforced ductile cast iron composite (چکیده)
2449 - New plant records for Khorassan Province, Iran (چکیده)
2450 - A framework toward developing a groundwater conceptual model (چکیده)
2451 - Application of NN-ARX Model to Predict Groundwater Levels in the Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
2452 - Effect of different Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains on hairy root induction inValeriana officinalis L. (چکیده)
2453 - Vibrational assignment and structure of 3-amino-1-phenyl-2-buten-1-one (چکیده)
2454 - Theoretical study of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in the halo derivatives of 1-amino-3-imino-prop-1-ene (چکیده)
2455 - Prediction of ultimate axial load-carrying capacity of piles using a support vector machine based on CPT data (چکیده)
2456 - Closeness of k-records to progressive Type-II censored order statistics for location-scale families (چکیده)
2457 - Stoichiometry Determination across the Face of Hg1-xCdxTe Semiconductors (چکیده)
2458 - Conformational analysis and vibrational assignment of bis-gem-diol of hexafluoroacetylacetone (چکیده)
2459 - On the computation of weighted Moore- Penrose inverse using a high-order matrix method (چکیده)
2460 - Application of variational mesh generation approach for selecting centers of radial basis functions collocation method (چکیده)
2461 - Factors influencing on positioning of proposed Landuse in Rural Settlement of Iran (چکیده)
2462 - Characterization of antioxidant–antibacterial quince seed mucilagefilms containing thyme essential oil (چکیده)
2463 - Identification of Current Art Education Approaches in Irans Middle Schools: A Steps Toward Identifying Knowlede Domains (چکیده)
2464 - progressive collapse analysis of steel frames: simplified procedure and explicit expression for dynamic increase factor (چکیده)
2465 - Effects of chicory root powder on growth performance and histomorphometry of jejunum in broiler chicks (چکیده)
2466 - The evolution of Dianthus polylepis complex (Caryophyllaceae) inferred from morphological and nuclear DNA sequence data: one or two species (چکیده)
2467 - Proposed mechanism for performance of power system stabilizers in the condition of strong resonance (چکیده)
2468 - The effects of washing and drying on the crystal structure and pore size distribution (PSD) of Zn4O13C24H12 framework (IRMOF-1) (چکیده)
2469 - The Analysis of the Relationship between the Theoretical Knowledge of Translators and Their Practical Translation Skills: An Evaluation of Graduate Translation Courses (چکیده)
2470 - Biochemical Alterations Induced by Sublethal Cyanide Exposure in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) (چکیده)
2471 - Nutritional value of wet extruded full-fat soybeanand its effects on broiler chicken performance (چکیده)
2472 - Elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded nanocomposite reinforced by carbon nanotubes employing meshless Local Integral Equations (LIEs) (چکیده)
2473 - Reliable yet Flexible Software through Formal Model Transformation (Rule Definition) (چکیده)
2474 - Detrital mode and geochemistry of the Shurijeh Formation (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) in the central and western parts of the Intracontinental Kopet-Dagh Basin, Northeastern Iran: Implications for provenance, tectonic setting and weathering processes (چکیده)
2475 - Petrochemical Characteristics and Timing of Middle Eocene Granitic Magmatism in Kooh-Shah, Lut Block, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
2476 - A low-complexity digital background calibration of sample-time error in time-interleaved A/D converters (چکیده)
2477 - Effect of thymol and carvacrol feed supplementation on performance, antioxidant enzyme activities, fatty acid composition, digestive enzyme activities, and immune response in broiler chickens (چکیده)
2478 - The effect of Dimethylglycine (DMG) administration on Biochemical Blood Parameters in Youth elite Basketball Players (چکیده)
2479 - Modeling and Simulation of Erosion–Corrosion in Disturbed Two-Phase Flow Through Fluid Transport Pipelines (چکیده)
2480 - Application of Three Different Calibration-Uncertainty Analysis Methods in a Semi-Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model Application (چکیده)
2481 - Effect of calcination temperature on catalytic activity of synthesis SrO/S-ZrO2 by solvent-free method in esterification of oleic acid (چکیده)
2482 - The effect of Higgs boson radiation from TeV black holes on the hadronic cross section at the LHC (چکیده)
2483 - Does the HM mechanism work in stiring theory (چکیده)
2484 - Molecular genotyping of Echinococcus granulosus from dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius) in eastern Iran (چکیده)
2485 - Pathophysiology Marshallagia marshalli in experimentally infected lamb (چکیده)
2486 - An epidemiological survey on intestinal helminths of stray dogs in Mashhad, North-east of Iran (چکیده)
2487 - The Optimum Oil Revenue in Iran (چکیده)
2488 - Analytical dynamic modeling of a cantilever IPMC actuator based on a distributed electrical circuit (چکیده)
2489 - Dynamic stability of smart sandwich beams with electro-rheological core resting on elastic foundation (چکیده)
2490 - Applicability of small-scale models in prediction flutter pressure of delaminated composite beam-plates (چکیده)
2491 - Aeroelastic stability of smart sandwich plates with electrorheological fluid core and orthotropic faces (چکیده)
2492 - Heteropolyacids: An Efficient Catalyst for Synthesis of CL-20 (چکیده)
2493 - Foreign language identity and English achievement at a specific educational level (چکیده)
2494 - Exploring the role of anxiety and motivation in foreign language achievement: A structural equation modeling approach (چکیده)
2495 - Logical-mathematical intelligence and its relationship with English language proficiency (چکیده)
2496 - Top peer pressure and academic achievement within a domain controlled field (چکیده)
2497 - Effects of lead acetate exposure on metabolic enzyme activities in selected tissues of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (چکیده)
2498 - The effects of addition of omega-3, 6, 9 fatty acids on the quality of bovine chilled and frozen-thawed sperm (چکیده)
2499 - Molecular phylogeny of brush-tailed mice of the genus Calomyscus (Rodentia: Calomyscidae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences ( Cox1 gene) (چکیده)
2500 - Molecular phylogeny of the Iranian Plateau five-toed jerboa, Allactaga (Dipodidea: Rodentia), inferred from mtDNA (چکیده)
2501 - Mitochondrial DNA (CYTB) divergences in two distinct, Old World and New World Barn Owls (چکیده)
2502 - Molecular phylogeny ofthe Puntius (Hamilton, 1822) based on nuclear gene RAG2 (چکیده)
2503 - Hybridization between sister taxa versus non-sister taxa: a case study in birds (چکیده)
2504 - Synthesis and application of FePt/CNTs nanocomposite as a sensor and novel amide ligand as a mediator for simultaneous determination of glutathione, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and tryptophan (چکیده)
2505 - Decoration of carbon nanotube with sizecontrolled L10-FePt nanoparticles for storage media (چکیده)
2506 - Miniaturized and green method for determination of chemical oxygen demand using UV-induced oxidation with hydrogen peroxide and single drop microextraction (چکیده)
2507 - Head-space single drop microextraction combined with gas chromatography with an electron capture detectorfor determination of iodine in infant formulas (چکیده)
2508 - Exploring the relationship between employees’ perception of empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior (چکیده)
2509 - comparative and correlative study of optimism and menta lhealth status in active and non active elderly people (چکیده)
2510 - Effect of Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) Concentration and Coagulation Bath Temperature on the Morphology, Permeability, and Thermal Stability of Asymmetric Cellulose Acetate Membranes (چکیده)
2511 - Preparation and Characterization of Nanoporous Polysulfone Membranes with High Hydrophilic Property Using Variation in CBT and Addition of Tetronic-1107 Surfactant (چکیده)
2512 - A CSD analysis on H-bond patterns from phosphoric triamides to their coordination compounds, new complexes with (tBuNH)3PO ligand (PO): Cl2Ph2Sn(PO)2 and Fe(PO)2(NO3)3 (چکیده)
2513 - A facile sol–gel approach to synthesize KNN nanoparticles at low temperature (چکیده)
2514 - Conformational analysis, intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and vibrational assignment of 4,4-dimethyl-1-phenylpentane-1,3-dione (چکیده)
2515 - Cellulose acetate butyrate membrane containing TiO2 nanoparticle: Preparation, characterization and permeation study (چکیده)
2516 - Dryness of ephemeral lakes and consequences for dust activity: The case of the Hamoun drainage basin, southeastern Iran (چکیده)
2517 - Effect of preparation variables on morphology and pure water permeation flux through asymmetric cellulose acetate membranes (چکیده)
2518 - The effect of eight weeks of aerobic training on hsCRP and resistin levels in menopause women (چکیده)
2519 - Effects of Tween 80 concentration as a surfactant additive on morphology and permeability of flat sheet polyethersulfone (PES) membranes (چکیده)
2520 - Cellulose acetate (CA)/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) blend asymmetric membranes: Preparation, morphology and performance (چکیده)
2521 - Effect of production conditions on morphology and permeability of asymmetric cellulose acetate membranes (چکیده)
2522 - A type-2 fuzzy rule-based expert system model for stock price analysis (چکیده)
2523 - Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for solubility prediction of carbon dioxide in polymers (چکیده)
2524 - Desulfurization process using Takagi–Sugeno–Kang fuzzy modeling (چکیده)
2525 - Data-Driven Fuzzy Modeling for Takagi–Sugeno–Kang Fuzzy System (چکیده)
2526 - A cluster validity index for fuzzy clustering (چکیده)
2527 - Rule Base Simplification by Using a Similarity Measures of Fuzzy Sets (چکیده)
2528 - An efficient approach for unsupervised fuzzy clustering based on grouping evolution strategies (چکیده)
2529 - A new indirect approach to the type-2 fuzzy systems modeling and design (چکیده)
2530 - Microleakage and antibacterial properties of ZnO and ZnO:Ag nanopowders prepared via a sol–gel method for endodontic sealer application (چکیده)
2531 - Polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/IGEPAL blend asymmetric membranes: preparation, morphology, and performance (چکیده)
2532 - Promotion of polysulfone membrane by thermal-mechanical stretching process (چکیده)
2533 - Size-dependent studies of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on iron based catalyst: New kinetic model (چکیده)
2534 - New size dependent kinetic model of water-gas-shift reaction on iron based catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
2535 - Development of Slot Array Antenna Using s Multiresonant SIW Cavity (چکیده)
2536 - Numerical Simulation of Smart Hydrofoil in Marine System (چکیده)
2537 - New 5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde S-ethylisothiosemicarbazone and its mixed-ligand Cu(II) complex with imidazole: synthesis, characterization and DFT calculation (چکیده)
2538 - Analysis of two-dimensional functionally graded rotating thick disks with variable thickness (چکیده)
2539 - An interacting Fuzzy-Fading-Memory-based Augmented Kalman Filtering method for maneuvering target tracking (چکیده)
2540 - Minimizing total weighted late works in the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (چکیده)
2541 - Three-Dimensional Stagnation Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous, Comprresible Fluid on a Flat Plate (چکیده)
2542 - Preparation, characterization and gas permeation study of PSf/MgO Nanocomposite Membrane (چکیده)
2543 - Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds by reaction of dialkyl acetylenedicarboxylates with thiourea derivatives (چکیده)
2544 - Coupled thermoelasticity of a functionally graded cracked layer under thermomechanical shocks (چکیده)
2545 - Solutions to the problem of thermomechanical yielding in functionally graded material cylindrical vessels (چکیده)
2546 - Nasal mite of dogs Pneumonyssus (Pneumonyssoides) caninum in Iran (چکیده)
2547 - Two relaxation time lattice Boltzmann model for rarefied gas flows (چکیده)
2548 - Plastic limit speed of FGM disc due to the variation of temperature and material composition (چکیده)
2549 - A theoretical study of the mechanism and kinetics of the thermal decomposition of carbamoyl azide (چکیده)
2550 - Nonlinear modeling of soil deformation modulus through LGP-based interpretation of pressuremeter test results (چکیده)
2551 - An O(n log n) algorithm for the Inverse 1-median problem on trees with variable vertex weights and edge reductions (چکیده)
2552 - Evaluation of Hydrogeochemical Processes and Groundwater Table Decline (چکیده)
2553 - A novel AlGaN/GaN HEMT with a p-layer in the barrier (چکیده)
2554 - Stability of vacua in new massive gravity in different gauges (چکیده)
2555 - The Effect of Antimicrobial Peptide Temporin-Ra on Cell Viability and Gene Expression of Pro-inflammatory Factors in A549 Cell Line (چکیده)
2556 - Vortex-glass phase transition andenhanced flux pinning in C4+-irradiated BaFe1:9Ni0:1As2 superconducting single crystals (چکیده)
2557 - Ultimate Strength Analysis of Combined Loaded Stainless Steel Circular Tubes with Hole (چکیده)
2558 - Numerical and experimental investigations on buckling of steel cylindrical shells with elliptical cutout subject to axial compression (چکیده)
2559 - Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Loading Band on Buckling of Perforated Rectangular Steel Plates (چکیده)
2560 - Molecular cloning and the expression of the Na+/H+antiporter in the monocot halophyte Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth (چکیده)
2561 - Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube/Water nanofluid or helical coilingtechnique, which of them is more effective? (چکیده)
2562 - S-duality of tree-level S-matrix elements in D3-brane effective action (چکیده)
2563 - Effects of Saponins on Rumen Fermentation, Nutrients Digestibility, Performance, and Plasma Metabolites in Sheep and Goat Kids (چکیده)
2564 - Generalized Riemann curvature corrections to type II supergravity (چکیده)
2565 - Assessing nitrogen flow in production and utilization cycle of wheat and maize as a tool to monitor N loss in Iran (چکیده)
2566 - Biocontrol potential of the entomopathogenic nematodes Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and Steinernema carpocapsae on Cucurbit fly, Dacus ciliatus (Diptera: Tephritidae) (چکیده)
2567 - Identification of the Key Variables on Thermal Conductivity of CuO Nanofluid by a Fractional Factorial Design Approach (چکیده)
2568 - Improvement in Heat Transfer of a Two-Phased Closed Thermosyphon using Silver-Decorated MWCNT/Water (چکیده)
2569 - Laminar convective heat transfer of Al2O3/water nanofluid through square cross-sectional duct (چکیده)
2570 - Synthesis, characterization and theoretical evaluations of HMDS promoted chemoselective O-alkylation of uracils (چکیده)
2571 - Optimization of functional properties of three stabilizers and κ-carrageenan in ice cream and study of their synergism (چکیده)
2572 - The effect of pH and calcium ion on rheological behaviour of β-lactoglobulin-basil seed gum mixed gels (چکیده)
2573 - Hydrodynamic behaviour of micro/nanoscale Poiseuille flow under thermal creep condition (چکیده)
2574 - Effect of the recommended and optimized doses ofhaloxyfop-P-methyl or imazethapyr on soybean-Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum symbiosis (چکیده)
2575 - An application of a merit function for solving convex programming problems (چکیده)
2576 - Effect of sowing dates on quantity and quality of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) under semi-arid condition in Iran (چکیده)
2577 - Qualitative and Quantitative Changes in the Essential Oil of Lemon Verbena (Lippia citriodora) as Affected by Drying ConditionDrying Condition (چکیده)
2578 - Optimal control problem via neural networks (چکیده)
2579 - Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) reduces endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rat (چکیده)
2580 - Evaluation of Eddy Viscosity Models in Predicting Free- Stream Turbulence Penetration (چکیده)
2581 - Discrimination of different erosion levels of porphyry Cu deposits using ASTER image processing in Eastern Iran: a case study on Maherabad, Shadan, and Chah Shaljami areas (چکیده)
2582 - Environmental and sequence stratigraphic implications of anhydrite textures: A case from the Lower Triassic of the Central Persian Gulf (چکیده)
2583 - Preparation, characterization, and rheological properties of graphene–glycerol nanofluids (چکیده)
2584 - Study of Effects of different levels of irrigation interval and nitrogen on some physiological traits of signet marigold (Tagetes tenuifolia (چکیده)
2585 - Formulation of Secant and Reloading Soil Deformation Moduli using Multi Expression Programming (چکیده)
2586 - The Perception-Practicum Interface Revisited: Life-wise Language Teaching Perceptions and Teacher Burnout (چکیده)
2587 - Facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy of the Asmari Formation in the northern area of Dezful Embayment, south-west Iran (چکیده)
2588 - Properties and Performance of Concrete Made with Recycled Low-Quality Crushed Brick (چکیده)
2589 - A fast static security assessment method based on radial basis function neural networks using enhanced clustering (چکیده)
2590 - Effect of dietary garlic supplementation on lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation biomarkers of tissues as well as some serum biochemical parameters in common carp Cyprinus carpio (چکیده)
2591 - Insight into the connecting roles of interaction synthons and water clusters within different transition metal coordination compounds of pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylic acid: experimental and theoretical studies (چکیده)
2592 - Chemotaxonomical Analysis of the Essential Oil Aroma Compounds of Two Different Ocimum basilicum L. Varieties from Iran (چکیده)
2593 - The influence of La2O3 and TiO2 on NiO/MgO/α-Al2O3 catalyst in CO2-Steam reforming of methane to syngas (چکیده)
2594 - Cobalt Loading Effects on the Structure and Activity for Fischer-Tropsch and Water-Gas Shift Reactions of Co/Al2O3 Catalysts (چکیده)
2595 - Raising Co/Al2O3 catalyst lifetime in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis by using a novel dual-bed reactor (چکیده)
2596 - Cobalt supported on carbon nanotubes — A promising novel Fischer–Tropsch synthesis catalyst (چکیده)
2597 - Study on products distribution of iron and iron–zeolite catalysts in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
2598 - Deactivation studies of bifunctional Fe-HZSM5 catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch process (چکیده)
2599 - The Coiflet–Galerkin method for linear Volterra integral equations (چکیده)
2600 - Bifurcation analysis of a cellular nonlinear network model via neural network approach (چکیده)
2601 - Stress–force–fabric relationship for planar granular materials (چکیده)
2602 - Preparation of a Novel Super Active Fischer-Tropsch Cobalt Catalyst Supported on Carbon Nanotubes (چکیده)
2603 - Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis with Fe/Cu/La/SiO2 Nano-Structured Catalyst (چکیده)
2604 - Catalytic behaviors of bifunctional Fe-HZSM-5 catalyst in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
2605 - Support effects on the chemical property and catalytic activity of Co-Mo HDS catalyst in sulfur recovery (چکیده)
2606 - Studies on product distribution of alkali promoted iron catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
2607 - Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over ruthenium-promoted Co/Al2O3 catalyst with different reduction procedures (چکیده)
2608 - Effects of Confinement in Carbon Nanotubes on the Performance and Lifetime of Fischer-Tropsch Iron Nano Catalysts (چکیده)
2609 - Ce-promoted Mn/Na2WO4/SiO2 catalyst for oxidative coupling of methane at atmospheric pressure (چکیده)
2610 - Studies on accelerated deactivation of ruthenium-promoted alumina-supported alkalized cobalt Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst (چکیده)
2611 - CFD modeling of hydrogen production using steam reforming of methane in monolith reactors: Surface or volume-base reaction model? (چکیده)
2612 - Order–disorder transition and phase stability of BaxSr1−xCo0.8Fe0.2O3−ı oxides (چکیده)
2613 - An investigation on the performance of a FTS fixed-bed reactor using CFD method (چکیده)
2614 - Structure Stability and Oxygen Permeability of Perovskite-type Oxides of Ba0:5Sr0:5Co0:8Fe0:1R0:1O3¡± (R=Al, Mn, Fe, Ce, Cr, Ni, Co) (چکیده)
2615 - Partial oxidation of methane in Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.1Ni0.1O3−δ ceramic membrane reactor (چکیده)
2616 - Localization operators on Homogeneous spaces (چکیده)
2617 - Numerical investigation of viscoelastic shedding flow behind a circular cylinder (چکیده)
2618 - Numerical study of developed laminar mixed convection of Al2O3/water nanofluid in an annulus (چکیده)
2619 - Effect of essential oils from Callistemon viminalis and Ferula gummosa on toxicity and on the hemocyte profile of Ephestia kuehniella (Lep.: Pyralidae) (چکیده)
2620 - Stable isotope record in pedogenic carbonates in northeast Iran: Implications for Early Cretaceous (Berriasian–Barremian) paleovegetation and paleoatmospheric P(CO2) levels (چکیده)
2621 - Chemical properties of the oil from Pistacia khinjuk fruits growing wild in Iran (چکیده)
2622 - Time optimal control problem of the heat equation with thermal source (چکیده)
2623 - Effect of solvent type on the morphology and gas permeation properties of polysulfone–silica nanocomposite membranes (چکیده)
2624 - Gel Spinning Characteristics of Ultra-high MolecularWeight Polyethylene and Study on Fibre Structure before Drawing (چکیده)
2625 - Thrust distribution in e^+ e^- annihilation with Monte Carlo data (چکیده)
2626 - New data on spider fauna from Golestan province, Iran (Arachnida, Araneae) (چکیده)
2627 - Evidence for crossing the blood barrier of adult rat brain by human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells during a 6-month period of post-transplantation (چکیده)
2628 - Caspian sea-level changes during the last millennium: historical and geological evidence from the south Caspian Sea (چکیده)
2629 - Study of Hg(II) species removal from aqueous solution using hybrid ZnCl2-MCM-41 adsorbent (چکیده)
2630 - Estimation of convective heat transfer coefficient in a single-slope solar still: a numerical study (چکیده)
2631 - Some Discrete Lifetime Distributions with Bathtub-Shaped Hazard Rate Functions (چکیده)
2632 - Accuracy analysis of predicted velocity profiles of laminar duct flow with entropy generation method (چکیده)
2633 - Evaluation of sublethal cyanide exposure on plasma biochemical profile in rats and possible protective effect of garlic (چکیده)
2634 - Feedback controller design for linear and a class of nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
2635 - An approximate method for solving a class of nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
2636 - Optimal and adaptive control for a kind of 3D chaotic and 4D hyper-chaotic systems (چکیده)
2637 - A New Piecewise-Spectral Homotopy Analysis Method for Solving Chaotic Systems of Initial Value Problems (چکیده)
2638 - Two dimensional stress wave propagation in finite length FG cylinders with two directional nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG method (چکیده)
2639 - Maximum dynamic network flow interdiction problem: New formulation (چکیده)
2640 - Computational study on the mechanism of N-phenylimine derivatives’ pyrolysis reaction in the gas phase (چکیده)
2641 - Four New Methods for Finding Structural Critical Points (چکیده)
2642 - A bending element for isotropic, multilayered and piezoelectric plates (چکیده)
2643 - Analysis of the Probability Distribution of LMP by Central Limit Theorem (چکیده)
2644 - Phenolics in Henna: Extraction and stability (چکیده)
2645 - Molecular and morphological characterization of Pristionchus pacificus (Nematoda: Rhabditida: Neodiplogastridae), a new record of an entomophilic nematode from Iran (چکیده)
2646 - The olefin to paraffin ratio as a function of catalyst particle size in FischereTropsch synthesis by iron catalyst (چکیده)
2647 - Evaluation of carbon sequestration potential in corn fields with different management systems (چکیده)
2648 - The effect of alcoholic fuel additives on exergy parameters and emissions in a two stroke gasoline engine (چکیده)
2649 - A qualified description of extended fuzzy logic (چکیده)
2650 - Collective-Coordinate Analysis of Inhomogeneous Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Field Theory (چکیده)
2651 - Brain Emotional Learning-Based Pattern Recognizer (چکیده)
2652 - Assessment of Concentrations of Nano and Bulk Iron Oxide Particles on Early Growth of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (چکیده)
2653 - Effect of Salinity on Carbon Isotope Discrimination of Shoot and Root of Four Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris) Cultivars (چکیده)
2654 - Effect of speed and load on exergy recovery in a water-cooled two stroke gasoline-ethanol engine for the bsfc reduction purposes (چکیده)
2655 - Vortex flux pinning mechanism and enhancement of in-field Jc in succinic acid doped MgB2 (چکیده)
2656 - Identification and Prioritization of Hazardous Road Location by Segmentation and Data Envelopment Analysis Approach (چکیده)
2657 - A solid phase microextraction coating based on ionic liquid sol–gel technique for determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and o-xylene in water samples using gas chromatography flame ionization detector (چکیده)
2658 - Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis Over CNT Supported Cobalt Catalysts: Role of Metal Nanoparticle Size on Catalyst Activity and Products Selectivity (چکیده)
2659 - Sequence and Biostratigraphy of Lower Cenozoic succession in the Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE of Iran (چکیده)
2660 - Synthesis, structural, and thermal analyses of copper(II) and oxido-vanadium(IV) complexes of 4-bromo-2-(((5-chloro-2- hydroxyphenyl)imino)methyl)phenol (چکیده)
2661 - Free vibration analysis of nonlinear resilient impact Dampers (چکیده)
2662 - A review of entropy generation in nanofluid flow (چکیده)
2663 - Efficient Filtration System for Paraffin-Catalyst Slurry Separation (چکیده)
2664 - The survey of energy demand in Islamic countries by using of panel data (چکیده)
2665 - Effects of altitude on the soot emission and fuel consumption of a light-duty diesel engine (چکیده)
2666 - Capacity Analysis of Asynchronous Optical CDMA Systems Utilizing Wrapped OPPM: Multiple Access Interference Limited Case (چکیده)
2667 - Plant parasitic nematodes from rhizosphere of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) with two new records of Geocenamus squamatus and Filenchus pratensis from Iran (چکیده)
2668 - Solidification of Two-Dimensional Viscous, Incompressible Stagnation Flow (چکیده)
2669 - Investigation on Buckling Behavior of Tubular Shells with Circular Cutout, Subjected to Combined Loading (چکیده)
2670 - Buckling of Cracked Laminated Composite Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Combined Loading (چکیده)
2671 - LMP decomposition: A novel approach for structural market power monitoring (چکیده)
2672 - probabilistic model for assessing the reliability of wind farms in a power system (چکیده)
2673 - Rectifying behavior of graphene/h-boron-nitride heterostructure (چکیده)
2674 - Buckling Load Analysis of Oblique Loaded Stainless Steel 316ti Cylindrical Shells with Elliptical Cutout (چکیده)
2675 - Buckling and Post Buckling Investigation of Thin Walled Shells Contain Elliptical and Circular Cutout, Subjected to Oblique Loading (چکیده)
2676 - Buckling analysis of a cylindrical panel under axial stress using perturbation technique (چکیده)
2677 - An experimental study on the ratcheting and fatigue behavior of polyacetal under uniaxial cyclic loading (چکیده)
2678 - An experimental study on buckling and post-buckling behaviour of cylindrical panels with clamped and simply supported ends (چکیده)
2679 - Torsional Buckling Behavior of SWCNTs Using a Molecular Structural Mechanics Approach Considering Vacancy Defects (چکیده)
2680 - Antioxidant peptides obtained from goose egg white proteins by enzymatic hydrolysis (چکیده)
2681 - Supramolecular dispersive liquid–liquid microextractionbased solidification of floating organic drops forspeciation and spectrophotometric determination ofchromium in real samples (چکیده)
2682 - Ionic Liquid-Based Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Combined with FlameAtomic Absorption Spectrometry for Determination of Silver in Water Samples (چکیده)
2683 - Nested splitting conjugate gradient method for matrix equation AXB = C and preconditioning (چکیده)
2684 - Synthesis of nanostructured AlN by solid state reaction of Al and diaminomaleonitrile (چکیده)
2685 - Distribution of some graph invariants over hierarchical product of graphs (چکیده)
2686 - How Salinity Affect Germination and Emergence of Tomato Lines (چکیده)
2687 - Ab initio study of ion replacement in Spinach plastocyanin protein (چکیده)
2688 - Statistical inferences for stress-strength in the proportional hazard models based on progressive Type-II censored samples (چکیده)
2689 - A Novel Fault-Location Method for HVDC Transmission Lines Based on Similarity Measure of Voltage Signals (چکیده)
2690 - A Dynamic Discrimination Information Based On Cumulative Residual Entropy And Its Properties (چکیده)
2691 - A study on Tornabea scutellifera (Lichenized Ascomycete, Lecanorales) in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
2692 - Aeolothrips eremicola (Thysanoptera, Aeolothripidae): first record of the male from Iran (چکیده)
2693 - Dual-band Resonance Antennas Using Epsilon Negative Transmission Line (چکیده)
2694 - Protective Effect of Punica granatum L. against Serum/Glucose Deprivation-Induced PC12 Cells Injury (چکیده)
2695 - Application of a Hybrid Meshless Technique for Natural Frequencies Analysis in Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinder Subjected to Suddenly Thermal Loading (چکیده)
2696 - Further Results for a General Family of Bivariate copulas (چکیده)
2697 - Rapid, OnePot Synthesis of HighlySoluble Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized by Larginine (چکیده)
2698 - Cloning, Nucleotide Sequencing and Bioinformatics Study of NcSRS2 Gene, an Immunogen from Iranian Isolate of Neospora caninum (چکیده)
2699 - The study of the effect of increasing adsorbed hydrog s atomic percentage on electronic properties of boron-nitride nanotube (چکیده)
2700 - Optimization of foam filled spot-welded column for the crashworthiness design (چکیده)
2701 - Optimal synthesis of function generator of four-bar linkages based on distribution of precision points (چکیده)
2702 - Numerical and experimental investigations on the buckling of steel semi- spherical shells under various loadings (چکیده)
2703 - Influence of Boundary Conditions and Defects on the Buckling Behavior of SWCNTs via a StructuralMechanics Approach (چکیده)
2704 - Frequency analysis of perfect and defective SWCNTs (چکیده)
2705 - Serodiagnosis of human hydatidosis with an ELISA developed based on antigens derived from sheep hydatid cysts and comparison with a commercial human ELISA kit (چکیده)
2706 - Introducing and validation of SYBR Green Real-Time PCR method to determinate sex ratio in bovine semen (چکیده)
2707 - Relationship BetweenEmotional Intelligence and Conflict Management Strategies (چکیده)
2708 - Complete mineralization of surfactant from aqueous solution by a novel sono-synthesized nanocomposite (TiO2–Cu2O) under sunlight irradiation (چکیده)
2709 - Non-parametric prediction intervals for the lifetime of coherent systems (چکیده)
2710 - Numerical and experimental investigation on ultimate strength of cracked cylindrical shells subjected to combined loading (چکیده)
2711 - phase synchronization and synchronization frequency of two-coupled van der pol oscillators with delayed coupling (چکیده)
2712 - Exact solution of conductive heat transfer in cylindrical composite laminate (چکیده)
2713 - Effect of defects and loading on prediction of Young’s modulus of SWCNTs (چکیده)
2714 - An experimental and numerical crashworthiness investigation of crash columns assembled by spot-weld (چکیده)
2715 - Experimental study on ultimate strength of CK20 steel cylindrical panels subjected to compressive axial load (چکیده)
2716 - Crashworthiness Optimization of Foam-filled and Empty Spot-welded Columns (چکیده)
2717 - Numerical Analysis and Experimental Study of Buckling Behavior of Steel Cylindrical Panels (چکیده)
2718 - Theoretical and spectroscopic studies on molecular structure and hydrogen bonding of 1,2-bis (monochloroacetyl) cyclopentadiene (چکیده)
2719 - A novel 4H–SiC MESFET with recessed gate and channel (چکیده)
2720 - Determination of presence of undesirable carbides at surface of cast iron parts using differential eddy current technique (چکیده)
2721 - Implementation of the extended finite element method for coupled dynamic thermoelastic fracture of a functionally graded cracked layer (چکیده)
2722 - Anatomical and pollen characters in Acanthophyllum C.A.Mey. (Caryophyllaceae) from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
2723 - Mite infestation of honeybee (Apis mellifera) in apiaries of North East of Iran (چکیده)
2724 - Gingival myiasis of camel (Camelus dromedarius) caused by Wohlfahrtia magnifica (چکیده)
2725 - New data on the chewing lice (Phthiraptera) of passerine birds in East of Iran (چکیده)
2726 - Festuca karatavica (Poaceae), a new grass record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
2727 - A Novel Antimicrobial Peptide Derived from the Insect Paederus dermatitis (چکیده)
2728 - High stable suspension of magnetite nanoparticles in ethanol by using sono-synthesized nanomagnetite in polyol medium (چکیده)
2729 - X-ray structure and theoretical studies on a palladium(II) Schiff base complex (چکیده)
2730 - Determination of Hg(II) in Environmental Water Samples Using DLLME Method Prior to GC-FID (چکیده)
2731 - Frequency of hard-ticks and the influence of age and sex of camel on ticks infestation rates in one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) population in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
2732 - Nonparametric prediction intervals for progressive Type-II censored order statistics based on k-records (چکیده)
2733 - Agrometeorological study of crop drought vulnerability and avoidance in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
2734 - Spanier spaces and covering theory of non-homotopically path Hausdorff spaces (چکیده)
2735 - An Environmental and Economic Perspective on Integrated Weed Management in Iran (چکیده)
2736 - Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Responses of A549 Epithelial Cells to Antimicrobial Peptide Brevinin-2R (چکیده)
2737 - Sodium selenite increases the transcript levels of iodothyronine deiodinases I and II in ovine and bovine fetal thyrocytes in vitro (چکیده)
2738 - A New Approach to Continuous Riesz Bases (چکیده)
2739 - Applying dynamic load estimation and distributed‐parameter line model to enhance the accuracy of impedance based fault location methods for power distribution networks (چکیده)
2740 - A branch-and-bound algorithm for scheduling of new product development projects (چکیده)
2741 - Ramond-Ramond corrections to type II supergravity at order α′3 (چکیده)
2742 - Microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Al/Al2O3 composites fabricated by stir-casting process (چکیده)
2743 - Green and Selective Synthesis of N-Substituted Amides using Water Soluble Porphyrazinato Copper(II) Catalyst (چکیده)
2744 - A New Synchronous Reference Frame-Based Method for Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters (چکیده)
2745 - Shear bond strength and antibacterial effects of orthodontic composite containing TiO2 nanoparticles (چکیده)
2746 - Scaffolds derived from cancellous bovine bone support mesenchymal stem cells maintenance and growth (چکیده)
2747 - On characterization results based on the number of observations near the k-records (چکیده)
2748 - How Institutional Socialization Tactics Affects the Drivers of Socialization; Newcomers Proactivity and Socialization Outcomes (چکیده)
2749 - Effects of particle diameter on performance improvement of adsorption systems (چکیده)
2750 - First report on the abnormality among body component ratios in the caught Caspian Sea Mahisefid (Rutilus frissi kutum, Kamensky, 1901) (چکیده)
2751 - Inhibitive assessment of 1-(7-methyl-5-morpholin-4-ylthiazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidin-2-yl)-hydrazine as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in sulfuric acid solution (چکیده)
2752 - Effect of exposure to sublethal levels of potassium cyanide on serum and tissue enzymes in roach fish (Rutilus rutilus) (چکیده)
2753 - Photolysis and photocatalysis of methylene blue by ferrite bismuth nanoparticlesunder sunlight irradiation (چکیده)
2754 - Conditional Tsallis Entropy (چکیده)
2755 - Pulling of double-stranded DNA by atomic force microscopy: a simulation in atomistic details (چکیده)
2756 - Comparison Models of Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction in Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Support Vector Machine Algorithm (چکیده)
2757 - Social Intelligence and Language Proficiency: Are They Related (چکیده)
2758 - Sono-catalytic degradation and fast mineralization of p-chlorophenol: La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 as a nano-magnetic green catalyst (چکیده)
2759 - Investigating the effect of bond slip on the seismic response of RC structures (چکیده)
2760 - Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on iron catalyst promoted with HZSM-5 zeolite: Regeneration studies of catalyst (چکیده)
2761 - The impact of website content dimension and e-trust on e-marketing effectiveness: The case of Iranian commercial saffron corporations (چکیده)
2762 - Gene expression of BDNF and its receptors, TrkB and p75 in the uterus and oviduct of pregnant and non-pregnant ewes (چکیده)
2763 - Bone tissue engineering with periosteal-free graft and pedicle omentum (چکیده)
2764 - Detection and quantification of cell-free fetal DNA in ovine maternal plasma; use it to predict fetal sex (چکیده)
2765 - The Sensitivity of Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Developmental Stages to Salinity Stress: An Integrated Approach (چکیده)
2766 - Calibration and Evaluation of CERES Rice Model under Different Nitrogen- andWater-Management Options in Semi-Mediterranean Climate Condition (چکیده)
2767 - Domino logic designs for high-performance and leakage-tolerant applications (چکیده)
2768 - A complementary method for automated detection of microaneurysms in fluorescein angiography fundus images to assess diabetic retinopathy (چکیده)
2769 - A comparison between the effects of one circuit-resistance and one aerobic exercise session on ghrelin to obestatin ratio in healthy young women (چکیده)
2770 - Evolution, paleoecology and sequence architecture of an Eocene carbonate ramp, southeast Zagros Basin, Iran (چکیده)
2771 - Viscous flow behavior, microstructure and physicochemical characteristics of a sweet paste functional dessert (Samanu) made from germinated wheat (چکیده)
2772 - Viscoelastic Characterization of Sage Seed Gum (چکیده)
2773 - Dipyrromethane as a new organic reagent for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles: preparation and application (چکیده)
2774 - Effect of Heat Treatment of Nanodiamonds on the Scratch Behavior of Polyacrylic/Nanodiamond Nanocomposite Clear Coats (چکیده)
2775 - Photocatalytic degradation of reactive black 5 azo dye by zinc sulfide quantum dots prepared by a sonochemical method (چکیده)
2776 - Nonlinear Analysis of Cable Structures under General Loadings (چکیده)
2777 - Bovine Articular Cartilage Decellularized Matrix as a Scaffold for Use in Cartilage Tissue Engineering (چکیده)
2778 - Bond Strength of Lap-Spliced GFRP Bars in Concrete Beams (چکیده)
2779 - Effects of dietary garlic powder supplementation on circulating biochemical and oxidant/antioxidant profile in male Wistar rats (چکیده)
2780 - Reliability-based Design for Damping Behavior of Inner Mass Single-unit Impact Dampers (چکیده)
2781 - Physical and flow properties of D-limonene-in-water emulsions stabilized with whey protein concentrate and wild sage (Salvia macrosiphon) seed gum (چکیده)
2782 - Synthesis of CuO nanoparticles and fabrication of nanostructural layer biosensors for detecting Aspergillus niger fungi (چکیده)
2783 - New plant records for Khorassan province, Iran, IV (چکیده)
2784 - A note on the nonabelian tensor square (چکیده)
2785 - Adsorption–desorption characteristics of nitrate, phosphate and sulfate on Mg–Al layered double hydroxide (چکیده)
2786 - Determining optimum planting dates for rainfed wheat using theprecipitation uncertainty model and adjusted crop evapotranspiration (چکیده)
2787 - Direct simulation Monte Carlo investigation of mixed supersonic–subsonic flow through micro-/nano-scale channels (چکیده)
2788 - DemocraticOP: A democratic way of aggregating Bayesian network parameters (چکیده)
2789 - Simultaneous derivatization and extraction of iodine from milk samples by hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-electron capture detection (چکیده)
2790 - Studies on the Antagonistic Behavior Between Cyclophosphamide Hydrochloride and Aspirin with Human Serum Albumin: Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (چکیده)
2791 - Synthesis, spectral, DFT and X-ray study of a cis-MoO2 complex with a new isothiosemicarbazone ligand (چکیده)
2792 - An investigation on Impact of Institutional ownership and company proprietorship on Tax Aggressive Policy (چکیده)
2793 - Study of activity, products selectivity and physico-chemical properties of bifunctional Fe/HZSM-5 FischereTropsch catalyst: Effect of catalyst shaping (چکیده)
2794 - Ring to open-chain transformation induced by selective metal coordination in a new dithiocarbazate ligand (چکیده)
2795 - Effect of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) seed extract on milk fatty acid profile and methane emission in lactating goat (چکیده)
2796 - The effects of physical therapy on exaggerated muscle tonicity, balance and quality of life on hemiparetic patients due to stroke (چکیده)
2797 - It is explored that ionic liquids can be suitable solvents for nitrile hydratase catalyzed reactions: A gift of the molecular modeling for the industry (چکیده)
2798 - Structural properties of the truncated and wild types of Taka-amylase: A molecular dynamics simulation and docking study (چکیده)
2799 - An improved isogeometrical analysis approach to functionally graded plane elasticity problems (چکیده)
2800 - Bromide Oxidation Mechanism By Vanadium Bromoperoxidase Functional Models with New Tripodal Amine Ligands: A Comprehensive Theoretical Calculations Study (چکیده)
2801 - Purification and biochemical characterization of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) from ostrich lung: The effect of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol on ACE conformation and activity (چکیده)
2802 - Studies on product distribution of naostructered iron catalyst in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: effect of catalyst particle size (چکیده)
2803 - Statistical inference for the lifetime performance index based on generalized order statistics from exponential distribution (چکیده)
2804 - Data on Scarification and Stratification Treatments on Germination and Seedling Growth of Ziziphus Jujuba Seeds (چکیده)
2805 - Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a Nickel(II) Precatalyst Bearing a b-Triketimine Ligand and Study of Its Ethylene Polymerization Performance Using Response Surface Methods (چکیده)
2806 - Within the cell: analytical techniques for subcellular analysis (چکیده)
2807 - On-column labeling for capillary electrophoretic analysis of individual mitochondria directly sampled from tissue cross sections (چکیده)
2808 - Analysis of mitochondria isolated from single cells (چکیده)
2809 - Asymmetry between Sister Cells in a Cancer Cell Line Revealed by Chemical Cytometry (چکیده)
2810 - Sodium dodecyl sulfate-capillary electrophoresis of proteins in a sieving matrix utilizing two-spectral channel laser-induced fluorescence detection (چکیده)
2811 - Surface modification based on Si-0 and Si-C sublayers and a series of N-substituted acrylamide top-layers for capillary electrophoresis (چکیده)
2812 - A method for UV-bonding in the fabrication of glass electrophoretic microchips (چکیده)
2813 - H eterogeneity of protein labeling with a fluorogenic reagent, 3-(2-furoyl)quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde (چکیده)
2814 - A multiple-capillary electrophoresis system for smallscale DNA sequencing and analysis (چکیده)
2815 - Spectrophotometric Determination of Osmium (VIII) WITH 1-HYDROXY 2- PYRIDINE - THIONE (SODIUM SALT) AS A REAGENT (چکیده)
2816 - Molecular Detection of Theileria Spp. and Babesia Spp. in Sheep and Ixodid Ticks (چکیده)
2817 - Estimation of the Young’s modulus of single-walled carbon nanotubes under electric field using tight-binding method (چکیده)
2818 - Effect of Depressor Septi Nasi Muscle Activity on Nasal Lengthening With Time (چکیده)
2819 - Microanatomical study of testis in juvenile ostrich (Struthio camelus) (چکیده)
2820 - Disinfecting Effects of Nano Silver Fluids in Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) Capitulum Tissue Culture (چکیده)
2821 - Prevalence and risk factors for canine leishmaniasis in Mashhad, North- east of Iran (چکیده)
2822 - Collocation Discrete Least Squares (CDLS) Method for Elasticity Problems and Grid Irregularity Effect Assessment (چکیده)
2823 - Comparison of single circuit-resistance and aerobic exercise impact on gene expression of obestatin in lymphocytes among trained young females (چکیده)
2824 - The effect of temperature on the effects of the phospholipase A2 neurotoxins b-bungarotoxin and taipoxin at the neuromuscular junction (چکیده)
2825 - Analytical solution for bending problem of moderately thick composite annular sector plates with general boundary conditions and loadings using multi-term extended Kantorovich method (چکیده)
2826 - High Pressure Electrical Resistivity of Composition Controlled Nd-123 Based Bulk Material (چکیده)
2827 - High Pressure-High Temperature Electrical Resistivity Studies on Nd0.9Ca0.1Ba2Cu3O7-δ (چکیده)
2828 - Three-dimensional transient analysis of functionally graded cylindrical shells subjected to asymmetric dynamic pressure (چکیده)
2829 - Non-linear analysis of fiber-reinforced open conical shell panels considering variation of thickness and fiber orientation under thermo-mechanical loadings (چکیده)
2830 - Variations of energy biochemical metabolites (چکیده)
2831 - Experimental Study of Heat Transfer of a Car Radiator with CuO/Ethylene Glycol-Water as a Coolan (چکیده)
2832 - Thermoelectric power and resistivity of Nd1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (چکیده)
2833 - A Numerical Approach for Nonsmooth Ordinary Differential Equations (چکیده)
2834 - Determination of monocyclic aromatic amines using headspace solid-phase microextraction based on sol–gel technique prior to GC (چکیده)
2835 - Impact of Milk Components on Recovery of Viral RNA from MS2 Bacteriophage (چکیده)
2836 - Perineal urethrostomy in a cat following prepuce and perineal region injury (چکیده)
2837 - Addition of metoclopramide or tramadol on analgesic effects of lidocaine in epidural analgesia in rabbit (چکیده)
2838 - Thermoelectric power of charge-neutral Nd1-2xCaxMxBa2Cu3O7-d M=Th and Pr: Evidence for different types of localization (چکیده)
2839 - Seroepidemiology of Coxiella Burnetii in commercial dairy herds in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
2840 - An anomalous dip in thermoelectric power of Nd1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (چکیده)
2841 - Thermoelectric power and resistivity of Nd1-xCaxBa2Cu3Oy and Nd1-xLaxBa2Cu3Oy (چکیده)
2842 - A Collocation Method Based on the Bernoulli Operational Matrix for Solving High-Order Linear Complex Differential Equations in a Rectangular Domain (چکیده)
2843 - Fourier Operational Matrices of Differentiation and Transmission: Introduction and Applications (چکیده)
2844 - effect of vitamine E on tissue lipid peroxidetion, protein oxidation and serum biochemistry in Cyprinus carpio(carp) (چکیده)
2845 - Ant colony optimization of tuned mass dampers for earthquake oscillations of high-rise structures including soil-structure interaction (چکیده)
2846 - Shelf-life prediction of olive oils using empirical models developed at low and high temperatures (چکیده)
2847 - A review of homogenization and topology optimization III—topology optimization using optimality criteria (چکیده)
2848 - A review of homogenization and topology opimization II—analytical and numerical solution of homogenization equations (چکیده)
2849 - A review of homogenization and topology optimization I- homogenization theory for media with periodic structure (چکیده)
2850 - A direct method to derive the boundary conditions of the homogenization equations for symmetric cells (چکیده)
2851 - Entropy Generation DUE to Conjugate Convection in an Enclosure Using The Lattice Boltzmann Method (چکیده)
2852 - Synthesis and characterization of modified UZM-5 as adsorbent for nitrate removal from aqueous solution (چکیده)
2853 - Normal pulsed wave Doppler echocardiographic parameters of Turkmen horses of Iran (چکیده)
2854 - Improved performance and small intestinal development of broiler chickens by dietary Lglutamine supplementation (چکیده)
2855 - Polymerization of propylene catalyzed by a-diimine nickel complexes/methylaluminoxane: catalytic behavior and polymer properties (چکیده)
2856 - Reproductive biology of Metaschistura cristata in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
2857 - S-wave anisotropy in the aftershock region of the 2003 Bam, Iran, earthquake-Mw 6.5 (چکیده)
2858 - Online discriminative component analysis feature extraction from stream data with domain knowledge (چکیده)
2859 - Correlation between Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for Soil Resources in classifying calcareous soils: (A case study of arid and semi-arid regions of Iran (چکیده)
2860 - Impact of Sodium Bentonite Addition to the Diets Containing cottonseed meal on Productive Traits of Hy-Line W-36 Hens (چکیده)
2861 - Prediction of Elastic Modulus of Concrete Using Support Vector Committee Method (چکیده)
2862 - Comparative study between metal oxide nanopowders on thermal characteristics of nanofluid flow through Helical Coils (چکیده)
2863 - Prediction of order statistics and record values based on ordered ranked set sampling (چکیده)
2864 - Adaptive Numerical Simulation of Traffic Flow Density (چکیده)
2865 - Valuation of Magnetic Non-Collinear Effects on FM/trans-PA/FM Systems (چکیده)
2866 - The Effect of Fatigue Protocol on Dynamic Balance in Soccer Players with Functional Ankle Instability (چکیده)
2867 - The spatial analysis of effective factors on development of border rural regions of Saravan, Sib and Suran (چکیده)
2868 - A Stochastic Hybrid Method to Forecast Operating Reserve: Comparison of Fuzzy and Classical Set Theory (چکیده)
2869 - Effect of caudal on hydrodynamic performance of flapping foil in fish-like swimming (چکیده)
2870 - Modification of PSf Membrane Nanostructure Using Different Fabrication Parameters and Investigation of the CO2 Sepration Properties of PDMS-Coated PSf Composite Membranes (چکیده)
2871 - Study of the environmental genetic and phenotypic trends for pelt traits and body weight traits in Zandi sheep (چکیده)
2872 - Two-dimensional elastic wave propagation analysis in finite length FG thick hollow cylinders with 2D nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG method (چکیده)
2873 - A numerical study on shear layer behaviour in flow over a square unit of four cylinders at Reynolds number of 200 using the LB method (چکیده)
2874 - Axisymmetric stagnation-point flow and heat transfer of a viscous, compressible fluid on a cylinder with constant heat flux (چکیده)
2875 - The Effect of Threonine and Vitamin A on Immune System in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
2876 - Pore Size Distribution as a Soil Physical Quality Index for Agricultural and Pasture Soils in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
2877 - On infinite-horizon optimal control problems (چکیده)
2878 - The magmatic record in the Arghash region (northeast Iran) and tectonic implications (چکیده)
2879 - A new nonlinear neural network for solving quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
2880 - A new method for solving a system of the nonlinear equations (چکیده)
2881 - A new nonlinear neural network for solving convex nonlinear programming problems (چکیده)
2882 - Synthesis of 3,6-diaryl-1,4,5-thiadiazepines from substituted 2-thiocyano acetophenone and investigation of reaction mechanism (چکیده)
2883 - Axisymmetric stagnation-point flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid on a moving plate with time-dependent axial velocity and uniform Transpiration (چکیده)
2884 - Solving a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems via He’s Variational Iteration Method (چکیده)
2885 - Nilpotent products of cyclic groups and classification of p-groups (چکیده)
2886 - Multi-stage thermomechanical behavior of AISI410 martensitic steel (چکیده)
2887 - The Effect of Base Metal Conditions on the Final Microstructure and Hardness of 2024 Aluminum Alloy Friction-Stir Welds (چکیده)
2888 - Obliquely propagating electron acoustic solitons in magnetized plasmas with nonextensive electrons (چکیده)
2889 - Structural topology optimization using ant colony methodology (چکیده)
2890 - A Compact and Broadband Metamaterial-Inspired Antenna (چکیده)
2891 - Meshless analysis of cracked functionally graded materials under thermal shock (چکیده)
2892 - New High-Resolution Solution for Measuring Degree of Sensitization of Duplex Stainless Steel 2205 Using Double-Loop Electrochemical Potentiodynamic Reactivation Technique (چکیده)
2893 - In situ inhibitor synthesis from admixture of benzaldehyde and benzene-1,2-diamine along with FeCl3 catalyst as a new corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 0.5 M sulphuric acid (چکیده)
2894 - Comparative study on corrosion behaviour of Nitinol and stainless steel orthodontic wires in simulated saliva solution in presence of fluoride ions (چکیده)
2895 - Identification of a novel angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from ostrich egg white and studying its interactions with the enzyme (چکیده)
2896 - Simultaneous shape and topology optimization of shell structures (چکیده)
2897 - Effect of some essential oils on post harvest quality of grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv Rasha (Siah-e-Sardasht)) during cold storage (چکیده)
2898 - Solar photocatalytic degradation of RB5 by ferrite bismuth nanoparticles synthesized via ultrasound (چکیده)
2899 - A novel amido–pyrophosphate MnII chelate complex with the synthetic ligand O{P(O)[NHC(CH3)3]2}2 (L): [Mn(L)2{OC(H)N(CH3)2}2]Cl2.2H2O (چکیده)
2900 - Bending buckling behavior of perfect and defective single-walled carbon nanotubes via a structural mechanics model (چکیده)
2901 - Application of isogeometric analysis in structural shape optimization (چکیده)
2902 - Marinobacter persicus sp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium from a saline lake in Iran (چکیده)
2903 - Influence of External Factors on the Production and Morphology of Biogenic Silver Nanocrystallites (چکیده)
2904 - A general approach of preserving of some aging classes under weighting (چکیده)
2905 - River instantaneous peak flow estimation using daily flow (چکیده)
2906 - A revision of Bromus sect. Triniusa (Poaceae) in Khorassan, Iran (چکیده)
2907 - Effect of Initial Quality and Compositional Parameters on Total Polar Compounds Formation during Continuous Heating of Olive Oil (چکیده)
2908 - Recessed p-buffer layer SiC MESFET: A novel device for improving DC and RF characteristics (چکیده)
2909 - DSMC Simulation of Low Knudsen Micro/Nano Flows using Small Number of Particles per Cells (چکیده)
2910 - Detailed investigation of hydrodynamics and thermal behavior of nano/micro shear driven flow using DSMC (چکیده)
2911 - A path-relinking metaheuristic for the resource leveling problem (چکیده)
2912 - predicting continuum breakdown of rarefied micro/nano flows using Entropy and Entropy Generation Analysis (چکیده)
2913 - Mixed Convection Between Two Vertically Eccentric Rotating Spheres with Time-Dependent Angular Velocities (چکیده)
2914 - Effect of long-term onion (Allium cepa) feeding on antioxidant enzymes in goat erythrocyte (چکیده)
2915 - Investigating the Effects of Perceived Value on Users View toward Internet (چکیده)
2916 - Evolutionary Characterization and Genetic Structure of Iranian Isolates of Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus Population Based on p25 Protein (چکیده)
2917 - Temporal changes of particulate concentration in the ambient air over the city ofZahedan, Iran (چکیده)
2918 - Assessment of chemical and mineralogical characteristics of airborne dust in the Sistan region, Iran (چکیده)
2919 - Dust storms and their horizontal dust loading in the Sistan region, Iran (چکیده)
2920 - Diversity of Beet curly top Iran virus isolated from different hosts in Iran (چکیده)
2921 - Synthesis of nano-structure molybdenum disilicide from primary mixture of MoO3 + Si + Al through mechanochemical reactions (چکیده)
2922 - Measuring the Ethnocentric Tendencies of Iranian Consumers: An Assessment of Validity and Reliability of the CETSCALE (چکیده)
2923 - Large deflection thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded stiffened annular sector plates (چکیده)
2924 - Further results on hierarchical product of graphs (چکیده)
2925 - Experimental study of SS304L cylindrical shell with/without cutout under cyclic axial loading (چکیده)
2926 - Experimental and numerical studies on buckling and post-buckling behavior of cylindrical panels subjected to compressive axial load (چکیده)
2927 - Experimental and Numerical Investigations on Softening Behavior of POM Under Cyclic Strain-Controlled Loading (چکیده)
2928 - Single-Cell Analysis by Chemical Cytometry Combined with Fluorescence Microscopy (چکیده)
2929 - Revisiting Electroosmotic Flow: An Important Parameter Affecting Separation in Capillary and Microchip Electrophoresis (چکیده)
2930 - Automated analysis of individual particles using a commercial capillary electrophoresis system (چکیده)
2931 - Determination of Properties of Individual Liposomes by Capillary Electrophoresis with Postcolumn Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection (چکیده)
2932 - Direct Sampling from Muscle Cross Sections for Electrophoretic Analysis of Individual Mitochondria (چکیده)
2933 - Pseudo-coulometric loading in capillary electrophoresis DNA sequencing (چکیده)
2934 - Picomolar Assay of Native Proteins by Capillary Electrophoresis Precolumn Labeling, Submicellar Separation, and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection (چکیده)
2935 - Buckling of Steel Cylindrical Shells with an Elliptical Cutout (چکیده)
2936 - Computation of Stress Intensity Factor in Functionally Graded Plates under Thermal Shock (چکیده)
2937 - A Numerical and Experimental Study on Buckling of Cylindrical Panels Subjected to Compressive Axial Load (چکیده)
2938 - Journal of Gerontology: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Copyright 2006 by The Gerontological Society of America 2006, Vol. 61A, No. 12, 1211–1218 (چکیده)
2939 - On the possibility of applying noncovalent dyes for protein labeling in isoelectric focusing (چکیده)
2940 - measurement-induced nonlocality for an arbitrary bipartite state (چکیده)
2941 - Bioactivity of Essential Oil from Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae) Against Three Stored-Product Insect Species (چکیده)
2942 - Experimental investigation of Al2O3/water nanofluid through equilateral triangular duct with constant wall heat flux in laminar flow (چکیده)
2943 - An Improved Direct Decoupled Power Control of Doubly Fed Induction Machine Without Rotor Position Sensor and With Robustness to Parameter Variation (چکیده)
2944 - Existence and stability analysis of bifurcating periodic solutions in a delayed five-neuron BAM neural network model (چکیده)
2945 - Reliability - Based Generation Resource Planning in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
2946 - Coordinated Decisions for Transmission and Generation Expansion Planning in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
2947 - Frequency response calculation of non-linear torsional vibration in gear systems (چکیده)
2948 - A new efficient approach for modeling and simulation of nano-switches under the combined effects of intermolecular surface forces and electrostatic actuation (چکیده)
2949 - A homotopy perturbation analysis of nonlinear free vibration of Timoshenko microbeams (چکیده)
2950 - Nonlinear free vibration of simply supported beams considering the effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia, a homotopy perturbation approach (چکیده)
2951 - Modeling of Pull-In Instability of Nano/Micromirrors Under the Combined Effect of Capillary and Casimir Forces (چکیده)
2952 - Characterization of the static behavior of micromirrors under the effect of capillary force, an analytical approach (چکیده)
2953 - Influence of Van der Waals force on static behavior of nano/micromirrors under capillary force (چکیده)
2954 - An analytical approach to modeling static behavior of torsional nano-/micro-actuators under effect of van der Waals force (چکیده)
2955 - Static behavior of nano/micromirrors under the effect of Casimir force, an analytical approach (چکیده)
2956 - Modeling squeezed film air damping in torsional micromirrors using extended Kantorovich method (چکیده)
2957 - Analytical modeling of static behavior of electrostatically actuated nano/micromirrors considering van der Waals forces (چکیده)
2958 - A coupled two degree of freedom pull-in model for micromirrors under capillary force (چکیده)
2959 - The influence of vertical deflection of the supports in modeling squeeze film damping in torsional micromirrors (چکیده)
2960 - Annalytical Modeling of the Effect of Electrostatic Actuation and Casimir Force on the Pull-in Instability and Static Behavior of Torsional Nano/Micro Actuators (چکیده)
2961 - Identify and Ranking Factors Affecting Bank Maskan Service Quality using Kano Model (چکیده)
2962 - On Weakly Laskerian and Weakly Cofnite Modules (چکیده)
2963 - Local Cohomology Modules, Serre Subcategories and Derived Functors of Torsion Functors (چکیده)
2964 - Noetherianness and Local Cohomology Modules (چکیده)
2965 - The relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and job burnout in the faculty members of physical education (چکیده)
2966 - The relationship between the health status of athle tic facilities and participation in physical exercises (چکیده)
2967 - Eddy current nondestructive evaluation of dual phase steel (چکیده)
2968 - N,N′-dipyridoxyl(ethylenediamine) schiff-base ligand and its square-pyramidal copper(II) complex: Synthesis, experimental and theoretical characterization (چکیده)
2969 - Hydrocarbon production rates in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a Fe/Cu/La/Si catalyst (چکیده)
2970 - Elasto-Plastic Axisymmetric Thermal Stress Analysis of Functionally Graded Cylindrical vessels (چکیده)
2971 - Dynamic viscoelastic study on the gelation of basil seed gum (چکیده)
2972 - Therapeutic Effects of Acoustic Cavitation in the Presence of Gold Nanoparticles on a Colon Tumor Model (چکیده)
2973 - Sequence stratigraphic significance of sedimentary cycles and shell concentrations in the Aitamir Formation (Albian–Cenomanian), Kopet-Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
2974 - A Generalization Of The Unit And Unitary Cayley Graphs Of A Commutative Ring (چکیده)
2975 - The Zero-Divisor Graph of a Lattice (چکیده)
2976 - Planar, outerplanar, and ring graph of the cozero-divisor graph of a finite commutative ring (چکیده)
2977 - planar zero divisor graphs of partially ordered sets (چکیده)
2978 - Direct and facile synthesis of acyl azides from carboxylic acids using the trichloroisocyanuric acid–triphenylphosphine system (چکیده)
2979 - Estimation of the time- dependent heat flux using the temperature distribution at a point (چکیده)
2980 - The novel, one step and facile synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using heteropolyoxometalates and their photoluminescence behavior (چکیده)
2981 - Estimating the robust domain of attraction and directional enlargement of attraction domain via Markov models (چکیده)
2982 - Polymeric catalyst for the synthesis of new oyrido[2,3-b]indoles (چکیده)
2983 - Nanostructure and Magnetic Properties of Magnesium Ferrite thin films deposited on glass substrate by spray pyrolysis (چکیده)
2984 - Synthesis, characterization, and measurement of structural, optical, and phtotoluminescent properties of zinc sulfide quantum dots (چکیده)
2985 - Synthesis, spectroscopy, DFT and crystal structure investigations of 3-methoxy-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde S-ethylisothiosemicarbazone and its Ni(II) and Mo(VI) complexes (چکیده)
2986 - Comparing the Economic Value of Fire Conditions and the Effects of Wildfire on Hiking in New-Mexico Recreation Sites using Contingent the Valuation Method and Travel Cost Method (چکیده)
2987 - Effect of MnO shell to prevent sintering of FePt nanoparticles during the annealing process (چکیده)
2988 - Structural and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt and Manganese Doped Ni-Ferrite Nanoparticles (چکیده)
2989 - Test particle motion in modified gravity theories (چکیده)
2990 - Parametrized post-Newtonian virial theorem (چکیده)
2991 - Notes On The Post-Newtonian Limit Of Massive Brans-Dicke Theory (چکیده)
2992 - Thawing f(R) cosmology (چکیده)
2993 - Tracking f(R) cosmology (چکیده)
2994 - Cosmological solutions of time varying speed of light theories (چکیده)
2995 - Palatini f (R) cosmology and Noether symmetry (چکیده)
2996 - Scalar–tensor cosmology with R^-1 curvature correction by Noether symmetry (چکیده)
2997 - Thermodynamic properties for liquid mercury using GMA equation of state (چکیده)
2998 - Size Control of FePt Nanoparticles Produced by Seed Mediated Growth Process (چکیده)
2999 - On Solutions of A Generalized Quadratic Functional Equation of Pexider Type (چکیده)
3000 - An interval-valued fuzzy controller for complex dynamical systems with application to a 3-PSP parallel robot (چکیده)
3001 - Rectal diverticulum in a terrier dog: A case report (چکیده)
3002 - Active Control of Structures and Reliability Analysis by Subset Simulation Method (چکیده)
3003 - Evaluating the fatty acid composition of the oil from fruit hulls of two Pistacia species growing wild in Iran (چکیده)
3004 - Strong ground motion simulation of the 2003 Bam, Iran, earthquake using the empirical Green’s function method (چکیده)
3005 - Bending Analysis of Piezolaminated Rectangular Plates under Electromechanical Loadings Using Multi-Term Extended Kantorovich Method (چکیده)
3006 - DISRAY: A distributed ray tracing by map-reduce (چکیده)
3007 - Planar Monopole Antenna for Multiband Wireless Application (چکیده)
3008 - Determination of the Optimum Routine and Self‐checking Test Time Intervals for Power System Protection Considering Remote Back‐up Protection System Failure (چکیده)
3009 - The Effects of Thyme and Cinnamon Essential Oils on Performance, Rumen Fermentation and Blood Metabolites in Holstein Calves Consuming High Concentrate Diet, (چکیده)
3010 - Leakage Detection in Water Distribution Network Based on a New Heuristic Genetic Algorithm Model (چکیده)
3011 - Dual-Frequency Approach to Assess Surface Hardened Layer Using NDE Technology (چکیده)
3012 - A new species of Acanthophyllum (Caryophyllaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
3013 - Intelligent modeling using fuzzy rule-based technique for evaluating wood carbonization process parameters (چکیده)
3014 - Two fuzzy-based direct power control strategies for doubly-fed induction generators in wind energy conversion systems (چکیده)
3015 - Effect of Freezing on Functional and Textural Attributes of Cress Seed Gum and Xanthan Gum (چکیده)
3016 - A bio-inspired approach for online trajectory generation of industrial robots (چکیده)
3017 - New species and records of eriophyid mites from Iran (چکیده)
3018 - A Prioritization based Congestion Control Protocol for Healthcare Monitoring Application in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
3019 - Improvement of Quench Factor Analysis in Phase and Hardness Prediction of a Quenched Steel (چکیده)
3020 - Design and Modeling of a Snake Robot Based on Worm-Like Locomotion (چکیده)
3021 - Dynamics analysis of a 3-RRP spherical parallel manipulator using the natural orthogonal complement (چکیده)
3022 - Robust Design of a Bimetallic Micro Thermal Sensor Using Taguchi Method (چکیده)
3023 - How does clamping pressure influence actuation performance of soft ionic polymer–metal composites (چکیده)
3024 - Position, Jacobian and workspace analysis of a 3-PSP spatial parallel manipulator (چکیده)
3025 - Position and stiffness analysis of a new asymmetric 2PRR–PPR parallel CNC machine (چکیده)
3026 - Hydrogen recovery from Tehran refinery off-gas using pressure swing adsorption, gas absorption and membrane separation technologies: Simulation and economic evaluation (چکیده)
3027 - Quantum Chemistry Aspects of the Solvent Effects on 3,4-Dimethyl-2,5-dihydrothiophen-1,1-dioxide Pyrolysis Reaction (چکیده)
3028 - Sono-synthesis of bismuth ferrite nanoparticles with high photocatalytic activity in degradation of Rhodamine B under solar light irradiation (چکیده)
3029 - First example of a 1:1 vanadium(IV)-citrate complex featuring the 2,2\\\'-bipyridine co-ligand: Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and DFT calculations (چکیده)
3030 - Chromium(VI) removal by maghemite nanoparticles (چکیده)
3031 - Experimental and numerical investigations on the ratcheting characteristics of cylindrical shell under cyclic axial loading (چکیده)
3032 - Experimental and numerical investigation of buckling in rectangular steel plates with groove-shaped cutouts (چکیده)
3033 - Buckling analysis of carbon nanotube bundles under axial compressive, bending and torsional loadings via a structural mechanics model (چکیده)
3034 - Doubly truncated (interval) cumulative residual and past entropy (چکیده)
3035 - Effect of stiffeners on crashworthiness of square aluminium columns considering damage evolution (چکیده)
3036 - On the dependence of spray evaporation and combustion on atomization techniques (چکیده)
3037 - Diagnostic value of cardiac troponin I (cTnI), creatine kinase (CK), and aspartate amino transferase (AST) in selenium defciency in lambs (چکیده)
3038 - Biochemical response of two wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) to gamma radiation (چکیده)
3039 - FePt3/CoFe2O4 core/shell nanostructures and their magnetic properties (چکیده)
3040 - Surface modified magnetic Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles as a selective sorbent for solid phase extraction of uranyl ions from water samples (چکیده)
3041 - Inspection error and its effects on single sampling plans with fuzzy parameters (چکیده)
3042 - Chain Sampling Plan Using Fuzzy Probability Theory (چکیده)
3043 - Acceptance single sampling plan with fuzzy parameter (چکیده)
3044 - Sequential sampling plan using fuzzy SPRT (چکیده)
3045 - Fuzzy process capability plots for families of one-sided specification limits (چکیده)
3046 - Spin-dependent rectification in the C59N molecule (چکیده)
3047 - Morphology evolution of y- precipitates in GTD-111 Ni-based superalloy with heat treatment parameters (چکیده)
3048 - First-principles calculations of the Young’s modulus of double wall boron-nitride nanotubes (چکیده)
3049 - Synthesis, characterization and study of optical properties of polyvinyl alcohol/CaF2 nanocomposite films (چکیده)
3050 - Oxidative effects of long-term onion (Allium cepa) feeding on goat erythrocytes (چکیده)
3051 - Serum troponin I as an indicator of myocarditis in lambs affected with foot and mouth disease (چکیده)
3052 - Multi-Objective Optimization of Osmotic– Ultrasonic Pretreatments and Hot-Air Drying of Quince Using Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
3053 - Using a sulfur-bearing silane to improve rubber formulations for potential use in industrial rubber articles (چکیده)
3054 - Bracken-fern Extracts Induce Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosisin Certain Cancer Cell Lines (چکیده)
3055 - GMGA VSMGA and PSO Methods for Functional Constrained (چکیده)
3056 - An Efficient and Practically Robust Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Solving Fuzzy Bus Terminal Location Problems (چکیده)
3057 - Impacts of NBTI/PBTI on performance of domino logic circuits with high-k metal-gate devices in nanoscale CMOS (چکیده)
3058 - Fuzzy Bayesian system reliability assessment based on prior two-parameter exponential distribution under different loss functions (چکیده)
3059 - Influence of nanoparticles on reducing and enhancing evaporation mass transfer and its efficiency (چکیده)
3060 - Gradual growth of gold nanoseeds on silica for SiO2@gold homogeneous nano core/shell applications by the chemical reduction method (چکیده)
3061 - Polysulfone/Brij-58 blend nanofiltration membranes: preparation, morphology and performance (چکیده)
3062 - Monitoring Fuzzy Capability Index Cpk by using the EWMA Control Chart with Imprecise Data (چکیده)
3063 - A simple well-logging tool using boron-lined sodium iodide scintillators and an 241Am-Be neutron source (چکیده)
3064 - Isolation and Identification of Brachyspira pilosicoli from laying hens flocks, using conventional culture and molecular methods in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
3065 - Estimation of Sedimentation in Karaj and Torogh Dam Reservoirs (Iran) by Hydrological models and comparison with Actual Sediment (چکیده)
3066 - Adsorption mechanisms of cadmium onto Pillared Clays and chalcogenides (چکیده)
3067 - Bidding analysis in joint energy and spinning reserve markets based on pay-as-bid pricing (چکیده)
3068 - Effect of PEG additive and coagulation bath temperature on the morphology, permeability and thermal/chemical stability of asymmetric CA membranes (چکیده)
3069 - On-line Voltage and Power Flow Contingencies Rankings Using Enhanced Radial Basis Function Neural Network and Kernel Principal Component Analysis (چکیده)
3070 - Improvement of permeation performance of polyethersulfone (PES) ultrafiltration membranes via addition of Tween-20 (چکیده)
3071 - Asymmetric cellulose acetate dialysis membranes: Synthesis, characterization, and performance (چکیده)
3072 - Preparation and characterization of a composite PDMS membrane on CA support (چکیده)
3073 - Effects of coagulation bath temperature and polyvinylpyrrolidone content on flat sheet asymmetric polyethersulfone membranes (چکیده)
3074 - Development of High Performance Nanofiltration Membranes with Hydrophilic Surface for the Removal of Cadmium from Contaminated Water (چکیده)
3075 - Dynamics of soot formation by turbulent combustion and thermal decomposition of natural gas (چکیده)
3076 - A strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm–based conflict assessment framework of electricity market participants’ objectives in generation maintenance scheduling (چکیده)
3077 - Frames and Homogeneous Spaces (چکیده)
3078 - Abdaliyah thesis by molana yaghoob charkhi (چکیده)
3079 - HOCA: Healthcare aware Optimized Congestion Avoidance and Control Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
3080 - Knowledge-based Closed-loop Control of Blood Glucose Concentration in Diabetic Patients and Comparison with H∞ Control Technique (چکیده)
3081 - Genetic characterization of Iranian safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers (چکیده)
3082 - Development of a Low-Profile Circularly Polarized Cavity-Backed Antenna Using HMSIW Technique (چکیده)
3083 - Investigation of Equine herpesvirus-1 and 4 infections in equine population of Iran by real-time PCR (چکیده)
3084 - Quality changes of donuts as influenced by leavening agent and hydrocolloid coatings (چکیده)
3085 - The Optimum Design of a Cavitator for High-Speed Axisymmetric Bodies in Partially Cavitating Flows (چکیده)
3086 - Fibromyxoma in the reticulo-omasal orifice of a cow (چکیده)
3087 - Medicinal plant seed identification using machine vision (چکیده)
3088 - Using drought indices to assess climate change impacts on drought conditions in the northeast of Iran (case study: Kashafrood basin) (چکیده)
3089 - Influence of Drought Stress and its Interaction with Salicylic Acid on Medicinal Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) Seedling Growth (چکیده)
3090 - Effectiveness of an Eight Weeks Aerobic Exercise in Improvement of Body Composition and Modulation of hsCRP, Fibrinogen and Resistin in Middle Aged Men (چکیده)
3091 - A new non-uniform adaptive-sampling successive approximation ADC for biomedical sparse signals (چکیده)
3092 - Low-voltage low-power Gm-C filters: a modified configuration for improving performance (چکیده)
3093 - Halopenitus malekzadehii sp. nov., a novel extremely halophilic archaeon from a salt lake (چکیده)
3094 - A comparative study on the effect of type of reinforcement on the scratch behavior of a polyacrylic-based nanocomposite coating (چکیده)
3095 - Estimation of genetic parameters for growth traits in Baluchi sheep using Gompertz growth curve function (چکیده)
3096 - Influence of temperature and residence time of main liming process on the reduction of α-amino acids during beet juice purification (چکیده)
3097 - Effects of conjugated linoleic acids on prostaglandin secretion by bovine endometrial epithelial cells in vitro (چکیده)
3098 - On the reliability properties of some weighted models of bathtub shaped hazard rate distributions (چکیده)
3099 - An effective membrane element based on analytical solution (چکیده)
3100 - Two efficient hybrid-Trefftz elements for plate bending analysis (چکیده)
3101 - The Fixed Point Alternative Theorem and Set-Valued Functional Equations (چکیده)
3102 - stability and accuracy of non-linear dynamic analysis using time integration algorithms (چکیده)
3103 - Hybrid Trefftz Formulation for Thin Plate Analysis (چکیده)
3104 - Formulating an effective generalized four-sided element (چکیده)
3105 - Efficiency of dynamic relaxation methods in nonlinear analysis of truss and frame structures (چکیده)
3106 - Suitability of Aloe Vera and Gum Tragacanth as Edible Coatings for Extending the Shelf Life of Button Mushroom (چکیده)
3107 - Employing an intelligence model and sensitivity analysis to investigate some physicochemical properties of coated bell pepper during storage (چکیده)
3108 - Accurate and approximate integrations of DruckerePrager plasticity with linear isotropic and kinematic hardening (چکیده)
3109 - Effect of Humic Acid on Antioxidan Activities and Fruit Quality of Hott Pepper (Capsicum annuum L (چکیده)
3110 - SNP-based heritability estimation using a Bayesian approach (چکیده)
3111 - Preparation and characterization of dimethyldichlorosilane modified SiO2/PSf nanocomposite membrane (چکیده)
3112 - Alteration of gut microflora through citric acid treated drinking water in preslaughter male broilers (چکیده)
3113 - Pre-Concentration and Determination of β-Blockers Using Carbon Nanotube-Assisted Pseudo-Stirbar Hollow Fiber... (چکیده)
3114 - Carnation Etched Ring Virus Elimination Through Shoot Tip Culture (چکیده)
3115 - Relative non nil n-graph of finite groups (چکیده)
3116 - Growth performance and gut health parameters of finishing broilers supplemented with plant extracts and exposed to daily increased temperature (چکیده)
3117 - Cylindrical ion-acoustic solitary waves in electronegative plasmas with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
3118 - Modulational instability of electron-acoustic waves in plasmas with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
3119 - Cylindrical or spherical dust-ion acoustic soliton in an adiabatic dusty plasma with electrons following a q-nonextensive distribution (چکیده)
3120 - Effect of electromagnetic waves (cold pasteurization) on Yolk liquid stored at different time on the logarithmic count of mesophilic aerobic bacteria (چکیده)
3121 - Improving historical precipitation estimates over the Lake Superior basin (چکیده)
3122 - The Role of Ice Cover in Heavy Lake-Effect Snowstorms over the Great Lakes Basin as Simulated by RegCM4 (چکیده)
3123 - Simulation of Heavy Lake-Effect Snowstorms across the Great Lakes Basin by RegCM4: Synoptic Climatology and Variability. (چکیده)
3124 - Structure and vibrational analysis of methyl 3-amino-2-butenoate (چکیده)
3125 - Mathematical Knowledge of Architecture in the Works of Kāshānī (چکیده)
3126 - Complexation ability of kryptofix 22DD with lanthanum (III) cation in some binary mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
3127 - efficient transport of lead(II) cations in natural water using a liquid membrane system with dicyclihexano-18-crown-6 as carrier (چکیده)
3128 - Influence of the Laurentian Great Lakes on Regional Climate (چکیده)
3129 - Sensitivity of the North American monsoon to antecedent Rocky Mountain snowpack (چکیده)
3130 - The spatial pattern of summertime subtropical anticyclones over Asia and Africa: A climatological review (چکیده)
3131 - Investigation of hydrodynamic/biomass growth coupling in a pilot scale granular bioreactor at low pore Reynolds number (چکیده)
3132 - Investigation of heat pipe heat exchanger effectiveness and energy saving in air conditioning systems using silver nanofluid (چکیده)
3133 - A Directivity-Enhanced Directional Coupler Using Epsilon Negative Transmission Line (چکیده)
3134 - Further Results on Distance-balanced graphs (چکیده)
3135 - Purification and biochemical characterization of an acidophilic amylase from a newly isolated Bacillus sp. DR90 (چکیده)
3136 - A Bayesian variable selection procedure to rank overlapping gene sets (چکیده)
3137 - Digital Background Calibration of Capacitor Mismatch Errors in Pipelined ADCs (چکیده)
3138 - Area and Power Optimization of High-Order Gain Calibration in Digitally-Enhanced Pipelined ADCs (چکیده)
3139 - A 1-V Process-Insensitive Current-Scalable Two-Stage Opamp with Enhanced DC Gain and Settling Behavior in 65-nm Digital CMOS (چکیده)
3140 - A Reconfigurable and Power-Scalable 10-12 bit 0.4-44 MS/s Pipelined ADC with 0.35-0.5 pJ/step in 1.2 V 90 nm Digital CMOS (چکیده)
3141 - Isosyme variation in some populations of wild diploid wheats from Iran (چکیده)
3142 - Selective Oxidation of Thiols and Alcohols by Physically Encapsulated Nickel Schiff-Base Complex Prepared Via Sol-Gel Method as Nano-Catalyst (چکیده)
3143 - Assessment of Genetic Variability of Prevalent Pectinolytic Bacteria Causing Potato Tuber Soft Rot in Eastern Iran (چکیده)
3144 - Development of spit–lagoon complexes in response to Little Ice Age rapid sea-level changes in the central Guilan coast, South Caspian Sea, Iran (چکیده)
3145 - The Effect of Cationic Charge Density Change on Transfection Efficiency of Polyethylenimine (چکیده)
3146 - Identifiability of parameters and behaviour of MCMC chains: a case study using the reaction norm model (چکیده)
3147 - Genetic Analysis of Somatic Cell Score in Danish Holsteins Using a Liability-Normal Mixture Model (چکیده)
3148 - Efficiency of alternative MCMC strategies illustrated using the reaction norm model (چکیده)
3149 - Analysis of Milk Production Traits in Early Lactation Using a Reaction Norm Model with Unknown Covariates (چکیده)
3150 - Performance Comparison of Different Separation Systems for H2 Recovery from Catalytic Reforming Unit Off-Gas Streams (چکیده)
3151 - Solubility of H2S in aqueous diisopropanolamine + piperazine solutions: new experimental data and modeling with the electrolyte Cubic Square-Well equation of state (چکیده)
3152 - Effect of Irrigation Regimes and Row Arrangement on Yield, Yield Components and Seed Quality of Pumpkin .. (چکیده)
3153 - Nonelectrolyte NRTL-NRF model to study thermodynamics of strong and weak electrolyte solutions (چکیده)
3154 - A square-well equation of state for aqueous strong electrolyte solutions (چکیده)
3155 - New records of Boleodorus Thorne, 1941 from Berberis vulgaris L. in Iran (چکیده)
3156 - Neural Network Models for Predicting Early Egg Weight in Broiler Breeder Hens (چکیده)
3157 - Microstructure and mechanical properties evolution of 6061 Aluminum alloy formed by forward thixoextrusion process (چکیده)
3158 - Determining the Prevalence and Causes of Sport Injuries among Female Volleyball Players of Iran Super League (چکیده)
3159 - Content of different groups of phenolic compounds in microshoots of Juglans regia cultivars and studies on antioxidant activity (چکیده)
3160 - Bending analysis of laminated sector plates with polar and rectilinear orthotropy (چکیده)
3161 - Expression of chalcone synthase influences flavonoid content and frequency of rhizogenesis in microshoots of Juglans regia L (چکیده)
3162 - Effect of endogenous phenols and some antioxidant enzyme activities on rooting of Persian walnut (Juglans regia.) L (چکیده)
3163 - Omnidirectional Edge Detection (چکیده)
3164 - A nonelectrolyte local composition model and its application in the correlation of the mean activity coefficient of aqueous electrolyte solutions (چکیده)
3165 - Electrolyte Cubic Square-Well Equation of State for Computation of the Solubility CO2 and H2S in Aqueous MDEA Solutions (چکیده)
3166 - Lattice-Boltzmann simulation of forced convection over an electronic board with multiple obstacles (چکیده)
3167 - The Jacobson Graph of Commutative Rings (چکیده)
3168 - Some Consequences of The Equation [xn; y] = 1 on The Structure of a Compack Group (چکیده)
3169 - Metacyclic 2-groups with the same conjugacy classes and their commutativity degree (چکیده)
3170 - CycloidGrid: A proximity-aware P2P-based resource discovery architecture in volunteer computing systems (چکیده)
3171 - Multispecies weed competition and their economic threshold on the wheat crop (چکیده)
3172 - The effects of 8 weeks aerobic exercise on levels of homocysteine, HS-CRP serum and plasma fibrinogen in type II diabetic women. Life Science Journal. 2013 (ISI) (چکیده)
3173 - Time-kill study and synergistic activity of cell-wall inhibitor antibiotics in combination with gentamicin against Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium (چکیده)
3174 - Multiple-locus variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) fingerprinting (MLVF) and antibacterial resistance profiles of extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa among burnt patients in Tehran (چکیده)
3175 - Multiple-Locus Variable Number of Tandem Repeats Fingerprinting (MLVF) and Virulence Factor Analysis of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus SCCmec Type III (چکیده)
3176 - A high prevalence of mupirocin and macrolide resistance determinant among Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from burnt patients. (چکیده)
3177 - Molecular analysis and antimicrobial susceptibility of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in one of the hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences: high prevalence of sequence type 239 (ST239) cloneSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES: HIGH PREVALENCE OF SEQUENCE TYPE 239 (ST239) CLONE (چکیده)
3178 - Evaluation of biofilm production and characterization of genes encoding type III secretion system among Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patients (چکیده)
3179 - Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from raw milk of bovine subclinical mastitis in Tehran and Mashhad (چکیده)
3180 - Tomato partial resistance to Rhizoctonia solani involves antioxidative defense mechanisms (چکیده)
3181 - Genetic and Virulence Analysis of Rhizoctonia spp. Associated with Sugar Beet Root and Crown Rot in the Northeast Region of Iran (چکیده)
3182 - Normal state Hall effect in Nd1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-d: competition between added charge and disorder (چکیده)
3183 - Molecular and biological characterization of the Iranian isolate of the Australian grapevine viroid (چکیده)
3184 - Synthesis and Microstructurral Study of Stereoblock Elastomeric Polypropylenes from Metallocene Catalyst (2-PhInd)2ZrCl2 Activated with Cocatalyst Mixtures (چکیده)
3185 - Preparation and Investigation of Sustained Drug Delivery Systems Using an Injectable, Thermosensitive, In Situ Forming Hydrogel Composed of PLGA-PEG-PLGA (چکیده)
3186 - Dynamics Assessment of Advanced Single-Phase PLL Structures (چکیده)
3187 - Advantages and challenges of a Type-3 PLL (چکیده)
3188 - Analysis, Design, and Experimental Verification of A Synchronous Reference Frame Voltage Control for Single-Phase Inverters (چکیده)
3189 - Neutron diffraction studies of Nd1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d: Evidence for hole localization (چکیده)
3190 - The normal state Hall effect in Nd12xCaxMxBa2Cu3O7d(M = Pr, Th): Evidence for hole localization by disorder (چکیده)
3191 - The normal state Hall effect in NdBa2-x LaxCu3O7 : Evidence for hole localization by La doping (چکیده)
3192 - Learning Translation Invariant Kernels for Classification (چکیده)
3193 - Oxidant/antioxidant status in cattle with liver cystic echinococcosis (چکیده)
3194 - Investigation of salinity stress and potassium levels on Morphophysiological Characteristics of Safferon (چکیده)
3195 - Analytical solutions for adhesively bonded composite single-lap joints under mechanical loadings using full layerwise theory (چکیده)
3196 - Analog Implementation of Radix-2, 16-FFT Processor for OFDM Receivers: Non-linearity Behaviors and System Performance Analysis (چکیده)
3197 - An Information Theory Criteria Based Blind Method for Enumerating Active Users in DS-CDMA System (چکیده)
3198 - Designing and Validating a Comprehensive Scale of English Language Teachers’ Attributes and Establishing its Relationship with Achievement (چکیده)
3199 - Dynamic modeling and robust control of an L-shaped microrobot based on fast trilayer polypyrrole-bending actuators (چکیده)
3200 - Green, Rapid and Facile HPMo-Assisted Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles (چکیده)
3201 - Shear Tensor and Dynamics of Relativistic Accretion Disks around Rotating Black Holes (چکیده)
3202 - Comparisons among some predictors of exponential distributions using Pitman closeness (چکیده)
3203 - Natural convection on a vertical plate with variable heat flux in supercritical fluids (چکیده)
3204 - Effects of the Theranekron®”an alcoholic extract of the Tarantulacubensis”On Hematology and Serum Biochemical Properties in Horses (چکیده)
3205 - Isolation of Mycoplasmaspp. from broiler flocks with respiratory syndrome in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
3206 - Continuous Gabor transform for a class of non-Abelian groups (چکیده)
3207 - Ecological niche modeling of two scorpion species Mesobuthus eupeus (C. L. Koch, 1839) and M. phillipsii (Pocock, 1889) from the Iranian Plateau and Zagros region (Arachnida: Scorpiones) (چکیده)
3208 - Modeling and Simulation of Olefin Polymerization at Microstructure level (چکیده)
3209 - Kinetic and Morphological Investigation on the Magnesium Ethoxide-Based Ziegler-Natta Catalyst for Propylene Polymerization Using Typical External Donors (چکیده)
3210 - Kinetic and morphological study of a magnesium ethoxide-based Ziegler–Natta catalyst for propylene polymerization (چکیده)
3211 - Similarities and Differences of the Active Sites in Basic and Advanced MgCl2-Supported Ziegler-Natta Propylene Polymerization Catalysts (چکیده)
3212 - A modified Peng–Robinson equation of state for phase equilibrium calculation of liquefied, synthetic natural gas, and gas condensate mixtures (چکیده)
3213 - Modified higher-order wake oscillator model for vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinders (چکیده)
3214 - Accurate determination of stress distributions in adhesively bonded homogeneous and heterogeneous double-lap joints (چکیده)
3215 - A G reen and S imple Route f or the Contro lled-Size Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles U sing Prey ssler Heteropolyacid (چکیده)
3216 - Investigating parameters on the preparation of mesoporous activated carbons by the combination of chemical and physical activations using the Taguchi method (چکیده)
3217 - A Comparative Study of the Effects of Different Chemical Agents on the Pore-size Distributions of Macadamia Nutshell-based Activated Carbons Using Different Models (چکیده)
3218 - Alkylation of Benzene with 1-Decene Using Silica Supported Preyssler Heteropoly Acid: Statistical Design with Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
3219 - Recent Advances in Application o f Polyoxometalates for the Synthesis of Nanoparticles (چکیده)
3220 - Synthesis of Stereoblock Elastomeric Poly(propylene)s Using a (2-PhInd)2ZrCl2 Metallocene Catalyst in the Presence of Co-Catalyst Mixtures: Study of Activity and Molecular Weight (چکیده)
3221 - Frequency-Domain Equalization for Orthogonal and Quasi-Orthogonal STBCs over Frequency-Selective Wireless and Power-Line Channels (چکیده)
3222 - A New Outer Bound for a Class of Interference Channels with a Cognitive Relay and a Certain Capacity Result (چکیده)
3223 - Information Theoretic Exemplification of the Receiver Re-cognition and a More General Version for the Costa Theorem (چکیده)
3224 - The change in the chemical composition and toughness of API 5L-X70 welds by addition of titanium (چکیده)
3225 - Protoporphyrin IX - Gold Nanoparticle Conjugates as an Efficient Photosensitizer in Cervical Cancer Therapy (چکیده)
3226 - Effects of alloying elements and microstructure on the susceptibility of the welded HSLA steel to hydrogen-induced cracking and sulfide stress cracking (چکیده)
3227 - Effect of titanium addition on the microstructure and inclusion formation in submerged arc welded HSLA pipeline steel (چکیده)
3228 - Optical and structural properties of X-doped (X = Mn, Mg, and Zn) PZT nanoparticles by Kramers–Kronig and size strain plot methods (چکیده)
3229 - Robust PSD determination of micro and meso-pore adsorbents via novel modified U curve method (چکیده)
3230 - Influences of titanium and manganese on high strength low alloy SAW weld metal properties (چکیده)
3231 - Evaluation of Copper Concentration in Subclinical Cases of White Muscle Disease and Its Relationship with Cardiac Troponin I (چکیده)
3232 - Ricci curvature corrections to type II supergravity (چکیده)
3233 - On the Exponent of the Schur multiplier of a Pair of Finite p-Groups (چکیده)
3234 - Study on biodegradation of Mazut by newly isolated strain Enterobacter cloacae BBRC10061improving and kinetic investigation (چکیده)
3235 - Silver colloid nanoparticles: Ultrasound-assisted synthesis, electrical and rheological properties (چکیده)
3236 - Complete convergence of moving-average processes under negative dependence sub-Gaussian assumptions (چکیده)
3237 - Contact toxicity and persistence of essential oils from Foeniculum vulgare, Teucrium polium and Satureja hortensis against Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) adults (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) (چکیده)
3238 - Application of meshless local integrale quations to two dimensional analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion–elasticity (چکیده)
3239 - Estimates of (co)variance components for production and reproduction traits with different models in Fars native fowls (چکیده)
3240 - Cloning, Expression, and In Vitro Functional Activity Assay of phiC31 Integrase cDNA in Escherichia coli (چکیده)
3241 - Identification of a Specific Pseudo attP Site for Phage phiC3 Integrase inthe Genome of Chinese Hamster in CHO-K1 Cell Line (چکیده)
3242 - Improved Bovine ICSI Outcomes by Sperm Selected after Combined Heparin-Glutathione Treatment (چکیده)
3243 - Effects of pistachio by-product in replacement of lucerne hay on microbial protein synthesis and fermentative parameters in the rumen of sheep (چکیده)
3244 - Coordinate Up-regulation of Vacuolar PPase and V-Na+ /H+ Antiporter to Early Salt Stress in Halophytic Monocot Leptochloa fusca Roots (چکیده)
3245 - Hybrid Modeling of a DC-DC Series Resonant Converter: Direct Piecewise Affine Approach (چکیده)
3246 - Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Progress and Future Perspectives in the Stem Cell World (چکیده)
3247 - Mass flow rate prediction of pressure–temperature-driven gas flows through micro/nanoscale channels (چکیده)
3248 - Phytotoxicity and stimulatory impacts of nanosized and bulk titanium dioxide on fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill (چکیده)
3249 - A novel approach for the synthesis of 5-substituted-1H-tetrazoles (چکیده)
3250 - Bhattacharyya and Kshirsagar Bounds in Generalized Gamma Distribution (چکیده)
3251 - On Properties of Reversed Mean Residual Life Order for Weighted Distributions (چکیده)
3252 - Mechanochemical synthesis of tungsten carbide nano particles by using WO3/Zn/C powder mixture (چکیده)
3253 - Effect of PETTLEP Imagery Training on Learning of New Skills in Novice Volleyball Players (چکیده)
3254 - Dynamic rheological and textural characteristics of low-calorie pistachio butter (چکیده)
3255 - Faunistic and Molecular Surveys on the Pistachio Hemiptera of Rafsanjan Region and Vicinity, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
3256 - The investigation of the Sistan River morphology using Rosgen classification (چکیده)
3257 - A simple recoverable titration method for quantitative characterization of amine-functionalized carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
3258 - Controllable purification, cutting and unzipping of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with a microwave method (چکیده)
3259 - Bis(2-amino-4-methylpyrimidin-1-ium) hexaaquacobalt(II) disulfate dihydrate (چکیده)
3260 - Copper(II) and molybdenum(VI) complexes with 5-bromosalicylaldehyde S-allylisothiosemicarbazone: Syntheses, characterizations and crystal structures (چکیده)
3261 - An islanding detection method for photovoltaic distributed generation based on voltage drifting (چکیده)
3262 - Biostratigraphy and Mass Extinction Pattern across the Cretaceous/Paleogene Boundary, Northern Alborz, Iran (چکیده)
3263 - Paleoceanography and Paleobiogeography Patterns of theTuronian-Campanian Foraminifers from the AbderazFormation, North Eastern Iran (چکیده)
3264 - GC-MS Analysis and Antimicrobial activity ofthe essential oil of trunk exudates from Pistacia atlantica var. mutica (چکیده)
3265 - Effects of replacing skim milk powder with soy flour and ball mill refining time on particle size and rheological properties of compound chocolate (چکیده)
3266 - Minimal-Memory, Noncatastrophic, Polynomial-Depth Quantum Convolutional Encoders (چکیده)
3267 - Stability and bifurcation analysis in the delay-coupled nonlinear oscillators (چکیده)
3268 - Synthesis, experimental and theoretical investigations of Zn1xCuxO nanopowders (چکیده)
3269 - Effect of Inulin on some Hematological, Immunological Parameters and Broiler Chickens Performance (چکیده)
3270 - Topical effects of frog ‘‘Rana ridibunda’’ skin secretions on wound healing and reduction of wound microbial load (چکیده)
3271 - Phase Diagram Calculations of Water/Tetrahydrofurane/Poly (vinyl chloride) Ternary System Based on a Compressible Regular Solution Model (چکیده)
3272 - Composing local and global behaviors: Higher performance of spin glass based portfolio selection (چکیده)
3273 - Productivity estimation of a single-slope solar still: Theoretical and numerical analysis (چکیده)
3274 - Molecular detection of Theileria spp. in sheep and vector ticks in the North Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
3275 - Influence of accompanying anions on supramolecular assembly and coordination geometry in HgII complexes with 8-aminoquinoline: experimental and theoretical studies (چکیده)
3276 - Comparison of two methods of Marshallagia marshalli production donor sheep (چکیده)
3277 - Partial and total substitution of alfalfa hay by pistachio byproduct modulated the counts of selected cellulolytic ruminal bacteria attached to alfalfa hay in sheep (چکیده)
3278 - Natural gas storage on silicon, carbon, and silicon carbide nanotubes: a combined quantum mechanics and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation study (چکیده)
3279 - Stochastic Placement and Sizing of Combined Heat and Power Systems (چکیده)
3280 - Reliable distributed detection in multi-hop clustered wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
3281 - Some Results for Repairable Systems with Minimal Repairs (چکیده)
3282 - Effect of Mg, La and Ca promoters on the structure and catalytic behavior of iron-based catalysts in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
3283 - Kinetics and product distribution studies on ruthenium-promoted cobalt/alumina Fischer-Tropsch synthesis catalyst (چکیده)
3284 - Promoter effect on the CO2-H2O formation during Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on iron-based catalysts (چکیده)
3285 - Predictive Dynamic Model of Air Separation by Pressure Swing Adsorption (چکیده)
3286 - Enhancement of distillate selectivity in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by using iron and cobalt catalysts in a novel dual-bed reactor (چکیده)
3287 - Direct Partial Oxidation (dpo) of Methane to Higher Hydrocarbons by Modified h-Zsm5 Catalyst (چکیده)
3289 - The Relationship between Intangible Assets and the Market Value; Metals Industry of Tehran Stock Exchange Case Study (چکیده)
3290 - SemCiR: A Citation Recommendation System based on a Novel Semantic Distance Measure (چکیده)
3291 - Analytical solution of piezolaminated rectangular plates with arbitrary clamped/simply-supported boundary conditions under thermo-electro-mechanical loadings (چکیده)
3292 - The Role of Narrative Intelligence in English Language Teaching, Major and Gender (چکیده)
3293 - Assaying Antioxidant Characteristics of Sesame Seed, Rice Bran, and Bene Hull Oils and their Unsaponifiable Matters by Using DPPH Radical-Scavenging Model System (چکیده)
3294 - A survey on intestinal parasites of Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
3295 - Evaluating local geological conditions and Vs profiles in Khash area, SE Iran (چکیده)
3296 - Energy analysis and optimization of inputs for wheat production in Marand region (چکیده)
3297 - A Study on the Role of Ethylene Glycol/Alcohol Ratio on Synthesis of Nano-Size SnO2 (چکیده)
3298 - S-matrix elements from T-duality (چکیده)
3299 - Measuring the properties of the microstructure loess in Golestan Province (چکیده)
3300 - The Effect of Situational Identification of Teacher’s Scaffolding on Students’ Better Language Use: A Case Study Based on Speaking Skill on AD Students of Asrar Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
3301 - Effects of experimental proximal duodenal obstruction on clinical, hematological, serum and urine biochemical changes in sheep (چکیده)
3302 - A Comparative study between National Innovation System in Switzerland and Iran (چکیده)
3303 - Distribution and morphological variation of Emys orbicularis in the coastal areas of the Caspian sea (چکیده)
3304 - Neural Network for Modeling of Chemical Reaction Systems: Kinetics of Concentrated Acid Hydrolysis of Walnut Green Skin (چکیده)
3305 - Comparing and controlling of three batch distillation column configurations for separating tertiary zeotropic mixtures (چکیده)
3306 - A Study of Relationship between Accruals and Managerial Operating Decisions among Listed Firms in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
3307 - A new coordination number model for development of a square-well equation of state (چکیده)
3308 - A new three-parameter cubic equation of state for calculation physical properties and vapor–liquid equilibria (چکیده)
3309 - T-duality of the Riemann curvature corrections to supergravity (چکیده)
3310 - Interlaminar stresses in general thick rectangular laminated plates under in-plane loads (چکیده)
3311 - The study of the Effective Factors on Dryland Wheat inefficiency in Iran an Evaluation of the Effect of Inefficincy on Wheat Output and Its Input Demand (چکیده)
3312 - The Application of Geostatistical Methods to Prepare the 3D Petrophysical Model of Oil Reservoir (چکیده)
3313 - Effects of gas properties and geometrical parameters on performance of a vortex tube (چکیده)
3314 - The Effect of Media and Plant Growth Regulators on Embryo Culture of Salvia leriifolia (چکیده)
3315 - Electrochemical behavior of para-nitroaniline at a new synthetic crown ether-silver nanoparticle modified carbon paste electrode (چکیده)
3316 - Anticorrosion properties of smart coating based on polyaniline nanoparticles/epoxy-ester system (چکیده)
3317 - Optimization of PM scheduling for multi-component systems - A simulated annealing approach (چکیده)
3318 - A hybrid fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for desalination process selection (چکیده)
3319 - Electronic and optical properties of pure and doped boron-nitride nanotube (چکیده)
3320 - Analysis of the sedimentation process in reactive polymeric suspensions (چکیده)
3321 - Kochia Scoparia as A Model Plant to Explore the Impact of Water Deficit on Halophytic Communities (چکیده)
3322 - Adaptation strategies for maize cultivation under climate change in Iran: irrigation and planting date management (چکیده)
3323 - Long Term Salinity Stress in Relation to Lipid Peroxidation, Super Oxide Dismutase Activity and Proline Content of Saltsensitive and Salt-Tolerant Wheat Cultivars (چکیده)
3324 - On the viscosity of composite suspensions of aluminum and ammonium perchlorate particles dispersed in hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene - new empirical model (چکیده)
3325 - Goodness-of-Fit Tests Based on Correcting Moments of Entropy Estimators (چکیده)
3326 - The Effects of Viscosity, Surface Tension, and Flow Rate on Gasoil-Water Flow Pattern in Microchannels (چکیده)
3327 - A robust optimization approach to allocation of marketing budgets (چکیده)
3328 - Effect of introduced species and habitat alteration on the occurrence and distribution of euryhaline fi shes in fresh- and brackish-water habitats on Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao (South Caribbean) (چکیده)
3329 - Review of Rare Birds in Iran, 1860s–1960s (چکیده)
3330 - Combination of X-ray crystallography and theoretical study to evaluate the effect of N-H...O=P versus N-H...O=C hydrogen bonds on the N-H stretching frequencies (چکیده)
3331 - Electron transport simulation in bulk wurtzite ZnO and its nþ–n–nþ diode, compared with GaN (چکیده)
3332 - Influence of main emulsion components on the physical properties of corn oil in water emulsion: Effect of oil volume fraction, whey protein concentrate and Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum (چکیده)
3333 - Studies on the steady shear flow behavior and functional properties of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum (چکیده)
3334 - Cylindrical and spherical ion acoustic solitary waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
3335 - Discontinuous piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions for planar piecewise affine systems (چکیده)
3336 - Uniform modeling of parameter dependent nonlinear systems (چکیده)
3337 - Fully nonlinear viscous wave generation in numerical wave tanks (چکیده)
3338 - Effects of curvature ratio and coil pitch spacing on heat transfer performance of Al2O3/Water Nanofluid laminar Flow through helical coils (چکیده)
3339 - Pressure drop and performance characteristics of water based Al2O3 and CuO nanofluids in a triangular duct (چکیده)
3340 - Nero-fuzzy modeling of the convection heat transfer coefficient for the nanofluid (چکیده)
3341 - Mixed Convective Slip Flows in a Vertical parallel-plate Plate Microchannel With Symmetric and Asymmetric Wall Heat Fluxes (چکیده)
3342 - The effect of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor administration on carbon monoxide neurotoxicity in rats (چکیده)
3343 - Histometrical study of the different parts of ureter in one-humped camel (چکیده)
3344 - Evaluation of water balance in a mountainous upland catchment using SEBAL approach (چکیده)
3345 - Determination of the ability of HEC-HMS model component in rainfall-runoff simulation (چکیده)
3346 - Drought monitoring by Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) in Iran (چکیده)
3347 - The survey of climatic drought trend in Iran (چکیده)
3348 - Application of ANN and ANFIS Models on Dryland Precipitation Prediction (Case study: Yazd in central Iran (چکیده)
3349 - Evaluation of the efficiency of surface and sub-surface irrigation in dryland environments (چکیده)
3350 - Application of ANN and ANFIS models for reconstructing (چکیده)
3351 - A hydrodynamic/neural network approach for enhanced river flow prediction (چکیده)
3352 - A hybrid DSMC/Navier–Stokes frame to solve mixed rarefied/nonrarefied hypersonic flows over micro-obstacles/nano-obstacles (چکیده)
3353 - Numerical Simulation of Cavitation around a Two-Dimensional Hydrofoil Using VOF Method and LES Turbulence Model (چکیده)
3354 - Mixture Models in View of Evidential Analysis (چکیده)
3355 - Effect of soil chemical properties on bio-saline production of blue panic grass (Panicum antidotale Retz.) under water-deficit and salinity stress conditions (چکیده)
3356 - Intelligence and Metacognition as Predictors of Foreign Language Achievement: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach (چکیده)
3357 - A Revival of Traditional BEH-ROB Marmalade and Inspecting Its Sensory and Physiochemical Characteristics (چکیده)
3358 - In vitro and in vivo antifungal activates of the essential oils of various (چکیده)
3359 - Zircon U-Pb geochronology and petrology of intrusive rocks in the C-North and Baghak districts, Sangan iron mine, NE Iran (چکیده)
3360 - The investigation of the solutions of improving Human Development Index in Iran during fifth development plan (چکیده)
3361 - A Strategy for Sustainable Development in Urban Areas (چکیده)
3362 - Book Review: Culutre Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress by Harrison and Huntington (چکیده)
3363 - Stochastic hybrid numerical method for transient analysis of stress field in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders subjected to shock loading (چکیده)
3364 - Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Genotypic Variation in Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Chickpea under Sub-optimal Soil Water Conditions (چکیده)
3365 - Evaluating the Productivity of Prawn Farms Using Malmquist Index in Guatr Gulf, Iran (چکیده)
3366 - A review of the applications of nanofluids in solar energy (چکیده)
3367 - Limimonas halophila gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic bacterium in the family Rhodospirillaceae (چکیده)
3368 - Haloarchaeobius iranensis gen. nov., sp. nov., an extremely halophilic archaeon isolated from a saline lake (چکیده)
3369 - Halopenitus persicus gen. nov., sp. nov., an archaeon from an inland salt lake (چکیده)
3370 - Salinibacter iranicus sp. nov. and Salinibacter luteus sp. nov., isolated from a salt lake, and emended descriptions of the genus Salinibacter and of Salinibacter ruber (چکیده)
3371 - Effects of Monensin on Metabolism and Production in Dairy Saanen Goats in Periparturient Period (چکیده)
3372 - The effects of different manure levels and branch management methods on organic production of Cucurbita pepo L. (چکیده)
3373 - Magnetic susceptibility and morphological characteristics of a loess-paleosol sequence in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
3374 - Bezier control points method to solve constrained quadratic optimal control of time varying linear systems (چکیده)
3375 - Synthesis of new derivatives of pyrimido[5,4-e ][1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b ][1,3,4]thiadiazine and their enzyme inhibitory activity assessment onsoybean 15-lipoxygenase (چکیده)
3376 - Evidential inference and optimal sample size determination on the basis of record values and record times under random sampling scheme (چکیده)
3377 - A novel and efficient synthesis of 3,3-disubstituted indol-2-ones via Passerini three-component reactions in the presence of 4 Å molecular sieves (چکیده)
3378 - Neuro-Fuzzy Based Approach for Estimation of Hydrofoil Performance (چکیده)
3379 - Development of spreadable halva fortified with soy flour and optimization of formulation using mixture design (چکیده)
3380 - Diphenyl (isopropylamido) phosphate (چکیده)
3381 - N-(4-Fluorobenzoyl)-N- ,N-- -diisopropyl- phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
3382 - Flow injection electrochemical hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of cadmium in water samples (چکیده)
3383 - Nano-level Monitoring of Yttrium by a Novel PVC-membrane Sensor Based on 2,9-dihydroxy-1,10-diphenoxy-4,7-dithiadecane (چکیده)
3384 - Complexing ability of kryptofix5 with Ag+ in some binary mixed solvents at different temperatures (چکیده)
3385 - Evaluation of Electrochemical Generation of Volatile Zinc Hydride by Heated Quartz Tube Atomizer Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (چکیده)
3386 - Multivariate Optimization on Flow-Injection Electrochemical Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry of Cadmium (چکیده)
3387 - A Preliminary Parasitological Survey of Hepatozoon Spp. Infection in Dogs in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
3388 - Trichinella Infection in Wildlife of Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
3389 - Ternary Fission of 252Cf within the Liquid Drop Model (چکیده)
3390 - Oxidative stress and trace elements before and after treatment in dairy cows with clinical and subclinical endometritis (چکیده)
3391 - Assessment of the Microbiological Quality and Mycotoxin Contamination of Iranian Red Pepper Spice (چکیده)
3392 - The effects of adding water and PolyglycerolPolyricinoleate on the texture, appearance and sensory qualities of compound milk chocolate (چکیده)
3393 - Magnetic field effect on the binding of HSA with amlodipine and propranolol (چکیده)
3394 - Decreased nitric oxide levels in the hippocampus may play a role in learning and memory deficits in ovariectomized rats treated by a high dose of estradiol (چکیده)
3395 - Prediction of variables via their order statistics in bivariate elliptical distributions with application in the financial markets (چکیده)
3396 - Biochemical characterizations and Genotyping by RAPD-PCR analyses of Malassezia spp. from pityriasis versicolor and seborrhoeic dermatitis patients (چکیده)
3397 - In vitro Assay of Human Gingival Scaffold in Differentiation of Rat’s Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Keratinocystes (چکیده)
3398 - Study of the Spiritual Intelligence Role in Predicting University Students’ Quality of Life (چکیده)
3399 - Particle Tracking BasedMethod for Evaluation of Cylinder-to- CylinderDistribution of EGR/Blowby (چکیده)
3400 - Optimization of a Liquid Improver for Barbari Bread: Staling Kinetics and Relationship of Texture with Dough Rheology and Image Characteristics (چکیده)
3401 - Interpretation of the large-deformation high-spin bands in select A=158–168 nuclei (چکیده)
3402 - Different effective dose conversion coefficients for monoenergetic neutron fluence from 10-9 MeV to 20 MeV – A methodological comparative study (چکیده)
3403 - Quantifying the geometry correction factor and effectiveness (چکیده)
3404 - Current-Comparison-Based Domino: New Low-Leakage High-Speed Domino Circuit for Wide Fan-In Gates (چکیده)
3405 - Investigations on landmine detection by BF3 detector (چکیده)
3406 - The Analysis of productivity growth of all production Elements in Iran Economy (چکیده)
3407 - Conversion to Organic Arable Farming in Iran (چکیده)
3408 - Analyzing the Effects of Changes in Price and Amount of Irrigation on Cropping Pattern in Khorasan Razavi, Using PMP Pattern (چکیده)
3409 - Application of Game Theory to Field Crops in Khorasan-Razavi province (چکیده)
3410 - An Investigation of Effective Elements on Investment Behavior of Cooperative Members (Tybad Livestock Production Cooperatives) (چکیده)
3411 - Analysis of soil nutrient management for rice production in Mazandaran (چکیده)
3412 - Late Santonian-Early Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossils from marly deposits near Kerman (Central Iran) (چکیده)
3413 - Study of Physical Aspects of Rarefied Gas Flow Through Micro/Nano Scale Channels Using DSMC (چکیده)
3414 - Effect of conducting polymer on the transport properties of carbon nanotube yarn (چکیده)
3415 - A DXDR large deflection analysis of uniformly loaded square, circular and elliptical orthotropic plates using non-uniform rectangular finite-differences (چکیده)
3416 - Applying a hybrid DSMC/Navier–Stokes frame to explore the effect of splitter catalyst plates in micro/nanopropulsion systems (چکیده)
3417 - Effect of Curcumin on Doxorubicin-induced Cytotoxicity in H9c2 Cardiomyoblast Cells (چکیده)
3418 - Curcumin potentiates doxorubicin-induced apoptosis in H9c2 cardiac musclecells through generation of reactive oxygen species (چکیده)
3419 - Enhancement of the in-field Jc of MgB2 via SiCl4 doping (چکیده)
3420 - The normal state Hall effect in NdBa2-xLaxCu3O7-delta: Evidence of localization hole by La (چکیده)
3421 - Magnetic vortex flux pinning in silicone-oil doped MgB2 (چکیده)
3422 - Evaluating the Egg Production of Broiler Breeder Hens in Response to Dietary Nutrient Intake from 31 to 60 Weeks of Age through Neural Network Models (چکیده)
3423 - Coexistence of the δl and δTc flux pinning mechanism in nano-Si doped MgB2 (چکیده)
3424 - Klasea nana (Asteraceae) , a new species from NE Iran (چکیده)
3425 - Structure, vibrational assignment, and NMR spectroscopy of 1,2-bis (dichloroacetyl) cyclopentadiene (چکیده)
3426 - Diastereoselective three-component Mannich reaction catalyzed by silica-supported ferric hydrogensulfate (چکیده)
3427 - On the nonparametric mean residual life estimator in length-biased sampling (چکیده)
3428 - Permutation-based tests of perfect ranking (چکیده)
3429 - Asymptotic behavior of product of two heavy-tailed Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
3430 - Comparison of competitive State Anxiety among Elite and Non- Elite Badminton Players in Iran (چکیده)
3431 - Control of Low-Density Lipoprotein Concentration in the Arterial Wall by Proportional Drug-Encapsulated Nanoparticles (چکیده)
3432 - Assessing Effects of Different Processing Parameters on the Interphases Between Dissimilar Rubber Using Modulated-Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry (چکیده)
3433 - Controlled Forging of a Nb Containing Microalloyed Steel for Automotive Applications (چکیده)
3434 - Investigation of selected biochemical parameters in sheep naturally infected with theileriosis (چکیده)
3435 - The Influence of Compost on Antioxidant Activities and Quality of Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) (چکیده)
3436 - Extremal optimization vs. learning automata: Strategies for spin selection in portfolio selection problems (چکیده)
3437 - Fuzzy-probabilistic multi agent system for breast cancer risk assessment and insurance premium assignment (چکیده)
3438 - Flux-pinning mechanism in silicone-oil-doped MgB2: Evidence for charge-carrier mean free path fluctuation pinning (چکیده)
3439 - The Mechanical and the Electrical Properties of Conducting Polypyrrole Fibres (چکیده)
3440 - Strong competition between the δl and δTc flux pinning mechanisms in MgB2 doped with carbon containing compounds (چکیده)
3441 - Very strong intrinsic flux pinning and vortex avalanches in (Ba,K)Fe2As2 superconducting single crystals (چکیده)
3442 - Angular dependence of pinning potential, upper critical field, and irreversibility field in underdoped (چکیده)
3443 - Application of outline analysis on fossil and modern specimens of Apodemus (چکیده)
3444 - The south-eastern house mouse Mus musculus castaneus (Rodentia: Muridae) is a polytypic subspecies (چکیده)
3445 - Biodiversity Conservation of Reptiles and Mammals in the Khorasan Provinces, Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
3446 - Determination of phenolic compounds in water and urine samples using solid-phase microextraction based on sol–gel technique prior to GC-FID (چکیده)
3447 - A survey on the frequency of Foot-and-Mouth Disease virus carriers in Cattle in North-East of Iran By RT-PCR: implications for revising disease control strategy (چکیده)
3448 - Stratigraphic application of Thalassinoides ichnofabric in delineating sequence stratigraphic surfaces (Mid-Cretaceous), Kopet-Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
3449 - Synthesis, spectroscopy, X-ray crystal structure, and DFT studies on a platinum(II) Schiff-base complex (چکیده)
3450 - Influence of low Co substitution on magnetoelastic properties of HoFe11Ti intermetallic compound (چکیده)
3451 - Developement of a Linearly Polarized Cavity Backed Antenna Using HMSIW technique (چکیده)
3452 - Comparing the dynamic behaviour of several rubbers filled with silanized silica nanofiller (چکیده)
3453 - Effect of silanized silica nanofiller on tack and green strength of selected filled rubbers (چکیده)
3454 - Effects of different interphases on the mechanical properties of cured silanized silica-filled styrene–butadiene/polybutadiene rubber blends for use in passenger car tire treads (چکیده)
3455 - Using Modulated-Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry to Study Interphases in Blends of Styrene–Butadiene and Polybutadiene Rubbers Filled with a Silanized Silica Nanofiller (چکیده)
3456 - Relationship between the Hyers--Ulam stability and the Moore--Penrose inverse (چکیده)
3457 - Operator inequalities related to weak 2-positivity (چکیده)
3458 - Yield Performance of Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (W.Curt.:Fr.) P. Karst. (Higher Basidiomycetes), Using Different Waste Materials as Substrates (چکیده)
3459 - Application of edible coating and acidic washing for extending the storage life of mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) (چکیده)
3460 - Design of nonlinear impact dampers based on acoustic and damping behavior (چکیده)
3461 - Effect of organic and inorganic amendments on parameters of water retention curve, bulk density and aggregate diameter of a saline-sodic soil (چکیده)
3462 - Optimising the ice cream formulation using basil seed gum (Ocimum basilicum L.) as a novel stabiliser to deliver improved processing quality (چکیده)
3463 - Impact of Climate Change Scenarios on Wheat Yield Determined by Evapotranspiration Calculation (چکیده)
3464 - Comparing Effects of Silanized Silica Nanofiller on the Crosslinking and Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber and Synthetic Polyisoprene (چکیده)
3465 - Confidence intervals obtained from different methods using simulated data and their (چکیده)
3466 - Biostratigraphy and foraminiferal bioevent of the Abderaz Formation (Middle Turonian – Lower Campanian) in Kopeh-Dagh sedimentary basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
3467 - Second Law Analysis of Micro/Nano-Couette FlowUsingDirect Simulation Monte Carlo Method (چکیده)
3468 - Some Isomorphisms in Derived Functors and Their Applications (چکیده)
3469 - Predicting Body and Carcass Characteristics of Two Broiler Chicken Strains Using Support Vector Regression and Neural Network Models (چکیده)
3470 - Approximation of stochastic advection-diffusion equation using compact finite difference technique (چکیده)
3471 - Approximation of Stochastic Advection Diffusion Equations with Stochastic Alternating Direction Explicit Methods (چکیده)
3472 - The open lid conformation of the lipase is explored in the compressed gas: New insights from molecular dynamic simulation (چکیده)
3473 - Milk production, milk fatty acid composition, and blood biochemical parameters of Holstein dairy cows fed whole or ground flaxseed instead of extruded soybeans in the first half of lactation (چکیده)
3474 - Direct active and reactive power control of single-phase grid-tie converters (چکیده)
3475 - Effects of foliar application of methanol on growth and root characteristics of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under drought stress (چکیده)
3476 - Predictions of 305-day milk yield in Iranian Dairy cattle using test-day records by artificial neural network (چکیده)
3477 - Polydipsia/polyuria syndrome in a Congo African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus erithacus), a case report (چکیده)
3478 - Aberrant migration of Ascaridia galli in a Myna (Acridotheres tristis) (چکیده)
3479 - Comprehensive studies of non-covalent interactions within four new Cu(II) supramolecules (چکیده)
3480 - Antioxidative and synergistic effects of bene kernel and hull oils during oxidation of virgin olive oil (چکیده)
3481 - Effect of Important Thermophysical Properties on Condensation Shock in a Steam Flow (چکیده)
3482 - Supercritical flow profile improvement by means of a convex corner at a bend inlet (چکیده)
3483 - Effective Moment of Inertia Prediction of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams Based on Experimental Results (چکیده)
3484 - Detection of sonoluminescence signals in a gel phantom in the presence of Protoporphyrin IX conjugated to gold nanoparticles (چکیده)
3485 - A Parallel DSMC Investigation of Monatomic/Diatomic Gas Flow in Micro/Nano Cavity (چکیده)
3486 - The Normalized Analysis of Surface Heterogeneous Reaction of Propane/Air Mixture into Micro-Channel (چکیده)
3487 - The Role of Nasogastric Intubation on Postoperative Gastrointestinal Function in Patients with Obstructive Jaundice (چکیده)
3488 - Efficient estimation in the Pareto distribution (چکیده)
3489 - Efficient estimation in the Pareto distribution with the presence of outliers (چکیده)
3490 - Ion-imprinted polymer mini-column for on-line preconcentration of thallium(III) and its determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
3491 - Effects of Thermal Creep on Cooling of Microflows in Short Microchannels with Constant Wall Temperature (چکیده)
3492 - Obliquely propagating electron acoustic solitons in a magnetized plasma with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
3493 - Parameters Estimation of the Gamma Distribution in the Presence of Outliers Generated From Gamma Distribution (چکیده)
3494 - An overview of liquid phase microextraction approaches combined with UV–Vis spectrophotometry (چکیده)
3495 - Four new eriophyoid mite species (Acari: Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) from Iran (چکیده)
3496 - Comparison of responses to dietary protein and lysine in broiler chicks reared before and after 2000 via neural network models (چکیده)
3497 - Log-Gamma generated families of distributions (چکیده)
3498 - A new metal-organic framework of Mn11–chelidamic acidconsolidated by octamer water clusters (چکیده)
3499 - Headspace solid-phase microextraction using poly(ethylene glycol) grafted multi-walled carbon nanotube fibers for the determination of methyl tert-butyl ether in water samples (چکیده)
3500 - Effect of essential oils on postharvest decay and quality factors of tomato in vitro and in vivo conditions Effect of essential oils on postharvest decay and quality factors of tomato in vitro and in vivo conditions (چکیده)
3501 - Fabrication and characterization of large, perfectly periodic arrays of metallic nanocups (چکیده)
3502 - Structure changes in Er-160 from low to ultrahigh spin (چکیده)
3503 - Vector Fuzzy C-means (چکیده)
3504 - The structural, thermoelectric and photoconductive properties of sulfur doped In2O3 thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis (چکیده)
3505 - Response of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes to Impact Loading (چکیده)
3506 - Computational study of the intramolecular proton transfer reactions of dipicolinic acid (pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid) and its dimers (چکیده)
3507 - 5Amino-3-methyl-1,2-oxazole-4-carbo- nitrile (چکیده)
3508 - N,N- -Dibenzyl-N-- -(2-chloro-2,2- difluoroacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
3509 - Hexakis{[1-(dimethylamino)propylidene]oxidanium} bis(dodecamolybdophosphate) N,N-dimethylpropionamide pentasolvate (چکیده)
3510 - O,O- -Dimethyl (cyclohexylamido)thio- phosphate (چکیده)
3511 - Behavior of vegetable oils in relation to their influence on herbicides’ effectiveness (چکیده)
3512 - Hybrid solution method for resource-constrained project scheduling problem using a new schedule generator (چکیده)
3513 - Shock - induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a thick hollow cylinder without energy dissipation using mesh-free generalized finite difference (GFD) method (چکیده)
3514 - Study on Role of the Applied Load and Height of the Structure on the Performance Level of the Dual Steel Moment Frame with the Coaxial Steel Bracing (چکیده)
3515 - Study on the Seismic Performance of the Buckling- Restrained Braced Frames (چکیده)
3516 - Efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes against potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) under laboratory conditions (چکیده)
3517 - Interfacial Stresses in RC Beams Stregthened by Externally Bonded FRP/Steel Plates with Effects of Shear Deformations (چکیده)
3518 - Design and implementation of a hybrid genetic algorithm and artificial neural network system for predicting the sizes of unerupted canines and premolars (چکیده)
3519 - N,N-Dibenzyl-O,O'-dimethyl thiophosphate (چکیده)
3520 - Three new [XC(O)NH]P(O)[N(CH2-C6H5)2]2 phosphoric triamides (X = CClF2, 3-F-C6H4 and 3,5-F2-C6H3): a database analysis of tertiary N-atom geometry in compounds with a C(O)NHP(O)[N]2 core (چکیده)
3521 - Two new XP(O)[NHC(CH3)3]2 phosphoramidates, with X = (CH3)2N and [(CH3)3CNH]2P(O)(O) (چکیده)
3522 - A novel scheme for nonlinear displacement-dependent dampers (چکیده)
3523 - The double H-atom acceptability of the P═O group in new XP(O)(NHCH2C6H4-2-Cl)2 phosphoramidates [X = C6H5O– and CF3C(O)NH–]: a database analysis of compounds having a P(O)(NHR) group (چکیده)
3524 - Employing Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of an Exciter Machine (چکیده)
3525 - Bed geometrical specifications effects on the performance of silica/water adsorption chillers (چکیده)
3526 - Polar tagging in the synthesis of monodisperse oligo(p-phenyleneethynylene)s and an update on the synthesis of oligoPPEs (چکیده)
3527 - Coffee silverskin as a source of dietary fiber in bread-making: Optimization of chemical treatment using response surface methodology (چکیده)
3528 - Flexibility of Shape-Persistent Molecular Building Blocks Composed of p-Phenylene and Ethynylene Units (چکیده)
3529 - The adsorption characteristics of nitrate on Mg–Fe and Mg–Al layered double hydroxides in a simulated soil solution (چکیده)
3530 - Synthesis, characterization, crystal structure and thermal behavior of 4-Bromo-2-(((5-chloro-2-hydroxyphenyl)imino)methyl)phenol and its oxido-vanadium(V) complexes (چکیده)
3531 - N,N- -Bis(4-methylphenyl)-N-- -(2,2,2-trichloroacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
3532 - N,N,N-,N- -Tetrabenzyl-N-- -(2,6-difluoro- benzoyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
3533 - Bis(pyrrolidin-1-yl)phosphinic (2,4-difluorobenzoyl) amide (چکیده)
3534 - Diphenyl (methylamido)phosphate (چکیده)
3535 - A second monoclinic polymorph of N-[bis(morpholin-4-yl)phosphinoyl]-4-fluorobenzamide with the P21/n space group (چکیده)
3536 - N,N- -Dibenzyl-N-- -(2,4-difluorobenzoyl)- N,N- -dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
3537 - Cyclohexylammonium acetate– N,N-,N-- -tricyclohexylphosphoric triamide (1/1) (چکیده)
3538 - N,N-Dimethyl-N-,N-- -bis(2-methyl-phenyl)phosphoric triamide monohydrate (چکیده)
3539 - Crystal structure of N,N-,N--,N--- -tetrakis(4-methylphenyl)- diphosphoric tetraamide, C28H32N4O3P2 (چکیده)
3540 - Ion acoustic solitary waves in high relativistic plasmas with superthermal electrons and thermal positrons (چکیده)
3541 - Simulation of Semi-Molten Particle Impacts Including Heat Transfer and Phase Change (چکیده)
3542 - On a Numerical Model for Free Surface Flows of a Conductive Liquid Under an Electrostatic Field (چکیده)
3543 - Varistor behavior of Mn doped ZnO ceramics prepared from nanosized precursors (چکیده)
3544 - Evaluation of the nutritional value of sunflower meal and its effect on performance, digestive enzyme activity, organ weight, and histological alterations of the intestinal villi of broiler chickens (چکیده)
3545 - New organotin(IV)-phosphoramidate complexes: Breaking of the P═O…H—N hydrogen bonds and its influence on the molecular packing (چکیده)
3546 - Complexation Study of N-Phenylaza-15-Crown-5 with Cd2+ Cation in Binary Mixed Non-aqueous Solvents (چکیده)
3547 - Solvent influence upon complexation of N-phenylaza-15-crown-5 with UO2 2+ cation in binary mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
3548 - Determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in urine by hollow-fiber liquid membrane-protected solid-phase microextraction based on sol–gel fiber coating (چکیده)
3549 - The environmental impact assessment of wheat and barley production by using life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology (چکیده)
3550 - Structure and ACE-Inhibitory Activity of Peptides Derived from Hen Egg White Lysozyme (چکیده)
3551 - A new fault location algorithm for radial distribution systems using modal analysis (چکیده)
3552 - Wavelet based estimation for the derivative of a density by block thresholding under random censorship (چکیده)
3553 - A generalized skew two-piece skew-elliptical distribution (چکیده)
3554 - Numerical Study Of Mixed Convection In An Annulus Between Concentric Rotating Cylinders With Time-Dependent Angular Velocity (چکیده)
3555 - Faunistic study on pentatomid and scutellerid bugs (Hem.: Heteroptera) from Birjand county and suburbs in South Khorasan province (Iran) (چکیده)
3556 - Impact toughness and microstructure of continuous medium carbon steel-bar reinforced cast iron composite (چکیده)
3557 - Geochemistry of Carboniferous Sandstones (Sardar Formation), East-Central Iran: Implication for Provenance and Tectonic Setting (چکیده)
3558 - Convergent evolution of morphological and ecological traits in the open-habitat chat complex (Aves, Muscicapidae: Saxicolinae) (چکیده)
3559 - Asymptotic behaviors of the Lorenz curve for left truncated and dependent data (چکیده)
3560 - Thermodynamics of ZrO2+ cation complexation with dibenzo-18-crown-6 in mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
3561 - Aphid parasitoids associations on stone fruit trees in Khorasan Razavi Province (Iran) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) (چکیده)
3562 - Ultrasound assisted preparation of water in oil emulsions and their application in arsenic (V) removal from water in an emulsion liquid membrane process (چکیده)
3563 - Separation ofethylene/ethaneandpropylene/propanebycellulose acetate–silicananocompositemembranes (چکیده)
3564 - Selected potential encapsulation-dehydration parameters on Dendrobium Bobby Messina protocorm-like bodies using TTC analysis (چکیده)
3565 - Kinetic investigation on sono-degradation of Reactive Black 5 with core–shell nanocrystal (چکیده)
3566 - A Novel Active Contour for Medical Image Segmentation (چکیده)
3567 - A Novel Evolutionary Approach for Optimizing Content-Based Image Indexing Algorithms (چکیده)
3568 - Wavelet correlogram:A new approach for image indexing and retrieval (چکیده)
3569 - Adaptive numerical method for Burger-type nonlinear equations (چکیده)
3570 - Establishment of a Short-term Storage Method via Encapsulation of PLBs in Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson. Seed Science and Technology (چکیده)
3571 - In- vitro Induction and Proliferation of Protocorm-Like Bodies (PLBs) from Leaf Segments of Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson. Plant Growth Regulation (چکیده)
3572 - Cryopreservation of Protocorm-Like Bodies (PLBs) of Phalaenopsis bellina (Rchb.f.) Christenson by Encapsulation-Dehydration (چکیده)
3573 - Very High Critical Field and Superior Jc-Field Performance in NdFeAsO0.82F0.18 with Tc of 51 K (چکیده)
3574 - Excess fluctuation Conductivity and Superconducting parameters of CaLa-doped Nd-123 (چکیده)
3575 - Preparation and characterization of hybrid conducting polymer–carbon nanotube yarn (چکیده)
3576 - Flux pinning and vortex transitions in doped BaFe2As2 single crystals (چکیده)
3577 - Fluctuation of mean free path and Tc induced vortex pinning in (Ba,K)Fe2As2 superconductors (چکیده)
3578 - Air-exposed combustion synthesis of Al2O3 nanofibers in Al/TiO2/C system (چکیده)
3579 - Attractors and their invisible parts for skew products with high Dimensional Fiber (چکیده)
3580 - Piecewise Affine Control Design for Power Factor Correction Rectifiers (چکیده)
3581 - Analysis of first and second laws of thermodynamics between two isothermal cylinders with relative rotation in the presence of MHD flow (چکیده)
3582 - Hydrogen bonding investigation in 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids from Density Functional Theory and Atoms-in-Molecules methods (چکیده)
3583 - Changes in Content and Chemical Composition of Tagetes minuta Oil at Various Harvest Times (چکیده)
3584 - Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of Tagetes minuta L. (چکیده)
3585 - Effect of Different Levels of Methionine, Protein and Tallow on the Productive Performance and EggQuality of Laying Hens in the Late-phase Production (چکیده)
3586 - Evaluation of genetic diversity among Iranian accessions of Ocimum spp.using AFLP markers (چکیده)
3587 - Testing normality based on new entropy estimators (چکیده)
3588 - A new higher-order triangular plate bending element for the analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates (چکیده)
3589 - Delamination detection in laminated composite beams using hybrid elements (چکیده)
3590 - A case report of atypical borreliosis in Dog (چکیده)
3591 - Laminar Convective Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop ofTiO2/Turbine Oil Nanofluid (چکیده)
3592 - Activated carbon from carrot dross combined with magnetite nanoparticles for the efficient removal of p-nitrophenol from aqueous solution (چکیده)
3593 - Generalized sigma-derivation on Banach algebras (چکیده)
3594 - Existence, uniqueness and stability of solutions for a class of nonlinear integral equations under generalized Lipschitz condition (چکیده)
3595 - Age-dependent response to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides against organ invasion of Salmonella enteritidis in broiler chickens (چکیده)
3596 - Frequency–amplitude range of hydrocarbon microtremors and a discussion on their source (چکیده)
3597 - Gravitation based classification (چکیده)
3598 - Quantitative Trait Loci for Fleece Traits in Baluchi Sheep (چکیده)
3599 - P2O5/SiO2 as an Efficient and Mild Catalyst for Trimethylsilylation of Alcohols Using Hexamethyldisilazane (چکیده)
3600 - Efficient synthesis of novel 9H-xanthen-9-yl derivatives of bidentate heterocyclic nucleophiles by Fe(HSO4)3 as a catalyst (چکیده)
3601 - The effect of 4-weeks aerobic training according with the usage of Anethum Graveolens on blood sugar and lipoproteins profile of diabetic women (چکیده)
3602 - Best linear unbiased and invariant reconstructors for the past records (چکیده)
3603 - Changes in serum iron concentration and hepatic enzyme activities in cattle infected with Theileria annulata and Babesia bigemina (چکیده)
3604 - Prediction of Financial Distress in Tehran Stock Exchange Using DEA Approach (چکیده)
3605 - The impact of allicin on lead-induced oxidative damage in selected organs of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (چکیده)
3606 - Investigation of energy inputs for peach production using sensitivity analysis in Iran (چکیده)
3607 - Tissue distribution of the enzyme rhodanese in four cyprinid fish species (چکیده)
3608 - Expression of functional leptin receptor (OB-Rb) mRNA in the sheep tissues (چکیده)
3609 - Slip flow over micron-sized spherical particles at intermediate Reynolds numbers (چکیده)
3610 - Effects of plate finned heat exchanger parameters on the adsorption chiller performance (چکیده)
3611 - A neural network model to describe weight gain of sheep from genes (چکیده)
3612 - Genetic evidence for conspecificity between Dermacentor marginatus and Dermacentor niveus (چکیده)
3613 - Design-Oriented Study of Advanced Synchronous Reference Frame Phase-Locked Loops (چکیده)
3614 - A hybrid metaheuristic for concurrent layout and scheduling problem in a job shop environment (چکیده)
3615 - Pre-concentration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in water using dispersive liquid–liquid and single-drop microextraction with high-performance liquid chromatography In (چکیده)
3616 - Using 2-D Seismic Data for Reconstruction of Paleocene-Eocene Sedimentary Environment in Central Persian Gulf, Iran (چکیده)
3617 - Mechanical Unfolding of Titin I27 Domain: Nanoscale Simulation of Mechanical Properties Based on Virial Theorem via Steered Molecular Dynamics Technique (چکیده)
3618 - Preparation of modified polyethersulfone membranes using variation in coagulation bath temperature and addition of hydrophilic surfactant (چکیده)
3619 - Preparation and Characterization of Modified Polysulfone Membranes With High Hydrophilic Property Using Variation in Coagulation Bath Temperature and Addition of Surfactant (چکیده)
3620 - Synthesis and characterization of some new Schiff base complexes of group 13 elements, ab initio studies, cytotoxicity and reaction with hydrogen peroxide (چکیده)
3621 - Experimental Study of CMC Evaluation in Single and Mixed Surfactant Systems, Using UV-Vis Spectroscopic Method (چکیده)
3622 - An extremely thermotolerant, alkaliphilic subtilisin-like protease from hyperthermophilic Bacillus sp. MLA64 (چکیده)
3623 - Use of fluorescent DNA-intercalating dyes in the analysis of DNA via ion-pair reversed-phase denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
3624 - The HIC signalling pathway links CO2 perception to stomatal development (چکیده)
3625 - Two hybrid nonlinear conjugate gradient methods based on a modified secant equation (چکیده)
3626 - Role of fuel/oxidizer ratio on the synthesis conditions of Cu–Al2O3 nanocomposite prepared through solution combustion synthesis (چکیده)
3627 - A serological study of Leishmania infantum in dogs of Khorasan Razavi province, Iran (چکیده)
3628 - Noise-Immune Dual-Rail Dynamic Circuit for Wide Fan-In Gates in Asynchronous Designs (چکیده)
3629 - Role of polymeric surfactants on the growth of manganese ferrite nanoparticles (چکیده)
3630 - A novel approach to evaluate the temperature during drying of food products with negligible external resistance to mass transfer (چکیده)
3631 - A Modified Storen-Rice Bifurcation Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming Limit Diagrams (چکیده)
3632 - Effects of Thyme Essential Oil on Performance, Some Blood Parameters and Ileal Microflora of Japanese Quail (چکیده)
3633 - An optimized derivative-free form of the Potra–Pták method (چکیده)
3634 - Growth response and modeling the effects of Carum copticum essential oil, pH, inoculum level and temperature on Escherichia coli O157:H7 (چکیده)
3635 - Dianion N1,N4-bis(salicylidene)-S-allyl-thiosemicarbazide complexes: Synthesis, structure, spectroscopy and thermal behavior (چکیده)
3636 - Divergence-free vector fields with average and asymptotic average shadowing property (چکیده)
3637 - Ileal hypertrophy, strongyle cecal lesions and dysmotility in a horse (چکیده)
3638 - A low-phase noise injection-locked quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator (چکیده)
3639 - Comparison of the 3-phase segmented linear regression and artificial neural network models to predict broiler hatchability (چکیده)
3640 - Estimating the lifetime performance index with Weibull distribution based on progressive first-failure censoring scheme (چکیده)
3641 - The effect of Zagros Mountains on the formation and maintenance of Iran anticyclone using RegCM4 (چکیده)
3642 - The effects of turmeric supplementation on antioxidant status, blood gas indices and mortality in broiler chickens with T3-induced ascites (چکیده)
3643 - Prevalence of ixodid tick infestation of sheep in the Arasbaran region of Iran (چکیده)
3644 - Effect of feeding pistachio by-products silage supplemented with polyethylene glycol and urea on Holstein dairy cows performance in early lactation (چکیده)
3645 - Synthesis and Theoretical Study of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond at Two Possible Positions in Pyrazolo[1,2-b]phthalazine (چکیده)
3646 - Radiation absorption and use efficiency of sesame as affected by biofertilizers in a low input cropping system (چکیده)
3647 - An optimization analysis on electroless deposition of Al2O3/Cu core-shell nanostructures (چکیده)
3648 - A new prediction model for the load capacity of castellated steel beams (چکیده)
3649 - Fabrication of FeNi–Al2O3 nanocomposites and optimization of mechanical properties using Taguchi method (چکیده)
3650 - New Ground-Motion Prediction Equations Using Multi Expression programming (چکیده)
3651 - Molecular analysis of species of Tulipa L. from Iran based on ISSR markers (چکیده)
3652 - An efficient synthesis of 3-cyano-3-benzoyloxyoxindoles via cyanoacylation of isatins in the presence of 4 Å molecular sieves (چکیده)
3653 - A Silver (I) Selective PVC Membrane Electrode Based on 1,13-Bis (8-quinolyl)-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxatridecane as an Ionophore (چکیده)
3654 - Complexation study of dibenzo-18-crown-6 with UO22+ cation in binary mixed nonaqueous solutions (چکیده)
3655 - Study of complex formation between dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 and UO22+ cation in some binary mixed non-aqueous solvents using conductometric method (چکیده)
3656 - Effect of Uncertainties in Physical Properties on Entropy Generation Between Two Rotating Cylinders With Nanofluids (چکیده)
3657 - Effects of Processing of Starter Diets on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Rumen Biochemical Parameters andBody Measurements of Brown Swiss Dairy Calves Body Measurements of Brown Swiss Dairy Calves (چکیده)
3658 - Determining Validity and Reliability of Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS-Plus) among Iranian Sample (چکیده)
3659 - Magnetic nondestructive technology for detection of tempered martensite embrittlement (چکیده)
3660 - A New Generalized Controller for Engine in Idle Speed Condition (چکیده)
3661 - Evaluation the Level of Development in Regions of Mashhad Municipality, Iran (چکیده)
3662 - An antioxidant peptide derived from Ostrich (Struthio camelus) egg white protein hydrolysates (چکیده)
3663 - Atmospheric circulation types and winter daily precipitation in Iran (چکیده)
3664 - Rheological and structural properties of β-lactoglobulin and basil seed gum mixture: Effect of heating rate (چکیده)
3665 - Scientometric Analysis of Nuclear Science and Technology Research Output in Iran (چکیده)
3666 - A complementary tool to enhance the effectiveness of existing methods for heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem (چکیده)
3667 - Gas phase pyrolysis reaction of 1-Pyrazoline: a theoretical kinetic study (چکیده)
3668 - X-ray analysis of ZnO nanoparticles by Williamson–Hall and size–strain plot methods (چکیده)
3669 - A Colpitts CMOS Quadrature VCO Using Direct Connection of Substrates for Coupling (چکیده)
3670 - A new 1.4-GHz soil moisture sensor (چکیده)
3671 - How enzymes can remain active and stable in a compressed gas? New insights into the conformational stability of Candida antarctica Lipase B in near-critical propane (چکیده)
3672 - Similarity Solution for Unsteady Free Convection From a Vertical Plate at Constant Temperature to Power Law Fluids (چکیده)
3673 - An Internal Structure Investigation on Euphorbia L. Species in North-East of Iran (چکیده)
3674 - Accumulation of chromium and its effect on growth of (Allium cepa cv. Hybrid) (چکیده)
3675 - Preparation of Nano-Size Al-Promoted Sulfated Zirconia and the Impact of Calcination Temperature on Its Catalytic Activity (چکیده)
3676 - The Relationship between Consumer Price Index, Producer Price Index and Traded Shares at Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
3677 - Modified fractional Euler method for solving Fuzzy Fractional Initial Value Problem (چکیده)
3678 - Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Vanadium from Mechanically Milled Oil-Fired Fly Ash: Analytical Process Optimization by Using Taguchi Design Method (چکیده)
3679 - Conversion of W2C to WC phase during mechano-chemical synthesis of nano-size WC–Al2O3 powder using WO3–2Al–(1+x)C mixtures (چکیده)
3680 - A new estimator of entropy and its application in testing normality (چکیده)
3681 - Silica supported Fe(HSO4)3 as an efficient, heterogeneous and recyclable catalyst for synthesis of -enaminones and -enamino esters (چکیده)
3682 - Design of safety management system in juice industries (چکیده)
3683 - Studies on the role of root morphology attribution in salt tolerance of blue-panicgrass (Panicum antidotale Retz.) using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
3684 - An exact method for scheduling of the alternative technologies in R&D projects (چکیده)
3685 - Characterization of an extracellular thermophilic alkaline esterase produced by Bacillus subtilis DR8806 (چکیده)
3686 - Effect of mastitis during the first lactation on production and reproduction performance of Holstein cows (چکیده)
3687 - Predicting caloric and feed efficiency in turkeys using the group method of data handling-type neural networks. (چکیده)
3688 - Milled Rice Quality Assessment (چکیده)
3689 - Physical Properties of Rough Rice (چکیده)
3690 - Comparison of scaling equation with neural network model for prediction of asphaltene precipitation (چکیده)
3691 - Extraction of shrimp waste pigments by enzymatic and alkaline treatment: evaluation by inhibition of lipid peroxidation (چکیده)
3692 - Effect of Humic Acid on Nutrient Uptake and Physiological Characteristic Fragaria ananassa var: Camarosa (چکیده)
3693 - Investigation of mixedaminesolution in gas sweetening plant (چکیده)
3694 - Toward a new analytical method for solving nonlinear fractional differential equations (چکیده)
3695 - An effective variational iteration algorithm for solving Riccati differential equations (چکیده)
3696 - Beyond Adomian polynomials: He polynomials (چکیده)
3697 - Rainfed wheat yields under climate change in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
3698 - Role of C-fibers during acute and chronic stress on formalin-induced paw edema in rats (چکیده)
3699 - Scorpion sting in Iran: A review (چکیده)
3700 - Effective Components on the Forecast of Companies Dividends Using Hybrid Neural Network and Binary Algorithm Model (چکیده)
3701 - The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Serum C - Reactive Protein and Leptin Levels in Untrained Middle-Aged Women (چکیده)
3702 - Comparison of Acute Effect of an Intensive Short Term Exercise Session on Some Blood Coagulation Parameters and Fibrinolysis between Active and Non-active Male Students (چکیده)
3703 - The Comparison of Aerobic Fitness and Anaerobic Power of Iranian Soccer Players in Different Playing Positions during Competitions Season (چکیده)
3704 - Approximately midconvex set-valued functions (چکیده)
3705 - Flocculation and Separation of Oil Droplets in Ultrasonic Standing Wave Field (چکیده)
3706 - Increasing the cisplatin cytotoxicity and cisplatin-induced DNA damage by conferone in 5637 cells (چکیده)
3707 - Fatty acid composition of oils from fruits of three Pistacia species growing in Iran (چکیده)
3708 - Weakly polymatroidal ideals with applications to vertex cover ideals (چکیده)
3709 - Monomial ideals and toric rings of Hibi type arising from a finite poset (چکیده)
3710 - Modeling and optimization of high chromium alloy wear in phosphate laboratory grinding mill with fuzzy logic and particle swarm optimization technique (چکیده)
3711 - Spatial integration of fry and fractal analyses in regional exploration: A case study from Bafq–Posht-e-Badam, Irán (چکیده)
3712 - Yield and Oil Constituents of Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) Flowers Depending on Nitrogen Application, Plant Density and Climate Conditions (چکیده)
3713 - System identification and control using adaptive particle swarm optimization (چکیده)
3715 - Predicting carcass energy content and composition in broilers using the group method of data handling-type neural networks (چکیده)
3716 - Interaction between holo transferrin and HSA–PPIX complex in the presence of lomefloxacin: An evaluation of PPIX aggregation in protein–protein interactions (چکیده)
3717 - Electrical properties comparison of NTC thermistors prepared from nanopowders and mixed oxide process (چکیده)
3718 - Synthesis, X-ray structure, spectroscopic properties and DFT studies of some dithiocarbazate complexes of nickel(II) (چکیده)
3719 - A retrospective study of abattoir condemnation due to parasitic infections and its economic importance in Ahwaz, south–western of Iran (چکیده)
3720 - Identification of Dactylogyrus spp. and other parasites of common carp in norheast in Iran (چکیده)
3721 - Copro-DNA test for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis (چکیده)
3722 - Sonochemical synthesis and measurement of optical properties of zinc sulfide quantum dots (چکیده)
3723 - Phytotoxic Potential of Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) to Control Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) Weed (چکیده)
3724 - Geochemistry of Carboniferous shales of the Sardar Formation, east central Iran: Implication for provenance, paleoclimate and paleo-oxygenation conditions at a passive continental margin (چکیده)
3725 - Complexes with cis-MoO2 unit of new isothiosemicarbazone (چکیده)
3726 - Oxido[2-{(E)-[((1E)-{(E)-2-[1-(2-oxidophenyl)ethylidene]hydrazin-1-ylidene}-(prop-2-en-1-ylsulfanyl)methyl)imino]-methyl}phenolato]vanadium(IV) (چکیده)
3727 - [2-(1-{2-[Azanidyl(ethylsulfanyl)methylidene-kN]hydrazin-1-ylidene-kN1}ethyl)-phenolato-kO](dimethylsulfoxide-kO)-dioxidomolybdenum(VI) (چکیده)
3728 - Characterization and Crystal Structure of Trans-Dichloro(Bis-Thiocarbohydrazide) Cadmium(II) (چکیده)
3729 - Eight new records of bird species from North-Eastern Iran (چکیده)
3730 - Prediction of temperature performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
3731 - Equivalence Classes of Linear Mappings on B(M) (چکیده)
3732 - Single origin of human commensalism in the house sparrow (چکیده)
3733 - Mitochondrial Genetic Differentiation of Spirlin (Actinopterigii: Cyprinidae) in the South Caspian Sea basin of Iran (چکیده)
3734 - FEM modeling of the flow curves and failure modes of dual phase steels with different martensite volume fractions using actual microstructure as the representative volume (چکیده)
3735 - Microstructural and mechanical characteristics of Al-alloyed ductile iron upon casting and annealing (چکیده)
3736 - Signal processing approaches as novel tools for the clustering of N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidases (چکیده)
3737 - An efficient continuum model for CNTs-based bio-sensors (چکیده)
3738 - Pitman closeness of current k-records to population quantiles (چکیده)
3739 - Nonparametric prediction of future order statistics (چکیده)
3740 - Importance of Elastase Production in Development of Invasive Aspergillosis (چکیده)
3741 - Comparative Histological Structure of The Sinus Node in Mammals (چکیده)
3742 - A New Single Ended Fault Location algorithm for Combined Transmission Line Considering Fault Clearing Transients without Using Line Parameters (چکیده)
3743 - Molecular Diagnosis of Iris Yellow Spot Virus (IYSV) on Onion in Iran (چکیده)
3744 - Minuscule device for hydrogen generation/electrical energy collection system on aluminum alloy surface (چکیده)
3745 - Design and modeling of some sensing and actuating mechanisms for MEMS applications (چکیده)
3746 - A novel approach for determining thermal properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
3747 - [2-(1-{2-[Azanidyl(ethylsulfanyl)methylidene-jN]hydrazin-1-ylidene-jN1}ethyl)-phenolato-jO](pyridine-jN)nickel(II) (چکیده)
3748 - Nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes of allyl 2-(thiophen-2-ylmethylene)hydrazinecarbodithioate: synthesis, X-ray crystal structures, and theoretical study (چکیده)
3749 - Hybrid Modeling and PID-PSO Control of Buck-Boost Chopper (چکیده)
3750 - Comparative morphological and molecular study of Iranian populations of Heterodera filipjevi (Madzhidov, 1981) Stelter,1984 and other members of ‘H. avenae group’ (چکیده)
3751 - Differential display of abundantly expressed genes of Trichoderma harzianum duringcolonization of tomato germinating seeds and roots (چکیده)
3752 - Studying the Partially Sequenced mtDNA Hypervariable Region 1 (HVR1) of Iranian Moghani Sheep (چکیده)
3753 - Experimental comparison of the ability of Dalton based and similarity theory correlations to predict water evaporation rate in different convection regimes (چکیده)
3754 - An energy based analysis of broaching operation: Cutting forces and resultant surface integrity (چکیده)
3755 - Hematological changes before and after treatment in dairy cows with clinical and subclinical endometritis (چکیده)
3756 - Acute-phase protein concentration and metabolic status affect the outcome of treatment in cows with clinical and subclinical endometritis (چکیده)
3757 - Diastereoselective synthesis of 5-iminooxazolines and their subsequent transformation to α,α-disubstituted dipeptide esters: a formal [4+1] cycloaddition reaction of cyclohexyl isocyanide and Z-alkyl-α-benzoyl amino-acrylates (چکیده)
3758 - Nurbs-Based Profile Reconstruction using Constrained Fitting Techniques (چکیده)
3759 - Auditors Professional Power and Users’ Expectations: Iranian View (چکیده)
3760 - Solving Volterra integral equations of the second kind by wavelet-Galerkin scheme (چکیده)
3761 - Operator entropy inequalities (چکیده)
3762 - An operator inequality and its consequences (چکیده)
3763 - Moore-Penrose inverses of Gram operators on Hilbert C*-modules (چکیده)
3764 - Harmonic reduction in wind turbine generators using a Shunt Active Filter based on the proposed modulation technique (چکیده)
3765 - The effect of lead toxicity on embryonic development and early larval growth of the Echinometra mathaei sea urchin (Persian Gulf), morphologic and morphometric studies (چکیده)
3766 - Accuracy improvement of impedance based fault location method for power distribution network using distributed-parameter line model (چکیده)
3767 - Accurate Single Phase Fault Location Method for Transmission Lines based on K-nearest Neighbor Algorithm using One-end Voltage (چکیده)
3768 - The Effects of Substrate and Cultivar in Quality of Strawberry (چکیده)
3769 - Clinical evaluation of the pocket technique for replacement of prolapsed gland of the third eyelid in dogs (چکیده)
3770 - The survey of dynamic compaction on microstructure of loess of Golestan province-Iran (چکیده)
3771 - Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Iranian Pomegranate Cultivars Using Fruit Morphological Characteristics and AFLP Markers (چکیده)
3772 - Gas separation properties of poly(ethylene glycol)/poly(tetramethylene glycol) based polyurethane membranes (چکیده)
3773 - Glycine Amino Acid Transport inside the Nanopores of Lysozyme Protein Crystal (چکیده)
3774 - Aeluropus laciniatus (POACEAE), A New Species From Iran (چکیده)
3775 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Water and Ions in Nanopores of Lysozyme Protein Crystal (چکیده)
3776 - Existence of positive solutions for variable exponent elliptic systems (چکیده)
3777 - Non-linear analysis of moderately thick laminated plates and shell panels under thermo-mechanical loadings (چکیده)
3778 - Continuous Wavelet Transform on Homogeneous Space (چکیده)
3779 - Online cost-sensitive neural network classifiers for non-stationary and imbalanced data streams (چکیده)
3780 - Two-particle momentum correlations in jets produced in e+e− annihilation at √s = 60 GeV (چکیده)
3781 - The Comparison between Balance Sheet of Listed Companies before and after the Consolidation: Case of Iran (چکیده)
3782 - Two new CuII 1D-coordination polymers containing 1,4-pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid, 2-aminopyridine, and 5-bromo-6-methyl-2-(4-methylpiperazine-1-yl)pyrimidine-4-amine: X-ray crystal structure, spectroscopic and magnetic studies (چکیده)
3783 - Calibration of Soil Model Parameters Using Particle Swarm Optimization (چکیده)
3784 - Numerical Modeling of the Freezing of a Porous Humid Food inside a Cavity due to Natural Convection (چکیده)
3785 - Evaluation and comparison of SYBR Green I Real-Time PCR and TaqMan Real-Time PCR methods for quantitative assay of Listeria monocytogenes in nutrient broth and milk (چکیده)
3786 - Recursive self preconditioning method based on Schur complement for Toeplitz matrices (چکیده)
3787 - Comparative Study of Ornamental Potential of Six Achillea Species From Iran (چکیده)
3788 - Quantitative and Qualitative Study of Dermatoglyphic Patterns in Albinism (چکیده)
3789 - Dry bean competitiveness with redroot pigweed as affected by growth habit and nitrogen rate (چکیده)
3790 - On almost sure convergence for weighted sums of pairwise negatively quadrant dependent random variables (چکیده)
3791 - Hazardous waste landfill site selection in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
3792 - An approximate-analytical solution for the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation via homotopy perturbation method (چکیده)
3793 - Phytochemical screening, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Anabasis aphylla extracts (چکیده)
3794 - An isogeometrical approach to error estimation and stress recovery (چکیده)
3795 - An isogeometrical approach to structural topology optimization by optimality criteria (چکیده)
3796 - First experiments on cultivation of Nepeta binaludensis Jamzad - An example of domestication of a highly endangered medicinal plant of Iran (چکیده)
3797 - Multi-Objective Resource Allocation Problem with Simulated Annealing Algorithm (چکیده)
3798 - New Fault-Location Algorithm for Transmission Lines Including Unified Power-Flow Controller (چکیده)
3799 - New Records and New Synonym of Astragalus Sections Ammodendron and Caprini (FABACEAE) From Iran (چکیده)
3800 - The effect of isothermal heat treatment time on the microstructure and properties of 2.11% Al austempered ductile iron (چکیده)
3801 - Effect of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum addition on whey protein concentrate stabilized emulsions stored at cold and ambient temperature (چکیده)
3802 - The therapeutic effect of Tarentula cubensis (چکیده)
3803 - Pan coefficient (Kp) estimation under uncertainty on fetch (چکیده)
3804 - Biosystematic analysis of genus Rattus (Rodentia: Murinae) in Iran using total proteins of plasma and esterase-1 (چکیده)
3805 - Filtration of crude canola oil miscella utilizing PVDF membrane: the effects of pretreatments and operating conditions (چکیده)
3806 - Stagnation-point Flow and Heat Transfer of a viscous, Compressible Fluid on a Cylinder (چکیده)
3807 - Liquid–liquid extraction of aromatics from their mixtures with alkanes using 1-methyl 3-octylimidazolium thiocyanate ionic liquid (چکیده)
3808 - A novel multicarrier CDMA transmission scheme for cognitive radios with sidelobe suppression (چکیده)
3809 - Reconstruction of the past lower record values in a proportional reversed hazard rate model (چکیده)
3810 - Effect of host plant morphological features on functional response of Orius albidipennis (Hemiptera : Anthocoridae) to Tetranychus urticae (Acari : Tetranychidae (چکیده)
3811 - Tribological properties of multilayer nanostructure TiO2 thin film doped by SiO2 (چکیده)
3812 - Interrelationship between image, dough and Barbari bread characteristics; use of image analysis to predict rheology, quality and shelf life (چکیده)
3813 - A highly computational efficient method to solve nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
3814 - Carburising behaviour of low carbon steel with nanocrystalline surface layer induced by ball milling (چکیده)
3815 - Deadline-constrained workflow scheduling in software as a service Cloud (چکیده)
3816 - Aspergillus niger biosensor based on tin oxide (SnO2) nanostructures: nanopowder and thin film (چکیده)
3817 - Deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithms for Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (چکیده)
3818 - Phosphorus pentoxide supported on silica gel and alumina (P2O5/SiO2, P2O5/Al2O3) as useful catalysts in organic synthesis (چکیده)
3819 - A Karyological Study of Some Murid Rodents (Rodentia: Muridae) of Iran (چکیده)
3820 - A new species and a new record of Acanthophyllum C. A. Mey. (Caryophyllaceae) from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
3821 - A review on the visible light active titanium dioxide photocatalysts for environmental applications (چکیده)
3822 - A study on magnetoelastic properties of Tb3 (Fe28xCox) V1.0 (x¼0, 3, 6) compounds (چکیده)
3823 - Conformational analysis, tautomerization, IR, Raman, and NMR studies of ethyl benzoylacetate (چکیده)
3824 - Entropy generation of forced convection film condensation on a horizontal elliptical tube (چکیده)
3825 - Evaluation of the Antifungal Activity of Zataria multiflora, Geranium herbarium, and Eucalyptus camaldolensis Essential Oils on Saprolegnia parasitica–Infected Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Eggs (چکیده)
3826 - Thermal expansion anomaly and magnetostriction of Nd2Fe14Si3 (چکیده)
3827 - Oxidant/antioxidant balance and trace elements status in sheep with liver cystic echinococcosis (چکیده)
3828 - Analysis of entropy generation between co-rotating cylinders using nanofluids (چکیده)
3829 - On the Hermitian solutions to a system of adjointable operator equations (چکیده)
3830 - A Study of the Effective Variables on Earning Management: Iranian Evidence (چکیده)
3831 - The effect of selected relaxation training with physical activity on mental well-being (چکیده)
3832 - Dianilinium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-3O2,N,O6)cuprate(II) hexahydrate (چکیده)
3833 - Info-based approach in distributed mutual exclusion algorithms (چکیده)
3834 - Cost-Driven Scheduling of Grid Workflows Using Partial Critical Paths (چکیده)
3835 - An investigation into the influence of deformables dies on springback of circular plates (چکیده)
3836 - A consistent DXDR method for elastic-plastic problems (چکیده)
3837 - A simple algorithm for stamping circular plates by hemispherical punches (چکیده)
3840 - Optimal Control of Bone Marrow in Cancer Chemotherapy (چکیده)
3841 - Timestep Selection for Dynamic Relaxation Method (چکیده)
3842 - Control strategies for single-phase grid integration of small-scale renewable energy sources: A review (چکیده)
3843 - Detection of Hepatozoon sp. in a Persian Leopard :Panthera pardus ciscaucasica (چکیده)
3844 - On asymptotically AdS-like solutions of three dimensional massive gravity (چکیده)
3845 - A study of tick fauna in Tandoureh National Park, Khorasan Razavi province, Iran (چکیده)
3846 - Studies of Water Arsenic and Boron Pollutants and Algae Phytoremediation in Three Springs, Iran (چکیده)
3847 - A New Heuristic Solution Method for Maximal Covering Location-Allocation Problem with M/M/1 Queueing System (چکیده)
3848 - Synergetic Effect of La and Ba Promoters on Nanostructured Iron Catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis (چکیده)
3849 - Using of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Sediment Cores As Method Interpretation of Sedimentary Environments the Estuaries of Northern West Oman Sea (چکیده)
3850 - On the Relationship of Magnetic Response toMicrostructure in Cast Iron and Steel Parts (چکیده)
3851 - Influence of low Co substitution on magnetoelastic properties of HoFe11Ti intermetallic compound (چکیده)
3852 - Effects of fat replacers and sweeteners on the time-dependent rheological characteristics and emulsion stability of low-calorie pistachio butter: a response surface methodology (چکیده)
3853 - An investigation of the optimal load paths for the hydroforming of T-shaped tubes (چکیده)
3854 - Effects of dry period length on milk yield and composition, blood metabolites, follicular dynamics and complete blood count in Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
3855 - Effect of Supplementation of Fish and Canola Oil in the Diet on Milk Fatty Acid Composition in Early Lactating Holstein Cows (چکیده)
3856 - Effects of Two Halophytic Plants (Kochia and Atriplex) on Digestibility, Fermentation and Protein Synthesis by Ruminal Microbes Maintained in Continuous Culture (چکیده)
3857 - Modelling of extrusion process and application of Taguchi method and ANOVA analysis for optimization the parameters (چکیده)
3858 - Sedimentological, geochemical and geomorphological factors in formation of coastal dunes and nebkha fields in Miankaleh coastal barrier system (Southeast of Caspian Sea, North Iran) (چکیده)
3859 - Oxidative stress and trace elements in camel (Camelus dromedarius) with liver cystic echinococcosis (چکیده)
3860 - An efficient method to solve the strongly coupled nonlinear differential equations of impact dampers (چکیده)
3861 - Synthesis, characterization and interaction of N,N-dipyridoxyl (1,4- butanediamine) Co(III) salen complex with DNA and HSA (چکیده)
3862 - Rheology and microstructure of basil seed gum and b-lactoglobulin mixed gels (چکیده)
3863 - Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and passivity of Cu–30Zn–1Sn alloy in buffer solution containing chloride ions (چکیده)
3864 - Prediction of MEUF process performance using artificial neural networks and ANFIS approaches (چکیده)
3865 - Double-Diffusive Natural Convection In A Rectangular Cavity With Partially Thermally Active Side Walls (چکیده)
3866 - The effect of sugar beet fiber addition on the chemical properties of tortilla chips (چکیده)
3867 - Generalized Cayley graphs associated to commutative rings (چکیده)
3868 - Phylogenetic Clustering Reveals Selective Events Driving the Turnover of Bacterial Community in Alpine Tundra Soils (چکیده)
3869 - Canine visceral leishmaniasis: relationships between oxidative stress, liver and kidney variables, trace elements, and clinical status (چکیده)
3870 - Isolation, Characterization, and Investigation of Surface and Hemolytic Activities of a Lipopeptide Biosurfactant Produced by Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 (چکیده)
3871 - Statistical Effects of the Binding of Ionic Surfactant to Protein (چکیده)
3874 - Dilute solution properties of Balangu (Lallemantia royleana) seed gum: Effect of temperature, salt, and sugar (چکیده)
3875 - Nonlinear modal analysis of interaction between torsional modes and SVC controllers (چکیده)
3876 - Effect of electron–electron interaction on the transport through a nano-wire (چکیده)
3877 - Fermentative Lactic Acid from Deproteinized Whey Using Lactobacillus bulgaricus in Batch Culture (چکیده)
3878 - Thermal optimization of combined heat and power (CHP) systems using nanofluids (چکیده)
3879 - Biflatness and Biprojectivity of Lau Product of Banach Algebras (چکیده)
3880 - Refining of Crude Canola Oil using PSA Ultrafiltration Membrane (چکیده)
3881 - Dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in low carbon low alloy steel 26NiCrMoV 14-5 (چکیده)
3882 - Allium aladaghense (Amaryllidaceae, Allieae), a new species of section Asteroprason from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
3883 - A New Approach for Estimation and Directional Enlargement of Bounded Domain of Attraction (چکیده)
3884 - Recent developments of the operator Kantorovich inequality (چکیده)
3885 - Stability Analysis of Qanats in the West of Mashhad, North-east of Iran (چکیده)
3886 - Effects of harvest date, harvest time, and post-harvest management on quantitative and qualitative traits in seedless barberry (Berberis vulgaris L.) (چکیده)
3887 - Predictive permeability model of faults in crystalline rocks; verification by grouting in Seyahoo dam (چکیده)
3888 - Transdifferentiati on: a cel l and molecular reprogramming process (چکیده)
3889 - Secondary mathematics teachers’ filed dependency and its effects on their cognitive abilities (چکیده)
3890 - Hydrothermal alteration mapping in northern Khur, Iran, using ASTER image processing: a new insight to the type of copper mineralization in the area (چکیده)
3891 - Application of Spectral Angel Mapper classification to discriminate hydrothermal alteration in SW Birjand, Iran by using ASTER image processing (چکیده)
3892 - Balakrishnan skew-t distribution and associated statistical characteristics (چکیده)
3893 - Micelle-enhanced Ultrafiltration of Chemical Pretreated Crude Canola Oil Miscella (چکیده)
3894 - Oxidative Stability of Virgin Olive Oil as Affected by the Bene Unsaponifiable Matters and Tertiary-Butylhydroquinone (چکیده)
3895 - Design and experimental verification of a dead beat power control strategy for low cost three phase PWM converters (چکیده)
3896 - Optimization of lead removal from aqueous solution by micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration process using Box-Behnken design (چکیده)
3897 - The effects of phytase and root hydroalcoholic extract of Withania somnifera on productive performance and bone mineralisation of laying (چکیده)
3898 - Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior of 13%Cr Martensitic Stainless Steel under Hot Working Condition (چکیده)
3899 - Petroleum Science and Technology The Use of Statistical Techniques in Studying Petrophysical Properties of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: A Case Study of SW Iran (چکیده)
3900 - Study on small ruminant lungworms and associated risk factors in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
3901 - Comment on ‘‘Support vector machine for classification based on fuzzy training data’’ by A.-B. Ji, J.-H. Pang, H.-J. Qiu [Expert Systems with Applications 37 (2010) 3495–3498] (چکیده)
3902 - Prediction of liquefaction potential based on CPT up-sampling (چکیده)
3903 - Synthesis of 1H,7H,12bH-Pyrano[3’,4’: 5,6]pyrano[3,4-c][1]benzopyran-1- one via Domino Knoevenagel/Hetero-DielsAlder Reaction with Theoretical Investigations (چکیده)
3904 - Synthesis of new indolyl crown ethers catalyzed with ferric hydrogensulfate (چکیده)
3905 - Comparing the behavior of reinforced HSC beams with AFRP bars and confined HSC beams with AFRP sheets under bending (چکیده)
3906 - A new species and a new combination of Minuartia L. (Caryophyllaceae) from NE Iran (چکیده)
3907 - Multi-Projects Scheduling with Resource Constraints and Priority Rules and Fuzzy Activities (چکیده)
3908 - Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) fluvial deposits in eastern Kopet- Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
3909 - It Might Have Been a Slip of Tongue: Iranian EFL Teachers’ Reaction to their Colleagues’ Linguistic Goofs (چکیده)
3910 - A Covering Tour Approach to the Location of Satellite Distribution Centers to Supply Humanitarian Aid (چکیده)
3911 - Light and Electron Microscopic Features of the Kidney in Hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus (چکیده)
3912 - Efficient and Selective Transport of Silver(I) Cation Across a Bulk Dichloromethane Membrane Using 1,13-Bis(8-quinolyl)-1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxatridecane as a Carrier (چکیده)
3913 - Thermal and second-law analysis of a micro- or nanocavity using direct-simulation Monte Carlo (چکیده)
3914 - A Case-Control Study of Association between Diarrhea in Newborn Calves and Infection with Rotavirus and Coronavirus in Some Industrial Dairy Herds of Mashhad Area, Iran in 2008 (چکیده)
3915 - Relationships between some soil quality indicators in different agricultural soils from Varamin, Iran (چکیده)
3916 - Modeling the electroless nickel deposition on aluminum nanoparticles (چکیده)
3917 - Explanatum explanatum ( Creplin, 1847 ) Fukui, 1929, in buffaloes in the Ahwaz area, southwest Iran (چکیده)
3918 - On the nearness of record values to order statistics from Pitman s measure of closeness (چکیده)
3919 - Green synthesis of thiiranes from oxiranes under solvent- and catalystfree conditions (چکیده)
3920 - Continuity of separately continuous mappings (چکیده)
3921 - Phylogeography and taxonomic status of the greater mouse-tailed bat Rhinopoma microphyllum (Chiroptera: Rhinopomatidae) in Iran (چکیده)
3922 - Morphological comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Rodentia: Gerbillinae) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
3923 - Patterns of morphological evolution in the mandible of the house mouse Mus musculus-Rodentia: Muridae (چکیده)
3924 - Two Novel Chiral Inorganic–Organic Hybrid Materials Containing Preyssler and Wells–Dawson Heteropolyoxometallates with Valine (val), Glycine (gly), and Proline (pro) Amino acids: (Hval)2(Hgly)(H3O)6K5[Na(H2O)P5W30O110].19.5H2O and (Hpro)6[P2W18O62].8H2O (چکیده)
3925 - An extension of the Lowner--Heinz inequality (چکیده)
3926 - On the binary relation leq_u on self-adjoint Hilbert space operators (چکیده)
3927 - Novel spreading codes for multicarrier code division multiple access based cognitive radio networks with sidelobe suppression (چکیده)
3928 - A pseudo-continuous neural network approach for developing water retention pedotransfer functions with limited data (چکیده)
3929 - A study on dynamic behaviour of functionally graded thick hollow circular cylinders (چکیده)
3930 - Prediction of digestible amino acid and true metabolizable energy contents of sorghum grain from total essential amino acids (چکیده)
3931 - Prediction of permeate flux and ionic compounds rejection of sugar beet press water nanofiltration using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
3932 - Relationship Between Color and Tannin Content inSorghum Grain: Application of Image Analysis andArtificial Neural Network (چکیده)
3933 - Hesperetin-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles and Nanostructure Lipid Carriers for Food Fortification: Preparation, Characterization, and Modeling (چکیده)
3934 - Transient dynamic and free vibration analysis of functionally graded truncated conical shells with non-uniform thickness subjected to mechanical shock loading (چکیده)
3935 - Influence of seed nitrogen content and biofertilizer priming on wheat germination in salinity stress condition (چکیده)
3936 - 9Aminoacridinium bis(pyridine-2,6- dicarboxylato-j3 O2 ,N,O6 )ferrate(III) tetrahydrate (چکیده)
3937 - Hot deformation and processing maps of K310 cold work tool steel (چکیده)
3938 - Voltage security constrained active and reactive power pricing considering reactive market power (چکیده)
3939 - Simulation of Gas Pipeline Leakage Using Modified Characteristics Method (چکیده)
3940 - Investigation of Two-Dimensional Unsteady Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer Impinging on an Accelerated Flat Plate (چکیده)
3941 - Effects Silver Nanoparticles and Magnetic Field on Growth of Fodder Maize (Zea mays L (چکیده)
3942 - Goldbachia and Tetracme (Cruciferae) in Iran (چکیده)
3943 - Serological evaluation of relationship between viral pathogens (BHV-1, BVDV, BRSV, PI-3V, and Adeno3) and dairy calf pneumonia by indirect ELISA. (چکیده)
3944 - Enzyme is stabilized by a protection layer of ionic liquids in supercritical CO2:insights from molecular dynamic simulation (چکیده)
3945 - Study of radioprotective effect of green tea against gamma irradiation using micronucleus assay on binucleated human lymphocytes (چکیده)
3946 - Erratum to: Effects of Short-Term Over-supplementation of Copper in Milk on Hematology, Serum Proteins, Weight Gain, and Health in Dairy Calves (چکیده)
3947 - Beneficial Effects of Polyethylene Packages Containing Micrometer-Sized Silver Particles on the Quality and Shelf Life of Dried Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) (چکیده)
3948 - Tree-level S-matrix elements from S-duality (چکیده)
3949 - S-duality of color-ordered amplitudes (چکیده)
3950 - preparation and application of nano emulsion in the last decade(2000_2010) (چکیده)
3951 - Demulsification of gas oil-water emulsion via high intensity ultrasonic standing wave (چکیده)
3952 - modeling of oil-water emulsion separation in ultrasound standing wave field by neural network (چکیده)
3953 - Reproductive performance in out-of-breeding season of fatty ewes using implant norgestomet with or without PMSG (چکیده)
3954 - Effect of copper edetate injection in dry pregnant cows on hematology, blood metabolites, weight gain and health of calves (چکیده)
3955 - Development of an assay to evaluate differences in germination rate among chickpea genotypes under limited water content (چکیده)
3956 - Estimation with the lognormal distribution on the basis of records (چکیده)
3957 - Ferric Hydrogensulfate-Catalyzed One-Pot Synthesis of Indeno[1,2-b]quinoline-7-ones (چکیده)
3958 - Analysis of elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder using a hybrid mesh-free method (چکیده)
3959 - Introducing roadside hazard severity indicator based on evidential reasoning approach (چکیده)
3960 - Would Trichoderma Affect Seed Germination and Seedling Quality of Two Muskmelon Cultivars, Khatooni and Qasri and Increase Their Transplanting Success? (چکیده)
3961 - An Arcless Current Interruption Technique via Application of Liquid Metal Contacts (چکیده)
3962 - An arcless controlled switch (چکیده)
3963 - Conceptual design of a novel arcless controlled switch (چکیده)
3964 - Comparison of Catalysts Preyssler and Silica-Supported Nano Preyssler in the Synthesis of Acetyl Salicylic Acid (چکیده)
3965 - Identification and Characterization of Novel Antibacterial Peptides from Skin Secretions of Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (چکیده)
3966 - Transient response of laminated plates with arbitrary laminations and boundary conditions under general dynamic loadings (چکیده)
3968 - Position Control of Servomotors Using Neural Dynamic Sliding Mode (چکیده)
3969 - Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and spectroscopic characterization of a hybrid material based on glycine and a-Keggin type polyoxotungstate (چکیده)
3970 - A General Double Inequality Related to Operator Means and Positive Linear Maps (چکیده)
3971 - A generalization of the Buzano inequality (چکیده)
3972 - Exploring the relationship between Iranian students’ Mathematical Literacy and Mathematical performance (چکیده)
3973 - Production of bacteriocins by Enterococcus spp. isolated from traditional, Iranian, raw milk cheeses, and detection of their encoding genes (چکیده)
3974 - The Genus Alyssum Section Gamosepalum in Iran (چکیده)
3975 - Conjugacy classes and commuting probability in finite metacyclic p-groups (چکیده)
3976 - A New Iterative Wall Heat Flux Specifying Technique in DSMC for Heating/Cooling Simulations of MEMS/NEMS (چکیده)
3977 - Silene ferdowsii (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Iran (چکیده)
3978 - Preparing undoped and Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles:a coparison between sol-gel and gel-combustion methods (چکیده)
3979 - Periodic solution for nonlinear vibration of a fluid-conveying carbon nanotube, based on the nonlocal continuum theory by energy balance method (چکیده)
3980 - A comparative study of critical pitting temperature (CPT) of stainless steels by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potentiodynamic and potentiostatic techniques (چکیده)
3981 - Effect of Moisture Contents and Compression Axes on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Pistachio Kernel (چکیده)
3982 - Effects of sodium selenite and turmeric powder on thyroid hormones and plasma lipids of broiler chickens reared under heat stress condition (چکیده)
3983 - A taxonomic study on the genus Silene (Caryophyllaceae) in Iran (چکیده)
3984 - Inclusion of pistachio hulls as a replacement for alfalfa hay in the diet of sheep causes a shift in the rumen cellulolytic bacterial population (چکیده)
3985 - Halovenus aranensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel extremely halophilic archaeon fromAran-Bidgol salt lake, Iran (چکیده)
3986 - Cotton Yarn Engineering Via Fuzzy Least Squares Regression (چکیده)
3987 - Diversity of hydrolytic enzymes in haloarchaeal strains isolated from salt lake (چکیده)
3988 - Prokaryotic diversity in Aran-Bidgol salt lake, the largest hypersaline playa in Iran (چکیده)
3989 - Effect of Different Parameters on WEPS Production and Thermal Behavior Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (چکیده)
3990 - Salicylic and Citric acid treatments improve the vase life of cut chrysanthemum flowers (چکیده)
3991 - Effects of QTL parameters and marker density on efficiency of Haley–Knott regression interval mapping of QTL with complex traits and use of artificial neural network for prediction of the efficiency of HK method in livestock (چکیده)
3992 - Critical discourse analysis and critical thinking: An experimental study in an EFL context (چکیده)
3993 - Taxonomic notes on Onobrychis sect. Onobrychis subsect. Macropterae (Fabaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
3994 - Fuzzy linear regression based on least absolute deviations (چکیده)
3995 - Goodman–Kruskal measure of association for fuzzy–categorized variables (چکیده)
3996 - An analytical solution for thermal shock analysis of multiwall carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
3997 - On the commuting graph associated with the symmetric and alternating groups (چکیده)
3998 - Design and Tuning of a Modified Power-Based PLL for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Power Conditioning Systems (چکیده)
3999 - Dissipative dynamics of the kaon decay process (چکیده)
4000 - The Exhaustive Resistance Exercises with various Resistances increases the Local Strength of Youth Muscles (چکیده)
4001 - Computation of entropy increase for Lorentz gas and hard disks (چکیده)
4002 - Two-Level Friedrichs model and kaonic phenomenology (چکیده)
4003 - Decay probability distribution of quantum-mechanical unstable systems and time operator (چکیده)
4004 - The problem of transport in billiards with infinite horizon (چکیده)
4005 - Quantum-mechanical decay laws in the neutral kaons (چکیده)
4006 - On the inverse of the directional derivative operator in RN (چکیده)
4007 - Green function of the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation with nonuniform refraction index, using quaternion analysis (چکیده)
4008 - A quaternionic approach to x-ray transform inversion in R3 (چکیده)
4009 - The R3 exponential x-ray transform inversion in quaternion analysis (چکیده)
4010 - Inversion formula for the non-uniformly attenuated x-ray transform for emission imaging in R3 using quaternionic analysis (چکیده)
4011 - Improved dynamic simulation of end-milling process using time series analysis (چکیده)
4012 - Time decay probability distribution of the neutral meson system and CP-violation (چکیده)
4013 - Hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solutions by using low-cost biological wastes: equilibrium and kinetic studies (چکیده)
4014 - First-principles calculations on the kinetics and mechanism of the retro-ene reaction of diallyl amine in the gas phase (چکیده)
4015 - Testing Goodness-of-Fit for Exponential Distribution Based on Cumulative Residual Entropy (چکیده)
4016 - Prediction of moisture content in pre-osmosed and ultrasounded dried banana using genetic algorithm and neural network (چکیده)
4017 - A Study of the Differences of Tax Auditing Terms of Determining Taxable Incomes: Iranian Evidence (چکیده)
4018 - A Study of Job Satisfaction between External and Internal Auditors: An Iranian Scenario (چکیده)
4019 - Altered JS-2 expression in colorectal cancers and its clinical pathological relevance (چکیده)
4020 - Discrete element modeling of inherently anisotropic granular assemblies with polygonal particles (چکیده)
4021 - A Feed-Forward Neural Network for Solving Stokes Problem (چکیده)
4022 - Sono-synthesis of core–shell nanocrystal (CdS/TiO2) without surfactant (چکیده)
4023 - Genetic variability of calpastatin and calpain genes in Iranian Zel sheep using PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP methods (چکیده)
4024 - An almost optimal control design method for nonlinear time-delay systems (چکیده)
4025 - Nonlinear vibration and rippling instability for embedded carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
4026 - On a Conjecture of a Bound for the Exponent of the Schur Multiplier of a Finite p -Group (چکیده)
4027 - Production performance, egg quality and some serum metabolites of older commercial laying hens fed different levels of turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa) powder (چکیده)
4028 - Comparison of land and aquatic based plyometric training on swimming block start (چکیده)
4029 - Quinolone resistance among Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli of animal origin (چکیده)
4030 - Ranking desertification indicators using TOPSIS (چکیده)
4031 - Synthesis of novel benzo[ f ]chromene compounds catalyzed by ionic liquid (چکیده)
4032 - Desorption Isotherms and Thermodynamic Properties of Fresh and Osmotic–Ultrasonic Dehydrated Quinces (چکیده)
4033 - Effect of Dietary Crude Protein Fluctuation on Performance, Blood Parameters and Nutrients Retention in Broiler Chicken during Starter Period (چکیده)
4034 - Fabrication of Fe/Al2O3 composite foam via combination of combustion synthesis and spark plasma sintering techniques (چکیده)
4035 - Determination of Mass Transfer Parameters During Deep Fat Frying of Rice Crackers (چکیده)
4036 - Extraction of Pomegranate Seed Oil Using Subcritical Propane and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (چکیده)
4037 - Forced Convection Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in a Porous Channel (چکیده)
4038 - Effects of nanoparticle volume fraction in hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of forced plane jet (چکیده)
4039 - Phytotoxic effects of aqueous extract of eucalyptus, sunflower and sugar beet on seed germination, growth and photosynthesis of Amaranthus retroflexus (چکیده)
4040 - Determination of brilliant green from fish pond water using carbon nanotube assisted pseudo-stir bar solid/liquid microextraction combined with UV–vis spectroscopy–diode array detection (چکیده)
4041 - Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Beryllium in Natural Water Using Mean Centering of Ratio Spectra Method and Partial Least Squares Regression (چکیده)
4042 - Camera parameters estimation in soccer scenes on the basis of points at infinity (چکیده)
4043 - A Morita equivalence for Hilbert C*-modules (چکیده)
4044 - Matrix Hermite--Hadamard type inequalities (چکیده)
4045 - Miocene decapod crustacean from the Guri Member of the Mishan Formation, Bandar-Abbas, Southern Iran (چکیده)
4046 - Economic evaluation of hybrid renewable energy systems for rural electrification in Iran—A case study (چکیده)
4047 - New windows to enhance direct reprogramming of somatic cells towards induced pluripotent stem cells (چکیده)
4048 - Holocene Sedimentation Rate in Gorgan Bay and Adjacent Coasts in Southeast of Caspian Sea (چکیده)
4049 - Plant species richness and ecosystem multifunctionality in global drylands (چکیده)
4050 - Dilute solution properties of wild sage (Salvia macrosiphon) seed gum (چکیده)
4051 - A Study of Linear and Non-linear Relations between Accounting Variables and Share Return of Automobile Industry: Some Iranian Angles (چکیده)
4052 - Rheological interactions of selected hydrocolloids-sugar-milk-emulsifier systems (چکیده)
4053 - Different effects of scopolamine on learning, memory, and nitric oxide metabolite levels in hippocampal tissues of ovariectomized and Sham-operated rats (چکیده)
4054 - A Facile Route to Functionalized 1-Arylsulfonyl- 1,2-dihydroquinolines (چکیده)
4055 - Formation of nanocrystalline h-AlN during mechanochemical decomposition of melamine in the presence of metallic aluminum (چکیده)
4056 - Comparative histomorphometrical study of genital tract in adult laying hen and duck (چکیده)
4057 - Three-component reactions of isocyanides, dialkyl acetylenedicarboxylates, and trans-cinnamoyl chlorides for the synthesis of highly functionalized 2-vinyl furans (چکیده)
4058 - The relationship between predictive factors of mathematical performance and the level of Testosterone, Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, Prolactin and Thyroxine (چکیده)
4059 - Synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of new heterocyclic system: [1,2,4]triazolo[3 ′ ,4 ′ :6,1]pyridazino[4,3- e ] [1,3,4]thiadiazine (چکیده)
4060 - Queen-MAC: A quorum-based energy-efficient medium access control protocol for wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
4061 - Experimental study of natural gas temperature effects on the flame luminosity and NO emission (چکیده)
4062 - Bayes estimation based on joint progressive Type II censored data under LINEX loss function (چکیده)
4063 - Purification and characterization of a thermostable neutrophilic metalloprotease from Pseudomonas sp. DR89 (چکیده)
4064 - Purification and characterization of a new glucoamylopullulanase from thermotolerant alkaliphilic Bacillus subtilis DR8806 of a hot mineral spring (چکیده)
4065 - Evaluating the biodegradability of Gelatin/Siloxane/Hydroxyapatite (GS-Hyd) complex in vivo and its abilityfor adhesion and proliferation of rat bone marrowmesenchymal stem cells (چکیده)
4066 - Linguistic Democracy in English Language Teaching (چکیده)
4067 - Relationship between Short-termn Stock Returns and Market Ratios in Iran (چکیده)
4068 - Dynamic modeling of flux and total hydraulic resistance in nanofiltration treatment of regeneration waste brine using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
4069 - Entropy Generation Analysis for Microscale Forced Convection in Thermal Entrance Region (چکیده)
4070 - Sonodynamic Therapy Using Protoporphyrin IX Conjugated to Gold Nanoparticles: An In Vivo Study on a Colon Tumor Model (چکیده)
4071 - Phylogenetic Analysis on Some Iranian White Grubs with New Data about Natural Pathogen of Polyphylla adspersa (چکیده)
4072 - Educational Language Teaching: A New Movement beyond Reflective/Critical Teaching (چکیده)
4073 - Effects of different precursors on size and optical properties of ceria nanoparticles (چکیده)
4074 - Theoretical Investigation of Effects of Local Cooling of a Nozzle Divergent Section for Controlling Condensation Shock in a Supersonic Two-Phase Flow of Steam (چکیده)
4075 - Evaluation of simultaneous effects of inlet stagnation pressure and heat transfer on condensing water-vapor flow in a supersonic Laval nozzle (چکیده)
4076 - Effect of osmosis and ultrasound pretreatment on the moisture adsorption isotherms of quince (چکیده)
4077 - Large-sample study of the kernel density estimators under multiplicative censoring (چکیده)
4078 - Investigation of basic molecular gas structural effects on hydrodynamics and thermal behaviors of rarefied shear driven micro/nano flow using DSMC (چکیده)
4079 - Interlaminar stresses in thick rectangular laminated plates with arbitrary laminations and boundary conditions under transverse loads (چکیده)
4080 - Efficiency Upgrade in PWRs (چکیده)
4081 - Vibration analysis of plane frames by customized stiffness and diagonal mass matrices (چکیده)
4082 - A novel formulation for integrating nonlinear kinematic hardening Drucker-Prager’s yield condition (چکیده)
4083 - Estimating the Region of Attraction via collocation for autonomous nonlinear systems (چکیده)
4084 - Nonlinear dynamic structural analysis using dynamic relaxation with zero damping (چکیده)
4085 - Improving stability domains of the implicit higher order accuracy method (چکیده)
4086 - Determining the Underlying Constructs of the English Language Teacher Prejudice Scale (چکیده)
4087 - Construction and Validation of an English Language Teacher Creativity Scale (ELT-CS (چکیده)
4088 - An operator extension of the parallelogram law and related norm inequalities (چکیده)
4089 - Inhomogeneous two-parameter abstract Cauchty problem (چکیده)
4091 - On Two-parameter Dynamical Systems and Applications (چکیده)
4092 - A Modified Adaptive Controller Design for Teleoperation Systems (چکیده)
4094 - On Two-Parameter Regularized Semigroups and the Cauchy Problem (چکیده)
4096 - Solutions and the Generalized Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of a Generalized Quadratic-Additive Functional Equation (چکیده)
4097 - On Regularized Quasi-Semigroups and Evolution Equations (چکیده)
4098 - A Study of the Factors Affecting Earnings Management: Iranian Overview (چکیده)
4099 - Effect of Polyethylene Packaging Modified with Silver Particles on the Microbial, Sensory and Appearance of Dried Barberry (چکیده)
4100 - Investigating the micromechanical evolutions within inherently anisotropic granular materials using discrete element method (چکیده)
4101 - A Modified PSO Algorithm for Minimizing the Total Costs of Resources in MRCPSP (چکیده)
4102 - Ceria nanoparticles as an efficient catalyst for oxidation of benzylic C H bonds (چکیده)
4103 - Tydeoid Mites (Acari: Triophtydeidae, Iolinidae, Tydeidae) of Razavi Khorasan (چکیده)
4104 - A glimpse at the Dunkl-Williams inequality (چکیده)
4105 - An approach to operator Dunkl--Williams inequality (چکیده)
4106 - Simulation of induction tempering process of carbon steel using finite element method (چکیده)
4107 - Rate-Distrotion Analysis of Directional Wavelets (چکیده)
4108 - Identification of nine Iranian wheat seed varieties by textural analysis with image processing (چکیده)
4109 - Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer in adsorbent beds with annular fins (چکیده)
4110 - Turbulent mixed convection of a nanofluid in a horizontal curved tube using a two-phase approach (چکیده)
4111 - Inverse estimation of boundary conditions on radiant enclosures by temperature measurement on a solid object (چکیده)
4112 - Inverse boundary design of square enclosures with natural convection (چکیده)
4113 - A new criterion for the allocation of residues cost in exergoeconomic analysis of energy systems (چکیده)
4114 - A new approach for optimization of thermal power plant based on the exergoeconomic analysis and structural optimization method: Application to the CGAM problem (چکیده)
4115 - Thermoenvironomic optimization of gas turbine cycles with air preheat (چکیده)
4116 - A new iterative approach to the optimization of thermal energy systems: application to the regenerative Brayton cycle (چکیده)
4117 - Exergetic Performance Evaluation of a Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Array (چکیده)
4118 - Exergy efficiency of a solar photovoltaic array based on exergy destructions (چکیده)
4119 - Exergetic optimization of a solar photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) air collector (چکیده)
4120 - Exergetic performance assessment of a solar photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) (چکیده)
4121 - An improved thermal and electrical model for a solar photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) air collector (چکیده)
4122 - Exergetic optimization of flat plate solar collectors (چکیده)
4123 - Effects of sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP) in chickens (چکیده)
4124 - Studies of structural, dynamical, and interfacial properties of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium iodide ionic liquids by molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
4125 - Novel Structures for Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors (چکیده)
4126 - Mathematical simulation of convective drying: Spatially distributed temperature and moisture in carrot slab (چکیده)
4127 - Pareto analysis based on records (چکیده)
4128 - On The Topological Centre of L1G/H (چکیده)
4129 - Improving spectral bounds for clustering problems by Lagrangian relaxation (چکیده)
4130 - Central limit theorem for ISE of kernel density estimators in censored dependent model (چکیده)
4131 - Model Reference Adaptive Control Design for a Teleoperation System with Output Prediction (چکیده)
4132 - An Analytical Gate Tunneling Current Model for MOSFETs (چکیده)
4133 - Estimation with left-truncated and right censored data: A comparison study (چکیده)
4134 - Evaluation of turbulence models in the simulation of oblique standing shock waves in supercritical channel flows (چکیده)
4135 - Two effective hybrid metaheuristic algorithms for minimization of multimodal functions (چکیده)
4136 - Clinical and pathological study of experimentally- induced yew (چکیده)
4137 - An FSM-based Monitoring Technique to Differentiate Between Follow-up and Original Errors in Safety-Critical Distributed Embedded Systems (چکیده)
4138 - Classification of Activated Faults in the FlexRay-Based Networks (چکیده)
4139 - Study of Cobalt-Doped SnO Thin Films (چکیده)
4140 - An investigation on stiffness of a 3-PSP spatial parallel mechanism with 1 flexible moving platform using invariant form (چکیده)
4141 - Effect of polyols on shelf-life and quality of flat bread fortified with soy flour (چکیده)
4142 - Some results on σ-DERIVATIONS (چکیده)
4143 - Optimization of the Experimental Conditions in Synthesis of Au NPs Using Preyssler Heteropolyacid Based on the Taguchi Robust Design (چکیده)
4144 - Biosorption of Hexavalent Chromium Ions from Aqueous Solutions using Almond Green Hull as a Low-Cost Biosorbent (چکیده)
4145 - A normal family of operator monotone functions (چکیده)
4146 - Comparative development, reproduction and life table parameters of three populations of Thrips tabaci (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on onion and tobacco (چکیده)
4147 - Characterization of Pectobacterium species from Iran using biochemical and molecular methods (چکیده)
4148 - Synthesis and characterization of Cu doped cobalt oxide nanocrystals as methane gas sensors (چکیده)
4149 - Kinetic modeling of rehydration in air-dried quinces pretreated with osmotic dehydration and ultrasonic (چکیده)
4150 - Optimization and comparison of two electrotansformation methods for Lactobacilli (چکیده)
4151 - Centralized Key Management Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
4152 - On the support of General local cohomology modules and filter regular sequences (چکیده)
4153 - Zero-divisor graphs of Ore extension rings (چکیده)
4154 - Around Operator Monotone Functions (چکیده)
4155 - Production of tropane alkaloids in diploid and tetraploid plants and in vitro hairy root cultures of Egyptian henbane(Hyoscyamus muticus L) (چکیده)
4156 - Cranial and dental analysis of Mouse-like Hamsters of the genus Calomyscus (Rodentia: Calomyscidae) from plateau of Iran (چکیده)
4157 - Preparation and characterization of novel polysulfone nanofiltration membranes for removal of cadmium from contaminated water (چکیده)
4158 - Analytical solution for bending of moderately thick radially functionally graded sector plates with general boundary conditions using multi-term extended Kantorovich method (چکیده)
4159 - Effects of Storage Time on Quality Characteristics of Frozen Turkey Meat (چکیده)
4160 - Comparative study of copolymerization and terpolymerization of ethylene/ propylene/diene monomer using metallocene catalyst (چکیده)
4161 - FI Zr-type catalystsfor ethylene polymerization (چکیده)
4162 - On a methodology for selecting biomass materials for gasification purposes (چکیده)
4163 - Modeling free surface flows in presence of an arbitrary moving object (چکیده)
4164 - The effects of microbial inoculation of corn silage on performance of lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
4165 - Accurate fault location algorithm for transmission lines in the presence of shunt-connected flexible AC transmission system devices (چکیده)
4166 - Proposing a Market based Approach for Restoration of Power Systems (چکیده)
4167 - Determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in water samples by solid-phase microextraction based sol–gel technique using poly(ethylene glycol) grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated fiber (چکیده)
4168 - Determination of Triazole Fungicides Using Hollow Fiber Liquid Phase Microextraction Prior to Gas Chromatography−Mass Spectrometry Analysis (چکیده)
4169 - late transition metal catalyst based on cobalt for polymerization of ethylene (چکیده)
4170 - Activation of Ziegler-Natta catalyst by organohalide promoters: A combined experimental and density functional theory study (چکیده)
4171 - novel functionalized bis pyridine cobalt catalysts for ethylene polymerization (چکیده)
4172 - Experimental observation of leaky modes and plasmons in a hybrid resonance element (چکیده)
4173 - Experimental Study on Optimization of the Agglomeration Process for Producing Instant Sugar by Conical Fluidized Bed Agglomerator (چکیده)
4174 - Bis(9-aminoacridinium)bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k3O2,N,O6)zincate(II)trihydrate (چکیده)
4175 - willingness to communicate in English among Iranian non-English major university students (چکیده)
4176 - A novel antioxidant and antimicrobial peptide from hen egg white lysozyme hydrolysates (چکیده)
4177 - A Study of the Effect of Accounting Quality on Method of Financing: Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
4178 - The effect of variety, size and moisture content of sunflower seed and its kernel on their terminal velocity, drag coefficient and Reynold’s number (چکیده)
4179 - Hematology and serum biochemistry of Holstein dairy calves: Age related changes and comparison with blood composition in adults (چکیده)
4180 - Alveolar Echinococcosis Infection in a Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) In Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
4181 - Evaluation the Effects of Some Relevant Parameters on ElasticModulus of Pumpkin Seed and Its Kernel (چکیده)
4182 - Synthesis of manganese oxide nanocrystal by ultrasonic bath: Effect of external magnetic field (چکیده)
4183 - Mixed convection in cylindrical annulus with rotating outer cylinder and constant magnetic field with effect in radial direction (چکیده)
4184 - Assessing the Available Surface Water Resources of Torogh Dam for Agricultural Consumption-Problems and Solutions for Future (چکیده)
4185 - Some Fuzzy Stochastic Orderings for Fuzzy Random Variables (چکیده)
4186 - Increased levels of the 14-3-3 η and γproteins in the synovial fluid of dogs with unilateral cranial cruciate ligament rupture (چکیده)
4187 - The nonabelian tensor square (G⊗G) of symplectic groups and projective symplectic groups (چکیده)
4188 - Botanical traits, protein and carbohydrate fractions, ruminal degradability and energy contents of alfalfa hay harvested at three stages of maturity and in the afternoon and morning (چکیده)
4189 - On the nonabelian tensor square and capability of groups of order p2q (چکیده)
4190 - Prediction of mechanical properties of a warm compacted molybdenum prealloy using artificial neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy models (چکیده)
4191 - Cylindrical and spherical ion-acoustic solitons in electron-positive ion-negative ion plasmas (چکیده)
4192 - Resting Plasma Agrp Levels Response To Exercise-conjugated Diet And Only Diet In Overweight And Obese Sedentary Females (چکیده)
4193 - Antioxidant activity of the essential oil and methanolic extract of cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum) (چکیده)
4194 - thermodynamic study of complex formation berween benzo-15-crown-5 and phenylaza-15-crown-5 with La3+ cation (چکیده)
4195 - Design, synthesis and evaluation of a molecularly imprinted polymer for hollow fiber–solid phase microextraction of chlorogenic acid in medicinal plants (چکیده)
4197 - Rapid Design Space Exploration of a Reconfigurable Instruction-Set Processor (چکیده)
4198 - Effects of infantile repeated hyperglycemia on neuronal density of hippocampus and Pentylentetrazol induced convulsions in male Wistar rats (چکیده)
4199 - Application of Image Analysis and Artificial Neural Network to Predict Mass Transfer Kinetics and Color Changes of Osmotically (چکیده)
4200 - Effect of Osmotic Dehydration and Air Drying on Physicochemical Properties of Dried Kiwifruit and Modeling of Dehydration Process Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
4201 - Nanoencapsulation of food ingredients using lipid based delivery systems (چکیده)
4202 - Effects of selenium and vitamin E and night or day feeding on performance of Holstein dairy cows during hot weather (چکیده)
4203 - Additional scaled solutions to Richards' equation for infiltration and drainage (چکیده)
4204 - Polymorphism in Intron-I of Myostatin gene and its association with estimated breeding values of growth traits in Baluchi sheep (Ovis aries) (چکیده)
4205 - Welding of aluminum alloys through thermite like reactions in Al–CuO–Ni system (چکیده)
4206 - Optimization of low-cholesterolelow-fat mayonnaise formulation: Effect of using soy milk and some stabilizer by a mixture design approach (چکیده)
4207 - Synthesis of Dialkyl 9-Chloro-3H-pyrrolo[1,2-a]indole-2,3-dicarboxylates Mediated by Vinylphosphonium Salts. (چکیده)
4208 - New Synthesis of Tetraalkyl 2,3-Dihydro-5- oxopyrrolo[2,1-a]isoindole-1,2,3,3-tetracarboxylates and Tetraalkyl 2,3-Dihydro-5-oxopyrrolo[2,1-a]- pyrrolidine-1,2,3,3-tetracarboxylates Mediated by Vinyltriphenylphosphonium Salts (چکیده)
4209 - A New and Efficient One-pot Synthesis of Trialkyl 6-tert-Butylamino-2H-pyran-2-one-3,4,5-tricarboxylates (چکیده)
4210 - One-step Synthesis of Dialkyl 1,2-Dihydroquinoline- 2,3-dicarboxylates. A Vinyltriphenylphosphonium Salt Mediated Intramolecular Wittig Reaction (چکیده)
4211 - Stability of Frechet functional equation in non-Archimedian normed spaces (چکیده)
4212 - Vinyltriphenylphosphonium Salt-mediated New Synthesis of Functionalized Maleimides (چکیده)
4213 - One-Pot, Three-Component Chemoselective Reaction of Isoquinolines, Dialkyl Acetylenedicarboxylates, and α-Ketolactones: An Unexpected Participation of an Ester Carbonyl Group in the 1,4-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction (چکیده)
4214 - Novel triiodide ion-selective polymeric membrane electrodes based on some transition metal–Schiff base complexes (چکیده)
4215 - Triphenylphosphine promoted addition of acetylenic esters to benzofuran-2,3-dione: one-pot synthesis of Novel γ-Spirolactones (چکیده)
4216 - A Facile One-Pot Synthesis of Functionalized 1,5-Dihydro-2H- [1]benzopyrano[2,3-b]pyridin-5-ones (چکیده)
4217 - Solvent-Free Crossed Aldol Condensation of Cyclic Ketones with Aromatic Aldehydes Assisted by Microwave Irradiation (چکیده)
4218 - One-Pot Synthesis of Dialkyl Succinates Containing an α-Amino Group and a β-Ylide Moiety Using Electron-Deficient Acetylenic Esters (چکیده)
4219 - A Novel Synthesis of Spiro-2,5-dihydro-1,2-λ5-oxaphospholes Using a Three-Component Reaction (چکیده)
4220 - Design of Scaled Down Models for Predicting Shell Vibrational Response (چکیده)
4221 - Design of Scaled Down Models for Stability of Laminated Plates (چکیده)
4222 - Structural Similitude and Scaling Laws for Cross-Ply Laminated Plates (چکیده)
4223 - Use of Scaled Down Models for Predicting Vibration Response of Laminated Plates (چکیده)
4224 - Scale Models for Laminated Cylindrical Shells Subjected to Axial Compression (چکیده)
4225 - Structural similitude for vibration response of laminated cylindrical shells with double curvature (چکیده)
4226 - 1,1-(Ethane-1,2-diyl)dipyridinium dichromate(VI) (چکیده)
4227 - One-pot Synthesis of Benzimidazoles and Benzothiazoles in the Presence of Fe(HSO4)3 as a New and Efficient Oxidant (چکیده)
4228 - Growth hormone, prolactin and cortisol response to exercise in patients with depression. (چکیده)
4229 - Detection of Sss gene involved phase variation phenomenon in some fluorescent pseudomonas and its role in root colonization in wheat (چکیده)
4230 - The influence of demographic factors, processing speed and short-term memory on Iranian children’s pedestrian skills (چکیده)
4231 - Application of Gray-Fuzzy-Markov Chain Method for Day-Ahead Electric Load Forecasting (چکیده)
4232 - Experimental and thermodynamic investigation of a triangular channel geometry PEM fuel cell at different operating conditions (چکیده)
4233 - The effect of material properties on the performance of a new geometry PEM fuel cell (چکیده)
4234 - Experimental characterization and Correlation of a triangular channel geometry PEM fuel cell at different operating conditions (چکیده)
4235 - Three-dimensional modeling and development of the new geometry PEM fuel cell (چکیده)
4236 - Correlation of the performance of a PEM fuel cell at different channel geometries (چکیده)
4237 - Effect of calcination temperature on structural, vibrational, optical, and rheological properties of zirconia nanoparticles (چکیده)
4238 - Reaction of Isocyanides, Dialkyl Acetylenedicarboxylates, and α-Keto Lactones: Unexpected Participation of an Ester Carbonyl Group in the Isocyanide-Based Three-Component Reaction (چکیده)
4239 - Iodination of Aromatic Compounds with Iodine and n-Butyltriphenylphosphonium Peroxodisulfate (چکیده)
4240 - (Butan-2-ol-jO)[2-({(ethylsulfanyl)-[2-(2-oxidobenzylidene-jO)hydrazinylidene-kN2]methyl}iminomethyl)-phenolato-jO]dioxidouranium(VI) (چکیده)
4241 - (Dimethyl sulfoxide-jO)[2-({(ethylsulfanyl)[2-(2-oxidobenzylidene-jO)hydrazinylidene-N2]methyl}iminomethyl)-phenolato-jO]dioxidouranium(VI) (چکیده)
4242 - {4-Bromo-2-[(2-{(ethylsulfanyl)[(2-oxidobenzylidene-jO)amino-jN]methylidene}hydrazinylidene-jN1)methyl]-phenolato-jO}(butan-2-ol-jO)dioxidouranium(VI) (چکیده)
4243 - Synthesis of Functionalized Sulfonamides via Multicomponent Reaction of Alkyl Isocyanide and Dialkyl Acetylenedicarboxylate with 4-Methylbenzenesulfonic Acid Monohydrate (چکیده)
4244 - A glance on the effects of temperature on axisymmetric dynamic behavior of multiwall carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
4245 - One-pot synthesis of stable phosphonium ylides using 2-aminothiophenol (چکیده)
4246 - Three-component reactions involving zwitterionic intermediates for the construction of heterocyclic systems: one pot synthesis of highly functionalized g-iminolactones (چکیده)
4247 - A new method for the synthesis of functionalized maleimides (چکیده)
4248 - New and efficient one-pot synthesis of functionalized g-spirolactones mediated by vinyltriphenylphosphonium salts (چکیده)
4249 - Synthesis, Characterization, Crystal Structure and Solution Phase Studies of a Polymeric SrII Compound (چکیده)
4250 - Rumen development and growth of Balouchi lambs offered alfalfa hay pre- and post-weaning (چکیده)
4251 - A single-label phenylpyrrolocytidine provides a molecular beacon-like response reporting HIV-1 RT RNase H activity (چکیده)
4252 - Reaction between alkyl isocyanides and dialkyl acetylenedicarboxylates in the presence of N-alkyl isatins: convenient synthesis of g-spiro-iminolactones (چکیده)
4253 - An Efficient Synthesis of Highly Functionalized 4H-Pyrano[3,2-d]isoxazoles via Isocyanide-Based Three-Component Reaction (چکیده)
4254 - Facile Synthesis of Highly Substituted Iminocyclopentenes: A Novel Isocyanide-Based Three-Component Condensation Reaction (چکیده)
4256 - Regioselective synthesis of highly-substituted biaryls by reaction of vinyl malononitriles with acetylenic esters (چکیده)
4257 - An efficient regioselective synthesis of highly functionalized 3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-5H-thiazolo[3,2-a]pyrimidines via an isocyanide-based three-component reaction (چکیده)
4258 - Personality and Emotional Intelligence in Teacher Burnout (چکیده)
4259 - The performance of Brevicoryne brassicae on ornamental cabbages grown in CO2-enriched atmospheres (چکیده)
4260 - Optimization of load paths in X- and Y-shaped hydroforming (چکیده)
4261 - X-Ray structure of a 1D-coordination polymer of copper(II) bearing pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid and 2-aminopyrimidine (چکیده)
4262 - Effect of Propylthiouracil Treatment during Prenatal and Early Postnatal Development on the Neocortex of Rat Pups (چکیده)
4263 - History of study and checklist of the scorpion fauna (Arachnida: Scorpiones) of Iran (چکیده)
4264 - Rheological and Textural Characteristics of Date Paste (چکیده)
4265 - Infection of Alstroemeria Plants with Tomato yellow ring virus in Iran (چکیده)
4266 - Effect of Extraction Procedures on Functional Properties of Eruca sativa Seed Mucilage (چکیده)
4267 - New Iranian and Australian peech latent mosaic viroid variants and evidence for rapid sequence evolution. (چکیده)
4268 - Identification of different Theileria species (Theileria lestoquardi, Theileria ovis, and Theileria annulata) in naturally infected sheep using nested PCR–RFLP (چکیده)
4269 - A Study of the Relationship between Conservatism and Capital Cost of Listed Companies: Some Iranian Evidences (چکیده)
4270 - An evaluation of freezing tolerance of winter chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) using controlled freeze tests (چکیده)
4271 - Effects of storage types and conditions on compressed hydrogen fuelling stations performance (چکیده)
4272 - Morphological and histochemical study of guinea pig duodenal submucosal glands (چکیده)
4273 - The Geochemical, Mineralogical and Characterization of Mineralization Zones In Quartz Diorite, Quartz Monzodiorite and Granite associations (Suite) of Tarik Dareh (Torbat-E Jam) area By Multispectral Data (R s) and artificial Ne ural Networks (ann) Methods (چکیده)
4274 - Quantification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in milk by most probable number –polymerase chain reaction (MPN-PCR) method (چکیده)
4275 - The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hot Forged Vanadium Microalloyed Steel (چکیده)
4276 - The effect of magnetic field and nanofluid on thermal performance of two-phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) (چکیده)
4277 - Elasto-plastic deformation analysis of rotating disc beyond its limit speed (چکیده)
4278 - Head-on collision of electron acoustic solitary waves in a plasma with nonextensive hot electrons (چکیده)
4279 - Nonplanar dust acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasmas with ions and electrons following a q-nonextensive distribution (چکیده)
4280 - Modulational instability of ion acoustic waves in e-p-i plasmas with electrons and positrons following a q-nonextensive distribution (چکیده)
4281 - Comparative study of the sol–gel based solid phase microextraction fibers in extraction of naphthalene, fluorene, anthracene and phenanthrene from saffron samples extractants (چکیده)
4282 - An IMM algorithm based on augmented kalman filter for maneuvering target tracking (چکیده)
4283 - Pain reduction after initial archwire placement in orthodontic patients: A randomized clinical trial (چکیده)
4284 - A New Approach for Modeling Spatio-Temporal Events in an Earthquake Rescue Scenario (چکیده)
4285 - Evaluation of Spatial Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Real Time Routing in Geographic Information System (چکیده)
4286 - Active vibration isolation of machinery and sensitive equipment using H∞ control criterion and particle swarm optimization method (چکیده)
4287 - Application of heat pipe heat exchangers in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems (چکیده)
4288 - Regioselective synthesis of 2-[( E )-(benzo[ d ]thiazol-2(3 H )- ylidene)(cyano)methyl]thiazoles (چکیده)
4289 - Voltammetric determination of 4-nitrophenol using a modified carbon paste electrode based on a new synthetic crown ether/silver nanoparticles (چکیده)
4290 - Magnetovolume effects in substituted Er1 xGdxMn6Sn6 intermetallics (چکیده)
4291 - On Hawaiian Groups of Some Topological Spaces (چکیده)
4292 - Detection of Diplotriaena spp. from the body cavity of Myna (Acridotheres tristis) in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
4293 - Study the effect of HLB of surfactant on particle size distribution of hematite nanoparticles prepared via the reverse microemulsion Solid State Sciences (چکیده)
4294 - Influence of Alumina Particles on Thermal Behavior of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) (چکیده)
4295 - An Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of a New Heterocyclic System with High-Fluorescent Properties (چکیده)
4296 - Acquisition of French Polysemous Vocabularies: Schema-based Instruction versus Translationbased Instruction (چکیده)
4297 - Investigation of wind erosion process for estimation, prevention, and control of DSS in Yazd–Ardakan plain (چکیده)
4298 - Quantitative assessment of desertification in south of Iran using MEDALUS method (چکیده)
4299 - Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Pepper Plants Under Field Conditions (چکیده)
4300 - A novel congestion control protocol with AQM support for IP-based networks (چکیده)
4301 - Efficient method for functionalization of carbon nanotubes by lysine and improved antimicrobial activity and water-dispersion (چکیده)
4302 - Enhanced antibacterial activity of amino acids-functionalized multi walled carbon nanotubes by a simple method (چکیده)
4303 - 2Aminopyridinium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)ferrate-III (چکیده)
4304 - Aerodynamics of Smart Flap Under Ground Effect (چکیده)
4305 - An integrated costumer knowledge management framwork for academic libraries (چکیده)
4306 - Uniquely remotal sets in c_0-SUMS AND L∞-SUMS OF FUZZY NORMED SPACES (چکیده)
4307 - Macroscopic evaluation of wound healing activity of the Persian shallot, Allium hirtifolium in rat (چکیده)
4308 - Lattice Boltzmann Finite Volume Formulation with Improved Stability (چکیده)
4310 - Exergy and economic analysis of a pyramid-shaped solar water purification system: active and passive cases (چکیده)
4311 - High Dispersed MWCNT Decorated with Ag Nanoparticles in Water and Experimental Investigation of the Thermo-Physical Properties (چکیده)
4312 - Investigation of Heat-Transfer Characterization of EDA-MWCNT/DI-Water Nanofluid in a Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon (چکیده)
4313 - An efficient diastereoselective synthesis of spiro pyrido[2,1-b][1,3]oxazines via a novel pyridine-based three-component reaction (چکیده)
4314 - Synthesis, characterization and application of nano-sized Co2CrO4 spinel catalyst for selective oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides (چکیده)
4315 - Factors affecting calf mortality in Iranian Holstein dairy herds (چکیده)
4316 - N,N'-dipyridoxyl Schiff bases: Synthesis, experimental and theoretical characterization (چکیده)
4317 - Soliton–potential interaction in the nonlinear Klein–Gordon model (چکیده)
4318 - Evaluation of the correlation between tissue reaction and cytokines patterns induced by Alternaria alternata in mice. (چکیده)
4319 - Infinite horizon optimal control for nonlinear interconnected large-scale dynamical systems with an application to optimal attitude control (چکیده)
4320 - Stability of smart sandwich beams with cross-ply faces and electrorheological core subjected to axial load (چکیده)
4321 - Investigation into Seasonal Effect and Browning Inhibitor on Callus Regeneration of Seedless Barberry (Berberis vulgaris var. asperma) (چکیده)
4322 - An Integer Programming-Based Local Search for the Covering Salesman Problem (چکیده)
4323 - Application of Nickel(II) Thiosemicarbazone Supported on Nano Porous Silica as a Catalyst for Selective Oxidation of Alcohols (چکیده)
4324 - Propagation of solitary waves in non uniform dusty plasmas (چکیده)
4325 - Biosystematic study of the genus Berberis L. (Berberidaceae) in Khorassan, NE Iran (چکیده)
4326 - Recommendations on performance of parallel DSMC algorithm in solving subsonic nanoflows (چکیده)
4327 - Prediction of Joule-Thomson Inversion Curves by The Use of Equation of State (چکیده)
4328 - Synthesis of Two New Heterocyclic Systems: Furo[3-,2-:5,6]pyrimido[2,1-c][1,2,4]triazines and Furo[3,2-e][1,2,3,4]tetrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine (چکیده)
4329 - Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Trans-[Ni(pyzdcH)2(H2O)2] BASED ON PYRAZINE-2,3-DICARBOXYLIC ACID (چکیده)
4330 - Studying pressure sores through illuminant invariant assessment of digital color images (چکیده)
4331 - Quantitative assessment of pressure sore generation and healing through numerical analysis of high-frequency ultrasound images (چکیده)
4332 - Predicting air pollution using fuzzy genetic linear membership Kriging in GIS (چکیده)
4333 - Investigation into the Reaction of 2-Amino- 4,5-dimethylthiophene-3-carboxamide with Iso(and Isothio)cyanates under Microwave Irradiation (چکیده)
4334 - Structure of Lamellae and Chloride Cell in the Gill of Alosa Caspio Caspio (Clupeidae, Teleostei) (چکیده)
4335 - Comparison of Silicon and Chalcogenide-based Chip-scale All-optical 2R Regenerators (چکیده)
4336 - The biodiversity and evolution of lactic flora during ripening of the Iranian semisoft Lighvan cheese (چکیده)
4337 - Extraction of Arsenic(V) from Water Using Emulsion Liquid Membrane (چکیده)
4338 - Uncertain spatial reasoning of environmental risks in GIS using genetic learning algorithms (چکیده)
4339 - Dithioacetalization of carbonyl compounds under catalyst-free condition (چکیده)
4340 - Efficient and Novel Method for Thiocyanation of Aromatic Compounds Using Trichloroisocyanuric Acid/ Ammonium Thiocyanate/Wet SiO2 (چکیده)
4341 - Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties of Some Hydrofluoroether Refrigerants Using a New Equation of State (چکیده)
4342 - Characterizations of Symmetric Distributions Based on Renyi Entropy (چکیده)
4343 - Modeling of Arsenic, Chromium and Cadmium Removal by Nanofiltration Process Using Genetic Programming (چکیده)
4344 - Bis[μ-4-(2-oxidobenzylidene)thiosemicarbazidato-κ4S,N1,O:O]bis[(pyridine-κN)zinc] (چکیده)
4345 - The Influence of Hydrophobic Amino Acid Side Groups on the Acidity of the Aromatic Imidazole Ring of Histidine: A Theoretical Study (چکیده)
4346 - Self-scheduling approach for large consumers in competitive electricity markets based on a probabilistic fuzzy system (چکیده)
4347 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies of Some New Aspects of Structural and Dynamical Properties of n-Butyl Formate at Varying Temperature (چکیده)
4348 - Physisorption of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Ionic Liquids on the Graphite Plate Surface (چکیده)
4349 - The extent of molecular orientation at liquid/vapor interface of pyridine and its alkyl derivatives by molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
4350 - Synthesis, ab initio Calculations, Thermal, Thermodynamic and Antioxidant Properties of Some Oxovanadium(IV) Complexes Containing N2O2 Set of Donor Atoms (چکیده)
4351 - Synthesis, Characterization, Ab initio Calculations, Thermal Behavior and Thermodynamics of Some Oxovanadium(IV) Complexes Involving O,O- and N,N-Donor Moieties (چکیده)
4352 - Critical Point Temperature of Ionic Liquids from Surface Tension at Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium and the Correlation with Interaction Energy (چکیده)
4353 - A Perturbed Hard-Sphere Equation of State for Liquid Metals (چکیده)
4354 - Temperature-Dependent Density and Viscosity of the Ionic Liquids 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Iodides: Experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulation (چکیده)
4355 - Temperature Dependence of Viscosity and Relation with the Surface Tension of Ionic Liquids (چکیده)
4356 - Experimental Study of Lactose Hydrolysis and Separation in Continuous Stirred Tank -Ultrafiltration Membrane Reactor (چکیده)
4357 - An investigation on the coarsening behavior of γ precipitate in GTD-111 Ni-base superalloy (چکیده)
4358 - Application times and concentration of humic acid impact on aboveground biomass and oil production of hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) (چکیده)
4359 - Feselol Enhances the Cytotoxicity and DNA Damage Induced by Cisplatin in 5637 Cells (چکیده)
4360 - Impact of crop management on weed species diversity and community composition of winter wheat fields in Iran (چکیده)
4361 - A global linearization approach to solve nonlinear nonsmooth constrained programming problems (چکیده)
4362 - Phylogenetic analysis of the five-toed Jerboa (Rodentia) from the Iranian Plateau based on mtDNA and morphometric data (چکیده)
4363 - First record of Zarudny’s Jird, Meriones zarudnyi Heptner, 1937 (Rodentia: Muridae) in Shirvan, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
4364 - Geometric morphometric comparison of mandible and skull of five species of genus Allactaga (Rodentia: Dipodidae) from Iran (چکیده)
4365 - The impacts of capabilities and constraints of generating units on simultaneous scheduling of energy and primary reserve (چکیده)
4366 - Burrow configuration of Persian jird Meriones persicus Blanford, 1875 (Rodentia: Muridae, Gerbillinae) (چکیده)
4367 - Comparison Between Communication Infrastructures of Centralized and Decentralized Wide Area Measurement Systems (چکیده)
4368 - Identification and characterization of two novel antimicrobial peptides, temporin-Ra and temporin-Rb, from skin secretions of the marsh frog (Rana ridibunda) (چکیده)
4369 - Hyperspectral imaging combined with principal component analysis for surface damage detection on white mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus (چکیده)
4370 - Identification of mushrooms subjected to freeze damage using hyperspectral imaging (چکیده)
4371 - The potential of visible-near infrared hyperspectral imaging to discriminate between casing soil, enzymatic browning and undamaged tissue on mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) surfaces. (چکیده)
4372 - Comparison of hyperspectral imaging with conventional digital imaging for quality evaluation of Agaricus bisporus mushrooms. (چکیده)
4373 - Lentil regeneration from Cotyledone Explant Bearing a Small Part of the Embryo Axis (چکیده)
4374 - Structural, electrical, optical, thermoelectrical and photoconductivity properties of the SnO2–Al2O3 binary transparent conducting films deposited by the spray pyrolysis method (چکیده)
4375 - A Novel Recurrent Neural Network for Solving Mlcps and its Application to Linear and Quadratic Programming (چکیده)
4376 - Solving infinite horizon nonlinear optimal control problems using an extended modal series method (چکیده)
4377 - An experimental assessment of the evaporation correlations for natural, forced and combined convection regimes (چکیده)
4378 - On the structure of groups whose exterior or tensor square is a p-group (چکیده)
4379 - A novel approach for the synthesis of superparamagnetic Mn3O4 nanocrystals by ultrasonic bath (چکیده)
4380 - S duality of the D3-brane S matrix (چکیده)
4381 - Radioactivity and dose assessment of heavy radioactive pollution, radon and radium from water sources of 3 northern regions in Iran (چکیده)
4382 - Polarographic study of mercury complexes with some recently synthesized benzo-substituted macrocyclic diamides in binary acetonitrile + water mixtures (چکیده)
4383 - Application of “panel-data” modeling to predict groundwater levels in the Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
4384 - P2O5/SiO2 as catalysts for the preparation of 1,1-diacetates under solvent free conditions (چکیده)
4385 - Non-commutative Callebaut inequality (چکیده)
4386 - Fuglede-Putnam type theorems via the Aluthge transform (چکیده)
4387 - Transient expression of cor gene in Papaver Somniferum (چکیده)
4388 - Unconfined laminar nanofluid flow and heat transfer around a square cylinder (چکیده)
4389 - Establishing a New Solution Based on Hydrochloric Acid/Sodium Thiosulfate for Detecting and Measuring Degree of Sensitization of Stainless Steels Using Double-Loop Electrochemical Potentiodynamic Reactivation Method (چکیده)
4390 - Parasitic wasps as natural enemies of aphid population in the Mashhad region of Iran: new data from DNA sequences and SEM (چکیده)
4391 - Effect of thermal treatments on functional properties of cress seed (Lepidium sativum) and xanthan gums: A comparative study (چکیده)
4392 - Evaluation of seed quality: from physiology to international standardization (چکیده)
4393 - Structural behavior of Candida antarctica lipase B in water and supercritical carbon dioxide: A molecular dynamic simulation study (چکیده)
4394 - Notes on six endemic or rare species of Euphorbia subg. Esula (Euphorbiaceae) in Iran (چکیده)
4395 - Dynamic buckling of perforated metallic cylindrical panels reinforced with composite patches (چکیده)
4396 - Approximate Torsional Analysis of Multi-layered Tubes with Non-circular Cross-Sections (چکیده)
4397 - Synthesis of Novel Thioamidoalkyl- and Thiocarbamidoalkyl Naphthols via a Three-Component Condensation Reaction Using Heterogeneous Catalyst of Ferric Hydrogensulfate (چکیده)
4398 - A modified parametric iteration method for solving nonlinear second order BVPs (چکیده)
4399 - Detection of Clostridium tetani by fluorescent amplification based specific hybridization (چکیده)
4400 - Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Structure of Baluchi Sheep by Microsatellite Markers (چکیده)
4401 - Contemporary and sub-fossil house mice (Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758) (Rodentia: Muridae) from Iran (چکیده)
4402 - Experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) intoxication in broiler chickens (Gallus gallus) (چکیده)
4403 - Morphological and histochemical investigation oh the camel (Camelous dromedarius) abomasal mucous membrane by light and scaning electron microscopy(SEM) (چکیده)
4404 - Application of time delay resonator to machine tools (چکیده)
4405 - Bis(l-pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylato)bis[aqua(3-carboxypyridine-2-carboxylato indium(III)] tetrahydrate) (چکیده)
4406 - [S-Allyl-4-(4-hydroxy-2-oxidobenzylideneideneisothiosemicarbazidato-N1,N4]-(ethanol-jO)dioxidouranium(VI) ethanolmonosolvate (چکیده)
4407 - A new fuzzy neural network model for solving fuzzy linear programming problems and its applications (چکیده)
4408 - Solving a class of linear and non-linear optimal control problems by homotopy (چکیده)
4409 - Hybrid Heuristics for Examination Timetabling Problem (چکیده)
4410 - An electromagnetism metaheuristic for the unicost set covering problem (چکیده)
4411 - Static and transient analysis of laminated cylindrical shell panels with various boundary conditions and general lay-ups (چکیده)
4412 - Effect of various medicinal plant essential oils obtained from semi-arid climate on rumen fermentation characteristics of a high forage diet using in vitro batch culture (چکیده)
4413 - Natural analcime zeolite modified with 2,3,5,6-tetra(2-pyridyl)pyrazine for preconcentration and determination of trace amounts of cadmium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
4414 - Analysis of power consumption and linearity in capacitive digital-to-analog converters used in successive-approximation ADCs (چکیده)
4415 - Reproductive performance of crossbred dairy cows under smallholder production system in Kurdistan province of Iran (چکیده)
4416 - Phenotypic and Genome-Wide Analysis of an Antibiotic-Resistant Small Colony Variant (SCV) of Pseudomonas (چکیده)
4417 - Characterisation and pattern of culling in Holstein-Friesian dairy herds in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
4418 - Making Diversity Enhancement Based on Multiple Classifier System by Weight Tuning (چکیده)
4419 - DDC: distance-based decision classifier (چکیده)
4420 - Methodology for Identifying the Best Equations for Estimating the Time of Concentration of Watersheds in a Particular Region (چکیده)
4421 - A 10-bit 50-MS/s redundant SAR ADC with split capacitive-array DAC (چکیده)
4422 - Prevalence of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) Antibodies in Bulk Tank Milk of Dairy Cattle Herds of Mashhad area, North East of Iran (چکیده)
4423 - Microbial diversity of the traditional Iranian cheeses Lighvan and Koozeh, as revealed by polyphasic culturing and culture-independent approaches (چکیده)
4424 - A New Distributed Resource Management in Mobile Grid for M-Learning (چکیده)
4425 - SHSDAP: Secure Hierarchical Service Discovery and Advertisement Protocol in Cluster Based Mobile Ad hoc Network, (چکیده)
4426 - Effectiveness of fuzzy controller on damage index of nonlinear benchmark buildings (چکیده)
4427 - Plant Extracts to Control Meloidogyne incognita on Cucumber (چکیده)
4428 - Detection of recent climate change in extreme daily temperatures, Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
4429 - Fungitoxicity of Zataria multiflora essential oil against various Malassezia species isolated from cats and dogs with Malassezia dermatitis (چکیده)
4430 - Concurrent infection with Malassezia pachydermatis and canine demodicosis in an immunocompromised dog (چکیده)
4431 - Molecular Characterization of Malassezia Species Isolated from Dog with and Without Otitis and Seborrhoeic Dermatitis (چکیده)
4432 - A New Spectral Variational Iteration Method for Solving Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems (چکیده)
4433 - A comparison of different kinds of Malassezia species in healthy dogs and dogs with otitis externa and skin lesions (چکیده)
4434 - A Combi-Stroop Test for Measuring Food-Related Attentional Bias (چکیده)
4435 - Survey of canine Dirofilaria immitis infection in Caspian provinces of Iran (چکیده)
4436 - Membrane permeate flux and rejection factor prediction using intelligent systems (چکیده)
4437 - Rainfed Cereals Response to Interseasonal Rainfall Variability in Semiarid Regions of Khorasan (چکیده)
4438 - Effect of aluminum on stability of retained austenite in bainitic ductile cast iron (چکیده)
4439 - Analytical Formulation for φ4 Field Potential Dynamics (چکیده)
4440 - Comparative study of anatomy and histology on the ovary and oviduct in camel(Camelus dromedarius) (چکیده)
4441 - Gross and histological study on the minor salivary glands of camel (Camelus dromedarius (چکیده)
4442 - Decaaquabis(μ3-4-hydroxypyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)bis(4-hydroxypyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)tetramanganese(II) 3.34-hydrate: a new three-dimensional open metal-organic framework based on a tetranuclear MnII complex of chelidamic acid and undecameric stitching water clusters (چکیده)
4443 - Phylogeography, pre-zygotic isolation and taxonomic status in the endemic Cyprus Wheatear Oenanthe cypriaca (چکیده)
4444 - Multi-mode renewable resource-constrained allocation in PERT networks (چکیده)
4445 - Bayesian Estimation on Lifetime Data under the Vague Environment (چکیده)
4446 - Neutrons applications in cancer treatment and in specific diagnostics (چکیده)
4447 - Development of a Bonner sphere spectrometer with emphasis on decreasing the contribution of scattering by using a new designed shadow cone (چکیده)
4449 - Improving pore morphology of PM 316L stainless steels by prealloyed powder prepassivation in 20% nitric acid (چکیده)
4450 - Use of hyperspectral imaging for evaluation of the shelf-life of fresh white button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) stored in different packaging films (چکیده)
4451 - Evaluation of response matrix of a multisphere neutron spectrometer with water moderator (چکیده)
4452 - Two branch-and-bound algorithms for the robust parallel machine scheduling problem (چکیده)
4453 - An optimal procedure for minimizing total weighted resource tardiness penalty costs in the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (چکیده)
4454 - Comparison of order statistics in two-sample problem in the sense of Pitman closeness (چکیده)
4456 - Engineering Geology Criteria for Evaluation and Classification of Loess in Golestan Province (چکیده)
4457 - An Analysis of Transaction Costs of Obtaining Credit in Rural Iran (چکیده)
4458 - Evaluation of a modified acetaminophenabsorption test to estimate the abomasalemptying rate in Holstein-Friesian heifers (چکیده)
4459 - Hydraulic performance analysis of sewer systems with uncertain parameters (چکیده)
4460 - Mitigation of climate change impacts on maize productivity in northeast of Iran: a simulation study (چکیده)
4461 - Goodness of Fit Tests based on correcting moments of modified entropy (چکیده)
4462 - Supramolecular Structure of Calcium(II) Based on Chelidamic Acid An Agreement Between Theoretical and Experimental Studies: (چکیده)
4463 - An experimental and numerical study on hydraulic charactristics and theoretical equations of circular weirs (چکیده)
4464 - Quality of meat from two 1970s and Ross 308 broiler strains fed drug-free lowand recommended-protein diets (چکیده)
4465 - Immune responses to genestein in male broiler chicks (چکیده)
4466 - Strong Arens irregularity of bilinear mappings and reflexivity (چکیده)
4467 - Deltaic sedimentation on a carbonate shelf: Stanton Formation (Upper Pennsylvanian), southeastern Kansas (چکیده)
4468 - Monte Carlo comparison of five exponentiality tests using different entropy estimates (چکیده)
4469 - Testing exponentiality based on characterizations of the exponential distribution (چکیده)
4470 - Monte Carlo comparison of seven normality tests (چکیده)
4471 - Evaluation of complementary effects of 9,10-anthraquinone and fumaric acid on methanogenesis and ruminal fermentation in vitro (چکیده)
4472 - An Evaluation of Iranian Banking System Credit Risk: Neural Network and Logistic Regression (چکیده)
4473 - Forecasting Stock Price Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Multi-Layer Perception Model- Iranian Evidence (چکیده)
4474 - Determination the frequency of Ixodid ticks on the sheep in Khorasan Razavi province, Iran (چکیده)
4475 - Effects of lubricant and temperature on friction coefficient during hot forging of Nimonic 115 superalloy (چکیده)
4476 - Two-Dimensional Analytical Modeling of Fully Depleted Short-Channel Dual-Gate Silico-on-Insulator Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (چکیده)
4477 - Modeling Semiconductor Device by Using Neuro Space Mapping (چکیده)
4478 - Accurate Analytical Model for Current–Voltage and Small-Signal Characteristics of AlmGa1_mN/GaN Modulation-Doped Field-Effect Transistors (چکیده)
4479 - Analytical modelling of gate tunneling current of MOSFETs based on quantum tunneling (چکیده)
4480 - N,N--Dibenzyl-N,N--dimethyl-N---(2-phenylacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4481 - Syntheses, crystal, molecular structures, and solution studiesof Cu(II), Co(II), and Zn(II) coordination compounds containing pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid and 1,4-pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid: comparative computational studies of Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes (چکیده)
4482 - Is rumen retention time implicated in sheep differences in methane emission? (چکیده)
4483 - Structural aspects and solution behavior of metallosupramolecular compound of FeIII ion obtained by proton transfer (چکیده)
4484 - Preparation, characterization and catalytic application of some polyoxometalates with Keggin, Wells-Dawson, and Preyssler structures (چکیده)
4485 - O-Phenyl (tert-butylamido)(p-tolylamido) phosphinate (چکیده)
4486 - N,N--Dicyclopentyl-N--,N---dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4487 - Investigation of the novel attributes in double recessed gate SiC MESFETs at drain side (چکیده)
4488 - Resonant wideband polarizer with single silicon layer (چکیده)
4489 - Nickel–lithium oxide alloy transparent conducting films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique (چکیده)
4490 - Fabrication and characterization of transparent p-n and p-i-n heterojunctions prepared by spray pyrolysis technique: Effect of post-annealing process and intrinsic middle layer (چکیده)
4491 - The electrical, optical, structural and thermo-electrical characterization of n- and p-type cobalt-doped SnO2 transparent semiconducting films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique (چکیده)
4492 - New nonpolarizing resonant beam splitters (چکیده)
4493 - Multi-spectroscopic Investigations of Aspirin and Colchicine Interactions with Human Hemoglobin: Binary and Ternary Systems (چکیده)
4494 - Olive oil oxidation: Rejection points in terms of polar, conjugated diene, and carbonyl values (چکیده)
4495 - Experimental study of a novel portable solar still by utilizing the heatpipe and thermoelectric module (چکیده)
4496 - Guided-mode resonant wave plates (چکیده)
4497 - Leaky-mode resonant reflectors with extreme bandwidths (چکیده)
4498 - Fabrication of guided-mode resonance elements by nanoimprint lithography (چکیده)
4499 - Dispersion engineering with leaky-mode resonant photonic lattices (چکیده)
4500 - Wideband leaky-mode resonance reflectors: Influence of grating profile and sublayers (چکیده)
4501 - Silicon-layer guided-mode resonance polarizer with 40 nm bandwidth (چکیده)
4502 - Physical basis for wideband resonant reflectors (چکیده)
4503 - The effect of the post annealing temperature on the nano-structure and energy band gap of the SnO2 semiconducting oxide nano-particles synthesized by polymerized-complex sol-gel method (چکیده)
4504 - Widely tunable guided-mode resonance nanoelectromechanical RGB pixels (چکیده)
4505 - Particle swarm optimization and its application to the design of diffraction grating filters (چکیده)
4506 - High performance Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides written with a modified Sagnac interferometer (چکیده)
4507 - Self-phase modulation-based integrated optical regeneration in chalcogenide waveguides (چکیده)
4508 - Integrated all-optical pulse regenerator in chalcogenide waveguides (چکیده)
4509 - Analysis of femtosecond optical pulse propagation in one-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystals using finite-difference time-domain method (چکیده)
4510 - Comparison between anti-reflection surfaces based on the two-dimensional binary gratings and thin film coatings (چکیده)
4511 - Ultra-strong, well-apodized Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides (چکیده)
4512 - Electrical, optical and structural properties of Li-doped SnO2 transparent conducting films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique: a carrier-type conversion study (چکیده)
4513 - The influence of Al doping on the electrical, optical and structural properties of SnO2 transparent conducting films deposited by the spray pyrolysis technique (چکیده)
4514 - Investigations on the physical properties of the SnO2-ZnO transparent conducting binary-binary system deposited by spray pyrolysis technique (چکیده)
4515 - The effect of high acceptor dopant concentration of Zn+2 on electrical, optical and structural properties of the In2O3 transparent conducting thin films (چکیده)
4516 - Magnetoelastic properties of ErMn6Sn6 intermetallic compound (چکیده)
4517 - Effect of Salinity on Growth and Leaf photosynthesis of Two Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Cultivars (چکیده)
4518 - recognizing pathogenic antibodies in sle using general regression neural networks (چکیده)
4519 - The Effect of a Single Bout Circuit Resistance Exercise on homocystein hs-CRP and Fibrinogen in Sedentary Middle Aged Men, (چکیده)
4520 - Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Co-Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles via Complex-Polymer Sol–Gel Method (چکیده)
4521 - Operator inequalities related to the Corach--Porta--Recht inequality (چکیده)
4522 - Landau and Gruss type inequalities for inner product type integral transformers in norm ideals (چکیده)
4523 - Investigation of the behavior of HSA upon binding to amlodipine and propranolol: Spectroscopic and molecular modeling approaches (چکیده)
4524 - Critical Issues in Tissue Engineering: Biomaterials, Cell Sources, Angiogenesis, and Drug Delivery Systems (چکیده)
4525 - Invariant Solutions of Richards’ Equation for Water Movement in Dissimilar Soils (چکیده)
4526 - Preparation and characterization of novel oxo-centered basic p-chlorobenzoic bridging trinuclear complexes (چکیده)
4527 - Evaluation of anti-oxidative effects of propofol in experimental diabetes (چکیده)
4528 - Preparation of nanospinels NiMnxFe2−xO4 using sol–gel method and their applications on removal of azo dye from aqueous solutions (چکیده)
4529 - Optimal allocation of water from a single purpose reservoir to an irrigation project with pre-determined multiple cropping patterns (چکیده)
4530 - S-duality of S-matrix (چکیده)
4531 - N,N-Dimethyl-N-,N---diphenylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4532 - N,N--Dibenzyl-N,N--dimethyl-N---(p-tolyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4533 - Morphometrical and genetic diversity of Meloidogyne javanica from the north east of Iran (چکیده)
4534 - Clinical, haematological and biochemical evaluation of eventual onion (Allium cepa) toxicity in goats (چکیده)
4535 - Characterization and evaluation catalytic efficiency of La0.5Ca0.5NiO3 nanopowders in removal of reactive blue 5 from aqueous solution (چکیده)
4536 - Data to the sex determination in Pistacia species using molecular markers (چکیده)
4537 - The Applications of Transgenic Rabbits in Agriculture and Biomedicine (چکیده)
4538 - Impact of NBTI on performance of domino logic circuits in nano-scale CMOS (چکیده)
4539 - Optimization of cutting conditions in WEDM process using regression modelling and Tabu-search algorithm (چکیده)
4540 - Graphite Disk Lanthanum(III)-Selective Electrode Based On Benzo-15-crown-5 (چکیده)
4541 - Fabrication of an Y3+-PVC Membrane Sensor Based on Dicyclohexyl-18-Crown-6 for Determination Fluoride Ion (چکیده)
4542 - Use of neural network models to estimate early egg production in broiler breeder hens through dietary nutrient intake (چکیده)
4543 - Kinetics study of CO hydrogenation on a precipitated iron catalyst (چکیده)
4544 - Shift Preserving Operators on Locally Compact Abelian Groups (چکیده)
4545 - Flow in translation: Exploring optimal experience for translation trainees (چکیده)
4546 - Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of 2-Amino-4H-chromenes Catalyzed by Ferric Hydrogen Sulfate and Zr-Based Catalysts of FI (چکیده)
4547 - DSMC simulation of subsonic flow through nanochannels and micro/nano backward-facing steps (چکیده)
4548 - Nine eriophyoid mite species from Iran (Acari, Eriophyidae (چکیده)
4549 - a new cerium (III) ion selective electrode based on 2,9-dihydroxy-1,10-diphenoxy-4,7 -dithia decane , a novel synthetic ligand (چکیده)
4550 - Artificial Neural Networks Applied for Simultaneous Analysis of Mixtures of Nitrophenols by Conductometric Acid–Base Titration (چکیده)
4551 - Determination of furan in food samples using two solid phase microextraction fibers based on sol–gel technique with gas chromatography–flame ionisation detector (چکیده)
4552 - Complexation of 4′-Nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 with Zn2+, Mn2+, Cr3+ and Sn4+ Cations in Acetonitrile–Ethanol Binary Mixtures (چکیده)
4553 - Thermodynamic Study of the Complexation of p-Isopropylcalix[6]arene with Cs+ Cation in Dimethylsulfoxide-Acetonitrile Binary Media (چکیده)
4554 - Evaluation of Mineralogical Characteristics and Erosion of Tous Historic Mud Wall, Ne of Iranl (چکیده)
4555 - Artificial neural network approach for locating internal faults in salient-pole synchronous generator (چکیده)
4556 - A Game Theoretic Approach to Study the Quantum Key Distribution BB84 Protocol (چکیده)
4557 - Measurement of Power Supplier’s Market Power Using a Proposed Fuzzy Estimator (چکیده)
4558 - Development of an Analytical Model for Generation Expansion Planning as a Tool to Provide Guidelines for Preventing Instability in the Long-Term Electricity Market (چکیده)
4559 - Some asymptotic results of kernel density estimators under random left-truncation and dependent data (چکیده)
4560 - Design and implementation of a hybrid genetic algorithm and artificial neural network system for predicting the sizes of unerupted canines and premolars (چکیده)
4561 - Automatic evaluation of pressure sore status by combining information obtained from high-frequency ultrasound and digital photography (چکیده)
4562 - A new approach based on genetic algorithm in Schrödinger equation solution for nanostructurCarlo operators e applications, the effect of some genetic and Monte (چکیده)
4563 - Determination of normal blood biochemistry (electrolytes (چکیده)
4564 - Modeling of bifurcation phenomena in suddenly expanded Flows with a new finite volume lattice Boltzmann Method (چکیده)
4565 - Effects of ginger root (Zingiber officinale) on egg yolk cholesterol,antioxidant status and performance of laying hens (چکیده)
4566 - Cylindrical and spherical electron acoustic solitary waves in the presence of superthermal hot electrons (چکیده)
4567 - Momte Carlo simulation of pulse pile-up effect in gamma spectrum of a PGNAA system (چکیده)
4568 - Energy and momentum in one dimensional open channel flow (چکیده)
4569 - N-(3-Fluorobenzoyl)-N-,N---bis(4-methylphenyl) phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4570 - Analytical dynamic modeling of fast trilayer polypyrrole bending actuators (چکیده)
4571 - Performance Analysis of Optical CDMA Systems Utilizing Optical Encoding in Presence of Interference and Receiver Noises (چکیده)
4572 - Microstructure evolution in hypereutectoid graphitic steel (چکیده)
4573 - N,N--Dicyclohexyl-N--(3-fluorobenzoyl)-N,N--dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4574 - N,N--Dicyclohexyl-N--(2,6-difluorobenzoyl)-N,N--dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4575 - Impact of Bulk and Nanosized Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) on Wheat Seed Germination and Seedling Growth (چکیده)
4576 - Seroprevalence of Neospora spp. in Horses in North East of Iran (چکیده)
4577 - Effect of Sensor Locations on the Solution of Inverse Stefan Problems (چکیده)
4578 - Enhancing the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanocrystalline thin film by doping with SiO2 (چکیده)
4579 - Perturbation of generalized derivations in fuzzy Menger normed algebras (چکیده)
4580 - The Effects of Supplemental Zinc and Honey on Wound Healing in Rats (چکیده)
4581 - N-[Bis(morpholin-4-yl)phosphinoyl]-2-chloro-2,2-difluoroacetamide (چکیده)
4582 - N,N--Bis(2-chlorobenzyl)-N--(2,2,2-trichloroacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4583 - 3-(4-Bromoanilino)-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-phenylpropan-1-one (چکیده)
4584 - Cyclohexyl(methyl)ammonium(bis[cyclohexyl(methyl)amino]-phosphoryl)(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)-azanide (چکیده)
4585 - N,N,N\',N\'-Tetraethyl-N\"-(2-fluorobenzoyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4586 - N,N--Dibenzyl-N--(2-chloroacetyl)-N,N--dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4587 - Some Equivalence Classes of Linear Operators on B(H) (چکیده)
4588 - Comparison of Chemical Composition of Achillea eriophora and A. wilhelmsii Grown in Wild and Cultivated Conditions in Iran (چکیده)
4589 - p-Tolyl bis(cyclohexylamido)phosphinate (چکیده)
4590 - Piperazine-1,4-diium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-κ3O2,N,O6)cobaltate(II) tetrahydrate (چکیده)
4591 - N,N--Di-tert-butyl-N--(2-chloroacetyl)-phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4592 - rac-Phenyl (benzylamido)(p-tolylamido)-phosphinate (چکیده)
4593 - Preyssler Heteropolyacid Supported on Nano-SiO2: A Green and Reusable Catalyst in Selective Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohols to Benzaldehydes (چکیده)
4594 - Phenyl bis(m-tolylamido)phosphinate (چکیده)
4595 - Control Parameter Estimation in a Semi-Linear Parabolic Inverse Problem Using a High Accurate Method (چکیده)
4596 - Exergy of natural gas flow in Iran’s natural gas fields (چکیده)
4597 - Optimal operation of alloy material in solidification processes with inverse heat transfer (چکیده)
4599 - Experimental Study of Crack Growth Behavior and Fatigue Life of Spot Weld Tensile Shear Specimens (چکیده)
4600 - N,N -Bis(2-methylphenyl)-N -(2,2,2- trichloroacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4601 - N-(2,6-Difluorobenzoyl)-P,P-bis-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)phosphinic amide (چکیده)
4602 - Spatial analysis of the frequency-magnitude distribution of aftershock of 2003 Bam earthquack:southeast Iran (چکیده)
4603 - Phenyl bis(morpholin-4-ylamido)-phosphinate (چکیده)
4604 - Diphenyl [(S)-1-phenylpropanamido]-phosphate (چکیده)
4605 - Improving performance and energy efficiency of embedded processors via post-fabrication instruction set customization (چکیده)
4606 - Nonlinear flow-induced vibration of a SWCNT with a geometrical imperfection (چکیده)
4607 - The physical Attributes of Safflower Seed as a Function of Moisture Content, Variety And Size (چکیده)
4608 - Hypospadias, diverticulum, and agenesis in the penile shaft of a goat kid (Capra hircus (چکیده)
4609 - Non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics perturbation theory: A new approach to Maxwell molecules (چکیده)
4610 - Seasonal Influences of Boundary Conditions in Coastal Water Quality Variations (چکیده)
4611 - Robust low leakage controlled keeper by current-comparison domino for wide fan-in gates (چکیده)
4612 - Improved Multilevel Bipartitioning for Controlled Power System Islanding (چکیده)
4613 - Weather conditions associated with irrigated crops in an arid and semi arid environment (چکیده)
4614 - A Novel Nanosonosensitizer for Sonodynamic Therapy (چکیده)
4615 - Different cyclic motifs in phosphoric triamides containing a C(O)NHP(O)(NH)2 skeleton and an R22(10) graph set in three new compounds: a database analysis of hydrogen-bond strengths based on motifs (چکیده)
4616 - The electrical conductivity of soak-water of chickpea seeds provides a quick test indicative of field emergence (چکیده)
4617 - Evidence that time for repair during early germination leads to vigour differences in maize (چکیده)
4619 - A General Synthesis of Pyridazino[4,3-e][1,3,4]thiadiazines (چکیده)
4620 - Synthesis and Mass Spectral Fragmentations of New Spiro Heterocycles (چکیده)
4621 - Does Trichoderma harzianum really increase growth parameters in plants (چکیده)
4622 - How may Trichoderma application affect vegatative and qualitative traits in tulip ( Darwin hybride) cultivar (چکیده)
4623 - the effect of Trichoderma on pollanthes qualitative and quantitative properties (چکیده)
4624 - An optimization method for NBTI-aware design of domino logic circuits in nano-scale CMOS (چکیده)
4625 - Evaluation of rumenocentesis practicability as a routine diagnostic technique in veterinary practice (چکیده)
4626 - Seismic microzonation of Mashhad city, northeast Iran (چکیده)
4627 - A survey on endoparasites and ectoparasites of stray cats from Mashhad (Iran) and association with risk factors (چکیده)
4628 - Prevalence of pigeon haemosporidians and effect of infection on biochemical factors in Iran (چکیده)
4629 - Organic production of German chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.) intercropped with pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) (چکیده)
4630 - Exceptional catalytic efficiency in mineralization of the reactive textile azo dye (RB5) by a combination of ultrasound and core–shell nanoparticles (CdS/TiO2) (چکیده)
4631 - A second-harmonic LC-quadrature voltage controlled oscillator with direct connection of MOSFETs’ substrate (چکیده)
4632 - CMOS second-harmonic quadrature voltage controlled oscillator using substrate for coupling (چکیده)
4633 - Fabrication of A356 composite reinforced with micro and nano Al2O3 particles by a developed compocasting method and study of its properties (چکیده)
4634 - Pitman closeness of record values from two sequences to population quantiles (چکیده)
4635 - Effects of the inclusion of dried molassed sugar beet pulp in a low-forage diet on the digestive process and blood biochemical parameters of Holstein steers (چکیده)
4636 - Investigation of lactobacilli from mother’s breast milk who were placed on probiotic diet (چکیده)
4637 - Statistical assessment of starch removal from starchy wastewater using membrane technology (چکیده)
4638 - Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Chemical Composition, Antioxidant Activity, Anthocyanin, and Total Phenolic Content of Cherry Fruits (چکیده)
4639 - Effects of inhibiting nitric oxide synthase on cumulus expansion and nuclear maturation of sheep oocytes (چکیده)
4640 - The effect of dietary n-6:n-3 ratio and sex on broiler breeder immunity (چکیده)
4641 - Microbial diversity in alpine tundra soils correlates with snow cover dynamics (چکیده)
4642 - Tannin impacts on microbial diversity and the functioning of alpine soils: a multidisciplinary approach (چکیده)
4643 - Efficacy of conventional and extended intra-mammary treatment of persistent sub-clinical mastitis with cefquinome in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
4644 - Neuroinflammation and Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Are Coregulated by Crocin To Prevent Demyelination and Neurodegeneration (چکیده)
4645 - The effect of threonineon mucin2 gene expression,intestinal histology and performance of broiler chicken (چکیده)
4646 - The effect of desiccated ox bile supplementation on performance, fat digestibility, gut morphology and blood chemistry of broiler chickens fed tallow diets (چکیده)
4647 - Multiobjective optimization for force and moment balance of a four-bar linkage using evolutionary algorithms (چکیده)
4648 - Relaxed constraints support vector machine (چکیده)
4649 - Performance Evaluation of a Centrifugal Peeling System for Pistachio Nuts2 (چکیده)
4650 - Synthesis, experimental and theoretical characterization of Cu(II) complex of 2-chloropyrimidine (چکیده)
4651 - Construction and functional analysis of pathogen-inducible synthetic promoters in Brassica napus (چکیده)
4652 - Purification and characterisation of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from lysozyme hydrolysates (چکیده)
4653 - Isolation, cloning and expression of the Brucella melitensis Omp31 gene (چکیده)
4654 - Determination of Time-Dependent Protoporphyrin IX Concentration for Photodynamic Therapy Dosimetry in a Mice Colon Tumor Model Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy (چکیده)
4655 - Simulation of fractionated and continuous irradiation in photodynamic therapy: study the differences between photobleaching and singlet oxygen dose deposition (چکیده)
4656 - Simultaneous Closeness of k-Records (چکیده)
4657 - Deposition and characterization of ZnO:Mg thin films: the study of antibacterial properties (چکیده)
4658 - Precipitation of hematite nanoparticles via reverse microemulsion process (چکیده)
4659 - Screening of lactobacilli bacteria isolated from gastrointestinal tract of broiler chickens for their use as probiotic (چکیده)
4660 - Effects of the source of non-fiber carbohydrates on in vitro first order ruminal disappearance kinetics of dry matter and NDF of various feeds (چکیده)
4661 - Bis(9-aminoacridinium)bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-κ3O2,N,O6)manganate(II)trihydrate (چکیده)
4662 - Efficacy of Allicin in Decreasing Lead (Pb) Accumulation in selected tissue of lead - exposed common carp( (چکیده)
4663 - An extension to fuzzy support vector data description-FSVDD (چکیده)
4664 - Creating and measuring diversity in multiple classifier systems using support vector data description (چکیده)
4665 - Citramalic acid and salicylic acid in sugar beet root exudates solubilize soil phosphorus (چکیده)
4667 - Congenital hepatic fibrosis in an aborted calf (چکیده)
4668 - Drought stress effects on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and water (چکیده)
4669 - A novel electrochemical approach on the effect of alloying elements on self-discharge and discharge delivered current density of Pb–Ca–Ag lead-acid battery plates (چکیده)
4670 - Validation and testing of the AquaCrop model under full and deficit irrigated wheat production in Iran (چکیده)
4671 - Fed-Batch Fermentation of Bacillus clausii for Efficient Production of Alkaline Protease Using Different Feeding Strategies (چکیده)
4672 - A Study on Graphitization Acceleration during Annealing of Martensitic Hypereutectoid Steel (چکیده)
4673 - An efficient GDQ model for vibration analysis of a multiwall carbon nanotube on Pasternak foundationwith general boundary conditions (چکیده)
4674 - Prediction of the true digestible amino acid contents from the chemical composition of sorghum grain for poultry (چکیده)
4675 - Response surface and neural network models for performance of broiler chicks fed diets varying in digestible protein and critical amino acids from 11 to 17 days of age (چکیده)
4676 - On the performance of a salt gradient solar pond (چکیده)
4678 - Numerics of Stochastic Parabolic Differential Equations with Stable Finite Difference Schemes (چکیده)
4679 - Jensen type inequalities for Q-class functions (چکیده)
4680 - Chemical Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Pumpkin Seeds (Cucurbita pepo Subsp. pepo Var. Styriaka) Grown in Iran (چکیده)
4681 - Modeling individual leaf area of basil (Ocimum basilicum )using different methods (چکیده)
4682 - Status of some oxidative stress biomarkers in sheep naturally infected with theileriosis (چکیده)
4683 - Maintenance of anaesthesia in sheep with isoflurane, desflurane or sevoflurane (چکیده)
4684 - Clinical evaluation of repeated propofol total intravenous anesthesia in dog (چکیده)
4685 - Polymorphisms of the β-1,4 galactosyltransferase-I gene in Holsteins (چکیده)
4686 - Study on the prevalence of dairy cattle lameness and its effects of production indices in Iran. A locomotion scoring base study (چکیده)
4687 - Associations among milk production traits 4 and glycosylated haemoglobin in dairy cattle; importance 5 of lactose synthesis potential (چکیده)
4688 - Characterization of a generalized triangle inequality in normed spaces (چکیده)
4689 - An Optimal Energy-efficient Clustering Method in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
4690 - Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase activity in dairy cows (چکیده)
4691 - Variability of growing season indices in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
4692 - Goodness-of-fit Test Based on Kullback-Leibler Information for Progressively Type-II Censored Data (چکیده)
4693 - Recursive Algebraic Method of Computing Power System Harmonics (چکیده)
4694 - Estimation of the time- dependent heat flux using the temperature distribution at a point in a two layer system (چکیده)
4695 - Estimation of the time- dependent heat flux using the temperature distribution at a point by conjugate gradian method (چکیده)
4697 - Morphometrical Study of the Temporal Bone and Auditory Ossicles in Guinea Pig (چکیده)
4698 - Effect of formaldehyde exposure on pulmonary function tests of veterinary students in anatomy laboratory (چکیده)
4700 - Numerical investigation of effective parameters in convective heat transferof nanofluids flowing under a laminar flow regime (چکیده)
4701 - Hydrothermal Synthesis, X-Ray Crystallography, TGA and SEM Analyses and Solution Studies of a Novel Nano-Sized 1D Zinc(II) Coordination Polymer (چکیده)
4702 - A Brief Review on Structural Concepts of Novel Supramolecular Proton Transfer Compounds and Their Metal Complexes Part(II) (چکیده)
4703 - Bis(2-amino-6-methylpyridinium)trans-diaquabis(pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato) cuprate(II) hexahydrate (چکیده)
4704 - Biocontrol of leopard moth, Zeuzera pyrina L. (Lep.: Cossidae) using entomopathogenic nematodes in Iran (چکیده)
4705 - The effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/water nanofluid on thermal performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon (چکیده)
4706 - Experimental investigation of pool boiling characteristics of low- concentrated CuO/ ethylene glycol-water nanofluid (چکیده)
4707 - A numerical study on convective heat transfer of Al2O3/water, CuO/water and Cu/water nanofluids through square cross-section duct in laminar flow (چکیده)
4708 - Mechanistic modelling for cutting with serrated end mills – a parametric representation approachg (چکیده)
4709 - The effect of magnetic impurity on the electronical and optical properties of corundum (چکیده)
4710 - Application of Multi-Objective Optimization for Pollutants Emission Control in an Oil-Fired Furnace (چکیده)
4711 - Effects of the relative time of emergence and the density of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) on corn (Zea mays) yield (چکیده)
4712 - Bayesian reconstruction of the missing failure times in exponential distribution (چکیده)
4713 - Modeling of mechanical behavior of ultra fine grained aluminum produced by multiple compressions in a channel die (چکیده)
4714 - Real-time PH-based interpolation algorithm for high speed CNC machining (چکیده)
4715 - A Novel Fault Location Algorithm for Long Transmission Lines Compensated by Series FACTS Devices (چکیده)
4716 - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al–Al2O3 Micro and Nano Composites fabricated by Stir casting (چکیده)
4717 - Effect of both nano-size alumina particles and severe deformation on polyethylene crystallinity index (چکیده)
4718 - A novel method for direct kinematics solution of fully parallel manipulators using basic regions theory (چکیده)
4719 - Purifying anion exchange resin regeneration effluent using polyamide nanofiltration membrane (چکیده)
4720 - Structural and magnetoelastic properties of Y3Fe27.2Cr1.8 and Ce3Fe25Cr4 ferromagnetic compounds (چکیده)
4721 - A new calculation method for thermal and electical characterization in CdTe and CdSe semiconductors (چکیده)
4722 - Comparison of low field electron transport characteristics in Ge and Si semiconductors and effects of neutron energy deposition on their crystal structure (چکیده)
4723 - Comparison of microstructure and mechanical properties of A356 aluminum alloy/Al2O3 Composites fabricated by stir and compo-casting processes (چکیده)
4724 - First principles studies of band structure calculations of 6H-SiC and 4C-SiC using pseudopotential approches (چکیده)
4725 - Fabrication, characterization, and measurement of viscosity of α-Fe2O3-glycerol nanofluids (چکیده)
4726 - Dynamic recrystallization behavior of a superaustenitic stainless steel containing 16%Cr and 25%Ni (چکیده)
4727 - Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of Fen@C60 and Fen@C80 (n=2–7) endohedral metallofullerene nano-cages: First principles study (چکیده)
4728 - Analytical Solution for Thermoelastic Waves Propagation Analysis in Thick Hollow Cylinder Based on Green-Naghdi Model of Coupled Thermoelasticity (چکیده)
4729 - Effect of ethanol, methanol and essential oils as novel agents to improve vase-life ofAlstroemeria flowers (چکیده)
4730 - A Numerical Solution to Modify the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem with Noisy Data during the Heating a Solid Bar (چکیده)
4731 - First record of Aphelinus paramali Zehavi and Rosen 1989 (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae), parasitoid of Aphis pomi de Geer (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in Iran, and its phylogenetic position based on sequence data of ITS2 and COI genes (چکیده)
4732 - Effects of Crop Density and Irrigation Management on Water Productivity of Rice Production in Northern Iran: Field and Modeling Approach (چکیده)
4733 - Comparing thermal and mechanochemical decomposition of ammonium paratungstate (APT) (چکیده)
4734 - An Integer Linear Programming based Heuristic for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem (چکیده)
4735 - Molecular Characterization of Iranian Trichogrammatids (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and their Wolbachia endosymbiontds (چکیده)
4736 - Generation of an Enriched Pool of DNA Aptamers for a HER2 Overexpressing Cell Line selected by Cell –SELEX (چکیده)
4737 - Fabrication or preparation and characterization of new modified MCM-41/PSf nanocomposite membrane coated by PDMS (چکیده)
4738 - Scaling to generalize a single solution to Richards' equation for soil water redistribution (چکیده)
4739 - One-pot, efficient functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with diamines by microwave method (چکیده)
4740 - Synthesis and characterization of novel oxo-bridged, trinuclear mixed-metal complexes of Cr(III) and Fe(III) (چکیده)
4741 - Mass modeling of cantaloupe based on geometric attributes: A case study for Tile Magasi and Tile Shahri (چکیده)
4742 - Synthesis and characterization of two novel trinuclear oxo-centered, of chromium and iron complexes containing unsaturated carboxylate bridging ligand (چکیده)
4743 - Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure analysis of a novel oxo-centered mixed-metal complex containing unsaturated bridging carboxylates (چکیده)
4744 - Nanofiltration process for treatment of ground water of south of Quchan (چکیده)
4745 - Column and Batch Study of Haloacetic Acids Adsorption onto Granular Activated Carbon (چکیده)
4746 - Hazards of mechanized tunnel excavation in H2S bearing ground in Aspar tunnel, Iran (چکیده)
4747 - Experimental remarks for determine correct dosage silver Nano particle against infective microbes (چکیده)
4748 - Numerical Modeling of Non-Charring Material Ablation with Considering Chemical Reaction Effects, Mass Transfer and Surface Heat Transfer (چکیده)
4749 - Quantitative Analysis of Chitinase Gene Expression in Chickpea (چکیده)
4750 - Solving of time varying quadratic optimal control problems by using Bézier control points (چکیده)
4751 - Determination of volatile organic compounds in environmental water samples using three solid-phase microextraction fibers based on sol–gel technique with gas chromatography–flame ionization detector (چکیده)
4752 - A novel solid-phase microextraction using coated fiber based sol–gel technique using poly(ethylene glycol) grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes for determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and o-xylene in water samples with gas chromatography-flam ionization detector (چکیده)
4753 - Ordinary differential equations solution in kernel space (چکیده)
4756 - Electrical and Optical Properties of Nanosized Perovskite-type La0.5Ca0.5MO3 (M=Co,Ni) prepared using a Sol-Gel Method (چکیده)
4757 - Effects of ethanolic extract of pine needles (Pinus eldarica Medw.) on reserpine-induced depression-like behavior in male Wistar rats (چکیده)
4758 - Effect of Essential Oils, Ethanol and Methanol to Extend the Vase-life of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Flowers (چکیده)
4759 - High potential of agro-industrial by-products of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) as the powerful antifungal and antioxidant substances (چکیده)
4760 - The topological centre of skew product dynamical systems (چکیده)
4761 - Effects of dietary n-6:n-3 ratio on immune and reproductive systems of pullet chicks (چکیده)
4762 - Character Inner Amenability of Certain Banach Algebras (چکیده)
4763 - Lifting Derivations and n-weak Amenability of the Second Dual of a Banach Algebra (چکیده)
4764 - Thermal shock analysis and thermo-elastic stress waves in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders using analytical method (چکیده)
4766 - Model for simulation of winter wheat yield under dryland and irrigated conditions (چکیده)
4767 - Fractal scaling and simulation of velocity components and turbulent shear stress in open channel flow (چکیده)
4768 - Fractal-Markovian scaling of turbulent bursting process in open channel flow (چکیده)
4769 - Hybrid layerwise-differential quadrature transient dynamic analysis of functionally graded axisymmetric cylindrical shells subjected to dynamic pressure (چکیده)
4771 - Photocatalytic Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles Using Preyssler Acid and Their Photocatalytic Activity (چکیده)
4772 - Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum and Hyalomma dromedarii (Acar:Ixodidae) imbibe bovine blood in vitro by utilizing an artificial feeding system (چکیده)
4773 - Modelling of Some Physical Characteristics of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruit during Ripening Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
4774 - Theoretical and electrochemical assessment of inhibitive behavior of some thiophenol derivatives on mild steel in HCl (چکیده)
4775 - T-duality of anomalous Chern-Simons couplings (چکیده)
4776 - Confirmed resistance to aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides in Phalaris minor populations in Iran (چکیده)
4777 - Structure and vibrational assignment of bis(4-amino-3-penten-2-onato)nickel(II). A density functional theoretical study (چکیده)
4778 - Optimizing dosage of sethoxydim and fenoxaprop-p-ethyl with adjuvants to control wild oat (چکیده)
4779 - Surfactant and rainfall influenced clodinafop-propargyl efficacy to control wild oat (Avena (چکیده)
4780 - Nonplanar ion-acoustic solitary waves with superthermal electrons in warm plasma (چکیده)
4781 - A target-based color space for sea target detection (چکیده)
4782 - Unsupervised kernel least mean square algorithm for solving ordinary differential equations (چکیده)
4783 - A general insight into the effect of neuron structure on classification (چکیده)
4784 - Model-based fuzzy c-shells clustering (چکیده)
4785 - A modification of Wong-Sandler mixing rule for the prediction of vapor-liquid equilibria in binary asymmetric systems (چکیده)
4786 - Effects of dietary chromium-methionin supplementation on blood methabolites and insulin resistance index in fructose-fed diabetic rats (چکیده)
4787 - Effect of Trisodium Citrate Concentration and Soy Cheese on Meltability of Pizza Cheese (چکیده)
4788 - Fuzzy modeling and simulation for lead removal using micellar-enhancedultrafiltration (MEUF) (چکیده)
4789 - Head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a plasma with a q-nonextensive electron velocity distribution (چکیده)
4790 - Formation of metal matrix composite reinforced withNano sized Al2O3 + Ni-Al intermetallics during coating of Al substrate via Combustion synthesis (چکیده)
4791 - Nonplanar ion-acoustic solitary waves in electron–positron–ion plasmas with electrons following a q-nonextensive distribuation (چکیده)
4792 - Moving up and down the Titanium Oxidation State in Ziegler-Natta Catalysis (چکیده)
4793 - Transport properties of an armchair boron-nitride nanoribbon embedded between two graphene electrodes (چکیده)
4794 - The Effect of Iranian Shallot or Garlic Aqueous Extracts on Learning, Memory and Serum Biochemical Variables in Fructose-fed Wistar Rats (چکیده)
4795 - Application and Functions of Stabilizers in Ice cream (چکیده)
4796 - Acute pulmonary oedema and electrocardiographic changes following ketamine administration in a crossbreed dog (چکیده)
4797 - Assessment of Iranian chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) germplasms for drought (چکیده)
4798 - The immune response of cattle, persistently infected with noncytopathic BVDV, after superinfection with antigenically semi-homologous cytopathic BVDV (چکیده)
4799 - Selection of T-cell epitopes from foot-and-mouth disease virus reflects the binding affinity to different cattle MHC class II molecules (چکیده)
4800 - Molecular cloning and sequencing of the cDNA for dog interleukin-4 (چکیده)
4801 - Malaria parasites lacking eef1a have a normal S/M phase yet grow more slowly due to a longer G 1 phase (چکیده)
4802 - Synthesis and SAR comparative studies of 2-allyl-4-methoxy-1-alkoxybenzenes as 15-lipoxygenase inhibitors (چکیده)
4803 - Molecular Characterization and RAPD analysis of Juniperus Species from Iran (چکیده)
4804 - Synthesis of new series of α-cyclodextrin esters as dopamine carrier molecule (چکیده)
4805 - Synthesis and application of new Schiff base Mn(III) complexes containing crown ether rings as catalysts for oxidation of cyclohexene and cyclooctene by Oxone (چکیده)
4806 - A Novel Cellulose Acetate (CA) Membrane Using TiO2 Nanoparticles: Preparation, Characterization and Permeation Study (چکیده)
4807 - Asymptotic behaviors of the Lorenz curve under strong mixing (چکیده)
4808 - Synthesis and evaluation of antibacterial activity of new derivatives of pyrimido[4,5- e ][1,3,4]oxadiazine (چکیده)
4809 - Thiazolo[4,5- d ]pyrimidines: synthesis and antibacterial evaluation (چکیده)
4810 - Effect of Drought Stress and Paclobutrazol- Treated Seeds on Physiological Response of Festuca arundinacea L. Master and Lolium perenne L. Barrage (چکیده)
4811 - The modeling and process analysis of resistance spot welding on galvanized steel sheets used in car body manufacturing (چکیده)
4812 - Synthesis and characterization of nano-pore thallium (III) ion-imprinted polymer as a new sorbent for separation and preconcentration of thallium (چکیده)
4813 - Anisotropy and FOMP in Tb3 (Fe28 xCox) V1.0 (x¼0, 3 and 6) compounds (چکیده)
4814 - Rodent fauna of the western Golestan Province in northeast Iran (چکیده)
4815 - Magnetoelastic properties of Nd6Fe13Cu intermetallic compound (چکیده)
4816 - Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Tautomerism in 2-Aminopyridines and 2(1H)-pyridinones: Synthesis of 2-Amino-4-aryl-3-cyano-6-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)pyridines and 4-Aryl-3-cyano-6-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2(1H)-pyridinones (چکیده)
4817 - Coupling Numerical and Physical Modeling for Analysis of Flow in a Diversion Structure with Coanda-effect Screens (چکیده)
4818 - Topological games and strong quasi-continuity (چکیده)
4819 - Extraction of inulin from Burdock root (Arctium lappa) using high intensity ultrasound (چکیده)
4820 - Conventional and extended intramamary therapy pf persistent subclinical mastitis using nafcillin-penicillin-dihydrostreptomyavin in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
4821 - Two new records of Cousinia Cass. (Asteraceae) from NE Iran, Khorasan provinces (چکیده)
4822 - Effect of Mechanical Milling on the Thermal Behavior of Polyethylene Reinforcedwith Nano-sized Alumina (چکیده)
4823 - Identification of shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 in raw cow milk samples from dairy farms in Mashhad using multiplex PCR assay (چکیده)
4824 - S-duality of D-brane action at order alpha'^2 (چکیده)
4825 - Propane-1,2-diaminium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-j3O2,N,O6)cuprate(II)tetrahydrate (چکیده)
4826 - Pedigree analysis of the closed nucleus of Iranian Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
4827 - Ethylene polymerization using flourinated FI Zr-based catalyst (چکیده)
4828 - In vitro effects of very low levels of aflatoxin B1 on free radicalsproduction and bactericidal activity of bovine blood neutrophils (چکیده)
4829 - Conformational stability, molecular structure, intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and vibrational spectra of 5,5-dimethylhexane-2,4-dione (چکیده)
4830 - Evaluation of soil erosion and sediment yield using semi quantitative models: FSM and MPSIAC in Eivaneki watershed and the sub basins (Southeast of Tehran/Iran) (چکیده)
4831 - A novel secure and energy-efficient protocol for authentication in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
4832 - Gas separation properties of polyether-based polyurethane–silica nanocomposite membranes (چکیده)
4833 - The effect of supplementation of feed with exogenous enzymes on the growth of carps (Cyprinus carpio). (چکیده)
4834 - Classification of Imprecise Data Using Interval Fisher Discriminator (چکیده)
4835 - Mesobuthus eupeus (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Iran: A polytypic species complex (چکیده)
4836 - Gamma radiation effects on phenolics, antioxidants activity and in vitro digestion of pistachio (Pistachia vera) hull (چکیده)
4837 - Improvement of canola oil frying stability by bene kernel oil’s unsaponifiable matter (چکیده)
4838 - Effect of high relativistic ions on ion acoustic solitons in electron-ion-positron plasmas with nonthermal electrons and thermal positrons (چکیده)
4839 - Goodness of fit test and parameter estimation for a proportional odds model of random censorship (چکیده)
4840 - Morphology and morphometrical study of hamster middle ear bones (چکیده)
4841 - Acute oxalate intoxication associated to ingestion of eshnan (Seidlitzia rosmarinus) in sheep (چکیده)
4842 - Study of mechanical deformation of Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 bulk metallic glass through instrumented indentation (چکیده)
4843 - Effect of salinity and silicon on root characteristics, growth, water status, proline content and ion accumulation of purslane (چکیده)
4844 - Study of complexation process between N-phenylaza-15-crown-5 with yttrium cation in binary mixed solvents (چکیده)
4845 - Studies on the macrocycle mediated transport in a bulk liquid membrane system of transition metal cations (چکیده)
4846 - Blade curve influences on the performance of Savonius rotors: experimental and numerical (چکیده)
4848 - energy conservation by waste heat recovery in industry using thermosyphon heat exchangers (چکیده)
4849 - Modeling and simulation of CO2 removal from power plant flue gas by PG solution in a hollow fiber membrane contactor (چکیده)
4850 - Highly selective and sensitive coated-wire yttrium (III) cation selective electrode based on kryptofix-22DD (چکیده)
4851 - Competitive Transport of Seven Metal Cations through Bulk Liquid Membrane Using 5,12 di(phenoxymethyl) 1,4 dioxa 7, 10 dithiacyclododecane 2,3 dione as Carrier (چکیده)
4852 - Study of Complex Formation of Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 with Ce3+, Y3+, UO2+ 2 and Sr2+ Cations in Acetonitrile–Dioxane Binary Solvent Mixtures (چکیده)
4853 - Application of Fractal Theory for Prediction of Shrinkage of Dried Kiwifruit Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
4854 - Simultaneous extraction and determination of lead, cadmium and copper in rice samples by a new pre-concentration technique: Hollow fiber solid phase microextraction combined with differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (چکیده)
4855 - Synthesis and application of a novel solid-phase microextraction adsorbent: Hollow fiber supported carbon nanotube reinforced sol–gel for determination of phenobarbital (چکیده)
4857 - A conductometric study of complexation reaction between dibenzo-24-crown-8 with yttrium cation in some binary mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
4858 - A thermodynamic study of interaction of Na+ cation with benzo-15-crown-5 in binary mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
4860 - Wool characteristics in the third generation of Arkharmerino × Ghezel and Arkharmerino × Moghani crossbreed sheep (چکیده)
4861 - The Generalized Covering Salesman Problem (چکیده)
4862 - Tensile Creep Behavior of Medium-Density Polyethylene (چکیده)
4863 - Altered patterns of differentiation in karyotypically abnormal human embryonic stem cells (چکیده)
4864 - Introduction to electromagnetism algorithm for the examination timetabling problem and comparison of it with other metaheuristics (چکیده)
4865 - A heuristic procedure for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem (چکیده)
4866 - Variable Neighborhood Search for the Cost Constrained Minimum Label Spanning Tree and Label Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problems (چکیده)
4867 - An ILP Improvement Procedure for the Open Vehicle Routing Problem (چکیده)
4868 - Genetic Algorithm–Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Moisture and Oil Content of Pretreated Fried Mushroom (چکیده)
4869 - Comparison and evaluation of mathematical lactation curve functions of Iranian primiparous Holsteins (چکیده)
4870 - A new method of fictitious viscous damping determination for the dynamic relaxation method (چکیده)
4871 - Large deflection analysis of circular and annular FGM plates under thermo-mechanical loadings with temperature-dependent properties (چکیده)
4872 - The effect of gamma radiation on freezing tolerance of chickpea-Cicer aretinum L (چکیده)
4873 - Bis(8-hydroxy-2- methylquinolinium) bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato) nickelate(II) methanol monosolvate monohydrate (چکیده)
4874 - 1,1 -(Ethane-1,2-diyl)dipyridinium bis(iodate) (چکیده)
4875 - Waste heat recovery using heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHE) for surgery rooms in hospitals (چکیده)
4877 - CO2 separation using PDMS- ZSM5 zeolite composite membrane (چکیده)
4878 - 2-Aminopyrimidinium hydrogenoxalate hydrate (چکیده)
4879 - Synthesis, X-ray Crystallography Characterization, Vibrational Spectroscopy, and DFT Theoretical Studies of a New Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Material Theoretical Studies of a New Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Material (چکیده)
4880 - Triprolinium 12-Phosphomolybdate: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Properties of [C5H10NO2]3[PMo12O40].4.5H2O (چکیده)
4881 - A hybrid token-based distributed mutual exclusion algorithm using wraparound two-dimensional array logical topology (چکیده)
4882 - Study on H-bond patterns in phosphoric triamides having a P(O)NHC(O) skeleton, a gauche orientation of P(O) vs C(O) in new compounds (چکیده)
4883 - Ultrasound assisted synthesis of Cs2.5H0.5PW12O40: An efficient nano-catalyst for preparation of b-amino ketones via aza-Michael addition reactions (چکیده)
4884 - Synthesis of 14-Aryl- and Alkyl-14H-dibenzo[a, j]xanthenes Catalyzed by Silica-supported Ferric Hydrogensulfate (چکیده)
4885 - Auto-Design of Neural Network–Based GAs for Manipulating the Khangiran Gas Refinery Sweetening Absorption Column Outputs (چکیده)
4886 - Prevalence and pathological lesion of Trichomonas gallinae in pigeons of Iran (چکیده)
4887 - An abattoir-based study on the prevalence of hydatidosis in livestock in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
4888 - Morphological and molecular methods in identification of Aphidius transcaspicus Telenga (Hym: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) endoparasitoid of Hyalopterus spp. (Hom: Aphididae) with additional data on Aphidiinae phylogeny (چکیده)
4889 - The Effect of Rumen Acid Load on Postpartum Performance and Blood Metabolic Responses in Transition Holstein Cows (چکیده)
4890 - Synthesis and characterisation of new designed protoporphyrin-stabilised gold nanoparticles for cancer cells nanotechnology-based targeting (چکیده)
4891 - Comparative Analysis of Chemokine Receptor's Expression in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Human Bone Marrow and Adipose Tissue (چکیده)
4892 - On the homotopy groups of separable metric spaces (چکیده)
4893 - Self-Assembly, Crystal Structure and Analysisof Intermolecular Interactions of the SupramolecularCompound Based on Hexamolybdochromate(III),Sulfate and Piperazine (چکیده)
4894 - Suitable growth stage to start irrigation with saline water to increase salt tolerance and decrease ion accumulation of Kochia scoparia (چکیده)
4895 - Effects of Different Levels of Dried Citrus Pulp and Urea on Performance of Fattening Male Calves (چکیده)
4896 - Investigations with Spectroscopy, Zeta Potential and Molecular Modeling of the Non-Cooperative Behaviour Between Cyclophosphamide Hydrochloride and Aspirin upon Interaction with Human Serum Albumin: Binary and Ternary Systems from the View Point of Multi-Drug Therapy (چکیده)
4897 - Ultraviolet to visible frequency-conversion properties of rare earths doped glass ceramics (چکیده)
4898 - Dam-reservoir-foundation interaction effects on the modal characteristic of concrete gravity dams (چکیده)
4899 - Modeling of microstructure and mechanical behavior of ultra fine grained aluminum produced by accumulative roll-bonding (چکیده)
4900 - varphi -Factorable Operators and Weyl-Heisenberg Frames on LCA groups (چکیده)
4901 - Effect of Intramammary Injection of Nigella Sativa on Somatic Cell Count and Staphylococcus Aureus Count in Holstein Cows with S. aureus Subclinical Mastitis (چکیده)
4902 - The Non-Abelian Tensor Square and Schur multiplier of Groups of Orders p^2q, pq^2 and p^2qr (چکیده)
4903 - Application of artificial neural networks for simulation of experimental CO2 absorption data in a packed column (چکیده)
4904 - Energy saving in HVAC systems using nanofluid (چکیده)
4905 - Effects of organic and biological fertilizers on fruit yield and essential oil of sweet fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. dulce) (چکیده)
4906 - Two-dimensional dynamic analysis of thermal stresses in a finite-length FG thick hollow cylinder subjected to thermal shock loading using an analytical method (چکیده)
4907 - LB Simulation of Heat Transfer in Flow past a Square Unit of Four Isothermal Cylinders (چکیده)
4908 - Histochemical Characteristics of Cat Molar Salivary Gland (چکیده)
4909 - O-Phenyl (cyclohexylamido)(p-tolylamido)phosphinate (چکیده)
4910 - Asymptotic behaviors of the Lorenz curve and Gini index in sampling from a length-biased distribution (چکیده)
4911 - Evaluation of an Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger for the North-East of Iran with Semi-Arid Climate (چکیده)
4912 - Investigating the cytotoxic and apoptosis inducing effects of monoterpenoid stylosin in vitro (چکیده)
4913 - Surfactant-Extraction Method (چکیده)
4914 - Spatial patterns and regimes of daily precipitation in Iran in relation to large-scale atmospheric circulation (چکیده)
4915 - The effect of the Zagros Mountains on the formation and maintenance of the Iran Anticyclone using RegCM4 (چکیده)
4916 - Effects of suction and blowing on flow and heat transfer between two rotating spheres with time-dependent angular velocities (چکیده)
4917 - C–H/p synthon repetitivity in coordination compounds, established from single-crystal and powder diffraction† (چکیده)
4918 - Effect of Salt Stress on Growth and Essential oil of Matricaria chamomilla (چکیده)
4919 - Utilization of thermoelectric cooling in a portable active solar still — An experimental study on winter days (چکیده)
4920 - Sr–Nd isotope geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Chah-Shaljami granitoids (Lut Block, Eastern Iran) (چکیده)
4921 - First principles study of small cobalt clusters encapsulated in C60 and C82 (چکیده)
4922 - σ,τ-amenability of C*-algebras (چکیده)
4923 - The comparative morphology of Marshallagia marshalli and ostertagia occidentalis(Nematoda,Strongylida,Trichostrongylidea) by scnning electron microscopy (چکیده)
4924 - Modeling the fracture resistance of sunflower seed and its kernel as a function of moisture content, variety, size and loading orientation (چکیده)
4925 - The Bahadur representation for kernel-type estimator of the quantile function under strong mixing and censored data (چکیده)
4926 - Size dependence on reduction kinetic of iron based Fischer-Tropsch catalyst (چکیده)
4927 - The role of a periplasmic gluconolactonase (PpgL)-like protein in Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a (چکیده)
4928 - Separate and simultaneous binding effects of aspirin and amlodipine to human serum albumin based on fluorescence spectroscopic and molecular modeling characterizations: A mechanistic insight for determining usage drugs doses (چکیده)
4929 - S-allyl-3-(2-pyridyl-methylene)dithiocarbazate ligand and its manganese(II), cobalt(III) and nickel(II) complexes (چکیده)
4930 - (Towards extending the Chern-Simons couplings at order O(alpha ^2 (چکیده)
4931 - Cancer Stem Cells and Cancer Therapy (چکیده)
4932 - Mathematical modelling and experimental study of a solar distillation system (چکیده)
4933 - Ferric Hydrogensulphate as a Recyclable Catalyst for The Synthesis of Fluorescein Derivatives (چکیده)
4934 - Effect of irrigation and organic manure on Khorasan thyme(Thymus transcaspicus Klokov (چکیده)
4935 - Polynilpotent Multipliers of Some Nilpotent Products of Cyclic Groups (چکیده)
4936 - Inverse dynamics of a 3-prismatic–revolute–revolute planar parallel manipulator using natural orthogonal complement (چکیده)
4937 - Water deficit-induced changes on growth parameters and radiation use efficiency of promising durum wheat genotypes (چکیده)
4938 - First principles calculations of C70 fullerene nano-cage doped with transition (چکیده)
4939 - Diphenyl (cyclopentylamido)-phosphonate (چکیده)
4940 - A survey on basal resistance and riboflavin-induced defense responses of sugarbeet against Rhizoctonia solani (چکیده)
4941 - Transmission Expansion Planning and Cost Allocation Under Market Environments (چکیده)
4942 - The stability of mesons near event horizon of black hole (چکیده)
4943 - Black holes in Born-Infeld extended new massive gravity (چکیده)
4944 - Aspects of Negative Dependence Structures (چکیده)
4945 - N,N\'-Dibenzyl-N,N\'-dimethyl-N\"-(4-nitrobenzoyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4946 - Effect of Omega6:Omega3 Fatty Acid Ratios on Semen Quality of Malaysian Village Roosters (چکیده)
4947 - A piecewise-spectral parametric iteration method for solving the nonlinear chaotic Genesio system (چکیده)
4948 - An Exact Formulation for Dual-band Composite Right/Left Handed Transmission Line Design (چکیده)
4949 - N-(2-Fluorobenzoyl)-N-,N-- -bis(4-methylphenyl) phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4950 - N-Benzoyl-N-,N-- -dicyclohexylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4951 - N,N- -Dibenzyl-N,N- -dimethyl-N-- - (methylsulfonyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4952 - Finite element modelling and robust control of fast trilayer polypyrrole bending actuators (چکیده)
4953 - Molecular structures and spectroscopic characterization of cobalt(III) and nickel(II) complexes of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)- (چکیده)
4954 - New 2-pyridinealdehyde N4-hydroxyethyl thiosemicarbazone and their Cd(II) and Cu(II) complexes: synthesis, spectral, (چکیده)
4955 - Mixed Ligand Palladium(II) Complex with NS-Bidentate S-Allyldithiocarbazate Schiff Base: Synthesis, Spectral Characterization, Crystal Structure and Decoding Intermolecular Interactions with Hirshfeld Surface Analysis (چکیده)
4956 - The preparation, spectroscopic characterization and X-ray crystal structures of the pyrrole-2-carboxaldehyde Schiff base of S-allyldithiocarbazate (HL) and its nickel(II) complex ([Ni(L)2]) (چکیده)
4957 - Study on ovine abortion associated with Toxoplasma gondiin affected herds of Khorasan Razavi Province,based on PCR detection of fetal brains and maternal serologyran (چکیده)
4958 - Some conditions implying normality of operators (چکیده)
4959 - Characterization of equality in a generalized Dunkl--Williams inequality (چکیده)
4960 - Optimal Control of HIV Dynamic Using EmbeddingMethod (چکیده)
4961 - Diphenyl (o-tolylamido)phosphonate (چکیده)
4962 - N,N- -Dibenzyl-N-- -(2-chloro-2,2- difluoroacetyl)-N,N- -dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4963 - N-(2-Chloro-2,2-difluoroacetyl)-N-,N-- -diisopropylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
4964 - The hydrogen-bonded dimers of N,N\',N (چکیده)
4965 - Crystal structure of dichlorobis(4-amino-1,2,4-triazole)dimethyltin(IV), SnCl2(CH3)2(C2H4N4)2 (چکیده)
4966 - Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Pumpkin oil (Cucurbita pepo) on Performance and Blood Fat of Broiler Chickens during Finisher Period (چکیده)
4967 - Determination of Bismuth by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry using Single Drop Micro Extraction in Real Samples (چکیده)
4968 - Leptin mRNA in bovine spermatozoa (چکیده)
4969 - Stochastic Assessment of Thermo-Elastic Wave Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) with Gaussian Uncertainty in Constitutive Mechanical Properties (چکیده)
4970 - Transient analysis of thermo-elastic waves in thick hollow cylinders using a stochastic hybrid numerical method, considering Gaussian mechanical properties (چکیده)
4971 - Phenological stage effects on forage quality of four forbs species (چکیده)
4972 - Ultrastructural localisation of chromium in Ocimum basilicum (چکیده)
4973 - On the Kolmogorov inequalities for quadratic forms of dependent uniformly bounded random variables (چکیده)
4974 - Microstructural and mechanical properties of friction stir welded Cu–30Zn brass alloy at various feed speeds: Influence of stir bands (چکیده)
4975 - Physicochemical aspects of hydrocolloid extract from the seeds of Lepidium sativum (چکیده)
4976 - Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationships Study of Phenols Using Neural Network and Classic Multivariate Analysis (چکیده)
4977 - Effect of Bene Kernel Oil on the Frying Stability of Canola Oil (چکیده)
4978 - An Experimental Comparison between Demand Systems of Major Food Groups in Urban Economics (چکیده)
4979 - Hydrothermal synthesis, experimental and theoretical characterization of a novelcocrystal compound in the 2:1 stoichiometric ratio containing 6-methyluraciland dipicolinic acid (چکیده)
4980 - Structural variation within uraniumVI heterocyclic carboxylates: Solid and solution states studies (چکیده)
4981 - Effects of precipitation and temperature on crop production variability in northeast Iran (چکیده)
4982 - Effect of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum, Tween 80 and NaCl on droplets characteristics, flow properties and physical stability of ultrasonically prepared corn oil-in-water emulsions (چکیده)
4983 - The Histopathological Survey of Uterine Tissue in Holstein Dairy Cows with or without Recorded Reproductive Disorders (چکیده)
4984 - A new solution approach for simultaneous heat and mass transfer during convective drying of mango (چکیده)
4985 - Tissue distribution of the enzyme rhodanese in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum) and golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) (چکیده)
4986 - Vibration Analysis of Long Cylindrical Shells Using Acoustical Excitation (چکیده)
4987 - Estimation and modeling true metabolizable energy of sorghum grain for poultry (چکیده)
4988 - Outer and inner prediction intervals for order statistics intervals based on current records (چکیده)
4989 - Noncontact Liquid-Crystal Alignment by Supramolecular (چکیده)
4990 - Investigation of the antibacterial effect of venom of the Iranian snake Echis carinatus (چکیده)
4991 - A neural network approach for solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (چکیده)
4992 - Magnetoelastic properties of GdMn6Sn6 intermetallic compound (چکیده)
4993 - Evaluation of physicochemical characteristics of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruit during ripening (چکیده)
4994 - Testing exponentiality using transformed data (چکیده)
4995 - Bulk and Activated Carbon-Supported Tungstophosphoric Acid as Recyclable and Green Catalyst for One-Pot Synthesis of -Acetamido Ketones and Esters (چکیده)
4996 - Catalytic Performance of Nano-SiO2-Supported Preyssler Heteropolyacid in Esterification of Salicylic Acid with Aliphatic and Benzylic Alcohols (چکیده)
4997 - Variations of Energy Related Biochemical Metabolites During Periparturition Period in Fat-Tailed Baloochi Breed Sheep (چکیده)
4998 - Highly Efficient Fe(HSO4)3-Catalyzed One-Pot Mannich-Type Reactions: Three Component Synthesis of -amino Carbonyl Compounds (چکیده)
4999 - Determination of PSS Location Based on Singular Value Decomposition (چکیده)
5000 - Antioxidant activity of sesame, rice bran and bene hull oils and their unsaponifiable matters (چکیده)
5001 - Standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in wheat, barley, pea and flaxseed for broiler chickens (چکیده)
5002 - One-Pot Synthesis of Functionalized Tetrahydro-1,4-thiazepines (چکیده)
5003 - Correlation between BRAF mutation and t he clinicopathological p arameters in p apillary thyroid c arcinoma with particular reference t o follicular variant (چکیده)
5004 - Quantitative Verification of the Morphing Evolutionary Structural Optimization Method for Some Benchmark Problems Using a New Performance Index (چکیده)
5005 - Similitude requirements and scaling laws for flutter prediction of angle-ply composite plates (چکیده)
5006 - Structural similitude for flutter of delaminated composite beam-plates (چکیده)
5007 - Accuracy of scale models for flutter prediction of cross-ply laminated plates (چکیده)
5008 - Influence of Co substitution on magnetic properties and thermal expansion of (چکیده)
5009 - 1,3,5Trichloro-2,4,6-Triazinetrion: A Versatile Heterocycle for the One-Pot Synthesis (چکیده)
5010 - 1,3Dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin as a Novel and Efficient Homogeneous Catalyst (چکیده)
5011 - Assessment of genetic structure and variation of native Berberis populations of Khorasan provinces (Iran) using AFLP markers versus morphological markers (چکیده)
5012 - Metabolic predictors of post-partum disease and culling risk in dairy cattle (چکیده)
5013 - Effects of Dietary Phytase, Calcium and Phosphorus on Performance, Nutrient Utilization and Blood Parameters of Male Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
5014 - The Effects of Early Age Feed Restriction on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Male Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
5015 - Histological Effects of Cottonseed Meal with and Without Ferrous Sulfate and Lysine in Male Broiler Rations (چکیده)
5016 - Performance of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Intercropping System under Different Rates of Nitrogen (چکیده)
5017 - Effect of Force Molting on Postmolt Performance of Laying Hens (چکیده)
5018 - Short-term selection for yearling weight in a small experimental Iranian Afshari sheep flock (چکیده)
5019 - On the convergence of the Bl-LSQR algorithm for solving matrix equations (چکیده)
5020 - Investigation of genetic variability and inbreeding characteristics in a population of Zandi sheep (چکیده)
5021 - Effects of Substitution of Soybean Meal with Poultry By-Product Meal on Broiler Chickens Performance (چکیده)
5022 - Inclusion of full-fat safflower seed (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in broiler diet (چکیده)
5023 - Prevalence of Leptospira hardjo antibody in bulk tank milk in some dairy herds in Mashhad suburb (چکیده)
5024 - Reiter s properties for the actions of locally compact quantum groups on von Neumann algebras (چکیده)
5025 - Risk factors for the development of behavior problems in a population of Iranian domestic dogs: Results of a pilot survey (چکیده)
5026 - Mathematical modeling of convective drying: Lumped temperature and spatially distributed moisture in slab (چکیده)
5027 - Numerical Study of Circular Hydraulic Jump Using Volume-of-Fluid Method (چکیده)
5028 - The New Methods of Graphite Nodules Detection in Ductile Cast Iron (چکیده)
5029 - Inference for Weibull distribution based on progressively Type-II hybrid censored data (چکیده)
5030 - Estimation of genetic parameters for lamb weight at various ages in Mehraban sheep (چکیده)
5031 - Prediction of the overall sieve tray efficiency for a group of hydrocarbons, an artificial neural network approach (چکیده)
5032 - Adaptation of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay by purified gp51SU for detection of antibodies to bovine leukemia virus (چکیده)
5033 - Effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on cutaneous regeneration and wound healing in dogs treatedwith dexamethasone (چکیده)
5034 - Influence of Short-term, RepeatedFasting on the Skin Wound Healingof Female Mice (چکیده)
5035 - PCR-based Identification of Aflatoxigenic Fungi Associated with Iranian Saffron (چکیده)
5036 - Effect of gas diffusion layer and membrane properties in an annular proton exchange membrane fuel cell (چکیده)
5037 - Investigation of Variables Affecting Impedance Plane in Eddy Current Testing of Carburized Steels (چکیده)
5038 - Magnetic NDT Technology for characterization of decarburizing depth (چکیده)
5039 - Choosing and Ranking Irrigation Methods and the Study of Effective Factors of Adoption in Khorasan Razavi Province in Iran (چکیده)
5040 - Cylindrical and spherical dust acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasma with superthermal ions and electrons (چکیده)
5041 - Calibration of In Vitro Gas Production Technique Using Digital Pressure Gauge: Air Versus Fermentative Gases (چکیده)
5042 - A Virtual Work Based Algorithm for Solving Direct Dynamics Problem of a 3-RRP Spherical Parallel Manipulator (چکیده)
5043 - Determination of the modulus of elasticity in agricultural seeds on the basis of elasticity theory (چکیده)
5044 - A low-power successive-approximation ADC for biomedical applications (چکیده)
5045 - One-step fabrication of Cu–Al2O3 nanocomposite via solution combustion synthesis route (چکیده)
5046 - Evaluation of five resynchronization methods using different combinations of PGF2a, GnRH, estradiol and an intravaginal progesterone device for insemination in Holstein cows (چکیده)
5047 - In Vitro Culture of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Focusing on the Problem of Vitrification (چکیده)
5048 - seroprevalence ofToxoplasma gondii infection in dogs in Tehran, Iran (چکیده)
5049 - Extended Decision Template Presentation for Combining Classifiers (چکیده)
5050 - Preparation, structural characterization, semiconductor and photoluminescent properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles in a phosphonium-based ionic liquid (چکیده)
5051 - Rheological interactions between Lallemantia royleana seed extract and selected food hydrocolloids (چکیده)
5052 - Synthesis, experimental and theoretical characterization of N,N′-dipyridoxyl (1,4-butanediamine) Schiff-base ligand and its Cu(II) complex (چکیده)
5053 - On the spreading and solidification of molten particles in a plasma spray process: effect of thermal contact resistance (چکیده)
5054 - Capillary effects during droplet impact on a solid surface (چکیده)
5055 - The generalized Laplace equation of capillarity I. Thermodynamic and hydrostatic considerations of the fundamental equation for interfaces (چکیده)
5056 - The generalized Laplace equation of capillarity II. Hydrostatic and thermodynamic derivations of the Laplace equation for high curvatures (چکیده)
5057 - Deposition of tin droplets on a steel plate: simulations and experiments (چکیده)
5058 - Cooling effectiveness of a water drop impinging on a hot surface (چکیده)
5059 - Nonparametric Prediction Intervals for Future Order Statistics in a Proportional Hazard Model (چکیده)
5060 - Application of the homotopy perturbation method to linear and nonlinear 4th-order boundary value problems (چکیده)
5061 - Conceptual Linearization of Euler Governing Equations to Solve High Speed Compressible Flow Using a Pressure-Based Method (چکیده)
5062 - Application of the Homotopy Method for Analytical Solution of Non-Newtonian Channel Flows (چکیده)
5063 - DSMC Solution of Subsonic Flow through Micro-Nano Scale Channels (چکیده)
5064 - Extending the Navier–Stokes solutions to transition regime in two-dimensional micro- and nanochannel flows using information preservation scheme (چکیده)
5065 - An Open Source, Parallel DSMC Code for Rarefied Gas Flows in Arbitrary Geometries (چکیده)
5066 - Study of Supersonic-Subsonic Gas Flows through Micro-Nano Scale Nozzles Using Unstructured DSMC Solver (چکیده)
5067 - Simulating droplet impact on a substrate of arbitrary shape (چکیده)
5068 - A three-dimensional model of droplet impact and solidification (چکیده)
5069 - Dynamics of splat formation in plasma spray coating process (چکیده)
5070 - Splat shapes in a thermal spray coating process: simulations and experiments (چکیده)
5071 - BLSpray: Understanding the effects of black liquor properties and splash-plate nozzle configuration on spray characteristics (چکیده)
5072 - Seed Germination and Dormancy Breaking Techniques in Echinacea purpurea L (چکیده)
5073 - Social Structures (چکیده)
5074 - Influence of N2- and Ar-ambient annealing on the physical properties of SnO2: Co transparent conducting films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique (چکیده)
5075 - On the performance of a cascade of turbine rotor tip section blading in nucleating steam Part3: theoretical treatment (چکیده)
5076 - An Investigation of Nucleating Flows of Steam in a Cascade of Turbine Blading-Theoretical Treatment (چکیده)
5077 - Nonlinear bending analysis of annular FGM plates using higher-order shear deformation plate theories (چکیده)
5078 - 2D-Network of Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Material Built on Keggin Type Polyoxometallate and Amino Acid: [L-C2H6NO2]3[(PO4) Mo12O36].5H2O (چکیده)
5079 - Synthesis and Characterization of Tetraprolinium Silicotungstic Acid Tetrahydrate, [L-C5H10NO2]4[SiW12O40].4H2O, As a New Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Based on Polyoxometallates (چکیده)
5080 - 3Ethylsulfanyl-5-methyl-1-phenyl- 7-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)-1H-pyrimido[4,5-e]- [1,3,4]thiadiazine (چکیده)
5081 - Synthesis, Structure and Analysis of Intermolecular Interactions of Organic-inorganic Hybrid Compound Based on Anderson-type Polyoxometalates and Piperazine (چکیده)
5082 - Bis(1-methyl-4-oxoimidazolidin-2- iminium) diaquabis(pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylato-k2N,O2)zincate(II) dihydrate (چکیده)
5083 - distribution, habitat and differentiation ofthe poorly-known black morph of MourningWheatear Oenanthe lugens lugens in Jordan (چکیده)
5084 - Effect of Long Term Salt Stress on Gas Exchange and Leaf Carbohydrate Contents in Two Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cultivars (چکیده)
5086 - Effect of Calcination Process on Phase Formation in Nano-Sized Zn0.9Mn0.1O Particles (چکیده)
5087 - Reliable Prediction of Pore Size Distribution for Nano-sized Adsorbents with Minimum Information Requirements (چکیده)
5088 - Triphenyl[2-(triphenylphosphaniumyl)- ethyl]phosphanium bis(periodate) (چکیده)
5089 - Oscillation, Quasi-Oscillation and Joint Continuity (چکیده)
5090 - Construction and characterization of a lux-marked phenanthrene degrading bacterium (چکیده)
5091 - Numerical investigation of Al2O3/water nanofluid laminar convective heat transfer through triangular ducts (چکیده)
5092 - Facile and Green Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructures in a Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (چکیده)
5093 - Extraction optimization of a hydrocolloid extract from cress seed (Lepidium sativum) using response surface methodology (چکیده)
5094 - Visual skills involved in decision making by expert referees (چکیده)
5095 - Exact and approximate solutions of fuzzy LR linear systems: New algorithms using a least squares model and the ABS approach (چکیده)
5097 - Estimation of Sediment Volume in Karaj Dam Reservoir (Iran) by Hydrometry Method and a Comparison with Hydrography Method (چکیده)
5098 - Effect of bovine viral diarrhoea virus biotypes on adherence of sperm to oocytes during in-vitro fertilization in cattle (چکیده)
5099 - Antimicrobial activity of Zataria multiflora Boiss. essential oil incorporated with whey protein based films on pathogenic and probiotic bacteria (چکیده)
5100 - Characterization of life distributions using log-odds rate in discrete ageing (چکیده)
5101 - Characterizations of lifetime distributions based on doubly truncated mean residual life and mean past to failure (چکیده)
5102 - Removal of hydrogen sulfide from methane using commercial polyphenylene oxide and Cardo-type polyimide hollow fiber membranes (چکیده)
5103 - Effect of Feeding Pistachio Byproduct on Performance and Blood Metabolites in Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
5104 - Rate of physiological germination relates to the percentage of normal seedlings in standard germination tests of naturally aged seed lots of oilseed rape (چکیده)
5105 - Multiobjective Optimal Control of HIV Dynamics (چکیده)
5106 - Effect of Chemical Composition and Dietary Enzyme Supplementation on Metabolisable Energy of Wheat Screenings (چکیده)
5107 - The effect of light illumination in photoionization of deep traps in GaN MESFETs buffer layer using an ensemble Monte Carlo simulation (چکیده)
5108 - Calculation of forming limit diagrams using Hill's 1993 yield criterion (چکیده)
5109 - Separation and Determination of Amitriptyline and Nortriptyline in Biological Samples Using Single-Drop Microextraction with GC (چکیده)
5110 - Analytical Elastic-Plastic Study on Flange Wrinkling in Deep Drawing Process (چکیده)
5111 - An Investigation Into the Prediction of Forming Limit Diagrams for Normal Anisotropic Material Based on Bifurcation Analysis (چکیده)
5112 - Different orientations of C=O versus P=O in P(O)NHC(O) skeleton: the first study on an aliphatic diazaphosphorinane with a gauche orientation (چکیده)
5113 - C1-Robustly Minimal IFS with Three Generators (چکیده)
5115 - Prediction of tractor repair and maintenance costs using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
5116 - An Adaptive Q-Learning Algorithm Developed for Agent-Based Computational Modeling of Electricity Market (چکیده)
5117 - Fabrication of cerium oxide nanoparticles: Characterization and optical properties (چکیده)
5118 - Observer-based Adaptive fuzzy control of time-delay uncertain nonlinear systems (چکیده)
5119 - A Novel Modal Series Representation Approach to Solve a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
5120 - Influence of Protein Sources with Different Degradability on Performance, Ruminal Fermentation, Blood Metabolites and Protozoal Population in Lactating Dairy Cows (چکیده)
5121 - Effects of Soy and Corn Flour Addition on Batter Rheology and Quality of Deep Fat-Fried Shrimp Nuggets (چکیده)
5122 - Kinetics of Mass Transfer in Microwave Precooked and Deep-Fat Fried Ostrich Meat Plates (چکیده)
5123 - Single nucle otide polymorphisms an d mRNA expression of VEGF-A in papillary thyroid carcino ma: Potentia l markers for aggress ive phenotypes (چکیده)
5124 - Renyi entropy properties of records (چکیده)
5125 - Modeling and Optimization of Mass Transfer during Osmosis Dehydration of Carrot Slices by Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (چکیده)
5126 - Crystal structure of 4,4 -bipyridinium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)mercurate(II) — diaquabis(hydrogen (چکیده)
5127 - Bis(8-hydroxy-2- methylquinolinium) bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)-cuprate(II) methanol monosolvate (چکیده)
5128 - Bis(2,3-diaminopyridinium) bis(µ-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)-k4O2,N,O6:O6;k4O2:O2,N,O6- bis[aqua(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k3O2,N,O6)bismuthate(III)] tetrahydrate] (چکیده)
5129 - The effect of allicin on blood and tissue lead content in mice (چکیده)
5130 - Transcript isoforms of promyelocytic leukemia in mouse male and female gametes (چکیده)
5131 - Determination of Cadmium by FAAS after Adsorption and Preconcentration on 2-Aminothiophenol Modified Silica Gel (چکیده)
5132 - Synthesis, Characterization of Silica Gel Phases Chemically Immobilized with -2-Aminothiophenol and the Use of it for Preconcentration and Determination of Trace Amounts of Copper and Batch Studies by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (چکیده)
5133 - Synthesis, Characterization and Adsorption of Metal Ions on New Silica-Gel Organofunctionalized Compound (چکیده)
5134 - Effect of salinity on biomass production and activities of some key enzymatic antioxidants in kochia (Kochia scoparia) (چکیده)
5135 - Kinetic modeling of mass transfer during deep fat frying of fried shrimp nugget prepared without a pre-frying step (چکیده)
5136 - An empowered adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system using self-organizing map clustering to predict mass transfer kinetics in deep-fat frying of ostrich meat plates (چکیده)
5137 - Influence of Matric Potential on Survival and Activity of Genetically Engineered Ralstonia eutropha H850Lr (چکیده)
5138 - Characterization of Bacteria Degrading Petroleum Derivatives Isolated from Contaminated Soil and Water (چکیده)
5139 - Some Remarks on The History of Functional Analysis (چکیده)
5140 - Cytomolecular aspects of rice sheath blight caused by Rhizoctonia solani (چکیده)
5141 - Preyssler-type heteropoly acid: A new, mild and efficient catalyst for protection of carbonyl compounds (چکیده)
5142 - The Physical Properties of Fig (Ficus carica L.) as a Function of Moisture Content and Variety (چکیده)
5143 - A study of inelastic electron–phonon interactions on tunneling magnetoresistance of a nano-scale device (چکیده)
5144 - Ionic Liquid, [bmim]Br, as An Efficient Promoting Medium for Synthesis of 2-Amino-3,5-dicarbonitrile-6-thiopyridines (چکیده)
5145 - Direct pore size distribution estimation of heterogeneous nano-structured solid adsorbents from condensation data: Condensation with no prior adsorption (چکیده)
5146 - Participation in Reactive Power Market Considering Generator Aging (چکیده)
5147 - Background Estimation In Kernel Space (چکیده)
5148 - Transmission network cost allocation with nodalpricing approach based on Ramsey pricing concept (چکیده)
5150 - Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Trusses by Virtual Loads (چکیده)
5151 - On the integration schemes for Drucker–Prager’s elastoplastic models based on exponential maps (چکیده)
5152 - Comparison of Morpho-skeletal Characteristics (using Standardised Criteria Sets) of the Great Tit Parus major (Linnaeus 1758) in Three Iranian Populations (Mashhad, Noor and Hamedan) (چکیده)
5153 - A new robust capacitively coupled second harmonic quadrature LC oscillator (چکیده)
5154 - Automatic DR Structural Analysis of Snap-Through nd Snap-Back Using Optimized Load Increments (چکیده)
5156 - The dynamic relaxation method using new formulation for fictitious mass and damping (چکیده)
5158 - Application of Exponential-Based Methods in Integrating the Constitutive Equations with Multicomponent Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening (چکیده)
5159 - A mixed and multi-step higher-order implicit time integration family (چکیده)
5160 - Changes in ghrelin mRNA level, plasma growth hormone concentration and performance in different dietary energy and protein levels in broiler chicken (چکیده)
5161 - Assessment of Demographic, Geographical and genetic Risks in Markhoz Goat Population (چکیده)
5162 - PCR-SSCP variation of GH and STAT5A genes and their association with estimated breeding values of growth traits in Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
5163 - Assessment relationship between Leptin and Ghrelin genes polymorphisms and Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) of growth traits in Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
5164 - Numerical simulation and experimental comparison of channel geometry on performance of a PEM fuel cell (چکیده)
5165 - Solving nonlinear optimal control problems using a hybrid IPSO–SQP algorithm (چکیده)
5166 - Water-gas-shift kinetics over a Fe/Cu/La/Si catalyst in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
5167 - An adaptive ordered fuzzy time series with application to FOREX (چکیده)
5168 - Proportionally fair flow control mechanism for best effort traffic in network-on-chip architectures (چکیده)
5169 - Buffer Optimization in Network-on-Chip Through Flow Regulation (چکیده)
5170 - Adaptive QoS scheduling in wireless cellular networks (چکیده)
5172 - A treatment of the Cauchy--Schwarz inequality in C^* -modules (چکیده)
5173 - A Diaz-Metcalf type inequality for positive linear maps and its applications (چکیده)
5174 - Hardness profile plotting using multi-frequency multi-output sensor (چکیده)
5175 - Axisymmetric yielding of functionally graded spherical vessel under thermo-mechanical loading (چکیده)
5176 - Application of experimental design approach and artificial neural network (ANN) for the determination of potential micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration process (چکیده)
5177 - Critical pitting temperature dependence of 2205 duplex stainless steel on dichromate ion concentration in chloride medium (چکیده)
5178 - Meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for coupled thermoelasticity analysis of a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder (چکیده)
5179 - Stochastic meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method for thermo-elastic wave propagation analysis in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders (چکیده)
5180 - Cardinal Germination Temperatures of SomeMedicinal Plant Species (چکیده)
5181 - The effects of peer education on health behaviors in girls with dysmenorrhea (چکیده)
5182 - Self-management in Primary Dysmenorrhea: Toward Evidence-based Education (چکیده)
5183 - Toroidal Solutions in Horava Gravity (چکیده)
5184 - Norm continuity of weakly quasi-continuous mappings (چکیده)
5185 - Microstructural study in graphitised hypereutectoid cast and commercial steels (چکیده)
5186 - Chelation of cadmium by combining deferasirox and deferiprone in rats (چکیده)
5188 - Minimal-memory realization of pearl-necklace encoders of general quantum convolutional codes (چکیده)
5189 - Removal of vanadium by combining desferrioxamine and deferiprone chelators in rats (چکیده)
5191 - Cadmium transport in blood serum (چکیده)
5192 - Removal of thallium by deferasirox in rats as biological model (چکیده)
5193 - An enhancement in the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 by the use of Pd: the question of layer sequence in the resulting hierarchical structure (چکیده)
5194 - Isolation and characterization of six microsatellite loci in the larch budmoth Zeiraphera diniana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) (چکیده)
5195 - Genetic diversity and genetic similarities between Iranian rose species (چکیده)
5196 - Comparative evaluation in the use of topical corticosteroid in the management of corneal alkali burn ulcers in rabbits (چکیده)
5197 - An abattoir-based study of hydatidosis in the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
5198 - Comparison of the effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin or progesterone on pregnancy per artificial insemination in repeat-breeder dairy cows (چکیده)
5199 - Clinical evaluation of Deferasirox for removal of cadmium ions in rat (چکیده)
5200 - Serodiagnosis of sheep hydatidosis with hydatid fluid, protoscolex, and whole body of Echinococcus granulosus antigens (چکیده)
5201 - Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Triphenylmethane Dyes in Complex Samples Using Synthetic Accommodation of Unknown Interferents During Partial Least Square Regression (چکیده)
5202 - Detection and properties of the human proliferative monocyte subpopulation (چکیده)
5203 - Macrophage lineage phenotypes and osteoclastogenesis-Complexity in the control by GM-CSF and TGF-beta (چکیده)
5204 - A computational study of the kinetics and mechanism of the gas phase pyrolysis of allyl methyl amine (چکیده)
5205 - Oxidation of benzylic and some aliphatic alcohols 1,2-ethylenebis(triphenylphosphonium)chlorochromate (EBTPPCC): As a new, an efficient and mild oxidant (چکیده)
5206 - A simplified two-phase macroscopic model for reinforced soils (چکیده)
5207 - Development and Validation of a Two-Phase Model for Reinforced Soil by Considering Nonlinear Behavior of Matrix (چکیده)
5208 - High osteoclastogenic potential of the human proliferative monocyte subpopulation (چکیده)
5209 - Aspects of Dependence in Generalized Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern Distributions (چکیده)
5210 - Chemical Wave Studies in the Bromate–Pyrocatechol Beads System (چکیده)
5211 - Solar radiation effects on evaporative losses of floating roof storage tanks (چکیده)
5212 - Inhibitive effect of synthesized 2-(3-pyridyl)-3,4-dihydro-4-quinazolinone as a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in hydrochloric acid (چکیده)
5213 - Performance of distance-based DNA barcoding in the molecularidentification of Primates (چکیده)
5214 - Corrigendum to ‘‘Phylogeny of the mourning wheatear Oenanthe lugens complex (چکیده)
5215 - Phylogeny of the mourning wheatear Oenanthe lugens complex (چکیده)
5216 - Bootstrap testing fuzzy hypotheses and observations on fuzzy statistic (چکیده)
5217 - Aspects concerning entropy and utility (چکیده)
5218 - Effect of dietary supplementation of licorice extract and a prebiotic on performance and blood metabolites of broilers (چکیده)
5219 - Energy of ion acoustic solitons in electron-positron-ion plasmas with high relativistic ions (چکیده)
5220 - Parenteral Selenium and Vitamin E Supplementation to Lambs:Hematology, SerumBiochemistry, Performance, and Relationship with Other Trace Elements (چکیده)
5221 - A comparative study of the preliminary examining methods for liquefaction potential and geological condition of constal soils in the southeastern Caspian sea (چکیده)
5222 - Continuation of the Periodic Orbits for the Differential Equation with Discontinuous Right Hand Side (چکیده)
5223 - Modeling of a 6H-SiC MESFET for high-power and high-gain applications (چکیده)
5224 - Beta-entropy for Pareto-type distributions and related weighted (چکیده)
5225 - Predicting dryland wheat yield from meteorological data using expert system in Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
5226 - Syntheses and Characterization of Two Novel Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials Based on Polyoxotungstoborate: [L-C2H5NO2-H]3[H2BW12O40].5H2O and [CH4N2O-H]2[H3BW12O40].5H2O (C2H5NO2 = Glycine; CH4N2O = Urea), (چکیده)
5227 - Contribution of intermolecular interactions to constructing supramolecular hybrid of polyoxomolybdate and ((1H-tetrazole-5-yl) methyl)morpholinearchitecture: Synthesis, structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of a new (چکیده)
5228 - Propane-1,3-diaminium pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylate dimethyl sulfoxide monosolvate (چکیده)
5229 - catena-Poly[4,4´-bipyridinium [[tetraaqua(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k3O2,N,O6)cerate(III)]-µ-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k4O2:O2´,N,O6-[(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k3O2,N,O6)-cerate(III)]-µ-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k4O2,N,O6:O6´] pentahydrate] (چکیده)
5230 - Bis(4-carboxypyridine-2-carboxylato-k2N,O2)copper(II) dimethyl sulfoxide disolvate (چکیده)
5231 - 2,2Bipyridine)(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)oxidovanadium(IV) ethanol monosolvate (چکیده)
5232 - Bis(2-amino-4-methylpyridinium) bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato) cuprateII (چکیده)
5233 - The Effect of Heat or Heat-Xylose Processing on Nitrogen Fractions and in Situ/In Vitro Ruminal and Post-Ruminal Protein Disappearance of Guar Meal (چکیده)
5234 - Chebyshev Centers and Approximation in Pre-Hilbert C* -Modules (چکیده)
5235 - The role of impurities on the properties of electron transport through themetal/ Polyacetylene/ metal:a Green’s function approach (چکیده)
5236 - Tunnel magnetoresistance of the system of ferromagnetic electrode/ Polyacetylene/ ferromagnetic electrode:A Green’s function approach (چکیده)
5237 - Frequency-conversion properties of Eu3+ doped chlorophosphate glass ceramics containing CaCl2 nanocrystals (چکیده)
5238 - Effect of Substrate and Variety on Some Important Quality and Quantity Characteristics of Strawberry Production in Vertical Hydroponics System (چکیده)
5239 - Geochemistry of Late Cretaceous phosphorites in Egypt: Implication for their genesis and diagenesis (چکیده)
5240 - Transport study of some transition metal cations through a bulk liquid membrane using dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 as carrier (چکیده)
5241 - Conformational Stabilities, EPR, IR and VCD Studies of Tris(ethylenediamine)nickel(II) Chloride (چکیده)
5242 - Influence of temperature, pressure, nanotube’s diameter and intertube distance on methane adsorption in homogeneous armchair open-ended SWCNT triangular arrays (چکیده)
5243 - Bioattenuation in Groundwater Impacted by Landfill Leachate Traced with δ13C (چکیده)
5244 - A Secure Mobile Ad hoc Network Based on Distributed Certificate Authority (چکیده)
5245 - Management of Energy Consumption on Cluster Based Routing Protocol for MANET (چکیده)
5246 - Capillary Gas Chromatographic determination of Palladium Chelates using MIP-AED (چکیده)
5247 - A routing layer-based hierarchical service advertisement and discovery for MANETs (چکیده)
5248 - On RR couplings on D-branes at order O(a^2 (چکیده)
5249 - Study of competitive transport of metal cations through bulk liquid membrane using 4’-nitrobenzo-18-crown-6 and diaza-18-crown-6 (چکیده)
5250 - Wild hybrids of Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus)*Greater White-fronted Goose (A. albifrons) (Aves: Anseriformes) from the European migratory flyway (چکیده)
5251 - The Lanius excubitor (Aves, Passeriformes) conundrum - taxonomic dilemma when molecular and non-molecular data tell different stories (چکیده)
5252 - Highly Selective Transport of Lead Cation through Bulk Liquid Membrane by Macrocyclic Ligand of Decyl-18-Crown-6 as Carrier (چکیده)
5253 - Next-to-next-leading order correction to 3-jet rate and event-shape distribution (چکیده)
5254 - Capillary Gas Chromatography of Chloride and bromide as Phenylboronic acid/mercuric nitrate derivatives with MIP-AED (چکیده)
5255 - Capillary Gas Chromatographic determination of Chloride using 2,4-dichlorophenylboronic acid as a derivatizing reagent (چکیده)
5256 - Capillary Gas Chromatographic determination of Copper and Nickel using MIP-AED (چکیده)
5257 - Effect of Y3+ and Nb5+ co-doping on dielectric and piezoelectric properties of PZT ceramics (چکیده)
5258 - Platinum-selective capillary gas chromatographic determination with microwave-induced plasma atomic emission detection (چکیده)
5259 - A Polarographic Study of Tl+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ Complexes with Aza-18-crown-6 and Dibenzopyridino-18-crown-6 in some Binary Mixed Non-aqueous Solvents (چکیده)
5260 - Comparative ethylene polymerization using FI-like zirconium based catalysts (چکیده)
5261 - Characterization and origin of late Devonian illitic clay deposits southwestern Iran (چکیده)
5262 - Late Devonian facies variety in Iran: volcanism as a possible trigger of the environmental perturbation (چکیده)
5263 - Solvent influence upon complex formation between benzo-15-crown-5 and Mg2+, Ca2+ and Sr2+ cations in some pure and binary mixed solvents using conductometric method (چکیده)
5264 - Determination of trace elements using multi-parameter coincidence spectrometry (چکیده)
5265 - High-sensitive elemental analysis using multi-parameter coincidence spectrometer: GEMINI-II (چکیده)
5266 - Isotopic chemostratigraphy of the microbialite-bearing Permian–Triassic boundary section in the Zagros Mountains, Iran (چکیده)
5267 - Sol-gel synthesis of alumina-titania ceramic membrane: Preparation and characterization (چکیده)
5268 - Schatten p-norm inequalities related to an extended operator parallelogram law (چکیده)
5269 - The Effect of Methylcellulose, Temperature, and Microwave Pretreatment on Kinetic of Mass Transfer During Deep Fat Frying of Chicken Nuggets (چکیده)
5270 - Determination of Radon and Radium Content of Drinking Water Supplies of Kelardasht-Kalenov Region in Iran (چکیده)
5271 - 9-Aminoacridinium nitrate monohydrate (چکیده)
5272 - Tris{4-[(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)methyl]-morpholinium} dodecatungstophosphatehexahydrate (چکیده)
5273 - The effect of short-time microwave exposures on Escherichia coli O157:H7 inoculated onto beef slices (چکیده)
5274 - Chronic forced swim stress inhibits ultra-low dose morphine-induced hyperalgesia in rats (چکیده)
5275 - Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of Sambucus ebulus rhizome extract in rats (چکیده)
5276 - An accurate and simple method for measurement of paw edema (چکیده)
5277 - Investigating the enhancement of cisplatin cytotoxicity on 5637 cells by combination with mogoltacin (چکیده)
5279 - Terpolymerization of Ethylene/Propylene/ Diene Monomers Using (2-PhInd)2ZrCl2 Metallocene Catalysts (چکیده)
5280 - Novel Late Transition Metal Catalysts Based on Iron: Synthesis, Structures and Ethylene Polymerization (چکیده)
5281 - Simulation and implementation of a novel model-based DPC for three-phase power converters (چکیده)
5282 - A simple and efficient control strategy for four-switch three-phase power converters (چکیده)
5283 - High performance direct instantaneous power control of PWM rectifiers (چکیده)
5284 - A new strategy for wind speed forecasting using artificial intelligent methods (چکیده)
5285 - Online tuning of genetic based PID controller in LFC systems using RBF neural network and VSTLF technique (چکیده)
5286 - Static and dynamic wind turbine simulator using a converter controlled dc motor (چکیده)
5287 - Molecular structure and vibrational assignments of bis(4-aminopent-3-en-2-onato)copper(II): A detailed density functional theoretical study (چکیده)
5288 - The effects of date syrup and guar gum on physical, rheological and sensory properties of low fat frozen yoghurt dessert (چکیده)
5289 - Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure and spectroscopic characterization of heterotrinuclear oxo-centered complex [Fe2NiO(CH3CH2COO)6(H2O)3] (چکیده)
5290 - Nano Iron Oxide Particles efficiency on Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu Concentrations in Wheat Plant (چکیده)
5291 - Design, synthesis and SAR studies of 4-allyoxyaniline amides as potent 15-lipoxygensae inhibitors (چکیده)
5292 - Novel cobalt(II) complexes of amino acids–Schiff bases catalyzed aerobic oxidation of various alcohols to ketones and aldehyde (چکیده)
5293 - Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 6-hydroxy-4-methylquinolin-2(1H)-one derivatives as inotropic agents (چکیده)
5294 - Design and synthesis of a new series of amphiphilic peptide-β-cyclodextrins as phase transfer carriers for glucosamine (چکیده)
5295 - Non-Isothermal Crystallization of Al2O3/HDPE Composite (چکیده)
5296 - Bis(2-amino-6-methylpyridinium) transdiaquabis(pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato)-cobaltate(II) octahydrate (چکیده)
5297 - Tetrakis{4-[(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)methyl]-morpholin-4-ium} dodecatungstosilicate hexahydrate (چکیده)
5298 - The Changes in free energies and entropies from analytical radial distribution functions (چکیده)
5299 - Differentiating Heavy from Light Drinkers by Neural Responses to Visual Alcohol Cues and Other Motivational Stimuli (چکیده)
5300 - Synthesis of New Derivatives of 3-Aryl-1,5-dimethyl-1H-[1,2,4]triazolo[40,30:1,2]pyrimido[4,5-e][1,3,4]oxadiazines as Potential Antiproliferative Agents (چکیده)
5301 - Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluations of New Pyridazino[4,3-e][1,3,4]oxadiazines (چکیده)
5302 - Small loop spaces and covering theory of non-homotopically Hausdorff spaces (چکیده)
5303 - N,N--Dicyclohexyl-N--,N---dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
5304 - Exact Solution of Three -Dimensional Unsteady Stagnation Flow on a Heated Plate (چکیده)
5305 - The efficacy and safety of long-term Helicobacter species quadruple therapy in asymptomatic cats with naturally acquired infection (چکیده)
5306 - Germination Properties of Some Wild Medicinal Plants from Iran (چکیده)
5307 - Seed germination and dormancy breaking techniques for Ferula gummosa and Teucrium polium (چکیده)
5308 - Molecular Characterization of Iranian Infectious Bursal Disease Viruses (چکیده)
5309 - Sertoli Cell Tumor in a Pigeon (Columba livia) (چکیده)
5310 - Finding a safe place to cross the road: the effect of distractors and the role of attention in children s identification of safe and dangerous road-crossing sites (چکیده)
5311 - Correlation Between PXR and ABCG2 Patterns of mRNA Expression in MCF7 Breast Carcinoma Cell Derivatives upon Induction by Proinflammatory Cytokines (چکیده)
5312 - Ossifying fibroma in a canary-Serinus canaria (چکیده)
5313 - Ethyl methanesulfonate treatment of celery plants affects the expression pattern of CEL I endonuclease (چکیده)
5314 - The effect of adding enzyme-modified cheese on sensory and texture properties of low- and high-fat cream cheeses (چکیده)
5315 - Eigenvalue extensions of Bohr\'s inequality (چکیده)
5316 - The study of forage quality of Haloxylon aphyllum and Eurotia ceratoides in different phenological stages (چکیده)
5317 - N,N- ,N-- ,N---Tetrakis(2-methylphenyl)- oxybis(phosphonic diamide): a redeter- mination at 150 K with Mo Ka radiation (چکیده)
5318 - Highly selective transport of silver(I) cation across a bulk liquid membrane containing an acyclic thioether ligand as carrier (چکیده)
5319 - Determination of Cadmium by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (چکیده)
5320 - Design and Manufacture of a Pistachio Peeling Machine (چکیده)
5321 - Erratum to Topological Centres of Certain Banach Module Actions (چکیده)
5322 - Relaxed constraints support vector machines for noisy data (چکیده)
5323 - Applying interactive multi objective decission making method in design of a sustainable recovery network to include differnet stakeholders preferences (چکیده)
5324 - Designing sustainable recovery network of end-of-life products using genetic algorithm (چکیده)
5325 - Modified Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving Integral Equations (چکیده)
5326 - Shell fitting space for classification (چکیده)
5327 - A Comparative Study of Drug-Related Attentional Bias: Evidence From Iran (چکیده)
5328 - Three new inorganic-organic hybrid materials based on inorganic cluster, [(PO4)M12O36].nH2O (M = Mo, W) (چکیده)
5329 - Syntheses, crystal, and molecular structures of Mn(II), Zn(II), and Ce(III) compounds and solution studies of Mn(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), and Ce(III) compounds obtained from a suitable proton transfer compound containing bda and pydcH2 (bda 5 butane-1,4-diamine; pydcH2 5 pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid) (چکیده)
5330 - Poly[aqua(dimethyl sulfoxide)(l4- pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylato)calcium(II)] (چکیده)
5331 - 2Amino-4-methylpyridinium 6-carboxypyridine-2-carboxylate methanol monosolvate (چکیده)
5332 - Acridine–benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (3/1) (چکیده)
5333 - Bis(9-aminoacridinium) bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)cuprate(II) trihydrate (چکیده)
5334 - Physical and Mechanical Properties of Peach (چکیده)
5335 - Application of He’s Homotopy Perturbation Method to Linear Programming (چکیده)
5336 - Molecular identification of ovine Theileria species by a new PCR–RFLP method (چکیده)
5337 - Two outbreaks of Pasteurella Multocida Septicemia (چکیده)
5338 - Identification of Theileria species in sheep in the eastern half of Iran using nested PCR-RFLP and microscopic techniques (چکیده)
5339 - Genetic polymorphism of the melatonin receptor 1A locus in Iranian Shall and Karakul sheep (چکیده)
5340 - Effect of electrolysis condition of zinc powder production on zinc–silver oxide battery operation (چکیده)
5342 - Detailed profiling of CNTs arrays along the growth window in a floating catalyst reactor (چکیده)
5343 - Effects of the Exterior Surface Paint Color on Sludge Formation in a Crude Oil StorageTank (چکیده)
5344 - Effect of Acetic Acid on Amorphous Carbon Removal along a CNT Synthesis Reactor (چکیده)
5345 - Synthesis and Complexing Properties of Novel Crown Ethers and Thiacrown Ethers Incorporating New Heterocyclic Moieties (چکیده)
5346 - N,N’-Bis(2-chlorobenzyl)-N”-(dichloroacetyl) phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
5347 - N-Cyclohexylcyclohexanaminium chloride (چکیده)
5348 - Preserving Melons by Osmotic Dehydration in a Ternary System Followed by Air-Drying (چکیده)
5349 - A New Variety and A Review of the Genus Neotorularia (Brassicaceae) in Flora of Iran (چکیده)
5350 - A novel recurrent nonlinear neural network for solving quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
5351 - Measurable lower bounds on concurrence (چکیده)
5352 - Handelia Heimerl, A New Genus of the Asteraceae-Anthemideae for the Flora of Iran (چکیده)
5353 - Two New Species of the Genus Astragalus sect. Ammodendron (FABACEAE) From Iran (چکیده)
5354 - Variational iteration method for solving mth-order boundary value problems (چکیده)
5355 - The Effect of Glycine and Desiccated Ox Bile Supplementation on Performance, Fat Digestibility, Blood Chemistry and Ileal Digesta Viscosity of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
5356 - A preliminary molecular study of the Iranian species of Calomyscus (Rodentia- Calomyscidae) using RFLP (چکیده)
5357 - Geometric morphometric study of two species of the psammophilous genus Erodiontes (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from the Lute desert, Central Iran (چکیده)
5358 - Morphmetric comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Gerbillinae, Rodentia) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
5359 - Disk level S-matrix elements at eikonal Regge limit (چکیده)
5360 - Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions, U-Pb Age and Petrogenesis of Khajeh Mourad Paleo-Tethys Leucogranite, Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
5361 - Strong Laws for Weighted Sums of Negative Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
5362 - Effects of annealing temperature on some structural and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by a modified sol–gel combustion method (چکیده)
5363 - A Serological Study and Subsequent Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii From Aborted Ovine (چکیده)
5364 - Investigating the Effects of Vitreous Humour (Crude Extract) on Growth and Differentiation of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells (rMSCs) and Human NTERA2 Cells (چکیده)
5365 - A survey on the effect of vanadium content on the magnetoelastic (چکیده)
5366 - Effect of prepartum administration of monensin on metabolism of pregnant ewes (چکیده)
5367 - A comparative study of the long-term effects of piroxicam and ketoprofen on the gastric mucosa, kidney, liver, and hematopoietic system of dogs (چکیده)
5368 - Optimal record-based statistical procedures for the two-parameter exponential distribution (چکیده)
5369 - Bayesian Analysis for the Two-Parameter Pareto Distribution Based on Record Values and Times (چکیده)
5372 - Effects of diets containing monensin, garlic oil or turmeric powder on ruminal and blood metabolite responses of sheep (چکیده)
5373 - The presence of Listeria monocytogenes in raw milk samples in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
5374 - Laxative effects of Rosa damascena Mill in dogs (چکیده)
5375 - The effect of vitamin A on mucin2 gene expression, histological and performance of broiler chicken (چکیده)
5376 - The Laxative and Prokinetic Effects of Rosa damascena Mill in Rats (چکیده)
5377 - Impacts of Large-scale Integration of Intermittent Resources on Electricity Markets: A Supply Function Equilibrium Approach (چکیده)
5378 - Turfgrass Seedling Height and Quality in Paclobutrazol- Treated Seeds of Lolium perenne L. Barrage and Festuca arundinacea L. Master (چکیده)
5379 - Ground and tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Kerman and Khorasan provinces of Iran (چکیده)
5380 - Studies on species composition of carabid beetles in North Eastern provinces of Iran (Coleoptera: Carabidae) (چکیده)
5381 - Influence of Preharvest Ethephon Spray on Fruit Quality and Chemical Attributes of ‘Cigany’ Sour Cherry Cultivar (چکیده)
5382 - Effects of Short-Term Over-supplementation of Copper in Milk on Hematology, Serum Proteins, Weight Gain, and Health in Dairy Calves (چکیده)
5383 - The almost sure convergence of weighted sums of ND r.v.s (چکیده)
5384 - Effect of Processing Parameters and Microcontent Nb on the Microstructure and Properties of Medium Carbon Steels (چکیده)
5385 - Negatively dependent bounded random Variable probability inequalities and the S.L.L.N (چکیده)
5386 - Some probability inequalities (چکیده)
5387 - Estimates for tail probabilities of bilinear forms in negatively dependent subgaussian random variables (چکیده)
5388 - Expression pattern of the synthetic pathogen-inducible promoter (SynP-FF) in the transgenic canola in response to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (چکیده)
5389 - Catalytic Performance of Preyssler Anion in Selective Oximation of Aromatic Aldehydes (چکیده)
5390 - Keggin Heteropolyacid Catalyzed Synthesis of Isoxazolo-[5,4-d] pyrimidine-4,6(5H,7H)-diones at room temperature (چکیده)
5391 - Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activities of Pomegranate Fruit (Punica granatum) of Different Cultivars Grown in Iran (چکیده)
5392 - Minimal Memory Requirements for Pearl-Necklace Encoders of Quantum Convolutional Codes (چکیده)
5393 - Reverses Cauchy-Schwarz type inequalities in pre-inner product C*-modules (چکیده)
5394 - Operator Aczel inequality (چکیده)
5395 - Evaluation of adiponectin gene expression in the abdominal adipose tissue of broiler chickens: feed restriction dietary energy and protein influences adiponectin messanger ribonucleic acid expression (چکیده)
5396 - Ghrelin Gene Expression in Broiler Proventriculus Tissue are Changed by Feed Restriction, Different Dietary Energy and Protein Levels (چکیده)
5397 - Relation between leptin gene polymorphism with economical traits in iranian sistani and brown swiss cows (چکیده)
5398 - Vertical Price Transmission on the Iran Lamb Meat Market (چکیده)
5399 - Simulation of Khangiran gas treating units for various cooling scenarios (چکیده)
5400 - Characterization of High Purity Hydrothermal Magnesite Deposits for Refractory Manufacturing (چکیده)
5401 - Fisher Information in Record Values and Their Concomitants: A Comparison of Two Sampling Schemes (چکیده)
5402 - Comparing two sampling schemes based on entropy of record statistics (چکیده)
5403 - Distribution-free prediction intervals for order statistics based on record coverage (چکیده)
5404 - Bayesian prediction of order statistics based on k-record values from exponential distribution (چکیده)
5405 - Bayesian prediction of k-record values based on progressively censored data from exponential distribution (چکیده)
5406 - Fisher information in bivariate record values from a sample of fixed size (چکیده)
5407 - On Pitman’s measure of closeness of k-records (چکیده)
5408 - Free Vibration Analysis of Moderately Thick Rectangular Laminated Composite Plates with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions (چکیده)
5409 - Antioxidant Capacity, Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of Some Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Cultivars (چکیده)
5410 - Antioxidant activity of the fractions separated from the unsaponifiable matter of bene hull oil (چکیده)
5411 - Diphenyl (2-chlorobenzylamido-phosphate (چکیده)
5412 - Correlation between critical pitting temperature and degree of sensitisationon alloy 2205 duplex stainless steel (چکیده)
5413 - Fungal diseases and inappropriate sowing dates, the most important reducing factors in cumin fields of Iran, a case study in Khorasan provinces (چکیده)
5414 - Metastable pitting and the critical pitting temperature (چکیده)
5417 - The comparison of supplemental Fermacto, Cumin Seed and Cumin Seed Meal on Blood Metabolites and Performance of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
5419 - The strong law of large numbers for ND generalized Gaussian random variables (چکیده)
5420 - Effect of extruded cotton and canola seed on unsaturated fatty acid composition in the plasma, erythrocytes and livers of lambs (چکیده)
5421 - Information Ioss for QCD Matter in Mini Black Holes at LHC (چکیده)
5422 - Effect of Thermo-Mechanical Parameters on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Microalloyed Steels (چکیده)
5423 - Evaluation of electronic and transport properties of a nano-scale device in the presence of electric field (چکیده)
5424 - Steady-state and transient electron transport within bulk ternary nitride semiconductors including GaInN, AlGaN and AlInN using a three-valley Monte Carlo method (چکیده)
5425 - Numerical calculation of the electron mobility in ZnS and ZnSe semiconductors using the iterative method (چکیده)
5426 - GaN/SiC heterostructure field-effect transistor model including polarization effects (چکیده)
5427 - An Investigation of Flow Energy Dissipation in Simple Stepped Spillways by Numerical Model (چکیده)
5428 - Charged black holes in new massive gravity (چکیده)
5429 - Soot emission prediction of a waste gated waste-gated turbo- Charged DI diesel engine using artificial neural network (چکیده)
5430 - Point prediction of future order statistics from an exponential distribution (چکیده)
5431 - Reconstruction of the past failure times for the proportional reversed hazard rate model (چکیده)
5432 - Reducing Entropy Generation by Volumetric Heat Transfer in a Supersonic Two-Phase Steam Flow in a Laval Nozzle (چکیده)
5433 - Screening chloramphenicol residues in broiler chickens slaughtered in an industrial abattoir in Mashhad (چکیده)
5434 - Allelopathic Effects of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on seed germinatin and growth seedling of Acroptilon repens, Plantago lanceolata and Portulaca oleracea (چکیده)
5435 - Studies of nucleating and wet steam flows in two-dimensional cascades (چکیده)
5436 - Suppression of Condensation Shock in Wet Steam Flow by Injection of Water Droplets in Different Regions of a Laval Nozzle (چکیده)
5437 - Experimental study of two-Phase closed thermosyphon with nanofluid and magnetic field effect (چکیده)
5438 - Designing a neural network for closed thermosyphon with nanofluid using genetic algorithm (چکیده)
5439 - Burial history of the eastern Officer Basin South Australia (چکیده)
5440 - Effect of MMT Clay Content on Thermal Behavior of MDPE-MMT Nanocomposite (چکیده)
5441 - Effect of dietary fish oil on oxidative stability and lipid composition of broiler chickens breast and thigh meat (چکیده)
5442 - Performance improvement of proton exchange membrane fuel cell by using annular shaped geometry (چکیده)
5443 - A collective and abridged lexical query for delineation of nanotechnology publications (چکیده)
5444 - Metal-ion recognition-competitive bulk liquid membrane transport of transition and post-transition metal cations using a thioether donor acyclic ionophore (چکیده)
5445 - Thermodynamic behavior of complexation process between benzo-15-crown-5 with Li+, Na+, K+, and NH4+cations in acetonitrile–methanol binary media (چکیده)
5446 - The abattoir condemnation of meat because of parasitic infection, and its economic importance: results of a retrospective study in north-eastern Iran (چکیده)
5447 - Variational Iteration Method for Solving Nonlinear Differential-difference Equations-NDDEs (چکیده)
5448 - Galvanic corrosion of gas tungsten arc repair welds in 17-4 PH stainless steel in 3/5% NaCl solutionr (چکیده)
5449 - Post-weld heat treatment influence on galvanic corrosion of GTAW of 17-4PH stainless steel in 3/5%NaCl (چکیده)
5450 - A Transmission Planning Framework Considering Future Generation Expansions in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
5451 - A scenario based multi-objective model for multi-stage transmission expansion planning (چکیده)
5452 - A multi-objective framework for transmission expansion planning in deregulated environments (چکیده)
5453 - Considering system non-linearity in transmission pricing (چکیده)
5454 - Market-Based Transmission Expansion Planning (چکیده)
5455 - Analysis of Interaction between Energy-Spinning Reserve and Replacement Reserve Markets (چکیده)
5456 - A generalized Heffron-Phillips model for power systems with voltage and frequency dependent loads (چکیده)
5457 - Two New High-Performance Cycles for Gas Turbine with Air Bottoming (چکیده)
5458 - Provenance and tectonic setting of Upper Devonian sandstones from Ilanqareh Formation (NW Iran) (چکیده)
5460 - Evaluation of Regulatory Impacts on Dynamic Behavior of Investments in Electricity Markets: A New Hybrid DP/GAME Framework (چکیده)
5461 - The Structure of Shift invariant spaces on a locally compact abelian group (چکیده)
5462 - Gasification of heavy fuel oils: A thermochemical equilibrium approach (چکیده)
5463 - Synthesis of fluorescein aromatic esters in the presence of P2O5/SiO2 as catalyst and their hydrolysis studies in the presence of lipase (چکیده)
5464 - Ruminal and Post-Ruminal Protein Disappearance of Chemically Treated Alfalfa Silage and the Effect of the Silage Containing Diets on Performance of Holstien Lactating Dairy Cows (چکیده)
5465 - Investigation of salinity stress on seed germination of trigonella foenum- graecum (چکیده)
5466 - Phylogenetic relationships of Mesobuthus eupeus (C.L. Koch, 1839) inferred from COI sequences (Scorpiones: Buthidae) (چکیده)
5467 - Tetraphenyl piperazine-1,4-diyldiphosphonate (چکیده)
5468 - Collective coordinate variable for soliton-potential system in sine-Gordon model (چکیده)
5469 - Very Strong Centrosymmetric [O...H...O]+ and Asymmetric [O-H…O]+ Hydrogen Bonds In a New POM-Based Hybrid Material (چکیده)
5470 - A Study of the Expression of Functional Human Coagulation Factor IX in Keratinocytes Using a Nonviral Vector Regulated by K14 Promoter (چکیده)
5471 - Investigation of the effects of Natural Gas Equivalence Ratio and piston Bowl Flow Field on combustion and pollutant Formation of DI Dual Fuel Engine (چکیده)
5472 - Use of plant pathogenic fungi Fusarium moniliforme for biosynthesis of silver nano particles with emphasis to time (چکیده)
5473 - Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar) Populations in Khorasan-e-Razavi Province of Iran by RAPD-PCR (چکیده)
5474 - Use of silver Nano particle for controlling the powdery mildew diseases at Celastrales plants (چکیده)
5475 - Isolation and Identification of Campylobacter jejuni from Bulk Tank Milk in Mashhad-Iran (چکیده)
5476 - Identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Isolated from Cattle Carcasses in Mashhad Abattoir by Multiplex PCR (چکیده)
5477 - N,N -Di-tert-butyl-N -(2,6-difluoro-benzoyl) phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
5478 - Optimal sample size for record data and associated cost analysis for exponential distribution (چکیده)
5479 - Noise immuneConditional Footer Domino WIDE-OR Logic Design (چکیده)
5480 - Optimum Choice of NGP, CIC and QS Algorithms in One Dimensional Electrostatic Particle Simulations (چکیده)
5481 - Reliability and availability of the coastal missile defence system (چکیده)
5482 - Bessel-type inequalities in Hilbert C*-modules (چکیده)
5483 - Construction of nonpathological Lyapunov functions for discontinuous systems with Caratheodory solutions (چکیده)
5484 - Effect of animal manure and superabsorbent polymer on corn leaf relative water content, cell membrane stability and leaf chlorophyll content under dry condition (چکیده)
5485 - manufacturing of aluminum foam sandwich panels:comparison of a novel method with two different conventional methods (چکیده)
5486 - On the endomorphism rings of Local cohomology modules (چکیده)
5487 - Effect of garlic powder on productive performance and immune response of broiler chickens challenged with newcastle disiease virus (چکیده)
5488 - New heat stable polyethers, polyketones and polysulfones (چکیده)
5489 - Critical pitting temperature (CPT) assessment of 2205 duplex stainless stell in 0.1 M NaCl at various molybdate concentrationsl (چکیده)
5490 - Improving the corrosion behaviour of powder metallurgical 316L alloy by prepassivation in 20% nitric acid (چکیده)
5491 - Tuning DOS measuring parameters based on double-loop EPR in H2SO4 containing KSCN by Taguchi method (چکیده)
5492 - Activation rate uniformity in a bilateral IVNAA facility for two anthropomorphic phantoms (چکیده)
5493 - Some equivalent multiresolution conditions on locally compact abelian groups (چکیده)
5494 - Synthesis of alumina reinforced nanostructured -brass by mechanochemical (چکیده)
5495 - Rate of physiological germination compare with the cold test and accelerated ageing as a repeatable vigour test for maize (چکیده)
5496 - The essential oil analysis of Pseudohandelia umbellifera(Boiss.)Tzvel. growing in Iran (چکیده)
5497 - Effect of thermo-ultrasonication on the survival of baker’s yeast (چکیده)
5498 - First Report of Dictyocaulus arnfieldi Infestation in a Horse in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
5499 - Comparison of Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens Fed Diets with Various Energy and Constant Energy-to-Protein Ratio (چکیده)
5500 - Geochemical comparisons of modern cool-water calcareous biota Lacepede Shelf, South Australia, with their tropical counterparts (چکیده)
5501 - Depositional history and paleogeography of the Lower paleocene redbeds in eastern Kopet-Dagh basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
5502 - Acridinium 2-hydroxybenzoate (چکیده)
5503 - Growth and Reproduction of Eisenia fetida in Vermicomposting of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes (چکیده)
5504 - Experimental study of sediment flow discharge in new system of bottom intakes with porous media (چکیده)
5505 - The Effect of Fat Content of Chemically Treated Sunflower Meal On in vitro Gas Production Parameters Using Isolated Rumen Microbiota (چکیده)
5506 - Computation of some thermodynamics, transport, structural properties, and new equation of state for fluid neon using a new intermolecular potential from molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
5507 - Fast and easy synthesis of core–shell nanocrystal (CdS/TiO2) at low temperature (چکیده)
5508 - The Influence of Different Levels of Brewers Spent Grain and Enzyme on Performance and Digesta Viscosity of Broiler Chicks (چکیده)
5509 - Preliminary Studies on Allelopatic Effect of Some Woody Plants on Seed Oermination of Rye-Grass and Tall Fescue (چکیده)
5510 - Effect of three Immunostimulants on some of Indicators of Broilers' Immune Response (چکیده)
5511 - Stable isotope aspects of modern molluscs, brachiopods, and marine cements from cool-water carbonates, Lacepede Shelf, South Australia (چکیده)
5512 - Upper Maastrichtian depositional environments and sea-level history of the Kopet-Dagh Intracontinental Basin, Kalat Formation, NE Iran (چکیده)
5513 - Jurassic deep-water fans in the Neo-Tethys Ocean: The Kashafrud Formation of the Kopet-Dagh Basin, Iran (چکیده)
5514 - Lithostratigraphic and facies analyses of the Sarcheshmeh Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the eastern Kopet Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
5515 - Analysis of controls on downstream fining along three gravel-bed rivers in the Band-e-Golestan drainage basin NE Iran (چکیده)
5516 - Influence of 3d Transition Metals (Fe, Co) on the Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of C60 nano-cage (چکیده)
5517 - Antagonistic Effects of Suramin Against the Venom of the Iranian Snake Echis carinatus in Mice (چکیده)
5518 - Geohistory analysis and reservoir characteristcs of Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) sadstones, eastern Kopet-Dagh basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
5521 - A density functional theory investigation of the bromide oxidation mechanism by a vanadium bromoperoxidase model complex (چکیده)
5522 - Di-µ-hydroxido-bis[aqua(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)iron(III)) monohydrate (چکیده)
5523 - Sequence stratigraphy and sea level history of the upper Paleocene strata in the Kopet-Dagh basin, northeastern Iran , (چکیده)
5524 - Evaluation of Pistachio nuts stability at various conditions based on Metrohm Rancimat (چکیده)
5525 - Application of Arrhenius Kinetics to Evaluate the Stability of Pistachio Nuts at Various Conditions (چکیده)
5526 - Influence of Different Packaging Systems on Stability of Raw Dried Pistachio nuts at Various Conditions (چکیده)
5527 - Pistachio Nuts Shelf Life Based on Sensory Evaluation (چکیده)
5528 - Application of Sol–Gel Based Poly(ethylene glycol)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Coated Fiber for SPME of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether in Environmental Water Samples (چکیده)
5529 - Ionic Liquid-Based Submerged Single Drop Microextraction: a New Method for the Determination of Aromatic Amines in Environmental Water Samples (چکیده)
5530 - Ultra Low Power BPSK Demodulator for Bio-Implantable Chips (چکیده)
5531 - Competitive Bulk liquid Membrane Transport of Transition and Post Transition Metal Cation Using (2,3-diphenylquinoxaline)-4 ,4 (چکیده)
5532 - Status of entomopathogenic nematodes researches in Iran (چکیده)
5533 - Pseudomonas bacteria and phosphorous fertilization, affecting wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and P uptake under greenhouse and field conditions (چکیده)
5534 - Effects of transient subsurface waterlogging on root growth, plant biomass and yield of chickpea (چکیده)
5535 - On The Dynamic Survival Entropy (چکیده)
5536 - The Effect of Physically Effective Fiber and Soy Hull on the Ruminal Cellulolytic Bacteria Population and Milk Production of Dairy Cows (چکیده)
5537 - Exogenous Applications of Salicylic Acid for Inducing Systematic Acquired Resistance Against Tomato Stem Canker disease (چکیده)
5538 - Ecophysiological Aspects of Interactions between Bromus kopetdaghensis and Two Nurse Shrubs, Astragalus meschedensis, and Acantholimon raddeanam in a Semiarid Rangeland (چکیده)
5539 - Efficient one-pot synthesis of 1,3-diaryl-3H-benzo[f]chromenes using ferric hydrogensulfate (چکیده)
5540 - The effect of different treatments of rapesseed meal on nitrogen digestability and metabolizasble energy in broiler and chicks performance (چکیده)
5541 - The Effect of Seed Extraction Methods on Seed Quality of Two Cultivar s Tomato-Solanum lycopersicum L (چکیده)
5543 - First report of Ektaphelenchoides compsi from Iran (چکیده)
5544 - Asymptotic Behaviors of the Lorenz Curve for Censored Data Under Strong Mixing (چکیده)
5545 - Comparative study of direct immersion and headspace single drop microextraction techniques for BTEX determination in water samples using GC-FID (چکیده)
5546 - Determination of chlorophenols in environmental water samples using directly suspended droplet liquid-liquid-liquid phase microextraction prior to high-performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
5547 - The relationship between personality subtypes and motivational structure among alcohol abusers (چکیده)
5548 - Vibration and instability of a viscous-fluid-conveying single-walled carbon nanotube embedded in a visco-elastic medium (چکیده)
5551 - Root Diseases of Onion Caused by Some Root Colonizing Fungi in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
5552 - Studies of carbonaceous species in alkali promoted iron catalysts during Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
5553 - Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amounts of Beryllium in Natural Water Using Mean Centering of Ratio Spectra Method and Partial Least Squares Regression (چکیده)
5554 - Speciation and Analysis of Arsenic (III) and Arsenic (V) by Electrochemical Hydride Generation Spectrophotometric Method (چکیده)
5555 - Proteinase-activated receptor-2 exerts protective and pathogenic cell type-specific effects in Alzheimer\\\'s disease (چکیده)
5556 - Dual lentivirus infection potentiates neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration: viral copassage enhances neurovirulence (چکیده)
5557 - Bromodimethylsulfonium bromide/tetrabutylammonium nitrite: an efficient catalyst mixture for the nitration of phenols (چکیده)
5558 - Fabrication of nanospinel ZnCr2O4 using sol–gel method and its application on removal of azo dye from aqueous solution (چکیده)
5559 - The integration of broiler chicken threonine responses data into neural network models (چکیده)
5560 - Spectroscopicandnano-molecularmodelinginvestigationonthebinaryand ternary bindingsofcolchicineandlomefloxacintoHumanserumalbumin with theviewpointofmulti-drugtherapy (چکیده)
5561 - catena-Poly[diacridinium [zinc(II)- di-l-pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato- j3 N1 ,O2 :O3 ;O3 :N1 ,O2 ]] (چکیده)
5562 - 1.4Diazoniacyclohexane bis(3-carboxypyrazine-2-carboxylate) dihydrate (چکیده)
5563 - Defining a knowledge management conceptual model by using MADM (چکیده)
5564 - Solving Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equation as a Control Problem by Using Measure Theory (چکیده)
5565 - Polymorphism in Exon 3 of Leptin Gene in Iranian Native Cattle Breeds (چکیده)
5566 - Simultaneous monitoring of the conventional qualitative indicators during frying of sunflower oil (چکیده)
5567 - Effect of Different Levels of Calcium, Phosphorus and Vitamin D3 on the Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium of Plasma, Hatchability and Performance on the Boiler Breeder Hens (چکیده)
5568 - Steady shear flow properties of wild sage (Salvia macrosiphon) seed gum as a function of concentration and temperature (چکیده)
5569 - 1,3dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin as an efficient homogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of 2-arylthiazolines and 2-arylimidazolines (چکیده)
5570 - Fuzzy Inference System for Modeling of Zinc Removal Using Micellar-enhanced Ultrafiltration (چکیده)
5571 - Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Flexible Work Profiles: A Genetic Algorithm Approach (چکیده)
5572 - Prediction of Water Activity Coefficient in TEG-Water System Using Diffusion Neural Network(DNN (چکیده)
5573 - Copolymerization of ethylene/α-olefins using bis(2-phenylindenyl)zirconiumdichloride metallocene catalyst: structural study of comonomer distribution (چکیده)
5574 - Preparation of Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene and Its Morphological Study with a Heterogeneous Ziegler–Natta Catalyst (چکیده)
5575 - High Activity FI Catalyst of Bis[N-(3,5-dicumylaslicylidene) cyclohexylaminato] zirconium (IV) Dichloride for Polymerizationof Ethylene (چکیده)
5576 - The Effect of Triticale and Enzyme in Finisher Diet on Performance, Gut Morphology and Blood Chemistry of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
5577 - Effect of Triticale on Performance and Blood Chemistry of Commercial Growing Turkeys (چکیده)
5578 - Design and Optimization of LNA Topologies with Image Rejection Filters (چکیده)
5579 - The effects of carrier gas and liquid feed flow rates on longitudinal patterns of CNT growth (چکیده)
5580 - Different aspects of bacterial communication signals (چکیده)
5581 - Accidental salinomycin intoxication in calves (چکیده)
5582 - Loading path optimization of T-shape tube hydroforming process (چکیده)
5583 - In situ Ruminal Degradation and in vitro Gas Production of Chemically Treated Sesame Stover (چکیده)
5584 - Effects of Different Levels of Fish Oil and Canola Oil on Productive Performance of Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
5585 - Comparison of Two Regimens of Nigella sativa Extract for Treatment Subclinical Mastitis Caused by Staphylococcus aureus (چکیده)
5586 - Vibrational assignment of α-cyanoacetylacetone (چکیده)
5587 - Optimization of Hydrocolloid Extraction From Wild Sage Seed (Salvia macrosiphon) Using Response Surface (چکیده)
5588 - Effects of Long-Term Feeding Flaxseed on Growth and Carcass Parameters,Ovarian Morphology and Egg Production of Pullets (چکیده)
5589 - Simultaneous Detection of Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) by Touchdown PCR (چکیده)
5590 - Quantification of Expression of Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) by Real-Time Quantitative PCR (چکیده)
5591 - DFT Calculations on theRetro-ene Reactions, Part III: Allyl Benzyl Sulfide Pyrolysis in the Gas Phase (چکیده)
5592 - On the conditions for whidch the Atm proyiein can switch off the DNA damage signal in a P^53 model (چکیده)
5593 - Kinetics and mechanism of 2-pyridylacetic acid pyrolysis in the gas phase: A joint experimental and theoretical study (چکیده)
5594 - DFT Calculations on retro-ene reactions Part I: allyl n-butyl sulfide pyrolysis in the gas phase (چکیده)
5595 - Gas phase kinetics and mechanism of 2,2-dimethyl but-3-enal and 1-methyl-6-methylenecyclohexa-2,4-diene-1-carbaldehyde retro-cheletropic ene reaction (چکیده)
5596 - DFT calculations on the retro-ene reactions, part II: allyl n-propyl sulfide pyrolysis in the gas phase (چکیده)
5597 - Substituent effects on the gas phase reactivity of alkyl allyl sulfides, a theoretical study (چکیده)
5599 - Genetic Parameters of Productive Traits in Montbeliarde and Sarabi Cows (چکیده)
5600 - A Comparison of Neural Network and Nonlinear Regression Predictions of Sheep Growth (چکیده)
5601 - Bis(2-amino-4-methylpyrimidin-3-ium) trans-diaquabis(pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato)cobaltate(II) hexahydrate (چکیده)
5602 - Sono-synthesis of Mn3O4 nanoparticles in different media without additives (چکیده)
5603 - Digestible lysine requirements of staight-run broiler chickens from 15-28 days of age (چکیده)
5604 - 2-Aminopyrimidinium 4-hydroxypyridinium-2,6-dicarboxylate monohydrate (چکیده)
5605 - Piperazinediium, Zr(IV) and Ce(IV) pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylates: Syntheses, characterizations, crystal structures, ab initio HF, DFT calculations and solution studies (چکیده)
5606 - Diversity in coordination behavior of dipicolinic acid with lead(II), calcium(II), and nickel(II) in the presence of pyrazine and 2-amino-4-methylpyridine spacers in construction of three supramolecular architectures (چکیده)
5607 - A new supramolecular compound of chrome(III): Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, X-ray crystal structure, DFT, and solution studies (چکیده)
5608 - Bis(2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazin-1-ium) pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylate tetrahydrate: a synchrotron radiation study (چکیده)
5609 - Bis(2-amino-4-methyl-pyridinium) trans-diaqua-bis-(pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxyl- ato)cuprate(II) hexa-hydrate (چکیده)
5610 - Synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, thermal and solution studies of a centrosymmetric metal-organic polymer based on proton transfer methodology (چکیده)
5611 - Relationship between in vitro antimicrobial sensitivity of bovine subclinical mastitis isolates and treatment outcome in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
5612 - A case study of energy use and economical analysis of irrigated and dryland (چکیده)
5613 - A joint experimental and computational study on the kinetic and mechanism of diallyl disulfide pyrolysis in the gas phase (چکیده)
5614 - Digestible threonine needs of straighted-run broiler during the growing period (چکیده)
5615 - Gas phase kinects and mechanism of diallyl sulfide thermal decomposition (چکیده)
5616 - Interactive effect of sodium bentonite with pigments on performance and egg quality of laying hens (چکیده)
5617 - Vapor activity of essential oils extracted from fruit peels of two Citrus species against adults of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) (چکیده)
5618 - A concise review on the morphological characteristics of the His bundle in aniamls (چکیده)
5619 - Effect of Soy Cheese and Trisodium Citrate on Pizza Cheese (چکیده)
5620 - Optimization of mucilage extraction from Qodume shirazi seed (Alyssum homolocarpum) using response surface methodology (چکیده)
5621 - The effect of ethane on the performance of commercial polyphenylene oxide and Cardo-type polyimide hollow fiber membranes in CO2/CH4 separation applications (چکیده)
5622 - Effects of preparation conditions on the morphology and gas permeation properties of polyethylene (PE) and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) films (چکیده)
5623 - Fe(III) and cobalt(II) coordination compounds of 5-bromo-6-methyl-2-morpholinepyrimidinium-4-aminepyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate (چکیده)
5624 - Transovarial Transmission of Babesia ovis by Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Hyalomma marginatum (چکیده)
5625 - Development and use of quantitative competitive PCR assay for detection of poultry DNA in sausage (چکیده)
5626 - Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration ofzinc in synthetic wastewater using spiral wound membrane (چکیده)
5627 - study of epidermis development in sturgeon (Acipenser percicus) Larvae (چکیده)
5628 - Effect of sodium bentonite in broiler chickens fed diets contaminated with aflatoxin B1 (چکیده)
5629 - Economic growth, CO2 emissions, and fossil fuels consumption in Iran (چکیده)
5630 - The effects of replacing dried citrus pulp with barley grain on the performance of Iranian Saanen kids (چکیده)
5631 - Factorization law for two lower bounds of concurrence (چکیده)
5632 - Ion acoustic shock waves in weakly relativistic and dissipative plasmas with nonthermal electrons and thermal positrons (چکیده)
5633 - A characterization of inner product spaces related to the p-angular distance (چکیده)
5634 - On the stability of the first order linear recurrence in topological vector spaces (چکیده)
5635 - A Gruss inequality for n-positive linear maps (چکیده)
5636 - Growth and Yield Characteristics of Paprika Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in Response to Plant Density (چکیده)
5637 - Characterizations Based on Cumulative Residual Entropy of First- Order Statistics (چکیده)
5638 - Effects of cecal cultures and a commercial prebiotic on performance and serum lipids of broiler chickens (چکیده)
5639 - Evaluation of steviol injection on chicken embryos: Effects on post-hatch development, proportional organ weights, plasma thyroid hormones and metabolites (چکیده)
5640 - Prediction of the left ventricular ejection fraction using cavity-to-myocardium count ratio and perfusion scores in myocardial perfusion SPECT (چکیده)
5641 - Adaptation of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for seroepidemiological studies of enzootic bovine leukosis (چکیده)
5642 - pathogenic and genetic characterization of Fusarium oxysporum F.sp. lentis by RAPD and IGS analysis in Khorasan province (چکیده)
5643 - Comparison of Dietary Supplementation with Cumin Essential Oil and Prebiotic Fermacto on Humoral Immune Response, Blood Metabolites and Performance of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
5644 - Histological and histochemical study on the alimentary canal in Walking catfish (Claris batrachus) and Piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri) (چکیده)
5645 - A comparison of experimental heat transfer characteristics for Al2O3 /water and CuO/water nanofluids in square cross-section duct (چکیده)
5646 - Structure of Pancreas in Zebra Finch (Poephila bichenovi) and Pigeon (Streptopelia decaocto laughing nove) (چکیده)
5647 - Development of Stomach in Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) (چکیده)
5648 - Isolation and identification of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium from the eggs of retail stores in Mashhad- Iran (چکیده)
5649 - Effects of Ultrasound Treatment on Viability and (چکیده)
5650 - Maintenance of horse embryonic stem cells in different conditions (چکیده)
5651 - Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Wheat as Affected by Preceding Crop, Application Rate of Nitrogen (چکیده)
5652 - On the Dependence of Avrami Indexes of MDPE on Milling Time (چکیده)
5653 - Performance and Fatty Acid Compositions of Yolk Lipid from Laying Hens Fed with Locally Produced Canola Seed (Brassica napus L.) (چکیده)
5654 - Fabrication,characterizationandmeasurementof thermal conductivityofFe3O4 nanofluids (چکیده)
5655 - Investigating the effect of aqueous extract of chicorium intybus L. leaves on offspring sex ratio in rat (چکیده)
5656 - Detection of antibody against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis glycoprotein gE in aborted cattle in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
5657 - A Very Severe Case of Feline Amyloidosis With Spontaneous Hepatic Rupture and Chronic Renal Failure (چکیده)
5658 - Role of Surface Active Agent on Dimensional Stability of HDPE/CaCO3 Nanocomposites (چکیده)
5659 - Effect of Extruded Cotton Seed and Canola Seed on Carcass Traits and CLA Content of Longissimus Dorsi Muscle in Mehraban Lambs (چکیده)
5660 - N,N -Dibenzyl-N -(2,6-difluorobenzoyl)-N,N -dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
5661 - Comparison of hot electron transport properties in wurtzite phase of ZnS, GaN and 6H-SiC (چکیده)
5662 - The Effects of Feeding Clinoptilolite on Hematology, Performance, and Health of Newborn Lambs (چکیده)
5663 - Effects of dimensional parameters and various boundary conditions on axisymmetric vibrations of multi-walled carbon nanotubes using a continuum model (چکیده)
5664 - A Novel Method for the Synthesis of CdS Nanoparticles Without Surfactant (چکیده)
5665 - Micro-Emulsion Under Ultrasound Facilitates the Fast Synthesis of Quantum Dots of CdS at Low Temperature (چکیده)
5666 - Effect of different Substrates and Varieties on Yield and Quality of Strawberry in Soilless Culture (چکیده)
5667 - Investigation of physico-chemical properties and antioxidant activity of twenty Iranian pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars (چکیده)
5669 - Solving nonlinear integral equations in the Urysohn form by Newton - Kantorovich quadrature method (چکیده)
5670 - Hyers-Ulam Stability of Nonlinear Integral Equation (چکیده)
5671 - Morphological Study of Auditory Ossicles in the Mouse (چکیده)
5672 - Wastewater Pretreatment of Welding Electrode Manufacturing Plant before Nanofiltration (چکیده)
5673 - Petrographical and geochemical evidences for paragenetic sequence interpretation of diagenesis in mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sediments: Mozduran Formation (Upper Jurassic), south of Agh-Darband, NE Iran (چکیده)
5674 - Allocation of Spinning Reserve Cost Amongst Customers in Deregulated Power Systems (چکیده)
5675 - Development of a Web Availability Analyzer Software Tool (چکیده)
5676 - Connectance and Reliability Computation of Wireless Body Area Networks using Signal Flow Graphs (چکیده)
5677 - Drilling rate prediction using an innovative soft computing approach (چکیده)
5678 - Parameter estimation of bilinear systems based on an adaptive particle (چکیده)
5679 - Modeling of road-traffic noise with the use of genetic algorithm (چکیده)
5681 - Theoretical investigation of electrical and mechanical properties of ZnO crystal (چکیده)
5682 - The effect of deposition parameters on the sensing behaviors of the SnO2: Cu nano-structure thin films including CO2-gas sensor solution preparation (چکیده)
5683 - Hot Electron Transport Properties in Characteristics of Wurtzite GaN MESFETs Using a Five-valley Model (چکیده)
5684 - Deactivation studiesofFischer–Tropschsynthesison nano-structured ironcatalyst (چکیده)
5685 - Cloning, expression, characterization, and computational approach for cross-reactivity prediction of manganese superoxide dismutase allergen from pistachio nut (چکیده)
5686 - Bayes Estimation Based on Random Censored Data for Some Life Time Models Under Symmetric and Asymmetric Loss Functions (چکیده)
5687 - Influence of Processing on the Allergenic Properties of Pistachio Nut Assessed in Vitro (چکیده)
5688 - Effect of Non-uniform Heating on Entropy Generation for Laminar Developing Pipe Flow of a high Prandtl number fluid (چکیده)
5689 - Isolation and characterization of Vibrio ( Listonella) anguillarum from catfish (چکیده)
5690 - Piecewise-Truncated Parametric Iteration Method: a PromisingAnalytical Method for Solving Abel Differential Equations (چکیده)
5691 - A full-length infectious clone of beet soil-borne virus indicates the dispensability of the RNA-2 for virus survival in planta and symptom expression on Chenopodium quinoa leaves (چکیده)
5692 - Iranian beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV): pronounced diversity of the p25 coding region in A-type BNYVV and identification of P-type BNYVV lacking a fifth RNA species (چکیده)
5693 - Comparative study of the three sol–gel based solid phase microextraction fibers in extraction of BTEX from water samples using gas chromatography- flame ionization detection (چکیده)
5694 - Stress Analysis of Composite Plates with a Quasi-Square Cutout Subjected to Uniaxial Tension (چکیده)
5695 - Nonparametric prediction intervals for future record intervals based on order statistics (چکیده)
5696 - Pitman closeness of current records for location-scale families (چکیده)
5697 - Role of Nano-Size SiO2 Additive on the Thermal Behavior of Cyanoacrylate Nanocomposite (چکیده)
5698 - Discharge Estimation in a Tidal River with Partially Reverse Flow (چکیده)
5699 - Isolation and characterization of a very virulent Infectious bursal disease virus from turkey (چکیده)
5700 - Optical absorption and electron energy loss spectra of single-walled carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
5701 - Determination of Hg in natural water by Diphenylation by SDME-GC (چکیده)
5702 - Effect of adsorbents and chemical treatments on the removal of strontium from aqueous solutions (چکیده)
5703 - Axisymmetric stagnation flow obliquely impinging on a moving circular cylinder with uniform transpiration (چکیده)
5704 - In vitro digestibility and neutral detergent fibre andlignin contents of plant parts of nine forage species (چکیده)
5705 - Cell wall thickness and cell dimensions in plant partsof eight forage species (چکیده)
5706 - Volume, surface area and cellular composition of chewed particles of plant parts of eight forage species and estimated degradation of cell wall (چکیده)
5707 - Steady shear flow behavior of gum extracted from Ocimum basilicum L. seed: Effect of concentration and temperature (چکیده)
5708 - Frying stability of canola oil in presence of pumpkin seed and olive oils (چکیده)
5709 - The effect of aluminium content on morphology, size, volume fraction, and number of graphite nodules in ductile cast iron (چکیده)
5710 - Viral Antibody Titer and Leukocyte Subset Responses to Graded Copper and Zinc in Broiler Chicks (چکیده)
5711 - Immunomodulatory Effects of Graded Copper and Zinc on SRBC Titer and Lymphoid Organs in Broiler Chicks (چکیده)
5712 - Kinetics studies of nano-structured iron catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
5713 - Kinetics of the water-gas shift reaction in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a nano-structured iron catalyst (چکیده)
5714 - A unified formulation for the analysis of temperature field in thick hollow cylinder made of functionally graded materials with various grading patterns (چکیده)
5715 - Nonparametric confidence intervals for quantiles and quantile intervals from inversely sampled record breaking data in a multi-sample plan (چکیده)
5716 - Synthesis and anticancer evaluation of new derivatives of 3-phenyl-1,5- dimethyl-1H-[1,2,4]triazolo[4’,3’:1,2]pyrimido[4,5-e][1,3,4]oxadiazine (چکیده)
5717 - Prevalence of Brucellosis in Horse North-East of Iran (چکیده)
5718 - Production of carbon nanotubes using mechanical milling in the presence of an exothermic reaction (چکیده)
5719 - Solving The Combined part Sequencing And Tool Replacement Problem For an Automated Machining Center: a Tabu Search Approach (چکیده)
5720 - Two new conjugate gradient methods based on modified secant equations (چکیده)
5721 - Solving bus terminal location problems using evolutionary algorithms (چکیده)
5722 - New solutions of LR fuzzy linear systems using ranking functions and ABS algorithms (چکیده)
5723 - Stability of monomial functional equation in quasi normed spaces (چکیده)
5724 - Incorporating Aspect Ratio in a New Modeling Approach for Strengthening of MMCs and its Extension from Micro to Nano Scale (چکیده)
5725 - Role of nano-size TiO2 particles on the crystallite size of microwave—Combustion synthesized Al2O3/TiC composite (چکیده)
5726 - New Route for the Synthesis of Pyrimido[4 ,5 :4,5]thiazolo[3,2-a]benzimidazol-4(3H)-ones (چکیده)
5727 - DNA Aptamers selected as a molecular probe for diagnosis of cancerous cells (چکیده)
5728 - Magnetotransport and magnetoelastic effects in Co-doped La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3 nanocrystalline perovskites (چکیده)
5729 - Effect of short term over-supplementation of ascorbic acid on hematology, serum biochemistry, and growth performance of neonatal dairy calves (چکیده)
5731 - Role of neutrophils in protection of udder from infection in high yielding dairy cows (چکیده)
5732 - Faunistic study of spiders in Khorasan Province, Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
5733 - New records of three Latrodectus species found in Khorasan province (Araneae: Theridiidae) (چکیده)
5734 - New Records of the Hotson s Jerboa Allactaga hotsoni, Thomas, 1920 (Rodentia: Dipodidae) from Khorasan and Yazd Provinces, Iran (چکیده)
5735 - Impact of milk components in recovery of the MS2 bacteriophage as an indicator of enteric viruses (چکیده)
5736 - Tris(2-methoxyethanaminium) dodecamolybdophosphate trihydrate (چکیده)
5737 - Influence of various levels of energy and protein on performance of and humoral immune responses of broiler chickens (چکیده)
5738 - Application of Novel Inertial Technique to Compare the Kinematics and Kinetics of the Legs in the Soccer Instep Kick (چکیده)
5739 - Prediction of order statistics and record values from two independent sequences (چکیده)
5740 - NiO/MgO/SiO2 supported cobalt(II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine as an efficient, selective, and recyclable catalyst for the aerobic oxidation of thiols to disulfides (چکیده)
5741 - Antifungal Activities of the Essential Oils on Post Harvest Disease Agent Aspergilus flavus (چکیده)
5742 - Effect of non-fiber carbohydrates on in vitro first order kinetics disappearance of cellulose (چکیده)
5743 - An interview with LARS-ERIK PERSSON (چکیده)
5744 - An interview with Josip E. Pečarić (چکیده)
5745 - New capacitive coupled superharmonic quadrature LC-VCO (چکیده)
5746 - Development and use of quantitative competitive PCR assay for detection of poultry DNA in fish meal (چکیده)
5747 - Comparison of Geometrical Properties of Sunflower Seeds and Kernels Cultivars (چکیده)
5748 - Effect of Biological and Chemical Additives on Fermentation Responses and Degradation Characteristics of Whole Crop Barely Silage (چکیده)
5749 - Differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells to insulin-producing cells and their impact on type 1 diabetic rats (چکیده)
5750 - The enhancement of vincristine cytotoxicity by combination with feselol (چکیده)
5751 - Application of artificial neural networks to predict Clostridium botulinum growth as a function of Zataria multiflora essential oil, pH, NaCl and temperature (چکیده)
5752 - High-coordinated lanthanum(III) complexes with new mono- and bidentate phosphoryl donors; spectroscopic and structural aspects (چکیده)
5753 - p-Tolyl bis(o-tolylamido)phosphinate (چکیده)
5754 - N,N -Dicyclohexyl-N,N -dimethyl-N -(4-nitrobenzoyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
5755 - GAEC1 and colorectal cancer: a study of the relationships between a novel oncogene and clinicopathologic features (چکیده)
5756 - Ab initio calculations of opticaspectra of a chiral (4,1) carbon nanotubel (چکیده)
5757 - An interview with Themistocles M. Rassias (چکیده)
5758 - A trick for investigation of approximate derivations (چکیده)
5759 - Gross and histological study on the uterus of camels (Camelud dromedarius (چکیده)
5760 - A novel PVC-membrane optical sensor for highly sensitive and selective determination of UO2 2+ ion based on a recently synthesized benzo-substituted macrocyclic diamide and dibenzoylmethane (چکیده)
5761 - Evaluation of Susceptibility of Walnut Genotypes to Sudden Cold and Frost Injury (چکیده)
5762 - Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate concentration on the structure of Bovine carbonic anhydrase: Molecular dynamics simulation approch (چکیده)
5763 - Wideband Circularly Polarized Quasi-Spiral Slot Antenna (چکیده)
5764 - Microvascular complication of diabetes (چکیده)
5765 - Comparison of electron transport properties in submicrometer ZnS and ZnO n+nn+ diode using ensemble Monte Carlo simulation (چکیده)
5766 - Calculated electron steady-state drift velocity in lattice matched Ga0.5In0.5P and Al0.26Ga0.26In0.48P using a threevalley Monte Carlo simulation (چکیده)
5767 - A new approach for solving of optimal nonlinear control problems (چکیده)
5768 - Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays Considering Different Network Topologies Using Interval Linear Programming (چکیده)
5769 - Reduction of patulin in apple juice after treatment with SO2 and heat (چکیده)
5770 - Use of Somatic and Excretory- Secretory Antigens of Fasciola hepatica in Diagnosis of Sheep by ELISA (چکیده)
5771 - Expression Profiling and Bioinformatic Analyses of a Novel Cold Stress-Regulated and Chloroplast-Targeted Protein from Triticum Aestivum and Aegilops Tauschii (چکیده)
5772 - Slip-Flow and Heat Transfer in Isoflux Rectangular Microchannels with Thermal Creep Effects (چکیده)
5773 - Milk Urea Nitrogen and Fertility in Dairy Farms (چکیده)
5774 - Major, minor element chemistry and oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of Marun oil-field brines, SW Iran: Source history and economic potential (چکیده)
5775 - Pressure-driven electrokinetic slip-flow in planar microchannels (چکیده)
5776 - Analytical Approach to Free Vibrations of Cracked Timoshenko Beams Made of Functionally Graded Materials (چکیده)
5777 - Association between climate indices, aridity index, and rainfed crop yield in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
5778 - A Reliable 3D Laser Triangulation-based Scanner with a New Simple but Accurate Procedure for Finding Scanner Parameters (چکیده)
5779 - Design, synthesis, and structure–activity relationship study of 5-amido-1-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-1H-4- pyrazolecarbonitrils as DD-carboxypeptidase/ penicillin-binding protein inhibitors with Gram-positive antibacterial activity (چکیده)
5780 - Chemical and Antimicrobial Studies of Juniperus sabina L. and Juniperus foetidissima Willd. Essential Oils (چکیده)
5781 - Experimental investigation of effective parameters and correlation of geyser boiling in a two-phase closed thermosyphon (چکیده)
5782 - Effects of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes on the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Medium Density Polyethylene Matrix Nanocomposites Produced by a Mechanical Milling Method (چکیده)
5783 - A study on gastrointestinal helminths of camels in Mashhad abattoir, Iran (چکیده)
5784 - The effect of Scale Direct Shear Tests on The Strength parameters of Clayey Sand in Isfahan city, Iran (چکیده)
5785 - Global Chromatin Architecture Reflects Pluripotency and Lineage Commitment in the Early Mouse Embryo (چکیده)
5786 - Evolution of manufacturing parameters in Al/Ni3Al composite powder formation using blending and mechanical milling processes (چکیده)
5787 - Surgical repair of third-degree perineal laceration by Goetz technique in the mare: 7 cases (2000-2005) (چکیده)
5788 - Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome in dairy cattle in Iran: a case report (چکیده)
5789 - A comparison of artificial neural networks with other statistical approaches (چکیده)
5790 - Systemic transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells can reduce cognitive and motor deficits in rats with unilateral lesions of the neostriatum (چکیده)
5791 - S3,6-Di(p-chlorophenyl)-2,7-dihydro-1,4,5-thiadiazepine: Crystal Structure and Decoding Intermolecular Interactions with Hirshfeld Surface Analysis (چکیده)
5792 - Burdigalian-Serravalian calcareous nannoplanktons from Qom Formation, North- Center Iran (چکیده)
5793 - Anatomical and histological study of molar salivary gland in domestic cat (چکیده)
5794 - New data to the knowledge of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) fauna of Iran (چکیده)
5795 - Prime higher derivations on algebras (چکیده)
5796 - Displacement time history analysis and radial wave propagation velocity in pressurized multiwall carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
5797 - Experimental Investigation of the Exhaust Gas Recirculation Effects on Irreversibility and Brake Specific Fuel Consumption of Indirect Injection Diesel Engines (چکیده)
5798 - Synthesis, Characterization and Structure of DBU-hydrobromide-perbromide A Novel Oxidizing Agent for Selective Oxidation of Alcohols to Carbonyl Compounds (چکیده)
5799 - TiO2 nanoparticles and Preyssler-type heteropoly acid modified nano-sized TiO2 A facile and efficient catalyst for the selective oxidation of sulfides to sulfonesand sulfoxides (چکیده)
5800 - Selective and mild oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides by H2O2 using DBUH-Br3 as catalyst (چکیده)
5801 - The synthesis of highly fluorescent heterocyclic compounds: Pyrido[2,1:2,3]imidazo[4,5-b]quinoline-12-yl cyanides (چکیده)
5802 - Bend Sweep Angle and Reynolds Number Effects on Hemodynamics of S-Shaped Arteries (چکیده)
5803 - Rheological Characterization and Sensory Evaluation of a Typical Soft Ice Cream Made with Selected Food Hydrocolloids (چکیده)
5804 - A Brief Review on Formation of (H2O)n Clusters in Supramolecular Proton Transfer Compounds and Their Complexes (چکیده)
5805 - Synthesis, X-Ray Characterization and Molecular Structure of a Novel Supramolecular Compound of Antimony(III); Theoretical Investigation on Molecular and Electronic Properties Based on the ab initio HF and Various DFT Methods (چکیده)
5806 - Fertility Recognition of Ostrich Egg Using Physical Properties (چکیده)
5807 - Fabrication, characterization, and measurement of some physicochemical (چکیده)
5808 - Strong Gaussian Approximations of Product-Limit and Quantile Processes for Strong Mixing and Censored Data (چکیده)
5809 - Curve fitting space for classification (چکیده)
5810 - Miniaturized Ultra Wideband Elliptical Monopole Antenna with WLAN band Rejection Characteristic (چکیده)
5811 - Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus antibodies and antigen among the aborted cows in industrial dairy cattle herds in Mashhad area - Iran (چکیده)
5812 - Antibody Responses to Hydatid Cyst in Experimentally Infected Lambs (چکیده)
5813 - The impact of liberalization on agricultural import in Iran (چکیده)
5814 - Deactivation studies of nano-structured iron catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
5815 - Fischer-Tropsch synthesis by nano-structured iron catalyst (چکیده)
5816 - Species of the flower bugs genus Anthocoris Fallen, 1814 from Mashhad region, North–East of Iran (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) (چکیده)
5817 - Vis/NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics for the prediction of soluble solids content and acidity (pH) of kiwifruit (چکیده)
5818 - The anatomy and histology of the atrioventricular conducting system in the hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) heart (چکیده)
5819 - Investigations on impact of post-heat temperature on structural, optical and electrical properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gel method (چکیده)
5820 - Semiclassical three-valley Monte Carlo simulation analysis of steady-state and transient electron transport within bulk InAsxP1-x, InAs and InP (چکیده)
5822 - Optimal: a program for optimising microstrip networks (چکیده)
5823 - MICPA: evaluation of microstrip-line parameters (چکیده)
5824 - Monte Carlo Simulation of Steady-State Transport in Submicrometer InP and GaAs n+ i(n) n+ Diode (چکیده)
5825 - Preliminary Support Design for a Diversion Tunnel at Daroongar Dam Site, Ne Iran (چکیده)
5826 - Effect of Problem -Solving on Marital Satisfaction (چکیده)
5827 - Physical properties of edible emulsified films based on pistachio globulin (چکیده)
5828 - An investigation to the subfamily. Lixinae from Khorasan Junoubi and Razavi provinces of Iran (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (چکیده)
5829 - A contribution to the snout beetles fauna of Khorasan province in Iran (Coleoptera: Curculionidae (چکیده)
5830 - Calcareous Nannofossils from the Gurpi Formation. (Lower Santonian Maastrichtian), Faulted Zagros Range,. Western Shiraz, IRAN (چکیده)
5831 - Calcareous nannofossils from chalky limestone of upper Abderaz Formation and lower part of Abtalkh Formation in the Kopet- Dogh range NE Iran (چکیده)
5832 - Environmental Effects on Mechanical Properties of Wet Lay-Up Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (چکیده)
5833 - Fuzzy cost support vector regression on the fuzzy samples (چکیده)
5834 - Asymptotic Behavior of the Extended Jensen Equation (چکیده)
5835 - A contribution to the fauna of weevils. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) associated with sugar beet fields in North–East of Iran (چکیده)
5836 - influnes of hydrogenation on structure and magnetic properties of HoFe11-xCoxTi (چکیده)
5837 - Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of Xenorhabdus ( γ-Proteobacteria ) strains associated bacteria with the Steinernema isolates from Iran (چکیده)
5838 - Corrected fundamental numerical solution of elliptic PDEs (چکیده)
5839 - An adaptive mesh method with variable relaxation time (چکیده)
5840 - A gradient weighted moving finite-element method with polynomial approximation of any degree (چکیده)
5841 - Adaptive grid based on geometric conservation law level set method for time dependent PDE (چکیده)
5842 - Microstructural and mechanical properties (hardness) investigations of Al-alloyed ductile cast iron (چکیده)
5843 - Moving Mesh Method With Local Time Step Refinement For Blow-up Problems (چکیده)
5844 - Stress concentration in metallic plates with special shaped cutout (چکیده)
5845 - Flutter of Perforated Metallic Plates Repaired with Angle-ply Composite Patches (چکیده)
5846 - Shear Buckling of Perforated Metallic Plates Reinforced with Square Composite Patches (چکیده)
5847 - Influence of Co substitution on magnetoelastic properties of Er2Fe14-xCoxB (x = 1, 3 and 5) intermetallic compounds (چکیده)
5848 - Influence of Si and Co substitutions on magnetoelastic properties of R2Fe17 (R = Y, Er and Tm) intermetallic compounds (چکیده)
5849 - Magnetostriction and thermal expansion of interstitially modified NdFe10V2Zx (Z = N, H) compounds (چکیده)
5850 - Influence of H and N insertion on the magnetostriction and thermal expansion of YFe10V2Zx (Z=N, H) compositions (چکیده)
5851 - Study of the magnetostrictive strains in Pr6Fe11Ga3 alloy (چکیده)
5852 - A comparative study of the magnetoelastic properties of the YFe10V2 and NdFe10V2 compounds, (چکیده)
5853 - A moving mesh method with variable mesh relaxation time (چکیده)
5854 - A survey of Neospora caninum-associated bovine abortion in large dairy farms of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
5855 - Numerical study of bubble rise and interaction in a viscous liquid (چکیده)
5856 - Performance of two 1970s and Ross 308 broiler strains fed drug-free low-protein and recommended-protein diets (چکیده)
5857 - Estimation of the location parameter under LINEX loss function: multivariate case (چکیده)
5858 - Water-gas-shift kinetic over nano-structured iron catalyst in FischereTropsch synthesis (چکیده)
5859 - Neuro-fuzzy based constraint programming (چکیده)
5860 - Geometry factor and redundancy effects in extrusion of rod (چکیده)
5861 - Effects of sutureless amniotic membrane patching with 2-Octyl cyanoacrylate (Dermabond) on experimental corneal alkali burn in dogs (چکیده)
5862 - Factors Affecting Days Open in Holstein Dairy Cattle in Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran; A Cox Proportional Hazard Model (چکیده)
5863 - Effect of oral zinc supplementation on hematology, serum biochemistry,performance, and health in neonatal dairy calves (چکیده)
5864 - Effects of anionic salts supplementation on blood pH and mineral status (چکیده)
5865 - Optimizing the performance of diclofop-methyl, cycloxydim, and clodinafop-propargyl on littleseed canarygrass (Phalaris minor) and wild oat (Avenaludoviciana) control with adjuvants (چکیده)
5866 - A Novel Fuzzy Model and Control of SingleIntersection at Urban Traffic Network (چکیده)
5867 - Comments on Detection of multiple cracks using frequency measurements and suggestion for improvement in solution for damage parameters (چکیده)
5868 - Volume fraction and temperature variations of the effective thermal conductivity of nanodiamond fluids in deionized water (چکیده)
5869 - comparison of serum enzyme activity in great sturgeon,HUSO huso, cultured in brackish and fresh water rarth ponds in iran (چکیده)
5870 - The relationship between motivational structure, sense of control, intrinsic motivation and university students alcohol consumption (چکیده)
5871 - Effects of Parenteral Supply of Iron on RBC Parameters, Performance, and Health in Neonatal Dairy Calves (چکیده)
5872 - Efficient protocol for break impasses of regeneration via (چکیده)
5873 - Intrusion Detection by Ellipsoid Boundary (چکیده)
5874 - An Efficient Procedure to Find Shape Functions and stiffness Matrices of Nonprismatic Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko Beam Elements (چکیده)
5875 - A comparative study of DWT, CWT and DCT transformations in ECG arrhythmias classification (چکیده)
5876 - Aspects of Dependence in Cuadras–Auge Family (چکیده)
5877 - Clinico-pathologic evaluation of canine heart worm infestation (چکیده)
5878 - Expression of EIN2 Gene in Petunia Flowers is Down-regulated During Glucose Treatment (چکیده)
5879 - Effect of nano-particle size on product distribution and kinetic parameters of Fe/Cu/La catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
5880 - Chebyshev subalgebras of JB-algebras (چکیده)
5881 - Comparison of Neural Network and K-Nearest Neighbor Methods in Daily Flow Forecasting (چکیده)
5882 - Learning of Relevance Feedback Using a Novel Kernel Based Neural Network (چکیده)
5883 - Ultrasound with low intensity assisted the synthesis of nanocrystalline TiO2 (چکیده)
5884 - Monoclinic modification of N-benzyl-propan-2-aminium chloride (چکیده)
5885 - Potential use of high-temperature and low-temperature steam treatment, sodium hydroxide and an enzyme mixture for improving the nutritional value of sugarcane pith (چکیده)
5886 - Effects of rumen protected and unprotected choline on energy-relatedbiochemical metabolites of lactations dairy cows (چکیده)
5887 - Water buffalo industry in Iran (چکیده)
5888 - spectrophotometric study of complex eormation of Y, La, andCe with some 18-and15-membered crown ethers in methanol (چکیده)
5889 - Structure, intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and vibrational spectraof 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione (چکیده)
5890 - Vibrational assignment and proton tunneling in pyridine–pyridinium complexes (چکیده)
5891 - The nature of intramolecular hydrogen bond in 2-nitromalonaldehyde (چکیده)
5892 - Effect of specific grarity and particle size passage marker on particulate rumen turn over (چکیده)
5893 - Al2O3 Potential as a Gate Dielectric of the Next Nano MISFET Transistor (چکیده)
5894 - On nondiscreteness of a higher homotopy group and its cardinality (چکیده)
5895 - The role of solitons on the properties of electron transport through the CNT/t-PA/CNT system—a Green s function approach (چکیده)
5896 - Electron transport through SWNT/trans-PA/ SWNT structure (the role of solitons) : A t-matrix technique (چکیده)
5897 - Influence of solitons on the conductance properties of double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (چکیده)
5898 - Effect of the synthesis route on the structural properties and shape of the indium oxide (In2O3) nano-particles (چکیده)
5899 - Fe-doped SnO2 transparent semi-conducting thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique: Thermoelectric and p-type conductivity properties (چکیده)
5900 - The effect of the post-annealing temperature on the nano-structure and (چکیده)
5901 - On nondiscreteness of a higher homotopy group and its cardinality (چکیده)
5902 - An investigation on the variations occurring during Ni3Al powder formation by mechanical alloying technique (چکیده)
5903 - Alignment of liquid crystals with periodic submicron structures ablated in polymeric and indium tin oxide surfaces (چکیده)
5904 - Hydrogen and carbon black production from thermal decomposition of sub-quality natural gas (چکیده)
5905 - Juraella bifurcata Bernier, 1984 (Calcareous alga, Gymnocodiaceae?) fromthe lower cretaceous (Barremian) Tirgan Formation of the kopetdagh basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
5906 - Steinernema Carpocapsae Weiser, 1955 (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) From Natural Population of White Grub, Polyphylla Olivieri (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae (چکیده)
5907 - Inverse dynamics analysis of a general spherical star-triangle parallel manipulator using principle of virtual work (چکیده)
5908 - Accuracy and stiffness analysis of a 3-RRP spherical parallel manipulator (چکیده)
5909 - Submicron liquid crystal pixels on a nanopatterned indium tin oxide surface (چکیده)
5910 - Passive immune transfer in fat-tailed sheep: Evaluation with (چکیده)
5911 - Synthesis and characterization of new silica membranes using template–sol–gel technology (چکیده)
5912 - chemichal composition on the esential oills from thymus transpicus in natural habitats (چکیده)
5913 - A modified wake oscillator model for vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinders for a wide range of mass-damping ratio (چکیده)
5914 - Computer-aided design of microwave intergrated circuits (چکیده)
5915 - Noise in Spinel Ceramics (چکیده)
5916 - Characterization of Higher Derivations on Algebras (چکیده)
5917 - A Range Function Approach To Shift-Invariant Spaces On Locally Compact Abelian Groups (چکیده)
5918 - Effect of Different levels of fish oil and canola oil on in vitro and in vivo nutrient digesbility (چکیده)
5919 - Effect of different Levels of Fish Oil and Canola Oil on in vitro Dry Matter and Organic Matter and Digestibility (چکیده)
5920 - In vitro first order Kinetic Disappearance of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber of chemically and physically treated cottonseed hulls (چکیده)
5921 - Synthesis and Neuromuscular Blocking Activity of 16β-Piperidino Epiandrosterone Derivatives (چکیده)
5922 - Variability in the chemical composition and in situ ruminal degradability of sugar beet pulp produced in north-east Iran (چکیده)
5923 - From Local Search to Global Conclusions: Migrating Spin Glass-Based Distributed Portfolio Selection (چکیده)
5924 - Application of a fixed point theorem to a functional inequality (چکیده)
5925 - The facilitatory actions of snake venom phospholipase A2 neurotoxins at the neuromuscular junction are not mediated through voltage-gated K+ channels (چکیده)
5926 - Superstability of adjointable mappings on Hilbert C*-modules (چکیده)
5927 - Optimization of Shared Autonomy Vehicle Control Architectures for Swarm Operations (چکیده)
5928 - Cross pin fixation fr proximal fracture of the tibia in a foal (چکیده)
5929 - Cataract surgery in an African lion with anterior lens luxation (چکیده)
5930 - Band structure of tetragonal BaTiO3 (چکیده)
5931 - First-principles study of structural, dynamical, and dielectric properties of A-La2O3 (چکیده)
5932 - Ground adaptive and optimized locomotion of snake robot moving with a novel gait (چکیده)
5933 - The effect of microstructure on the pyroelectric properties of PZT ceramics (چکیده)
5934 - Global Error Minimization method for solving strongly nonlinear oscillator differential equations (چکیده)
5935 - Effect of grain size and microstructures on resistivity of Mn–Co–Ni thermistor (چکیده)
5936 - A novel approach for forward position analysis of a double-triangle spherical parallel manipulator (چکیده)
5937 - Characterization of Zinc Oxide Nanopowders Doped With MnO (چکیده)
5938 - The effect of cation composition on the electrical properties and aging of Mn-Co-Ni thermistors (چکیده)
5939 - Habitat use of raptors in response to anthropogenic land use onBonaire and Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles (چکیده)
5940 - Capability of a pair of groups (چکیده)
5941 - effects of elevatedco2 on thecompetitionability between various c3and c4 crops and weed species in greenhous condition (چکیده)
5942 - On the Matlis duals of local cohomology modules and modules of generalized fractions (چکیده)
5943 - Effects of parenteral over-supplementation of vitamin A and iron on (چکیده)
5944 - Polar compounds distribution of sunflower oil as affected by unsaponifiable matters of Bene hull oil (BHO) and tertiary-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) during deep-frying (چکیده)
5945 - Reliability of stress field in Al–Al2O3 functionally graded thick hollow cylinder subjected to sudden unloading, considering uncertain mechanical properties (چکیده)
5946 - Investigation of Activation Rate Uniformity in aPrompt-γ Rays IVNAA Facility (چکیده)
5947 - The effect of short-time microwave exposures on Salmonella typhimurium inoculated onto chicken drumettes (چکیده)
5948 - Medical Informatics: Transition from data acquisition to data analysis by means of bioinformatics tools and resources (چکیده)
5949 - Determination of normal values of some blood serum enzymes in Acipenser stellatus pallas (چکیده)
5950 - Reliability of Wireless Body Area Networks used for Ambulatory Monitoring and Health Care (چکیده)
5951 - High Maneuvering Target Tracking Using a Novel Hybrid Kalman Filter-Fuzzy Logic Architecture (چکیده)
5952 - Application of Modal Series Method to Analyse the Nonlinear Behaviour of Power Systems Equipped with UPFC (چکیده)
5953 - Design of Augmented Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizers to Enhance Power (چکیده)
5954 - Effect of Impact Level and Fruit Properties on Golden Delicious Apple Bruising (چکیده)
5955 - Ramond-Ramond field strength couplings on D-branes (چکیده)
5956 - The RN/CFT Correspondence (چکیده)
5957 - The Unexpected Effect of Sodium Arsenate on the Interaction (چکیده)
5958 - Thermodynamic studies on the interaction between sodium n-dodecyl sulphate and histone H2B (چکیده)
5959 - Thermodynamic denaturation of glucose oxidase in aqueous dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide solution between 25 and 65°C (چکیده)
5960 - Determination of binding affinities of glucose oxidase for sodium n-dodecyl (چکیده)
5961 - Thermodynamic studies of the interaction of glucose oxidase with anionic and cationic surfactants (چکیده)
5962 - Interaction of glucose oxidase with ionic surfactants: A microcalorimetric study (چکیده)
5963 - Unusual behaviour of the interaction of sodium n-dodecyl sulphate with calf (چکیده)
5964 - Folding of the interaction of Histon H1 with Sodiu n-Dodecyl sulphate (چکیده)
5965 - Isolation and purification of human chorionic gonadotropine (hcg) from the urine of pregnant women (چکیده)
5966 - Thermodynamic domain Analysis Fresh and Incubated human Apotranseferrin (چکیده)
5967 - An approach based on diffusion to study ligand–macromolecule (چکیده)
5969 - Thermodynamics study of binding of oxazepam and flurazepam to Human Serum (چکیده)
5970 - A differential scanning calorimetric study of the influence of copper (چکیده)
5971 - Improved Photonic Crystal Directional Coupler with Short Length (چکیده)
5973 - Generaliozations of Bohr s inequality in Hilbert C*-modules (چکیده)
5974 - Effects of somatic cell counts on the physicochemical and rheological properties of yoghurt made from sheep’s milk (چکیده)
5975 - Kinetic studies of the FischereTropsch synthesis over La, Mg and Ca promoted (چکیده)
5976 - Preparation and Characterization of Fluorohydroxyapatite Nanopowders Nonalkoxide Sol-gel Method (چکیده)
5979 - Solvent-Free Oxidations of Alcohols, Oximes, Aldehydes and Cyclic Acetals by Pyridinium Chlorochromate (چکیده)
5980 - Frying performance of the hull oil unsaponifiable matter of Pistacia atlantica subsp. mutica (چکیده)
5981 - Investigation of Some Effective factorson Yield TraitsPepini (Solanum maricatum) as a New Vegetable in Iran (چکیده)
5982 - Stability of a generalized Jensen equation on restricted domains (چکیده)
5983 - Jensen s Functional Equation In Multi-Normed Spaces (چکیده)
5984 - Influence of transmembrane pressure and feed concentration on the retention of arsenic, chromium and cadmium from water by nanofiltration (چکیده)
5985 - Dermatoglyphic Analysis in Parents With Nonfamilial Bilateral Cleft Lip (چکیده)
5986 - ZnO nanofluids: Green synthesis, characterization, and antibacterial activity (چکیده)
5987 - 2-Amino-4-methylpyridinium trifluoroacetate: a monoclinic polymorph (چکیده)
5988 - On the commutativity degree of compact groups (چکیده)
5989 - Analysis of Economic-Political Factors Affecting non Oil Export of Iran (چکیده)
5990 - Evaluation of attraction terms in equations of state on (چکیده)
5991 - An investigation into the influence of blankholder force on springback in U-bending (چکیده)
5992 - Distribution of External Taste Buds in Walking Catfish (Clarias batrachus) and Piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri) (چکیده)
5993 - Efficient 2,4,6-Trichloro-1,3,5-triazine-Catalyzed Synthesis of 2-Arylbenzothiazoles and Bisbenzothiazoles by Condensation of 2-Aminithiophenol with Aldehydes Under Mild Conditions (چکیده)
5994 - Zirconium Hydroxide Chromate (Zr4(OH)6(CrO4)(H2O)2): a Mild and Efficient Reagent for Oxidation of Benzylic Alcohols (چکیده)
5995 - Selective Oxidative Cleavage of Benzylic and Allylic Oximes to Their Carbonyl Compounds with Strontium Manganate in the Presence of Aluminium Chloride in Solution and under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
5996 - 1,3Dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin or N-bromosuccinimide as efficient reagents for chemoselective deprotection of 1,1-diacetates under solvent-free conditions (چکیده)
5997 - synthesis and characterization of a series of I ,3,5- trisubstituted-2-pyrazolinc derivatives using methanoic acid under thermal condition (چکیده)
5998 - High Yielding Oxidative Deprotection of Silyl and Pyranyl Ethers to Their Corresponding Carbonyl Compounds with Strontium Manganate in the Presence of Aluminium Chloride in Solution and Under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
5999 - Direct In vitro regeneration of lentil (Lens culinaris Medic) (چکیده)
6000 - Optimizing regeneration condition in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) (چکیده)
6001 - Compartion of ANFIS, ANN, GARCH and ARIMA Techniques to Exchange Rate Forecasting (چکیده)
6002 - Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy modelling and parallel distributed compensation control of conducting polymer actuators (چکیده)
6003 - Modelling and control of a SCARA robot using quantitative feedback theory (چکیده)
6004 - Collective coordinate analysis for double sine-Gordon model (چکیده)
6005 - Modeling and optimization of MAG welding for gas pipelines using regression analysis and simulated annealing algorithm (چکیده)
6006 - Oxidation of sulfides to sulfoxides with zirconium hydroxy chromate (Zr4(OH)6(CrO4)5(H2O)2( (چکیده)
6007 - Regeneration of carbonyl compounds from their oximes with zirconium hydroxide chromate [Zr4(OH)6(CrO4)5(H2O)2] (چکیده)
6008 - The eggs from laying hens infected with Brachyspira pilosicoli may not be a potential source of infection for human (چکیده)
6009 - Microwave-assisted highly diastereoselective synthesis of oxazolidines derived from ketones and aminoalcohols (چکیده)
6010 - Improving Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete by Magnetic Water Technology (چکیده)
6011 - New records of the afghan Vole, Blanfordimys of ghanus (Rodenia: Arvicoinoe) form North- East of khorasan Iran (چکیده)
6012 - Gravimetrical properties of sunflower seeds and kernels (چکیده)
6013 - Diversity of the Rodents of Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
6014 - New record of Naked-footed Gerbil Gerbillius nanus and Pygmy Gerbi Gerbillius cfr. henleyi (Rodentia, Muridae)from Iran (چکیده)
6015 - A preliminary study on Indian Gerbils, Tatera indica Hardwicke, 1807 at population level in eastern and southern parts of Iran (Rodentia: Muridae) (چکیده)
6016 - Investigation of climatic effects on the shape and volume of tympanic bulla of Meriones libycus and M.Persicus(Muridae: Rodentia) form Northeastern Iran: An evolutionary approach (چکیده)
6017 - Biosystematic approach to geographie variations of house mouse group, Mus musculus L.1766 (چکیده)
6018 - Computation of some thermodynamic properties of helium–neon and helium–krypton fluid mixtures using molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
6019 - Study of Complex Vertebral Malformation Disorder in Iranian Holstein Bulls (چکیده)
6020 - Genetic polymorphism at the growth hormone locus in Iranian Talli goats by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) (چکیده)
6021 - Gorenstein Injective Resolutions, Cousin Complexes and Top Local Cohomology Modules (چکیده)
6022 - Sorption studies of nitrate ion by a modified beet residue in the presence and (چکیده)
6023 - Effects of moisture content, seed size, loading rate and seed rotation on force and energy required for fracturing cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum Linn) under quasi-static loading (چکیده)
6024 - Prevalence of Cryptosporium spp. infection in some dairy herds of Mashhad(Iran) and its association with diarrhea in newborn calves (چکیده)
6025 - A rare case of septicemia due to Bacteroides melaninogenicus in a Holstein cow (چکیده)
6026 - Acute circuit-resistance exercise increases expression of lymphocyte agouti-related protein in young women (چکیده)
6027 - Wide genetic diversity of Rosa damascena Mill. germplasm (چکیده)
6028 - Microsatellite analysis of Iranian Damask rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) germplasm (چکیده)
6029 - Natural Convection over a Non-Isothermal Vertical Flat Plate in Supercritical Fluids (چکیده)
6030 - Gastric ulcer in Arabian horses in Iran: Occurrence, hematology and biochemistry (چکیده)
6031 - Renyi entropy properties of order statistics (چکیده)
6032 - Influence of road transportation during hot summer conditions on oxidative status biomarkers in Iranian dromedary camels (چکیده)
6033 - Evaluation of relationship between Rotavirus and Coronavirus infections with calf diarrhea by capture ELISA (چکیده)
6034 - A proposal for M2-brane-anti-M2-brane action (چکیده)
6035 - Effect of lactic fermentation (Lactobacillus plantarum) on physicochemical, flavor, staling and crust properties of semi volume bread (baguette) (چکیده)
6036 - Redundancy and Reliability of Air to Air Missile Fuze Electronics (چکیده)
6037 - Influence of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum on the stability and flow properties of O/W emulsion prepared by high intensity ultrasound (چکیده)
6038 - Serum enzyme and mineral levels in dromedary camels during transport (چکیده)
6039 - On Shadowing: Ordinary and Ergodic (چکیده)
6040 - Artificial neural network approach for solving fuzzy differential equations (چکیده)
6041 - The effect of selenium sources and supplementation on neutrophil functions in dairy cows (چکیده)
6042 - Epidemiological study on haemoparasites of dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in Iran (چکیده)
6043 - Mineralogy, Stable isotope Geochemistry and Paragenesis of Magnesite Deposits from ophiolite belt of of Eastern Iran. (چکیده)
6044 - Influence of road transportation on plasma concentrations of acute phase proteins, including fibrinogen, haptoglobin, serum amyloid A, and ceruloplasmin, in dromedary camels ( Camelus dromedarius (چکیده)
6045 - Physiological response of dromedary camels to road transportation in relation to circulating levels of cortisol, thyroid hormones and some serum biochemical parameters (چکیده)
6046 - Comparison of rhodanese distribution in different tissues of Japanese quail, partridge, and pigeon (چکیده)
6047 - Computer Image Analysis and Physico-Mechanical Properties of Wild Sage Seed ( Salvia macrosiphon ) (چکیده)
6048 - Petrography and Geochemical Signatures in Cracks Filling Calcite Sequences in Septarian Concretions, Sanganeh Formation, Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
6049 - A Novel Thermostable, Acidophilic -Amylase from a New Thermophilic -Bacillus sp. Ferdowsicous- Isolated from Ferdows Hot Mineral Spring in Iran: Purification and Biochemical Characterization (چکیده)
6050 - Corrigendum to “On the Gorenstein injective dimension and Bass formula” [Arch. Math. 90 (2008), 18–23] (چکیده)
6051 - Improvement the uniformity of the gamma production rate distribution with depth in a large biological sample for an IVNAA facility (چکیده)
6052 - The Topological Center of the Banach Algebra UCl(K)* (چکیده)
6053 - A Characterization of Square Integrable Representations Associated With CWT (چکیده)
6055 - Some maximal inequalities for quadratic forms of negative superadditive dependence random variables (چکیده)
6056 - Structural Properties of Ultrathin Al2O3 Films on Si (چکیده)
6057 - Dynamic simulation and control of a continuous bioreactor based on cell population balance model (چکیده)
6058 - subcortical organization of Languages in Bilingual Brain (چکیده)
6059 - A new low-phase noise direct-coupled CMOS LC-QVCO (چکیده)
6060 - Strong Gaussian approximations of product-limit and quantile processes for truncated data under strong mixing (چکیده)
6061 - Morphological and morphometric analyses of dental and cranial characters in apodemus hyrcanicus and a. Witherbyi (rodentia: Muridae)form Iran (چکیده)
6062 - Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of 6-(benzyloxy)-4-methylquinolin-2(1H)-one derivatives as PDE3 inhibitors (چکیده)
6063 - The Aurignacian in the zagros region: new research at Yafteh Cave, Lorestan, Iran (چکیده)
6064 - N-Benzylpropan-2-aminium chloride (چکیده)
6065 - New Species of three- toed Jerboa Jaculus thaleri Sp. nov. (Dipodentia , Rodentia fom the Deseris of Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
6066 - Calendula karakalensis (Asteraceae) ,A new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
6067 - A new species of Astragalus L. sect. Ornithopodium (Fabaceae)from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
6068 - Discriminant anatysis of dental and cranial characteristies in the miee apodemus hyrcanicus and ...(rodentia, Muridae) form Iran (چکیده)
6069 - A new species wood mouse of thje genus apodemus (rodentia, Muridae) form Iran (چکیده)
6070 - nonlinear dynamic analysis by dynamic relaxtion method (چکیده)
6071 - The role of thermal conduction in magnetized viscous-resistive advection-dominated accretion flows (چکیده)
6072 - Viscous Accreting Magnetofluids around a Static Compact Object in Final Stages of Accretion Flow (چکیده)
6073 - Nonlinear FE Analysis of Reinforced ConcreteStructures Using a Tresca-Type Yield Surface (چکیده)
6074 - Making Oil-in-Water Emulsions by Ultrasound and Stability Evaluation Using Taguchi Method (چکیده)
6075 - Study of the Morphology and Granulometry ofPolyethylene–Clay Nanocomposite Powders (چکیده)
6076 - Semiparametric Ridge Regression Approach in Partially Linear Models (چکیده)
6077 - Prediction of Thickness and Fouling Rate in Pulsating Flow Heat Exchangers, Using FLUENT Simulator (چکیده)
6078 - New plant records for Khorassan province, Iran,III (چکیده)
6079 - Biosystimatics study of steppe field mouse Apodemus witherbyi (rodentia: Muridae) form North-West Iran, (چکیده)
6080 - Experimental Tribulus terrestris poisoning in sheep: clinical, laboratory and pathological findings (چکیده)
6081 - Hot electron of steady-state transport in submicrometer ZnSe and ZnS n+-i(n)-n+ diodes (چکیده)
6082 - Hydrogen sensing properties of indium doped tin oxide thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis (چکیده)
6083 - An Outer Commutator Multiplier and Capability of Finitely Generated Abelian Groups (چکیده)
6084 - morphometric comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Gerbillinae, Rodentia) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
6085 - Parallel Implementation of Eye Detection Algorithm on Color Facial Images (چکیده)
6086 - Morphological and histological study of superior lacrimal gland of third eyelid in camel (Camelus dromedarius (چکیده)
6087 - Prediction of excess thermodynamic functions and activity coefficients (چکیده)
6088 - Rodents and Lagomorphs remains from late pleistocene and early Holoeene Caves and Rochshelter sites in the Zagros region, iran (چکیده)
6089 - Color discrimination in caspian pony (چکیده)
6090 - Prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Eimeria infections in dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) in abattoir of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
6091 - Experimental and Modeling Technique for Liquid Holdup between Spherical Particles (چکیده)
6092 - Plant quality effects on intraguild predation between Orius laevigatus and Aphidoletes aphidimyza (چکیده)
6093 - The Influence of Different Heat treatment Cycles on Controlled Surface Graphitization in CK45 Steel (چکیده)
6094 - Studies on Adsorption of mercury from aqueous solution on Activated Carbons prepared from walnut shell (چکیده)
6095 - Experimental Investigation of the Effect of the Solid Fuel Dimensions on the Downward Flame Spread (چکیده)
6096 - Valuation of Water and its Sensitive Analysis in Agricultural Sector A Hedonic Pricing Approach (چکیده)
6097 - The Determination of Optimal Crop Pattern with Aim of Reduction in Hazards of Environmental (چکیده)
6098 - Cimicomorpha and Pentatomomorpha (Heteroptera) of alfalfa from Mashhad and vicinity , NE Iran (چکیده)
6099 - Uranium removal from aqueous solutions by wood powder and wheat straw (چکیده)
6100 - Extremal rotating solutions in Horava Gravity (چکیده)
6101 - An ionic 2D inorganic–organic hybrid of tris[((1H-tetrazol-5-yl)methyl) morpholine] dodecatungstophosphate(V) pentahydrate: Synthesis X-ray crystal structure and spectroscopic characterizations (چکیده)
6102 - A Novel Overlap-Based Logic Cell: An Efficient Implementation of Flip–Flops With Embedded Logic (چکیده)
6103 - Distortion analysis of bootstrap switch using Volterra series (چکیده)
6105 - Farsi and Arabic document images lossy compression based on the mixed raster content model (چکیده)
6106 - Experimental Investigations Water Surface Characteristics in Strongly-Curved Open Channels (چکیده)
6107 - Incorporation of Eulerian–Eulerian CFD framework in mathematical modeling of chemical absorption of acid gases into methyl diethanol amine on sieve trays (چکیده)
6108 - Comparison of Separation Performance of a Structured Packed Column with a Tray-Type Column for H2S and CO2 (چکیده)
6109 - Evaluation of Performance of an Industrial Gas Sweetening Plant by Application of Sequential Modular and Simultaneous Modular Methods (چکیده)
6110 - Effect of high intensity pulsed electric fields on microbial inactivation of cow milk (چکیده)
6111 - 1Naphthylmethyl-Ammonium Chloride (چکیده)
6112 - In vivo effect of albendazole and mebendazole on hydatid cyst of mice (چکیده)
6113 - Nephrolithiasis in two Arabian horses (چکیده)
6114 - The international publication productivity of Malaysian in social sciences: developing a scientific power index (چکیده)
6115 - An outbreak of ulcerative stomatitis due to mouse barely (Hordeum murinum) in horse (چکیده)
6116 - Validity of some regularities of dense fluids for ionic liquids (چکیده)
6117 - Successful Treatment of a Subcutaneous Axillary Abscess Due to Staphylococcus Lentus in a Rabbit (چکیده)
6119 - Comparison of Electronic and Optical Properties of the a and k phase Alumina Using Density Functional Theory (چکیده)
6120 - Elastic follow-up and relaxation of residual stresses (چکیده)
6121 - Bis(2,6-diaminopyridinium) hydrogen phthalate nitrate monohydrate (چکیده)
6122 - T-duality of curvature terms in D-brane actions (چکیده)
6123 - Orbital Shadowing Property (چکیده)
6124 - Design and Implementation of a High Bit Rate HDLC Transceiver Based on a Modified MT8952B Controller (چکیده)
6125 - Moisture-Dependent Physical Properties of Saffron Flower (چکیده)
6126 - Anatomy of pancreas in Mynah(Aridotheres tristis (چکیده)
6127 - Incorporation of Flexibility in Design of Methanol Synthesis Loop in the Face of Catalyst Deactivation (چکیده)
6128 - Effect of Non-Aqueous Solvents on Stoichiometry and Selectivity of Complexes Formed Between 4 Nitrobenzo 15 Crown 5 with Fe3+, Y3+, Cd2+, Sn4+, Ce3+ and Au3+ Metal Cations (چکیده)
6129 - A concise review on the anatomy of the atrioventricular node in mammals (چکیده)
6130 - measurement of strong coupling constant from transverse momentum (چکیده)
6131 - O,O -Di-p-tolylpyrophosphoric bis(dimethylamide) (چکیده)
6132 - Monitoring geometric characteristics of rice during processing by image analysis system and micrometer measurement (چکیده)
6133 - A note on convex renorming and fragmentability (چکیده)
6134 - Strong uniform consistency of kernel density estimators under a censored dependent model (چکیده)
6136 - Determination of some normal serum parameters in strarry sturgeon(Acipenser pallas,1771) during spring season (چکیده)
6137 - Longitudinal Vibrations Analysis of Vehicular Clutch (چکیده)
6138 - Modeling and simulation of sour gas membrane-absorption system: Influence of operational parameters on species removal (چکیده)
6140 - Optimum Designing of Thin Film Filter Layers of SiO2 and SnTe Based on Optical Particle Swarm Opimizer (چکیده)
6141 - Improvement of Nir Transmission Mode for Internal Quality Assessment of Fruit Using Different Orientations (چکیده)
6142 - Neuro–fuzzy modeling tools for estimation of torque in Savonius rotor wind turbine (چکیده)
6143 - Molecular iodine promoted synthesis of new pyrazolo[3,4-d] pyrimidine derivatives as potential antibacterial agents (چکیده)
6144 - Supply chain leagility in professional services (چکیده)
6145 - On-Line Bed Thickness Measurement of Self Clearing Continuous Centrifuge using laser application (چکیده)
6146 - Interactive Effects of NaCl Induced Salinity, Calcium and Potassium on Physiomorphological Traits of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L (چکیده)
6147 - Experiments and predictions of the effects of load history on cleavage fracture in steel (چکیده)
6148 - A Convenient Synthesis of New Macrocyclic Thioether-Esters and Ether-Esters: Extraction Properties of These Esters for Alkali, Alkaline Earth, and Transition Metal Cations (چکیده)
6149 - Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some New Thioether-Ester Crown Ethers (چکیده)
6150 - The Green Method for Regiospecific Ring Opening of Epoxide with Dimercaptoethane (چکیده)
6151 - A Hybrid Scatter Search for the RCPSP (چکیده)
6152 - Investigation on the effects of hot forging parameters on the austenite grain size of vanadium microalloyed forging steel-30MSV6 (چکیده)
6153 - A Computational Study of Droplet Impingement onto a Thin Liquid Film (چکیده)
6154 - Synthesis of new thiazolo [3, 2-a: 4, 5-d] dipyrimidine derivatives (چکیده)
6155 - Synthesis of novel disulfide-bridged dilactam crown ethers (چکیده)
6156 - Synthesis, biological evaluation and QSAR studies of some new thioether-ester crown ethers (چکیده)
6157 - Synthesis of New β,β -Diketodithioethers via Swern Oxidation and Study of Their Hydrazone Formation Rate (چکیده)
6158 - Individual and combined effect of meso-2, 3-dimercaptosuccinic acid and allicin on blood and tissue lead content in mice (چکیده)
6159 - Growth analysis of chickens fed diets varying in the percentage of metabolizable energy provided by protein, fat, and carbohydratethrough artificial neural network (چکیده)
6160 - Assessment of nutritional value of caraway seed pulp for feeding Holestein dairy cattle (چکیده)
6161 - Evaluation of mass exchange during osmotic dehydration of plum using response surface methodology (چکیده)
6162 - Effect of Feed Restriction and Different Energy and Protein Levels of the Diet on Growth Performance and Growth Hormone in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
6163 - The therapeutic potential of thiamine for treatment of experimentally-induced subacute lead poisoning in sheep (چکیده)
6164 - Chronostratigraphy of loess deposits in northeast Iran (چکیده)
6165 - Astragalus ghouchanensis (Fabaceae), a new speciies from Iran (چکیده)
6166 - Application of Statistical Procedures for Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Domestic Animal Populations (چکیده)
6167 - Allium oriento-iranicum (Alliaceae), a new speciies from Iran (چکیده)
6168 - Heat transfer enhancement by application of nano-powder (چکیده)
6169 - A note on classical Stein-type estimators in elliptically contoured models (چکیده)
6170 - Distribution, lithology and provenance of peridesert loess deposits in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
6171 - Liquid Phase Microextraction (چکیده)
6172 - Determination of 3-nitroaniline in water samples by directly suspended droplet three-phase liquid-phase microextraction using 18-crown-6 ether and high-performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
6173 - Corrigendum to ‘‘Design and synthesis of 4-methoxyphenylacetic acid estersras 15-lipoxygenase inhibitors and SAR comparative studies of them”[Bioorg. Med. Chem. 17 (2009) 2327 (چکیده)
6174 - N,N -Dicyclohexyl-N -(4-nitrobenzoyl)- phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
6175 - Synthesis and antibacterial activity of some new derivatives of pyrazole (چکیده)
6176 - Increased foliar activity of clodinafop-propargyl and/or tribenuron-methyl by surfactants and their synergistic action on wild oat (Avena ludoviciana) and wild mustard (Sinapiis arvensis) (چکیده)
6177 - Floristic Study of Firozeh watershed-North Khorasan province (چکیده)
6178 - Gene silencing in human embryonic stem cells by RNA interference (چکیده)
6179 - Optical Design of Multilayer Filter by using PSO Algorithm (چکیده)
6180 - Performance and population growth rate associated with yield losses response of cotton aphid on cucumber under different nitrogen fertilization levels (چکیده)
6181 - Predation by Allothrombium pulvinum on the spider mites Tetranychus urticae and Amphitetranychus viennensis: predation rate, prey preference and functional response (چکیده)
6182 - Preference of adults of Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing (Acari: Trombidiidae) for eggs of Planococcus citri (Risso) and Pulvinaria aurantii Cockerell on citrus leaves in the laboratory (چکیده)
6183 - Molecular identification of birds: performance of distance based barcoding in three genes to delimit closely related species (چکیده)
6184 - Host preference by Allothrombium pulvinum (Acari: Trombidiidae) larvae on aphids: Macrosiphum rosae, Aphis gossypii and Hyalopterus amygdali (Homoptera: Aphididae (چکیده)
6185 - Fadaeeyan-i Islam: The Prototype of Islamic Hard-liners in Iran (چکیده)
6186 - Norm continuity of quasi-continuous mappings into Cp(K) and product spaces (چکیده)
6187 - Mites (Acari: Prostigmata & Mesostigmata) inhabiting green plantings in urban environment of north-eastern Iran, including six new records (چکیده)
6188 - Investigation the Substitution Capability of Oilseeds in Cropping Pattern (چکیده)
6189 - Fecal and Molecular Survey of Neospora caninum in Farm and Household Dogs in Mashhad Area (چکیده)
6190 - Survey of Dogs’ Parasites in Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
6191 - Ridge regression methodology in partial linear models with correlated errors (چکیده)
6192 - Entropy Generation Analysis In Error Estimation Of An Approximate Solution: A Constant Surface Temperature Semi-infinite Conductive Problem (چکیده)
6193 - A Mild and Simple Iodination of Phenos with Trichloroisocyanuric Acid/ I2 /Wet SiO2 Systems (چکیده)
6194 - An investigation into the different hardening models in reverese forming of thin sheets (چکیده)
6195 - Construction of barium (II) PVC membrane electrochemical sensor based on 3-deoxy-D-erythro-hexos-2-ulose bis (thiosemicarbazone) as a novel ionophore (چکیده)
6196 - Effects of water deficit and spraing of dessicants on yield, yield components and water use efficiency of wheat genotypes (چکیده)
6197 - Topological centers of certain Banach module actions (چکیده)
6198 - O-H Bond Cleavage Step of the Wacker Process: A DFT Study (چکیده)
6199 - Long-Term Effects of Oxymetholone vs. Testosterone with or Without ZnSO4 on Growth Performance of Turkey Chicks (چکیده)
6200 - Performance of the Evolutionary Structural Optimization Based Approaches with Different Criteria in the Shape Optimization of Beams (چکیده)
6201 - Diphenyl (benzylamido) phosphate (چکیده)
6202 - Separation of Sugar from Molasses by Ultrafiltration and Nanofiltration (چکیده)
6203 - The sound velocities in dense fluids from distribution functions (چکیده)
6204 - Eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from Iran, with descriptions of three new species, one new record and a checklist (چکیده)
6205 - Practical Viewpoints on Load Frequency Control Problem in a Deregulated Power System (چکیده)
6206 - Accurate fault location algorithm for transmission line in the presence of series connected FACTS devices (چکیده)
6207 - A view on Bhattacharyya bounds for inverse Gaussian distributions (چکیده)
6208 - Comparison of reproductive parameters, plasma and milk E2 and P4 concentrations following application of Ovsynch-CIDR Vs two consecutive injections of PGF2 , in dairy Holstein cows (چکیده)
6209 - Prevalence of MAP in a large dairy herd and its effect on reproductive and production indices (چکیده)
6210 - Bene hull oil as a highly stable and antioxidative vegetable oil (چکیده)
6211 - Canine atopic/allergic dermatitis in Mashhad (North-East of Iran): clinical observations (چکیده)
6212 - Singular Value Decomposition Combined With Analytical Method for Tokamak Plasma Tomography (چکیده)
6213 - Graph Partitioning Applications in Electrical Engineering with an Emphasis on Power System Intentional Islanding (چکیده)
6214 - A New Genetic Algorithm With Lamarckian Individual Learning for Generation Scheduling (چکیده)
6215 - How much Fisher information is contained in record values and their concomitants in the presence of inter-record times (چکیده)
6216 - A New Notion Derived from Varieties of Group (چکیده)
6217 - V-Perfect Groups (چکیده)
6218 - Investigation of ethylene polymerization using soluble Cp2Zrcl2/MAO catalytic system via responce surface methodology (چکیده)
6219 - Market Clearing Price and Load Forecasting Using Cooperative Co-evolutionary Approach (چکیده)
6220 - Evaluating the efficiency of divestitur epolicyin promoting competitiveness using ananalytical method and agent-based computational economics (چکیده)
6221 - Composition at Different Development Stages of the Essential Oil of Four Achillea Species Grown in Iran (چکیده)
6222 - Essential Oil Content and Constituents of Black Zira (Bunium persicum [Boiss.] B. Fedtsch.) from Iran During Field Cultivation Domestication (چکیده)
6223 - Seroprevalence of Leptospiral Infection in Rodents of DairyCattle Herds Complexes in Suburb of Mashhad-Iran (چکیده)
6224 - Detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus using a nestedRT-PCR assay in bulk milk samples of dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-Iran (چکیده)
6225 - Some Histological and Physiological Features of Avian Kidney (چکیده)
6226 - The influence of exogenous enzyme, formaldehyde and/or sodium hydroxide on in vitro Gas Production parameters of sunflower meal (چکیده)
6227 - A qualitative comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines in ECG arrhythmias classification (چکیده)
6228 - Temperature and doping dependencies of hot electron transport properties in bulk GaP, InP and Ga0.5In0.5P (چکیده)
6229 - Comparison of Computational Requirements of Spectral and Kernel k-means Bisectioning of Power systems (چکیده)
6230 - A dynamic offsetting approach to tool path generation for machining convex pockets (چکیده)
6231 - A tabu search approach to optimization of drilling operations (چکیده)
6232 - Zircon U-Pb geochronology, Sr-Nd isotope analyses, and petrogenetic study of the Dehnow diorite and Kuhsangi granodiorite (Paleo-Tethys), NE Iran (چکیده)
6233 - Synthesis of Isobenzofuran-1(3H)-ones with the Aid of Silica-Supported Preyssler Nanoparticles (چکیده)
6234 - Iodine catalysed synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of thieno-[2,3-d]pyrimidine derivatives (چکیده)
6235 - Green Synthesis of a Novel Functionalized Tetrahydro-1,4-thiazepine and Computational Studies of Its Tautomeric Structures (چکیده)
6236 - Contribution of intermolecular interactions to constructing supramolecular architecture: Synthesis, structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of a new hybrid of polyoxomolybdate and ((1H-tetrazole-5-yl) methyl)morpholine (چکیده)
6237 - Regioselective Synthesis of New 2-(E)-Cyano(thiazolidin-2-ylidene)thiazoles (چکیده)
6238 - TiO2 nanoparticles: an efficient heterogeneous catalystfor synthesis of bis(indolyl)methanes under solvent-free conditions (چکیده)
6239 - Estimation of parameters of parallelism model with elliptically distributed errors (چکیده)
6240 - Assessment of common turbulence models under conditions of temporal acceleration in a pipe (چکیده)
6241 - Study of microstructure and mechanical properties of high performance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111 (چکیده)
6242 - A high temperature deformation mechanism map for the high performance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111 (چکیده)
6243 - Dust acoustic solitary and shock waves in strongly coupled dusty plasmas with nonthermal ions (چکیده)
6244 - Geometric Simulation of Ball-End Milling Operations (چکیده)
6245 - An improved process simulation system for ball-end milling of sculptured surfaces (چکیده)
6246 - Influence of Nano-Size Al2O3 Weight Percent on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-Matrix Nanocomposite (چکیده)
6247 - Influence of Hot Deformation Strain Rate on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of K310 Cold Work Tool Steel (چکیده)
6248 - Aril Paleness, New Physiological Disorder in Pomegranate Fruit (Punica granatum): Physical and Chemical Changes during Exposure of Fruit Disorder (چکیده)
6249 - foliar application of potassium and bron during pomegranate (punica granatum) fruit development can improve fruit quality (چکیده)
6250 - Complexation of 4 -Nitrobenzo-15-Crown-5 with Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+and Ba2+Metal Cations in Acetonitrile-Methanol Binary Solutions (چکیده)
6251 - An assessment of the process of Self-propagating High-Temperature Synthesisfor the fabrication of porous copper composite (چکیده)
6252 - An Investigation on the Performanceof Approximate Methods in theRepresentation of Stressed Power Systems (چکیده)
6253 - EM-based recursive estimation of channel parameters (چکیده)
6254 - Experimental approach influences soybean (Glycine max L.)seed and seedling response to salinity (چکیده)
6255 - Scotish wild flower seeds: Production and use (چکیده)
6256 - Comparson of the seed germination and early seedling growth of soybean in saline conditions (چکیده)
6257 - interaction between salinity stress and seed vigour during germination of soyabean seeds (چکیده)
6258 - Distribution of BoLA-DRB3Allelic Frequencies and Identificationof a New Allele in the IranianCattle Breed Sistani (چکیده)
6259 - Mean germination time in the laboratory estimates the relative vigour and field performance of commercial seed lots of maize(Zea mays L.) (چکیده)
6260 - Mean germination time as an indicator of emergence performance in soil of seed lots of maize-Zea mays (چکیده)
6261 - Coating of Al substrate by metallic Ni through mechanical alloying (چکیده)
6262 - flood inundation extent in storage cell mode (چکیده)
6263 - Strength anisotropies in mudrocks (چکیده)
6264 - Dynamic simulation of boring process (چکیده)
6265 - Detection of Cucumber Mosaic Virus and Typing Using Serological and Molecular Methods in Razavi Khorasan Province (چکیده)
6266 - Vertical electrical sounding fo groundwater assessment in southeastern Iran: A case studyr (چکیده)
6267 - Predicting mechanical properties of mudrock from index parameters (چکیده)
6268 - Optimization of the high-frequency torsional vibration of vehicle driveline systems using genetic algorithms (چکیده)
6269 - Improvement the uniformity of the gamma production rate distribution with depth in a large biological sample for an IVNAA facility (چکیده)
6270 - Structure and vibrational assignment of magnesium acetylacetonate: A density functional theoretical study (چکیده)
6271 - Spectroscopic Studies of intramolecular H bond in the enol form of -diketones. I. Frequencies assignment “Spectrochim (چکیده)
6272 - Two-dimensional sensitivity analysis (چکیده)
6273 - Three-dimensional sensitivity analysis using a factoring technique (چکیده)
6274 - Experimental and theoretical studies of the triphenyltin(IV) chloride adduct of pyridine-2-ethanol (چکیده)
6275 - Plastic cyclic analysis using linear yield surface (چکیده)
6276 - 2Aminopyrimidinum hydrogen oxalate monohydrate (چکیده)
6277 - A family of 13-node plate bending triangular elements (چکیده)
6278 - Comparision of serun enzyme activity in great stugeon, Huso Huso, cultured in brackish and fresh water earth ponds in Iran (چکیده)
6279 - Adaptive state allocation algorithm in MLSD receiver for multipath fading channels (چکیده)
6280 - Adaptive MLSDE using the EM algorithm (چکیده)
6281 - The Wheatstone Bridge-based Analog Adaptive Filter With Application In Echo Cancellation (چکیده)
6282 - Complexity reduction of the MLSD/ MLSDE receiver using the adaptive state allocation algorithm (چکیده)
6283 - 1D chaincode pattern matching for compression of Bi-level printed farsi and arabic textual images (چکیده)
6284 - Optimization of hole-making operations: a tabu-search approach (چکیده)
6285 - An adaptive TS approach to JIT sequencing with variable processing times and sequence-dependent setups (چکیده)
6286 - On the calibration of the Chaboche hardening model and a modified hardening rule for uniaxial ratcheting prediction (چکیده)
6287 - Direct Adaptive Neurocontrol of Structures under Earth Vibration (چکیده)
6288 - Low-dropout voltage reference: an approach to low-temperature-sensitivity architectures with high drive capability (چکیده)
6289 - Application of Spreadsheets in Developing Flexible Multiple-Reach and Multiple-Branch Methods of Muskingum Flood Routing (چکیده)
6290 - High maneuvering target tracking using an inputestimation technique associated with fuzzy forgetting factor (چکیده)
6291 - Intelligent fading memory for high maneuvering target tracking (چکیده)
6292 - N,N’,N’’,N’’’-tetramethyltetra-2,3-pyridinoporphyrazinato copper(II) methyl sulfate as a new and efficient catalyst for the dithioacetalization and the oxathioacetalization of carbonyl compounds (چکیده)
6293 - Pi-shaped MEMS architecture for lowering actuation voltage of RF switching (چکیده)
6294 - Electrochemical hydride generation of thallium (چکیده)
6295 - Determination of Trihalomethanes in Tap Water by UV-Vis Spectrophotometry (چکیده)
6296 - Evaluation of Electrochemical Reduction of Chloroform by Drop Mercury Electrode (چکیده)
6297 - The Effect of Magnetic Water on Growth and Quality Improvement of Poultry (چکیده)
6298 - Effects of a magnetic field and adjuvant in the (چکیده)
6299 - Substance Use and the Paradox of Good and Bad Attentional Bias (چکیده)
6300 - An adaptive scheme for compressed video steganoghraphy using temporal and spatial features of the video signal (چکیده)
6301 - Unsupervised Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System For Solving Differential Equations (چکیده)
6302 - International visibility of Iranian ISI journals: a citation study (چکیده)
6303 - A Scientometric Analysis Of International LIS Journals: Productivity And Characteristics (چکیده)
6304 - Preconcentration Of Thallium (I) By Single Drop Microextraction With Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Detection Using Dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 as Extractant System (چکیده)
6305 - Influence Of Hydrogen Plasma On Properties Of Transparent PEDT/PSS Thin Films (چکیده)
6306 - Farsi lexical Analysis And Stop Word list (چکیده)
6307 - Structure Of Chloride Cell In The Gill Epithelium Of Mugill Aurata (چکیده)
6308 - Morphology And Changes Of Chloride Cell Of Rutilus rutilus Caspicus In Caspian Sea (چکیده)
6309 - Effect of Concentration and Temperature on Flow Properties of Alyssum homolocarpum Seed Gum Solutions: Assessment of Time Dependency and Thixotropy (چکیده)
6310 - Phytochemical composition of the essential oils from three Apiaceae species and their antibacterial effects on food-borne pathogens (چکیده)
6311 - Pentakis(L-prolinium) dodecatungstoborate trihydrate (چکیده)
6312 - Gas sensing properties of thermally evaporated lamellar MoO3 (چکیده)
6313 - Aqueous synthesis of interconnected ZnO nanowires using spray pyrolysis deposited seed layers (چکیده)
6314 - Physicochemical and Sensory Properties of Peanut Spreads Fortified with Soyflour (چکیده)
6315 - neural network model as a new powerful tool to describe and predict hatchability of broiler breeder eggs (چکیده)
6316 - spectrophotometric determination of nitrite using diphenylamine as complexing agent (چکیده)
6317 - Semi-active control of structures using neuro-predictive algorithm for MR dampers (چکیده)
6318 - Neuroprotective effects of testosteron on regenerating (چکیده)
6319 - Transition from n- to p-type of spray pyrolysis deposited Cu-doped ZnO thin films for NO2 sensing (چکیده)
6320 - Modeling of a Novel High-Q, Highly Linear, IF Micromechanical Filter: Design and Simulations (چکیده)
6321 - Comprehensive analysis of a high-Q, low motional resistance, very-high frequency MEMS resonator (چکیده)
6322 - A New Method For CDMA Signal Modeling In Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
6323 - Semi-active control of structures using a neuro-inverse model of MR dampers (چکیده)
6325 - Mild and Efficient Iodination of Aromatic Compoundswith Trichloroisocyanuric Acid/I2/Wet SiO2 System (چکیده)
6326 - Triphenylphosphine/2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquinone (DDQ)/[nBu4N]OCN as a Useful System for the Efficient Conversion of Tetrahydropyranyl (THP) Ethers to the Corresponding Alkyl Isocyanates- (چکیده)
6327 - Novel and Highly Efficient Protection of Aliphatic Alcohols and Phenols withHexamethyldisilazane in the Presence of La(NO3)3·6 H2O (چکیده)
6328 - Design and Simulation of an Oblique Suspender MEMS Variable Capacitor (چکیده)
6329 - Does Hydro and Osmo-Priming Improve Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Seeds Germination and Seedlings Growth (چکیده)
6330 - Genetic diversity in the fungus Fusarium solani f. sp. cucurbitae Race 1 , the causal agent of root and crown rot of cucurbits in Iran, using molecular markers (چکیده)
6331 - An Intelligent System Based on Fuzzy Probabilities for Medical Diagnosis - A Study in Aphasia Diagnosis (چکیده)
6332 - Adaptive fuzzy output feedback control for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown backlash-like hysteresis (چکیده)
6333 - Effect of Mobile Phone Microwaves on Fetal Period of BALB/ c Mice in Histological Characteristics of Hippocampus and Learning Behaviors (چکیده)
6334 - Reservoir sedimentation associated with landsliding, Atrak watershed, Iran (چکیده)
6335 - Analysis of interlaminar stresses in general cross-ply laminates with distributed piezoelectric actuators (چکیده)
6336 - Axisymmetric bifurcation analysis in soils by the tangential-subloading surface model (چکیده)
6337 - Development and verification of a mathematical model for variations of the specific surface area of mineral powders during intensive grinding (چکیده)
6338 - Optimizing the ignition behavior of microwave-combustion synthesizedAl2O3/TiC composite using Taguchi robust design method (چکیده)
6339 - Development of a mathematical expression for the variation of amorphization phenomenon during intensive milling of minerals (چکیده)
6340 - Control of carbon loss during synthesis of WC powder through ball milling of WO3-C-2Al mixture (چکیده)
6341 - The effect of aluminothermic reaction on the progress of carbothermic reaction in simultaneous mechanochemical reduction of CuO and ZnO (چکیده)
6342 - Effect of alkaline electrolysis conditions on current efficiency, and morphology of zinc powder (چکیده)
6343 - Effect of the aluminum content on the behavior of mechanochemical reactions in theWO3–C–Al system (چکیده)
6344 - Pyrus pashia (Rosaceae),A new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
6345 - He’s homotopy perturbation method: An effective tool for solving nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations (چکیده)
6346 - Desalination of brackish groundwater in Zahedan city in Iran (چکیده)
6347 - The engineering geology of the Tabarak Abad Dam (چکیده)
6348 - Determination of silica sand stiffness (چکیده)
6349 - Financial Planning of Soil Conservation Based on Potential Demand of Credit (چکیده)
6350 - An Operator Extension oF Bohr’s Inequality (چکیده)
6351 - Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterization and Crystal Structure of a New Acetyl phosphorylamidate P(O)[NHC(O)C6H4(4-NO2)][N(CH(CH3)2)(CH2C6H5)]2 (چکیده)
6352 - Anuran Karyological Study Of Khorasan Provience (چکیده)
6353 - C1 robustly minimal iterated function systems (چکیده)
6354 - Repair of Damaged Steel-Concrete Composite Girders Using Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets (چکیده)
6355 - Galvanic Corrossion of Carbon And Steel in Aggressive Environments (چکیده)
6356 - Nanoscale ab-initio calculations of optical and electronic properties of LaCrO3 in cubic and rhombohedral phases (چکیده)
6357 - Fatigue Strength of Steel Girders Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Patch (چکیده)
6358 - Strengthening of Steel-Concrete Composite Girders Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers Sheets (چکیده)
6359 - Fe(HSO4)3 and Fe(HSO4)3/DMSO as Efficient Heterogeneous, and Reusable Catalyst Systems for the Oxidative Coupling of Thiols (چکیده)
6360 - The effect of Lallemantia royleana (Balangu) seed, palmate-tuber salep and carboxymethylcellulose gums on the physicochemical and sensory properties of typical soft ice cream (چکیده)
6361 - Metabolic pathways of clostridia for producing butanol (چکیده)
6362 - Modeling and optimisation of a solenoidal integrated inductor for RFICs (چکیده)
6363 - Formation Of Atoll Garnet In The Ardara Aureole, NW Ireland (چکیده)
6364 - Geothermobarometry Of Al2SiO5-bearing Metapelites In The Ardara (چکیده)
6365 - Effect of Triticale Replacement and Enzyme Supplementation on Performance and Blood Chemistry of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
6366 - Effects of Feed Form on Development of Digestive Tract , Performance and Carcass Traits of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
6367 - Enrichment of Chicken Meat With Long Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids Through Dietary Fish Oil (چکیده)
6368 - Comparison of Ileal Digestible Versus Total Amino Acid Feed Formulation on Broiler Performance (چکیده)
6369 - Transient and spatial modeling and simulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers reaction and transport in air, water and soil (چکیده)
6370 - Determination of Neutron Detectors Shield Used for the Detection of Landmines (چکیده)
6371 - Association of the polymorphism in the 5’ flanking region of the ovine IGF-I gene with growth traits in the Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
6372 - Possible utilization of high-salinity waters and application of low amounts of water for production of the halophyte Kochia scoparia as alternative fodder in saline agroecosystems (چکیده)
6373 - Development and use of quantitative competitive PCR assays for relative quantifying rumen anaerobic fungal populations in both in vitro and in vivo systems (چکیده)
6374 - Capillary Holdup Between Vertical Spheres (چکیده)
6375 - Effect of Stewing in Cooking Step on Textural and Morphological Properties of Cooked Rice (چکیده)
6376 - Comparison of in vivo with in situ mobile bag and three step enzymatic procedures to evaluate protein disappearance of alfalfa hay and barley grain (چکیده)
6377 - Free Vibration of Micro-scaled Timoshenko beams (چکیده)
6378 - Assessment of genetic structure and variation of cultured and wild Berberis populations of eastern parts of Iran using AFLP markers comparison to data resulted from Morphological markers (چکیده)
6379 - Outbreak of tick paralysis in nomadic sheep flock in Iran (چکیده)
6380 - Primary pericardial mesothelioma in a sheep (چکیده)
6381 - The Relationships between Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty in the private hospital Industry (چکیده)
6382 - Improving Videophone Subjective quality Using Audio Information (چکیده)
6383 - The Effects of Collection Methods on Species Diversity of Family Syrphidae (Diptera) in Neyshabur, Iran (چکیده)
6384 - Impact of Audio on Subjective Assessment of Video Quality in Videoconferencing Applications (چکیده)
6385 - Thermodynamic properties of the mixtures of some ionic liquids with alcohols using (چکیده)
6386 - The role of endogenous opioids in the protective effects of local sublethal hyperthermia against the progression of burn injury (چکیده)
6387 - Optimal design of derating, HALT, and ESS procedures for high reliability analog electronic products (چکیده)
6388 - Effects of abomasal pectin infusion on milk production, digestion and nitrogen utilization pattern of lactating saanen dairy goats (چکیده)
6389 - Correlation Between the Physical and Chemical Properties of Some Forages and Non-Forage Fiber Sources (چکیده)
6390 - Feeding Value of Kangar (Gandelia tournefortii) Hay and the Growth Performance of Bluchi Lambs Fed by Diets Containing this Hay (چکیده)
6391 - WheatPot: A simple model for spring wheat yield potential (چکیده)
6392 - Ab initio study of intramolecular hetero-Diels-Alder reaction of ABT-773 (چکیده)
6393 - A novel algorithm for solving optimal path planning problems based on parametrization method and fuzzy aggregation (چکیده)
6394 - Histological study on the oesophagus and crop in various species of wild bird (چکیده)
6395 - Considering Different Network Topologies in Optimal Overcurrent Relay Coordination Using a Hybrid GA (چکیده)
6396 - The Effects of Salinity and Light on Photosynthesis, Respiration and Chlorophyll fluorescence in Salt-tolerant and Salt-sensitive Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars (چکیده)
6397 - A study of geographical changes of bullae characteristic in genus Meriones (Rodentia Muridae) using outline Method (چکیده)
6398 - Effect of Protein Sources of Isonitrogenous Whole Crop Barley Silage Based Diets on Perfonnance and Blood Metabolites of Early Lactating Holstein Cows (چکیده)
6399 - Modeling and Simulation of Apple Drying, Using Artificial Neural Network and Neuro -Taguchi’s Method (چکیده)
6400 - A Novel Scalable and Storage-Efficient Architecture for high speed exact string matching (چکیده)
6401 - Computer vision systems (CVS)for moisture content estimation in dehydrated shrimp (چکیده)
6402 - Introducing a Lexicographic Goal programming for Environmental Conservation program in Farm Activities: a Case Study in Iran (چکیده)
6403 - Assessment Of Nutritive Value Of Four Dominant Weed Species In Range Of Khorasan Distric Of Iran By In Vitro And In Situ Technique (چکیده)
6404 - Reasons for culling of Holstein dairy cows in Neyshabur area in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
6405 - Convective Heat Transfer of a Cu/Water Nanofluid Flowing Through a Circular Tube (چکیده)
6406 - A Numerical study of flow and heat transfer between two concentric rotating spheres with time-dependent angular velocities (چکیده)
6407 - Double derivations on C*-algebras (چکیده)
6408 - Distribution-free confidence intervals for quantiles and tolerance intervals in terms of k-records (چکیده)
6409 - Preparation of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Using Bi- supported Sio2/Mgcl2 (spherical)/Ticl4 Catalyst: A MorphologicalStudy (چکیده)
6410 - Ethylene Homo-and Copolymerization Using a Bis-IndZrcl2 Metallocene Catalyst: Structural Composition Distribution of the Copolymer (چکیده)
6411 - Similarity solution in the study of flow and heat transfer between two rotating spheres with constant angular velocities (چکیده)
6412 - An Optimal Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network for Hyper-Surface Reconstruction (چکیده)
6413 - Simulation of a Continuous Thermal Sterilization Process in the Presence of Solid Particles (چکیده)
6414 - Design and Prototyping of a Microcontroller Based synchrocheck relay for improved reliability (چکیده)
6415 - Complexities of using graph partitioning in modern scientific problems and application to power system islanding (چکیده)
6416 - Mechanism of calcrete formation in the Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) fluvial deposits, northeastern Iran based on petrographic, geochemical data (چکیده)
6417 - Optimization study of gum extraction from Basil seeds (Ocimum basilicum L.) using Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
6418 - The first report of Hepatozoon canis infection of a dog in Iran (چکیده)
6419 - Rheological properties of Lepidium sativum seed extract as a function of concentration, temperature and time (چکیده)
6420 - Response surface methodology for optimization of extraction yield, viscosity, hue and emulsion stability of mucilage extracted from Lepidium perfoliatum seeds (چکیده)
6421 - Influence of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum on the stability and flow properties of O/W emulsion prepared by high intensity ultrasound (چکیده)
6422 - Growth Analysis Of Kochia (Kochia Scoparia (L.) Schrad) Irrigated With Saline Water In Summer Cropping (چکیده)
6423 - Prediction of pile settlement using artificial neural networks based on standard penetration test data (چکیده)
6424 - Investigations On The Shape And Size Of Molar And Zygomatic Salivary Glands In Shorthair Domestic Cats (چکیده)
6425 - Compaison Of Two-Valley Hydrodynamic Model In Bulk Sic And Zno Materials (چکیده)
6426 - The Potential of Agro-Industrial By-Products as Feed Sources for Livestock in Khorasan Razavi Province of Iran (چکیده)
6427 - Influence of Drying and Ensiling Pistachio By-Products with Urea and Molasses on Their Chemical Composition, Tannin Content and Rumen Degradability Parameters (چکیده)
6428 - Synthesizing UHMWPE Using Ziegler-Natta Catalyst System of Mgcl2(ethoxide type)/Ticl4/tri-isobutylaluminum (چکیده)
6429 - Application of string matching in internet security and reliability (چکیده)
6430 - Internet security - cyber crime paradox (چکیده)
6431 - Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds and their effects on antioxidant activity in pomegranate juices of eight Iranian cultivars (چکیده)
6432 - Shock-Capturing Method Using Characteristic-Based Dissipation Filters in Pressure-Based Algorithm (چکیده)
6433 - On the role of nano-size SiC on lattice strain and grain size of Al/SiC nanocomposite (چکیده)
6434 - Corrosion Effects on Tension Stiffening Behavior of Reinforced Concrete (چکیده)
6435 - Acute Restraint Stress Increases the Frequency of Vinblastin- induced Micronuclei in Mouse Bone Morrow Cells (چکیده)
6436 - Current k-records and their use in distribution-free confidence intervals (چکیده)
6437 - Analysis of ligand binding to proteins using molecular dynamics simulations (چکیده)
6438 - Role Of The Charges Of Lysine Side Chains In The Interaction Of Bovine Carbonic Anhydrase With Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (چکیده)
6439 - Effect of Rearing System on Rumen Develpment of Balouchi Lamb (چکیده)
6440 - General analytical solution for elastic radial wave propagation and dynamic analysis of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders subjected to impact loading (چکیده)
6441 - Competitive Transport Studies of Seven Metal Cations Through Bulk Liquid Membrane Using 1,4-Dioxa-7,10-dithiacyclododecane-2,3-dione (چکیده)
6442 - Effect of Thiobacillus, sulfur, and vermicompost on the water-soluble phosphorus of hard rock phosphate (چکیده)
6443 - Study of complex formation between 18-crown-6 and diaza-18-crown-6 with uranyl cation (UO2+) in some binary mixed aqueous and non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
6444 - Complexation Ability of Dibenzo-24-crown-8 with Cs+ Cation in Binary Mixed Non-Aqueous Solvents (چکیده)
6445 - Analyzing the Effects of Water and Agriculture Policy Strategies: An Iranian experience (چکیده)
6446 - Riboflavin induces resistance in rice against Rhizoctonia solani via jasmonate-mediated priming of phenylpropanoid pathway (چکیده)
6447 - Application of eddy current nondestructive method for determination of surface carbon content in carburized steels (چکیده)
6448 - Structure-activity study of phosphoramido acid esters as (چکیده)
6449 - A redetermination of 2-amino-5-chloropyridine at 100 K (چکیده)
6450 - Crystal structure of N,N-dimethylphosphoramidochloridic acid 4-methylphenyl ester; ClP(O)[N(CH3)2][OC6H4(CH3)] (چکیده)
6451 - The Effects of Warm Pre-Stressing on Cleavage Fracture, Part 2: Finite element analysis (چکیده)
6452 - Crystal Structure of and ab initio Calculations on [(C6H5)(CH3)CH-NH]P(O)(p-OC6H4CH3)2, Syntheses and Spectroscopic Characterization of N-Benzyl Phosphoramidic Acid (4-Methylphenyl)ester Derivatives (چکیده)
6453 - Syntheses and Spectroscopic Studies of Some New Diazaphospholes and Diazaphosphorinanes. (چکیده)
6454 - 1-(1H-1,3-Benzimidazol-2-yl)guanidinium dihydrogendodecamolybdophosphate-methanol-water(1/2.5/4) (چکیده)
6455 - N-Benzyl-2-propanaminium O-methyl trichloroacetamidophosphate (چکیده)
6456 - 4Methylphenyl (dimethylamido)-(isopropylamido)phosphate (چکیده)
6457 - N,N-Dimethyl O-p-tolyl phosphoramidocyanidate (چکیده)
6458 - Crystal structure of cyclohexyl-tert-butylammonium dichlorophosphate, (C10H20NH2)PCl2O2 (چکیده)
6459 - Crystal structure of tert-butylammonium trifluoroacetyl-N-(tert-butylamino) (چکیده)
6460 - Refinement of the crystal structure of N-4-nitrophenylphosphoramidic acid dimethyl ester, (CH3O)2PONHC6H4NO2, at 120 K (چکیده)
6461 - Crystal structure of N,N ,N -tris(2-pyridinyl)phosphoric triamide - (NC H NH) PO (چکیده)
6462 - Some characterization and ordering results based on entropies of current records (چکیده)
6463 - Pitman closeness of record values to population quantiles (چکیده)
6464 - Growth and development of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in response to CO2 enrichment under two different temperature regimes (چکیده)
6465 - Compact and Ultra Wideband printed Elliptical Monopole Antenna with Modified- Shape Ground Plane (چکیده)
6466 - A novel spherical parallel manipulator: forward position problem singularity analysis and isotropy design (چکیده)
6467 - A novel data reduction method for Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy system (چکیده)
6468 - Syntheses and Spectroscopic Study of Some New N-4-Fluorobenzoyl Phosphoric (چکیده)
6469 - Two Conformers in Solution and Solid State for a Novel Phosphoramidate (چکیده)
6470 - Synthesis and Spectroscopic Study of Some New Phosphoramidates, Crystal (چکیده)
6471 - 2J(P,C) and 3J(P,C) Coupling Constants in Some New Phosphoramidates (چکیده)
6472 - A new one-pot synthesis of a-amino phosphonates catalyzed (چکیده)
6473 - Direct reductive amination and selective 1,2-reduction (چکیده)
6474 - Sulfamic acid: an efficient, cost-effective and recyclable solid (چکیده)
6475 - N-tert-Butoxycarbonylation of amines using H3PW12O40 (چکیده)
6476 - Evaluation of antibody against hydatid fluid, protoscolex and adult worms of Echinococcus granulosus antigens by ELISA in mice (چکیده)
6477 - 2,3Diphenylquinoxaline-4′,4″-dioxytriethylene glycol as a sensing and selective material for construction of strontium-PVC membrane sensor (چکیده)
6478 - Antibody response against hydatid fluid, protoscolex and whole body of Echinococcus granulosus antigens in lambs (چکیده)
6479 - Solitary waves in dusty plasmas with variable dust charge and two temperature ions (چکیده)
6480 - Synthesis of imidazo[4,5-a]acridones and imidazo[4,5-a]acridines as potential antibacterial agents (چکیده)
6481 - Soliton-potential interaction in the phi4 model (چکیده)
6482 - Design of Compact Broadband Microstrip Antennas Using Coplanar Coupled Resonators (چکیده)
6483 - Syntheses, spectroscopic characterization and crystal structures (چکیده)
6484 - The effect of various substituents on the structural parameters of (چکیده)
6485 - 2,3J(P,X) [X = H, C] coupling constants dependency on the ring (چکیده)
6486 - An ultra low-power low-voltage switched-comparator successive approximation analog to digital converter (چکیده)
6487 - Continuous time common mode feedback technique for sub 1 V analogue circuits (چکیده)
6488 - 1bit quantiser with rail to rail input range for sub-1 V ΔΣ modulators (چکیده)
6489 - DTMOS Technique for Low-Voltage Analog Circuits (چکیده)
6490 - Moisture-Dependent Physical Properties of Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Seed (چکیده)
6491 - p-Tolyl bis(p-tolylamido)phosphate (چکیده)
6492 - New 12-Tungstophosphate-Based Organic-Inorganic Hybrid. Synthesis, Spectroscopic (چکیده)
6493 - A Novel Hybrid Material Based on Two Symmetrically Independent Keggin (چکیده)
6494 - Comparison of SiC and ZnO Field Effect Transistors for High Power Applications (چکیده)
6495 - A Novel Soft Computing Approach to Component Fault Detection and Isolation of CNC X-Axix Drive System (چکیده)
6496 - Evaluation of Freezing Tolerance of Two Fennel (Foeniculum vulgar L.) Ecotypes Under Controlled Conditions (چکیده)
6497 - Optimization of the extrusion conditions and formulation of spaghetti enriched with full-fat soy flour based on the cooking and color quality (چکیده)
6498 - Approximate isometries in Hilbert C*-modules (چکیده)
6499 - A new and accurate fault location algorithm for combined transmission lines using Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
6501 - Moisture Dependent Physical Properties of Canola Seeds (چکیده)
6502 - Iodine-Catalyzed Synthesis of Spiroorthcarbonates under Neutral Conditions (چکیده)
6503 - Strontium Ion-Selective Electrode Based on 18-Crown-6 in PVC Matrix (چکیده)
6504 - Study of complex formation between La+3, Ce+3 and Y3+ cations with some 18-membered crown ethers in methanol–water and methanol-acetonitrile binary mixture (چکیده)
6505 - A New Method for Fast Compution of Maximum Loading Margin Utilizing the Weak Area of the System (چکیده)
6506 - Study of Complex Formation Between Diaza-15-Crown-5with Uranyl Cation in Some Binary MixedAqueous and Non-Aqueous Solvents (چکیده)
6507 - Transport Study of Metal Cations Through a Bulk LiquidMembrane Using Benzo-18-crown-6 as an Ionophore (چکیده)
6508 - Ultra-low voltage common-mode voltage detector circuit (چکیده)
6509 - A Monotonic Digitally Controlled Delay Element (چکیده)
6510 - A Digitally Programmable Delay Element: Desing and Analysis (چکیده)
6511 - A new approach for cost allocation and reactive power pricing in a deregulated environment (چکیده)
6512 - Thermodynamic study of complex formation between dibenzo-18-crown-6 and UO2+ cation in different non-aqueous binary solutions (چکیده)
6513 - Structure comparison of PMN–PT and PMN–PZT nanocrystals prepared by gel-combustion method at optimized temperatures (چکیده)
6514 - Effect of diverse sire origins on first-parity performance in Iranian Holstein cows (چکیده)
6515 - Complete convergence of weighted sums under negative dependence (چکیده)
6516 - Scaled models for predicting buckling of delaminated orthotropic beam-plates (چکیده)
6517 - Antioxidant activity of Bene hull oil compared with sesame and rice bran oils during the frying process of sunflower oil (چکیده)
6518 - Modeling and simulation of wind turbine Savonius rotors using artificial neural networks for estimation of the power ratio and torque (چکیده)
6519 - Investigation of the Effects of Ultrasound on Extraction of alpha-Amylase from the Flour of Malted Barley (چکیده)
6520 - Mechanical properties of melon measured by compression, shear, and cutting modes (چکیده)
6521 - Identification of three Iranian species of the genus Rattus (Rodentia, Muridae) using a PCR-RFLP technique on mitochondrial DNA (چکیده)
6522 - The effects of warm pre-stressing on cleavage fractur, Part I: Evaluation of Experiments (چکیده)
6523 - Global Equations for Size Dependence for Weibull Parameters in a Ductile-to-Brittle Transition Regime (چکیده)
6524 - Histologicall study of lung paranchyma of the one- humped camel(Camelous dromedarius (چکیده)
6525 - Comparison of iterative angular spectrum and optimal rotation angle methods in designing beam-fanners (چکیده)
6526 - Analytical solutions for bending analysis of rectangular laminated plates with arbitrary lamination and boundary conditions (چکیده)
6527 - Transmission electron microscpic study of the alveolar septum in adult camel (چکیده)
6528 - Asymptotic expansion for ISE of kernel density estimators under censored dependent model (چکیده)
6529 - Experimental investigation of convective heat transfeof Al2O3/water nanofluid in circular tuber (چکیده)
6530 - Experimental investigation of oxide nanofluids laminar flowconvective heat transfer (چکیده)
6531 - Investigation of CuO/water Nanofluid Laminar Convective Heat Transfer through a Circular Tube (چکیده)
6532 - Module homomorphisms and multipliers on locally compact quantum groups (چکیده)
6533 - Theoretical Studies of the Effect of Ti, Zr and Hf Substitutions on the Electronic Properties of Alpha-Alumina (چکیده)
6534 - Stochastic dynamic analysis of a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with uncertain material properties subjected to shock loading (چکیده)
6535 - Entomopathogenic nematode ,Steinernema glaseri from Iran (چکیده)
6536 - Synthesis of a new heterocyclic system-Fluoreno[1,2-d]imidazol-10-one (چکیده)
6537 - Vicarious nucleophilic substitution in nitro derivatives of imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine (چکیده)
6538 - Three-Dimensional Stagnation Flow and Heat Transfer on a Flat Plate with Transpiration (چکیده)
6539 - Numerical Investigation of Nanofluid Laminar Convective Heat Transfer through Circular Tube (چکیده)
6540 - heat transfer enhancement using al2o3/water nanofluid in a two-phase closed thermosyphon (چکیده)
6541 - Low-Field Electron Transport Properties in Zincblende and Wurtzite GaN Structures Using AN Iteration Model for Solving Boltzmann Equation (چکیده)
6542 - Computer Simulation of ZnO Field-Effect Transistor for High-Power and High-Temperature Applications Using the Monte Carlo Method (چکیده)
6543 - Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of Mixed Diamidophosphoric Acid Esters: X-Ray Crystal Structure of [(CH3)2N]-[p-H3C-C6H4-O]P(O)X (X = NHC(CH3)3 and p-H3C-C6H4-NH) (چکیده)
6544 - On the annihilators of local cohomology modules (چکیده)
6545 - A Characterization of Gorenstein Rings and Grothendieck s Conjecture (چکیده)
6546 - Culture and the processes of virtual teaming for training (چکیده)
6547 - Non-relativistic D3-brane in the presence of higher derivative corrections (چکیده)
6548 - Transient mass transfer modeling and simulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers combustion in incinerators (چکیده)
6549 - Conformation and vibrational spectra and assignment of 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone (چکیده)
6550 - Discharge Estimation by the Aid of Isovel Contours in a Tidal River with Partially Reverse Flow (چکیده)
6551 - Petrography and Sulphur Isotope Studies of Pyrites in the Muteh Gold Deposit (چکیده)
6552 - New method for determination of depth-averaged velocity for estimation of longitudinal despersion in natural rivers (چکیده)
6553 - Modified model for settling behavior of operational amplifiers in nanoscale CMOS (چکیده)
6554 - Design of low-power single-stage operational amplifiers based on an optimized settling model (چکیده)
6555 - A 60o Photonic Crystal Waveguide Bend with Improved Transmission Characteristics (چکیده)
6556 - Cytotoxicity of Vincristine on the 5637 Cell Line Is Enhanced by Combination with Conferone (چکیده)
6557 - Invariance of primitive ideals by phi_derivations on Banach algebras (چکیده)
6558 - Maps Preserving semi-Fredholm operators on Hilbert C*-modules (چکیده)
6559 - Application of Ultrasonic Waves as a Priming Technique for Accelerating and Enhancing the Germination of Barley Seed: Optimization of Method by the Taguchi Approach (چکیده)
6560 - The influence of multi stage alginate coating on survivability of potential (چکیده)
6561 - Synthesis and structure of PMN–PT ceramic nanopowder free from pyrochlore phase (چکیده)
6562 - Priority-based Rate Control for Service Differentiation and Congestion Control in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
6563 - Solitons of the KP equation in dusty plasma with variable dust charge and two temprature iopns: energy and stability (چکیده)
6564 - Comparison of CEL I gene expression and mismatch-cleavage activity in some Apiaceae plants (چکیده)
6565 - An alternative approach to natural language query expansion in search engines: Text analysis of non-topical terms in Web documents (چکیده)
6566 - The effects of rate of expansion and injection of water droplets on the entropy generation of nucleating steam flow in a Laval nozzle (چکیده)
6567 - Experimental and scale up study of the flame spread over the PMMA sheets (چکیده)
6568 - Rockfalls in Sfeedan village in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
6569 - Engineering geological characterization of Kallat tunne, NE Iran (چکیده)
6570 - annual rainfall forcasring by using mamdani fuzzy inference system (چکیده)
6571 - Ferric hydrogensulfate as a recyclable catalyst for the synthesis of some new bis(indolyl)methane derivatives (چکیده)
6572 - Microwave-assisted fast and efficient synthesis of some crown ethers (چکیده)
6573 - Gross and histological study on the adrenal glands in camel-Camelus dromedaries (چکیده)
6574 - Evaluation of Echinococcus granulosus coproantigens by Dot-blotting in dogs (چکیده)
6575 - Semiquantitative RT-PCR Analysis to Assess the Expression Levels of Wcor14 Transcripts in Winter-Type Wheat (چکیده)
6576 - Assessment of the acetaminophen absorption test as a diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the reticular groove reflex in lambs (چکیده)
6577 - Presentation a New Model to Measure National Power of the Countries (چکیده)
6578 - Redundancy for Reliability Growth of Electronic Systems under Various Operating Conditions (چکیده)
6579 - Reliability Prediction of Electronic Navigation and Guidance System Employing High Quality Parts to Achieve Increased Reliability (چکیده)
6580 - Isolation of a Cold-Responsive Gene (Wcor14) Encoding a Chloroplast-Targeted Protein from Aegilops tauschii (چکیده)
6581 - Low velocity impact analysis of laminated composite plates using a 3D elasticity based layerwise FEM (چکیده)
6582 - Leptin mRNA expresses in the bull reproductive organ (چکیده)
6583 - Testing and Reliability Improvement of High Reliability Consumer Electronics Products Manufactured on Printed Circuit Boards (چکیده)
6584 - Design of Halt and Environmental Stress Screening Procedures fo High Reliability Electronic Products to Reduce Life Cycle Costs (چکیده)
6585 - Reliability Modeling and Growth for a Remotely Piloted Vehicle s Guidance, Navigation and Control Computer System Using Redundancy (چکیده)
6586 - Characterization of an insect pathogenic nematodes from Iran (چکیده)
6587 - Facies analysis and depositional sequences of the Upper Jurassic Mozduran Formation, a carbonate reservoir in the Kopet Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
6588 - Nonaxisymmetric Three-Dimensional Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer on a Flat Plate (چکیده)
6589 - The status of medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation in Iran (چکیده)
6590 - Effect of Different Rumen-degradable Carbohydrates on Rumen Fermentation, Nitrogen Metabolism and Lactation Performance of Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
6591 - Plasma biochemistry of ostrich (Struthio camelus): effects (چکیده)
6594 - Spectra and structure of binary azeotropes VI-benzene-methanol (چکیده)
6595 - The effect of clay particles on the efficiency of bioleaching process (چکیده)
6596 - Isolation, partial sequencing, and phylogenetic analyses of Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) in Ontario and Quebec (چکیده)
6597 - Operator extensions of Hua s inequality (چکیده)
6598 - Biofield Therapies: Biophysical basis and biological regulation (چکیده)
6599 - the application of factor analysis and artificial neural networks in predicting spring percipitation by means of climatic parameters of the upper (چکیده)
6600 - Simultaneous job scheduling and tool replacement based on tool reliability by proposed Tabu-SA algorithm (چکیده)
6601 - Investigation of the role of biotin in the regulation of wool growth in sheep hair follicle cultured in vitro (چکیده)
6602 - On the Devroye-Mitran-Tarokh Rate Region for the Cognitive Radio Channel (چکیده)
6603 - Convolution and Homogeneous Spaces (چکیده)
6604 - On the Square Integrability of Quasi Regular Representation on Semidirect Product Groups (چکیده)
6605 - Wavelet transforms via generalized quasi-regular representations (چکیده)
6606 - Optimum utilisation of low-capacity combine harvesters in high-yielding wheat farms using multi-criteria decision making (چکیده)
6607 - Amelioration of water stress by potassium fertilizer in two oilseed species (چکیده)
6608 - A new method for computing Moore-Penrose inverse matrices (چکیده)
6609 - Optimal iterate of the power and inverse iteration methods (چکیده)
6610 - A sparse-sparse iteration for computing a sparse incomplete (چکیده)
6611 - Effect of Power Ultrasound and Microstructure (چکیده)
6612 - Breakdown-free version of ILU factorization for nonsymmetric positive (چکیده)
6613 - On the reassignment of Vibrational frequencies of Malonaldehyde (چکیده)
6614 - A working memory model applied to mathematical word problem solving (چکیده)
6615 - Conformational analysis, tautomerization, IR, Raman, and NMR studies of 3-phenylazo-2,4-pentanedione (چکیده)
6616 - Exponential inequality for negatively associated random variables (چکیده)
6617 - Effects of Non-Fiber Carbohydrate on in vho First Order Kinetic Disappearance of Neutral Detergent Fiber and Neutral Detergent Insoluble Nitrogen of Wheat Bran (چکیده)
6618 - Effect of Diet Containing a Variety of Iranian Rapeseed Meal (SLM sp.) on High Producing Lactating Holstein Cow Responses (چکیده)
6619 - The Effect of Different Levels of Choline and Betaine on Broilers Performance and Carcass Characteristics (چکیده)
6620 - Effect of Ensiled Barley Distillers Grains for Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
6621 - DQM in-plane free vibration of laminated moderately thick circular deep arches (چکیده)
6622 - Stress Analysis for a Coated Fiber Embedded in an Infinite Matrix Subjected to Body Force (چکیده)
6623 - Automatic off-road vehicle steering system with a surface (چکیده)
6624 - on the developement of tense aspect system in EARLY NEW and NEW persian (چکیده)
6625 - A study on the effect of synthesis parameters on the size of nickel particles in sol–gel derived Ni–SiO2–Al2O3 nanocomposites (چکیده)
6626 - A chaotic secure communication scheme using fractional chaotic systems based on an extended fractional Kalman filter (چکیده)
6627 - Extending the perturbation technique to the modal representation of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
6628 - Adaptive Controlling chaotic Rössler system via synchronization (چکیده)
6629 - Controlling chaotic Rössler system via synchronization, using bifurcation parameter to choose desirable periodic orbit (چکیده)
6630 - Anti-Rancidity Effects of Sesame and Rice Bran Oils on Canola Oil During Deep Frying (چکیده)
6631 - Effects of Presprouting, Planting Date, Plant Population and Configuration on Late Blight and Yield of Organic Potato Crops Grown with Different Cultivars (چکیده)
6632 - Removal of mercury from water by carbonaceous sorbents derived from walnut shell (چکیده)
6633 - punching shear strength of interior slab-column connnections strengthened with carbon fiber reinforced polymer sheets (چکیده)
6634 - A Novel Architecture of Ultracompact Pulse Position Modulator in Photonic Crystals (چکیده)
6635 - A Characterization of Hilbert C-modules Over Finite Dimensional C*–ALGEBRAS (چکیده)
6636 - A new high speed hollow fibre based liquid phase microextraction method using volatile organic solvent for determination of aromatic amines... (چکیده)
6637 - Separation and determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and o-xylene compounds in water using SDME coupled with GC (چکیده)
6638 - Tetraploid Induction of Hyosyamus muticus L. using colchicine Treatment (چکیده)
6639 - Evaluation of Genetic Diversity among Different Genotypes of Brassica napus using Rando Amplified Polymorphic DNA Marker (چکیده)
6640 - Association of Growth Traits with SSCP Polymorphisms at the Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR) and Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptor (GHRHR) Genes in the Baluchi Sheep (چکیده)
6641 - Experimental optimization of a landmine detection facility using PGNAA method (چکیده)
6642 - Rapid removal of cobalt ion from aqueous solutions by almond green hull (چکیده)
6643 - A measure-theoretical approach for solving discrete optimal control problems (چکیده)
6644 - Fraud identification in industrial meat products by multiplex PCR assay (چکیده)
6646 - On role of stearic acid on morphology ofA-Sic composite powders produced bymechanical aloying methodl (چکیده)
6647 - Reconstruction of Past Records (چکیده)
6648 - Ferric hydrogensulfate catalyzed aerobic oxidative coupling of 2-naphthols in water or under solvent free conditions (چکیده)
6649 - Prediction of k-records from a general class of distributions under balanced type loss functions (چکیده)
6650 - Reconstruction of Past Records (چکیده)
6651 - Does Heart Affect Peripheral Vascular Resistance Following Myocardial Ischemia and Reperfusion? (چکیده)
6652 - An optimal and flexible control strategy for active filtering and power factor correction under non-sinusoidal line voltages (چکیده)
6653 - Fuzzy Cellular Background subtraction for urban Traffic applications (چکیده)
6654 - A discretisation method for solving time optimal control problems (چکیده)
6655 - Investigation of jet break-up process in diesel engine Spray modelling (چکیده)
6656 - Application of normalized flux in pressure-based algorithm (چکیده)
6657 - The Study on Shadow Price of Greenhouse Gases Emission in Iran: Case of Dairy Farms (چکیده)
6658 - Investigation of climatic effects on the shape and volume of tympanic bulla of Meriones libycus and M.Persicus(Muridae: Rodentia) form Northeastern Iran: An evolutionary approach (چکیده)
6659 - Effects of processing variables and full fat soy flour on nutritional and sensory properties of spaghetti using mixture design approach (چکیده)
6660 - Preparation of anhydrous dicalcium phosphate, DCPA, through sol–gel process, identification and phase transformation evaluation (چکیده)
6661 - Modification of Bostwick method to determine tomato concentrate consistency (چکیده)
6662 - H-Transfer steps of the Wacker process: A DFT study (چکیده)
6663 - Widening applications for VAr compensation (چکیده)
6664 - IEEE-519- based real time and optimal control of active filters under nonsinusoidal line voltages using neural networks (چکیده)
6665 - An improved mechanism for capacity payment based on system dynamic modeling for investment planning in competitive electricity environment (چکیده)
6666 - A hierarchical fuzzy rule-based approach to aphasia diagnosis (چکیده)
6667 - Medium Optimization for Hen Egg White Lysozyme Production by Recombinant Aspergillus niger Using Statistical Methods (چکیده)
6668 - Metabolic Flux Analysis for Optimizing the Specific Growth Rate of Recombinant Aspergillus niger (چکیده)
6669 - The Effect of Detector Dimensions on the NaI (Tl) Detector Response Function (چکیده)
6670 - momentum specra of identified hadrons in (چکیده)
6671 - Hadronization and QCd (چکیده)
6672 - First principles Study of the effect of Orbital- Dependent Exchange Correlation Potential on the Electronic and Optical Properties of Pb(Zr1-x Tix) O3 (چکیده)
6673 - A fast algorithm for intentional islanding of power systems using the multilevel kernel k-means approach (چکیده)
6674 - Ecological segregation between Iranian wheatears (چکیده)
6675 - The Jensen functional equation in non-Archimedean normed spaces (چکیده)
6676 - The soil moisture and its effect on the detection of buried hydrogenous material by neutron backscattering technique (چکیده)
6677 - Efficacy of ozone to reduce microbial populations in date fruits (چکیده)
6678 - On modified tachyon DBI action (چکیده)
6679 - seasonal rainfal forcasting using artificial neural network (چکیده)
6680 - Control the Fiber Orientation Distribution at the Outlet of Contraction (چکیده)
6681 - Elliptic Fourier analysis on the tympanic bullae in three Meriones species (Rodentia, Mammalia): its application in biosystematics (چکیده)
6682 - identification of ionic conductances in a reentry model pacemaker cells based on the phase response curve (چکیده)
6683 - Characterization and modeling of a crude oil desalting plant by a statistically designed approach (چکیده)
6684 - Nutritional Evaluation of Full-Fat Sunflower Seed for Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
6685 - Application of Statistical Design for the Optimization of Amino Acid Separation by reverse-phase HPLC (چکیده)
6686 - Application of commercial immuno assay(ELISA) technique for determination of Hepatitis A antigen(HAV) in raw milk (چکیده)
6687 - A synonym and a new record of Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
6688 - Geographic patterns in the distribution of Palearctic songbirds (چکیده)
6689 - Niche segregation, behavioural differences and relation to morphology in two Iranian syntopic wheatears: Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe libanotica and Mourning Wheatear O. lugens persica (چکیده)
6690 - One Century of Breeding Bird Assessment by western travellers in Iran, 1876-1977 (چکیده)
6691 - Conservation status of Caribbean coot Fulica caribaea in the Netherlands Antilles, and other parts of the Caribbean (چکیده)
6692 - Species diversity and endemism: testing the mid-domain effect on species richness patterns of songbirds in the Palearctic Region (چکیده)
6693 - Avian hybrids: incidence and geographic distribution of hybridisation in birds (چکیده)
6694 - Asymptotic aspect of the quadratic functional equation in multi-normed spaces (چکیده)
6695 - Ultraweak continuity of σ-derivations on von Neumann algebras (چکیده)
6696 - Evaluation of Traditional Production Process of Rock Candyand Optimization of Sucrose Crystallization (Part 2) (چکیده)
6697 - Evaluation of Traditional Production Process of Rock Candyand Optimization of Sucrose Crystallization (Part 1) (چکیده)
6698 - A robust algorithm for computing fluid flows on highly non-smooth staggered grids (چکیده)
6699 - Using vorticity to define conditions at multiple open boundaries for simulating flow in a simplified vortex settling basin (چکیده)
6700 - The economic impacts of drought on the economy of Iran: An integration of linear programming and macroeconometric modelling approaches (چکیده)
6701 - Approximate solutions for a class of first order nonlinear difference equations (چکیده)
6702 - An unusual cutaneous fibroma in a heifer (چکیده)
6703 - The Effect of Salinity on Growth, Inorganic Ions and dry Matter partitioning in Sugar beet Cultivars (چکیده)
6704 - An Attempt to Improve Empirical Formulas for (n, p) and (n, alpha) Cross Sections (چکیده)
6705 - A Critical Discussion about demand for money studies in the Iranian Economy (چکیده)
6706 - Potential Performance of SiC and GaN Based Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (چکیده)
6707 - An investigation on the presence of plasmids in pistachio epiphytic bacteria (چکیده)
6708 - The PA4204 gene encodes a periplasmic gluconolactonase (PpgL) which is important for fitness of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (چکیده)
6709 - River bed deformation calculated from boundary shear stress (چکیده)
6710 - Spectroscopic Studies of intramolecular H-bond in the enol form of -diketones. II. Strength of Bond (چکیده)
6711 - Microstructural and optical characterization of PZT nanopowder prepared at low temperature (چکیده)
6712 - Calculation of the Structural, Electrical, and Optical Properties of -Al2O3 by Density Functional Theory (چکیده)
6713 - Quantum Corrections in the Drift-Diffusion Model (چکیده)
6714 - Using pattern matching for tiling and packing problems (چکیده)
6715 - A lossy/lossless compression method for printed typeset bi-level text images based on improved pattern matching (چکیده)
6716 - Eigenvalue spread criteria in the particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving of constraint parametric problems (چکیده)
6717 - Clipped Input RLS Applied to Vehicle Tracking (چکیده)
6718 - Modified Clipped LMS Algorithm (چکیده)
6719 - Duct Modelling Using the Generalized RBF Neural Network for Active Cancellation of Variable Frequency Narrow Band Noise (چکیده)
6720 - Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus antibodies among the induatrial dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-Iran - (چکیده)
6721 - Structural, electronic and optical properties of lead zirconate (چکیده)
6722 - Comparison of Low Field Electron Transport in SiC and GaN Structures for High-Power and High-Temperature Device Modeling (چکیده)
6723 - The effect of excss titaniun and crystal symmetry on electronic properties of Pb(Zr1-x Tix)O3 (چکیده)
6724 - Monte Carlo Simlation of Electron Transport in Wurtzite Phase GaN MESFET Including Trapping Effect (چکیده)
6725 - the effect of solvent on the crystal structure and size distribution of Cadmium Sulfide nano crystal (چکیده)
6726 - Individual performances and interaction between arid-land plants affected by growth season water pulses (چکیده)
6727 - Competition for pulsed resources: an experimental study of establishment and coexistence for an arid-land grass (چکیده)
6728 - The effect of heat treatment on hot deformation behaviour of Al 2024 (چکیده)
6729 - Synthesis and Cross-linking ofPoly(ether-ketone)s, andPoly(ether-ketone-sulphone)s with PendantNitrile Groups (II (چکیده)
6730 - New Source of Butein in Root of Salvia leriifolia-Nowroozak (چکیده)
6731 - Synthesis and Study of Thermal Properties of New Heat StablePoly(ether-ketone)s and Poly(ether-ketone-sulphone)s (چکیده)
6732 - Comparison of High Field Electron Transport Properties in Wurtzite and Zincblende Phase GaN at Room Temperature (چکیده)
6733 - Monte Carlo Simulations of Steady-State Transport in Wurtzite Phase GaN Submicrometer n+nn+ Diode (چکیده)
6734 - Comparison of High Field Steady State and Transient Electron Transport in Wurtzite GaN, AlN and InN (چکیده)
6735 - Comparison of Transient Ballistic Electron Transport in Bulk Wurtzite Phase 6H-SiC and GaN (چکیده)
6736 - A Shock-Capturing Upwind Discretization Method for Characterization of SiC MESFETs (چکیده)
6737 - The frequency Response and Effect of Trap parameters on The characteristics of GaN MESFETs (چکیده)
6738 - A Biosystematical Investigation on Silene L. Species in North- East of Iran (چکیده)
6739 - The effect of strain rate variations on the microstructure and hot deformation behaviour of AA2024 aluminium alloy (چکیده)
6740 - The Almost Sure Convergence for Weighted Sums of Linear Negatively Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
6741 - Structure and vibrational assignment of beryllium acetylacetonate (چکیده)
6742 - Synthesis, molecular structure, and characterization of a new 3D-layered inorganic-organic hybrid material: [D/L-C6H13O2N-H]3[(PO4)W12O36].4.5H2O (چکیده)
6743 - Filters and semigroup compactification properties (چکیده)
6744 - Interaction of water and nitrogen on maize grown for silage (چکیده)
6745 - Optical properties of pure and transition metal-doped indium oxide (چکیده)
6746 - An effective modification of He s variational iteration method (چکیده)
6747 - A Kadison-Sakai type theorem (چکیده)
6748 - Approximately additive mappings in non-archimedean normed spaces (چکیده)
6749 - Influence of Austenitising Conditions and Aluminium Content on Microstructure and Properties of (چکیده)
6750 - Using airborne lidar to predict Leaf Area Index in cottonwoodtrees and refine riparian water-use estimates (چکیده)
6751 - Riparian vegetation classification from airborne laser scanning data with an emphasis on cottonwood trees (چکیده)
6752 - Using Airborne Lidar to Discern Age Classes of Cottonwood Trees in a Riparian Area (چکیده)
6753 - The Influence of Annealing Temperature on the Graphitisation of CK 45 Steel (چکیده)
6754 - Effect of Dietary Calcium Level on True Metabolizable Energy Value of Various Fat Sources Determined by Precision Fed Rooster Assay (چکیده)
6755 - Lectin Histochemistry Assay in Colon Tissues for Inter-species Characterization (چکیده)
6756 - Effect of chromium content on the microstructure and mechanical (چکیده)
6757 - A stochastic model for austenite phase formation (چکیده)
6758 - Stability of additive mappings in non-Archimedean fuzzy normed spaces (چکیده)
6759 - A fixed point approach to almost quartic mappings in quas ifuzzy normed spaces (چکیده)
6760 - Variation of serum calcium, phosphorus and magnesium (چکیده)
6761 - Experimental use of polyamide bands as an extra-articularrepair of the cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs (چکیده)
6762 - Transient Laminar Convection Induced by a Line Heat Source A Numerical Study with Primitive Variables (چکیده)
6763 - The effect of surface regression on the downward flame spread over a solid fuel in a quiescent ambient (چکیده)
6765 - Lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae & Hemerobiidae) from North eastern and East Provinces of Iran (چکیده)
6768 - Triphenylphosphine/2,3-Dichloro-5,6dicyanobenzoquinone in the Presence of n-Bu4NN3 Is a Useful System for Efficient Conversion of Tetrahydropyranyl (THP) Ethers to Their Corresponding Alkyl Azides - (چکیده)
6769 - A New and Efficient Method for the Protectionof Alcohols and Phenols by Using Hexamethyldisilazane in the Presence of Anhydrous Ferric Chloride under MildReaction Conditions (چکیده)
6770 - R^4 Corrections to D1D5p Black Hole Entropy from Entropy Function Formalism (چکیده)
6771 - Optimization of a Detector Collimator for Use in a Gamma-Ray Backscattering Device for Anti-Personal Landmines Detection (چکیده)
6772 - Effects of the Detector-Collimator on the Gamma-Ray Response Function for a NaI(Tl) Detector in a Constant Time of Counts (چکیده)
6773 - LLL vs. LLM: Half BPS sector of N=4 SYM equals to quantum Hall system (چکیده)
6774 - On Isolated Conformal Fixed Points and Noncritical String Theory (چکیده)
6775 - D-brane dynamics in RR deformation of NS5-branes background and tachyon cosmology (چکیده)
6776 - Comparison of Four Adaptive PID Controllers (چکیده)
6777 - Effect of copper content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of multipass MMA, low alloy steel weld metal deposits (چکیده)
6778 - Age related changes in the morphology of adrenal glands in cow (چکیده)
6779 - Braneworld inflation (چکیده)
6780 - Wing drag minimization by using measure theory (چکیده)
6781 - Measure theoretical approach for optimal shape design of a nozzel (چکیده)
6782 - Interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and temperature on long season and short season peanut cultivars (چکیده)
6783 - Multivariate Stochastic Regression Estimation by Wavelets for Stationary Time Series (چکیده)
6785 - Modeling Time-Independent Rheological Behavior of Pistachio Butter (چکیده)
6786 - Reinvestigation of Relationship Between Macroeconomic indexes and Energy Consumption in Iran (چکیده)
6787 - The Study of Qualitative Factors Influencing on Honey Consumers Demand: Application of Hedonic Pricing Model in Khorasan Razavi Province (چکیده)
6788 - The effect of commercial refining steps on the rancidity measures of soybean and canola oils (چکیده)
6789 - Evaluating the performance of peroxide and conjugated diene values in monitoring quality of used frying oils (چکیده)
6790 - Relative contribution of compositional parameters to the primary and secondary oxidation of canola oil (چکیده)
6791 - Application Pesaran and Shin Method for Estimating Irans Import Demand Function (چکیده)
6792 - The Survey of Raisin Marketing Process and Structure in North Khorasan Province (چکیده)
6793 - Possibility of using chemical fertilizers instead of 9K medium in bioleaching process of low-grade sulfide copper ores (چکیده)
6794 - Studies on damage and FRP strengthening of reinforced concrete beams by vibration monitoring (چکیده)
6795 - Food-related attentional bias and dietary restraint in Britain, Greece and Iran (چکیده)
6796 - Balancing Load in a Computional Grid Applying Adaptive Intelligent colonies of Ants (چکیده)
6797 - Alcohol attentional bias: drinking salience or cognitive impairment (چکیده)
6798 - Numerical time integrationfor dynamic analysis using a newhigher order predictor-corrector method (چکیده)
6799 - Unified Approach to the Capacity Evaluation of the Relay Channel (چکیده)
6800 - Nonlinear dynamic analysis by Dynamic Relaxation method (چکیده)
6801 - A New Achievable Rate and A Certain Capacity Result for A Stochastic Two Relay Network With No Interference (چکیده)
6802 - Implicit Higher-Order Accuracy Method for Numerica Integration in Dynamic Analysisl (چکیده)
6803 - On the Gorenstein injective dimension and Bass formula (چکیده)
6804 - Asymptotic behaviour of certain sets of associated prime ideals of Ext-modules (چکیده)
6805 - A Note on the Artinianness and Vanishing of Local Cohomology and Generalized Local Cohomology Modules (چکیده)
6806 - A surjective homomorphism from ordinary local cohomology modules to top generalizedlocal cohomology moduleَ (چکیده)
6807 - Characterizations based on Rényi entropy of order statistics and record values (چکیده)
6808 - Cyclohexylmethylammonium N,N-dicyclohexyl-N,N-dimethyl-N-(2,2,2-trifluoroacetyl)phosphonic triamide (چکیده)
6809 - Synthesis, spectral characterizations and electron impact(EI)mass spectrometric study of (چکیده)
6810 - He,s Homotopy Perturbation Method for Calculating Adomian Polynomials (چکیده)
6811 - Nonparametric confidence intervals and tolerance limits based on minima and maxima (چکیده)
6812 - Finding the differential characteristics of block ciphers with neural networks (چکیده)
6813 - Low-cost area-efficient low-dropout regulators using MOSFET capacitors (چکیده)
6814 - A sub-1-V high-gain single-stage operatinal amplifier (چکیده)
6815 - Design of high-speed two-stage cascode-compensated operational amplifiers based on settling time and open-loop parameters (چکیده)
6817 - Reversing the Sequence: Reducing Alcohol Consumption by Overcoming Alcohol Attentional Bias (چکیده)
6818 - Probability of the mutually commuting n-tuples in some classes of compact groups (چکیده)
6819 - On the performance of a cascade of improved turbine nozzle blade in nucleating steam Part1: Surface pressure distribution (چکیده)
6820 - Intelligent Error Covariance Matrix Resetting for Maneuver Target Tracking (چکیده)
6821 - Determining Bourgoyne and Young Model Coefficient Using Genetic Algorithm to Predict Drilling Rate (چکیده)
6822 - Linaria kavirensis(Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Iran (چکیده)
6823 - Effect of Various Material Parameters on the Calculated Velocity-field Relation in Al0.2Ga0.8N at Room Temperature (چکیده)
6824 - The Survey Of Relationship of Attachment Styles and Self-efficacy to conflict Resolution Styles of Sport Coaches (چکیده)
6825 - Synthesis and characterization of two novel mixed-valent and metal oxo-centered trinuclear complexes [Fe2CoO(CHCl2COO)6(py)3] and [Mn2MnO(CHCl2COO)6(py)3]. (چکیده)
6826 - Synthesis and Spectroscopic Characterization of the Benzaldehyde Schiff Base of S-Allyldithiocarbazate and its Copper(II) Complex and the X-ray Crystal Structure of Bis[S-allyl-β-N-benzylidene)dithiocarbazato]Copper(II (چکیده)
6827 - Evaluation of chlorophyll meter for prediction of nitrogen status of corn (Zea mays) (چکیده)
6828 - Synthesis, crystal structure of new linear trinuclear isovalence Co(II)([Co3(H-L)2(L)2]), and visualizing intermolecular interactions with Hirshfeld surface method (چکیده)
6829 - CpG methylation patterns in the IFN promoter in naive T cells: Variations during Th1 and Th2 differentiation and between atopics and non-atopics (چکیده)
6830 - Photothermal impact on maize performance: a simulation approach (چکیده)
6831 - Modelling the Interactive Effects of CO2 and N on Rice Production Performance (چکیده)
6832 - Effect of irrigation frequency and planting density on herbage biomass and oil production of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and Hyssop-Hyssopus officinalis (چکیده)
6833 - Rheological properties of mucilage extracted from Alyssum homolocarpum seed as a new source of thickening agent (چکیده)
6834 - Neural network models and its application for solving linear and quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
6835 - Iterative dynamic programming for solving linear and nonlinear differential equations (چکیده)
6836 - Solving the optimal control problem of the parabolic PDEs in exploitation of oil (چکیده)
6837 - Eigenvalue spread criteria in the particle swarm Eigenvalue spread criteria in the particle swarm parametric problems (چکیده)
6838 - Conversion of some classes of fractional programming to second-order cone programming and solving it by potential reduction interior point method (چکیده)
6839 - A new numerical method by revised measure theory for solving the nonlinear initial value problems (چکیده)
6840 - The probabilistic constraints in the support vector machine (چکیده)
6841 - Application of projection neural network in solving convex programming problems (چکیده)
6842 - Solving of optimal control problem of parabolic PDEs in exploitation of oil by iterative dynamic programming (چکیده)
6843 - The minimization of the fuel costs in the train transportation (چکیده)
6844 - Change in Content and Chemical Composition of Hypericum perforatum L. Oil at Three Harvest Time (چکیده)
6845 - Molecular G typing of bovine rotaviruses in Iran (چکیده)
6846 - Flow properties and thixotropy of selected hydrocolloids; Experimental and modeling studies (چکیده)
6847 - Prevalence of subacute ruminal acidosis in some dairy herds of Khorasan Razavi province, northeast of Iran (چکیده)
6848 - Some inequalities for the order of the Schur multiplier of a pair of groups (چکیده)
6849 - Antisense RNA to the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor reversed the transformed phenotype of PC-3 human prostate cancer cell line in vitro (چکیده)
6850 - biosafety issues in biotechnology and engineering of microorganisms (چکیده)
6851 - A novel supramolecular compound of cadmium(II): Synthesis, characterization,crystal structure, ab initio HF, DFT calculations and solution study (چکیده)
6852 - Synthesis, experimental and theoretical characterization of tetra dentate N,N -dipyridoxyl (1,3-propylenediamine) salen ligand and its Co(III) complex (چکیده)
6853 - Analytical solution in transient thermo-elasticity of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders (Pseudo-dynamic analysis) (چکیده)
6854 - Dynamic analysis of two-dimensional functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with finite length under impact loading (چکیده)
6855 - Estimation and Prediction in a Two Parameter Exponential Distribution Based on k-Record Values Under LINEX Loss Function (چکیده)
6856 - Coupled thermoelasticity and second sound in finite length functionally graded thick hollow cylinders (without energy dissipation) (چکیده)
6857 - Heat conduction and heat wave propagation in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder base on coupled thermoelasticity without energy dissipation (چکیده)
6858 - Coupled thermoelasticity of a functionally graded THICK HOLLOW CYLINDERS (WITHOUT ENERGY DISSIPATION) (چکیده)
6859 - Dynamic response and radial wave propagation velocity in thick hollow cylinder made of functionally graded materials (چکیده)
6860 - Transient heat conduction in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders by analytical method (چکیده)
6861 - Vibration and radial wave propagation velocity in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder (چکیده)
6862 - Isolation and characterization of differentially expressed genes in invasive and non-invasive immortalized murine male germ cells in vitro (چکیده)
6863 - Autecology, Ethnomedicinal and Phytochemical Studies of Nepeta Jamzad a Highly Endangered Medicinal Plant of Iran (چکیده)
6864 - Use of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Markers to Estimate Heterosis and Combining Ability in Tomato Hybrids (چکیده)
6865 - Thermodynamic Studies on Complexation of Cu2+, Ag+ and Tl+ Metal Cations with 4,4 (چکیده)
6866 - Discussion on complexation reactions between dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 (DCH18C6) with Na+, K+, Cs+, Rb+, and Tl+ metal cations in acetonitrile-water binary mixtures (چکیده)
6867 - Computation of some thermodynamic properties of nitrogen using a new (چکیده)
6868 - Ultrasound-assisted green synthesis of nanocrystalline (چکیده)
6869 - Molecular dynamic simulations of some thermodynamic properties of mixtures of argon with neon, krypton, and xenon using two-body and three-body interaction potentials (چکیده)
6870 - A thermodynamic study of complex formation between dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 (DCH18C6) and La3+, UO22+ , Ag+, and NH4+ cations in acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran binary media using conductometric method (چکیده)
6871 - Thermodynamic properties of some ionic (چکیده)
6872 - Prediction of volumetric and thermodynamic properties of two aromatic-alcohol mixtures using GMA equation of state (چکیده)
6873 - Conductometric studies of solvent influence upon complex formation between 4′-nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 and Ni2+, Co2+ and Cu 2+ in acetonitrile-methanol binary mixtures (چکیده)
6874 - A conductometric study of complexation reactions between 4-nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 with Ag+, Hg2+, Tl+ and La3+ metal ions in acetonitrile-methanol binary solutions (چکیده)
6875 - Microanatomical evidences for potential of mesenchymal stem cells in amelioration of striatal degeneration (چکیده)
6876 - Knocking-down the expression of nucleostemin significantly decreases rate of proliferation of rat bone marrow stromal stem cells in an apparently p53-independent manner (چکیده)
6877 - Selective bulk liquid membrane transport of metal ions using dibenzopyridinio-18-crown-6 as ionophore (چکیده)
6878 - New breakdown-free variant of AINV method for nonsymmetric (چکیده)
6879 - Stabilities of alkaline earth metal ion complexes with dicyclohexano-18- crown-6 in acetonitrile-water binary solutions (چکیده)
6880 - Transport of silver ion through bulk liquid membrane using macrocyclic and acyclic ligands as carriers in organic solvents (چکیده)
6881 - Study of complex formation between dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 with La 3+, UO22+, Ag+ and NH 4+ cations in acetonitrile-nitromethane binary mixtures (چکیده)
6882 - A molecular dynamics study on the role of attractive and repulsive forces in internal energy, internal pressure and structure of dense fluids, (چکیده)
6883 - Complexation of 4′-nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 with Li+, Na +, K+, and NH4+ cations in acetonitrile-methanol binary solutions (چکیده)
6884 - Determination of Meriones species (Rodentiam Gerbillinae) by RAPD-PCR (چکیده)
6885 - Genetic Study on Apodemus avicennicus and Apodemus witherbyi by RAPD-PCR (چکیده)
6886 - A procedure with stepsize control for solving n one-dimensional IVPs (چکیده)
6888 - Novel and Highly Selective Conversion of Alcohols and Thiols to Alkyl Nitriteswith Triphenylphosphine/2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquinone/Bu4NNO2System (چکیده)
6889 - Synthesis and characterization of new soluble andthermally stable poly(ester-imide)s derived fromN-[3,5-bis(N-trimellitoyl)phenyl]phthalimide andvarious bisphenols (چکیده)
6890 - New Regularities and an Equation of State for Liquids (چکیده)
6891 - Evaluation of High-Frequency Elastic Moduli and Shear Relaxation Time of the Lennard-Jones Fluid using Three Known Analytical Expressions for Radial Distribution Function (چکیده)
6892 - Extension of a New Equation of State to the Liquid Mixtures (چکیده)
6893 - Determination of Potential Energy Function of SF6-SF6 via the Inversion of Reduced Viscosity Collision Integrals at Zero Pressure (چکیده)
6894 - Effects of parenteral supply of iron and copper on hematology, weight gain, and health in neonatal dairy calves (چکیده)
6895 - Experimental Investigation on Hydrodynamic and Thermal Performance of a Gas-Liquid Thermosyphon Heat Exchanger in a Pilot Plant (چکیده)
6896 - AgroEcological Zoning and potential yield of Saffron in Khorasan-Iran (چکیده)
6897 - On the relation of plastic strain and springback in sheet draw bending (چکیده)
6898 - An Accurate Expression for Radial Distribution Function of the Lennard-Jones (چکیده)
6899 - Inotropic and chronotropic effects of 6-hydroxy-4-methylquinolin-2(1H)-one derivatives in isolated rat atria (چکیده)
6900 - Karyological study on Bellevalia and Muscaria species in Iran (چکیده)
6901 - Testing exponentiality based on type II censored data and a new cdf estimator (چکیده)
6902 - Statistical Evidence in Experiments and in Records Values (چکیده)
6903 - Modelling and optimization of viscosity in enzyme-modified cheese by fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm (چکیده)
6905 - On nilpotent multipliers of some verbal products of groups (چکیده)
6906 - Effects of different levels of an enzyme mixture on in vitro gas production parameters of contrasting forages (چکیده)
6907 - N,N’,N’’,N’’’-tetramethyltetra-2,3-pyridinoporphyrazinato copper(II) as a new catalyst in solvent-free tetrahydrotetrahydropyranylation(THP) of alcohols and phenols (چکیده)
6908 - Improved variance estimation under sub-space restriction (چکیده)
6909 - Prediction intervals for future records and order statistics coming from two parameter exponential distribution (چکیده)
6910 - A New and Convenient Method of Generating Alkyl Isocyanates fromAlcohols, Thiols and Trimethylsilyl Ethers Using Triphenylphosphine/2,3-Dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquinone/Bu4NOCN (چکیده)
6911 - An Efficient Method for the Protection of Alcohols and Phenols by UsingHexamethyldisilazane in the Presence of Cupric Sulfate Pentahydrate underNeutral Reaction Conditions (چکیده)
6912 - Chemical Composition, Ruminal Degradability and in vitro Gas Production of Wheat Straw Inoculated by Pleurotus ostreatus Mushrooms (چکیده)
6913 - effect of different levels of an enzyme mixture on in vitro gas production parameters of contrasting (چکیده)
6914 - Highly selective conversion of 1◦ and 2◦ tetrahydropyranyethers to thiocyanates and 3◦ ones to isothiocyanates usingltriphenylphosphine/diethyl azodicarboxylate/NH4SCN (چکیده)
6915 - Conversion of Alcohols, Thiols, Carboxylic Acids, Trimethylsilyl Ethersand Carboxylates to Thiocyanates with Triphenylphosphine/Diethylazodicarboxylate/H4NSCN, (چکیده)
6916 - Design and synthesis of eugenol derivatives, as potent 15-lipoxygenase inhibitors (چکیده)
6917 - Helium Potential Energy Function (چکیده)
6918 - Common Intersection Point Independent of Pressure `A New Regularity (چکیده)
6919 - Estimation of Solubility Parameter Using Equations of State (چکیده)
6920 - Determination of Potential Energy Function of Methane Via the Inversion of Reduced Viscosity Collision Integrals at Zero Pressure (چکیده)
6921 - Determination of Potential Energy Functions of Argon, Krypton, and Xenon Via the Inversion of Reduced Viscosity Collision Integrals at Zero Pressure (چکیده)
6922 - Determination of Potential Energy Function of CF4-CF4 via the Inversion of Reduced Viscosity Collision Integrals at Zero Pressure (چکیده)
6923 - The Interaction Potential of Helium– Neon (چکیده)
6924 - Direct Determination of the He–Kr Interaction Potential from the Extended Principle of Corresponding States (چکیده)
6925 - Helium-Xenon Interaction Potential (چکیده)
6926 - Direct Determination of the Intermolecular Potential of Kr-N2, Kr-N2 , and He–SF6 from the Extended Principle of Corresponding States (چکیده)
6927 - Computation of Internal Pressure of Liquids Using a Statistical Mechanical Equation of State (چکیده)
6928 - Generalized Derivations on modules (چکیده)
6929 - Inhomogeneous two- prameter abstract Cauchy problem (چکیده)
6930 - Synthesis of new functionalized fused heterocyclic compounds derived from isoxazole (چکیده)
6931 - Synthesis of a Novel Heterocyclic System—7-Methyl-1,2-dihydro[1,2,4]triazino[3,4-b][1,2,4,5]tetrazine-6-thione- (چکیده)
6933 - Immunological Responses of Broiler Chicks Can Be Modulated by Dietary Supplementation of Zinc-methionine in Place of Inorganic Zinc Sources (چکیده)
6934 - Clean Heterocyclic synthesis in water: I2/KI catalyzed one pot synthesis of quinazoline 4(3H)-ones (چکیده)
6936 - Sandwich-type Uranium-Substituted of Bismuthotungstate: Synthesis and Structure Determination of [Na(UO2)2(H2O)4(BiW9O33)2]13 (چکیده)
6937 - Antiproliferative activity of chloroformic extract of Persian Shallot, Allium hirtifolium, on tumor cell lines (چکیده)
6938 - Essential Oil Composition of Achillea eriophora, A. nobilis,A. biebersteinii and A. wilhelmsii from Iran (چکیده)
6941 - Castor bean (Ricinus communis) toxicosis in a sheep flock (چکیده)
6942 - Gingival vascular hamartoma in a young Holstein calf (چکیده)
6943 - More on entropy function formalism for non-extremal branes (چکیده)
6944 - Stein-type improvement under stochastic constraints: Use of multivariate Student-t model in regression (چکیده)
6945 - Investigation into the regioisomeric composition of somefused pyrimidines: 1H NMR and theoretical studies (چکیده)
6946 - Conversion of Alcohols, Thiols, and Trimethysilyl Ethers to AlkyCyanides Using Triphenylphosphine (چکیده)
6947 - Synthesis of some novel tetraimidazolium salts derived from diphenyl- and dimethylglycolurils (چکیده)
6948 - A novel and highly selective conversion of alcohols, thiols, andsilyl ethers to azides using the triphenylphosphine/2,3- dichloro-5,6-dicyanobenzoquinone(DDQ)/n-Bu4NN3 system (چکیده)
6949 - Improving the moderator geometry of an anti-personnel landmine detection system (چکیده)
6950 - Evaluation of specific absorbed fractions from internal photon sources in ORNL analytical adult phantom (چکیده)
6951 - A New and Convenient Method of Generating Alkyl Cyanides from Alcoholsand Thiols Using 2,4,6-Trichloro[1,3,5]Triazine/n-Bu4NCN (چکیده)
6952 - An Optimum Landmine Detection System Using Polyethylene Moderator and 241Am-Be as a Neutron Source (چکیده)
6953 - Evaluation the nonlinear response function of a 3*3 in NaI scintillation detector for PGNAA applications (چکیده)
6954 - Improving the safety of a body composition analyser based on the PGNAA method (چکیده)
6955 - New procedure for the total synthesis of cilostamide (چکیده)
6956 - Response Function of a 3×3 in. NaI Scintillation Detector in the range of 0.081 to 4.438 MeV (چکیده)
6957 - Gamma Shielding Design Studies on 252Cf and 241Am-Be Neutron Sources (چکیده)
6958 - Reduction of the Gamma Dose Equivalent due to 252Cf and 241Am-Be Neutron Sources in the Patients Soft Tissues When Using Body Chemical Composition Analyzer Bed (چکیده)
6959 - Neutron spectrum measurements from 1-16 MeV in beryllium assemblies with a central D-T neutron source (چکیده)
6960 - SAR comparative studies on pyrimido[4,5-b][1,4]benzothiazine derivatives as 15-lipoxygenase inhibitorsusing ab initio calculations, (چکیده)
6961 - Convenient synthesis of new pyrimido[4,5-e][1,3,4]thiadiazine derivatives (چکیده)
6962 - A Novel and Highly Selective Conversion of Alcohols, Thiols, and Silyl Ethers to Azides usingthe 2,4,6-Trichloro[1,3,5]triazine/n-Bu4NN3 System (چکیده)
6963 - Efficient Method for Tetrahydropyranylation of Phenols and Alcohols Using2,4,6-Trichloro[1,3,5]triazine (چکیده)
6964 - A New and Convenient Method of Generating AlkylIsocyanates from Alcohols, Thiols, and TrimethylsilyEthers Using a 2,4,6-Trichloro[1,3,5]Triazine/n-Bu4NOCNl (چکیده)
6965 - Novel and Highly Selective Conversion of Alcohols, Thiols and TrimethylsilyEthers to Alkyl Nitrites with 2,4,6-Trichloro[1,3,5]triazine/n-Bu4NNO2Systeml (چکیده)
6966 - Assessment of neutron fluence to organ dose conversion coefficients in the ORNL analytical adult phantom (چکیده)
6967 - Direct Determination of the Interaction Potentials of Sulphur Hexafluride-Noble Gases from the Extended Principal of the Corresponding States (چکیده)
6968 - Direct Determination of the Interaction Potentials of He-N2, Ne-N2, and Ar-N2 from the Extended Principal of the Corresponding States (چکیده)
6969 - Common Intersection Point Independent of Mole Fraction: A new Regularity (چکیده)
6970 - Compressibility of Molecular Liquids and Liquid Mixtures (چکیده)
6971 - Common Intersection Point Independent of Temperature for Compressed Liquid Mixtures (چکیده)
6972 - Direct Determination of the Intermolecular Pair Potential Function of Methane from the Extended Principal of the Corresponding States (چکیده)
6973 - Direct Determination of the Interaction Potentials of Ar-Xe, Kr-Xe, and Ar-Kr from the Extended Principal of the Corresponding States (چکیده)
6974 - Thermal Diffusion Factor in Gas Mixtures (چکیده)
6975 - Nonparametric Confidence Intervals and Tolerance Limits Based on Minima and Maxima (چکیده)
6976 - A new nonlinear neural network for solving a class of constrained parametric optimization problems (چکیده)
6977 - Nonlinear neural networks for solving the shortest path problem (چکیده)
6978 - Steepest descent method for solving zero-one nonlinear programming problems (چکیده)
6979 - A new numerical method for solving the general form of the second order partial differential equations (چکیده)
6980 - Solitary waves in dusty plasmas with variable dust charge and nonthermal ions (چکیده)
6981 - A new karyotype of Calomyscus from the Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
6982 - The effect of anisotropy and external magnetic filed on the thermal entanglement in a two-spin-qutrit system (چکیده)
6983 - Studied on the effect of starter culture concentration and renneting pH on the Iranian brine cheese yield (چکیده)
6984 - Moisture dependent physical properties of cucurbit seeds (چکیده)
6985 - Physical properties of watermelon seed as a function of moisture content and variety (چکیده)
6986 - Fat and protein contents, acidity and somatic cell counts in bulk milk of Holstein cows in the Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran (چکیده)
6987 - Effect of walnut leaf, coriander and pomegranate on blood glucose and histopathology of pancreas of alloxan induced diabetic rats (چکیده)
6988 - The effect of feeding different levels of potassium iodide on performance, T3 and T4 concentration and iodin excrition in holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
6989 - Thermal entanglelment in a two-qutrit system with nonlinear coupling under nonuniform external magnetic field (چکیده)
6990 - Phosphorus fractions in calcareous soils amended with P fertilizer and cattle manure (چکیده)
6991 - Evaluation of Allicin for the Treatment of Experimentally (چکیده)
6992 - Some maximal inequalities for random variables and applications (چکیده)
6993 - More on WZ action of non-BPS branes (چکیده)
6994 - Incidence of natural infection of the white grub Polyphylla olivieri (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) with entomopathogenic nematodes in Iran (چکیده)
6995 - New species of five-toed jerboa (rodentia:Dipodidae, Allactaginae) from north-east Iran (چکیده)
6996 - X-ray microanalysis and ultrastructural localization of chromium in Raphanus sativus L. (چکیده)
6997 - Performance Evaluation of Precast Beam-to-Column Concrete Connection Using Pushover Analysis (چکیده)
6998 - Contribution to Heteroptera fauna of Khorasan Razavi province of Iran (چکیده)
6999 - The detection limits of Antimicrobial agents in cows milk by a simple yoghurt culture test (چکیده)
7000 - Chemical and antimicrobial studies of Juniperus excelsa subsp. excelsa and Juniperus excelsa subsp. polycarpos essential oils (چکیده)
7001 - Chemical and antimicrobial studies of Juniperus communis subsp. hemisphaerica and Juniperus oblonga essential oils (چکیده)
7002 - A new route to pyrimido[1,6-a]benzimidazole derivatives (چکیده)
7003 - A new leaving group in nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions - Sn Ar (چکیده)
7004 - Cadmium and lead ions can be removed simultaneously from a binary aqueous solution by the sono-sorption method (چکیده)
7005 - Detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in Feces and Milk Samples from Holstein Dairy Cows by PCR (چکیده)
7006 - Chicken infectious anaemia virus infection among broiler chicken flocks in Iran (چکیده)
7007 - Phagocytic and bactericidal activity of blood and milk-residentneutrophils against Staphylococcus aureus in primiparous andmultiparous cows during early lactation (چکیده)
7008 - Degradation pathways of dissolved carbon in landfill leachate traced with compound-specific 13C analysis of DOC (چکیده)
7010 - Multidimensional Combustion Simulation and Analytical Solution of Wall Heat Conduction in DI Diesel Engine (چکیده)
7011 - The Triple-phase Single-drop Microextraction of Silver and Its Determination Using Graphite-Furnace Atomic-Absorption Spectrometry (چکیده)
7012 - Removing Arsenic and Antimony by Phrngmites australis: Rhizofiltration Technology (چکیده)
7013 - Thermodynamic Behavior of Complexation of 18-Crown-6 with Tl+, Pb2+, Hg2+, and Zn2+Metal Cationsin Methanol–Water Binary Media (چکیده)
7014 - Thermodynamic Behavior of Complexation Process between Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 and K+, Ag+, NH4+, and Hg2+Cations in Ethylacetate-Dimethylformamide Binary Media (چکیده)
7015 - Arsenic Phytoremediation by Phragmites australis: green technology (چکیده)
7016 - Synthesis of Novel 3,6-disubstituted furo[2,3-d]pyrimidine (چکیده)
7017 - One-pot synthesis of substituted 2-amino-3-furonitriles (چکیده)
7018 - Mogoltacin enhances vincristine cytotoxicity in human transitional cellcarcinoma (TCC) cell line (چکیده)
7019 - Ruminal Peptide and Ammonia Nitrogen Concentrations in Holstein Steers Fed Diets Differing in Concentrate to Alfalfa Hay Ratios (چکیده)
7020 - Cell-Cell Signaling Through NOTCH Regulates Human EmbryonicStem Cell Proliferation (چکیده)
7021 - Causality Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Iran (چکیده)
7022 - σ-Normality of Topological Spaces (چکیده)
7023 - Physical and sensory changes in pistachio nuts as affected by roasting temperature and storage (چکیده)
7024 - Theoretical Vibrational Spectra Studies: The Effect of Ring Size on the Carbonyl Vibrational Frequencies (چکیده)
7025 - Structure and Vibrational assignment of 3,4-diacetyl-2,5-hexanedione (چکیده)
7026 - Vibrational Assignment of Trifluorobenzoylacetone (چکیده)
7027 - Vibrational assignment of dibenzoylmethane. A density functional theoretical study (چکیده)
7028 - Rapid Simultaneous of Ferric and Ferrous Ions in Geological Solution Sample with new Synthesized beta-diketone, 3-(ortho-methoxyphenylthio)pentane-2,4-dione (چکیده)
7029 - A 1,2-dibenzoyl-cyclopentadiene derivative as a new potential chelating agent in geological materials (چکیده)
7030 - Detecting Desertification Processes Using TM and ETM data, North of Isfahan,IRAN (چکیده)
7031 - structure of chloride cell in telaji(cyprinidae, teleost) of caspian sea (چکیده)
7032 - Predicting realizations of daily weather data for climate (چکیده)
7033 - Allium joharchii, a new species from Khorassan province (چکیده)
7034 - Using pattern recognition for estimating cultivar coefficients of a (چکیده)
7035 - Investigation of the Viscous and Thermal Effects on Ductile Fracture in Sheet Metal Blanking Process (چکیده)
7036 - Mechanical peeling of pumpkins. Part 1: Using an abrasive-cutter brush (چکیده)
7037 - Histological Structure of the Kidney of Insectivorous Bats (چکیده)
7038 - Histological Study on the Sinu-Atrial Node of Turkey (چکیده)
7039 - Study on the Atrioventricular Conducting System in the Heart of Turkey (چکیده)
7040 - An experimental study on the effects of different opening ranges of waste-gate on the exhaust soot emission of a turbo-charged DI diesel engine (چکیده)
7041 - Effect of Martensite Plasticity on the Deformation Behavior of a Low-Carbon Dual-Phase Steel (چکیده)
7042 - Conformational stabilities, infrared, and vibrationaldichroism spectroscopy studies of tris(ethylenediamine) zinc(II) chloride (چکیده)
7043 - Structural, IR, and EPR studies of the bis(methoxyacetato)diaquo-copper(II) complex (چکیده)
7044 - Density functional theory and Møller-Plesset studies of hindered rotations of acetone (چکیده)
7045 - Interaction of Noncommutative Solitons with Defects (چکیده)
7046 - Analytical formulation for soliton-potential dynamics (چکیده)
7047 - Structure and vibrational assignment of 3-nitro-2,4-pentanedione: A densityfunctional theoretical study (چکیده)
7048 - Hydrogen bond strength and vibrational assignment of the enolform of 3-(phenylthio)pentane-2,4-dione (چکیده)
7049 - Conformation, structure, intramolecular hydrogen bonding,and vibrational assignment of 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(2-furyl)-1,3-butanedione (چکیده)
7050 - Study of interaction of Spironolactone with Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin in aqueous solution and in the solid state (چکیده)
7051 - Structure and vibrational assignment of the enol form 1-chloro-1,1-difluoro-pentane-2,4-dione (چکیده)
7052 - Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 3-Methylthio-pentane-2,4-dione (چکیده)
7053 - Theoretical studies of the tetrachlorocuprate (II) anion: ADF geometry optimization, and calculation of the PES, EPR parameters, and vibrational frequencies (چکیده)
7054 - Structure and vibrational assignment of the enol form of 3-chloro-pentane-2,4-dione (چکیده)
7055 - Modified Homotopy Perturbation Method for Solving the System of Volterra Integral Equations (چکیده)
7056 - structure of barbel in Cyprinidae (چکیده)
7057 - Fuzzy inference system to modeling of crossflow milk ultrafiltration (چکیده)
7058 - Rheological properties of mucilage extracted from Alyssum homolocarpum seed as a new source of thickening agent (چکیده)
7059 - Effect of some stabilizers on the physicochemical and sensory properties of ice cream type frozen yogurt (چکیده)
7060 - Transient Response of Sandwich Beams with Electrorheological Core (چکیده)
7061 - Shelf-life Determination of Saffron Stigma: Water Activity and Temperature Studies (چکیده)
7062 - Optimizing of Fruit Yoghurt Formulation and Evaluating Its Quality During Storage (چکیده)
7063 - Evaluation of Sourdough Effect on Microbiological Shelf Life and Sensory Properties oflranian Barbari Bread (چکیده)
7064 - orange-cantaloupe seed beverage :nutritive value, effect of storage time and condition on chemical ,sensory and microbial properties (چکیده)
7065 - Thermodynamical computations for Removal of alkali halides and lead oxide from electric arc furnace dust (چکیده)
7066 - The effect of ultrasound in combination with thermal treatment (چکیده)
7067 - Asymptotic average shadowing property on compact metric spaces (چکیده)
7068 - Skew product dynamical systems, Ellis groups and topological centre (چکیده)
7069 - The weighted convolutio measure algebras characterized by measure algebras (چکیده)
7070 - Arens regularity of module actions and the second adjoint of a derivation (چکیده)
7071 - One-Loop Perturbative Corrections to non(anti)commutativity Parameter of N=1/2 Supersymmetric U(N) Gauge Theory (چکیده)
7072 - Optimal shape design of iron pole section of electromagnet (چکیده)
7073 - On Type IIA String Theory on the PP-wave Background (چکیده)
7074 - Equine marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells: isolation, differentiation and culture optimization (چکیده)
7075 - Transient simulations of cavitating flows using a modified volume-of-fluid (VOF) technique (چکیده)
7076 - Synthesis of a functionalized tetrahydro-1,4-thiazepine in water as the solvent and theoretical investigation of its tautomeric structures (چکیده)
7077 - Maternal hyperglycemia proliferate choroid plexus and enlarge the lateral ventricle in brain of newborn rats (چکیده)
7078 - A case report of notoedric mange infestation (چکیده)
7079 - The effects of thermal conduction on the ADAF with a toroidal magnetic field (چکیده)
7080 - Reanalysis of two eclipsing binaries: EE Aqr and Z Vul (چکیده)
7081 - An Accretion Disc Model For Eclipsing Binary System: AV Del (چکیده)
7082 - The Effect of Self-Gravity on the Equilibrium Structure of a Non-Rotating Thick Disk (چکیده)
7083 - A numerical study of flow and heat transfer between two rotating spheres with time-dependent angular velocities (چکیده)
7084 - Genesis of Afzalabad, Tourshak, and Chah Khoo magnesite deposits (eastern city of Birjand) based on elemental and Oxygen and Carbon isotopic studies (چکیده)
7085 - Shape Optimization of a Nozzle with Specified Flow Field Including Viscosity Effect (چکیده)
7086 - Eddy Current Coupling with Slotted Conductor Disc (چکیده)
7087 - Effects of heparin, citrate, and EDTA on plasma biochemistry of sheep: comparision with serum (چکیده)
7088 - Supportive Policies of Greenhouse Organic Cucumber Production in Khorasan- Razavi Province (چکیده)
7089 - Factors Influencing on Minimum Offer Price of Farmers for Producing Greenhouse Organic Cucumber in Khorasan Razavi Province (چکیده)
7090 - Model-Based Optimal Strategies for Controlling Particle Size in Antisolvent Crystallization Operations (چکیده)
7091 - Antisolvent crystallization: Model identification, experimental validation and dynamic simulation (چکیده)
7092 - Optimization in seeded cooling crystallization: A parameter estimation and dynamic optimization study (چکیده)
7094 - The prediction of cutting force for boring process (چکیده)
7095 - Tolerance analysis of flexible kinematic mechanism using DLM method (چکیده)
7096 - PI Adaptive Fuzzy Control With Large and Fast Disturbance Rejection for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
7097 - Hydrothermal Alteration Mapping in SW Birjand, Iran, Using the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Image Processing (چکیده)
7098 - Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Mineral Mapping to Discriminate High Sulfidation, Reduced Intrusion Related and Iron Oxide Gold Deposits, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
7099 - Ground magnetic survey for exploration of massive sulfide in north east Iran. Journal of Applied Sciences (چکیده)
7100 - Using ETM+ and airborne geophysics data to locating porphyry copper and epithermal gold deposits in eastern Iran (چکیده)
7101 - On the local cohomology of matlis reflexive modules (چکیده)
7102 - On the finiteness properties of associated primes of generalized local cohomology modules (چکیده)
7103 - On the finiteness properties of Matlis duals of local cohomology module (چکیده)
7104 - Continuous wavelet transform on a special homogeneous space (چکیده)
7105 - Automatic Detection of Eggshell Defects Based on Machine Vision (چکیده)
7106 - Inside Looking Out Camera Pose Estimation for Virtual Studio (چکیده)
7107 - First report of the Hadjelia truncata infestation in pigeons of Iran (چکیده)
7108 - Buckling of Slender Web Plates Subjected to Combinations of In-Plane Loading (چکیده)
7109 - A New Ultra Wideband Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antenna (چکیده)
7110 - A High Gain Probe-Feed Microstrip Antenna for Wideband Applications (چکیده)
7111 - Riboflavin induces resistance in rice against Rhizoctonia sheath diseases by activating signal transduction pathways leading to upregulation of rice cationic peroxidase and formation of lignin as a structural barrier (چکیده)
7112 - Genetic diversity of the rice sheath blight pathogen population in India (چکیده)
7113 - Rigorous Analysis of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna with a Finite Ground Plane (چکیده)
7114 - Assessment of changes in Anxiety and Exploratory Behaviours Following Zinc Supplementation in Rats (چکیده)
7115 - The effect of treated corn silage using urea and formaldehyde on rumen ecosystem and blood metabolism in sheep (چکیده)
7116 - Study of mass transfer through new templated silica membranes prepared by sol–gel method (چکیده)
7117 - Synthesis and Characterization of Permselective Silica Membrane Using Template-Sol-gel Method (چکیده)
7118 - Nickel nanowires under uniaxial loads: A molecular dynamics simulation study (چکیده)
7119 - A hybrid layerwise and differential quadrature method for in-plane free vibration of laminated thick circular arches (چکیده)
7120 - Nanoscale simulations of Bauschinger effects on a nickel nanowire (چکیده)
7121 - Modeling of temperature gradients in packed-bed solid-state bioreactors (چکیده)
7122 - nonlinear temperature control of a batch suspension polymerization reactor (چکیده)
7123 - The uniformly minimum variance unbaiased fuzzy estimators of fuzzy parameter based on fuzzy random variabls (چکیده)
7124 - Isolation and Identification of Non-coliform Gram-negative Bacteria in Hatching Eggs to Evaluate the Effect of Egg Fumigation by Formaldehyde (چکیده)
7125 - Molecular Weight Control of a Batch Suspension Polymerization Reactor (چکیده)
7126 - Characterization of a Pyricularia grisea population from Uruguay by molecular analysis (چکیده)
7127 - state estimation in a batch suspension polymerization reactor (چکیده)
7128 - Riboflavin-induced resistance against rice sheath blight functions through the potentiation of lignin formation and jasmonic acid signaling pathway (چکیده)
7129 - Induction of systemic defense responses in rice against the sheath blight pathogen,Rhizoctonia solani,by means of riboflavin (چکیده)
7130 - Characterization, genetic structure, and pathogenicity of Rhizoctonia spp. associated with rice sheath diseases (چکیده)
7131 - A New Wavelet Linear Survival Function Estimator (چکیده)
7132 - Generalized Hyers--Ulam stability of mappings on normed Lie triple systems (چکیده)
7133 - Government Monetary and Fiscal Policies Effects on Economic and Social Duality in Iran (چکیده)
7134 - Ternary Derivations, Stability and Physical Aspects (چکیده)
7135 - Q-norm inequalities for sequences of Hilbert space operators (چکیده)
7136 - Comparing Fisher information in record values and their concomitants with random observations (چکیده)
7137 - Nonparametric confidence intervals for quantile intervals and quantile differences based on record statistics (چکیده)
7138 - Increase in Escherichia coli Inoculum Dose Accelerates CD8+ T-Cell (چکیده)
7139 - Series approximations for the means of k-records (چکیده)
7140 - Use of artificial neural network and image analysis to predict physical properties of osmotically dehydrated pumpkin (چکیده)
7141 - Image analysis and dynamic modeling of thin layer drying of osmotically dehydrated pumpkin (چکیده)
7142 - Effect of hulling and milling on the physical properties of rice grains (چکیده)
7143 - Physical-mechanical properties and chemical compotion of Balangu seed - Lallemantia royleana (چکیده)
7144 - Interactive effect of oxygen diffusion and volatiles advection on transient thermal degradation of poly methyl methacrylate (چکیده)
7145 - An algorithm for the determination of the Economic Order Quantity in a Two-Level Supply Chain with Transportation Costs: comparison of decentralized with centralized decision (چکیده)
7146 - Introducing a new ordering policy in a two-echelon inventory system with Poisson demand (چکیده)
7147 - A Search Algorithm for Determination of Economic Order Quantity in a Two--Level Supply Chain System with Transportation Cost (چکیده)
7148 - Carbonyl value in monitoring of the quality of used frying oils (چکیده)
7149 - Fatal splenic rupture caused by an atypical malignant (چکیده)
7150 - Atypical Bovine lymphosarcoma in a Holstein Cow (چکیده)
7151 - The effect of Rosa damascena essential oil on the amygdala electrical kindling seizures in rat (چکیده)
7152 - Karyotype and seed protein analysis of Muscari neglectum (Liliaceae/Hyacinthaceae) populations in North-East of Iran (چکیده)
7153 - Adaptive Fuzzy Fitness Granulation for Evolutionary Optimization (چکیده)
7154 - Frying Stability of Canola Oil Blended with Palm Olein, Olive, and Corn Oils (چکیده)
7155 - Physicochemical properties of the kernel oil from Amygdalus scoparis growing wild in Iran (چکیده)
7156 - Chemical Composition and Oxidative Stability of Kernel Oils from Two Current Subspecies of Pistacia atlantica in Iran (چکیده)
7157 - Kinetic parameter determination of vegetable oil oxidation under Rancimat test conditions (چکیده)
7158 - Magnetic resonance imaging of the normal bovine digit (چکیده)
7159 - A note on estimation based on record data (چکیده)
7160 - Growth Limits of Staphylococus aureus as a function of temperature, acetic acid, NaCl, and inoculum level (چکیده)
7161 - Detection of salmonella spp contamination of carcasses slaughtered in poultry abattoir in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
7162 - Isolation and mulecular identification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from ground beef samples collected from beef markets in Mashhad (چکیده)
7163 - Isolation and identification of Campylobacter spp and Campylobacter coli from poultry carcasses by conventional and multiplex PCR method in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
7164 - Flash cooling crystallization with after-product magma (چکیده)
7165 - Investigations of optimization of the cooling rate during after-product cooling crystallization (چکیده)
7166 - Stability of two types of cubic functional equations in non-Archimedean spaces (چکیده)
7167 - Stability of linear mappings in quasi-Banach modules (چکیده)
7169 - A Mazur-Ulam theorem in non-Archimedean normed spaces (چکیده)
7170 - Perturbation of the Wigner equation in inner product C*-modules (چکیده)
7171 - An operator equality involving a continuous field of operators (چکیده)
7172 - Microbial count and succession,soil chemical properties as affected by organic debrises decomposition (چکیده)
7173 - Effect of organic sources as foliar spray and root media on nutrition of cowpea plant (چکیده)
7174 - Allelopathic effect of almond on cress and fenugreek (چکیده)
7175 - The effect of formaldehyde or sodium hydroxide on in situ rumen degradation of low and high fat sunflower meal (چکیده)
7176 - Characterization of SNPs of Bovine prolcatin Gene of Holstein Cattle (چکیده)
7177 - Laplace transform pairs of N-dimensions (چکیده)
7178 - Design of High Efficiency Wide Band 60º Bend for TE Polarization (چکیده)
7179 - Wideband Low-Profile Circular Polarized Rectangular Loop Antenna over a Mushroom-Like EBG Structure (چکیده)
7180 - Compact and Wideband 1-D Mushroom-Like EBG Filters (چکیده)
7181 - Design of a Novel Wideband Single-Mode Waveguide in a Crystal Slab Structure (چکیده)
7182 - Developing slip-flow and heat transfer in trapezoidal microchannels (چکیده)
7183 - Optimization of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Waveguide for TE and TM Polarizations (چکیده)
7184 - The estimation of one day duration probable maximum precipitation over Atrak watershed in Iran (چکیده)
7185 - Order statistics using fuzzy random variables (چکیده)
7187 - Weighted convolution measure algebras characterized by convolution algebras (چکیده)
7188 - Analytic, neural network, and hybrid modeling of supercritical extraction of α-pinene (چکیده)
7189 - A note on interval estimation for the mean of inverse Gaussian distribution (چکیده)
7190 - Effect of genotype and AgNO3 on shoot regeneration (چکیده)
7191 - The variational iteration method: A highly promising method for (چکیده)
7192 - Exact solutions for nonlinear integral equations by a modified (چکیده)
7193 - Some strong limit theorems of weighted sums for negatively (چکیده)
7194 - Bayes estimation based on k-record data from a general class of distributions under balanced type loss functions (چکیده)
7195 - The Monitoring System Based on Traffic Classification (چکیده)
7197 - Effect of Organic Matter and Salinity on Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid-Extractable and Solution Species of Cadmium and Lead in Three Agricultural Soils (چکیده)
7198 - organic farming, ecological, environmental and nuritional importance (چکیده)
7199 - effect of drought , salinity and defoliation on growth characteristics of some labiate plant (چکیده)
7200 - The rheological properties of ketchup as a function of different hydrocolloids and temperature (چکیده)
7201 - An exponential inequality for negatively associated random variables (چکیده)
7202 - Classification and analysis of fruit shapes in long type watermelon using image processing (چکیده)
7203 - Asymptotic Behavior of Weighted Sums of Weakly Negative (چکیده)
7204 - Maximal inequalities for associated random variables (چکیده)
7205 - Probability inequalities for sums of negatively dependent random variables (چکیده)
7206 - Internal Bruising Prediction in Watermelon Compression Using Nonlinear Models (چکیده)
7207 - A BSSS algorithm for the single facility location problem in two regions with different norms (چکیده)
7208 - Synchronization of two coupled pacemaker cells based on the phase response curve (چکیده)
7210 - Wavelet Linear Density Estimation for M-Dependent Random (چکیده)
7211 - Copper Leaching from Nanoparticles of Chalcopyrite Concentrate (چکیده)
7212 - Transfer and loss of naturally-occurring plasmids among isolates ofRhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae in heavy metal contaminated soils (چکیده)
7213 - Genetic Diversity of Sinorhizobium meliloti Isolated from RootNodules of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) Growing in Hamadan Soils (چکیده)
7214 - Gene probe designing for evaluation of the diversity ofBradyrhizobium japonicum isolates (چکیده)
7215 - Elongation of Shoot and Root in Wheat by ACC Deaminase ofRhizobium Spp. Indigenous to Soils of Iran (چکیده)
7216 - Adsorption Capability of Lead, Nickel and Zinc byExopolysaccharide and Dried Cell of Ensifer meliloti (چکیده)
7217 - Wavelets for nonparametric Stochastic regression with mixing stochastic processes (چکیده)
7218 - A state observer and a synchronization method for heart pacemakers (چکیده)
7219 - Nonparametric probability density estimation by maximum penalized likelihood method for negatively dependent sequence (چکیده)
7220 - THe Baer invariant of semidirect product (چکیده)
7221 - Higher Schur multiplicator of a finite abelian group (چکیده)
7222 - Subgroup theorems for the Baer invariant of groups (چکیده)
7223 - A remark on generalized covering groups (چکیده)
7224 - Innovative restriction site created PCR-RFLP for detection (چکیده)
7225 - Isolation of DNA from A Single Helminth Using New Developed (چکیده)
7226 - Supplier’s optimal bidding strategy in electricity pay-as-bid auctionComparison of the Q-learning and a model-based approac (چکیده)
7227 - On polynilpotent multipliers of free nilpotent groups (چکیده)
7228 - Topological homotopy groups (چکیده)
7229 - A hybrid scatter search for the discrete time/resource trade-off problem in project scheduling (چکیده)
7230 - Solving the discrete time/resource trade-off problem in project scheduling with genetic algorithms (چکیده)
7231 - Fuzzy approximately cubic mappings (چکیده)
7232 - banach algebras related to the elements of the unit ball of a banach Aljebra (چکیده)
7233 - Debittering of tryptic digests from beta casein and enzyme modified cheese by X-PDP (چکیده)
7234 - Bracket products on Locally compact abelian groups (چکیده)
7235 - Microstructural Characteristics of Al-alloyed Austempered Ductile Irons (چکیده)
7236 - The Bainite Transformation and the Carbide Precipitation of 4.88% Aluminium Austempered Ductile Iron Investigated Using Electron Microscopy (چکیده)
7237 - Rheological characterization of low fat sesame paste blended with date syrup (چکیده)
7238 - Estimation of Parameters of the Gamma Distribution in the Presence of Outliers Generated From Uniform Distribution (چکیده)
7239 - Solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem using filter-and-fan approach (چکیده)
7240 - Solving the resource availability cost problem in project scheduling by path relinking and genetic algorithm (چکیده)
7241 - Paclobutrazol application ameliolates the negative effect of salt stress on reproductive growth, yield, and fruit quality of strawberry plants (چکیده)
7242 - Graphitization in CK 45 Steel (چکیده)
7243 - System Redesign to Incorporate Modularity and Integration to Increase Repairability, Reduce Failure Rate and Improve System Availability (چکیده)
7244 - A Novel Circuit Design Technique to Minimize Sleep Mode Power Consumption due to Leakage Power in the Sub-100nm Wide Gates in CMOS Technology (چکیده)
7245 - Estimation of Expected Lifetime and Reliability During Burn in and Field Operation Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulations (چکیده)
7246 - A Fast Algorithm for Connectivity-Based Computations in Dynamic Networks (چکیده)
7247 - Phase Transformation Study of Aluminium Containing Ductile irons by Dilatometry (چکیده)
7248 - Structural, electronic and optical properties of spinel MgAl2O4 oxide (چکیده)
7249 - Design and Implementation of a Novel High Performance Content Processor for Storage Disks Using an Exact String Matching Architecture (چکیده)
7250 - Leakage Tolerant, Noise Immune Domino Logic for Circuit Design in the Ultra Deep Submicron CMOS Technology for High Fan-in Gates (چکیده)
7251 - Reliability Improvement of the Analog Computer of a Naval Navigation System by Derating and Accelerated Life Testing (چکیده)
7252 - Accelerated Life Testing Based on Proportional Mean Residual Life Model for Multiple Failure Modes (چکیده)
7253 - A Genetic Approach to the Synthesis of Combinational Circuits with Optimum Area and Speed (چکیده)
7254 - Automatic Adjustment of Television Sets Using an Uncalibrated Camera with a Novel Fuzzy Test Pattern and an Adaptive Alignment Algorithm (چکیده)
7255 - Reliability Enhancement of the Analog Computer of Gyroscopic Naval Navigation System Using Integration by Field Programmable Analog Arrays (چکیده)
7256 - Fast Estimation of Network Reliability Using Modified Manhattan Distance in Mobile Wireless Networks (چکیده)
7257 - Optimal Partitioned State Kalman Estimator for Maneuvering Target Tracking in Mixed Coordinates (چکیده)
7258 - A Fast Algorithm for Connectivity Graph Approximation Using Modified Manhattan Distance in Dynamic Networks (چکیده)
7259 - Connectivity Graph Approximation Using Modified Manhattan Distance in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (چکیده)
7260 - Design of an automatic alignment system for video displays using adaptive alignment algorithm (چکیده)
7261 - Molecular detectionof potato spindle tuber viroid in Razavi and Northern Khorasan provinces (چکیده)
7262 - Immunization of rabbits against Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum using larval and nymphal extracts (چکیده)
7263 - Identification of Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi the cause of root rot in chickpea and assessment of its Genetic Diversity using AFLP in Northern Iran (چکیده)
7264 - Physiological race and Genetic Diversity determination of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis by Differential Hosts and Molecular Marker in Northern and Razavi Khorasan provinces (چکیده)
7265 - Identification of Graft incompatibility of pear cultivars on Quince Rootstock by Using Isozymes Band (چکیده)
7266 - The occurrence and origin of atoll garnet in hornblende schists from the contact aureole of the Mashhad granite (چکیده)
7267 - Syn-To post-Kinematic fibrolite-biotite intergrowths in the Ardara aureole, NW Ireland (چکیده)
7268 - Impression creep behavior of cast Pb–Sb alloys (چکیده)
7269 - Investigation of stress exponent in the room-temperature creep of Sn-40Pb-2.5Sb solder alloy (چکیده)
7270 - Impression creep behavior of lead-free Sn–5Sb solder alloy (چکیده)
7271 - Superplastic power-law creep of Sn–40%Pb–2.5%Sb peritectic alloy (چکیده)
7272 - Superplastic indentation creep of Sn–Pb–Sb peritectic (چکیده)
7273 - Oxidation behaviour of Al-alloyed ductile cast irons at elevated temperature (چکیده)
7274 - Phenological Stages, Pollen Production Level, Pollen Viability and In vitro Germination Capability of some Sour cherry Cultivars (چکیده)
7275 - The Flower Phenology of Sour Cherry Cultivars (چکیده)
7276 - Marked improvement of Hungarian sour cherries by cross-pollination. II: fruit quality (چکیده)
7277 - Marked improvement of Hungarian sour cherries grown in Iran by cross-pollination 1: fruit set (چکیده)
7278 - Plasma biochemistry of one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius (چکیده)
7279 - The relationship between normocytic, hypochromic anaemia and iron concentration together with hepatic enzyme activities in cattle infected with Fasciola hepatica (چکیده)
7280 - Anesthesia in Caspian ponies (چکیده)
7281 - Effects of short-term supplementation of clinoptilolite in colostrum and milk on hematology, serum proteins, performance, and health in neonatal dairy calves (چکیده)
7282 - Effects of short-term supplementation of clinoptilolite in colostrum and milk on the concentration of some serum minerals in neonatal dairy calves (چکیده)
7283 - Serum Constituents Analyses in Dairy Cows: Effects of Duration and Temperature of Storage of Clotted Blood (چکیده)
7284 - The effect of dry period length reduction to 28 days on the performance of multiparous dairy cows in the subsequent lactation (چکیده)
7285 - T lymphocyte proliferative capacity and CD4+/CD8+ ratio in primiparous and pluriparous lactating cows (چکیده)
7286 - Effect of organic fertilizers and compost extracts on organic tomato production (چکیده)
7287 - Dislocation Network Formation during Creep in Ni-Base Superalloy GTD-111 (چکیده)
7288 - Petrochemistry of the reduced, ilmenite-series granitoid intrusion related to the Hired gold-tin prospect (Basiran), Eastern Iran (چکیده)
7289 - Influences of Hand Thinning of Bud and Blossom on Crop Load, Fruit Characteristics and Fruit Growth Dynamic of Újfehértói fürtös Sour Cherry Cultivar (چکیده)
7290 - Changes of biochemical parameters and enzyme activities in broiler chickens with cold-induced ascites (چکیده)
7291 - Effect of Prebiotic Fermacto® on Gut Development and Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Diet Low in Digestible Amino Acids (چکیده)
7292 - Determination of Chemical Composition, Mineral Contents, and Protein Quality of Poultry By-Product Meal (چکیده)
7293 - Effect of D-Thyroxine Hormone on compensatory growth and carcass characteristics of broiler chikens (چکیده)
7294 - Comparison of Various Methods for Endogenous Ileal Amino Acid Flow Determination in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
7295 - Effect of Free Access to Whole Wheat, Dietary Wheat Level and Enzyme Supplementation on Broiler Performance (چکیده)
7296 - Immunization of rabbits against Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick using antigen derived from whole tick and gut extract (چکیده)
7297 - First report of Neospora caninum-associated bovine abortion in Mashhad area, Iran (چکیده)
7298 - Identification of Tick vectors of ovine theileriosis in an endemic region of Ira (چکیده)
7299 - An epidemiological study on babesia infection in smmal ruminants in Mashhad suburb area, Provinc (چکیده)
7300 - Toltrazuril treartment to control diaplacental N.caninum transmission in experimentally infected pregnant mice (چکیده)
7301 - Normal Cross – Sectional Anatomy of the Bovine Digit: Comparison of Computed (چکیده)
7302 - Effect of collagen cross-linking inhibition by local application (چکیده)
7303 - Palmar digital nerve block and bursal analgesia in lame horses due to exostosis of third phalanx (چکیده)
7304 - Evaluation of clinical examination for differential diagnosis of laemness by navicular apparatuse (چکیده)
7305 - Experimental study of the tendon healing and remodeling after local injection of bone marrow myeloid tissue in rabbit (چکیده)
7306 - crystallinity behavior of MDPE-clay nanocomposites fabricated using ball milling method (چکیده)
7307 - Fabrication of NiO/SiO2 nanocomposites using sol–gel method and optimization of gelation time using Taguchi robust design method (چکیده)
7308 - Detecting Outliers in Gamma Distribution (چکیده)
7309 - Temperature Dependence of High Field Electron Transport Properties in Wurtzite Phase GaN for Device Modeling (چکیده)
7310 - Comparison of Steady-State and Transient Electron Transport in InAs, InP and GaAs (چکیده)
7311 - Monte Carlo Modeling of Hot Electron Transport in Bulk AlAs, AlGaAs and GaAs at Room Temperature (چکیده)
7312 - Comparison of High and Low Field Electron Transport in Al0.2Ga0.8N, AlN and GaN (چکیده)
7313 - Discretization Method of Hydrodynamic Equations for Simulation of GaN MESFETs (چکیده)
7314 - Temperature and Doping Dependencies of Electron Mobility in InAs, AlAs,and AlGaAs at High Electric Field Application (چکیده)
7315 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Double-walled Carbon nanotube Vibrations: comparison with continuum elastic therories (چکیده)
7316 - 3,3,9,9-Tetramethyl-1,5,7,11-tetraoxaspiro[5.5]undecane as a reagent for protection of carbonyl compounds (چکیده)
7317 - Self-hypnosis in attenuation of asthma symptoms severity (چکیده)
7318 - Accurate determination of coupling effects on free edge interlaminar stresses in piezoelectric laminated plates (چکیده)
7319 - Comparision between phonological priming and semantic priming in the short verbal memory span (چکیده)
7320 - The Ultra Structural Study of Blastema in Pinna Tissues of Rabbits with Transmission Electron Microscope (چکیده)
7321 - Reproductive Cycle of the Sea Urchin Echinometra mathaei. (Echinodermatidea: Echinoidea) in Bostaneh, Persian Gulf, Iran (چکیده)
7322 - HISTOLOGICAL evaluation of curcuma longa-Ghee formulation hyaluronic acid on gingival healing in dog (چکیده)
7323 - Effect of credit accessibility of farmers on agricultural investment and investigation of policy options in Khorasan-Razavi province (چکیده)
7324 - Estimating the greenhouse gases emission and the most important factors in dairy farms (Case study Iran) (چکیده)
7325 - Estimation the supply and demand gap of export credit and determining the factors influencing on it (چکیده)
7326 - Evaluation of agricultural advisory services effects on Sugar beet in Razavi Khorasan province (چکیده)
7327 - A Dynamic Ex ante Input Demand Model with Application to Western Canadian Agriculture (چکیده)
7328 - Macroeconomic Policies and the Best Environmental-Oriented Policy in Agricultural sector of Iran(Case of Soil Erosion). (چکیده)
7329 - Applying Minimum Regret Criteria for Evaluation Farm Product Selling Time in Iran (چکیده)
7330 - Investment and Adjustment Costs In the Iranian Agriculture (چکیده)
7331 - Application of game theory to compare the effect of market sale and contract strategies on agricultural yield in Iran (A Case Study of Tomato) (چکیده)
7332 - Evaluating the effects of production inputs and insurance protection policy on income equality of wheat producers in Khorasan provinces (چکیده)
7333 - The Efficiency of saffron’s marketing channel in Iran (چکیده)
7334 - Determination of soil conservation effects on shadow price of soil quality in dry-farmed Wheat in Iran (A case study) (چکیده)
7335 - A model for pre- estimation of production of organic Cotton in Iran; Case study of Khorasan Province (چکیده)
7336 - Synthesis of some new macrocyclic bis-sulfonamides by fast addition method (چکیده)
7337 - Synthesis of some new 2-arylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)-one derivatives (چکیده)
7338 - Facile Synthesis of 2-anilinopyrimido [4,5-e][1,3,4]-Thiadiazines (چکیده)
7339 - Selective and convenient protection of aldehydes as azines under solvent-free conditions (چکیده)
7340 - Fe(HSO4)3 as an inexpensive, eco-friendly, heterogeneous and reusable catalyst for acetal/ketal formation and their facile regeneration (چکیده)
7341 - Selective monotetrahydropyranylation of symmetrical diols using P2O5/SiO2 under solvent-free conditions and their depyranylation (چکیده)
7342 - Fe(HSO4)3: An efficient, heterogeneous and reusable catalyst for the synthesis of 14-aryl- or alkyl-14H-dibenzo[a,j]xanthenes (چکیده)
7343 - Isolation of intermediates in the synthesis of thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine-2, 4(1H,3H)-diones using microwave irradiation (چکیده)
7344 - Methimazole-disulfide as an Anti-Thyroid Drug Metabolite Catalyzed the Highly Regioselective Conversion of Epoxides to Halohydrins with Elemental Halogens (چکیده)
7345 - Efficient synthesis of dihydrazide crown ethers by fast addition method (چکیده)
7346 - P2O5 / SiO2 Catalyzed One-Pot Synthesis of Amides from Ketones via Schmidt Reaction under Microwave Irradiation in Dry Media (چکیده)
7347 - Ferric Hydrogensulfate Catalysed Schmidt Reaction of Ketones to Amides Under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
7348 - Vibrational Assignment and Structure of Benzoylacetone: A Density Functional Theoretical Study (چکیده)
7349 - Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 2-nitromalonaldehyde: Infrared spectrum and quantum chemical calculations, (چکیده)
7350 - Silica sulfuric acid as a reusable catalyst for the conversion of ketones into amides by a Schmidt reaction under solvent-free conditions (چکیده)
7351 - P2O5 / SiO2 as an Efficient Reagent for the Preparation of Z-Aldoximes Under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
7352 - Microwave-Assisted Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of Nitriles from Aldehydes in the Presence of the P2O5 / SiO2 in Solvent-Free Media (چکیده)
7353 - P2O5 / SiO2 as an Efficient Reagent for Selective Deprotection of 1,1-Diacetates Under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
7354 - Regioselective Synthesis of E-Oximes Catalyzed by Ferric Chloride under Solvent Free Conditions (چکیده)
7355 - Zn(OAc)2 / Podand Catalyzed Ring Opening of Epoxides By Aromatic Amines under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
7356 - Preparation of 1,5-Fused Tetrazoles under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
7357 - Microwave-Assisted Cleavage of Epoxides with Amines in the Presence of the Catalytic Zn(OAc)2/1,7-Bis(2-Benzoic Acid)-1,4,7-Trioxaheptane :ZnBBATOH (چکیده)
7358 - Efficient Synthesis of Macrocyclic Dilactam Crown Ethers by Fast Addition Method (چکیده)
7359 - Phosphorus Pentoxide as an Efficient Catalyst for the Tetrahydropyranylation of Alcohols under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
7360 - Phosphorous Pentoxide-Montmorillonite K-10 as Catalyst for the Preparation of 1, 1-Diacetates Under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
7361 - P2O5 / SiO2 as a Mild and Efficient Reagent for Acylation of Alcohols, Phenols, and Amines, (چکیده)
7362 - o-Phenylenediamine as a New Catalyst in the Highly Regioselective Conversion of Epoxides to Halohydrins with Elemental Halogens (چکیده)
7363 - A Facile Synthesis of (S)-(-)- Propranolol (چکیده)
7364 - Improvement of Selectivity in the Fries Rearrangement and Direct Acylation Reactions by Means of P2O5 / SiO2 Under Microwave Irradiation in Solvent-Free Media (چکیده)
7365 - An Easy Method for the Generation of Amides from Ketones by A Beckmann Type Rearrangement Mediated by Microwave (چکیده)
7366 - Differential Pulse Polarographic Study of Mercury Complexes with Some Benzo-Substituted Macrocyclic Diamides In Binary Nitromethane + Dimethylformamide Mixtures (چکیده)
7367 - P2O5 / SiO2 as An Efficient Reagent For Esterification of Phenols In Dry Media (چکیده)
7368 - A Novel and Efficient Synthesis of New Dixanthones (چکیده)
7369 - Copper (II)-Selective Membrane Electrode Based on A Recently Synthesized Macrocyclic Diamides (چکیده)
7370 - Strontium-Selective Membrane Electrodes Based on Some Recently Synthesized Benzo-Substituted Macrocyclic Diamides (چکیده)
7371 - Zinc-Selective Membrane Potentiometric Sencor Based on A Recently Synthesized Benzo-Substituted Macrocyclic Diamides (چکیده)
7372 - Electrocatalytic Reduction of Dioxygen at the Surface of Glassy Carbon Electrodes Modified By Some Anthraquinone Substituted Podands (چکیده)
7373 - Mercury (II) – Ion Selective Electrode Based on Dibenzo Diazathia-18- Crown –6- dione (چکیده)
7374 - A Convenient Synthesis of Azobenzo-Crown Ethers (چکیده)
7375 - Crown Ethers As new Catalysts in the Highly Regioselective Halogenative Cleavage of Epoxides with Elemental Halogen (چکیده)
7376 - A Convenient Synthesis of Macrocyclic Diamides (چکیده)
7377 - Efficient Synthesis of 1,4-Dihydroxy-9 (10H)- Anthracenone (چکیده)
7378 - Efficient Synthesis of Macrocyclic Diamides (چکیده)
7379 - The Mechanism of Fries Rearrangement and Acylation Reaction in Polyphosphoric Acid (چکیده)
7380 - Effects of rotary inertia and gyroscopic momentum on the flexural vibration of rotating shafts using hybrid modeling (چکیده)
7381 - Influence of Dietary Zeolite Supplementation on the Performance and Egg Quality of Laing Hens Fed Varying Levels of Calcium and Nonphytate Phosphorus (چکیده)
7382 - Investigation of Geyser Boiling Phenomenon in a Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon (چکیده)
7383 - Effects of Wheat-Soybean Meal Based Diet Supplementation with Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Zinc on Blood Cells, Organ. Weights and Humoral Immune Response in Broiler Chickens. (چکیده)
7384 - Effect of heat processing on ruminal degradability and intestinal disappearance of nitrogen and amino acids in Iranian whole soybean (چکیده)
7385 - Rumen and post-abomasal disappearance in lactating cows of amino acids and other components of barley grain treated with sodium hydroxide, formaldehyde or urea (چکیده)
7386 - The Effect of Acetic and Lactic Acid on the Oil Uptake, Texture and Color of Rice (Sang Tarom) During Cooking (چکیده)
7387 - A novel iron (III)-PVC membrane potentiomeric sensor based on N-(2- Hydroxyethyl) ethylenediamine-N,N,N (چکیده)
7388 - Improved Broiler Chick Performance by Dietary Supplementation of Organic Zinc Sources (چکیده)
7389 - Multi - Expert Disease Diagnosis System (چکیده)
7390 - Comparison of Techniques to Determine the Ruminal and Post-Ruminal Protein Disappearance of Various Oilseed Meals (چکیده)
7391 - Effect of Diets Containing Anionic Salts or Hydrochloric Acid Treated Alfalfa Silage on Blood and Urine Acid-Base Properties of Holstein Dry Cows (چکیده)
7392 - Chemical composition, in situ ruminal degradability and post-ruminal disappearance of dry matter and crude protein from the halophytic plants Kochia scoparia, Atriplex imorphostegia, Suaeda arcuata and Gamanthus gamacarpus (چکیده)
7393 - Nonlinear dynamic modeling of surface defects in rolling element bearing system (چکیده)
7394 - Carbon nanotube-reinforced composites: frequency analysis theories based on the matrix stiffness (چکیده)
7395 - Punching shear strength of reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with glass fiber-reinforced polymer laminates. Paper by Cheng-Chin Chen and Chung-Yan Li, Discussion (چکیده)
7396 - Mechanically Induced Trabecular Bone Remodeling Including Cellular Accommodation Effect: a Computer Simulation (چکیده)
7397 - Higher-Order Coupled and Uncoupled Analyses of Free Edge Effect of Piezoelectric Laminates under Mechanical Loadings (چکیده)
7398 - Nonlinear Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates in Cylindrical Bending under Thermomechanical Loadings Based on a Layerwise Theory (چکیده)
7399 - A More Comprehensive Modeling of Atomic Force Microscope Cantilever (چکیده)
7400 - The effect of nano-sized calcium carbonate on thermodynamic parameters of HDPE (چکیده)
7401 - Modeling of slurry polymerization of ethylene using a soluble Cp2ZrCl2/MAO catalytic system (چکیده)
7402 - Top bar effect of steel bars in self-consolidating concrete-SCC (چکیده)
7403 - Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by CFRP sheets (چکیده)
7404 - Bond strength of glass fiber reinforced polymer reinforcing bars in normal and self-consolidation concrete (چکیده)
7405 - Development/splice length of reinforcing bars (چکیده)
7406 - Effect of cyclic loading on punching shear strength of slabs strengthened with CFRP sheets (چکیده)
7407 - Zegler Natta / Metallocen Hybrid Catalyst for Ethylen Polymerization (چکیده)
7408 - preparationof highly active heterogeneous ziegler - natta catalyst for polymerization of ethylen (چکیده)
7409 - Homogeneous Polymerization of Ethylen Using an Iron - Based MetalCattalyst System (چکیده)
7410 - Morphologycal study of spherical Mgcl n Etoh supported Ticl Ziegler-Natta Catalyst for Polymerization of Ethylen (چکیده)
7411 - Syndiotactic Polymerizatin of Styren study of catalyst component and polymerization conditions (چکیده)
7412 - Comparative study of Propylen Polymerization Using Mono supported and Bisupported Titanium-Based Ziegler -Natta Cattalyst (چکیده)
7413 - Copper toxicity in confinement-housed ram lambs (چکیده)
7414 - Coagulase negative Staphylococci and Staphylococcud aureus, the main organisms coausing pre and post calving heifer mastitis in a holstein dairy farm (چکیده)
7415 - Biological control of weeds with plant pathogenic fungi. (چکیده)
7416 - Evaluation of Alternaria alternata for biological control of Amaranthus retroflexus L. (چکیده)
7417 - Effects of environmental factors on germination and emergence of Amaranthus retroflexus L. (چکیده)
7418 - Effect of cropping systems and crop rotations on weeds (چکیده)
7419 - Soil management for sustainable crop disease control: a review (چکیده)
7420 - Effects of environmental factors on germination and emergence of swallow wort (چکیده)
7421 - Impact of organic amendments and compost extracts on tomato production and storability in agroecological systems (چکیده)
7422 - Improvement of late blight management in organic potato production systems in Europe: Field tests with more resistant potato varieties and copper based fungicides. (چکیده)
7423 - Effects of climate change on growth criteria and yield of Sunflower and Chickpea crops in Iran (چکیده)
7424 - Alternative treatments for late blight control in organic potato: Antagonistic micro-organisms and compost extracts for activity against Phytophthora infestans. (چکیده)
7425 - Effects of nitrogen availability and spore concentration on the biocontrol activity of Ascochyta caulina isolates in Chenopodium album. (چکیده)
7426 - Biocontrol of Amaranthus spp. In Europe: state of the art. (چکیده)
7427 - Effects of diets countaining gossypol on spermatogenic tissues of young bulls. (چکیده)
7428 - Subcutaneous Lipoma in a Neonatal Calf (چکیده)
7429 - Prediction of nanoparticles’ size-dependent melting temperature using mean coordination number concept (چکیده)
7430 - Combustion Wave Stability in Diluted TiO2/Al/C system in Atmospheric Air (چکیده)
7431 - Changes in chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of urea and molasses treated whole crop canola silage (چکیده)
7432 - Role of Collagen Cross-Linking on Equine Wound Contraction and Healing (چکیده)
7433 - Labratory Effect of Thiopental Anesthesia In Donkey (چکیده)
7434 - A Survey of White Line Disease in Racehorse Population in North of Iran-Gonbad (چکیده)
7435 - Influences of milk yield and fertility traits in the first lactation on the length of productive life of Holstein dairy cows in Iran (چکیده)
7436 - A Combination of ultrasound and a biocatalyst: removal of 2-Chlorophenol from aqueous solution (چکیده)
7437 - Surfactant enhanced LPME of basic drugs of abuse in hair combined with HPLC (چکیده)
7438 - Effect of dietary levels of tallow and NSP-degrading enzume supplements on nutrient efficiency of broiler chickens (چکیده)
7439 - Effects of Diet Supplementation of Aspergillus Meal Prebiotic (Fermacto®) on Efficiency, Serum Lipids and Immunity Responses of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
7440 - Supplementation of corn-wheat-soy-based diets with phytase: Effects on digestibility of amino acids in broiler chicks (چکیده)
7441 - Effects of Microbial Phytase on Apparent Digestibility of Amino Acids and Crude Protein by Female broiler Chickens (چکیده)
7442 - Molecular basis of differential gene expression in the mouse preimplantation embryo (چکیده)
7443 - Water Quality Improvement through Bioretention Media: Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal (چکیده)
7444 - Factors Affecting Egg Production in Broiler Breeders from Start to Peak of Production (چکیده)
7445 - Effect of Turmeric Rhizome Powder on Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
7446 - Effect of Different Levels of Rapeseed Meal Supplemented with Calcium Iodate on Performance, Some Carcass Traits, and Thyroid Hormones of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
7447 - Effect of Dietary Dried Berberis Vulgaris Fruit and Enzyme on Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens Fed Wheat-Soybean Based Diets (چکیده)
7448 - Effect of Added Extra Calcium Carbonate into the Diets, One Hour Before Starting Dark Period on Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens (چکیده)
7449 - Replacement Value of Soybean Meal with Rapeseed Meal Supplemented with or Without a Dietary NSP-Dgrading Enzyme on Performance, Carcass Traits and Thyroid Hormones of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
7450 - Influence of Supplemental Dried Whey on Broiler Performance and Cecal Flora (چکیده)
7451 - Boundary shear stress in open channel flow: A comparison among six methods (چکیده)
7452 - Disscussion : A geometrical method for computing the distribution of boundary shear stress across irregular straight open channel (چکیده)
7453 - A geometrical method for computing the distribution of boundary shear stress across irregular straight open channel (چکیده)
7454 - Effect of Turmeric Rhizome Powder (چکیده)
7455 - Reduction of Thermodynamic Losses in supersonic nucleating steam nozzle by spraying water droplets (چکیده)
7456 - Effects of Friction Factor and Inlet Stagnation Conditions on the Self Condensation of Steam in a Supersonic Nozzle (چکیده)
7457 - اثر جایگزینی متیونین با بتائین بر عملکرد و کیفیت لاشه در جوجه های گوشتی (چکیده)
7458 - Similarity Solution of Unaxisymmetric Heat Transfer in Stagnation- Point Flow on a Cylinder With Simultaneous Axial and Rotational Movements (چکیده)
7459 - Ultrasound improves the synthesis of 5-Hydroxymethyl2-mercapto-1-benzylimidazol as a base compounds of some pharmacuticals products (چکیده)
7460 - Water softening by combination of ultrasound and ion exchange (چکیده)
7461 - simultaneous removal of copper and lead ions from a binary solution by sono-sorption process (چکیده)
7462 - sonosorption as a new method for the removal of methylene blue from aqueous solution (چکیده)
7463 - sono-sorption as a new method for the removal of lead ion from aqueous solution (چکیده)
7464 - Mechanical peeling of pumpkins. Part 2: Modeling of peeling process (چکیده)
7465 - The effect of biotin deficiency in the pre-ruminant and immediately post-ruminant Angora and Cashmere kids (چکیده)
7466 - Relation between in vitro gas production and dry mater degradation of treated corn silage by urea and formaldehyde (چکیده)
7467 - Influence of β- adrenergic agonist (Metaproterenol) and lysine on growth, carcass quality in broiler chickens (چکیده)
7468 - The effect of phytase and saccharomyces cervisiae (Sc47) supplementation on performance, serum parameters, phosphorous and calcium retention of broiler chickens (چکیده)
7469 - The effects of volume percent and aspect ratio of carbon fiber on fracture toughness of reinforced aluminum matrix composites (چکیده)
7470 - Prediction of hardness at different points of Jominy specimen using quench factor analysis method (چکیده)
7471 - Passage rate of feed in very young chicks (چکیده)
7472 - Dietary poultry fat and gastrointestinal transit time of feed and fat utilization in broiler chickens (چکیده)
7473 - Effect of Aspect Ratio and Filling Ratio on Thermal Performance of an Inclined Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon (چکیده)
7474 - Effect of Inclination Angle and Filling Ratio on Thermal Performance of a Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon under Normal Operating Condition (چکیده)
7475 - Aqueous extraction of virgin olive oil using industrial enzymes (چکیده)
7476 - Determining Optimum Conditions for Sugarcane Juice (چکیده)
7477 - Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Henna Leaves Extracts (Lawsonia Inermis (چکیده)
7478 - Agricultural Expert Systems (چکیده)
7479 - Customizing ISO-9126 Quality Model for Evaluation of B2B Applications (چکیده)
7480 - Neural networks modeling of hollow fiber membrane processes (چکیده)
7481 - knowledge schema for organisational learning in academic libraries (چکیده)
7482 - Fuzzy Almost Quadratic Functions (چکیده)
7483 - Fuzzy versions of Hyers–Ulam–Rassias theorem (چکیده)
7484 - Fuzzy stability of the Jensen functional equation (چکیده)
7485 - Non_carrier Indentification of spider lamb syndrome in iranian bluchi and karakul sheep by PCR-RFLP (چکیده)
7486 - A remark on uniquely remotal sets (چکیده)
7487 - Histomorphometrical Study of Infundibulum and Magnum in Turkey and Pigeon (چکیده)
7488 - Anatomical Characteristics of Dorsal Lacrimal Gland in One camel (Camelus dromedarius) (چکیده)
7489 - Risk analysis of bidding strategies in an electricity pay as bid auction: A new theorem (چکیده)
7490 - Investigation of the effect of matrix volume fraction on fiber stress distribution in polypropylene fiber composite using a simulation method (چکیده)
7491 - Safety and cost-effectiveness of clear zones on Iran (چکیده)
7492 - Investigation of the dependences ofthe mechanical characteristics of an alloyed steel on both the strain rate and the microstructure (چکیده)
7493 - Simulation of thixoformability of A356 aluminum alloy using finite volume method (چکیده)
7494 - In-body corrosion fatigue failure of a stainless steel orthopaedic implant with a rare collection of different damage mechanisms (چکیده)
7495 - Swarm intelligence based classifiers (چکیده)
7496 - Large deformation analysis of moderately thick laminated plates on nonlinear elastic foundations by DQM (چکیده)
7497 - Effects of the preparation conditions on ethylene/vinyl acetate membrane morphology with the use of scanning electron microscopy (چکیده)
7498 - Single-wall carbon nanotubes synthesized using organic additives to Co-Mo catalysts supported on nanoporous MgO (چکیده)
7499 - Accurate integration scheme for von-Mises plasticity with mixed-hardening based on exponential maps (چکیده)
7500 - Rolling element bearings multi-fault classification based on the wavelet denoising and support vector machine (چکیده)
7501 - Studies on soot formation and combustion in turbulent spray flames: Modeling and experimental measurement (چکیده)
7502 - An agent-based approch to grid programming (چکیده)
7503 - Effect of supplemental fish meal on reproduction and immunology responses in early lactating Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
7504 - The specific heat of pistachio nuts as affected by moisture content, temperature, and variety (چکیده)
7505 - The time independent rheological properties of low fat sesame paste/date syrup blends as a function of fat substitutes and temperature (چکیده)
7506 - Effects of feeding fish meal and n-3 fatty acids on ovarian and uterine responses in early lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
7507 - Effects of feeding fish meal and n-3 fatty acids on milk yield and metabolic responses in early lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
7508 - The physical properties of pistachio nut and its kernel as a function of moisture content and variety. Part III: Frictional properties (چکیده)
7509 - Physical properties of pistachio nut and its kernel as a function of moisture content and variety. Part II. Gravimetrical properties (چکیده)
7510 - The physical properties of pistachio nut and its kernel as a function of moisture content and variety: Part I. Geometrical properties (چکیده)
7511 - Soil seed bank and seedling populations of Hordeum murinum and Cardaria draba in saffron fields (چکیده)
7512 - The effect of operational parameters of the Rancimat method on the determination of the oxidative stability measures and shelf-life prediction of soybean oil (چکیده)
7513 - The study of dynamic milk ultrafiltration performance influenced by membrane molecular weight cut off (چکیده)
7514 - Length of the lag period of germination and metabolic repair explain vigour differences in seed lots of maize (Zea mays) (چکیده)
7515 - Antifungal effects of volatile compounds from black zira (Bunium persicum) and other spices and herbs (چکیده)
7516 - Diversity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Kurdish ewe s milk cheese (چکیده)
7517 - Non-Linear Hyperbolastic Growth Models for Describing Growth Curve in Classical Strain of Broiler Chicken (چکیده)
7518 - Neural Network Model for Egg Production Curve (چکیده)
7519 - Predicting performance of broiler chickens from dietary nutrients using group method of data handling-type neural networks (چکیده)
7520 - Prediction Model for True Metabolizable Energy of Feather Meal and Poultry Offal Meal Using Group Method of Data Handling-Type Neural Network (چکیده)
7521 - Testing exponentiality based on Kullback-Leibler information with progressively Type-II censored data (چکیده)
7522 - Laboratory study of Arsenic removal by macroalgae, Chara. (چکیده)
7523 - Antimony and arsenic pollution in Chelpo surface water, kohsorkh area, Kashmar and the arsenic remediation (چکیده)
7524 - Solving linear integral equations of the second kind with repeated modified trapezoid quadrature method (چکیده)
7525 - A quadrature method with variable step for solving linear Volterra integral equations of the second kind (چکیده)
7526 - A solution procedure for the discrete time, cost and quality tradeoff problem using electromagnetic scatter search (چکیده)
7527 - The Atkinson theorem in Hilbert C*-modules over C*-algebras of compact operators (چکیده)
7528 - On the stability of θ-derivations on JB*-triples (چکیده)
7529 - Achievement of continuity of (phi, psi)-derivations without linearity (چکیده)
7530 - Some inequalities for nilpotent multipliers of powerful p-groups (چکیده)
7531 - Phylogeny of Palaearctic wheatears (genus Oenanthe) - Congruence between morphometric and molecular data (چکیده)
7532 - Contact and hybrid zone hotspots and evolution of birds in the Middle East (چکیده)
7533 - Laser induced fluorescence bands in the FT-Raman spectra of bioceramics (چکیده)
7534 - A comparison among three equations of state in predicting the solubility of some solids in supercritical carbon dioxide (چکیده)
7535 - Syntheses and structural determination of new bis(9-tungstoarsenato)tris(dioxouranate(VI) and its mono oxovanadate(IV) derivative complexes (چکیده)
7536 - Prediction of the volumetric and thermodynamic properties of some refrigerants using GMA equation of state (چکیده)
7537 - Comparison between optimized geometries and vibrational frequencies calculated by the DFT methods for the Anderson-type heteropolyanion: Hexamolybdoaluminate(III),[Al-III(OH)(6)Mo6O18](3-) (چکیده)
7538 - A novel flow injection potentiometric graphite coated ion-selective electrode for the low level determination of uranyl ion (چکیده)
7539 - A new application of hexamethylenetetramine-bromine supported onto wet alumina as an efficient reagent for cleavage of phenylhydrazones under classical heating and microwave irradiation (چکیده)
7540 - Theoretical studies on the geometry, vibrational frequencies and electronic properties of [X(OH)(6)Mo6O18](4-/3-) (X = Fe-II/Co-III) Anderson-type anions (چکیده)
7541 - Low-energy neutron flux measurement using a resonance absorption filter surrounding a lithium glass scintillator (چکیده)
7542 - Determination of selenium(IV) by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry using single drop extraction in real samples (چکیده)
7543 - Water as an efficient solvent for oxygenation transformations with 34% hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by some heteropolyoxometalates (چکیده)
7544 - Ecomorphology of the wheatears (genus Oenanthe) (چکیده)
7545 - Low predictive power of mid-domain effect to explain geographic species richness patterns in Palearctic songbirds (چکیده)
7546 - Environmentally benign oxidation of some alcohols with34%hydrogen peroxide catalysed by H3PW12O40 (چکیده)
7547 - Tachyon Couplings to Fermion (چکیده)
7548 - Simultaneous kinetic-spectrophotometric determination of carbidopa, levodopa and methyldopa in the presence of citrate with the aid of multivariate calibration and artificial neural networks (چکیده)
7549 - Effects of parameters of sol-gel process on the phase evolution of sol-gel-derived hydroxyapatite (چکیده)
7550 - Gene-based modelling for rice: An opportunity to enhance the simulation of rice growth and development? (چکیده)
7551 - Synthesis of pyrido[30 ,20 :4,5]thieno[2,3-e][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a]pyrimidin- 5(4H)-one derivatives (چکیده)
7552 - Light and electron microscopic studies of the trachea in the one-humped camel (Camelus dromedarius) (چکیده)
7553 - Metabolic changes in cows with or without retained fetal membranes in transition period (چکیده)
7554 - Ischaemia/reperfusion injury in experimentally induced abomasal volvulus in sheep (چکیده)
7555 - Effect of fumitory, celery and lemon on blood glucose and histopathology of pancreas of alloxan diabetic rats (چکیده)
7556 - Prevalence of dairy heifer IMI and the associated bacteria before and after parturition as determined by use of bacterial culture, SCC, CMT and TBC (چکیده)
7557 - Evaluation of PCR amplification from fixed caecal tissue to determine the infection of experimentally infected laying hens with Brachyspira pilosicoli (چکیده)
7558 - Genotypic differences for allometric relationships between root and shoot characteristics in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) (چکیده)
7559 - On the sensitivity of dimensional stability of high density polyethylene on heating rate (چکیده)
7560 - Determination of chemical composition, Mineral contents, and protein Quality of poultry By-Product Meal (چکیده)
7561 - Evaluation of Different Parameters Effect on Maltodextrin Production by *-amylase termamyl2-x (چکیده)
7562 - Some physical and Mechanical properties of Kiwifruit (چکیده)
7563 - Determination of Chemical Composition, Mineral Contents, and protein Quality of Iranian Kilka Fish Meal (چکیده)
7564 - Response of aphidophagous hoverflies (Diptera, syrphidae) to herbicide in winter wheat (چکیده)
7565 - Rheological and Sensory evalution of Yoghurts containing Probiotic Cultures (چکیده)
7566 - Automatic continuity of higher derivations on JB*-algebras (چکیده)
7567 - Generalized covering groups and direct limits (چکیده)
7568 - Evaluation of palmar Digital Nerve Block and Distal Interphalangeal Joint Analgesia in Lame Horses Associated with Hoof Pain due to Sidebone Fracture (چکیده)
7569 - Deterction of midgut antigens of hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick using SDS-PAGE and Western blot (چکیده)
7570 - Allium L. subgen. Rhizirideum sensu lato in Iran: Two new records and a synopsis of taxonomy and phytogeography (چکیده)
7571 - Producting a High Scopolamine Hairy Root Clone in Hyoscyamus muticus through transformation by Agrobacterium rhizogenes (چکیده)
7572 - New records of Haplophyllum Juss. Rutaceae from Iran (چکیده)
7573 - New Bromus (Poaceae) Record for the Flora of Iran (چکیده)
7574 - Agrobiodiversity of Field Crops: A Case Study for Iran (چکیده)
7575 - Q-Learning based Cooperative Multi-Agent System Applied to Coordination of Overcurrent Relays (چکیده)
7576 - Effect of Alfalfa Hay Particle Size and Water Addition to Barley Base Diets on Dairy Cows Performance in early Lactation (چکیده)
7577 - The Effect of dried Citrus pulp, dried Beet Suger Pulp and Wheat Straw as Silage Additives on By-Products of Orange Silage (چکیده)
7578 - Evaluation of the Anticonvulsant Activities of Rosa damascena on the PTZ Induced Seizures in Wistar Rats (چکیده)
7579 - Hypocholesterolemic Effects of Dietary Soybean vs. Casein Proteins in a Crossed Over Diets in Rat (چکیده)
7580 - Dynamic response analysis and vibration control of a cantilever beam with a squeeze-mode ER damper (چکیده)
7581 - Genetic polymorphism at MTNR1A, CAST and CAPN loci in Iranian Kurakul sheep (چکیده)
7582 - Genetic polymorphism at the candidate gene in Iranian sistani cattle-Bos indicus (چکیده)
7583 - The diversity of BOLA- DRB3 gene in Iranian native cattle (چکیده)
7584 - A Property of the Haar Measure of Some Special LCA Groups (چکیده)
7585 - Geometric morphometric analysis of Iranian wood mice of the genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Muridae) (چکیده)
7586 - Geometric morphometric comparison of the mandibles of three species of vole of the genus Microtus (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) from northern Iran (چکیده)
7588 - Effect of whole crop silages (Triticale or Barley) versus corn silage on performance of Holstein lactating Dairy cows (چکیده)
7589 - Application of Cardo-type polyimide (PI) and polyphenylene oxide (PPO) hollow fiber membranes in two-stage membrane systems for CO2/CH4 separation (چکیده)
7590 - Behavioural responses by dairy cows provided two hays of contrasting quality at dry-off (چکیده)
7591 - Effects of abomasal infusion of cottonseed oil and dietary enzyme supplementation on dairy goa (چکیده)
7592 - The effects of feed bunk competition on the feed sorting behavior of close – up dry cows (چکیده)
7593 - Effect of raw or roasted whole soybeans on early lactational Performance and ruminal and blood metabolites in Iranian cows (چکیده)
7594 - Estimation of digesta kinetics of different particle size fractions using rumen evacuation technique in dairy cows fed red clover – grass silage (چکیده)
7595 - Laws of large numbers for random linear programs under dependence model (چکیده)
7596 - Strong convergence of weighted sums for negatively orthant dependent random variables (چکیده)
7597 - Central limit theorem for integrated square error of kernel hazard estimator under censored dependent model (چکیده)
7599 - PCR-based Gene Synthesis , Molecular (چکیده)
7600 - Idiopathic lingual fossa ulcer in cattle in Iran (چکیده)
7601 - Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma in a pigeon (چکیده)
7602 - Brevinin-2R semi-selectively kills (چکیده)
7603 - Effect of heat treatment, lubricant and sintering temperature on dry sliding wear behavior of medium alloyed chromium PM steels (چکیده)
7604 - Controlling automobile thermal comfort using optimized fuzzy controller (چکیده)
7605 - Some inequalities for the Baer-invariant of a pair of finite groups (چکیده)
7606 - A Remark on the Schur Multiplier of p-Groups (چکیده)
7608 - Elucidating chromatin and nuclear domain architecture with electron spectroscopic imaging (چکیده)
7609 - Promiscuous global transcription in pluripotent embryonic stem cells (چکیده)
7610 - Detection and characterization of mechanisms of action of aneugenic chemicals (چکیده)
7611 - In vitro and in vivo extrapolations of genotoxin exposures: consideration of factors which influence dose-response thresholds (چکیده)
7612 - A new fictitious time for the dynamic relaxation method (چکیده)
7613 - Frequency Response Calculation of Nonlinear Torsional Vibration in Gear Systems (چکیده)
7614 - Experimental and theoretical studies of polymer/solvent viscosity mixtures (چکیده)
7615 - Prediction of protein-protein interactions using protein signature profiling. (چکیده)
7616 - False positive reduction in protein-protein interaction predictions using gene ontology annotations. (چکیده)
7618 - Evaluation the Anxiolytic Effects of Zinc Supplimented Diet in the Elevated Plus-maze Test (چکیده)
7619 - A compositional study on two current types of salep in Iran and their rheological properties as a function of concentration and temperature (چکیده)
7620 - Antioxidant activity of various extracts of old tea leaves and black tea wastes (Camellia sinensis L.) (چکیده)
7621 - Determination of carbonyl value in rancid oils: a critical reconsideration (چکیده)
7622 - Antioxidant activity and mechanism of action of butein in linoleic acid (چکیده)
7623 - Impact of Age at First Calving on Lactation and Reproduction of first-parity Iranian Holsteins Dairy cows (چکیده)
7624 - The effect of Feed Bunk competition on the Feed sorting Behavior of Close-Up Dry Cows (چکیده)
7625 - Performance of Acyrthosiphon pisum (HARRIS) (Homoptera: Aphididae) on pea varieties (pisum sativum L (چکیده)
7626 - On non-linear action of multiple M2-branes (چکیده)
7627 - Evaluation of chlorophyll meter (spad) for predicts Nitrogen status of corn (Zea mays L.) In the Field (چکیده)
7628 - A new approach to intrusion detection based on an evolutionary soft computing model using Neuro-Fuzzy Classifiers (چکیده)
7629 - Evaluation of sourdough Effect on Iranian Barbari Bread Staling (چکیده)
7630 - A perception to survival of Bifidobacterium Spp. In Bioyoghurt, Simulated Gastric Juice and Bile Soluation (چکیده)
7631 - On the strain rate sensitivity of HDPE/CaCO3 nanocomposites (چکیده)
7632 - A thermodynamic study of complexation of 18-crown-6 with Zn2+ ,Tl + ,Hg2+ and UO2þ 2 cations in acetonitrile-dimethylformamide binary media and study the effect of anion on the stability constant of (18C6-Na+ ) complex in methanol solutions (چکیده)
7633 - Prevalence of Ixodid ticks on cattle in Mazandarn Province, Iran (چکیده)
7634 - On a Wavelet-Based Method of Estimating a Regression function (چکیده)
7635 - The effect of temperature on thermodynamic parameters of Micellization of some surfactants (چکیده)
7636 - Prediction of the solubility of cholesterol and its Esters in supercritical Carbon Dioxide (چکیده)
7637 - Joule - Thomson inversion curve prediction by using equation of state (چکیده)
7638 - Calculation of solubility of methimazole,Phenazopyridine and propranolol in supercritical carbon dioxide (چکیده)
7639 - The Prevalence of Cardiac Dysrhthmias in Khozestan-Arab Horses (چکیده)
7640 - Spin reorientation and first-order magnetisation process in HoFe11−xCoxTi compounds (چکیده)
7641 - Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in Arabidopsis: changes in gene expression, protein and activity during vegetative and reproductive development. (چکیده)
7642 - OCT-4, an embryonic stem cell marker, is highly expressed in bladder cancer (چکیده)
7643 - Mechanism and Kinetics of the wacker process: A Quantum Mechanical Approach (چکیده)
7644 - Shannon information properties of the Endpoints of Record Coverage (چکیده)
7645 - The effect of entrance geometry on discharge coefficient in culverts (چکیده)
7646 - Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of a silver(I) complex containing AMTT - (AMTT=4-amino-5-methyl-2H-1,2,4-triazole-3(4H)-thione) (چکیده)
7647 - Genetic polymorphism of b-lactoglobulin in certain Iranian and Russian sheep breeds (چکیده)
7648 - Prediction Breeding Value and Genetic Parameter in Iranian Holstein Bulls for Milk production Traits (چکیده)
7649 - Funmigant toxicity of citrus oils against cowpea seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (چکیده)
7650 - Prevalence of and antibiotic susceptibility of coagulase-negatine Staphylococci isolated from bovine intramammary infections in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
7651 - Effect of Caffeine on structure and Ultrastructure of shoot Apical Meristem of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (چکیده)
7652 - Evaluation of Irrigation Management of Safron at Agroecosystem Scale in Dry Region of Iran (چکیده)
7653 - The Effects of Irrigation Intervals and Manure on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Pl (چکیده)
7654 - Determination of soil conservation effects on shadow price of soil quality in dry - farmed wheat in (چکیده)
7655 - Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of novel mixed bridged trinuclear oxo-centered iron(III), chromium(III) complexes containing terminal unsaturated carboxylato and acrylic acid dimer anion ligands (چکیده)
7656 - Studying the Effects of Heat and Cold shock on Cell wall Microstructure an Survival of Some LAB in Milk (چکیده)
7657 - Study of Ice Cream Freezing process after Treatment with Ultrasound (چکیده)
7658 - Effect of Ultrasonie power on the activity of Barleys Alpha-amylase from post-sowing treate of s (چکیده)
7659 - Influence of lactulose on the survival of probiotic strains in Yoghurt (چکیده)
7660 - The Addiction - Stroop Test: Theoretical Considerations and Procedural Recommendations (چکیده)
7661 - Non-equilibrium ensemble method: A quantum-statistical-mechanical approach (چکیده)
7662 - Study of pancreus in Huso huso (چکیده)
7663 - Histology of placenta in persian CAT (چکیده)
7664 - The first immobilisation of glycoluril-based molecular clips on silica gel and alumina (چکیده)
7665 - Past peak lactational performance of iranian Holstein cows fed raw or roasted whole soybeans (چکیده)
7666 - The investigation of Am - Be neutron source shield effect used on landmine detection (چکیده)
7667 - Estimates of genetic parameters for growth traits in kermani sheep (چکیده)
7668 - Design Guidelines for High-Speed Two-Stage CMOS Operational Amplifiers (چکیده)
7669 - Effects of pre-strain on microstructure of Ni-Ti orthodontic archwires (چکیده)
7670 - Comparison of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Markers and Morphological Characters in Identification of Homokaryon Isolates of White Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) (چکیده)
7671 - On the Relative Commutativity Degree of a Subgroup of a Finite Group (چکیده)
7672 - Microwave activated synthesis of 2-aryl- quinazolin-4 (3H) ones (چکیده)
7673 - Effect of substitution on the intramolecular hydrogen bonding of 4-amino-3-penten-2-one: Ab initio, (چکیده)
7674 - Hydrodynamics of N=6 Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories at Strong Coupling (چکیده)
7675 - Crystal structure of N-trifluoroacetyl-N ,N -bis(N-cyclohexyl-methyl) phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
7676 - N-Benzylpropan-2-aminium (benzyliso-propylamido)(2,2,2-trifluoroacetamido)-phosphate (چکیده)
7677 - Molecular Identification of Streptococcus equi subsp. Equi and Streptococcus equi subsp. Zooepidemic (چکیده)
7678 - Effects of Vitamin E and C supplementation on Performance and Immune Response of Broiler Chicks (چکیده)
7679 - Ovarian activity in high and average producing Holstein cows under heat stress conditions (چکیده)
7680 - Embryonal nephroma in an adult fowl (چکیده)
7682 - Some Baer invariants of free nilpotent groups (چکیده)
7683 - Calculation of thermodynamic properties of lubricant + refrigerant mixtures using CMA equation of st (چکیده)
7684 - Changes of Blood Gases, Internal Organ Weights and performance of Broiler Chickens with Cold Induced Ascites (چکیده)
7685 - On thermodynamics of N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theories at strong coupling (چکیده)
7686 - Improvement of the rate of convergence estimates for multigri algorithm (چکیده)
7687 - Household waste management in mashhad: charactristics and factors influencing on demand for collecti (چکیده)
7688 - Variations of energy-related biochemical metabolites during transition period in dairy cows (چکیده)
7689 - Effect of CIDR and Different Doses of PMSG on Pregnancy and Lambing Rate Out of Breeding Season in Balouchi Ewes (چکیده)
7691 - Efficient synthesis of naphthalene-fused dilactam crown ethers (چکیده)
7692 - Mycoflora of cervicovaginal fluids in dairy cows with or without reproductive disorders (چکیده)
7693 - Robust and Improved Channel Estimation Algorithm for MIMO-OFDM Systems (چکیده)
7694 - On automatic continuity of 3-homomorphisms on Banach algebras (چکیده)
7695 - Stability of Mappings on Multi-normed spaces (چکیده)
7696 - A hybrid of the restarted Arnoldi an electromagnetism meta-heuristic methods for calculating eigenva (چکیده)
7697 - Structure of Barbel in Sturgeon (Acipenser percicus) (چکیده)
7698 - Effect of Isoflupredone Acetate With or Without Insulin on Energy Metabolism, Reproduction, Milk Pro (چکیده)
7699 - Abdominal distention due to omental bursitis in a calf (چکیده)
7700 - Facile and Rapid Synthesis of Some Crown Ethers Under Microwave Irradiation (چکیده)
7701 - Design and synthesis of pyrimido[4,5-b][1,4] benzothiazine derivatives, as potent 15-lipoxygenase in (چکیده)
7702 - Synthesis of Thiazolo[3,2-d][1,2,4] Triazines through Palladium catalyzed Heteroannulation of acetyl (چکیده)
7703 - Glycoluril-derived crown clips as new ditopic receptors (چکیده)
7704 - When are the local cohomology modules finitely generated (چکیده)
7708 - The genus Allium (Alliaceae) in Iran: current state, new taxa and new records (چکیده)
7709 - New Route to pyrimido[4,5-e][1,3,4] thiadiazine Derivatives (چکیده)
7710 - H-Y-zeolites induced heterocyclization: Highly efficient synthesis of substituted-quinazolin-4(3H) o (چکیده)
7711 - Sono-synthesis of imidazolidine-2-thione as a base compound of some pharmaceutical products (چکیده)
7712 - A Modified random early detection algorithm: Fuzzy Logic Based approach (چکیده)
7713 - Investigation of thermal performance of an air-to-air thermosyphon heat exchanger using ε-NTU method (چکیده)
7714 - Modeling and simulation of water softening by nanofiltration Using Artifical Neural Network (چکیده)
7715 - Surface tension correlation for pure polar fluids by a new molecular model and SRK equation of state (چکیده)
7716 - Numerical solution of nonlinear optimal control problems using nonlinear programming (چکیده)
7718 - Preliminary studies on Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) fauna of Razavi Khorasan province of Iran (چکیده)
7719 - Effects of salinity levels on proteome of suaeda aegyptiaca leaves (چکیده)
7720 - Salinity Effects on Germination properties of Kochia scoparia (چکیده)
7721 - Cardinal temperatures for germination of Kochia scoparia (L.) 0 (چکیده)
7722 - Time Trend in the mean annual temperature of Iran (چکیده)
7723 - Comparison of Hollow Fiber and single-Drop Liquid-phase Microextraction Techniques for HPLC Determin (چکیده)
7725 - Effect of rc mutation on semen characteristics, spermatogenic tissues and testosteroun profile in blind Rhode Island Red cockerels (چکیده)
7726 - Using AVK method to solve nonlinear problems with uncertain parameters (چکیده)
7727 - Generalized induced norms (چکیده)
7728 - Norms of operators in Xλ spaces (چکیده)
7729 - A generalized block-by-block method for solving linear volterra integral equations (چکیده)
7730 - Some results on stability of extended derivations (چکیده)
7732 - On the Matlis duals of local cohomology modules (چکیده)
7733 - A new version of successive approximations method for solving sylvester matrix equations (چکیده)
7734 - Factored sparse approximate inverse of block tridiagonal and block pentadiagonal matrices (چکیده)
7735 - On computing of block ILU preconditioner for block tridiagonal systems (چکیده)
7736 - Statistical inference based on record data from pareto model (چکیده)
7737 - Fisher information in record values and their concomitants about dependence and correlation paramete (چکیده)
7738 - On effective actions of non-BPS branes and their higher derivative corrections (چکیده)
7739 - Nifedipine suppresses morphine-induced thermal hyperalgesia: Evidence for the role of corticosterone (چکیده)
7740 - Conductance studies on Complex Formation Between Aza-18-Crown-6 with Ag+, Hg2+ and Pb2+ Cations in D (چکیده)
7741 - Effects of common anticoagulants (heparin, citrate and EDTA) on routine plasma biochemistry of cattl (چکیده)
7742 - Effect of prolonged low level Inclusion of Aflatoxin B, into diet on performance, Nutrent Digestibil (چکیده)
7743 - Effects of Common Anticoagulants on Routine Plasma Biochemistry of Horse and Comparison With Serum (چکیده)
7744 - Evaluation of wound contraction and epithelialization after subcutaneous administration of Theranekr (چکیده)
7745 - Local injection of a mixture of beta-ainopropionitril fumarate and sodium hyaluronate together with (چکیده)
7746 - Investigation of Annual Rainfall Trends in Iran (چکیده)
7747 - The effect of magnesium sulfate in treatment of experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) poisoning in sheep (چکیده)
7748 - Effect of practice versus information on the visual illusion (چکیده)
7749 - An application of Chen system for secure chaotic communication based on extended Kalman filter and multi-shift cipher algorithm (چکیده)
7750 - The Effect of Dietary Electrolyte Balance on Growth, Tibia Ash and Some Blood Serum Electrolytes in (چکیده)
7751 - P-Amenable Locally Compact Hypergroups (چکیده)
7753 - Oxidation of sulfids to sulfoxides with zirconium hydroxy chromate (zr4(OH)6(CrO4)5(H2O2) (چکیده)
7754 - A Novel Synthesis of 2-(Alkylamino) and 2-(Arylamino) - 4(3H) Quinazolinomes by Heterotrocyclization (چکیده)
7755 - On the uniform behaviour of the Frobenius closures of ideals (چکیده)
7756 - The effect of mixed live vaccines of Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis on systemic and local antibody responses in chickens (چکیده)
7757 - Deterction of midgut antigens of hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick using SDS-PAGE and Western blot (چکیده)
7760 - New plant records for khorassan province, Iran (چکیده)
7763 - Comparison of Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Methods in Deriving Fracture Toughness Properties of Adhesives Using Bonded Double Lap Joint Specimens (چکیده)
7764 - Filler toughening of plastics. Part 1-The effect of surface interactions on physico-mechanical prope (چکیده)
7766 - Application of optimal RBF neural networks for optimization and characterization of porous materials (چکیده)
7767 - A transient two-dimensional model of thermal and oxidative degradation of PMMA (چکیده)
7768 - A contribution to the Longhorned beetles fauna (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
7769 - Solving some optimal path planning problems using an approach based on measure theory (چکیده)
7770 - Slot nozzle design with specified pressure in a given subregion by using embedding method (چکیده)
7771 - n-Isoclinism Classes and n-Nilpotency Degree of Finite Groups (چکیده)
7772 - Determination of a good value of the time step and preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for the Navier-Stokes equations (چکیده)
7773 - Locating a single facility in the plane in the presence of a bounded region and different norms (چکیده)
7774 - Fourier transforms infrared spectra and structure of triformylmethane. A density functional theoretical study (چکیده)
7775 - The CDK inhibitor p27enhances neural differentiation in pluripotent NTERA2 human EC cells, but does (چکیده)
7776 - Cellular differentiation hierarchies in normal and culture-adapted numan embryonic stem cells (چکیده)
7777 - Compound specific Isotopic Analysis (CSIA) of landfill leachate DOC Componets (چکیده)
7778 - On higher derivative corrections of tachyon action (چکیده)
7779 - Higher derivative corrections to Wess-Zumino action of Brane-Antibrane systems (چکیده)
7780 - On Wess-Zumino terms of Brane-Antibrane systems (چکیده)
7781 - On the effective action of D-brane-anti-D-brane system (چکیده)
7782 - Entropy Function for Non-extremal D1D5 and D2D6NS5-branes (چکیده)
7783 - Taknar polymetal (Cu-Zn-Au-Ag-Pb) Deposit: A new Type Magnetite-Rich VMS Deposit, Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
7784 - S-C-O Isotopes, Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry, and the Genesis of Ore Bearing Fluids at Qaleh-Zar (چکیده)
7785 - Structure Analysis of Ethylene/Propylene copolymer synthesized Using High Activity Bi-supported Zieg (چکیده)
7786 - A combination of ultrasound and inorganic catalyst: removal of 2-chlorophenol from aqueous solution (چکیده)
7787 - Liquid-liquid-liquid phase microextraction of aromatic amines in water using crown ethers by high-performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
7788 - Two-step hollow fiber-based, liquid-phase microextraction combined with high-performance liquid chro (چکیده)
7789 - LC Determination of Mono-Substituted phenols in water Using liquid-liquid - liquid phase Microextrac (چکیده)
7790 - Synthesis of Optically Active Imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidin-3(2H)-ones (چکیده)
7791 - Synthesis of 1,2,4-Triazolo[1,5-d]-1,2,4-triazine-5-thiones (چکیده)
7792 - Regioselective synthesis of 6-benzylthiazolo[3,2-b]1,2,4-triazoles during Sonogashira coupling (چکیده)
7793 - Regioselective synthesis of 3-Benzylthiazolo [3,2-a] pyrimidones and 3-Benzyl-thiazolo [3,2-c] pyrim (چکیده)
7794 - Synthesis of a Novel Heterocyclic System, [1,2,4] Triazino[1,2- a ]Pyrimido [4,5- e ] [1,3,4] Thiadiazines (چکیده)
7795 - Synthesis of Some New 3-Alkylthio Derivatives of 1-Phenyl-1H-[1, 3, 4]thiadiazino[5, 6-b]quinoxalines (چکیده)
7796 - Combination of Ultrasound and Discarded Tire Rubber: removal of Cr(III) from Aqueous solution (چکیده)
7797 - Two New Records of the Genus Euphorbia (EUPHORBIACEAE) for the Flora of Iran (چکیده)
7798 - Notes on the taxonomy of Hedysarum (Fabaceae) in iran (چکیده)
7800 - Cephalopods and Stratigraphical Position of Cephalopod Bed of Shishtu Formation, Iran (چکیده)
7801 - Uniform annihilation of local cohomology modules over a Gorenstein ring (چکیده)
7802 - Some physical properties of Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) nut and its kernel (چکیده)
7803 - Light collection behaviour of scintillators with different surface coverings (چکیده)
7804 - Hybrids in divers (Gaviiformes) (چکیده)
7805 - A new equation of state for predicting the thermodynamic properties of liquid alkali metals (چکیده)
7806 - Synthesis of a novel heterocyclic system: Oxazolo[3,2-c]pyrimidine (چکیده)
7807 - The search for new ways to change implicit alcohol-related cognitions in heavy drinkers (چکیده)
7808 - Synthesis of dibenzo[b,g][1,5]diazoninedione and isoindolo[2,1-a]quinazoline derivatives (چکیده)
7809 - An application of randomized minimum cut to the project time/cost tradeoff problem (چکیده)
7810 - Influence of spin reorientation on the magnetoelastic properties of NdFe10.5V1.5 (چکیده)
7811 - Effects of totally intravenous thiopental anesthesia on cardiopulmonary and thermoregulatory system in donkey (چکیده)
7812 - Microstructure evaluation of Al-Al2O3 composite produced by mechanical alloying method (چکیده)
7813 - MILP modelling for the time optimal control problem in the case of multiple targets (چکیده)
7814 - Bayesian estimation and prediction for some life distributions based on record values (چکیده)
7815 - On Attractor Mechanism and Entropy Function for Non-extremal Black Holes/Branes (چکیده)
7816 - Novel oxidation of aromatic aldehydes catalyzed by Preyssler s anion, [NaP5W30O110](14- (چکیده)
7817 - A novel synthesis of imidazo[1,2-c]pyrimidines (چکیده)
7818 - Modification of fracture toughness of isotactic polypropylene with a combination of EPR and CaCO3 pa (چکیده)
7819 - Microstructure evolution of high-performance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111 with heat treatment paramete (چکیده)
7820 - Synthesis and extraction properties of new fused benzocrown-heterocycle ligands for alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Cations (چکیده)
7821 - Effect of plant age, temperature and humidity on virulence of Ascochyta caulina on common lambsquart (چکیده)
7822 - Chloride cell in the gill of white fish, Rutilus frissi kutum (چکیده)
7823 - Spectroscopic study of 2,3-bis(p-methoxybenzoyl)cyclopentadiene as potential iron(III)-chelating age (چکیده)
7824 - Heat extraction from a salinity-gradient solar pond using in pond heat exchanger (چکیده)
7825 - Density calculation using GMA equation of state considering mixing and combining rules for some liqu (چکیده)
7826 - Synthesis of novel heterocyclic systems: [1,2,4] triazino [4,5-b] [1,2,4,5] tetrazines (چکیده)
7827 - Molecular dynamics simulation of argon, krypton, and xenon using two-body and three-body intermolecu (چکیده)
7828 - Prediction of thermodynamic properties of polymeric liquids using a new equation of state (چکیده)
7829 - Histology of gills of white fish (چکیده)
7830 - Determination of potential energy functions and calculation transport properties of oxygen and nitri (چکیده)
7831 - A product of varieties in relation to Baer invariants (چکیده)
7832 - Application of a new equation of state to liquid refrigerant mixtures (چکیده)
7833 - Monte Carlo simulation of electron transport in metallic and biological materials (چکیده)
7834 - A Conductometric Study of Complexation Reactions Between Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 (DB18C6) with Cu2+, Zn2+, Tl+ and Cd2+ Metal Cations in Dimethylsulfoxide–Ethylacetate Binary Mixtures (چکیده)
7835 - Formation of small-scale condensations in the molecular clouds via thermal instability (چکیده)
7836 - Reinvestigation of o-phenylenediamine thermal cyclocondensation with thiosemicarbazide (چکیده)
7837 - Acetylation of alcohols catalyzed by dodeca-tungsto(molybdo)phosphoric acid (چکیده)
7838 - Computation of multiple bifurcation point (چکیده)
7839 - Comparative study of artificial neural networks (ANN) and statistical methods for predicting the per (چکیده)
7840 - Prevalence of Theileria spp. infection in sheep in South Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
7841 - Study of bulk membrane transport of some heavy metal cations using three macrocyclic ligands containing Oxygen and Nitrogen Heteroatoms (چکیده)
7842 - Effect of solvent on competitive bulk membrane transport of transition and post transition metal cations Using Decyl-18-crown-6 (چکیده)
7843 - Structure and vibrational assignment of the enol form of 1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4-pentanedione (چکیده)
7844 - Serum lipid and lipoprotein parameters of Turkman horses (چکیده)
7845 - Prediction of surface tension of HFD-like fluids using the Fowler s approximation (چکیده)
7846 - Survival and activity of Lux-marked phenanthrene-degrading Pseudomonas stutzeri P16 under different (چکیده)
7847 - Conformational stability, molecular structure, and intramolecular hydrogen bonding of thenoyltrifluo (چکیده)
7848 - Prediction of stage-discharge curves in open-channels using a fixed-point velocity measurement (چکیده)
7849 - New access to thiazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine derivativess (چکیده)
7850 - Electro-osmotic flow in reservoir-connected flat microchannels with non-uniform zeta potential (چکیده)
7851 - Investigation of volumetric properties of some glycol ethers using a simple equation of state (چکیده)
7852 - A parallel algorithm to approximate inverse factors of a matrix via sparse-sparse iterations (چکیده)
7853 - Preconditioned Galerkin and minimal residual methods for solving Sylvester equations (چکیده)
7854 - Determination of potential energy functions of CO-CO, CO2-CO2, and N2O-N2O and calculation of their (چکیده)
7855 - Investigation of hydrazine addition to functionalized furans: synthesis of new functionalized 4,4′-bipyrazole derivatives (چکیده)
7856 - Radial velocity and light curves analysis of the contact binary V1073 Cygni (چکیده)
7857 - The potential of microfiltration and ultrafiltration process in purification of raw sugar beet juice (چکیده)
7858 - Improving thin sugar beet juice quality through ultrafiltration (چکیده)
7859 - Density functional theory and Hartree-Fock studies: Geometry, vibrational frequencies and electronic (چکیده)
7860 - An epidemiological study on Anaplasma infection in cattle, sheep, and goats in Mashhad suburb, Khora (چکیده)
7861 - Comparison of urethane / chloralose and pentobarbitone anaesthesia for examining effects of bacteria (چکیده)
7862 - Effects of detomidine HCl on the biochemical and cytological properties of synovial fluid after administration into the radiocarpal joint in horses (چکیده)
7863 - The effects of immobilization and remobilization on the biochemical and cytological properties of synovial fluid in normal equine metacarpophalangeal joint (چکیده)
7864 - Effects of oral irom supplementation of haematocrit, live weight gain and health in neonatal dairy c (چکیده)
7865 - One-dimensional numerical model for degradation and combustion of polymethyl methacrylate (چکیده)
7866 - FAD-ATC:A new method for computing dynamic ATC (چکیده)
7867 - Stress analysis of perforated composite plates (چکیده)
7868 - The block least squares method for solving nonsymmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand side (چکیده)
7869 - Numerical accuracy of a certain class of iterative methods for solving linear system (چکیده)
7870 - New approaches for solving large Sylvester equations (چکیده)
7871 - Wavelets for Nonparametric Stochastic regression with Pairwise Negative Quarant Dependent Random Var (چکیده)
7872 - Estimation of AR Parameters in the Presence of Additive Contamination in the Infinite Variance Case (چکیده)
7873 - Wavelet Based Estimation of the Derivatives of a Density for a Discrete-Time Stochastic Process: Lp-Losses (چکیده)
7874 - Frame Representation and Decomposition in finitely or Countably Cenerated Hilbert C* Modules (چکیده)
7875 - Two – parameter integrated groups and Two-parameter abstract cauchy problems (چکیده)
7876 - Major, Trace and REE geochemistry of Paleo – Tethys Collision – Related Granitoids from Mashhad, Ira (چکیده)
7877 - 3D velocity structure of the 2003 Bam earthquake area (SE Iran): Existence of a low-Poisson s ratio layer and its relation to heavy damage (چکیده)
7878 - Ultrasound facilitates and improves removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solution by the discarded tire ru (چکیده)
7879 - A two-dimensional potential function for bent hydrogen bonded systems.II-6-hydroxy-2- formylfulvene (چکیده)
7880 - The non – Linear theory of a warped accretion disc with the â-viscosity prescription (چکیده)
7881 - Superstring Scattering from O-planes (چکیده)
7882 - Discussion on the complexing Ability of Macrocyclic Ligand, 12-Crown-4 with Li+ Cation in Some Binar (چکیده)
7883 - Evaluation of Models to Describe Ruminal Degradation Kinetics from in Situ Ruminal Incubation of Who (چکیده)
7887 - Effects of Therapeutic Touch on Blood Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Level (چکیده)
7888 - Novel fuzzy test patterns and their application in the measurement of geometric characteristics of d (چکیده)
7889 - The effect of radiation on the laminar natural convection induced by a line heat source (چکیده)
7890 - Downward flame spread over PMMA sheets in quiescent air: Experimental and theoretical studies (چکیده)
7892 - Kinetics of glycoluril template-directed claisen condensations – effect of thionation of the glycolu (چکیده)
7893 - Field-dependent spin-wave damping in ferromagnet/ antiferromagnet bilayers (چکیده)
7894 - Investigtion of two recessive disorders in breeder bulls of Abbas Abad animal breeding center (چکیده)
7896 - A report of canine tick paralysis caused by ornithodorus lahorensis (چکیده)
7897 - Axisymmetric Radial Stagnation-Point Flow of a Viscous Fluid on a Rotating Cylinder with Time-Depend (چکیده)
7898 - Solving the p-median problem with pos/neg weights by variable neighborhood search and some results f (چکیده)
7899 - Approximate inverse preconditioner by computing approximate solution of Sylvester equation (چکیده)
7900 - The first report of abdominal mesothelioma in a ram in Iran (چکیده)
7901 - Heinz body anaemia associated with onion (Allium cepa) toxicosis in a flock of sheep (چکیده)
7902 - Mass Cyanide Intoxivation in Sheep (چکیده)
7903 - Reconstruction of the Environment for sustainable Development of the khorassan region (چکیده)
7904 - Polymerization of Ethylene Using Cp2ZrCl2 Metallocene and Methylaluminoxane Homogeneous Catalyst System (چکیده)
7905 - Dynamic predication of milk ultrafiltration performance (چکیده)
7906 - Dynamic modeling of milk ultrafiltration by artificial neural networks (چکیده)
7907 - Fourier Transform Infrared and Raman Spectra, Vibrational Assignment and Density Functional Theory Calculations of Naphthazarin (چکیده)
7908 - ananalysis of gscooo (چکیده)
7909 - radial uelocity and lihtcurves (چکیده)
7910 - angular distribution and inertia parameters (چکیده)
7911 - Non-abelian expansion of S-matrix elements and non-abelian tachyon DBI action (چکیده)
7912 - Tachyon Tunnelling in D-brane-anti-D-brane (چکیده)
7913 - novel catalytic acetylation of alcohols with preysslers anion [NaP5 W30 O110]-14 (چکیده)
7914 - a photon transport model code for use in scintillation detectors (چکیده)
7915 - synthesis, structure, and characterization of a new sandwich-type arsentungstocerate,[As2 W18 Ce3 O7 (چکیده)
7917 - Determination of Lanthanum in Human Blood Serum Using the Zero and First Derivative Spectrophotometr (چکیده)
7918 - Polarographic Study of the Interaction of Tl+, Pb2+, and Cd2+ Cations with 18-Crown-6 in Binary Nona (چکیده)
7919 - Effect of cathodic electrolyte on the performance of electrochemical hydride generation from graphit cathode (چکیده)
7921 - On the order of nilpotent multipliers of finite p-groups (چکیده)
7923 - Relationships between fertility, serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus in dairy cows (چکیده)
7924 - Comparison of antreflection surfaces based on two – dimensional binary gratings and thin – film coat (چکیده)
7925 - Entropy Generation Analysis of a Flat Plate Boundary Layer with Various Solution Methods (چکیده)
7926 - Horse flies (Diptera: Tabanidae) from the province of Khorasan (Iran) (چکیده)
7927 - effects of number of parity parturition type of dam and season on serum total protein and serum prot (چکیده)
7928 - stringhalt in a caspian miniature horse in iran (چکیده)
7929 - outbreak of tick paralysis in a nomadic sheep flock in iran (چکیده)
7930 - pathological study of intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes of camels (چکیده)
7931 - the effect of early season drought on chlorophyll a fluorescence in sugar beet (چکیده)
7932 - the relationship between oviposition preference and larval performance in an aphidophagous hover fly (چکیده)
7934 - Study of Complex Formation Between 18-Crown-6 with Cu2+, Zn2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ Cations in Some Binary (چکیده)
7935 - Study of Complex Formation Between Dicyclohexano-18-Crown-6 (DCH18C6) with Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, and Ba2 (چکیده)
7936 - New records of the Snow Vole Chionomys nivalis (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) from the Binaloud and Elburz (چکیده)
7937 - Polymerization of propylene using MgCl2 (ethoxide type)/TiCl4/diether heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta ca (چکیده)
7938 - Maximally entangled states for qubit- qutrit systems (چکیده)
7939 - Analysis and Frequency of Bovine Lymphocyte Antigen (BoLA-DRB3) Alleles in Iranian Holstein Cattle (چکیده)
7940 - Frequency of bovine Iymphocyte antigen DRB3.2 alleles in Sarabi cows (چکیده)
7941 - اثر مکمل آنزیمی بر قابلیت هضم مواد مغذی جیره های حاوی گندمهای با ویسکوزیته متفاوت و تریتیکاله در جوجه های گوشتی جوان (چکیده)
7942 - کاربرد آنزیم و شن در جیره های حاوی گندم کامل در مرغهای تخمگذار (چکیده)
7943 - Investigation on the effect of various surface preparations on corrosion performance of powder coate (چکیده)
7944 - An investigation on the effect of bleaching environment on pitting corrosion and transpassive dissol (چکیده)
7945 - Design and performance evaluation of a fuzzy based traffic conditioner for differentiated services (چکیده)
7946 - Edge effects of uniformly loaded cross - ply composite laminates (چکیده)
7947 - characterization of varietal covering and stem group (چکیده)
7948 - magnetostriction and first order magnetic transition in Nd2-xFe14C compounds (چکیده)
7949 - use of pre-partum urine ph to predict (چکیده)
7950 - Experimcntal tribulus (چکیده)
7951 - اثر سطوح مختلف پروتئین و لیزین جیره بر عملکرد، خصوصیات لاشه و دفع ازت در جوجه های گوشتی (چکیده)
7952 - Application of neural networks for cross flow milk ultrafiltration simulation (چکیده)
7953 - Singular Value Decomposition as a Measure for Control Structure Design in Power Systems (چکیده)
7954 - Dilatational shear bands in rubber modified isotactic (چکیده)
7955 - Anatomy and histology of the sinu-atrial node in the heart of guinea pig. (چکیده)
7956 - Fracture behaviour of isotactic polypropylene under static loading condition (چکیده)
7957 - Existence of turbulent behavior for non – chaotic two dimensional jets (چکیده)
7958 - A proposed fuzzy rdbms and ITS test results on an osteoporosis patientdatalase (چکیده)
7959 - Postmodern Mathematics (چکیده)
7960 - Some remarks on isologic extensions of groups (چکیده)
7961 - Incorporation of bifidobacteria into cheeses: challenges and rewards (چکیده)
7962 - Linear and non – linear optimization models for allocation of a limited water supply (چکیده)
7963 - The effects of irrigation efficiency and uniformity coefficient on relative yield and profit for deficit irriga (چکیده)
7964 - The photometric observations & analysis of the eclipsing binary V566 ophiuchi (چکیده)
7965 - Fast neutron spectra determination by threshold activation detectors using neural net works (چکیده)
7966 - Determinaton of 4.438 MeV ray to neutron emission ratio from a 241Am-9Be neutron sourece (چکیده)
7967 - The effects of dietary protein and lysine levels on broiler performance, carcass characteristics and (چکیده)
7968 - Determination of 4.438 MeW -ray to neutron emission ratio from a Am-Be neutron source (چکیده)
7969 - EIS examination of mill scale on mild steel with polyester-epoxy powder coating (چکیده)
7970 - A Genetic-neuro algorithm for tiling problems with rotation and/or reflection of figures (چکیده)
7971 - Design of the reactor, slection of catalyst for ortho to para hydrogen conversion and preliminiary d (چکیده)
7972 - Thermal behavior of a small salinity-gradient solar pond with wall shading effect (چکیده)
7973 - Stagnation flow and heat transfer on a moving cylinder with transpiration and high Reynolds numbers (چکیده)
7974 - Modelling of metal flow during hot forging with regard to microstructurol aspects (چکیده)
7975 - Spontaneous nephroblastoma in a rainbowtrout (چکیده)
7976 - Determination of some blood parameters of fingerling sturgeon (Huso huso) in guilan province of iran (چکیده)
7977 - A Study on prevention of abdominal adhesions by intra-operative heparin administration in dogs (چکیده)
7978 - Effects of oral iron supplementation on some haematological parameters and iron biochemistry in neon (چکیده)
7979 - Clinical and pathological aspects of experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) toxicosis in sheep (چکیده)
7980 - The effect of imidocarb dipropionate on babesiosis in sheep (چکیده)
7981 - Lack of effect of proteinase-activated receptor-2 (par-2) deletion on the pathophysiological changes (چکیده)
7982 - Anatomy and histology of the atrio-ventricular node in the heart of guinea pig (cavia percellus) (چکیده)
7983 - Detection of the keratinolytic activity of agriculture and mount barker strain dermatophilus congole (چکیده)
7984 - A Simple proof of a theorem on (2n)- weak amenability (چکیده)
7985 - A re-visit to partial duration series of short dutation rainfalls (چکیده)
7986 - Effects of Alfalfa Particle size and specific Gravity on chewing Activity, Digestibility, and perfor (چکیده)
7987 - A combination of ultrasound and Oxiddative enzyme: sono-enzyme degradation of phenols in a mixture (چکیده)
7988 - A combination of ultrasound and oxidative enzyme : sono-biodegradation of substituted phenols (چکیده)
7989 - The direct effect of ultrasound on the extraction of date syrup and its micro-organisms (چکیده)
7990 - Sonochemical degradation of phenol in water: a comparison of classical equipment with a new cylindri (چکیده)
7991 - Copolymerization of ethylene-propylene using High – Activity Bi-supported Ziegler-Natta TiCl Catalys (چکیده)
7992 - Measurement of in e e annihilations (چکیده)
7993 - Structure and electrical resistivity of Gd Pr Co Compounds (چکیده)
7994 - The effect of substitution of Ni for Co on magnetostrictive strain in GdCo Ni B compounds (چکیده)
7995 - Anomalous behavior of temperature dependence of magnetostriction in NdFe Ti (چکیده)
7996 - Magnetostriction and thermal expansion of polymer-bonded Nd Fe B nano-composite (چکیده)
7997 - A comparative study on magnetostrictive strain in GdCo5 and Cd0.9, Pr0.1 Co5 (چکیده)
7998 - Anomalous behavior of electrical resistivity in NdFe11 Ti (چکیده)
7999 - Synthesis of new cabohydrate phenyl – and Nitro-ArylEthers Derived from Simple Sugars (چکیده)
8000 - Occurrence of thermal instability in molecular clouds (چکیده)
8001 - Metal ion recognition via . selective detuning,. The interaction of selected transition and post-tra (چکیده)
8002 - Metal – Ion Recognition – Selective Bulk Membrne transport of silver (I) Using Thioether Donor Macro (چکیده)
8003 - A thermodynamic study of complx formation between 18-Crown -6 with T1+ , Hg and Ag Metal Cations in (چکیده)
8004 - Curie temperatue of coupled magnetic planes (چکیده)
8005 - Hybrid pp-EpR-GF composites. part II: fracture Mechanisms (چکیده)
8006 - Theorems on n-dimensional laplace transformations involving the solution of wave equations (چکیده)
8007 - A block version algorithm to approximate inverse factors (چکیده)
8008 - Ruminal and post-ruminal protein disappearance of various feeds originating from Iranian plant varie (چکیده)
8009 - Preparation of canola protein materials using membrane technology and evaluation of meals functional (چکیده)
8010 - Congenital Bovine Epitheliogenesis Imperfecta: A Report of Three Cases from Iran (چکیده)
8011 - Studies on Haemoglobin polymorphism of Two Breeds of Iranian Sheep and Its Relationship to Concentra (چکیده)
8012 - Toltrazuril treatment to control diaplacental Neospora caninum transmission in experimentally infect (چکیده)
8013 - Changes in the polypeptide composition during the Ontogenetic Development of the shoot Apex of Crocu (چکیده)
8014 - Solvent influence upon complex Formation between Dibenzo 24-Crown-8 and Mg+2, Ca+2, Sr2+ and Ba2+ Ca (چکیده)
8015 - Constraints on Dirac-Born-Infeld type dark energy models from varying alpha (چکیده)
8016 - D-brane anti-D-brane effective action and brane interaction in open string channel (چکیده)
8017 - What is needed of a tachyon if it is to be the dark energy? (چکیده)
8018 - Closed String S-matrix Elements in Open String Field Theory (چکیده)
8019 - Generation of electromagnetic fields in string cosmology with a massive scalar field on the anti D-brane (چکیده)
8021 - Molecular structure and vibrational assignment of dimethyl oxaloacetate (چکیده)
8022 - Vibrational assignment of 4-amino-3-penten-2-one (چکیده)
8023 - Proper shielding for NaI (Tl) detectors in combined neutron-g fields using MCNP (چکیده)
8024 - Determination of Trace of Methyl tert–ButyL Ether in water using Liquid Drop Headspace sampling and (چکیده)
8025 - The measurement of hyperfine field of 60Co in MnCl2. 4H2O crystal by the method of nuclear orientati (چکیده)
8026 - Histology of the atrio-ventricular bundle in the heart of guinea pig (Cavia percellus) (چکیده)
8027 - A Survey on Dermatophilosis in Sheep in the North of Iran (چکیده)
8028 - Fibrotic myopathy of the semitendinosus muscle in a thoroughbred foal (چکیده)
8029 - A Comparison between gmres and global gmres methods for solving matrix equations (چکیده)
8030 - Digestion of Feed Amino Acids in the Rumen and Intestine of Steers Measured Using a Mobile Nylon Bay (چکیده)
8031 - A novel technique for increasing electron mobility of indium-tin-oxide transparent conducting films (چکیده)
8032 - Synthesis and characterization of bis (organothiolato) mercury(II) complexes by desproportionation o (چکیده)
8033 - The Upper Devonian Annulata Event in the Shotori Range-eastern Iran (چکیده)
8034 - Late Devonian and middle-late Devonian conodonts frome eastern and northern iran (چکیده)
8035 - Cosmology from Rolling Massive Scalar Field on the anti-D3 Brane of de Sitter Vacua (چکیده)
8036 - S-matrix elements and covariant tachyon action in type 0 theory (چکیده)
8037 - First – principles study of structural, dynamical, and dielectric properties of K- Al2 O3 (چکیده)
8038 - First – principles study of the Electronic structure of BaTiO3 using Different Approximations (چکیده)
8039 - the effects of on structural and electronic properties of BaTiO3 ceramic (چکیده)
8040 - بررسی قارچهای دسته agaricales مشهد و حومه (چکیده)
8041 - numerical study of localized electronic states in disordered and doped conjugated polymers (چکیده)
8042 - derivations of nonassociative complete normed algebras (چکیده)
8043 - heat convection on cylinder at high prandtl numbers (چکیده)
8044 - immunization of sheep with phage mimotopes against dermatophilosis (چکیده)
8045 - neutron spectra unfolding in bonner spheres spectrometry using neural networks (چکیده)
8046 - synthesis and extraction properties of new bis-crown ethers derived from stereoisomer of 1,2-cyclohe (چکیده)
8047 - regioselective synthesis of {1,2,4} triazolo{3,2-d} }2.4} benzpthiazepin- 10 )5H) - ones: a new hete (چکیده)
8048 - polymerization of propylene using the high-activity ziegler-natta catalyst system sio2/mgcl2 (ethoxi (چکیده)
8049 - solid acid induced cyclocondensation: a facile, one-pot synthesis of 7h-{1,2,4}ftriazolo {3,4-b} thi (چکیده)
8050 - quantitative determination of diazepam, nitrazepam and flunitrazepam in tablets using thin-layer chr (چکیده)
8051 - Antinociceptive, Antiinflammatory and Acute (چکیده)
8052 - analysis of current transients and morphology of metastable and stable pltting on stainless steel a (چکیده)
8053 - the influence of glass fider on fracture behavior of isotactic polypropylene (چکیده)
8054 - investigation of deformation mechanism in polyproylene/Glass fober Composite (چکیده)
8055 - dependence of the critical pitting temperature on surface roughness (چکیده)
8056 - dynamical and ionization structure of planetary nebulaein three dimensions. a simulation for ngc3132 (چکیده)
8057 - heteroannulation through palladium catalysis: a novel cyclization leading to regioselective synthesi (چکیده)
8058 - Design Procedures for Combined Shear and Patch Loading of Plate Girders (چکیده)
8059 - Combined Shear-and-Patch Loading of Plate Girders (چکیده)
8060 - Ultimater Resistance of Slender Web Panels to Combined Bending Shear and Patch Loading (چکیده)
8061 - electrophoretic study of haemoglobin phenotypes in caspian miniature horses (چکیده)
8062 - experimental kerosene poisoning in goats (چکیده)
8063 - a case report of babesia caballi infection in a foal (چکیده)
8064 - haematology of persian fallow deer - dama mesopotamica (چکیده)
8065 - electrophoretic study of haemoglobin polymorphism in one-humped camel - camelus dromedarius (چکیده)
8066 - a mixed infection of babesia equi and babesia caball in a racing colt: a report from iran (چکیده)
8067 - outbreak of osteodystrophia fibrosa in young goats (چکیده)
8068 - pervalence of subclinical coccidiosis in broiler-chicken farms in the municipality of mashhad, khora (چکیده)
8069 - Ethmoturbinate Adenocarcinoma in a Persian Fallow Deer - cervus dama mesopotamica (چکیده)
8070 - anatomy and histology of the atrio-ventricular bundle in the heart of goats - capra hircus (چکیده)
8071 - local cohomology for commutative banach algebras (چکیده)
8072 - Some notes on the Baer-invariant of a nilpotent product of groups (چکیده)
8073 - The Category PME(G,V) and Generalized Covering Group (چکیده)
8074 - effect of nonlinear terms f (x,x) on harmonic oscillator (چکیده)
8075 - hybrid modelling and simulation of the torsional vibration of vehicle driveline systems (چکیده)
8076 - astrong law of large numbers for arrays of rowwise negatively dependent random variables (چکیده)
8077 - high frequency torsional vibration of vehicular driveline systems in clonk (چکیده)
8078 - effects of photoperiod on the phenological development of redroot pigweed (amaranthus retrofkexus L. (چکیده)
8079 - effects of temperature and photoperiod on the phenological development of barnyardgrass (چکیده)
8080 - effect of temperature and photoperiod on the phenological devdlop,ent of wild mustard (sinapis arven (چکیده)
8081 - a novel flc-based approach for atm traffic control (چکیده)
8082 - assessing the potential of an underutilized crop-a case study using bambara groundnut (چکیده)
8083 - Enhancement of drift mobility of zinc oxide transparent-conducting films by a hydrogenation process (چکیده)
8084 - interactions between perennial ryegrass (liloum perenne L.) and white clover (trifolium repens L.) u (چکیده)
8085 - autographic rain-gagenetwork design for iran by kriging (چکیده)
8086 - a comparison of neutron spectrum unfolding codes used with a miniature ne213 detector (چکیده)
8087 - oviposition preferences of aphidophagous hoverflies (چکیده)
8088 - Cooling Flows of Self-Gravitating, Rotating, Viscous Systems (چکیده)
8089 - the effect of egg load and host deprivation on oviposition dehaviour in aphidophagous hoverflies (چکیده)
8090 - the photometric observations and the light curve analysis of u pegasi (چکیده)
8091 - Gas chromatography of copper (ii) nickel (ii) palladium (ii) and vanadium (iv) using Atomic Emission Detection (چکیده)
8092 - tomographic low-velocity anomalies in the uppermost mantle around the northeastern edge of mantle ar (چکیده)
8093 - An Optimal and Programmable Control Strategy for Flexible and Standard Active Filtering under Non-Sinusoidal Line Voltages (چکیده)
8094 - driveline shuffle in rear wheel vehicles (چکیده)
8095 - elasto-plastic analysis of three-dimensional structures (چکیده)
8096 - effects of analgesia of the distal interphalangeal joint and palmar digital nerves on lameness (چکیده)
8097 - On Optimal Replacement of Nonuniform Cache Objects (چکیده)
8098 - general nonlinear modal representation of large scale power systems (چکیده)
8099 - S-matrix elements and off-shell tachyon action with non-abelian gauge symmetry (چکیده)
8100 - contingency reserve pricing via a joint energy and reserve dispatching approach (چکیده)
8101 - experimental infection of layer hens with a human isolate of brachyspira pilosicoli (چکیده)
8102 - metochondrial dna polymorphism in populations of the caspian region and southeastern europe (چکیده)
8103 - Membrane extraction with sorbent interface-gas chromatography as effective and fast means for contineous monitoring of thermal degradation products of .. (چکیده)
8104 - hyperlipidemia in caspian miniature horses; effects of undernutrition (چکیده)
8105 - evaluation of electrochemical hydride generation for spectrophotometric determination of as (iii) by (چکیده)
8106 - vibrational assignment of acetylacetone (چکیده)
8107 - inhibition of mutagenic n-nitroso compound formation in sausage samples by using l-ascorbic (چکیده)
8108 - study of complex formation between 18-crown-6 and pb2+, tl+ and cd2+ cations in binary aqueous/non-a (چکیده)
8109 - flotation spectrophotometric determination of aluminium with alizarin (چکیده)
8110 - radiative cooling flows of self-gravitating filamentary clouds (چکیده)
8111 - stoichiometry and stability of complexes formed between 18-crown-6 as well as dibenzo-18-crown-6 lig (چکیده)
8112 - a thermodynamic study of complex formation between dibenzo-18-crown-6 and dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 w (چکیده)
8113 - A polarographic study of tl+,pb2+and cd2+ complexes with aza-18-crown-6 and dibenzopyridino-18-crown (چکیده)
8114 - self-similar equilibria of self-gravitating; magnetized; rotating isothermal systems (چکیده)
8115 - Vibrational assignment of C2v deuterium substituted pyrimidines (چکیده)
8116 - zeolite-induced heterocyclization: a superior method of synthesis of condensed imidazoles (چکیده)
8117 - an appropriate candidate for exact distridution of closed random walks using quantum groups (چکیده)
8118 - solid acid induced heterocyclization under microwave irradiation. highly selective synthesis of cond (چکیده)
8119 - phase-transfer catalysis and ultrasonic waves i. cannizzaro reaction (چکیده)
8120 - vibrational assignment of aluminum(III) tris - acetylacetone (چکیده)
8121 - vibrational assignment and structure of 4-amino-3-cyano-3-penten-2-one (چکیده)
8122 - phase-transfer catalysis and ultrasonic waves ii: saponification of vegetable oil (چکیده)
8123 - a thermodynamic study of complex formation between 15-crown-5 with mg2+,ca2+,sr2+ and ba2+ in aceton (چکیده)
8124 - interaction of transition-metal-substituted heteropolytungstates with adenosine and determination of (چکیده)
8125 - structure and vibrational spectra of the enol form of hexafluoro- acetylacetone. a density functiona (چکیده)
8126 - three binding sets analysis of a - lactalbumin by interaction of tetradecyl trimethyl ammonium bromi (چکیده)
8127 - bicyclic compounds derived from 4-amino-3-mercapto -1,2,4- triazoles: facile routes to 1,2,4- triazo (چکیده)
8128 - a product inhibition study on adenosine deminase dy spectroscopy and calorimetry (چکیده)
8129 - the transition temperature of coupled magnetic plames inclusimg fluctuations in the spacer thickness (چکیده)
8130 - the ordering temperature of coupled magnetic planes h. moradi (چکیده)
8131 - primary evaluation of methenamine as a npn compound with probable effects on increasing ruminal esca (چکیده)
8132 - experimental reconstruction of teat mucosa by vestibular mucosal graft in cows. a histopathologic an (چکیده)
8133 - shift operator for periodically correlated processes (چکیده)
8134 - the effect of dy content on magnetoelastic coupling in nd2-xDyxfe14 C compounds (چکیده)
8135 - anomalies of magnetostriction and thermal expansion in nd6fe13si solid solution (چکیده)
8136 - copolymerization of ethyulene / propylene elastomer using high- activity ziegler-natta catalyst syst (چکیده)
8137 - structural study of mono- and bi-supported ziegler-natta catalystsof mgcl2/sio2/ticl4/donor systems (چکیده)
8138 - zinc bacitracin enhances colonization by the intestinal spirochaete brachyspira piilosicoli in exper (چکیده)
8139 - accurate fault location algorithm for series compensated transmission lines (چکیده)
8140 - an epidemiological study on ovine babesiosis in the mashhad suburb area,province of khorasan, Iran (چکیده)
8141 - effects of analgesia of the distal interphalangeal joint and navicular bursa on experimental lamenes (چکیده)
8142 - experimental tribulus terrestris in sheep:clinical,laboratory and pathological findings (چکیده)
8143 - application of the ceres-wheat model for whithin-season prediction of winter wheat yield in the unit (چکیده)
8144 - Using interlacing and irregulur meshes in plate analysis (چکیده)
8145 - the temperature dependence of the spin-wave damping in co/coo bilayers (چکیده)
8146 - repair of third metacarpal bone fracture in a foal using dcp and thomas splint -a case report (چکیده)
8147 - experimental and computational studies of soot emission in a gas fuelled swirl stabilized combustor (چکیده)
8148 - Estrogen-induced congenital hypospadias in developing rat embryos (چکیده)
8149 - Post-operative time effects after sciatic nerve crush on the number of alpha motoneuroneurons, usin a stereological counting method-disector (چکیده)
8150 - The effects of local fetal brain extract administration in the electromyogram of crushed sciatic ner (چکیده)
8151 - some brunds for the higher schur multiplier of a finite group and its nu,ber of genertors (چکیده)
8152 - process optimization of ricotta cheese according to iranian preferences (چکیده)
8153 - On the nilpotent multiplier of a free product (چکیده)
8154 - on the law of large numbers for negatively dependent random variablles (چکیده)
8155 - Role of mineral ions in salt tolerance of two wheat (triticum aestivum L) cultivars (چکیده)
8156 - Apex development of three wheat cultivars in the presence of salinity (چکیده)
8157 - A global Mapping System for Bambara groundnut production (چکیده)
8158 - the effects of early season drought on stomatal conduc-tance leaf-air temperature difference and pro (چکیده)
8159 - constituents of the essential oils of aerial parts of dill (anethum graveolens l.) herb (چکیده)
8160 - metal - ion recognition. competitive bulk membrane transport of transition and post transition metal (چکیده)
8161 - analysis of iranian artemisia absinthium l. essential oil (چکیده)
8162 - Dynamical and ionization atructures of planetary nebulae in three dimensions; A numerical solution (چکیده)
8163 - influence of pre and post emergence salt treatment on fruit yield and active substances of common pu (چکیده)
8164 - sine-gordon solitons in a nontrivial metric (چکیده)
8165 - comparison of quark jets and gluon jets produced in high energy e+ e- annihilations (چکیده)
8166 - measurment of D2O in water using 2H(y,n) 1H reaction (چکیده)
8167 - Concurrent Coccidiosis and Bovine papular.... (چکیده)
8168 - Repeated intravenius doses of all-trans-retinoyl B-D-glucuronide is not effectiv in the treatment of (چکیده)
8169 - joint energy and spining reserv dispatching and pricing (چکیده)
8170 - long term prediction of tehran price index (tedix) using neval networks (چکیده)
8171 - Heat and Mass Transfer in Natural Convection about a Vertical Flat Plate at High Prandtl Numbers (چکیده)
8172 - equations to have periodic solutions some conditions for nonlinear thrid differential (چکیده)
8173 - som properties on marginal and the extentions and the baer_invariant of groups (چکیده)
8174 - on full hibert c*_ moduls (چکیده)
8175 - on same group of linear operators (چکیده)
8176 - A Bound for the Exponent of the Schur Multiplier of some Finite p-Groups (چکیده)
8177 - derivation of tensor product of simple c*_algebras (چکیده)
8178 - some properties on marginal extention and the baer _invariant of groups (چکیده)
8179 - schur _pair property and the structure of varietal covering groups (چکیده)
8180 - on contractibility of matrix algebras (چکیده)
8181 - a short proof for the existance of haar measure on communication hypergroups (چکیده)
8182 - Characterization of the beta type I distribution by properties of record values (چکیده)
8183 - heat transfer in an axisymmetric stagnation flow at high reynolds numbers on cylinder using perturba (چکیده)
8184 - thyroid follicular adenoma in a horse a case report (چکیده)
8185 - a case of ethmoid carcinoma in the sheep (چکیده)
8186 - a new approach for solving robust control problem (چکیده)
8187 - two-parameters*-automorphisms groups on B(H) (چکیده)
8188 - A New Approach to Resource Discovery and Dissemination for Pervasive Computing Environments Based on Mobile Agents (چکیده)
8189 - Microorgnism DNA Pattern Search in a Multi-agent Genomic Engine Framework (چکیده)
8190 - Alcohol-attentional bias and motivational structure as independent predictors of social drinkers’ alcohol consumption (چکیده)
8191 - Restraint, disinhibition and food-related processing bias (چکیده)
8192 - Behaviour of Plate Girders Subjected to Combined Bending and Shear Loading (چکیده)
8193 - An ant colony optimization approach to multi-objective optimal design of symmetric hybrid laminates for maximum fundamental frequency and minimum cost (چکیده)
8194 - Continuum-Wise Expansive Homeomorphisms have Totally Disconnected Minimal Sets (چکیده)
8195 - Totally Chain Transitive of Generic Homeomorphisms are Persistence (چکیده)
8196 - The Influence of Dietary Zinc-Methionine Substitution for Zinc Sulfate on Broiler Chick Performance (چکیده)
8197 - Study of gas separation properties of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) copolymer membranes prepared via phase inversion method (چکیده)
8198 - Experimental infection of stray cats with human isolates of Helicobacter pylori (چکیده)
8199 - Full Navier-Stokes Computations of Supersonic Flows over a Body at High Angles of Attack and Investigation of Crossflow Separation (چکیده)
8200 - Development and Application of Compressible Vorticity Confinement (چکیده)
8201 - Quantum computation of the properties of helium using two-body and three-body intermolecular potentials: a molecular dynamics study (چکیده)
8202 - A molecular dynamics study on the role of attractive and (چکیده)
8203 - Investigation of a new mean temperature-dependent potential (چکیده)
8204 - Oesophageal and gastric gongylonemiasis in a donkey (چکیده)
8205 - Influence of ultrasound on cadmium ion removal by sorption process (چکیده)
8206 - Fast and efficient removal of Reactive Black 5 from aqueous solution by a combined method of ultrasound and sorption process (چکیده)
8207 - Nutritive value of an extruded blend of canola seed and pea (EnermaxTM) for poultry (چکیده)
8208 - Prediction the Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Air (چکیده)
8209 - Green Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles in a Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide (چکیده)
8210 - Directly Suspended Droplet Microextraction and Analysis of Amitriptyline and Nortriptyline by GC (چکیده)
8211 - Directly Suspended Droplet Three Liquid Phase Microextraction of Diclofenac Prior to LC (چکیده)
8212 - BTEX determination in water matrices using HF-LPME with gas chromatography–flame ionization detector (چکیده)
8213 - Separation and Determination of Amitriptyline and (چکیده)
8214 - Hypoglycemic effect of Aqueous Shallot and garlic in rats with fructose – induced insulin resistance (چکیده)
8215 - First-principles study of the optical properties of pure α-Al2O3 and La aluminates (چکیده)
8216 - Influence of La on electronic structure of a-Al2O3 high k-gate from first principles (چکیده)
8217 - First-principles study of the optical properties of PbTiO3 (چکیده)
8218 - Effect of substituted IIIB transition metals on The Energy Gap of α–Al2O3 By First - Principle calculations (چکیده)
8219 - Effect of substituted IIIB transition metals on electronic properties of indium oxide by first-principles calculations (چکیده)
8220 - Optical properties of Cadmium Telluride (چکیده)
8221 - Isothermal transformation of austenite to bainite in high carbon steels (چکیده)
8222 - Effect of Both Uncoated and Coated Calcium Carbonate on Fracture Toughness of HDPE/CaCO3 Nanocomposites (چکیده)
8223 - A note on structure of duodenum in Lori-Bakhtiari sheep (چکیده)
8224 - Incidence of Listeria spp in raw milk in sharekord, Iran (چکیده)
8225 - Biometrical and topographical study of cerebral ventricles in Iranian Lorigoat (چکیده)
8226 - Determination of the best toe length in cattle hoof trimming , an anatomic evaluation (چکیده)
8227 - Adverse effects of cadmium on bull spermatozoa (چکیده)
8228 - Effects of cooling rate on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the Ni-base superalloy UDIMET 500 (چکیده)
8229 - Dependency of physical and mechanical properties of mechanical alloyed Al–Al2O3 composite on milling time (چکیده)
8230 - Morphological and stereotaxic studies of Iranian native goat s brain (چکیده)
8231 - Morphological studies on Meckel s Diverticulum in duck-Ansa Ansa domesticus (چکیده)
8232 - Comparative Histomorphological study of Uterus Between Laying Hen and Duck (چکیده)
8234 - Comparative histomorphological study of ovary and ovarian follicles in Iranian Lori-Bakhtiari sheep and native goat (چکیده)
8235 - Comparative histomorphological study of heart in healthy and ascites broiler chickens in Shahrekord district, Iran (چکیده)
8236 - Influence of filler particles on deformation and fracture mechanism of isotactic polypropylene (چکیده)
8237 - Modeling Nonspherical Particles Using Multisphere Discrete Elements (چکیده)
8238 - Numerical Investigation of Slip Effects on the Three-Dimensional Flow Past an Impermiable Rotating Spherical Nano Particle (چکیده)
8239 - Streaming Electric Potential in Pressure-Driven FlowsThrough Reservoier-Conected Microchannels (چکیده)
8240 - Optimization of non-symmetric convective–radiative annular fins by differential quadrature method (چکیده)
8241 - Tensile deformation mechanisms at different temperatures in the Ni-base superalloy GTD-111 (چکیده)
8242 - Almost derivations on C*-ternary rings (چکیده)
8243 - Nearly ternary derivations (چکیده)
8244 - Approximately intertwining mappings (چکیده)
8245 - Approximate C*-ternary ring homomorphisms (چکیده)
8246 - Orthogonal stability of additive type equations (چکیده)
8247 - Stability of functional equations in non-Archimedian spaces (چکیده)
8248 - On minimal norms on Mn (چکیده)
8249 - Shape representation of axisymmetrical, non-spherical particles in discrete element simulation using multi-element model particles (چکیده)
8250 - Yield and seed quality of Plantago ovata and Nigella sativa under differen irrigation treatments (چکیده)
8251 - Weather Analogue: A tool for lead time simulation of daily weather data based on modified K-nearest-neighbor approach. Env. Modeling and Software 23, 703-713. (چکیده)
8252 - Factor Influencing Regeneration and Genetic Transformation of Three Elite Cultivars of Tomato (چکیده)
8253 - Analysis of Laminated Composite Beams Using Layerwise Displacement Theories (چکیده)
8254 - persistence of periodic trajectories of planar systems under two parametric prturbations (چکیده)
8255 - Comprehensive Simulation of Surface Texture for End-milling Process (چکیده)
8256 - Real-time P-H curve CNC interpolators for high speed cornering (چکیده)
8257 - High-speed contouring enhanced with P-H curves (چکیده)
8258 - Feed rate optimization for 3-axis ball-end milling of sculptured surfaces (چکیده)
8259 - Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus antibodies in bulk tank milk of industrial dairy cattle herds in suburb of Mashhad-Iran (چکیده)
8260 - Characterization of Genetic Polymorphism of the Bovine Lymphocyte Antigen DRB3.2. Locus in Sistani Cattle of Iran (Bos imiicus) (چکیده)
8261 - First-principle calculations of the cohesive energy and the electronic properties of PbTiO3 (چکیده)
8262 - effect of feeding periods and sodium levels of pre-starter diet on Broiler performance and (چکیده)
8263 - Effect of cecal cultures and Aspergillus Meal prebiotic (Fermacto) on growth performance and organ weights of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
8264 - Study the effects of different levels of fat and L-carnitine on performance, carcass characteristics and serum composition of broiler chicks (چکیده)
8265 - replacement value of regular oyster shell with mine oyster shell on the performance and egg Quality of Laying Hens (چکیده)
8266 - Effect of turmeric rhizome powder on immunity responses in broiler chickens (چکیده)
8267 - effect of varying levels of turmeric rhizome powder on some blood parameters in broiler chickens fed (چکیده)
8268 - Association of SNP in the ExonII of Leptin Gene with Milk and Reproduction Traits in Holstein Iranian Cows (چکیده)
8269 - Leptin Gene Polymorphism in Iranian Native Golpayegani and Taleshi Cows (چکیده)
8270 - Days in milk at culling in Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
8271 - effect of turmeric rhizome powder on the activity of some blood enzymes in broiler chickens (چکیده)
8272 - A model of annual orographic precipitation and acid deposition and its application to Snowdonia (چکیده)
8273 - Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Yield, WUE and some Morphological and Phenological Traits of Three Millet Species (چکیده)
8274 - Effects of Salinity on Carbon Isotope Discrimination of Shoot and Grain of Salt-Tolerant and Salt-Sensitive Wheat Cultivars (چکیده)
8275 - A different approach for solving the nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (چکیده)
8276 - The best linear approximation for nonlinear systems (چکیده)
8278 - The status of exudate species in Iran and existing challenges in their sustainable utilization (چکیده)
8279 - A new Technique for Approximate Solution of the Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind (چکیده)
8280 - An applicable method for solving the shortest path problems (چکیده)
8281 - Wing drag minimization (چکیده)
8282 - On an optimal shape design problem to control a thermoelastic deformation under a prescribed thermal treatment (چکیده)
8283 - Rumen and Post Abomasal Disappearance of Amino Acids and Some Nutrients of Barley Grain Treated with Sodium Hydroxide,Formaldehyde or Urea in Lactating Cows (چکیده)
8284 - Effect of Diets Containing Different Ratio of Effective Rumen Degradable Protein to Fermentable Metabolizable Energy on Early Lactating Holstein Cow Responses (چکیده)
8285 - Effects of Pre and Postpartum Feeding Fish Meal on Milk Yield and Metabolic Responses in Early Lactating Dairy Cows (چکیده)
8286 - Potential impact of climate change on rainfed wheat Production in Iran (چکیده)
8287 - Potential impacts of climate change on agroclimatic indicators in Iran (چکیده)
8288 - Antisymmetric bifurcation in an elastoplastic cylinder with tangential plasticity (چکیده)
8289 - Plane strain bifurcation analysis of soils by the tangential–subloading surface model (چکیده)
8290 - The frequency of photosensitization in a dairy cattlr herd infected by Leptospires (چکیده)
8291 - Distribution of steroidal saponins in Tribulus terrestris from different geographical regions (چکیده)
8292 - Nitrate intoxication due to ingestion of pigweed red-root (Amaranthus retroflexus) in cattle (چکیده)
8293 - Eosinophilic leukaemia in a cat (چکیده)
8294 - The relationship between blood indicators of phosphorus status in cattle (چکیده)
8295 - Effects of Short Dry Periods on Performance and Metabolic Status in Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
8296 - Characterization of Splash-Plate Atomizers using Numerical Simulations (چکیده)
8297 - Digital-Signal-Type Identification Using an Efficient Identifier (چکیده)
8298 - Gas Permeation Properties of Polyvinylchloride/Polyethyleneglycol Blend Membranes (چکیده)
8299 - Fumigant Toxicity of Citruts Oils (چکیده)
8300 - The Effects of Paclobutrazol on Fruit Yield, Leaf Mineral Elements and Proline Content of Strawberry cv. Selva under Saline Condition (چکیده)
8301 - Water resource management in Kabul river basin, eastern Afghanistan (چکیده)
8302 - Application of a modified human enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit for diagnosis of hydatidosis in sheep (چکیده)
8303 - Genetic variability and population structure in Beta-lactoglobulin, Calpastatin and Calpin loci in Iranian Kurdi sheep (چکیده)
8304 - Determination of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Electrolytes Alteration in the Developing Rats Born from Diabetic Mothers (چکیده)
8305 - A Neuro-Fuzzy model for a Dynamic Prediction of Milk Ultrafiltration Flux and Resistance (چکیده)
8306 - A Stochastic Systems Approach To Fatigue Reliability-An Application To Ti-6Al-4V (چکیده)
8308 - study on physico - chemical rheological and (چکیده)
8309 - Rheological Properties of Date Syrup/Sesame Paste Blend (چکیده)
8311 - Helping Ants for Adaptive Network Routing (چکیده)
8312 - Interaction of topological solitons with defects: using a nontrivial metric (چکیده)
8313 - Application of Q-learning with temperature variation for bidding strategies in market based power systems (چکیده)
8314 - Multi-objective meta level soft computing-based evolutionary structural design (چکیده)
8315 - Impression creep of Sn–40Pb–2.5Sb peritectic solder alloy (چکیده)
8316 - Maneto-optic Effects in Thin MnCo flims (چکیده)
8317 - A novel constructive-optimizer neural network for the traveling salesman problem (چکیده)
8318 - Experimental and numerical studies of carbon black natural gas furnace (چکیده)
8319 - An investigation of soot formation and combustion in turbulent spray flames (چکیده)
8320 - The Relationship Between Pit Chemistry and Pit Geometry Near the Critical Pitting Temperature (چکیده)
8321 - Deterioration in critical pitting temperature of 904L stainless steel by addition of sulfate ions (چکیده)
8322 - Evolution of current transients and morphology of metastable and stable pitting on stainless steel near the critical pitting temperature (چکیده)
8323 - The effects of different additives in electrolyte of AGM batteries on self-discharge (چکیده)
8324 - Using pit solution chemistry for evaluation of metastable pitting stability of austenitic stainless steel (چکیده)
8325 - Choosing a safe place to cross the road: the relationship between attention and identification of safe and dangerous road-crossing sites (چکیده)
8326 - Abrasive peeling of pumpkin (چکیده)
8327 - Mechanical properties of pumpkin (چکیده)
8328 - Macroscopic aspects of wound healing (contraction and epithelialisation) after topical administration of allicin in dogs (چکیده)
8329 - Effects of Zn-7® on open wound healing in dogs (چکیده)
8330 - Studying the sustainability of a wheat-cotton Agroecosystem in Iran (چکیده)
8331 - Implication of a critical residue (Glu175) in structure and function of bacterial luciferase (چکیده)
8332 - A Ca-independent α-amylase that is active and stable at low pH from the Bacillus sp. KR-8104 (چکیده)
8333 - Comparison of the molten globule states of thermophilic and mesophilic α-amylases (چکیده)
8334 - Axisymmetric stagnation - Point flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid on a rotating cylinder with time-dependent angular velocity and uniform transpiration (چکیده)
8335 - Peripartal serum biochemical, haematological and hormonal changes associated with retained placenta in dairy cows (چکیده)
8336 - Serum biochemistry of Iranian Turkmen (Akhal-Teke) horses (چکیده)
8337 - Seroepidemiology of Neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle herds in Mashhad area, Iran (چکیده)
8338 - The Effects of Cytopathic and Noncytopathic Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus with Sperm Cells on In Vitro Fertilization of Bovine Oocytes (چکیده)
8339 - Serum Biochemistry of Persian Fallow Deer-Dama Mesopotamica (چکیده)
8340 - studies on hemoglobin polymorphism of two breed of (چکیده)
8341 - Effects of oral administration of levamisole on non-specific immunity, (چکیده)
8342 - Effects of preweaning parenteral supplementation of vitamin E and selenium on hematology, serum proteins, and weight gain in dairy calves (چکیده)
8343 - A New Species of Wood Mouse of the genus A Podemus (چکیده)
8344 - Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus and other intestinal helminths of stray dogs in mashhad area, Iran (چکیده)
8345 - Immunization of lambs with whole body Echinococcus granulosus (چکیده)
8346 - Effect of liquid fuel droplet size on soot emission from turbulent spray flames (چکیده)
8347 - Calpastatin polymorphism and its association with daily gain in Kurdi sheep (چکیده)
8348 - Time-Domain Equalizer for OFDM Systems Based on SINR Maximization (چکیده)
8349 - Temperature dependence of the linewidth of spin-waves in Co/CoO bilayers (چکیده)
8350 - Phytoremediation of arsenic by macroalgae: Implication in natural contaminated water, northeast Iran (چکیده)
8351 - Arsenic and antimony in drinking water in kohsorkh area, northeast Iran possible rosks for the public health (چکیده)
8352 - Effects of garlic (allium sativum) and its chief compound, allicin, on acute lethality of cyanide in rats (چکیده)
8353 - Biosystematic study of Anura in the Markazy Province of central Iran (چکیده)
8354 - Relationships between fertility and serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus in dairy cows (چکیده)
8355 - Differentiation of heel pain from other hoof pain in horses (چکیده)
8356 - Interpretation of bovine serum total calcium: effects of adjustment for albumin and total protein (چکیده)
8357 - Post-parturient haemoglobinuria in Iranian river buffaloes: a preliminary study (چکیده)
8358 - Efficacy of dried colostrum powders in the prevention of diarrhea in neonatal Holstein calves (چکیده)
8359 - Protection against Listeria monocytogenes by ODN containing CpG motifs in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice (چکیده)
8360 - The role of interleukine-12 in protection induced by CpG ODN against Listeria monocytogenes in BALB/c and C57BL/6 (چکیده)
8361 - Comparative acetaminophen absorption test as a diagnostic tool for the evaluation of the reticular groove reflex (چکیده)
8362 - Using haematological and serum biochemical findings as prognostic indicators in calf diarrhoea (چکیده)
8363 - Experimental Oleander (Nerium oleander) poisoning in goats: Clinical and pathological study (چکیده)
8364 - Influence of Population Stracture on (چکیده)
8365 - Source fault structure of the 2003 Bam earthquake, southeastern Iran, interred from the aftershock d (چکیده)
8366 - Serum and whole blood inorganic phosphorus in lambs from birth to 400th day of life: effect of weaning as a cutoff point between neonatal and adult levels (چکیده)
8367 - Ischaemia/Reperfusion Injury in Experimentally Induced Abomasal Volvulus in Sheep (چکیده)
8368 - Veterinarians and dairy nutrition management: basic concepts and design-it-yourself—a veterinary-oriented ration evaluation program (چکیده)
8369 - Documenting and Comparing Plant Species Diversity by Using Numerical and Parametric Methods in Khaje Kalat, NE Iran (چکیده)
8370 - Effect of transportation stress on blood and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid components in calves (چکیده)
8371 - Effect of different non starch polysaccharides on performance and intestinal microflora of young broiler chicken (چکیده)
8372 - Effect of Early Feed Restriction on Performance Characteristics and serum thyroxin of broiler checkens (چکیده)
8373 - Study of Complexation Reactions Between Alkali and Alkaline- Earth Metal Cations with Dibenzo-18-Crown-6(DB18C6) in Mixed Nonaqueous Solvents Using the Conductometry Method (چکیده)
8374 - Study of Complex Formation between N-Phenylaza-15-Crown-5 with Mg2+,Ca2+, Ag+ and Cd2+ Metal Cations in Some Binary Mixed Aqueous and Non-aqueous Solvents Using the Conductometric Method (چکیده)
8375 - Mechanistic aspects of electrochemical hydride generation for cadmium (چکیده)
8376 - Electrochemical hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry for determination of cadmium (چکیده)
8377 - Bovine blood neutrophil acyloxyacyl hydrolase (AOAH) activity during endotoxin and coliform mastitis (چکیده)
8378 - Effect of Sodium Bentonite and Comparison of Pellet vs Mash on Performance of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
8379 - Effect of analgesia of the metacarpophalangeal joint in horses (چکیده)
8380 - Urethral Extension and Caslick s Surgery for Infertility Treatment in Pneumovagina Cases with Sunke (چکیده)
8381 - Rupture of The Peroneous tertius In Horse (چکیده)
8382 - Estimation of the Survival Function for Negatively Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
8383 - On the Minimax Optimality of Block Thresholded Wavelets Estimators for p-Mixing Process (چکیده)
8384 - An ant colony algorithm for the pos/neg weighted p-median problem (چکیده)
8385 - Analgesia Effects of Detomidine HCl When Administered Into the Distal Interphalangeal Joint in Horses With Experimental Solar Pain (چکیده)
8386 - Effects of topical allicin on second-intention wound healing in dogs-histological aspects (چکیده)
8387 - Evidential inference based on record data and inter-record times (چکیده)
8388 - Statistical Evidence Methodology for Model Acceptance based on Record Values (چکیده)
8389 - Comparison of record data and random observations based on statistical evidence (چکیده)
8390 - Equations for discharge calculation in compound channels having homogeneous roughness (چکیده)
8391 - ضربکر شور از یک جفت از p-گروههای متناهی (چکیده)
8392 - Some properties on the Schur multiplier of a pair of groups (چکیده)
8393 - Antimicrobial susceptibility testing ofMannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida isolated from calves with dairy calf pneumonia (چکیده)
8394 - The structure of Bell groups (چکیده)
8395 - The commutator Subgroup and Schur Multiplier of a Pair of Finite p-Groups (چکیده)
8396 - N-Junction Modeling in Perforate Silencer of Internal Combustion Engine (چکیده)
8397 - An improved design method for estimating the annual auxiliary energy requirement for solar heating building (چکیده)
8398 - Dynamical systems on Hilbert C*-modules (چکیده)
8399 - σ-derivations in Banach algebras (چکیده)
8400 - The effect of water vapor on the performance of commercial polyphenylene oxide and Cardo-type polyimide hollow fiber membranes in CO2/CH4 separation applications (چکیده)
8401 - Gas permeation properties of commercial polyphenylene oxide and Cardo-type polyimide hollow fiber membranes (چکیده)
8402 - Analysis of indigenous zinc in alkaline sodic soil solutions by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
8403 - Changes in composition of soil aqueous phase nfluence chemistry of indigenous heavy metals in alkaline sodic and acidic soils (چکیده)
8404 - Ion exchange resin and MINTEQA2 speciation of Zn and Cu in alkaline sodic and acidic soil extracts (چکیده)
8405 - Water : soil ratio influences aqueous phase chemistry of indigenous copper and zinc in soils (چکیده)
8406 - Entropy properties of record statistics (چکیده)
8407 - Some Characterizations based on entropy of order statistics and record values (چکیده)
8408 - Statistical Analysis for Geometric Distribution Based on Records (چکیده)
8409 - Preservation of some reliability properties by certain record statistics (چکیده)
8410 - Distribution-free confidence intervals for quantile intervals based on current records (چکیده)
8411 - Characterization of hazard function factorization by Fisher information in minima and upper record values (چکیده)
8412 - Confidence intervals for quantiles in term of record range (چکیده)
8413 - Nonparametric confidence and tolerance intervals from record values data (چکیده)
8414 - Comparing the fisher information in record values and iid observations (چکیده)
8415 - Some Univariate Stochastic Orders On Record Values (چکیده)
8417 - Soft computing-based nonlinear fusion algorithms for describing non-Darcy flow in porous media (چکیده)
8418 - Transient response of finned-tube condenser in household refrigerators (چکیده)
8419 - Theory Of Hot Crack Formation (چکیده)
8420 - Satbility of ternary homomorphisms via generalized Jensen equation (چکیده)
8421 - Orthogonal stability of the Pexiderized quadratic equation (چکیده)
8422 - On the stability of the orthogonal Pexiderized Cauchy equation (چکیده)
8423 - On the stability of J*-homomorphisms (چکیده)
8424 - A fixed point approach to stability of a quadratic equation (چکیده)
8425 - Approximately vanishing of topological cohomology groups (چکیده)
8426 - Approximate homomorphisms of ternary semigroups (چکیده)
8427 - On the Cauchy-Rassias inequality and linear n-inner product preserving Mappings (چکیده)
8428 - Automatic continuity of σ-derivations on C*-algebras (چکیده)
8429 - n-HOMOMORPHISMS (چکیده)
8430 - Down-regulation of Hsp27 radiosensitizes human prostate cancer cells (چکیده)
8431 - The Effects of Salinity on Extractability and Chemical Fractions of Zinc in Selected Calcareous Soils of Iran (چکیده)
8432 - Effects of Disruption of the Embryonic Alkaline Phosphatase Gene on Preimplantation Development of the Mouse (چکیده)
8433 - Utp8p Is an Essential Intranuclear Component of the Nuclear tRNA Export Machinery of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (چکیده)
8434 - Organization of chromatin in the interphase mammalian cell (چکیده)
8435 - The number of PML nuclear bodies increases in early S phase by a fission mechanism (چکیده)
8436 - Mitotic accumulations of PML protein contribute to the re-establishment of PML nuclear bodies in G1 (چکیده)
8437 - Slowly varying tachyon and tachyon potential (چکیده)
8438 - Off-shell extension of S-matrix elements and tachyonic effective actions (چکیده)
8439 - Excited D-brane decay in Cubic String Field Theory and in Bosonic String Theory (چکیده)
8440 - On-shell S-matrix and tachyonic effective actions (چکیده)
8441 - Gauge Invariant Operators and Closed String Scattering in Open String Field Theory (چکیده)
8442 - Dirac-Born-Infeld action, Seiberg-Witten map, and Wilson Lines (چکیده)
8443 - Transformation of the Dirac-Born-Infeld action under the Seiberg-Witten map (چکیده)
8444 - World-Volume Potentials on D-branes (چکیده)
8445 - Tachyon couplings on non-BPS D-branes and Dirac-Born-Infeld action (چکیده)
8446 - Non-commutative world-volume interactions on D-brane and Dirac-Born-Infeld action (چکیده)
8447 - String Scattering from D-branes in Type 0 Theories (چکیده)
8448 - World-Volume Interactions on D-Branes (چکیده)
8449 - Superstring Scattering from D-Branes Bound States (چکیده)
8450 - Superstring Scattering from D-Branes (چکیده)
8451 - Chiral bosonization as a Duality (چکیده)
8452 - Cardinal Temperatures for Germination in Three Millet Specieses-Panicum miliaceum, Pennisetum glauc (چکیده)
8453 - Models to Predict Flowering Time in the Main Saffron Production Regions of Khorasan Province (چکیده)
8454 - on the Fisher information in record values (چکیده)
8455 - Geoelectrical investigation for the assessment of groundwater conditions: a case study (چکیده)
8456 - Elasto-Plastic Element-Free Galerkin Metod (چکیده)
8458 - Three-Dimensional Stress Analysis of Rotating Composite Beams Due to Material Discontinuities (چکیده)
8459 - Deformation and Stress Analysis of Circumferentially Fiber-Reinforced Composite Disks (چکیده)
8460 - Accurate Determination of Interlaminar Stresses in General Cross-Ply Laminates (چکیده)
8461 - Free edge stress analysis of general cross-ply composite laminates under extension and thermal loading (چکیده)
8462 - Three-dimensional interlaminar stress analysis at free edges of general cross-ply composite laminates (چکیده)
8463 - Optimality Conditions for Maximizing the Tip velocity of a Cantilever Beam (چکیده)
8464 - On various aspects of application of the evolutionary structural optimization method for 2D and 3D (چکیده)
8465 - Effect of inclination angle on thermal performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon under normal operating condition (چکیده)
8466 - Ignition of epoxy by a high radiation Source, A Numerical Study (چکیده)
8467 - Heat transfer characteristics of a two-phase closed thermosyphon (چکیده)
8468 - Association of Leptin Polymorphism with Production, Reproduction and Plasma Glucose Level in Iranian Holstein Cows (چکیده)
8469 - Competence and performance in belief-desire reasoning across two cultures: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about false belief (چکیده)
8470 - Puzzling peptides from a phage display library (چکیده)
8471 - Isolation and identification of facultative aerobic- anaerobic gram-positive bacteria in hatching eggs (چکیده)
8472 - Detection of hydatid fluid and protoscolices antigens in sheep with hydatidosis (چکیده)
8473 - Protective Immunity in Mice with Whole Body of Echinococcus granulosus (چکیده)
8474 - Gravity on Noncommutative D-Branes (چکیده)
8475 - Streamwise velocity distribution in irregular shaped channels having composite bed roughness (چکیده)
8476 - A simple model for estimation of dimensionless isovel contours in open channels (چکیده)
8477 - Application of the single point measurement in discharge estimation (چکیده)
8478 - New method for estimation of discharge (چکیده)
8479 - Decetralised Approaches for Network Management (چکیده)