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نمایش نتایج جستجو برای

کلمات کلیدی: W

موارد یافت شده: 12435

1 - Veterinary medical education in the 21st century: Old presumptions and new problems (چکیده)
2 - Carboniferous Tabulate Corals from the Sardar Formation in the Ozbak-kuh Mountains, East-Central Iran (چکیده)
3 - Evaluation of the Chlamydial Abortion Frequency in Ovine Aborted Fetuses over a Consecutive Seven-Year Period in North-East of Iran (چکیده)
4 - Instantaneous adsorption and simultaneous removal of complex dyes with different charges through bio-based sorbent (چکیده)
5 - Pathogenic bacteria and the prevalence of virulence genes in E. coli isolated from passerine birds of Iran (چکیده)
6 - Diagenetic processes imprint on reservoir quality and hydraulic flow units of the lower Cretaceous strata (Fahliyan Formation), Izeh and Dezful Zones, Zagros Basin, SW Iran (چکیده)
7 - Effectiveness of software cognitive Empoverment training and perceptual -motor skills reconstration program traing on social interest and Emotional self-Regulation (چکیده)
8 - Position Tracking Control of ASV based on Dynamic Inversion with Intelligent Methods (چکیده)
9 - Deep Learning-based Classification for QoT Estimation in SMF and FMF Links (چکیده)
10 - Deep learning and deep transfer learning-based OPM for FMF systems (چکیده)
11 - Active learning for OPM in FMF systems (چکیده)
12 - Improving MDM–WDM optical network performance via optimized power allocation using Gaussian noise model (چکیده)
13 - Deep Neural Network-Based QoT Estimation for SMF and FMF Links (چکیده)
14 - End-to-end deep learning for joint geometric-probabilistic constellation shaping in FMF system (چکیده)
15 - Optimal power allocation in nonlinear MDM‐WDM systems using Gaussian noise model (چکیده)
16 - Joint Power and Gain Allocation in MDM-WDM Optical Communication Networks Based on Enhanced Gaussian Noise Model (چکیده)
17 - Deep learning based detection technique for FSO communication systems (چکیده)
18 - Novel suboptimal approaches for hyperparameter tuning of deep neural network [under the shelf of optical communication] (چکیده)
19 - A 10-bit 33.3-kS/s 3.2-fJ/conversion-step single-ended counter-type SAR ADC with dual 5-bit CDAC arrays and counters in 65-nm CMOS (چکیده)
20 - Molecular characterization and genetic variability of coat protein gene of onion yellow dwarf virus isolates in northern Iran (چکیده)
21 - Two pseudo-Goldstone bosons in the Gildener–Weinberg model (چکیده)
22 - Evidence of the conditions affecting knowledge hiding among librarians in academic libraries (چکیده)
23 - Joint determination of purchasing and production lot sizes in an unreliable production system (چکیده)
24 - The Relationship Between Metribuzin Dose and Winter Wheat Dose-response Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
25 - Investigating Hydropericardium Syndrome with Different Histopathological Techniques in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
26 - Molecular -Pathotyping, Phylogenetic groups and antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolates from diarrheic and healthy children in Babel province, Iraq (چکیده)
27 - Enhancing NTMA with Simultaneous Multi-QoS Parameter Prediction using Transformer-Based Deep Learning (چکیده)
28 - First report of broad bean wilt virus 1 infecting Plantago lanceolata in Iran (چکیده)
29 - A novel alkali and thermotolerant protease from Aeromonas spp. retrieved from wastewater (چکیده)
30 - Molecular pathotyping, phylogenetic groups and antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolates from diarrheic and healthy children in Babel province, Iraq (چکیده)
31 - Effect of chitosan molecular weight and protein to polysaccharide ratio on the rheological and physicochemical properties of milk proteins–chitosan complex coacervate (چکیده)
32 - Self-healing cold mix asphalt containing steel slag: A sustainable approach to cleaner production (چکیده)
33 - Experimental study of electricity generation from solar energy using organic phase change materials and thermoelectric generator (چکیده)
34 - Phenotypic and genotypic study of resistance to Zinc and Cadmium salts in methicillin-resistant Staphylococci isolated from humans and domestic animals (چکیده)
35 - Multifunctional MnO2 nanorods-modified wood sponge for water remediation: applications for heavy metal sorption and oil/water separation (چکیده)
36 - Selective Leaching of Lithium and Beyond: Sustainable Eggshell-Mediated Recovery from Spent Li-Ion Batteries (چکیده)
37 - The Relationship Between CEO Power, Labor Productivity, and Company Value in the Iraqi Stock Exchange (چکیده)
38 - Existence, decay and blow-up results for a plate viscoelastic equation with variable-exponent logarithmic terms (چکیده)
39 - Vibration modeling of variable thickness cylindrical shallow shells using extended Kantorovich method (چکیده)
40 - First report of Saemundssonia lari on yellow-legged gull (larus michahellis) from Iran (چکیده)
41 - Plasma-activated water and microbubble as postharvest technology: Effects on Escherichia coli O157:H7 reduction, functional and storage quality of romaine lettuce (چکیده)
42 - The Impact of Drying Techniques on Stabilizing Microencapsulated Astaxanthin From Shrimp Shells: A Comparative Study of Spray Drying Versus Freeze Drying (چکیده)
43 - Drivers of woody dominance across global drylands (چکیده)
44 - Revealing the essential and sufficient conditions for the energy consumption diversification (چکیده)
45 - Analysis of the impact of social media on the buying behavior of Generation Z consumers: a case study of Iran\\\'s clothing market (چکیده)
46 - The impact of apple cider vinegar on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss: A study of therapeutic potential and health benefits (چکیده)
47 - Biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles by bacterial exopolysaccharide produced by Vibrio alginolyticus ATCC 17749 (چکیده)
48 - Optimizing anthropometric characteristics using two Rbf and Kriging models (چکیده)
49 - Risk Assessment of Urban Water and Energy Supply Using Copula Function: A Water–Energy Nexus Approach in an Arid City (چکیده)
50 - The Evaluation of the Effectiveness and the Determination of the Relationship between the Dimensions of the Quality of Services Provided by Central Library of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
51 - The effect of ultrasonic waves on the structure, morphology, and thermal conductivity of graphene oxide as nanofluids for direct absorption solar collector application (چکیده)
52 - An Investigation on unstable flow during hot deformation of Inconel X750 superalloy using 3D processing map and shear band formation criterion (چکیده)
53 - Presenting the dynamic model of football in Qatar:The role of hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup (چکیده)
54 - A dependent circular-linear model for multivariate biomechanical data: Ilizarov ring fixator study (چکیده)
55 - Development of a Cognitive Assessment Checklist for First-Grade Mathematics: Utilizing Hierarchical Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling in Elementary Education (چکیده)
56 - An ultrasensitive liquid crystal aptasensing chip assisted by three-way junction DNA pockets for acrylamide detection in food samples (چکیده)
57 - Variation in CSR plant strategies along soil and climate gradients: A comparison between rocky outcrops and nearby rangelands (چکیده)
58 - LightTwinSVM: A Simple and Fast Implementation of Standard Twin Support Vector Machine Classifier (چکیده)
59 - Comparison between statistical and machine learning methods to detect the hematological indices with the greatest influence on elevated serum levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (چکیده)
60 - Post-synthetic modification of Zr-based metal organic framework by schiff base zinc complex for catalytic applications in a click reaction (چکیده)
61 - Detection of antibiotic residues in poultry carcasses in Mashhad poultry abattoir (چکیده)
62 - Deciphering CEO disclosure tone inconsistency: a behavioural exploration (چکیده)
63 - Comparison of co-agents in peroxide-cured of thermoplastic vulcanized (TPV) (چکیده)
64 - Peroxide dynamically vulcanized high molecular weight hydrogenated styrenics block copolymer (SEBS)/polypropylene based TPV by one-step and second-step processes via reactive extrusion (چکیده)
65 - Hydraulic flow units and ANFIS methods to predict permeability in heterogeneous carbonate reservoir: Middle East gas reservoir (چکیده)
66 - Antibacterial wound dressing study based on poly(vinyl alcohol)/ZnO (چکیده)
67 - Antibacterial wound dressing study based on poly(vinyl alcohol)/AgNO3 (چکیده)
68 - Intoxication or Sobriety? Examining the Most Famous Example in Islamic Mysticism (چکیده)
69 - Experimental study to unraveling the seismic behavior of CFRP retrofitting composite coupled shear walls for enhanced resilience (چکیده)
70 - Characterization of a heterogeneous carbonate reservoir by integrating electrofacies and hydraulic flow units: a case study of Kangan gas field, Zagros basin (چکیده)
71 - Enhancing improved advection upstream splitting method on triangular grids: A hybrid approach for improved stability and accuracy in compressible flow simulations (چکیده)
72 - Petrography and geochemistry of late Devonian sandstones (Shishtu Formation): Middle East central Iran (چکیده)
73 - Thermodynamic and geochemical studies of formation water in Rag-e Sefid oil and gas field, Iran (چکیده)
74 - Enhancing multi-target tracking stability using knowledge graph integration within the Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Density Filter (چکیده)
75 - Magnetic Graphene Oxide Modified with MOF-199 for Efficient Extraction of Aromatic Amines from Water Samples for Their Determination with Gas Chromatography (چکیده)
76 - L-asparaginase-driven antibiosis in Pseudomonas fluorescens EK007: A promising biocontrol strategy against fire blight (چکیده)
77 - A Hybrid Approach based on PSO and Boosting Technique for Data Modeling in Sensor Networks (چکیده)
78 - Metal–organic framework-covered stainless steel mesh as a novel heterogeneous catalyst in multi-component reaction (چکیده)
79 - https://doi.org/10.13167/2024.29.5 Advances in Civil and Architectural Engineering Page | 67 Analysis of homogeneity and isotropy of the flow in the watercourses by applying the RAPS and IPTA methods (چکیده)
80 - طراحی چارچوب مفهومی یادگیری غیر رسمی محیط کار مبتنی بر یادگیری تکلیف محور (TC-IWL) (چکیده)
81 - Improvement of mixing efficiency in twisted micromixers: The impact of cross-sectional shape and eccentricity ratio (چکیده)
82 - Rock typing and uncertainty assessment in geological and petrophysical properties by integrating electrofacies, hydraulic flow units, and geostatistical techniques in the Kangan gas field, Zagros basin (چکیده)
83 - Nutritious Instant Powder Production by Extrusion Processing Using Whole Oat and Broken Rice Flour (چکیده)
84 - A robust PRNU-based source camera attribution with convolutional neural networks (چکیده)
85 - Curcumin and Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate: Targeting Receptor Tyrosine Kinases and their Signaling Pathways in Cancer Therapy (چکیده)
86 - Investigation of Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMSs) in The Personality of Alicia in The Silent Patient (2019) by Alex Michaelides (چکیده)
87 - Possible Worlds theory and its application to videogames: A case study of Life Is Strange (چکیده)
88 - Towards Various Nanotechnological Applications by Metal-Organic Frameworks and Polyoxometalate-Based Frameworks: Structure-Activity Relationships (چکیده)
89 - Effect of external electric and magnetic fields on the structural properties of gold nanoclusters formed during inert-gas condensation process in different environments using molecular dynamics simulations (چکیده)
90 - Long-term investigation of the irrigation intervals and supplementary irrigation strategies effects on winter wheat in the U.S. Central High Plains based on a combination of crop modeling and field studies (چکیده)
91 - The Effects of Putrescine and Salicylic Acid on Postharvest Traits of Pear (Pyrus communis L. ‘Williams’) (چکیده)
92 - Effects of Preharvest Application of Chemical Compounds on Pear (Pyrus communis cv. ‘Shekari’) Fruit Traits (چکیده)
93 - Which soil properties could affect the floristic composition of weed communities in saffron fields (چکیده)
94 - Impact of installing new scour prevention countermeasure (F-jacks) around bridge pier on flow pattern and scour control (چکیده)
95 - Enhancement of the electrocatalytic activity of NiMnSe by CuP as heterostructure electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline media (چکیده)
96 - Life cycle assessment (LCA) of red pepper production in Davarzan, Iran (چکیده)
97 - Comparing lactic acid bacteria biodiversity in irritable bowel syndrome and healthy gut microbiota (چکیده)
98 - Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (blaTEM, blaSHV, blaCTX-M, blaOXA) in Escherichia coli isolated from children with diarrhea (چکیده)
99 - Performance evaluation of a dual-chamber plant microbial fuel cell developed for electricity generation and wastewater treatment (چکیده)
100 - TiO 2 NPs as a Promising Strategy for Crop Conservation Resulting from Deficit Irrigation in Fragaria × ananassa Cv. Camarosa (چکیده)
101 - A Review on Breeding Fruit Trees Against Climate Changes (چکیده)
102 - Geometrical parameters effect on aerodynamic performance of infinite tubercle leading edge wings (چکیده)
103 - Recursive generalized type-2 fuzzy radial basis function neural networks for joint position estimation and adaptive EMG-based impedance control of lower limb exoskeletons (چکیده)
104 - Fuzzy Synchronization Likelihood Graph in Deep Neural Networks for Human Motion Time Series Analysis (چکیده)
105 - Many-Objective Jaccard-based Evolutionary Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Imbalanced Data Classification (چکیده)
106 - Investigating the effct of Tariff Revision Process on Electricity Retail Tariff and Utilities Death Spiral (چکیده)
107 - A comparative study on the electrocatalytic OER activity of mesoporous high-entropy oxide and medium-entropy oxide nanoparticles through SCS method (چکیده)
108 - Unsupervised damage assessment under varying ambient temperature based on an adjusted artificial neural network and new multivariate covariance-based distances (چکیده)
109 - Cyber Activism in Iran: A Case Study (چکیده)
110 - Fixed‐Time Stable Gradient Flows for Optimal Adaptive Control of Continuous‐Time Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
111 - Dietary Nanozeolite Powder to Reduce Water Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN) and Improve Growth Performance and Plasma Biochemical Indices of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (چکیده)
112 - Harnessing curcumin in a multifunctional biodegradable metal-organic framework (bio-MOF) for targeted colorectal cancer theranostics (چکیده)
113 - First breeding record of the Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus, Linnaeus, 1758) in man-made wetlands, northeast Iran: Implications of agricultural expansion and farm damming. (چکیده)
114 - The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation on the Relation between ADHD Symptoms, Cognitive Disengagement Syndrome and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression among College Students (چکیده)
115 - A clarity and fairness aware framework for selecting workers in competitive crowdsourcing tasks (چکیده)
116 - Hyperparameters’ role in machine learning algorithm for modeling of compressive strength of recycled aggregate concrete (چکیده)
117 - A Projection Neural Network for Identifying Copy Number Variants (چکیده)
118 - Rationalized Haar wavelet bases to approximate the solution of the first Painlev\'e equations (چکیده)
119 - On Shortest Path Problem via a Novel Neurodynamic Model: A Case Study (چکیده)
120 - Effect of dairy products fortified with vitamin d3 on restless legs syndrome in women with premenstrual syndrome, abdominal obesity and vitamin d deficiency: a pilot study (چکیده)
121 - Genome sequence analysis of two recombinant isolates of watermelon mosaic virus from Iran and Iraq (چکیده)
122 - The impact of socio-demographic factors on web credibility assessment (چکیده)
123 - Prioritizing industrial wastes and technologies for bioenergy production: Case study (چکیده)
124 - Experimental and numerical studies on the flank wear during the thread milling; Effect of infeed strategies in different cutting speeds (چکیده)
125 - Systems Thinking in the Circular Economy: An Integrative Literature Review (چکیده)
126 - Investigating the impact of paclobutrazol and tannic acid on floral development of in vitro -grown cannabis plantlets (چکیده)
127 - Cytotoxic Effects of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles on MCF-7 Cancer Cell Line (چکیده)
128 - Investigating the Microstructural, Mechanical, and Tribological Properties of NiCrBSi High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel and High-Pressure High-Velocity Oxygen Fuel Coatings (چکیده)
129 - Determination of corrugated core sandwich panels elastic constant based on three different experimental methods and effect of structural integrity on flexural properties (چکیده)
130 - Investigating Factors Affecting Renewable and Nonrenewable Electricity Generation in Iran (چکیده)
131 - Bioenergy recovery from waste engine oil through anaerobic co-digestion with sewage sludge: Effects of total solids and inoculum to substrate ratio (چکیده)
132 - Cloud Broker: A Systematic Mapping Study (چکیده)
133 - Estimating the Required RC Panel Thickness for Composite Shear Walls Subjected to Cyclic Loading (چکیده)
134 - Effects of Infill Plate Thickness and Shear Connector Spacing on Damage in RC Panels of Composite Shear Walls (چکیده)
135 - Effect of Variation in Material and Geometrical Properties on the Performance of Composite Shear Walls (چکیده)
136 - Exploring the Impact of Concrete Panel Thickness on Post-Fire Shear Capacity of Composite Shear Walls: A Numerical Investigation (چکیده)
137 - Contextual Interference Effects on Approach Motivation When Learning Timing Tasks: A Frontal Electroencephalography (EEG) Alpha Asymmetry Study in Older Adults (چکیده)
138 - A sustainable approach for heavy metals removal from surface water by sand column amendment with bio-adsorbent of pistachio hull waste (PHW): Batch and fixed-bed column adsorption (چکیده)
139 - Description-based Post-hoc Explanation for Twitter List Recommendations (چکیده)
140 - In situ electrochemical synthesis of superhydrophilic NiCoMn trimetallic-alloy nanosheets via the dynamic hydrogen bubble template method for developing high current density hydrogen production electrocatalysts (چکیده)
141 - Comparison of the effect of traditional warm-up with two post-activation potentiation protocols (plyometric with and without bloodfl ow restriction) on the performance of volleyball players (چکیده)
142 - The Effect of Concurrent Training Order and Whey ProteinSupplementation on Serum Folistatein to Myostatin Ratio, BodyComposition, Anaerobic Power, Strength and Muscle CrossSectional Area in Young Bodybuilders (چکیده)
143 - Comparison of the effect of eight weeks of continuous andintermittent swimming on some physical fi tness factors of youngfemale swimmers applying for the lifeguard test (چکیده)
144 - The effect of six weeks of Body Pump training and Melatoninsupplementation on Growth hormones, cortisol and sleep quality inmature Girls (چکیده)
145 - Detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in colostrum from a number of dairy farms around Mashhad using the IS900 Nested-PCR method (چکیده)
146 - Seismic bearing capacity of strip footings placed on reinforced soil slopes using slip line method (چکیده)
147 - The exact bearing capacity of strip footings on reinforced slopes using slip line method (چکیده)
148 - Overrepresentation and underrepresentation of cohesive devices in EFL learnersrsquo; translated and free narrative writings (چکیده)
149 - Variation and Spatial Distribution of Emissions from Livestock Manure Management in Iran: An Evaluation and Location Analysis (چکیده)
150 - Analyzing weld bead geometry and microstructure in ultrasonic-assisted activated flux TIG welding of ST37 steel (چکیده)
151 - Comparison of Two Customer Segmentation Methods (چکیده)
152 - Effect of thymol on the efficiency of feed utilization and compensatory growth in severe feed-restricted lambs (چکیده)
153 - Using wavelet transform to analyze the dynamics of climatic variables; to assess the status of available water resources in Iran (1961–2020) (چکیده)
154 - Nucleotide sequence characterization, amino acid variations and 3D structural analysis of HN protein of the NDV VIId genotype (چکیده)
155 - Enhanced 2-port MIMO antenna with composite two-step metasurface for 77 GHz Vehicle-to-Everything applications (چکیده)
156 - Transition of the life cycle of the gold and jewellery innovation ecosystem and development of its future scenarios: The case of Mashhad, Iran’s second-largest metropolis (چکیده)
157 - An Investigation into Student Satisfaction with Courses and Teaching Methods in the Persian Language and Literature Department at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
158 - Magnetic wood sponge: efficient oil/water separation, dye degradation, and heavy metal removal (چکیده)
159 - Evaluating the Impact of Active and Passive Recovery Strategies and Citrulline-Malate Supplementation in Wrestling: Do the Results Add Up? (چکیده)
160 - 469-520 Mycosphere Notes (چکیده)
161 - تولید و بهینه سازی پوشش نانوکامپوزیتی زمینه فلزی Ni-Fe(Ti,W)C به روش رسوب گذاری الکتریکی (چکیده)
162 - Assessment of nutrient content, leaf photosynthesis pigments, and growth of blue fescue in biochar-amended soil and humic acid in order to use in landscape (چکیده)
163 - تولید و بهینه سازی پوشش نانو کامپوزیتی زمینه فلزی Ni-Fe(Ti،W)C به روش رسوب گذاری الکتریکی (چکیده)
164 - Development of electro-co-deposited Ni–Fe(Ti,W)C nanocomposite coatings (چکیده)
165 - Application of a functionalized thin-film composite nanofiltration membrane in water desalination (چکیده)
166 - Hollow-like three-dimensional structure of methyl orange-delaminated Ti3C2 MXene nanocomposite for high-performance electrochemical sensing of tryptophan (چکیده)
167 - Spatio-temporal analysis of COVID-19 lockdown effect to survive in the US counties using ANN (چکیده)
168 - Study of dry sliding wear behaviour of Ti-48Al-2Nb-2Cr alloy (چکیده)
169 - A hybrid Bi-level management framework for caching and communication in Edge-AI enabled IoT (چکیده)
170 - Anaerobic co-digestion of lignocellulosic/lipidic wastes with cattle manure: Investigating biogas production and methane yield (چکیده)
171 - Control Charts Based on Zero to k Inflated Power Series Regression Models and Their Applications (چکیده)
172 - The modified physics-informed neural network (PINN) method for the thermoelastic wave propagation analysis based on the Moore-Gibson-Thompson theory in porous materials (چکیده)
173 - Effects of sheet flow rate and slope gradient on sediment load (چکیده)
174 - Reviving the forgotten legacy: Strategies for reviving qanats as sustainable solutions for agricultural water supply in arid and semi-arid regions (چکیده)
175 - Photoswitching Mechanism of Cyanine-based Dyes; Computational Study on Photostability (چکیده)
176 - A quick 3D BEM iterative algorithm for partially cavitating flows over cylindrical bodies at angles of attack (چکیده)
177 - Colloidal stability and aggregation of green-synthesized iron nanoparticles: Phosphate adsorption behavior and mechanism insight (چکیده)
178 - PW12/Fe3O4/biochar nanocomposite as an efficient adsorbent for metronidazole removal from aqueous solution: Synthesis and optimization (چکیده)
179 - Exploring Factors Influencing Consumers’ Willingness to Pay Healthy-Labeled Foods at a Premium Price (چکیده)
180 - Developing a Distributed Hydrological Balance Model for Predicting Runoff in Urban Areas in Tehran, the Capital of Iran (چکیده)
181 - Checklist and distribution of ladybirds (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) in Iranian provinces (چکیده)
182 - Secure Two-Party Computation Using an Efficient Garbled Circuit by Reducing Data Transfer (چکیده)
183 - Determinants of Perceived Well-Being in Friendship Relationships during Emerging Adulthood: Testing a Structural Model Based on Self-Determination Theory<strong> </strong> (چکیده)
184 - Effect of the arrangement of the injectors on the flow quantities in water injection into the hot supersonic crossflow inside the cylinder (چکیده)
185 - The effect of raw material (cow and chicken manure) and reactor type for improving and maximizing biogas production (چکیده)
186 - Geochemical characteristics of igneous rocks associated with Baghu gold deposit in the Neotethyan Torud‐Chah Shirin segment, Northern Iran (چکیده)
187 - Performance evaluation of drip, surface and pitcher irrigation systems: A case study of prevalent urban landscape plant species (چکیده)
188 - Does energy innovation heterogeneously affect renewable energy production? (چکیده)
189 - Identification of climatic and management factors influencing wheat’s yield variability using AgMERRA dataset and DSSAT model across a temperate region (چکیده)
190 - Prediction of Steady-State Thermal Characteristics of a Resistance Spot Welding Transformer in Battery Manufacturing Application (چکیده)
191 - Studying impact of cobalt content on electrocatalytic activity of Cu-Co-P coating with dendrite-like architectures for hydrogen production (چکیده)
192 - Enhancing curcumin nanoparticle synthesis through wet-milling: Comparative analysis of physico-chemical and antimicrobial properties of nano-curcumin with micro-curcumin (چکیده)
193 - Energy-aware flow shop scheduling with uncertain renewable energy (چکیده)
194 - Biosystematics study of Steppe Field Mouse Apodemus witherbyi (Rodentia: Muridae) from North-West Iran (چکیده)
195 - Variation in Morpho-Physiological Responses of Desi Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Seedlings to Progressive Water Stress (چکیده)
196 - The Quantitative and Qualitative Impact of Al-Hasan Bin Muhammad Bin Sama’ah Al-Wafifi on The Narrative Heritage of The Imamiyya, The Book Al-Kafi as An Example (Research Extracted from a doctoral Dissertation) (چکیده)
197 - Synthesis and photodegradation performance of a heterostructure ferromagnetic photocatalyst based on MWCNTs functionalized with (3-glycidyloxypropyl)trimethoxysilane and decorated with tungsten trioxide for metronidazole and acetaminophen degradation in aqueous environments (چکیده)
198 - Newcastle Disease Vaccination Program in Broilers Using an Apathogenic Heat-Resistant Vaccine (چکیده)
199 - Neural network for solving disturbance optimal control model for production inventory system with stochastic deterioration in two-level supply chain (چکیده)
200 - Deeply subwavelength mid-infrared phase retardation with α-MoO3 flakes (چکیده)
201 - New host detection of the parasitic mite, Erythraeus (Erythraeus) pistacicus (Trombidiformes: Erythraeidae) from Iran and indication of possible infection with bacterial symbionts (چکیده)
202 - The Unnoticed Issue of Coercive Citation Behavior for Authors (چکیده)
203 - Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Sequences of Unsteady Flows on Bedload Sediment Transport (چکیده)
204 - Psychometric Evaluation of the Persian Version of Dietary Habits Questionnaire and Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire for Adults Among Medical Staffs (چکیده)
205 - Evaluation of low-cost carbon/metal electrodes as cathodes and anodes in sediment microbial fuel cells (چکیده)
206 - first_page settings Order Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Sequences of Unsteady Flows on Bedload Sediment Transport (چکیده)
207 - Experimental investigation of dewatering silty tailings using electrokinetic method (چکیده)
209 - بررسی اثر چیدمان‌های متفاوت تیر پیزوالکتریک در برداشت انرژی از ارتعاشات گردابه‌ای حول سیلندر دایره‌ای (چکیده)
211 - Enhancing thermal-hydraulic performance in curved pipes through optimal radial fin placement: A numerical investigation (چکیده)
212 - The experimental and numerical studies of formation and collapse processes of ventilated supercavitating flow (چکیده)
213 - کاربرد روش تحلیل پوششی داده‌ها در بررسی عملکرد تولیدکنندگان گندم‌آبی با رویکرد محیط‌زیستی (چکیده)
214 - Dynamic educational recommender system based on Improved LSTM neural network (چکیده)
215 - Dynamic Security Risk Management Considering Systems Structural and Probabilistic Attributes (چکیده)
216 - Gait Phase Detection System based on Peak Detection Method and Neural Network (چکیده)
217 - Time‐varying coefficients models for recurrent event data when different varying coefficients admit different degrees of smoothness: application to heart disease modeling (چکیده)
218 - Stress-driven nonlinear behavior of curved nanobeams (چکیده)
219 - Optimization of gas tungsten arc welding process using an integrated artificial neural network-heuristic algorithm approach (چکیده)
220 - Carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks of heavy metals in windborne sediments from a residential area (Case study: Tabas, Iran) (چکیده)
221 - Activated Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process Optimization Using Artificial Neural Network and Heuristic Algorithms (چکیده)
222 - Involvement of Nitric Oxide in Biochemical and Physiological Response of Potato Seedling Under Cold Stress (چکیده)
223 - Self-Similar Properties of the Proton Structure at Low x within the xFitter framework (چکیده)
224 - Green innovation: exploring the impact of environmental patents on the adoption and advancement of renewable energy (چکیده)
225 - Interval shrinkage estimation of two-parameter exponential distribution with random censored data (چکیده)
226 - پیش‌بینی اثرات تغییر اقلیم و کاربری اراضی بر روی دبی حوضه آبریز رودخانه کشف‌رود با استفاده از مدل SWAT (چکیده)
227 - سیاست‌گذاری عملیاتی برای توسعه بیمه خشک‌سالی پسته در شهرستان سبزوار (چکیده)
228 - The Use of Grey-Taguchi based Approach for Modeling and Heuristic Algorithm-based Method for Optimization of Flux Assisted TIG Welding Process (چکیده)
229 - A new supply chain design to solve supplier selection based on internet of things and delivery reliability (چکیده)
230 - Geochemical and geochronological constraints on origin of the Sawlava ophiolite (NW Iran): Evidence for oceanic mantle evolution beneath Iran-Iraq border (چکیده)
231 - Work addiction risk, stress and well-being at work: testing the mediating role of sleep quality (چکیده)
232 - Shallow vs. Deep Learning Models for Groundwater Level Prediction: A Multi-Piezometer Data Integration Approach (چکیده)
233 - First detection of tick‐borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in raw milk samples in North‐Western Iran (چکیده)
234 - An automated framework for selectively tolerating SDC errors based on rigorous instruction-level vulnerability assessment (چکیده)
235 - BiGResi: Robust bit-level fault injection framework for assessing intrinsic software resilience against soft errors (چکیده)
236 - Portable wind tunnel experiments to study soil erosion by wind and its link to soil properties in the Fars province, Iran (چکیده)
237 - The prediction of emotional decision making from working memory and inhibitory control in preschool children: using decision tree model (چکیده)
238 - Blow-up of solutions for a system of nonlocal singular viscoelastic equations with sources and distributed delay terms (چکیده)
239 - Evaluating Developers’ Expertise in Serverless Functions by Mining Activities from Multiple Platforms (چکیده)
240 - Salt-resistant hierarchically porous wood sponge coated with graphene flake/polyaniline nanocomposite for interfacial solar steam production and wastewater treatment (چکیده)
241 - Assessing the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on water quality in Anzali Wetland, Iran, using remote sensing data (چکیده)
242 - A comparison of machine learning methods for estimation of snow density using satellite images (چکیده)
243 - A new bi-objective simultaneous model for timetabling and scheduling public bus transportation (چکیده)
244 - Sediment transport mechanisms and selective removal of soil particles under unsteady-state conditions in a sheet erosion system (چکیده)
245 - Sustainable strategies based on the social responsibility of the beverage industry companies for the circular supply chain (چکیده)
246 - Modeling of agricultural water policies to guarantee water supply under climate change (چکیده)
247 - A new dietary low-fat custard formulation made by waxy corn starch and xylitol: Rheological, sensory and in vitro digestibility investigation (چکیده)
248 - New data on four plant parasitic and plant associated nematodes in Southern Khorasan province, eastern Iran (چکیده)
249 - Investigating Hydropericardium Syndrome with Different Histopathological Techniques in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
250 - Hyaluronic Acid/Gelatin Coaxial Nanofibers Incorporated with Berberine–Arginine for Wound Healing (چکیده)
251 - Textile‐based high‐gain bow‐tie antenna using metamaterials for medical applications (چکیده)
252 - Evaluating the Toxocara cati extract as a therapeutic agent for allergic airway inflammation (چکیده)
253 - Comparison of the effects of the motion control versus neutral footwear on the selected gait kinematic parameters among 10-12-year-old boys with genu valgum deformity (چکیده)
254 - In-situ wind tunnel experiments to investigate soil erodibility, soil fractionation and wind-blown sediment of semi-arid and arid calcareous soils (چکیده)
255 - A combination of biochemical fertilizers enhances plant nutrient absorption, water deficit tolerance, and yield of chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L.) plants under irrigation regimes (چکیده)
256 - Generalized total time on test transform for weighted variables properties and applications (چکیده)
257 - A new cloud-based method for composition of healthcare services using deep reinforcement learning and Kalman filtering (چکیده)
258 - Taxonomic characterization of five species of emperor fishes (Actinopterygii: Eupercaria: Lethrinidae) based on external morphology, morphometry, and geographic distribution in the northwestern Indian Ocean (چکیده)
259 - Application of humic acid in a water recirculating system: influences on total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) removal efficiency of biofilter and growth performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (چکیده)
260 - A Two-Wired High Input Impedance and High CMRR Active Electrode Insensitive to Component Mismatch (چکیده)
261 - بررسی راهبرد مناسب ورود به بازار بین‌المللی محصولات کشاورزی ارگانیک (چکیده)
262 - Factors Affecting the Waste of Selected Agricultural Products with an Emphasis on the Marketing Mix (چکیده)
263 - A low‐voltage and low‐power current‐mode winner‐take‐all (maximum) circuit (چکیده)
264 - Comparison of pre-S1/S2 variations of hepatitis B virus between asymptomatic carriers and cirrhotic/hepatocellular carcinoma-affected individuals (چکیده)
265 - Sociological Explanation of Factors Affecting Households Energy Consumption in Iran (چکیده)
266 - Theoretical study on the structure, spectroscopic, and current–voltage behavior of 11-Cis and Trans retinal isomers in rhodopsin (چکیده)
267 - Experimental and numerical investigation of wicked heat pipe cooling efficacy in oil-immersed transformers (چکیده)
268 - Recent progress on organic metal compound/MOF hybrids: From controllable synthesis to potential catalytic applications (چکیده)
269 - Empirical correlation between length of nail and system parameters for a vertical soil nailed wall (چکیده)
270 - Green synthesis of melamine-based covalent-organic framework@ZIF-8 as efficient sorbent for Cr(VI) removal from water (چکیده)
271 - prevalence and genetic diversity of avian blood parasites (apicomplexa: haemosporidia) in songbirds from the west of iran (چکیده)
272 - Asymmetric Impacts of Renewable Energy on Human Development: Exploring the Role of Carbon Emissions, Economic Growth, and Urbanization in European Union Countries (چکیده)
273 - General decay and blow up of solutions for a plate viscoelastic p ( x )-Kirchhoff type equation with variable exponent nonlinearities and boundary feedback (چکیده)
274 - An Unsaturated Soil Mechanics-Based Numerical and Experimental Method to Assess Soil Settlement Due to Ground Water Level Rise (چکیده)
275 - Effect of trace minerals from different sources on growth performance of Baluchi male lambs (چکیده)
276 - Biochar-plastic co-conversion as an economic strategy in energy production and enhanced plastic waste transformation from walnut and polystyrene waste (چکیده)
277 - Predicting the scouring depth around a rectangular pier with a round nose by artificial intelligence methods (چکیده)
278 - An Adaptive Cell Switch Off framework to Increase Energy Efficiency in Cellular Networks (چکیده)
279 - Quadrotors Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: A Review (چکیده)
280 - Identification of potential candidate genes associated with milk protein differences in Holstein cows: a meta-analysis integrating GWAS and RNA-Seq transcriptome (چکیده)
281 - The effect of microwave irradiation on the molecular diffusion of the ethyl acetate (EA) into the blend of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR)/ethylene-propylene-diene monomer rubber (EPDM) (چکیده)
282 - A Review on cLF36, a Novel Recombinant Antimicrobial Peptide-Derived Camel Lactoferrin (چکیده)
283 - Effects of intra cerebro ventricular norepinephrine injection on spatial memory by using Moris Water Maze in the model of sporadic Alzheimer\\\'s (چکیده)
284 - Application of a dual depressant system and microwave irradiation for flotation-based Separation of Polyethylene Terephthalate, Polyvinyl Chloride, and Polystyrene Plastics (چکیده)
285 - Initial load factor adjustment through genetic algorithm for the generalized displacement control method: Implementation on non-rigid origami analysis (چکیده)
286 - Synthesis and structural characterization of nickel(II) coordination complexes with mixed-ligand systems: exploring π−π stacking and hydrogen bonding in supramolecular assemblies (چکیده)
287 - ارزیابی مموعه داده های ERA5-Land، AgERA5 و MSWX در برآورد دما بر روی ایران (چکیده)
288 - Pharmaceutically active compounds removal from aqueous solutions by MIL-101(Cr)-NH2: A molecular dynamics study (چکیده)
289 - Atmospheric Circulation Patterns Controlling Wetness And Dryness Across Lake Urmia Basin In Iran: Historical Drought Dynamics (چکیده)
290 - Effect of water and ionic liquid vapors on the structural properties of gold nanoclusters formed during inert-gas condensation process using molecular dynamics simulations (چکیده)
291 - New Slow-Release Urea Fertilizer Fortified with Zinc for Improving Zinc Availability and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Maize (چکیده)
292 - Vibration analysis of tanks resting on Winkler and Pasternak foundations (چکیده)
293 - Free vibration analysis of soil-beam-fluid interaction with variable Winkler backfill using DTM (چکیده)
294 - Multi-strategy enhanced Marine Predators Algorithm with applications in engineering optimization and feature selection problems (چکیده)
295 - Description of Chlorophorus ahmadi sp. nov. from Northeast Iran (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae, Clytini) (چکیده)
296 - Complementary assessment and design optimization of a hybrid renewable energy system integrated with open-loop pumped hydro energy storage (چکیده)
297 - Determination of antigenic characteristics of hydatid fluid in sheep and human (چکیده)
298 - Feasibility of lactiplantibacillus plantarum postbiotics production in challenging media by different techniques (چکیده)
299 - How Do Parsijoo, Parseek and Google Respond to the Students’ Course-related Queries (چکیده)
300 - The feasibility of automated gemstones identification using optical properties and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (چکیده)
301 - Enhancing the water quality index for assessing sustainable water resources in the Abarkuh aquifer (چکیده)
302 - The Traumatized Identity of Women in War: A Comparative Reading of Kachachi’s The American Granddaughter and Benedict’s Sand Queen (چکیده)
303 - Evaluation of close up antimicrobial therapies for treatment and prevention of subclinical mastitis in the herds with high prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus (چکیده)
304 - Estimating the carrying capacity for habitat of Urial wild sheep (Ovis orientalis in Tandoureh National Park, Iran (چکیده)
305 - Optimising the steering clutch of a walking tractor using soft computing approaches (چکیده)
306 - Ethylene/α-olefin homo- and copolymerization using a dinuclear catalyst of nickel (چکیده)
307 - Synthesis and catalytic applications of highly stable copper‐based metal–organic framework as an efficient heterogeneous nanocatalyst for solvent‐free Suzuki–Miyaura cross‐coupling reaction (چکیده)
308 - A review of passive control flow past UAV wings (چکیده)
309 - Examining the roles of spiritual motivation, religiosity, and L2 WTC in English (چکیده)
310 - A neurodynamic approach for nonsmooth optimal power consumption of intelligent and connected vehicles (چکیده)
311 - Estimating streamflow by an innovative rating curve model based on hydraulic parameters (چکیده)
312 - Experimental exploration of fracture behavior (pure mode III) in eco-friendly steel fiber-reinforced self-compacting concrete with waste tempered glass as coarse aggregates (چکیده)
313 - Unveiling the Mechanisms of Enhanced Photocatalysis: A Comprehensive Study on Metal–Organic Framework Encapsulation Strategies and the Synthesis of Pt@MOF for Efficient C–N Coupling Reactions (چکیده)
314 - Intervention strategies for the safe use of semi-treated wastewater by Iranian farmers: An approach for safe food production in the circular economy (چکیده)
315 - Anabolic myokine responses and muscular performance following 8 weeks of autoregulated compared to linear resistance exercise in recreationally active males (چکیده)
316 - Adjustable graphene disk‐based THz absorber for biomedical sensing: Theoretical description (چکیده)
317 - Taxonomic Validation of Sweetlips Fish (Haemulidae: Plectorhinchinae) From the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman Based On Traditional and Geometric Morphometrics With Notes On Their Distribution (چکیده)
318 - Comparison of long-term effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy versus mindfulness-based therapy on reduction of symptoms among patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (چکیده)
319 - An assignment mechanism for workflow scheduling in Function as a Service edge environment (چکیده)
320 - Salicylic acid elicitation effect on phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of Mentha piperita L. in relation to zinc concentration under soilless culture (چکیده)
321 - Detection of Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Relationship of Tanacetum parthenium L. Germplasm: Implications for Conservation and Breeding (چکیده)
322 - A new modified deep learning technique based on physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for the shock-induced coupled thermoelasticity analysis in a porous material (چکیده)
323 - A study on disinfection and adhesion behaviour between bacteria and photocatalytic nanostructures by extended DLVO (چکیده)
324 - Microstructure characterization and dynamic recrystallization behavior of Ni–Cu alloy during hot deformation (چکیده)
325 - Advanced Photocatalytic System for Reduction of Nitro aromatic compounds in Magnetized water (چکیده)
326 - Effects of conditioning time and activated sodium bentonite on pellet quality, performance, intestinal morphology, and nutrients retention in growing broilers fed wheat-soybean meal diets (چکیده)
327 - Optimal land allocation and irrigation scheduling to maximize the economic utility (چکیده)
328 - Relative biological efficacy of methionine hydroxy analogue‐free acid compared to dl‐methionine in the broiler chickens (چکیده)
329 - Evaluation of sunn pest resistance in bread wheat genotypes/cultivars using agronomic characteristics (چکیده)
330 - Binucleate Rhizoctonia induced tomato resistance against Rhizoctonia solani via affecting antioxidants and cell wall reinforcement (چکیده)
331 - Evaluation of CRU-JRA gridded meteorological dataset for modeling of wheat production systems in Iran (چکیده)
332 - Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of Mg/CoCrFeNiMoTi high entropy alloy composites produced via FSP (چکیده)
333 - The effect of hydatid cyst protoscolex somatic antigens on full‐thickness skin wound healing in mouse (چکیده)
334 - Investigating the Relationship Between the Virtual Education Activity of Female Teachers and Family Functioning, Conflict, and Couple Burnout During the COVID-19 Lockdown (چکیده)
335 - The Situation of Women Empowerment in the Iranian Educational System: A Case Study of Primary School Textbooks (چکیده)
336 - Study of structural and electrochemical properties of graphene/polyaniline nanotube/ZIF-67 nanocages as a 3D novel ternary composite hydrogel for all-solid-state supercapacitors (چکیده)
337 - A distributed learning based on robust diffusion SGD over adaptive networks with noisy output data (چکیده)
338 - Bioinformatics Analysis of lncRNA-mRNA Interaction Network in Different Clinical Stages of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (چکیده)
339 - Gill parasites of Schizocypris altidorsalis (Pisces: Cyprinidae), a threatened freshwater fish in Iran (چکیده)
340 - Enhanced theranostic efficacy of epirubicin-loaded SPION@MSN through co-delivery of an anti-miR-21-expressing plasmid and ZIF-8 hybridization to target colon adenocarcinoma (چکیده)
341 - Evaluation of chemical and microbial properties of Iranian white cheese using kefir, yogurt and commercial cheese culture as a starter (چکیده)
342 - Determination of normal radiographic indices of heart size in pigeon (چکیده)
343 - Effect of processing parameters on the morphology of α-phase in Ti-6Al-4V alloy during the two-step hot deformation (چکیده)
344 - Thermal analysis of hybrid nanofluids inside a microchannel heat exchanger for electronic cooling (چکیده)
345 - A two-dimensional coordination polymer bearing an Evans-Showell-type polyoxometalate: synthesis, structure and biological insight (چکیده)
346 - The security of nations depends on the security of aquifers (چکیده)
347 - Geochemical evaluation and source rock zonation by multi-layer perceptron neural network technique: a case study for Pabdeh and Gurpi Formations-North Dezful Embayment (SW Iran) (چکیده)
348 - Hybrid methods for solving structural geometric nonlinear dynamic equations: Implementation of fifth-order iterative procedures within composite time integration methods (چکیده)
349 - Combining hybrid metaheuristic algorithms and reinforcement learning to improve the optimal control of nonlinear continuous-time systems with input constraints (چکیده)
350 - First report of Trichothecium roseum causing pink mould on strawberry fruit in Iran (چکیده)
351 - بهینه‌سازی نسبت اولئوفوم و پروتئین-پلی ساکارید برای بهبود ویژگی‌های فیزیکوشیمیایی امولسیون دوگانه A/O/W: کاربردهای بالقوه در صنایع غذایی (چکیده)
352 - Polyamines-Mediated amelioration of cold treatment in wheat: Insights from morpho-physiological and biochemical features and PAO genes expression analyses (چکیده)
353 - Numerical Investigation of Lucid Spherical Cross-Axis Flow Turbine with Asymmetric Airfoil Sections and the Effect of Different Parameters of Blades on Its Performance (چکیده)
354 - Power Cayley Graphs of Dihedral Groups with Certain Order (چکیده)
355 - The histopathological assessment of wound healing after using adipose-tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells with Tragacanth gum hydrogel and human amniotic membrane as dressing (چکیده)
356 - Electrochemical Determination of Tyramine Using a Carbon Ionic Liquid Paste Electrode Modified with f-MWCNTs/Graphene Nanocomposite Film (چکیده)
357 - Designing and compiling the strategic marketing development plan of the Iraqi Swimming Federation (چکیده)
358 - Evaluation of Physicochemical Parameters of Drinking Water and Investigating the Performance of Several Purification Methods on Water Quality of Some Universities in Iran, 2022 (چکیده)
359 - The Soil-Water Characteristic Curve and Determination Methods (چکیده)
360 - Comprehensive Review on Audit Expectation Gap: A Meta-Synthesis Approach (چکیده)
361 - Reduced fat and sugar cakes developed by protein/polysaccharide/licorice extract ternary gel-like foams (چکیده)
362 - Prediction of cardiovascular disease risk by serum zinc and copper concentrations and anthropometric measurements (چکیده)
363 - Chemical conditioning of aerobically digested sludge using polyelectrolytes with different charge densities (چکیده)
364 - Biological control of bacterial leaf streak using Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (چکیده)
365 - Different light programs affect the titer of vaccination of Newcastle in broiler chicken (چکیده)
366 - Morphometrical and Molecular Identification of Echinococcus granulosus Genotypes in peri-urban Wild dogs from an endemic focus in Northwest of Iran (چکیده)
367 - Sensitivity analysis of geometrical parameters of supercritical water in twisted spiral tubes (چکیده)
368 - Global existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior for a nonlinear viscoelastic problem with internal damping and logarithmic source term (چکیده)
369 - Coupled system of nonlinear viscoelastic plate equations of (p(x),q(x))‐Kirchhoff‐type: Global existence, general decay, and blow‐up (چکیده)
370 - Global existence and general decay for a weak viscoelastic equation with acoustic boundary conditions and a logarithmic source term (چکیده)
371 - Existence and blow-up results for a weak-viscoelastic plate equation involving $$p(x)-$$Laplacian operator and variable-exponent nonlinearities (چکیده)
372 - Global existence and general decay of solutions for a quasi-linear parabolic system with a weak-viscoelastic term (چکیده)
373 - Blow-up results for a Boussinesq-type plate equation with a logarithmic damping term and variable-exponent nonlinearities (چکیده)
374 - Engineered metal–organic framework-based hydrogel sorbent for the treatment of dye-contaminated water (چکیده)
375 - Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and wear properties of laser additively manufactured 316 L stainless steel/Co-Cr-W alloy part using directed energy deposition method (چکیده)
376 - Joint Slip Formulation for Members with Double Angle Section Based on Experimental Results in Wind Turbine Lattice Towers (چکیده)
377 - Chitosan Gel Containing Hypericum perforatum Extract Inhibiting Effect on Oxidative Stress in Burn Wounds of Rats (چکیده)
378 - Assessing the severity of the Mashhad-Chenaran aquifer crisis using C/RW, GWD, and GDS indices (چکیده)
379 - High Quality Brain Image Reconstruction Based on DBIM and U-Net (چکیده)
380 - Potential of ash from agricultural waste as substitute of commercial FeCl3 in primary treatment of landfill leachate (چکیده)
381 - A Modified Microwave Imaging Method for Brain Stroke Detection (چکیده)
382 - Effect of salinity and priming on seed germination of catharanthus roseus (چکیده)
383 - Efficacy of ergosterol peroxide obtained from the endophytic fungus Acrophialophora jodhpurensis against Rhizoctonia solani (چکیده)
384 - Improving the performance of a condensation water production system through support vector machine modeling and genetic algorithm optimization (چکیده)
385 - A new vendor-managed inventory four-tier model based on reducing environmental impacts and optimal suppliers selection under uncertainty (چکیده)
386 - A New Vendor-Managed Inventory Model by Applying Blockchain Technology and Considering Environmental Problems (چکیده)
387 - The enforcement of jurisdiction agreements in Iran (چکیده)
388 - Unusual porosity behavior in a new zinc-based MOF with the heptanodal topology (چکیده)
389 - 399 Investigating the effect of active metal percentage composition on catalytic performance in the oxidative coupling reaction of methane (چکیده)
390 - Bryophyte cover and richness decline after 18 years of experimental warming in alpine Sweden (چکیده)
391 - Optimal operation of a natural gas sweetening plant (چکیده)
392 - Modeling of Penetration Depth in Submerged Arc Welding Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
393 - More on the weak amenability of the bidual of a Banach algebra (چکیده)
394 - Kriging and Radial Basis Function Models for Optimized Design of UAV Wing Fences to Reduce Rolling Moment (چکیده)
395 - The Effects of Various Cognitive Tasks Including Working Memory, Visuospatial, and Executive Function on Postural Control in Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (چکیده)
396 - Spatial downscaling of SMAP radiometer soil moisture using radar data: Application of machine learning to the SMAPEx and SMAPVEX campaigns (چکیده)
397 - High Accuracy Approach for Crosstalk Effects Compensation on 2-D Resistive Sensor Array Readouts (چکیده)
398 - Effectiveness of Gait Training Using Dynamic Bodyweight Support System on Locomotor Abilities of Ambulatory Children With Different Neural Disorders (چکیده)
399 - Investigating the cognitive process of attention while watching sport advertisements in interested and non-interested people using Electroencephalogram technology (چکیده)
400 - Branding of Sports Tourism Destination in Mashhad City (چکیده)
401 - Enhancing accuracy and efficiency: A novel implicit–explicit approach for fluid dynamics simulation (چکیده)
402 - Ag Modified Pinecone Photoabsorber for Highly Efficient Interfacial Solar Steam Generation and Wastewater Treatment (چکیده)
403 - Prediction of weld bead geometry of AA5083 using taguchi technique: in the presence of siliconized zn-graphene oxide complex nanoparticles (چکیده)
404 - Determination of the Most Efficient Forage Sorghum Irrigation Scheduling Strategies in the U.S. Central High Plains Using the AquaCrop Model and Field Experiments (چکیده)
405 - The effects of spatial spillover of good governance and renewable energy on CO2 emissions (چکیده)
406 - Expression of Concern: Garlic (Allium sativum) and mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) powder: Investigation of performance, immune organs and humoural and cellular immune response in broilers (چکیده)
407 - Design and optimization of a reactive divided-wall column for production of Fischer–Tropsch fuel: Unit operation for mini-scale power-to-liquid energy storage plants (چکیده)
408 - Bi-doped VO2 coated onto wood as a highly efficient photoabsorber in interfacial solar steam generation (چکیده)
409 - Identifying the configurations leading to the central position in the inter-country research collaboration network: Evidence from tracking configurations over time with fsQCA (چکیده)
410 - Modeling the impacts of natural and anthropogenic processes on the hydrologic components in Kordan watershed, Iran (چکیده)
411 - Robust hybrid learning approach for adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems (چکیده)
412 - Platelet distribution widths and white blood cell are associated with cardiovascular diseases: data mining approaches (چکیده)
413 - A new approach for solving delay differential equations with time varying delay (چکیده)
414 - Investigating the effect of ionically modified water to enhance oil recovery in an Iranian carbonate oil reservoir (چکیده)
415 - Feminization of the urban planning discipline: developing a gender responsive pedagogy at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
416 - In Situ Assembly of a Superaerophobic CoMn/CuNiP Heterostructure as a Trifunctional Electrocatalyst for Ampere-Level Current Density Urea-Assisted Hydrogen Production (چکیده)
417 - Bi-level integration of discrete-event simulation (DES) and social force modeling (SFM) for construction labor productivity (چکیده)
418 - Review of parent training based on smartphones: Identification and evaluation of apps (چکیده)
419 - Aerodynamic Modification of High-Rise Buildings by the Adjoint Method (چکیده)
420 - Scenedesmus sp. MN738556 as a whole cell biosensor for sub-part per billion detections of Cd2+ cations in freshwater sources (چکیده)
421 - Neural Generalization of Multiple Kernel Learning (چکیده)
422 - A potent multifunctional ZIF-8 nanoplatform developed for colorectal cancer therapy by triple-delivery of chemo/radio/targeted therapy agents (چکیده)
423 - Integrated Fast UWB Time-Domain Microwave Breast Screening (چکیده)
424 - An Energy Efficient Coherent IR-UWB Receiver With Non-Coherent-Assisted Synchronization (چکیده)
425 - Whey Protein Concentrate Coating Incorporated with Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Extending Tangerines Shelf-Life: Physicochemical, Microbiological and Sensory Evaluation Through Refrigerated Storage (چکیده)
426 - The Capacity Inner and Outer Bounds for the Wireless Interference Channel with a Cognitive Relay (چکیده)
427 - Update and observations on the extraction of ostracods (Crustacea) from the Permian hard carbonate rocks of Iran (چکیده)
428 - Humic acid application on soil stability indices and enzyme activity at different bell pepper water requirements (چکیده)
429 - Systematic Review of Organizational Trust Models (چکیده)
430 - Trace2Vec-CDD: A Framework for Concept Drift Detection in Business Process Logs using Trace Embedding (چکیده)
431 - Profile Matching in Heterogeneous Academic Social Networks using Knowledge Graphs (چکیده)
432 - Asymmetric growth-limiting development of the female conceptus (چکیده)
433 - Combination of population balance equation and multi‐layer capacitor theory for modelling of an industrial Dual Polarity® electrostatic treater (چکیده)
434 - Tri-vanadium Substituted Dawson-type Heteropolytungstate Nanocomposite (g-C 3 N 4 /Fe 3 O 4 @P 2 W 15 V 3 ) as a Novel, Green, and Recyclable Nanomagnetic Catalyst in the Synthesis of Tetrahydrobenzo[b]Pyrans (چکیده)
435 - On the targeted complexity of a map (چکیده)
436 - Interrelation of crystal morphology and intermolecular contacts in a new thiophosphoramide structure: an energy framework analysis (چکیده)
437 - Ecosystem services and economic values provided by urban park trees in the air polluted city of Mashhad (چکیده)
438 - Enhancing convergence and accuracy: A comparative study of preconditioning for steady, laminar, and high gradient flows over a wide range of Mach numbers (چکیده)
439 - Fabrication and characterization of novel whey protein-based bigels as structured materials with high-mechanical properties (چکیده)
440 - Development of a highly porous bioscaffold by the combination of bubble entrapping and freezing-thawing techniques to fabricate hyaluronic acid/gelatin tri-layer wound dressing (چکیده)
441 - A novel approach to predictor selection among large-scale climate indices for seasonal rainfall forecasting in small catchments (چکیده)
442 - Copper increases laccase gene transcription and extracellular laccase activity in Pleurotus eryngii KS004 (چکیده)
443 - Effects of ZnO nanoparticles, polyethylene glycol 400, and polyoxyethylene sorbitan ester Tween 80 on PLA films properties (چکیده)
444 - Symmetrized generalized and simplified bernoulli-trials collision schemes in DSMC (چکیده)
445 - A review of selected control surfaces for aircraft performance improves (چکیده)
446 - Optimal quantum speed for mixed states (چکیده)
447 - Methods and Technologies for Supporting Knowledge Sharing within Learning Communities: A Systematic Literature Review (چکیده)
448 - Resynchronization Strategies for Reproductive Management in Dairy Herds (چکیده)
449 - Durable Pulse-Electrodeposited Ni–Fe–S Nanosheets Supported on a Ni–S Three Dimensional Pattern as Robust Bifunctional Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution and Urea Oxidation Reactions (چکیده)
450 - Natural Frequency Response of FG-CNT Coupled Curved Beams in Thermal Conditions (چکیده)
451 - Intensity-Image Reconstruction Using Event Camera D ata by Changing in LSTM Update (چکیده)
452 - Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Anthropometric Parameters of Male School Children (چکیده)
453 - EFL Learnersrsquo; Perceptions of Interaction-based Learning and Their lrm;Willingness to Communicate (چکیده)
454 - Optimized short-term load forecasting in residential buildings based on deep learning methods for different time horizons (چکیده)
455 - Veterinary medical education in the 21st century: Old presumptions and new problems- On the occasion of the publishing of the book \\\"A reflection on the veterinary medical education: from theory to practice (چکیده)
456 - Design of narrowband infrared emitters by hybridizing guided-mode resonance structures with van der Waals materials (چکیده)
457 - Correntropy-Based Constructive One Hidden Layer Neural Network (چکیده)
458 - The impact of host plants on biological parameters of Diuraphis noxia Abstract (چکیده)
459 - Exploring the potential of learning methods and recurrent dynamic model with vaccination: A comparative case study of COVID-19 in Austria, Brazil, and China (چکیده)
460 - Effect of dietary lysophospholipid supplementation on growth performance, serum lipids, small intestine morphology and caeca microflora in broiler chickens (چکیده)
461 - Hot working behaviour of Ti–8Al–1Mo–1V alloy through the hot compression test (چکیده)
462 - A dual catalytic functionalized hollow mesoporous silica-based nanocarrier coated with bacteria-derived exopolysaccharides for targeted delivery of irinotecan to colorectal cancer cells (چکیده)
463 - A Recommender System for Scientific Resources Based on Recurrent Neural Networks (چکیده)
464 - Effect of dietary methionine hydroxy analogue‐free acid (MHA‐FA) supplementation levels on growth performance, blood metabolites and immune responses in broiler chickens (چکیده)
465 - Effects of humic acid on nutrient removal efficiency of aquatic duckweed ( Lemna minor ) and both growth performance, and hemato-biochemical parameters of Nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) cultured in water recirculating system (چکیده)
466 - The Impact of Adherence to Sustainable Development, as Defined by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI-G4), on the Financial Performance Indicators of Banks: A Comparative Study of the UAE and Iraq (چکیده)
467 - How role overload affects female teachers' work-life balance crafting behaviours: a coexistence collective moderation model (چکیده)
468 - Function of the endophytic fungus Acrophialophora jodhpurensis, methionine, and nitric oxide in wheat resistance induction against Fusarium graminearum via interplay of reactive oxygen species and iron (چکیده)
469 - Cell-Based Regenerative Endodontics for the Treatment of Irreversible Pulpitis: An In Vivo Investigation (چکیده)
470 - Fe3O4@WO3-E-SMTU-NiII: as an environmentally-friendly, recoverable, durable and noble-free nanostructured catalyst for C–C bond formation reaction in green media (چکیده)
471 - Integrated approach to water resource management in Mashhad Plain, Iran: actor analysis, cognitive mapping, and roadmap development (چکیده)
472 - Impact of Lallemantia royleana seed mucilage on the physicochemical, textural, rheological, and in-mouth breakdown behavior properties of cold-set whey protein isolate emulsion-filled gel (چکیده)
473 - Non-linear rheological behavior of water in water emulsions (چکیده)
474 - An updated geographical distribution of minnows (Teleostei: Leuciscinae) in Iran (چکیده)
475 - A Simple and Efficient Method for Accelerating Construction of the Gap-Greedy Spanner (چکیده)
476 - Improving Fault Tolerance of LoRaWAN With Predicting Packet Collision (چکیده)
477 - Bioprospecting of Ten Microalgae Species Isolated from Saline Water Lake for Evaluation of the Biodiesel Production (چکیده)
478 - ارزیابی عناصر موثر بر استقرار نظام بودجه ریزی عملیاتی در سازمان آموزش و پرورش با استفاده از مدل استراتژیکی Swot (چکیده)
479 - White Woman’s Burden: A Stylistic Analysis of Baraka’s Dutchman (چکیده)
480 - Optimization of dairy sludge fermentation culture medium to produce extracts containing bioactive peptides using co-culture of Limosilactobacillus fermentum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (چکیده)
481 - Employees\\\' mental health in the workplace: The role of work behavior patterns (چکیده)
482 - Magnetostrictive behavior of pure nickel core: A study on the effects of annealing and magnetization using VSM and optical microscopy techniques (چکیده)
483 - Analysis of Factors Affecting the Floating of the Rural Employed Population, Case Study: Khorasan Razavi Province (چکیده)
484 - Energy-based model of least squares twin Support Vector Machines for human action recognition (چکیده)
485 - Least squares twin multi-class classification support vector machine (چکیده)
486 - KNN-based least squares twin support vector machine for pattern classification (چکیده)
487 - Adaptive three-phase support vector data description (چکیده)
488 - Solution of a practical vehicle routing problem for monitoring water distribution networks (چکیده)
489 - The spider genus Latrodectus Walckenaer, 1805 (Araneae, Theridiidae) in Iran with the first record of Latrodectus revivensis Shulov, 1948 (چکیده)
490 - A new isolate cold-adapted Ankistrodesmus sp. OR119838: influence of light, temperature, and nitrogen concentration on growth characteristics and biochemical composition using the two-stage cultivation strategy (چکیده)
491 - Determining safe yield and mapping water level zoning in groundwater resources of the Neishabour Plain (چکیده)
492 - Real-time water demand pattern estimation using an optimized extended Kalman filter (چکیده)
493 - Optimizing Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) Seed Yield through Agronomic Parameter Modeling via Artificial Neural Networks (چکیده)
494 - Minimizing the Expected Renewable Resource Costs in a Project with Stochastic Resource Availability (چکیده)
495 - Theoretical insight into the deep eutectic solvent based on choline chloride: Malic acid and its role in the transport performance of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin from water (چکیده)
496 - Iranian people’s Knowledge and awareness on bed bug infestation and its risk factors (چکیده)
497 - Effect of micronization and vitamin E supplementation on ruminal biohydrogenation kinetic of whole flaked rapeseed (چکیده)
498 - Optoelectronic Alteration of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Photocatalytic Water Splitting Activity Under Solar Radiation (چکیده)
499 - Designing an axial code pattern for absorptive capacity of knowledge in academic libraries: examining the effect of individual and organizational learning (چکیده)
500 - Evaluating the Performance of a Solar Distillation Technology in the Desalination of Brackish Waters (چکیده)
501 - The Relationship between Perceived Islamic Parenting and the Desire to Get Married Mediated by Spiritual Well-being in Single Students (چکیده)
502 - The Role of Stylolites and its Pattern Attribute on Porosity and Permeability: Evidence from a Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Oil Reservoir, Abadan Plain, SW Iran (چکیده)
503 - Spatial variability of soil water erosion: Comparing empirical and intelligent techniques (چکیده)
504 - A novel epoxy adhesive with ground rubber tire powder and carboxylated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
505 - Non-Fourier heat conduction in 2D thermal metamaterials (چکیده)
506 - A new interval type 2 best worst method and its application to healthcare waste treatment selection problem (چکیده)
507 - An interval type-2 fuzzy best-worst method and likelihood-based multi-criteria method in group decision-making (چکیده)
508 - On the matroidal path ideals (چکیده)
509 - Layer by layer assembly of strontium substituted nanowire hydroxyapatite and hybrid of carbon derivatives as potential biomaterial for bone metastasis treatment (چکیده)
510 - Evolutionary support vector regression for monitoring Poisson profiles (چکیده)
511 - Effects of Cement Treatment on Water Retention Behavior and Collapse Potential of Gypseous Soils: Experimental Investigation and Prediction Models (چکیده)
512 - Footbath as a part of lameness control programs in dairy herds (چکیده)
513 - Productive and metabolic responses of Holstein dairy calves to different milk dry matter concentrations and two free water provision schedules (چکیده)
514 - Texture evaluation in warm deformation of an extruded Mg–6Al–3Zn alloy (چکیده)
515 - برنامه ریزی و آمایش راهبردهای تحقق شهر شبانه در کلانشهر مشهد با تأکید بر شاخصهای سرزندگی شهری (چکیده)
516 - The effect of ciprofloxacin on doxorubicin cytotoxic activity in the acquired resistance to doxorubicin in DU145 prostate carcinoma cells (چکیده)
517 - Experimental and comprehensive investigation of second throat diffuser area effect on ground test of a thrust optimized parabolic nozzle with different expansion ratios (چکیده)
518 - The impact of immediate versus delayed mini-screw placement on alveolar bone preservation and bone density following tooth extraction: evidence from a canine model (چکیده)
519 - Comparison of the mechanical performance of concrete reinforced with recycled steel fibers from waste tires and hooked-end steel fibers at ambient and high temperatures (چکیده)
520 - The Right to Health of Child Labor and Adolescents Worker against Pollutants and Chemical Hazards in the Workplace (چکیده)
521 - The impact of audit members’ self-esteem and narcissism on organizational knowledge sharing among audit firms (چکیده)
522 - The Driving Factors of Italy’s CO2 Emissions Based on the STIRPAT Model: ARDL, FMOLS, DOLS, and CCR Approaches (چکیده)
523 - Intellectual capital, social capital components and internal control weaknesses: evidence from Iran’s business environment (چکیده)
524 - Knowledge sharing barriers and knowledge sharing facilitators in innovation (چکیده)
525 - Inconsistency in Managers’ Disclosure Tone: The Signalling Perspective (چکیده)
526 - Highly efficient and sustainable wood-based plasmonic photoabsorber for interfacial solar steam generation of seawater (چکیده)
527 - A new numerical method for elastic-plastic plate analysis: Theoretical-experimental validation and its application in ratcheting phenomenon (چکیده)
528 - Investigation of Hardness, Microstructure, and Process Temperature in the Internal Gear Flow-Forming Process (چکیده)
529 - Meta-analysis of RNA-Seq and microarray expression data to identify effective genes in sheep muscle growth and development (چکیده)
530 - Reusable cellulose-based biosorbents for efficient iodine adsorption by economic microcrystalline cellulose production from walnut shell (چکیده)
531 - An Adaptive Budget and Deadline-aware Algorithm for Scheduling Workflows Ensemble in IaaS Clouds (چکیده)
532 - Cathodal HD-tDCS and attention: A study on patients with intractable left lateral frontal lobe epilepsy (چکیده)
533 - Overpowering Technology in Four Selected Short Stories By Kurt Vonnegut (چکیده)
534 - Analysis of the Main Character Disrupted World in Wings by Arthur Kopit:A Postmodern Approach (چکیده)
535 - A comparative Study of al-Jawahiri Tigris the Donor of Walfar and Mattawa Date Palm Trinity (چکیده)
536 - Psychological study of Marthas Personality in Edward Albees Who´s Afraid ? of Virginia woolf (چکیده)
537 - Possible worlds theory and its applicathion to videogames (چکیده)
538 - Assessment of the soil structure stability focusing on the high-energy moisture characteristic curve in pasture and arable land uses in semi-arid areas, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
539 - استفاده از رابطه عملکرد و شاخص سطح برگ برای تولید نقشه های عملکرد با استفاده از روش IDW(مطالعه موردی: استان گلستان) (چکیده)
540 - Memory ability and retention performance relate differentially to sleep depth and spindle type (چکیده)
541 - بررسی رابطه شوری با عملکرد گندم در مزرعه ارتش گرگان با استفاده از روش های درون یابی کلاسیک (چکیده)
542 - برآورد تابش رسیده به اراضی زراعی طی فصل رشد گندم با استفاده از سامانه اطلاعات جغرافیایی (مطالعه موردی: حوزه های قره سو، زرین گل قرن آباد) (چکیده)
543 - بررسی توانایی مدل های ریزمقیاس نمایی Lars-wg و SDSM در شبیه سازی دماهای اصلی و بارش استان گلستان برای سال ۲۰۵۰ میلادی (چکیده)
544 - ساخت صافی نوری میان گذر 222 نانومتر برای تولید تابش فرابنفش ضدعفونی کننده ایمن (چکیده)
545 - Characterization and emulsifying properties of whey protein isolate-basil seed gum conjugates prepared by Maillard reaction (چکیده)
546 - Rumen‐protected l‐carnitine supplementation during mating period altered metabolic status and reproductive performance of ewes (چکیده)
547 - Light pre-conditioning at the seedling stage affected root growth behavior and enhanced the thermotolerance of Petunia × hybrida (چکیده)
548 - REACH: Robust Efficient Authentication for Crowdsensing-based Healthcare (چکیده)
549 - Ultra-fast electrodeposition of dynamic hydrogen bubble template nickel sulfide on a porous copper layer as an electrocatalyst toward hydrogen evolution reaction (چکیده)
550 - Randomized Constructive Neural Network Based on Regularized Minimum Error Entropy (چکیده)
551 - Open fracture clustering: Integrating subsurface and outcrop analogues, Asmari Formation, SW Iran (چکیده)
552 - Network Planning in Unbundled Power Systems (چکیده)
553 - ListMAP: Listwise learning to rank as maximum a posteriori estimation (چکیده)
554 - Edge preserving range image smoothing using hybrid locally kernel-based weighted least square (چکیده)
555 - Stable emotional adaptive neuro-control of uncertain affine nonlinear systems with input saturation (چکیده)
556 - Nanostructured Li2S Cathodes for Silicon–Sulfur Batteries (چکیده)
557 - Set-based integer-coded fuzzy granular evolutionary algorithms for high-dimensional feature selection (چکیده)
558 - Strategic planning for exchanging treated urban wastewater for agricultural water with the approach of supplying sustainable urban water: a case study of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
559 - The prioritization of volunteering revival measures of the Qanat (چکیده)
560 - Identifying the Best Strategies for Improving and Developing Sustainable Rain-Fed Agriculture: An Integrated SWOT-BWM-WASPAS Approach (چکیده)
561 - A view on weighted exponential entropy and examining some of its features (چکیده)
562 - The Relationship Between Non-additivity Valuations, Cash Flows and Sales Growth (چکیده)
563 - Dichotomy between operators acting on finite and infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces (چکیده)
564 - Spent coffee grounds as a potential culture medium for γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) production by Levilactobacillus brevis PML1 (چکیده)
565 - Zinc- and Copper-Doped Mesoporous Borate Bioactive Glasses: Promising Additives for Potential Use in Skin Wound Healing Applications (چکیده)
566 - An enhanced KNN-based twin support vector machine with stable learning rules (چکیده)
567 - Evaluation of dissimilar 7075 aluminum/AISI 304 stainless steel joints using friction stir welding (چکیده)
568 - Surgical correction of stenotic nares using a single pedicle advancement flap technique in three brachycephalic cats (چکیده)
569 - Resistance of wheat genotypes to Mycosphaerella graminicola isolates at seedling stage under greenhouse conditions (چکیده)
570 - Investigation of Microstructure and Wear Properties of Stellite 6 Laser Additive Manufactured Layers on Martensitic Stainless Steel Substrate (چکیده)
571 - A Novel Neurodynamic Model for Data Envelopment Analysis: A Case Study on Iran’s Olympic Sports Caravan (چکیده)
572 - MDSSD-MobV2: An embedded deconvolutional multispectral pedestrian detection based on SSD-MobileNetV2 (چکیده)
573 - Automated actual evapotranspiration estimation: Hybrid model of a novel attention based U-Net and metaheuristic optimization algorithms (چکیده)
574 - Polycaprolactone/cress seed mucilage based bilayer antibacterial films containing ZnO nanoparticles with superabsorbent property for the treatment of exuding wounds (چکیده)
575 - Cu-Mn mixed-component oxide nanoparticles synthesized via the one-step solution combustion method with enhanced water evaporation efficiency (چکیده)
576 - امکان‌سنجی تأثیر دیپلماسی شهری بر توسعه گردشگری در استان خراسان شمالی بر اساس مدل تحلیلی SWOT (چکیده)
577 - Online peer feedback in higher education: A synthesis of the literature (چکیده)
578 - Comparison of the Effect of Value Added Tax and Direct Taxes on Iran s Economic Growth (چکیده)
579 - Life-history parameters of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, are affected by host plant salinity stress (چکیده)
580 - Development and psychometric properties of teamwork scale in resuscitation: A sequential exploratory mixed-method study (چکیده)
581 - Auditors#039; sensory processing capability and objectivity: are auditors really objective? (چکیده)
582 - Effectiveness of Computer-Based Linguistic Games on Semantic and Phonological Awareness of Students with Dyslexia (چکیده)
583 - Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Gyroid Triply Periodic Minimal Surface Heat Exchanger: A Numerical Approach (چکیده)
584 - Pigeon Towers: An Overlooked Resource for Organic Manure Production (چکیده)
585 - Intensifying heatwave trends in Iran based on observational data using excess heat factor (EHF) (چکیده)
586 - Modification of cortical electrical activity in stroke survivors with abnormal subjective visual vertical: An eLORETA study (چکیده)
587 - ارزیابی توانایی مدل LARS-WG در پیش‌بینی برخی از پارامترهای جوی سنندج (چکیده)
588 - Design and Analysis of Supersonic Inlet for Ramjet Engines: Aerodynamic Considerations and Performance Optimization (چکیده)
589 - PCP–ACO: a hybrid deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithm for cloud environment (چکیده)
590 - Hierarchical nanocomposites derived from UiO-66 framework and zeolite for enhanced CO2 adsorption (چکیده)
591 - Plantwide Simulation and Operation of a Methanol to Propylene (MTP) Process (چکیده)
592 - Investigating the Effects of Temporin-Rb, an Antimicrobial Peptide, on Cell Viability and Pro-inflammatory Gene Expression in A549 Cells (چکیده)
593 - The Investigation of the rates of prevalence and causes of sport injuries in Iranian elite girl collegiate artistic gymnasts. (چکیده)
594 - Ethnobotanical studies in Iran’s rangelands (چکیده)
595 - Satellite-Based Monitoring of Growing Agricultural Water Consumption in Hyper-Arid Regions (چکیده)
596 - Synthesis of a novel siloxane-based crosslink agent and its application in emulsion copolymerization of butyl acrylate and methyl methacrylate (چکیده)
597 - Modeling and Optimization of Penetration Depth Using Genetic Algorithm, Focusing on Submerged Arc Welding (چکیده)
598 - Effects of the strain gradients on the band structures of the elastic waves propagating in 1D phononic crystals: An analytical approach (چکیده)
599 - The Effect of Plasma-Activated Water Combined with Rosemary Extract (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) on the Physicochemical Properties of Frankfurter Sausage during Storage (چکیده)
600 - Developing a fuzzy integrated index to assess the value of water resources using quantity, quality, and socioeconomic parameters (case study: Mashhad plain) (چکیده)
601 - Enhancing entanglement and non-Markovianity in an optomechanical system via atom quasi-random walk motion (چکیده)
602 - High Heat-Flux Removal From Topside-Cooled GaN Power Devices by Water-Jet Impingement Using 3-D-Printed Nozzles (چکیده)
603 - Oxidative coupling of methane by Mn-Na2WO4/γ-Al2O3 catalyst: effect of Mn/W ratio (چکیده)
604 - Ecofriendly fabrication of silver nanoparticles using quince petal extract and its antibacterial properties against fire blight disease (چکیده)
605 - Support effect of Mn/Na2WO4‐based catalysts in oxidative coupling of methane (چکیده)
606 - Enhancing hydrogen generation through urea electro-oxidation on a bimetallic and dual-anionic NiFeSP/NF nanostructured electrode (چکیده)
607 - Pose Detection and Recurrent Neural Networks for Monitoring Littering Violations (چکیده)
608 - Enhancing Biomethane Production from OFMSW: The Role of Moderate Temperature Thermal Pretreatment in Anaerobic Digestion (چکیده)
609 - N, S co-doped fluorescent carbon dots synthesized by microwave irradiation: a sensitive probe for Pb (II) ions detection in food samples (چکیده)
610 - Characterization of (Weak) Phase Retrieval Dual Frames (چکیده)
611 - The identification and classification of contributing factors to technical knowledge valuation at the related commercialisation level using the hierarchical analysis (چکیده)
612 - A Video Game-based Paragraph Writing Instruction vs. Teacher-based Writing Instruction: Examining L2 Learners’ Perception through Dynamic Assessment (چکیده)
613 - Magnetic solid-phase extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water samples using magnetic carbon nanofiber/MIL-101(Cr) nanocomposites (چکیده)
614 - Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Tetracycline-Class Pollutants in Water Using a Dendritic Mesoporous Silica Nanocomposite Modified with UiO-66 (چکیده)
615 - Identifying Construction Managers’ Challenges: A Novel Approach Based on Social Network Analysis (چکیده)
616 - Design and synthesis of high performance magnetically separable exfoliated g-C3N4/γ-Fe2O3/ZnO yolk-shell nanoparticles: a novel and eco-friendly photocatalyst toward removal of organic pollutants from water (چکیده)
617 - A quasi-steady numerical modeling of wake capture for a hovering flapping wing (چکیده)
618 - Cache Point Selection and Transmissions Reduction using LSTM Neural Network (چکیده)
619 - Image steganography based on smooth cycle-consistent adversarial learning (چکیده)
620 - Academic success of students with low socioeconomic status: Explanation and evaluation of a model with a mixed-methods approach (چکیده)
621 - Deficit irrigation strategies (PRD, SDI) and titanium nanoparticles improve water use efficiency and flower quality in greenhouse-grown cut roses (چکیده)
622 - Arsenophonus: A Double-Edged Sword of Aphid Defense against Parasitoids (چکیده)
623 - Pinched sunflowers (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) produce high-quality flowers under high nitrogen fertilizer (چکیده)
624 - Water stress decreases the demographic performance of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), on tomato (چکیده)
625 - Screening of distributed horsemint (Mentha longifolia L.) accessions for agricultural drought tolerance based on biological responses (چکیده)
626 - Electrosynthesis of Superhydrophilic Nickel Nanosheets on a Three-Dimensional Microporous Template: Applicability toward MOR (چکیده)
627 - Matrix variate density estimation with additional information (چکیده)
628 - The potential of CO2 emission reduction via replacing cement with recyclable wastes in the construction industry sector: the perspective of Iran’s international commitments (چکیده)
629 - Improving Wheat Growth and Nutrient Uptake in Calcareous Soil: a Novel Approach with Carbon Dots as a Slow‑Release Zinc Fertilizer (چکیده)
630 - Comparison of the Effectiveness of Game-Based Therapy and Game-Based Therapy Integrated with Cognitive Rehabilitation on the Math Performance and Attitude towards Mathematics in Students with Learning Disabilities (چکیده)
631 - Simultaneously Modeling and Optimization of Heat Affected Zone and Tensile Strength in GTAW Process Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm (چکیده)
632 - Segmental dynamics of poly(tetrahydrofuran) cross-linked by click-chemistry: Single-chain nanoparticles vs cross-linked networks (چکیده)
633 - Down regulation of Cathepsin W is associated with poor prognosis in pancreatic cancer (چکیده)
634 - Adults’ estimated prevalence of healthy behavior in society and self-reported oral health status and behaviors (چکیده)
635 - Enhancing Average Secrecy Rates in Downlink NOMA with Dependent Channel Coefficients and Optimal Power Coefficients (چکیده)
636 - Modified advection upstream splitting method: Revolutionizing accuracy and convergence speed in low-Mach flows (چکیده)
637 - Fair Arbitration in International Disputes From A Human Rights Perspective: With an Overview of Arbitration in the Maritime Environment (چکیده)
638 - Fatigue life simulation of AA7075-T651 FSW joints using experimental data (چکیده)
639 - A systematic literature review on collaborative innovation in the public sector (چکیده)
640 - Comparative modeling of abrasive waterjet machining process based on OA-Taguchi and D-optimal approach and optimization using simulated annealing algorithm (چکیده)
641 - The impact of stylolitization on the elastic properties of 1 carbonate reservoirs using laboratory measurements (چکیده)
642 - Molybdenum-doped Ni–S nanostructure towards energy saving for hydrogen production coupling urea oxidation reaction (چکیده)
643 - On information theoretical modelling of the communications between neurons and the corresponding information rate (چکیده)
644 - Probing the effect of distance between sediment microbial fuel cells and sediment storage on electricity generation and organic matter removal in open channels (چکیده)
645 - Cognitive Functions of Patients with Post Stroke Depression: Comparative Study on Executive Functions, Processing Speed, and Episodic Memory (چکیده)
646 - An Analytic Investigation of Hopf Bifurcation Location Control for the Rulkov Map Model (چکیده)
647 - Electro-Fenton technology for dairy wastewater treatment (چکیده)
648 - Deep Learning Approaches on Image Captioning: A Review (چکیده)
649 - Eccentricity fault detection in synchronous reluctance machines (چکیده)
650 - Structural elucidation of Gluten/Zein nanofibers prepared by electrospinning process: Focus on the effect of zein on properties of nanofibers (چکیده)
651 - Investigation of Natural Convection and Entropy Generation in a Porous Titled Z-Staggered Cavity Saturated by TiO2-Water Nanofluid (چکیده)
652 - Analysis of interaction effects of persulphate and peroxymonosulphate on solar photocatalytic degradation of cortisone acetate (چکیده)
653 - Compulsory Licenses of Patented Inventions in Iranian Law (چکیده)
654 - The Lonely Heroines Pressed into Margins: El Saadawi’s Love in the Kingdom of Oil and Rum’s A Woman is No Man (چکیده)
655 - The Taming of the Unruly Arab Shrew: El-Degheidy Reframes Shakespeare’s Comedy for the Arab Screen (چکیده)
656 - Nanomechanical assessment of tribological behavior of TiN/TiCN multi-layer hard coatings deposited by physical vapor deposition (چکیده)
657 - Community detection using imperialist competitive algorithm (چکیده)
658 - Combined passive and active flow control for fixed-wing micro air vehicles (چکیده)
659 - Enhancing Peak Shaving through Nonlinear Incentive-Based Demand Response: A Consumer-Centric Utility Optimization Approach (چکیده)
661 - Virome analysis of potyvirus populations infecting saffron in Iran: the discovery of a novel potyvirus (چکیده)
662 - Investigating the Influence of Diffusion on the Cohesive Zone Model of the SiC/Al Composite Interface (چکیده)
663 - Post-collisional ultrapotassic volcanic rocks and ultramafic xenoliths in the Eslamieh Peninsula, NW Iran: Petrological and geochemical constraints on mantle source and metasomatism (چکیده)
664 - 4E and Multi-criteria Optimization of a New Alternative Intercooling Method for Modified Brayton Cycle on the Operation of a Hybrid Energy System (چکیده)
665 - Thick branes via higher order field theory models with exponential and power-law tails (چکیده)
666 - Investigating the antimicrobial properties of wild Nasturtium officinale (Nasturtium officinale L.) essential oil emulsion against a number of pathogenic bacteria of food origin (چکیده)
667 - Socio-environmental responsibility in Iranian universities: a multidimensional perspective (چکیده)
668 - Neutron spectroscopy with TENIS using an artificial neural network (چکیده)
669 - Inaugural Editorial (چکیده)
670 - Seed germination modeling of sterile oat biotypes susceptible and resistant to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in response to temperature and drought stress (چکیده)
671 - Can different sowing dates affect weed control efficacy and chickpea yield (چکیده)
672 - Hybrid Fuzzy-Based Modeling of Shear Strength Parameters of Rocks Using Petrographic Properties (چکیده)
673 - Assessing spatio-temporal patterns of human-wildlife conflicts in a human-dominated landscape: a case study from Iran (چکیده)
674 - The immunomodulatory effects of lactoferrin and its derived peptides on NF‐κB signaling pathway: A systematic review and meta‐analysis (چکیده)
675 - Rotifer enrichment with DHA did not improve growth and survival rate of yellowtail clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii) larvae (چکیده)
676 - Development of hybrid resonator antennas using elliptical cavity and microstrip patch radiator (چکیده)
677 - Co-Producing Phycocyanin and Bioplastic in Arthrospira platensis Using Carbon-Rich Wastewater (چکیده)
678 - Analysis of genes related to myostatin and muscle growth using mRNA expression data of C2C12 muscle cell line (چکیده)
679 - ANN-based procedure to obtain the optimal design and operation of the compression chiller network – Energy, economic and environmental analysis (چکیده)
680 - A framework to enhance generalization of deep metric learning methods using general discriminative feature learning and class adversarial neural networks (چکیده)
681 - Detection of Salmonella spp. from some wild captive herbivores in Iran and determination of serogroup, antibiotic susceptibility and presence of invA gene in the isolated strains (چکیده)
682 - Antimicrobial Activity of Artemisia absinthium Against Surgical Wounds Infected by Staphylococcus aureus in a Rat Model (چکیده)
683 - The first molecular investigation ofLawsonia intracellularisin dromedary camels (چکیده)
684 - Prevalence of Shiga Toxin-Producing and Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in Wild and Pet Birds in Iran (چکیده)
685 - Whole-Genome Characterization and Strain Comparison of VT2f-ProducingEscherichiacoliCausing Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (چکیده)
686 - درستی سنجی متغیر‌های دما و بارش مدل‌های CMIP5 در ایران تحت پروژه‌های CORDEX و NEX-GDDP (چکیده)
687 - Enhancing Soybean Seed Coverage with Rhizobium Inoculation in Pneumatic Row Crop Planters: A Strategy for Improved Crop Yield (چکیده)
688 - Computational study of multiphase flow in cement plant gas conditioning towers: a review (چکیده)
689 - Proton structure functions at low x: The fractal distributions (چکیده)
690 - Differential Received Signal Strength-Based Localization for an Iso-gradient Sound Speed Profile with Unknown Transmitted Power (چکیده)
691 - Performance prediction and optimization of a hybrid renewable-energy-based multigeneration system using machine learning (چکیده)
692 - Designing and modeling the power transmission mechanism for existing walking tractors to facilitate their guidance and turning (چکیده)
693 - A novel solid-phase microextraction using coated fiber based sol–gel technique using poly(ethylene glycol) grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes for determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and o-xylene in water samples with gas chromatography-flam ionization detector (چکیده)
694 - Liquid-phase microextraction (چکیده)
695 - Some strong limit theorems for negatively dependent random variables (چکیده)
696 - A Preliminary Evaluation Of A Limb Scale For Lameness Detection (چکیده)
697 - Evaluation of The Effect of High Locomotion Score on Culling Rate in Cows (چکیده)
698 - The Effect Of Lameness on Milk Yield in Dairy Cows (چکیده)
699 - Detecting Claw Horn Lesions in High Locomotion Scored Cows (چکیده)
700 - Interpretation Of Bovine Locomotion Scoring Results, Understanding Pain In Digits And Its Outcome (چکیده)
701 - An Overview of Digital Dermatitis in Iran (چکیده)
702 - Modified pine cone with MnO2 nanoparticles as a photoabsorber for highly efficient seawater desalination and wastewater treatment (چکیده)
703 - Modifications to the Single Point Velocity Measurement Method for Estimating River Discharge in Low-Resource Environments (چکیده)
704 - کنترل بیماری های کرمی در اسب: دیدگاه‎های تازه (چکیده)
705 - The modified CUF-EFG method for the dynamic analysis of GPLs-CNTs-reinforced FG multilayer thick cylindrical shells under shock loadings: A modified meshless implementation (چکیده)
706 - Microstructure evolution, hot deformation behaviour and processing map of Inconel X-750 superalloy in sub-solvus and super-solvus temperature ranges (چکیده)
707 - Role of AGAMOUS Gene in Increasing Tepals of Amaryllis (چکیده)
708 - TGM2, HMGA2, FXYD3, and LGALS4 genes as biomarkers in acquired oxaliplatin resistance of human colorectal cancer: A systems biology approach (چکیده)
709 - Innovations and advancements in concrete-encased steel shear walls: A comprehensive review (چکیده)
710 - Effect of ultrasonographic lung consolidation on health and growth in dairy calves: A longitudinal study (چکیده)
711 - Punching shear failure behavior of fine-grained ZK60 Mg alloy processed by a novel forward shear normal extrusion process at room and elevated temperatures (چکیده)
712 - Mn-Na2WO4-Ce/TiO2 catalyst promoted with Mg and Sr in the oxidative coupling of methane (چکیده)
713 - A Comparative Study on Forecasting of Long-term Daily Streamflow using ANN, ANFIS, BiLSTM and CNN-GRU-LSTM (چکیده)
714 - Highly efficient photoanode in visible light water splitting through development of Z-scheme structure between compositing TiO2 with GQDs and Ba doped VO2 (m) with smart selection of Ag nanoparticles sites (چکیده)
715 - Embedding MXene nanosheets into cation exchange membranes to enhance power generation by reverse electrodialysis (چکیده)
716 - بررسی استفاده از حوضچه تاخیری بر روی شبکه جمع آوری آبهای سطحی به وسیله شبیه‌سازی مطالعه موردی (کال اقبال شرقی مشهد) (چکیده)
717 - Development of a slow-wave artificial dielectric substrate-based microstrip line in X band (چکیده)
718 - Effects of Host Plant Cultivar and Insecticide Type on Rice Damage and Growth of Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) Larvae in Semi-field Conditions (چکیده)
719 - Study on the performance of solar cells cooled with heatsink and nanofluid added with aluminum nanoparticle (چکیده)
720 - شبیه‌سازی آبخوان دشت سملقان با استفاده از مدل‌های SWAT و MODFLOW (چکیده)
721 - Electrospun mesh pattern of polyvinyl alcohol/zirconium-based metal-organic framework nanocomposite as a sorbent for extraction of phthalate esters (چکیده)
722 - BERT-deep CNN: state of the art for sentiment analysis of COVID-19 tweets (چکیده)
723 - Advances in the performance of stevia Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni): Photoperiod interaction with potassium humate (چکیده)
724 - Ethnobotany of plants used by indigenous communities in Birjand, a dry region with rich local traditional knowledge in eastern Iran (چکیده)
725 - A gradient-enhanced physics-informed neural network (gPINN) scheme for the coupled non-fickian/non-fourierian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis: A novel gPINN structure (چکیده)
726 - Collaboration Network Analysis of Papers Published in English language Accounting and Finance Journals in Iran (چکیده)
727 - Leadership style, knowledge sharing and audit quality (چکیده)
728 - Introduction of calcium lignosulfonate to delay aging in bituminous mixtures (چکیده)
729 - Effects of aerobic training on asprosin levels in adipose tissue of obese rats (چکیده)
730 - Evaluation of Effects of Spray Drying Conditions on Physicochemical Properties of Pomegranate Juice Powder Enriched with Pomegranate Peel Phenolic Compounds: Modeling and Optimization by RSM (چکیده)
731 - Reliability optimization model in man‐machine systems considering human factors in uncertain situations (چکیده)
732 - Finite element approximation of the linearized stochastic Cahn–Hilliard equation with fractional Brownian motion (چکیده)
733 - An Account of Iranian Pregnant Women’ Experiences of Spousal Role: An Ethnophenomenological Exploration (چکیده)
734 - Theoretical aspects of total time on test transform of weighted variables and applications (چکیده)
735 - Optimal spare-switching times in series systems under a general framework (چکیده)
736 - Thematic comparison of Research in Civil Engineering at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and Worldrsquo;s Top Universities (چکیده)
737 - Semantic domain comparison of research keywords by indicator-based fuzzy distances: A new prospect (چکیده)
738 - Toward a persuasive academic library website (چکیده)
739 - ABA spray on Arabidopsis seedlings increases mature plants vigor under optimal and water‐deficit conditions partly by enhancing nitrogen assimilation (چکیده)
740 - Assessing changes in static and dynamic postural stability in youth football players following the FIFA 11+ injury prevention program (چکیده)
741 - Retrieving optical parameters of emerging van der Waals microcrystals (چکیده)
742 - A Suitable Porous Micro/Nanostructured Cu and Cu–Ni Film: Evaluation of Electrodeposition Behavior, Electrocatalytic Activity, and Surface Characterization of Porous Film (چکیده)
743 - Contribution of biophysical and climate variables to the spatial distribution of wildfires in Iran (چکیده)
744 - Numerical Investigation of Using the Air Ducts on the Sedan Car Aerodynamics (چکیده)
745 - Shallow Water Flows (SWF) evaluation by 3D seismic studies in the South Caspian Basin, Iran (چکیده)
746 - A Cloud Broker for Executing Deadline-Constrained Periodic Scientific Workflows (چکیده)
747 - A Cost-Efficient Workflow as a Service Broker Using On-demand and Spot Instances (چکیده)
748 - Edge computing: A systematic mapping study (چکیده)
749 - Remote working and work performance during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of remote work satisfaction, digital literacy, and cyberslacking (چکیده)
750 - A Quantitative Microwave Imaging Approach for Brain Stroke Classification Based on the Generalized Tikhonov Regularization (چکیده)
751 - The impact of high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training on carotid intima-media thickness and ankle-brachial index in middle-aged women (چکیده)
752 - Incomplete Caudal Duplication with Correction of Pygomelia in a Dog (چکیده)
753 - Leading Edge Radius Effects on VAWT Performance (چکیده)
754 - Optimization of the surface heating for a stationary cascade turbine blade in wet steam flow (چکیده)
755 - The Impact of Ownership Type on Labour Cost Stickiness (چکیده)
756 - Interactions of soil quality, ages of alluvial fans, and mechanisms controlling total soil organic carbon dynamics (چکیده)
757 - A week-level study examining the mediating role of mood regulation in the relationship between work-related perseverative thinking and work performance (چکیده)
758 - A Modified Strain Softening–Hardening Constitutive Model for Plastic Concrete Cut-off Wall (چکیده)
759 - Admixture and introgression obscure evolutionary patterns in lesser whitethroat complex (Currucacurruca; Passeriformes; Aves) (چکیده)
760 - Applying The Unified Protocol For Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (UP) on Emotional Regulation, Cognitive Flexibility, Mindful Emotional Awareness and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study (چکیده)
761 - Closed-form analytical solution for infinite-depth seepage below diversion dams considering the width of cutoff wall (چکیده)
762 - Investigation of stage‐discharge model performance for streamflow estimating: A case study of the Gono River, Japan (چکیده)
763 - بررسی پیامدهای تغییر اقلیم بر امنیت آبی در ایران (چکیده)
764 - Climate change, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and agricultural development in the Middle East and North African countries (چکیده)
765 - Effects of encapsulated Satureja hortensis/calcium propionate against fire blight in pear cv. Spadona (چکیده)
766 - مقایسه ویژگی های فیلم های کامپوزیت زیست تخریب پذیر بر پایه نشاسته حاوی کندر، زئین و پلی وینیل الکل با هدف کاربرد در بسته بندی محصولات غذایی (چکیده)
767 - مقایسه حافظه کاری دیداری و شنیداری افراد دارای لکنت با افراد بدون لکنت (چکیده)
768 - Towards finding the lost generation of autistic adults: A deep and multi-view learning approach on social media (چکیده)
769 - A Price-Based Load Flow Algorithm in Decentralized Distribution Markets (چکیده)
770 - Aerodynamic Assessment of a Control Strategy Based on Twist Morphing Wing in a Flying Wing Aircraft (چکیده)
771 - Uniform confidence bands for hazard functions from censored prevalent cohort survival data (چکیده)
772 - Effect of Carbon Partitioning on Abnormal Martensite Hardening in a Conventional Quench and Temper Medium Silicon Low Alloy Steel under Ferrite-Martensite Dual-Phase Microstructure (چکیده)
773 - Mixed mode (I&III) fracture behavior of cement emulsified asphalt mortar under freeze and thaw cycles (چکیده)
774 - Study on the adsorption mechanism of the sodium lignosulphonate on the surface of the selected plastics as a potential solution for plastics waste management (چکیده)
775 - A new approach to human error assessment in financial service based on the modified CREAM and DANP (چکیده)
776 - Effect of a new slow-release zinc fertilizer based on carbon dots on the zinc concentration, growth indices, and yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum) (چکیده)
777 - Evaluation of the Effect of Different Levels of Fiber and Fat on Young Broilers’ Performance, pH, and Viscosity of Digesta Using Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
778 - Three-way junction skeleton biosensors based on aptamers, DNAzymes, and DNA hybridization probes (چکیده)
779 - بررسی سطح چربی، پروتئین و تولید شیر در گاوهای شیری هلشتاین تیمار شده با آرنین (چکیده)
780 - The Impact of Investment Efficiency on Firm Value and Moderating Role of Institutional Ownership and Board Independence (چکیده)
781 - Religion and punishment in the post-revolutionary Iran from the durkheimian perspective (چکیده)
782 - Stable Isotope Signatures in Tehran’s Precipitation: Insights from Artificial Neural Networks, Stepwise Regression, Wavelet Coherence, and Ensemble Machine Learning Approaches (چکیده)
783 - Evaluation of Aflatoxin M1 in Cow raw milk of industrial dairy farms in Iran During 2016-2017 (چکیده)
784 - A Novel Highly Efficient Torque-Sharing Algorithm for Dual Stator Winding Induction Machines for Various Speed Regions (چکیده)
785 - Antibiotic resistance and enterotoxin gene profiles of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw milk in Iran (چکیده)
786 - Evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant effect of gelatin-chitosan bilayer edible coating containing nanoemulsion of Perovskia abrotanoides Kar. essential oil on growth control of Aeromonas hydrophila inoculated into rainbow trout fillet (چکیده)
787 - Estimation of the groundwater recharge coefficient by minimizing the sum total error of a regional water balance (چکیده)
788 - Determining flood source areas in watersheds using data-driven models and a geographic information system (چکیده)
789 - Create of a Conceptual Framework for the Use of an Agent-Based Modeling in Urban Studies with an Emphasis on the Walkable City (چکیده)
790 - CRISPR-Cas9 for Cancer Therapy; Systematic review (چکیده)
791 - Nano-Herbal anti-cancer agents for cancer therapy; systematic review (چکیده)
792 - ارزیابی کمی- کیفی داده‌های بارش Era5 در تخمین رخداد و مقدار بارش‌های به وقوع پیوسته در استان خراسان رضوی (چکیده)
793 - Defense activation in wheat against Xanthomonas translucens via application of biological and chemical inducers (چکیده)
794 - Nanotechnology: a potential treatment for immune wounds (چکیده)
795 - Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based Therapy for chronic wound healing; systematic review (چکیده)
796 - Immunomodulatory effects of hydrogels in treating chronic wound healing: a systematic review (چکیده)
797 - The Effect of Ethics in Business on Happiness, Aggressiveness and Inconsistency of Efforts and Rewards (چکیده)
798 - اندازه گیری و مقایسه وابستگی دمایی ضریب شکست فانتوم های آب و پلکسی گلس به روش تداخل سنجی، برای استفاده در کالریمتری نوری (چکیده)
799 - Suppression of zero order diffraction from the reconstructed images in digital holography (چکیده)
800 - Integrating Omics and CRISPR Technology for Identification and Verification of Genomic Safe Harbor Loci in the Chicken Genome (چکیده)
801 - The role of renewable energy on life expectancy: evidence from method of moments quantile regression based on G-7 countries data (چکیده)
802 - بررسی توزیع تنش برشی بستر در کانال های مرکب مستقیم با استفاده از شبیه سازی عددی و مقایسه نتایج Ansys Fluent و Flow-3D (چکیده)
803 - Role of the aperture in Z -scan experiments: A parametric study (چکیده)
804 - Design, modelling and construction of a continuous nuclear gauge for measuring the fluid levels (چکیده)
805 - Design and improvement of a simple and easy-to-use gamma-ray densitometer for application in wood industry (چکیده)
806 - Relativistic binary systems in scale-independent energy–momentum squared gravity (چکیده)
807 - Advance in Environmental Waste Management & Recycling (چکیده)
808 - تاثیر دو ماده موثره اسانسهای گیاهی بر عامل بیماری آتشک سیب و گلابی (چکیده)
809 - Inversion in Binary Gas Mixtures in Rarefied Flow Conditions: Direct Simulation Monte Carlo Solution and Comparison with the Analytical Solutions at Free Molecular Regime (چکیده)
810 - قابلیت اطمینان مدارهای دیجیتال با استفاده از گراف های سیگنال گذر احتمالاتی (چکیده)
811 - Unusual multiphase peroxidation of sunflower oil: A kinetic study (چکیده)
813 - Rheological and thermal properties of reinforced monoglyceride‐carnauba wax oleogels (چکیده)
814 - Designing underoil superhydrophilic ultralight core-shell nano porous carbon aerogel for efficient gravity-directed separation of water-in-oil emulsions with high flux (چکیده)
815 - A New Framework for Increasing the Sustainability of Infrastructure Measurement of Smart Grid (چکیده)
816 - The Relationship between Democracy and Economic Growth in the Path of Sustainable Development (چکیده)
817 - A highly efficient and sustainable photoabsorber in solar-driven seawater desalination and wastewater purification (چکیده)
818 - The comparison of neurocognitive functions between internet-addicted, methamphetamine users, and healthy participants (چکیده)
819 - Evolutionary and Structural Evaluation of Innovation Ecosystems with the Aim of Mapping and Increasing Performance of Mashhad’s Gold and Jewelry Innovation Ecosystem (چکیده)
820 - Vibration analysis of multi-span continuous beam bridges with unequal spans subjected to moving loads (چکیده)
821 - Experimental study of flow pattern and sediment behavior near the intake structures using the spur dike and skimming wall (چکیده)
822 - 3D Numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer from an immersed vertical cylinder with the constant rotation speed in an unbounded stationary fluid (چکیده)
823 - Ritualism and disempowerment of education: social semiotics of the educational experience of young Iranian girls (چکیده)
824 - Optimization of fermentation culture medium containing food waste for l-glutamate production using native lactic acid bacteria and comparison with industrial strain (چکیده)
825 - A Phenomenological Study of Chromium Impurity Effects on Lattice Microstrains of SnO2 Nanoparticles Prepared Using Sol–Gel Technique (چکیده)
826 - A High Linearity Wideband Low-Noise Amplifier Using Capacitor Cross-Coupled Common-Gate Structure (چکیده)
827 - One intron variant in the oocyte expressed protein (OOEP) gene is associated with twinning rate, prolificacy, and several body measurement traits in Awassi ewes (چکیده)
828 - Development of a Compact Linearly Polarized Wideband Hybrid Antenna Using Semi-Elliptical SIW Resonator and Patch Radiator (چکیده)
829 - Possible Relationship of Novel Phylogenetic Structure With Antimicrobial Resistance, Biofilm Formation, and Hemolytic Activity in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) (چکیده)
830 - High-resolution record of stable isotopes in soil carbonates reveals environmental dynamics in an arid region (central Iran) during the last 32 ka (چکیده)
831 - Extracts obtained from organs of saffron (Crocus sativus) alter growth and seed germination of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) and barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus-galli) (چکیده)
832 - Effect of Irrigation Management and Transplanting Date on the Rice Production and Water Productivity (چکیده)
833 - A Philosophical Explanation for the Islamization of Philosophy: How Can Mullā Ṣadrā’s Transcendent Philosophy Contribute to the Islamization of Philosophy in Iran? (چکیده)
834 - Experimental and numerical investigation of ratcheting behavior in seamless carbon steel 90◦ elbow pipe with small dimensions under constant internal pressure and in-plane cyclic bending (چکیده)
835 - Live attenuated Leishmania infantum centrin deleted mutant (LiCen) as a novel vaccine candidate: A field study on safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy against canine leishmaniasis (چکیده)
836 - Theoretical development of a probabilistic fuzzy model for opinion formation in social networks (چکیده)
837 - Experimental Investigation of the Volume Change of a Swelling Clay and Its Improvement (چکیده)
838 - A strategy for As(III) determination based on ultrafine gold nanoparticles decorated on magnetic graphene oxide (چکیده)
839 - Electrochemical evaluation of the effect of anode to cathode surface area ratio on power generation in air-cathode microbial fuel cells (چکیده)
840 - Management of the optimizer's curse concept in single-task diffusion networks (چکیده)
841 - Epistemic Systems and Protective Belt of Iranian Foreign Policy: A Combined Theoretical Analysis (چکیده)
842 - The Severity of a Client’s Negative Environmental Social and Governance Reputation Affect Audit Effort and Audit Quality (چکیده)
843 - An investigation on the effects of using double-airfoil blades on the torque of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine by means of numerical simulation (چکیده)
844 - Comparative analysis of thermal damage to laser-irradiated breast tumor based on Fourier conduction and non-Fourier heat conduction models: A numerical study (چکیده)
845 - Information-theoretic analysis of Hierarchical Temporal Memory-Spatial Pooler algorithm with a new upper bound for the standard information bottleneck method (چکیده)
846 - Random forests in the zero to k inflated Power series populations (چکیده)
847 - Unsteady characteristic study on the flapping wing with the corrugated trailing edge and slotted wingtip (چکیده)
848 - The density of the rich meaning and the ease of formulations in the words of wisdom texts of Imam al-Baqir (peace be upon him) The knowledge words of wisdom as a model (چکیده)
849 - Characterization of active Cerish fructan‐sumac extract composite films: Physical, mechanical, and antioxidant properties (چکیده)
850 - Using an Integrated Artificial Neural Network and Heuristic Algorithms Approach for Optimization of EDM Process (چکیده)
851 - Effects of relay (source) side information on the coverage region in wireless Rayleigh and Rician fading multiple access relay channel (چکیده)
852 - Knowledge Management Strategies, Intellectual Capital, and Ambidextrous Innovation Capability in SMEs: Are They Relevant? (چکیده)
853 - Herbicide selection through GIS-based groundwater quality maps (چکیده)
854 - Experimental evaluation of post-tensioned hybrid coupled shear wall system with TADAS steel dampers at the beam-wall interface (چکیده)
855 - Optimizing Mineralization of Bioprinted Bone Utilizing Type-2 Fuzzy Systems (چکیده)
856 - Bi-functional Ni-Co-P/rGO/NF flower-like structure as an electrocatalyst for hydrogen production assisted by urea oxidation reaction (چکیده)
857 - Orbital obliquity evolution during the late Paleozoic ice age across the northeastern gondwana: Implications for regional sea-level change trigger and reservoir quality assessment (چکیده)
858 - Modeling and optimization of integrated flux assisted-welding process using a hybrid ANN- SA approach (A case study in Rumaila combined cycle power plant, Basra, Iraq (چکیده)
859 - Effect of light spectrum on the performance of SMFC with microalgae improved cathode (چکیده)
860 - Electroless deposition of Ni-W-P films as binder-free, efficient and durable electrode for electrochemical hydrogen evolution (چکیده)
861 - Design and characterization of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell loaded alginate/pullulan/hyaluronic acid hydrogel scaffold for wound healing applications (چکیده)
862 - A robust approach for the derivation of rating curves using minimum gauging data (چکیده)
863 - Addressing practical challenge of using autopilot drone for asphalt surface monitoring: Road detection, segmentation, and following (چکیده)
864 - State of the art on quality control for data streams: A systematic literature review (چکیده)
865 - How To Teach Feminism as an Arab-American Woman: Rum’s A Woman is No Man (2019) (چکیده)
866 - A Semi-parametric Density Estimation with Application in Clustering (چکیده)
867 - Evaluation of Potassium Silicate Applying to Reduce Adverse Effects of Salinity on Marigold Plant (Tagetes erecta L. ‘Nana’) (چکیده)
868 - An annotated checklist of the Collembola (Hexapoda) from Iran (چکیده)
869 - Factors Affecting Sales of Selected Agricultural Products in Network Marketing (چکیده)
870 - Personalized single support trajectory generation with preferred walking speed for lower limb exoskeletons (چکیده)
871 - Feasibility study on the prediction of the hole geometry variations in thin wall tube drawing (چکیده)
872 - Efficient discovery of room temperature magnetic transition metal monolayers assisted by artificial neural network (چکیده)
873 - Communication mystique des littératures française et persane : L’étude de la mystique de Mowlana chez Christian Bobin (چکیده)
874 - A Triplet-loss Dilated Residual Network for High-Resolution Representation Learning in Image Retrieval (چکیده)
875 - Projecting future reference evapotranspiration in Iran based on CMIP6 multi-model ensemble (چکیده)
876 - Voltage Regulation and Current Sharing in DC Microgrids Using Distributed Control and one Slag Node (چکیده)
877 - An assessment of power sector reforms and utility performance to strengthen consumer self-confidence towards private investment (چکیده)
878 - Nurse shrubs influence plant biodiversity across environmental gradients in rocky outcrops and surrounding rangelands (چکیده)
879 - In vitro investigation of canine periodontal ligament-derived mesenchymal stem cells: A possibility of promising tool for periodontal regeneration (چکیده)
880 - Sustainability Assessment and Life Cycle Analysis of Welding Processes: Focus on GMAW and SMAW (چکیده)
881 - Sustainability Development and Life Cycle Assessment of Welding Processes: Focus on SMAW and GMAW (چکیده)
882 - Analytic solutions of nonlinear PDE’s with complex coefficients using shearlets (چکیده)
883 - بررسی تاثیر دما و زمان لحیم کاری سخت بر اتصال ساندویچی فولاد زنگ نزن (چکیده)
884 - Parametric study and optimization of pillow-plate heat exchanger using multi-objective genetic algorithm and entropy generation minimization approaches (چکیده)
885 - A study on the seismic soil − structure interaction of a concrete shear wall − steel frame building system with underground stories (چکیده)
886 - The Impact of Social Support on Women\\\'s Innovative Work Behavior with the Mediating Role of Work-Family Conflict in Advertising Companies (چکیده)
887 - Influence of methyl methacrylate content in electrostatic stability of poly (methyl methacrylate-butyl acrylate) waterbased latex (چکیده)
888 - Twin g-noncommuting graph of a finite group (چکیده)
889 - ارزیابی مدل SWAT در شبیه سازی دبی ماهانه در حوزه آبخیز فریزی (چکیده)
890 - Predicting the rehydration process of mushroom powder by multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN) in different rehydration medium (چکیده)
891 - Employing evolutionary artificial neural network in risk-adjusted monitoring of surgical performance (چکیده)
892 - Designing and calibrating an agent‐based platform to evaluate the effect of climate variables on residential water demand (چکیده)
893 - Investigating the Mean Residence Time in a Two-Phase Oil-Water Separator Using Volume of Fluid Multiphase Theory in Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation (چکیده)
894 - On Shortest Path Problem via a Novel Neurodynamic Model: A Case Study (چکیده)
895 - Simultaneous monitoring of mean vector and covariance matrix of auto‐correlated multivariate multiple linear profiles (چکیده)
896 - Numerical Study of Geometrical Properties of Full-Span Tubercle Leading Edge Wing at Post-Stall Condition (چکیده)
897 - Improving sugar beet yield, quality, and water use efficiency by nursery and transplanting practice under semi‐arid conditions (چکیده)
898 - Brain Delivery Systems Based on Artificial Intelligence and Biomimicry (چکیده)
899 - Robust Human Movement Prediction by Completion-Generative Adversarial Networks with Huber Loss (چکیده)
900 - Adaptive fuzzy impedance control of exoskeleton robots with electromyography-based convolutional neural networks for human intended trajectory estimation (چکیده)
901 - Linguistic Impoliteness as a Stylistic Characterization Device in Edward Albee\\\'s Who\\\'s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (چکیده)
902 - Assessment of Phenological Stages of Iris ferdowsii, a New Endangered Species Based on BBCH System (چکیده)
903 - Two dimensional double cyclic codes over finite fields (چکیده)
904 - Examining information literacy experience in light of activity theory and task complexity (چکیده)
905 - بررسی اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر روی دبی با استفاده از مدل SWAT، مطالعه موردی: حوضه آبریز کشفرود (چکیده)
906 - Assessment of Financial Security of SMEs Operating in the Renewable Energy Industry during COVID-19 Pandemic (چکیده)
907 - Cross and multiple resistance profile to ACCase and ALS inhibitor herbicides in winter wild oat (Arena sterilis subsp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Gillet & Magne) populations (چکیده)
908 - Global stability and Hopf bifurcation of delayed fractional-order complex-valued BAM neural network with an arbitrary number of neurons (چکیده)
909 - Non-stationary dynamical systems; Shadowing theorem and some applications (چکیده)
910 - Effect of Deficit Irrigation and Hand Thinning on Post-harvest Quality of Apple Cv. ‘Golab’ (چکیده)
911 - In-silico identification of Annexin gene family in Schrenkiella parvula and Eutrema salsugineum (چکیده)
912 - Tracing the Evolution of John Keats’ Methods of Managing Fear of Death Through His Poetic Career (چکیده)
913 - Identity Disintegration in A House for Mr. Biswas and In the Castle of My Skin: A Study Based on Homi K. Bhabha’s Theories (چکیده)
914 - Ensemble of Support Vector Machines for spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral and multispectral images (چکیده)
915 - Estimating index of sediment connectivity using a smart data-driven model (چکیده)
916 - Managing Sets of Flying Base Stations Using Energy Efficient 3D Trajectory Planning in Cellular Networks (چکیده)
917 - A comprehensive survey on using fog computing in vehicular networks (چکیده)
918 - Allelopathic effects of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) root on some crops and weeds (چکیده)
919 - Flow and Heat Transfer from Rotating Horizontal Cylinder Floating in Stationary Fluid (چکیده)
920 - Evaluation of rheological and mechanical properties of hot and warm mix asphalt mixtures containing Electric Arc Furnace Slag using gyratory compactor (چکیده)
921 - Genetic Diversity of Urial Population in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
922 - Experimental and numerical study of free surface effect on the ventilated cavitating flow around a surface vehicle model (چکیده)
923 - Bacterial-mediated synthesis and characterization of copper oxide nanoparticles with antibacterial, antioxidant, and anticancer potentials (چکیده)
924 - Investigation of heavy metal release from variety cookware into food during cooking process (چکیده)
925 - Monitoring simple linear profiles in the presence of within‐ and between‐profile autocorrelation (چکیده)
926 - A numerical study on mitigation of sloshing in a rectangular tank using floating foams (چکیده)
927 - بررسی پدیدار‌شناسانه توانمندسازی مالی از دیدگاه مدیران مدارس (چکیده)
928 - Anti-Tumor Effect of Protoscolex Hydatid Cyst Somatic Antigen on Inhibition Cell Growth of K562 (چکیده)
929 - Cross-Linked Electrospun pH-Sensitive Nanofibers Adsorbed with Temporin-Ra for Promoting Wound Healing (چکیده)
930 - Magnetic water irrigation changes physiological traits and stress tolerance of Salvia virgata under saline conditions (چکیده)
931 - Influences of twisted turbulators arrangements on heat transfer and airflow resistance over absorber plate of solar air heater (چکیده)
932 - Numerical analysis of wind turbines blade in deep dynamic stall (چکیده)
933 - Effects and mitigation of poor water quality on herbicide performance: A review (چکیده)
934 - Free-damped vibration tangential wave responses of FG-sandwich merged hemispherical-cylindrical shells under effects of artificial springs at merging and boundary conditions (چکیده)
935 - Modeling and optimization of performance and emission parameters of a diesel engine: A comparative evaluation between date seed oil biodiesel produced via three different heating systems (چکیده)
936 - Comparison of the effects of tylosin and tilmicosin as a systemic treatment of dry Holstein cows (چکیده)
937 - A metal-organic framework-derived CuO microrods for fast photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue (چکیده)
938 - On the effects of hybrid surface wettability on the structure of cavitating flow using implicit large eddy simulation (چکیده)
939 - An asymptotic computational method for the nonlinear weakly singular integral models in option pricing (چکیده)
940 - Heterogeneous effects of energy consumption structure on ecological footprint (چکیده)
941 - Hybrid CFD-ANN approach for evaluation of bio-inspired dolphins dorsal fin turbulators of heat exchanger in turbulent flow (چکیده)
942 - A Historiographical Analysis of Al-Tibb al-Nabawī (Prophetic Medicine) Texts Based on the Goals of Their Compilation in the 5th to 8th Centuries AH (چکیده)
943 - Combustion regime identification and characteristics of nitrogen-diluted ammonia with hot air oxidizer: Non-premixed counterflow flame (چکیده)
944 - Multi-objective optimization of a tubular heat exchanger enhanced with delta winglet vortex generator and nanofluid using a hybrid CFD-SVR method (چکیده)
945 - Natural and synthetic superhydrophobic surfaces: A review of the fundamentals, structures, and applications (چکیده)
946 - Neural Networks with Dependent Inputs (چکیده)
947 - A new lifetime distribution by maximizing entropy: properties and applications (چکیده)
948 - Effect of plasma-activated water generated by surface DBD on inactivation of pathogens Pseudomonas tolaasii and Lecanicillium fungicola and enhancement of storage quality of button mushroom (چکیده)
949 - Taxonomy and phylogenetic appraisal of Hypomyces iranica sp. nov. (Hypocreaceae, Hypocreales) (چکیده)
950 - Role of Pashtunwali Ethnic Tradition in the Historical Articulation of the Taliban government (چکیده)
951 - Energy-aware production scheduling in the flow shop environment under sequence-dependent setup times, group scheduling and renewable energy constraints (چکیده)
952 - Prediction of groundwater level fluctuations under climate change based on machine learning algorithms in the Mashhad aquifer, Iran (چکیده)
953 - The Relationship between World Assumptions and the Students\\\' Adoption of Preventive Behaviors during the Quarantine of Covid-19 (چکیده)
954 - Abnormal Trend of Ferrite Hardening in a Medium-Si Ferrite-Martensite Dual Phase Steel (چکیده)
955 - Magnetic phase transition in a machine trained spin model: A study of hexagonal CrN monolayer (چکیده)
956 - A Deep Neural Network Architecture for Intrusion Detection in Software-Defined Networks (چکیده)
957 - A Synoptic- and Remote Sensing-based Analysis of a Severe Dust Storm Event over Central Asia (چکیده)
958 - Kolmogorov-Feller weak law of large numbers for FGM random sequences (چکیده)
959 - On the copula-based time between events control chart (چکیده)
960 - Preparation and characterization of forward osmosis cellulose acetate butyrate/OH‐functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube membrane for the concentration of bitter orange juice (چکیده)
961 - Harvesting energy using simultaneous rotational and translational motions of a breakwater (چکیده)
962 - Recycled steel fiber for fiber reinforced concrete production: fresh and hardened properties, cost, and ecological assessments (چکیده)
963 - Molecular analyses of the C-terminal CRAF variants associated with cardiomyopathy reveal their opposing impacts on the active conformation of the kinase domain (چکیده)
964 - Financial inclusion through FinTech and women's financial empowerment (چکیده)
965 - The effect of pre-microwave irradiation on the floatation of polystyrene, polyethylene terephthalate, and polyvinylchloride using numerous traditional depressants (چکیده)
966 - The deterioration of groundwater quality by seawater intrusion in the Chao Phraya River Basin, Thailand (چکیده)
967 - A review on electroless Ni–P nanocomposite coatings: effect of hard, soft, and synergistic nanoparticles (چکیده)
968 - The Strength, Microstructure, and ecological assessment of concrete mix incorporating waste glass powder and polypropylene fiber (چکیده)
969 - Relationship between fertilization and planting depths on antioxidant activity in saffron (Crocus sativus L.) (چکیده)
970 - بررسی آزمایشگاهی پارامترهای شکست تیر بتنی ساخته شده از ماده مرکب سیمانی مهندسی شده (چکیده)
971 - High-Precision and Resilient-to-Interference Ultrawideband Two-Way-Ranging Based on Clock-Less Active Reflector in 65-nm CMOS (چکیده)
972 - Evaluation of TerraClimate gridded data across diverse climates in Iran (چکیده)
973 - Designing a new method for growing metal–organic framework (MOF) on MOF: synthesis, characterization and catalytic applications (چکیده)
974 - Multifunctional Photoabsorber for Highly Efficient Interfacial Solar Steam Generation and Wastewater Treatment (چکیده)
975 - Variation in bacterial endosymbionts associated with Iranian populations of the common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae (Hem.: Aphalaridae) (چکیده)
976 - The effect of recycled steel fibers from waste tires on concrete properties (چکیده)
977 - A comprehensive study of the parameters affecting the stable isotopes in the precipitation of the Bangkok metropolitan area using model-based statistical approaches (چکیده)
978 - Rhizobacteria facilitate physiological and biochemical drought tolerance of Halimodendron halodendron (Pall.) Voss (چکیده)
980 - An analysis of the effects of the city physical development on urban environmental sustainability: A case study of Piranshahr city, Iran (چکیده)
981 - Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Consumption and Its Impact on Economic Growth (چکیده)
982 - اثر متغیر طی زمان تورم بر شاخص صنعت (شواهدی از بازار سهام ایران) (چکیده)
983 - ارزیابی عناصر مؤثر بر استقرار نظام بوده‌ریزی عملیاتی در شهرداری ها با استفاده از مدل استراتژیکی Swot (چکیده)
984 - Complementary data on the distribution of Nephus (Nephus) incisus (Har. Lindberg, 1950) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in the Palaearctic and Afrotropical regions (چکیده)
985 - Learning a Unified Latent Space for NAS: Toward Leveraging Structural and Symbolic Information (چکیده)
986 - Towards Leveraging Structure for Neural Predictor in NAS (چکیده)
987 - Technologies of inclusion in the frontier of urban renewal: State responses to community resistance in Abkouh neighborhood, Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
988 - The role of biochar and sulfur-modified biochar on soil water content, biochemical properties and millet crop under saline-sodic and calcareous soil (چکیده)
989 - Predicting entropy generation of a hybrid nanofluid in microchannel heat sink with porous fins integrated with high concentration photovoltaic module using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
990 - High Heat Flux Removal by Water Jet Impingement using 3D Printed Nozzles (چکیده)
991 - Effects of Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Cress Seed Gum, whey Protein Concentrate and Whipping Time on the Physical, Textural and Rheological Properties of Camel Milk Whipped Creamm (چکیده)
992 - Feasibility and reliability of agricultural crop height measurement using the laser sensor array (چکیده)
993 - Synergistic effect of Fe3O4 nanoparticles and Au nanolayer in enhancement of interfacial solar steam generation (چکیده)
994 - The novel PINN/gPINN-based deep learning schemes for non-Fickian coupled diffusion-elastic wave propagation analysis (چکیده)
995 - Lockdown and Economic Recovery Policies During Coronavirus Pandemic: A Comparison Between Selected Countries (چکیده)
996 - Nitrate adsorption using green iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized by Eucalyptus leaf extracts: Kinetics and effects of pH, KCl salt, and anions competition (چکیده)
997 - Assessment of physiological characteristics and the expression of CLsHSP18.1A and CcNAC2 genes by RT-PCR in seeded watermelon genotypes Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) Matsum. andamp; Nakai) under drought stress (چکیده)
998 - Effect of soybean oil on dynamic mechanical properties of Epoxy/Polyurethane IPNs (چکیده)
999 - A Review of Shallow Water Flows SWF) and Evaluation of this Problem by Seismic data in the South Caspian Basin, Iran (چکیده)
1000 - Theology of Shilsquo;ite Ziyārah: the Case for a Norm-Sensitive Approach to Religion (چکیده)
1001 - Shear strengthening of RC beams using FRCM system made with industrial wastes (چکیده)
1002 - Evaluation of MSWX gridded data for modeling of wheat performance across Iran (چکیده)
1003 - Inhibition of K562 Cell Growth by Protoscolex Hydatid Cyst Somatic Antigen (چکیده)
1004 - Spatial conservation prioritization for locating protected area gaps in Iran (چکیده)
1005 - The Impact of Writing Strategy Instruction: Undergraduate Students’ Academic Writing Performance and Strategy Use (چکیده)
1006 - The effect of thermal evaporation parameters on thermoelectric properties of Bi2Te2.7Se0.3 thin films produced from ball milled powder (چکیده)
1007 - A comparison of the added value of subscores across two subscore augmentation methods (چکیده)
1008 - On the three-component mixture of exponential distributions: A Bayesian framework to model data with multiple lower and upper outliers (چکیده)
1009 - Utilization of neural network in seismic refraction data processing (چکیده)
1011 - Concurrent effects of working memory components task on postural sway during quiet standing in brain Stroke survivors (چکیده)
1012 - Effect of tempering heat treatment on mechanical properties of a medium silicon low alloy ferrite–martensite DP steel (چکیده)
1013 - A Study on Some Language Impairments in Patients with Lewy Body Spectrum Disorders (چکیده)
1014 - Optimization of asphalt mixture design using response surface method for stone matrix warm mix asphalt incorporating crumb rubber modified binder (چکیده)
1015 - Effects of Alfalfa Particle Size on Ensalivation Rate, Chewing Efficiency, and Functional Specific Gravity of Particulate Matter in Hereford Steers (چکیده)
1016 - The strategy of odor−taste−texture interactions to produce low salt bread: Oral processing and sensory properties (چکیده)
1017 - Greenblatt Meets Foucault in Movies and Comics: The 1980s America Resonated in the 2010s America and Lebanon via the Character of Joker (چکیده)
1018 - A Multi-prototype Capsule Network for Image Recognition with High Intra-class Variations (چکیده)
1019 - Calculation of the phase separation rate in two‐phase flow of non‐Newtonian power‐law fluid and gas bubbles flowing inside the T‐ and Y‐junctions using random vortex method (RVM) (چکیده)
1020 - The role of renewable energy consumption on environmental degradation in EU countries: do institutional quality, technological innovation, and GDP matter? (چکیده)
1021 - Evaluation performance of time series methods in demand forecasting: Box-Jenkins vs artificial neural network (Case study: Automotive Parts industry) (چکیده)
1022 - Experimental and numerical analysis of ratcheting behavior of A234 WPB steel elbow joints including corrosion defects (چکیده)
1023 - Electronic transport on the two state “ON–OFF” of 1,3,3-trimethylindolino-6′-nitrobenzopyrylospiran as a light-driven molecular optical switch: A first-principle study (چکیده)
1024 - Energy optimization and its effects on the environmental repercussions of honey production (چکیده)
1025 - The use of hybrid machine learning models for improving the GALDIT model for coastal aquifer vulnerability mapping (چکیده)
1026 - Suspended sediment load modeling using advanced hybrid rotation forest based elastic network approach (چکیده)
1027 - Stacking ensemble-based hybrid algorithms for discharge computation in sharp-crested labyrinth weirs (چکیده)
1028 - Snow water equivalent prediction in a mountainous area using hybrid bagging machine learning approaches (چکیده)
1029 - Model identification and accuracy for estimation of suspended sediment load (چکیده)
1030 - Improvement of heat-induced nanofibrils formation of soy protein isolate through NaCl and microwave (چکیده)
1031 - Composite Hydrogel-Embedded Sucrose Stearate Niosomes: Unique Curcumin Delivery System (چکیده)
1032 - Licorice extract/whey protein isolate/sodium alginate ternary complex-based bioactive food foams as a novel strategy to substitute fat and sugar in ice cream (چکیده)
1033 - Introduction to treaties on Influenza \\\"Resaleh dar Maraz Anfeluaanza (Gerip)\\\" within the 19th century (چکیده)
1034 - Directivity enhancement of a cylindrical wire antenna by a graded index dielectric shell designed using strictly conformal transformation optics (چکیده)
1035 - H-plane horn antenna with enhanced directivity using conformal transformation optics (چکیده)
1036 - Strictly conformal transformation optics for directivity enhancement and unidirectional cloaking of a cylindrical wire antenna (چکیده)
1037 - Determination of Allometric Relationships in two Basil Ecotypes as Affected by Organic Fertilizers (چکیده)
1038 - A theoretical approach to investigating the mechanism of action and efficiency of N-heterocyclic olefins as organic catalysts for transesterification reactions (چکیده)
1039 - Structural Analysis of Factors Affecting the Formation and Growth of the Spatial Form of Cities: A Case study on Sari City (چکیده)
1040 - A fuzzy classifier for evaluation of research topics by using keyword co-occurrence network and sponsors information (چکیده)
1041 - A comprehensive review on biogas production from lignocellulosic wastes through anaerobic digestion: An insight into performance improvement strategies (چکیده)
1042 - A Compact Wideband Two-Stage LNA with Multiple Notches for Out-of-Band Filtering Using Center-Tap Inductors (چکیده)
1043 - Antimicrobial waterborne acrylic paint by the additive of graphene nanosheets/silver nanocomposite (چکیده)
1044 - Comparative transcriptome analyses of a transgenic sugar beet resistance to beet necrotic yellow vein virus BNYVV) (چکیده)
1045 - Effect of Marble Waste Powder and Silica Fume on the Bond Behavior of Corroded Reinforcing Bar Embedded in Concrete (چکیده)
1046 - Comparing Fitness Cost Associated with Haloxyfop-R Methyl Ester Resistance in Winter Wild Oat Biotypes (چکیده)
1047 - Benchmark exercise on image-based permeability determination of engineering textiles: Microscale predictions (چکیده)
1048 - Steady shear rheological properties, microstructure and stability of water in water emulsions made with basil seed gum and waxy corn starch or high pressure-treated waxy corn starch (چکیده)
1049 - Transient flow and heat transfer from a rotating sphere around its vertical axis floating in a stationary fluid (چکیده)
1050 - Monitoring processes with multiple dependent production lines using time between events control charts (چکیده)
1051 - Copula-based multivariate EWMA control charts for monitoring the mean vector of bivariate processes using a mixture model (چکیده)
1052 - Frame of translates and its canonical dual in L2(G) (چکیده)
1053 - Assistive Control of a Hip Exoskeleton Robot using a DQN-Adjusted Delayed Output Feedback Method (چکیده)
1055 - Measuring lane-changing trajectories by employing context-based modified dynamic time warping (چکیده)
1056 - The Effects of Self-incompatibility Control Substances On Yield and Fruit Growth Traits of Pear Pyrus communis L. Cultivar ‘Williams’ (چکیده)
1057 - Effect of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid on Phytochemical and Biochemical Traits of Fagopyrum esculentum Under Salinity Stress (چکیده)
1058 - Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Automatic Optimum Trajectory Selection for the Hitting Task of a Ping Pong Robot (چکیده)
1059 - Personalized single support trajectory generation with preferred walking speed for lower limb exoskeletons (چکیده)
1060 - Neural Network Extraction of the Crutch–Leg Synergy to Estimate the Intended Motion for Paraplegic users of Rehabilitation Exoskeletons (چکیده)
1061 - Flow regimes of submerged rectangular sharp-crested weirs in sand bed channel (چکیده)
1062 - Cold and Drought Cross-Acclimation Enhance Freezing Tolerance of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) (چکیده)
1063 - Distribution of antimicrobial resistance and some widespread extended-spectrum beta-lactamase genes in different phylogroups of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli STEC) isolates of ruminant origin (چکیده)
1064 - بررسی عملکرد مدل WEAP در شبیه سازی هیدرولوژیک حوزه آبخیز دربند سملقان (چکیده)
1065 - Effect of pre-pressure on compressive behavior of a natural biocomposite (چکیده)
1066 - Solving Nonlinear Hydraulic Equations of Water Distribution Networks by Using a Trust-Region Method (چکیده)
1067 - Early multi-class ensemble-based fake news detection using content features (چکیده)
1068 - Numerical Study of Gas Flow in Super Nanoporous Materials Using the Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo Method (چکیده)
1069 - An investigation on the effect of Al4C3 on microstructure and mechanical properties of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum composite (چکیده)
1070 - Boosting the electrocatalytic activity of NiSe by introducing MnCo as an efficient heterostructured electrocatalyst for large-current-density alkaline seawater splitting (چکیده)
1071 - CAFI: A Configurable location-Aware Fault Injection technique for software reliability assessment against soft errors (چکیده)
1072 - Real-Timeness Improvement of CAN-based Industrial Networks Based on Criticality Level (چکیده)
1073 - Software-based Control-Flow Error Detection with Hardware Performance Counters in ARM Processors (چکیده)
1074 - GCFI: A High Accurate Compiler-based Fault Injection for Transient Hardware Faults (چکیده)
1075 - Combination of genetic algorithm and CFD modelling to develop a new model for reliable prediction of normal shock wave in supersonic flows contributing to carbon capture (چکیده)
1076 - Morphological plasticity of Nemoura Cinerea (Arthropoda, Nemouridae) as a biological indicator for aquatic systems (چکیده)
1077 - A quantum-like cognitive approach to modeling human biased selection behavior (چکیده)
1078 - Increasing vortex-induced vibration-based energy harvesting using a nature-inspired bluff body: An experimental study (چکیده)
1079 - Pulsed sonoelectrodeposition of leaf-like Bi2WO6 film with exposed [001] facet as a photocathode with a remarkable high photovoltage in water splitting (چکیده)
1080 - Does Freedom Matter for Sustainable Economic Development? New Evidence from Spatial Econometric Analysis (چکیده)
1081 - Evaluation of long-term fracture behavior of amorphous poly alpha olefin (APAO)-modified Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) under modes I and II at low and intermediate temperatures (چکیده)
1082 - Identifying the effective factors to applying the International Financial Reporting Standards from the Accountants’ viewpoint in Iraq (چکیده)
1083 - Bidirectional hyperelastic characterization of brain white matter tissue (چکیده)
1084 - On the Use of High-Order Shape Functions in the SAFE Method and Their Performance in Wave Propagation Problems (چکیده)
1085 - Improved GRU prediction of paper pulp press variables using different pre-processing methods (چکیده)
1087 - Minimizing rebar cost using design and construction integration (چکیده)
1088 - Modeling and Optimization of Different Acid Gas Enrichment Structures via Coupling of Response Surface Method with Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
1089 - Influence of the three different types of standby components on the performance of a k–out–of–n:F system in the dynamic stress–strength model (چکیده)
1090 - The Relationship between Managers’ Disclosure Tone and the Trading Volume of Investors (چکیده)
1091 - Grounded Theory approach in Discovering the Factors effective on the Sexual Communication of Iranian Couples (چکیده)
1092 - Constitutive and Inducible Expression of Genes Related to Salicylic Acid and Ethylene Pathways in a Moderately Resistant Tomato Cultivar Leads to Delayed Development of Meloidogyne javanica (چکیده)
1093 - Reliability-Centered Maintenance for Overhead Transmission Lines in Composite Power System (چکیده)
1094 - Augmenting the unified protocol with transcranial direct current stimulation: Effects on emotion regulation and executive dysfunction (چکیده)
1095 - Weakly Supervised Learning in a Group of Learners with Communication (چکیده)
1097 - Fuzzy risk-based technique for the design of an ogee spillway in a diversion dam based on hydrological return period discharge and the resistance-load theory (چکیده)
1098 - الحمایة الجنائیة للمسؤولین الحکومیین فی القانون العراقی والمصری والایرانی (دراسة مقارنة) (چکیده)
1099 - الحمایة الجنائیة للموظف او المکلف بخدمة عامة(المجنی علیه) فی القانون الایرانی و العراقی و المصری (چکیده)
1100 - An Investigation Into the Effect of Dust on Wheat Yield (چکیده)
1101 - Review of Theatre Translation: A Practice as Research Model . Palgrave 2021Theatre Translation: A Practice as Research Model, Angela Tiziana Tarantini, 2021. Palgrave. 2021. 251pp. ISBN 978-3-030-70201-4 (چکیده)
1102 - Provide a model for budget policy in university-community communication programs with a system dynamics approach (case study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad) (چکیده)
1103 - Estimation of ecological footprint based on tourism development indicators using neural networks and multivariate regression (چکیده)
1104 - Pitman’s measure of closeness for weighted random variables (چکیده)
1105 - Identification of diverse agronomic traits in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) germplasm lines to use in crop improvement (چکیده)
1106 - InfOnto : An ontology for fashion influencer marketing based on Instagram (چکیده)
1107 - Bayesian Calibration and Uncertainty Assessment of HYDRUS-1D Model Using GLUE Algorithm for Simulating Corn Root Zone Salinity under Linear Move Sprinkle Irrigation System (چکیده)
1108 - Recent progress in non-noble metal-based electrocatalysts for urea-assisted electrochemical hydrogen production (چکیده)
1109 - Freezing stress induces changes in the morphophysiological of chickpea and wild mustard seedlings (چکیده)
1110 - Robust ex-post Pareto efficiency and fairness in random assignments: Two impossibility results (چکیده)
1111 - Effect of Nanofillers on Properties and Pervaporation Performance of Nanocomposite Membranes: A Review (چکیده)
1112 - Evaluation of Allelopathic Activity Interactions of Some Medicinal Plants Using Fractional Inhibitory Concentration and Isobologram (چکیده)
1113 - The impact of climate change on snowfall in Iran Basins using the satellite-derived snow products and CMIP6 Bias Corrected model (چکیده)
1114 - Antimicrobial resistance, virulence associated genes and phylogenetic background versus plasmid replicon types: the possible associations in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) (چکیده)
1115 - ارزیابی کیفیت آب رودخانه هراز با استفاده از شاخص‌های بهداشتی، آلودگی، وزنی و حسابداری-اتماعی (مطالعه موردی : بازه پناب تا بالادست سد هراز) (چکیده)
1116 - The Consequences of Hidden Curriculum for Nursing Professionalism: A Qualitative Study (چکیده)
1117 - Detecting the software usage on a compromised system: A triage solution for digital forensics (چکیده)
1118 - Employee silence in an organizational context: A review and research agenda (چکیده)
1119 - Geodesic Path Computation on Connected Trimmed Surfaces (چکیده)
1120 - A study on the near and far-field earthquake response of a low and mid-rise building resting on soft soil considering soil–structure interaction (SSI) (چکیده)
1121 - The Interactive Effect of Ownership Structure on the Relationship between Annual Board Report Readability and Stock Price Crash Risk (چکیده)
1122 - An evaluation of occupant health and indoor environmental quality in university workspaces (چکیده)
1123 - Interpreting sarcasm on social media using attention-based neural networks (چکیده)
1124 - Remediation of saline oily water using an algae-based membrane (چکیده)
1125 - Extension of a square-well equation of state for chain-like molecules using perturbed hard chain theory (چکیده)
1126 - Saving zone of stasis in burn wounds by nanoliposomal Mg‐ATP (چکیده)
1127 - Vascular flora of Zarrin-Kuh Protected Area in Central Kopet Dagh Mountains, NE Iran: An annotated checklist (چکیده)
1128 - Studying the Effects of Climate Change on Macro Economy Sectors using Recursive Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Approach: Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
1129 - Moral licensing as a predictor of counterproductive work behavior in public administrations (چکیده)
1130 - Evaluation of water harvesting potential in residential houses of arid regions (case study: Mashhad, northeast of Iran) (چکیده)
1131 - Flying Base Station 3D Positioning, Considering Path Loss, Coverage Area, and QoS Constraints (چکیده)
1132 - Unsteady aerodynamics of flapping bionic eagle wings in forward flight: An experimental and numerical study (چکیده)
1133 - Nonlinear dynamic analysis of FG/SMA/FG sandwich cylindrical shells using HSDT and semi ANS functions (چکیده)
1134 - Easy function for solving linear elasticity problems (چکیده)
1135 - Nonlinear analysis of FG-sandwich plates and shells (چکیده)
1136 - A novel meshless particle method for nonlocal analysis of two-directional functionally graded nanobeams (چکیده)
1137 - The state of the art in Dynamic Relaxation methods for structural mechanics Part 2: Applications (چکیده)
1138 - Online Adaptive Current Vector Adjustment for Deep Flux-Weakening Control of IPMSM (چکیده)
1139 - A hybrid algorithm for scheduling scientific workflows in IaaS cloud with deadline constraint (چکیده)
1140 - On the Suitability of Improved TrustChain for Smartphones (چکیده)
1141 - Improved TrustChain for Lightweight Devices (چکیده)
1142 - MOF-199 as an Efficient Metal Organic Framework Catalyst for the Synthesis of Spiro[Indoline-3,4′-Pyrano[2,3- c ]Pyrazole] Derivatives (چکیده)
1143 - Ultrahigh fluid sorption capacity of superhydrophobic and tough cryogels of cross-linked cellulose nanofibers, cellulose nanocrystals, and Ti3C2Tx MXene nanosheets (چکیده)
1144 - Investigating pausology of lower-intermediate and skilled EFL learners’ writing and its relation to writing genres: A keystroke logging study (چکیده)
1145 - Hydro-optic interaction study on submerged unmanned underwater vehicles regarding to Snell's window (چکیده)
1146 - Evaluation of the anti-Newcastle disease vaccine serum on dogs with canine distemper (چکیده)
1147 - Effects of glycerol and sorbitol on a novel biodegradable edible film based on Malva sylvestris flower gum (چکیده)
1148 - Effects of subcutaneous progesterone injection on ewes as a short-time estrus synchronization protocol: A preliminary study (چکیده)
1149 - Comparison of the effects of tylosin and tilmicosin as a systemic treatment of dry Holstein cows (چکیده)
1150 - Genetic diversity and population structure of Iranian Beet yellows virus based on the nucleotide sequences of coat protein (چکیده)
1151 - On the rarefied thermally-driven flows in cavities and bends (چکیده)
1152 - First report of Wisteria badnavirus 1 infecting Wisteria sinensis in Iran (چکیده)
1153 - Household food waste prevention behavior: the role of religious orientations, emotional intelligence, and spiritual well-being (چکیده)
1154 - Adaptive output consensus of nonlinear fractional-order multi-agent systems: a fractional-order backstepping approach (چکیده)
1155 - Toward Modeling the In Vitro Gas Production Process by Using Propolis Extract Oil Treatment: Machine Learning and Kinetic Models (چکیده)
1156 - Organic seed production of pepper (Capsicum annuum) (چکیده)
1157 - High Step-Down Bridgeless Sepic/Cuk PFC Rectifiers With Improved Efficiency and Reduced Current Stress (چکیده)
1158 - Smooth DC-Link Y-Source Inverters: Suppression of Shoot-Through Current and Avoiding DC Magnetism (چکیده)
1159 - Conversion of membrane lipids to jasmonates as a key pathway to develop somatic embryos in Arabidopsis thaliana (چکیده)
1160 - The k-nearest Neighbor Classification of Histogram- and Trapezoid-Valued Data (چکیده)
1161 - Saffron wastes, the gold that is thrown away (چکیده)
1162 - Microbiome contributes to phenotypic plasticity in saffron crocus (چکیده)
1163 - Employing system dynamic and DEMATEL for improving the new product development time in knowledge-based companies (چکیده)
1164 - تأثیر ریکاوری با غوطه‌وری در آب سرد بر شاخص‌های آسیب عضلانی و عملکرد ورزشی متعاقب انجام فعالیت سرعتی تکراری در فوتبالیست‌های مرد جوان (چکیده)
1165 - Evaluation of Newcastle disease virus vaccine effectiveness in dogs with neurological signs of canine distemper (چکیده)
1166 - Experimental investigation and optimization of low-frequency vibration-assisted drilling (چکیده)
1167 - Surface dense discharge from rectangular and trapezoidal channels (چکیده)
1168 - Irrigation Scheduling of Walnut Seedlings Using HYDRUS-1D and Taguchi Optimization Approach (چکیده)
1169 - Quantitative kinetic analysis of γ′ precipitate evolution in a Co–Al–W superalloy during aging heat treatment (چکیده)
1170 - Simulation of interfacial deformations for 2D axisymmetric multi-material flows (چکیده)
1171 - The first cohomology group and weak amenability of a Morita context Banach algebra (چکیده)
1172 - Free vibration of porous graphene oxide powder nano-composites assembled paraboloidal-cylindrical shells (چکیده)
1173 - Generalized homogenization method for subwavelength periodic lattices (چکیده)
1174 - Integrated Fault Detection and Robust Control for Linear Uncertain Switched Systems with Mode-Dependent Time-Varying State Delay (چکیده)
1175 - Economic plantwide control of a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell - gas turbine system (چکیده)
1176 - Manufacturing of high strength thin-walled aluminum 6063 tubes through severe plastic deformation combined with peak-aging treatment (چکیده)
1177 - Social Learning, Neutralization, and Environmental Crimes: An Empirical Test of Differential Association and Neutralization Theories in Iran (چکیده)
1178 - Classification in High Dimension Using the Ledoit–Wolf Shrinkage Method (چکیده)
1179 - Cognitive psychology and anxiety: Executive Dysfunctions in Adult Female (چکیده)
1180 - Evaluation of COVID-19 Spread Effect on the Commercial Instagram Posts using ANN: A Case Study on The Holy Shrine in Mashhad Iran (چکیده)
1181 - Experimental and statistical exploring for mixed-mode (I&II) fracture behavior of cement emulsified asphalt mortar under freeze–thaw cycles and aging condition (چکیده)
1182 - Nonlinear static analysis of cable-stayed bridge considering semirigid connections (چکیده)
1183 - An efficient design for solving discrete optimal control problem with time-varying multi delay (چکیده)
1184 - Shooting Continuous Runge--Kutta method for Delay Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
1185 - A novel assumed-strain finite element for detecting the elastic behavior of wall-like structures (چکیده)
1186 - 1-generator two-dimensional quasi-cyclic codes over $\mathbb{Z}_4[u]/\langle u^2-1\rangle$ (چکیده)
1187 - Transparent and robust omniphobic surface using colloidal polymer layers (چکیده)
1188 - Interfacial solar steam generation by wood-based devices to produce drinking water: a review (چکیده)
1189 - Efficient Metaheuristic Algorithms for a Robust and Sustainable Water Supply and Wastewater Collection System (چکیده)
1190 - The relationship between sustainability development environmental performance and agro-economic indicators in EU and ME countries: A Bayesian network based model (چکیده)
1191 - شبیه سازی سه بعدی توربین کروی لوسید و بررسی تاثیر پارامترهای مختلف پره ها بر عملکرد آن (چکیده)
1192 - Preconditioned global GPBiCG method for solving saddle point problems with multiple right-hand sides and its convergence analysis (چکیده)
1193 - Entanglement dynamics in the atom-cavity system with atom quasi-random walk behavior (چکیده)
1194 - Climate change, food security, and sustainable production: a comparison between arid and semi-arid environments of Iran (چکیده)
1195 - First-principle study of the current–voltage on the β-diketones with alkyl and methoxy groups at the beta position as molecular switches (چکیده)
1196 - Producing bacterial nano-cellulose and keratin from wastes to synthesize keratin/cellulose nanobiocomposite for removal of dyes and heavy metal ions from waters and wastewaters (چکیده)
1197 - Damage Localization of RC Beams via Wavelet Analysis of Noise Contaminated Modal Curvatures (چکیده)
1198 - Adaptive Fuzzy Robust Tracking Control Using Human Electromyogram Signals for Elastic Joint Robots (چکیده)
1199 - Experimental Study on Size Effect and Fracture Properties of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Aggregate Concrete (چکیده)
1200 - Natural resources: A curse on welfare? (چکیده)
1201 - Review of Androctonus baluchicus (Pocock, 1900) with description of new species from Iran (Scorpiones: Buthidae) (چکیده)
1202 - An Ethno-phenomenological Study of Pregnant Women’s Experiences regarding Household Roles (چکیده)
1203 - A comprehensive review on micro- and nano-scale gas flow effects: Slip-jump phenomena, Knudsen paradox, thermally-driven flows, and Knudsen pumps (چکیده)
1204 - Effects of Virtual Reality Technology on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills of Anesthesia Residents (چکیده)
1205 - A note on the time discretization of stochastic PDEs with fractional Brownian motion (چکیده)
1206 - High-resolution, spatially resolved quantification of wind erosion rates based on UAV images (case study: Sistan region, southeastern Iran) (چکیده)
1207 - Death due to migration of a wooden skewer foreign body from gastrointestinal tract to the lung in a dog (چکیده)
1208 - Culture and religion creolisation impact on digital advertisement of Muslim users of Instagram (چکیده)
1209 - Peppermint essential oil‐loaded solid lipid nanoparticle in gelatin coating: Characterization and antibacterial activity against foodborne pathogen inoculated on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet during refrigerated storage (چکیده)
1210 - Karyological studies of Iranian Bebreris integerrima (Berberidaceae) (چکیده)
1211 - Ethnobotanical study of plants used in the industry among the border resident ethnicities of northeast Iran (چکیده)
1212 - Analytical modeling of variable thickness cylindrical shallow shells using extended Kantorovich method (چکیده)
1213 - An Open Set of Skew Products with Invariant Multi-graphs and Bony Multi-graphs (چکیده)
1214 - The Effectiveness of Marriage Enrichment Training of TIME Plan on Improving Marital Intimacy and Women’s Psychological Security (چکیده)
1215 - Multi‐Vector Internet of Energy (IoE) (چکیده)
1216 - A Systematic Method for Wireless Sensor Placement (چکیده)
1217 - Numerical simulation of nucleating flow and shock capturing in steam turbines by a simple low-dissipation upwind scheme using an Eulerian-Lagrangian model (چکیده)
1218 - Identification of frequency modes and spectral content for noise suppression: Cavitation flow over 3-D hydrofoil with sinusoidal leading edge (چکیده)
1219 - The Plight of Godlessness in Eastern and Western Literature: A Comparative Reading of Absurdity in Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Al-Hakim’s The Tree Climber (چکیده)
1220 - Possibility of Producing Tulip Bulblet Under Drought Stress Using Potassium and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria (چکیده)
1221 - Effects of drought stress and plant cultivar type on demographic characteristics of the rose-grain aphid, Metopolophium dirhodum (Hemiptera: Aphididae) (چکیده)
1222 - Metabolic Pathways Regulating Colorectal Cancer: A Potential Therapeutic Approach (چکیده)
1223 - First report of Turnip mosaic virus infecting saffron in Iran (چکیده)
1224 - Circumferential vibration analysis of nano-porous-sandwich assembled spherical-cylindrical-conical shells under elastic boundary conditions (چکیده)
1225 - Self-similar behavior of the neutron fracture functions (چکیده)
1226 - Clinical implementation of a bionic hand controlled with kineticomyographic signals (چکیده)
1227 - Automatic Evaluation of Motor Rehabilitation Exercises Based on Deep Mixture Density Neural Networks (چکیده)
1228 - First-principle study on the electronic transport properties of 1,2-bis(2,4-dimethyl-5-phenyl-3-thienyl)perfluorocyclopentene (a diarylethene) as an optical molecular switch (چکیده)
1229 - Evaluating the Viability of Three Lactobacillus Bacterial Species Protected in the Cryoprotectants Containing Whey and Maltodextrin during Freeze-drying Process (چکیده)
1230 - Power-norms based on Hilbert $$C^*$$-modules (چکیده)
1231 - The Relay Impact on the Physical Layer Security Performance of the Wireless Wiretap Channel (چکیده)
1232 - Impact of Artificial Noise Assisted Transmission on the Physical Layer Security Performances in Wireless Wiretap Channel with Active Eavesdropper (چکیده)
1233 - A generalized Wigner–Yanase skew information (چکیده)
1234 - Effect of water hardness induced by bicarbonate and chloride forms of magnesium and sodium on the performance of herbicides for littleseed canarygrass control (چکیده)
1235 - Ecological-environmental challenges and restoration of aquatic ecosystems of the Middle-Eastern (چکیده)
1236 - Design investigation of dual-band dual-circularly polarized hybrid antenna array using semi-hexagonal HMSIW cavity (چکیده)
1237 - A systematic review and synthesis of empirical research on “knowledge leadership”: a new insight in the field of knowledge management (چکیده)
1238 - Fuzzy Risk Assessment of a Stormwater Storage System in a Poorly Gauged Mine Site: The Case of the Golgohar Mine Site (چکیده)
1239 - Investigating the Effect of Nudges on Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Genetically Modified Corn Oil (چکیده)
1240 - W-boson mass anomaly from scale invariant 2HDM (چکیده)
1241 - A New Dynamic Nursing Workforce Planning Considering Skills Required at the Different Organizational Hierarchy: An Optimal Control Method (چکیده)
1242 - Two-dimensional modelling of free-surface flows in presence of a spherical object using the Modified Volume of Fluid technique (چکیده)
1243 - Multilocus phylogeny reveals habitat driven cryptic diversity in Ochotona rufescens (Ochotonidae) (چکیده)
1244 - Governance in Electricity Regulatory Frameworks: A Comparative Assessment (چکیده)
1245 - The expression of long non-coding RNA LINC01389, LINC00365, RP11-138J23.1, and RP11-354K4.2 in gastric cancer and their impacts on EMT (چکیده)
1247 - Freezing stress affects the efficacy of clodinafop-propargyl and 2,4-D plus MCPA on wild oat (Avena ludoviciana Durieu) and turnipweed [Rapistrum rugosum (L.) All.] in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (چکیده)
1248 - Comparing discrete Pareto populations under a fixed effects model (چکیده)
1249 - A multi-stage machine learning methodology for health monitoring of largely unobserved structures under varying environmental conditions (چکیده)
1250 - Weed detection using ultrasonic signal processing employing artificial neural network (ANN) with efficient extracted feature (چکیده)
1251 - Band structure analysis of Green-Naghdi thermoelastic wave propagation in a GPLs/CNTs-reinforced metamaterial with energy dissipation (چکیده)
1252 - Hydrodynamic forces on emergent cylinders in non-uniform flow (چکیده)
1253 - Applying the C-Factor of the RUSLE Model to Improve the Prediction of Suspended Sediment Concentration Using Smart Data-Driven Models (چکیده)
1254 - Opioid Drugs Detection in Hair Samples Using Polyoxometalate-Based Frameworks (چکیده)
1255 - Poly Schiff-base based on polyimides functionalized with magnetic nanoparticles as novel sorbent for magnetic solid-phase extraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in environmental water samples (چکیده)
1256 - CrMYC1 contributes to catharanthine and ajmalicine accumulation by regulating the TIA pathway in Catharanthus roseus hairy roots (چکیده)
1257 - Porphyrin-based metal–organic frameworks: focus on diagnostic and therapeutic applications (چکیده)
1258 - Towards modeling growth of apricot fruit: finding a proper growth model (چکیده)
1259 - Sound transmission loss of a novel acoustic metamaterial sandwich panel: Theory and experiment (چکیده)
1260 - Statistical inferences for the Weibull distribution under adaptive progressive type-II censoring plan and their application in wind speed data analysis (چکیده)
1261 - Current status and future prospects of nanoscale metal-organic frameworks in bioimaging (چکیده)
1262 - Acrophialophora jodhpurensis: an endophytic plant growth promoting fungus with biocontrol effect against Alternaria alternata (چکیده)
1263 - Altered Effective Connectivity in the Default Mode Network between Healthy Control and Autism Patient Groups: A Resting-State fMRI Study (چکیده)
1264 - On the Existence of Summer Shamal Wind Induced by the Zagros Mountains in the Middle East (چکیده)
1265 - Description ofOscheius cyrusn. sp. (Nematoda: Rhabditidae) as new entomopathogenic nematode from Iran (چکیده)
1266 - Resuscitation team members ‘experiences of teamwork: A qualitative study (چکیده)
1268 - منطقه گرایی شبکه ای متداخل : الگویی نظری برای سیاست خارجی چندهمسایگی ایران (چکیده)
1269 - Predicting the effects of climate change on physiological parameters determining wheat yield in 2050 (case study: Golestan Province, Iran) (چکیده)
1270 - A comparative conformational study of (C6H5O)2P(O)(NHC(S)NHCH2C6H5) and analogous X-ray structures: energy calculations (solid-state/gas phase) (چکیده)
1271 - Characterization of collapsible gypsum sand soil with the presence of matric suction using a modified odometer apparatus (چکیده)
1272 - Prediction of Bond Strength Between Fiber Reinforced Polymers and Concrete Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
1273 - Prediction of compressive strength of cement mortar using chemical composition of raw materials (چکیده)
1275 - On the Seismic Evaluation of Steel Frames Laterally Braced with Perforated Steel Plate Shear Walls Considering Semi-Rigid Connections (چکیده)
1276 - MLP-based Learnable Window Size for Bitcoin price prediction (چکیده)
1277 - Nonlocal Gravity: Modification of Newtonian Gravitational Force in the Solar System (چکیده)
1278 - A new model to design the suppliers portfolio in newsvendor problem based on product reliability (چکیده)
1279 - Synthesis of a novel siloxane-based crosslink agent (چکیده)
1280 - Effect of polymerization time on monomer conversion in a semi-batch emulsion polymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate (چکیده)
1281 - Development of a refined illumination and reflectance approach for optimal construction site interior image enhancement (چکیده)
1282 - Turbulence Structures in Accelerated Flow over a Flat Plate with Non-Zero Pressure Gradient (چکیده)
1283 - Corrective Surgery of Nares Stenosis with Single Pedicle Advancement Flap Technique in Three Brachycephalic Cats (چکیده)
1284 - Dynamic Educational Recommender System Based on Improved Recurrent Neural Networks Using Attention Technique (چکیده)
1285 - Gradual warming prior to the end‐Permian mass extinction (چکیده)
1286 - Effect of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) on fracture properties of stone matrix asphalt (SMA) at low temperature (چکیده)
1287 - Effect of water vapor condensation on the flow distribution in a PEM fuel cell stack (چکیده)
1288 - Influence of Magnetized Water on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (چکیده)
1289 - Classifying one-parameter Fréchet populations on the basis of a non-linear fixed effects model (چکیده)
1290 - Bipolar disorder detection over social media (چکیده)
1291 - Energy-Saving Electrochemical Hydrogen Production on Dynamic Hydrogen Bubble-Template Electrodeposited Ni-Cu-Mn Nano-Micro Dendrite (چکیده)
1292 - چه زمانی سم چینی کنیم؟ مروری بر زمان بندی سم چینی در گله های شیری A review on hoof trimming timing in cows (چکیده)
1293 - ابزارها و به کارگیری آن در سم چینی گاو (چکیده)
1294 - به کارگیری تخته های سم در گاوهای شیری، اصول وروشها (چکیده)
1295 - The effect of the inclusion of trunk-strengthening exercises to a multimodal exercise program on physical activity levels and psychological functioning in older adults: secondary data analysis of a randomized controlled trial (چکیده)
1296 - Crystallization behavior and density functional theory study of solution combustion synthesized silicon doped calcium phosphates (چکیده)
1297 - Evaluation of ANN, GEP, and Regression Models to Estimate the Discharge Coefficient for the Rectangular Broad-Crested Weir (چکیده)
1298 - Preparation and Characterization of Platelet Lysate (Pl)-Loaded Electrospun Nanofibers for Epidermal Wound Healing (چکیده)
1299 - Generalized Total Time on Test Transform for Weighted Variables (چکیده)
1300 - A Data‐Driven framework for prediction the cyclic voltammetry and polarization curves of polymer electrolyte fuel cells using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
1301 - Dynamic cytosolic foci of DPPA4 in human pluripotent stem cells (چکیده)
1302 - Characterization of root endophytic Paenibacillus polymyxa isolates with biocontrol activity against Xanthomonas translucens and Fusarium graminearum (چکیده)
1303 - A Multimodal Analysis of Blanche DuBois in the Play A Streetcar Named Desire (1947) and National Theater Live: A Streetcar Named Desire (2014) (چکیده)
1304 - Effect of knowledge resources on innovation and the mediating role of dynamic capabilities: case of medical tourism sector in Iran (چکیده)
1305 - Facies analysis and sequence stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous strata (Fahliyan Formation) in Izeh Zone, Zagros Basin, SW Iran (چکیده)
1306 - Investigation of lactic acid production in optimized dairy wastewater culture medium (چکیده)
1307 - Hyperreality, Discursive Power and Resistance in Don DeLillo\\\'s White Noise (چکیده)
1308 - Estimation for the Three-Parameter Exponentiated Weibull Distribution under Progressive Censored Data (چکیده)
1309 - Evaluation of wound-healing efficiency of a functional Chitosan/Aloe vera hydrogel on the improvement of re-epithelialization in full thickness wound model of rat (چکیده)
1310 - ارزیابی فنی امکان استفاده از پلت کود گوسفندی برای تأمین انرژی پخت‌‌وپز خانگی عشایر ایران (چکیده)
1311 - One-pot production of a graft copolymer of cationic starch and cationic polyacrylamide applicable as flocculant for wastewater treatment (چکیده)
1312 - What Is Going On Inside Me? Lived Experience of Married Women Exhibiting Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in Long-term Relationships: A Qualitative Study (چکیده)
1313 - Integration of a solar pond in a salt work in Sabzevar in Northeast Iran (چکیده)
1314 - Design of vibro-impact electromagnetic ocean-wave energy harvesting system; an experimental study (چکیده)
1315 - Evaluation of Antioxidant Enzymes Activity, Lipid Peroxidation and Sperm Quality in Broiler Breeder Roosters Fed Whey Protein and Sodium Selenite (چکیده)
1316 - A Success Story in Controlling Sand and Dust Storms Hotspots in the Middle East (چکیده)
1317 - Wave frequency responses estimate of the nanocomposite linked hemispherical-conical shell underwater-like bodies with the impacts of two types of graphene-based nanofillers (چکیده)
1318 - Speed-Power Improvement in High-Voltage Switches Employed in Multielectrode Arrays (چکیده)
1319 - Energy, exergy, and entropy generation analyses of a water-based photovoltaic thermal system, equipped with clockwise counter-clockwise twisted tapes: An indoor experimental study (چکیده)
1320 - The Future Impact of Carbon Tax on Electricity Flow between Great Britain and Its Neighbors until 2030 (چکیده)
1321 - Impact of a new formulated silicone based separator gel on clinical chemistry assays (چکیده)
1322 - Evaluating the dynamic behaviour of wind-powered compression refrigeration cycle integrated with an ice storage tank for air conditioning application (چکیده)
1323 - Comparing the effect of solution-focused therapy and structural family therapy on marital satisfaction and family function in married women (چکیده)
1324 - استخراج خودکار آرایش و طراحی بهینه شبکه آب شهری با استفاده از نرم افزارهای نوین (مطالعه موردی: شهر تربت حیدریه) (چکیده)
1325 - What do experts say about the conditions affecting customer knowledge management in academic libraries? An integrated perspective (چکیده)
1326 - بررسی سیر مدل‌سازی تلفیقی آب ‌سطحی- آب‌ زیرزمینی با استفاده از مدل یکپارچه MODFLOW- SWAT (چکیده)
1327 - Determination of water balance equation components in irrigated agricultural watersheds using SWAT and MODFLOW models : A case study of Samalqan plain in Iran (چکیده)
1328 - Optimization of Applied Water Depth Under Water Limiting Conditions (چکیده)
1329 - A novel causative functional mutation in GATA6 gene is responsible for familial dilated cardiomyopathy as supported by in silico functional analysis (چکیده)
1330 - Numerical study of the effect of winglet on the aerodynamic performance of sinusoidal and simple leading-edge wings (چکیده)
1331 - تاثیر گئوتیت بر جذب سطحی و احیاء زیستی آرسنات در شرایط بی‌هوازی (چکیده)
1332 - Poly (Biphenol/biphenoquinone - Vanadium (IV)) modified electrode as selective sensor for detection of 4-nitrophenol (چکیده)
1333 - Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes/4,4′‐Dihydroxybiphenyl Nanolayered Composite for Voltammetric Detection of Phenol (چکیده)
1334 - بررسی اثر دمای بستر و اپوکسی در هنگام نصب بر روی مقاومت چسبندگی ورق‌های GFRP با استفاده از دو آزمون جدا کردن با کشش (Pull-off) و با پیچش (Twist-off) (چکیده)
1335 - Fe3O4@CS‐Ni: An efficient and recyclable magnetic nanocatalyst for α‐alkylation of ketones with benzyl alcohols by borrowing hydrogen methodology (چکیده)
1336 - Bayesian framework selection for hyperspectral image denoising (چکیده)
1337 - The influence of talc particles on corrosion protecting properties of polyurethane coating on carbon steel in 3.5 % NaCl solution (چکیده)
1338 - Three-Phase to Two-Phase Matrix Convertor with Reduced Switches (چکیده)
1339 - How residential density relates to social interactions? Similarities and differences of moderated mediation models in gated and non-gated communities (چکیده)
1340 - Determining human resource policies in the Iraqi health sector (hospitals) that affect creative behavior, as well as other variables that influence creative behavior (Teamwork, proactive personality, and Vitality) (چکیده)
1341 - Context-aware similarity measurement of lane-changing trajectories (چکیده)
1342 - Reward and Penalty Model for the Lighting of Public Thoroughfares Contracts: An Empirical Study in a Distribution Company (چکیده)
1343 - A systematic review of technologies and solutions to improve security and privacy protection of citizens in the smart city (چکیده)
1344 - بررسی تأثیر نسبت تراکم و نوع سوخت بر عملکرد موتور دیزل دارای توربو‌شارژ با نرم‌افزار GT-Power (چکیده)
1345 - Study on thermal properties of synthesized vanillin-based epoxy thermoset resins: effect of different hardener (چکیده)
1346 - Bio-based epoxy thermosets of vanillin-derived epoxy monomer: effect of epoxy monomer functionality on thermal properties (چکیده)
1347 - The effect of mixing ratio hardener to polymer on shear strength and percentage of elongation in the formulation of two-component adhesives based on MS polymer (چکیده)
1348 - Effect of silica nanoparticles on shear strength of moisture curing silyl-modified polyether sealant (چکیده)
1349 - Water consumption and economic growth: evidence for the environmental Kuznets curve (چکیده)
1350 - Enhancing wind direction prediction of South Africa wind energy hotspots with Bayesian mixture modeling (چکیده)
1351 - Designing a mathematical model for predicting the mechanical characteristics of asphalt pavements using dynamic loading (چکیده)
1352 - Objective Bayesian Analysis For a Two-parameters Exponential Distribution (چکیده)
1353 - Protection of Calves Against Cryptosporidiosis by Hyperimmunization of Pregnant Cattle Colostrum Using Oocyst Whole Antigens (چکیده)
1354 - Effect of ZSM-5 zeolite porosity on catalytic cracking ofn-heptane (چکیده)
1355 - The precise designation of natural gas volumetric flow by measuring simple thermodynamic properties and using artificial intelligence methods (چکیده)
1356 - New data on the wolf spiders of Iran (Arachnida: Aranei: Lycosidae), with a description of two new species (چکیده)
1357 - The effects of agricultural development on CO2 emissions: empirical evidence from the most populous developing countries (چکیده)
1358 - A multi-class workflow ensemble management system using on-demand and spot instances in cloud (چکیده)
1359 - بررسی اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر تغذیه منابع آب زیرزمینی با استفاده از مدل کوپل شده اقلیمی-هیدرولوژیکی (مطالعه موردی: حوضه آبریزکشف رود (چکیده)
1360 - Iran's achievements in renewable energy during fourth development program in comparison with global trend (چکیده)
1361 - A comparative study on measurement of lane-changing trajectory similarities (چکیده)
1362 - Chitosan nanoparticles improve physiological and biochemical responses of Salvia abrotanoides (Kar.) under drought stress (چکیده)
1363 - Multiplicative fault estimation based on the energetic approach for linear discrete-time systems (چکیده)
1364 - Fault-tolerant sensor reconciliation schemes based on unknown input observers (چکیده)
1365 - Modeling the associations between EFL teachers’ immunity, L2 grit, and work engagement (چکیده)
1366 - Schema and content aware classification for predicting the sources containing an answer overcorpusand knowledge graphs (چکیده)
1367 - A Feature-Based Method for Detecting Design Patterns in Source Code (چکیده)
1368 - The Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources and Crop Production in an Arid Region (چکیده)
1369 - First-principle study on the conductance performance of Salicylidene Ethylamine molecular optical switch and its alkyl halide derivatives (چکیده)
1371 - Modelling the effect of perceived organisational policies on knowledge management in libraries: Focus on the moderating role of transformational leadership and professional commitment (چکیده)
1372 - Event-Triggered Tracking Formation of Networked Nonlinear Intelligent Transportation Systems Surrounded by Random Disturbances (چکیده)
1373 - Development of whey protein concentrate/pullulan composite films containing bacteriophage A511: Functional properties and anti-Listerial effects during storage (چکیده)
1374 - Biodiesel from waste oil under mild conditions by a combination of calcium‐strontium oxide nanocatalyst and ultrasonic waves (چکیده)
1375 - Teachers’ Burnout and their Feedback-ability (چکیده)
1376 - Numerical study of heat transfer and fluid flow of supercritical water in twisted spiral tubes (چکیده)
1377 - Dynamic recrystallization behavior of the equiatomic FeCoCrNi high-entropy alloy during high temperature deformation (چکیده)
1378 - Taguchi-based optimization technique for activated tungsten inert gas welding process (چکیده)
1379 - Flux assisted tungsten inert gas welding process optimization using design of experiments approach and heuristic algorithm (چکیده)
1380 - Aluminum to copper dissimilar laser joint using stainless steel 316L bimetal (چکیده)
1381 - Adsorption and diffusion of the H2/CO2/CO/MeOH/EtOH mixture into the ZIF-7 using molecular simulation (چکیده)
1382 - Comparison between Photosynthesis and Growth Indicators of C4 and C3 Grasses as Influenced by Wastewater (چکیده)
1383 - Analysing spatio-temporal patterns in wintertime rainfall across Iran’s deserts using GPM DPR data (چکیده)
1384 - Climatology of cyclones in western and northwestern Iran using reanalysis and remote sensing data (چکیده)
1385 - Effect of drying condition on physical properties and rehydration behavior of foam-mat dried mushroom powder (چکیده)
1386 - On continuity of set-valued mappings (چکیده)
1387 - Gene deletion patterns in non-aflatoxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus (چکیده)
1388 - Deep semantic segmentation for visual scene understanding of soil types (چکیده)
1389 - Neural network modeling for rigorous simulation of mid-pressure reciprocating expansion engines performance (چکیده)
1390 - Development of a Wideband and High Gain ESIW H-plane Horn Antenna (چکیده)
1391 - Assessment of nine gridded temperature data for modeling of wheat production systems (چکیده)
1392 - Inhibitory role of LINC00332 in gastric cancer progression through regulating cell EMT and stemness (چکیده)
1393 - Effect of hybrid carbonaceous reinforcement on structure, mechanical and wear properties of spark plasma sintered CrCoFeMnNi HEA/GNP+CNT composite (چکیده)
1394 - Lanthanoid-containing polyoxometalate nanocatalysts in the synthesis of bioactive isatin-based compounds (چکیده)
1395 - CDA: a novel multicore scheduling for cost-aware deadline-constrained scientific workflows on the IaaS cloud (چکیده)
1396 - Review on Islanding Detection Methods for Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems, Existing Limitations and Future Insights (چکیده)
1397 - Exploring Genre, Research Method, and Reliability Coefficients of the ESP Journal Articles Published Between 2010 and 2020 (چکیده)
1398 - Identification of a new splice-acceptor mutation in HFM1 and functional analysis through molecular docking in nonobstructive azoospermia (چکیده)
1399 - Assessment of the association between sociodemographic characteristics and response to vitamin D supplementation using artificial neural network (چکیده)
1400 - The interaction effect of green tea consumption and exercise training on fat oxidation, body composition and blood lipids in humans: a review of the literature (چکیده)
1401 - Electrical transport and NDR property on the cis–trans photo-isomerization of (1R,3S)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-en-1-yl)cyclopropanecarboxylate as an optical molecular switch; A DFT-NEGF study (چکیده)
1402 - Online peer feedback patterns of success and failure in argumentative essay writing (چکیده)
1403 - کاربرد مدل حداکثر آنتروپی در تعیین رویشگاه بالقوه گونه Astracantha gossypina (Fisch.) Podlech در شمال شرق ایران (چکیده)
1404 - Hierarchical sparse Co nanowire/carbon nanofiber arrays as 3D Li+ gateways for high rate, long-life lithium-sulfur batteries (چکیده)
1405 - Modeling wetland restoration scenarios in Gavkhooni International Wetland (چکیده)
1406 - The effect of fermentation conditions (temperature, salt concentration, and pH) with lactobacillus strains for producing Short Chain Fatty Acids (چکیده)
1407 - Magnetic solid‐phase extraction of organophosphorus pesticides from apple juice and environmental water samples using magnetic graphene oxide coated with poly(2‐aminoterephthalic acid‐co‐aniline) nanocomposite as a sorbent (چکیده)
1408 - Strongly first-order phase transition in real singlet scalar dark matter model (چکیده)
1409 - Electroweak phase transition in the scale invariant standard model (چکیده)
1410 - Lobachevsky holography in conformal Chern-Simons gravity (چکیده)
1411 - Encapsulation of Lactobacillus acidophilus in solid lipid microparticles via cryomilling (چکیده)
1412 - Effect of intermittent fasting on saving zone of stasis in burn wounds in rats (چکیده)
1413 - Physicochemical, Rheological and Structural Properties of Cold-set Emulsion-filled Gels Based on Whey Protein Isolate-basil Seed Gum Mixed Biopolymers (چکیده)
1414 - ارزیابی اثرات صمغ آگار بر خواص بافتی و رئولوژیکی ژل سرد پر شده امولسیونی ایزوله پروتئین آب پنیر (چکیده)
1415 - Plasma-affected photo-thermoelastic wave propagation in a semiconductor Love–Bishop nanorod using strain-gradient Moore–Gibson–Thompson theories (چکیده)
1416 - Risk Assessment of Storm Sewers in Urban Areas Using Fuzzy Technique and Monte Carlo Simulation (چکیده)
1417 - Good news for a rare plant: Fine‐resolution distributional predictions and field testing for the critically endangered plant Dianthus pseudocrinitus (چکیده)
1418 - The Relationship between Knowledge-Based Economy and Financial Reporting Quality on Financial Statement Comparability (چکیده)
1419 - Model‐based online efficiency control of induction motor drives based on nonlinear technique (چکیده)
1420 - Analysis of Side Information Impact on the Coverage Region of Wireless Wiretap Channel (چکیده)
1421 - Retrofitting of Core Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall System with Opening Using Steel Plates and FRP Sheets, A Case Study (چکیده)
1422 - The effect of knowledge management on intellectual capital, social capital, and firm innovation (چکیده)
1423 - Optimization of the pitch to chord ratio for a cascade turbine blade in wet steam flow (چکیده)
1424 - Use of Random Vortex Method in Simulating Non-Newtonian Fluid Flow in a T-junction for Various Reynolds Numbers and Power-law Indexes (چکیده)
1425 - Investigation of pitch variation on wet steam flow parameters in a turbine blade cascade (چکیده)
1426 - Robust stabilization for an autonomous underwater vehicle motion based on descriptor time-delay model (چکیده)
1427 - برآورد نفوذ خالص و سایر اجزای بیلان آبِ خاک براساس روش تورنت وایت متربا کد SWB_2، (مطالعه موردی: حوضه آبریز نیشابور) (چکیده)
1428 - Microstructural evolution and wear properties of chromium carbide coating formed by thermo-reactive diffusion (TRD) process on a cold-work tool steel (چکیده)
1429 - Maximum Torque Per Total Ampere Strategy for Vector-Controlled Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine Drive Taking Iron Loss Into Account (چکیده)
1430 - Estimating soil water flux from single-depth soil moisture data (چکیده)
1431 - High velocity impact response of corrugated core composite sandwich structures (چکیده)
1432 - Effect of dietary phytase supplementation on growth performance and digestive enzyme activities of juvenile crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus) (چکیده)
1433 - Effect of different levels of cellulase in the diet of juvenile crayfish (Pontastacus leptodactylus) on growth performance and immune responses (چکیده)
1434 - Landmine-identification system based on the detection of scattered neutrons: A feasibility study (چکیده)
1435 - On vibrational-based numerical simulation of a jet engine cowl shell-like structure (چکیده)
1436 - Highly efficient plasmonic wood/Ag/Pd photoabsorber in interfacial solar steam generation (چکیده)
1437 - Using an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Interface System (ANFIS) to Estimate Walnut Kernel Quality and Percentage from the Morphological Features of Leaves and Nuts (چکیده)
1438 - Effect of stabilization method on the natural convection in an inclined cavity filled with MWCNTs/water nanofluids (چکیده)
1439 - A Highly-Linear Wideband Differential Low-Noise Amplifier Using Derivative Superposition Technique (چکیده)
1440 - Differential expression analysis of genes and long non-coding RNAs associated with KRAS mutation in colorectal cancer cells (چکیده)
1441 - Adaptive cache content placement for software-defined Internet of Things (چکیده)
1442 - Study of the Frequency of Gastrointestinal Helminth in the Feces of Sheepdogs and Watchdogs in some Rural Areas of Shirvan City, North Khorasan Province (چکیده)
1443 - Efficient photothermal catalytic hydrogen production via plasma-induced photothermal effect of Cu/TiO2 nanoparticles (چکیده)
1444 - Improving the performance of mini-channel heat sink by using wavy channel and different types of nanofluids (چکیده)
1445 - Experimental and numerical study for the effect of aqueous solution on heat transfer characteristics of two phase close thermosyphon (چکیده)
1446 - Effect of double rotating cylinders on the MHD mixed convection and entropy generation of a 3D cubic enclosure filled by nano-PCM (چکیده)
1447 - Astragalus durandianus (sect. Trachycercis) as an Iranian endemic species: emended description, distribution, and conservation (چکیده)
1448 - بررسی روند تغییرات دمایی و اثرات آن بر طول دوره پر شدن دانه و پتانسیل عملکرد گندم (Triticum aestivum L.) در مناطق مختلف ایران در طی یک دوره 20 ساله (91-1371 (چکیده)
1449 - بررسی فصلی گرد و خاک در شمال شرق ایران و شبیه سازی عددی رخدادهای گرد و خاک فرین با مدل WRF-CHEM (چکیده)
1450 - A deep learning approach based on the physics-informed neural networks for Gaussian thermal shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a thick hollow cylinder with energy dissipation (چکیده)
1451 - Effect of different dry period duration on milk components and serum metabolites, and their associations with the first conception rate in multiparous Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
1452 - Sustainable supplier selection and order allocation under demand, supplier availability and supplier grading uncertainties (چکیده)
1453 - New record of black fungus gnat (Diptera: Sciaroidea, Sciaridae) from Iran, with a first record for the fauna of the Middle East (چکیده)
1454 - On impulsive semidynamical systems: Relation between topological entropy and various types of expansivity (چکیده)
1455 - Design Investigation of a Broadband Polarization Rotator Using SIW Technology with T-Shaped Slots (چکیده)
1456 - Physiological Fitness Associated to ACCase Target-Site Resistance Enhances Growth and Reproduction in Phalaris brachystachys (چکیده)
1457 - Optimal operation of a multi-generation district energy hub based on electrical, heating, and cooling demands and hydrogen production (چکیده)
1458 - Positive Consequences of the Hidden Curriculum in Undergraduate Nursing Education (چکیده)
1459 - EDQWS: an enhanced divide and conquer algorithm for workflow scheduling in cloud (چکیده)
1460 - Analysis of the collision-damage susceptibility of sweet cherry related to environment temperature: A numerical simulating method (چکیده)
1461 - Copper–Azolate Framework Coated on g-C3N4 Nanosheets as a Core–Shell Heterojunction and Decorated with a Ni(OH)2 Cocatalyst for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting (چکیده)
1462 - Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Segmentation Using Attention-Based CNNs in FLAIR Images (چکیده)
1463 - برنامه ریزی راهبردی بازاریابی گیاهان دارویی در نواحی روستایی (مطالعه موردی: شهرستان چناران) (چکیده)
1464 - A study on micro-step flow using a hybrid direct simulation Monte Carlo–Fokker–Planck approach (چکیده)
1465 - An ensemble neural network framework for improving the detection ability of a base control chart in non-parametric profile monitoring (چکیده)
1466 - Automated design of phononic crystals under thermoelastic wave propagation through deep reinforcement learning (چکیده)
1467 - The role of psychological, skill level and demographic variables in information-seeking behaviours in mental health professionals (چکیده)
1468 - Examining the Interrelationships among Active and Passive Motivation, L2 Willingness to Communicate, and Foreign Language Achievement: Insights from the Dual Continuum Model of Motivation (چکیده)
1469 - Bovine salpingitis: Histopathology, bacteriology, cytology and transcriptomic approaches and its impact on the oocyte competence (چکیده)
1470 - بررسی دسته بندی های مجله های پایگاه های WOS ، Scopus و Mathscinet تحت عنوان چارک ها (Q) (چکیده)
1471 - Mind-body exercise affects attention switching and sustained attention in female adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A randomized, controlled trial with 6-month follow-up (چکیده)
1472 - پایدارسازی رده‌ای از سیستمهای غیرخطی تکین با تاخیرمتغیردرحالت و عدم قطعیت پارامتری با درنظر گرفتن قید عملگر وکاربرد آن درربات خودگردان زیرسطحی (چکیده)
1473 - DMPFS: Delay-efficient multicasting based on parked vehicles, fog computing and SDN in vehicular networks (چکیده)
1474 - The Evaluation of Khorasan Razavi Range for the construction of wind power plants through multi-criteria decision making in GIS environment (چکیده)
1475 - Lane‐Changing Trajectory Prediction Modeling Using Neural Networks (چکیده)
1476 - Sustainability Reporting and Corporate Reputation: The Moderating Effect of CEO Opportunistic Behavior (چکیده)
1477 - Social Capital, Intellectual Capital, and Audit Fee: Conflicting Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
1478 - The relationship between political connections, auditor characteristics and auditor narcissism (چکیده)
1479 - The relationship between knowledge-based economy and fraudulent financial reporting (چکیده)
1480 - Material internal control weakness with intangible assets, capital structure and commercial risk (چکیده)
1481 - The anti-money laundering expectations gap in Iran: auditor and judiciary perspectives (چکیده)
1482 - The occurrence of riddled basins and blowout bifurcations in a parametric nonlinear system (چکیده)
1483 - The relationship between CEOs’ narcissism and internal controls weaknesses (چکیده)
1484 - Comparative analysis of the relationship between internal control weakness and different types of auditor opinions in fraudulent and non-fraudulent firms (چکیده)
1485 - The impact of intellectual capital and related party transactions on contractual costs (چکیده)
1486 - Flexible multivariate zero to k inflated power series regression model with applications (چکیده)
1487 - QSRR models for predicting the retention indices of VOCs in different datasets using an efficient variable selection method coupled with artificial neural network modeling: ANN-based QSPR modeling (چکیده)
1488 - Two fossilized swamps containing in situ Sphenophyta stems, rhizomes, and root systems from the Middle Jurassic Hojedk Formation, Kerman area (Iran) (چکیده)
1489 - Seismic assessment of irregular RC frames with tall ground story incorporating nonlinear soil–structure interaction (چکیده)
1490 - Design of new, efficient, and suitable electrode material through interconnection of ZIF-67 by polyaniline nanotube on graphene flakes for supercapacitors (چکیده)
1491 - Identification of lncRNAs expression and their regulatory networks associated with development and growth of skeletal muscle in sheep using RNA-Seq (چکیده)
1492 - Monitoring and projection of climate change impact on 24-h probable maximum precipitation in the Southeast of Caspian Sea (چکیده)
1493 - اثر توام کدورت آب آبیاری و بافت خاک بر صحت اندازه گیری رطوبت خاک با روش انعکاس سنجی زمانی (چکیده)
1494 - The Effectiveness of Spouses\\\' Communication Skills Training on Reducing Emotional Harassment and Adjusting Marital Expectations: Married Iranian Women (چکیده)
1495 - Gamma-ray energy spectrum unfolding of plastic scintillators using artificial neural network (چکیده)
1496 - A New Conceptual Framework for Teacher Identity Development (چکیده)
1497 - Synthesis and gas permeation of polynorbornene by dinuclear α–diimine Ni-based catalysts: Experimental and quantum chemistry modeling (چکیده)
1498 - An Application of Game Theory to Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Endgame (چکیده)
1499 - A novel control strategy based on a look-up table for optimal operation of MTDC systems in post-contingency conditions (چکیده)
1500 - Dam-break flow regime over mobile beds, a numerical CFD approach (چکیده)
1501 - Iranian’s attitudes toward law-abidingness in administration system in Iran (چکیده)
1502 - Long-term effects of temperature and precipitation on economic growth of selected MENA region countries (چکیده)
1503 - Effect of atmospheric nonthermal plasma on physicochemical, morphology and functional properties of sunn pest (Eurygaster integriceps)‐damaged wheat flour (چکیده)
1504 - سیمای مدلهای شبیه سازی آبیاری سطحی و نقش آنها در صرفه جویی آب (چکیده)
1505 - ارزیابی تأثیر تغییرات راندمان آبیاری بر منابع آب حوضه آبریز نیشابور با استفاده از مدل WEAP (چکیده)
1506 - An underrelaxed-modified Picard iteration scheme for simulation of 3D wetting pattern under drip irrigation using Richards’ equation on non-orthogonal grids (چکیده)
1507 - A two dimensional finite volume model for rain garden infiltration simulation (چکیده)
1508 - The Therapeutic Potential of Targeting Key Signaling Pathways as a Novel Approach to Ameliorating Post-Surgical Adhesions (چکیده)
1509 - A statistical approach for identification of dust-AOD hotspots climatology and clustering of dust regimes over Southwest Asia and the Arabian Sea (چکیده)
1510 - Integrating life cycle assessment and life cycle costing using TOPSIS to select sustainable biomass-based -carbonaceous adsorbents for CO2 capture (چکیده)
1511 - Supplementing a Herbal Product (NBS Superfood) in Broiler Diets Varying in Energy and Protein Levels: Effects on Growth Performance, Intestinal Morphology, Immune Response and Blood Metabolites (چکیده)
1512 - The Effect of Eight Weeks Endurance Training, Somatropin Injection, and Its Lipolytic Fragment (AOD9604) on Cytokeratin-18 and Liver Enzymes of Mice Induced Liver Damage Due to a High-Fat Diet (چکیده)
1513 - راهبردهای تنوع بخشی فعالیت‌های اقتصادی نواحی روستایی در معرض خشکسالی(مطالعه موردی: شهرستان چناران) (چکیده)
1514 - Assessment of Carcinogenic and Non-carcinogenic Risk of Exposure to Metals via Consumption of Coffee, Tea, and Herbal Tea in Iranians (چکیده)
1515 - Prediction of natural gas density using only three measurable properties: intelligence and mathematical approaches (چکیده)
1516 - Alternatively spliced novel lncRNAs and their target genes in ovine skeletal muscle (چکیده)
1517 - اثرات سطوح دشواری متفاوت بر یادگیری تکلیف پرتاب کردن در سالمندان: تأکید بر روشهای یادگیری ماشین (چکیده)
1518 - Peak Spring Flood Discharge Magnitude and Timing in Natural Rivers across Northern Finland: Long-Term Variability, Trends, and Links to Climate Teleconnections (چکیده)
1519 - Plantwide control and dynamic assessment of a novel NGL/LNG integrated scheme (چکیده)
1520 - Plant-mediated effects of water-deficit stress on the performance of the jujube lace bug, Monosteira alticarinata Ghauri (Hemiptera: Tingidae) on Jujube tree (چکیده)
1521 - Simplicity is not key: Understanding firm-generated social media images and consumer liking (چکیده)
1522 - Grid integration of multiple wind turbines using a multi-port converter—A novel simultaneous space vector modulation (چکیده)
1523 - Effect of temperature and moisture on the bond strength betweenfiber reinforced polymerlaminates and cement‐based mortar substrates (چکیده)
1524 - Stabilization of fractional switched linear systems via reset control technique (چکیده)
1525 - Affecting factors of double parking violations on urban trips (چکیده)
1526 - A compact MLCP-based projection recurrent neural network model to solve shortest path problem (چکیده)
1527 - Effect of Different Tackifiers on Emulsion-Based Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive (PSA) (چکیده)
1528 - Assessing Variation of Soil Quality in Agroecosystem in an Arid Environment Using Digital Soil Mapping (چکیده)
1529 - Thiobacillus Bacteria-Enhanced Iron Biofortification of Soybean in a Calcareous Soil Enriched with Ferrous Sulfate, Mill Scale, and Pyrite (چکیده)
1530 - Bioconversion of wheat straw to energy via anaerobic co-digestion with cattle manure in batch-mode bioreactors (Experimental investigation and kinetic modeling) (چکیده)
1531 - Differentiation of an Iranian resistance chickpea line to Ascochyta blight from a susceptible line using a functional SNP (چکیده)
1532 - A critical review of covalent organic frameworks-based sorbents in extraction methods (چکیده)
1533 - Morphophysiological dormancy in Smyrnium cordifolium Boiss: Germination requirements and embryo growth (چکیده)
1534 - Predictive hierarchical harmonic emotional neuro-cognitive control of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
1535 - A deep learning strategy for EMG-based joint position prediction in hip exoskeleton assistive robots (چکیده)
1536 - A novel communication-less control method to improve proportional power-sharing and SOCs balancing in a geographically dispersed hybrid AC/DC microgrid (چکیده)
1537 - A swarm intelligence-based robotic search algorithm integrated with game theory (چکیده)
1538 - Strain Degeneration in White Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (چکیده)
1539 - Understanding the physics of hydrocolloids interaction using rheological, thermodynamic and functional properties: A case study on xanthan gum-cress seed gum blend (چکیده)
1540 - Detection of canine distemper virus in cerebrospinal fluid, whole blood and mucosal specimens of dogs with distemper using RT‐PCR and immunochromatographic assays (چکیده)
1541 - The solubility calculation of methane and acidic gases in associating solvents by a predictive approach using Henry’s law together with SRK and CPA equation of states (چکیده)
1542 - Environmental and Economic Sustainability Assessment of Rainfed Agro-Systems in Northern Iran (چکیده)
1543 - Effect of Supplemental Zinc on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Jejunum Architecture, and Immune Response in Broiler chickens Fed Wheat-Soy Diets (چکیده)
1544 - On the nonlinear thermal stress, thermal creep, and thermal edge flows in triangular cavities (چکیده)
1545 - Oil price shocks on shale oil supply and energy security: a case study of the United States (چکیده)
1546 - Evaluation of the compressible regular solution model predictions via rheologically determined phase diagram for polyvinylchloride/polycaprolactone blend (چکیده)
1547 - The role of ENSO in atmospheric water vapor variability during cold months over Iran (چکیده)
1548 - Identifying and Leveling the Effective Factors on the Development of Heritage Sports Tourism Based on Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach (ISM) (چکیده)
1549 - Exercise training with blood flow restriction, application for health promotion (چکیده)
1550 - A new species of Lycosa and three new species and a new record of Karakumosa from Iran (Araneae, Lycosidae) (چکیده)
1551 - Comparing Polish and Iranian Women’s Silence in a University Setting (چکیده)
1552 - Estimating the Position of Underwater Targets Based on the Emission of Noise Caused by Spinning the Propeller of Surface Vessels (چکیده)
1553 - What's in a Color? A neuropsycholinguistic study on the effect of colors on EEG brainwaves, immediate emotional responses, and English language vocabulary retention among Iranian young adults (چکیده)
1554 - The effect of group counseling based on motivational interview on the motivation of childbearing in the female students of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (چکیده)
1555 - New Exact Traveling Wave Solution of Fisher Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov Equation for Favorite Genes Spreading by -expansion Method (چکیده)
1556 - Lateral-Torsional Buckling of a Bidirectional Exponentially Graded Thin-Walled C-Shaped Beam (چکیده)
1557 - Distributed secondary control of islanded microgrids using modified integral backstepping technique (چکیده)
1558 - Performance of 2,4-D plus MCPA and Mesosulfuron plus Iodosulfuron plus Mefenpyr-diethyl as influenced by ammonium sulfate, urea ammonium nitrate, and carrier water hardness (چکیده)
1559 - Effect of carbon precursor flowrate on the quality and quantity of carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
1560 - Adulteration detection of Sudan Red and metanil yellow in turmeric powder by NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics: The role of preprocessing methods in analysis (چکیده)
1561 - The Appearance of the Lord in the Clouds in Shiʻi and Ṣūfī Writings (چکیده)
1562 - Sedimentological and diagenetic impacts on porosity systems and reservoir heterogeneities of the Oligo-Miocene mixed siliciclastic and carbonate Asmari reservoir in the Mansuri oilfield, SW Iran (چکیده)
1563 - Ultrasound-triggered transglutaminase-catalyzed egg white-bovine gelatin composite hydrogel: Physicochemical and rheological studies (چکیده)
1564 - Bioactive food foams stabilized by licorice extract/whey protein isolate/sodium alginate ternary complexes (چکیده)
1565 - Quinoa flour as a skim milk powder replacer in concentrated yogurts: Effect on their physicochemical, technological, and sensory properties (چکیده)
1566 - Surface and interfacial activity of whey protein isolate-gellan gum conjugate as a function of polymerization degree (چکیده)
1567 - Detection of i>Treponema/i> phylotypes from digital dermatitis lesions and effect ‎of different phylotypes on lesion size (چکیده)
1568 - Adaptive one-pass passive-aggressive radial basis function for classification problems (چکیده)
1569 - Recent progress in membrane development, affecting parameters, and applications of reverse electrodialysis: A review (چکیده)
1570 - ارزیابی یکپارچه حوضه آبریز فریزی در قالب چارچوب حسابداری آب با استفاده از مدل SWAT (چکیده)
1571 - Dietary supplementation of Chlorella vulgaris improved growth performance, immunity, intestinal microbiota and stress resistance of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish, Pontastacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
1572 - Sustainable low-input urban park design based on some decision-making methods (چکیده)
1573 - The detection of saffron adulterants using a deep neural network approach based on RGB images taken under uncontrolled conditions (چکیده)
1574 - Land Conflicts in Rangeland Management: Land Court Cases in Kalatnaderi County of Iran (چکیده)
1575 - Prototype-Based Interpretation of the Functionality of Neurons in Winner-Take-All Neural Networks (چکیده)
1576 - Highly Active and Durable NiCoSeP Nanostructured Electrocatalyst for Large-Current-Density Hydrogen Production (چکیده)
1577 - Evaluation of 13 Calendula (Calendula officinalis) Cultivars Response to Drought Stress (چکیده)
1578 - Equivalent Circuit Modeling of a Transmission Mode FSS Structure with Anisotropic Substrate and Enhanced Parameters (چکیده)
1579 - Allium parhamii (Amaryllidaceae, Allioideae), a new species from Central Kopet Dagh Mountains, NE Iran (چکیده)
1580 - Application of alginate-immobilized microalgae beads as biosorbent for removal of total ammonia and phosphorus from water of African cichlid (Labidochromis lividus) recirculating aquaculture system (چکیده)
1581 - Slight: A lightweight authentication scheme for smart healthcare services (چکیده)
1582 - Numerical solution of fourth-order BVPs by using Lidstone-collocation method (چکیده)
1583 - Sibling rivalry within inverse Weibull family to predict the COVID-19 spread in South Africa (چکیده)
1584 - Preparation of Ag/RGO nanocomposite as antibacterial waterborne paints additive (چکیده)
1585 - Preparation of Ag/RGO nanocomposite as antibacterial waterborne paints additive (چکیده)
1587 - Celestial and mythical origins of the citadel of Bukhara (چکیده)
1588 - Astragalus nigriceps (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae): an emended description with new data on distribution and conservation status (چکیده)
1589 - Flow in Open and Closed Rectangular Channels with Moving Walls (چکیده)
1590 - بررسی سایش بوش سیلندر تراکتورهای کشاورزی (چکیده)
1591 - Optimization of Propofol Dose Estimated During Anesthesia Through Artificial Intelligence by Genetic Algorithm: Design and Clinical Assessment (چکیده)
1592 - Expression pattern and network visualization of genes involved in milk persistency in bovine mammary tissue (چکیده)
1593 - Machine learning-based compressive strength modelling of concrete incorporating waste marble powder (چکیده)
1594 - A passive image forensic scheme based on an adaptive and hybrid techniques (چکیده)
1595 - On a generalization of the test of endogeneity in a two stage least squares estimation (چکیده)
1596 - Cognitive-Affective control training reduces worry and GAD symptoms: investigating training and transfer effect (چکیده)
1597 - Calculating osmotic pressure of liquid mixtures by association theory for sustainable separating of solvents by membrane processes (چکیده)
1598 - Diets containing processed barley grain as a potential rumen bypass starch source enhance productive responses of lactating Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
1599 - بررسی توانایی مدل های ریزمقیاس نمایی LAARS-WG و SDSM در شبیه سازی دماهای اصلی و بارش استان گلستان برای سال 2050 میلادی (چکیده)
1600 - Peripartal Rumen-Protected L-Carnitine Manipulates the Productive and Blood Metabolic Responses in High-Producing Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
1601 - Foaming of a polymer–nanoparticle system: Effect of the particle properties (چکیده)
1602 - Enhancing the detection ability of control charts in profile monitoring by adding RBF ensemble model (چکیده)
1603 - Using Optimized Deep Learning to Predict Daily Streamflow: A Comparison to Common Machine Learning Algorithms (چکیده)
1604 - Superaerophobic/superhydrophilic surfaces as advanced electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction: a comprehensive review (چکیده)
1605 - Motor memory consolidation in children: The role of awareness and sleep on offline general and sequence-specific learning (چکیده)
1606 - Removing bromophenol blue from the aqueous environment by TixNiyLamOz photocatalyst under different conditions (چکیده)
1607 - Genetic diversity in some domestic and wild sheep and goats in Iran (چکیده)
1608 - Application of the LAD-LASSO as a dimensional reduction technique in the ANN-based QSAR study: Discovery of potent inhibitors using molecular docking simulation (چکیده)
1609 - Parametric design and multi-objective optimization of a general 6-PUS parallel manipulator (چکیده)
1610 - Optimum Dynamic Design of a Stewart Platform with Symmetric Weight Compensation System (چکیده)
1611 - Dynamical Friction and Tidal Interactions (چکیده)
1612 - Textural thermo‐mechanical properties of sweet cherry for postharvest damage analysis (چکیده)
1613 - Effects of total pressure on carbon nanotube synthesis, independent of feed pressure (چکیده)
1614 - Addition of straw to the early-lactation diet: Effects on feed intake, milk yield, and subclinical ketosis in Holstein cows (چکیده)
1615 - Effects of tillage systems on soil organic carbon and some soil physical properties (چکیده)
1616 - Semi-automated solid-phase extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons based on stainless steel meshes coated with metal–organic framework/graphene oxide (چکیده)
1617 - An exploratory method to determine the plant characteristics affecting the final yield of Echium amoenum Fisch. & C.A. Mey. under fertilizers application and plant densities (چکیده)
1618 - Aerodynamic simulation of plunging airfoil with heat effects and Lattice Boltzmann technique (چکیده)
1619 - Solving the nonlinear integro-differential equation in complex plane with rationalized Haar wavelet (چکیده)
1620 - The I–V characteristics of methyl 3-oxobutanoate as molecular switch (چکیده)
1621 - The effect of electrode materials on I–V characteristics behavior of 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione (a β-diketone) as molecular switch (چکیده)
1622 - Machine Learning Methods for Intrusive Detection of Wormhole Attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) (چکیده)
1623 - Optimization of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) production by Lactobacillus spp. from agro-food waste (چکیده)
1624 - The float-sink behavior of selected pre-microwave irradiated plastics by surface adsorption of several dual depressants (چکیده)
1625 - Techno-economic and techno-environmental assessment and multi-objective optimization of a new CCHP system based on waste heat recovery from regenerative Brayton cycle (چکیده)
1626 - Thermodynamic geometry, transition between attractive and repulsive interactions and condensation of dual statistics (چکیده)
1627 - Electronic transport behavior of 4,6-bis(4-nitrophenyl)-2-phenyl-3,5-diaza-bicyclo[3.1.0]hex-2-ene (a bicyclic aziridine) as optical molecular switch: a first-principles approach (چکیده)
1628 - On Hawaiian groups of the infinite dimensional Hawaiian earring (چکیده)
1629 - Knowledge Valuation by Iranian Women with High-Risk Pregnancy: A Qualitative Content Analysis (چکیده)
1630 - Empowering differential networks using Bayesian analysis (چکیده)
1631 - Analyses of genomic regions linked with resistance to basal stem rot in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under field conditions (چکیده)
1632 - Machine learning models for prediction the Higher Heating Value (HHV) of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) for waste-to-energy evaluation (چکیده)
1633 - Aerobic and Jogging training methods: new finding about psychological well-being in students (چکیده)
1634 - Alteration of myocardial structure and function in RAF1-associated Noonan syndrome: Insights from cardiac disease modeling based on patient-derived iPSCs (چکیده)
1635 - Biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Dalichai Formation (Lower Cretaceous) based on calcareous nannofossils from the western Alborz Mountains (north-west Iran) (چکیده)
1637 - Effects of Chronic Intraperitoneal Administration of Aerial Parts Aqueous Alcoholic Extract of Cichorium Intybus L. on Neuropathic Pain Caused by Chronic Constriction Injury (CCI) in Male Wistar (چکیده)
1638 - Validation of potential energy distribution by VEDA in vibrational assignment some of Copper (II) complexes with β-diketone ligands (چکیده)
1639 - Effect of zinc and phytase supplementation on performance, immune response, digestibility and intestinal features in broilers fed a wheat-soybean meal diet (چکیده)
1640 - Effects of extruded flaxseed and dietary rumen undegradable protein on reproductive traits and the blood metabolites in Baluchi ewes (چکیده)
1641 - Use of Steam Treated Sugarcane Pith in the Diet of Finishing Calves as a Replacement for Low Grain Corn Silage (چکیده)
1642 - تاثیر تنش حرارتی و محدودیت خوراک‌دهی در اواخر آبستنی بر قابلیت هضم و رفتار نشخوار در گاوهای شیری هلشتاین (چکیده)
1643 - Interfacial solar steam generation by sawdust coated with W doped VO2 (چکیده)
1644 - Modeling the Effect of Trust on Librarians’ Knowledge Sharing: Assessing the Effect of Organizational Intelligence and Organization-Based Self-Esteem as Mediators (چکیده)
1645 - An Investigation on the Effect of Shape and Size Pit on Early Stablishment of Wild Pistachio (pistacia vera L.) Seedling in Khajeh Kalat Woodland (چکیده)
1646 - Solving linear two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations system by triangular (چکیده)
1649 - A Quantum-Like Model for Predicting Human Decisions in the Entangled Social Systems (چکیده)
1650 - Target Convergence Analysis of Cancer-Inspired Swarms for Early Disease Diagnosis and Targeted Collective Therapy (چکیده)
1651 - CO2emissions, export and foreign direct investment: Empirical evidence from Middle East and North Africa Region (چکیده)
1652 - Impact factor, an inadequate yardstick (چکیده)
1653 - Assessment of combined exposures to multiple chemicals: pesticides, metals, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons levels in fig fruits (چکیده)
1654 - Nonlinear output path following control using a two-loop robust model predictive control approach (چکیده)
1655 - An investigation on the effect of physical scarification on germination of wild pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) (چکیده)
1656 - Analysis of Groundwater Balance of Samalqan Plain Aquifer Using SWAT and MODFLOW Models (چکیده)
1657 - Regional groundwater qualitative and quantitative management through hydrogeological modeling in Jangal-Geysour, Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
1658 - Introduce an approach to computing mean velocity and discharge using entropy velocity concept and a data-driven technique and only one single measured value of mean velocity (چکیده)
1659 - An open-source toolbox for investigating functional resilience in sewer networks based on global resilience analysis (چکیده)
1660 - ژئومورفولوژی شهری سبزوار با تاکید بر مخاطرات طبیعی سیل (چکیده)
1661 - Mindfulness-based schema therapy and forgiveness therapy among women affected by infidelity: A randomized clinical trial (چکیده)
1662 - Does Abusive Supervision Affect Healthcare Employees’ Turnover Intention? Investigating the Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion and Moderating Role of Employee Resilience and Future Work Self-Salience (چکیده)
1663 - Characterizing energy and performance of soft-core-based homogeneous multiprocessor systems (چکیده)
1664 - Solving problems or seeing troubles? A day-level study on the consequences of thinking about work on recovery and well-being, and the moderating role of self-regulation (چکیده)
1665 - A day-level study on the consequences of thinking about work on recovery, and the moderating role of self-regulation (چکیده)
1666 - Consequences of teleworking using the internet among married working women: Educational careers investigation (چکیده)
1667 - Should you switch off or stay engaged? The consequences of thinking about work on the trajectory of psychological well-being over time. (چکیده)
1668 - Plant–plant interactions determine taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity in severe ecosystems (چکیده)
1669 - Study of transboundary aerosol transport from Aral-Caspian arid region to the south of Western Siberia in 2015-2016 (چکیده)
1670 - Investigating the Solubility of CO2 in the Solution of Aqueous K2CO3 Using Wilson-NRF Model (چکیده)
1671 - Nonlinear mechanics of soft composites: hyperelastic characterization of white matter tissue components (چکیده)
1672 - A Numerical Formulation for N -Dimensional Wave Equations Using Shearlets (چکیده)
1673 - Biochemical responses of juvenile European sturgeon, (Huso huso) to a sub-lethal level of copper and cadmium in freshwater and brackish water environments (چکیده)
1674 - Analytical dynamic of a rotating prismatic actuator with variable stiffness and validation with finite element method (چکیده)
1675 - An Energy-Efficient Voltage-Level Shifter Based on Controlling Pull-Up Network Strength (چکیده)
1676 - Seed germination and seedling emergence in two populations of eastern dodder (Cuscuta monogyna Vahl.): evaluation of environmental factors and burial depth (چکیده)
1677 - Plant Growth-Promoting Activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa FG106 and Its Ability to Act as a Biocontrol Agent against Potato, Tomato and Taro Pathogens (چکیده)
1678 - Spatial-based classification trees with an application to house pricing (چکیده)
1679 - Responses of surface water quality to future land cover and climate changes in the Neka River basin, Northern Iran (چکیده)
1680 - Classification of synoptic weather clusters associated with dust accumulation over southeastern areas of the Caspian Sea (Northeast Iran and Karakum desert) (چکیده)
1681 - Dust-ion acoustic waves in magnetized plasmas with a varying external magnetic field (چکیده)
1682 - Improvement the energy conversion efficiency of organic dye-based solar cells by pioneer solvents (چکیده)
1683 - Fault location in Series-compensated Transmission Lines Using Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
1684 - Improvement of tomato yield and salinity tolerance by decreasing the medium pH (چکیده)
1685 - Perceived Risk in Women with High Risk Pregnancy (چکیده)
1686 - The Process Of Multi-Class Fake News Dataset Generation (چکیده)
1687 - Experimental, Modeling, and Optimization Investigation on Mechanical Properties and the Crashworthiness of Thin-Walled Frusta of Silica/Epoxy Nano-composites: Fuzzy Neural Network, Particle Swarm Optimization/Multivariate Nonlinear Regression, and Gene Expression Programming (چکیده)
1688 - The effect of salinity on microalgae growth in reused culture media (چکیده)
1689 - Monitoring udder health status using somatic cell counts in Holstein dairy herds located in north east of Iran and effectiveness of 10-point mastitis control program (چکیده)
1690 - Functionalization of beet waste by cross-linking to attach amine groups for efficient sorption of reactive black 5 anionic dye (چکیده)
1691 - Experimental investigation on frequency pulsation effects on a single pass plate heat exchanger performance (چکیده)
1692 - Microstructural, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Methyl Methacrylate and 1‐Hexene Copolymers Made by Dinuclear Ni‐Based Catalysts (چکیده)
1693 - The effect of dietary supplementation of ensiled pomegranate by-products on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, haematology parameters and meat characteristics of fat-tail lambs (چکیده)
1694 - A three-dimensional numerical study of the effects of various twisted tapes on heat transfer characteristics and flow field in a tube: Experimental validation and multi-objective optimization via response surface methodology (چکیده)
1695 - Design and development of a fuzzy credibility-based reverse logistics network with buyback offers: A case study (چکیده)
1696 - Tannic acid-modified magnetic hydrotalcite-based MgAl nanoparticles for the in vitro targeted delivery of doxorubicin to the estrogen receptor-overexpressing colorectal cancer cells (چکیده)
1697 - Two-Dimensional Geometrically Nonlinear Hyperelastic Wave Propagation Analysis in FG Thick Hollow Cylinders using MLPG Method (چکیده)
1698 - Identifying Influentials in Social Networks (چکیده)
1699 - Nash Equilibrium of Joint Day-ahead Electricity Markets and Forward Contracts in Congested Power Systems (چکیده)
1700 - Event-triggered formation control of n-link networked stochastic robotic manipulators (چکیده)
1701 - Genetic variation and cytological diversity in the Urar Brush-tailed Mouse, Calomyscus urartensis Vorontsov & Kartavseva, 1979 (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Lesser Caucasia (چکیده)
1702 - Algal cultivation strategies for enhancing production of Chlorella sorokiniana IG-W-96 biomass and bioproducts (چکیده)
1703 - Effect of Fluid Flow on the Corrosion Performance of as-Cast and Heat-Treated Nickel Aluminum Bronze Alloy (UNS C95800) in Saline Solution (چکیده)
1704 - Corrosion Performance of Steel Rebars in the Roof of a 65-Year-Old Underground Reinforced Concrete Water-Storage Tank (چکیده)
1705 - Development of a low-cost activated mesoporous bauxite for the reclamation of used transformer oil (چکیده)
1706 - A new method to determine the synergistic effects of area ratio and microstructure on the galvanic corrosion of LAS A508/309 L/308 L SS dissimilar metals weld (چکیده)
1707 - Synergetic effect of N/O functional groups and microstructures of activated carbon on supercapacitor performance by machine learning (چکیده)
1708 - The Assessment of Some Metabolic Markers by Combination of Ursolic Acid Supplementation and Resistance Training in Young Older Obese Women (چکیده)
1709 - Pre-programming in overhand throwing of children with Down syndrome: role of the generalized motor program (چکیده)
1710 - Tuning surface wettability of aluminum surface and its correlation with short and long term corrosion resistance in saline solutions (چکیده)
1711 - Employing Eye Tracking in Quantifying and Qualifying Visual Attention of Web Site Viewers (Physical Education Faculties) (چکیده)
1712 - Associated primes of powers of cover ideals under graph operations (چکیده)
1713 - Comparison of sediment microbial fuel cell performance with and without sediment autoclaving (چکیده)
1714 - Investigation of Species and Functional Diversity and Community Structure for Weeds in Wheat and Sugar Beet Fields Across the Provinces of Iran (چکیده)
1715 - Bioenergy production from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge using mesophilic anaerobic co-digestion: An experimental and kinetic modeling study (چکیده)
1716 - Alkaline earth metals doped VO2 nanoparticles for enhanced interfacial solar steam generation (چکیده)
1717 - Estimating the potential of energy generation by anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse wastes toward sustainable waste management strategy: a case study (چکیده)
1718 - Improvement of wastewater sludge dewatering using ferric chloride, aluminum sulfate, and calcium oxide (experimental investigation and descriptive statistical analysis) (چکیده)
1719 - Antifungal activity of Mentha × Piperita L. essential oil (چکیده)
1720 - Legal Analysis of the Exemption of Iranian Red Crescent Relief Workers from Compensation for Traffic Accident Injuries (چکیده)
1721 - Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Enhance Defense of Strawberry Plants Against Spider Mites (چکیده)
1722 - تحلیل دو و سه بعدی ریان‏ فوق بحرانی در خم‏ها (چکیده)
1723 - Enhancing Self-consumption of PV-battery Systems Using a Predictive Rule-based Energy Management (چکیده)
1724 - Assessing the viability of three Lactobacillus bacterial species protected in the cryoprotectants containing whey and maltodextrin during freeze-drying process (چکیده)
1725 - The occurrence of locally riddled basins and on-off intermittency in a parametric nonlinear system (چکیده)
1726 - Influence of β-glucan extracted from hull-less barley on droplet characterization, stability and rheological properties of soy protein isolate stabilized oil-in-water emulsions (چکیده)
1727 - How Might One Live? A Social Theory of Human Motivated Behavior (چکیده)
1728 - Clarifying the Relationship between EEG Power and Neuroticism (چکیده)
1729 - A systematic review of key contextual challenges facing school principals: Research-informed coping solutions (چکیده)
1730 - Hierarchical access to the edible landscape: the Akbarieh Garden in Iran (چکیده)
1731 - Optimization of electrical discharge machining process using combined artificial neural networks and heuristic algorithm (چکیده)
1732 - A symmetrized and simplified Bernoulli trial collision scheme in direct simulation Monte Carlo (چکیده)
1733 - A fuzzy stochastic immediate assembly supply chain with uncertain demand (چکیده)
1734 - Changes in spatio-temporal distribution of AgMERRA-derived agro-climatic indices and agro-climatic zones for wheat crops in the northeast Iran (چکیده)
1735 - "The Effects of Concurrent Training during Cardiac Rehabilitation on Plasma MMP-9 and TIMP-1 Levels in Myocardial Ischemic Patients" (چکیده)
1736 - The essential role of hippocampo-cortical connections in temporal coordination of spindles and ripples (چکیده)
1737 - Vector weighted Stirling numbers and an application in graph theory (چکیده)
1738 - Spontaneous slow oscillation—slow spindle features predict induced overnight memory retention (چکیده)
1739 - Implementing High Definition Combined EEG-fNIRS System (چکیده)
1740 - NH Stretching Frequencies of Intramolecularly Hydrogen-Bonded Systems: An Experimental and Theoretical Study (چکیده)
1741 - Effects of vitamin D3 injection in close‐up period on insulin resistance and energy balance in transition dairy cows (چکیده)
1742 - Copula based analysis of impact of wireless channels correlation on the physical layer security performances in a wireless wiretap channel with artificial noise (چکیده)
1743 - Numerical and Experimental Study of Cross-Sectional Effects on the Mixing Performance of the Spiral Microfluidics (چکیده)
1744 - Modeling and optimization of A-GTAW process using back propagation neural network and heuristic algorithms (چکیده)
1745 - Correction to: A modified flux-wave formula for the solution of second order macroscopic traffic flow models (چکیده)
1746 - Reading the Adaption of Baba Sobhan’s Tale through the Lens of Genette’s Intertextuality (چکیده)
1747 - An investigation of recovering the energy of exhaust heat for improving conventional compression ignition to low temperature combustion by adding diesel vapor (چکیده)
1748 - Mutually unbiased measurements with arbitrary purity (چکیده)
1749 - Improved Design of Uniform SIW Leaky Wave Antenna With Suppression of Unwanted Mode (چکیده)
1750 - The effect of the Mongol invasion on the townscape of Iranian cities (چکیده)
1752 - SaaSRec+: a new context-aware recommendation method for SaaS services (چکیده)
1753 - ZIF-8 metal-organic framework conjugated to pristine and doped B12N12 nanoclusters as a new hybrid nanomaterial for detection of amphetamine (چکیده)
1754 - The Indirect Effects of Oil Price on Consumption Through Assets (چکیده)
1755 - Whole-Genome Characterization of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus Obtained from Metagenomic Analysis of Vinca minor and Wisteria sinensis in Iran: with Implications for the Genetic Structure of the Virus (چکیده)
1756 - Promoting Peace by Althusserian and Foucauldian Reading of Literature: Sinan Antoon’s I’jaam (چکیده)
1757 - Using Sliding Mode Controller and Eligibility Traces for Controlling the Blood Glucose in Diabetic Patients at the Presence of Fault (چکیده)
1758 - Growth And Physiological Response Of Quinoa Plant In Saline- Sodic Soil With Humic Acid Under Drought Stress Conditions (چکیده)
1759 - An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Energy Management in Distribution Grid Considering Distributed Generators (چکیده)
1760 - Identifying Common Elements of Evidence – Based Psychological Treatments for Females with Extramarital Experience (چکیده)
1761 - ارزیابی مدل توسعه مبتنی بر حمل و نقل عمومی (TOD) با توسعه مدل مکان-گره و تحلیل خوشه‌ای (مطالعه موردی خط یک متروی مشهد) (چکیده)
1762 - A computationally bio-inspired framework of brain activities based on cognitive processes for estimating the depth of anesthesia (چکیده)
1763 - Distributed Consensus Control for a Network of Incommensurate Fractional-Order Systems (چکیده)
1764 - Adaptive output-feedback bipartite consensus for nonstrict-feedback nonlinear multi-agent systems: A finite-time approach (چکیده)
1765 - The Relationship Financial Statements Components and Audit Fees in Developing Countries (چکیده)
1766 - Suboptimal Solution of Nonlinear Graphical Games Using Single Network Approximate Dynamic Programming (چکیده)
1767 - Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells Overexpressing CXCR4R334X Revealed Enhanced Migration: A Lesson Learned from the Pathogenesis of WHIM Syndrome (چکیده)
1768 - An Analysis on Top Commented Posts in Reddit Social Network about COVID-19 (چکیده)
1769 - The FunCaps Framework: Reconceptualizing Operational Alignment (چکیده)
1770 - Vibration of FG-CNT and FG-GNP sandwich composite coupled Conical-Cylindrical-Conical shell (چکیده)
1771 - Static roughness element effects on protuberance full-span wing at micro aerial vehicle application (چکیده)
1772 - A Checklist of the bees of the genus Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae) of Iran (چکیده)
1773 - Novel chlorine resistant thin-film composite forward osmosis membrane: Preparation and performance evaluation in the regeneration of MEG aqueous solution (چکیده)
1774 - Review of Liu (2020): Corpus-Assisted Translation Teaching: Issues and Challenges (چکیده)
1775 - Tribological properties of duplex coatings of chromium-vanadium carbide produced by thermo-reactive diffusion (TRD) (چکیده)
1776 - Predation functional response and demographic parameters ofOrius albidipennis(Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) onSchizaphis graminum(Hemiptera: Aphididae): effect of host plant morphological attributes (چکیده)
1777 - A Novel Spike-Wave Discharge Detection Framework Based on the Morphological Characteristics of Brain Electrical Activity Phase Space in an Animal Model (چکیده)
1778 - Conversion of 2D MXene to Multi‐Low‐Dimensional GerMXene Superlattice Heterostructure (چکیده)
1779 - ABC Transporters are Hub Genes in Response of Resistant E. Coli ST131 to Ciprofloxacin (چکیده)
1780 - Effects of bleed type on the performance of a supersonic intake (چکیده)
1781 - Consideration of some static properties for doubly-magic nuclei of 41Ca and 17O in relativistic systems (چکیده)
1782 - Effective energy assessment during breast cancer intraoperative radiotherapy by low-energy X-rays: A Monte Carlo study (چکیده)
1783 - A Novel Fluorescent Aptasensor for Sensitive Detection of Oxytetracycline Based on Gold Nanoparticles and OTC-Eu (چکیده)
1784 - GRB variabilities and following gravitational waves induced by gravitational instability in NDAFs (چکیده)
1785 - Bacterial Strains From Tannary Waste Polluted Soil Showed Heavy Metal Resistance and Bioaccumulation Capacity (چکیده)
1786 - On wavelet multiplier and Landau–Pollak–Slepian operators on $$L^{2}(G,{\mathbb {H}})$$ (چکیده)
1787 - Existence of the Relatively Compact Fundamental Domain for Hypergroups (چکیده)
1788 - Variation in the rate of land subsidence induced by groundwater extraction and its effect on the response pattern of soil microbial communities (چکیده)
1789 - Impact of spherical applicator diameter on relative biologic effectiveness of low energy IORT X-rays: A hybrid Monte Carlo study (چکیده)
1790 - تجزیه و تحلیل خوشه ای صفت عملکرد چربی شیر در گاوهای شیری با استفاده از فراتحلیل مطالعات پویش ژنومی (چکیده)
1791 - Accurate and fast matrix factorization for low-rank learning (چکیده)
1792 - A study of hot compression behavior of an as-cast FeCrCuNi2Mn2 high-entropy alloy (چکیده)
1793 - Thermophoresis and Brownian diffusion of nanoparticles around a vertical cone in a porous media by Galerkin finite element method (GFEM) (چکیده)
1794 - Non-Newtonian nanofluid natural convective heat transfer in an inclined Half-annulus porous enclosure using FEM (چکیده)
1795 - Selection of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) landraces for fall planting and freezing tolerance (چکیده)
1796 - Evaluation of PEO Nanocomposite Coating on AZ31 Magnesium Alloy (چکیده)
1797 - Characterization of PEO nanocomposite coatings on titanium formed in electrolyte containing atenolol (چکیده)
1798 - Ceria embedded nanocomposite coating fabricated by plasma electrolytic oxidation on titanium (چکیده)
1799 - Evaluation of alumina nanoparticles concentration and stirring rate on wear and corrosion behavior of nanocomposite PEO coating on AZ31 magnesium alloy (چکیده)
1800 - Nickel nanocones as efficient and stable catalyst for electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (چکیده)
1801 - Corrosion and wettability of PEO coatings on magnesium by addition of potassium stearate (چکیده)
1802 - Wettability and Corrosion Behavior of Chemically Modified Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Nanocomposite Coating (چکیده)
1803 - Three-dimensional porous Ni-CNT composite nanocones as high performance electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction (چکیده)
1804 - Ni-W nanostructure well-marked by Ni selective etching for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction (چکیده)
1805 - Three-dimensional Ni-Co alloy hierarchical nanostructure as efficient non-noble-metal electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction (چکیده)
1806 - Plasma electrolytic oxidation of Mg–Ti couple metals fabricated by friction stir welding: characterization and corrosion studies (چکیده)
1807 - Facile electrodeposition of ternary Ni-Fe-Co alloy nanostructure as a binder free, cost-effective and durable electrocatalyst for high-performance overall water splitting (چکیده)
1808 - Recent advances in methods and technologies for enhancing bubble detachment during electrochemical water splitting (چکیده)
1809 - How nanoparticles and submicron particles adsorb inside coating during plasma electrolytic oxidation of magnesium? (چکیده)
1810 - Electrocrystallization of Ni nanocones from chloride-based bath using crystal modifier by electrochemical methods (چکیده)
1811 - Single-stage production of glass sealed PEO composite coating on AZ31B (چکیده)
1812 - Suggestion of active 3-chymotrypsin like protease (3CLPro) inhibitors as potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 agents using predictive QSAR model based on the combination of ALASSO with an ANN model (چکیده)
1813 - Social capital on the basis of spectating sports (چکیده)
1814 - Effective Parameters on Fabrication and Modification of Braid Hollow Fiber Membranes: A Review (چکیده)
1815 - Biocompatible Adsorbent for Drug Storage and Removal Applications: A Molecular Dynamics Study (چکیده)
1816 - An Integrated Fuzzy Fault Tree Model with Bayesian Network-Based Maintenance Optimization of Complex Equipment in Automotive Manufacturing (چکیده)
1817 - Flat space holography in spin-2 extended dilaton-gravity (چکیده)
1818 - Current stress and switching loss evaluation of a unified expandable power converter used for grid‐integration of renewable energy sources (چکیده)
1819 - Investigating the impact of a novel transparent nano-insulation in building windows on thermal comfort conditions and energy consumptions in different climates of Iran (چکیده)
1820 - A core–shell superparamagnetic metal–organic framework: a recyclable and green catalyst for the synthesis of propargylamines (چکیده)
1821 - PowerLinear Activation Functions with application to the first layer of CNNs (چکیده)
1823 - Electronic service recovery strategies and satisfaction with electronic service recovery: moderating role of value co-creation (چکیده)
1824 - A new dynamic model to optimize the reliability of the series-parallel systems under warm standby components (چکیده)
1825 - Evaluation of multiple gridded solar radiation data for crop modeling (چکیده)
1826 - A Semantic Web Enabled Approach to Automate Test Script Generation for Web Applications (چکیده)
1827 - The Effect of Corporate Governance on Export Performance of Iranian Listed Companies (چکیده)
1828 - A scenario-based coupled SWAT-MODFLOW decision support system for advanced water resource management (چکیده)
1829 - Combined Feedback Feedforward Control of a 3-Link Musculoskeletal System Based on the Iterative Training Method (چکیده)
1830 - Evaluation of morphological traits of wheat varieties at germination stage under salinity stress (چکیده)
1831 - Experimental study and analytical modeling of sound transmission through honeycomb sandwich panels using SEA method (چکیده)
1832 - A novel communication-less fuzzy based control method to improve SOC balancing, current-sharing, and voltage restoration in a widespread DC microgrid (چکیده)
1833 - An Efficient Weighted Residual Time Integration Family (چکیده)
1834 - Assignment model with multi-objective linear programming for allocating choice ranking using recurrent neural network (چکیده)
1835 - Increasing Redundancy and Cost Reduction to Improve Power Factor and Reduce Harmonic Using Parallel Connection of D-STATCOMs (چکیده)
1836 - A multi‐objective optimization for planning of networked microgrid using a game theory for peer‐to‐peer energy trading scheme (چکیده)
1837 - Bridgeless High Voltage Gain Active PFC Rectifiers with Positive/Negative Output and Low Semiconductor Count (چکیده)
1838 - Assessment of the Switching Characteristics of a commercial e-mode Power GaN Device Using a Dual Pulse Test Set-up (چکیده)
1839 - Buck–Boost Common Ground Bridgeless PFC (CGBPFC) Rectifies With Positive/Negative Output (چکیده)
1840 - A Novel Droop-based Control Strategy for Improving the Performance of VSC-MTDC Systems in Post-Contingency Conditions (چکیده)
1841 - Temporal distribution of wind erosion in different months of year in Tal Hamid railway station of Tabas, Iran (چکیده)
1842 - Effect of Bentonite and Zeolite Mulches on Wind Erosion (چکیده)
1843 - Minimizing the total tardiness and the total carbon emissions in the permutation flow shop scheduling problem (چکیده)
1844 - Hierarchical framework for maintenance and production scheduling of continuous ball mills in tile industries under TOU electricity pricing (چکیده)
1845 - Effect of wind speed variation on rainfed wheat production evaluated by the CERES-Wheat model (چکیده)
1846 - The roles of bacterial products, lipopolysaccharides and bacteriocins, in obesity and its related complications (چکیده)
1847 - Tolerance to dodder (Cuscuta campestris L.) in citrus species of south of Kerman province – Iran (چکیده)
1848 - Water need and water use efficiency of two plant species in soil-containing and soilless substrates under green roof conditions (چکیده)
1849 - Arbuscular mycorrhizal induces polyphenols content of lemon balm in pathogen stress (چکیده)
1850 - Effect of Hydrothermal Synthesis Temperature on the Microstructural and Thermoelectric Characteristics of Thermally Deposited Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Thin Films (چکیده)
1851 - A study on the relationship between language aptitude, vocabulary size, working memory, and L2 writing accuracy (چکیده)
1852 - Command-filtered backstepping robust adaptive emotional control of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties (چکیده)
1853 - Integrated Vapor Compression Chiller with Bottoming Organic Rankine Cycle and Onsite Low-Grade Renewable Energy (چکیده)
1854 - Productivity Story of the Iranian Librarians: Assessing the Impact of Knowledge Management and Emotional Intelligence (چکیده)
1855 - Production of biodegradable pots from cattle manure and wood waste: effects of natural binders on mechanical performances and biodegradability (چکیده)
1856 - Effect of Eight –Weeks of Resistance Training on Serum Levels of Neurofilament Light Chain and Tau Protein in Women with Multiple Sclerosis (چکیده)
1858 - Effect of Exercise Training on Spexin Level, Appetite, Lipid Accumulation Product, Visceral Adiposity Index, and Body Composition in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes (چکیده)
1859 - Synthesis and Biological Properties of Silver Chloride Nanoparticles Using Cell-free Extracts of Aeromonas hydrophila and Antibacterial Activity against Drug-Resistant Bacteria (چکیده)
1860 - Nonlinear static and dynamic behaviors assessment of self-centering post-tensioned concrete wall with multiple-slit device (چکیده)
1861 - The Effect of Nonlinear Behavior of Bolted Connections on Dynamic Analysis of Steel Transmission Towers (چکیده)
1862 - New insights into microstructural changes during transient liquid phase bonding of GTD-111 superalloy (چکیده)
1863 - Estimating the Aquifer’s Renewable Water to Mitigate the Challenges of Upcoming Megadrought Events (چکیده)
1864 - Detection of Mulberry Ripeness Stages Using Deep Learning Models (چکیده)
1865 - Mastering the Body and Tail Shape of a Distribution (چکیده)
1866 - Modelling and performance evaluation of diode‐assisted impedance source networks (چکیده)
1867 - Using evolutionary artificial neural networks in monitoring binary and polytomous logistic profiles (چکیده)
1868 - Underwater Target Localization Using Opportunistic Ship Noise Recorded on a Compact Hydrophone Array (چکیده)
1869 - A New Backup Protection Scheme for Transmission Lines with Limited Phasor Measurement Units (چکیده)
1870 - Evaluation of the effect of LFcin-11 peptide on L929 cell line fibroblasts (چکیده)
1871 - Examining Drinking Water Security in Rural Areas of Iran: Perspectives from a Quantitative Analysis (چکیده)
1872 - Superparamagnetic core-shell metal-organic framework (Fe3O4@Ni-Co-BTC NPs): an efficient and magnetically retrievable nanostructured catalyst for the reduction of nitro compounds to amines (چکیده)
1873 - Comparative assessment of proliferation and immunomodulatory potential of Hypericum perforatum plant and callus extracts on mesenchymal stem cells derived adipose tissue from multiple sclerosis patients (چکیده)
1874 - Identification and Evaluation of Main Research Themes for Earthquake Studies in Material and Energy Fields by Science Maps and Scientometric Methods (چکیده)
1875 - The effect of different spices on the moisture content, texture characterizations and consumer preferences of roasted sunflower seeds (چکیده)
1876 - Spatially Classification Decision Trees: Fundamentals and Some Extensions (چکیده)
1877 - Galectin 1 and Superoxide Dismutase are Involved in Wound Healing by Larval Therapy (چکیده)
1878 - Multiple streams framework and logging policy change in the Hyrcanian forests of Iran (چکیده)
1879 - Analysis of side information impact on the physical layer security performances in wireless wiretap channel (چکیده)
1880 - Effect of Counseling Based on Gamble's Approach on Postpartum Anxiety in Primiparous Women (چکیده)
1881 - Modeling and optimization of A-GTAW process using Box–Behnken design and hybrid BPNN-PSO approach (چکیده)
1882 - Low-Rank and Sparse Recovery of Human Gait Data (چکیده)
1883 - Co-existence of mixed meibomian gland and ductal adenoma with an apocrine sweat gland cyst in a dog: histological and immunohistochemical analyses (چکیده)
1884 - A decision-making methodology for material selection using genetic algorithm (چکیده)
1885 - Analysis of wind farm penetration on power swing detection in distance relays (چکیده)
1886 - Physical–chemical evaluation of groundwater quality in semi‑arid areas: case study—Sabzevar plain, Iran (چکیده)
1887 - Do corm seeding rate and planting depth influence growth indicators of saffron (Crocus sativus L.)? (چکیده)
1888 - Investigation of Structural Relationships of Factors Affecting Posttraumatic Growth in Women With Breast Cancer (چکیده)
1889 - Compensatory growth, antioxidant capacity and digestive enzyme activities of Sobaity ( Sparidentex hasta ) and yellowfin seabreams ( Acanthopagrus latus ) subjected to ration restriction (چکیده)
1890 - Detecting Differential Item Functioning Using Cognitive Diagnosis Models: Applications of the Wald Test and Likelihood Ratio Test in a University Entrance Examination (چکیده)
1891 - Extensions of p-angular distance inequalities in normed spaces (چکیده)
1892 - Evaluation of machine learning-based applications in forecasting the performance of single effect absorption chiller network (چکیده)
1893 - The Role Of Institutional Conditions In The Impact Of Economic Growth On Poverty (چکیده)
1894 - Multiple human 3D pose estimation from multiview images (چکیده)
1895 - Determination of optimum organic Rankine cycle parameters and configuration for utilizing waste heat in the steel industry as a driver of receive osmosis system (چکیده)
1896 - A magnetic copper organic framework material as an efficient and recyclable catalyst for the synthesis of 1,2,3-triazole derivatives (چکیده)
1897 - Uncalibrated multi-view multiple humans association and 3D pose estimation by adversarial learning (چکیده)
1898 - Investigating most appropriate method for estimating suspended sediment load based on error criterias in arid and semi-arid areas (case study of Kardeh Dam watershed stations) (چکیده)
1899 - Long-Term Variability of Dust Events in Southwestern Iran and Its Relationship with the Drought (چکیده)
1900 - Characterisation of a plate heat exchanger chevron type with carbon-based nanofluids under pulsed condition (چکیده)
1901 - The effect of one session of intense resistance activity and beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl-butyrate supplementation on liver enzymes in inactive women (چکیده)
1902 - Kinetic study of the crystallization of ZSM-5 under organic template-free conditions (چکیده)
1903 - Assessment of customer knowledge management in academic libraries: Design and validation of a checklist (چکیده)
1904 - On the performance of HLL, HLLC, and Rusanov solvers for hyperbolic traffic models (چکیده)
1905 - The Emulsifier Carboxymethylcellulose Induces More Aggressive Colitis in Humanized Mice with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Microbiota Than Polysorbate-80 (چکیده)
1906 - Stability analysis and feedback design of a direct current–direct current power converter by vector Lyapunov function (چکیده)
1907 - Immobilization of AgCl@TiO2 on the woven wire mesh: Sunlight-responsive environmental photocatalyst with high durability (چکیده)
1908 - Cooperative adaptive emotional neuro-control for a class of higher-ordered heterogeneous uncertain nonlinear multi-agent systems (چکیده)
1909 - Tailoring the proliferation of fibroblast cells by multiresponsive and thermosensitive stem cells composite F127 hydrogel containing folic acid.MgO:ZnO/chitosan hybrid microparticles for skin regeneration (چکیده)
1910 - Leakage detection in water distribution networks by the use of analytical and experimental models (چکیده)
1911 - Improving Formaldehyde Removal from Water and Wastewater by Fenton, Photo-Fenton and Ozonation/Fenton Processes through Optimization and Modeling (چکیده)
1912 - تحلیل فرکانسی و بررسی آرایش ریان بر روی دو بال نامحدود با لبه حمله ساده و سینوسی (چکیده)
1913 - Effect of garlic extract supplementation on growth performance, nonspecific immunity, and antibacterial activity of skin mucus in goldfish, Carassius auratus (چکیده)
1914 - Distribution and monitoring of power and mechanisms to increase the efficiency of power in Shiite political thought (چکیده)
1915 - Fast galaxy bars continue to challenge standard cosmology (چکیده)
1916 - Effect of Organic Waste and Humic Acid on Some Growth Parameters and Nutrient Concentration of Pistachio Seedlings (چکیده)
1917 - Accessibility of urban green space for women in developing world cities: GIS based spatial equity analysis of “women’s parks” in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
1918 - Spatial Equity Analysis of Accessibility to Urban Green Spaces with Clean Air for Elderly Women (چکیده)
1919 - Investigation of satellite-related precipitation products for modeling of rainfed wheat production systems (چکیده)
1920 - Synthesis of keratin nanoparticles from poultry waste (چکیده)
1921 - Comparison of wavelet-based hybrid models for the estimation of daily reference evapotranspiration in different climates (چکیده)
1922 - The effectiveness of body psychotherapy on improving working memory ability and inhibition level in elementary school students (چکیده)
1923 - Applying response surface method to optimize the performance of a divergent-chimney solar power plant (چکیده)
1924 - Iran's Groundwater Hydrochemistry (چکیده)
1925 - The effect of salinity on microalgae nitrate assimilation in reused media (چکیده)
1926 - Managerial ability, earnings quality and ISIS: evidence from Iraq (چکیده)
1927 - Towards Constructing an Integrated Model for the Cognitive System: Revisiting Semantic Networks (چکیده)
1928 - Campanula oreodoxa (Campanulaceae), a new critically endangered species from the Aladagh Mountains, NE Iran (چکیده)
1929 - Gene Expression Analysis in Dunaliella salina Under Salt Stress (چکیده)
1930 - بررسی دوره بازگشت و احتمال رخداد بارش در ایران بر اساس پایگاه داده بارش همادی-وزنی چند منبعی MSWEP) (چکیده)
1931 - Investigating the effects of eleven key physicochemical factors on growth and lipid accumulation of Chlorella sp. as a feedstock for biodiesel production (چکیده)
1932 - Improvement of the Wound-Healing Process by Curcumin-Loaded Chitosan/Collagen Blend Electrospun Nanofibers: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies (چکیده)
1933 - Highly efficient clean water production: Reduced graphene oxide/ graphitic carbon nitride/wood (چکیده)
1934 - Sun-light-driven Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-coupling using a Novel Superparamagnetic Metal-organic Framework Catalyst (چکیده)
1935 - Historical variability and future changes in seasonal extreme temperature over Iran (چکیده)
1936 - Wavelet-based damage localization and severity estimation of experimental RC beams subjected to gradual static bending tests (چکیده)
1937 - The impacts of architecture and decorative arts on health based on medical sources in the Muslim societies during the medieval era (چکیده)
1938 - Microstructure Evolution of the Stainless Steel 316L Subjected to Different Routes of Equal Channel Angular Pressing (چکیده)
1939 - Adaptive Self-Tuned Current Controller Design for an LCL-Filtered LC-Tuned Single-Phase Shunt Hybrid Active Power Filter (چکیده)
1940 - Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Nanostructured Porous Hybrid Material Based on Salts of the Vanadonickelocuprate (II) POM with Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (چکیده)
1941 - Pain Detection from Facial Images using Unsupervised Feature Learning Approach (چکیده)
1942 - Copper Immobilization on Fe3O4@Agar: An Efficient Superparamagnetic Nanocatalyst for Green Ullmann-Type Cross-Coupling Reaction of Primary and Secondary Amines with Aryl Iodide Derivatives (چکیده)
1944 - The effectiveness of affective compared to neutral working memory training in university students with test anxiety (چکیده)
1945 - he Evaluation of Khorasan Razavi Range for the construction of wind power plants through multi-criteria decision making in GIS environment (چکیده)
1946 - Electronic transport behavior of 2-amino-4,5-bis(2,5-dimethylthiophen-3-yl)furan-3-carbonitrile (a diarylethene) as optical molecular switch: a first-principles approach (چکیده)
1947 - Effects of a single-phase fasting period and subsequent re-feeding on compensatory growth, digestive enzyme activities, and antioxidant capacity of sobaity (Sparidentex hasta) and yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) (چکیده)
1948 - Introducing a potential lead structure for the synthesis of more specific inhibitors of tyrosinases and catechol oxidases (چکیده)
1949 - Standard heat treatment effects on TLP bonded IN-738LC superalloy using BNi-9 filler: An approach to make an ideal joint (چکیده)
1950 - pH and NaCl effects on the interactions between safranal and whey protein isolate (چکیده)
1951 - Identification of effective indicators in the economic valuation model for intangible assets of Iranian FUTSAL Premier League clubs with future research approach (چکیده)
1952 - Cost-Effective Survivable Controller Placement in Software-Defined Networks (چکیده)
1953 - Robustness of convolutional neural network models in hyperspectral noisy datasets with loss functions (چکیده)
1954 - Evaluation of solar panel cooling systems using anodized heat sink equipped with thermoelectric module through the parameters of temperature, power and efficiency (چکیده)
1955 - Augmented and deflated CMRH method for solving nonsymmetric linear systems (چکیده)
1956 - Augmented Subspaces in the LSQR Krylov Method (چکیده)
1957 - An in-depth understanding of complex karstic system evolutions of northwest Iran using stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H, and δ13C) and hydrochemical techniques (چکیده)
1958 - A Mechanically Flexible Superhydrophobic Rock Wool Modified with Reduced Graphene Oxide‐Chloroperene Rubber for Oil‐Spill Clean‐Up (چکیده)
1959 - Reservoir rock typing of the Asmari Formation using integrating geological and petrophysical data for unraveling the reservoir heterogeniity: A case study from the Ramshir oilfield, southwest Iran (چکیده)
1960 - Aptamer targeted red blood cell membrane-coated porphyrinic copper-based MOF for guided photochemotherapy against metastatic breast cancer (چکیده)
1961 - Experimental Investigation on the Shear Behaviour of Stud-Bolt Connectors of Steel-Concrete-Steel Fibre-Reinforced Recycled Aggregates Sandwich Panels (چکیده)
1962 - Metal–polymer-coordinated complexes as potential nanovehicles for drug delivery (چکیده)
1963 - Development of a Wideband and High Gain ESIW H-plane Horn Antenna (چکیده)
1964 - Perspectives of current and future urban water security in Iran (چکیده)
1965 - A new stochastic model in emergency location problem (چکیده)
1966 - Strength improvement in friction stir spot joining of polyethylene and aluminum (چکیده)
1967 - Energy, exergy, and eco-environment modeling of proton exchange membrane electrolyzer coupled with power cycles: Application in natural gas pressure reduction stations (چکیده)
1968 - High on–off current ratio titanium oxynitride write-once-read-many-times memory (چکیده)
1969 - Comprehensive study on hydrogen induced cracking of electrical resistance welded API X52 pipeline steel (چکیده)
1970 - Age‐related changes in thyroid hormones, some serum oxidative biomarkers and trace elements and their relationships in healthy Saanen goat kids during the first three month of age (چکیده)
1971 - MRMC-CAN: A Method to Improve Real-Timeness and Response Time of CAN (چکیده)
1972 - Modeling and Optimization of A-TIG Welding Process Using Taguchi Method and Statistical Analysis (چکیده)
1973 - The use of sludge as a micronutrient for the improvement of biogas production from seaweed: the integration of two sources of environmental concern to bring new opportunities (چکیده)
1974 - Evaluation of engineering characteristics and estimation of static properties of clay-bearing rocks (چکیده)
1975 - Embryo Culture of New Hybrid of Pecan (Carya Illinoensis) with Walnut (J. Regia and J. Nigra) (چکیده)
1976 - Numerical Analysis of the Heterogeneity Effect on Electroosmotic Micromixers Based on the Standard Deviation of Concentration and Mixing Entropy Index (چکیده)
1978 - Investigation of super-critical water-based nanofluid with different nanoparticles (shapes and types) used in the rectangular corrugated tube of reactors (چکیده)
1979 - Investigation of methyl orange photocatalytic degradation using La0.7Sr1.3CoO4 Ruddlesden-Popper nanoparticles (چکیده)
1980 - Investigation of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of La2−xSrxCoO4 (x = 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3 and 1.5) nanoparticles (چکیده)
1981 - Underwater Target Localization using the Generalized Lloyd-Mirror Pattern (چکیده)
1982 - Could effective microorganisms improve tolerance of UCB1 (چکیده)
1983 - Effects of Different Geometric Parameters of Complex Bridge Piers on Maximum Scour Depth: Experimental Study (چکیده)
1984 - Trauma and Identity in Tom McCarthy s Remainder: A Cognitive Approach (چکیده)
1985 - Numerical Study of Porous Media Effect on the Blade Surface of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine for Enhancement of Aerodynamic Performance (چکیده)
1986 - Non-technical loss detection in limited-data low-voltage distribution feeders (چکیده)
1987 - SSA: Subset sum approach to protein β-sheet structure prediction (چکیده)
1988 - Multi-purpose prediction of the various edge cut twisted tape insert characteristics: multilayer perceptron network modeling (چکیده)
1989 - Assessment of solar chimney combined with phase change materials (چکیده)
1990 - Effects of water-aluminum oxide nanofluid on double pipe heat exchanger with gear disc turbulators: A numerical investigation (چکیده)
1991 - Numerical study on the effect of excavation dewatering on the contaminant emission in sandy soil (چکیده)
1992 - Optimal Warranty Plan with Limited Number of Repairs Based on a Rate Cost Function (چکیده)
1993 - A novel modeling of energy extraction from nonlinear vortex-induced vibrations (چکیده)
1994 - Autonomy-Supportive Faculty, Students' Self-System Processes, Positive Academic Emotions, and Agentic Engagement: Adding Emotions to Self-System Model of Motivational Development (چکیده)
1995 - Evaluating the effect of electric arc furnace steel slag on dynamic and static mechanical behavior of warm mix asphalt mixtures (چکیده)
1996 - ُThe Interaction of Development Projects and Climate Change on Sustaniable Security on Shares Water bodies a Case Study: Euphrates and Tigris River Basin (چکیده)
1997 - Exploring mechano-bactericidal nature of Psalmocharias cicadas wings: an analytical nanotopology investigation based on atomic force microscopy characterization (چکیده)
1998 - Stabilizer design for an under-actuated autonomous underwater vehicle in a descriptor model under unknown time delay and uncertainty (چکیده)
1999 - Review of Innovation and Expansion in Translation Process Research (چکیده)
2000 - Do We Go Back to Where We Came From? Mullā Ṣadrā's Philosophical Exegesis on the Paradise of Adam and the Promised Paradise of the Afterlife (چکیده)
2001 - Establishment of a culture condition for strong proliferation and enrichment of chicken spermatogonial stem cells in vitro (چکیده)
2002 - New Comparative Literature and Literary Adaptation: Williams’s Glass Menagerie and Tavakoli’s Here without Me (چکیده)
2003 - An Efficient Lightweight Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Patient Privacy (چکیده)
2004 - Performance assessment and multi-objective optimization of an organic Rankine cycles and vapor compression cycle based combined cooling, heating, and power system (چکیده)
2005 - Sustainable and superhydrophobic cellulose nanocrystal-based aerogel derived from waste tissue paper as a sorbent for efficient oil/water separation (چکیده)
2006 - ACTIVE CONTROL $/*25,7+0%$6(\\\'21)8== (چکیده)
2007 - Progressive Sidesway Collapse Analysis of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames Under Earthquake Excitations (چکیده)
2008 - Studies on Seed Germination, Plant Regeneration, and Soil Acclimatization of Nepeta binaloudensis Jamzad (Lamiaceae) (چکیده)
2010 - A random model for the scale parameter in the Fréchet populations (چکیده)
2011 - Multi-level nursing workforce planning considering talent management in healthcare with a dynamic quantitative approach (چکیده)
2012 - Neural Network for a Novel Disturbance Optimal Control Model for Inventory and Production Planning in a Four-Echelon Supply Chain with Reverse Logistic (چکیده)
2013 - Investigation of shear forces in twisted carbon nanotube bundles using a structural mechanics approach (چکیده)
2014 - Endemics determine bioregionalization in the alpine zone of the Irano-Anatolian biodiversity hotspot (South-West Asia) (چکیده)
2015 - Copula-based exponentially weighted moving average cotrol charts (چکیده)
2016 - Whole genome characterization of wisteria vein mosaic virus from Iran and its relationship to other members of bean common mosaic virus group (چکیده)
2017 - Band structure analysis of Green-Naghdi-based thermoelastic wave propagation in cylindrical phononic crystals with energy dissipation using a meshless collocation method (چکیده)
2018 - Weak Law of Large Numbers Without Any Restriction on the Dependence Structure of Random Variables (چکیده)
2019 - Nutritional Management Improved Sesame Performance and Soil Properties: a Function-Based Study on Sesame as Affected by Deficit Irrigation, Water Superabsorbent, and Salicylic Acid (چکیده)
2020 - Post-earthquake fire resistance of tall steel concentrically braced frames (چکیده)
2021 - Heavy metal health risk assessment in water resources with emphasis on Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) index (چکیده)
2022 - Characterization, geostatistical modeling and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in groundwater resources of northeastern Iran (چکیده)
2023 - Physicochemical stability and gastrointestinal fate of β-carotene-loaded oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by whey protein isolate-low acyl gellan gum conjugates (چکیده)
2024 - Calculating TIN‐Based 3D Sight Distance and Its Evaluation on Drivers Free‐Flow Speed (چکیده)
2025 - Penalized regression via the restricted bridge estimator (چکیده)
2026 - Preparation of monodispersed carbonaceous nanomaterials – A review (چکیده)
2027 - Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Wisdom and Inspiration in Abu Hatam’s and Zakariyya Razi’s Opinions (چکیده)
2028 - Application of jaban watermelon exocarp powder in low‐calorie ice cream formulation and evaluation of its physicochemical, rheological, and sensory properties (چکیده)
2029 - Vacuum structure and electroweak phase transition in singlet scalar dark matter (چکیده)
2030 - Development of a wideband hexagonal SIW cavity-backed slot antenna array (چکیده)
2031 - Enhanced Estimation of Root Zone Soil Moisture at 1 km Resolution Using SMAR Model and MODIS-Based Downscaled AMSR2 Soil Moisture Data (چکیده)
2032 - Comparing the Effect of Risperidone, Virtual Reality and Risperidone on Social Skills, and Behavioral Problems in Children with Autism: A Follow-up Randomized Clinical Trial (چکیده)
2033 - Introducing test data-set for the QoS-aware web-services discovery and composition (چکیده)
2034 - Jurisprudential and legal study of concealing messages and using of subliminal stimuli with emphasis on Islamic jurisprudence and Iranian law (چکیده)
2035 - Automatic QoS-aware web services composition based on set-cover problem (چکیده)
2036 - Nanomaterial application in bio/sensors for the detection of infectious diseases (چکیده)
2037 - Aspects of morphometry, distribution, and key identification of the genus Pomadasys (Perciformes: Haemulidae) from the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman with descriptions of new records (چکیده)
2038 - The Use of Hedges in Persian Learners’ Writing (چکیده)
2039 - Fabrication and experimental characterization of a modified heat-sink based on a semi-active/passive cooling strategy with fluid flow and nano-enhanced phase change material (چکیده)
2040 - An experimental and numerical study on the crush responses and energy absorption characteristics of single and bi layer cups under low velocity impact (چکیده)
2041 - Admissibility analysis for autonomous underwater vehicle based on descriptor model with time-varying delay (چکیده)
2042 - Comparison the effect of core stabilization training in water and on land in the management of chronic non-specific low back pain (چکیده)
2043 - Evaluation of Integrating SWAT Model into a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis towards Reliable Rainwater Harvesting Systems (چکیده)
2044 - A reversed-hazard-based nonlinear model for one-way classification (چکیده)
2045 - Nano‐Modification of the Polyvinyl Alcohol/Organic Acid‐Modified Polyvinylidene Fluoride Thin‐Film Composite Membrane and Its Application in the Nanofiltration Process (چکیده)
2046 - طغیان‌های بیماری نیوکاسل و آنفلوانزای H9N2 در طیور بومی روستایی ایران در سال‌های 94-1393 (چکیده)
2047 - Veterinary medicine and farm animal practice in the era of footprints and One-Health concepts (چکیده)
2048 - The First Successful Report: Control of Browning Problem in in vitro Culture of Iranian Seedless Barberry, a Medicinally Important Species (چکیده)
2049 - Photoelectrochemical water splitting by a novel design of photo-anode: inverse opal-like UiO-66 sensitized by Pd and decorated with S,N graphene QDs (چکیده)
2050 - Modeling and Optimization of Abrasive Waterjet Parameters using Regression Analysis (چکیده)
2051 - Using FEM for Prediction of Thermal Post-Buckling Behavior of Thin Plates During Welding Process (چکیده)
2052 - Modeling and characterization of an engineered microbial biosensor for high-throughput screening of arsenic in rural water (چکیده)
2053 - Economic Evaluation of Rangelands (چکیده)
2054 - Numerical study of free-fall cylinder water entry using an efficient three-phase lattice Boltzmann method with automatic interface capturing capability (چکیده)
2055 - Mycorrhizal fungi modified growth, physiological traits, and essential oil content of sweet basil (چکیده)
2056 - Predictive modeling of selected trace elements in groundwater using hybrid algorithms of iterative classifier optimizer (چکیده)
2057 - A comparative study on the performance of artificial neural networks and regression models in modeling the heat source model parameters in GTA welding (چکیده)
2058 - An analytical study on nucleation and growth mechanism of nanostructured Ni-Se coating by the chronoamperometry and pulse potential techniques (چکیده)
2059 - Simulation of land use land cover change in Melbourne metropolitan area from 2014 to 2030: using multilayer perceptron neural networks and Markov chain model (چکیده)
2060 - Improving daily stochastic streamflow prediction: comparison of novel hybrid data-mining algorithms (چکیده)
2061 - Study on soil water retention and infiltration rate: a case study in eastern Iran (چکیده)
2062 - Enhancing image quality of single-frequency microwave imaging with a multistatic full-view array based on sidelobe reduction (چکیده)
2063 - Near-Field Radar-Based Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection: A Study on Resolution and Image Quality (چکیده)
2064 - Water Intake and Ion Exchange in PEDOT:Tos Films upon Cyclic Voltammetry: Experimental and Molecular Dynamics Investigation (چکیده)
2065 - Optimization of backpropagation neural network-based models in EDM process using particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing algorithms (چکیده)
2066 - Physical modification of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum using cold atmospheric-pressure plasma treatment (چکیده)
2067 - Architectural design of MWCNT reinforced AlSi10Mg matrix composites with comprehensive mechanical properties (چکیده)
2068 - Cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and apoptosis in human embryonic kidney (HEK293) and colon cancer (SW480) cell lines exposed to nanoscale zeolitic imidazolate framework 8 (ZIF-8) (چکیده)
2069 - Multiresolution simultaneous upscaling of two features of the reservoir using the bandwidth of the kernel function and wavelet transformation (چکیده)
2070 - The enhanced mechanical properties and strain-hardening capability of CNT/Al composites achieved by heterogeneous micro-laminated architecture (چکیده)
2071 - بررسی اثرات روش‌های توسعه کم‌اثر بر خصوصیات رواناب شهری (منطقه مورد مطالعه: بخش جنوب غربی منطقه 9 شهرداری مشهد) (چکیده)
2073 - Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Clustering-Based Latent Variable in Variational Bayesian Framework (چکیده)
2074 - بررسی روند تغییرات زمانی شاخص‌های کیفی آب آبیاری در رودخانه شیرین دره، شمال شرق ایران (چکیده)
2075 - توسعه نمودار کنترل EWMAR با استفاده از قوانین حساس‌سازی در پایش پروفایل خطی ساده (چکیده)
2076 - The Effect of Intellectual Capital and Board Characteristics on Value Creation and Growth (چکیده)
2077 - Prediction of the hydrogen adsorption isotherm on nickel decorated carbon nanotubes by applying artificial neural network modeling (چکیده)
2078 - Role of movement of the walls with time-dependent velocity on flow and mixed convection in vertical cylindrical annulus with suction / injection (چکیده)
2079 - Gaussian thermal shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation in an FG multilayer hybrid nanocomposite cylinder reinforced by GPLs and CNTs (چکیده)
2080 - As Narrative Travels from Literature to Video Game: Digital Narrative, Interactivity, Characters and Game Space in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (چکیده)
2081 - Binary Pairs of Yin/ Yang and Body / Soul in Xiao Yao’s Chaotic Sword God (چکیده)
2082 - Antecedents and outcomes of job embeddedness among nurses (چکیده)
2083 - Image-based computational hemodynamic analysis of an anterior communicating aneurysm treated with the Woven EndoBridge device (چکیده)
2084 - Evaluation of Darrieus wind turbine for different highway settings using CFD simulation (چکیده)
2085 - Analysis of Separation Control Authority of DBD Plasma Actuator using Hot-Film Sensor Array (چکیده)
2086 - Investigation and optimization of heat transfer coefficient of MWCNTs-Water nanofluids in a plate heat exchanger (چکیده)
2087 - Improvement of wind turbine aerodynamic performance by vanquishing stall with active multi air jet blowing (چکیده)
2088 - Acute toxicity of silicon dioxide nanowires (SiO2NWs) in saltwater microcrustacean, Artemia franciscana (چکیده)
2089 - Use of a real-time location system to detect cows in distinct functional areas within a barn (چکیده)
2090 - Mindfulness in the context of a romantic relationship to predict relationship satisfaction (چکیده)
2091 - Exploring students’ misconceptions of the function concept through problem-posing tasks and their views thereon (چکیده)
2092 - The effect of apple cider vinegar on the intestinal morphology of rainbow trout (چکیده)
2093 - The effect of apple cider vinegar on FAAH gene expression in rainbow trout with non-alcoholic fatty liver (چکیده)
2094 - Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies and gene networks analysis for milk production traits in Holstein cows (چکیده)
2095 - Evaluation of increasing concentrations of fish waste silage in diets on growth performance, gastrointestinal microbial population, and intestinal morphology of broiler chickens (چکیده)
2096 - Experimental study of low Reynolds number effects on aerodynamics of smooth and sinusoidal leading-edge wings in the vicinity of the ground (چکیده)
2097 - Perception of the reciprocal influences of the formed interactions and hydrogen bonds, and adsorption energies between zinc-titanate nanoparticles/nano-silica/Dawson heteropolyacid hybrid- water on the positive alternation trends of the strength and properties of ordinary and self-compacting concrete: A systematic study through the quantum mechanical theory and experimental engineering studies (چکیده)
2098 - Soft computing analysis of thermohydraulic enhancement using twisted tapes in a flat-plate solar collector: Sensitivity analysis and multi-objective optimization (چکیده)
2099 - Time-varying effects of monetary policy on Iranian renewable energy generation (چکیده)
2100 - Invariant Bony Multi-Graphs (چکیده)
2102 - An ANN-based ensemble model for change point estimation in control charts (چکیده)
2103 - High-resolution time-frequency hilbert transform using sparsity-aware weighting function (چکیده)
2104 - Using Hybrid Artificial Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Modeling and Optimization of Welding Process (چکیده)
2105 - The effect of friction stir welding parameters on the microstructure, defects, and mechanical properties of AA7075-T651 joints (چکیده)
2106 - Estimation of sediment load and erosion of different geological units: A case study from a basin of north-eastern Iran (چکیده)
2107 - Clean water production by non-noble metal/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite coated on wood: Scalable interfacial solar steam generation and heavy metal sorption (چکیده)
2108 - Legal conflicts among natural resources stakeholders in Iran (چکیده)
2109 - An evaluation of IR spectroscopy for authentication of adulterated turmeric powder using pattern recognition (چکیده)
2110 - Antioxidant activity of ultrafiltered-Feta cheese made with adjunct culture during ripening (چکیده)
2111 - Diazinon exposure reduces bone mineral density in adult and immature rats: A histomorphometric and radiographic study (چکیده)
2112 - تاثیر تمرینات شناختی و حرکتی کنسول‌های Wii بر کارکردهای اجرایی کودکان دارای اختلال کم توجه/بیش فعالی (چکیده)
2113 - Shear Wave Velocity Estimation Utilizing Statistical and Multi-Intelligent Models from Petrophysical Data in a Mixed Carbonate–Siliciclastic Reservoir in Southwest of Iran (چکیده)
2114 - Complex networks analysis in Iran stock market: The application of centrality (چکیده)
2115 - Application of modeling techniques for energy analysis of fruit production systems (چکیده)
2116 - An Efficient Decision-Making Approach for Optimal Energy Management of Microgrids (چکیده)
2117 - Numerical investigation of a two-phase system on swallowing behavior in dysphagia: A case study on cress seed gum–xanthan gum thickened liquids (چکیده)
2118 - The effects of local and regional parameters on the δ18O and δ2H values of precipitation and surface water resources in the Middle East (چکیده)
2119 - راهبردهای مطلوب توسعه بیمه محصولات کشاورزی در بین کشاورزان خرده مالک (مطالعه موردی: دهستان تبادکان شهرستان مشهد) (چکیده)
2120 - A Low-Power Subthreshold Level Shifter in 180 nm Process (چکیده)
2121 - A spatiotemporal analysis of the relationship between groundwater level and ground surface displacement using Sentinel-1 SAR data (چکیده)
2122 - Source localization in inhomogeneous underwater medium using sensor arrays: Received signal strength approach (چکیده)
2123 - تاثیر تمرینات شناختی و حرکتی کنسول‌های Wii بر تبحر حرکتی، توه دیداری و انعطاف‌پذیری شناختی کودکان دارای اختلال نقص توه/فزون‌کنشی (چکیده)
2124 - Hierarchical simultaneous upscaling of porosity and permeability features using the bandwidth of kernel function and wavelet transformation in two dimensions: Application to the SPE-10 model (چکیده)
2125 - Prevalence and Genetic Diversity of Avian Haemosporidian Parasites in Southern Iran (چکیده)
2126 - Design investigation of a dual-band wearable antenna for tele-monitoring applications (چکیده)
2127 - Climatology of the Sistan Levar wind: Atmospheric dynamics driving its onset, duration and withdrawal (چکیده)
2128 - Synergistic effect of lacunary polyoxotungstates and carbon nanotubes for extraction of organophosphorus pesticides (چکیده)
2129 - Hybrid ensemble learning approaches to customer churn prediction (چکیده)
2130 - Active tectonic stress field analysis in NW Iran-SE Turkey using earthquake focal mechanism data (چکیده)
2131 - Perceptual-Motor Skills Reconstruction Program Improves Executive Functions in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (چکیده)
2132 - The Role of Collaborative Projects in Rural Women\\\'s Empowerment and Conservation of Environment: Case Study of Hossein Abad Plain in Sarbishe (چکیده)
2133 - Hybrid mathematical modeling and multi‐objective optimization of mechanical properties of green composites based on starch and modified rice straw fillers (چکیده)
2134 - Kinematic and Statistical Analysis of Fold Related Fractures in the Northeast of Kopet Dagh Folded Belt, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
2135 - تحلیل راهبردی تنگناها وفرصتهای توسعه گردشگری الکترونیک(مطالعه موردی:شهر مشهد ) (چکیده)
2136 - Rural electrification in protected areas: A spatial assessment of solar photovoltaic suitability using the fuzzy best worst method (چکیده)
2137 - Numerical simulation and PIV measurement of flow field in a pipe fitted with V-shape baffles (چکیده)
2138 - Thermal augmentation by cut edge twisted tape: Artificial intelligence and CFD analysis (چکیده)
2139 - Flow control method by applying flexible shells procedure in transonic flow (چکیده)
2140 - Projecting Land use change with neural network and GIS in northern Melbourne for 2014–2050 (چکیده)
2141 - Meta-heuristic innovative algorithm ofmulti-objectives in tasks timing at cloud computingsystem (چکیده)
2142 - پیش نگری دوره های خشک و مرطوب متوالی در ایران مبتنی بر برونداد همادی مدل‌های تصحیح شده اریبی CMIP6 (چکیده)
2143 - Design and Implementation of SIW Cavity Oscillators for Humidity Sensing Applications (چکیده)
2144 - A Distributed Power Amplifier Design with a High Power Gain (چکیده)
2145 - Market Demand, Routine Activity, and Illegal Fishing: An Empirical Test of Routine Activity Theory in Iran (چکیده)
2146 - The effect of eight weeks of aerobic exercise with moderate and high intensities on serum irisin and PGC-1α protein levels in obese male Wistar rats (چکیده)
2147 - Representing Post-Colonialism through Visual Arts: From Bhabha to Kress and Van Leeuwen (چکیده)
2148 - Spatial distribution of stable isotopes (18O and2H) in precipitation and groundwater in Iran (چکیده)
2149 - Detection of Minced Red Meat Mixing Adulteration via Molecular and Histological Techniques in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
2150 - The impact of different modes of exercise training on GLP-1: a systematic review and meta-analysis research (چکیده)
2151 - Numerical investigation of the effect of two-step injection (direct and port injection) of hydrogen blending and natural gas on engine performance and exhaust gas emissions (چکیده)
2152 - Comment on: “Investigation on nucleation kinetics, growth, optical, mechanical, conductivity and Z‑scan studies on thiosemicarbazide cadmium chloride monohydrate (TSCCCM) single crystals for nonlinear applications” [J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 30(6), 15116–15129 (2019)] (چکیده)
2153 - Comment on: “Effect of particle size on the optical properties of lead zirconate titanate nanopowders” [J. Am. Cream. Soc. 2018;101:5335–5345] (چکیده)
2154 - Comment on: “Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of Tetrakis (Thiourea) Palladium Chloride Semi-Organic Non-Linear Optical Crystal: An Approach to NLO Application” [(2018) Silicon 10 (3):841–850] (چکیده)
2155 - Comment on: “Dynamic mechanical and optical characterization of PVC/fGO polymer nanocomposites” [Appl. Phys. A 124(9) 600 (2018)] (چکیده)
2156 - Comment on: “Investigation the effect of Pb incorporation on the surface characterizations of electrodeposited CdSe nanostructures” [J. Alloys Compd. 817 (2020) 152711] (چکیده)
2157 - Comment on: “Glycine glutaric acid cocrystals: Morphological, optical, dielectric and mechanical properties via nanoindentation” [Vacuum 154 (2018) 90–100] (چکیده)
2158 - Comment on: “Effect of low thermal treatment temperatures on the morphological, optical and electrical properties of Sn1-xMnxTe nanocomposite films incorporated with indium cations” [Ceram. Int. 45 (2019) 23203–23215] (چکیده)
2159 - Comment on: “growth, spectroscopic studies, and third order non-linear optical analysis of an organic dicarboxylic acid based single crystal: urea oxalic acid” [Chin. J. Phys., 56 (2018) 1449–1466] (چکیده)
2160 - Comment on: “Optical and dielectric properties of NiFe2O4 nanoparticles under different synthesized temperature” [Results Phys. 7 (2017) 3619–3623] (چکیده)
2161 - Comment on: “Assessment of the optical and dielectric properties of f-MWCNTs/BaTiO3 nanocomposite ceramics” [Ceramics International 44 (2018) 15804–15808] (چکیده)
2162 - Comment on: “Optical study on single-layer photoluminescent graphene oxide nanosheets through a simple and green hydrothermal method” [J. Photochem. Photobiol. A Chem. 364 (2018) 595–601] (چکیده)
2163 - Differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells toward tenocyte by platelet-derived growth factor-BB and growth differentiation factor-6 (چکیده)
2164 - Adaptive Sliding Mode Impedance Control of Single-Link Flexible Manipulators interacting with the Environment at an Unknown Intermediate Point (چکیده)
2165 - Optimizing tenogenic differentiation of equine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (eq-ASC) using TGFB3 along with BMP antagonists (چکیده)
2166 - Isolation and Identification of Yellow Spot Causing Microbial Agents on Chicken Sausage Based on Culture and Molecular Methods (چکیده)
2167 - Generalized description of the Knudsen layer thickness in rarefied gas flows (چکیده)
2168 - Application of smart nanoparticles as a potential platform for effective colorectal cancer therapy (چکیده)
2169 - Numerical investigation of the effects of cannula geometry on hydraulic blood flow to prevent the risk of thrombosis (چکیده)
2170 - Schiff bases-titanium (III) & (IV) complex compounds: Novel photocatalysts in Buchwald-Hartwig C–N cross-coupling reaction (چکیده)
2171 - Evaluation of Chemical Parameters of Urban Drinking Water Quality along with Health Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Ardabil Province, Iran (چکیده)
2172 - Insight into the semiconducting performance of tetraphenyldipyranylidene derivatives in organic field‐effect transistors (چکیده)
2173 - Preventing food waste in subsidy-based university dining systems: An artificial neural network-aided model under uncertainty (چکیده)
2174 - Dietary supplementation with melatonin: influence on growth performance, oxidative stress status, and amelioration of silver nanoparticles-induced toxicity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (چکیده)
2175 - A Deadbeat Controller Design for Single-Phase Active Power Filters Based on Forward-Backward Discretization (چکیده)
2176 - Crop water productivity and yield response of two greenhouse basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) cultivars to deficit irrigation (چکیده)
2177 - Anchoring Cu nanoparticles on functionalized multi‐walled carbon nanotube for regioselective synthesis of 1,2,3‐triazoles via click reaction (چکیده)
2178 - Nematodes Versus White Grubs: Long But Challenging Association (چکیده)
2179 - Performance Investigation of Simple Low-dissipation AUSM ‎‎(SLAU) Scheme in Modeling of 2-D Inviscid Flow in Steam ‎Turbine Cascade Blades (چکیده)
2180 - Word Association in Young Persian Adults (چکیده)
2181 - Spatial optimization of soil and water conservation practices using coupled SWAT model and evolutionary algorithm (چکیده)
2182 - Some Finiteness Results for Local Cohomology Modules with Respect to a Pair of Ideals (چکیده)
2183 - Sensor-less Speed and Flux Control of Dual Stator Winding Induction Motors Based on Super Twisting Sliding Mode Control (چکیده)
2184 - مدلسازی جریان و تغییرات کیفی (شوری) آب‌زیرزمینی در دشت نیشابور توسط کدهای MODFLOW و MT3DMS (چکیده)
2185 - Mathematics of evidences in dynamic systems with exponential component lifetimes and optimal sample size determination (چکیده)
2186 - Physical-based methodology for prediction of weld bead characteristics in the Laser Edge Welding process (چکیده)
2187 - Kernel Search-Framework for Dynamic Controller Placement in Software-Defined Network (چکیده)
2188 - Optimization of gamma‐aminobutyric acid production by Lactobacillus brevis PML1 in dairy sludge‐based culture medium through response surface methodology (چکیده)
2189 - Morphological, physiological and phytochemical responses of Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) to drought stress (چکیده)
2190 - Thermal analysis on a nanofluid-filled rectangular cavity with heated fins of different geometries under magnetic field effects (چکیده)
2191 - Different shapes of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the free convection and entropy generation in a wavy-wall square cavity filled by power-law non-Newtonian nanofluid (چکیده)
2192 - Dynamic Nanoparticle Aggregation for a Flowing Colloidal Suspension with Nonuniform Temperature Field Studied by a Coupled LBM and PBE Method (چکیده)
2193 - Experimental investigation and prediction of the thermal conductivity of water-based oxide nanofluids with low volume fractions (چکیده)
2194 - Analytical investigation of peristaltic nanofluid flow and heat transfer in an asymmetric wavy wall channel (Part II: Divergent channel) (چکیده)
2195 - Analytical investigation of peristaltic nanofluid flow and heat transfer in an asymmetric wavy wall channel (Part I: Straight channel) (چکیده)
2196 - Fe3O4–(CH2OH)2 nanofluid analysis in a porous medium under MHD radiative boundary layer and dusty fluid (چکیده)
2197 - Investigation for squeezing flow of ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in rotating stretching channel with nonlinear thermal radiation (چکیده)
2198 - Combined heat and power economic dispatch problem using advanced modified particle swarm optimization (چکیده)
2199 - Numerical heat transfer enhancement using different nanofluids flow through venturi and wavy tubes (چکیده)
2200 - Optimization of Thermal Spray Parameters of NiAl/Cr2C3 Coating by Taguchi Method (چکیده)
2201 - Magnetic nanofluid behavior including an immersed rotating conductive cylinder: finite element analysis (چکیده)
2202 - Geometry optimization for a rectangular corrugated tube in supercritical water reactors (SCWRs) using alumina-water nanofluid as coolant (چکیده)
2203 - Solar radiation effects on MHD stagnation point flow and heat transfer of a nanofluid over a stretching sheet (چکیده)
2204 - Peristaltic Carreau-Yasuda nanofluid flow and mixed heat transfer analysis in an asymmetric vertical and tapered wavy wall channel (چکیده)
2205 - Photocatalytic performance of aerogels for organic dyes removal from wastewaters: Review study (چکیده)
2206 - Experimental investigation of heat transfer enhancement of a heat exchanger tube equipped with double-cut twisted tapes (چکیده)
2208 - Recent developments of nanoparticles additives to the consumables liquids in internal combustion engines: Part II: Nano-lubricants (چکیده)
2209 - Application of three dimensional porous aerogels as adsorbent for removal of heavy metal ions from water/wastewater: A review study (چکیده)
2210 - Systems with two-dependent components under spare switching policy (چکیده)
2211 - واکاوی خصوصیات ابرها و برخی شاخص های فیزیکی موثردر بارش مشهد (چکیده)
2212 - Globalization, renewable energy consumption, and agricultural production impacts on ecological footprint in emerging countries: using quantile regression approach (چکیده)
2213 - Influence of eutectic phase precipitation on cracking susceptibility during forging of a martensitic stainless steel for turbine shaft applications (چکیده)
2214 - Solid-phase extraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in human plasma and water samples using sol–gel-based metal-organic framework coating (چکیده)
2215 - Anisotropy in Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films (چکیده)
2216 - Application of green supply chain management in the oil Industries: Modeling and performance analysis (چکیده)
2217 - Multi-objective optimal structural design of composite superstructure using a novel MONMPSO algorithm (چکیده)
2218 - The Effect of Parietal and Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Bimanual Coordinated Adaptive Motor Learning (چکیده)
2219 - Optimization of plant growth regulators for in vitro shoot proliferation of apple cv. ʽAbbasiʼ using response surface method (چکیده)
2220 - Empirical correlation between length of nail and system parameters for a vertical soil nailed wall (چکیده)
2221 - Voltage–current behavior of 4-phenylamino-3-penten-2-one and its derivatives molecular switch: a first-principles study (چکیده)
2222 - Transport Diplomacy in the Silk Road: Roles and Expectations (چکیده)
2223 - Experimental Evaluation of Dowel Action in Ultra-High Performance Concrete (چکیده)
2224 - Multi-criteria decision-making for controller placement in software-defined wide-area networks (چکیده)
2225 - Experimental Hysteresis Identification and Micro-position Control of a Shape-Memory-Alloy Rod Actuator (چکیده)
2226 - Effects of surface energy on vibration characteristics of double-walled piezo-viscoelastic cylindrical nanoshell (چکیده)
2227 - A comprehensive investigation into the performance, robustness, scalability and convergence of chaos-enhanced evolutionary algorithms with boundary constraints (چکیده)
2228 - Interactions among hydro-aeolian processes and micro-geomorphology stimulate hot spots of sediment carbon source and sink within a coppice dune system (چکیده)
2229 - Adaptive particularly tunable fuzzy particle swarm optimization algorithm (چکیده)
2230 - Bi-state switch based on two-dimensional guided-mode resonance (چکیده)
2231 - Nonlinear vibration and stability analysis of double-walled piezoelectric nanoresonator with nonlinear van der Waals and electrostatic excitation (چکیده)
2232 - Students’ willingness to attend EFL classes with respect to teachers’ credibility, stroke, and success: A cross-cultural study of Iranian and Iraqi students’ perceptions (چکیده)
2233 - Hydroelastic analysis of surface gravity wave interacting with elastic plate resting on a linear viscoelastic foundation (چکیده)
2234 - A comparative study of different materials (drinking water treatment sludge, nanoclay, and modified nanoclay) for simultaneous removal of hexavalent chromium and lead (چکیده)
2235 - Global exponential stabilization of a quadrotor by hybrid control (چکیده)
2236 - Magnetized solvents: Characteristics and various applications (چکیده)
2237 - A high-order algorithm for solving nonlinear algebraic equations (چکیده)
2238 - Solving nonlinear Fredholm integral equations with PQWs in complex plane (چکیده)
2239 - Sample preparation and extraction methods for pesticides in aquatic environments: A review (چکیده)
2240 - Organophosphorus pesticides extraction with polyvinyl alcohol coated magnetic graphene oxide particles and analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: Application to apple juice and environmental water (چکیده)
2241 - Demand dispatch on dispatchable prosumer PEVs in a smart microgrid: A comprehensive framework (چکیده)
2242 - Magnetic solid-phase extraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from environmental water samples using polyamidoamine dendrimer functionalized with magnetite nanoparticles as a sorbent (چکیده)
2243 - Hybrid nanocomposites prepared from a metal-organic framework of type MOF-199(Cu) and graphene or fullerene as sorbents for dispersive solid phase extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (چکیده)
2244 - Polyamidoamine dendrimer functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles for simultaneous electrochemical detection of Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions in environmental waters (چکیده)
2245 - Synthesis of a zinc-based metal-organic framework with histamine as an organic linker for the dispersive solid-phase extraction of organophosphorus pesticides in water and fruit juice samples (چکیده)
2246 - One‐pot synthesis of dihydro-1H-indeno[1,2-b] pyridines and tetrahydrobenzo[b] pyran derivatives using a new and efficient nanocomposite catalyst based on N‐butylsulfonate‐functionalized MMWCNTs-D-NH2 (چکیده)
2247 - Microcrystalline cellulose/metal−organic framework hybrid as a sorbent for dispersive micro-solid phase extraction of chlorophenols in water samples (چکیده)
2248 - Synthesis and investigation of two new crystalline organic inorganic nano-hybrids based on Wells-Dawson vanadotungstates and 1H-1, 2, 4-triazole as electro- and photocatalysts (چکیده)
2249 - Cu-Based MOF for Simultaneous Determination of Trace Tl (I) and Hg (II) by Stripping Voltammetry (چکیده)
2250 - Electrochemical detection of bisphenol a on a MWCNTs/CuFe2O4 nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode (چکیده)
2251 - An insight into the determination of trace levels of benzodiazepines in biometric systems: Use of crab shell powder as an environmentally friendly biosorbent (چکیده)
2252 - Analytical approach to estimate structural and behavioral impact of renewable energy power plants on LMP (چکیده)
2253 - From self-sufficient provision of water and energy to regenerative urban development and sustainability: exploring the potentials in Mashhad City, Iran (چکیده)
2254 - نظام پرورش غلام صفویان و نسبت آن با سازمان مشابه حکومت‌های ممالیک و عثمانی (چکیده)
2255 - Integrated analysis of the genetic basis of risky behaviors based on a graph model (چکیده)
2256 - معرفی و پیاده سازی چارچوب حسابداری آب +WA و استخراج اطلاعات و شاخص های آن به منظور پایش و مدیریت یکپارچه منابع آبی (مطالعه موردی: حوضه آبریز فریزی، خراسان رضوی) (چکیده)
2257 - بررسی کارایی مدل SWAT در شبیه سازی توامان رواناب، آب زیرزمینی، تبخیر و تعرق و عملکرد محصولات کشاورزی (مطالعه موردی: حوضه آبریز فریزی، خراسان رضوی) (چکیده)
2258 - A new enhanced-boost switched-capacitor quasi Z-source network (چکیده)
2259 - High Power Quality Maximum Power Point Tracking-based Islanding Detection Method for Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems (چکیده)
2260 - Developmental Changes in Ripeness Indexes and Physico-Chemical Properties of Pomegranate Fruit During Maturity On Tree (چکیده)
2261 - Innovation in using IT: understanding the impact of knowledge absorptive capacity on academic librarians (چکیده)
2262 - Developing Software Signature Search Engines Using Paragraph Vector Model: A Triage Approach for Digital Forensics (چکیده)
2263 - Application of Surrogate Models as an Alternative to Process Simulation for Implementation of the Self-Optimizing Control Procedure on Large-Scale Process Plants—A Natural Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Case Study (چکیده)
2264 - Emosensory Competence, as an Undisclosed Construct of Communicative Competence, Predicts L2 Speaking Ability (چکیده)
2265 - An Accurate PMU-Based Fault Location Scheme for Shunt-Compensated Transmission Lines (چکیده)
2266 - Numerical study on heat and mass transfer behavior of pool boiling in LiBr/H2O absorption chiller generator considering different tube surfaces (چکیده)
2267 - Artificial Neural Network Training to Predict Hydrogen Adsorption Isotherm on Ni-decorated CNTs (چکیده)
2268 - Spirulina supplementation during gradual weight loss in competitive wrestlers (چکیده)
2269 - On the Security of “Secure and Lightweight Authentication with Key Agreement for Smart Wearable Systems” (چکیده)
2270 - Application of light emission diode irradiation during sperm swim-up selection skewed the primary sex ratio and improved bovine sperm quality (چکیده)
2271 - Thermo-economic analysis and optimization of the steam absorption chiller network plant (چکیده)
2272 - Accurate determination of natural gas compressibility factor by measuring temperature, pressure and Joule-Thomson coefficient: Artificial neural network approach (چکیده)
2273 - Performance investigation of a novel hybrid system for simultaneous production of cooling, heating, and electricity (چکیده)
2275 - Layered Geometric Learning (چکیده)
2276 - Impacts of Strategic Behavior of Wind Power Plants on Electricity Markets: A Supply Function Equilibrium Approach (چکیده)
2277 - Modulation of ruminal pH, milk fat secretion, and biohydrogenation intermediates by alkalizing agents in dairy cows fed starch-rich diets (چکیده)
2278 - Impacts of large-scale penetration of wind power on day-ahead electricity markets and forward contracts (چکیده)
2279 - A Machine Learning Approach for Collusion Detection in Electricity Markets Based on Nash Equilibrium Theory (چکیده)
2280 - Student Evaluation Apprehension: An Interdisciplinary Review of Determinants and Ramifications (چکیده)
2281 - Electrodeposited Ni Co P hierarchical nanostructure as a cost-effective and durable electrocatalyst with superior activity for bifunctional water splitting (چکیده)
2282 - The Effect of Urban Development on Urban Flood Runoff (Case Study: Mashhad, Iran) (چکیده)
2283 - 2D Water Quality Modeling of Dam Reservoir (Case Study: Doosti Dam) (چکیده)
2284 - واسنجی مدل SWMMدر حوضۀ آبریز شمال شهر تهران (چکیده)
2285 - Simultaneous effect of granite waste dust as partial replacement of cement and magnetized water on the properties of concrete exposed to NaCl and H2SO4 solutions (چکیده)
2286 - Improvement in the performance and cost of passive solar stills using a finned-wall/built-in condenser: An experimental study (چکیده)
2287 - Assessment of a District Trigeneration Biomass Powered Double Organic Rankine Cycle as Primed Mover and Supported Cooling (چکیده)
2288 - Metal−organic framework-based sorbents in analytical sample preparation (چکیده)
2289 - New characterizations of the matrix classes , and R0 (چکیده)
2290 - Develop a strategic plan for the development of womens sports based on the model SOAR (چکیده)
2291 - WEB (water extract of banana): An efficient natural base for one-pot multi-component synthesis of 2-amino-3,5-dicarbonitrile-6-thio-pyridines (چکیده)
2292 - Variability and coordination patterns of walking with different speeds in active and non-active children with Down syndrome: A cross-sectional case-control study (چکیده)
2293 - Life Cycle and Phenological Growth Stages inEndangered Fritillaria raddeana Regel Using BBCH Scalein Its Natural Habitat, Northern Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
2294 - The Effectiveness and Rank of Metalinguistic Corrective Feedback Strategies on Written Grammatical Performance: Monolingual Persian vis-à-vis Bilingual Turkmen EFL Learners (چکیده)
2295 - A soft-computing approach to estimate soil electrical conductivity (چکیده)
2296 - The Influence of the Geographical Location on the Preventive Replacement of Renewable Energy Devices (چکیده)
2297 - Layer-by-layer polyamide thin film nanocomposite membrane: synthesis, characterization and using as pervaporation membrane to separate methyl tertiary butyl ether/methanol mixture (چکیده)
2298 - Electronic transport behavior of 1-(Phenyldiazenyl)naphthalen-2-ol and its derivatives as optical molecular switches: A first-principles approach (چکیده)
2299 - Power Allocation for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Non-Gaussian Noise and Hardware Impairments Using Distance-Related Bounds (چکیده)
2300 - On the relations of general homogeneous spaces and the two-wavelet localization operators (چکیده)
2301 - A time variant multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving fuzzy number linear programming problems using modified Kerre’s method (چکیده)
2302 - Implementation of weighted essentially non‐oscillatory scheme for unsteady and steady compressible flow in pressure‐based algorithm (چکیده)
2303 - The Feasibility of Filing Lawsuits against Imposers of Sanctions for Crimes against Humanity in Domestic Courts (چکیده)
2304 - Biotech’s Growing Activity in the World of Social Media Networking (چکیده)
2305 - Design of a novel auxiliary system for power enhancement of a two-degree-of-freedom galloping-based piezoelectric energy harvesting system (چکیده)
2306 - Swarm intelligence based robotic search in unknown maze-like environments (چکیده)
2307 - Simulation of Smart Water Flooding in a Fractured Carbonate Reservoir for Enhanced Oil Recovery (چکیده)
2308 - طراحی و تببین مدل مدیریت منابع انسانی سبز و تاثی ر آن بر عملکرد محیطی )مورد مطالعه شهرداری مشهد (چکیده)
2309 - The Process of Socialising the Mothers of Shi'a Imams and Social Mobility (چکیده)
2310 - A new species of Astragalus L. sect. Caraganella (Papilionaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
2311 - Effect of Social networks on entrepreneurship IN IRAN (چکیده)
2312 - 2Line Defense Ontology-Based Trust Management Model (چکیده)
2313 - Winter warming detection using temperature and precipitation anomalies in arid and semi-arid areas (چکیده)
2314 - Investigation of improving the drought tolerance in persian petunia (Petunia sp.) by exogenous application of salicylic acid and gibberellic acid (چکیده)
2315 - Control strategy to improve load/power sharing, DC bus voltage restoration, and batteries SOC balancing in a DC microgrid (چکیده)
2316 - The Impact of Electronic Health Care Record on Physicians\\\' Professional Authority (چکیده)
2317 - The effect of purchasing strategy on the economic production quantity model subject to random machine breakdown (چکیده)
2318 - End-regularity of generalized bicycle graph (چکیده)
2319 - تاثیر یک برنامه تمرینی اصلاحی مبتنی بر ثبات اسکاپولا بر سندروم متقاطع فوقانی در ورزشکاران بسکتبال با ویلچر (چکیده)
2320 - Spatiotemporal relation of RADAR-derived land subsidence with groundwater and seismicity in Semnan—Iran (چکیده)
2321 - Hot corrosion of Inconel 625 wrought alloy and weld overlay on carbon steel by gas metal arc welding in 47 PbSO4-23 ZnO-13 Pb3O4-7 PbCl2-5 CdO-5 Fe2O3 molten salt mixture (چکیده)
2322 - Comparative effects of probiotic and paraprobiotic addition on microbiological, biochemical and physical properties of yogurt (چکیده)
2323 - The effect of fluctuations in moisture on resistance to soil erosion in the production of dust Case study: Bazangan Lake (Iran) (چکیده)
2324 - A novel dynamic function allocation method in human-machine systems focusing on trigger mechanism and allocation strategy (چکیده)
2326 - A Fuzzy TOPSIS Approach to Ranking the Effectiveness of Corrective Feedback Strategies: Monolingual Persian Versus Bilingual Turkmen EFL Learners (چکیده)
2327 - Investigation effects of roughness in wet steam flow with Buckingham Pi-theorem (چکیده)
2328 - Projection of future extreme precipitation in Iran based on CMIP6 multi-model ensemble (چکیده)
2329 - Effectiveness of a Unified Protocol on Emotion Regulation and Experiential Avoidance in Women with Comorbid Major Depressive and Generalized Anxiety Symptoms (چکیده)
2330 - Notes on the taxonomy of some perennial species of Trigonella sect. Ellipticae (Fabaceae) in Iran (چکیده)
2331 - MVDF-RSC: Multi-view data fusion via robust spectral clustering for geo-tagged image tagging (چکیده)
2332 - Image annotation based on multi-view robust spectral clustering (چکیده)
2333 - The Effect of Microwave Irradiation on the Flotation of the Selected Polymers as a Potential Solution for Plastic Recycling (چکیده)
2334 - Effects of synthesis parameters on organic template-free preparation of zeolite Y (چکیده)
2335 - Electrochemical performance and complex impedance properties of reduced-graphene oxide/polypyrrole nanofiber nanocomposite (چکیده)
2336 - Thubon (چکیده)
2337 - Intelligent step-length adjustment for adaptive path-following in nonlinear structural mechanics based on group method of data handling neural network (چکیده)
2338 - Estimating shear wave velocity of soil using standard penetration test (SPT) blow counts in Mashhad city (چکیده)
2339 - Evaluation of land subsidence in Kashmar-Bardaskan plain, NE Iran (چکیده)
2340 - Efficient dispersive micro solid-phase extraction of antidepressant drugs by a robust molybdenum-based coordination polymer (چکیده)
2341 - تحلیل SWOT برای پیاده‌سازی شهر هوشمند (چکیده)
2342 - Lowering medium pH improves tolerance of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants to long-term salinity exposure (چکیده)
2343 - Shiraz’s heritage gardens during the political turmoil in Twentieth-century Iran (چکیده)
2344 - Particulate Modeling of Sand Production Using Coupled DEM-LBM (چکیده)
2345 - The Impact of Different Modes of Exercise Training on Irisin: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Research (چکیده)
2346 - Analysis and improvement of PSRR in an envelope‐tracking power amplifier using a common‐drain amplifier topology (چکیده)
2347 - Microwave Breast Screening Prototype: System Miniaturization With IC Pulse Radio (چکیده)
2348 - Effects of diode low-level laser therapy on healing of tooth extraction sockets: a histopathological study in diabetic rats (چکیده)
2349 - Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Importance in Cell Signaling Pathways for Predicting Cellular Behavior (چکیده)
2350 - The Variation of Acquisition, Consolidation Memory and Coordination Pattern of Elbow Joint in Short Service Badminton before and after Aerobic Training (چکیده)
2351 - The Effects of 24-Hour Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive and Motor Skills of Male College Students (چکیده)
2352 - Hybrid Control for a Boost DC-DC Converter With Average Dwell Time (چکیده)
2353 - Biosensors Localization for Swarm Medical Delivery (چکیده)
2354 - Determination of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of amyloid-b 1-42 interaction with astaxanthin (چکیده)
2355 - Robust adaptive control for a class of nonlinear switched systems using state-dependent switching (چکیده)
2356 - A New Machine Learning-Based Method for Android Malware Detection on Imbalanced Dataset (چکیده)
2357 - Convergence behavior of diffusion stochastic gradient descent algorithm (چکیده)
2358 - Physicochemical properties and enzymatic activity of wheat germ extract microencapsulated with spray and freeze drying (چکیده)
2359 - Growth and development of two cultivars of Mentha piperita and Shirazi mint under fungus Trichoderma treatment (چکیده)
2360 - A Synergetic R-Shiny Portal for Modeling and Tracking of COVID-19 Data (چکیده)
2361 - The Effect of Model Error Identification on the Fast Reservoir Simulation by Capacitance-Resistance Model (چکیده)
2362 - A model of language students’ sustained flow, personal best, buoyancy, evaluation apprehension, and academic achievement (چکیده)
2363 - Forecasting multiple-well flow rates using a novel space-time modeling approach (چکیده)
2364 - A new approach to finding effective parameters controlling the performance of multi-stage fractured horizontal wells in low-permeability heavy-oil reservoirs using RSM technique (چکیده)
2365 - Numerical simulations of dust storms originated from dried lakes in central and southwest Asia: The case of Aral Sea and Sistan Basin (چکیده)
2366 - Factorization and range inclusion of adjointable operators on the weighted Hilbert C^∗-modules (چکیده)
2367 - The Role of Traumatic Childhood Experiences in Predicting Affective Control and Object Relations in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (چکیده)
2368 - Microstructural study on MMA/1‐hexene copolymers made by mononuclear and dinuclear α‐diimine nickel (II) catalysts (چکیده)
2369 - Psychosocial Consequences of Female Infertility in Iran: A Meta-Analysis (چکیده)
2370 - Gas exchange variables as promising criteria for screening freezing‐tolerant faba bean (Vicia faba L.) landraces at early growth stages (چکیده)
2371 - A stigmergic approach to teaching-learning-based optimization for continuous domains (چکیده)
2372 - On the effect of ozonated water on mortality of Tetranychus urticae (Trombidiformes: Tetranychidae) on Capsicum annuum (Solanaceae) in greenhouse conditions (چکیده)
2373 - The Effect of Ridges to Improve Ductility and Reduce Deformation Energy in Deep-Drawing Process (چکیده)
2374 - Experimental, numerical, and multi-objective optimization investigations on the energy absorption features of single- and bi-layer deep-drawn cups (چکیده)
2375 - Modeling Opinion Formation in Social Networks: A Probabilistic Fuzzy Approach (چکیده)
2376 - When a metal-organic framework mediated smart drug delivery meets gastrointestinal cancers (چکیده)
2377 - Analytical study on torsional behavior of concrete beams strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer laminates using softened truss model (چکیده)
2378 - Semantic concordance In the supplications of Sheikh Al-Tusi in the book of Misbah Al-Mutahjid (An analytical study) (چکیده)
2379 - The Role of Institutional Conditions in the Impact of Economic Growth on Income Inequality (چکیده)
2380 - Field-scale fully coupled simulation of fluid flow and geomechanics: Gas storage/recovery process in a depleted sandstone reservoir (چکیده)
2381 - New approach: Voluntary demarketing and its impact on the value chain of the tourism industry Religious tourism through health culture in the spiritual capital of Iran (Mashhad) (چکیده)
2382 - Optimization of A-TIG Welding Process Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm (چکیده)
2383 - Genetic structure and diversity of the common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt & Lauterer, (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae) in Iran (چکیده)
2384 - Cyberloafing in public sector of developing countries: job embeddedness as a context (چکیده)
2385 - Experimental Study of Stable Circular Hydraulic Jumps (چکیده)
2386 - Predicting entropy generation of a hybrid nanofluid containing graphene–platinum nanoparticles through a microchannel liquid block using neural networks (چکیده)
2387 - Analyzing the relationship between principals’ learning-centered leadership and teacher professional learning: The mediation role of trust and knowledge sharing behavior (چکیده)
2388 - Design of an Analytical Model for Iranian Taekwondo Elites’ Awareness of the Components of a Personal Brand Image (چکیده)
2389 - New approach to computing mean velocity and discharge (چکیده)
2390 - Homogeneous Relaxation and Shock Wave Problems: Assessment of the Simplified and Generalized Bernoulli Trial Collision Schemes (چکیده)
2391 - Transformation of Urban Spaces within Cities in the Context of Globalization and Urban Competitiveness (چکیده)
2392 - A new color index for vegetation segmentation and classification (چکیده)
2393 - Infertility, attachment, identity and sexual function of females: A correlational study (چکیده)
2394 - n-Capability of A-Groups (چکیده)
2395 - HMGA2 gene polymorphisms and their effects on main growth traits indices in Awassi and Karakul sheep (چکیده)
2396 - Numerical solutions of the wave equation using time-independent shearlet coefficients (چکیده)
2397 - Influence of faulting on porosity and permeability features of carbonate rocks, Kardeh fault, NE Iran (چکیده)
2398 - Comparison of the effect of two methods of counseling (face to face and telephone) on awareness and attitude toward adoption in infertile couples (چکیده)
2399 - Comparing the effects of six-months aerobic training on pulmonary function tests in obese and nonobese women (چکیده)
2400 - Counting short cycles of (c,d)-regular bipartite graphs (چکیده)
2401 - Growth, leaf gas exchange and physiological parameters of two Glycyrrhiza glabra L. populations subjected to salt stress condition (چکیده)
2402 - The Effect of Trunk Strengthening Training Program on Physical Activity Levels, Physiological, and Psychological Functioning in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomised Controlled Trial (چکیده)
2403 - A new ultrasound-assisted approach to the synthesis of metalorganic framework structure derived from the Zn–terephthalic acid–DMF system (چکیده)
2404 - PEPS: predictive energy-efficient parallel scheduler for multi-core processors (چکیده)
2405 - Investigating the Rutting Behavior of Modified Asphalt Mixtures with Waste Materials (چکیده)
2406 - Critical Packet Loss Improvement in the AFDX Communication Protocol (چکیده)
2407 - Investigation of suspended particle size effects on clogging of soil filters under laminar flow (چکیده)
2408 - Development of the delta-normal stress combining CE-QUAL-W2 as a novel method for spatio-temporal monitoring of water quality in Karkheh Dam Reservoir (چکیده)
2409 - A new fractional-order developed type-2 fuzzy control for a class of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
2410 - Improving the Fault Tolerance and Efficiency of CAN Communication Networks Based on Bus Redundancy (چکیده)
2411 - The effect of aqueous and ethanol extract of saffron (Crocus Sativus) petal on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) growth performance (چکیده)
2412 - Multilayered electrospinning strategy for increasing the bioaccessibility of lycopene in gelatin-based sub-micron fiber structures (چکیده)
2413 - Effect of Solution-focused Group Counseling Approach on the Happiness of Postmenopausal Women Suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome (چکیده)
2414 - Effects of counseling based on Gamble’s approach on psychological birth trauma in primiparous women: a randomized clinical trial (چکیده)
2415 - Comparison of two types of forward and backward Walking on the treadmill on Physical Fitness Factors in Overweight Low Mobility Girls (چکیده)
2416 - Effects of resistance training on muscle strength, insulin-like growth factor-1, and insulin-like growth factor–binding protein-3 in healthy elderly subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (چکیده)
2417 - ریبونوکلئازها به عنوان عوامل درمانی بالقوه (چکیده)
2418 - Assessing the learning capacity of water users – Adoption a social learning framework (چکیده)
2419 - Providing new formulation for white compound chocolate based on mixture of soy flour, sesame paste, and emulsifier: An optimization study using response surface methodology (چکیده)
2420 - An Investigation into Language Learners’ L2WTC by Casting a New Look at Feedback Through the Lenses of Life-Responsive Approach to Language Teaching (چکیده)
2421 - An Efficient Authentication and Key Agreement Scheme Based on ECDH for Wireless Sensor Network (چکیده)
2422 - Combining Consensus and Tracking Errors in Sliding Mode Control of Higher Order Uncertain Stochastic Multi-Agent Systems (چکیده)
2423 - Smart metal organic frameworks: focus on cancer treatment (چکیده)
2424 - Tapping into the zeitgeist: Israel’s East-looking policy (چکیده)
2425 - Solving the Fractional Optimal Control of a Spring-Mass-Viscodamper System with Caputo–Fabrizio Fractional Operator (چکیده)
2426 - Improvement the barrier and mechanical properties of whey protein isolate film using fructan obtained from Serish (Eremurus spectabilis) root as a novel polysaccharide (چکیده)
2427 - Comparative infectivity and biocontrol potential of Acrobeloides k29 and entomopathogenic nematodes on the leopard moth borer, Zeuzera pyrina (چکیده)
2428 - Synthesis, X-ray structure, antiproliferative activity, interaction with HSA and docking studies of three novel mono and binuclear copper complexes containing the maltol ligand (چکیده)
2429 - Qualitative Demographic Evaluation of Fertility among Iranian Married Women (چکیده)
2430 - The optimal time for preventive replacement of solar energy device which consisting of number (n) of tubes (چکیده)
2431 - Characterizations of dissimilar S32205/316L welds using austenitic, super-austenitic and super-duplex filler metals (چکیده)
2432 - ARisk Estimation Framework for Security Threats in Computer Networks (چکیده)
2433 - Fortification of bread wheat with iron through soil and foliar application of iron-organic-complexes (چکیده)
2434 - Mullā Ṣadrā’s Political Legacy: Ṣadrā’s Theory of Justice and the Religio-Political Authority in Post-Revolutionary Iran (چکیده)
2435 - A Novel Strategy for Engineering of a Smart Generation of Immune Ribonucleases against EGFR+ Cells (چکیده)
2436 - A comparative study on the effect of alternative and fossil energy consumption on economic growth and foreign direct investment in selected countries using SUR approach (چکیده)
2437 - An assessment of the ability of a novel mulch to stabilise sand dunes in the Sistan region of Iran (چکیده)
2438 - The Role of TARP Factor in Social Network Advertising in Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention of Sport Brands (چکیده)
2439 - Predicting the Power of Famous Sport Endorser Indices on the Tendency to Purchase Sporting and Non-porting Goods: A Quasi-experimental Study (چکیده)
2440 - Scheduling Data-Driven Workflows in Multi-Cloud Environment (چکیده)
2441 - Protein Whey Supplementation Stimulate Apoptosis Signaling Cascade Via internal and external pathways EDL Muscle of Aged rats (چکیده)
2442 - External Debt and Exchange Rate Fluctuations in Iran: Markov Switching Approach (چکیده)
2444 - Adaptive Emotional Neuro Control for a Class of Uncertain Affine Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
2445 - Salient object detection in video using deep non-local neural networks (چکیده)
2446 - On the influence of resin pocket area on the failure of tapered sandwich composites (چکیده)
2447 - Studies on knot placement techniques for the geometry construction and the accurate simulation of isogeometric spatial curved beams (چکیده)
2448 - Biochar application modified growth and physiological parameters of Ocimum ciliatum L. and reduced human risk assessment under cadmium stress (چکیده)
2449 - Amelioration of soil properties, growth and leaf mineral elements of summer savory under salt stress and biochar application in alkaline soil (چکیده)
2450 - Changes in growth and essential oil composition of sweet basil in response of salinity stress and superabsorbents application (چکیده)
2451 - Phytochemical and physiological response of Satureja hortensis L. to different irrigation regimes and chitosan application (چکیده)
2452 - Bayesian Decision Network-Based Security Risk Management Framework (چکیده)
2453 - امکان سنجی حضور برخی از علفهای هرز مهاجم در استان گلستان (چکیده)
2454 - In silico study of dynamic level interaction between CLF36 peptide and coronavirus surface protein in Bovine coronaviruses (چکیده)
2455 - اثر مدیریت آبیاری و تاریخ کاشت بر عملکرد و بهره‌وری آب در برنج (Oryza sativa L.) (چکیده)
2456 - ارزیابی مدل ORYZA2000 در شبیه‌سازی عملکرد و بهره‌وری تولید برنج تحت مدیریت‌های زراعی (چکیده)
2457 - Virtual water requirement of cow milk production under two different dietary strategies (چکیده)
2458 - Numerical study and optimization of thermohydraulic characteristics of a graphene–platinum nanofluid in finned annulus using genetic algorithm combined with decision-making technique (چکیده)
2459 - Assessing vegetation restoration potential under different land uses and climatic classes in northeast Iran (چکیده)
2460 - Influence of planting date and plant density on morphological characteristics, seed yield and essential oil percentage of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) (چکیده)
2461 - On Maximizing QoE in AVC-Based HTTP Adaptive Streaming: An SDN Approach (چکیده)
2462 - An Optimal Spatial and Temporal Charging Schedule for Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid (چکیده)
2463 - Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) for Smart grid: An in-depth study on LoRaWAN (چکیده)
2464 - Reactive caching of viral content in 5G networks (چکیده)
2465 - Effects of Synthesis Parameters and Thickness on Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2Te3 Fabricated Using Mechanical Alloying and Spark Plasma Sintering (چکیده)
2466 - WSMN: An optimized multipurpose blind watermarking in Shearlet domain using MLP and NSGA-II (چکیده)
2467 - Efficient Fuzzy based UAV Positioning in IoT Environment Data Collection (چکیده)
2468 - Critical Packet Loss Improvement in the AFDX Communication Protocol (چکیده)
2469 - A proactive caching approach in 5G networks (چکیده)
2470 - Joint Peak Clipping and Load Scheduling Based on User Behavior Monitoring in an IoT Platform (چکیده)
2471 - Load-Balanced and QoS-Aware Software-Defined Internet of Things (چکیده)
2472 - Green Cloud Multimedia Networking: NFV/SDN Based Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation (چکیده)
2473 - An online context-aware mechanism for computation offloading in ubiquitous and mobile cloud environments (چکیده)
2474 - Assessment of anisotropic minimum-dissipation (AMD) subgrid-scale model: Gently-curved backward-facing step flow (چکیده)
2475 - Unequally spaced resonant slotted‐waveguide antenna array with low side lobe level based on an open‐ended substrate integrated waveguide resonator (چکیده)
2476 - A family of high voltage gain quasi‐Δ‐source impedance networks (چکیده)
2477 - Finding the nearest facility for travel and waiting time in a transport network (چکیده)
2478 - Sonoprecipitation design of novel efficient all-solid Z-Scheme Cu(OH)2/Cu2O/C3N4 nanophotocatalyst applied in water splitting for H2 production: Synergetic effect of Cu-Based cocatalyst (Cu(OH)2) and electron mediator (Cu) (چکیده)
2479 - Prevalence of Haemosporidian Parasite Infections in Raptors of Iran (چکیده)
2480 - ارزیابی کیفیت‌های بصری فضاهای آموزشی بر اساس ترجیحات استفاده‌کنندگان، مورد مطالعاتی: پردیس دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد (چکیده)
2481 - An updated review of the performance of nanofluid-based photovoltaic thermal systems from energy, exergy, economic, and environmental (4E) approaches (چکیده)
2482 - The cost-effective and multi-objective optimal positioning of active actuators based on tug of war method in seismically excited benchmark highway bridge (چکیده)
2483 - Experimental study of a nanofluid-based indirect solar cooker: Energy and exergy analyses (چکیده)
2484 - ACTIVE CONTROL $/*25,7+0%$6(\\\'21)8== (چکیده)
2485 - Neuro-fuzzy active control optimized by Tug of war optimization method for seismically excited benchmark highway bridge (چکیده)
2486 - تعیین پارامترهای مدل‏سازی عملکرد براساس شاخص برداشت در گیاه گندم (چکیده)
2487 - Fault-Tolerant Damage Control of Nonlinear Structures Using Artificial Intelligence (چکیده)
2488 - A general achievable rate region and two certain capacity regions for Slepian–Wolf multiple‐access relay channel with non‐causal side information at one encoder (چکیده)
2489 - Determinants of Rural Non-Farm Employment in Neyshabur: Application of Multilevel Multinomial Logit Model (چکیده)
2491 - Selection of Agricultural Contract Sales Models to Wholesalers to Maximize Supply Chain Profit (an Experimental Study) (چکیده)
2492 - Analytical study of vibro-acoustic response of a human aorta subjected to an ultrasound wave (چکیده)
2493 - The relationship between fearful facial expressions valences and resting-state SW/FW ratio (چکیده)
2494 - Spectral collocation method for stochastic partial differential equations with fractional Brownian motion (چکیده)
2495 - Gifted and Non-gifted Iranian EFL Students\\\' Goal-orientation, Motivation and L2 Achievement: A Comparative Study (چکیده)
2496 - Analysis of Coexistence and Extinctio Analysis of Coexistence and Extinction in a Two-Species Competition Modeln in a Two-Species Competition Model (چکیده)
2497 - Fatigue and fracture behavior of A516 steel used in thick-walled pressure vessels (چکیده)
2498 - A divide and conquer approach to deadline constrained cost-optimization workflow scheduling for the cloud (چکیده)
2499 - Free vibration analysis of integrated and non-integrated corrugated core sandwich panels reinforced with weft-knitted fabrics (چکیده)
2500 - The effect of core geometry on flexural stiffness and transverse shear rigidity of weight‐wise identical corrugated core sandwich panels reinforced with 3D flat spacer knitted fabric (چکیده)
2501 - Isogeometric-based cross-sectional analysis of pre-twisted composite beams (چکیده)
2502 - A note on shrinkage wavelet estimation in Bayesian analysis (چکیده)
2503 - Bayesian analysis in multivariate regression models with conjugate priors (چکیده)
2504 - Free vibration of a nanogrid based on Eringen’s stress gradient model (چکیده)
2505 - Finding buckling points for nonlinear structures by dynamic relaxation scheme (چکیده)
2507 - Hygro-thermo-elastic nonlinear analysis of functionally graded porous composite thin and moderately thick shallow panels (چکیده)
2508 - Crack Spacing Prediction of Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Beams with Lap-Spliced Bars by Machine Learning Models (چکیده)
2509 - ارزیابی و مقایسه کارایی سه مدل AWBM، Sacramento و SimHyd در شبیه سازی رواناب حوضه امامه با استفاده از بهینه ساز واسنجی خودکار الگوریتم ژنتیک (چکیده)
2510 - Reanalysis of 2D and 3D truss structures considering simultaneous variations in topology, geometry and size (چکیده)
2511 - Exact solution for thermal–mechanical post-buckling of functionally graded micro-beams (چکیده)
2512 - بررسی تاثیر هونینگ پلاتو بر روی اصطکاک و سایش بوش سیلندر در تراکتورهای کشاورزی (چکیده)
2513 - Combination of SWOT Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process, and Monte Carlo Simulation to Identify the Strategic Positioning of Crisis Management at the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
2514 - Supramolecular network of a framework material supported by the anion–π linkage of Keggin-type heteropolyoxotungstates: Experimental and theoretical insights (چکیده)
2515 - The Effects of Attentional Instructions and Exercise with Resistance Socks on the Static and Dynamic Balance of Parkinson's Patients (چکیده)
2516 - Effects of alfalfa silage treated using different varieties of waste date on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and performance of Holstein lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
2517 - Effect of different levels of waste dates on the chemical composition and quality of alfalfa silage (چکیده)
2519 - Effect of Water Conservation Policies on Groundwater Depletion in Iran (چکیده)
2520 - Anti-proliferative Activity and Mitochondria-Dependent Apoptosis Induced by Almond and Walnut By-product in Bone Tumor Cells (چکیده)
2521 - Simulation and prediction of surface water quality using stochastic models (چکیده)
2522 - Preserved action recognition in children with autism spectrum disorders: Evidence from an EEG and eye‐tracking study (چکیده)
2523 - An efficient approximate method for solving two-dimensional fractional optimal control problems using generalized fractional order of Bernstein functions (چکیده)
2524 - Integral Representation of Quaternion Elliptical Density and its Applications (چکیده)
2525 - Subjective Bayesian Analysis of the Elliptical Model (چکیده)
2526 - Evaluation of the association between exosomal levels and female reproductive system and fertility outcome during aging: a systematic review protocol (چکیده)
2527 - Quasilocal conservation laws in cosmology: A first look (چکیده)
2528 - Genomic Detection of Bovine Digital Dermatitis Treponemes in Sole Ulcers (چکیده)
2529 - Effects of conditioner retention time during pelleting of starter feed on nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, blood metabolites, and performance of Holstein female dairy calves (چکیده)
2530 - Long-term impacts of late-gestation maternal heat stress on growth performance, blood hormones and metabolites of newborn calves independent of maternal reduced feed intake (چکیده)
2531 - ارزیابی توان رقابتی ارقام مختلف کلزا (Brasica napus) با خردل وحشی (Sinapis arvensis) و رابطه آن با میزان و نحوه توزیع سطح برگ در کانوپی (چکیده)
2532 - تأثیر شاخص های رشد بر توان رقابتی ارقام کلزا (Brassica napus) با علف هرز خردل وحشی(Sinapis arvensis) (چکیده)
2533 - تعیین مهم ترین جزء عملکرد دانه گندم در تاریخ های کاشت مختلف (چکیده)
2534 - The effect of different loading patterns on the resistance to shear flow of hot mix asphalt (چکیده)
2535 - Extreme subsidence in a populated city (Mashhad) detected by PSInSAR considering groundwater withdrawal and geotechnical properties (چکیده)
2536 - Users' perception of navigating bibliographic families from IFLA-LRM perspective (چکیده)
2537 - Robust sentiment fusion on distribution of news (چکیده)
2538 - Testing Porter and pollution haven hypothesis via economic variables and CO2 emissions: a cross-country review with panel quantile regression method (چکیده)
2539 - An estimation of Phi divergence and its application in testing normality (چکیده)
2540 - Representation of Gender Roles in the Discourse of a Literary Text: A CDA Study of Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms (چکیده)
2541 - Potential of solar energy in Iran for carbon dioxide mitigation (چکیده)
2542 - First record of Piebald Shrew, Diplomesodon pulchellus (Lichtenstein, 1823) from Iran (چکیده)
2543 - Investigation of Nitrate and Nitrite Concentration in Drinking Water of some Universities of Iran (چکیده)
2544 - مقایسه روش‎های درون‎یابی زمین‎آماری (کریجینگ) برای تخمین شوری خاک و عملکرد گندم در مزرعه نمونه ارتش آق ‏قلا (چکیده)
2545 - Acute Toxicity and Accumulation of Iron, Manganese and, Aluminum in Caspian Kutum Fish (Rutilus kutum) (چکیده)
2546 - Combination of loss functions for deep text classification (چکیده)
2547 - Probabilistic Kalman filter for moving object tracking (چکیده)
2548 - Flow field investigation in a vortex settling basin using Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry and large eddy simulation (چکیده)
2549 - A Survey on Drinking Water Contamination to Indicator Bacteria in Dairy Farms of Mashhad Suburb (چکیده)
2550 - Compensatory growth of Sobaity ( Sparidentex hasta ) and yellowfin seabreams ( Acanthopagrus latus ) relative to feeding rate during nursery phase (چکیده)
2551 - Hot deformation behavior and DRX mechanism in a γ-γ/ cobalt-based superalloy (چکیده)
2552 - Flow Stress Modeling in a γ-γ/ Cobalt Base Superalloy by Using the Hyperbolic Sine Equation and ANN Method (چکیده)
2553 - Relationship between mechanical properties, microstructure and texture evaluations during hot deformation of AZ63 magnesium alloy (چکیده)
2554 - Dynamic recrystallization in Monel400 Ni-Cu alloy: Mechanism and role of twinning (چکیده)
2555 - Genetic prediction of cement mortar mechanical properties with different cement strength class after freezing and thawing cycles (چکیده)
2556 - Modeling of hot deformation behavior and prediction of flow stress in a magnesium alloy using constitutive equation and artificial neural network (ANN) model (چکیده)
2557 - Microstructure, mechanical properties and failure behaviour of protrusion friction stir spot welded 2024 aluminium alloy sheets (چکیده)
2558 - Modeling the viscoplastic behavior and grain size in a hot worked Nb-bearing high-Mn steel (چکیده)
2559 - Twin-assisted precipitation during hot compression of an Mg-Gd-Zn-Zr magnesium alloy (چکیده)
2560 - Kinetics and critical conditions for initiation of dynamic recrystallization during hot compression deformation of AISI 321 austenitic stainless steel (چکیده)
2561 - Evaluation of the Kinetics of Dynamic Recovery in AISI 321 Austenitic Stainless Steel Using Hot Flow Curves (چکیده)
2562 - Processing map and microstructure evaluation of AA6061/Al 2 O 3 nanocomposite at different temperatures (چکیده)
2563 - Flow curves, dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in a medium carbon low alloy steel (چکیده)
2564 - Effect of precipitation on the warm deformation behavior of AA2024 alloy (چکیده)
2565 - High mechanical performance of similar Al joints produced by a novel spot friction welding technique (چکیده)
2566 - In situanodic dissolution–cathodic deposition route for preparation of the Pt–SiW11Co/SiW11Co–CNP/GC electrode: application as an efficient electrode for the hydrogen evolution reaction (چکیده)
2567 - The effects of water salinity on growth and osmotic stress indices in yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) (چکیده)
2568 - The effects of fasting and re-feeding periods on growth performance and feed efficiency of Sobaity seabream (Sparidentex hasta) and yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) (چکیده)
2569 - Reliability modeling of two-unit cold standby systems: A periodic switching approach (چکیده)
2571 - Effect of tillage systems and plant residues on whole soil stability and normalized stability indices (چکیده)
2572 - A PSO-MLPANN Hybrid Approach for Estimation of Human Joint Torques from sEMG Signals (چکیده)
2573 - Binary gas mixtures separation using microscale radiometric pumps (چکیده)
2574 - Experimental investigation of ground effects on aerodynamics of sinusoidal leading-edge wings (چکیده)
2575 - Effect of type of phenolic resin in preparation of an adhesive from phenolformaldehyde resin (چکیده)
2576 - Vitality and well-being in nurses (چکیده)
2577 - اندازه گیری حجم خرمای پیارم به‌صورت سه بعدی و با تعداد نمای متغیر با استفاده از روش Wire - Frame (چکیده)
2578 - Production of angiotensin‐converting enzyme inhibitory peptides in Iranian ultrafiltered white cheese prepared with Lactobacillus brevis KX572382 (چکیده)
2579 - When British and Arab Novelists Teach Feminism: A Comparative Reading of Wollstonecraft’s and El Saadawi’s Views (چکیده)
2581 - مقایسه نظریه ذهن در بیماران مبتلا به اختلال های اضطرابی و افراد عادی (چکیده)
2582 - Application of cumulative exergy consumption approach to assess the sustainability of rapeseed production in two different farming systems (چکیده)
2583 - مدیریت یکپارچه منابع آب حوضه میناب با کاربرد شاخص پایداری اصلاح شده (چکیده)
2584 - The Numerical Solution of Some Optimal Control Systems with Constant and Pantograph Delays via Bernstein Polynomials (چکیده)
2585 - The performance improvement of an indirect solar cooker using multi-walled carbon nanotube-oil nanofluid: An experimental study with thermodynamic analysis (چکیده)
2586 - Chinese Jujube Physicochemical Characteristics, Storability And Marketing In Response To Preharvest Application Of Salicylic Acid And Calcium Nitrate (چکیده)
2587 - Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Three Iranian Grapevine Cultivars to Short-Term Water Deficit Stress (چکیده)
2588 - Prediction of power generation and rotor angular speed of a small wind turbine equipped to a controllable duct using artificial neural network and multiple linear regression (چکیده)
2589 - Artificial Neural Network modeling tools for estimation of efficiency in gas filtration (چکیده)
2590 - Monitoring linear profiles using Artificial Neural Networks with run rules (چکیده)
2591 - Effect of plant growth regulators and explants on callus induction and study of antioxidant potentials and phenolic metabolites in Salvia tebesana Bunge (چکیده)
2592 - Design and multi-criteria optimisation of a trigeneration district energy system based on gas turbine, Kalina, and ejector cycles: Exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental evaluation (چکیده)
2593 - Determination of Landslide High Risk Areas using GA and GIS Combination in the West of Mazandaran Province (چکیده)
2594 - A simple and robust method for identifying the distribution functions of Manning’s roughness coefficient along a natural river (چکیده)
2595 - Exploring Students’ Metacognitive Knowledge: The Case of Integral Calculus (چکیده)
2596 - Genetic diversity and biological characterization of watermelon mosaic virus isolates from Iran and Iraq (چکیده)
2597 - Stepwise ordinal efficiency for the random assignment problem (چکیده)
2598 - Adaptive prescribed performance neural network control for switched stochastic pure-feedback systems with unknown hysteresis (چکیده)
2599 - Prediction the PEM Fuel Cell Performance Based on Cathod Properties using Neural Network Modeling (چکیده)
2600 - An improved two‐loop model predictive control design for nonlinear robust reference tracking with practical advantages (چکیده)
2601 - The Conditional Estimation for related Weibull parameters Under Type-II Censoring (چکیده)
2602 - Application of Surrogate-Assisted Gray Wolf Optimization (SAGWO) Algorithm for Optimization of Large-Scale Process Plants with Computationally Expensive Evaluation – Gas to Liquids (GTL) Process Case Study (چکیده)
2603 - Comparing Performance of Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimizing Synthetic and Real-world Case Studies (چکیده)
2604 - Numerical simulation of the Mexico wind turbine using the actuator disk model along with the 3D correction of aerodynamic coefficients in OpenFOAM (چکیده)
2605 - Impact of rapid urbanization on the surface water’s quality: a long-term environmental and physicochemical investigation of Tajan river, Iran (2007–2017) (چکیده)
2606 - Novel method of square wave voltammetry for deposition of Bi2S3 thin film: Photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent Cr in single and binary mixtures (چکیده)
2607 - New water based EPD thin BiVO4 film: Effective photocatalytic degradation of Amoxicillin antibiotic (چکیده)
2608 - بررسی تأثیر فلوفنامیک اسید به‌عنوان مهارکننده کانکسین بر روی ترمیم زخم‌های دیابتی (چکیده)
2609 - Effect of Boron on the Microstructure Evolution and Dynamic Recrystallization Kinetics of ALLVAC718Plus Superalloy (چکیده)
2610 - Effects of carbomer 940 hydrogel on burn wounds: an in vitro and in vivo study (چکیده)
2611 - Comparison of the Effect of Eight Weeks of Water-Based Versus Land-Based Cycling on Serum Levels of Testosterone and IGF-1 in Elderly Men (چکیده)
2612 - A convolutional neural network and stacked autoencoders approach for motor imagery based brain-computer interface (چکیده)
2613 - Encapsulation of Ascorbyl Palmitate in Zein by Electrospinning Technique (چکیده)
2614 - Identifying crisis-related informative tweets using learning on distributions (چکیده)
2615 - Effect of magnetized water on the fresh, hardened and durability properties of mortar mixes with marble waste dust as partial replacement of cement (چکیده)
2616 - Crack Width and Propagation in Recycled Coarse Aggregate Concrete Beams Reinforced with Steel Fibres (چکیده)
2617 - The effect of ethical leadership on subjective wellbeing, given the moderator job satisfaction (a case study of private hospitals in Mashhad) (چکیده)
2618 - Presenting employees' self-development behaviour pattern (چکیده)
2619 - Organic extracts of seeds of Iranian Moringa peregrina as promising selective biofungicide to control Mycogone perniciosa (چکیده)
2620 - On Small n-Hawaiian Loops (چکیده)
2621 - Magnetic pectin-Chlorella vulgaris biosorbent for the adsorption of dyes (چکیده)
2622 - Synthesis and characterization of antimicrobial wound dressing material based on silver nanoparticles loaded gum Arabic nanofibers (چکیده)
2623 - Comparative study on the role of gelatin, chitosan and their combination as tissue engineered scaffolds on healing and regeneration of critical sized bone defects: an in vivo study (چکیده)
2624 - Dynamic controller placement insoftware‐definednetworks for reducing costs and improving survivability (چکیده)
2625 - Bilingualism, monoliteracy, and third language writing: A case from Turkish-Persian context in Iran (چکیده)
2626 - Two-Level Islanding Detection Method for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System-Based Microgrid With Small Non-Detection Zone (چکیده)
2627 - Simulation of a Natural Gas-to-Liquid Process with a Multitubular Fischer–Tropsch Reactor and Variable Chain Growth Factor for Product Distribution (چکیده)
2628 - Quantifying and managing the water-energy-food nexus in dry regions food insecurity: New methods and evidence (چکیده)
2629 - Implementation of high-level biosecurity measures can reduce the baseline antibody titers of Newcastle disease in non-integrated layer flocks in northeast Iran (چکیده)
2630 - Low-order feature extraction technique and unsupervised learning for SHM under high-dimensional data (چکیده)
2631 - Relationships for prediction of backstay effect in tall buildings with core-wall system (چکیده)
2632 - Proposition of an equivalent reduced thickness for composite steel plate shear walls containing an opening (چکیده)
2633 - Perception versus reality: Iranian banks and international anti-money laundering expectations (چکیده)
2634 - Exploratory social-spatial network analysis of global migration structure (چکیده)
2635 - Experimental investigation and cost analysis on a nanofluid-based desalination system integrated with an automatic dual-axis sun tracker and Fresnel lens (چکیده)
2636 - Maps preserving some spectral domains of operator products (چکیده)
2637 - An extended block Golub–Kahan algorithm for large algebraic and differential matrix Riccati equations (چکیده)
2639 - Applying the methods of BCOP and matrix exponential in the vibration analysis of multi-span composite plates under opposing moving inertia loads (چکیده)
2640 - Investigation of shear strength correlations and reliability assessments of sandwich structures by kriging method (چکیده)
2641 - Optimizing of sulfosulfuron and sulfosulfuron plus metsulfuron-methyl herbicides efficiency against Japanese downy brome Bromus japonicus L. by adjuvants application (چکیده)
2642 - A multi-criteria decision support framework for municipal solid waste landfill siting: a case study of New South Wales (Australia) (چکیده)
2643 - Sudden contraction effects in nanochannel cross section on the rarefied gas flow characteristics: LBM analysis (چکیده)
2644 - A New Method for Pupil Detection in Gaze-Point Estimation Systems Based on Active Contours (چکیده)
2645 - Polyoxometalate-Based Frameworks as Adsorbents for Drug of Abuse Extraction from Hair Samples (چکیده)
2646 - A continuous-time optimal control model for workforce planning considering human resource strategies (HRS) (چکیده)
2647 - The effect of aerobic, resistance, and combined training on PPAR-α, SIRT1 gene expression, and insulin resistance in high-fat diet-induced NAFLD male rats (چکیده)
2648 - Comparison of the Effects of Aerobic and Resistance Exercises on Arterial Stiffness, Endothelial Function, Carotid Intima-Media Thickness, and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Obese Sedentary Females. (چکیده)
2649 - Designing a Model of Micro Factor Affecting Personal Brand Development for Professional Athletes with Grounded Theory Approach (چکیده)
2650 - word.alignment: an R package for computing statistical word alignment and its evaluation (چکیده)
2651 - Impact of light/dark cycle on electrical and electrochemical characteristics of algal cathode sediment microbial fuel cells (چکیده)
2652 - Literary Darwinism and the Demise of the Dichotomy between Science and Humanities in the Study of Literature (چکیده)
2653 - An intelligent approach for calculating natural gas compressibility factor and its application in ultrasonic flow meters (چکیده)
2654 - Adaptive Neural Network Conformable Fractional-Order Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Control for a Class of Second-Order Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
2655 - A Two-Step Readout Technique for Large-Array Resistive Sensors (چکیده)
2656 - Communication-Critical Task Duplication for Cloud Workflow Scheduling with Time and Budget Concerns (چکیده)
2657 - New services and roles of biodiversity in modern agroecosystems: A review (چکیده)
2658 - Analysis of cotton production by energy indicators in two different climatic regions (چکیده)
2659 - Cardinal temperatures and thermal time required foremergence of lenti (Lens culinaris Medik) (چکیده)
2660 - Inflammatory Markers in Response to Different Intensity of Aerobic Exercise in Obese Male Wistar Rats (چکیده)
2661 - Identification of Breast Cancer Associated Putative Functional Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Iranian Population through In Silico Analyses (چکیده)
2662 - Low-cost zinc-oxide nanoparticles for solar-powered steam production: Superficial and volumetric approaches (چکیده)
2663 - راهبردهای جذب گردشگر برای اقامتگاه های بوم گردی روستایی با استفاده از ابزارهای برنامه ریزی استراتژیک (مطالعه موردی: رادکان، شهرستان چناران) (چکیده)
2664 - Grammatical Semantics in Verbs (Semantics in Model Verbs) (چکیده)
2665 - Chaos in Iterated Function Systems (چکیده)
2666 - Wishart distributions: Advances in theory with Bayesian application (چکیده)
2667 - Least-trimmed squares: asymptotic normality of robust estimator in semiparametric regression models (چکیده)
2668 - Weighted-type Wishart distributions with application (چکیده)
2669 - Generalized elliptical distributions (چکیده)
2670 - Shrinkage and penalized estimators in weighted least absolute deviations regression models (چکیده)
2671 - Evaluation of chromium accumulation and resulting histopathological changes in Libyan jirds (Mammals, Rodentia), affected by effluent from Ghazghan leather industrial town, Iran (چکیده)
2672 - Generalized Thermoelastic Waves Propagation in Non-uniform Rational B-spline Rods Under Quadratic Thermal Shock Loading Using Isogeometric Approach (چکیده)
2673 - Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics investigation of different zones at the joining area of a bulk metallic glass welded by friction stir spot welding (FSSW) (چکیده)
2674 - Preparation of amorphous polyphenylsulfone nanofiltration membrane via thermally-induced lamination (چکیده)
2675 - The effects of short term growth hormone administration and resistance training on the histopathology and mutation of the BRAF gene (T1799A) in thyroid tissue of the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) (چکیده)
2676 - Indexing the engineering properties of residual soils in the southern slopes of Mashhad, NE Iran (چکیده)
2677 - Design of a robustH∞dynamic sliding mode torque observer for the 100 KW wind turbine (چکیده)
2678 - Weighted distributions of eigenvalues (چکیده)
2679 - New bivariate gamma types with MIMO application (چکیده)
2680 - Optimization of HAZ in TIG welding process using OA-Taguchi technique and simulated annealing algorithm (چکیده)
2681 - Simultaneous upscaling of two properties of reservoirs in one dimension using adaptive bandwidth in kernel function method (چکیده)
2682 - An extremely ultrathin flexible Huygens’s transformer (چکیده)
2683 - Prolonged-release of menthol through a superhydrophilic multilayered structure of balangu (Lallemantia royleana)-gelatin nanofibers (چکیده)
2684 - Cheese powder production and characterization: A foam-mat drying approach (چکیده)
2685 - A Comparative Study on the Thermoelectric Properties of Bismuth Chalcogenide Alloys Synthesized through Mechanochemical Alloying and Microwave-Assisted Solution Synthesis Routes (چکیده)
2686 - Engineering of a high-efficiency water splitting photoanode by synergistic effects of doping, compositing, and coupling on TiO2 nanoparticles (چکیده)
2687 - An Overview of the Status of Pediatrics in Medical Texts from the Third to the Tenth Century A.H. (چکیده)
2688 - Elastic wave propagation in 2D-FGM hollow cylinders with curved outer surface under moving shock loading using isogeometric analysis (چکیده)
2689 - Evaluation of the generalized bernoulli trial-transient adaptive subcell (GBT-TAS) collision scheme in treating rarefied gas flows (چکیده)
2690 - From Symmetry to Asymmetry on the Disc Manifold: Modeling of Marion Island Data (چکیده)
2691 - Creep properties of Ni-based superalloy GTD-111 joints produced by transient liquid phase method using BNi-3 filler (چکیده)
2692 - Assessment of Virtual Water Flows in Iran Using a Multi-Regional Input-Output Analysis (چکیده)
2693 - Gravitational radiation by magnetic field: application to millisecond magnetars (چکیده)
2694 - Insight into incident photon to current conversion efficiency in chlorophylls (چکیده)
2695 - Improved efficacy of bio‐mineralization of human mesenchymal stem cells on modified PLLA nanofibers coated with bioactive materials via enhanced expression of integrin α2β1 (چکیده)
2696 - Semicompact canopy form in mixoploid plants differentiated from the endosperm of Pyrus communis cv. Natanzi: Evidence from flow cytometric analysis and anatomical and morphological traits (چکیده)
2697 - Pseudoneotachidius sinuspersici gen. et sp. nov., a new member of the family Tachidiidae Boeck, 1865 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from Iran (چکیده)
2698 - Effect of dietary encapsulated organic salts (Na‐acetate, Na‐butyrate, Na‐lactate and Na‐propionate) on growth performance, haemolymph, antioxidant and digestive enzyme activities and gut microbiota of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
2699 - On the impact of C-band in place of L-band radar for SMAP downscaling (چکیده)
2700 - Regional drivers of diversification in the late Quaternary in a widely distributed generalist species, the common pheasant Phasianus colchicus (چکیده)
2701 - Investigating the Impact of Organisational cohesion on Employees' Productivity of Mashhad Bus Organisation, Using the Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference system (ANFIS) (چکیده)
2702 - Using of a three-phase four-switch inverter equipped with a variable index PWM to improve the power quality of a wind power plant (چکیده)
2703 - An Enhanced Evolutionary Algorithm for Providing Energy Management Schedule in the Smart Distribution Network (چکیده)
2704 - Fuzzy-based Model Predictive Control for Three-Phase Rectifier (چکیده)
2705 - An Optimal Co-operation of Distributed Generators and Capacitor Banks in Dynamic Distribution Feeder Reconfiguration (چکیده)
2706 - Providing an Optimal Energy Management strategy in Distribution Network Considering Distributed Generators and Energy Storage Units (چکیده)
2707 - A Class of High Gain Active-Switched-Capacitor Z-Networks with Continuous Input Current (چکیده)
2708 - A Novel High Gain Extendable DC-DC Bidirectional Boost-Buck Converter (چکیده)
2709 - Decision support system for optimal location of HIFDs in real distribution network using an integrated EPSO‐fuzzy AHP model (چکیده)
2710 - Combination of least absolute shrinkage and selection operator with Bayesian Regularization artificial neural network (LASSO-BR-ANN) for QSAR studies using functional group and molecular docking mixed descriptors (چکیده)
2711 - Shrinkage Estimation Strategies in Generalised Ridge Regression Models: Low/High‐Dimension Regime (چکیده)
2712 - Joint Probabilistic Modeling of Wind Speed and Wind Direction for Wind Energy Analysis: A Case Study in Humansdorp and Noupoort (چکیده)
2713 - Advances in Wishart-type modelling of channel capacity (چکیده)
2714 - A Novel Structure for 15-Level Inverter Based on CHB and SCMLI Topologies (چکیده)
2715 - Nutrition Management and Farm’s Age Affect Saffron Daughter Corms Behavior, Nutrients Uptake and Economic Water and Fertilizer Use Efficiency: A Large Scale On-farm Experiment in Torbat Heydarieh, Iran (چکیده)
2716 - Improving Analysis of Low Voltage Ride Through Capability in Turbines Connected to The Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator (BDFIG) under Fault Conditions (چکیده)
2717 - Comprehensive PowerLoss Analysis and Optimizing of FB PFC DAB DC/DC Battery Charger in Sinusoidal Charging (چکیده)
2718 - Designing an optimal inventory management model for the blood supply chain (چکیده)
2719 - Comparative Efficacy of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness Therapy on Reducing Symptoms and Improving Quality of life in Patients with the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (چکیده)
2720 - The clinical correlations of unawareness of mental disorder in psychotic patients (چکیده)
2721 - LongTerm Effects of Mind fulnesson Quality oflife in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (چکیده)
2722 - A Cross-cultural Comparative Study of Identity Status in Three Distinct Groups of Women Irainian, Lebanese and Lebanese Residents in Iran (چکیده)
2723 - Plectorhinchus makranensis (Teleostei, Haemulidae), a new species of sweetlips from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman (چکیده)
2724 - Efficiency of milk proteins in eliminating practical limitations of β-carotene in hydrated polar solution (چکیده)
2725 - Designation and characterization of cold-set whey protein-gellan gum hydrogel for iron entrapment (چکیده)
2726 - A study on aroma release and perception of saffron ice cream using in-vitro and in-vivo approaches (چکیده)
2727 - Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Ratcheting Behavior of SS 316L Thin-Walled Pipes Subjected to Cyclic Internal Pressure (چکیده)
2728 - Modified auto-combustion synthesis of mixed-oxides TiO2/NiO nanoparticles: Physical properties and photocatalytic performance (چکیده)
2729 - Whey protein isolate-low acyl gellan gum Maillard-based conjugates with tailored technological functionality and antioxidant activity (چکیده)
2730 - Modified Pulat’s algorithm for the maximum outflow problem in undirected generalized networks (چکیده)
2731 - Numerical analysis of nonlinear thermal stress flow between concentric elliptical cylinders (چکیده)
2732 - Germination response of three Setaria species (S. viridis, S. verticillata, and S. glauca) to water potential and temperature using non-linear regression and hydrothermal time models (چکیده)
2733 - Sustainable allocation of water resources in water-scarcity conditions using robust fuzzy stochastic programming (چکیده)
2734 - بررسی پایداری حرارتی نانوذرات Fe5C2 (چکیده)
2735 - Screening some Iranian Muskmelon Landraces for Resistance Against Fusarium Wilt Disease using Molecular Markers (چکیده)
2736 - Mediating Role of Attitude towards Betrayal and Marital Conflict in Relation between Using Virtual Social Networks and Emotional Divorce (چکیده)
2737 - Valorization of brick waste by alkali-activation: A study on the possible use for masonry repointing (چکیده)
2738 - Valorization of spent cooking oils in hydrophobic waste-based lime mortars for restorative rendering applications (چکیده)
2739 - A new ultrasound-assisted approach to the synthesis of metal-organic framework structure derived from the Zn-terephthalic acid-DMF system (چکیده)
2740 - A Comparison of phylogenetic groups between mastitis causing strains of Escherichia coli and fecal isolates (چکیده)
2741 - Detection of some plasmid Qinolones resistance genes (qnrA, qnrB, qnrS, qnrC, aac(6’)-Ib-cr) in salmonella isolates from poultry (چکیده)
2742 - 61 Girls with Absolute Celibacy in Iran: Why-ness and their comparative adjustment in life with married counterparts (چکیده)
2743 - Copula based performance analysis for one‐hoping relay channel in wireless ad hoc network with correlated fading channels (چکیده)
2744 - Reconstruction of radial bone defect in rat by calcium silicate biomaterials (چکیده)
2745 - Lavandula angustifolia Extract Improves the Result of Human Umbilical Mesenchymal Wharton’s Jelly Stem Cell Transplantation after Contusive Spinal Cord Injury in Wistar Rats (چکیده)
2746 - Identifying Influential Users on Instagram Through Visual Content Analysis (چکیده)
2747 - Influential post identification on Instagram through caption and hashtag analysis (چکیده)
2748 - A component-based video content representation for action recognition (چکیده)
2749 - Revisiting correlation-based filters for low-resolution and long-term visual tracking (چکیده)
2750 - Regeneration capacity after exposure to freezing in wild oat (Avena ludoviciana Durieu.) and turnipweed (Rapistrum rugosum (L.) All.) in comparison with winter wheat (چکیده)
2751 - Using combined artificial neural network and particle swarm optimization algorithm for modeling and optimization of electrical discharge machining process (چکیده)
2752 - Modeling and optimization of aspect ratio in A-TIG welding process using OA-Taguchi technique (چکیده)
2753 - 2D-fractional Muntz–Legendre polynomials for solving the fractional partial differential equations (چکیده)
2754 - The phenology and seed production of Cucumis melo as an invasive weed in northern Iran (چکیده)
2755 - Feasibility of ley-farming system performance in a semi-arid region using spatial analysis (چکیده)
2756 - Leaf Expansion and Transpiration Responses of Millet Species to Soil Water Deficit (چکیده)
2757 - Effect of soil water management and different sowing dates on maize yield and water use efficiency under drip irrigation system (چکیده)
2758 - A simple linear model for leaf area estimation in Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) (چکیده)
2759 - Response of Sunflower Cultivars to Deficit Irrigation (چکیده)
2760 - Modeling and mapping diversity of pathogenic fungi of wheat fields using geographic information systems (GIS) (چکیده)
2761 - Corn yield response to crowding stress and cropping season (چکیده)
2762 - Impact of sage seed gum and whey protein concentrate on the functional properties and retrogradation behavior of native wheat starch gel (چکیده)
2763 - Comprehensive host-pathogen protein-protein interaction network analysis (چکیده)
2764 - Water stress effects on growth, development and yield of opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) (چکیده)
2765 - Non-destructive estimation of maize leaf area, fresh weight, and dry weight using leaf length and leaf width (چکیده)
2766 - Field screening of canola (Brassica napus) cultivars against wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) using competition indices and some empirical yield loss models in Golestan Province, Iran (چکیده)
2767 - Evaluating Non-Linear regression models to describe response of wheat emergence rate to temperature (چکیده)
2768 - The Effect of Seed Aging on the Seedling Growth as Affected by Environmental Factors in Wheat (چکیده)
2769 - Molecular electrostatic potential at nuclear position as a new concept in evaluation of the substitution effects of intramolecular B/N frustrated Lewis pairs in H2 splitting and CO2 reduction (چکیده)
2770 - Does video games as a digital intervention improve depression and loneliness of elderly people? (چکیده)
2771 - Informational needs of pregnant women following the prenatal diagnosis of fetal anomalies: A qualitative study in Iran (چکیده)
2772 - Determination of the best strategies for development of organic farming: A SWOT – Fuzzy Analytic Network Process approach (چکیده)
2773 - Terrain indices control the quality of soil total carbon stock within water erosion-prone environments (چکیده)
2774 - Analysis of the complete genome sequence of cucumber mosaic virus from Vinca minor and Wisteria sinensis in Iran (چکیده)
2775 - A spatial-temporal analysis of urban growth in melbourne; Were local government areas moving toward compact or sprawl from 2001–2016? (چکیده)
2776 - Numerical investigation of wave interactions in an experimental wave-energy converter using OpenFOAM (چکیده)
2777 - Electronic transport properties of 2-nIiitro-4-(6-(4-nitrophenyl)-4-phenyl-1,3-diaza-bicyclo[3.1.0]hex-3-en-2-yl)phenol: A light-driven molecular switch (چکیده)
2778 - Performance of predicted evapotranspiration and yield of rainfed wheat in the northeast Iran using gridded AgMERRA weather data (چکیده)
2779 - Developement a Wideband ESIW H-Plane Horn Antenna with Improved Radiation Performance (چکیده)
2780 - Pointwise Weakly Mixing Property and Li-Yorke Sensitivity in Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems (چکیده)
2782 - The effects of three levels of irrigation water on the improvement of cold tolerance of acclimated viola (چکیده)
2783 - Growth and Yield of Hydroponic Lettuce as Influenced by Different Growing Substrates (چکیده)
2784 - The effect of the turbocharger system and different fuels on the performance and exhaust emissions of a diesel engine by a numerical study (چکیده)
2785 - Validation of the SMOS Level 1C Brightness Temperature and Level 2 Soil Moisture Data over the West and Southwest of Iran (چکیده)
2786 - Performance Analysis of Content Caching in Wireless Multi-Tier Heterogeneous Network with ARQ-Transmission (چکیده)
2787 - Induction of tenogenic differentiation of equine adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells by platelet-derived growth factor-BB and growth differentiation factor-6 (چکیده)
2788 - A new design of liquid-cooled heat sink by altering the heat sink heat pipe application: Experimental approach and prediction via artificial neural network (چکیده)
2789 - Experimental characterization of magnetic field effects on heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop for a ferrofluid flow in a circular tube (چکیده)
2790 - A provably secure ECC-based roaming authentication scheme for global mobility networks (چکیده)
2791 - Design of a low density refractory high entropy alloy in non-equiatomic W–Mo–Cr–Ti–Al system (چکیده)
2792 - Copula-Based Analysis of Power Allocation for Two-Sensor Composite Fading MAC With Dependent Channel Coefficients (چکیده)
2793 - Current status and future prospects of metal–organic frameworks at the interface of dye-sensitized solar cells (چکیده)
2794 - Using the AquaCrop model to simulate sesame performance in response to superabsorbent polymer and humic acid application under limited irrigation conditions (چکیده)
2795 - اثر تغییر اقلیم بر رواناب و رسوب حوضه با استفاده از مدل‌های SWAT و WEPP (مطالعه موردی: حوضه دهبار) (چکیده)
2796 - Enhanced solar desalination by delignified wood coated with bimetallic Fe/Pd nanoparticles (چکیده)
2797 - A novel hybrid DSMC-Fokker Planck algorithm implemented to rarefied gas flows (چکیده)
2798 - Randomized non-linear PCA networks (چکیده)
2799 - To Judge a Book by its Cover: Religio-Cultural Myth on the Cover of Iranian War Literature (چکیده)
2800 - Rapid Moment Magnitude Estimation for large earthquakes in Iran Using Time Integration of Absolute Ground Accelerations (چکیده)
2801 - Soft computing-based approach on prediction promising pistachio seedling base on leaf characteristics (چکیده)
2802 - Vegetable oil characteristics enhance the phytotoxicity of pinoxaden and haloxyfop-R-methyl on littleseed canarygrass Phalaris minor Retz. (چکیده)
2803 - The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection in the Rural Areas (Case Study: Rural Areas of County Roshtkhar) (چکیده)
2804 - Testing a Model of Some Outcomes of Perceived Supervisor Need Support, Based on SDT (چکیده)
2805 - Investigation of Physical Properties Changes of Kiwi Fruit during Different Loadings, Storage, and Modeling with Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
2806 - Aphids living on Asteraceae plants in North Khorasan, Iran: report of three aphid species new to fauna of Iran (چکیده)
2807 - A New PMU-Based Fault Location Scheme Considering Current Transformers Saturation (چکیده)
2808 - In vitro responses of chicken macrophage-like monocytes following exposure to pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli ghosts loaded with a rational design of conserved genetic materials of influenza and Newcastle disease viruses (چکیده)
2809 - Generating curves of the inverse q-numerical ranges of 2-by-2 matrices (چکیده)
2810 - On topological homotopy groups and relation to Hawaiian groups (چکیده)
2811 - Investigating the plant and air-quality performances of an internal green wall system under hydroponic conditions (چکیده)
2812 - Hyperspectral image clustering with Albedo recovery Fuzzy C-Means (چکیده)
2813 - Copula-Based Analysis of Physical Layer Security Performances Over Correlated Rayleigh Fading Channels (چکیده)
2814 - A recurrent neural network–based model for predicting bending behavior of ionic polymer–metal composite actuators (چکیده)
2815 - Global Value Chain Analysis of Damask Rose in the World and Iran (چکیده)
2816 - Hormopriming instigates defense mechanisms in Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) seeds under cadmium stress (چکیده)
2817 - Two-Phase Approach for the Analysis of Laterally Loaded Pile Groups in Sandy Soils (چکیده)
2818 - A new compact dual-band perfect absorption ultrathin planar metasurface energy harvester in X- and V-bands with a wide incident angle (چکیده)
2819 - Optimal participation of demand response aggregators in reconfigurable distribution system considering photovoltaic and storage units (چکیده)
2820 - A novel communication-less control method to improve DC microgrid performance based on AC signal injection (چکیده)
2821 - Effects of smart flap on aerodynamic performance of sinusoidal leading-edge wings at low Reynolds numbers (چکیده)
2822 - A method for assessing subject-specific counting efficiency of whole-body monitoring systems for radioiodine measurements (چکیده)
2823 - Effectiveness evaluation of thermo-stable vaccine against Newcastle disease (ND.TR.IR) produced by the Razi Institute in backyard poultry of Iran - 2015 (چکیده)
2824 - Modeling the qualitative indices of sewerage of Mashhad city with Oxidation reduction Potential (چکیده)
2825 - Modeling of the amount of sulfide production in sewage collectors in Mashhad (چکیده)
2826 - Review of Translation and Emotion (چکیده)
2827 - A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic for a Bi-Objective Stochastic Optimization of Urban Water Supply System (چکیده)
2828 - Rajendra Bhatia and his mathematical achievements (چکیده)
2829 - Mathematical work of Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec and its impacts (چکیده)
2830 - New geographic records of Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, Iran (چکیده)
2831 - Drought, Climate Change, and Dryland Wheat Yield Response: An Econometric Approach (چکیده)
2832 - Two-dimensional chromium pnictides CrX (X=P,As,Sb) : Half-metallic ferromagnets with high Curie temperature (چکیده)
2833 - An Effective Semi-fragile Watermarking Method for Image Authentication Based on Lifting Wavelet Transform and Feed-Forward Neural Network (چکیده)
2834 - The combined effect of Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea surface temperature on operational forecast of spring streamflow for Karkheh basin, Iran (چکیده)
2835 - Water distribution networks optimization using GA, SMPSO, and SHGAPSO algorithms based on engineering approach: a real case study (چکیده)
2836 - Multipass Friction Stir Processing of Steel/SiC Nanocomposite: Assessment of Microstructure and Tribological Properties (چکیده)
2837 - مدیریت یکپارچه منابع آب راهکاری برای گذر از بحران کم آبی (چکیده)
2838 - مقایسه کارایی سه مدل هیدرولوژیکی AWBM، Sacramento و IHACRES در یک حوضه واحد (مطالعه موردی: حوضه معرف امامه استان تهران) (چکیده)
2839 - شبیه سازی رواناب حوضه معرف امامه با کاربرد بهینه ساز واسنجی خودکار الگوریتم جستجو الگو در مدل بیلان آب AWBM (چکیده)
2840 - بررسی کارایی الگوریتم بهینه ساز واسنجی خودکارتکامل رقابتی جامع در شبیه سازی رواناب حوضه معرف امامه (چکیده)
2841 - Effect of antimicrobial peptides and monoterpenes on control of fire blight (چکیده)
2842 - A comparison of water and land-based core strengthening exercise programs on thoracic kyphosis angle and scapular position in young and middle-aged women with kyphosis: A pre-post cohort study (چکیده)
2843 - Selected model fusion: an approach for improving the accuracy of monthly streamflow forecasting (چکیده)
2844 - A Comparative Assessment of Support Vector Machines, Probabilistic Neural Networks, and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithms for Water Quality Classification (چکیده)
2845 - LES study of unsteady cavitation characteristics of a 3-D hydrofoil with wavy leading edge (چکیده)
2846 - Simulation of Combustion Flowfield in Porous Media with Lattice Boltzmann Method (چکیده)
2847 - Infographic: Trunk exercise training improves muscle size, strength, and function in older adults: A randomized controlled trial (چکیده)
2848 - Assessing physiological effects of an exercise intervention in older adults (چکیده)
2849 - Lower trunk muscle morphology predicts functional abilities in healthy older adults: a cross sectional study (چکیده)
2850 - Associations between trunk muscle morphology, strength and function in older adults (چکیده)
2851 - Trunk exercise training improves muscle size, strength, and function in older adults: A randomized controlled trial (چکیده)
2852 - The relationship between the companies’ political connections and audit fees (چکیده)
2853 - The impact of personal characteristics, quality of working life and psychological well-being on job burnout among Iranian external auditors (چکیده)
2854 - CFD approach for two-phase CuO nanofluid flow through heat exchangers enhanced by double perforated louvered strip insert (چکیده)
2855 - Numerical investigation of turbulent CuO–water nanofluid inside heat exchanger enhanced with double V-cut twisted tapes (چکیده)
2856 - Flow-Driven Piezoelectric Energy Harvester on a Full-Span Wing for Micro-aerial-vehicle (MAV) Application (چکیده)
2857 - Management stock ownership and corporate debt: evidence from an emerging market (چکیده)
2858 - The impact of ownership structure on the cost of equity in emerging markets (چکیده)
2859 - Does accounting details play an allocative role in predicting macroeconomic indicators? Evidence of Bayesian and classical econometrics in Iran (چکیده)
2860 - Assessing Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy in Iran with Focus on Development of Wind Power Plants (چکیده)
2861 - Flowering Features and Breeding Systems of Seven Native Salvia Species in Iran (چکیده)
2862 - Carbon Paste Modified Electrode as Powerful Sensor Approach Determination of Food Contaminants, Drug Ingredients, and Environmental Pollutants: A Review (چکیده)
2863 - Optimal extended warranty length with limited number of repairs in the warranty period (چکیده)
2864 - Aerodynamic investigation of twist angle variation based on wing smarting for a flying wing (چکیده)
2865 - Multipole expansion of periodic discrete dipole approximation and its application to subwavelength dielectric arrays (چکیده)
2866 - Multicomponent gas separation and purification using advanced 2D carbonaceous nanomaterials (چکیده)
2867 - Cube distinguisher extraction using division property in block ciphers (چکیده)
2868 - One-pot synthesis of 4-ethyl 2,3-dimethyl 1-(5-aryl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrrole-2,3,4-tricarboxylate derivatives via intramolecular Wittig reaction (چکیده)
2869 - Sexual parameters, digestive enzyme activities, and growth performance of guppy (Poecilia reticulata) fed garlic (Allium sativum) extract supplemented diets (چکیده)
2870 - Complexities in university students’ understanding of parametric equations and curves (چکیده)
2871 - Energy, exergy, economic analysis and optimization of single-effect absorption chiller network (چکیده)
2872 - Engineered Superparamagnetic Core–Shell Metal–Organic Frame-Work (Fe3O4@Ni–Co-BTC NPs) with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity for Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols Under Solar Light Irradiation (چکیده)
2873 - Caspian seawater desalination and whey concentration through forward osmosis (FO)-reverse osmosis (RO) and FO-FO-RO hybrid systems: Experimental and theoretical study (چکیده)
2874 - Investigation the driving forces of land-use change in northeastern Iran: Causes and effects (چکیده)
2875 - The use of fuzzy analytical network process (FUZZY ANP) prioritize the factors affecting environmental performance indicators from the perspective of export food industry (چکیده)
2876 - Preparation and characterization of polyzwitterionic hydrogel coated polyamide‐based mixed matrix membrane for heavy metal ions removal (چکیده)
2877 - Optimization of Tailraces by Ant Colony Algorithm (چکیده)
2878 - Simulation of water balance equation components using SWAT model in Samalqan Watershed (Iran) (چکیده)
2879 - Identification of Aptamers that Specifically Bind to A1 Antigen by Performing Cell-on Human Erythrocytes (چکیده)
2880 - Short communication: Motivation to walk affects gait attributes (چکیده)
2881 - Designing a Computerized Neuro-Cognitive Program for Early Diagnosing Children at Risk for Dyslexi (چکیده)
2882 - Lower Bound Approximation of nonlinear Basket Option with Jump-Diffusion (چکیده)
2883 - Development and evaluation of a novel beneficent antimicrobial bioscaffold based on animal waste-fish swim bladder (FSB) doped with silver nanoparticles (چکیده)
2884 - J‐divergence‐based Power Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Distributed Detection under Correlated Noises (چکیده)
2885 - A contribution to the knowledge of ground beetles (Col.: Carabidae) fauna of northeastern Iran along with two new records (چکیده)
2886 - Molecular Typing Of Cephalosporin Resistant Serovars Of Salmonella Enterica From Poultry And Farm Animals (چکیده)
2887 - A More General Information Theoretic Study of Wireless Location Verification System (چکیده)
2888 - اثر کاربرد ترکیبات کودی-زیستی و شیمیایی بر شاخص های مورفولوژیک و فیزیولوژیک نعناع فلفلی (Mentha piperita) تحت رژیم های مختلف آبیاری (چکیده)
2889 - The Impact of the Characteristics and Behaviors of the Board of Directors on Agency Costs in Iran (چکیده)
2890 - Experimental and numerical investigation of fatigue crack growth behavior and optimizing fatigue life of riveted joints in Al-alloy 2024 plates (چکیده)
2891 - Analysis of DFIG During Unsymmetrical Grid Fault by Using Crowbar Circuit (چکیده)
2892 - Integration of 3D seismic attributes and well logs for Asmari reservoir characterization in the Ramshir oilfield, the Dezful Embayment, SW Iran (چکیده)
2893 - Generalized Analysis of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine Taking Magnetic Saturation and Iron Loss Into Account (چکیده)
2894 - Generalized Analysis of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine Taking Magnetic Saturation and Iron Loss Into Account (چکیده)
2895 - A Low-Power Time-to-Digital Converter for Sensor Interface Circuits (چکیده)
2896 - Stable equilibrium configuration of two bar truss by an efficient nonmonotone global Barzilai–Borwein gradient method in a fuzzy environment (چکیده)
2897 - An adaptive nonmonotone global Barzilai–Borwein gradient method for unconstrained optimization (چکیده)
2898 - A formulation of Noether’s theorem for fuzzy problems of the calculus of variations (چکیده)
2899 - Parasitoid wasps diversity (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in diverse 11 habitats of northeastern Iran (چکیده)
2900 - Optimal control of viscous Burgers equation via an adaptive nonmonotone Barzilai–Borwein gradient method (چکیده)
2901 - Lattice Boltzmann simulation of nanofluid natural convection heat transfer in a channel with a sinusoidal obstacle (چکیده)
2902 - A nonmonotone line search for the LBFGS method in parabolic optimal control problems (چکیده)
2903 - An adaptive semismooth Newton method for approximately solving control-constrained elliptic optimal control problems (چکیده)
2904 - An Efficient Nonmonotone Method for State-Constrained Elliptic Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
2905 - An adaptive nonmonotone truncated Newton method for optimal control of a class of parabolic distributed parameter systems (چکیده)
2906 - On the Effective Dose Estimation Based on Two-Dosimeter Algorithm: A Method to Reduce Uncertainty (چکیده)
2907 - Novel FMRP interaction networks linked to cellular stress (چکیده)
2908 - A random effects model for comparing Pareto populations (چکیده)
2909 - Quality and Quantity of Carbon Nanotube Arrays Grown in Different Pressures and Temperatures Across Absorption-, Surface-, and Diffusion-Controlled Regimes (چکیده)
2910 - Testing skew-symmetry based on extreme ranked set sampling (چکیده)
2911 - Assessment of Urban Water Supply Options by Using Fuzzy Possibilistic Theory (چکیده)
2912 - Improved Design of Uniform SIW Leaky Wave Antenna by Considering the Unwanted Mode (چکیده)
2913 - Laminar-turbulent intermittency measurement based on the uncalibrated hot-film data (چکیده)
2914 - Rereading the Motivations Behind the Prohibition of Narrating and Recording Traditions and Their Historical Implications (چکیده)
2915 - Removing organic harmful compounds from the polluted water by a novel synthesized cobalt(II) and titanium(IV) containing photocatalyst under visible light (چکیده)
2916 - Climate Change; A Challenge for Sustainable Developemnet (چکیده)
2917 - A low‐power, low‐data‐rate efficient ADC with hybrid exponential‐linear transfer curve for bio‐potential recording systems (چکیده)
2918 - Ultrasound assisted deposition of highly stable self-assembled Bi2MoO6 nanoplates with selective crystal facet engineering as photoanode (چکیده)
2919 - Visual Attention and Lexical Involvement in L1 and L2 Word Processing: Emotional Stroop Effect (چکیده)
2920 - Three approaches to measuring recall on the Web: a systematic review (چکیده)
2921 - Antifungal and Virulence-Modulating Effects of Thyme Essential Oil against Fusarium spp., Causing Wheat Diseases (چکیده)
2922 - Some New Goodness-of-fit Tests for Rayleigh Distribution (چکیده)
2923 - Variability in snowfall/total precipitation-day ratio in Iran (چکیده)
2924 - A New Capacity Theorem for the Gaussian Channel with Two-sided Input and Noise Dependent State Information (چکیده)
2925 - The role of Veterinary Medicine in controlling of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) (چکیده)
2926 - Evaluation of WEPP and EPM for improved predictions of soil erosion in mountainous watersheds: A case study of Kangir River basin, Iran (چکیده)
2927 - Effect of magnetized mixing water on the fresh and hardened state properties of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (چکیده)
2928 - A Novel Mechanism that Harvests Energy via Ideal Hydraulic PTO Units (چکیده)
2929 - Introducing a New Mechanism as a Breakwater and Energy Harvester (چکیده)
2930 - Integrating Household Travel Survey and Social Media Data to Improve the Quality of OD Matrix: A Comparative Case Study (چکیده)
2931 - Identification of effective factors to select energy recovery technologies from municipal solid waste using multi-criteria decision making (MCDM): A review of thermochemical technologies (چکیده)
2932 - Application of Super Absorbent Polymer and Plant Mucilage Improved Essential Oil Quantity and Quality of Ocimum basilicum var. Keshkeni Luvelou (چکیده)
2933 - AQA: An Adaptive Quality Assessment Framework for Online Review Systems (چکیده)
2934 - Filarial worms: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diversity in animals from Iran with emphasis on human cases (چکیده)
2935 - Projection Recurrent Neural Network Model: A New Strategy to Solve Maximum Flow Problem (چکیده)
2936 - Assessment of heterogeneities of the Asmari reservoir along the Bibi Hakimeh anticline using petrophysical and sedimentological attributes: Southeast of Dezful Embayment, SW Iran (چکیده)
2937 - Childrens psychological well-being, anxiety, depression, and stress: The role of addicted and non-addicted parents (چکیده)
2938 - Analysis, Design, and Implementation of a New Extremely Ultrathin 2-D-Isotropic Flexible Energy Harvester Using Symmetric Patch FSS (چکیده)
2939 - Urban sprawl modeling using statistical approach in Mashhad, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
2940 - Modeling and optimization of biomethane production from solid-state anaerobic co-digestion of organic fraction municipal solid waste and other co-substrates (چکیده)
2941 - A novel hybrid approach based on CREAM and fuzzy ANP to evaluate human resource reliability in the urban railway (چکیده)
2942 - Effect of Encapsulated Choline Chloride on Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Some Blood Parameters in Broiler Chicks (چکیده)
2943 - Forward Contract Negotiation Equilibrium in Uncongested Electricity Markets (چکیده)
2944 - Voltage-base Frequency Control of Diesel Base Isolated Microgrids (چکیده)
2945 - Pregnant women's experiences of social roles: An ethnophenomenological study (چکیده)
2946 - Men's Confrontation with Pregnancy from Women's Point of View: an Ethno Phenomenological Approach (چکیده)
2947 - Political Skill Improves the Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence: Bayesian Network Analysis in the Construction Industry (چکیده)
2948 - Gelatin/Whey Protein- Potato Flour Bioplastics: Fabrication and Evaluation (چکیده)
2949 - A new model and a Monte Carlo based Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for the stochastic blood assignment problem (چکیده)
2950 - Allelopathic effects of some organic mulch extracts on seed germination and early growth of some ornamental plants (چکیده)
2951 - Feasibility of using a computer-assisted working memory training program for healthy older women (چکیده)
2952 - Long-term creep behaviour of E-glass/epoxy composite: time-temperature superposition principle (چکیده)
2953 - An environmentally friendly superhydrophobic modified polyurethane sponge by seashell for the efficient oil/water separation (چکیده)
2954 - Decentralized Daily Scheduling of Smart Distribution Networks with Multiple Microgrids (چکیده)
2955 - Underwater Object Localization using the Spinning Propeller Noise of Ships Based on the Wittekind Model (چکیده)
2956 - Rule-based joint fuzzy and probabilistic networks (چکیده)
2957 - The effect of key factors in aerobic bioreactor and optimization by different strategies (چکیده)
2959 - Energy storage systems integrated transmission expansion planning (چکیده)
2960 - A new epigean pseudoscorpion species (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae) from northeast of Iran, with an identification key to the species of the family Neobisiidae from Iran (چکیده)
2961 - Performance of Holstein Calves, Heifers and First‐Lactating Cows Fed Starter Diets with Different Protein Levels and Types of Soybean Meal (چکیده)
2962 - The Topological Indices of the Non-commuting Graph for Symmetric Groups (چکیده)
2963 - Amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles-based mouthwash: preparation, characterization, and anti-bacterial effects (چکیده)
2964 - Quadratic Δ-source Impedance Network (چکیده)
2965 - Z-Source Flyback PFC Rectifier for Energy Storage Systems (چکیده)
2966 - Energy Absorption Analysis and Multi-objective Optimization of Tri-layer Cups Subjected to Quasi-static Axial Compressive Loading (چکیده)
2967 - On the Uniformly Discrete and Minimal System for a Banach Subspace in $$L_p({\mathbb{R}}^{d})$$ (چکیده)
2968 - Experimental study and optimization of fracture properties of epoxy-based nano-composites: Effect of using nano-silica by GEP, RSM, DTM and PSO (چکیده)
2969 - The hail impactor shape with an ice impact response of the laminated composites reinforced with different nanomaterials: an experimental approach (چکیده)
2970 - On the secrecy rate region and outage probability of secondary wiretap multiple access channel over dissimilar Rayleigh/Nakagami fading (چکیده)
2971 - Evaluation of the effect of Toxocara cati infection in the mouse model of allergic asthma: Exacerbation of allergic asthma symptoms and Th2 types of response (چکیده)
2972 - Three new species of eriophyid mites (Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) associated with Leguminosae species from semi-arid and arid environment in East Iran (چکیده)
2973 - Spectral, structural, biological and molecular docking studies of a new mixed-valence V(IV)/V(V) ofloxacin complex (چکیده)
2974 - Reverse Genetics Assembly of Newcastle Disease Virus Genome Template Using Asis-Sal-Pac BioBrick Strategy (چکیده)
2975 - Iron Loss Modeling in Dual Stator Winding Induction Machines With Unequal Pole Pairs and Squirrel Cage Rotor (چکیده)
2976 - Diastereoselective Mannich reaction with prolinated MWCNTs as a heterogeneous organo-nanocatalyst (چکیده)
2977 - Effects of eight weeks of moderate intensity aerobic training and training in water on DNA damage, lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant capacity in sixty years sedentary women (چکیده)
2978 - Experimental evaluation of self-centering hybrid coupled wall subassemblies with friction dampers (چکیده)
2979 - How can communication networks among excavator crew members in construction projects affect the relationship between safety climate and safety outcomes? (چکیده)
2980 - Non-axisymmetric three-dimensional stagnation-point flow and heat transfer under a jet impingement boiling (چکیده)
2981 - A new approach for computing the exact solutions of DAEs in generalized Hessenberg forms (چکیده)
2982 - Optimization of Quadrilateral Infiltration Trench Using Numerical Modeling and Taguchi Approach (چکیده)
2983 - A macroscopic second order model for air traffic flow (چکیده)
2984 - Experimental study on estimation of diversion rate in porous bottom intakes for non-sediment flow (چکیده)
2985 - Temperature and molecular crowding effects on the sensitivity of T30695 aptamer toward Pb2+ion: a joint molecular dynamics simulation and experimental study (چکیده)
2986 - Using Herbal dyes as an alternative staining method for sperm evaluation (چکیده)
2987 - Modeling land cover change dynamic using a hybrid model approach in Qeshm Island, Southern Iran (چکیده)
2988 - Grating Lobes Reduction in Linear Arrays Composed of Subarrays Using PSO (چکیده)
2989 - Hybrid Artificial Neural Network–Genetic Algorithm-Based Technique to Optimize a Steady-State Gas-to-Liquids Plant (چکیده)
2990 - Fortification of Bread Wheat Using Synthesized Zn-Glycine and Zn-Alanine Chelates in Comparison with ZnSO4in a Calcareous Soil (چکیده)
2991 - Impact of law enforcement and increased traffic fines policy on road traffic fatality, injuries and offenses in Iran: Interrupted time series analysis (چکیده)
2992 - Effect of 8 weeks of HIIT on hepatic enzyme levels, lipid profile and body composition in overweight young men (چکیده)
2993 - Application of nano electrolyte in the electrochemical discharge machining process (چکیده)
2994 - Error behavior modeling in Capacitance-Resistance Model: A promotion to fast, reliable proxy for reservoir performance prediction (چکیده)
2995 - Melting process of paraffin wax inside plate heat exchanger: experimental and numerical study (چکیده)
2996 - Copula function‐based analysis of outage probability and coverage region for wireless multiple access communications with correlated fading channels (چکیده)
2997 - Linear quadratic optimal control problem with fuzzy variables via neural network (چکیده)
2998 - Vinyl lactam-based copolymers and terpolymers as high cloud point kinetic hydrate inhibitors in methane-THF-water system (چکیده)
2999 - Effects of hydrotherapy with massage on serum nerve growth factor concentrations and balance in middle aged diabetic neuropathy patients (چکیده)
3000 - Incorporation of nanoencapsulated garlic essential oil into edible films: A novel approach for extending shelf life of vacuum-packed sausages (چکیده)
3001 - Stratigraphic distribution of shallow-water benthic foraminifera from the Lower Cretaceous Taft formation, Central Iran (Yazd Block), with evidence for the importance of hiatuses (چکیده)
3002 - Infertility and Psychological and Social Health of Iranian Infertile Women: A Systematic Review (چکیده)
3003 - Recasting James Bond in Iran: The Voice of Masculinity at the Cost of Silencing Women (چکیده)
3004 - When American Dramatists come from Hollywood to Iranian Cinema: Socio-Semiotic Exchange in Literary Adaptation (چکیده)
3005 - The relationship between women’s education and human development (چکیده)
3006 - Toxicity comparison of nanoparticulate and ionic silver to the saltwater microcrustacean, Artemia salina: Effect of naupliar life stage (چکیده)
3007 - Load-Balancing Algorithm for Multiple Gateways in Fog-Based Internet of Things (چکیده)
3008 - An ensemble multi-step-ahead forecasting system for fine particulate matter in urban areas (چکیده)
3009 - Numerical simulation and theoretical investigation of a multi-cycle dual-evaporator adsorption desalination and cooling system (چکیده)
3011 - Flame retardant, superhydrophobic, and superoleophilic reduced graphene oxide/orthoaminophenol polyurethane sponge for efficient oil/water separation (چکیده)
3012 - Anti-money laundering developments in Iran Do Iranian banks have an integrated framework for money laundering deterrence? (چکیده)
3013 - Debt maturity structure, institutional ownership and accounting conservatism Evidence from Iranian listed companies (چکیده)
3014 - New trends in coffee diterpenes research from technological to health aspects (چکیده)
3015 - Combined Effects of Water Deficit, Exogenous Ethylene Application and Root Symbioses on Trigonelline and ABA Accumulation in Fenugreek (چکیده)
3016 - Effects of zinc oxide nanoelicitors on yield, secondary metabolites, zinc and iron absorption of Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz Bip.) (چکیده)
3017 - New voltage feedback‐based islanding detection method for grid‐connected photovoltaic systems of microgrid with zero non‐detection zone (چکیده)
3018 - A Novel Idea for Groundwater Resource Management during Megadrought Events (چکیده)
3019 - An investigation into the crystalline structure, and the rheological, thermal, textural and sensory properties of sugar-free milk chocolate: effect of inulin and maltodextrin (چکیده)
3020 - The dance of knowledge management strategies in libraries: The case of the libraries of the Iranian universities of medical science (چکیده)
3021 - Can Superabsorbent Polymers Improve Plants Production in Arid Regions? (چکیده)
3022 - Multi-Trip Open Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows: A Case Study (چکیده)
3023 - Hepatic Function and Fibrosis Assessment Via 2D-Shear Wave Elastography and Related Biochemical Markers Pre- and Post-Gastric Bypass Surgery (چکیده)
3024 - (Significant Divergence and Conservatism in the Niche Evolution of the Eurasian Green Woodpecker Complex (Aves, Picidae (چکیده)
3025 - Quality Assessment of Turfgrasses Using NTEP Method Compared to an Image-Based Scoring System (چکیده)
3026 - Phytoremediation of nutrients from water by aquatic floating duckweed (Lemna minor) in rearing of African cichlid (Labidochromis lividus) fingerlings (چکیده)
3027 - Modeling of shape memory alloy springs using a recurrent neural network (چکیده)
3028 - A Comparison between Static and Dynamic Stability in Postural Sway and Fall Risks (چکیده)
3029 - Self-lowering and other-raising strategies as reflected in Persian political discourse: Implications for ELT (چکیده)
3030 - A Universal Model of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity With Complementary Adsorptive and Diffusive Process Components (چکیده)
3031 - Revising tortuosity and multi-fractal assumptions of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity from critical path analysis of percolation theory (چکیده)
3032 - Physical layer security in shotgun cellular systems over correlated/independent shadow fading channels (چکیده)
3033 - Performance evaluation and optimization of design parameters for twisted conical strip inserts in tubular laminar flow Using Taguchi approach (چکیده)
3034 - Modeling oxygen and organic matter concentration in the intensive rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) rearing system (چکیده)
3035 - Investigation of reservoir quality of the Kangan Formation based on petrographic and petrophysical studies: A case study of wells -A- and -B- in the gas field of the Tabnak Anticline, SW Iran (چکیده)
3036 - Fabrication of unconventional inertial microfluidic channels using wax 3D printing (چکیده)
3037 - Low temperature facile synthesis of pseudowollastonite nanoparticles by the surfactant-assisted sol-gel method (چکیده)
3038 - Identification Of Bio-Components Influencing Wheat Yields: Application Of Spatial Regression Model (چکیده)
3039 - Growth and Yield Response of two Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) Genotypes to Inoculation with N2-fixating and P- and K-Solubilising Bacteria (چکیده)
3040 - Forecast aided measurements data synchronisation in robust power system state estimation (چکیده)
3042 - Performance of riffle structures on the stabilization of two successive knickpoints over a sandy bed (چکیده)
3043 - Controller Placement in Software Defined Network using Iterated Local Search (چکیده)
3044 - راهبردهای جدید پیشگیری و درمان اسکارهای هیپرتروفیک و کلویید (چکیده)
3045 - کالیبراسیون و ارزیابی مدل swmm در شبیه سازی رواناب منطقه 9 شهرداری مشهد (چکیده)
3046 - ارزیابی پایداری حوضه با استفاده از روش شاخص پایداری آبخیز (چکیده)
3047 - تجزیه و تحلیل ترکیبی SWOT-AHP در تصمیمات استراتژیک سطح سازمان (مطالعه موردی: یک شرکت توسعه دهنده نرم افزار در ایران (چکیده)
3048 - Compliance with OIE animal welfare standards in slaughterhouses in Tehran Province, Iran: An introductory survey (چکیده)
3049 - Ribose-induced Maillard Reaction as an Analytical Method for Detection of Adulteration and Differentiation of Chilled and Frozen-thawed Minced Veal (چکیده)
3050 - On weak law of large numbers for sums of negatively superadditive dependent random variables (چکیده)
3051 - 840th species of genus Astragalus (Fabaceae) for the flora of Iran from Khorassan Province as a new record: A. globiceps Bunge (چکیده)
3052 - Two new species of Cotoneaster (Rosaceae, subgen. Chaenopetalum) for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
3053 - Investigation of slip effects on electroosmotic mixing in heterogeneous microchannels based on entropy index (چکیده)
3054 - Rainfall and social disputes in Iran (چکیده)
3055 - Numerical study of inlet air swirl intensity effect of a Methane-Air Diffusion Flame on its combustion characteristics (چکیده)
3056 - Water Hammer Modeling, Comparison Between Method of Characteristics and Godunov Type Finite Volume Method (چکیده)
3057 - Application of Three-Dimensional Hydrothermal Model for the Temperature Dynamics at Small and Shallow lakes (چکیده)
3058 - Developing a 3-Dimensional Hydrothermal Model for the Temperature Dynamics at Small and Shallow lakes (چکیده)
3059 - بررسی اندرکنش رودخانه و آبخوان در دشت بجنورد به‌وسیله اندازه‌گیری های میدانی و مدل‌سازی عددی (چکیده)
3060 - Nonlinear dynamic analysis of moving bilayer plates resting on elastic foundations (چکیده)
3061 - Dubbing Viewers in Cyberspaces: A Netnographic Investigation of the Attitudes of a Persian-language Online Community (چکیده)
3062 - Application of AG method and its improvement to nonlinear damped oscillators (چکیده)
3063 - Ethnobotanical knowledge of Astragalus spp.: The world’s largest genus of vascular plants (چکیده)
3064 - Robust fractional-order control of PMSG-based WECS (چکیده)
3065 - Nonlinear fractional‐order power system stabilizer for multi‐machine power systems based on sliding mode technique (چکیده)
3066 - Effects of green tea extract supplementation and endurance training on irisin, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and adiponectin concentrations in overweight middle-aged men (چکیده)
3067 - Bad smell detection using quality metrics and refactoring opportunities (چکیده)
3068 - A hybrid model for online prediction of PM2.5 concentration: A case study (چکیده)
3069 - Solution of minimum spanning forest problems with reliability constraints (چکیده)
3070 - Evaluation the efficiency of different mulches to combat wind erosion of sandy soil (چکیده)
3071 - Participation in Political Protest: Tracing Direct and Indirect Effects of News Usage and Social Interaction (چکیده)
3072 - Numerical Analysis of Water and Air in Venturi Tube to Produce Micro-Bubbles (چکیده)
3073 - Maximum Power Point Tracking Injection Method for Islanding Detection of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrid (چکیده)
3074 - Plant Growth Inhibitory Activities and Volatile Active Compounds of 53 Spices and Herbs (چکیده)
3075 - Investigation of an electro-osmotic micromixer with heterogeneous zeta-potential distribution at the wall (چکیده)
3076 - Alignment of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes in forward osmosis membrane support layer induced by electric and magnetic fields (چکیده)
3078 - Generalized Three-Winding Switched-Coupled-Inductor Impedance Networks With Highly Flexible Gain (چکیده)
3079 - An Improved Reference Current Generation and Digital Deadbeat Controller for Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters (چکیده)
3080 - Principality reflected in the Illuminative System of Philosophy (چکیده)
3081 - Semi-differentiability of the Marginal Mapping in Vector Optimization (چکیده)
3082 - Multi-walled carbon nanotubes stimulate growth, redox reactions and biosynthesis of antioxidant metabolites in Thymus daenensis celak. in vitro (چکیده)
3083 - The effect of organic and inorganic mulches on growth and morphophysiological characteristics of Gaillardia sp. (چکیده)
3084 - Experimental and numerical investigation of effect of size, position and geometry of some cutouts on fatigue life and crack growth path on AISI1045 steel plate (چکیده)
3085 - A modified wide-area backup protection scheme for shunt-compensated transmission lines (چکیده)
3086 - Some splitting theorems for local cohomology modules with respect to a pair of ideals (چکیده)
3087 - The Impact of Different Modes of Exercise Training on Bone Mineral Density in Older Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Research (چکیده)
3088 - Effects of gibberellic acid and naphthalene acetic acid on saffron plant (Crocus sativus L.) under field conditions (چکیده)
3089 - MAD Control Chart for Autoregressive Models with Skew-Normal Distribution (چکیده)
3090 - An integrated approach to suitability assessment of municipal solid waste landfills in New South Wales, Australia (چکیده)
3091 - prevention and control of newcastle disease : challenges and strategies (چکیده)
3092 - Cafestol, kahweol and related esters profile in espresso coffee (چکیده)
3093 - Extending BIM Interoperability for Real-Time Concrete Formwork Process Monitoring (چکیده)
3094 - The use and evaluation of Bacterial Ghost technique to produce vaccine against Avian Pathogenic E.coli (APEC), O2K1 serotype (چکیده)
3095 - Assessment of cellular immune response of a candidate vaccine against Avian Pathogenic E.coli (APEC), O2K1 serotype produced by Bacterial Ghost technique (چکیده)
3096 - Evaluation of chlorogenic acids in coffee brews prepared by recent technologies. (چکیده)
3097 - Synthesis of vinyl-terminated HDPE and PE/xGnP composite using dinuclear Co-based catalyst (چکیده)
3098 - On ergodicity of Markovian mostly expanding semi-group actions (چکیده)
3099 - بررسی اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر فراسنجههای اقلیمی حوضهی آبخیز تویسرکان به کمک الگوهای گردش عمومی جو (چکیده)
3100 - Extension of Dunkl--Williams inequality and characterizations of inner product spaces (چکیده)
3101 - A state-of-the-art protocol to minimize the internal concentration polarization in forward osmosis membranes (چکیده)
3102 - Pinch-off location and time during 2D droplet impact onto a wetted stationary cylinder using the lattice Boltzmann method (چکیده)
3103 - کاهش سربار مدیریتی پروتکل OpenFlow با Packet-Out v2 (چکیده)
3104 - Improving the Statistical Information Collection Overhead in Software Defined Networks (چکیده)
3105 - Impact of Openflow on Wireless Mesh Network (wmSDN) (چکیده)
3106 - Thermo-hydraulic analysis and optimization of CuO/water nanofluid inside helically dimpled heat exchangers (چکیده)
3107 - Synthesis, characterization and life cycle assessment of carbon nanospheres from waste tires pyrolysis over ferrocene catalyst (چکیده)
3108 - Performance evaluation of CoAP proxy virtualisation in cloud‐assisted sensor networks (چکیده)
3109 - Entanglement fidelity ratio for elastic collisions in non-ideal two-temperature dense plasma (چکیده)
3110 - (1811-4829) Fuzzy based efficient DBS placement in the 5G cellular network (چکیده)
3111 - Integrated RF Passive Low-Pass Filters in Silicon Photonics (چکیده)
3112 - An Analog LO Harmonic Suppression Technique for SDR Receivers (چکیده)
3113 - Coating Ti6Al4V substrate with the triple-layer glass-ceramic compositions using sol–gel method; the critical effect of the composition of the layers on the mechanical and in vitro biological performance (چکیده)
3114 - Information Theoretical Analysis of a New Write Channel Model for Bit-Patterned Media Recording (چکیده)
3115 - Effect of probiotic on growth performance and bone characteristics of broilers fed to a basal diets restricted by calcium and available phosphorus (چکیده)
3116 - Dynamic stability enhancement of laminated composite sandwich plates using smart elastomer layer (چکیده)
3117 - Topological Indices of the Non-commuting Graph for Generalised Quaternion Group (چکیده)
3118 - Evaluating the potential drought tolerance of pansy through its physiological and biochemical responses to drought and recovery periods (چکیده)
3119 - CoII Immobilized on Aminated Magnetic-Based Metal–Organic Framework: An Efficient Heterogeneous Nanostructured Catalyst for the C–O Cross-Coupling Reaction in Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
3120 - مقایسه اثر تمرینات منتخب در آب و خشکی با رویکرد ثبات مرکزی بر میزان درد و تعادل پویای زنان مبتلا به کمردرد مزمن غیراختصاصی (چکیده)
3121 - Moving mesh version of wave propagation algorithm based on augmented Riemann solver (چکیده)
3122 - Evaluating the environmental performance of the growing media in a green wall system in a dry climate region (چکیده)
3123 - LDSFI: a Lightweight Dynamic Software-based Fault Injection (چکیده)
3124 - A Comparison of ANN and HSPF Models for Runoff Simulation in Balkhichai River Watershed, Iran (چکیده)
3125 - Examining the Relationship between “Science” and “Religion” in Socio-Cultural Context of the Renaissance: A Kuhnian Reading of Bacon’s New Atlantis (چکیده)
3126 - Automated Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using a Convolutional Neural Network (چکیده)
3127 - Introducing the Best Six Loci in Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Unit-Variable-Number Tandem Repeat (MIRU-VNTR) Typing for Mycobacterium TuberculosisGenotyping (چکیده)
3128 - Workspace Boundary Avoidance in Robot Teaching by Demonstration Using Fuzzy Impedance Control (چکیده)
3129 - Closed-Form Dynamic Formulation of a General 6-P US Robot (چکیده)
3130 - Virtual calibration of whole-body counter using a library of statistical phantoms (چکیده)
3131 - Cognitive Knowledge Seeding Using Collective Uncertainty Shaping (چکیده)
3132 - Water-Saving Scenarios Based on Input–Output Analysis and Virtual Water Concept: A Case in Iran (چکیده)
3133 - Optimal Design of a Dual Stator Winding Induction Motor With Minimum Rate Reduction Level (چکیده)
3134 - Evaluating the Rearing condition of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Using Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
3135 - Water cut/salt content forecasting in oil wells using a novel data-driven approach (چکیده)
3136 - The effect of nanoparticles on wettability alteration for enhanced oil recovery: micromodel experimental studies and CFD simulation (چکیده)
3137 - Enhanced oil recovery using silica nanoparticles in the presence of salts for wettability alteration (چکیده)
3138 - Modeling spatial nonstationary and overdispersed crash data: Development and comparative analysis of global and geographically weighted regression models applied to macrolevel injury crash data (چکیده)
3139 - Workplace spirituality as a source for competitive advantage: an empirical study (چکیده)
3140 - Control of Elastic Joint Robot Based on Electromyogram Signal by Pre-Trained Multi-Layer Perceptron (چکیده)
3141 - Emotional neural networks with universal approximation property for stable direct adaptive nonlinear control systems (چکیده)
3142 - Structural and behavioural evaluation of renewable energy power plants' impacts on transmission network congestion using an analytical approach (چکیده)
3143 - Dynamic rheological properties of reduced-fat camel cream affected by guar gum and sage seed gum (چکیده)
3144 - The Effects of Moisture Sources and Local Parameters on the 18O and 2H Contents of Precipitation in the West of Iran and the East of Iraq (چکیده)
3145 - Application of Distribution Locational Marginal Price in optimal simultaneous distributed generation placement and sizing in electricity distribution networks (چکیده)
3146 - Investigating the Effect of Renewable Distributed Generation and Price Elasticity of Demand on Electric Utilities’ Death Spiral (چکیده)
3147 - On subgroup topologies on fundamental groups (چکیده)
3148 - Swarm-Fuzzy Rule-Based Targeted Nano Delivery Using Bioinspired Nanomachines (چکیده)
3149 - The Use of Microalgae for Coupling Wastewater Treatment With CO2 Biofixation (چکیده)
3151 - Lattice Boltzmann simulation of diluted gas flow inside irregular shape microchannel by two relaxation times on the basis of wall function approach (چکیده)
3152 - Numerical study of turbulent flow inside heat exchangers using perforated louvered strip inserts (چکیده)
3153 - Improvement of Process Quality Characteristics of Electrical Discharge Machining Based on DOE Approach and Heuristic Algorithms (چکیده)
3154 - Survival Prediction in Patients with Colorectal Cancer Using Artificial Neural Network and Cox Regression (چکیده)
3155 - Bijections between positive cones of JBW-algebras preserving quadratic product (چکیده)
3156 - A hybrid adaptive granular approach to Takagi–Sugeno–Kang fuzzy rule discovery (چکیده)
3157 - Sonoprecipitation fabrication of enhanced electron transfer Cu(OH)2/g-C3N4 nanophotocatalyst with promoted H2-Production activity under visible light irradiation (چکیده)
3158 - Controlling opinions in Deffuant model by reconfiguring the network topology (چکیده)
3159 - Autonomous Navigation of Nanomachines through Biological Motion Planning (چکیده)
3160 - The study of the effectiveness of teaching philosophy in the form of a loop and exploring the working memory of blind students (چکیده)
3161 - Soil available water and plant growth in relation to K:Na ratio (چکیده)
3162 - New stage-discharge relationship for cylindrical and semi-cylindrical edged sluice gates (چکیده)
3163 - Sensitivity to sweetness correlates to elevated reward brain responses to sweet and high-fat food odors in young healthy volunteers (چکیده)
3164 - Hot air drying kinetics of novel functional carrot snack: Impregnated using polyphenolic rich osmotic solution with ultrasound pretreatment (چکیده)
3165 - Analyzing co-authorship patterns using frequent patterns extraction – case study: Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
3166 - Experimental investigation on the behavior of fine-grained soils containing waste rubber tires under repeated and static loading using direct shear apparatus (چکیده)
3167 - Optimization of Moving Wingin Ground Effect using Response Surface Method (چکیده)
3168 - Three-Dimensional Investigation of Smart Flap Aerodynamics for a WIG Vehicle (چکیده)
3169 - Numerical Simulations of Low-Reynolds-Number Flow Past Finite Wings with Leading-Edge Protuberances (چکیده)
3170 - Palaeoenvironment, sequence stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Mehdi Abad, Yazd Block, Central Iran (چکیده)
3171 - An experimental study on the energy absorption characteristics of single- and bi-layer cups under quasi-static loading (چکیده)
3172 - Study of Allelopathic Interaction of Essential Oils from Medicinal and Aromatic Plants on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Lettuce (چکیده)
3173 - تحلیل استراتژیک دیپلماسی شهری کلان شهر مشهد (چکیده)
3174 - Numerical investigation into dynamic behaviors of axially moving functionally graded porous sandwich nanoplates reinforced with graphene platelets (چکیده)
3175 - Dynamic analysis of stiffened bi-directional functionally graded plates with porosities under a moving load by dynamic relaxation method with kinetic damping (چکیده)
3176 - A neurodynamic model to solve the maximum flow problem (چکیده)
3177 - An Approximation For Delay Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
3178 - The Optimal Allocation of Iran s Natural Gas (چکیده)
3179 - Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Hybrid Fiber Lightweight Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars (چکیده)
3180 - Towards a new methodological approach to social historiography of translation (چکیده)
3181 - Price elasticity of residential water demand: a Meta analysis of studies on water demand, (case study: Iran) (چکیده)
3182 - In Memoriam: Sayyed Mohammad Dabirsiyāqi (24 February 1920–8 October 2018) Educator, Writer, Editor, and Scholar of Classical Persian Literature (چکیده)
3183 - Composition and occurrence of aflatoxin M1 in cow's milk samples from Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
3184 - تولید فاز آمورف در سیستمAl80Fe20به روش آلیاژسازی مکانیکی و بررسی پایداری حرارتی آن (چکیده)
3185 - Numerical simulation of hail impact response of hybrid corrugated core sandwich panels (چکیده)
3186 - A Novel Method for Optimal Control of Piecewise Affine Systems Using Semi-Definite Programming (چکیده)
3187 - Comparison of C-and L-band downscaling of SMAP (چکیده)
3188 - Moisturizing effects of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) using deionized and magnetized water by in vivo and in vitro methods (چکیده)
3189 - Effectiveness of Joint Stiffness and Power Alternations in Different Shoe Insole Hardness on Injury Prevention During Jump-Landing (چکیده)
3190 - Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in a bottom split reactive dividing wall column (چکیده)
3191 - Effect of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Breathing Exercises on Some Spirometry Indices of Sedentary Students With Poor Posture (چکیده)
3192 - Investigation and compare the effects of two weight loss protocols on lactic acid in wrestlers (چکیده)
3193 - The effects of interval aerobic training on mesenchymal biomarker gene expression, the rate of tumor volume, and cachexia in mice with breast cancer (چکیده)
3194 - A lattice Boltzmann study on dripping process during 2D droplet impact onto a wetted rotating cylinder (چکیده)
3195 - The Effect of Sodium Alginate Coating Incorporated with Lactoperoxidase System and Zataria multiflora boiss Essential Oil on Shelf Life Extension of Rainbow Trout Fillets During Refrigeration (چکیده)
3196 - Challenges with Verifying Microbial Degradation of Polyethylene (چکیده)
3197 - Fabrication of dissimilar Fe-Cu-C powder metallurgy compact/steel joint using the optimized resistance spot welding (چکیده)
3198 - Two-Parameter C-semi-groups and the abstract Cauchy problem (چکیده)
3199 - The Role of Embryonic Stem Cell-expressed RAS (ERAS) in the Maintenance of Quiescent Hepatic Stellate Cells (چکیده)
3200 - Effects of exercise training on serum preptin, undercarboxylated osteocalcin and high molecular weight adiponectin in adults with metabolic syndrome (چکیده)
3202 - Effect of different conditions on pervaporation dehydration in CA/NYL66 blend membrane (چکیده)
3203 - Uncovering the Influence of EFL Students’ Perfectionism and Anxiety on Their Willingness to Communicate in Language Classes (چکیده)
3204 - تعیین مهمترین پارامترهای تاثیرگذار بر میزان رواناب شهری با استفاده از مدل SWMM (مطالعه موردی: شهر مشهد، منطقه 9) (چکیده)
3205 - Effect of Caw vitreous humour on wound healing in diabetic wistar rat (چکیده)
3206 - Effect of Feeding of Various Types of Soybean Meal and Differently Processed Barley Grain on Performance of High Producing Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
3207 - Unknown and Undetected: Taiwan’s Policy in the Middle East (چکیده)
3208 - Influence of pregelatinized and granular cold water swelling maize starches on stability and physicochemical properties of low fat oil-in-water emulsions (چکیده)
3209 - Norm-parallelism and the Davis–Wielandt radius of Hilbert space operators (چکیده)
3210 - Sharp Inequalities for the Numerical Radii of Block Operator Matrices (چکیده)
3211 - تحلیل فضایی ارزش کیفیت محیطی روستاهای هدف گردشگری (مطالعه موردی: دهستان فضل، شهرستان نیشابور) (چکیده)
3212 - Rainfed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield prediction using economical, meteorological, and drought indicators through pooled panel data and statistical downscaling (چکیده)
3213 - <p class="Body"><strong>Two new species of eriophyid mites (Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) associated with <em>Clematis orientalis</em> (Ranunculaceae) from East Iran</strong></p> (چکیده)
3214 - An energy balance method for seismic analysis of cable-stayed bridges (چکیده)
3215 - Understanding librarians’ knowledge sharing behavior: The role of organizational climate, motivational drives and leadership empowerment (چکیده)
3216 - Secure communication in CloudIoT through design of a lightweight authentication and session key agreement scheme (چکیده)
3217 - Groundwater Quality Assessment for Drinking and Agricultural Purposes (Case Study: Yazd- Ardakan Aquifer) (چکیده)
3218 - Day-ahead Resource Scheduling in Distribution Networks with Presence of Electric Vehicles and Distributed Generation Units (چکیده)
3219 - Cultural correlates of social anxiety disorder in the Iranian population: A qualitative study (چکیده)
3220 - Hybrid particle swarm optimization for rule discovery in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease (چکیده)
3221 - Thermal Instability of Thin Accretion Disks in the Presence of Wind and a Toroidal Magnetic Field (چکیده)
3222 - CEO financial background and internal control weaknesses (چکیده)
3223 - Photoelectrochemical water splitting by engineered multilayer TiO2/GQDs photoanode with cascade charge transfer structure (چکیده)
3225 - A conceptual model for water resources circulation patterns in Andarokh-Kardeh region (NE, Iran) (چکیده)
3226 - Second language teachers’ reasons for doing/not doing action research in their classrooms (چکیده)
3227 - Involvement of ERK/MAPK pathway in megakaryocytic differentiation of K562 cells induced by 3-hydrogenkwadaphnin (چکیده)
3228 - 3-Hydrogenkwadaphnine, a novel diterpene ester from Dendrostellera lessertii, its role in differentiation and apoptosis of KG1 cells (چکیده)
3229 - Inference on skew-normal distribution based on Fisher information in order statistics (چکیده)
3230 - Conformational flexibility in amidophosphoesters: a CSD analysis completed with two new crystal structures of (C6H5O)2P(O)X [X = NHC7H13 and N(CH2C6H5)2] (چکیده)
3231 - The Effectiveness of Parental Reflective Functioning-Based Psycho-educational Program ‎on ‎Improvement of Children with Separation Anxiety Disorder‏:‏ ‎ A Single Subject Study (چکیده)
3232 - Controlling refractive index of transformation-optics devices via optical path rescaling (چکیده)
3233 - Reservoir heterogeneity and fracture parameter determination using electrical image logs and petrophysical data (a case study, carbonate Asmari Formation, Zagros Basin, SW Iran) (چکیده)
3234 - Reliability and sensitivity analysis of robust learning machine in prediction of bank profile morphology of threshold sand rivers (چکیده)
3235 - Design of Nonmagnetic All-mode Waveguide Coupler with Perfect Transmission Using Transformation Optics (چکیده)
3236 - The Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Dry Matter Partitioning, Mobilization and Radiation Use Efficiency of Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) (چکیده)
3237 - Effect of dietary supplementation of bentonite and yeast cell wall on serum endotoxin, inflammatory parameters, serum and milk aflatoxin in high-producing dairy cows during the transition period (چکیده)
3238 - شناسایی راهبردهای تاب آوری معیشت در برابر مخاطره خشکسالی از دیدگاه خانوارهای روستایی (مورد مطالعه: دهستان گلمکان، شهرستان چناران) (چکیده)
3239 - A theoretical framework for explaining the determinants of food waste reduction in residential households: a case study of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
3240 - Effects of alfalfa silage treated using different varieties of waste date on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and performance of Holstein lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
3241 - Effect of different levels of waste dates on the chemical composition and quality of alfalfa silage (چکیده)
3242 - Determination of imipenem efflux-mediated resistance in Acinetobacter spp., using an efflux pump inhibitor Ghazale (چکیده)
3243 - Effects of dietary supplementation of bentonite and Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall on acute-phase protein and liver function in high-producing dairy cows during transition period (چکیده)
3244 - Electron acoustic waves in atmospheric magnetized plasma (چکیده)
3245 - Experimental and numerical investigation on hydrothermal performance of nanofluids in micro-tubes (چکیده)
3246 - Optimal Reference Frame Angle Approach for Air-Gap Flux Minimization in Dual Stator Winding Induction Machines (چکیده)
3247 - Sensitivity and Specificity of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) among Iranian Mothers: A Psychometric Study (چکیده)
3248 - The Role of Sensory Emotions in Increasing Willingness to Read in EFL Learners (چکیده)
3249 - Iterated Function Systems with the Weak Average Contraction Conditions (چکیده)
3250 - Flexural Behavior of Lightweight Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars and Effects of the Added Micro and Macro Fiber (چکیده)
3251 - Perfect forward secrecy via an ECC-based authentication scheme for SIP in VoIP (چکیده)
3252 - Stress in Written and Sight Translation in Training Setting (چکیده)
3253 - Security patterns: A systematic mapping study (چکیده)
3254 - The Interplay of Teacher Success, Credibility, and Stroke with Respect to EFL Students’ Willingness to Attend Classes (چکیده)
3255 - Numerical solution of nonlinear mixed Volterra-Fredholm integral equations in complex plane via PQWs (چکیده)
3256 - Empidideicus jirofti sp. nov. (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae: Empidideicinae),  a new microbombyliid from Kerman province, southern Iran, with a key to species of Empidideicus from Iran (چکیده)
3257 - Novel Approach to Satisfying Stakeholders in Megaprojects: Balancing Mutual Values (چکیده)
3258 - Ferdowsi Rectifiers—Single-Phase Buck-Boost Bridgeless PFC Rectifiers With Low Semiconductor Count (چکیده)
3259 - 12-Tungstoboric acid (H5BW12O40) as an efficient Lewis acid catalyst for the synthesis of chromenopyrimidine-2,5-diones and thioxochromenopyrimidin-5-ones: Joint experimental and computational study (چکیده)
3260 - Effect of Compressor Emergency Shutdown in Various Compressor Station Configurations on Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline (چکیده)
3261 - Studying characterization in Arthur Miller’sThe Crucible (چکیده)
3262 - Investigating the effects of climate change on stream flows of Urmia Lake basin in Iran (چکیده)
3263 - مدل سازی کمی آبخوان بجنورد با تاکید بر لایه بندی آن (چکیده)
3264 - Gendered Narrative in Female War Literature: Helen Benedict’s Sand Queen (چکیده)
3265 - Evaluating the effectiveness of two bovine mastitis vaccines and their influences on oxidant and antioxidant capacities of milk (چکیده)
3266 - The effectiveness of existential psychotherapy on attitude to life and self-flourishing of educated women homemaker (چکیده)
3267 - Improving the microstructural and mechanical properties of in-situ zirconia-mullite composites by optimizing the simultaneous effect of mechanical activation and additives (چکیده)
3268 - Effect of loss on transverse localization of light in 1D optical waveguide array in the presence of Kerr-type nonlinearity (چکیده)
3269 - Lily (Iris Persica) pigments as new sensitizer and TiO2 nanofibers as photoanode electrode in dye sensitized solar cells (چکیده)
3270 - A systematic literature review on semantic web enabled software testing (چکیده)
3271 - A robust approach for rating curves estimation in open channels using isovel contours (چکیده)
3272 - KSR‐BOF: a new and exemplified method (as KSRs method) for image classification (چکیده)
3273 - Mitochondrial phylogeography of the genus Eremophila confirms underestimated species diversity in the Palearctic (چکیده)
3274 - Infection of Afghan Pika (Ochotona rufescens) with Oxyurid Worms in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
3275 - Investigating the use of pine needle extract as biological herbicide for weed control in bean crop (چکیده)
3276 - Application of optimized Artificial and Radial Basis neural networks by using modified Genetic Algorithm on discharge coefficient prediction of modified labyrinth side weir with two and four cycles (چکیده)
3277 - Multi-Resonant Indirect Digital Current Control Technique for Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters (چکیده)
3278 - Enhanced heat transfer in pin fin heat sink working with nitrogen gas–water two-phase flow: variable pin length and longitudinal pitch (چکیده)
3279 - A Novel High Gain Single-Switch DC-DC Buck-Boost Converter with Continuous Input and Output Power (چکیده)
3280 - Machine learning methods for precise calculation of temperature drop during a throttling process (چکیده)
3281 - How Groundwater Level Fluctuations and Geotechnical Properties Lead to Asymmetric Subsidence: A PSInSAR Analysis of Land Deformation over a Transit Corridor in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area (چکیده)
3282 - Post-anthesis Drought Stress Effects on Photosynthesis Rate and Chlorophyll Content of Wheat Genotypes (چکیده)
3283 - Testing Exponentiality Based on the Lin Wong Divergence on the Residual Lifetime Data (چکیده)
3284 - An Analytical Evaluation of Pile-Soil Interaction in Two-Phase Approach (چکیده)
3285 - Weyl transforms and the products of two wavelet multiplier operators on locally compact abelian topological groups (چکیده)
3286 - Numerical simulation of pressure pulsation effects of a snubber in a CNG station for increasing measurement accuracy (چکیده)
3287 - A numerical and experimental study on the energy efficiency of a regenerative Heat and Mass Exchanger utilizing the counter-flow Maisotsenko cycle (چکیده)
3288 - Optimizing chevron plate heat exchangers based on the second law of thermodynamics and genetic algorithm (چکیده)
3289 - Precise prediction of biogas thermodynamic properties by using ANN algorithm (چکیده)
3290 - Synthesis, characterization, and dynamic‐mechanical properties of styrene‐acrylate/nanoclay interpenetrating polymer network (چکیده)
3291 - Boron Phosphide van der Waals p-n Junction via Molecular Adsorption (چکیده)
3292 - Shear-driven micro/nano flows simulation using Fokker Planck approach: Investigating accuracy and efficiency (چکیده)
3293 - Utilizing renewable energy sources efficiently in hospitals using demand dispatch (چکیده)
3294 - Physical modification of polymeric support layer for thin film composite forward osmosis membranes by metal–organic framework‐based porous matrix membrane strategy (چکیده)
3295 - High-velocity perforation behaviour of sandwich panels with Al/SiCp composite foam core (چکیده)
3296 - The simultaneous effect of holding safety stock and purchasing policies on the economic production quantity model subject to random machine breakdown (چکیده)
3297 - Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) for Smart grid: An in-depth study on LoRaWAN (چکیده)
3298 - Internet of Things in agriculture: A survey (چکیده)
3299 - SDN-Based Quality of Service Networking for Wide Area Measurement System (چکیده)
3300 - The Comparison between Acute Effect of Citrullin Malate Different Doses on Aerobic and Anaerobic Power as Well as Lactate and Blood Urea Level in Young Soccer Players (چکیده)
3301 - From basic researches to new achievements in therapeutic strategies of KRAS-driven cancers (چکیده)
3302 - On topological entropy and topological pressure of non-autonomous iterated function systems (چکیده)
3303 - Will the antimicrobial properties of ZnONPs turn it into a more suitable option than AgNPs for water filtration? Comparative study in the removal of fish pathogen, Aeromonas hydrophila from the culture of juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (چکیده)
3304 - The effect of aerobic exercise on various symptoms of depression: the mediating role of quality of life (چکیده)
3305 - Responses of Calyx Phytochemical Characteristic, Yield and Yield Components of Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) to Different Sowing Dates and Densities (چکیده)
3306 - How can health professionals contribute to the internet of things body of knowledge (چکیده)
3307 - Water Deficit Decreases Gas Exchange Parameters and Marketable Quality of Rosa hybrida ‘Club-Nika’ Irrespective of Training Systems (چکیده)
3308 - Design Space Exploration of the AES Encryption Algorithm Implementation for Securing CAN Protocol (چکیده)
3309 - A simplified solution for piled-raft foundation analysis by using the two-phase approach (چکیده)
3310 - Evaluation of thin film composite membrane in production of ionically modified water applied for enhanced oil recovery (چکیده)
3311 - Prediction of Ground Water Table Using NF-GMDH Based Evolutionary Algorithms (چکیده)
3312 - LES investigation of sheet-cloud cavitation around a 3-D twisted wing with a NACA 16012 hydrofoil (چکیده)
3313 - بررسی روند تولید مثلی ماهی سبزوگ (Cyprinion watsoni) موجود در قنات قصبه گناباد (چکیده)
3314 - On a novel solid lubricant–coated cutting tool: Experimental investigation and finite element simulations (چکیده)
3316 - نقش تشکیل بازار آب در میزان استفاده از منابع آبی در بخش کشاورزی (چکیده)
3317 - A new electrochemical sensing platform for quantitative determination of diclofenac based on gold nanoparticles decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes/graphene oxide nanocomposite film (چکیده)
3318 - Ellagic acid improves testis weight following isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction in diabetic male rats. (چکیده)
3319 - Efficient Photoelectrocatalytic Water Oxidation by Palladium Doped g-C3N4 Electrodeposited Thin Film (چکیده)
3320 - Lysine and methionine supplementation in high soy protein content diets for silvery-black porgy (Sparidentex hasta) juveniles (چکیده)
3321 - Numerical investigation of heat transfer enhancement inside heat exchanger tubes fitted with perforated hollow cylinders (چکیده)
3322 - Resource allocation to strategies of quality management with FANP and Goal Programming approach (چکیده)
3323 - Evaluation of resistance genes to phenolic antibiotics in poultry salmonella (چکیده)
3324 - Detection of some quinolone resistance plasmid genes (qnrA, qnrB, qnrS) in Escherichia coli isolated from human urinary tract infection (چکیده)
3325 - Investigation of antibiotic susceptibility and methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from subclinical mastitis in cattle in Mashhad (چکیده)
3326 - تاثیر ریسک ادراک شده توسط سرمایه گذاران بر مدیریت سبد سهام (چکیده)
3327 - A Local-Spatial Analysis of the Impact of Livelihood Capitals on the Formation of Social Capital in Rural Settlements (Case Study: Bojnourd County) (چکیده)
3328 - Genetic diversity for three populations of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) based on sequencing of mtDNA genes (چکیده)
3329 - Is Impregnation of Xenograft with Caffeine Effective on Bone Healing Rate in Mandibular Defects? A Pilot Histological Animal Study (چکیده)
3330 - Analytic network process: An overview of applications (چکیده)
3331 - Software defect prediction using over-sampling and feature extraction based on Mahalanobis distance (چکیده)
3332 - The Resource-based Reflective Risk Assessment Model for Understanding the Quality of Work Life of Nurses (چکیده)
3333 - Helping Managers in Their Context- a Perceived Risk Approach (چکیده)
3334 - Experimental study on effect of EBRIG shear strengthening method on the behavior of RC beams (چکیده)
3335 - Atmospheric Dynamics from Synoptic to Local Scale During an Intense Frontal Dust Storm over the Sistan Basin in Winter 2019 (چکیده)
3336 - Estimation of water surface profiles using rating curves (چکیده)
3337 - Disease resistance and virulence screen in Solanum tuberosum–Alternaria tenuissima interaction: the role of pathogenicity factors (چکیده)
3338 - An Overview on Improving the Business Environment Considering Regulation Reform and Simplification: Emphasizing Economic Growth (چکیده)
3339 - Meta-analysis of weaning weight heritability in Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
3340 - Assessment and Analysis of Rural Women’s Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and its Use in Sustaining Natural resources: A Case Study of Villages in the Counties of Nishapur and Firuzeh (چکیده)
3341 - The Campanian-Maastrichtian planktonic foraminifera of the Kopet-Dagh Basin (NE Iran): bioevents and biostratigraphy (چکیده)
3342 - Sultan ‛Ali Mashhadi (چکیده)
3343 - A Z-Source Network Integrated Buck-Boost PFC Rectifier (چکیده)
3344 - Perishable Inventory Management Using GA-ANN and ICA-ANN (چکیده)
3345 - Protective effects of glycyrrhizin on sub-chronic diazinon-induced biochemical, hematological alterations and oxidative stress indices in male Wistar rats (چکیده)
3346 - Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder based on complex network features (چکیده)
3347 - Supplementation of dietary apple cider vinegar as an organic acidifier on the growth performance, digestive enzymes and mucosal immunity of green terror (Andinoacara rivulatus) (چکیده)
3348 - Exploration of relative π-electron localization in naphthalene aromatic rings by C–H⋯π interactions: experimental evidence, computational criteria, and database analysis (چکیده)
3349 - Evaluation of factors affecting dental esthetics in patients seeking orthodontic treatment (چکیده)
3350 - Assessment of groundwater quality for drinking and industrial usage in Chenaran plain in North East of Iran (چکیده)
3351 - واکاوی روند تغییرات زمانی تبخیرتعرق پتانسیل بالقوه شهرهای سنندج و سقز طی نیم قرن اخیر (چکیده)
3352 - A field study on the effect of organic soil conditioners with different placements on dry matter and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) (چکیده)
3353 - Contemporary sociopolitical functions of the “Allahu Akbar” ritual speech act in today’s Muslim communities: A focus on Iranian society (چکیده)
3354 - Evaluation of mechanical vapor recompression crystallization process for treatment of high salinity wastewater (چکیده)
3355 - CoII immobilized on an aminated magnetic metal–organic framework catalyzed C–N and C–S bond forming reactions: a journey for the mild and efficient synthesis of arylamines and arylsulfides (چکیده)
3356 - A holographic study of the a-theorem and RG flow in general quadratic curvature gravity (چکیده)
3357 - The fatigue behavior of SBS/nanosilica composite modified asphalt binder and mixture (چکیده)
3358 - وضعیت کیفیت آب رودخانه کارده با استفاده از شاخص NSF WQI (چکیده)
3359 - Identification of sand dune sources in the east Sistan, Iran by using mineralogical and morphoscopic characterization of sediments (چکیده)
3360 - Investigating and Analyzing the Security of Women in Urban Space with an Emphasis on Participatory Approach (Case Study: Sajjad Neighborhood of Mashhad) (چکیده)
3361 - Epileptic seizures detection in EEG signals using TQWT and ensemble learning (چکیده)
3362 - Multiscale asymptotic homogenization analysis of epoxy-based composites reinforced with different hexagonal nanosheets (چکیده)
3363 - Aron–Berner extensions of triple maps with application to the bidual of Jordan Banach triple systems (چکیده)
3364 - ارزیابی وب سایتهای کتابخانه های دانشگاه های غیرانتفاعی ایران (چکیده)
3365 - Effect of fiber hybridization on energy absorption and synergy in concrete (چکیده)
3366 - Nondimensional Parameters’ Effects on Hybrid Darrieus–Savonius Wind Turbine Performance (چکیده)
3367 - Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Analysis of relationships of third party logistics enablers using multi-criteria decision making technique DEMATEL-based on ANP (چکیده)
3368 - Approaching Influence of Vehicle’s Properties in Crosswind and Overtaking Situations Using Multi-Step Taguchi Method (چکیده)
3369 - Improving Efficiency of Normative Interventions by Characteristic-Based Selection of Households: An Agent-Based Approach (چکیده)
3370 - Mitochondrial sequences retrieve an ancient lineage of Bicolored shrew in the Hyrcanian refugium (چکیده)
3371 - An Improvement Over Lee et al.'s Key Agreement Protocol (چکیده)
3372 - Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline layer Li(Li0.21Mn0.54Ni0.125Co0.125−x)AlxO2 for lithium-ion batteries application (چکیده)
3373 - On strong small loop transfer spaces relative to subgroups of fundamental groups (چکیده)
3374 - Effect of catholyte flow rate on the performance of two sediment microbial fuel cells in an open channel (چکیده)
3377 - Deep neural network with generative adversarial networks pre-training for brain tumor classification based on MR images (چکیده)
3378 - Numerical and analytical analysis of a robust flow regulator in electroosmotic microfluidic networks (چکیده)
3379 - PdII Immobilized on Ferromagnetic Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized by Aminated 2-Chloroethylphosphonic Acid with S-Methylisothiourea (FMMWCNTs@CPA@SMTU@PdII NPs) Applied as a Highly Efficient and Recyclable Nanostructured Catalyst for Suzuki–Miyaura and Mizoroki–Heck Cross-Coupling Reactions in Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
3380 - Recognition of the Skills and Knowledge of Iranian Auditors at workplace (چکیده)
3381 - Numerical solutions for shallow water equations based on the wave propagation algorithm with the moving mesh method (چکیده)
3382 - Improved transesterification conditions for production of clean fuel from municipal wastewater microalgae feedstock (چکیده)
3383 - A syntactic analysis of Persian deverbal nominals: An exo-skeletal approach (چکیده)
3384 - Projection Recurrent Neural Network Model: A New Strategy to Solve Weapon-Target Assignment Problem (چکیده)
3386 - The relationship of renewable energy consumption to stock market development and economic growth in Iran (چکیده)
3387 - Observer-based adaptive neural control for switched stochastic pure-feedback systems with input saturation (چکیده)
3388 - Pore-scale numerical modeling of coupled fluid flow and medium geometrical deformations in an unconsolidated porous medium (چکیده)
3389 - Oxygen isotope curves from the end-Permian mass extinction interval – influence of global warming on ostracod diversity (چکیده)
3390 - Ammonoid evolution and early warning signs for global warming during the end-Permian mass extinction (چکیده)
3391 - A Flow Topology Optimization Method for a Diffuser Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method (چکیده)
3392 - On Kolmogorov Feller weak law of large numbers for dependent random variables (چکیده)
3393 - A New Approach to Distinguish Thixotropic and Viscoelastic Phenomena (چکیده)
3394 - The effect of internal controls on financial reporting quality in Iranian family firms (چکیده)
3395 - Classification of hydrocolloids based on small amplitude oscillatory shear, large amplitude oscillatory shear, and textural properties (چکیده)
3396 - Supramolecular assembly of a 2D coordination polymer bearing pyridine-N-oxide-2,5-dicarboxylic acid and copper ion: X-ray crystallography and DFT calculations (چکیده)
3397 - The Portrayal of Women in English Films Localized into Persian (چکیده)
3398 - BN-SLIM: A Bayesian Network methodology for human reliability assessment based on Success Likelihood Index Method (SLIM) (چکیده)
3399 - Identifying miltefosine-resistant key genes in protein–protein interactions network and experimental verification in Iranian Leishmania major (چکیده)
3400 - A neural network to solve quadratic programming problems with fuzzy parameters (چکیده)
3401 - Optimal Multiple FCLs Allocation Considering DG Penetration in Meshed Network with Multi-Level Voltages (چکیده)
3402 - بررسی و تحلیل وضعیت مناطق روستایی براساس شاخص های برنامه ریزی فضایی گردشگری مطالعه موردی: شرق استان مازندران (چکیده)
3403 - A Comprehensive Comparative Characterization of Keratinocytes; The Significant Wound Healing Agents (چکیده)
3404 - چشم انداز تغییرات بارش در شمال غرب ایران با استفاده از مدل ثثهای گردش کلی جو تحت سناریوهای اقلیمی (چکیده)
3405 - Heterogeneous Catalysis by Polyoxometalates in Metal-Organic Frameworks (چکیده)
3406 - Complete convergence of weighted sums of dominated dependent random sequences (چکیده)
3407 - Application of MODFLOW with Boundary Conditions Analyses Based on Limited Available Observations: A Case Study of Birjand Plain in East Iran (چکیده)
3408 - POST herbicide programs utilizing tribenuron for cleavers (Galium aparine L.) control in winter wheat cultivars (چکیده)
3409 - Designing a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Automated Backward Parking Car (چکیده)
3410 - Experimental study of using nano-(GNP, MWCNT, and SWCNT)/water to investigate the performance of a PVT module (چکیده)
3411 - Evolutionary history of water voles revisited: confronting a new phylogenetic model from molecular data with the fossil record (چکیده)
3412 - Manifestation of \\\'Self-lowering\\\' and \\\'Other-raising\\\' as Politeness Strategies in Persian Political Discourse (چکیده)
3413 - Calibration Optimization of DC Motor Parameters Using Nonlinear Optimization Techniques under Uncertainty (چکیده)
3414 - Channelization of water pathway and encapsulation of DS in the SL of the TFC FO membrane as a novel approach for controlling dilutive internal concentration polarization (چکیده)
3415 - Wood surface treatment techniques for enhanced solar steam generation (چکیده)
3416 - An Efficient Target Tracking in Directional Sensor Networks Using Adapted Unscented Kalman Filter (چکیده)
3417 - Experimental evaluation of thermal performance and entropy generation inside a twisted U-tube equipped with twisted-tape inserts (چکیده)
3418 - Efficient Removal of Organic Dyes from Water by Metal-Organic Frameworks: The Importance of Defects (چکیده)
3419 - A Zr-Metal-Organic Framework Catalyst for Oxidative Desulfurization and Its Improvement by Crystal Engineering Approach (چکیده)
3420 - Impact of MFUM-1(Cu) Crystal Morphology on the Gas Separation Performance of a Mixed- Matrix Membrane (چکیده)
3421 - The Integrative Chemistry of Polyoxometalates and Metal-Organic Frameworks: A Catalytic Approach (چکیده)
3422 - مشکلات زائران در پیاده روی اربعین با تاکید بر مسائل بهداشتی و درمانی (چکیده)
3423 - Precise evaluation the effect of microwave irradiation on the properties of palm kernel oil biodiesel used in a diesel engine (چکیده)
3424 - Virtual Water Flow and Water Footprint Assessment of an Arid Region: A Case Study of South Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
3425 - Real-Time Maximum Torque per Ampere Control of Brushless DC Motor Drive With Minimum Torque Ripple (چکیده)
3426 - Microaneurysm detection in fundus images using a two-step convolutional neural network (چکیده)
3427 - The effects of SDS, SLES and THF on the growth rate, kinetic behaviors and energy consumption during ethylene hydrate formation process (چکیده)
3428 - فرصت‌ها و چالش‌های پذیرش اجتماعی کاربرد انرژی خورشیدی (چکیده)
3429 - Sustainable economic rural development system pattern in Ghaemshahr: an application of the developed TOP-MARD core model (چکیده)
3430 - A comprehensive study on dam-break flow over dry and wet beds (چکیده)
3431 - Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of New Pyrimidyl N‐Ciprofloxacin Derivatives (چکیده)
3432 - The morphospace of Late Permian coiled nautiloids (چکیده)
3433 - An experimental design of the solid oxide fuel cell performance by using partially oxidation reforming of natural gas (چکیده)
3434 - Land subsidence hazard modeling: Machine learning to identify predictors and the role of human activities (چکیده)
3435 - A generalized Legendre–Gauss collocation method for solving nonlinear fractional differential equations with time varying delays (چکیده)
3436 - In vitro release study of nisin from active polyvinyl alcohol-Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum films at different temperatures (چکیده)
3437 - Numerical investigation of different geometrical parameters of perforated conical rings on flow structure and heat transfer in heat exchangers (چکیده)
3438 - سنتز، شناسایی و مطالعه ی ضد تکثیری برخی از کمپلکس های متشکل از پیریدین-۶،۲-دی کربوکسیلیک اسید اُکسید شده (چکیده)
3439 - ${\mathsf \Gamma}$-Source Magnetic Integrated Filter for Single-Phase Grid Tied Voltage Source Converters (چکیده)
3440 - The eff ect of two Iranian viper snake; vipera albicornuta (zanjani) and vipera latifi i (lattifi i) venoms on the viability of rat bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in vitro and in vivo (چکیده)
3441 - Role of bio-derived zinc oxide nanoparticles in antifungal and photocatalytic activities (چکیده)
3442 - Conformational variation of ligands in mercury halide complexes; high and low Z′ structures (چکیده)
3443 - The Eff ect of resistance training and growth hormone injection on circulating IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels in a rat model (چکیده)
3444 - A study on the effect of carbon nanotube surface modification on mechanical and thermal properties of CNT/HDPE nanocomposite (چکیده)
3445 - Review of Diaz-Cintas, Jorge Díaz & Kristijan Nikolić, eds. (2018) Fast-Forwarding with Audiovisual Translation (چکیده)
3446 - Microwave assisted purification of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by potassium permanganate; effect of acid to oxidant molar ratio and treatment time (چکیده)
3447 - Quantitative evaluation of ambient O2 interference during solution combustion synthesis process:considering iron nitrate – fuel system (چکیده)
3448 - Investigation of the fatigue characteristics of warm stone matrix asphalt (WSMA) containing electric arc furnace (EAF) steel slag as coarse aggregate and Sasobit as warm mix additive (چکیده)
3449 - Amorphous to high crystalline PE made by mono and dinuclear Fe-based catalysts (چکیده)
3450 - The evolutionary history of the white wagtail species complex, (Passeriformes: Motacillidae: Motacilla alba) (چکیده)
3451 - A Historical View on Progress of Operational Research and Reliability with Their Role in World War (چکیده)
3452 - Lateral Spin Valve Based on the Two-Dimensional CrN / P / CrN Heterostructure (چکیده)
3453 - Interface between competition law and intellectual property licences in Iran (چکیده)
3454 - Allelopathic Potential of Lavender’s Extract and Coumarin Applied as Pre-Plant Incorporated Into Soil Under Agronomic Conditions (چکیده)
3455 - New insights to the taxonomy of Rhagodes eylandti (Walter, 1889): A remarkable sexually dimorphic species (Solifugae: Rhagodidae) (چکیده)
3456 - Event-based Controller Design for Networked Control Systems with Time-varying Random Delays (چکیده)
3457 - overcoming food addiction using the FACT (چکیده)
3458 - Seed germination and emergence of two flax-leaf alyssum (Alyssum linifolium Steph. ex. Willd.) populations in response to environmental factors (چکیده)
3459 - Evaluation of energy production technologies from biomass using analytical hierarchy process: The case of Iran (چکیده)
3460 - New sequential approach based on graph traversal algorithm to investigate cascading outages considering correlated wind farms (چکیده)
3461 - Ideology Behind the Covers of the Bestselling Books in Iran: Female Narrators in War Literature (چکیده)
3462 - Performance enhancement of thin‐film composite membranes in water desalination process by wood sawdust (چکیده)
3463 - Comparative proteomics and gene expression analyses revealed responsive proteins and mechanisms for salt tolerance in chickpea genotypes (چکیده)
3464 - Assessment of groundwater quality for the irrigation of melon farms: a comparison between two arable plains in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
3465 - The performance of collars on scour reduction at tandem piers aligned with different skew angles (چکیده)
3466 - Factors influencing functional response, handling time and searching efficiency of Anthocoris minki Dohrn (Hem.: Anthocoridae) as predator of Psyllopsis repens Loginova (Hem.: Psyllidae) (چکیده)
3467 - The supplementary irrigation effects on drought tolerance and ornamental characteristics of safflower varieties (چکیده)
3468 - Fuzzy Predictor With Additive Learning for Very Short-Term PV Power Generation (چکیده)
3469 - Tungsten-inert gas welding electrodes as low-cost, green and pH-universal electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (چکیده)
3470 - Effect of polyamines and nitric oxide in Piriformospora indica-induced resistance and basal immunity of wheat against Fusarium pseudograminearum (چکیده)
3471 - Equine adipose mesenchymal stem cells (eq-ASCs) appear to have higher potential for migration and musculoskeletal differentiation (چکیده)
3472 - Enhancement in mechanical properties of multiwalled carbon nanotube‐reinforced epoxy composites: Crosslinking of the reinforcement with the matrix via diamines (چکیده)
3473 - A Low-Voltage High-Precision Time-Domain Winner-Take-All Circuit (چکیده)
3474 - Survey of Bibliotherapy in Hospital Libraries of Iran Based on SWOT Model (چکیده)
3475 - Ergodic shadowing of non-autonomous discrete-time dynamical systems (چکیده)
3476 - Origin of Rosa x binaloudensis (Rosaceae), a new natural hybrid species from Iran (چکیده)
3477 - Integration of Principal Component Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks to Better Predict Agricultural Energy Flows (چکیده)
3478 - Comprehensive Assessment of Phytochemical Potential ofTanacetum parthenium(L.): Phenolic Compounds, Antioxidant Activity, Essential Oil and Parthenolide (چکیده)
3479 - Economic optimization of stacked microbial fuel cells to maximize power generation and treatment of wastewater with minimal operating costs (چکیده)
3480 - Bayesian Conditional Estimation of Weibull Distributions Under Type-II Censored Order Statistics (چکیده)
3481 - An efficient neural network for solving convex optimization problems with a nonlinear complementarity problem function (چکیده)
3482 - Efficient target tracking in directional sensor networks with selective target area’s coverage (چکیده)
3483 - Experimental study on thermal analysis of a novel shell and tube heat exchanger with corrugated tubes (چکیده)
3484 - An Efficient Eigen-Solver and Some of Its Applications (چکیده)
3485 - Light and scanning electron microscopic study of the tongue in the guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) (چکیده)
3486 - A simple thermodynamics model for estimation and comparison the concentration of oxygen vacancies generated in oxide powders synthesized via the solution combustion method (چکیده)
3487 - Rolling contact fatigue analysis of rails under the in uence of residual stresses induced by manufacturing (چکیده)
3488 - A group multiple dependent state sampling plan using truncated life test for the Weibull distribution (چکیده)
3489 - Geological parameters affected land subsidence in Mashhad plain, north-east of Iran (چکیده)
3491 - An Examination of Relative Clauses in Argumentative Essays Written by EFL Learners (چکیده)
3492 - Comprehensive assessment of newly-developed slip-jump boundary conditions in high-speed rarefied gas flow simulations (چکیده)
3493 - Feasibility study of automatically performing the concrete delivery dispatching through machine learning techniques (چکیده)
3494 - A nanohybrid composed of polyoxotungstate and graphene oxide for dispersive micro solid-phase extraction of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs prior to their quantitation by HPLC (چکیده)
3495 - The bidual of a Banach algebra associated with a bilinear map (چکیده)
3496 - An Investigation into Metadiscourse Elements Used by Native vs. Non-native University Students across Genders (چکیده)
3497 - Numerical Analysis of Hydraulic Flow Characteristics in Prismatic Compound Channels Using Flow3D Software (چکیده)
3498 - Zircon U-Pb geochronology, geochemistry, Sr-Nd isotopic compositions, and tectonomagmatic implications of Nay (NE Iran) postcollisional intrusives in the Sabzevar zone (چکیده)
3499 - Variants of Ando–Hiai inequality for operator power means (چکیده)
3500 - The impacts of magnetized water treatment on different morphological and physiological factors of plant species in arid regions (چکیده)
3501 - Carbon aerogel/carboxylated carbon nanotubes: porous structure and electrical conductivity properties (چکیده)
3503 - Determining the Economic Value of Water Using Production Functions and Selecting the Optimal Model for Sugar Beet Crop: Case Study of the Gharehghom and Namakzar Basins in Iran (چکیده)
3504 - Dietary administration of ferula (Ferula asafoetida) powder as a feed additive in diet of koi carp, Cyprinus carpio koi: effects on hemato-immunological parameters, mucosal antibacterial activity, digestive enzymes, and growth performance (چکیده)
3505 - Determination and measurement of solid–liquid equilibrium for binary fatty acid mixtures based on NRTL and UNIQUAC activity models (چکیده)
3506 - synthesis of Zeolite from coal waste ash by hydrothermal method using alkaline source (چکیده)
3507 - Association between the availability of financial resources and working capital management with stock surplus returns in Iran (چکیده)
3508 - Relationship between Cash Flow Management and Financial Performance of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
3509 - The Late Permian araxoceratid ammonoids: a case of repetitive temporal and spatial unfolding of homoplastic conch characters (چکیده)
3510 - A numerical method based on the moving mesh for the solving of a mathematical model of the avascular tumor growth (چکیده)
3511 - Effect of fibers and hybrid fibers on the shear strength of lightweight concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars (چکیده)
3512 - Applying evolutionary optimization algorithms for improving fuzzy C-mean clustering performance to predict the deformation modulus of rock mass (چکیده)
3513 - Employ of magnetic polyaniline coated chitosan nanocomposite for extraction and determination of phthalate esters in diapers and wipes using gas chromatography (چکیده)
3514 - Valorization of organic additions in restorative lime mortars: Spent cooking oil and albumen (چکیده)
3515 - Effects of hot-air and hybrid hot air-microwave drying on drying kinetics and textural quality of nectarine slices (چکیده)
3516 - Cardinal temperatures for seed germination of wild barley, barley grass and hoary cress (چکیده)
3517 - Estimation of punch strength index and static properties of sedimentary rocks using neural networks in south west of Iran (چکیده)
3518 - Modelling Study on Internal Energy Loss Due to Entropy Generation for Non-Darcy Poiseuille Flow of Silver-Water Nanofluid: An Application of Purification (چکیده)
3519 - Projections of future soil temperature in northeast Iran (چکیده)
3520 - Curcumin loaded magnetic graphene oxide solid-phase extraction for the determination of parabens in toothpaste and mouthwash coupled with high performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
3521 - Linkage between EMT and stemness state through molecular association between TWIST1 and NY-ESO1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (چکیده)
3522 - MEIS1 knockdown may promote differentiation of esophageal squamous carcinoma cell line KYSE‐30 (چکیده)
3523 - TWIST1, MMP‐21, and HLAG‐1 co‐overexpression is associated with ESCC aggressiveness (چکیده)
3524 - Effect of silica nanotubes on characteristic and performance of PVDF nanocomposite membrane for nitrate removal application (چکیده)
3525 - The effect of FIFA warm -up program (11+) on the trunk, glexion and lateral flexion in women Futsal players and risk of ACL injury occucernce (چکیده)
3526 - Quality-centric security pattern mutations (چکیده)
3527 - Development and Comparison of Two New Methods for Quantifying Uncertainty in Analysis of Flow Through Rockfill Structures (چکیده)
3528 - Modified Fuzzy Multiple Deferred State Sampling Plan (چکیده)
3529 - ردیابی همولوگ ژن توماتیناز در ژنوم قارچ Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis (چکیده)
3530 - Two new species and an additional record of eriophyoids (Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyidae) from semi-arid and arid environments in East Iran (چکیده)
3531 - Loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with PCR for specific identification of injurious mite, Tetranychus urticae (Trombidiformes: Tetranychidae) (چکیده)
3532 - تاثیر گسترش شهر مشهد بر سیلاب شهر بین سال‌های 1320 تا 1395 (چکیده)
3533 - Accounting Conservatism and Long-Run Stock Return: Some Evidence of Initial Offering in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
3534 - مطالعه اثر ژن Rf3 برای بازگردانندگی باروری به برنج در زمینه ژنتیکی لاین ندا-A (چکیده)
3535 - Accessibility on iterated function systems (چکیده)
3536 - Evaluation response of photosynthesis of stevia plant (Stevia rebaudiana Var. Bertoni) to potassium humate and photoperiod (چکیده)
3537 - Elliptical generalized Maxwell fish-eye lens using conformal mapping (چکیده)
3538 - CuI anchored onto mesoporous SBA-16 functionalized by aminated 3-glycidyloxypropyltrimethoxysilane with thiosemicarbazide (SBA-16/GPTMS-TSC-CuI): a heterogeneous mesostructured catalyst for S-arylation reaction under solvent-free conditions (چکیده)
3539 - Assessment of maternal and parent of origin effects in genetic variation of economic traits in Iranian native fowl (چکیده)
3540 - Effects of dexamethasone and insulin alone or in combination on energy and protein metabolism, reproduction and milk production in dairy cows in early lactation (چکیده)
3541 - Oxidation behavior of a nanostructured compositionally graded layer (CGL) thermal barrier coating (TBC) deposited on IN-738LC (چکیده)
3542 - A wideband 45° inclined linear polarization travelling-wave slot array antenna with broadside radiation pattern (چکیده)
3543 - Donor Willingness to Accept Selling a Kidney for Transplantation: Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
3544 - CEO ability and regulatory review risk (چکیده)
3545 - Slaughterhouse wastewater treatment using biological anaerobic and coagulation-flocculation hybrid process (چکیده)
3546 - Solving Fractional Variational Problem Via an Orthonormal Function (چکیده)
3547 - Generalized Variant Support Vector Machine (چکیده)
3548 - Coping Strategies of Pregnant Women with Detected Fetal Anomalies in Iran: A Qualitative Study (چکیده)
3549 - On wavelet multipliers and Landau–Pollak–Slepian operators on locally compact abelian topological groups (چکیده)
3550 - Different scenarios for udder health management during dry period in dairy cattle (چکیده)
3551 - Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems to estimate digestible critical amino acid requirements in young broiler chicks (چکیده)
3552 - Preconcentration of morphine in urine sample using a green and solvent-free microextraction method (چکیده)
3553 - The Effect of Teaching Mowlana\\\'s Thoughts on the Peaceful Coexistence of Foreign Students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
3554 - Simulation of rarefied gas flow in a microchannel with backward facing step by two relaxation times using Lattice Boltzmann method – Slip and transient flow regimes (چکیده)
3555 - Method of Production and Assessment of an Encapsulated Choline Chloride and Its Effects on Growth Performance and Serum Lipid Indices in Broilers (چکیده)
3556 - Projecting climate change impacts on rainfed wheat yield, water demand, and water use efficiency in northeast Iran (چکیده)
3558 - Improving steam generation and distilled water production by volumetric solar heating (چکیده)
3559 - How to Differentiate Generalized Anxiety Disorder from Worry: The Role of Cognitive Strategies (چکیده)
3560 - ε-NTU analysis of turbulent flow in a corrugated double pipe heat exchanger: A numerical investigation (چکیده)
3561 - Parametric NCP-Based Recurrent Neural Network Model: A New Strategy to Solve Fuzzy Nonconvex Optimization Problems (چکیده)
3562 - Maps preserving quadratic product between positive cones of JBW-algebras (چکیده)
3563 - Mechanical Improvements of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Epoxy Composite: Covalent Functionalization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube by Epoxy Chains (چکیده)
3564 - Systems analysis of implementing an electronic city in Bojnord, Iran (چکیده)
3565 - Evaluation of the effect of wastewater contamination on the geotechnical and electrical resistivity properties of a silty clay (چکیده)
3566 - Climate data clustering effects on arid and semi-arid rainfed wheat yield: a comparison of artificial intelligence and K-means approaches (چکیده)
3568 - Alleviating the Salt Stress Effects in Salvia splendens by Humic Acid Application (چکیده)
3569 - Hydrogen-bonded 3D network of d10-metal halide coordination polymer containing N-(3-pyridinyl) nicotinamide: influence of ligand conformation, halide anions and solvent (چکیده)
3570 - Supply function Nash equilibrium of joint day-ahead electricity markets and forward contracts (چکیده)
3571 - Organizational Learning And Psychological Empowerment (چکیده)
3572 - Generalizing the Convolution Operator in Convolutional Neural Networks (چکیده)
3573 - Exact and Asymptotic Analysis of Partial Relay Selection for Cognitive RF-FSO Systems With Non-Zero Boresight Pointing Errors (چکیده)
3574 - Modeling of uniaxial compressive strength using P and S waves in dry and saturated sandstone: a case study on sandstones in Kashafrud and Shurijeh Formation in Kopet Dagh basin (چکیده)
3575 - Modeling of S wave, P Wave velocity and petrographic properties: Case study on sandstones in Pestehleigh Formation in Kopet Dagh basin (چکیده)
3576 - Pinless tool for FSSW of AA 6061-T6 aluminum alloy (چکیده)
3577 - How Does Large-scale Wind Power Generation Affect Energy and Reserve Prices? (چکیده)
3578 - Measurement of Liver Stiffness with 2D-Shear Wave Elastography -2D-SWE- in Bariatric Surgery Candidates Reveals Acceptable Diagnostic Yield Compared to Liver Biopsy (چکیده)
3579 - Iranian EFL learners use of condolence expressions in English: From pragmatic awareness to intercultural sensitivity (چکیده)
3580 - Virulence factors of Fusarium spp., causing wheat crown and root rot in Iran (چکیده)
3581 - Performance intensification of turbulent flow through heat exchanger tube using double V-cut twisted tape inserts (چکیده)
3582 - An economic-operational framework for optimum agricultural water distribution in irrigation districts without water marketing (چکیده)
3583 - Using an Artificial Neural Network for Nondestructive Evaluation of the Heat Treating Processes for D2 Tool Steels (چکیده)
3584 - Multi-successive-step pH sensitive procedure: Survey of dominant formation mechanism of therapeutic SPIONs (چکیده)
3585 - Microscale investigation of the correlation between microstructure and galvanic corrosion of low alloy steel A508 and its welded 309/308L stainless steel overlayer (چکیده)
3586 - Effect of prostaglandin F2α and GnRH at the time of artificial insemination on reproductive performance of dairy cows (چکیده)
3587 - Measurements and Prediction of Melting Temperature and Eutectic Point of Binary Fatty Acids Based on Wilson Activity Model (چکیده)
3588 - Sufficient Conditions for Stabilization of Interval Uncertain LTI Switched Systems with Unstable Subsystems (چکیده)
3589 - Nano-sized ZnS functionalized with dioxa-dithio ligands for removal of Pb(II) from aqueous solution (چکیده)
3590 - Z-scheme design of Ag@g-C3N4/ZnS photoanode device for efficient solar water oxidation: An organic-inorganic electronic interface (چکیده)
3591 - An experimental study on heat transfer performance and pressure drop of nanofluids using graphene and multi-walled carbon nanotubes based on diesel oil (چکیده)
3592 - Semi Analytical Analysis of FGM Thick-Walled Cylindrical Pressure Vessel with Longitudinal Variation of Elastic Modulus under Internal Pressure (چکیده)
3593 - Facies analysis, sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Khan Formation in the Kalmard Sub-Block, Central Iran: implications for Lower Permian palaeogeography (چکیده)
3594 - Preharvest Application Effect of Salicylic Acid and Calcium Nitrate on Physicochemical Characteristics of Fresh Jujube Fruit (Ziziphus jujuba. Mill) During Storage (چکیده)
3595 - Investigation of injection timing and different fuels on the diesel engine performance and emissions (چکیده)
3596 - Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Alignment using Mathematical Model Approximation (چکیده)
3597 - Crowd analysis using Bayesian Risk Kernel Density Estimation (چکیده)
3598 - Effect of Aerobic Exercise with and without Green Coffee Supplementation on Serum Apolipoprotein B and Atherogenic Indices of Overweight Men (چکیده)
3599 - Noncommutative versions of inequalities in quantum information theory (چکیده)
3600 - Halmos' two projections theorem for Hilbert C⁎-module operators and the Friedrichs angle of two closed submodules (چکیده)
3601 - Organizational empowerment: A vital step toward intrapreneurship (چکیده)
3602 - NH4+-K+ co-loaded clinoptilolite as a binary fertilizer (چکیده)
3603 - Variations of kidney, liver and spleen total sialic acid levels in immunized rainbow trout -Oncorhynchus mykiss- against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (چکیده)
3604 - Alleviating negative effects of cadmium stress in basil -Ocimum basilicum L. cv. Keshkeni Luvelou- by using two types of mycorrhizal fungi (چکیده)
3605 - Sandstone petrography and geochemistry of the Nayband Formation -Upper Triassic, Central Iran-: Implications for provenance and tectonic setting (چکیده)
3606 - Evacuating liquid coatings from a diffusive oblique fin in micro-/mini-channels (چکیده)
3607 - A new digital control of four‐leg inverters in the natural reference frame for renewable energy–based distributed generation (چکیده)
3608 - Spatiotemporal changes in aridity index and reference evapotranspiration over semi-arid and humid regions of Iran: trend, cause, and sensitivity analyses (چکیده)
3609 - Identifying and Ranking Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques Affecting Organizational Information Security Improvement (چکیده)
3610 - Combining service-orientation and software product line engineering: A systematic mapping study (چکیده)
3611 - Toward automated feature model configuration with optimizing non-functional requirements (چکیده)
3612 - Addressing Non-Functional Properties in Feature Models: A Goal-Oriented Approach (چکیده)
3613 - Goal-oriented modeling and verification of feature-oriented product lines (چکیده)
3614 - The Effect of Planting Seasons on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Black cumin -Nigella sativa L.- (چکیده)
3615 - An analytical and approximate solution for linear volterra partial integro-differential equation with a weakly singular kernel using the fractional differential transform method (چکیده)
3616 - Detection of reaching intention using EEG signals and nonlinear dynamic system identification (چکیده)
3617 - Effect of swim bladder matrix treated with hyaluronic acid on wound healing: an animal model evaluation (چکیده)
3618 - Numerical investigation of turbulent Cu-water nanofluid in heat exchanger tube equipped with perforated conical rings (چکیده)
3619 - Equal channel angular pressing of spheroidal graphite cast iron (چکیده)
3621 - Larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy and microfacies analysis from the Ypresian (Ilerdian-Cuisian) limestones in the Sistan Suture Zone (eastern Iran) (چکیده)
3622 - On the Groups with Trivial Frattini Subgroups (چکیده)
3623 - Theoretical investigation of ethane oxidative dehydrogenation over MoVTeNbO catalyst in fixed-bed reactors with intermediate water removal (چکیده)
3624 - Direct and Indirect Effects of Aphis gossypii -Hemi.: Aphididae- and Lasius brunneus -Hym.: Formicidae- Mutualism on Cotton Yield in Field Condition (چکیده)
3627 - Wavelet analysis and frequency spectrum of cloud cavitation around a sphere (چکیده)
3628 - Plasmonic nano bow‐tie arrays with enhanced LSPR refractive index sensing (چکیده)
3629 - Catalyst-free green synthesis of tetrahydro-benzo[b]pyrans in magnetized water: experimental aspects and molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
3631 - An Investigation into the Behavior of Persian Multiple Interrogatives with Respect to the Superiority Effect (چکیده)
3632 - Two-step heating transient liquid phase bonding of Inconel 738LC (چکیده)
3633 - Innovative Work Behavior in Public Organizations: The Roles of Ethical and Knowledge Sharing Behaviors (چکیده)
3634 - Dietary supplementation effects ofPediococcus acidilacticias probiotic on growth performance, digestive enzyme activities and immunity response in zebrafish (Danio rerio) (چکیده)
3635 - Effects of Fasting on Glucagon-like peptide-1 hormone -GLP-1-, and Lipid Profile Indices in Obese and Thin Women (چکیده)
3636 - New generation of α-MnO2 nanowires @PDMS composite as a hydrogen gas sensor (چکیده)
3637 - Anaerobic co-digestion of poultry slaughterhouse wastes with sewage sludge in batch-mode bioreactors (effect of inoculum-substrate ratio and total solids) (چکیده)
3638 - Designing a smart risk analysis method for gas chlorination units of water treatment plants with combination of Failure Mode E ff ects Analysis, Shannon Entropy, and Petri Net Modeling (چکیده)
3639 - An economic analysis of industrial wastewater treatment systems using multi-attribute decision-making methods -case study: Toos Industrial Estate, Mashhad, Iran- (چکیده)
3640 - Two-dimensional analytical investigation of conjugate heat transfer in a finite-length planar micro-combustor for a hydrogen-air mixture (چکیده)
3641 - Linear Modal Analysis of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) Torsional Interaction: Effect of DFIG Controllers and System Parameters (چکیده)
3642 - New High Gain DC-DC Boost Converter with Continuous Input and Output Currents (چکیده)
3643 - Bioethanol facility location selection using best-worst method (چکیده)
3644 - Physiological and Biochemical Changes Induced by UV-B Radiation in Rosemary Plants Grown Under Salinity Stress (چکیده)
3645 - Design and Development of High-Gain SIW H-Plane Horn Antenna Loaded With Waveguide, Dipole Array, and Reflector Nails Using Thin Substrate (چکیده)
3646 - Major and minor toxins of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy and diseased sheep (چکیده)
3647 - Anatomy and histomorpholoy of Thyroid, Parathyroid and Ultimobranchial glands in Guinea fowl -Numida meleagris- (چکیده)
3648 - Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profile of Enterococcus Species Isolated from Companion Birds and Poultry in the Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
3649 - Damping capacity in pseudo-elastic and ferro-elastic shape memory alloy-reinforced hybrid composite beam (چکیده)
3650 - Analytical layerwise solution of nonlinear thermal instability of SMA hybrid composite beam under nonuniform temperature condition (چکیده)
3651 - Layerwise/FSDT comparative studies on nonlinear transient response of SMA hybrid composite beam (چکیده)
3652 - A Current Observer based on Fourier Series in Model Predictive Control System for DVR (چکیده)
3653 - Population Genetic Analysis of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus based on the CI Gene Sequence (چکیده)
3654 - Proteolysis of sodium caseinate using Withania coagulans extract: An optimization study (چکیده)
3655 - Joint Slip Formulation Based on Experimental Results in Wind Turbine Lattice Towers (چکیده)
3656 - Opposite effect of motivated forgetting on sleep spindles during stage 2 and slow wave sleep (چکیده)
3657 - The Comparison of Library Classification Systems: A Survey of the Viewpoint of Professors and Librarians (چکیده)
3658 - Applicability of connectionist methods to predict dynamic viscosity of silver/water nanofluid by using ANN-MLP, MARS and MPR algorithms (چکیده)
3659 - Analysis of expression data of Holstein Cow mammary tissue (چکیده)
3660 - Study of differentially expressed genes and related pathways in fetal muscle tissue of Texel and Ujumqin sheep breeds (چکیده)
3661 - Investigating the effect of engine speed and flight altitude on the performance of throttle body injection (TBI) system of a two-stroke air-powered engine (چکیده)
3662 - Realization of a broadband Hybrid X-Band Power Amplifier Based on fT -Doubler Technique (چکیده)
3663 - Development a new wideband substrate integrated waveguide H-plane horn antenna loaded with periodically diamond patches (چکیده)
3664 - Association of leptin polymorphisms with production and reproduction traits in Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
3665 - Experimental investigation of a novel type of two-phase closed thermosyphon filled with functionalized carbon nanotubes/water nanofluids for electronic cooling application (چکیده)
3666 - Nanofluid flow and MHD mixed convection inside a vertical annulus with moving walls and transpiration considering the effect of Brownian motion and shape factor (چکیده)
3667 - The novel host associations for the aphid parasitoid, Pauesia hazratbalensis -Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae- (چکیده)
3668 - Effect of the angle of oblique stagnation-point flow impinging axisymmetrically on a vertical circular cylinder with mixed convection heat transfer (چکیده)
3670 - Multi-Target State Estimation Using Interactive Kalman Filter for Multi-Vehicle Tracking (چکیده)
3671 - Modeling of nucleate boiling heat transfer of a stagnation-point flow impinging on a hot surface (چکیده)
3672 - Self-Similar Solution of Radial Stagnation Point Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous, Compressible Fluid Impinging on a Rotating Cylinder (چکیده)
3673 - Compact Finite Difference Investigation of Pressure Field Governed by a Three Dimensional Wave Equation (چکیده)
3674 - Effects of Different Parameters on The Crack Growth of Rotary Disks with Eccentricity Hole Using Emulator and Finite Element Techniques (چکیده)
3675 - An Experimental Investigation of Initiation, Propagation and the Fatigue Life of Modified Coach Peel -MCP- Spot Weld Specimens (چکیده)
3676 - Mean velocity and turbulent characteristics of flow over half-cycle cosine sharp-crested weirs (چکیده)
3677 - Non-linear effects of suspension 0n hunting and critical velocity of railway wheelset (چکیده)
3678 - Diagenetic features, stable isotope and dolomitization of the Lower Cretaceous carbonate rocks in west Kopet-Dagh Basin, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
3679 - An inorganic–organic hybrid supra­molecular framework based on the γ-[Mo8O26]4− cluster and cobalt complex of aspartic acid: X-ray structure and DFT study (چکیده)
3680 - Resilience improvement planning of power-water distribution systems with multiple microgrids agianst hurricanes using clean strategies (چکیده)
3681 - Prediction of fatigue crack propagation and fractography of rail steel (چکیده)
3682 - Exploring instructional leadership in Iran: A mixed methods study of high- and low-performing principals (چکیده)
3683 - Application of artificial intelligence for separation of live and dead rainbow trout fish eggs (چکیده)
3684 - Comparative evaluation of energy dissipation over short stepped gabion and rigid spillways (چکیده)
3685 - Water-gas-shift reaction over nickel catalysts: DFT studies and kinetic modeling (چکیده)
3686 - The evaluation of the relationship between customers’ knowledge management and their loyalty to academic libraries (چکیده)
3687 - Toward a bio-inspired rehabilitation aid: sEMG-CPG approach for online generation of jaw trajectories for a chewing robot (چکیده)
3688 - Comparing the performance of dynamical and statistical downscaling on historical run precipitation data over a semi-arid region (چکیده)
3689 - Questioning the Unquestionability of the Expert’s Perspective in Psychology (چکیده)
3690 - بررسی عددی تاثیر نسبت تراکم به همراه توربوشارژر بر عملکرد و گازهای خروجی موتور دیزل (چکیده)
3692 - Transformation optics for perfect two-dimensional non-magnetic all-mode waveguide couplers (چکیده)
3693 - Selecting Strategic Policy for Irrigation Water Management (Case Study: Qazvin Plain, Iran) (چکیده)
3694 - A two-stage stochastic programming approach for a multi-objective course timetabling problem with courses cancelation risk (چکیده)
3695 - Entropy generation of turbulent Cu–water nanofluid flow in a heat exchanger tube fitted with perforated conical rings (چکیده)
3696 - Valorization of municipal solid wastes through biogas production in Iran (چکیده)
3697 - The Effect of Job and Motivation on the Knowledge Sharing of Librarians in Public Libraries (چکیده)
3698 - The effect of training on variability and accuracy of overhand throwing in children with Down syndrome (چکیده)
3699 - Professional Identity and Social role of Pregnant Women: An Ethno Phenomenological Study (چکیده)
3700 - Identification of Alternaria spp. associated with tomato early blight in Iran and investigating some of their virulence factors (چکیده)
3701 - Synergistic effect of a crystal modifier and screw dislocation step defects on the formation mechanism of nickel micro-nanocone (چکیده)
3702 - A new concept of MOF-based PMM by modification of conventional dense film casting method: Significant impact on the performance of FO process (چکیده)
3703 - C-P bond construction catalyzed by NiII immobilized on aminated Fe3O4@TiO2 yolk-shell NPs functionalized by -3- glycidyloxypropyl-trimethoxysilane -Fe3O4@TiO2 YS-GLYMOUNNiII- in green media (چکیده)
3704 - Design and Preparation of Hallow Mesoporous Silica Spheres Include CuO and Its Catalytic Performance for Synthesis of 1,2,3-Triazole Compounds via the Click Reaction in Water (چکیده)
3705 - A numerical investigation of magnetic field effect on blood flow as biomagnetic fluid in a bend vessel (چکیده)
3706 - Subspace-Based Approaches for Hybrid Millimeter-Wave Channel Estimation (چکیده)
3707 - Optimizing cropping area by proposing a combined water-energy productivity function for Neyshabur Basin, Iran (چکیده)
3708 - Assessment of AgriculturalWater Resources Sustainability in Arid Regions Using VirtualWater Concept: Case of South Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
3709 - Milk Production and Composition, and Intake of Holstein Lactating Cows Fed Diets with Partial Substitution of Soybean Meal with Flaked Field Pea (چکیده)
3710 - Mixed Convective Flow of Electrically Conducting Fluid in a Vertical Cylindrical Annulus with Moving Walls Adjacent to a Radial Magnetic Field along with Transpiration (چکیده)
3711 - Evaluating the lifetime performance index of products based on generalized order statistics from two-parameter exponential model (چکیده)
3712 - Modeling and optimization of ultimate tensile strength in TIG welding process using simulated annealing algorithm- A case study for Shirvan combined cycle power plant (چکیده)
3713 - Binding of Safranal to Whey Proteins in Aqueous Solution: Combination of Headspace Solid-Phase Microextraction/Gas Chromatography with Multi Spectroscopic Techniques and Docking Studies (چکیده)
3714 - Identifying Sports Diplomacy Resources as Soft Power Tools (چکیده)
3715 - Transboundary Wetlands and International Environmental Security Case Study: Hamoon Wetland (چکیده)
3716 - Transboundary Wetlands and International Environmental Security Case Study: Hamoon Wetland (چکیده)
3717 - Estimation of water demand function in agricultural, urban and industrial sectors in Mashhad Plain (چکیده)
3718 - A Numerical Investigation on the Performance of the Brick Stair Wall as a Supporting Structure by Considering Adjacent Building (چکیده)
3719 - TRLG: Fragile blind quad watermarking for image tamper detection and recovery by providing compact digests with optimized quality using LWT and GA (چکیده)
3720 - A survey of interactions in crystal structures of pyrazine-based compounds (چکیده)
3721 - Implementing Project-based Learning in a Persian Translation Class: A Mixed-methods Study (چکیده)
3722 - Using statistical analysis and laboratory testing to evaluate the effect of magnetized water on the stability of foaming agents and foam concrete (چکیده)
3723 - A New Two-Parameter Lifetime Distribution: Properties, Applications and Different Method of Estimations (چکیده)
3724 - a mixed-integer linear programming approach for energy-constrained mobile anchor path planning in wireless sensor networks localization (چکیده)
3725 - HD-tDCS in patients with refractory left focal LTE: cognitive performance (چکیده)
3726 - Ring-opening polymerization of poly -D,L-lactide-co-glycolide--poly-ethylene glycol- diblock copolymer using supercritical CO2 (چکیده)
3727 - Studying the Effects of Irrigation Management, Organic Fertilizer and Nano composite Superabsorbent Polymers on Some Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Daughter Corms of Saffron -Crocus Sativus L.- (چکیده)
3728 - Protective Role of Selenium on Cucumber -Cucumis sativusL.- Exposed to Cadmium and Lead Stress During Reproductive Stage (چکیده)
3729 - Comparing the Effect of 12 Weeks of Bariatric and Aerobic Exercises on Metabolic Syn - drome Indices in Women With Knee Osteoarthritis (چکیده)
3730 - Lateral-torsional buckling of functionally graded tapered I-beams considering lateral bracing (چکیده)
3731 - Size dependent buckling analysis of nano sandwich beams by two schemes (چکیده)
3732 - Gold Nanoparticles@ -Cyclodextrin@Nanodiamond Crowned Nanoporous Gold DVD Platform as a Disposable Electrochemical Sensor for Detection of Bisphenol A (چکیده)
3733 - Design and fabrication of a 2D-isotropic flexible ultra-thin metasurface for ambient electromagnetic energy harvesting (چکیده)
3734 - Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of a Heat Exchanger Tube Fitted with Cross-cut Twisted Tape with Alternate Axis (چکیده)
3735 - Synthesis of low to high molecular weight poly-1-hexene-; rigid/flexible structures in a di- and mononuclear Ni-based catalyst series (چکیده)
3736 - Feasibility study of waste vegetable oil as an alternative cooling medium in transformers (چکیده)
3737 - Effects of Time and Frequency of Clipping on Production and Regrowth of Agropyron trichophorum -Link- Richt in Emam Gholi Summer Rangelands, Ghochan, Iran (چکیده)
3738 - A new species, a redescription of Aceria lamii -Liro, 1943- and two new records of eriophyoid mites -Acari: Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea- on weeds in Golestan province, Iran (چکیده)
3739 - On the capacity of additive white mixture Gaussian noise channels (چکیده)
3740 - Controlled release of nisin from polyvinyl alcohol - Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum composite films: Nisin kinetics (چکیده)
3741 - Sequence stratigraphic significance of shell concentrations in the Mobarak Formation -Mississippian-, Alborz Zone, Northern Iran (چکیده)
3742 - Using electronic nose to recognize fish spoilage with an optimum classifier (چکیده)
3743 - Addition of Swarf to Produce a Semi-Solid Slurry during High Pressure Die-Casting of AS9U3 Aluminum Alloy (چکیده)
3744 - نقش پوشش گیاهی در تولید رواناب و رسوب اراضی لسی گرگان (چکیده)
3745 - Predicted Changes in Climatic Niche of Alburnus Species -Teleostei:Cyprinidae- in Iran Until 2050 (چکیده)
3746 - A 3-D numerical simulation of non-Newtonian blood flow through femoral artery bifurcation with a moderate arteriosclerosis investigating Newtonian/non-Newtonian flow and its effects on elastic vessel walls (چکیده)
3747 - WACA: a new blind robust watermarking method based on Arnold Cat map and amplified pseudo-noise strings with weak correlation (چکیده)
3748 - Sintering of a nano-crystalline tungsten heavy alloy powder (چکیده)
3749 - Emotional and Cognitive Experiences of Pregnant Women Following Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Anomalies: A Qualitative Study in Iran (چکیده)
3750 - Trichostatin A (TSA) levels in response to treatment of rainbow trout with gamma-irradiated trophonts against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (چکیده)
3751 - A resilient supply portfolio considering political and disruption risks (چکیده)
3752 - An projection recurrent neural network model to solve the fuzzy shortest path problem (چکیده)
3753 - A capable neural network model for fuzzy quadratic optimization problems (چکیده)
3754 - A projection neural network for linear vector optimization problems (چکیده)
3755 - A dynamic model to solve fuzzy nonlinear optimization (چکیده)
3756 - Statistical analysis of effective variables on the performance of waste storage service using geographical information system and response surface (چکیده)
3757 - Flow simulation over a triangular labyrinth side weir in a rectangular channel (چکیده)
3758 - pantheism in ebn arabi,s and molla sadra,s viewpoint (چکیده)
3759 - Effect of the milk fat content and starter culture selection on proteolysis and antioxidant activity of probiotic yogurt (چکیده)
3760 - A Conceptual Model for a Safety-Based Theory of Lean Construction (چکیده)
3761 - Evaluation of the effect of irrigation timing on root zone soil temperature, moisture and yield of tomat (چکیده)
3762 - The effect of exercise in water on plasma interleukin-23 in patient with multiple sclerosis (چکیده)
3763 - Propagation of surface plasmon modes through discontinuities (چکیده)
3764 - Modulating gut microbiota and digestive enzyme activities of Artemia urmiana by administration of different levels of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis (چکیده)
3766 - The Effect of Eight Weeks Resistance Training With and Without Vascular Occlusion on Physical Fitness Indexes, Growth Hormone, and Insulin-like Growth Factor in Male Judokas (چکیده)
3767 - Effect of Toll-like Receptor 4 antagonist on seizure severity and hippocampal protein expression caused by febrile seizure in the Rat pups (چکیده)
3768 - Effect of different levels of Calotropis persica seed powder on the growth parameters, immunity and gut microbiota of Oncorhynchus mykiss (چکیده)
3769 - The effects of aerobic training before and after the induction of Alzheimer’s disease on ABCA1 and APOE mRNA expression and the level of soluble Aβ1-42 in the hippocampus of male Wistar rats (چکیده)
3770 - Corm weight or number per unit of land: Which one is more effective when planting corm, based on the age of the field from which corms were selected? (چکیده)
3771 - An improvement on feature extraction via time series modeling for structural health monitoring based on unsupervised learning methods (چکیده)
3772 - بررسی اثرات خشکسالی هواشناسی و هیدروژئولوژیکی بر بیلان آب زیرزمینی دشت تویسرکان (چکیده)
3773 - Reservoir rock typing using integrating geological and petrophysical properties for the Asmari Formation in the Gachsaran oil field, Zagros basin (چکیده)
3774 - Performance enhancement of heat exchangers using eccentric tape inserts and nanofluids (چکیده)
3775 - بهینه سازی شبکه توزیع آب با رویکرد بیشینه سازی سود -مطالعه موردی: هماشهر استان کرمان- (چکیده)
3776 - Investigating the behavior factor of coupled concrete shear walls with steel coupling beam (چکیده)
3777 - The role of implicit and explicit knowledge sharing in improving financial and executive performance: mediating role of innovation speed and quality (چکیده)
3778 - The study on titanium dioxide-silica binary mixture coated SrAl2O4: Eu2+, Dy3+ phosphor as a photoluminescence pigment in a waterborne paint (چکیده)
3779 - Geochronological and geochemical characteristics of the Dehzaman intrusive and volcanic rocks -NE Iran-: Implication for a Cadomian magmatism (چکیده)
3780 - Visual Quality and Morphological Responses of Rosemary Plants to UV-B Radiation and Salinity Stress (چکیده)
3781 - Improving early growing stage of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. using media amendments under water stress conditions (چکیده)
3782 - Poly-ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene- hollow fiber membranes fabrication via thermally induced phase separation -TIPS- (چکیده)
3783 - Preparation of Poly-ethylene-co-vinyl-alcohol- Hollow Fiber Membranes via Thermally Induced Phase Separation process (چکیده)
3784 - ECTFE hollow fiber membranes preparation via thermally induced phase separation -TIPS- (چکیده)
3785 - Preparation and characterization of PVDF-CTFE hollow fibre membranes using thermal induced phase separation -TIPS- (چکیده)
3786 - Porous membrane for water treatment based on thermal induced phase separation and non-solvent induced phase separation (چکیده)
3787 - Rumi’s Message of All-embracing Love and Tolerance: A Case Study of Rumi’s Values and Their Role as ResourceCultures for the Achievement of a Good Life (چکیده)
3788 - Contemporary Reception of Rumi in the West as a Resource in Creating Space for Pluralism and the Promotion of the Good Life (چکیده)
3789 - Arabic Poetry through The Lens of Comparative Literature: The Literature of Iraq and Libya (چکیده)
3790 - The Thousand and One Nights and Twentieth-Century Fiction: Intertextual Readings (چکیده)
3791 - First report of Wisteria vein mosaic virus on Wisteria sinensis in Iran (چکیده)
3792 - Carbide Fragmentation and Dissolution in a High-Carbon High-Chromium Steel Using Hot Rolling Process: Microstructure Evolution, Wear, High-Temperature Oxidation, and Chloride-Induced Corrosion Properties (چکیده)
3793 - Hydroxyapatite coating containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes on AZ31 magnesium: Mechanical-electrochemical degradation in a physiological environment (چکیده)
3794 - Integration of principal component analysis and artificial neural networks to more effectively predict agricultural energy flows (چکیده)
3795 - An efficient neurodynamic model to solve nonlinear programming problems with fuzzy parameters (چکیده)
3796 - Recurrent Neural Network Model: A New Strategy to Solve Fuzzy Matrix Games (چکیده)
3797 - Understanding the effects of different social data on selecting priority conservation areas (چکیده)
3798 - Planning for the future: combining spatially-explicit public preferences with tenure policies to support land-use planning (چکیده)
3799 - Analysis the Role of Women’s Participation in the Safety of Urban Spaces Using Strategic Planning Approach -A Case of Saqqez City, Iran- (چکیده)
3800 - Robust Diffusion LMS over Adaptive Networks (چکیده)
3801 - Solving optimal control problem using Hermite wavelet (چکیده)
3802 - بررسی اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر پارامترهای اقلیمی حوضه ی آبخیز تویسرکان به کمک مدل های گردش عمومی جو (چکیده)
3803 - Topological complexity and fundamental group (چکیده)
3804 - The Association between functional-emotional development and creative thinking in preschool children (چکیده)
3805 - Proposing a Model for Work Meaningfulness Concept at Business and Technology Incubators (چکیده)
3806 - Developing a Family-based Floor Time Therapy and Evaluation its Effectiveness on the Developmental Profile of Children with Interactive Disorders Anxiety and Depression (چکیده)
3807 - Estimating Heat Release due to Phase Change of High-Pressure Condensing Steam Using Buckingham Pi Theorem (چکیده)
3809 - Online Maximum Torque per Power Losses Strategy for Indirect Rotor Flux Oriented Control based Induction Motor Drives (چکیده)
3810 - the effect of knowledge management on the organiztional innovation by considering the miditator role of organiztional learning (چکیده)
3811 - Evaluation of digital camera as a portable colorimetric sensor for low-cost determination of inorganic arsenic (III) in industrial wastewaters by chemical hydride generation assisted-Fe(III) − 1, 10-phenanthroline as a green color agent (چکیده)
3812 - Increasing Energy Capture from Partially Shaded PV String Using Differential Power Processing (چکیده)
3813 - Market research in sports businesses: Creating entrepreneurial marketing and brand image in the minds of customers (چکیده)
3814 - Direct Torque Control of Dual Stator Winding Induction Machine Based on PI-Sliding Mode Control (چکیده)
3815 - Optimal Design of a Single-Phase TwoValue Capacitor Induction Motor with Fan Load (چکیده)
3816 - Qualitative analysis of managerial challenges for Mashhad private swimming pools (چکیده)
3817 - Mass transfer estimation during friction stir welding of aluminum alloy using smoothed particle hydrodynamics method (چکیده)
3818 - Lost in music: Neural signature of pleasure and its role in modulating attentional resources (چکیده)
3819 - Lineament mapping and fractal analysis using SPOT-ASTER satellite imagery for evaluating the severity of slope weathering process (چکیده)
3820 - Convolutional kernel networks based on a convex combination of cosine kernels (چکیده)
3821 - Competitive Cross-Entropy Loss: A Study on Training Single-Layer Neural Networks for Solving Nonlinearly Separable Classification Problems (چکیده)
3822 - Fuzzy nonparametric estimation of capability index Cpk (چکیده)
3823 - The existence of a unimodal or monotonic pattern in species richness and diversity along an elevational gradient: a case study in Heydari Wildlife Refuge, NE Iran (چکیده)
3824 - بررسی استفاده از شاخص‌های پوشش گیاهی مبتنی بر تصاویر ماهواره‌ای در ارزیابی وضعیت خشک‌سالی کشاورزی (مطالعه موردی: استان خراسان‌شمالی) (چکیده)
3825 - Analysis of Erosion and Sedimentation of the Karkheh River Using CCHE2D Software (چکیده)
3826 - Macroscopic evaluation of the effect of somatic antigens of Marshallagia marshalli on full thickness skin wound healing in mouse (چکیده)
3827 - Trust and Privacy Challenges in Social Participatory Networks (چکیده)
3828 - A Game-Theoretic Approach to Quality Improvement in Crowdsourcing Tasks (چکیده)
3829 - Potential application of amino acids in analytical toxicology (چکیده)
3830 - Visual working memory performance based on fixations and saccades in children with and without specific learning disorder: An eye - tracking study (چکیده)
3831 - Slow spindles are associated with cortical high frequency activity (چکیده)
3832 - Modified nonelectrolyte Wilson-NRF: A new model for strong and weak electrolyte solutions (چکیده)
3833 - Improvement of antibiofouling performance of a reverse osmosis membrane through biocide release and adhesion resistance (چکیده)
3834 - Dimensional analysis for estimating wetness terms of condensing steam using dry flow data (چکیده)
3835 - تحلیل رفتار خستگی و مدل سازی آن برای مخلوط های آسفالتی گرم دارای استخوان بندی سنگدانه ای(WSMA) حاوی افزودنی ساسوبیت (چکیده)
3836 - ارزیابی عملکرد مخلوط های آسفالتی گرم با استخوان بندی سنگدانه ای(WSMA) حاوی افزودنی سرباره کوره قوس الکتریک (EAF) در برابر خرابی های ناشی از شیارشدگی (چکیده)
3837 - Energy Harvesting from Microbial Fuel Cell Using a Power Management System: A Review (چکیده)
3838 - Enhanced antibiofouling of RO membranes via polydopamine coating and polyzwitterion immobilization (چکیده)
3839 - Thermal analysis of microwave GaN-HEMTs in conventional and flip-chip assemblies (چکیده)
3840 - Numerical investigation of aerodynamic effects of opposite wrap-around fins at supersonic speeds (چکیده)
3841 - استراتژی‌های کارآمدسازی اقتصاد سیاسیِ منطقه‌ای افغانستان و ایران بر مبنای تحلیل سیستمیِ نقش بندر چابهار (چکیده)
3842 - بررسی خواص روکش های ایجادشده بر روی سطح فولاد ابزار کم آلیاژ W500 به روش جوشکاری GTAW (چکیده)
3843 - Comparison of Kinetic biodegradation of potato starch based and corn starch based low density polyethylene compound in aerated sludge (چکیده)
3844 - Foreword to the special issue on mining actionable insights from social networks (چکیده)
3845 - The Effect of Knowledge Management through Human Resources Information Systems on Customer Relationship Management in Aquatic Sport Centers (چکیده)
3846 - Coupled reactor and particle model of biomass drying and pyrolysis in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor (چکیده)
3847 - In vivo effects of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in a rat model of acute ischemic kidney injury (چکیده)
3848 - Colpoclypeus florus -Walker, 1938- -Hymenoptera: -Eulophidae- record a new genus from Iran (چکیده)
3849 - Optimization of tillage and sowing operations using discrete event simulation (چکیده)
3850 - Preparation and characterization of ECTFE hollow fiber membranes via thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) (چکیده)
3851 - A novel preparation and fundamental characterization of polyamide self-supporting hollow fiber membranes via thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) (چکیده)
3852 - A novel electrochemical imprinted sensor for ultrasensitive detection of the new psychoactive substance “Mephedrone” (چکیده)
3853 - Adsorption of Bovine serum albumin at PVDF surface: A Molecular Dynamics Simulations (چکیده)
3854 - Development of shelf life kinetic model for fresh rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets stored under modified atmosphere packaging (چکیده)
3855 - Investigating chemical, physical and mechanical properties of eco-cement produced using dry sewage sludge and traditional raw materials (چکیده)
3856 - Improved design of a SIW long slot leaky wave antenna with low SLL (چکیده)
3857 - Effect of Six Months of Aerobic Exercise on Lipid Profile, Inflammatory Markers and Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease in Obese Women (چکیده)
3858 - Survey of Fluoride, Chlorine, Potassium, Sodium, and Trihalomethane contents in the drinking water of five major universities in Iran (چکیده)
3859 - Effect of Six Months of Aerobic Exercise on Serum Levels of Insulin, Growth Hormone and Insulin-Like Growth Hormone 1 in Sedentary Obese Women (چکیده)
3860 - Towards the Theory of Adaptation (چکیده)
3861 - The Analysis of Plath’s The Bell Jar Based on Friedan’s Views (چکیده)
3862 - A Power-Efficient CMOS Active Rectifier with Circuit Delay Compensation for Wireless Power Transfer Systems (چکیده)
3863 - An enhanced dissolution rate of molybdenite and variable activation energy (چکیده)
3864 - Numerical investigation of rectangular-cut twisted tape insert on performance improvement of heat exchangers (چکیده)
3865 - A novel fault diagnosis technique based on model and computational intelligence applied to vehicle active suspension systems (چکیده)
3866 - The decoration of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with nickel oxide nanoparticles using chemical method (چکیده)
3867 - Monitoring particle transport at above threshold flow conditions (چکیده)
3868 - Potentiometric of bioethanol production from cantaloupe waste (Magassi Neishabouri Cultivar) (چکیده)
3869 - Rheological and structural characteristics of whey protein-pectin complex coacervates (چکیده)
3870 - شناسایی و تحلیل ریسک حوادث ناخواسته درفرآیند پاکسازی لوله تراشه بیماران وابسته به ونتیلاتور با استفاده از روش Bow-Tie (چکیده)
3871 - A study on carbon nanotubes/nanofibers production via SHS method in C-Al-Fe2O3 system (چکیده)
3872 - MicroRNA-499a-5p Promotes Differentiation of Human Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Cardiomyocytes (چکیده)
3873 - Synergistic effects of ALCAR and adipose-derived stromal cells to improving regenerative capacity of acellular nerve allograft in sciatic nerve defect (چکیده)
3874 - Preparation and characterization of polyvinylidenedifluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene (PVDF-CTFE) hollow fiber membranes with high alkaline resistance (چکیده)
3875 - Enhancing the convergence speed of numerical solution using the flow rate control in a novel lattice Boltzmann method (چکیده)
3876 - Mediators of Development of Brand Personality in Iran Football League (چکیده)
3877 - Weather-Based Index Insurance Pricing- Canonical Vine Copula Function Approach (چکیده)
3878 - Effect of dietary inclusion of date seed (Phoenix dactylifera L.) on intake, digestibility, milk production, and milk fatty acid profile of Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
3879 - Potential use of brush-tailed mice for evolutionary developmental biology studies: Calomyscus elburzensis as an appropriate rodent model (چکیده)
3880 - Comparative assessment of on-farm greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from male-headed and female-headed rice farms in Mazandaran Province, Iran (چکیده)
3881 - An agent-based simulation with NetLogo platform to evaluate forward osmosis process (PRO Mode) (چکیده)
3882 - Experimental investigation of flapping mechanism of the black-headed gull in forward flight (چکیده)
3883 - Effects of different magnesium levels on some morphophysiological characteristics and nutrient elements uptake in Khatouni melons (cucumis melo var. inodorus) (چکیده)
3884 - Effects of Pre-processing on the ECG Signal Sparsity and Compression Quality (چکیده)
3885 - Fresh and mechanical properties of roller compacted concrete containing Cationic Asphalt Emulsion admixture (چکیده)
3886 - Maximum Degree Based Heuristics for Influence Maximization (چکیده)
3887 - خوشه بندی انرژی کارا با بکارگیری PSO در شبکه های حسگری (چکیده)
3888 - Effect of humic acid and mulches on some characteristics of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) (چکیده)
3889 - Morpho-physiological and biochemical responses of four ornamental herbaceous species to water stress (چکیده)
3890 - A Study about the Distribution of the Spanning Ratios of Yao Graphs (چکیده)
3891 - تعیین موازنه آبی و مراحل بحرانی آن در گندم دیم با استفاده از شاخص تنش آبی گیاه (CWSI) (چکیده)
3892 - A Critical Survey of Comparative Studies conducted about Rūmī and Mathnawi (چکیده)
3893 - Optimal electric vehicle charging station placing with integration of renewable energy (چکیده)
3895 - An image quality assessment algorithm based on saliency and sparsity (چکیده)
3896 - Using paracrine effects of Ad-MSCs on keratinocyte cultivation and fabrication of epidermal sheets for improving clinical applications (چکیده)
3897 - The Role of Correlation Factors with Promotion of Sport Entrepreneurship on Attitude of Sport Science Students (چکیده)
3898 - User interest prediction over future unobserved topics on social networks (چکیده)
3899 - Altering undigested neutral detergent fiber through additives applied in corn, whole barley crop, and alfalfa silages, and its effect on performance of lactating Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
3900 - Effects of grain size and shape distribution on pore-scale numerical simulation of two-phase flow in a heterogeneous porous medium (چکیده)
3901 - Investigation of Biodiversity and Some of the Ecosystem Services in the Intercropping of Corn, Soybean and Marshmallow (چکیده)
3902 - Anisotropic Minimum-Dissipation (AMD) Subgrid-Scale Model Implemented in OpenFOAM: Verification and Assessment in Single-phase and Multi-phase Flows (چکیده)
3903 - Improvement of biogas production from slaughterhouse wastewater using biosynthesized iron nanoparticles from water treatment sludge (چکیده)
3904 - Comparative study on flexibility based methods for damage diagnosis of bridge structures (چکیده)
3905 - Enhancement of Protein β-sheet Topology Prediction using Maximum Weight Disjoint Path Cover (چکیده)
3906 - A macroscopic and histological study of the effect of bovine vitreous humor on accelerating wound healing in healthy Wistar rats (چکیده)
3907 - Voice-over Translation of News Programs on Television: Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
3908 - Factor analysis of yield and yield components of bean affected by organic acids and water superabsorbent (چکیده)
3909 - Effect of water stress on yield and yield components of bean, sesame, and maize in conditions of superabsorbent application (چکیده)
3910 - نقش اسید سالیسیلیک در بهبود کارآیی مصرف آب کنجد، ذرت و لوبیا در شرایط تنش رطوبتی (چکیده)
3911 - بررسی صفات مرتبط با کارآیی مصرف آب در کنجد، ذرت و لوبیا با استفاده از تجزیه به عامل‎ها (چکیده)
3912 - استفاده از روش باکس بنکن در تعیین سطوح بهینه هیدروژل سوپرجاذب رطوبت و اسید هیومیک در ذرت (چکیده)
3913 - A discussion on the formation mechanism of tungsten carbides during mechanical milling of CaWO4MgC mixtures (چکیده)
3914 - neuromuscular responses during jump-landing tasks in an aquatic environment: implication for injury prevention in young female adults (چکیده)
3915 - Comparing networked and linear risk assessments: From theory to evidence (چکیده)
3916 - Connection of Generalized Failure Rate and Generalized Reversed Failure Rate with Inequality Curves (چکیده)
3917 - Understanding the role of noncovalent interactions on the rate of some Diels-Alder reactions in different solvents (چکیده)
3918 - Evaluation of polymer injection, near-wellbore and in-depth gel treatments in a stratified porous medium (چکیده)
3919 - African American Twelver Shia Community of New York (چکیده)
3920 - Early Muslims in America (چکیده)
3921 - A 2D curvilinear coupled surface–subsurface flow model for simulation of basin/border irrigation: theory, validation and application (چکیده)
3922 - An ocean wave-based piezoelectric energy harvesting system using breaking wave force (چکیده)
3923 - Development and application of a new lake evaporation estimation approach based on energy balance (چکیده)
3924 - Application and comparison of NSGA-II and MOPSO in multi-objective optimization of water resources systems (چکیده)
3926 - Prevalence of Newcastle Disease Antibodies in Egg Yolk of Layers after Chloroform and Ammonium Sulfate Extraction (چکیده)
3927 - Practical wisdom in Islamic philosophical tradition, an investigation of causes of imperfect growth (چکیده)
3928 - Fair multiple-workflow scheduling with different quality-of-service goals (چکیده)
3929 - Early Permian Tabulate Corals from the Jamal Formation, East-Central Iran (چکیده)
3930 - The effect of gelatin as a chelating agent on the synthesis and characterization of LiMn2O4 nanopowders prepared via sol–gel method (چکیده)
3931 - Microbial degradation of low-density polyethylene and synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoate polymers (چکیده)
3932 - Controlling poly(1-hexene) microstructure by polymerization conditions (چکیده)
3933 - Quaternary Lake playa In Iran; Significant source of windblown dust (چکیده)
3934 - Seroprevalence of Newcastle disease virus and Avian influenza virus antibodies in breeder flocks of West Azarbayjan (چکیده)
3935 - Seroprevalence of Avian influenza virus and Newcastle disease virus antibodies in broiler flocks of West Azarbayjan (چکیده)
3936 - Seroprevalence of Avian influenza (H9N2) in broilers of Northwest of Iran (چکیده)
3937 - Reliability and sensitivity of magnetic particle nondestructive testing in detecting the surface cracks of welded components (چکیده)
3938 - Ferula hindukushensis (Apiaceae), a new record for the flora of Iran from Khorassan (چکیده)
3939 - Comparative Study of Antioxidant Properties and Total Phenolic Content of Thirteen Wild Iranian Medicinal plants Using DPPH and FRAP Methods. (چکیده)
3940 - Spin-dependent transport of trans-polyacetylene in the presence of polarons (چکیده)
3941 - High piezoelectricity in the buckled V-structure monolayers of group III-V: An Ab initio calculation (چکیده)
3942 - Theory of Mind in Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury (چکیده)
3943 - Rumen Fermentation Responses to Dairy Diets Differing in Protein Degradation Potential and Processed Barley Grain (چکیده)
3944 - A cloud-based open automated demand response protocol with AMI support (چکیده)
3945 - Design and Implementation of an Internet of Things Based Smart Energy Metering (چکیده)
3946 - Parallel plumage color evolution and introgressive hybridization in wheatears (چکیده)
3947 - Effect of magnetized water on foam stability and compressive strength of foam concrete (چکیده)
3948 - WATER CRIMES (چکیده)
3949 - Road Map of Social-Ecological Strategic Water Studies (چکیده)
3950 - Effect of Bacterial Biofilm on Pathogenicity and Antibiotic Resistance in Urinary Tract Infections (چکیده)
3951 - Has vaccination been successful in control of Brucellosis? (چکیده)
3952 - Epidemiological typing of Brucella strains isolated from livestock by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) PCR (چکیده)
3953 - Fabrication of a new electrochemical sensor based on AuePt bimetallic nanoparticles decorated multi-walled carbon nanotubes for determination of diclofenac (چکیده)
3954 - Synthesis of New Benzothiazole Derivatives and Evaluation of Cytotoxicity of N-(6-Substitued-1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl)-4-phenyl-1,3-thiazol-2(3H)-imine Compounds (چکیده)
3955 - Revised Bloom’s taxonomy and major theories and frameworks that influence the teaching, learning, and assessment of mathematics: a comparison (چکیده)
3956 - the effect of eight weeks of aerobic training in water and on land of Total antioxidant capacity in elderly women (چکیده)
3957 - The effect of eight weeks of aerobic training and training in water on DNA oxidative damage in elderly women (چکیده)
3958 - Perception of biological motions is preserved in people with autism spectrum disorder: electrophysiological and behavioural evidences (چکیده)
3959 - Optimal design of water distribution networks using simple modified particle swarm optimization approach (چکیده)
3960 - Closure to “Extraction of the Flow Rate Equation under Free and Submerged Flow Conditions in Pivot Weirs with Different Side Contractions” (چکیده)
3962 - Assessment of groundwater suitability for irrigation in a gold mine surrounding area, NE Iran (چکیده)
3963 - A recurrent neural network model to solve the fuzzy shortest path problem (چکیده)
3964 - Solving shortest path problem with neural network (چکیده)
3965 - A recurrent neural network model to solve nonlinear programming problems with fuzzy parameters (چکیده)
3966 - مقایسه مدلسازی عددی و آزمایشگاهی در تخمین ضریب دبی سرریز زیگزاگی: بررسی حالت های مختلف جانمایی سرریز (چکیده)
3967 - The I–V Characteristics of acetylacetone Nano-Molecular Wire Induced by Hydrogen Transfer (چکیده)
3968 - Radiometric flow in periodically patterned channels: fluid physics and improved configurations (چکیده)
3969 - Formation of Micro Shear Bands During Severe Plastic Deformation of BCC Alloys (چکیده)
3970 - Preparation of fish waste silage and its effect on the growth performance and meat quality of broiler chickens (چکیده)
3971 - Effects of feeding fermented rapeseed meal on growth performance, gastrointestinal microflora population, blood metabolites, meat quality, and lipid metabolism in broiler chickens (چکیده)
3972 - Investigation of Akermanite /wollastonite preparedby sol-gel metod (چکیده)
3973 - Numerical Investigation of Tsunami Wave Generation Using a Piston-Type Wavemaker (چکیده)
3974 - The effect of Trichoderma isolates on morpho-physiological changes of Polianthes tuberose under drought stress conditions (چکیده)
3975 - Conformance control in oil reservoir based on magnetorheological behavior of nanoparticle suspension (چکیده)
3976 - Sustainability and determining the optimal population based on water resources in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
3977 - On the Weak Topology of Quaternionic Hilbert Spaces (چکیده)
3978 - Application of statistical analysis to evaluate the corrosion resistance of steel rebars embedded in concrete with marble and granite waste dust (چکیده)
3979 - Designing a Meta-Synthesis Model of affecting Drivers of Land Use Changes by Systematic Review of Previous Studies (چکیده)
3980 - Structural health monitoring by a new hybrid feature extraction and dynamic time warping methods under ambient vibration and nonstationary signals (چکیده)
3981 - Performance Analysis of Multithreaded IoT Gateway (چکیده)
3982 - Probable Molecular Mechanism for Restricted Adipogenic Differentiation Potential of Equine MSCs (چکیده)
3983 - Effect of speed and load on exergetic parameters of a diesel engine fueled with diesel and biodiesel blends (چکیده)
3984 - Meta-Cognitive Neural Network for Classification Problems (چکیده)
3985 - Heat transfer in an eight-pass oscillating loop heat pipe equipped with cooling tower (چکیده)
3986 - Improving seismic performance of composite steel plate shear walls containing openings (چکیده)
3987 - ForMatIon MechanISM oF Fe-Mo MaSter alloy By aluMInotherMIc reductIon oF MoS 2-Fe2o3 In the preSence oF lIMe (چکیده)
3988 - A cross-disciplinary investigation of multi-word expressions in the moves of research article abstracts (چکیده)
3989 - Rarefied transitional flow through diverging nano- and microchannels: A TRT lattice Boltzmann study (چکیده)
3990 - Investigation of local scour around tandem piers for different skew-angles (چکیده)
3991 - Weak convergence of TJW product-limit estimator under association (چکیده)
3992 - Hydrochemical assessment of surface and ground waters used for drinking and irrigation in Kardeh Dam Basin (NE Iran) (چکیده)
3993 - A generalization of power graphs of commutative rings (چکیده)
3994 - Investigating the role of collective memory in urban renewal plans (case study: Shohada square's Great Project-Mashhad-Iran) (چکیده)
3995 - Mechanical and durability behaviour of concrete with granite waste dust as partial cement replacement under adverse exposure conditions (چکیده)
3996 - Partial Feedback Analysis on Achievable Rate in Relay Channels (چکیده)
3997 - Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC): Evaluating Scholarly Journals Based on Citation Analysis (چکیده)
3998 - The Art of Making Mutual Benefit through Saving Time. (چکیده)
3999 - The Maillard reaction products as food-born antioxidant and antibrowning agents in model and real food systems (چکیده)
4000 - Binding of β-carotene to whey proteins: Multi-spectroscopic techniques and docking studies (چکیده)
4001 - An Energy Efficient Data Gathering Framework based Clustering using Multiple UAV in Deadline based WSN Applications. (چکیده)
4002 - Effect of dietary inclusion of olive leaf (Olea europaea L.) powder on performance, small intestine morphology and nutrient digestibility in broiler chickens (چکیده)
4003 - The effect of different dietary supplementation levels of nucleotide on performance, immune system, small intestine morphology and ileal microbial population of broiler chickens (چکیده)
4004 - Metabolomics analysis revealed metabolic changes in patients with diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome and metabolic responses to a synbiotic yogurt intervention (چکیده)
4005 - Risk factors associated with human brucellosis in Iran and recommended strategies for the prevention and control of disease (چکیده)
4006 - Investigation of brucellosis as a zoonotic disease in recent ten years in Iran (چکیده)
4007 - effect of Resistance Training with Blood Flow Restriction onfollistatin to myostatin Ratio, Body Composition and Anaerobic Power of Trained-Volleyball Players (چکیده)
4010 - Leptospirosis and control strategies (چکیده)
4013 - A Study to Assess the Role of Gluten Encoded Genes and Their Regulatory Elements in Bread Making Quality of Wheat (چکیده)
4014 - Envelope-tracking common-drain CMOS power amplifier with a switching-only supply modulator for LTE applications (چکیده)
4015 - A 0.8–4-GHz Software-Defined Radio Receiver With Improved Harmonic Rejection Through Non-Overlapped Clocking (چکیده)
4016 - Responses of two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes to deficit irrigation (چکیده)
4017 - A New Approach in Solid State Steelmaking from Thin Cast Iron Sheets through Decarburization in CaCO3 Pack (چکیده)
4018 - Weighted and flexible versions of block CMRH method for solving nonsymmetric linear systems with multiple right-hand sides (چکیده)
4019 - Single-phase magnetite with high saturation magnetization synthesized via modified solution combustion synthesis procedure (چکیده)
4020 - Precise calculation of natural gas sound speed using neural networks: An application in flow meter calibration (چکیده)
4021 - Distributed unequal clustering algorithm in large-scale wireless sensor networks using fuzzy logic (چکیده)
4022 - Improvement of Airfoils Aerodynamic Efficiency by Thermal Camber Phenomenon at Low Reynolds Numbers (چکیده)
4023 - Investigation of Psychometric Characteristics of Persian Version of Sport Attributional Style Scale (SASS) Among Elite Athletes (چکیده)
4024 - Forecasting of Intelligent Thermal Performance in Two Types of Solar Air Heater Using Artificial Neural Networks (چکیده)
4025 - Effects of van der Waals forces on hygro-thermal vibration and stability of fluid-conveying curved double-walled carbon nanotubes subjected to external magnetic field (چکیده)
4026 - Reply to comments on “Optimization and parametric analysis of a nanofluid based photovoltaic thermal system: 3D numerical model with experimental validation”, energy conversion and management (2018); 160: 93–108, by M. Hosseinzadeh, A. Salari, M. Sardarabadi, M. Passandideh-Fard (چکیده)
4027 - An Artificial Neural Network Model to Solve the Fuzzy Shortest Path Problem (چکیده)
4028 - Experimental investigation of multiwall carbon nanotube/paraffin based heat sink for electronic device thermal management (چکیده)
4029 - Spatial and temporal dynamics of deep percolation, lag time and recharge in an irrigated semi-arid region (چکیده)
4030 - Comparative proteomics analysis of whitetop (Lepidium draba L.) seedlings in response to exogenous glucose (چکیده)
4031 - Search Tools through the Glass: a Story of Clustering search Results according to Document Attributes with a Glance on the Web ICADIWT (چکیده)
4032 - Targeted Delivery of Medicinal Products in Advanced Therapy using Cellular Knowledge Seeding (چکیده)
4033 - Power distribution system improvement planning under hurricanes based on a new resilience index (چکیده)
4034 - Investigation of merwinite/wollastonite prepared by sol-gel metod (چکیده)
4035 - The involvement of Western Orientalists in cultural heritage affairs during the Pahlavi Era, Iran (1925–1979) (چکیده)
4036 - Polynomial-time algorithm for weighted efficient domination problem on diameter three planar graphs (چکیده)
4037 - A Novel Shortwave Infrared Proximal Sensing Approach to Quantify the Water Stability of Soil Aggregates (چکیده)
4038 - Design and development a wideband SIW based cavity‐backed slot antenna using two symmetrical circular corner perturbations (چکیده)
4039 - Received signal strength based localization in inhomogeneous underwater medium (چکیده)
4040 - Improved Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Fuzzy Logic (چکیده)
4041 - Experimental investigation of steel-concrete-steel slabs with stud bolt connectors subjected to punching loading (چکیده)
4042 - The effect of recovery with cold water immersion on injury and muscle performance indices of young soccer players following four weeks of cold water habituation (چکیده)
4043 - The impact of board’s human capital on the relationship between board’s characteristics and firm’s performance in Iran (چکیده)
4044 - Family ownership and financial reporting quality: Iranian evidence (چکیده)
4045 - Effect of Supplementing Mixed Plant Essential Oils on Milk Yield and Composition, Ruminal Fermentation, and Candidate Blood Parameters of Holstein Lactating Dairy Cows (چکیده)
4046 - Distributed prediction of solar farm status by probabilistic fuzzy opinion formation model (چکیده)
4047 - Review Article: the Art of Making Mutual Benefit through Saving Time (چکیده)
4048 - Acceptance and Viewpoint of Iranian Catalogers Regarding RDA: The Case of the National Library and Archive of Iran (چکیده)
4049 - Behavior Identification of IPMC Actuators Using Laguerre-MLP Network With Consideration of Ambient Temperature and Humidity Effects on Their Performance (چکیده)
4050 - Influence of Water Stress on Agro-Morphological Traits and Essential Oil Content Among Iranian Genotypes of Mentha longifolia (چکیده)
4052 - On computational complexity of the constructive-optimizer neural network for the traveling salesman problem (چکیده)
4053 - Activity and stability of lysozyme obtained from Rutilus frisii kutum in the presence of nickel oxide nanoparticles (چکیده)
4054 - Anodic electrophoretic deposition of Bi2WO6 thin film: high photocatalytic activity for degradation of a binary mixture (چکیده)
4055 - Application of HKUST-1@GO Nanocomposite for the Removal of Lead from Wastewater (چکیده)
4056 - Synthesis and Characterization of Iron-based Metal-Organic Framework MIL-53 (چکیده)
4057 - Modified Series and Tapped Switched-Coupled-Inductors Quasi-Z-Source Networks (چکیده)
4058 - Interaction of selenium and cadmium in wheat at different salinities. (چکیده)
4059 - Proposing a working definition for the concept of teacher’s pet in the Iranian higher education context (چکیده)
4060 - General curved boundary treatment for two- and three-dimensional stationary and moving walls in flow and nonflow lattice Boltzmann simulations (چکیده)
4061 - Anomaly ‐ based DoS detection and prevention in SIP networks by modeling SIP normal traffic (چکیده)
4062 - Evaluation of Synchronization and MPPT Algorithms in a DFIG Wind Turbine Controlled by an Indirect Matrix Converter (چکیده)
4063 - State Space Predictive Control System Design to Improve Power Quality Issues in Distributed Power System using DVR (چکیده)
4064 - Coordinated Control of STATCOM and ULTC to Reduce Capacity of STATCOM (چکیده)
4065 - Immunobiologically relevant level of aflatoxin B1 alters transcription of key functional immune genes, phagocytosis and survival of human dendritic cells (چکیده)
4066 - Energy-Efficient Multicast Routing Protocol based on SDN and Fog Computing for Vehicular Networks (چکیده)
4067 - Predicting future personal life events on twitter via recurrent neural networks (چکیده)
4068 - Optimum fin spacing of finned tube adsorber bed heat exchangers in an exhaust gas-driven adsorption cooling system (چکیده)
4069 - Some Residual Subsets in Iterated Function Systems (چکیده)
4070 - Data on environmentally relevant level of aflatoxin B1-induced human dendritic cells' functional alteration (چکیده)
4072 - Invariant graphs for chaotically driven maps (چکیده)
4073 - Efficient Routing Protocol Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
4074 - (Response of natural gas distribution pipeline networks to ambient temperature variation (unsteady simulation (چکیده)
4075 - Sensitivity of iterated function systems (چکیده)
4076 - Molecular investigation of Lawsonia intracellularis in diarrheic and healthy captive ostriches (Struthio camelus) in Iran (چکیده)
4077 - Comparative evaluation of the performance of an improved biomass cook stove and the traditional stoves of Iran (چکیده)
4078 - Two new records of vascular plants for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
4079 - Robust Learning Over Multitask Adaptive Networks With Wireless Communication Links (چکیده)
4080 - Novel natural gas molecular weight calculator equation as a functional of only temperature, pressure and sound speed (چکیده)
4081 - A novel method for calculating natural gas density based on Joule Thomson coefficient (چکیده)
4082 - Unsteady natural gas flow within pipeline network, an analytical approach (چکیده)
4083 - Thermodynamic analysis of medium pressure reciprocating natural gas expansion engines (چکیده)
4084 - Performance of Concrete with Waste Granite Powder: The Effect of Superplasticizers (چکیده)
4085 - Leader-Follower Approach to Gas-Electricity Expansion Planning Problem (چکیده)
4086 - Analyzing the Interaction between Emission Trading Systems and Electricity Market (چکیده)
4087 - A Multi-Attribute Expansion Planning Model for Integrated Gas–Electricity System (چکیده)
4089 - Natural gas compositions variation effect on capillary tube thermal mass flow meter performance (چکیده)
4090 - A wavelet approach for the multi-term time fractional diffusion-wave equation (چکیده)
4091 - Tube-in-tube helical heat exchangers performance optimization by entropy generation minimization approach (چکیده)
4092 - Exergy analysis and entropy generation of a reciprocating compressor applied in CNG stations carried out on the basis models of ideal and real gas (چکیده)
4093 - An energetic and economic analysis of power productive gas expansion stations for employing combined heat and power (چکیده)
4094 - Developing a new sensitive solid-phase microextraction fiber based on carbon nanotubes for preconcentration of morphine (چکیده)
4095 - Microbial pathology of some written documents of Astane Ghodes Razavi Liberary (چکیده)
4096 - Energy and exergy analysis of reciprocating natural gas expansion engine based on valve configurations (چکیده)
4097 - A Direct Method to Compare Bipolar LR Fuzzy Numbers (چکیده)
4098 - Using artificial neural network and quadratic algorithm for minimizing entropy generation of Al2O-EG/W nanofluid flow inside parabolic trough solar collector (چکیده)
4099 - Heat transfer and entropy generation of the nanofluid flow inside sinusoidal wavy channels (چکیده)
4103 - How Quantum is a "Quantum Walk"? (چکیده)
4104 - شناسایی مسیرهای بیولوژیکی دخیل در رشد بدن گاو با استفاده از پروفایل های بیان ژن (چکیده)
4105 - Tenogenic Differentiation Potential of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (چکیده)
4106 - Enhanced chemical weathering and organic carbon burial as recovery factors for the OAE2 environmental conditions: a case study from Koppeh-Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
4107 - Aptasensors as the future of antibiotics test kits-a case study of the aptamer application in the chloramphenicol detection (چکیده)
4109 - An Energy Efficient Data Collection using Multiple UAVs in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey Study (چکیده)
4110 - Persian leopard's (Panthera pardus saxicolor) unnatural mortality factors analysis in Iran (چکیده)
4111 - Identifying Key Habitats to Conserve the Threatened Brown Bear in Northern Iran (چکیده)
4112 - The capacity of some classes of polyhedra (چکیده)
4113 - Modifications and Research Potentials of Acrylonitrile/ Butadiene/Styrene (ABS) Membranes: A Review (چکیده)
4114 - ارتباط بین الگوهای پوشش گیاهی با میزان رسوب دهی حوضه با استفاده از مدلسازی هیدرولوژی (مطالعه موردی: حوزه آبخیز سد فریمان) (چکیده)
4115 - Augmentation of bacterial cellulose production by various treatments and density alteration of corn steep liquor and beet molasses (چکیده)
4116 - The Study of Revenge Tragedies and Their Roots (چکیده)
4117 - Emotional maps based on social networks data to analyze cities emotional structure and measure their emotional similarity (چکیده)
4118 - Insights into Galvanic Corrosion Behavior of Ti-Cu Dissimilar Joint: Effect of Microstructure and Volta Potential (چکیده)
4119 - An Analysis of Female Characters in Osborne's Look Back in Anger (چکیده)
4120 - A Study on the PAPR of systematic UW-OFDM (چکیده)
4121 - Alsophila aescularia (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) a genus and species new to the fauna of Iran, a species from a threatened habitat (چکیده)
4122 - Some Limit Theorems for Weighted Sums of Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
4123 - Developing a CFD-based Approach to Estimate Evaporation from Water Surfaces in (Semi-) Arid Regions (چکیده)
4124 - Monitoring the Water Balance of Small Reservoirs in Semi-arid Regions from Space (چکیده)
4125 - Operational Use of Satellites for Managing African Water Basins - A Case of Small Reservoirs in the Volta Basin (چکیده)
4126 - Simulating Airflow over SmallWater Surfaces with WRF-OpenFOAM Coupled Model in the Upper East Region of Ghana (چکیده)
4127 - Promoting Water and Climate Education through the Trans-African Hydro-Meteorological Observatory (چکیده)
4128 - Staining Ability of Turmeric-Persica Solution and Turmeric-GC-MI Plus Paste on Remnant Adhesive Resin after Bracket Debonding (چکیده)
4129 - Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon in a Small-Scale Loessial Hillslope Using Terrain Derivatives of Northern Iran (چکیده)
4130 - Implementing the homotopy continuation method in a hybrid approach to solve the kinematics problem of spatial parallel robots (چکیده)
4131 - تاثیرخشکسالی بر روند تغییر و پیشبینی خصوصیات هیدرولوژیکی حوضه آبریز موثر بر دبی مطالعه موردی (حوضه کشفرود) (چکیده)
4132 - Effect of neurofeedback in improving deaf students reading after cochlear implantation (چکیده)
4133 - Catalyst-free method for the synthesis of pyranopyrazoles in magnetized water (چکیده)
4134 - An Efficient Green Method for Synthesis of 1,8 Dioxooctahydroxanthenes in Magnetized Water as a New Solvent (چکیده)
4135 - One-way classification with random effects: A reversed-hazard-based approach (چکیده)
4136 - Lateral vibrations of embedded hetero-junction carbon nanotubes based on the nonlocal strain gradient theory: Analytical and differential quadrature element (DQE) methods (چکیده)
4137 - Exponential goodness of fit test based on Lin-Wong divergence on type-I censored data (چکیده)
4138 - Performance comparison of concrete block, porous asphalt and Travertine, as pervious pavements, in order to control urban flood (چکیده)
4139 - Effects of various irrigation regimes on water use efficiency and visual quality of some ornamental herbaceous plants in the field (چکیده)
4140 - A new continuous time optimal control model for manpower planning with promotion from inside the system (چکیده)
4141 - Generalized convergence analysis of the fractional order systems (چکیده)
4142 - Effect of Magnetized Water on the Mechanical and Durability Properties of Concrete Block Pavers (چکیده)
4143 - Robust position-based impedance control of lightweight single-link flexible robots interacting with the unknown environment via a fractional-order sliding mode controller (چکیده)
4144 - Using applied operations research and geographical information systems to evaluate effective factors in storage service of municipal solid waste management systems (چکیده)
4145 - Trichopsomyia ochrozona (Stackelberg, 1952) (Diptera: Syrphidae) recorded from Iran for the first time with a key to the West Palaearctic Trichopsomyia Williston, 1888 species (چکیده)
4147 - مدل سه بعدی کانالهای انتقال آب مرکب با بستر صلب و آبرفتی برای تعیین توزیع سرعت و رابطه دبی-اشل (چکیده)
4148 - The Components of the Ethical Behaviour of Virtuous Nurses in Medical Teams (چکیده)
4149 - بررسی راهبردهای قیمت گذاری زعفران با رویکرد تحلیل عوامل استراتژیک (چکیده)
4150 - ?Coffee Drinks – Changing Patterns of Ingestion of Bioactive Compounds (چکیده)
4151 - Improving discriminating power in data envelopment models based on deviation variables framework (چکیده)
4152 - From modeling to implementation of a method for restraining back relaxation in ionic polymer–metal composite soft actuators (چکیده)
4153 - Effect of Water Deprivation and Drinking Saline Water on Performance, Blood Metabolites, Nutrient Digestibility, and Rumen Parameters in Baluchi Lambs (چکیده)
4154 - Rapid consolidation of Al2O3-TiO2-Co nanocermets via spark plasma sintering of Co-coated ceramic particles (چکیده)
4155 - A new approach to design an observer for load current of UPS based on Fourier series theory in model predictive control system (چکیده)
4156 - Cu-water nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a heat exchanger tube equipped with cross-cut twisted tape (چکیده)
4157 - Experimental investigation on thermal performance and economic analysis of cosine wave tube structure in a shell and tube heat exchanger (چکیده)
4158 - Estimating Discharge Coefficient of PK-Weir Under Subcritical Conditions Based on High-Accuracy Machine Learning Approaches (چکیده)
4159 - Prey preference and prey switching in Anthocoris minki Dohrn (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) (چکیده)
4160 - Numerical Solution of N-S Equations in the case of Unsteady Axisymmetric Stagnation-point Flow on a Vertical Circular Cylinder with Mixed Convection Heat Transfer (چکیده)
4161 - The effect of magnetic field on the stability of (18-crown-6) complexes with potassium ion (چکیده)
4162 - A Study on Kinematics and Workspace Determination of a General 6-PUS Robot (چکیده)
4163 - Application of Population Balance Theory for Dynamic Modeling of Methane and Ethane Hydrate Formation Processes (چکیده)
4164 - The effectiveness of working memory computer assisted program on executive functions and reading progress of students with reading disability disorder (چکیده)
4165 - Analytical Network Process to Prioritize the Influencing Parameters on Local Participation: The Development of Livestock Drinking Water Resources (چکیده)
4166 - Design of highly transmissive all-dielectric metasurface based on silicon nanodisks (چکیده)
4167 - Effect of glass cover and working fluid on the performance of photovoltaic thermal (PVT) system: An experimental study (چکیده)
4168 - Geometric aspects of $p$-angular and skew p-angular distances (چکیده)
4169 - Propagation of localized waves in magnetized cold hadronic gas (چکیده)
4170 - Cognitive and language intervention in primary language impairment: Studying the effectiveness of working memory training and direct language intervention on expansion of grammar and working memory capacities (چکیده)
4171 - A combined fuzzy logic and artificial neural network approach for non‐linear identification of IPMC actuators with hysteresis modification (چکیده)
4172 - Partial Feedback Impact on Achievable Rate Region in Multiple Access Relay Channels (چکیده)
4173 - Multiple Access Relay Channel with Relay-Sources Feedback (چکیده)
4174 - برنامه ریزی راهبردی گردشگری کردستان بر پایه هویت رقابت پذیری منطقه ای با استفاده از تکنیک Meta-SWOT (چکیده)
4175 - Simulation of irrigation return flow from a Triticale farm under sprinkler and furrow irrigation systems using experimental data: A case study in arid region (چکیده)
4176 - The off‐grid frequency selective millimeter wave channel estimation (چکیده)
4177 - A description of the testate amoeba Ovulina parva gen. nov., sp. nov. from coastal marine sediments (چکیده)
4178 - The Role of Soul ( Nafs ) in Suhrawardi’s System of Light (چکیده)
4179 - Signatures of human-commensalism in the house sparrow genome (چکیده)
4180 - New look at the con-specificity of the two shrews, Crocidura gmelini and C. suaveolens from Iran; geometric morphometrics approach (چکیده)
4181 - Description of a new species of the genus Agamura Blanford, 1874 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from southern Iran (چکیده)
4183 - Periodically Patterned Radiometric Pumps: Novel configurations and further application (چکیده)
4184 - Numerical investigation on Al2O3/water nanofluid flow through twistedserpentine tube with empirical validation (چکیده)
4185 - Path following techniques for geometrically nonlinear structures based on Multi-point methods (چکیده)
4186 - Tritipyrum (Triticum durum × Thinopyrum bessarabicum) might be able to provide an economic and stable solution against the soil salinity problem (چکیده)
4187 - Experimental study of using both ethylene glycol and phase change material as coolant in photovoltaic thermal systems (PVT) from energy, exergy and entropy generation viewpoints (چکیده)
4188 - The effect of aerobic exercises on interleukin 6, insulin resistance and blood glucose of overweight female students (چکیده)
4189 - The Effect of Exercise Trainings in the Stimulation of Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) and Transformation of White (WAT) to Brite Adipose Tissue (چکیده)
4190 - A new switched off‐line NMPC approach for nonlinear systems with a switching performance index using an extended modal series method (چکیده)
4191 - Evaluation of quality of urban life with emphasis on health; A case study in Mashhad city (چکیده)
4192 - On the C.W.T on homogeneous spaces associated to Quasi invariant measure (چکیده)
4193 - Validation of the influencing factors associated with traffic violations and crashes on freeways of developing countries: A case study of Iran (چکیده)
4194 - The effect of aqua-therapy on plasma and interleukin-12 and 17 in patient with multiple sclerosis (چکیده)
4195 - Mono‐ and binuclear nickel catalysts for 1‐hexene polymerization (چکیده)
4196 - The Recovery Effect of Cold Water Immersion and Massage on the Physical Performance of Young Male Soccer Players (چکیده)
4197 - The genus Neoheegeria with a new species from Iran exhibiting wing-dimorphism (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) (چکیده)
4198 - Iterative adaptive Despeckling SAR image using anisotropic diffusion filter and Bayesian estimation denoising in wavelet domain (چکیده)
4199 - Effect of Airobic Exercise with 65-75% of Maximom heart Rate on Tyroeid Hormons and Quality of life in obese postmenopausal Women (چکیده)
4200 - Non-Newtonian blood flow and coupled blood-wall oxygen mass transport in a 180° curved artery (چکیده)
4201 - A Practical Model for Integrating Action Research Time into Second Language Education Schedule (چکیده)
4202 - Simulation of the performance of a solar concentrating photovoltaic-thermal collector, applied in a combined cooling heating and power generation system (چکیده)
4203 - Simulating phase change during the droplet deformation and impact on a wet surface in a square microchannel: An application of oil drops collision (چکیده)
4204 - Improved B-Spline Skinning Approach for Design of Hawt Blade Mold Surfaces (چکیده)
4205 - The numerical study of the effect of design parameters on EWOD actuation inmicrochannels of rectangular cross section (چکیده)
4206 - Skin Artifact Removal Algorithms for Radar-based Microwave Breast Cancer Detection (چکیده)
4207 - Economic growth and government size in developed European countries: A panel threshold approach (چکیده)
4208 - Spectroscopic properties of a metal-free indoloquinoxaline-based dye (چکیده)
4210 - Agronomic performance, seed quality and nitrogen uptake of Descurainia sophia in response to different nitrogen rates and water regimes (چکیده)
4211 - Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Fumaria vaillantii Extract at Three Phenological Stages Assayed by Various Methods (چکیده)
4212 - Distributed finite-time control for arbitrary switched nonlinear multi-agent systems: an observer-based approach (چکیده)
4213 - Dynamic localization of light in squeezed-like photonic lattices (چکیده)
4214 - Impact of loss on the wave dynamics in photonic waveguide lattices (چکیده)
4215 - Effect of mulches on some characteristics of a drought tolerant flowering plant for urban landscaping (چکیده)
4216 - تعیین نقاط آبگرفتگی و طراحی ابعاد بهینه کانال های منطقه 9 شهرداری مشهد با هدف استحصال آب باران (چکیده)
4217 - Numerical Study of Bond – Slip Mechanism in Advanced Externally Bonded Strengthening Composites (چکیده)
4218 - Stochastic nature of series of waiting times (چکیده)
4219 - Effect of long-range correlated disorder on the transverse localization of light in 1D array of optical waveguides (چکیده)
4220 - Petrography and geochemistry of sandstones succession of the Qal'eh Dokhtar Formation (Middle-Upper Jurassic), east central Iran: Implications for provenance, tectonic setting and palaeoweathering (چکیده)
4221 - Evaluation of Mastitis Impact on Lameness and Digital Lesions in Dairy Cows (چکیده)
4222 - مدیریت راهبردی اکوتوریسم در منطقه زشک (چکیده)
4223 - The I–V Characteristics of dimethyl 3,5-heptane Nano-Molecular Wire Induced by Hydrogen Transfer (چکیده)
4224 - Correlation of surface Volta potential with galvanic corrosion initiation sites in solid-state welded Ti-Cu bimetal using AFM-SKPFM (چکیده)
4225 - Direct growth of ZnO nanostructures on the Zn electroplated mild steel to create the surface roughness and improve the corrosion protection of the electroless Ni-P coatings (چکیده)
4226 - Effect of salicylic acid and potassium sulfate on the primary bud necrosis and fruit set of the following year of Askari grapevine (چکیده)
4227 - A neural network for solving the AVE (چکیده)
4228 - Solving shortest path problem with neural network (چکیده)
4229 - Design of an Artificial Intelligence System for Predicting Success of New Product Development and Selecting Proper Market-Product Strategy in the Food Industry (چکیده)
4230 - Long-term variability and trends in the Caspian Sea – Hindu Kush Index: Influence on atmospheric circulation patterns, temperature and rainfall over the Middle East and Southwest Asia (چکیده)
4231 - The effect of washback on teaching methodology in distance education efl (چکیده)
4232 - Estimation of the Molar Mass Characteristics of Selected Biopolymers Using Rheological Measurements (چکیده)
4233 - Static analysis of functionally graded non-prismatic sandwich beams (چکیده)
4234 - Stability and free vibration analysis of tapered sandwich columns with functionally graded core and flexible connections (چکیده)
4235 - Construction and Validation of a Computerized Open-ended Bi-functional Translation Assessment System (چکیده)
4236 - A survey on the tribes Phaeogenini and Platylabini (Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) with two generic records for the fauna of Iran (چکیده)
4237 - Quantification of chlorogenic acids in coffee brews by HPLC-DAD (چکیده)
4238 - Corporate reporting readability and regulatory review risk (چکیده)
4239 - Solvability of the matrix inequality AXA^*+BX^*B^*\geq C (چکیده)
4240 - Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database (چکیده)
4241 - Analysis of Welding Residual Stresses in Box Columns (چکیده)
4242 - Topics and Transitivity Choices in Iranian Learners English Writings (چکیده)
4243 - شبیه سازی اثرات تغییر اقلیم با استفاده از مدلهای گزارش ارزیابی پنجم تحت سناریوهای RCP بر منابع آبی حوضهی آبریز سد سلمان فارسی (چکیده)
4244 - Tandem organic dye-sensitized solar cells: Looking for higher performance and durability (چکیده)
4245 - Effect of delat ferrite on the mechanical properties of dissimilar ferritic-austenitic stainless steel welds (چکیده)
4246 - An in-situ forming implant formulation of naltrexone with minimum initial burst release using mixture of PLGA copolymers and ethyl heptanoate as an additive: In-vitro, ex-vivo, and in-vivo release evaluation (چکیده)
4247 - Dietary inclusion of bull testicles meal on growth performance and immune function of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) (چکیده)
4248 - بررسی و شناسایی عوامل موثر بر حاشیه بازاریابی با استفاده از رگرسیون فضایی: مطالعه موردی دشت نیشابور (چکیده)
4249 - A test for exponentiality based on gamma-divergence (چکیده)
4250 - Effects of mulching on soil temperature and moisture variations, leaf nutrient status, growth and yield of pistachio trees (Pistacia vera.L) (چکیده)
4251 - Developing some POMs-templated MOFs: Crystal structure, magnetic and gas adsorption properties (چکیده)
4252 - Combined effects of polyacrylamide and nanomagnetite amendment on soil and water quality, Khorasan Razavi, Iran (چکیده)
4254 - Three new Canuellidae (Copepoda: Canuelloida) from Iran (چکیده)
4255 - مقایسه اثر سه روش بازگشت به حالت اولیه بر شاخص های عملکرد عضلانی مردان جوان فوتبالیست (چکیده)
4256 - A novel method for squalene extraction from pumpkin seed oil using magnetic nanoparticles and exploring the inhibition effect of extracted squalene on angiogenesis property (چکیده)
4257 - Cognitive Group Therapy Based on Schema-Focused Approach for Reducing Depression in Prisoners Living With HIV (چکیده)
4259 - Youth and sustainable waste management: a SEM approach and extended theory of planned behavior (چکیده)
4260 - Success of aphid parasitoids and their hosts varies with ant attendance: A field study (چکیده)
4261 - The Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Shoot Regeneration and Production of Phenolic Compounds in Perovskia Abrotanoides Karel. (چکیده)
4262 - Pardosa colchica Mcheidze, 1946: a first report from West Azerbaijan Province, Iran (Araneae: Lycosidae) (چکیده)
4263 - New data on the spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae), Part V (چکیده)
4264 - The capacity of wedge sum of spheres of different dimensions (چکیده)
4265 - Enhancing Human Action Recognition through Temporal Saliency (چکیده)
4266 - Frictional behavior of sunflower seed and its kernel as a function of moisture content, variety and size (چکیده)
4267 - Preventive maintenance in Agricultural Machinery (چکیده)
4268 - Numerical investigation of body and hole effects on the cavitating flow behind a disk cavitator at extremely low cavitation numbers (چکیده)
4269 - Attributional style of emotions and its relationship with users’ search behaviour (چکیده)
4270 - Prediction of Shear Wave Velocity Profile Using GMDH Type Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
4271 - Integrated analysis of the genetic basis of suicidal behavior (چکیده)
4272 - Lin–Wong divergence and relations on type I censored data (چکیده)
4273 - Electricity generation of stacked sediment microbial fuel cells in an open channel (چکیده)
4274 - راهبردهای توسعه زنجیره ارزش انار در شهرستان مه ولات با استفاده از ابزارهای برنامه ریزی استراتژیک (چکیده)
4275 - Effect of L-alanine concentration on linear and nonlinear optical properties of two dyes in water and nano-confined water (چکیده)
4276 - Preparation and characterization of modified polyphenylsulfone membranes with hydrophilic property for filtration of aqueous media (چکیده)
4277 - Power system security assessment with high wind penetration using the farms models based on their correlation (چکیده)
4278 - A Reliable Approach for Terminating the GA Optimization Method (چکیده)
4279 - Life cycle assessment to compare the environmental impacts of different wheat production systems (چکیده)
4280 - Investigating the Effect of Prosocial Voice on Psychological Empowerment of Employees (چکیده)
4281 - انعکاس المواضیع الأخلاقیة- التعلیمیة فی أشعار أبی الأسود الدؤلی (چکیده)
4282 - The narration method of “Story speech” in the novel “Mawsim al-Hijra ila al-Shamal” (Seasons of Migration to the North) by Tayeb Salih (چکیده)
4283 - The Microbial Desulfurization of Dibenzothiophene by Indigenous Rhodococcus sp. FUM94 (چکیده)
4284 - Potential of Algae-based Wastewater for Biodiesel Production (چکیده)
4285 - Discrete Linear Quadratic Control of Uncertain Switched System (چکیده)
4286 - The Effect of Six Weeks of High-Intensity Interval Training With Zinc Supplementation on Some Humoral Immunity Markers in Female Futsal Players (چکیده)
4287 - Stable robust adaptive radial basis emotional neurocontrol for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems (چکیده)
4288 - Second-Order Statistical Texture Representation of Asphalt Pavement Distress Images Based on Local Binary Pattern in Spatial and Wavelet Domain (چکیده)
4289 - Migration Management in Sensor - Cloud Networks (چکیده)
4290 - An optimal renewable energy management strategy with and without hydropower using a factor weighted multi-criteria decision making analysis and nation-wide big data - Case study in Iran (چکیده)
4291 - Hypothesis testing for the lifetime performance index based on ranked set sampling (چکیده)
4292 - Effectiveness of Mindfulness -based Therapy on Reducing Symptoms , Emotion Dysregulation and Mindfulness in Female Adolescents with Attention Deficit–Hyperactivity Disorder (چکیده)
4293 - The effect of Ferula szowitsiana extract on chemical pain in male Wistar rats (چکیده)
4294 - Recovery of iron from a high-sulfur and low-grade iron ore (چکیده)
4295 - Exploring the Attitudes and Expectations of Iranian Audiences in Terms of Professional Dubbing into Persian (چکیده)
4296 - Identification of continuous‐time switched linear systems from low‐rate sampled data (چکیده)
4297 - Contribution to the knowledge of Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) of Iran (چکیده)
4298 - The effect of beta-alanine supplementation on first and second ventilatory threshold of men’s swimmers (چکیده)
4299 - Mathematical modelling and heuristic approaches to the location-routing problem of a cost-effective integrated solid waste management (چکیده)
4300 - Further Results on Betweenness Centrality of Graphs (چکیده)
4301 - Two new Diptacus species (Acari: Trombidiformes: Diptilomiopidae) from Iran (چکیده)
4302 - برآورد کاهش انتشارآلاینده‌ها در عملکرد یک سیستم CCHP نسبت به سیستم معمولی برای مطالعه موردی (هتل) دارای آب شیرین کن (چکیده)
4303 - Application of ANN in Estimating Discharge Coefficient of Circular Piano Key Spillways (چکیده)
4304 - Impact of Patients’ Gender on Parkinson’s disease using Classification Algorithms (چکیده)
4305 - Clonal selection algorithm for partitioning and scheduling of codesign systems (چکیده)
4306 - تحلیل زمانی- مکانی ناهنجاری‌های بارش ایران در دهه گذشته (چکیده)
4307 - Mutual benefits in academic-service partnership: An integrative review (چکیده)
4308 - A new generalized Weibull distribution in income economic inequality curves (چکیده)
4309 - Influence of Salicylic Acid on Physiological Factors in Rice (Oryza Sativa U Cultivars) (چکیده)
4310 - Study of Growth Factors, α-amylase and Peroxidase Activity in Various Cultivars of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Under Vanillic Acid Stress (چکیده)
4311 - Design of a fault-tolerant reversible control unit in molecular quantum-dot cellular automata (چکیده)
4312 - The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)on Externalizing Problems and Attention Functions in Girls Adolescents with ADHD (چکیده)
4313 - Influence of repetitive laser pulse energy depositions on supersonic flow over a sphere, cone and oblate spheroid (چکیده)
4314 - H5BW12O40 as a Green and Efficient Homogeneous but Recyclable Catalyst in the Synthesis of 4H-Pyrans via Multicomponent Reaction (چکیده)
4315 - A Practical and Novel Method for Power Loss Calculation in Distribution Networks (چکیده)
4316 - Improved Design of Quasi-Uniform Waveguide Leaky Wave Antennas (چکیده)
4317 - Model Predictive Direct Power Control of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Converters With Fuzzy-Based Duty Cycle Modulation (چکیده)
4318 - Influence of magnetic field on the capsules per leaf node of Sesamum indicum L. (چکیده)
4319 - Rapid and controllable perforation of carbon nanotubes by microwave radiation (چکیده)
4320 - Targeting the death receptor signaling pathway as a potential therapeutic target in the treatment of colorectal cancer (چکیده)
4321 - Flutter of multi-cracked laminated composite beams subjected to a non-conservative compressive load (چکیده)
4322 - Effects of cooking methods on the concentrations of Lead, Chromium and Cadmium in Whitefish (Rutilus frissi kutum) from the Caspian Sea, Iran (چکیده)
4323 - Application of the APOS-ACE Theory to improve Students’ Graphical Understanding of Derivative (چکیده)
4324 - Edge Effects in Adhesively Bonded Composite Joints Iintegrated with Piezoelectric Patches (چکیده)
4325 - Evaluation of Tension, Bending and Twisting Rigidities of Single-Layer Graphene Sheets by an Analytical Asymptotic Homogenization Model (چکیده)
4326 - Evaluating the Modulated Gradient Model in Large-Eddy Simulation of Channel Flow with OpenFOAM (چکیده)
4327 - Numerical fatigue analysis of premolars restoredby CAD/CAM ceramic crowns (چکیده)
4328 - Microstructural analysis and fatigue fracture behavior of rail steel (چکیده)
4329 - Hyperchaos control of the hyperchaotic Chen system by optimal control design (چکیده)
4330 - Temporal exergy analysis of adsorption cooling system by developing non-flow exergy function (چکیده)
4331 - Liquid chromatography with diode array detection combined with spectral deconvolution for the analysis of some diterpene esters in Arabica coffee brew (چکیده)
4332 - Quantification of Diterpenes and Their Palmitate Esters in Coffee Brews by HPLC-DAD (چکیده)
4333 - Diterpenes in espresso coffee: impact of preparation parameters (چکیده)
4334 - راهبردهای اجرایی کاهش تغییر کاربری اراضی کشاورزی (مطالعه موردی: شهرستان بینالود) (چکیده)
4335 - تاثیر تمرین تمرین هوازی با شدت بالا در شرایط ایزوانرژیک و مصرف آرژنین بر PYY3-36 و شاخص های آنتروپومتریک پسران چاق (چکیده)
4336 - Non Hyperbolic Solenoidal Thick Bony Attractors (چکیده)
4337 - Evaluating Factors Affecting the Incubation Phase of NPD in Knowledge-Based Companies (چکیده)
4338 - A new residential demand response management method based on a social welfare optimization framework (چکیده)
4339 - Some Criteria for Transitivity of Semigroup Actions (چکیده)
4340 - Testing Exponentiality Based on the Residual Lin Wong Divergence (چکیده)
4341 - Modified SIW H-Plane Horn Antenna with Improved Gain Using Thin Substrate (چکیده)
4342 - Carrier to interference ratio analysis in shotgun cellular systems over a generalized shadowing distribution (چکیده)
4343 - A New Correntropy-Based Conjugate Gradient Backpropagation Algorithm for Improving Training in Neural Networks (چکیده)
4344 - The role of rural libraries in preserving the indigenous knowledge of rural residents The case of South Khorasan Province (چکیده)
4345 - Experimental study on thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of diesel oil-based nanofluids of graphene nanoplatelets and carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
4346 - Effect of adjuvants on in ovo vaccination against Newcastle disease on hatchability, performance and antibody titres in commercial pullets (چکیده)
4347 - Evaluation of anti-yeast activity of Lactobacillus strains isolated from traditional Iranian cheeses (چکیده)
4348 - Pure Water-Induced Dehalogenation of 2,4-Di-tert-amino-6- substituted-5-halogenopyrimidines (چکیده)
4349 - Variability of diterpene esters in coffee beverages as influenced by different preparation procedures (چکیده)
4350 - Identifying criteria of weariness in urban areas (Case study: Samen District of Mashhad) (چکیده)
4351 - The effectiveness of acquisition and retentionof free throw skill by beginner basketball players through different methods: implicit learning of equipment modification (ILQM) and explicit learning (EL) (چکیده)
4352 - A New Low Protein Feeding Strategy for Enhancing Nitrogen Utilization in Lactating Dairy Cows (چکیده)
4353 - The Assessment of Elastic Follow-Up Effects on Cyclic Accumulation of Inelastic Strain Under Displacement-Control Loading (چکیده)
4354 - Wind tunnel tests for Assessment of wing flexibility effects on the aerodynamics of flapping micro aerial vehicle (چکیده)
4355 - Study of the Role of Efflux Pumps in Amikacin-Resistant Acinetobacter Isolates from Teaching Hospitals of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
4356 - اثر پلی سولفون و نانو صفحه های گرافن بر انعطاف پذیری پوشش های اپوکسی (چکیده)
4358 - Electronic and optical properties of boron phosphide/blue phosphorus heterostructures (چکیده)
4359 - Effects of excess air and preheating on the flow pattern and efficiency of the radiative section of a fired heater (چکیده)
4360 - A mixed finite element formulation for Timoshenko fiber models based on the local stress field (چکیده)
4361 - Experimental simulation of flapping wings of the black-headed gull in hovering flight (چکیده)
4362 - Synergetic combination of 1D-2D g-C3N4 heterojunction nanophotocatalyst for hydrogen production via water splitting under visible light irradiation (چکیده)
4363 - Whole-genome-based revisit of Photorhabdus phylogeny: Proposal for the elevation of most subspecies to the species level and the emendation of several species, and description of one novel species: Photorhabdus bodei sp. nov. and one novel subspecies: Photorhabdus laumondii subsp. clarkei subsp.nov. (چکیده)
4364 - Formulation of Euler–Lagrange Equations for Multidelay Fractional Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
4365 - Neural word and entity embeddings for ad hoc retrieval (چکیده)
4366 - Optimal operation of refrigeration oriented supersonic separators for natural gas dehydration via heterogeneous condensation (چکیده)
4367 - Numerical investigation of water droplets trajectories during natural gas dehydration inside supersonic separator (چکیده)
4368 - Novel piezoelectric-based ocean wave energy harvesting from offshore buoys (چکیده)
4369 - Estimation of the camera spectral sensitivity function using neural learning and architecture (چکیده)
4370 - Noncommutative Blackwell--Ross martingale inequality (چکیده)
4371 - Ionic Liquid Control Crystal Growth to Enhance Planar Perovskite Solar Cells Efficiency (چکیده)
4372 - Optimal design of BP algorithm by ACOR model for groundwater-level forecasting: A case study on Shabestar plain, Iran (چکیده)
4373 - The Specific Heat Capacity, Effective Thermal Conductivity, Density, and Viscosity of Coolants Containing Carboxylic Acid Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (چکیده)
4374 - Heat transfer performance of water-based tetrahydrofurfuryl polyethylene glycol-treated Graphene Nanoplatelets nanofluids (چکیده)
4375 - Zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopes in the Simorgh area Zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopes and geochemistry of intrusive rocks in the Simorgh prospecting area, Lut Block, Eastern Iran: Petrogenesis and geological implications (چکیده)
4376 - Backward-facing step heat transfer of the turbulent regime for functionalized graphene nanoplatelets based water–ethylene glycol nanofluids (چکیده)
4377 - Toward improved heat transfer performance of annular heat exchangers with water/ethylene glycolbased nanofluids containing graphene nanoplatelets (چکیده)
4378 - Heat transfer performance of closed conduit turbulent flow: constant mean velocity and temperature do matter (چکیده)
4379 - Elastic wave propagation in non-uniform rational B-spline rods under mechanical impact loading using an isogeometrical approach (چکیده)
4380 - Fouling mitigation on heat exchanger surfaces by EDTA-treatedMWCNT-based water nanofluids (چکیده)
4381 - Experimental investigation of thermophysical properties and heat transfer rate of covalently functionalized MWCNT in an annular heat exchanger (چکیده)
4382 - Study of Separation Behavior of Activated and Non-Activated MOF-5 as Filler on MOF-based Mixed-Matrix Membranes in H2/CO2 Separation1 (چکیده)
4383 - Effects of dust polarity and nonextensive electrons on the dust-ion acoustic solitons and double layers in earth atmosphere (چکیده)
4384 - Drinking water treatment sludge as an effective additive for biogas production from food waste; kinetic evaluation and biomethane potential test (چکیده)
4385 - Robust Semi-Supervised Growing Self-Organizing Map (چکیده)
4386 - مدل سازی هیدرولوژیکی تجمع و ذوب برف در حوضه های نیمه خشک و کوهستانی (مطالعه موردی: حوضه باراریه) (چکیده)
4387 - ارزیابی مدل WetSpa در شبیه سازی بارش – رواناب حوضه های نیمه خشک و کوهستانی (مطالعه موردی: حوضه بار اریه) (چکیده)
4388 - مطالعه تأثیر ناحیه غیراشباع در مدل سازی آب زیرزمینی با استفاده از بسته UZF در نرم افزار MODFLOW-NWT (مطالعه موردی: دشت نیشابور) (چکیده)
4389 - برآورد رواناب حوضه بار اریه با استفاده از مدل های WetSpa و شبکه عصبی مصنوعی (چکیده)
4390 - Transformer oils-based graphene quantum dots nanofluid as a new generation of highly conductive and stable coolant (چکیده)
4391 - Functionalization and exfoliation of graphite into mono layer graphene for improved heat dissipation (چکیده)
4392 - Facile, environmentally friendly, cost effective and scalable production of few-layered graphene (چکیده)
4393 - Retardation of heat exchanger surfaces mineral fouling by water-based diethylenetriamine pentaacetate-treated CNT nanofluids (چکیده)
4394 - Histopathological Study of Protective Effects of Honey on Subacute Toxicity of Acrylamide-Induced Tissue Lesions in Rats’ Brain and Liver (چکیده)
4395 - Effects of the opening on the behavior of composite steel plate shear wall -CSPSW- (چکیده)
4396 - Evaluating the Dividend Changes According To Sustainability Criteria for Financial Performance of Companies Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
4397 - Effect of In Ovo Injection of VG/GA Vaccine, an Apathogenic Enteric Strain of Newcastle Disease Vaccine and Aluminum Hydroxide as an Adjuvant on Hatchability and Immune Response of Commercial Pullets (چکیده)
4398 - Effect of High and Low Stocking Density on Age of Maturity, Egg Production, Egg Size Distribution in White and Brown Layer Hens: A Meta-analysis (چکیده)
4399 - Sensitivity analysis of a wideband backward-wave directional coupler using neural network and monte carlo method (چکیده)
4400 - Experimental study of direct contact condensation of steam jet in water flow in a vertical pipe with square cross section (چکیده)
4401 - Investigation of the Effect of Geometric Parameters on EWOD Actuation in Rectangular Microchannels (چکیده)
4402 - Inequality of Opportunity and its Effects on Economic Growth and Per Capita GDP (چکیده)
4403 - In Vitro Binding Potentials of Bentonite, Yeast Cell Wall and Lactic Acid Bacteria for Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A (چکیده)
4404 - Numerical simulation of two-tier geosynthetic-reinforced-soil walls using two-phase approach (چکیده)
4405 - Elastic behavior of sunflower seed and its kernel (چکیده)
4406 - Finite element model for interlayer behavior of double skin steel-concrete-steel sandwich structure with corrugated-strip shear connectors (چکیده)
4407 - Testing and numerical modelling of Steel-Concrete-Steel with stud bolts connectors subject to push-out loading (چکیده)
4408 - On a Van Kampen theorem for Hawaiian groups (چکیده)
4409 - 2-Aminoethanesulfonic acid immobilized on epichlorohydrin functionalized Fe3O4@WO3: a novel magnetically recyclable heterogeneous nanocatalyst for the green one-pot synthesis of 1-Substituted-1H-1,2,3,4-tetrazoles in water (چکیده)
4410 - Vibration suppression of a double-beam system by a two beam system by a two-degree-of-freedom mass-spring system (چکیده)
4411 - مقایسه آثار اختلالی ناشی از قراردادهای نفتی ایران (IPC (و قراردادهای مشارکت در تولید ( PSC (با استفاده از مدل برنامهریزی پویای تصادفی: مطالعه موردی میدان آزادگان جنوبی* (چکیده)
4412 - Currency Substitution Theory, a New Chanel to Enter the Exchange Rate as the Monetary Transmission Mechanism (چکیده)
4413 - Time dependent creep analysis in thick FGM rotating disk with two-dimensional pattern of heterogeneity (چکیده)
4414 - A novel method for quantifying damage to cast-in-place selfcentering concrete stepping walls (چکیده)
4415 - Reflectionless design of a nonmagnetic homogeneous optical waveguide coupler based on transformation optics (چکیده)
4416 - On straight-line embedding of graphs (چکیده)
4417 - Noise reduction of PGNAA spectrum using empirical mode decomposition technique (چکیده)
4418 - Energy-Efficient Wide-Range Voltage Level Shifters Reaching 4.2 fJ/Transition (چکیده)
4419 - An Angular Displacement Sensor With a Curved Two-Metal-Layer CPW Loaded by an EBG Structure (چکیده)
4420 - Application of statistical techniques and artificial neural network to estimate force from sEMG signals (چکیده)
4421 - Adaptive Neural Tracking Control of Switched Stochastic Pure-Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Unknown Bouc–Wen Hysteresis Input (چکیده)
4422 - Series and Tapped Switched-Coupled-Inductors Impedance Networks (چکیده)
4423 - Effect of Eight Weeks of Aerobic Exercise on Iron Status and Coagulation and Immune Indices in Non-Athlete Females (چکیده)
4424 - Effects of acclimation to seawater salinity on some blood parameters in wild Caspin brown trout, Salmo trutta caspius. (چکیده)
4425 - Application of silver nanoparticles immobilized on Tepa-Den-SiO2 as water filter media for bacterial disinfection in shrimp culture (چکیده)
4426 - Morphology modification of electrodeposited superhydrophobic nickel coating for enhanced corrosion performance studied by AFM, SEM-EDS and electrochemical measurements (چکیده)
4427 - Bearing Stiffness of UHPC; An Experimental Investigation and A Comparative Study of Regression and SVR-ABC Models (چکیده)
4428 - Bayesian prediction of progressively first-failure-censored order statistics based on k-record values from weibull distribution (چکیده)
4429 - A laboratory investigation on the potential of computational intelligence approaches to estimate the discharge coefficient of piano key weir (چکیده)
4430 - A systematic review on intrusion detection based on the Hidden Markov Model (چکیده)
4431 - An Analytical and Approximate Solution for Nonlinear Volterra Partial Integro-Differential Equations with a Weakly Singular Kernel Using the Fractional Differential Transform Method (چکیده)
4432 - A Systematic Mapping Study on Intrusion Alert Analysis in Intrusion Detection Systems (چکیده)
4433 - Rapid removal of mercury ion (II) from aqueous solution by chemically activated eggplant hull adsorbent (چکیده)
4434 - Controlled shadowing property (چکیده)
4435 - Z-scan Technique used to study of Rhodamine B mixed with an Anionic Surfactant (چکیده)
4436 - Hybrid landfill gas emissions modeling and life cycle assessment for determining the appropriate period to install biogas system (چکیده)
4437 - Current–Voltage Characteristics of the Aziridine-Based Nano-Molecular Wires: a Light-Driven Molecular Switch (چکیده)
4438 - Recent Research and Developments in Information Organization in Iran: A Historical Review (چکیده)
4439 - Modulation Techniques for Common-Mode Voltage Reduction in the Z-Source Ultra Sparse Matrix Converters (چکیده)
4440 - A survey on heavy metals pollution in water resources of Kouhe-Zar Mining area (The West of Torbat Heydarieh, Iran) (چکیده)
4441 - The Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Fractional Optimal Control Problems by Measure Theory Approach (چکیده)
4442 - The approximate solution of non-linear time-delay fractional optimal control problems by embedding process (چکیده)
4443 - An approximate method for solving fractional TBVP with state delay by Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
4444 - Pleistocene diversification of Afghan pikas Ochotona rufescens (Gray, 1842) (Lagomorpha; Ochotonidae) in Western Asia (چکیده)
4445 - Low‐power successive approximation ADC using split‐monotonic capacitive DAC (چکیده)
4446 - Synergistic effect of low and high intensity ultrasonic irradiation on the direct growth of ZnO nanostructures on the galvanized steel surface: investigation of the corrosion behavior (چکیده)
4447 - The Effect of Intermittent Watering on Performance, Blood Metabolites, and Nutrient Digestibility in Baluchi Lambs (چکیده)
4448 - Input impedance modeling of patch and semi-rectangular substrate integrated waveguide cavity hybrid antenna (چکیده)
4449 - Using video and live modelling to teach motor skill to children with autism spectrum disorder (چکیده)
4450 - Adsorption cooling systems for heavy trucks A/C applications driven by exhaust and coolant waste heats (چکیده)
4451 - An Analytical Fifth-Nearest Neighbor Tight-Binding Investigation of the Effect of Mechanical Deformations on SWCNTs (چکیده)
4452 - Statistical evaluation of the dust events at selected stations in Southwest Asia: From the Caspian Sea to the Arabian Sea (چکیده)
4453 - Analysis of the climate change effect on wheat production systems and investigate the potential of management strategies (چکیده)
4454 - Analysis of Energy Systems in Greco-Roman and Freestyle Wrestlers Who Participated in the 2015 and 2016 World Championships (چکیده)
4455 - Urban form Analysis Based on Smart Growth Characteristics at Neighborhoods of 9th District in Mashhad Municipality (چکیده)
4456 - Comparative Study on Adsorption of Chromium(VI) from Industrial Wastewater onto Nature Derived Adsorbents (Brown Coal and Zeolite) (چکیده)
4457 - Local exponential stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear impulsive periodic switched systems with norm-bounded input (چکیده)
4458 - A new and simple analytical approach to determining the natural frequencies of framed tube structures (چکیده)
4459 - Metal- and catalyst-free, one-pot, three-component synthesis of propargylamines in magnetized water: experimental aspects and molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
4460 - Synthesis, characterization and dynamic-mechanical properties of styrene-acrylate/nanoclay interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) for damping applications (چکیده)
4461 - Multiscale asymptotic homogenization analysis of epoxy-based composites reinforced with different hexagonal nanosheets (چکیده)
4462 - Prediction of Hydropower Energy Price Using Go’mes-Maravall Seasonal Model (چکیده)
4463 - Two Dimensional Stress and Displacement Wave Propagation Under Shock Loading in Saturated Porous Materials with Two Dimensional Functionally Graded Materails Using MLPG Method (چکیده)
4464 - The effect of TiC:CNT mixing ratio and CNT content on the mechanical and tribological behaviors of TiC modified CNT-reinforced Al-matrix nanocomposites (چکیده)
4465 - Leaching behaviour of a sandy soil amended with natural and NH4+ and K+ saturated clinoptilolite and chabazite (چکیده)
4466 - Elastodynamic and wave propagation analysis in a FG graphene platelets-reinforced nanocomposite cylinder using a modified nonlinear micromechanical model (چکیده)
4467 - Dilute Solution Properties of Two Hairless Canary Seed Starches Compared with Wheat Starch in a Binary Solvent: Influence of Temperature, Mono‐ and Divalent Cations (چکیده)
4468 - Analytical investigation of simultaneous effects of convergent section heating of Laval nozzle, steam inlet condition, and nozzle geometry on condensation shock (چکیده)
4469 - Investigating the potential of carbon dioxide utilization in a gas-to-liquids process with iron-based Fischer-Tropsch catalyst (چکیده)
4470 - Study of flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of critical heat flux using carbon nanotubes and water nanofluid (چکیده)
4471 - Assessment of the Social Impacts of Sewage-Treatment Plants on Rural Quality of Life (Case Study: Parkandabad Peripheral Villages in Mashhad) (چکیده)
4473 - Tribological Aspects of Wheel–Rail Contact: A Review of Wear Mechanisms and Effective Factors on Rolling Contact Fatigue (چکیده)
4474 - Morphological and physiological responses of two common bean cultivars to drought stress (چکیده)
4475 - Mechanical, environmental and economic performance of structural concrete containing silica fume and marble industry waste powder (چکیده)
4476 - Using an optimized RBF neural network to predict the out-ofplane welding distortions based on the 3-2-1 locating scheme (چکیده)
4477 - Reliability and sensitivity of visible liquid penetrant NDT for inspection of welded components (چکیده)
4478 - Optimizing pulsed Nd:YAG laser beam welding process parameters to attain maximum ultimate tensile strength for thin AISI316L sheet using response surface methodology and simulated annealing algorithm (چکیده)
4479 - Numerical and Experimental Study on Ratcheting Behavior of Plates with Circular Cutouts under Cyclic Axial Loading (چکیده)
4480 - َAgeicultural water management through magnetization of irrigation and drinking water: a review (چکیده)
4481 - God and Man in Freudian Psychoanalysis: A Critical Examination of Freud’s The Future of an Illusion (چکیده)
4482 - An assessment-based model for exploring the solving of mathematical problems: Utilizing revised bloom’s taxonomy and facets of metacognition (چکیده)
4483 - Peer scaffolding behaviors emerging in revising a written task: A microgenetic analysis (چکیده)
4484 - A facile hydrothermal synthesis of novel hollow triple-shell CuNiFe2O4 nanospheres with robust catalytic performance in the Suzuki–Miyaura coupling reaction (چکیده)
4485 - Introducing Cultural Weight as a Tool of Comparative Analysis:An Emotioncy-Based Study of Social Class (چکیده)
4486 - Changes of breast cancer biomarkers (CEA, CA 15-3) in middle-aged women with breast cancer following 8 weeks of aerobic exercise (چکیده)
4487 - Energy and exergy analysis of nano fluid based photovoltaic thermal system integrated with phase change material (چکیده)
4488 - Application of a fictitious domain method in numerical simulation of an oscillating wave surge converter (چکیده)
4489 - A novel distributed optimal adaptive control algorithm for nonlinear multi-agent differential graphical games (چکیده)
4490 - An Artificial Neural Network for Solving Distributed Optimal Control of the Poisson’s Equationl (چکیده)
4491 - Towards interval version of fuzzy synsets (چکیده)
4492 - Exosome Nano Exchanging Carriers for Cellular Trading: A Decision Knowledge Microenvironment Approach (چکیده)
4493 - Kalman Filter Reinforced by Least Mean Square for Systems with Unknown Inputs (چکیده)
4494 - Distribution Network Reconfiguration with the Application of DLMP using Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
4495 - Experimental study on the performance of a flat-plate collector using WO3/Water nanofluids (چکیده)
4496 - Design of a heat exchanger working with organic nanofluids using multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm and response surface method. (چکیده)
4497 - experimental investigation of single-phase turbulent flow of R-134a in a multiportbmicrochannel heat sink (چکیده)
4498 - Natural convection in an inclined cavity with time-periodic temperature boundary conditions using nanofluids: Application in solar collectors (چکیده)
4499 - A 1.62 μW 8-Channel Ultra-High Input Impedance EEG Amplifier for Dry and Non-Contact Biopotential Recording Applications (چکیده)
4500 - Detecting life events from twitter based on temporal semantic features (چکیده)
4501 - Reducing Energy Consumption in Gas Purification Plants (MDEA base) by Retrofit Design (چکیده)
4502 - Investigating the Effect of Replacing Modern High Effective Random Packings on Natural Gas Purification (چکیده)
4503 - STT-RAM Energy Reduction Using Self-Referenced Differential Write Termination Technique (چکیده)
4504 - Artificial neural network modeling of nanofluid flow in a microchannel heat sink using experimental data (چکیده)
4505 - Correlation between the histogram and power spectral density analysis of AFM and SKPFM images in an AA7023/AA5083 FSW joint (چکیده)
4506 - An experimental study to determine the maximum efficiency index in turbulent flow of SiO2/water nanofluids (چکیده)
4507 - A new Aceria species (Acari:Trombidiformes: Eriophyoidea) from West Asia, a potential biological control agent for the invasive weed camelthorn, Alhagi maurorum Medik. (Leguminosae) (چکیده)
4508 - Two-phase mixture model for nanofluid turbulent flow and heat transfer: Effect of heterogeneous distribution of nanoparticles (چکیده)
4509 - Swarm Fuzzy-Reinforcement Coordination using Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain (چکیده)
4510 - Optimization and parametric analysis of a nano fluid based photovoltaic thermal system: 3D numerical model with experimental validation (چکیده)
4511 - Multi-objective optimization of a gas-to-liquids (GTL) process with staged Fischer-Tropsch reactor (چکیده)
4512 - Natural convection of CNT water-based nanofluids in a differentially heated square cavity (چکیده)
4513 - Investigating the entropy generation in condensing steam flow in turbine blades with volumetric heating (چکیده)
4514 - Plant diversity of the Heydari Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Iran, with a checklist of vascular plants (چکیده)
4515 - A double MRT-LBM for simulation of mixing in an active micromixer with rotationally oscillating stirrer in high Peclet number flows (چکیده)
4516 - A New Control Method for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Inverter Using Instantaneous Power Theory (چکیده)
4517 - Brownian motion effect on heat transfer of a three-dimensional nanofluid flow over (چکیده)
4518 - Diterpenoid, sesquiterpenoid and secoiridoid glucosides from Aster auriculatus (چکیده)
4519 - The effect of eight weeks high-intensity interval aerobic training on chemerin and visfatin in overweight men (چکیده)
4520 - Influence of carbon source content on the structure and performance of KOH/Ca12Al14O33eC nanocatalyst used in the transesterification reaction via microwave irradiation (چکیده)
4521 - Impact of loss on the light propagation in 1D optical waveguide array in the presence of Kerr-type nonlinearity (چکیده)
4522 - Direct single phase AC-AC converters based on series impedance networks (چکیده)
4523 - Stem cell program inhibition in Kras driven cancers (چکیده)
4524 - A new Pardosa species from northern Iran (Araneae, Lycosidae) (چکیده)
4525 - Effects of chemical modification of PVA by acrylamide, methacrylamide and acrylonitrile on the growth rate of gas hydrate in methane-propane-water system, Journal of Molecular Liquids (چکیده)
4526 - On h-Fibration (چکیده)
4527 - Local Bond Strength of Reinforcing Bars in Normal Strength and High Strength Concrete (HSC) (چکیده)
4528 - Broadleaf Weed Control in Corn (Zea mays L.) with Sulfonylurea Herbicides Tank‐mixed with 2,4‐D + MCPA (چکیده)
4529 - Perception of Tourism Development and Subjective Happiness Of Residents in Mashhad,Iran (چکیده)
4530 - An efficient numerical method for the optimal control of fractional-order dynamic systems (چکیده)
4531 - Distribution functions of electrons in the Earth and Venus ionospheres: Effects on the propagation of localized waves (چکیده)
4532 - Genome-wide nucleotide diversity and associations with geography, ploidy level and glucosinolate profiles in Aethionema arabicum (Brassicaceae) (چکیده)
4533 - Synthesis of Nano Curcumin using Black Pepper Oil by O/W Nanoemulsion Technique and Investigation of Their Biological Activities (چکیده)
4534 - Predicting Neuroticism Based on EEG Power Oscillations: Fearful Face as a Mediator Role (چکیده)
4535 - Development of a demineralized and decellularized human epiphyseal bone scaffold for tissue engineering: A histological study (چکیده)
4536 - Evaluation of resistance and the role of some defense responses in wheat cultivars to Fusarium head blight (چکیده)
4537 - Distribution Locational Marginal Price Analysis Considering Technical Constraints (چکیده)
4538 - Pore-level influence of micro-fracture parameters on visco-capillary behavior of two-phase displacements in porous media (چکیده)
4539 - The metamorphosis of hero in Kanafani's Novel\" matabaqqalakum\" based on Campbell's theory (چکیده)
4540 - The effects of different combinations of perceptual-motor exercises, music, and vitamin D supplementation on the nerve growth factor in children with high-functioning autism (چکیده)
4541 - Prophylactic effect of rosmarinic acid on tracheal responsiveness, white blood cell count and oxidative stress markers in lung lavage of sensitized rat (چکیده)
4542 - Estimation of the optimum number and location of nanoparticle injections and the specific loss power for ideal hyperthermia (چکیده)
4543 - Impact of monovalent cations on soil structure. Part I. Results of an Iranian soil (چکیده)
4544 - A technical model for reclaimed water reuse in agricultural irrigation: a case study in Kordkuy, Iran (چکیده)
4545 - On Topologized Fundamental Groups with Small Loop Transfer Viewpoints (چکیده)
4546 - A PPy-B15C5 modified lanthanum (III) electrode in acetonitrile and its thermodynamic application (چکیده)
4547 - Efficient transport of lead(II) cations in natural water using a liquid membrane system with dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 as carrier (چکیده)
4548 - The Knowledge Dimension of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy for Integration (چکیده)
4549 - Silicene nanoribbon as a new DNA sequencing device (چکیده)
4550 - A new and fast correntropy-based method for system identification with exemplifications in low-SNR communications regime (چکیده)
4551 - Copper-alumina nanocomposite coating on copper substrate through solution combustion (چکیده)
4552 - Effects of 8 Weeks of Resistance Training and IGF -1 Injection on Biochemical Markers of Cancer and Colorectal Structures in Rats (چکیده)
4553 - Synthesis and evaluation of apoptosis induction levels of carbamate and thiocarbamate‑functionalized multi‑walled carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
4554 - The World of Miller’s The Crucible: A Cognitive-Historical Approach (چکیده)
4555 - Leak detection in water collection and transmission networks using minimum nodal pressure measurement (چکیده)
4556 - Water Hammer Modeling by Godunov type Finite Volume Method (چکیده)
4557 - Experimental Study of Three-Dimensional Flow Field around a Complex Bridge Pier (چکیده)
4558 - Estimation of Current-Induced Scour Depth around Pile Groups Using Neural Network and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
4559 - Nozzle Filter Modification for Water Pre-Treatment Technology In Water Treatment Plants (Case Study: Toroq Water Treatment Plant) (چکیده)
4560 - Comparing the Effect of A Quasi-Formal Wrestling Match on Humeral, Cortisol, Salivary Testosterone Levels of Elite and Ordinary Male Wrestlers (چکیده)
4561 - An online valuation-based sealed winner-bid auction game for resource allocation and pricing in clouds (چکیده)
4562 - The Effect of Psychological Capital on Quality of Work life given the Modifying Role of Job Stress (چکیده)
4563 - Cycles in the Cozero-Divisor Graphs (چکیده)
4564 - Some results on the annihilator graph of~a~commutative ring (چکیده)
4565 - Fuzzy scheduling of a non-isolated micro-grid with renewable resources (چکیده)
4566 - The Effect of Eight-Week Aquatic Training and Resistance Training on Plasma Levels and Gene Expression NT-4 in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Women with Multiple Sclerosis (چکیده)
4567 - Stable isotopes (δD, δ18O and δ13CDIC) characteristics of karstic groundwater in Qori Meydan plain, NE of Iran (چکیده)
4568 - Investigating the Origin and Interaction between Karstic and Alluvial Aquifers in NW of Zagros Mountain Range, Iran, Using Isotopic and Geochemical Tools (چکیده)
4569 - Subclinical Hypocalcemia in Dairy Cows: Pathophysiology, Consequences and Monitoring (چکیده)
4570 - The Validity of Electronic Contracts from the Perspective of Iranian Law and Imamia Jurisprudence (چکیده)
4571 - Genetic evaluation of survival and productivity traits in Arman crossbred sheep (چکیده)
4572 - Apply fixed point theorem for solving of nonlinear Volterra integral equation with Harr wavelet (چکیده)
4573 - Using of 2D RH wavelets for solving of 2D nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equations (چکیده)
4576 - A new application of µPADs in the gold industry :cyanide titration of pulp samples (چکیده)
4577 - Repeated-root two-dimentional constacyclic codes of length 2p^s.2^k (چکیده)
4578 - Determination of intraspecific and interspecific competition of different varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and weeds in the area of Gilavand (چکیده)
4579 - A Spectral Quasilinearization Parametric Method for Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems (چکیده)
4580 - ارزیابی کیفیت آبخوان دشت بجنورد با استفاده از نمودارهای کیفی و نقشه های هم میزان برای مصارف شرب، کشاورزی و صنعت (چکیده)
4581 - 17β-estradiol improves the efficacy of exploited autologous bone marrowderived mesenchymal stem cells in non-union radial defect healing: A rabbit model (چکیده)
4582 - Scheduling Hybrid Workflows Using Extended Look-Ahead Approach in Utility Grid (چکیده)
4583 - The genus Spryginia (Brassicaceae) in Iran and Afghanistan (چکیده)
4584 - Sewage sludge-based activated carbon: its application for hexavalent chromium from synthetic and electroplating wastewater in batch and fixed-bed column adsorption (چکیده)
4585 - Effect of microwave and conventional heating on structural, functional and antioxidant properties of bovine serum albumin-maltodextrin conjugates through Maillard reaction (چکیده)
4587 - Modeling Intra-label Dynamics and Analyzing the Role of Blank in Connectionist Temporal Classification (چکیده)
4588 - Potential of combined Water Sensitive Urban Design systems for salinity treatment in urban environments (چکیده)
4589 - شبیه‌سازی واداشت‌های تابشی گردوغبار در غرب ایران (چکیده)
4590 - Optimization of textural characteristics of analogue UF-Feta cheese made from dairy and non-dairy ingredients (چکیده)
4591 - تاثیر پرده آب بند بر میزان دبی نشت از پی سد خاکی دامغان با استفاده از نرم افزار Seep/w (چکیده)
4592 - Accurate Water Hammer Pressure Modeling for Trial Modification of Stress Distribution Along Multi Segments Pipeline (چکیده)
4593 - Modeling of Dynamic Behavior and Estimation of Damage Incurred by Self-Centering Rocking Walls (چکیده)
4594 - Seismic performance and damage incurred by monolithic concrete self-centering rocking walls under the effect of axial stress ratio (چکیده)
4595 - Exploration of Ring Oscillator Based Temperature Sensors Network Accuracy on FPGA (چکیده)
4597 - Some Results on Weighted Cumulative Entropy (چکیده)
4598 - On the two-wavelet localization operators on homogeneous spaces with relatively invariant measures (چکیده)
4599 - Damage Identification of a Multi-Girder Bridge Super-structure by Mindilin Approach (چکیده)
4600 - The flow properties of honey–malt spread (چکیده)
4601 - Examination of the effect of Spirulina platensis microalgae on drying kinetics and the color change of kiwifruit pastille (چکیده)
4602 - Effect two-week Beta-alanin supplementation on isocapnic buffering and hypocapnic hyper ventilation phases of attraction of Basketball Plyers (چکیده)
4603 - Effect two-week Beta-alanin supplementation on isocapnic buffering and hypocapnic hyper ventilation phases of attraction of Tekwando Players (چکیده)
4604 - Is Social Media an Appropriate Data Source to Improve Travel Demand Estimation Models? (چکیده)
4605 - Systematic design of hybrid high power microwave amplifiers using large gate periphery GaN HEMTs (چکیده)
4606 - Efficiency enhancement by employing the transistor nonlinear capacitors effects in a 6W hybrid X-band Class-J power amplifier (چکیده)
4607 - Realization of a Low Cost Displacement Sensor on PCB with Two-Metal-Layer Coplanar Waveguide Loaded by an EBG Structure (چکیده)
4608 - Supporting Rural Sub-Saharan Africa Farmers through Satellite-based Water Level Gauging (چکیده)
4609 - The effects of small water surfaces on turbulent flow in the atmospheric boundary layer: URANS approach implemented in OpenFOAM (چکیده)
4610 - Modeling Effective Factors in Relationship between Knowledge Management and Innovation in Mashhad Metropolitan Municipality (چکیده)
4611 - Investigating the Moderating Effect of Career Growth on the Relationship between Job Resources and Job Engagement: The Case of Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development of Mashhad Municipality (چکیده)
4612 - Conflict at work, Job Embeddedness and their Effects on Intention to Quit among Women Employed in Travel Agencies: Evidence from a Religious City in a Developing Country (چکیده)
4613 - Adsorption of ACID-RED 88 on graphene nanosheet: A molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
4614 - New approach for estimating the cooling capacity of the absorption and compression chillers in a trigeneration system (چکیده)
4615 - Optimization of Physicochemical Properties of Low-Fat Hamburger Formulation Using Blend of Soy Flour, Split-Pea Flour and Wheat Starch as Part of Fat Replacer System (چکیده)
4616 - “All I am Saying” Speech style and power in Glengarry Glen Ross (چکیده)
4617 - Lameness detection in dairy cows, a multidisciplinary approach (چکیده)
4618 - Optimization of low-fat set-type yoghurt: effect of altered whey protein to casein ratio, fat content and microbial transglutaminase on rheological and sensorial properties (چکیده)
4619 - Prediction spatial distribution patterns of Cardaria draba (L.) using learning vector quantization artifcial neural network (LVQANN) (چکیده)
4620 - Phrasal complexity in academic writing: A comparison of abstracts written by graduate students and expert writers in applied linguistics (چکیده)
4621 - Does electric or magnetic field affect reverse osmosis desalination? (چکیده)
4622 - Roasting process optimization of walnut kernels for the preparation of walnut cream using Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
4623 - Investigation and optimization of the SND-SBR system for organic matter and ammonium nitrogen removal using the central composite design (CCD) (چکیده)
4624 - Evaluation of weed flora and biodiversity indices in saffron fields (case study: Khorasan province) (چکیده)
4625 - Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolic Content of Fumaria vaillantii L. Extract at Different Phenological Stages Assayed by Various Methods (چکیده)
4626 - ZnS nanospheres/reduced graphene oxide photoanode for highly efficient solar water oxidation (چکیده)
4627 - Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Turbulent Natural Convection: Enclosure Heated from Below (چکیده)
4628 - Effect of Compressive Mode I on the Mixed Mode I/II Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of 42CrMo4 (چکیده)
4629 - Modeling intra-label dynamics in connectionist temporal classification (چکیده)
4630 - Performance analysis of sloped solar chimney power plants in the southwesternregion of Iran (چکیده)
4631 - New Nano-Structured Hybrid Materials-based Polyoxometalate for CH4/H2 Separation: A Computational Study (چکیده)
4632 - Investigation of Temperature Dynamics in Small and Shallow Reservoirs, Case Study: Lake Binaba, Upper East Region of Ghana (چکیده)
4633 - Convective Heat Transfer and Particle Motion in an Obstructed Duct with Two Side by Side Obstacles by Means of DPM Model (چکیده)
4634 - طرّاحی راهبردهای توسعه پایدار گردشگری روستاهای تاریخی- فرهنگی ایران (چکیده)
4635 - Disentangling the Effects of Water Stress on Carbon Acquisition, Vegetative Growth and Fruit Quality of Peach Trees by Means of the QualiTree Model (چکیده)
4636 - A framework to simulate small shallow inland water bodies in semi-arid regions (چکیده)
4637 - بررسی ارتباط بین فراوانی وقوع توفان‌های تندری و روند دما در شهر مشهد (چکیده)
4638 - Effect of cationic asphalt emulsion as an admixture on transport properties of roller-compacted concrete (چکیده)
4639 - Fuzzy nonparametric predictive inference for reliability of parallel systems (چکیده)
4642 - Size-dependent piezoelectric energyharvesting analysis of micro/nano bridges subjected to random ambient excitations (چکیده)
4643 - Analytical modeling of nonlinear vibrations in a 2-DOF airfoil device based on an unsteady flow model (چکیده)
4644 - Adaptation of simulated annealing to an integrated municipal solid waste location-routing problem (چکیده)
4645 - Radiolarian content, fossil traces and REE reveal general bottom anoxia in the Kermanshah Radiolarite basin (West Iran) during the Pliensbacian-early Toarcian (چکیده)
4646 - Role of Mediating Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Goal Adjustment in Relationship between Personality Characteristics and Quality of Life of Patients with Cancer (چکیده)
4647 - Renewable energy sources in the sustainble architecture (چکیده)
4648 - Relationship between the weighted distributions and some inequality measures (چکیده)
4649 - Pathological findings of severe pancreatolithiasis in a cow (چکیده)
4650 - Physical measures for certain class of non-uniformly hyperbolic endomorphisms on the solid torus (چکیده)
4651 - Mining user interests over active topics on social networks (چکیده)
4652 - Formation mechanism of TiC–Al2O3–Fe3Al composites during self-propagating hightemperature synthesis of TiO2–Al–C–Fe system (چکیده)
4653 - Coupled thermoelastic analysis of an FG multilayer graphene platelets-reinforced nanocomposite cylinder using meshless GFD method: A modified micromechanical model (چکیده)
4654 - Salt and alkali stresses reduction in wheat by plant growth promoting haloalkaliphilic bacteria (چکیده)
4655 - Understanding the Process of Organizational Commitment Origination in Managers Based on the Grounded Theory with an Emergent Approach Case Study: Iran Airports (چکیده)
4656 - Development a new model based on artificial neural network to estimate torque of a conventional CI engine (چکیده)
4657 - Condition monitoring of engine load using a new model based on adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) (چکیده)
4658 - Bayesian filter based on the wisdom of crowds (چکیده)
4659 - Nonlinear optical properties of crocin: From bulk solvent to nano-confined droplet (چکیده)
4660 - The Effect of Cyber Attacks on the Demand Dispatch Application and Identify Them by OPTICS (چکیده)
4661 - Performance enhancement of straight and wavy miniature heat sinks using pin-fin interruptions and nanofluids (چکیده)
4662 - Simultaneous analysis of phenylhydrazine, phenol, and hydroxylamine as three water pollutants using a voltammetric-amplified sensor with CoFe2O4 nanoparticle and 1-methyl-3-butylimidazolium bromide ionic liquid (چکیده)
4663 - Deadline Constrained Load Balancing Level Based Workflow Scheduling for Cost Optimization (چکیده)
4664 - Boiling process ability in drinking water arsenic removing (چکیده)
4665 - GIS-based Groundwater Spring Potential Mapping Using Data Mining Boosted Regression Tree and Probabilistic Frequency Ratio Models in Iran (چکیده)
4666 - Pre-Training of an Artificial Neural Network for Software Fault Prediction (چکیده)
4667 - A Performance Counter-based Control Flow Checking Technique for Multi-core Processors (چکیده)
4668 - Experimental investigation of the effect of different nanofluids on the thermal performance of a wet cooling tower using a new method for equalization of ambient conditions (چکیده)
4669 - Fabrication of a new electrochemical imprinted sensor fordetermination of ketamine based on modified polytyramine/sol-gel/f-MWCNTs@AuNPs nanocomposite/pencilgraphite electrode (چکیده)
4670 - Chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol/amino functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube pervaporation membranes: Synthesis, characterization, and performance (چکیده)
4671 - Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Submerged Zone of Qanat Hydraulics in Unsteady Conditions (چکیده)
4672 - Enhancement of nonlinear optical response and fluorescence spectra of cationic neutral red by anionic surfactant (چکیده)
4673 - Using Rose Bengal, Wright and indirect ELISA methods for detection of Brucellosis in sheep with history of abortion in Gonbad-e Qabus (چکیده)
4674 - Determination of the Phylogenetic Groups of Escherichia Coli Isolates in the Subjects Afflicted with Urinary Tract Infections, Using Multiplex PCR in Mashhad (چکیده)
4675 - Detection of resistant genes ESBL in Escherichia coli isolated from patients with Urinary Tract Infection in Ghaem and Emam Reza hospitals in Mashhad (چکیده)
4676 - The state of the art in Dynamic Relaxation methods for structural mechanics Part 1 Formulations (چکیده)
4677 - Phytochemical analysis and antibacterial activities extracts of mangrove leaf against the growth of some pathogenic bacteria (چکیده)
4678 - Resource Management Technique for IoT in Fog Computing Supported by Distributed SDN (چکیده)
4679 - Android malware detection based on overlapping of static features (چکیده)
4680 - Effectiveness of Soil and Water Conservation Practices Under Climate Change in the Gorganroud Basin, Iran (چکیده)
4681 - پیش‌بینی اثر تغییر اقلیم بر عامل فرسایندگی باران در سواحل جنوبی خزر (چکیده)
4682 - Impacts of future land cover and climate change on the water balance in (چکیده)
4683 - Second law of thermodynamics analysis for nanofluid turbulent flow around a rotating cylinder (چکیده)
4684 - Error Minimization in Bird Strike Test Simulation Using Taguchi Method (چکیده)
4685 - Revised Bloom's taxonomy and integral calculus: unpacking the knowledge dimension (چکیده)
4686 - Cubic B-spline collocation method for a class of partial integro-differential equation (چکیده)
4687 - Chemokine Receptors Expression in MSCs: Comparative Analysis in Different Sources and Passages (چکیده)
4688 - A novel process for oxygen absorption from air using hollow fiber gas-liquid membrane contactor (چکیده)
4689 - Quantitative assessment of wound healing using high‐frequency ultrasound image analysis (چکیده)
4690 - A selective and sensitive optode for determination of Hg2+ ion based on covalent immobilization of thiazole yellow on triacetyl cellulose films (چکیده)
4691 - The effect of individual counseling program by a midwife on fear of childbirth in primiparous women (چکیده)
4692 - From Gothic Fiction to Video Games: Batman: Arkham Knight the Gothic Hero (چکیده)
4693 - Evaluation of the factors influencing the household waste source separation behaviors based upon different area classes; a case study of Mashhad metropolis in Iran (چکیده)
4694 - A Novel Remote Sensing Approach to Quantifying Soil Stability (چکیده)
4695 - The Effect of Variability of Practice at Execution Redundancy Level in Skilled and Novice Basketball Players (چکیده)
4696 - Allelopathic Activity of Iranian Native Medicinal and Aromatic Plants by Using Cotton Swab Method (چکیده)
4697 - Simulation of Mechanical Vapor Recompression Process for Treatment of the Wastewater of Crude Oil Desalting Unit (چکیده)
4698 - Selenium-methionine and chromium-methionine supplementation of sheep around parturition: impacts on dam and offspring performance (چکیده)
4699 - Separation of polyvinylchloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) granules using various chemical agents by flotation technique (چکیده)
4700 - Enhancement of linear and non-linear optical properties of erythrosin b by nano-droplet (چکیده)
4701 - On the vortical characteristics and cold-to-hot transfer of rarefied flow in a lid-driven isosceles orthogonal triangular cavity with isothermal walls (چکیده)
4702 - Norm continuity of pointwise quasi-continuous mappings into function spaces (چکیده)
4703 - استخراج روابط دبی-اشل مقاطع مرکب با بستر صلب با استفاده از مدل ریاضی سه-بعدی (چکیده)
4704 - ارزیابی اثرات تغییراقلیم و تغییرکاربریاراضی بر پاسخ هیدرولوژیک حوزه آبخیز اسکندری (چکیده)
4705 - Design and Development of High Gain, Low Profile and Circularly Polarized Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas Using High-Order Modes of Square Shaped SIW Resoantor (چکیده)
4706 - On the thermally-driven gas flow through divergent micro/nanochannels (چکیده)
4707 - Effect of light spectrum on isolation of microalgae from urban wastewater and growth characteristics of subsequent cultivation of the isolated species (چکیده)
4708 - Universal Approximation by Using the Correntropy Objective Function (چکیده)
4709 - Norm continuity of qusi-continuous mappings into Cp(Y) (چکیده)
4710 - A Study on the Effect of Nitrogen Spray at Different Times on Color and Yield Parameters of Grape cv. Pykany (چکیده)
4711 - On groups satisfying a symmetric Engel word (چکیده)
4712 - Assessment of dust activity and dust-plume pathways over Jazmurian Basin, southeast Iran (چکیده)
4713 - ارزیابی تغییرات ریخت¬شناسی رودخانه ارمند با استخراج شاخص‌های آب از تصاویر چند زمانه ماهواره لندست (چکیده)
4714 - Assessment of Citizens’ Virtual Water Footprint (چکیده)
4715 - OpenAMI: Software-Defined AMI Load Balancing (چکیده)
4716 - The development and evaluation of a portable polyethylene biogas reactor (چکیده)
4717 - Geographic variation in morphology of the genus Agamura Blanford, 1874 in Iran (چکیده)
4718 - Relationship between corporate governance and audit switching: Iranian evidence (چکیده)
4719 - Paleogeographic evolution of the Maastrichtian deposits in the eastern Fars area (Zagros, Iran) using high-resolution sequence stratigraphic analysis (چکیده)
4720 - Study of electronic and optical properties of two-layered hydrogenated aluminum nitrate nanoshee (چکیده)
4721 - A New Species of the Genus Lagochilus (Lamiaceae) from Khorassan–Kopet Dagh Floristic Province (چکیده)
4722 - Instability of a delaminated composite beam subjected to a concentrated follower force (چکیده)
4723 - Comparison of Molecular and Conventional Methods for Estimating Parasitism Level in the Pomegranate Aphid Aphis punicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) (چکیده)
4724 - نقش آگاهی محاوره ای بر عملکرد کودکان در تکالیف تئوری ذهن (چکیده)
4725 - تهیه نقشه پهنه‌بندی خطر زمین‌لغزش با کاربرد مدل ترکیبی FAHP- OWA (مطالعه موردی: بخش مرکزی شهرستان فاروج) (چکیده)
4726 - Exponentiality test based on alpha-divergence and gamma-divergence (چکیده)
4727 - Mixed mode I/II fatigue crack growth under tensile or compressive far-field loading (چکیده)
4728 - Assessment of energy consumption and modeling of output energy for wheat production by neural network (MLP and RBF) and Gaussian process regression (GPR) models (چکیده)
4729 - Robust Optimal Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Switched System using Approximate Dynamic Programming (چکیده)
4730 - Evolution of the size distribution of Al–B4C nano-composite powders during mechanical milling: a comparison of experimental results with artificial neural networks and multiple linear regression models (چکیده)
4731 - Effects of rib shapes on entropy generation of turbulent flow in duct (چکیده)
4732 - Enhancement of solar still by reticular porous media: Experimental investigation with exergy and economic analysis (چکیده)
4733 - Voltage sensorless improved model predictive direct power control for three-phase grid-connected converters (چکیده)
4734 - Pinter's Feminine Talk against Masculine Vulgarity in the Homecoming: A Stylistic Analysis (چکیده)
4735 - Efficient Implementation of a Generalized Convolutional Neural Networks based on Weighted Euclidean Distance (چکیده)
4736 - High-Order Filter Design for High-Power Voltage-Source Converters (چکیده)
4737 - The Corynebacterium glutamicum, an Industrial Workhorse for Production of L-lysine: A Review of Advances, Implications and Directions for Future Research (چکیده)
4738 - Quorum Sensing in Bacteria: A Review of Advances over the Last Half Century (چکیده)
4739 - Effect of 6-Benzylaminopurine and Abscisic Acid on Gas Exchange, Biochemical Traits, and Minituber Production of Two Potato Cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L.) (چکیده)
4740 - بررسی تاثیر رقوم بستر بالادست و پایین دست روی ضریب آبگذری سرریز نوک اردکی لبه تیز (چکیده)
4741 - Learning a Foreign Language: A New Path to Enhancement of Cognitive Functions (چکیده)
4742 - Predictors of willingness to read in English: testing a model based on possible selves and selfconfidence (چکیده)
4743 - Thinned Array Inspired Quasi-Uniform Leaky-Wave Antenna With Low Side-Lobe Level (چکیده)
4744 - Numerical Study on Fluid-Structure Interaction in a Patient-Specific Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm for Evaluating Wall Heterogeneity and Material Model Effects on its Rupture (چکیده)
4745 - Genetic analyses of partial egg production in Japanese quail using multi-trait random regression models (چکیده)
4746 - Inhibition mechanism of nitrite on the corrosion of carbon steel in simulated cooling (چکیده)
4748 - The Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Brief Couple Therapy on Marital Satisfaction Among Married Prisoners and Their Wives (چکیده)
4749 - International Journal of Advances in Science, Engineering and Technology(IJASEAT) (چکیده)
4750 - The effect of tetonic on middle Jurassic deposits, in Agh-Darband area, Kopet-Dagh basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
4751 - The Response of Different Weed Species to Glyphosate Using Ammonium Sulfate and Hard Water (چکیده)
4752 - Effects of resistance training and testosterone enanthate injections in low and high doses on hematological parameters in male Wistar rats (چکیده)
4753 - The Impact of Built Environment Characteristics on Energy Consumption Using Geographically Weighted Regression in Mashhad, (چکیده)
4754 - The effect of financial distress costs on ownership structure and debt policy: An application of simultaneous equations in Iran (چکیده)
4755 - The relationship between board of directors’ structure and company ownership with corporate social responsibility disclosure: Iranian angle (چکیده)
4756 - Temperature Control of Heating Procedure in Blade Production Process (چکیده)
4757 - Compressibility effects on the flow past a rotating cylinder (چکیده)
4758 - تحلیل فرودی جریان غیر ماندگار سریع ناشی از شکست سد روی بستر ثابت (چکیده)
4759 - Complete convergence for dependent random variables: A review (چکیده)
4760 - Effect of media and regulators of plant growth on micro propagation of Myrobalan 29C rootstock (چکیده)
4761 - Preconcentration and Determination of Lead for Trace Levels in Water and Wastewater Samples by Vortex-Assisted Microextraction Using TPAS as a New Synthetic Complexing Agent with Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Detection (چکیده)
4762 - Influence of sage seed gum on some physicochemical and rheological properties of wheat starch (چکیده)
4763 - In-situ fabrication of Al(Zn)-Al2O3 graded composite using aluminothermic reaction during hot pressing (چکیده)
4764 - The Effects of Different Roughness Configurations on Aerodynamic Performance of Wind Turbine Airfoil and Blade (چکیده)
4765 - Allelic Polymorphism of GH, GHR and IGF-1 Genes and Their Association with Growth and Carcass Traits in Mazandaran Native Fowl (چکیده)
4766 - Enhanced cutaneous wound healing by the leaf extract of Achillea eriophora D.C. using the in vitro scratch assay (چکیده)
4767 - Studying the Effect of Convergence Parameter of CUSP's Scheme in 2D Modelling of Novel Combination of Two Schemes in Nucleating Steam Flow in Cascade Blades (چکیده)
4768 - Natural epigenetic variation within and among six subspecies of the house sparrow Passer domesticus (چکیده)
4769 - Two New 1D Under-Sampling Schemes for Compressed Sensing of Brain Magnetic Resonance Images (چکیده)
4770 - A New Compressed Sensing Algorithm based on Wavelet Denoising for Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (چکیده)
4771 - Estimation of meteorological drought indices based on AgMERRA precipitation data and station-observed precipitation data (چکیده)
4772 - A study of ectoparasites in wild rodents of the Jaz Murian area in the southeast of Iran (چکیده)
4773 - Distributed Clustering-Task Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Dynamic Hyper Round Policy (چکیده)
4774 - Hierarchical Clustering-Task Scheduling Policy in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
4775 - The effect of particles size on work hardening behavior of a low carbon steel with a composite-type microstructure (چکیده)
4776 - Effects of dietary organic zinc and α- tocopheryl acetate supplements On Growth Performance, Meat Quality, Tissues Minerals, And α-tocopherol Deposition In Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
4777 - Pasting, rheological, and retrogradation properties of starches from dual‐purpose sorghum lines (چکیده)
4779 - Geometry Effects of an Oscillating Wave Surge Converter on its Energy Absorption (چکیده)
4780 - The effect of reservoir liquid volume on dispensed droplet size in a microchannel using the EWOD technique (چکیده)
4781 - Geometrical Characterization of a Micro-Channel in Electro-Wetting Application (چکیده)
4782 - Using of Chlorella vulgaris for livestock wastewater treatment and the expression of NR gene (چکیده)
4783 - A Novel Patch-Based Digital Signature (چکیده)
4784 - Additive Non-Gaussian Noise Channel Estimation by Using Minimum Error Entropy Criterion (چکیده)
4785 - Transient performance analysis of adaptive multitask network based on correntropy criterion (چکیده)
4786 - Effect of somatosensory and neurofeedback training on balance in older healthy adults: a preliminary investigation (چکیده)
4787 - Review of the tribe Chilocorini Mulsant from Iran (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) (چکیده)
4788 - Forecasting Soil Temperature Based on Surface Air Temperature Using Wavelet-Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
4789 - An Exploration of EFL Teachers' Teaching Styles and Emotions (چکیده)
4790 - Emotions and Self-regulation: A Case of Iranian EFL High School and Private Language Institute Teachers (چکیده)
4791 - Assessment of Compressive Strength and Hardness of Al-Gr Composites Produced Using Liquid Homogenization Followed by Cold-Press and SPS (چکیده)
4792 - Quantifying Anthropogenic Stress on Groundwater Resources (چکیده)
4793 - Small loop transfer spaces with respect to subgroups of fundamental groups (چکیده)
4794 - Fragmentation and Indeterminacy in Sam Shepard’s Buried Child (چکیده)
4795 - The Degeneracy of Postmodern Family: The Survey of Shepard's Fool for Love (چکیده)
4796 - Thermal stability of nanocrystalline surface layer of AISI 321 stainless steel (چکیده)
4797 - Germination and Growth Response of Flax (Linum usitatissimum) to Salinity Stress by Different Salt Types and Concentrations (چکیده)
4798 - Enhancement of the Therapeutic Effect of Albendazole on Cystic Echinococcosis using a Herbal Product (چکیده)
4799 - Single-Ended Impedance-Modulation Equalization for Low-Power Differential Voltage-Mode Drivers (چکیده)
4800 - 65 nm CMOS switching discontinuous conduction mode buck converter with 330 ns start-up time for light-load power-cycled applications (چکیده)
4801 - Control of Listeria Monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7 Inoculated on Fish Fillets Using Alginate Coating Containing Lactoperoxidase System and Zataria multiflora Boiss Essential Oil (چکیده)
4802 - ررسی عددی اثر تغییر هندسه سر ریز لبه پهن مرکب بر خصوصیات هیدرولیکی سرریز با استفاده از مدل Flow-3D (چکیده)
4803 - Strategic planning for cultivation of fruit trees and shrubs in urban landscapes using the SWOT method: A case study for the city of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
4804 - Frequency response analysis (FRA) of transformers as a tool for fault detection and location: A review (چکیده)
4805 - Nature of fault determination on transmission lines for single phase autoreclosing applications (چکیده)
4806 - Histomorphological and stereological study on the adrenal glands of adult female guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) (چکیده)
4807 - Lewenstein-Sanpera decomposition of a generic 2x2 density matrix by using Wootters's basis (چکیده)
4808 - Optimal Lewenstein–Sanpera decomposition for some bipartite systems (چکیده)
4809 - The dual effect of amino acids on the nucleation and growth rate of gas hydrate in ethane+water, methane+propane+water and methane+THF+water systems (چکیده)
4810 - INDEX: Incremental depth extension approach for protein–protein interaction networks alignment (چکیده)
4811 - Fuzzy-Based Clustering-Task Scheduling for Lifetime Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
4812 - Reliability and Makespan Optimization of Hardware Task Graphs in Partially Reconfigurable Platforms (چکیده)
4813 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Keggin HPA Doped Nafion® 117 as Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (چکیده)
4814 - The Effect of Eight Weeks of Interval Endurance-Strength Endurance at the Same Time the Fluctuation of D-dimer Continuous-Resistance and lipid Profile in Overweight Women (چکیده)
4815 - TRLH: Fragile and blind dual watermarking for image tamper detection and self-recovery based on lifting wavelet transform and halftoning technique (چکیده)
4816 - Existence and nonexistence of periodic solution and Hopf bifurcation of a tourism-based social–ecological system (چکیده)
4817 - Polymer coated magnetite-based magnetorheological fluid and its potential clean procedure applications to oil production (چکیده)
4818 - Compressive residual stress field in functionally graded material rotating disc under thermo-mechanical loading (چکیده)
4819 - Climatology of atmospheric circulation patterns of Arabian dust in western Iran (چکیده)
4820 - On the Hydrodynamics and Heat Convection of an Impinging External Flow Upon a Cylinder with Transpiration and Embedded in a Porous Medium (چکیده)
4821 - Antioxidant potency of gallic acid, methyl gallate and their combinations in sunflower oil triacylglycerols at high temperature (چکیده)
4822 - Comparison the conservational management practices on wind erosion in Tabas region (چکیده)
4823 - Flutter, limit cycle oscillation, bifurcation and stability regions of an airfoil with discontinuous freeplay nonlinearity (چکیده)
4824 - Effect of Magnetized water on invitro calcium carbonate solubility and eggshell breaking strength (چکیده)
4825 - David Mamet’s Oleanna and the Educational System as an Ideological State Apparatus in the Capitalist Society of America (چکیده)
4826 - On the operators related to C.W.T on general homogeneous spaces (چکیده)
4827 - Emotional Detachment in Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf: An Adlerian psychoanalysis (چکیده)
4828 - Ideology and Corruption in Mamet's Glengarry Glen Ross: An Althusserian Reading (چکیده)
4829 - Drama as a Vehicle for Social Change: The Study of Major Barbara and Pygmalion by G.B .Shaw (چکیده)
4830 - American Family in Decline: The Study of Shepard's Fool for Love (چکیده)
4831 - The Theatre of Revolt: The Study of John Osborn’s Look Back in Anger (چکیده)
4832 - Effects of Nutrient Density and exogenous enzymesin Starter Diet on Performance, Intestinal Microflora, Gut Morphology and Immune Response of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
4833 - Adaptive interval type-2 fuzzy logic systems for vehicle handling enhancement by new nonlinear model of variable geometry suspension system (چکیده)
4834 - Application of Maghrebi's stage-discharge relationship in prediction of the water surface profiles (چکیده)
4835 - مقایسه برآورد دبی طراحی رواناب براساس مدل های SWMM و HEC-HMS با استفاده از نرم افزار ASSA (منطقه مورد مطالعه: مسیل اقبال شرقی) (چکیده)
4836 - A modified version of the SMAR model for estimating root-zone soil moisture from time-series of surface soil moisture (چکیده)
4838 - the effect of the indoor rock climbing workout (IRCW) on VEMP and on the balance of sighted and blind patients (چکیده)
4839 - Hybrid pregnant reference phantom series based on adult female ICRP reference phantom (چکیده)
4840 - Thermal inactivation of MS2 bacteriophage as a surrogate of enteric viruses in cow milk (چکیده)
4841 - Outage and Diversity Analysis of Underlay Cognitive Mixed RF-FSO Cooperative Systems (چکیده)
4842 - Learners’ Input on Teaching Persian Translation: Empirical Findings on Ideals, Flaws and Expectations (چکیده)
4843 - The reception of Persian dubbing: a survey on preferences and perception of quality standards in Iran (چکیده)
4844 - Relative entropy and Tsallis entropy of two accretive operators (چکیده)
4845 - Rapid, Green, And Catalyst‑Free One‑ Pot Three‑Component Syntheses Of 5‑ substituted 1H‑tetrazoles In Magnetized Water (چکیده)
4846 - S-matrix element of two R-R and one NS states (چکیده)
4848 - The Impact of Sentiment Features on the Sentiment Polarity Classification in Persian Reviews (چکیده)
4849 - Explaining married women'' decision for being employed: a qualitative study (چکیده)
4850 - Comparing the Performance of Regression and ANN Modeling in Orange Mass and Volume Estimation (چکیده)
4851 - Effect of short-term aerobic exercise and green tea consumption on MFO, Fatmax, body composition and lipid profile in sedentary postmenopausal ‎women (چکیده)
4852 - Durability performance of structural concrete containing silica fume and marble industry waste powder (چکیده)
4853 - Characterization of screw dislocation-driven growth in nickel micro-nanostructure electrodeposition process by AFM (چکیده)
4854 - Performance evaluation of floating solarchimney power plant in Iran: estimation of technology progression and cost investigation (چکیده)
4855 - Some Properties of Lin Wong Divergence on the Past Lifetime Data (چکیده)
4856 - Climate variability impacts on rainfed cereal yields in west and northwest Iran (چکیده)
4857 - Solving an extended multi-row facility layout problem with fuzzy clearances using GA (چکیده)
4858 - Nonlinear optical properties of Rose Bengal: Effect of environment (چکیده)
4859 - Iranian Advertisements: A Postcolonial Semiotic Reading (چکیده)
4860 - When Shakespeare travels along the silk road: Tardid, an Iranian Adaptation of Hamlet (چکیده)
4861 - New Model for Simulating Hydraulic Performance of an Infiltration Trench with Finite-Volume One-Dimensional Richards’ Equation (چکیده)
4862 - Correlation and Prediction of Acid Gases Solubility in Various Aqueous Alkanolamine Solutions Using Electrolyte Cubic Square- Well Equation of State (چکیده)
4863 - Enhancement of laminar forced convection cooling in wavy heat sink with rectangular ribs and Al2O3/water nanofluids (چکیده)
4864 - تحلیل مدل ‏های چند سطحی بیزی و کاربرد آن در صنعت (چکیده)
4865 - Evaluation of allelopathic activity of 68 medicinal and wild plant species of Iran by Sandwich method (چکیده)
4866 - Apocrine sweat gland ductal carcinoma in a 5-year-old Arabian stallion (چکیده)
4867 - Investigation the potential of waste dairy factories to extract alkaline protease enzyme (چکیده)
4868 - 2-AminoethanesulfonicAcid Immobilized on Epichlorohydrin Functionalized Fe3O4@WO3(Fe3O4@WO3-EAE-SO3H): A Novel Magnetically Recyclable Heterogeneous Nanocatalystfor the Green One-Pot Synthesisof 1-Substituted-1H-1,2,3,4-Tetrazolesin Water (چکیده)
4869 - TNF-α pro-inflammatory cytokinemodulates CD44 expression in human lung epithelial cell line (A549) treated with Temporin-Ra (چکیده)
4870 - A catalyst-free and green method for synthesis of 9-substituted-9H-diuracilopyrans in magnetized water: experimental aspects and molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
4871 - Effect of Calcium Nitrate and Salicylic Acid on physicochemical characteristics and storability of Fresh Jujube Fruits (چکیده)
4872 - Effect of Salicylic Acid and Calcium Nitrate Spraying on Qualitative Properties and Storability of Fresh Jujube Fruit (Ziziphus jujuba.Mill) (چکیده)
4873 - 125 Surveying the Staff’s Productivity with Approach of their Satisfaction and Loyalty Case S tudy: Islamic Azad University of Mashhad (چکیده)
4874 - The effect of cobalt-doping on microstructure and dielectric properties of CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics (چکیده)
4875 - Investigation of A I GaNIGaN HEMTs with step aluminum mole fraction and doping level in the barrier layer (چکیده)
4876 - On the mechanism of molybdenite exfoliation during mechanical milling (چکیده)
4877 - بررسی تولید کلزا در شرایط خشکی و تغییر اقلیم (چکیده)
4878 - Heteroptera fauna in alfalfa fields of Ghaen and vicinity, South Khorasan province, with a new record for Iran (چکیده)
4879 - A Low-Power Time-Based Phase-Domain Analog-to- Digital Converter (چکیده)
4880 - A Highly-Linear Transconductor for Gm-C Tracking Filters Employed in Digital TV Tuners (چکیده)
4881 - An Efficient Neural Network Model for Solving the Absolute Value Equations (چکیده)
4882 - Design and Implementation of a Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter Based on PQ Theory for Current Harmonic Compensation in Electric Distribution Networks (چکیده)
4883 - Profiling and predicting performance of indoor rock climbers (چکیده)
4884 - Digital soil mapping using remote sensing indices, terrain attributes, and vegetation features in the rangelands of northeastern Iran (چکیده)
4885 - Mesophilic co-digestion of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge: Effect of mixing ratio, total solids, and alkaline pretreatment (چکیده)
4886 - Considering Influential Factors on Oil Price Using a Step-Wise Regression Model (چکیده)
4887 - Sequential ultrasound and transglutaminase treatments improve functional, rheological, and textural properties of whey protein concentrate (چکیده)
4888 - Maternal swimming exercise during pregnancy attenuates anxiety/depressive-like behaviors and voluntary morphine consumption in the pubertal male and female rat offspring born from morphine dependent mothers (چکیده)
4889 - Self-Fulfillment in Higher Education: Contributions from Mastery Goal, Intrinsic Motivation, and Assertions (چکیده)
4890 - Wave-function model for the CP violation in mesons (چکیده)
4891 - Evaluation of New Collision-Pair Selection Models in DSMC (چکیده)
4892 - OpenSIP: Toward Software-Defined SIP Networking (چکیده)
4893 - In-silico evidences of regulatory roles of WT1 transcription factor binding sites on the intervening sequences of the human Bcl-2 gene (چکیده)
4894 - Quaternionic continuous wavelet transform on a quaternionic Hilbert space (چکیده)
4895 - Some new solution concepts in generalized fuzzy multiobjective optimization problems (چکیده)
4896 - Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Flowering and Fruit Properties of Pomegranate(Punica granatum cv. Shahvar) (چکیده)
4897 - The investigation on the relationship between dairy cow hygiene scores and intramammary infections (چکیده)
4898 - Narration in Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale: Reconstructing Female Subjectivity in the Language of Marginalized Protagonist (چکیده)
4899 - Conceptual Metaphors of Time as an Agent of Life Metamorphosis in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 19: A Cognitive Poetics Approach (چکیده)
4900 - Suppressing Agency: Transitivity Analysis of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (چکیده)
4901 - Representation of Female Body in the Social Context of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (چکیده)
4902 - Embedding unstructured side information in product recommendation (چکیده)
4903 - A Method for Improving the Integrity of Peer Review (چکیده)
4904 - Modelling Tumor-induced Angiogenesis: Combination of Stochastic Sprout Spacing and Sprout Progression (چکیده)
4905 - Evaluating the effectiveness of two mastitis vaccines in a dairy farm in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
4906 - A Novel Hybrid Approach for Numerical Modeling of the Nucleating Flow in Laval Nozzle and Transonic Steam Turbine Blades (چکیده)
4907 - Self-gravity in Magnetized Neutrino-dominated Accretion Disks (چکیده)
4908 - Anchoring Polar Magnetic Field in a Stationary Thick Accretion Disk (چکیده)
4909 - Inhibition and promotion effects ofmodified HECs and modified starches on the growth rate of hydrate in methane-propane-water system (چکیده)
4910 - A report of the unusual lesions caused by Thelazia gulosa in cattle (چکیده)
4911 - Using PSO Algorithm for Producing Best Rules in Diagnosis of Heart Disease (چکیده)
4912 - Cavitation characteristics around a sphere: An LES investigation (چکیده)
4913 - Sensitivity studies of the forth-generation regional climate model simulation of dust storms in the Sistan plain, Iran (چکیده)
4914 - Unsteady Impulsive Oblique Stagnation-Point Flow Impinging Axisymmetrically on a Vertical Circular Cylinder with Mixed Convection Heat Transfer (چکیده)
4915 - Effect of metal coating of reinforcements on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Al2O3 nanocomposites (چکیده)
4916 - Indirect control of single-phase active power filters using harmonic control arrays (چکیده)
4917 - Exact solution of thermal buckling and post buckling of composite and SMA hybrid composite beam by layerwise theory (چکیده)
4918 - Experimental investigation of the effects of using metal-oxides/water nanofluids on a photovoltaic thermal system (PVT) from energy and exergy viewpoints (چکیده)
4919 - Effect of Feed Additives on Intestinal Histomorphology of Broilers Fed Wheat‐Based Diet (چکیده)
4921 - Dynamic modeling of a continuous two-chamber microbial fuel cell with pure culture of Shewanella (چکیده)
4922 - A novel approach to find and optimize bin locations and collection routes using a geographic information system (چکیده)
4923 - Power Quality-friendly Active Islanding Detection for Photovoltaic Distributed Generation (چکیده)
4924 - Spatial variability analysis of subsurface soil in the city of Mashhad, northern-east Iran (چکیده)
4925 - Experimental and analytical study of steel slit shear wall (چکیده)
4926 - Evaluation of Hull-Less Barley with or without Enzyme Cocktail in the Finisher Diets of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
4927 - The Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic (18O and 2H) Characteristics of Alluvial and Karstic Groundwater in Ravansar Area, West of Iran (چکیده)
4928 - Fractional Modeling and Analysis of Buck Converter in CCM Mode P (چکیده)
4929 - Carrier to interference ratio, rate and coverage analysis in shotgun cellular systems over composite fading channels (چکیده)
4930 - An Economic Analysis of Wheat Breeding Programs for Some Iranian Irrigated Bread Wheat Varieties (چکیده)
4931 - Wear Properties of Al-Gr Composites Produced Using Liquid Homogenization Followed by Cold Press-Sintering (چکیده)
4933 - Physical-spatial development pattern analysis in urban districts one and two in the West Mashhad (چکیده)
4934 - The evaluating of efficacy of Core Stabilization exercises, Massage and foot Reflexology on pain and disability of men with mechanical chronic low back pain (چکیده)
4935 - Effects of pyrimidine nucleosides on growth performance, gut morphology, digestive enzymes, serum biochemical indices and immune response in broiler chicken (چکیده)
4936 - Effect of purine nucleosides on growth performance, gut morphology, digestive enzymes, serum profile and immune response in broiler chicken (چکیده)
4937 - New ways to symmetrise free vibration equations of fluid–structure interaction systems (چکیده)
4938 - Weapon Scheduling in Naval Combat Systems for Maximization of Defense Capabilities (چکیده)
4939 - Investigating the determinants of maternal empowerment during pregnancy: A strategy for prenatal healthcare promotion (چکیده)
4940 - Effects of testosterone enanthate and resistance training on myocardium in Wistar rats; clinical and anatomical pathology (چکیده)
4941 - Long Term Scheduling for Optimal Sizing of Renewable Energy Sources for Hospitals (چکیده)
4942 - Numerical investigation of dimple effects on darrieus vertical axiswind turbine (چکیده)
4943 - A simple iterative method for water distribution network analysis (چکیده)
4944 - Molecular identification of formae specialis and racial identity in Iranian strains of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici: detection of avirulence genes (چکیده)
4945 - Synergistic effects of some essential oils against fungal spoilage on pear fruit (چکیده)
4946 - Energy audit of Iranian kiwifruit production using intelligent systems (چکیده)
4947 - Modulation of growth performance, immunity and stress resistance upon feeding juvenile Schizothorax zarudnyi (Nikolskii, 1897) with fructo-oligosaccharide (چکیده)
4948 - Flow and reading comprehension: Testing the mediating role of emotioncy (چکیده)
4949 - Benzothiazole thiourea derivatives as anticancer agents: Design, synthesis, and biological screening (چکیده)
4950 - Investigating the Ground Water Situation of Nosrat-abad City, North East of Zahedan, Iran (چکیده)
4951 - Recognizing Ecological Species Groups and their Relationships with Environmental Factors at Chamanbid-Jozak Protected Area, North Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
4952 - Weak coarse shape equivalences and infinite dimensional Whitehead theorem in coarse shape theory (چکیده)
4953 - Effects of SiC Nanoparticles on the Properties of Titanium-Matrix Foams Processed by Powder Metallurgy (چکیده)
4954 - Design and Simulation of An Unequally Spaced Resonant Slotted-Waveguide Antenna Array Using Open-ended SIW Resonator (چکیده)
4955 - پایش تغییرات متغیرهای هواشناسی بر نوسانات دبی و پیش بینی این تغییرات تحت شرایط تغییر اقلیم (چکیده)
4956 - Improvement of amoxicillin removal from aqueous environment by applying functionalized carbon nanotube (چکیده)
4957 - بررسی و اهمیت طراحی سیستم جمع آوری باران(RwH) (چکیده)
4958 - Microstructure And Mechanical Properties Of Ti-6Al-4V Welds Using α, Near-α And α+β Filler Alloys (چکیده)
4959 - Assessment of some cultural experimental methods to study the effects of antibiotics on microbial activities in a soil : An incubation study (چکیده)
4960 - Light collection behaviour of scintillators with different surface coverings (چکیده)
4961 - A sensitivity analysis approach to optical parameters of scintillation detectors (چکیده)
4962 - Photocathode non-uniformity contribution to the energy resolution of scintillators (چکیده)
4963 - A simple well-logging tool using boronlined sodium iodide scintillators and an 241Am-Be neutron source (چکیده)
4964 - Multiple Relationships between Successful Intelligence and Self- Regulated Learning Dimensions: Comparing Gifted and Ordinary Students in Mashhad (چکیده)
4965 - Effects of Acidified Yeast and Whey Powder on Performance, Organ Weights, Intestinal Microflora, and Gut Morphology of Male Broilers (چکیده)
4966 - بررسی پراکنش رشته فعالیت خدمات آموزشی و ارائه راهبردهای پروژه محور در مناطق 13 گانه شهرداری مشهد (چکیده)
4967 - Factors Affecting the External Efficiency of Education in Iran (1972-2013) (چکیده)
4968 - Effects of dust deposition from two major dust source regions of Iran on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production (چکیده)
4969 - Experimental characterization of droplet dispensing in electrowetting-based microfluidics (چکیده)
4970 - Drought Impacts on Water Resources in Iran (چکیده)
4971 - Investigating the relationships among metacognitive strategy training, willingness to read English medical texts, and reading comprehension ability using structural equation modeling (چکیده)
4972 - A Relative Study to Illustrate the Infection Control Practices Based on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices at a Tertiary University Hospital (چکیده)
4973 - Heros in Modern Verse Drama of England and Egypt: The Similarities of Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral and al-Sharqawi’s al-Husayn Revolutionary and Martyr (چکیده)
4974 - شناسایی مؤلفه های بازخورد بر اساس الگوی سایبرنتیک (چکیده)
4975 - Effects of social isolation on growth, stress response, and immunity of zebrafish (چکیده)
4976 - On Subgroups Of Topologized Fundamental Groups And Generalized Coverings (چکیده)
4978 - Enhancement of propulsive performance of flapping foil by fish-like motion pattern (چکیده)
4979 - Cooperative Spectrum Estimation Over Large-Scale Cognitive Radio Networks (چکیده)
4980 - Scintillation of XP2020 PMT glass window (چکیده)
4981 - A New Record of Silene L. (Caryophyllaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
4982 - راهبردهای مطلوب تقویت اخلاق سبز در رفتار مصرف خانوارهای روستایی (مطالعه موردی: بخش مرکزی شهرستان خواف) (چکیده)
4983 - Integrated Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Model: A Management Tool for Proactive Water Resources Planning of Semi-Arid Regions (چکیده)
4986 - Processing Map and Microstructure Evaluations of AA6061-Al2O3 Nanocomposite at Different Temperatures (چکیده)
4987 - Women Entrapment and Flight in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” (چکیده)
4988 - An Evaluation of the Coverage Region for Downlink Non-orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) Based on Power Allocation Factor (چکیده)
4989 - Adaptive synchronization between two non-identical BAM neural networks with unknown parameters and time-varying delays (چکیده)
4990 - Analytical solution for coupled non-Fickian diffusion-thermoelasticity and thermoelastic wave propagation analysis (چکیده)
4991 - Modeling and control of inverted pendulum based on PWA-FUZZY approach (چکیده)
4992 - Home Care Services Planning With Time Windows and Periodic Demands Under Continuity of Care (چکیده)
4993 - Multi-kink collisions in the phi6 model (چکیده)
4994 - Novel Synthesis Method and Characterization of Poly(vinyl acetate-butyl acrylate) Latex Particles: Effect of SilanolTerminated Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Surfactant on the Seeded Emulsion Copolymerization (چکیده)
4995 - Testing Older Adults for Signs of Age- Related Cognitive Decline: Clock Drawing Test vs. Mini-Mental State Examinati (چکیده)
4996 - Free will in addictive behaiors: a matter of definition (چکیده)
4997 - Study of the interference effect of propranolol and amlodipine drugs on their interaction with human serum albumin based on molecular dynamics simulation method (چکیده)
4998 - Habitat requirements of the Black Woodpecker, Dryocopus martius, in Hyrcanian forests, Iran (Aves: Picidae ) (چکیده)
4999 - Muti-state systems: Concepts and some applications (چکیده)
5000 - A study of ectoparasites in wild rodents of Jaz Murian area in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
5001 - Study of complex formation process between 4 0 -nitrobenzo-18-crown-6 and yttrium(III) cation in some binary mixed non-aqueous solvents using the conductometry method (چکیده)
5002 - Corrigendum to -Classifying the weights of particle filter in nonlinear systems (چکیده)
5003 - Reflectionless compact nonmagnetic optical waveguide coupler design based on transformation optics (چکیده)
5004 - Analysis of reliability systems via Gini-type index (چکیده)
5005 - Discrimination of sand dunes and loess deposits using grain-size analysis in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
5006 - A numerical investigation on preparation parameters for restoring premolars (چکیده)
5007 - An Investigation of the Factor Structure and Validity of Responsible Participation of Couples in Childbearing Scale (چکیده)
5008 - PKM Tools for Developing Personal Knowledge Management Skills among University Students (چکیده)
5009 - Push-out test on the one end welded corrugated-strip connectors in steel-concrete-steel sandwich structure (چکیده)
5010 - The effects of hormonal priming on emergence, growth and yield of chickpea under drought stress in glasshouse and field (چکیده)
5011 - Electromagnetic Modeling of an Enclosure with an Aperture Excited by an External Thin Wire (چکیده)
5012 - Stemness Signature of Equine Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (چکیده)
5013 - Physiological defense of the white grub, Polyphylla adspersa Motschulsky (Col., Scarabaeidae) against entomopathogenic nematodes (چکیده)
5014 - A New, Simple, Catalyst-free Method for the Synthesis of Pyrazolopyranopyrimidines in Magnetized Water (چکیده)
5015 - Examining the Relationship between Economic Variables and Financial Performance of the Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
5016 - Characteristics and applications of magnetized water as a green technology (چکیده)
5017 - Impact of Bioreduction on Remobilization of Adsorbed Cadmium on Iron Minerals in Anoxic Condition (چکیده)
5018 - Estimate Human-Force from sEMG signals for a Lower-Limb Rehabilitation Robot (چکیده)
5019 - Modulation of growth performance, immunity, and disease resistance in narrow-clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus (Eschscholtz, 1823) upon synbiotic feeding (چکیده)
5020 - Optimal Utilization of the Chahnimeh Water Reservoirs in Sistan Region of Iran using Goal Programming Method (چکیده)
5021 - Three-Dimensional Flow of a Dusty Fluid Toward a Stretching Sheet (چکیده)
5022 - Purification of Raw Cane Sugar by Micellar-Enhanced Ultrafiltration Process Using Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (چکیده)
5023 - A Compact Substrate Integrated Waveguide Diplexer Using Dual Mode Resonator as a Junction for System in Package Applications (چکیده)
5024 - Circuit analysis and optimisation of SIW branch line coupler with improved modelling of small metallic post in FDTD (چکیده)
5025 - Analytical synthesis of coupling matrix for a dual mode dual band filter (چکیده)
5026 - Extreme compression of fingerprint image databases using the model-based transform (چکیده)
5027 - Study on the chemical and microbial composition and probiotic characteristics of dominant lactic acid bacteria in fermented poultry slaughterhouse waste (چکیده)
5028 - Theoretical Evaluation Of The Novel Frustrated Lewis Pairs Efficiency In Cis-Hydrogenation Reaction Of Dimethyl Acetylene (چکیده)
5029 - Biodegradable blend membranes of poly (butylenesuccinate)/cellulose acetate/dextran: Preparation, characterization and performance (چکیده)
5030 - Optimization of Treatment Planning System for Brachytherapy: An inverse planning approach (چکیده)
5031 - Women's perceptions and experiences of the challenges in the process of male infertility treatment: A qualitative study (چکیده)
5032 - The Relationship between Coping Strategies During Pregnancy with Perceived Stress Level in Pregnant Mothers (چکیده)
5033 - Three-dimensional thermo-elastic analysis and dynamic response of a multi-directional functionally graded skew plate on elastic foundation (چکیده)
5034 - Effect of two-weeks beta-alanine supplementation on plasma carnosine and lactic acid in trained-wrestlers (چکیده)
5035 - The first two single-enantiomer (RR and SS) phosphoric triamide structures (چکیده)
5036 - A general p-value-based approach for testing quality by considering fuzzy hypotheses (چکیده)
5037 - Translating Culture-Specific Items in Children’s Literature: Two Persian Translations of Alice’s Adventures in the Wonderland (چکیده)
5038 - Thermo-hydraulic analysis for a novel eccentric helical screw tape insert in a three dimensional tube (چکیده)
5039 - Unique microstructure analysis of ethylene-propylene copolymer synthesized using catalytic system based on α-diimine nickel complexes: a comparative study by 13 C NMR technique (چکیده)
5040 - Some new three-term Hestenes–Stiefel conjugate gradient methods with affine combination (چکیده)
5041 - Using an image processing based technique and predictive models for assessing lipid oxidation in rainbow trout fillet (چکیده)
5042 - Study of status and comparison website content of football premier league clubs in Iran (چکیده)
5043 - Homotopy Perturbation Method to Study Flow and Heat Transfer of a Modified Second Grade Fluid over a Porous Plate (چکیده)
5044 - Identification and Classification of Three Iranian Rice Varieties in Mixed Bulks Using Image Processing and MLP Neural Network (چکیده)
5045 - Manifestation of Western-Culture Dominance in ‘Top-Notch’ Series: A Critical Discourse Analysis Approach (چکیده)
5046 - Does Metadiscourse Indicate Writing Quality? A Case of Argumentative Essays by EFL Learners Ahmad Ansarifar (چکیده)
5047 - A dual band leaky wave antenna based on modified substrate integrated waveguide (چکیده)
5048 - Pore-level Influence of Wettability on Counter-current Spontaneous Imbibition (چکیده)
5049 - The Enhancement of a Low-Frequency Electrical Heating Method by Saltwater Circulation (چکیده)
5050 - Factors Affecting Alkaline Sodium Silicate Gelation for In-Depth Reservoir Profile Modification (چکیده)
5051 - Sodium Silicate Behavior in Porous Media Applied for In-Depth Profile Modifications (چکیده)
5052 - Pore-scale modeling of non-isothermal two phase flow in 2D porous media: Influences of viscosity, capillarity, wettability and heterogeneity (چکیده)
5053 - Evaluation of level set and phase field methods in modeling two phase flow with viscosity contrast through dual-permeability porous medium (چکیده)
5054 - Pre-proccesing log data for User Behavior Analysis (چکیده)
5055 - The Effect of Openings on Buckling Resistance of Cylindrical Shells Made of Functionally Graded Materials (چکیده)
5056 - A Mixed Methods Research on Teachers' Beliefs about Action Research in Second Language Education (چکیده)
5057 - Evaluation of a New Collision Partner Selection Scheme in the Framework of the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) (چکیده)
5058 - Evaluation of the Anisotropic Minimum-Dissipation (AMD) Subgrid Scale Model in Treating Channel Flows Using OpenFOAM (چکیده)
5059 - Mass flow rate prediction of temperature-driven gas flows through divergence micro/nanochannels (چکیده)
5060 - Gas Separation Between Asymmetrically Structured Walls (چکیده)
5061 - Query expansion using pseudo relevance feedback on wikipedia (چکیده)
5062 - How Does Addition of Regular Aerobic Exercises, Influence the Efficacy of Calorie-Restricted Diet in Patients with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatatis(NASH) (چکیده)
5063 - The spider genus Oecobius in Iran, with description of two new species (Araneae: Oecobiidae) (چکیده)
5064 - Influence of fuel type on microwave-enhanced fabrication of KOH/Ca 12 Al 14 O 33 nanocatalyst for biodiesel production via microwave heating (چکیده)
5065 - A secure authentication and key agreement scheme for roaming service with user anonymity (چکیده)
5066 - Numerical solution of three-dimensional N-S equations and energy in the case of unsteady stagnation-point flow on a rotating vertical cylinder (چکیده)
5067 - On the Influence of Stroke on Willingness to Attend Classes and Foreign Language Achievement (چکیده)
5068 - Experimental investigation of filled bed effect on the thermal performance of a wet cooling tower by using ZnO/water nanofluid (چکیده)
5069 - Closed form Formula for Longitudinal Slot of LWAs with Minimum Side Lobe Level (چکیده)
5070 - Shear wave prediction using committee fuzzy model constrained by lithofacies, Zagros basin, SW Iran (چکیده)
5071 - Generalized lower motor neuron paralysis associated with Toxocara canis in a husky puppy (چکیده)
5072 - Bandwidth Enhancement of the SIW Cavity Backed Slot Antennas Using Symmetric Circular Perturbation (چکیده)
5073 - A single-stage ballast for HID lamps with a buck chopper integrated direct matrix converter (چکیده)
5074 - Δ- Source Impedance Network (چکیده)
5076 - Applications of magnetohydrodynamics in biological systems-a review on the numerical studies (چکیده)
5077 - Quantum filtering equations for atom-single photon interaction by homodyne detection: Considering full interaction Rabi model (چکیده)
5078 - Modeling and Optimization of Process Parameters Using Neural Networks and Simulated Algorithm for Electrical Discharge Machining of AISI2312 Hot Worked Steel (چکیده)
5079 - Numerical modeling and optimization of joint strength in resistance spot welding of galvanized steel sheets (چکیده)
5080 - Characterization of AISI 304/AISI 409 stainless steel joints using different filler materials (چکیده)
5081 - Effect of filler metal on microstructure and mechanical properties of manganese− aluminum bronze repair welds (چکیده)
5082 - Application of Risk-BasedMultipleCriteria Decision Analysis for Selection of the Best AgriculturalScenario forEffective Watershed Management (چکیده)
5083 - Variations in spatial patterns of soil-vegetation properties and the emergence of multiple resilience thresholds within different debris flow fan positions (چکیده)
5084 - Effect of Aligning Characteristics of Top managers with Strategic Orientation on Organizational Performance (چکیده)
5085 - Heat transfer characteristics of slip flow over solid spheres (چکیده)
5086 - Characterization of Ce(1−x) ZrxO2 yellow nanopigments synthesized by a green sol- gel method (چکیده)
5087 - A bethylid (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) as promising biocontrol agent of rosaceous long horn beetle, Osphranteria coerulescens (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) (چکیده)
5088 - A Comparative Study of the Modern and Lower Class Woman in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and Mahfouz's Midaq Ally (چکیده)
5090 - Propagating Feminism: A Comparative Perspective of Western and Eastern Feminism in Wollstonecraft’s Maria and El Saadawi’sWoman at Point Zero (چکیده)
5091 - Delineating Female Characters in Wollstonecraft’s Maria and El Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero: A Comparative Study (چکیده)
5092 - Can Virtual Water Trade Solve the World’s Water Crisis? (چکیده)
5093 - A numerical study on the aerodynamic performance and the self-starting characteristics of a Darrieus wind turbine considering its moment of inertia (چکیده)
5094 - A quantitative PGNAA study for use in aqueous solution measurements using Am–Be neutron source and BGO scintillation detector (چکیده)
5095 - Modelling and evaluation of anaerobic digestion process of tomato processing wastes for biogas generation (چکیده)
5096 - Antiplatelet Aggregation Activity of Walnut Hull Extract via Suppression of Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Caspase Activation (چکیده)
5097 - A Facile Approach for Synthesis of a Novel WO3–gC3N4/Pt–Sn–Os Catalyst and Its Application for Methanol Electro-oxidation (چکیده)
5098 - Effect of salicylic acid pretreatment on seed germination of 16 different ornamental landscape annuals under drought stress (چکیده)
5099 - A 2D numerical study on suppressing liquid sloshing using a submerged cylinder (چکیده)
5100 - Dynamic Version of Weighted Cumulative Residual Entropy (چکیده)
5101 - A mini-review over photocatalytic processes in wastewater treatment (چکیده)
5102 - Nanofluids effects on the evaporation rate in a solar still equipped with a heat exchanger (چکیده)
5104 - Implication of statistical design approach methodology for optimization of COD removal, effluent quality, and biosludge settling properties in aerobic bioreactors (چکیده)
5105 - Effects of Different Fat Sources in Finisher Diet of Broiler Chickens on Performance, Fat Deposition and Blood Metabolites (چکیده)
5106 - Synthesis of Fe3O4/Bi2WO6 nanohybrid for the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutical ibuprofen under solar light (چکیده)
5107 - The impact of social network on the innovative behavior of it professionals: what is the role of sharing mistakes? (چکیده)
5108 - Effects of dietary essential amino acid deficiencies on the growth performance and humoral immune response in silvery-black porgy (Sparidentex hasta) juveniles (چکیده)
5109 - Application of Bayesian Decision Networks for sustainable groundwater resources management in semi-arid regions (چکیده)
5110 - Application of Bayesian Decision Networks for Groundwater Resources Management Under the Conditions of High Uncertainty and Data Scarcity (چکیده)
5111 - A new sequential approach for solving the integro-differential equation via Haar wavelet bases (چکیده)
5112 - تدوین، اولویت¬بندی و مقایسه¬ی استراتژی¬های یک شرکت تولیدی با استفاده از مدل ترکیبیFUZZYTOPSIS-SWOT و روش QSPM (مورد مطالعه: شرکت نورسازان مشهد) (چکیده)
5113 - Analytical investigation of higher-order plasmonic modes on a metal-dielectric interface (چکیده)
5114 - A New Approach for Predictive Control System Design to Improve Power Factor and Reduce Harmonic Current Injection using D-STATCOM (چکیده)
5115 - Approximation methods for solving fractional optimal control problems (چکیده)
5116 - Predicting Shear Wave Velocity of Soil Using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks (چکیده)
5117 - Investigating morphology and performance of cellulose acetate butyrate electrospun nanofiber membranes for tomato industry wastewater treatment (چکیده)
5118 - Thermo-fluid performance and entropy generation analysis for a new eccentric helical screw tape insert in a 3D tube (چکیده)
5119 - Quantitative Trend, Sensitivity and Contribution Analyses of Reference Evapotranspiration in some Arid Environments under Climate Change (چکیده)
5120 - Numerical Investigation of Contact Angle Effect on Counter-Current Spontaneous Imbibition (چکیده)
5121 - A Discussion On Chemical/Physical Understanding of Ionically Modified Water EOR Method In Carbonate Reservoirs (چکیده)
5122 - Transient-Based Fault Location on Three-Terminal and Tapped Transmission Lines Not Requiring Line Parameters (چکیده)
5123 - مدل سازی و پیش بینی هیدرولیکی سیلاب با استفاده از مدل های تلفیقی GIS و WMS (مطالعه موردی منطقه خوسف – خراسان جنوبی) (چکیده)
5124 - تحلیل خطر واحدهای کلرزنی تصفیه آب به روش‌های FMEA و FTA، اولویت بندی فاکتورهای مؤثر به روش‌های آنتروپی شانون و SAW و ارائه مدلی جهت نظارت و کنترل ایمنی به روش PetriNet (چکیده)
5125 - The impact of targeted subsidies plan on electricity consumption, sale, receivables collection and operating cash flow Evidence from the agricultural and rural sectors of Iran (چکیده)
5126 - Comparison of quantum discord and fully entangled fraction of two classes of d * d2 states (چکیده)
5127 - An intelligent integrated control of hybrid hot air-infrared dryer based on fuzzy logic and computer vision system (چکیده)
5128 - Effect of Video Modeling Demonstration from Different View on Coordination Changes of an Unfamiliar Task: An Important Point to Teach (چکیده)
5129 - Marker based human pose tracking using adaptive annealed particle swarm optimization with search space partitioning (چکیده)
5130 - Thermo-economic analysis of diesel engine fueled with blended levels of waste cooking oil biodiesel in diesel fuel (چکیده)
5131 - بررسی چالش ها و تهدیدهای پسماندهای ویژه مشهد با استفاده از مدلSWOT (چکیده)
5132 - مدیریت پسماند های ویژه و ارائه راهکاه های مناسب دفع، مطالعه موردی شهر مشهد (چکیده)
5133 - Effect of nitrogen application on growth and yield of pumpkin (چکیده)
5134 - شناسایی ایستگاه های همگن شبکه پایش کیفی آبخوان مشهد برمبنای آلودگی نیترات (چکیده)
5135 - Effect of in vitro selected synbiotics (galactooligosaccharide and mannanoligosaccharide with or without Enterococcus faecalis) on growth performance, immune responses and intestinal microbiota of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
5136 - Whole-Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas fluorescens EK007-RG4, a Promising Biocontrol Agent against a Broad Range of Bacteria, Including the Fire Blight Bacterium Erwinia amylovora (چکیده)
5137 - Regulation of anti-Fourier heat transfer for non-equilibrium gas flows through micro/nanochannels (چکیده)
5138 - Influence of varying timing angle on performance of an SI engine: An experimental and numerical study (چکیده)
5139 - Recovery of iron from low-grade hematite ore using coal-based direct reduction followed by magnetic separation (چکیده)
5140 - Thermal entanglement and lower bound of the geometric discord for a two-qutrit system with linear coupling and nonuniform external magnetic field (چکیده)
5141 - A Context Based Recommender System through Collaborative Filtering and Word Embedding Techniques (چکیده)
5142 - Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networksat WSDM 2017 (چکیده)
5143 - The state of the art in semantic relatedness: a framework for comparison (چکیده)
5144 - Optimization of effective parameters on solar updraft tower to achieve potential maximum power output: A sensitivity analysis and numerical simulation (چکیده)
5145 - The Game of Hacking Academic Websites (چکیده)
5146 - Improvement of kiwifruit drying using computer vision system (CVS) and ALM clustering method (چکیده)
5147 - Effect of shoe insole density on impact characteristics and performance during a jump-landing task (چکیده)
5148 - Formulation of human resou rce strategy using theory of strategic reference points (چکیده)
5149 - On the rate of complete convergence for weighted sums of NSD random variables and an application (چکیده)
5150 - Assessment of changes in atmospheric dynamics and dust activity over southwest Asia using the Caspian Sea–Hindu Kush Index (چکیده)
5151 - Optimized Distributed Automatic Modulation Classification in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Information Theoretic Measures (چکیده)
5152 - MUSIC-BASED Approaches for Hybrid Millimeter-Wave Channel Estimation (چکیده)
5153 - A modified SLM technique for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems by using a novel phase sequence (چکیده)
5154 - Adaptive multitask network based on maximum correntropy learning algorithm (چکیده)
5155 - Towards shifting planting date as an adaptation practice for rainfedwheat response to climate change (چکیده)
5156 - A new method for preparing mono-dispersed nanoparticles using magnetized water (چکیده)
5157 - An ultra-wideband 3-db quadrature hybrid with multisection broadside stripline tandem structure (چکیده)
5158 - Influences of wavy wall and nanoparticles on entropy generation over heat exchanger plat (چکیده)
5159 - Similarity Solution of Axisymmetric Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer of a Nanofluid on a Stationary Cylinder with Constant Wall Temperature (چکیده)
5160 - Leaf-feeding Mycterothrips: two new species from southern Iran (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) (چکیده)
5161 - Fischer– Tropsch synthesis over CNT‑ supported cobalt catalyst: effect of magnetic field (چکیده)
5162 - A New Empirical-Physical Method for Calculation of Path Loss for Fixed Wireless Access in Suburban Areas (چکیده)
5163 - Collusion-resistant Worker Selection in Social Crowdsensing Systems (چکیده)
5164 - Numerical investigation of heat exchanger effectiveness in a double pipe heat exchanger filled with nanofluid: A sensitivity analysis by response surface methodology (چکیده)
5165 - Green supply chain network design with stochastic demand and carbon price (چکیده)
5166 - بررسی اثر تلرانس بر فاکتور شدت تنش و عمر خستگی اتصال لبه ای پرچ با صفحات از جنس آلومینیوم 2224 به کمک تحلیل اجزای محدود و معیارSWT (چکیده)
5167 - Establishing the optimum dietary essential amino acids pattern for silvery-black porgy (Sparidentex hasta) juveniles by deletion method (چکیده)
5168 - Assessing the Quality of Tourists’ Experiences and Socioeconomic and Perceptional Acceptance Capacity in Mashhad City from the Viewpoint of Host Society with an Emphasis on Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods (MCDM), Case Study: Mashhad metropolis (چکیده)
5169 - Microwave-Assisted Solution Combustion Synthesis of Spinel-Type Mixed Oxides for Esterification Reaction (چکیده)
5170 - Solving Linear Two-Dimensional Fredholm Integral Equations System by Trianglular Functions (چکیده)
5171 - An integrated hydro-economic modeling to evaluate marketing reform policies of agricultural products (چکیده)
5172 - A comparison of parametric and semi-parametric survival models with artificial neural networks (چکیده)
5173 - Use of membrane separation in enzymatic hydrolysis of waste paper (چکیده)
5174 - Development of Forward-wave Directional Couplers Loaded by Periodic Shunt Shorted Stubs (چکیده)
5175 - Review on the roles and effects of growing media on plant performance in green roofs in world climates (چکیده)
5176 - A two-way couple of Eulerian-Lagrangian model for particle transport with different sizes in an obstructed channel (چکیده)
5177 - The Lyrical Sensibility in English Nature Writing: An Appraisal Analysis (چکیده)
5178 - B-sheet Topology Prediction Using Probability-based Integer Programming (چکیده)
5179 - WENO families in accuracy and computational costs (چکیده)
5180 - U-Pb geochronology and petrogenesis of intrusive rocks: Constraints on the mode of genesis and timing of Cu mineralization in SWSK area, Lut Block (چکیده)
5181 - Prismatic Series Elastic Actuator: Modeling and Control by ICA and PSO-tuned Fractional Order PID (چکیده)
5182 - Investigation of Stigma Phenomenon in Cancer: A Grounded Theory Study (چکیده)
5183 - Quantum information inequalities via tracial positive linear maps (چکیده)
5184 - Identification, virulence factors characterization, pathogenicity and aggressiveness analysis of Fusarium spp. causing wheat head blight in Iran (چکیده)
5185 - Olivemill wastewater-enriched diet positively affects growth, oxidative and immune status and intestinal microbiota in the crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus (چکیده)
5186 - Phlomis iranica (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae), a new species from Khorassan- Kopet Dagh floristic province, NE Iran (چکیده)
5187 - Questionable papers in citation databases as an issue for literature review (چکیده)
5188 - Continuous wavelet transform on a quaternionic Hilbert space (چکیده)
5189 - Effects of dietary onion (Allium cepa) powder on growth performance, hemolymph indices and fillet organoleptic properties of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
5190 - Two Extended Formulations for Cardinality Maximum Flow Network Interdiction Problem (چکیده)
5191 - Synthesis of PE/MWCNT Nanocomposites Through in-situ polymerization using Mixture of Pyridilimine [N, N] catalysts based on Ni & Fe (چکیده)
5192 - Modeling and simulation of forward osmosis process using agent-based model system (چکیده)
5193 - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Two Mastitis Vaccines in a Dairy Farm in Mashhad (چکیده)
5194 - Clustering of fungal hexosaminidase enzymes based on free alignment method using MLP neural network (چکیده)
5195 - The effect of Mycorrhizal fungi on the amount of glycine betaine, soluble sugar,proline,leaf water content and leaf chlorophyll of the white seedless grape under drought stress conditions (چکیده)
5196 - Simultaneous optimization of joint edge geometry and process parameters in gas metal arc welding using integrated ANN-PSO approach (چکیده)
5197 - Phase-field simulation of counter-current spontaneous imbibition in a fractured heterogeneous porous medium (چکیده)
5198 - Estimation of the Lomax distribution in the Presence of Outliers (چکیده)
5199 - Knudsen pump inspired by Crookes radiometer with a specular wall (چکیده)
5200 - Age related change in thyroid hormones in Saanen goat kids during the first three months of age (چکیده)
5201 - (Function Algebras on Locally Compact Quantum Groups (Invited Speaker (چکیده)
5202 - (Daws Conjecture on the Arens regularity of B(X (چکیده)
5203 - Effect of Brown Iranian Propolis Extracts on in vitro Rumen Gas Production (چکیده)
5204 - The Role of Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity in Achieving Effective Knowledge-Work: Knowledge Work and MAO (چکیده)
5205 - A Comparative Study of Husband Losses of Wife in Divorce Court of Wife from the Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law of Afghanistan (چکیده)
5206 - تحلیل عوامل موثر بر توسعه تعاونی های تولید روستایی استان خراسان رضوی با استفاده از مدل SWOT (چکیده)
5207 - (More on the Arens Regularity of B(X (چکیده)
5208 - Modulational instability of dust ion acoustic waves in astrophysical dusty plasmas with non thermal electrons (چکیده)
5209 - Study of some mononchids (Nematoda: Mononchida) from Iran (چکیده)
5210 - plasma methionin lysine concentrations of early kactation cows fed diet cocentration raw or roastaed iranian soybean varicty (چکیده)
5211 - Study of Circulation Number Fluctuations in Papaya Spillway (چکیده)
5212 - Separation of oil/water emulsion using a new PSf/pebax/F-MWCNT nanocomposite membrane (چکیده)
5213 - Microstructural and textural properties of puffed snack prepared from partially deffated almond powder and corn flour (چکیده)
5214 - Effect of Ant Attendance on Aphid Population Growth and above ground Biomass of the Aphid’s Host Plant (چکیده)
5215 - The flow properties of honey-malt spread (چکیده)
5216 - Geofluids assessment of the Ayub and Shafa hot springs in Kope-Dagh zone (NE Iran): an isotopic geochemistry approach (چکیده)
5217 - Prediction of the effect of water supplying from Shirindare dam on the Bojnourd aquifer using MODFLOW2000 (چکیده)
5218 - Analytical Bending Analysis of a Circular Sandwich Plate under Distributed Load (چکیده)
5219 - The vulnerability and quality protection zoning maps of Bojnourd aquifer (N Iran) using Fuzzy-AHP-DRASTIC techniques (چکیده)
5221 - Maximization of energy recovery inside supersonic separator in the presence of condensation and normal shock wave (چکیده)
5222 - A Survey on Participant Recruitment in Crowdsensing Systems (چکیده)
5223 - Privacy-aware Trust-based Recruitment in Social Participatory Sensing (چکیده)
5224 - A Trust Framework for Social Participatory Sensing Systems (چکیده)
5225 - Optimization of Protein Extraction and Evaluation of Functional Properties of Tomato Waste and Seeds from Tomato Paste Plants (چکیده)
5226 - Numerical solution of nonlinear integral equations using Haar wavelets (چکیده)
5227 - Photographic Study of Lip Anthropometric Pattern Development in the Fars Family in Mashhad (چکیده)
5228 - A comparative study of hamlet and haideras its indian adaptation by vishal bhardwaj (چکیده)
5229 - Effect of different stages of deformation on the microstructure evolution of Ti-rich NiTi shape memory alloy (چکیده)
5230 - Statistical inferences based on independent and non-identically distributed progressively Type-II censored order statistics (چکیده)
5231 - Appraisal of acidulants and acid-binding capacity in corn-soybean meal diets on productive variables, nutrient digestibility and gastrointestinal ecology of broilers (چکیده)
5232 - Exact and approximate solution for optimal inventory control of two-stock with reworking and forecasting of demand (چکیده)
5233 - Transport Diplomacy in the Silk Road: Roles and Expectations (چکیده)
5234 - Modeling of glucose release from native and modified wheat starch gels during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion using artificial intelligence methods (چکیده)
5235 - Investigation of Soil–Structure Interaction Effects on Seismic Response of a 5 MW Wind Turbine (چکیده)
5236 - A new approach for optimization of keratinocyte culture and fabrication of keratinocyte epidermal sheets without using 3T3 feeder layer (چکیده)
5237 - Experimental investigation of wet flue gas condensation using twisted tape insert (چکیده)
5238 - Influences of corrugation profiles on entropy generation, heat transfer, pressure drop, and performance in a wavy channel (چکیده)
5239 - Histological Study of Skin Wound Healing with Fish Swim Bladder Matrix (چکیده)
5240 - Numerical investigation and sensitivity analysis of effective parameters to obtain potential maximum power output: A case study on Zanjan prototype solar chimney power plant (چکیده)
5241 - MS-TWSVM: Mahalanobis distance-based Structural Twin Support Vector Machine (چکیده)
5242 - A New Sparse Learning Machine (چکیده)
5243 - Hierarchical Cooperation of Experts in Learning from Crowds (چکیده)
5244 - Crossflow Filtration of Sodium Chloride Solution by A Polymeric Nanofilter: Minimization of Concentration Polarization by a Novel Backpulsing Method (چکیده)
5245 - A Trust-Based Recruitment Framework for Multi-hop Social Participatory Sensing (چکیده)
5246 - The effectiveness of couple therapy based on Gottman’s method of decreasing emotional divorce among conflicted couples in Mashhad city (چکیده)
5247 - Fe3O4/ Bi2WO6 nanohybrid: Preparation and photocatalytic application for pharmaceutical degradation under solar light (چکیده)
5248 - Some Results on Stochastic Properties of Spacings of Generalized Order Statictics (چکیده)
5249 - Optimal placement of data aggregators in smart grid on hybrid wireless and wired communication (چکیده)
5250 - Effects of bed type, corm weight and lifting time on quantitative and qualitative criteria of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) (چکیده)
5251 - A comparative numerical study on Freeway weaving area using a multi-class first-order macroscopic model (چکیده)
5252 - Effect of using mixture of solvents on membrane structure and its performance in forward osmosis process (چکیده)
5253 - Experimental Investigation on the Removal of p-Toluic Acid from Aqueous Solution using Functionalized Polymeric Sorbent (چکیده)
5254 - Application and Assessment of a Heated Water System by Solar Energy (چکیده)
5255 - Effect of the membrane operating parameters on the separation of oxygen and hydrogen disulphide (چکیده)
5256 - Rheological and sensory properties of fat reduced vanilla ice creams containing milk protein concentrate (MPC) (چکیده)
5257 - An Optimal Fuzzy Controller Stabilizing the Rod and Controlling the Position of Single Wheeled Inverted Pendulums (چکیده)
5258 - Quantification of enzymatic browning kinetics of quince preserved by edible coating using the fractal texture Fourier image (چکیده)
5259 - پایش وضعیت‌های رطوبتی و روند آن‌ها بر مبنای شاخص بارش- تبخیر و تعرق استاندارد شده (SPEI) در نواحی مختلف آب و هوایی ایران (چکیده)
5260 - Some Subgroups of Topologized Fundamental Groups with Respect to Small Lo op Transfer Spaces (چکیده)
5261 - An ontology based data model for Iranian research information (چکیده)
5262 - Integral representation for solutions of the wave equation by shearlets (چکیده)
5263 - Fertility Reduction in Male Persian Fallow Deer (Dama dama mesopotamica): Inbreeding Detection and Morphometric Parameters Evaluation of Semen (چکیده)
5264 - Evaluation of antioxidant activities of Mentha piperita essential oils obtained by different extraction methods (چکیده)
5265 - The effect of fetal rat brain extract on morphology of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (چکیده)
5266 - Evaluation of Social Instability in Urban Developments, Case Study: Ghaleh Abkooh's Renewal Plan (چکیده)
5267 - A review of the contextual adaptability of three contemporary urban paradigms: New urbanism, Urban village and Urban Renaissance (چکیده)
5268 - High efficiency 8.8-9.6 GHz Class J Power Amplifier (چکیده)
5269 - Design and Fabrication of Hybrid 30-watt X-band GaN-based Amplifier (چکیده)
5270 - Some novel growth functions and their application with reference to growth in ostrich1 (چکیده)
5271 - Biological pathways identification of breast cancer cell lines transcriptome by Pathvisio software (چکیده)
5272 - Association between early growth-related traits and ascites induced in broiler sire lines by saline drinking water or cool temperatures (چکیده)
5273 - Two-Dimensional Displacement Sensor Based on CPW Line Loaded by Defected Ground Structure (DGS) with Two Separated Transmission Zeroes (چکیده)
5274 - A comparative study of hamlet and haider as its indian adaptation by vishal bhardwaj: An intertextual Approach (چکیده)
5275 - QRS complex detection based on simple robust 2-D pictorial-geometrical feature (چکیده)
5276 - Production and Characterization of Sewage-Sludge Based Activated Carbons Under Different Post-Activation Conditions (چکیده)
5277 - DSMC Investigation of Rarefied Gas Flow through Diverging Micro/Nano-channels (چکیده)
5278 - Effect of a new specimen size on fatigue crack growth behavior in thick-walled pressure vessels (چکیده)
5279 - How knowledge translation (KT) helps to improve life quality (چکیده)
5280 - A Combinational Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm in Photovoltaic Systems Under Partial Shading Conditions (چکیده)
5281 - Utilization of Financial Contracts by Wind Power Plants to Benefit Promotion and Risk Reduction (چکیده)
5282 - Economic Evaluation of Application Areas of Fuel Cell (چکیده)
5283 - Iris ferdowsii (Iridaceae), a new species of section Regelia from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
5284 - Western Cannon in Iranian Popular Culture (چکیده)
5285 - Shakespeare Tragedies Recontextualized as Comedies in Iran State TV Sitcom, Kolah Ghermezī (چکیده)
5286 - Fuzzy Constraints Linear Discriminant Analysis (چکیده)
5287 - Reserve Procurement through Demand Response Markets in Wind Integrated Power Systems (چکیده)
5288 - Selling Price Determination to the Customers for a Wind Farm Owner (چکیده)
5289 - Application of New Historicism and Stylistics on the Slave Girl of the Arabian Nights. Centered on Barmakids House of Viziers (چکیده)
5290 - A modified Burzynski criterion for anisotropic pressure-dependent materials (چکیده)
5291 - Non-linear influence of hydrostatic pressure on the yielding of asymmetric anisotropic sheet metals (چکیده)
5292 - The Bridge between Popular and Elite Iran: Mahmoud Farshchian’s Painting (چکیده)
5293 - Da: The Honor of Popularity and Authenticity (چکیده)
5294 - MPI- and CUDA- implementations of modal finite difference method for P-SV wave propagation modeling (چکیده)
5295 - Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to Predict the Reaction Furnace Temperature (چکیده)
5296 - Effect of extrusion conditions and storage temperature on texture, colour and acidity of butter (چکیده)
5297 - Amount of the Sulfur Components in the TailGas (چکیده)
5298 - پتانسیل سنجی انرژی باد درخراسان رضوی مطالعه موردی(مشهد،نیشابور،خواف) (چکیده)
5299 - Assessing the Lifetime Performance Index based on Ranked Set and Median Ranked Set Sampling (چکیده)
5300 - Recombinant lentivirus expression vector for insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) gene delivery (چکیده)
5301 - Tracking of Sudanese Low over the Middle East (چکیده)
5302 - Identity Theft in the Academic World Leads to Junk Science (چکیده)
5303 - What to do to have your paper rejected (چکیده)
5304 - Estimates of operator convex and operator monotone functions on bounded intervals (چکیده)
5305 - Research experience of the PhD students in Iran: a case study in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
5306 - The symmetry analysis, Fars race men through Poroscopy (چکیده)
5307 - Assessment of electricity price uncertainty impact on the operation of multi‐carrier energy systems (چکیده)
5308 - Towards a fully integrated market for demand response, energy and reserves (چکیده)
5309 - Antioxidant potency of Iranian newly cultivated wild mushrooms of Agaricus and Pleurotus species (چکیده)
5310 - An artificial neural network for solving quadratic zero-one programming problems (چکیده)
5311 - The relationship between personality characteristics and coping with perceived stress in pregnant women referred to health centers in Mashhad (چکیده)
5312 - New Clustering Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
5313 - An Improvement on TCP Congestion Control Protocol for Next Generation Networks (چکیده)
5314 - Multi Phase, QoS Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
5315 - اثر عصاره هیدروالکلی گیاه کمای بیابانی (Ferula szowitsiana) بر کیندلینگ شیمیایی ایجادشده توسط پنتیلن تترازول در موش صحرایی (چکیده)
5316 - بررسی مقایسه‌ای ویژگی‌های ساختاری، عملکردی و دامنه میزبانی آنزیم‌ها و پروتئین‌های موثر در تولید و تجمع لیپید در منابع بیودیزلی (چکیده)
5317 - The analysis of moderating role of perceived instrumentality and networking ability in relation between creativity and implementation of ideas (Case study of Taghdis Porcelain Company) (چکیده)
5318 - Some Results on Stochastic Orderings of Generalized Order Statistics and Spacings (چکیده)
5319 - A mathematical model for the municipal solid waste location-routing problem with intermediate transfer stations (چکیده)
5320 - Preliminary Evaluation of Learning Performance of the Simplest Bovine Trans-rectal Palpation Phantom for Training Veterinary Students (چکیده)
5321 - Geometry of interest (GOI): spatio-temporal destination extraction and partitioning in GPS trajectory data (چکیده)
5322 - Vibration analysis of rotating composite beams using polyn dimensional reduction method (چکیده)
5323 - Genetic modification of bone-marrow mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic cells with human coagulation factor IX-expressing plasmids (چکیده)
5324 - Metabolic profiles of high-yielding dairy cows with ovarian cysts formation (چکیده)
5325 - Stylistic Features of Holden Caulfield’s Language in J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye: A Corpus-Based Study (چکیده)
5326 - تبیین راهبردهای توسعه سرویسها و زیرساختهای ICT درکشور با رویکرد آمایش اقتصادی (چکیده)
5327 - سنجش و اولویت بندی راهبردهای توسعه کارآفرینی اکوتوریسم در مناطق روستایی (چکیده)
5328 - A new hybrid algorithm for analog ICs optimization based on the shrinking circles technique (چکیده)
5329 - A low-power capacitor switching scheme with low common-mode voltage variation for successive approximation ADC (چکیده)
5330 - A low-power wide-range voltage level shifter using a modified Wilson current mirror (چکیده)
5331 - A 0.7-V 400-μW 16-bit audio sigma-delta modulator with a modified tracking quantizer (چکیده)
5332 - A High-Speed and Power-Efficient Voltage Level Shifter for Dual-Supply Applications (چکیده)
5333 - A Power-Efficient Signal-Specific ADC for Sensor-Interface Applications (چکیده)
5334 - Schema of Translators and its influence on Translation Quality: A Case Study of the Iranian Undergraduate Literary Translation Students (چکیده)
5335 - Using artificial neural network models and particle swarm optimization for manner prediction of a photovoltaic thermal nanofluid based collector (چکیده)
5336 - E‐government portals: a knowledge management study (چکیده)
5337 - Developing intercultural awareness in English for specific purposes and Translation curriculums (چکیده)
5338 - MPPT control of wind turbines by direct adaptive fuzzy-PI controller and using ANN-PSO wind speed estimator (چکیده)
5339 - MUSIC-BASED Approaches for Hybrid Millimeter-Wave Channel Estimation (چکیده)
5340 - Aerodynamic and dynamic analyses of three common 4.5 mm-caliber pellets in a transonic flow (چکیده)
5341 - Assignment Look-ahead HEFT for Scheduling Workflows of Communicating Tasks (چکیده)
5342 - A Clustering Approach to Schedule Workflows to Run on the Cloud (چکیده)
5343 - Radiolarian productivity linked to climate conditions during the Pliensbachian–Aalenian in the Kermanshah Basin (West Iran) (چکیده)
5344 - Current and potential cyber attacks on medical journals; guidelines for improving security (چکیده)
5345 - CCA: a deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithm for multicore resources on the cloud (چکیده)
5346 - Application of Hopfield neural network to structural health monitoring (چکیده)
5347 - A Berry-Esseen type bound for the kernel density estimator based on a weakly dependent and randomly left truncated data (چکیده)
5348 - Suppressing Agency: Transitivity Analysis of Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (چکیده)
5349 - Passivity-based adaptive sliding Mode speed control of switched reluctance motor drive considering torque ripple reduction (چکیده)
5350 - Early development of hyomandibular in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (چکیده)
5351 - A fast and robust maximum power point tracker for photovoltaic systems using variable structure control approach (چکیده)
5352 - Analytical Calculation of the Resonant Frequencies for a Corner Cut Square SIW Cavity (چکیده)
5353 - Periodic Leaky-Wave Antenna with Transverse Slots Based on Substrate Integrated Waveguide (چکیده)
5354 - The Social Practice in Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman: A Study Based on Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis (چکیده)
5355 - A Fast Maximum Power Point Tracking Strategy Based On Variable Structure Control for Wind Energy Application (چکیده)
5356 - Improved design of a dual stator winding induction generator for wind power applications (چکیده)
5357 - An interleaved high-power two-switch flyback inverter with a fast and robust maximum power point tracker (چکیده)
5358 - Do You Ignore Information Security in Your Journal Website? (چکیده)
5359 - نمایه نامه های استنادی قابل دسترس در دانشگاه (چکیده)
5361 - A new droplet-based polymeric banana electrochemical biosensor for analysis of one microliter solution of paracetamol (چکیده)
5362 - Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from wastewater by chlorella sp. microalgae (چکیده)
5363 - Psychological Empowerment Model in Iranian Pregnant Women (چکیده)
5364 - Predictors of Prenatal Empowerment Among Iranian Pregnant Women (چکیده)
5365 - Parent-child play therapy on depression symptoms in children with cancer decreases perceived stress on their mothers and improving parent-child relationship (چکیده)
5366 - WO3-based NO2 sensors fabricated through low frequency AC electrophoretic deposition (چکیده)
5367 - Nanocasting Synthesis of Ultrafine WO3 Nanoparticles for Gas Sensing Applications (چکیده)
5368 - Numerical simulations of turbulent flow around side -by-side circular piles with different spacing ratios (چکیده)
5369 - Dedifferentiation Effects of Rabbit Regenerating Tissue on Partially Differentiated Cells (چکیده)
5370 - The Relationship Between Institutional and Management Ownership and Financial Flexibility in Iran (چکیده)
5371 - Drought Monitoring Based on the SPI and RDI Indices under Climate Change Scenarios (Case Study: Semi-Arid Areas of West Golestan Province) (چکیده)
5372 - Bankruptcy prediction of listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
5373 - Optimization Formulation For Nonlinear Structural Analysis (چکیده)
5374 - Finding equilibrium paths by minimizing external work in dynamic relaxation method (چکیده)
5375 - Ultrasound- assisted extraction of β-d- glucan from hull- less barley: Assessment of physicochemical and functional properties (چکیده)
5376 - Carbomer 940 Hydrogel Enhances Capillary Blood Flow and Tissue Viability in a Skin Burn Wound (چکیده)
5377 - Carbon coated copper nanostructures as a green and ligand free nanocatalyst for Suzuki cross-coupling reaction (چکیده)
5378 - An underrelaxed-modified Picard iteration scheme for simulation of 3D wetting pattern under drip irrigation using Richards’ equation on non-orthogonal grids (چکیده)
5379 - A two dimensional finite volume model for rain garden infiltration simulation (چکیده)
5380 - A three-dimensional numerical approach on water entry of a horizontal circular cylinder using the volume of fluid technique (چکیده)
5381 - Glycine functionalized multi wall carbon nanotubes as a novel hollow fiber solid phase microextraction sorbent for preconcentration of venlafaxine and o- desmethyl venlafaxinein biological and water samples prior to determination by high performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
5382 - Effect of Tool Speed on Axial Force, Mechanical Properties and Weld Morphology of Friction Stir Welded Joints of A7075-T651 (چکیده)
5383 - Outcomes of testosterone enanthate on kidney of male Wistar rats subjected to resistance training (چکیده)
5384 - Optimized manhole made of composite SMC using Taguchi method (چکیده)
5385 - Power Relation as Manifested in Dramatic Language of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman (چکیده)
5386 - L_p shadowing property for vector fields (چکیده)
5387 - Non uniformly expanding and asymptotic average shadowing in random orbit (چکیده)
5388 - تحلیل عدم قطعیت مدل DWB با استفاده از روش GLUE (مطالعه موردی:حوزه های آبخیز اندر آب و فاروب رمان) (چکیده)
5389 - Factors Affecting Farmer’s Chemical Fertilizers Consumption and Water Pollution in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
5391 - Energy-Aware Optimal Clustering in Wireless Sensor Network Using Integer/Linear Programming (چکیده)
5392 - A two-switch flyback inverter employing a current sensorless MPPT and scalar control for low cost solar powered pumps (چکیده)
5393 - Psychological empowerment, Meritocracy and competent management; Missing Rings of Governmental Organizations in Afghanistan (چکیده)
5394 - In vitro Ruminal Acid Load and Methane Emission Responses to Supplemented Lactating Dairy Cow Diets with Inorganic Compounds Varying in Buffering Capacities (چکیده)
5395 - Mathematical modeling of two-chamber batchmicrobial fuel cell with pure culture of Shewanella (چکیده)
5396 - A foresight model for intrusion response management (چکیده)
5397 - Erysimum damirliense sp. nov. (Brassicaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
5398 - Evaluation of the SBT-TAS collision scheme on treating unsteady flows (چکیده)
5399 - An ontology based data model for Iranian research information (چکیده)
5400 - BTEX biodegradation in contaminated groundwater using a novel strain ( Pseudomonas sp. BTEX-30) (چکیده)
5401 - ON Cycles IN Intersection Graghs OF Rings (چکیده)
5402 - Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of swaged Tungsten alloy -- بررسی مشخصات ریزساختاری و خواص مکانیکی آلیاژ تنگستن سویج شده (چکیده)
5403 - پیش بینی تغییرات تبخیر واقعی سالانه در مناطق خشک با استفاده از چارچوب اصلاح شده بادیکو (مطالعه موردی: حوضه آبریز نیشابور-رخ) (چکیده)
5404 - Analysis of different techniques to improve sound transmission loss in cylindrical shells (چکیده)
5405 - Evaluating the Establishment Rate and Irrigation Requirement of Six Native Range Plant Species in the Green Space of Mashhad City (چکیده)
5406 - A frequency criterion for doubly clamped beam-type N/MEMS subjected to the van der Waals attraction (چکیده)
5407 - Evaluation of weed flora and biodiversity indices in Saffron fields (Case study: Khorasan province) (چکیده)
5408 - Predicting residual lifetimes of dynamic r-out-of-n systems (چکیده)
5409 - Chenopodium khorasanica (Amaranthaceae), a new species from Iran (چکیده)
5410 - Causal Knowledge Analysis for Detecting and Modeling (چکیده)
5411 - Development of Low Profile Substrate Integrated Waveguide Horn Antenna with Improved Gain (چکیده)
5412 - Development of a Low Profile and Wideband Backward-Wave Directional Coupler Using Neural Network (چکیده)
5413 - Taguchi statistical analysis of experiments on the effect of cutout on crack growth and fatigue life of ck45 steel (چکیده)
5414 - Comparison of artificial neural networks and logistic regression as potential methods for predicting weed populations on dryland chickpea and winter wheat fields of Kurdistan province, Iran (چکیده)
5415 - Numerical study of non-Fourier heat conduction in a biolayer spherical living tissue during hyperthermia (چکیده)
5416 - Reliability of Semiarid Flash Flood Modeling Using Bayesian Framework (چکیده)
5417 - Examining the Impact of Micro Silica Gel Additive on the Compressive Strength and Water Absorption of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement (چکیده)
5418 - Structural modeling of a horizontal axis wind turbine (چکیده)
5419 - Artificial neural networks as a corrector of hydrodynamic modelling results (چکیده)
5420 - Evaluation of the Application of Neural Networks on Real-Time River Flow Prediction (چکیده)
5421 - کاربرد یک مدل بارش رواناب شش پارامتری با تأکید بر واسنجی و رفتار پارامترها در حوضه آبریز بار- اریه (چکیده)
5422 - Combined hydrodynamic/neural network modelling of river flow (چکیده)
5423 - From Paper Parks to Real Conservations: Case Study of Social Capital in Iran's Biodiversity Conservation (چکیده)
5424 - Ecotourism Potentials for Financing Parks and Protected Areas: A Perspective from Iran’s Parks (چکیده)
5425 - Flow and Heat Management Around Obstacle by Nanofluid and Incidence Angle (چکیده)
5426 - Rank-defective Millimeter-Wave Channel Estimation Based on Subspace- Compressive Sensing (چکیده)
5427 - Optimal control therapy and vaccination for special HIV-1 model (چکیده)
5428 - Planelets--A Piecewise Linear Fractional Model for Preserving Scene Geometry in Intra-coding of Indoor Depth Images (چکیده)
5429 - Modelling Anaerobic Digestion of Cow Manure to predict Methane Flow Rate (چکیده)
5430 - Some reliability properties of the proportional hazard rate model with upside down bathtub shaped hazard rate (چکیده)
5432 - Glaser’s function and stochastic orders for mixture distributions (چکیده)
5433 - Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Ungauged Catchments Flood Prediction (چکیده)
5434 - Effects of river basin classification on Artificial Neural Networks based ungauged catchment flood prediction (چکیده)
5435 - Evaluation of the effects of climate change on catchment scale surface and groundwater balance (چکیده)
5436 - Application of the combination of hydrodynamic and artificial neural network approaches for river peak flow prediction (چکیده)
5437 - Flow estimation for ungauged catchments using a neural network method (چکیده)
5438 - Variance Approximation of Stress-Strength Reliability Estimator in Burr XII Distribution (چکیده)
5439 - Innovative approach to computer-aided design of horizontal axis wind turbine blades (چکیده)
5440 - Some results on the power graph of finite groups (چکیده)
5441 - Investigating the Transit Orient ed Development i n New Urbanism, Case Study: Subway Statio ns Development in Mashhad (چکیده)
5442 - Molecular modelling analysis of retro-inverso (RI) peptides in association with MHC class II molecules (چکیده)
5443 - Using artificial neural networks for correction of hydrodynamic river flow modelling results (چکیده)
5444 - A new method for solving of Darboux problem with Haar Wavelet (چکیده)
5445 - Highly efficient photocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic activity of solar light driven WO3/g-C3N4 nanocomposite (چکیده)
5446 - The state of the art on design patterns: A systematic mapping of the literature (چکیده)
5447 - Evaluation of the application of neural networks on real-time river flood prediction (چکیده)
5448 - A combination of neural networks and hydrodynamic models for river flow prediction (چکیده)
5449 - Artificial neural network based real-time river flow prediction (چکیده)
5450 - Induction of a balanced Th1/Th2 immune responses by co-delivery of PLGA/ovalbumin nanospheres and CpG ODNs/PEI-SWCNT nanoparticles as TLR9 agonist in BALB/c mice (چکیده)
5451 - آینده‌شناسی جهت‌گیری‌ سیاست خارجی ایران با استفاده از مدل SWOT، سیاست‌خارجی ایران در افغانستان پس از تهاجم آمریکا (چکیده)
5452 - Investigation of water level profile and stage-discharge curve in labyrinth Weirs (چکیده)
5453 - ﺑﺮرﺳﻲ ﺗﻨﺎﺳﺐ ﻛﻴﻔﻲ آب ﻗﻨﻮات ﺷﻬﺮﺳﺘﺎن ﻣﻴﺒﺪﺟﻬﺖ آﺑﻴﺎری ﺑﺎ ﺑﻜﺎرﮔﻴﺮیﻣﺪل watsuit (چکیده)
5454 - Effects of wavy surface characteristics on natural convection heat transfer in a cosine corrugated square cavity filled with nanofluid (چکیده)
5455 - Remarks on The Inner Power of Graphs (چکیده)
5456 - A Multiple Model Predictive Control for Maximum Energy Extraction from Variable Speed Wind Power Systems (چکیده)
5457 - Non-axisymmetric stagnation-point flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid on a stationary cylinder (چکیده)
5458 - Ranging in Underwater Wireless Sensor Network Received Signal Strength Approach (چکیده)
5459 - Cluster-Based Two-Step Target Localization with Incremental Cooperation Incremental Cooperation (چکیده)
5460 - Reconstruction of Security region with high information content using effective attributes extraction (چکیده)
5461 - The effect of different levels of probiotic and limestone on relative weight of the internal organs, digestive PH and body weight in laying hens (چکیده)
5462 - Effects of drought and slope aspect on canopy facilitation in a mountainous rangeland (چکیده)
5463 - Pore-level Influence of Contact Angle on Fluid Displacements In Porous Media (چکیده)
5464 - Nutritional evaluation of poultry by-product meal in broiler chickens. (چکیده)
5465 - Rheological properties and bread quality of frozen sweet dough with added xanthan and different freezing rate (چکیده)
5466 - The influence of outflow and global magnetic field on the structure and spectrum of resistive CDAFs (چکیده)
5467 - Origanum vulgare leaf extract protects mice bone marrow cells against ionizing radiation (چکیده)
5470 - Three dimensional simulation of J-shaped Darrieus vertical axis wind turbine (چکیده)
5471 - Structural and particle size evolution of sol–gel-derived nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite (چکیده)
5472 - سنتز و پراش پرتو X تک بلور دورگه ی معدنی-آلی بر پایه ی پرازودیمیم-دی پیکولینیک اسید و نانو ساختارهای سیلیکوتنگستات (چکیده)
5473 - Size‐Dependent Self‐Assembly of Lanthanide‐Based Coordination Frameworks with Phenanthroline‐2,9‐dicarboxylic Acid as a Preorganized Ligand in Hybrid Materials (چکیده)
5474 - Effects of computational phantoms on the effective dose and two-dosimeter algorithm for external photon beams (چکیده)
5475 - Peak shifted properties of the low background NaI(Tl) detectors: An experimental study of response function behavior in different temperature and acquisition time (چکیده)
5478 - کنترل بهینه دسته ای از سیستم های غیرخطی مرتبه کسری با استفاده از سری مودال توسعه یافته و استراتژی برنامه ریزی خطی (چکیده)
5479 - Solving differential equations of fractional order using an optimization technique based on training artificial neural network (چکیده)
5480 - اندازه‌گیری و تحلیل کیفیت توان در نیروگاه خورشیدی 110 کیلوواتی الهیه ی مشهد در فصول مختلف (چکیده)
5481 - کنترل تطبیقی مدل مرجع جریان مبدل مدولاسیون پهنای پالس منبع ولتاژی متصل به شبکه در کاربرد انرژی های تجدیدپذیر (چکیده)
5482 - Comparison of Multilayer Perceptron and Radial Basis Function in Predicting Success of New Product Development (چکیده)
5483 - Robust Crowdsourcing-based Linear Regression (چکیده)
5484 - Proposed Slenderness Limit for FRP Circular Concrete Column (چکیده)
5485 - A New Strength Model for FRP Confined Circular Concrete Columns (چکیده)
5486 - Innovative adaptive pitch control for small wind turbine fatigue load reduction (چکیده)
5487 - Effect of emulsifiers and saturated fats on growth performance, carcass characteristic and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens (چکیده)
5488 - درونیابی بارش روزانه حوضه آبریز دشت مشهد (چکیده)
5489 - Viscosity to entropy ratio of QGP in relativistic heavy ion collisions: The second-order viscose hydrodynamics (چکیده)
5490 - Mapping groundwater recharge areas using CRD and RIB methods in the semi-arid Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
5491 - Herbicidal activity of coumarin when applied as a pre-plant incorporated into soil (چکیده)
5492 - Broiler breeding strategies using indirect carcass measurements (چکیده)
5493 - Effects of Niacin on Milk Production and Blood Parameters in Early Lactation of Dairy Cows (چکیده)
5494 - Autonomous Two-Tier Cloud Based Demand Side Management Approach with Microgrid (چکیده)
5495 - FPGA Implementation of Power and Area Efficient Compressed Sensing for Multi-Channel ECG Compression (چکیده)
5496 - Evaluation of interactions of biopolymers using dynamic rheological measurements: Effect of temperature and blend ratios (چکیده)
5497 - Polymorphism in prolactin and PEPCK-C genes and its association with economic traits in native fowl of Yazd province (چکیده)
5498 - Introducing prior knowledge for a hybrid accident prediction model (چکیده)
5499 - Effects of Fixed Speed Wind Farm on Power Swing Detection in Distance Relays (چکیده)
5500 - Optimization of the activity of KOH/calcium aluminate nanocatalyst for biodiesel production using response surface methodology (چکیده)
5501 - Ternary Weak Amenability of the Bidual of a JB*-Triple (چکیده)
5502 - Numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis of effective parameters on natural convection and entropy generation in a wavy surface cavity filled with a nanofluid using RSM (چکیده)
5503 - Real-time monitoring of color variations of apple slices and effects of pre-treatment and drying air temperature (چکیده)
5504 - Solving linear two-dimensional Fredholm integral equations system by triangular functions (چکیده)
5505 - Evaluation of the quality of water harvested from roof catchments in different climate conditions (چکیده)
5506 - Evaluation of the ability of some artificial intelligence models for rainfall-runoff simulations in hill slope scale (چکیده)
5507 - Home Care Services Planning With Time Windows and Periodic Demands Under Continuity of Care (چکیده)
5508 - On the chaos game of iterated function systems (چکیده)
5509 - A 3D analytical modeling of tri-gate tunneling field-effect transistors (چکیده)
5510 - Non-stationary concept of accident prediction (چکیده)
5511 - LES investigation of cavitating characteristics around a 3D sphere (چکیده)
5512 - A new droplet-based polymeric banana electrochemical biosensor foranalysis of one microliter solution of paracetamol (چکیده)
5513 - Optimal Operation of a CO2 Capturing Plant for a Wide Range of Disturbances (چکیده)
5514 - Controlled Variables Selection for a Gas-to-Liquids Process (چکیده)
5515 - Investigation of tool speed effect on Fracture Toughness of Aluminum Alloy 2024-T351 Friction Stir Weld joints by means of Digital Shearography (چکیده)
5516 - Modeling and simulation of phenol removal from wastewater using a membrane contactor as a bioreactor (چکیده)
5517 - Risk factors affecting the culling of Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
5518 - Weed Competition Periods Affect GrainYield and Nutrient Uptake of Black Seed (Nigella Sativa L.) (چکیده)
5519 - Steady State Simulation for Optimal Design and Operation of a GTL Process (چکیده)
5520 - Economically efficient operation of CO2 capturing process part I: Self-optimizing procedure for selecting the best controlled variables (چکیده)
5521 - Membrane processes used for removal of pharmaceuticals, hormones, endocrine disruptors and their metabolites from wastewaters: a review (چکیده)
5522 - Comparative analysis of competitive state Anxiety among team sport and individual sport athletes in Iran (چکیده)
5523 - ​Transportation Application of Social Media: Travel Mode Extraction (چکیده)
5525 - Modeling for thermal augmentation of turbulent flow in a circular tube fitted with twisted conical strip inserts (چکیده)
5526 - Comparison of Fecal Egg Counts and ELISA for the diagnosis of Dicrocoelium Dendriticum infection (چکیده)
5527 - An investigation of using sodium nitrate as a foaming agent of production close cell aluminum foam via Powder-Compact Foaming Technique (چکیده)
5528 - RNAi-induced silencing in floral tissues of Petunia hybrida by agroinfiltration: a rapid assay for chalcone isomerase gene function analysis (چکیده)
5529 - TowardsanSEMG-basedtele-operatedrobotformasticatory rehabilitation (چکیده)
5530 - Acceleration in a nonplanar time-dependent billiard (چکیده)
5531 - Energy and Sustainable Development in Developing Countries (چکیده)
5532 - A Goodness-of-Fit Test for Rayleigh Distribution Based on Hellinger Distance (چکیده)
5533 - An 80%-Efficiency Switched-Capacitor Step-Down DC-DC Converter with Switch-Width and Digital Capacitance Modulation (چکیده)
5534 - Evaluation of serum biochemical profile in Turkoman horses and donkeys infected with Theileria equi (چکیده)
5535 - Genetic Variation in Populations Of Field Mouse Apodemus Witherbyi (Thomas, 1902) (Rodentia: Muridae) in Iran Inferred from Mitochondrial Cytochrome B Gene Sequences and Geometric Morphometrics (چکیده)
5538 - Protein LipL32 is a candidate subunit vaccine against Leptospirosis (چکیده)
5539 - Study of extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) E.coli isolated from patients with urinary tract infection by double disc synergy test in Mashhad (چکیده)
5540 - Survey of antibiotic-resistance patterns in E.coli isolated from patients with Urinary Tract Infection in Mashhad (چکیده)
5541 - An experimental and numerical study of supercavitating flows tric cavitators (چکیده)
5542 - Seroprevalence determination of brucellosis in some native dairy cattle farms of Sabzevar using Sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic (چکیده)
5543 - Experimental and numerical study of ventilated supercavitation around a cone cavitator (چکیده)
5544 - Description of Ektaphelenchus berbericus n. sp. (Rhabditida: Ektaphelenchinae) from eastern Iran (چکیده)
5545 - A 5.3-9.3 fJ/Conversion-Step 4-32 MS/s 10 bit Asynchronous SAR ADC with Optimized DAC Timing Strategy in 0.13 μm CMOS (چکیده)
5547 - Anxious Masculinity: A Comparative Study of Philip Dick’s Scanner Darkly and Richard Linklater’s Adaptation (چکیده)
5548 - Intertextual Dystopia of A Scanner Darkly: Philip K Dick’s Novel and Richard Linklater’s Movie Adaptation (چکیده)
5549 - Governmental Discourses in Advertising on Iran's State (چکیده)
5550 - The Effect of highly dispersed oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the performance of PVDF/PVC ultrafiltration membrane (چکیده)
5551 - Optimization of moving wing in Ground effect using Response Surface Method (چکیده)
5552 - A comparison of nutritional value of raisin wastes obtained from two Iranian grape varieties by in vitro rumen fermentation (چکیده)
5553 - Variable Pitch Blades: An Approach For Improving Performance Of Darrieus Wind Turbine (چکیده)
5554 - An Exploration Of The Interrelationships Among EFL learners’ English Self-efficacy, Metacognitive Awareness, And Their Test Performance (چکیده)
5555 - Fuzzy nonlinear predictive control of Stewart platform (چکیده)
5556 - Design of Model Predictive Control of two-wheeled inverted pendulum robot (چکیده)
5557 - Occurrence of noroviruses and their correlation with microbial indicators in raw milk and food processing for the inactivation of viruses (چکیده)
5558 - Sound localization in an anisotropic plate using electret microphones (چکیده)
5559 - Large Deformation Hyper-Elastic Modeling for Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Two Dimensional Functionally Graded Domains Using the Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) Method (چکیده)
5560 - Optimal Pretreatment Determination of Kiwifruit Drying Via Online Monitoring (چکیده)
5561 - Examining the Effect of Organizational Climate on Job Stress (Case Study: Faculty Members of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad) (چکیده)
5562 - Characterizations of some two- dimensional cyclic codes correspond to the ideals of F [x, y] /<xs−1, y2k−1 (چکیده)
5563 - Introducing Prunus cerasus gum exudates: Chemical structure, molecular weight, and rheological properties (چکیده)
5564 - به کارگیری و مقایسه روش‌های وزن‌دهی ساده، تحلیل سلسله مراتبی فازی و ماشین بردار پشتیبان در شناسایی عوامل داخلی و خارجی در تحلیل سوات (چکیده)
5565 - پهنه بندی بافت و خاک رسوبی شهر آستانه با استفاده از نرم افزار RockWorks (چکیده)
5566 - Development of a Wideband and Inclined Polarized Cavity Backed Slot Antenna Using SIW Structure (چکیده)
5567 - Development of a Forward-Wave Directional Coupler Loaded with a Periodic Shunt Structure (چکیده)
5568 - Interdiction problem as a tool to identify an effective budget allocation to quality improvement plans (چکیده)
5569 - Effect of Vermicompost on Some Morphological, Physiological and Biochemical Traits of Bean (Phaseolus vulgarisL.) Under Salinity Stress (چکیده)
5570 - Diversity of cross-resistance patterns to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in wild oat (Avena ludiviciana) biotypes (چکیده)
5572 - An outlier pruning preprocessing approach for support vector machine (چکیده)
5573 - Modification of Glucose biosensor using Pt/MWCNTs electrode and optimization by application of taguchi method (چکیده)
5574 - Fatigue Strength and Fatigue Fracture Mechanism for Spot Welds in U-Shape Specimens (چکیده)
5575 - بررسی نحوه استقرار مراکز انتظامی شهر مشهد براساس مدل SWOT و QSPM (چکیده)
5576 - Evaluation of Extremoenzymes in cold tolerant bacteria isolated from Oshtorankuh Mountains (چکیده)
5577 - Optimization of cold active protease production by the cold tolerant bacterium Stentrophomonas sp. with one factor at a time methodology (چکیده)
5578 - Dilute solution, flow behavior, thixotropy and viscoelastic characterization of cress seed ( Lepidium sativum ) gum fractions (چکیده)
5579 - Self-Optimizing and Control Structure Design for a CO2 Capturing Plant (چکیده)
5580 - The effect of the number of children on the attention of working mothers using covariance analysis (چکیده)
5581 - Complete convergence for weighted sums of arrays of APND random variables (چکیده)
5582 - Effects of Different Water Supply and Corm Planting Density on Crocin, Picrocrocin and Safranal, Nitrogen Uptake and Water Use Efficiency of Saffron Grown in Semi-Arid Region (چکیده)
5583 - Optimal Design of a Gas‐to‐Liquids Process with a Staged Fischer‐Tropsch Reactor (چکیده)
5584 - Colliding solitary waves in quark gluon plasmas (چکیده)
5585 - Evolution of MIA-QSPR integrated by two and three way regression models for Estimation of Degradation Rate Constants of Reaction between Different Aromatic Compounds and OH- Radical in Water (چکیده)
5586 - Study Growth and N2-fixation of Alnus subcordata seedlings inoculated with different Frankia crushed nodules (چکیده)
5587 - Development of a multispectral imaging system for online quality assessment of pomegranate fruit (چکیده)
5588 - Direct Analysis of Sunset Yellow in Commercial Saffron Using Gradual Solvatochromic Effect Followed by Rank Annihilation Factor Analysis (RAFA) (چکیده)
5589 - Numerical Investigation of Water Drop Movement within a Microchannel under Electrowetting Phenomenon (چکیده)
5590 - Using graph database for file recommendation in PAD social network (چکیده)
5591 - Association between three prominent climatic teleconnections and precipitation in Iran using wavelet coherence (چکیده)
5592 - The relationship between antioxidant compounds contents and antioxidant enzymes under water-deficit stress in the three Iranian cultivars of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) (چکیده)
5593 - Comparative Growth Rate Of Equine Abdominal versus Gluteal Fat-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (چکیده)
5594 - A generalization of zero divisor graphs associated to commutative rings (چکیده)
5595 - An efficient recurrent neural network model for solving fuzzy non-linear programming problems (چکیده)
5596 - Application of meshless local integral equations for two-dimensional transient coupled hygrothermoelasticity analysis: Moisture and thermoelastic wave propagations under shock loading (چکیده)
5597 - Generalized coupled non-Fickian/non-Fourierian diffusion-thermoelasticity analysis subjected to shock loading using analytical method (چکیده)
5598 - A new definition and properties of the similarity value between two protein structures (چکیده)
5599 - How much do sequential order statistics include evidences? (چکیده)
5600 - شناسایی و اولویت بندی راهبردهای توانمندسازی زنان در روستاهای مهاجرفرست بر اساس ماتریس SWOT و QSPM (مطالعه موردی: شهرستان مشهد) (چکیده)
5601 - Mass production of highly-porous graphene for high-performance supercapacitors (چکیده)
5602 - Metal free synthesis of tetrahydrobenzo[a] xanthenes using orange peel as a natural and low cost efficient heterogeneous catalyst (چکیده)
5603 - Effects of hydrotherapy on postural control and electromyography parameters in men with chronic non-specific low back pain (چکیده)
5604 - Modelling lifetime of sequential r-out-of-n systems with independent and heterogeneous components (چکیده)
5605 - Using magnetized water as a solvent for a green, catalyst-free, and efficient protocol for the synthesis of pyrano[2,3-c]pyrazoles and pyrano[40,30:5,6]pyrazolo [2,3-d]pyrimidines (چکیده)
5606 - An adaptive recursive discrete fourier transform technique for the reference current generation of single-phase shunt active power filters (چکیده)
5607 - On stochastic dominance and the strong law of large numbers for dependent random variables (چکیده)
5608 - Unaxisymmetric Stagnation-point Flow And Heat Transfer of A Viscous Fluid With Variable Viscosity On A Cylinder In Constsnt Heat Flux (چکیده)
5609 - Polyethylene glycol grafted flower‐like cupric nano oxide for the hollow‐fiber solid‐phase microextraction of hexaconazole, penconazole, and diniconazole in vegetable samples (چکیده)
5610 - Estimating width of the stable channels using multivariable mathematical models (چکیده)
5611 - Knockdown of p65 subunit of NF-kB transcription factor down-regulates the induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines & chemokine in human lung epithelial cells infected with influenza H9N2 virus (چکیده)
5612 - A Comprehensive Comparison of Classical and Modern Controllers in the Steam Level of a Power Plant (چکیده)
5613 - Improving Lateral Dynamics of Vehicle Using Direct Yaw Moment Controller Based on Quantitative Feedback Theory (چکیده)
5614 - Prediction of rainfall using artificial neural networks for synoptic station of Mashhad: a case study (چکیده)
5615 - Analytical modeling of subthreshold swing in undoped trigate SOI MOSFETs (چکیده)
5616 - Evaluation of optimum areas for municipal landfill sites using AHP and ANP in GIS: A case study (چکیده)
5617 - A comparison of various artificial intelligence approaches performance for estimating suspended sediment load of river systems: a case study in United States (چکیده)
5618 - Stability and Change in Worshiping Provisions (چکیده)
5619 - Exploring ion homeostasis and mechanism of salinity tolerance in primary tritipyrum lines (Wheat × Thinopyrum bessarabicum) in the presence of salinity (چکیده)
5620 - Negative dependence for fuzzy random variables: basic definitions and some limit theorems (چکیده)
5621 - Algae-based wastewater treatment for biofuel production: Processes, species and extraction methods (چکیده)
5622 - Enhancement of heat transfer and heat exchanger effectiveness in a double pipe heat exchanger filled with porous media: Numerical simulation and sensitivity analysis of turbulent fluid flow (چکیده)
5623 - Ethylene polymerization using a binary catalytic system; activity and microstructure study (چکیده)
5624 - α-Diimine binuclear Ni-based catalysts for ethylene polymerization: effect of ortho-substituent (چکیده)
5625 - Explaining and validating stressed power systems behavior using modal series (چکیده)
5626 - Mixed Tabu machine for portfolio optimization problem (چکیده)
5627 - Development of a new electrochemical imprinted sensor based on poly-pyrrole, sol–gel and multiwall carbon nanotubes for determination of tramadol (چکیده)
5628 - Effects of swimming exercise on morphine-induced reward and behavioral sensitization in maternally-separated rat pups in the conditioned place preference procedure (چکیده)
5629 - Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Contamination Transport in Nahavand Plain Aquifer,West of Iran (چکیده)
5630 - The effect of magnetic water on concentration of micronutrient elements in basil leaves (چکیده)
5631 - Treatment of urban sewage duration coagulation process with use natural materials (چکیده)
5632 - Rheological behavior of starch–poly (vinyl alcohol) –TiO2 nanofluids and their main and interactive effects (چکیده)
5633 - Development of a cost-effective technique to remove the arsenic contamination from aqueous solutions by calcium peroxide nanoparticles (چکیده)
5634 - Elastodynamic Analysis of a Hollow Cylinder with Decagonal Quasicrystal Properties: Meshless Implementation of Local Integral Equations (چکیده)
5635 - شبیه سازی عددی جریان و انتقال آلودگی در آبهای زیرزمینی مطالعه موردی: آبخوان دشت نهاوند (چکیده)
5636 - Prediction of oxidation parameters of purified Kilka fish oil including gallic acid and methyl gallate by adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and artificial neural network (چکیده)
5637 - Sensitivity analysis of ray tracing to the geometrical description of the environment (چکیده)
5638 - Simulating Climate change Impacts on Wheat Production in Gorgan, Iran (چکیده)
5639 - Fatigue resistance of monolithic CAD/CAM ceramic crowns on human premolars (چکیده)
5640 - The effect of number and configuration of sediment microbial fuel cells on their performance in an open channel architecture (چکیده)
5641 - Characterization of some discrete families based on doubly truncated mean and covariance (چکیده)
5642 - Evaluating the Pedagogic Value of Multi-Word Expressions Based on EFL Teachers’ and Advanced Learners’ Value Judgments (چکیده)
5643 - Development of an Enhanced Gain Substrate Integrated Waveguide H-plane Horn Antenna Using Thin Substarte (چکیده)
5644 - A comprehensive approach for network attack forecasting (چکیده)
5645 - Risk-based Intrusion Response Management in IDS using Bayesian Decision Networks (چکیده)
5646 - Synthesis, characterization and gas permeation study of ZIF-11/Pebax® 2533 mixed matrix membranes (چکیده)
5647 - Towards modeling soil texture-specific sensitivity of wheat yield and water balance to climatic changes (چکیده)
5648 - Collision partner selection schemes in DSMC: From micro/nano flows to hypersonic flows (چکیده)
5649 - Yeats’s Redefinition of Poetic Self in Nature Symbolism (چکیده)
5650 - Effects of NaCl and CaCl2on physicochemical properties of pregelatinized and granular cold-water swelling corn starches (چکیده)
5651 - Experimental and numerical study of metal-oxides/water nanofluids as coolant in photovoltaic thermal systems (PVT) (چکیده)
5652 - Functional properties of granular cold‐water swelling maize starch: effect of sucrose and glucose (چکیده)
5653 - Semantic tagging and linking of software engineering social content (چکیده)
5654 - A study on the structure and catalytic performance of ZnxCu1-xAl2O4 catalysts synthesized by the solution combustion method for the esterification reaction (چکیده)
5655 - Thiol-incorporated activated carbon derived fromfir wood sawdust as an efficient adsorbent for theremoval of mercury ion: Batch and fixed-bedcolumn studi (چکیده)
5656 - Integration of life cycle assessment and Cobb-Douglas modeling for the environmental assessment of kiwifruit in Iran (چکیده)
5657 - A Load-Balanced Call Admission Controller for IMS Cloud Computing (چکیده)
5658 - Some considerations on instability of combined loaded thin-walled tubes with a crack (چکیده)
5659 - Bioprocess engineering of microalgae to optimize lipid production through nutrient management (چکیده)
5660 - Phylogeography of Calomyscus elburzensis (Calomyscidae, Rodentia) around the Central Iranian Desert with Description of a New Subspecies in Center of Iranian Plateau (چکیده)
5661 - Facile template-free hydrothermal synthesis and microstrain measurement of ZnO nanorods (چکیده)
5662 - Optimisation and modelling green bean's ultrasound blanching (چکیده)
5663 - Teaching of new sport skill to weightlifters: problem in performance and motor learning (چکیده)
5664 - Antibacterial activity of different extracts from Stachys turcomanica aerial parts on typical food-borne pathogens (چکیده)
5665 - Some results on Kwong functions and related inequalities (چکیده)
5666 - Webometrics as a method for identifying the most accredited free electronic journals: The case of medical sciences (چکیده)
5667 - New insights into the taxonomy of the skittering frog Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis complex (Schneider, 1799) (Amphibia: Dicroglossidae) based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene sequences in southern Asia (چکیده)
5668 - Interaction of sine-Gordon kinks and breathers with a PT-symmetric defect (چکیده)
5669 - Three-Dimensional Stagnation- Point Flow and Heat Transfer of a Dusty Fluid Toward a Stretching Sheet (چکیده)
5670 - Effect of Cognitive Pain Self-Management Program on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Women with Chron ic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Pilot Study (چکیده)
5671 - A note on “A class of linear differential dynamical systems with fuzzy initial condition” (چکیده)
5672 - Management of Urban Drainage System Using Integrated MIKE SWMM and GIS (چکیده)
5673 - Impacts of Strategic Bidding of Wind Power Producers on Electricity Markets (چکیده)
5674 - Effect of process conditions on product yield and composition of fast pyrolysis of Eucalyptus grandis in fluidized bed reactor (چکیده)
5675 - Adsorptive removal of CO2 on highly microporous activated carbons prepared from Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood: Effect of chemical activation (چکیده)
5676 - Controllable Synthesis of Flower-Like ZnO Nanostructure with Hydrothermal Method (چکیده)
5677 - Contact Zone of Asian and European Wild Boar at North West of Iran (چکیده)
5678 - Ecological niche differentiation and taxonomic distinction between Eremias strauchi strauchi and Eremias strauchi kopetdaghica (Squamata: Lacertidae) on the Iranian Plateau based on ecological niche modeling (چکیده)
5679 - Design of LCL and LLCL filters for single‐phase grid connected converters (چکیده)
5680 - Metanolic extract from Achillea eriophora L. leaves induces cell migratioin and proliferation in human fibroblasts (چکیده)
5681 - Investigating the effect of the methanolic extract from the leaves of Achillea eriophora D. C. on human cutaneous wound healing in an in vitro cellular model (چکیده)
5682 - Investigation of the possible in Hydroponics Growing of Grass pea - Lathyrus sativum L (چکیده)
5683 - A Low Profile, Broadband Linearly and Circularly Polarized Cavity Backed Antenna Using Halved-Dual Mode SIW Cavity (چکیده)
5684 - Effects of climate change on the distribution of endemic Ferula xylorhachis Rech.f. (Apiaceae: Scandiceae) in Iran: Predictions from ecological niche models (چکیده)
5685 - The influence of welding parameters on fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth rate in friction stir welded nugget of 2024-T351 aluminum alloy joints (چکیده)
5686 - Goodness-of-fit test under length-biased sampling (چکیده)
5687 - A Novel Method to Solve a Class of Distributed Optimal Control Problems Using Bezier Curves (چکیده)
5688 - Evaluation of the SBT collision model for near-continuum nano fourier flows (چکیده)
5689 - An approximate method for numerically solving multi-dimensional delay fractional optimal control problems by Bernstein polynomials (چکیده)
5690 - Effects of trap and reflect particle boundary conditions on particle transport and convective heat transfer for duct flow-A two-way coupling of Eulerian-Lagrangian Model (چکیده)
5691 - Double expanding robust image watermarking based on Spread Spectrum technique and BCH coding (چکیده)
5692 - Application of Mathematical Programming Model for Optimal Allocation of Voshmgir Dam Water for Various Consumptions (Case Study: Golestan Province) (چکیده)
5693 - A mechanistic insight into the effect of piperidine as an organocatalyst on the [3 + 2] cycloaddition reaction of benzalacetone with phenyl azide from a computational study (چکیده)
5694 - ارزیایی سیستم منابع آب با رویکرد یکپارچه بر اساس چارچوب حسابداری آب در محدوده مطالعاتی مشهد (چکیده)
5695 - Bis(Imino) Pyridyl Iron Complexes: the Effect of Polymerization Conditions on Activities and Thermal Behaviors of Polyethylene (چکیده)
5696 - First report of four Curculionidae (Coleoptera) from Center and Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
5697 - Long term rainfall forecasting by integrated artificial neural network-fuzzy logic-wavelet model in Karoon basin (چکیده)
5698 - Development of Circularly Polarized Cavity Backed Slot Antennas Using SIW Structure (چکیده)
5699 - Study of stream wise transverse magnetic fluid flow with heat transfer around an obstacle embedded in a porous medium (چکیده)
5700 - Reversible Surface Two-Electron Transfer Reactions in Square Wave Voltcoulommetry: Application to the Study of the Reduction of Polyoxometalate [PMo12O40]3− Immobilized at a Boron Doped Diamond Electrode (چکیده)
5701 - Facilitated ion transfer of protonated primary organic amines studied by square wave voltammetry and chronoamperometry (چکیده)
5702 - Identification of Houseplants Using Neuro-vision Based Multi-stage Classification System (چکیده)
5703 - Implications of Urwatel Wusqa from the Perspective of Interpreters: Emphasis on the Ideas Presented by the Author of Bayān al-sa'ādah Tafsir (چکیده)
5704 - On Relative Reversed Hazard Rate Order (چکیده)
5705 - Nonlinear dynamic analysis and natural frequencies of gabled frame having flexible restraints and connections (چکیده)
5706 - Three new records of eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from Iran (چکیده)
5707 - A new metode for improving the RQD Determination of Rock Core in Borehole (چکیده)
5708 - Wastewater treatment of raisings procesing factory using micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (چکیده)
5709 - Estimating Height and Diameter Growth of Some Street Trees in Urban Green Spaces (چکیده)
5710 - Study of individual lactation patterns of Iranian dairy buffaloes (چکیده)
5711 - Logistic Regression Analysis of Some Factors Influencing Incidence of Retained Placenta in a Holstein Dairy Herd (چکیده)
5712 - Numerical study of vortex shedding in viscoelastic flow past an uncon (چکیده)
5713 - Structural scope of six new layered to pillar-layered hybrid inorganic-organic networks bearing [BW12O40]5- and lanthanoid-cluster; data base study toward ligand role in assemblies (چکیده)
5714 - بررسی عدم قطعیت مدل های AOGCM و سناریو های انتشار در برآورد پارامتر های اقلیمی ( مطالعه ی موردی ایستگاه سینوتیک مشهد) (چکیده)
5715 - Performance dependence of thermosyphon on the functionalization approaches: An experimental study on thermo-physical properties of graphene nanoplatelet-based water nanofluids (چکیده)
5716 - The evaluating of efficacy of McKenzie exercises, Massage and foot Reflexology on pain and disability of men with mechanical chronic low back pain (چکیده)
5717 - حوضچه های تأخیری، راهکاری جهت توسعه و مدیریت پایدار شهری (چکیده)
5718 - Application of nodal pressure measurements in leak detection (چکیده)
5719 - Synthesis of ethylene glycol-treated Graphene Nanoplatelets with one-pot, microwave-assisted functionalization for use as a high performance engine coolant (چکیده)
5720 - Testing a Model of Intercultural Willingness to Communicate based on Ethnocentrism, Ambiguity Tolerance and Sensation Seeking: The Role of Learning English in Iran (چکیده)
5721 - Laminar convective heat transfer of hexylamine-treated MWCNTs-based turbine oil nanofluid (چکیده)
5722 - Transformer oil based multi-walled carbon nanotube–hexylamine coolant with optimized electrical, thermal and rheological enhancements† (چکیده)
5723 - social aspects of male infertility:the percepective and expertences of iranian woman (چکیده)
5724 - Comparison of Renovation of Damaged Fabrics with Smart Growth Approach (Case Study: Renovation of Qarani Neighborhood in Mashhad) (چکیده)
5725 - Astragalus orientopersicus, sp. nov. (Fabaceae), a new taxon from the Khorassan province (Iran) (چکیده)
5726 - Genetic parameter estimates for growth and reproductive traits in Lori sheep (چکیده)
5727 - Can incivility impair team's creative performance through paralyzing employee's knowledge sharing? A multi-level approach (چکیده)
5728 - Proposed metrics for data accessibility in the context of linked open data (چکیده)
5729 - The Caspian Sea–Hindu Kush Index (CasHKI): A regulatory factor for dust activity over southwest Asia (چکیده)
5730 - Aerodynamic shape study of supersonic surface to surface missiles with continuous flexible nose (چکیده)
5731 - The Caspian Sea – Hindu Kush Index (CasHKI): definition, meteorological influences and Dust activities over southwest Asia (چکیده)
5732 - Design and evaluation of Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Web-based dental continuing education course based on the constructivist (چکیده)
5733 - Adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells express keratinocyte lineage markers in a coculture model (چکیده)
5734 - On The Relationship Between The Iranian EFL Teacher`s Sense of Commitment and Their Self-Esteem (چکیده)
5735 - Using metabolic profile test as a predictor of lameness indices and hoof lesions in dairy cows (چکیده)
5736 - Evaluation of mastitis as a cause of lameness and digital lesions in dairy cows (چکیده)
5737 - Sole ulcer occurrence cure rate in a dairy herd (چکیده)
5738 - Evaluation of the culling rate in cows with interdigital necrobacillosis (چکیده)
5739 - Solar horn hardness in different digital zones of the cows (چکیده)
5740 - Lameness Monitoring, Use of Locomotion Scoring (چکیده)
5741 - Multi-variable measurements and optimization of GMAW parameters for API-X42 steel alloy using a hybrid BPNN–PSO approach (چکیده)
5742 - Effect of nanoparticles on condensation of humid air in vertical channels (چکیده)
5743 - Temperature Affects Vigour and Pollen Viability of Melon (چکیده)
5744 - Screening different crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum(L.) Gaertner.) accessions for drought stress tolerance (چکیده)
5745 - Swimming exercise attenuates psychological dependence and voluntary methamphetamine consumption in methamphet- amine withdrawn rats (چکیده)
5746 - Enriched DNA aptamer pool for HER2-positive breast cancer cell line (چکیده)
5747 - Examining the Effects of Google Docs-Based Instruction and Peer Feedback Types (Implicit vs. Explicit) on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance (چکیده)
5748 - Modeling and scheduling hybrid workflows of tasks and task interaction graphs on the cloud (چکیده)
5749 - Three eriophyoid mite species (Acari: Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) from Iran (چکیده)
5750 - Investigation of nonlinear dynamic behavior of lattice structure wind turbines (چکیده)
5751 - ارزیابی مقاومت آنتی بیوتیکی و ایمنی سویه های اسید لاکتیک باکتری ها....... (چکیده)
5752 - A New Robust Correntropy Based Levenberg- Marquardt Algorithm (چکیده)
5753 - Effects of eCG in Milking Dairy Cows with High Levels of BUN and Synchronized with Ovsynch Protocol (چکیده)
5754 - Estimating The lifetime performance index of Products for Two-Parameter Exponential Distribution With the Progressive First-Failure Censored Sample (چکیده)
5755 - Flow and thermal fields investigation in divergent micro/nano channels (چکیده)
5756 - Recovery of drop in heat transfer rate for a rotating system by nanofluids (چکیده)
5757 - Histopathological evaluation of protective effects of honey on subacute toxicity of acrylamide-induced tissue lesions in rat (چکیده)
5758 - Exercise Increases Markers of Spermatogenesis in Rats Selectively Bred for Low Running Capacity (چکیده)
5759 - Physical properties of pregelatinized and granular cold water swellingmaize starches at different pH values (چکیده)
5760 - Evaluation of the effects of rainwater harvesting techniques on soil moisture balance in semi-arid climatic conditions (چکیده)
5762 - پایش تغییرات متغیرهای هواشناسی بر نوسانات دبی و پیش بینی این تغییرات تحت شرایط تغییراقلیم (مطالعه موردی: رودخانه کارده) (چکیده)
5763 - Analysing the solution of production-inventory optimal control systems by neural networks (چکیده)
5764 - A Neural Network Approach for Solving a Class of Fractional Optimal Control Problems (چکیده)
5765 - The synthesis of 1,2-Ethanediylbis (triphenylphosphonium) ditribromideas a New Brominating Agent in The Presence of Solvents and Under Solvent Free Conditions (چکیده)
5766 - Effect of resin pocket area on the mechanical strength and crack propagation of tapered sandwich composites (چکیده)
5767 - Study of Changes in Soil Moisture and Salinity under Plastic Mulch and Drip Irrigation in Pistachio Trees (چکیده)
5768 - A study on the spider fauna of Dargaz and Kalat Counties in Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
5769 - Catford's Shift Translation and the Assessment of a Persian Translation of The Old Man and The Sea (چکیده)
5770 - An African-American Feminism Reading of The Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (چکیده)
5771 - Contemporary Literature: A Marxist Reading of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman and All My Sons (چکیده)
5772 - Artificial Neural Network Modeling to Predict Complex Bridge Pier Scour Depth (چکیده)
5773 - Microstructure and corrosion characterization of the interfacial region in dissimilar friction stir welded AA5083 to AA7023 (چکیده)
5774 - Prediction and statistical control of a piecewise linear profile (چکیده)
5775 - Computational Detection of piRNA in Human Using Support Vector Machine (چکیده)
5776 - Challenges to design GREEN high rise building in IRAN (چکیده)
5777 - Management of Urban Drainage System Using Integrated MIKE SWMM and GIS (چکیده)
5778 - The influence of cold plastic deformation on passivity of Ti-6Al-4V alloy studied by electrochemical and local probing techniques (چکیده)
5780 - Proteome analysis of wheat embryo (Triticum aestivum) Sensu stricto germination under osmotic stress (چکیده)
5781 - A Budget Constrained Scheduling Algorithm for Hybrid Cloud Computing Systems Under Data Privacy (چکیده)
5782 - Scheduling Data-Driven Workflows in Multi-cloud Environment (چکیده)
5783 - The power extraction by flapping foil hydrokinetic turbine in swing arm mode (چکیده)
5784 - Mass and performance optimization of an airplane wing leading edge structure against bird strike using Taguchi based grey relational analysis (چکیده)
5785 - Modified Substrate Integrated Wave Guide (SIW) Horn Antenna (چکیده)
5786 - Evaluation of the Change-Factor and LARS WG Methods of Downscaling for Simmulation of Climatic Variables in the Future (Case study: Herat Azam Watershed, Yazd-Iran)ّ (چکیده)
5787 - Control of wake destructive behavior for different bluff bodies in channel flow by magnetohydrodynamics (چکیده)
5788 - Permethrin-induced oxidative damage in liver of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and its attenuation by vitamin C (چکیده)
5789 - A critical evaluation of the Miller and Miller similar media theory for application to natural soils (چکیده)
5790 - Study of Correlations between Horticultural Traits and Variables Affecting Kernel Percentage of Walnut (Juglans regia L.) (چکیده)
5791 - Death of the Translator: Anti-intentionnalist Theory of Translation (چکیده)
5792 - Yeats’s Archetypal Eternity in The Wild Swans At Coole (چکیده)
5793 - Improved Hybrid Multilevel Converter to Achieve Appropriate Power Quality (چکیده)
5794 - Implementation of the Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm on Indirect Matrix Converter Controlled DFIG wind Turbine (چکیده)
5795 - Effects of copper content on the shell characteristics of hollow steel spheres manufactured using an advanced powder metallurgy technique (چکیده)
5796 - The influence of outflow in supercritical accretion flows (چکیده)
5797 - Revealing quantum correlation by negativity of the Wigner function (چکیده)
5798 - An experimental investigation on productivity and performance of a new improved design portable asymmetrical solar still utilizing thermoelectric modules (چکیده)
5799 - NCI concept as a powerful tool to investigate the origin of Diels–Alder reaction accelerating inside the self-assembled softball nanoreactor (چکیده)
5800 - اولین گزارش مطالعه نهشته های ژوراسیک برمبنای نانوفسیل های آهکی در برش فتح آباد، شمال غرب قاین (چکیده)
5801 - بررسی شرایط رسوبگذاری نهشته های هوتروین بر اساس نانوفسیلهای آهکی در برش فتح آباد (شمال غرب قاین) (چکیده)
5802 - نانوفسیل های آهکی سازند زیارت در برش مجن، شمال غرب شاهرود (چکیده)
5803 - Applying Hybrid Interval Linear Programming and Genetic Algorithm to Coordinate Distance and Directional Overcurrent Relays (چکیده)
5804 - Site specific interaction of aromatic amino acids with ZnO nanotubes: A density functional approach (چکیده)
5805 - Hybrid Coagulation/ozonation Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater Using Ferric Chloride, Poly-aluminum Chloride, and Ozon (چکیده)
5806 - Investigating and modeling the cleaning-in-place process for retrieving the membrane permeate flux: Case study of hydrophilic polyethersulfone (PES) (چکیده)
5807 - Effect of bentonite on growth indices and physiological traits of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L) under drought stress (چکیده)
5808 - Dynamic response of multiwall boron nitride nanotubes subjected to impact (چکیده)
5809 - Molecular structure, spectroscopic investigations and computational study on the potential molecular switch of (E)-1-(4-(2- hydroxybenzylideneamino)phenyl)ethanone (چکیده)
5810 - Effects of Shock Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction on Performance and Stability of a Mixed-Compression Inlet (چکیده)
5811 - Optimization of several hydrodynamic and non-hydrodynamic operating parameters in treatment of synthetic wastewater containing wheat starch in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) using response surface methodology (چکیده)
5812 - Threshold gravel channels bank profile: a comparison among 13 models (چکیده)
5813 - Simulation of tumor induced angiogenesis using an analytical adaptive modeling including dynamic sprouting and blood flow modeling (چکیده)
5814 - A comparative analysis of metadiscourse features in knowledge management research articles written in English and Persian (چکیده)
5815 - A new fuzzy method for clustering heterogeneous nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
5816 - Ideological Study of Lexical choices in Translation of a Novel from English into Persian (چکیده)
5817 - Experimental study of the ratcheting effect on the fatigue life of welded aluminium 2024-T351 (چکیده)
5818 - Predicting the molecular role of MEIS1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (چکیده)
5819 - Two phase simulation and sensitivity analysis of effective parameters on combined heat transfer and pressure drop in a solar heat exchanger filled with nanofluid by RSM (چکیده)
5820 - Design Investigation of a Wideband Backward-Wave Directional Coupler Using Neural Network (چکیده)
5821 - Development of a Compact H-Plane SIW Horn Antenna with High Directivity (چکیده)
5822 - Design Investigation of Dual Band H-Plane SIW Horn Antenna with Elliptical Shaped Radiating Aperture (چکیده)
5823 - An investigation of stress wave propagation in a shear deformable nanobeam based on modified couple stress theory (چکیده)
5824 - Two phase simulation and sensitivity analysis of effective parameters on turbulent combined heat transfer and pressure drop in a solar heat exchanger filled with nanofluid by Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
5825 - رتبه بندی آسیب پذیری فاضلابروها جهت تدوین برنامه نگهداری و بازسازی شبکه فاضلاب شهری با استفاده از روش SAW (چکیده)
5826 - New studies on basil (Ocimum bacilicum L.) seed gum: Part II—Emulsifying and foaming characterization (چکیده)
5827 - An annotated checklist of Microweiseinae and Sticholotidini of Iran (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) (چکیده)
5828 - Giving a Boost to the Working Memory: Emotioncy and Cognitive Load Theory (چکیده)
5829 - Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) Loaded With an Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Structure: Modeling and Application to Displacement Sensor (چکیده)
5830 - Inorganic arsenic can be potent granulotoxin in mammalian neutrophils in vitro (چکیده)
5831 - Description of tylenchorhynchus iranensis sp. N. (nematoda: telotylenchidae) from iran (چکیده)
5832 - Maximal Inequalities and Some Convergence Theorems for Fuzzy Random Variables (چکیده)
5833 - An Empirical Study of Security of Voip System (چکیده)
5834 - Tracking of the gene Fom2 and study on the genetic diversity of NB-ARC domain in the number of resistant and sensitive melon cultivars against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis- race1 (چکیده)
5835 - Effects of nitrogen fertilization on population growth of two-spotted spider mites (چکیده)
5836 - Stock Price Forecasting (چکیده)
5837 - Simplified vanishing moment criteria for wavelets over general dilation groups, with applications to abelian and shearlet dilation groups (چکیده)
5838 - Coordination behavior of chelidamic acid with V(V), Ni(II), Fe(III), and Ca(II): Syntheses, X-ray characterization and DFT studies (چکیده)
5839 - Effects of 1.25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol and Hydroalcoholic Extract of Withania Coagulans Fruit on Bone Mineralization and Mechanical and Histological Properties of Male Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
5840 - Electrochemical determination of carbamazepin in the presence of paracetamol using a carbon ionic liquid paste electrode modified with a three-dimensional graphene/MWCNTs hybrid composite film (چکیده)
5841 - Effect of evidence-based approach on the customer orientation (Case study: Physicians Health Centers in Isfahan province in 2014) (چکیده)
5842 - A Hybrid Neural Network Approach for Kinematic Modeling of a Novel 6-UPS Parallel Human-Like Mastication Robot (چکیده)
5843 - Control of interaction between MHD and nanofluid for thermal and drag management by RSM (چکیده)
5844 - The Impacts of Open and Closed Postures on EFL Learners’ Perceptions of Class Activity (چکیده)
5845 - A practical vehicle routing problem with desynchronized arrivals to depot (چکیده)
5846 - Investigation of Three-Dimensional Axisymmetric Unsteady Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer Impinging on an Accelerated Flat Plate (چکیده)
5847 - Locating the acoustic source in thin glass plate using low sampling rate data (چکیده)
5848 - Evaluation of Price-sensitive Loads' Impacts on LMP and Market Power Using LMP Decomposition (چکیده)
5849 - Effect of dietary sugar concentration and sunflower seed supplementation on lactation performance, ruminal fermentation, milk fatty acid profile, and blood metabolites of dairy cows (چکیده)
5850 - Power Generation Scheduling of Thermal Units Considering Gas Pipelines Constraints (چکیده)
5851 - An integrated model for generation maintenance coordination in a restructured power system involving gas network constraints and uncertainties (چکیده)
5852 - Numerical study of airfoil thickness effects on the performance of J-shaped straight blade vertical axis wind turbine (چکیده)
5853 - The Influence of Firms’ Capital Expenditure on Firms’ Working Capital Management (چکیده)
5854 - How leader–member exchange can uplift team’s energy to increase creative work involvement (چکیده)
5855 - Investigation of activities of Forooghi encountering with the West culture in Iran (چکیده)
5856 - The Blasphemy by Death of Ignorance, Based on Acknowledgement Hadith (چکیده)
5857 - Application of combinational approach of FAHP and PROMETHEE in the insurance branches ranking (چکیده)
5858 - The Status and Strategic Condition Public Sport in Ghochan City Based on SWOT Analysis (چکیده)
5859 - Welding processes for wear resistant overlays (چکیده)
5860 - Using inverse modeling and hierarchical cluster analysis for hydrochemical characterization of springs and Talkhab River in Tang-Bijar oilfield, Iran (چکیده)
5861 - Experimental analysis of the low cycle fatigue of a spray-coated layered multi-walled carbon nanotubes/polyvinyl chloride nanocomposite (چکیده)
5862 - Statistical analysis of the parameters influencing the mechanical properties of layered MWCNTs/PVC nanocomposites (چکیده)
5863 - Incoherent tunneling effects in a one-dimensional quantum walk (چکیده)
5864 - A new approach for reclaiming of waste automotive EPDM rubber using waste oil (چکیده)
5865 - Design Investigation of a Dual-Mode Switchable Microstrip Bandpass Filter (چکیده)
5866 - The Optimized Fractal Frequency Selective Surface Based On Koch Geometry (چکیده)
5867 - Development of a Dual Band, Dual Polarized Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna Using Higher-Order Modes (چکیده)
5868 - Design Investigation of a Broadband and High Gain with Low SLL H-Plane SIW Horn Antenna (چکیده)
5869 - Development of a Low Profile and High gain H-Plane SIW Horn Antenna with Low Side Lobe Level (چکیده)
5870 - Combination of artificial neural network and genetic algorithm method for modeling of methylene blue adsorption onto wood sawdust from water samples (چکیده)
5871 - The effectiveness of attachment-based group training on the psychological well-beingof a non-clinical sample of students with preoccupied insecure attachment style (چکیده)
5872 - Improving second language writing through small learner corpora (چکیده)
5873 - Application of the harmonic control arrays technique to single‐phase stand‐alone inverters (چکیده)
5874 - On weighted cumulative residual entropy (چکیده)
5875 - Applying FeAl coating on the low carbon steel substrate through selfpropagation high temperature synthesis (SHS) process (چکیده)
5876 - Microstructure characterization and mechanical properties of Ti-based bulk metallic glass joints prepared with friction stir spot welding process (چکیده)
5877 - نقش صورت نوشتاری ذهنی در تسهیل درک کلمات هم آوای ناهم نویسه (چکیده)
5878 - Performance analysis of sloped solar chimney power plants in the southwestern region of Iran (چکیده)
5879 - Starting Torque Improvement Using J-Shaped Straight_Bladed Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine by Means of Numerical Simulation (چکیده)
5880 - مدل سازی رواناب حوضه آبخیز اترک با استفاده از الگوریتم SUFI-2 مدل SWAT (چکیده)
5881 - Grass-thrips of the genus Oelschlaegera (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), with the first description of a male (چکیده)
5882 - Thinning behavior of laminated sheets metal in warm deep-drawing process under various grain sizes (چکیده)
5883 - New implementation of a non-associated flow rule in rate independent plasticity (چکیده)
5884 - Three-User Cognitive Multiple-Access Channels with Confidential Messages (چکیده)
5885 - Experimental investigation of nanofluid free convection over the vertical and horizontal flat plates with uniform heat flux by PIV (چکیده)
5886 - A facile Friedel–Crafts acylation for the synthesis of polyethylenimine-grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes as efficient gene delivery vectors (چکیده)
5887 - The effect of six weeks of high-intensity interval training with and without zinc supplementation on aerobic power and anaerobic power in female futsal playersigh-intensity interval training with and withourobic power and anaerobic power in female futsal players (چکیده)
5888 - Canine Myiasis and Its Causal Agents in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
5889 - Effect of irrigation efficiency on Groundwater storages (by WEAP model) (چکیده)
5890 - Statistical evidences in sequential order statistics arising from a general family of lifetime distributions (چکیده)
5891 - The Effects of Teacher’s Employment of Language Learning Software on Iranian Pre-Intermediate EFL Learners’ Autonomy’ has (چکیده)
5892 - Obvious-answer questions in Persian: Their structure and functions (چکیده)
5893 - Similarity Solutions of Unsteady Three-Dimensional Stagnation Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous, Compressible Fluid on an Accelerated Flat Plate (چکیده)
5894 - Interactive Effects of Salinity Stress and Zn Availability on Physiological Properties, Antioxidants Activity and Micronutrients’Content of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) plants (چکیده)
5895 - New records of the William’s Jerboa, Paralactaga cf. williamsi (Thomas, 1897) (Rodentia: Dipodidae) from northeastern Iran with notes on its ecology (چکیده)
5896 - Specific cutting force and cutting condition interaction modeling for round insert face milling operation (چکیده)
5897 - Adaptive predictive voltage control of three-phase PWM-VSCs in UPS applications (چکیده)
5898 - Sensitivity Analysis of Entropy Generation in Nanofluid Flow inside a Channel by Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
5899 - Performance Analysis of PSO and GA Algorithms in Order to Classifying EEG Data (چکیده)
5900 - Static and fatigue mechanical behavior of three dental CAD/CAM ceramics (چکیده)
5901 - Fatigue damage evaluation by image processing from surface feature for aluminum 2024-T351 alloy (چکیده)
5902 - An experimental investigation on energy absorption behavior of thin-walled aluminum semispherical shells with and without foam (چکیده)
5903 - Experimental investigation on energy absorption of steel spherical shells (چکیده)
5904 - An experimental study on the effect of buckling initiators on energy absorption behavior of thin-walled steel cones (چکیده)
5905 - Investigating influence of trust on repurchasing by mediating role of customer satisfaction in online stores. (چکیده)
5906 - Vulnerability of maize production under future climate change: possible adaptation strategies (چکیده)
5907 - A Robust Wide-Area Impedance-Based Fault Location Method Utilizing LAV Estimator (چکیده)
5908 - Improving photocatalytic activity of ZnS nanoparticles for degradation of an azo dye under sunlight via synergistic effect of graphene nanosheets (چکیده)
5909 - معرفی روش جدید تطبیق برای اندازه گیری دقیق تغییرات حجمی در تصاویر تشدید مغناطیسی مغزی بیماران مبتلا به اوتیسم (چکیده)
5910 - A New Algorithm for Edge Detection based on Edge Following (چکیده)
5911 - Is Sarah mirroring Nora? A Comparative study of A Doll House and Sarah (چکیده)
5912 - Linguistics and Translation Studies: Imposing Linguistic, Cultural and Ideological norms in the Translation of Literary Texts (چکیده)
5913 - New data on the spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Aranei), part III (چکیده)
5914 - Dilute solution properties of canary seed (Phalaris canariensis) starch in comparison to wheat starch (چکیده)
5915 - Highly Monodispersed Hematite Cubes for Water Remediation (چکیده)
5916 - Biochemical characterization of a novel antioxidant and angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from Struthio camelus egg white protein hydrolysis (چکیده)
5917 - Description of Basiria birjandiensis n. sp (Nematoda: Tylenchidae) from South Khorasan province with a checklist of the family Tylenchidae Orley 1880 from Iran (چکیده)
5918 - A checklist of the family Pratylenchidae Thorne, 1949 from Iran (چکیده)
5919 - New records of two new plant nematode species from pomegranate gardens in southern Khorasan Province of Iran (چکیده)
5920 - Numerical investigation of Knudsen pump performance (چکیده)
5921 - Firefly optimization algorithm effecton support vector regression predictioni mprovement of amodified labyrinth side weir’s discharge coefficient (چکیده)
5922 - Reclaiming waste tire rubber by an irradiation technique (چکیده)
5923 - Wettability properties vary with different morphologies of ZnO nanoparticles deposited on glass and modified by stearic acid (چکیده)
5924 - Investigating the effect of education on women's entrepreneurship (چکیده)
5925 - Application of corrected positive mathematical programming for determining culture optimum pattern - Case study: Mashhad plain subsurface water consumers, Iran (چکیده)
5926 - A Study of Impact of Ownership Structure and Disclosure Quality on Information Asymmetry in Iran (چکیده)
5927 - A Critical analysis of Quranyun's Perceptions about The writing (چکیده)
5928 - Growth and yield response of potato genotypes to deficit irrigation (چکیده)
5929 - A winner-take-all approach to emotional neural networks with universal approximation property (چکیده)
5930 - تاثیر اصلاح تنش سطحی قطره برجوانه زایی جریان چگالشی بخار آب (چکیده)
5931 - On the generalized cayley graphs of power set rings and hamiltonian cycles (چکیده)
5932 - Analysis of Hadith “Wujuh Sawh” in Terms of Chain of Transmitters and Content (چکیده)
5933 - Emotioncy, Extraversion, and Anxiety in Willingness to Communicate in English (چکیده)
5934 - Molecular detection of pigeon herpesvirus, fowl adenovirus and pigeon circovirus in pigeonsrefered to mashad (چکیده)
5935 - Acute and chronic responses of metabolic myokine to different intensities of exercise in sedentary young women (چکیده)
5936 - Changing Productivity Index Using a Special DMU in DEA (چکیده)
5937 - Providing a Source Code Security Analysis Model Using Semantic Web Techniques (چکیده)
5938 - New Techniques to Improve Directivity of H-Plane Substrate Integrated Waveguide Horn Antenna (چکیده)
5939 - Mathematical model for selection of renewable resources with budget and space constraint (case study: hospitals) (چکیده)
5940 - A Highly Efficient and Linear Broadband Common-Drain CMOS Power Amplifier With Transformer-Based Input-Matching Network (چکیده)
5941 - بررسی تغییرات دمای حداکثر و حداقل در زیر حوضه گرگانرود برای دوره 2030-2011 با استفاده از مدل HadCM3 و روش ریز مقیاس سازی LARS-WG (چکیده)
5942 - Enhancement in mechanical properties of multi- walled carbon nanotube– carbon fiber hybrid epoxy composite: effect of electrostatic repulsion (چکیده)
5943 - Microstructure and Residual Stress Distributions Under the Influence of Welding Speed in Friction Stir Welded 2024 Aluminum Alloy (چکیده)
5944 - Effects of foam-mat drying temperature on physico-chemical and microstructural properties of shrimp powder (چکیده)
5945 - Nanofiltration treatment of tomato paste processing wastewater: process modeling and optimization using response surface methodology (چکیده)
5946 - Nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a microchannel with longitudinal vortex generators: Two-phase numerical simulation (چکیده)
5947 - Influence of preparation methods of microwave, sol–gel, and hydrothermal on structural and optical properties of lanthania nanoparticles (چکیده)
5948 - Performance of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum in deep-fried battered chicken nugget: effect of gum concentration and batter temperature (چکیده)
5949 - Fuzzy Impedance Control Strategy for Jaw Rehabilitation Using 6-UPS Stewart Robot (چکیده)
5950 - Gyrostabilized Two Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Robot (چکیده)
5951 - Application of response surface methodology and artificial neural network for analysis of p-chlorophenol biosorption by dried activated sludge (چکیده)
5952 - The effectiveness of Grouply training of Glasser's choice theory on improving relations between parent - child and reducing symptoms of aggression in female students with aggressive symptoms1 (چکیده)
5953 - Microwave-assisted synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of new derivatives of 1,2-dihydro-3H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-3-one (چکیده)
5954 - A Reputation Framework for Social Participatory Sensing Systems (چکیده)
5955 - Formation of TiC Ceramic Coating on AISI D2 Tool Steel through Mechanical Milling Technique (چکیده)
5956 - A Simple, Efficient and Solvent-free Reaction for the Synthesis of Quinolines Using Caesium Iodide (چکیده)
5957 - Removal of 2-propanol from water by pervaporation usingpoly(vinylidene fluoride) membrane filled with carbon black (چکیده)
5958 - Increased species diversity of brush-tailed mice, genus Calomyscus (Calomyscidae, Rodentia), in the Zagros Mountains, western Iran (چکیده)
5959 - آنالیز حساسیت تبخیر و تعرق مرجع نسبت به متغیرهای اقلیمی و تعیین نقطه‌ی جهش در ایستگاه سینوپتیک شیراز (چکیده)
5960 - Effects of supplementation of active dried yeast and malate during sub-acute ruminal acidosis on rumen fermentation, microbial population, selected blood metabolites, and milk production in dairy cows (چکیده)
5961 - Axisymmetric Stagnation Flow and Heat Transfer of a Compressible Fluid Impinging on a Cylinder Moving Axially (چکیده)
5962 - Hot deformation processing map and microstructural evaluation of the Ni-based superalloy IN-738LC (چکیده)
5963 - Comment on “Effects of thermophoresis and Brownian motion on nanofluid heat transfer and entropy generation” by M. Mahmoodi, Sh. Kandelousi, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 211 (2015) 15–24. (چکیده)
5964 - The Effect of a Dietary Prebiotic on Japanese Quails Growth Performance (چکیده)
5965 - آب و هواشناسی (چکیده)
5966 - The QOL-DASS Model to Estimate Overall Quality of Life and General Health (چکیده)
5967 - Assessment of aflatoxin B1 adsorption efficacy of natural and processed bentonites: In vitro and in vivo assays (چکیده)
5968 - Methodological Sources of Bias Affecting On Subjective Well-Being (چکیده)
5969 - Applying the Apriori Algorithm for Investigating the Associations Between Demographic Characteristics of Iranian Top 100 Enterprises and the Structure of Their Commercial Websites (چکیده)
5970 - Application of Fuzzy System in Psychological Tests: Optimize the Number of Questions for WHOQOL-BREF (چکیده)
5971 - Communicative Cancer Stem Cells Micro Environment: A New Targeted Island for Nanomedicine (چکیده)
5972 - Overall, and Specific Life Satisfaction Domains: Preliminary Iranian Students Norms (چکیده)
5973 - Using Canopy Reflectance and Crop Stress Index to Enhance Wheat Yield Prediction (چکیده)
5974 - Dynamic swarm learning for nanoparticles to control drug release function using RBF networks in atherosclerosis (چکیده)
5975 - Bioinspired Nanonetworks for Targeted Cancer Drug Delivery (چکیده)
5976 - A nature-inspired transition from Differential Evolution to Particle Swarm Optimization (چکیده)
5977 - Stigmergic cooperation of nanoparticles for swarm fuzzy control of low-density lipoprotein concentration in the arterial wall (چکیده)
5978 - Pedestrian zone planning in line with sustainable development with an emphasis on standards (چکیده)
5979 - Cauchy--Schwarz inequality revisited (چکیده)
5980 - Goodness-of-Fit test based on cumulative Kullback-Leibler information for progressively type-II censored data (چکیده)
5981 - Unaxisymmetric stagnation‑ point flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid on a moving cylinder with time‑dependent axial velocity (چکیده)
5982 - Study and Comparison Knowledge Management Implementation Based on the Key Success Factors in Mashhad Municipality of Region Samen (چکیده)
5983 - Examining the Effective Factors in Citizen Participation in Management of New Towns (چکیده)
5984 - Extension of the Coverage Region of Multiple Access Channels by Using a Relay (چکیده)
5985 - Urban Public Spaces and Women’s Safety: A Participatory Approach of Saqqez Streets, Iran (چکیده)
5986 - An iterative method for solving the continuous sylvester equation by emphasizing on the skew-hermitian parts of the coefficient matrices (چکیده)
5987 - A Modified Couple Stress Theory for Postbuckling Analysis of Timoshenko and Reddy-Levinson Single-Walled Carbon Nanobeams (چکیده)
5988 - Histopathological evaluation of the effect of platelet-rich fibrin on canine cutaneous incisional wound healing (چکیده)
5989 - Nitric oxide: a signaling molecule which activates cell wall-associated defense of tomato against Rhizoctonia solani (چکیده)
5990 - Heat transfer and entropy generation in a microchannel with longitudinal vortex generators using nanofluids (چکیده)
5991 - A Fast Calculation Method for Analyzing the Effect of Wind Generation on ATC (چکیده)
5992 - WS-TWSVM: Weighted Structural Twin Support Vector Machine by local and global information (چکیده)
5993 - Frequency adaptive repetitive control of grid connected inverter for wind turbine applications (چکیده)
5994 - Variable Structure Direct Torque Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator for Wind Turbine Applications (چکیده)
5995 - Interleaved Two- Switch Flyback Microinverter For Grid-tied Photovoltaic Applications (چکیده)
5996 - On stability of a functional equation of quadratic type (چکیده)
5997 - An analysis on housing's quantitative and qualitative indicators texture worn case study: Mashhad No Darreh district (چکیده)
5998 - Assessment of climatic indices limiting rainfed wheat yield (چکیده)
5999 - Electrochemical determination of carbamazepin in the presence of paracetamol using a carbon ionic liquid paste electrode modified with a three-dimensional graphene/MWCNT hybrid composite film (چکیده)
6000 - Cultural Consumption Focusing on Music in Bandar-Abbas City, Iran (چکیده)
6001 - بررسی عددی اثرنابرابری دیواره بالادست و پایین دست سرریز زیگزاگی بر ضریب دبی (چکیده)
6002 - Inhibition properties of new amino acids for prevention of hydrate formation in carbon dioxide–water system: Experimental and modeling investigations (چکیده)
6003 - Effects of Natural Gas Network on Optimal Operation of Gas-Fired Power Plants (چکیده)
6004 - Notes on Generalized Reversed Failure Rate (چکیده)
6005 - Nonparametric Tests for Median in Fuzzy Environment (چکیده)
6006 - Effects of Ammoniated Sugar Beet Pulp by High Level of Ammoniawith Addition Enzyme and Water on Parameters of in vitro Gas Production (چکیده)
6007 - The effect of feeding low quality date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) on the performance, antioxidant status and ruminal fermentation of mid-lactating Saanen dairy goats (چکیده)
6008 - Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene foraminifera from the Qom Formation (Central Iran) (چکیده)
6009 - Effect of Processing Protein Supplements with Tannin Extracted from Pistachio by‐Products on Performance of Holstein Dairy Cows in Early Lactation (چکیده)
6010 - Systematic notes on Burdigalian Echinoids from the Qom Formation in the Bagher Abad area, Central Iran (چکیده)
6011 - Supramolecular β-Cyclodextrin/ Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Paste Electrode for Amperometric Detection of Naproxen (چکیده)
6012 - Weeds ability to phytoremediate cadmium-contaminated soil (چکیده)
6013 - Nonlinear static analysis of cable-stayed bridge considering semirigid connections (چکیده)
6014 - Sulfonated nanohydroxyapatite functionalized with 2-aminoethyl dihydrogen phosphate (HAP@AEPH2-SO3H) as a reusable solid acid for direct esterification of carboxylic acids with alcohols (چکیده)
6015 - Optimum Routing and Scheduling for Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
6016 - A Historical Profile of Persian Loan Words in the English Language (چکیده)
6017 - Pelt Pattern Classification of New Born Lambs Using Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
6018 - The Emergence of Nature in Contemporary Iranian Architecture (چکیده)
6019 - Self-Reported Traffic Rule Compliance among a Sample of Iranian Preschoolers: Rule Knowledge, Danger Perception, Moral judgment & Self-Regulation (چکیده)
6020 - Leaky wave antenna based on Quasi-TEM mode of substrate integrated waveguide (چکیده)
6021 - Designing Coordinated Power System Stabilizers: A Reference Model Based Controller Design (چکیده)
6022 - Viber application Usage by Students and its social effects on them (چکیده)
6023 - From Text to Context : An Objective Analysis of the Language of J>D Salinger (چکیده)
6024 - Effect of different stress-responsive signalling pathways in the cytokinesis and survival of S. pombe exomer mutants (چکیده)
6025 - Numerical Investigation of the Starting Problem in a Supersonic Air Intake (چکیده)
6026 - مقایسه­ ی روش­های مختلف محاسبه­ ی شار با استفاده از حل معادلات اویلر در دو مسئله­ ی نمونه (چکیده)
6027 - Investigating strategies for optimum water usage in green spaces covered with lawn (چکیده)
6028 - Numerical Investigation of the Unstart Suppression in a Supersonic Air Intake (چکیده)
6029 - Numerical simulation and parametric study of a supersonic intake (چکیده)
6030 - Investigation of a new flux scheme for the numerical simulation of the supersonic intake flow (چکیده)
6031 - Identifying and prioritizing organizational factors affecting job stress and providing appropriate strategies (case study: faculty members of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
6032 - Performance study of a supersonic inlet in the presence of a heat source (چکیده)
6033 - Performance investigation of a supersonic air intake in the presence of the boundary layer suction (چکیده)
6034 - Two fast and accurate heuristic RBF learning rules for data classification (چکیده)
6035 - Localized genetically optimized wavelet neural network for semiactive control of buildings subjected to earthquake (چکیده)
6036 - بررسی تغییرات شوری رسوبات هولوسن خلیج فارس تا شرق تنگه هرمز با استفاده از گونه Braarudosphaera bigelowii (چکیده)
6037 - بررسی اثر تغییر اقلیم بر مقدار نیاز خالص آبیاری محصولات عمده‌ی دشت همدان-بهار با استفاده از نتایج مدل ریزمقیاس LARS-WG5 (چکیده)
6038 - A study on the dependence of structure of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on acid treatment (چکیده)
6039 - Investigation of linear alkylbenzene synthesis using nanotitania-supported Dawson heteropolyacid as catalyst by statistical design approaches (چکیده)
6040 - Design a mechanism Like flapping hummingbird wings (چکیده)
6041 - Task-Based Creative Writing through Visual Advertisement: AChange of Attitude (چکیده)
6042 - Effectiveness of Stress Reduction Methods on Mindfulness in Reducing Marital Conflicts in Couples with Addict Spouses (چکیده)
6043 - کنترل پیش بین توان مبدلهای منبع ولتاژی با تعداد سنسورهای کاهش یافته در کاربرد منابع انرژی تولید پراکنده (چکیده)
6044 - Distributed learning algorithm for non-linear differential graphical games (چکیده)
6045 - Optimal adaptive leader-follower consensus of linear multi-agent systems: Known and unknown dynamics (چکیده)
6046 - Masking wrong-successor Control Flow Errors employing data redundancy (چکیده)
6047 - A hybrid-based error detection technique for PLC-based Industrial Control Systems (چکیده)
6048 - A Software-Based Error Detection Technique for Monitoring the Program Execution of RTUs in SCADA (چکیده)
6049 - Purification of cress seed ( Lepidium sativum ) gum: Physicochemical characterization and functional properties (چکیده)
6050 - Genetic Properties of Some Economic Traits in Isfahan Native Fowl Using Bayesian and REML Methods (چکیده)
6051 - Full Waveform Inversion on Jackdaw Ocean Bottom Nodes Data in North Sea (چکیده)
6052 - “An application of FWI to deep water Hernando NAZ streamer data in Gulf of Mexico (چکیده)
6053 - New Optimization Approach for Source Encoding Full-waveform Inversion (چکیده)
6054 - Can Knowledge Management Be Implemented in the Teaching of Medical Sciences (چکیده)
6055 - Diffusion of innovations over multiplex social networks (چکیده)
6056 - A shifted nested splitting iterative method with applications to ill-posed problems and image restoration (چکیده)
6057 - Power Allocation for Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Jensen Shannon Divergence (چکیده)
6058 - Application of orthogonal array technique and particle swarmoptimization approach in surface roughness modification when face milling AISI1045 steel parts (چکیده)
6059 - Impact of the Relay on the Coverage Region of Multiple- Access Channels (چکیده)
6060 - Workflow Scheduling on the Hybrid Cloud to Maintain Data Privacy under Deadline Constraint (چکیده)
6061 - Modeling Workflow of Tasks and Task Interaction Graphs to Schedule on the Cloud (چکیده)
6062 - Analyzing ways of transition in the pattern of urban growth (چکیده)
6063 - Supplementary Analysis of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase Gene Expression in Developing Seeds of Chickpea (چکیده)
6064 - Scour Hole Influence on Turbulent Flow Field around Complex Bridge Piers (چکیده)
6065 - ارزیابی توسعه گردشگری شهرستان کاشمر با مدل SWOT (چکیده)
6066 - A relaxation approach to computation of second-order wedgelet transform with application to image compression (چکیده)
6067 - Desin Investigation of Dual Band-Reject Microwave Filter by C-Shaped DGS with Improved Q-Factor (چکیده)
6068 - Effect of Fluoride on Nickel-Titanium and Stainless Steel Orthodontic Archwires: An In-Vitro Study (چکیده)
6069 - DRCP: A Dynamic Resource Control Protocol for alleviating congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
6070 - On the Accuracy of the SBT Collision Algorithm in Nanoflows and Hypersonic Regime (چکیده)
6071 - Network Security Risk Mitigation using Bayesian Decision Networks (چکیده)
6072 - Optimal Control of Piecewise Affine Systems (چکیده)
6073 - In situ rheological characterisation of wastewater sludge: Comparison of stirred bioreactor and pipe flow configurations (چکیده)
6074 - Effect of nano particles on heat transfer in heat exchangers (چکیده)
6075 - Cprecip parameter for checking snow entry for forecasting weekly discharge of the Haraz River flow by artificial neural network (چکیده)
6076 - شناسایی پهنه‌های آسیب پذیر شهرک شهید باهنر مشهد از منظر پدافند غیر عامل (چکیده)
6077 - Structural optimization of nanofluid flow around an equilateral triangular obstacle (چکیده)
6078 - Electrospun nanofibrous composite membranes of chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol-polyacrylonitrile: preparation, characterization, and performance (چکیده)
6079 - Preparation of a biological dressing from human amniotic membrane for regenerative studies (چکیده)
6080 - Nonlinear control of structure using neuro-predictive algorithm (چکیده)
6081 - Homotopical properties of wild spaces (چکیده)
6082 - Detection of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum associated with bacterial soft rot of two succulent plants in Iran using recA and pmrA Genes (چکیده)
6083 - VP internal subject hypothesis(ISH) in Turkish (چکیده)
6084 - The effect of functionalized SiO2 nanoparticles on the morphology and triazines separation properties of cellulose acetate membranes (چکیده)
6085 - تحلیل مدیریت استراتژیک در کلانشهر مشهد با مدل SWOT (چکیده)
6086 - Executive Management and Construction Cost of Collection and Disposal of Surface Water Projects Using Visual Basic Programming Language Geographic Information System (چکیده)
6087 - stable invariant graphs and and their ergodic properties for weakly contractive skew products (چکیده)
6088 - Robustly berwise minimal iterated function systems on the torus (چکیده)
6089 - Pilot-scale cultivation of microalgae Chlorella sp. in municipal wastewater using an open pond raceway (چکیده)
6090 - Study of the performance of three sediment microbial fuel cells in an open channel (چکیده)
6091 - Homosynthon Robustness in the Stabilization of New 1D Polymeric Mercury(II) Complex With Anthranilic Acid Ligand and Generation of 3D Supramolecular Network: Experimental and DFT Studies (چکیده)
6092 - Strategic Planning of Transportation in Iran Using SWOT and QSPM, Case study: Yazd City (چکیده)
6093 - Pareto-based robust optimization of water-flooding using multiple realizations (چکیده)
6094 - Evaluation of chemical and microbial properties of Iranian white cheese using kefir,yogurt and commercial cheese culture as a starter (چکیده)
6095 - فرصت ها و چالش های ورزش زنان در کشورهای اسلامی (چکیده)
6096 - On the Whisker Topology on Fundamental Group (چکیده)
6097 - On Open Subgroups of Topologized Fundamental Group (چکیده)
6098 - Changes in ammonia production of halophilic, alkalophilic and haloalkalophilic bacteria (چکیده)
6099 - On the preservation of Baire and\newline weakly Baire category (چکیده)
6100 - Contribution to the Solpugid (Arachnida: Solifugae) fauna of Iran (چکیده)
6101 - Efficient data collecting and target parameter estimation in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
6102 - Butyl rubber reclamation by combined microwave radiation and chemical reagents (چکیده)
6103 - The Application of Users' Collective Experience for Crafting Suitable Search Engine Query Recommendations (چکیده)
6104 - Formalizing the Role of Goals in the Development of Domain-Specific Ontological Frameworks (چکیده)
6105 - An Interface-Based Ontology Modularization Framework for Knowledge Encapsulation (چکیده)
6106 - The Specification of the Position and Relationship between Heads and Dependents in English NPs from Government and Binding Perspective (چکیده)
6107 - Proton transfer in acetylacetone and its alpha-halo derivatives (چکیده)
6108 - The effect of short-time microwave exposures on Listeria monocytogenes inoculated onto chicken meat portions (چکیده)
6109 - تأثیر تغییرات اقلیمی بر جریان ورودی به مخازن سدها در شرایط عدم قطعیت (مطالعه موردی: سدهای بوستان و گلستان در حوضه آبریز ﮔﺮﮔﺎﻧﺮود) (چکیده)
6110 - طراحی و پیاده سازی یک میکرو وب سرور در یک ساختار درختی پیشنهادی مناسب برای اینترنت اشیا (چکیده)
6111 - Evidential inference for diffusion-type processes (چکیده)
6112 - The study of industrial town refinery sludge effects on Festuca arundinacea Schreb growth and phytoremediation capacity (چکیده)
6113 - Production of biodiesel from microalgae grown in wastewater by heterogeneous base catalysts (چکیده)
6114 - Ethical principles of counseling from Islamic viewpoint (چکیده)
6115 - Assessment of energy use pattern for tomato production in Iran: A case study from the Marand region (چکیده)
6116 - A New Record of The Genus Vitis (Vitaceae) for The Flora of Iran (چکیده)
6117 - A Low-Power Level-Shifting Architecture for Sub-threshold Logic Circuits (چکیده)
6118 - A Clustering Approach to Scientific Workflow Scheduling on the Cloud with Deadline and Cost Constraints (چکیده)
6119 - Scheduling in Hybrid Cloud to Maintain Data Privacy (چکیده)
6120 - A Novel Deadline-Constrained Scheduling to Preserve Data Privacy in Hybrid Cloud (چکیده)
6121 - Low-energy CMOS common-drain power amplifier for short-range applications (چکیده)
6122 - Microstructure and wear resistance of in-situ TiC – Al2O3 particles reinforced Fe-based coatings produced by gas tungsten arc cladding (چکیده)
6123 - Hydrogeochemical investigations and groundwater quality assessment of Torbat-Zaveh plain, Khorasan Razavi, Iran (چکیده)
6124 - Effect of Filler Metal on Mechanical Properties of HSLA Welds (چکیده)
6125 - Static analysis of variable thickness two‑directional functionally graded annular sector plates fully or partially resting on elastic foundations by the GDQ method (چکیده)
6126 - Depositional processes of ribbon carbonates in Middle Cambrian of Iran (Deh‑Sufiyan Formation, Central Alborz) (چکیده)
6127 - Prediction of Stress Shielding Around Orthopedic Screws: Time-Dependent Bone Remodeling Analysis Using Finite Element Approach (چکیده)
6128 - PID Control of Inverted Pendulum Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithm (چکیده)
6129 - Nonlinear Neural Network Congestion Control Based on Genetic Algorithm for TCP/IP Networks (چکیده)
6130 - Web usage mining: discovery of users navigational pattern using SOM (چکیده)
6132 - Neural Networks based Diagnosis of heart arrhythmias using chaotic and nonlinear features of HRV signals (چکیده)
6133 - Lattice Boltzmann simulation of a Cu-water nanofluid filled cavity in order to investigate the influence of volume fraction and magnetic field specifications on flow and heat transfer (چکیده)
6134 - Metabolic and physiological performance of essential amino acids in fish nutrition (چکیده)
6135 - Effect of replacing fish meal by soy protein on growth and digestive enzymes activity of Sobaity seabream juvenile (Sparidentex hasta) (چکیده)
6136 - A framework for handling revisions in distributed ontologies (چکیده)
6137 - Grammar-based Test Generation for Software Product Line Feature Models. (چکیده)
6138 - Light-Weight Software Product Lines for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). (چکیده)
6139 - Query Expansion Using Pseudo Relevance Feedback on Wikipedia (چکیده)
6140 - TDOA Based Target Localization in Inhomogenous Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (چکیده)
6141 - MIMO Filter-Bank Multicarrier System Using Unique Word OFDM (چکیده)
6142 - Robust image watermarking based on ICA-DCT and noise augmentation technique (چکیده)
6143 - Robust image watermarking based on ICA-DCT and noise augmentation technique (چکیده)
6144 - Identification and Evaluation of Parameters Influencing the Selection of Finance Project Contractors of Mashhad Water and Wastewater Company Using an AHP and Fuzzy Promethee (چکیده)
6145 - One new species and two new records of the genus Aeolothrips from Iran (Insecta, Thysanoptera, Aeolothripidae) (چکیده)
6146 - Improved models and heuristics for the biomedical transportation problem (چکیده)
6147 - General thermo-elastic solution of radially heterogeneous, spherically isotropic rotating sphere (چکیده)
6148 - تشخیص آریتمی‌های قلبی به کمک شبکه‌های عصبی با بکارگیری ویژگی‌های آشوبی سیگنال نرخ تغییرات قلبی و تکنیک تحلیل تمایزی تعمیم‌یافته (چکیده)
6149 - A Stable Neural Network Controller for Linear Saturated Systems Containing Hysteresis (چکیده)
6150 - Fast Voltage and Power Flow Contingency Ranking Using Enhanced Radial Basis Function Neural Network (چکیده)
6151 - On-line Voltage and Power Flow Contingencies Rankings Using Enhanced Radial Basis Function Neural Network and Kernel Principal Compnent Analysis (چکیده)
6152 - A fast static security assessment method based on radial basis function neural networks using enhanced clustering (چکیده)
6153 - Fast and de-noise support vector machine training method based on fuzzy clustering method for large real world datasets (چکیده)
6154 - Improved grid voltage sensorless control strategy for railway power conditioners (چکیده)
6155 - Design of an automated system for detection and classification of power quality disturbances (چکیده)
6156 - Gypsophila Heteropoda (Caryophyllaceae), a New Record for The Flora of Iran (چکیده)
6157 - The Study on Application of TiO2/water Nanofluid in Plate Heat Exchanger of Milk Pasteurization Industries (چکیده)
6158 - Neural network and neuro-fuzzy modeling to investigate the power density and Columbic efficiency of microbial fuel cell (چکیده)
6159 - Effect of environmental enrichment on physical and psychological dependence signs and voluntary morphine consumption in morphine-dependent and morphine-withdrawn rats (چکیده)
6160 - Weighted semigroup measure algebra as a WAP-algebra (چکیده)
6161 - Numerical investigation of water drop movement within a microchannel under electrowetting phenomenon (چکیده)
6162 - On stochastic dominance and the strong law of large numbers for dependent random variables (چکیده)
6163 - The Effect of Trade Liberalization On Water Resources Pollution In Iran: (Case Study Rice) (چکیده)
6164 - Opposition of Magnetohydrodynamicand AL2O3-waternanofluidflow around a vertex facing triangular obstacle (چکیده)
6165 - An improved hybrid method for forward kinematic analysis of parallel robots (چکیده)
6166 - pertubation of intracellular purine nucleotides balance as effective strategy for cancer therapy (چکیده)
6167 - Chance‐constrained programming approach to stochastic congestion management considering system uncertainties (چکیده)
6168 - Finite element modeling of a wind turbine blade (چکیده)
6169 - Frequency Domain Discovery of Gene Regulatory Networks (چکیده)
6170 - AIDS Awareness: An Iranian Case Study at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
6171 - Improved general solution for the dynamic modeling of Gough–Stewart platform based on principle of virtual work (چکیده)
6172 - Geometrically non-linear bending analysis of thick two-directional functionally graded annular sector and rectangular plates with variable thickness resting on non-linear elastic foundation (چکیده)
6173 - ارزیابی و مقایسه روشهای تعیین حریم کیفی چاه با استفاده از مدل ریاضی(مطالعه موردی آبخوان استان گلستان) (چکیده)
6174 - Climate Change Impact on Precipitation Extreme Events in Uncertainty Situation; Passing from Global Scale to Regional Scale (چکیده)
6175 - Solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows via a Proposed Simulated Annealing Metaheuristic Based on GIS Technology (چکیده)
6176 - Solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows via a Proposed Simulated Annealing Metaheuristic Based on GIS Technology (چکیده)
6177 - Modeling of waste brine nanofiltration process using artificial neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (چکیده)
6178 - Asymptotic stability analysis of planar switched homogeneous systems (چکیده)
6179 - Interactive Effects of NaCl Saline Stress and KCl Irrigation on Growth and Physiological Properties of Common Matricariae (چکیده)
6180 - Determination the sensitivity of Different primers for detection of Brucella by PCR, in the presence and decreased of serum inhibitors (چکیده)
6181 - Investigation of Cold to Hot Heat Transfer in a Nano Step Geometry (چکیده)
6182 - Investigation of the SBT/SBT-TAS Performance in Unsteady Flows (چکیده)
6183 - Numerical Study of Mass Flux between Periodically Structured Surfaces (چکیده)
6184 - A Novel Algorithm for Implementing Specified Wall Hat Flux in DSMC: Application to Micro/Nano Flows and Hypersonic Flows (چکیده)
6185 - The Study of Bubble Coalescence in Coaxial and Side-by-Side Motions (چکیده)
6186 - Endemic plants of Khorassan-Kopet Dagh floristic province in Irano-Turanian region: diversity, distribution patterns and conservation status (چکیده)
6187 - A semantic web enabled approach to reuse functional requirements models in web engineering (چکیده)
6188 - Semantics-enabled User Interest Detection from Twitter (چکیده)
6189 - Intravenous transplantation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells promotes neural regeneration after traumatic brain injury (چکیده)
6190 - Designing a SYBR Green Absolute Real time PCR Assay for Specific Detection and Quantification of Bacillus subtilis in Dough Used for Bread Making (چکیده)
6191 - Capturing Non-equilibrium Effects of Micro/Nano Scale Gaseous Flow Using a Novel Lattice Boltzmann Model (چکیده)
6192 - Screening of Eleven Festuca arundinaceaNative Populationsfor Nacl Tolerance In Order to Use in Green Space (چکیده)
6193 - Hydrodynamical wind on vertically self-gravitating ADAFs in the presence of toroidal magnetic field (چکیده)
6194 - The Nature of Metacognitive Awareness in Foreign Language Learners and Its Interaction with Creativity (چکیده)
6195 - اثر کاتالیستی نانوذرات پیریت سنتز شده روی تخریب دیکلوفناک (چکیده)
6196 - Analysis of Privacy of Private Browsing Mode through Memory Forensics (چکیده)
6197 - A Polynomial-based Pairwise Key Pre-distribution and Node Authentication Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
6198 - the estimated export function of iran woods industrial during 1357-1388 (چکیده)
6199 - The Comparison of Language Learning Strategies and Reading Comprehension of Iranian EFL Students Taking Web-based and Face-to-face Instruction (چکیده)
6200 - Effects of turmeric rhizome powder and source of oil in diet on blood metabolites, immune system and antioxidant status in heat stressed broiler chickens (چکیده)
6201 - Effect of some plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and chemical fertilizer on growth parameters, yield and essential oil of fennel (چکیده)
6202 - STT-RAM Write Energy Consumption Reduction by Differential Write Termination Method (چکیده)
6203 - Investigating of Radiation Absorption and Use Efficiency in Intercropping of Wheat and Canola (چکیده)
6204 - Security-based multi-objective congestion management for emission reduction in power system (چکیده)
6205 - A multi-attribute congestion-driven approach for evaluation of power generation plans (چکیده)
6206 - Perfect ranking test in moving extreme ranked set sampling (چکیده)
6207 - Cognitive emotional consequence of male infertility on their female partners: a qualitative content analysis (چکیده)
6208 - The effect of large-scale magnetic field on outflow in ADAFs: an odd symmetry configuration (چکیده)
6209 - A 1-V 690 µW 8-bit 200 MS/s Flash-SAR ADC with Pipelined Operation of Flash and SAR ADCs in 0.13µm CMOS (چکیده)
6210 - A 350-MS/s Continuous-Time Delta–Sigma Modulator With a Digitally Assisted Binary-DAC and a 5-Bits Two-Step-ADC Quantizer in 130-nm CMOS (چکیده)
6211 - Designing a range modulator wheel to spread-out the Bragg peak for a passive proton therapy facility (چکیده)
6212 - A Note on the Smooth Estimator of the Quantile Function with Left-Truncated Data (چکیده)
6213 - Arens regularity of certain weighted semigroup algebras and countability (چکیده)
6214 - Floristic changes at Khersan Glacier Territory, Alamkuh Mountain, Central Alborz, North of Iran (چکیده)
6215 - Determination of melamine in soil samples using surfactant-enhanced hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction followed by HPLC–UV using experimental design (چکیده)
6216 - ٍAn Investigation on the fabrication of Al2O3-Co-TiO2 Nanocermets via metal coated ceramic particles (چکیده)
6217 - Effect of Al2O3 Nano particles on properties of Al-CaCO3 foam produced by powder metallurgical route (چکیده)
6218 - Spark plasma sintering of nano hardmetals and study their mechanical, physical and microstructural properties (چکیده)
6219 - The effect of press pressure on the melting point of compressed aluminum powder (چکیده)
6220 - A New Switching Strategy for Exponential Stabilization of Uncertain Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems in Guaranteed Cost Control Problem (چکیده)
6221 - Speed Regulation of Wind Turbine using Pitch Control Based on Estimation of Equivalent Disturbance of Wind Speed on Control Input (چکیده)
6222 - Fouling Reduction in Ultrafiltration using Gas Flow Injection (چکیده)
6223 - Executive Function: Comparing Bilingual and Monolingual Iranian University Students (چکیده)
6224 - Hydration kinetics and physical properties of split chickpea as affected by soaking temperature and time (چکیده)
6225 - Serish inulin and wheat biopolymers interactions in model systems as a basis for understanding the impact of inulinl (چکیده)
6226 - On the preservation of volterra spaces (چکیده)
6227 - Design and analysis of an ultra-low-power double-tail latched comparator for biomedical applications (چکیده)
6228 - Retinal Image Quality Assessment Using Shearlet Transform (چکیده)
6229 - A Fully Digital Front-End Architecture for ECG Acquisition System With 0.5 V Supply (چکیده)
6230 - New faunistic records of spiders (Araneae) from Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
6231 - Spray Drying and Process Optimization of Carrot–Celery Juice (چکیده)
6233 - بررسی توزیع تنش برشی در کانال مستطیلی روباز با زبری های نامتقارن (چکیده)
6234 - Fabrication of nanocrystalline TiC coating on AISI D2 steel substrate via high-energy mechanical alloying of Ti and C (چکیده)
6235 - The effect of preliminary mechanical activation on the zinc loss control in combustive reduction of MoO3 by Zn (چکیده)
6236 - Ultratrace determination of cadmium(ii) ions in water samples using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after separation and preconcentration using magnetic activated carbon nanocomposites (چکیده)
6237 - Two-Sample Prediction for Progressively Type-II Censored Weibull Lifetimes (چکیده)
6238 - Iterative Wedgelet Transform: An efficient algorithm for computing wedgelet representation and approximation of images (چکیده)
6239 - Control of flow around a circular cylinder wrapped with a porous layer by magnetohydrodynamic (چکیده)
6240 - Stability analysis of electrostatically actuated nano/micro-beams under the effect of van der Waals force, a semi-analytical approach (چکیده)
6241 - The impact of project's position in its environment on determining project strategy (چکیده)
6242 - Damage detection in bridge structures by the Ritz vectors in the modal strain space (چکیده)
6243 - Experimental Analysis of Exterior Beam-Column Joints with Headed Bars under Cyclic Loading (چکیده)
6244 - Optimal Design of Magnetorheological Fluid Damper Based on Response Surface Method (چکیده)
6245 - Prediction of Above-elbow Motions in Amputees, based on Electromyographic (EMG) Signals, Using Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous (NARX) Model (چکیده)
6246 - n-weak amenability for Lau product of Banach algebras (چکیده)
6247 - Verification of an Evolutionary-based Wavelet Neural Network Model for Nonlinear Function Approximation (چکیده)
6248 - Physical and mechanical properties of porous copper nanocomposite produced by powder metallurgy (چکیده)
6249 - Palynostratigraphy and palynofacies of the sanganeh formation in Qarah-Su section (NE, Iran) (چکیده)
6250 - مدل سازی نشت در بدنه و پی سد مخزنی روداب سبزوار به روش اجزا محدود با استفاده از نرم افزار Seep/W (چکیده)
6251 - Development of Optimized Edible Packaging Based on White-cheek Shark (Carcharhinus dussumieri) Skin Gelatin Biopolymer: Mechanical, Water Vapor Permeability, and Structural Properties (چکیده)
6252 - Low Energy Write Operation for 1T-1MTJ STT-RAM Bitcells with Negative Bitline Technique (چکیده)
6253 - Physicochemical and Rheological Properties of White-Cheek Shark (Carcharhinus dussumieri) Skin Gelatin (چکیده)
6254 - A Comparative Study of Speech Act of Ordering: A Case Study in English language between English native speakers and Iranian EFL learners (چکیده)
6255 - Alienation and Destructed Dreams in David Mamet's American Buffalo: A Sociological Approach (چکیده)
6256 - The Concept of Meta-theatre in Albee’s The Sandbox and The Zoo Story (چکیده)
6257 - Desperate Housewives in Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf (چکیده)
6258 - Recontextualization of Williams’s A Streetcar Named Desire in Tavakoli’s Stranger [Biganeh] (چکیده)
6259 - بررسی هیدروژئوشیمیایی آب مناطق مجاور پالایشگاه گاز شهید هاشمی نژاد با استفاده از نمودارهای ترکیبی، نمایه های اشباع و نسبت های یونی (چکیده)
6260 - Evaluation of fracture behavior of polyethylene/CaCO3 nanocomposite using essential work of fracture (EWF) approach (چکیده)
6261 - Peace and peaceful coexistence of religions: a critical review of Cartesian distinction between subject-object (distinction between “I”- “Other”) from the Wittgenstein’s language games philosophy (چکیده)
6263 - Some results on generalized σ -derivations (چکیده)
6264 - Evaluation of Plant Diversity and Nutrient Resource on Weed Diversity and Soil Microbial Respiration (چکیده)
6265 - New (F/G)-Expansion Method and Its Applications to Nonlinear Pdes in Mathematical Physics (چکیده)
6266 - Solving mixed Fredholm–Volterra integral equations by using the operational matrix of RH wavelets (چکیده)
6267 - An optimised back propagation neural networkapproach and simulated annealing algorithm towards optimisation of EDM process parameteroptimisation of EDM process parameters (چکیده)
6268 - A New Construction of Multiwavelets With Composite Dilations (چکیده)
6269 - Homogeneous Spaces and Square Integrable Representations (چکیده)
6270 - Experimental and numerical investigation of nanofluids heat transfer characteristics for application in solar heat exchangers (چکیده)
6271 - Utilizing water, mineralogy and sedimentary properties to predict LCPC abrasivity coefficient (چکیده)
6272 - A Study of the Seismic Response of Asphaltic Concrete Used as a Core in Rockfill Dams (چکیده)
6273 - The Lumer-Phillips Theorem For Two – parameter C0 – semigroups (چکیده)
6274 - Product Norms of Website Localization into Persian (چکیده)
6275 - بررسی خشکسالیهای دهه 0211 0202 تحت اثر تغییر اقلیم، مطالعه موردی: -حوزه آبخیز اسکندری، استان اصفهان (چکیده)
6276 - Identification, typing and functional characterization of dominantl actic acid bacteria strains from Iranian traditional yoghurt (چکیده)
6277 - ارزیابی و بررسی توسعه‎ی اکوتوریسم در ییلاقات اطراف شهر مشهد با استفاده از مدل SWOT (مطالعه موردی شهرستان شاندیز) (چکیده)
6278 - The effect of massage therapy on depression, anxiety and stress in adolescent wrestlers (چکیده)
6279 - Studying the Structural Effects of High-rise Construction on Urban Environment Sustainability (چکیده)
6280 - Investigating the Seed Germination Characteristics of Milk thistle (Silybum marianum L.) Affected by Magnetic Field, Sodium chloride and Hydro-priming (چکیده)
6281 - Modulational instability of dust ion acoustic waves in dusty plasmas with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
6282 - Agronomic assessment of cold tolerant chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes in fall sowing at Mashhad conditions (چکیده)
6283 - The Fish Fauna of North and East Regions of Khorasan-e-Razavi Province, Iran (چکیده)
6284 - A comparison between two and three dimensional seepage analysis results in earth dams using SEEP/W and SEEP/3D (Case study: Shian and Khaan-Abad Dams) (چکیده)
6285 - مدیریت آب سدهای زیرزمینی بر پایه شبیه سازی عددی (مطالعه موردی : سد زیر زمینی راور کرمان) (چکیده)
6286 - Microwave-assisted direct coupling of graphene nanoplatelets with poly ethylene glycol and 4-phenylazophenol molecules for preparing stable-colloidal system (چکیده)
6287 - Approximately Inner Two-parameter 0 C -group of Tensor Product of C* -Algebras (چکیده)
6288 - Evaluating the pedagogic value of multiword expressions based on EFL teachers’ and advanced learners’ value judgments (چکیده)
6289 - Innerness of higher derivations (چکیده)
6290 - Factors affecting hair cortisol concentrations in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
6291 - Dual Mode Square SIW Cavity Filter Using Corner Cut Perturbation (چکیده)
6292 - Discursive Psychology in Language Education: Cases of Home Culture Attachment and World Englishes (چکیده)
6293 - Approximate Roberts orthogonality sets and (δ,ε)-(a, b)-isosceles-orthogonality preserving mappings (چکیده)
6294 - Recent developments of the conditional stability of the homomorphism equation (چکیده)
6295 - Advances in Operator Cauchy--Schwarz inequalities and their reverses (چکیده)
6296 - Structure determination from powder diffraction data (SDPD): X-ray polycrystallography of some organic and inorganic compounds (چکیده)
6297 - First record ofKarnyothripsWatson (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) from Iran (چکیده)
6298 - نمودار کنترل میانگین متحرک موزون نمایی براساس اعداد فازی (چکیده)
6299 - تحلیل عددی اثر شوک و پارامترهای مختلف بر جریان دوفاز در شیپوره همگرا-واگرا با روش‌های تعادلی و غیر تعادلی (چکیده)
6300 - Proviral Integrations of Moloney Virus (PIM) Kinase Inhibitors as Perspective Chemotherapeutic Agents (چکیده)
6301 - MiR-34a: A Key Small Molecule with Great Effects (چکیده)
6302 - Peritoneal fluid analysis in dairy cows suffering from peritonitis (چکیده)
6303 - Confidence intervals for lower quantiles based on two-sample scheme (چکیده)
6304 - Evaluation of the Current Situation of Smart Mobility in Metropolis of Mashhad (چکیده)
6305 - A Review of Kac-Based Collision Models: Bernoulli Trials and its Simplified and Intelligent Variants (چکیده)
6306 - The mediating role of organizational learning and knowledge integration on the relationship between knowledge characteristics and organizational innovation (Case Study: Iran Marine Industrial Company) (چکیده)
6307 - Effect of the environmental enrichment on the severity of psychological dependence and voluntary methamphetamine consumption in methamphetamine withdrawn rats (چکیده)
6308 - A low-power fast tag comparator by modifying charging scheme of widefan-indynamic OR gates (چکیده)
6309 - Effects of environmental enrichment during induction of methamphetamine dependence on the behavioral withdrawal symptoms in rats (چکیده)
6310 - A novel neural network based on NCP function for solving constrained nonconvex optimization problems (چکیده)
6311 - An efficient method to solve a fractional differential equation by using linear programming and its application to an optimal control problem (چکیده)
6312 - Principle of stochastic optimization based on statistical estimation (چکیده)
6313 - Physically Based Model of the Yield Strength for an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Zn Alloy (چکیده)
6314 - Meteorological regimes modulating dust outbreaks in southwest Asia: The role of pressure anomaly and Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone on the 1–3 July 2014 case (چکیده)
6315 - Modal processes in 2D resonant reflectors and their correlation with spectra of 1D equivalents (چکیده)
6316 - Design of an optical spatial interferometer with transformation optics (چکیده)
6317 - Effects of polymorphic variants of GH, Pit 1 and beta LG genes on milk productions (چکیده)
6318 - Effect of higher levels of dietary vitamin E on humoral immune response, water holding capacity and oxidative stability of meat in growing Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) (چکیده)
6319 - Direct and maternal genetic effects of body weight traits in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) (چکیده)
6320 - Low-density lipoprotein accumulation within a carotid artery with multilayer elastic porous wall: fluid–structure interaction and non-Newtonian considerations (چکیده)
6321 - Paleozoic-aged microbial methane in an Ordovician shale and carbonate aquiclude of the Michigan Basin, southwestern Ontario (چکیده)
6322 - The Environmental Impacts Assessment of Aghdarband Coal Mine (ACM), NE of Iran, Using Geochemical and Soil/Water MI, Cd, EF and Igeo Pollution Indexes (چکیده)
6323 - اولویت‌بندی ایجاد تشکل‌های آب بران کشاورزی در مناطق روستایی با استفاده از مدل SAW (مطالعه موردی: روستاهای دهستان سلامی شهرستان خواف) (چکیده)
6324 - The efficacy of well-being therapy on depression in infertile women (چکیده)
6325 - Effects of Dexamethasone and Insulin Alone (چکیده)
6326 - A macro model with consideration of driver's reaction time and distance (چکیده)
6327 - Determination of the best model for estimating heritability of economic traits and their genetic and phenotypic trends in Iranian native fowl (چکیده)
6328 - A Diskless Chekpointing Approach for Failure Recovery in Multiprocessor Safety-Critical Embedded Systems (چکیده)
6329 - C 1-Robust Topologically Mixing Solenoid-Like Attractors and Their Invisible Parts (چکیده)
6330 - Immunotoxicological concerns of mycotoxins with emphasis on permissible levels of aflatoxin B1 and human dendritic cells (چکیده)
6331 - The Linear Switching State Space: A New Modeling Paradigm for Task Scheduling Problems (چکیده)
6332 - Occurrence of ectoparasitic arthropods (Siphonaptera, Acarina, and Anoplura) on rodents of Khorasan Razavi Province, northeast of Iran (چکیده)
6333 - Preparation of the human bone 3D matrix and investigating interactions between mouse adherent bone marrow cells and this matrix. (چکیده)
6334 - Macroscopic study of the effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Urtica dioica on wound healing in diabetic rats (چکیده)
6335 - Nitrogen in Hydroponic Growing Medium of Tomato Affects the Demographic Parameters of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (چکیده)
6336 - Autonomous Drug-Encapsulated Nanoparticles: Towards a Novel Non-Invasive Approach to Prevent Atherosclerosis (چکیده)
6337 - Thermal stability and non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Ti41.5Cu42.5Ni7.5Zr2.5Hf5Si1 bulk metallic glass (چکیده)
6338 - The effect of medium and plant growth regulators on micropropagation of Rosa canina (چکیده)
6339 - Pushover analysis of gabled frames with semi-rigid connections (چکیده)
6340 - What happened from 2001 to 2011 in Melbourne? Compactness versus sprawl (چکیده)
6341 - Yield gap analysis in major wheat growing areas of Khorasanprovince, Iran, through crop modelling (چکیده)
6342 - An advanced magnetic nondestructive system coupled with artificial intelligence analyzer for detection of decarburized layer of steels (چکیده)
6343 - A new two-dimensional cracked finite element for fracture mechanics (چکیده)
6344 - بررسی فیتوشیمیایی گیاه دارویی و چند منظوره پنیرباد Withania coagulans (Stocks) Dunalدر رویشگاه های طبیعی استان سیستان و بلوچستان (چکیده)
6345 - Influence of clay minerals on sorption and bioreduction of arsenic under anoxic conditions (چکیده)
6346 - Optimal operation of a divided-wall column with local operating condition changes (چکیده)
6347 - Exp-Kumaraswamy Distributions: Some Properties and Applications (چکیده)
6348 - Deadbeat Direct Power Control for Grid Connected Inverters using a Full-Order Observer (چکیده)
6349 - Classifying and Designing Customer's Strategy Pyramid by Customer LifeTime Value (CLV)(Case study: Shargh Cement Company) (چکیده)
6350 - On lower bounds for the variance of functions of random variables with weighted distributions (چکیده)
6351 - U–Pb zircon geochronology, petrochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic characteristic of Late Neoproterozoic granitoid of the Bornaward Complex (Bardaskan-NE Iran) (چکیده)
6352 - Physicochemical properties of serish root (Eremurus spectabilis) fructan as affected by drying methods (چکیده)
6353 - Beeswax-Colophony Blend: A Novel Green Organic Coating for Protection of Steel Drinking Water Storage Tanks (چکیده)
6354 - Optimization of osmo-vacuum drying of pear (Pyrus communis L) using response surface methodology (چکیده)
6355 - Study of structural and optical properties of CexZrl-x02 nanopowders synthesized through a sol-gel method in gelatin medium (چکیده)
6356 - Analysis of flow and LDL concentration polarization in siphon of internal carotid artery: Non-Newtonian effects (چکیده)
6357 - Cohesion Shifts and Explicitation in English Texts and Their Persian Translations: A Case Study of Three Novels (چکیده)
6358 - Dynamics of non-Markovianity in the presence of a driving field (چکیده)
6359 - The alpha-beta skew normal distribution: Properties and applications (چکیده)
6360 - Use of an in vitro model in tissue engineering to study wound repair and differentiation of blastema tissue from rabbit pinna (چکیده)
6361 - A Framework for Accessing Funds through Charitable Assignment of Property (چکیده)
6362 - Finite element method for solving of linear two-dimensional integral equations on irregular domains (چکیده)
6363 - Position tracking of a 3-PSP parallel robot using dynamic growing interval type-2 fuzzy neural control (چکیده)
6364 - Simple reduced Lp-operator crossed products with unique trace (چکیده)
6365 - Truly Absorbed Microbial Protein Synthesis, Rumen Bypass Protein, Endogenous Protein, and Total Metabolizable Protein from Starchy and Protein-Rich Raw Materials: Model Comparison and Predictions (چکیده)
6366 - Effects of Different Water Stress on Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Content of Elaeagnus rhamnoides (چکیده)
6367 - Experimental investigation of a PVT system performance using nano ferrofluids (چکیده)
6368 - New Nonlinear Formulation for Modeling the Vortex- Induced Vibrations of Flexibly Supported Cylinders (چکیده)
6369 - Design Investigation of an X-Band SIW H-Plane Band Pass Filter with Improved Stop Band Using Neural Network Optimization (چکیده)
6370 - The study of modifications in land usage in the City of Shandiz towards ecological city realization (چکیده)
6371 - Photoimmunological properties of borage in bovine neutrophil in vitro model (چکیده)
6372 - A novel approach for monitoring and improving the quality of welded joint in GMAW process using adaptive neurofuzzy systems (چکیده)
6373 - Simulation of liquid sloshing in 2D containers using the volume of fluid method (چکیده)
6374 - Improving antifouling performance of PAN hollow fiber membrane using surface modification method (چکیده)
6376 - Sequence stratigraphy of the Hauterivian–Barremian time interval in land and offshore of the Bandar Abbas Area (SE Zagros, Iran) (چکیده)
6377 - Influence of ascites syndrome on growth pattern of chickens reared at normal or cold ambient temperature (چکیده)
6378 - Preconcentration of trace amount of cadmium using silica nanoparticles coated with sodium dodecyl sulfate and its determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
6379 - A New Approach to the Quantitative Measurement of Software Flexibility (چکیده)
6380 - Simple control scheme for single‐phase uninterruptible power supply inverters with Kalman filter‐based estimation of the output voltage (چکیده)
6381 - Facies Analysis and Sequence Stratigraphy of Silurian C arbonate Ramps In the Turan(Kopeh-Dagh) and Central Iran Plates with Emphasis Gondwana Tectonic Event (چکیده)
6382 - Life Cycle Assessment modeling of milk production in Iran (چکیده)
6383 - Effect of wear on rolling contact fatigue crack growth in rails (چکیده)
6384 - An experimental investigation into the warm deep-drawing process on laminated sheets under various grain sizes (چکیده)
6385 - Microstructural Characterization of Quenched AISI D2 Tool Steel Using Magnetic/Electromagnetic Nondestructive Techniques (چکیده)
6386 - Hirshfeld surface analysis of two new phosphorothioic triamide structures (چکیده)
6387 - New records of ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to the fauna of Iran: Camponotus alii Forel, 1890 and Proformica korbi (Emery, 1909) (چکیده)
6388 - Shock-induced two dimensional coupled non-Fickian diffusion–elasticity analysis using meshless generalized finite difference (GFD) method (چکیده)
6389 - Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Healing Activities of Frog Skin on Guinea Pigs Wounds (چکیده)
6390 - Double flower formation in Tricyrtis macranthopsis is related to lowexpression of AGAMOUS ortholog gene (چکیده)
6391 - Resonance antennas based on substrate integrated waveguide (چکیده)
6392 - A Class of Compact Operators on Homogeneous Spaces (چکیده)
6393 - Numerical investigation on heat transfer characteristics amelioration of a solar chimney power plant through passive flow control approach (چکیده)
6394 - Source term prediction in a multilayer tissue during hyperthermia (چکیده)
6395 - Predicting aberrant driving behaviour: The role of executive functionOriginal (چکیده)
6397 - An investigation on the energy absorption of aluminum foam core sandwich panel via quasi-static perforation test (چکیده)
6398 - Expressions for the mean of the order statistics from the skew-normal distribution and their application (چکیده)
6399 - A taguchi approach for optimization of process parameters in waterjet cleaning process (چکیده)
6400 - Regression modeling of welded joint quality in gas metal arc welding process using acoustic and electrical signals (چکیده)
6401 - A New Closed-Form Expression for Dispersion Characteristics of Fundamental Mode of SIW by Least Squares Method (چکیده)
6402 - General templates for n-noded bar elements based on reduced representations and numerical dispersion reduction by optimized finite elements (چکیده)
6403 - Simulation of power extraction from tidal currents by flapping foil hydrokinetic turbines in tandem formation (چکیده)
6404 - Detection of Coxiella burnetii and sequencing the IS1111 gene fragment in bulk tank milk of dairy herds (چکیده)
6405 - FE modelling of the compressive behavior of porous copper-matrix nanocomposites (چکیده)
6406 - Parental body mass index is associated with adolescent overweight and obesity in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
6407 - Determining optimum sowing date of wheat using CSM-CERES-Wheat model (چکیده)
6408 - Occurrence of Noroviruses and Their Correlation with Microbial Indicators in Raw Milk (چکیده)
6409 - Locate Urban Landfill Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information System (Case Study: City Sultanabad) (چکیده)
6410 - Design, Synthesis, Characterization and in vivo Immunological Properties of a Novel Nano-Adjuvant based Vaccine Delivery System based on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNT) loaded with Polyethylenimine (PEI) and Toll like receptors( TLRs) Agonists Conjugated with Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid (PLGA) (چکیده)
6411 - Effect of fluid-porous interface conditions on steady flow around and through a porous circular cylinde (چکیده)
6412 - Complete Convergence forWeighted Sums ofWeakly Negative Dependent of Random Variables (چکیده)
6413 - An Energy-Efficient Level Shifter for Low-Power Applications (چکیده)
6414 - GPSO-LS algorithm for a multi-item EPQ model with production capacity restriction (چکیده)
6415 - Optimal coordination of distance and directional overcurrent relays considering different network topologies (چکیده)
6416 - Executive Function in School: The Effectiveness of Executive Functions Strategies Training and Combining It with Neuro-Feedback on Promoting Academic Performance of Students (چکیده)
6417 - Dp,q-Distance and the Strong Law of ‎Large Number for Negatively ‎Dependent Fuzzy Random Variables (چکیده)
6418 - The law of the Iterated logarithm theorem for negative dependent random variables (چکیده)
6420 - Non‐linear analysis of DFIG based wind farm in stressed power systems (چکیده)
6421 - Management Cost Collected Urban Runoff Projects Using Gis-Shirvan Study Area (چکیده)
6422 - Cryptic diversity, reproductive isolation and cytoplasmic incompatibility in a classic biological control success story (چکیده)
6423 - Genetically Modified Mesenchymal Stem Cells Show Enhanced Migration Capability (چکیده)
6424 - Markers of Pluripotency Can be Induced in Human Keratinocytes after Co-culturing with a Pluripotent Tissue (چکیده)
6425 - Investigating the Regenerative Potential of Trans- differentiated Adipose-derived Stem Cells (t-ASCs) in Cutaneous Wound Healing (چکیده)
6426 - An Investigation of the Effect of Electromagnetic Waves with Low Frequency in Causing Chromosome Damages in L929 Cell Line (چکیده)
6427 - Effect of culture and maturation on human monocyte-derived dendritic cell surface markers, necrosis and antigen binding (چکیده)
6428 - Empirical relationships of shear wave velocity, SPT-N value and vertical effective stress for different soils in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
6429 - Identify in Indigenous Knowledge and its Application in Rural Crisis (چکیده)
6430 - An efficient projection neural network for solving bilinear programming problems (چکیده)
6431 - X-Band Multi-Hole Directional Coupler with Folded Substrate-Integrated Waveguide (چکیده)
6432 - Two dimensional analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion-elastodynamics problems in functionally graded materials using meshless local Petrov–Galerkin (MLPG) method (چکیده)
6433 - Particle Swarm Optimization for Hydraulic Analysis of Water Distribution Systems (چکیده)
6434 - Effect of tannery wastes and biochar on soil chemical and physicochemical properties and growth traits of radish (چکیده)
6435 - On preservation under univariate weighted distributions (چکیده)
6436 - New data on spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae), Part II (چکیده)
6437 - Goodness-of-fit tests for weibull populations on the basis of records (چکیده)
6438 - Economic feasibility study of power generation from anaerobic digestion of organic wastes in Iran (Case study: a poultry farm) (چکیده)
6439 - The best trans-esterification condition for the lipid extracted from microalgae cultivated in urban wastewter (چکیده)
6440 - GA Based Pole Shape Optimization for Sound Noise Reduction in Switched Reluctance Motors (چکیده)
6441 - The Effects of Aerobic Exercise during Ramadan on the Levels of Leptin and Adiponectin in Overweight Women (چکیده)
6442 - Treatment of clinical endometritis in dairy cows by previously used controlled internal drug release devices (چکیده)
6443 - بررسی عدم قطعیت مدل LARS تحت سناریوهای A1B، A2 و B1 در پیش بینی بارش و دما (مطالعه موردی: ایستگاه سینوپتیک مشهد) (چکیده)
6444 - Development of sourdough system for improving the quality and shelf life of flat bread: Study with Univariate and Multivariate Analyses (چکیده)
6445 - Comparison in the Metaphorical Usage of the Word “Wisdom” in the Poems of Two Khorasanian Rational Poets Using Cognitive Linguistics (چکیده)
6446 - A Distributed Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
6447 - Non-Newtonian effects of blood on LDL transport inside the arterial lumen and across multi-layered arterial wall with and without stenosis (چکیده)
6448 - Testing a long-standing hypothesis on the relation between the auditory bulla size and environmental conditions: a case study in two bird species (Muridae: Meriones libycus and M. crassus ) (چکیده)
6449 - The relationship between metacognitive strategy training and willingness to read in English among medical students (چکیده)
6450 - Cloning and Expression of Fusion (F) and Haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) Epitopes in Hairy Roots of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum) as a Step Toward Developing a Candidate Recombinant Vaccine Against Newcastle Disease (چکیده)
6451 - An Investigation of the Origin and Groundwater Discharge to Bazangan Lake, Eastern Kopet-Dagh Basin, Iran, Using Geochemistry and Stable Isotopes Approaches (چکیده)
6452 - Carbon nanofibers decorated with magnetic nanoparticles as a new sorbent for the magnetic solid phase extraction of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water samples (چکیده)
6453 - Dynamic rheological properties of wheat starch gels as affected by chemical modification and concentration (چکیده)
6454 - Mechanical Properties of a High Si and Mn Steel Heat Treated by One-Step Quenching and Partitioning (چکیده)
6455 - A Switch Model in Redundant Systems (چکیده)
6456 - Determining the Warranty Period Using Pitman Measure of Closeness (چکیده)
6457 - Field and Lab Requirements for TIC/DIC and δ13C Measurements of Water Samples (چکیده)
6458 - Development of robust and adaptive controller for blade testing machine (چکیده)
6459 - تدوین راهبردهای توسعه گردشگری (نمونه موردی :روستای هدف گردشگری کنگ ) (چکیده)
6460 - Three Dimensional Natural Frequency Analysis of Sandwich Plates with Functionally Graded Core Using Hybrid Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method and Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
6461 - A new form of the second order temperature jump boundary condition for the low-speed nanoscale and hypersonic rarefied gas flow simulations (چکیده)
6462 - Use of an in vitro model in tissue engineering to study wound repair and differentiation of blastema tissue from rabbit pinna (چکیده)
6463 - Application of the Min-Projection and the Model Predictive Strategies for Current Control of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Converters: a Comparative Study (چکیده)
6464 - Effects of phosphorus and seed priming on seed vigor, fatty acidscomposition and heterotrophic seedling growth of black seed (Nigellasativa L.) grown in a calcareous soil (چکیده)
6465 - Elastoplastic torsion of hollow FGM circular shaft (چکیده)
6466 - Exploring the Use of Random Regression Models with Legendre Polynomials to Analyze Clutch Size in Iranian Native Fowl (چکیده)
6467 - Analysis of the enzyme network involved in cattle milk production using graph theory (چکیده)
6468 - Tragedy of Self - immolation: An Iranian Case Study in the Towns of Salas Babajani and Sarpol Zahab (چکیده)
6469 - Simulation of ThreeDimensional Cavitation behind a Disk using Various Turbulence and Mass Transfer Models (چکیده)
6470 - Geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders using total Lagrangian MLPG method (چکیده)
6471 - Construction of a New Aluminum(III) Cation Selective Electrode Based on 12-Crown-4 as an Ionophore (چکیده)
6472 - Application of intelligent modeling to predict the population dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Frankfurter sausage containing Satureja bachtiarica extracts (چکیده)
6473 - Fabrication of multi-walled carbon nanotube thin films via electrophoretic deposition process: effect of water magnetization on deposition efficiency (چکیده)
6474 - Traveling Wave Solutions For Some Nonlinear (N + 1)-Dimensional Evolution Equations by Using (G ′ /G) and (1/G ′ )-Expansion Methods (چکیده)
6475 - Common bean canopy characteristics and N assimilation as affected by weed pressure and nitrogen rate (چکیده)
6476 - A revision of Rhaponticoides (Asteraceae, Cardueae–Centaureinae) from Iran (چکیده)
6477 - Numerical and experimental investigation of a three dimensional spherical-nose projectile water entry problem (چکیده)
6478 - The Holarctic genus Aeolothrips (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) from Iran, with description of two new species (چکیده)
6479 - Surface modification of PAN hollow fiber membrane by chemical reaction (چکیده)
6480 - Estimation of convective heat transfer coefficient and water-productivity in a tubular solar still – CFD simulation and theoretical analysis (چکیده)
6481 - Proposed kinematic model for fish-like swimming with two pitch motions (چکیده)
6482 - Lift characteristics of pitching NACA0015 airfoil due to unsteady forced surface inflation (چکیده)
6483 - Freeze - thaw stability of emulsions with soy protein isolate through interfacial engineering (چکیده)
6484 - A Class Of Compact Operators On Homogeneous Spaces (چکیده)
6485 - Dual Promoter Vector Construction for Simultaneous Gene Expression Using SOE-PCR Technique (چکیده)
6486 - Experimental investigation of residual stress around cold-worked holes and its effect on fatigue life (چکیده)
6488 - Colloid-Enhanced Ultrafiltration of Canola Oil: Effect of Process Conditions and MWCO on Flux, Fouling and Rejections (چکیده)
6489 - Climate change impact on legumes’ water production function in the northeast of Iran (چکیده)
6490 - The role of tetragonal-metal-organic framework-5 loadings with extra ZnO molecule on the gas separation performance of mixed matrix membrane (چکیده)
6491 - Head on collision of shock and breaking waves in degenerate hadronic plasmas (چکیده)
6492 - A New Model for the Calculation of Customer Life-time Value in Iranian Telecommunication Companies (چکیده)
6493 - Investigation of Different Droplet Formation Regimes in a T-junction Microchannel Using the VOF Technique in OpenFOAM (چکیده)
6494 - problem solving training and its Effect on reducing conflicts and improving emotional literacy of teenage girls with addicted parents (چکیده)
6495 - Rationalized Haar wavelet bases to approximate solution of nonlinear Fredholm integral equations with error analysis (چکیده)
6496 - مقایسه مدل های Rational، SWMM و SCS به منظور تحلیل آبگرفتگی معابر در محیط GIS (مطالعه موردی: منطقه 9 شهرداری مشهد) (چکیده)
6497 - Effect of permeable pavement basecourse aggregates on stormwater quality for irrigation reuse (چکیده)
6498 - On thermomechanical stress analysis of adhesively bonded composite joints in presence of an interfacial void (چکیده)
6499 - Ultrasonography of the supramammary lymph nodes for diagnosis of bovine chronic subclinical mastitis (چکیده)
6500 - تحلیل عدم قطعیت در برآورد مؤلفه های بیلان آب در دو مزرعه فاریاب در منطقه خشک (چکیده)
6501 - Facies and Sedimentary Environment of Tirgan Formation in Estakhri Village, SW Kopet Dagh Basin (چکیده)
6502 - Evaluation of Environmental impacts for saffron agroecosystems of Khorasan by using LCa (چکیده)
6503 - Literature and Translation Studies: Domestication and Foreignization Strategies indealing with Culture-Specific-Items in the Translations of Two English Novels (چکیده)
6504 - Neural network unfolding of neutron spectrum measured by gold foil-based Bonner sphere (چکیده)
6505 - Analytical, experimental and numerical study of a graded honeycomb structure under in-plane impact load with low velocity (چکیده)
6506 - بررسی اثرات تنش شوری بر برخی صفات فیزیولوژیکی و بیوشیمیایی توده های مختلف گیاه دارویی شنبلیله (Trigonella foenum- graecum L.) (چکیده)
6508 - Families of Distributions Arising from Distributions of Ordered Data (چکیده)
6509 - Effects of Ferula szowitziana extract on thermal pain in rat (چکیده)
6510 - Effects of opioid receptor antagonist (naloxone) on Ferula szowitziana analgesia and anti-inflammation in male rat (چکیده)
6511 - Estimating compaction parameters of marl soils using multi-layer (چکیده)
6512 - A GA Approach for Modeling and Optimization of Powder-Mixed Electrical Discharge Machining Process Parameters for Ti-Co Alloy (چکیده)
6513 - Vehicle Model Recognition Using Image Processing and Wavelet Analysis (چکیده)
6514 - Geomedicinal aspects of widespread geogenic arsenic in south-and-northeast Iran (Bijar and Chelpu) with its hazardous molecular immunotoxicity for inhabitants (چکیده)
6515 - Leaky Wave Antenna Based on Quasi-TEM Mode of Substrate Integrated Waveguide (چکیده)
6516 - Development of a Dual Band Circularly Polarized Mircostrip Patch and Semi-Hexagonal SIW Cavity Hybrid Antenna (چکیده)
6517 - Removal of triazines from water using a novel OA modified SiO2/PA/PSf nanocomposite membrane (چکیده)
6518 - Presentation of Empirical Equations for Estimating Internal Friction Angle of GW and GC Soils in Mashhad, Iran Using Standard Penetration and Direct Shear Tests and Comparison with Previous Equations (چکیده)
6519 - Numerical study of flow patterns and heat transfer in mini twisted oval tubes (چکیده)
6520 - Assessment and Presentation of a Treatment Method to Seepage Problems of the Alluvial Foundation of Ghordanloo Dam, NE Iran (چکیده)
6521 - Assessment of Callus Growth and Bio-production of Diosgenin in (چکیده)
6522 - Stability Analysis of a Matrix Converter Drive: Effects of Input Filter Type and the Voltage Fed to the ModulationAlgorithm (چکیده)
6523 - The relationship between workplace architecture and organizational creativity (Case study: knowledge-based companies) (چکیده)
6524 - A semi-automated approach to adapt activity diagrams for new use cases (چکیده)
6525 - Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Heated Tube Caused by Wire-Coil and Rings (چکیده)
6526 - Neuro-Predective Algorithm for structural control (چکیده)
6527 - Design Investigation of a Compact Linearly Polarized Semi-Hexagonal SIW Cavity Slot Antenna (چکیده)
6528 - Functions of control mechanisms in mitigating workplace loafing; evidence from an Islamic society (چکیده)
6529 - Knowledge Architecture: Teachers’ Knowledge-based Activities in Schools’ Educational System (چکیده)
6530 - Transient heat conduction in multiwall carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
6531 - Application of Response Surface Methodology to Assess the Combined Effect of Operating Variables on the Direct Reduction of Fe2O3 by Coal Volatiles (چکیده)
6532 - Study of Drought Stress Patterns in Khorasan Province using Climatic-Agricultural Indices (چکیده)
6533 - Teaching Drama through Performance and Role-playing (چکیده)
6534 - Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and their aphid partners (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Mashhad region, Razavi Khorasan Province, with new records of aphids and ant species for Fauna of Iran (چکیده)
6535 - Constructing T–S fuzzy model from imprecise and uncertain knowledge represented as fuzzy belief functions (چکیده)
6536 - Fourth‐order dual mode substrate integrated waveguide filter (چکیده)
6537 - A Study on the Effect of Nano Alumina Particles on Fracture Behavior of PMMA (چکیده)
6538 - Damage mechanisms in aluminum-matrix composites reinforced with nano-alumina particles (چکیده)
6539 - Fundamentals of Welfare Economics and its Critiques (چکیده)
6540 - (2-Aminopyrimidine- κ N 1 )aqua(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato- κ 3 O 2 , N,O 6 )copper(II): X-ray and DFT calculated structure (چکیده)
6541 - Application of multi-criterion robust optimization in water-flooding of oil reservoir (چکیده)
6542 - Gegenbauer spectral method for time-fractional convection–diffusion equations with variable coefficients (چکیده)
6543 - تحلیل آماری نتایج برداشت های صحرایی ناپیوستگیهاجهت برآوردکیفیت توده سنگهای دربرگیرنده مسیر تونل همرو (چکیده)
6545 - Preparation of a natural dressing from animal amniotic membrane (چکیده)
6546 - SEMG-based prediction of masticatory kinematics in rhythmic clenching movements (چکیده)
6547 - A Novel Multi-Criteria Relay Selection Scheme in Cooperation Communication Networks (چکیده)
6548 - Seed Germination, Plant Establishment, and Yield of Sugar Beet Genotypes under Salinity Stress S. (چکیده)
6549 - Entropy Analysis for an Unsteady Flow over a Stretching Permeable Surface in the Presence of Velocity Slip and Temperature Jump Effects (چکیده)
6550 - MHD Fluid Flow due to a Stretching Rotating Disk: Entropy Generation Analysis (چکیده)
6551 - Peach Water Relations, Gas Exchange, Growth and Shoot Mortality under Water Deficit in Semi-Arid Weather Conditions (چکیده)
6552 - Effects of Bidding Data Disclosure on Unilateral Exercise of Market Power (چکیده)
6553 - ماشین بردار پشتیبان دوگانه ساختاری چگالی گرا (چکیده)
6554 - حداقل مربعات ماشین بردار پشتیبان دوگانه ساختاری (چکیده)
6555 - The influence of different plasticisers and fatty acids on functional properties of basil seed gum edible film (چکیده)
6556 - Experimental Investigation of the EGR Temperature Effects on the Destruction of the Fuel’s Availability Due to Combustion Processes in IDI Diesel Engine Cylinder (چکیده)
6557 - Implementing a High Throughput, Configurable and Parameterizable Packet Filtering Firewall on FPGA (چکیده)
6558 - Design Investigation of Microstrip Patch and Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity Hybrid Antenna Arrays (چکیده)
6559 - The Effect of Regulin on Reproductive Performance of Afshari Sheep Breed (چکیده)
6560 - Microbiological Examination of Traditional Yogurt Produced from Ewe's Milk in Khorasan Region, Iran: Safety Aspect (چکیده)
6561 - تحلیل و پایذاری گوه های تشکیل شذه در طول مسیر تونل انتقال آب سبزکوه به چغاخور تا استفاده از نرم افزار Unwedge (چکیده)
6562 - Numerical study on fatigue crack growth in railway wheels under the influence of residual stresses (چکیده)
6563 - Methylmercury-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Liver: Ameliorating Effect of Vitamin C (چکیده)
6564 - Stochastic Properties of the Weighted Hazard Rate Order (چکیده)
6565 - Sol–gel combustion synthesis of Zr-doped BaTiO3 nanopowders and ceramics: Dielectric and ferroelectr ic studies (چکیده)
6566 - Expressions for moments of order statistics and records from the skew-normal distribution in terms of multivariate normal orthant probabilities (چکیده)
6567 - Record-based inference and associated cost analysis for the Weibull distribution (چکیده)
6568 - Marker based Human Pose Estimation Using Annealed Particle Swarm Optimization with Search Space Partitioning (چکیده)
6569 - Synthesis of oak gall tannin-immobilized hexagonal mesoporous silicate (OGT-HMS) as a new super adsorbent for the removal of anionic dye from aqueous solution (چکیده)
6570 - On the Stability of Orbits for Iterated Function Systems (چکیده)
6571 - Fast Prepared Ni-Al2O3 Nanocomposi te Thro ugh Solution Combustion Synthesis (چکیده)
6572 - The Impact of Illustrations on Recall of Short Stories (چکیده)
6573 - Hover-Flies (diptera: syrphidae) of Kerman Province, Iran (چکیده)
6574 - Similar Portrayal of Two Invulnerable Heroes in Homer’s Iliad and Ferdowsi's Shahnameh (چکیده)
6575 - Control of wake and vortex shedding behind solid circular obstacle by Magnetohydrodynamics (چکیده)
6576 - Prediction of solid volume fraction and mean density distribution isograms in slurry flow in a pipe, using ASM model (چکیده)
6578 - Simulation of 2003 Bam (Iran) earthquake using empirical Green’s function method via very small and near-fault events (چکیده)
6579 - Meteorological conditions associated with severe dust storms in the Sistan region, Iran (چکیده)
6580 - Shadowing and average shadowing properties for iterated function systems (چکیده)
6581 - Improving the physical and moisture barrier properties of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum biodegradable film with stearic and palmitic acids (چکیده)
6582 - Evaluation of mother corm weights and foliar fertilizer levelson saffron (Crocus sativus L.) growth and yield components (چکیده)
6583 - Investigating the role of knowledge-oriented organizational culture and leadership as moderators on the effect of knowledge management on innovation (چکیده)
6584 - Estimation of Soil Cation Exchange Capacity using Multiple Regression, Artificial Neural Networks, and Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System Models in Golestan Province, Iran (چکیده)
6585 - Closed-form solutions for static pull-in voltage and detachment length of electrostatically actuated nano-cantilevers under the effect of vdw attarction (چکیده)
6586 - Publishing Data of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad as Linked Data (چکیده)
6587 - Comparison of Range of Motion of Knee and Hip in Athletes With and Without Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (چکیده)
6588 - بررسی اثر تغییر نسبت تراکم بر متغییرهای ترمودینامیکی و عملکرد موتور نیسان (چکیده)
6589 - شبیه‌سازی وانتخاب پرخورانی موتور نیسانبا بررسی اثر تغییرات نسبت تراکم (چکیده)
6590 - Structural Sensitivity of Carbon Monoxide Hydrogenation by Nano-Structured Iron Catalyst (چکیده)
6591 - Improving the performance of water balance equation using fuzzy logic approach (چکیده)
6592 - Maximal Invariant and Weakly Equivariant Estimators (چکیده)
6593 - An investigation of the most Flow Inducing Genres (چکیده)
6594 - Numerical investigation on the lifetime decline of burners in a wall-fired dual-fuel utility boiler (چکیده)
6595 - New data on the wolf spiders of Iran (Aranei: Lycosidae) (چکیده)
6596 - A Cenomanian-Turonian drowning unconformity on the eastern part of Kopet-Dagh basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
6597 - Modification of Carbon Nanotube Surface to Enhance Amoxicillin Adsorption from Aqueous Environment (چکیده)
6598 - Effect of aging treatment on the crushing behavior of aluminum 6061 alloy tube (چکیده)
6599 - Accurate Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Piezoelectric Actuators Using Full Layerwise Theory (چکیده)
6600 - A Numerical Approach to the Prediction of Hardness at Different Points of a Heat-Treated Steel (چکیده)
6601 - Control of Wake Structure Behind a Square Cylinder by Magnetohydrodynamics (چکیده)
6602 - Wolbachia grouping study, in major Trichogramma wasps in Iran (چکیده)
6603 - On the Exterior Degree of the Wreath Product of Finite Abelian Groups (چکیده)
6604 - On power graphs of finite groups with forbidden induced subgraphs (چکیده)
6605 - Isomorphisms between Jacobson graphs (چکیده)
6606 - Measuring mutual aggregate uncertainty in evidence theory (چکیده)
6607 - Measuring mutual aggregate uncertainty in evidence theory (چکیده)
6608 - Effect of Wind Speed and Load Correlation on ELCC of Wind Turbine Generator (چکیده)
6609 - DC Voltage Control and Power-Sharing of Multi-Terminal DC Grids Based on Optimal DC Power Flow and Flexible Voltage Droop Strategy (چکیده)
6611 - Effects of Wind Speed Forecasting Error on Control Performance Standard Index (چکیده)
6612 - Reliability‐centred maintenance for circuit breakers in transmission networks (چکیده)
6613 - Cobweb theory‐based generation maintenance coordination in restructured power systems (چکیده)
6614 - Evaluation of price-sensitive loads’ impacts on transmission network congestion using an analytical approach (چکیده)
6615 - Effects of Static and Dynamic Warm-up on Physical Variables in Soccer Players (چکیده)
6616 - A mixed methods analysis of EFL teachers' self-regulated strategies and burnout (چکیده)
6617 - The impact of vocabulary knowledge on reading comprehension ability of Iranian English learners receiving reciprocal teaching and cooperative grouping intervention program (چکیده)
6618 - Willingness to Communicate in English: A Microsystem Model in the IranianEFLClassroom Context (چکیده)
6619 - Exploging Flwo theory in TOEFL Texts: expository and argumentative genre (چکیده)
6620 - Enhancement of heat transfer by nanofluids and orientations of the equilateral triangular obstacle (چکیده)
6621 - Effect of blend ratio and coagulation bath temperature on the morphology, tensile strength and performance of cellulose acetate/poly(butylene succinate) membranes (چکیده)
6622 - Toward an exploration of follower's implicit followership theories of Mashhad's large organizations using a qualitative approach (چکیده)
6623 - بررسی اثر توسعه کشاورزی بر منابع آب دشت مشهد با نرم افزار WEAP (چکیده)
6624 - The Impacts of Open/closed Body Positions and Postures on Learners’ Moods (چکیده)
6625 - Morphometric variation of Periophthalmus waltoni Koumans, 1941(Teleostei: Gobiidae) in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman (چکیده)
6626 - Effect of corn replacement with graded levels of wheat screening and enzyme supplementation on performance, blood lipids, viscosity and jejunal histomorphology of finisher broilers (چکیده)
6627 - The effect of salinity priming on germination and growth stage of Cumin ( Cuminum cyminum L). (چکیده)
6628 - Whole wheat feeding and influence of initial body weight on broiler performance (چکیده)
6629 - Investigation of Nano Nozzle Flows using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (چکیده)
6630 - Second Law Analysis of Nano Thermal Cavity Flow Using DSMC (چکیده)
6631 - Determine Stability Wellbore Utilizing by Artificial Intelligence Systems andEstimation of Elastic Coefficients of Reservoir Rock (چکیده)
6632 - Evaluating the prior knowledge of toxoplasmosis among students of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (چکیده)
6633 - Corrosion Inhibitive Evaluation of an Environmentally Friendly Water-Base Acrylic Terpolymer on Mild Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Media (چکیده)
6634 - Extraction of essential oils from Mentha piperitausing using advanced techniques: Microwave versus ohmic assisted hydrodistillation (چکیده)
6635 - Environmental impacts of peanut production system using life cycle assessment methodology (چکیده)
6636 - Self-affine snake for medical image segmentation (چکیده)
6637 - A study regulatory network with promoter analysis for Arabidopsis DREB-genes (چکیده)
6638 - Elastic/plastic buckling analysis of skew plates under in-plane shear loading with incremental and deformation theories of plasticity by GDQ method (چکیده)
6639 - Modified Burzynski criterion with non-associated flow rule for anisotropic asymmetric metals in plane stress problems (چکیده)
6640 - Information Security in Knowledge Management Based on ISO 27001 and CWA 14924 (چکیده)
6641 - Development of a Linearly Polarized Circular Substrate-Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed 2 × 2-Slot Antenna Array (چکیده)
6642 - Optimization of the Performance of ADouble-Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell Through Factorial Design of Experiments and Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
6643 - Analysis of the Effect of Missing Weather Data on Estimating Daily Reference Evapotranspiration Under Different Climatic Conditions (چکیده)
6644 - Improvement of retinal blood vessel detectionusing morphological component analysis (چکیده)
6645 - Numerical simulation of Lithium-Titanium gas-solid fluidized beds with MFIX and assessing the effects of pressure, particle size and inlet gas velocity on its performance (چکیده)
6646 - Performance of On-Off Keying and Pulse Position Modulation for Diffused Indoor Optical Wireless Channels Employing Neural Equalizers (چکیده)
6647 - The role of limited irrigation and advanced management on improving water productivity of rainfed wheat at semi-cold region of upper Karkheh River Basin, Iran (چکیده)
6648 - Multianalytical and in situ studies of localized corrosion of EN AW-3003 alloy - Influence of intermetallic particles (چکیده)
6649 - The Review of Asymmetrical Cointegration Relationship between Agriculture and Economic Growth in Iran by Using TAR and M-TAR Models (چکیده)
6650 - Modelling of Some Physical Characteristics of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruit during Ripening Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
6651 - A New Write Assist Technique for SRAM Design in 65nm CMOS Technology (چکیده)
6652 - On the piecewise-spectral homotopy analysis method and its convergence: solution of hyperchaotic L¨u system (چکیده)
6653 - Predictions of wet natural gases condensation rates via multi-component and multi-phase simulation of supersonic separators (چکیده)
6654 - Microwave-Assisted Oxidative Desulfurization of Sour Natural Gas Condensate via Combination of Sulfuric and Nitric Acids (چکیده)
6655 - Exploring Efficiency of Ring Oscillator- Based Temperature Sensor Networks on FPGAs (چکیده)
6657 - An investigation of unitarily invariant norm inequalities of Lowner--Heinz type (چکیده)
6658 - Design Optimization of an Orthopedic Screw Based on Stress Stimulus Using Taguchi Method and Finite Element Analysis (چکیده)
6659 - Effect of Selected exercises on postural control in elite female Taekwondo players (چکیده)
6660 - Study on the effect of maternal administration of aromataze inhibitor on the brain dimorphic neucleus in male ratv offspring (چکیده)
6661 - Study on the effect of maternal administration of aromatase inhibitor (lertozole) on spatial memory in male rat offspring (چکیده)
6662 - Geometric morphometric analysis of the molars in three species of the genus Mus (Mus) (Rodentia, Muridae) based on the outline method (چکیده)
6663 - Inequalities of Lowner type (چکیده)
6664 - Fuzzy Inference System for Modeling of Short-Term Effects of Operative Parameters and Memory of Reactor on SBR Performance (چکیده)
6665 - Effect of Essential Oils, Ethanol a nd Methanol to Extend the Vase-life of Carnation ( Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Flowers (چکیده)
6666 - Legal Possessions and Rights Abusers from the Perspective of Shiite (چکیده)
6667 - Effects of sucrose and sunflower oil addition to diet of Saanen dairy goats on performance and milk fatty acid profile (چکیده)
6668 - Optimal operation of a three-product dividing-wall column with self-optimizing control structure design (چکیده)
6669 - Assessment of Retained Austenite in AISI D2 Tool Steel Using Magnetic Hysteresis and Barkhausen Noise Parameters (چکیده)
6670 - Progress on Quantum Discord of Two-Qubit States: Optimization and Upper Bound (چکیده)
6671 - Ferula szowitsiana extract is able to delay PTZ induced kindling seizures in male wistar rat (چکیده)
6672 - A comparison between diazepam and Ferula szowitsiana extract on PTZ induced convulsion in male wistar rat (چکیده)
6673 - Is there any difference between anti-inflammatory effect of Ferula szowitsiana extract in central & systemic administration in Rat? (چکیده)
6674 - A comparison between intrathecal and intraperitoneal administrations of Ferula szowitsiana stem and leaves extract on chemical pain in male wistar rats (چکیده)
6675 - Providing a Model to Investigate the Impact of Service quality, Perceived Value and Corporate Image on Customers Loyalty Considering Mediator Role of Customer Satisfaction and Moderator Role of Switching Costs (چکیده)
6676 - Vertically self-gravitating ADAFs in the presence of toroidal magnetic field (چکیده)
6677 - Structure of ADAFs in a general large-scaleB-field: the role of wind and thermal conduction (چکیده)
6678 - Hydrodynamical wind in magnetized accretion flows with convection (چکیده)
6680 - Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation of tempering processin AISI D2 tool steel (چکیده)
6681 - Cayley graphs of ideals in a commutative ring (چکیده)
6682 - On Some Properties and Applications of Proportional Orderings (چکیده)
6683 - A new filterbank-based complex CDMA system for transmission in underwater acoustic channels (چکیده)
6684 - Some Results Based on a Version of the Generalized Dynamic Entropies (چکیده)
6685 - A Distributed Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
6686 - A Novel Load Scheduling for Session Initiation Protocol Networks (چکیده)
6687 - A characterization of higher derivations on Banach algebras (چکیده)
6690 - Ethics and Alternatives for Animal Use in Research (چکیده)
6691 - Mathematical modelling and dynamic simulation of multi-effect falling-film evaporator for milk powder production (چکیده)
6692 - Aspects of the mean residual life order for weighted distributions (چکیده)
6693 - Gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) of Iran: annotated list and zoogeographical analysis (چکیده)
6694 - Applications of Impedance Plane and Magnetic Differential Permeability in Microstructural Characterization of AISI D2 Tool Steel (چکیده)
6695 - An 8.8–9.8 GHz 100W hybrid solid state power amplifier for high power applications (چکیده)
6696 - On the Secrecy Rate Region of Multiple-Access Wiretap Channel with Noncausal Side Information (چکیده)
6697 - Free Vibration Analysis of Rotating Composite Beam Using Dimensional Reduction Method (چکیده)
6698 - A More General Version of the Costa Theorem (چکیده)
6699 - Effects of endemic hydrocolloids and xanthan gum on foaming properties of white button mushroom puree studied by cluster analysis: A comparative study (چکیده)
6700 - Applying an intelligent model and sensitivity analysis to inspect mass transfer kinetics, shrinkage and crust color changes of deep-fat fried ostrich meat cubes (چکیده)
6701 - Vegetative growth, compatible solute accumulation, ion partitioning and chlorophyll fluorescence of ‘Malas-e-Saveh’ and ‘Shishe-Kab’ pomegranates in response to salinity stress (چکیده)
6702 - Enhancing the ability of QualiTree to study the effect of water availability on the fruit-tree development and growth (چکیده)
6703 - Arc stability evaluation in Gas Metal Arc Welding process, Using Acoustic data and Signal Processing (چکیده)
6704 - فیلوژنی مولکولی Aphidiinae بر اساس چهار ناحیه ژنی هسته و ریبوزوم (چکیده)
6705 - Analysis of one dimensional inviscid and two dimensional viscous flows using Entropy Preserving method (چکیده)
6706 - Improvement ofVase Life and Postharvest Factors of Lilium orientalis'Boaquet' by Silver Nano Particles (چکیده)
6707 - Evaluation of Antioxidative Efficacy of Treated Linseed using In Vitro Rumen Culture (چکیده)
6708 - The nonlinear impact of government consumption expenditure on economic growth: Evidence from low and low-middle income countries (چکیده)
6709 - A Focused Linked Data Crawler based on HTML Link Analysis (چکیده)
6710 - Designing an Integrated Semantic Framework for Structured Opinion Summarization (چکیده)
6712 - Economic Plantwide Control of the Cumene Process (چکیده)
6713 - پیش بینی تولید گیاهی مراتع رودشور شهرستان ساوه طی 20 سال آتی بر اساس سناریوهای مختلف تغییر اقلیم (چکیده)
6714 - Performance of MWCNTs and a low-cost adsorbent for Chromium(VI) ion removal (چکیده)
6715 - Extraction of Cu(II) Ions in Wastewaters Using New Solid/Liquid Phase Microextraction Technique Based on Incorporating Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes into Polypropylene Hollow Fiber (چکیده)
6716 - An investigation of artificial intelligence methodologies in the prediction of dirty amine flow rate of gas sweetening absorption column (چکیده)
6717 - Application of Artificial Neural Networks and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems to Predict Activated Carbon Properties for Methane Storage (چکیده)
6718 - گزارش دو گونه نماتود انگل حشرات Pristionchus maupasii و Osechius از ایران (چکیده)
6719 - Internal wave deposits in Jurassic Kermanshah pelagic carbonates and radiolarites (Kermanshah area,West Iran (چکیده)
6720 - Numerical Investigation of Replaced equations for Irreversible Otto Cycle Using Pareto-Based Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
6721 - Modeling of gas release following pipeline rupture: Proposing nondimensional correlation (چکیده)
6722 - Ecological quality assessment based on macrobenthic assemblages indices along West Port, Malaysia coast (چکیده)
6723 - Low Speed Control of AC Servo Motors in No-Load Condition (چکیده)
6724 - IBM word-alignment model I for statistical machine translation (چکیده)
6725 - Assessment of Blood Vessel Tortuosity and Width in Retinopathy of Prematurity Using ROPAssist (چکیده)
6726 - Plus Disease Detection with a Novel Automated Algorithm (چکیده)
6727 - Differential expression of ovine TLR2 and TLR4 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultured with hydatid cyst derived antigens (چکیده)
6728 - Expression Analysis of Molecular Markers of Inflammation in Human Monocytic THP-1 cells Cultured with Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG-SWNT) (چکیده)
6729 - Prevalence of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) in Carcasses Referred to Khorasan Razavi Industrial Abattoir by Real-time quantitative PCR (q-PCR) (چکیده)
6730 - Existence of periodic solutions in a delayed ring network with n neurons (چکیده)
6731 - Isotopic analysis, hydrogeochemistry and geothermometry of Tang-Bijar oilfield springs, Zagros region, Iran (چکیده)
6732 - A Hierarchical Fuzzy Approach for Adaptation of Pre-given Parameters in an Interval Type-2 TSK Fuzzy Neural Structure (چکیده)
6733 - Evaluation of broiler chicks responses to protein, methionine and tryptophan using neural network models (چکیده)
6734 - Wind power forecasting using emotional neural networks (چکیده)
6735 - A Low-Power Subthreshold to Above-Threshold Voltage Level Shifter (چکیده)
6736 - Two integer formulations for interval coloring of weighted graphs (چکیده)
6737 - Effect of Different Levels of Mushroom Waste (Agaricus bisporus) with or without Probiotic on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Breast Meat Quality in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
6738 - Economically efficient operation of CO2 capturing process. Part II. Design of control layer (چکیده)
6739 - Conductometric Study of Complexation Reaction of 4'-Nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 with Mn+2, Co+2, Y+3, and ZrO+2 Cations in Acetonitrile, Methanol and Their Binary Solvent Solutions (چکیده)
6740 - Gasification of sugarcane bagasse in supercritical water; evaluation of alkali catalysts for maximum hydrogen production (چکیده)
6741 - Application of Humidification-Dehumidification technique for water desalination in small communities (چکیده)
6742 - Microwave assisted the synthesis of ZnO and CuO promoted alumina for esterification reaction (چکیده)
6743 - Influence of Converter and Inverter on Dynamic Behavior of the GMAW Process (چکیده)
6744 - Frequency control of the drop detachment in the automatic GMAW process (چکیده)
6745 - Improving the dynamic metal transfer model of gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process (چکیده)
6746 - A Novel Dual Mode Dual Band SIW Filter (چکیده)
6747 - Modeling of Glycolysis of Flexible Polyurethane Foam Wastes by Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Methodology (چکیده)
6748 - The Evaluation Of Pipe Wall Reaction Coefficient Effect/Impact On Urban Water Network Simulation Using The Epanet2 Model (چکیده)
6749 - Enhancing Energy Efficiency of Processor-Based Embedded Systems through Post-Fabrication ISA Extension (چکیده)
6750 - Effects of dietary l-carnitine level on growth performance, immune responses and stress resistance of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
6751 - Modeling and simulation of road traffic noise using artificial neural network and regression (چکیده)
6752 - Anticorrosion properties of nanocompositecoatings based on polysulfon-epoxy belend/graphen (چکیده)
6753 - Preparation of anti corrosion coatings based on polysulfone/epoxy resin-hardener and its physical and chemical properties (چکیده)
6754 - Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method to MHD Flow of a Viscoelastic Fluid Aver a Stretching Sheet (چکیده)
6755 - Protective Effects of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) in Lead Acetate Exposed Diabetic Male Rats: Evaluation of Blood Biochemical Parameters and Testicular Histopathology (چکیده)
6756 - A new asymmetric 6T SRAM cell with a write assist technique in 65 nm CMOS technology (چکیده)
6757 - برنامه ریزی و آمایش راهبردهای ارتقای امنیت زائران و گردشگران شهر مشهد با تلفیق مدلهای برنامه ریزی استراتژیک و تحلیل شبکه (ANP-SWOT) (چکیده)
6758 - A Comparative Study of the Efficiency of Artificial Neural Network and Multivariate Regression in Prioritizing Climate factors affecting runoff generation in research plots: A case study of Sanganeh Station, Khorasan Razavi (چکیده)
6759 - On the Coverage Region of MIMO Two-Hop Amplify-and-Forward Relay Network (چکیده)
6760 - Coverage Region Analysis for MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relay Channel with the Source to Destination Link (چکیده)
6761 - The Schizosaccharomyces pombe Map4 adhesin is a glycoprotein that can be extracted from the cell wall with alkali but not with beta-glucanases and requires the C-terminal DIPSY domain for function (چکیده)
6762 - Preprocessing of Distance and Directional Overcurrent Relays Coordination Problem Considering Changes in Network Topology (چکیده)
6763 - The tetraspan protein Dni1p is required for correct membrane organization and cell wall remodelling during mating in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. (چکیده)
6764 - The FN3 and BRCT motifs in the exomer component Chs5p define a conserved module that is necessary and sufficient for its function (چکیده)
6765 - The fission yeast Map4 protein is a novel adhesin required for mating (چکیده)
6766 - تحلیل فرصت ها و چالشهای روستاهای مرزی در امنیت مرزهای استان خراسان رضوی با مدل swot (چکیده)
6767 - Reliable estimation of optimal sulfinol concentration in gas treatment unit via novel stabilized MLP and regularization network (چکیده)
6768 - Characterizations of the Pareto distribution in the presence of outliers (چکیده)
6769 - Getting the Knack of It: Reading and Writing Poetry as a Resource for Language Teaching for EFL Students (چکیده)
6770 - Explicit formulation of bearing capacity of shallow foundations on rock masses using artificial neural networks: application and supplementary studies (چکیده)
6771 - Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Winter Salad (Local Pickle) during Fermentation Using 16S rRNA Gene Sequence Analysis (چکیده)
6772 - Feasibility of solar thermal collectors usage in dwelling apartments in Mashhad, the second megacity of Iran (چکیده)
6773 - The effect of Ramadan fasting and physical activity on homocysteine and fibrinogen concentrations in overweight women (چکیده)
6774 - Functional brain networks related to working memory using phase synchrony analysis (چکیده)
6775 - Determining the factors affecting on performance evaluation of the national teams coaches of Wushu Federation of Republic Islamic of Iran (چکیده)
6776 - Modeling of fluid flow and heat transfer in laser welding with a moving heat source (چکیده)
6778 - بررسی و بهینه‌سازی ویژگی‌های شیمیایی و حسی فرمولاسیون‌های مختلف پنیر فتای فراپالایش آنالوگ باز‌ساخته به روش سطح پاسخ (چکیده)
6779 - A New Collaborative Paradigm for Co-evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization: Equipped with Skepticism Parameter, Group Energizer and Pseudo Random Initialization (چکیده)
6780 - Combination of Modified Yld2000-2d and Yld2000-2d in Anisotropic Pressure Dependent Sheet Metals (چکیده)
6781 - Using Fuzzy Regression Approach in Prediction Municipal Solid Waste Generation: A Case Study of Mashhad (چکیده)
6782 - Survey of antibiotic-resistance patterns in E.coli isolated from patients with Urinary Tract Infection in Rasht (چکیده)
6783 - Mechanical properties and energy absorption capability of thin-walled square columns of silica/epoxy nanocomposite (چکیده)
6784 - Mineralogy, metamorphism and geothermobarometry of the Ghandab metamorphic Complex, S E Fariman, NE Iran (چکیده)
6785 - AConductometric study of complexation reaction between benzo-15- crown-5 and Al3+ cation in some pure and binary mixed non- aqueous solvents (چکیده)
6786 - Effects of Essential Oils to Control Rhizopus stolonifer in vitro and in vivo on Strawberry (چکیده)
6787 - Effect of fungicidal essential oils against Botrytis cinerea and (چکیده)
6788 - Faunistic study of Thysanoptera (Insecta) in Khorasan-e- Razavi province, north-east Iran (چکیده)
6789 - Investigating the influence of pH, temperature and agitation speed on yellow pigment production byPenicillium aculeatumATCC 10409 (چکیده)
6790 - Effect of heat absorbing alumina addition on mechanochemical synthesis of WC–Al2O3 nanocomposites (چکیده)
6791 - A More Effective Web Search through Developing a Small Thesaurus of Non-Topical Terms: A Proposed Model to Improve Pertinence and Retrieval Relevance (چکیده)
6792 - Energy use and economical analysis of seedy watermelon production for different irrigation systems in Iran (چکیده)
6793 - Evaluation of Different Primers for Detection of Brucella in Human and Animal Serum Samples by Using PCR Method (چکیده)
6794 - The effects of different polymerization agents on structural and optical properties of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3nanopowders synthesized by a facile green route (چکیده)
6795 - Investigations on flow and heat transfer of CNT/transformer oil nanofluids (چکیده)
6796 - Relationship between Energy Consumption, Economic Growth Financial Development and Trade Openness in Iran (چکیده)
6797 - First report of Lachesilla quercus KOLBE, 1880 (Psocoptera: Psocomorpha: Lachesillidae) from Iran (چکیده)
6798 - بررسی تغذیه گرایی مخازن سدها با استفاده از مدل CE-QUAL-W2 (مطالعه موردی: سد شیرین دره بجنورد، استان خراسان شمالی) (چکیده)
6799 - Analysis and Design of a Low-Voltage Low-Power Double-Tail Comparator (چکیده)
6800 - A Level-Crossing Based QRS-Detection Algorithm for Wearable ECG Sensors (چکیده)
6802 - A closed-form semi analytical elastic-plastic solution for predictiong the onset of flange wrinkling in deep-drawing of a two-layered circular plate (چکیده)
6803 - Wind-thermal power system operation in the presence of demand response programs (چکیده)
6804 - The clathrin light chain is essential for cell wall synthesis and viability in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (چکیده)
6805 - The Cfr1/Csr1p complex regulate cell wall synthesis in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (چکیده)
6806 - Numerical investigation of particle-fluid interaction on particle diameter prediction in supercritical antisolvent crystallization (چکیده)
6807 - Isolation, Identification and Growth’s Comparison f Mold Types In A Cake Factory Environment And Final Products (چکیده)
6808 - Effects of autologous keratinocyte cell spray with and without Chitosan on 3rd degree burn healing; Animal experiment (چکیده)
6809 - (Real reasons of religious laws (Any Relation between law& doctrine in Rumis works (چکیده)
6810 - Experimental investigation of stationary and rotational structures in non - circular hydraulic jumps (چکیده)
6811 - Trend analysis of the changes in urban hierarchy of Khuzestan: a sustainable development perspective (چکیده)
6812 - Rosa freitagii Ziel. (Rosaceae), a new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
6813 - Spectroscopic studies on tungstoheteropolyanions functionalized by amino acids (چکیده)
6814 - Low Profile Modified H-Plane SIW Horn Antenna with Improved Directivity (چکیده)
6815 - Low Mach number slip flow through diverging microchannel (چکیده)
6816 - Representation of activity and osmotic coefficients of electrolyte solutions using non-electrolyte Wilson-NRF model with ion-specific parameters (چکیده)
6817 - Artificial neural network method for solving the Navier–Stokes equations (چکیده)
6818 - Appraisal of the entire mitochondrial genome for DNA barcoding in birds (چکیده)
6819 - Process Control Strategies for Dual-Phase Steel Manufacturing Using ANN and ANFIS (چکیده)
6820 - Numerical solution of weakly singular Fredholm integral equations via generalization of the Euler–Maclaurin summation formula (چکیده)
6821 - Regulation of Cell Wall Synthesis by the Clathrin Light Chain Is Essential for Viability in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (چکیده)
6822 - Comparison of the anti-inflammatory effects of heated and unheated flower top hydroalcoholic extract of female Cannabis sativa on wistar rats (چکیده)
6823 - Comparison between the Analgesic effects of heated and unheated flower hydroalcoholic extract of female Cannabis sativa in rats (چکیده)
6824 - A Review of the Distributed Methods for Large-Scale Social Network Analysis (چکیده)
6825 - Simulation of Droplet Formation in a T-Junction Micro Channel Using Volume of Fluid Technique (چکیده)
6826 - Numerical simulation of a flat electroosmotic driven flow in the presence of a charged mid-plate (چکیده)
6827 - Evaluating effect of downscaling methods; change-factor and LARS-WG on surface runoff (A case study of Azam-Harat River basin, Iran) (چکیده)
6828 - Hot-spot cooling using microliter liquid drops (چکیده)
6830 - Using liquid homogenization in order to produce Al-Gr composite with SPS and cold pressed-sintered in furnace and investigation of microstructure (چکیده)
6831 - Mechanical properties of Al-Gr composite produced by two ways: SPS and cold pressed and sintered in furnace (چکیده)
6832 - Fracture surface study of the Al-Gr composite homogenized in the liquid produced by SPS (چکیده)
6833 - Wear properties of the Al-Gr composite homogenized in the liquid produced by two methods: SPS and cold pressed and sintered in furnace (چکیده)
6834 - A cloud-based architecture for secure and reliable service provisioning in wireless sensor network (چکیده)
6835 - The effects of dietary supplement of annatto (Bixa orellana) seed meal on blood carotenoid content and fillet color stability in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (چکیده)
6836 - Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on mechanical properties of high-performance mortar (چکیده)
6837 - Daily Rainfall forecasting for Mashhad Synoptic Station using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
6838 - Semi-circular side weir (چکیده)
6839 - مقایسه آنالیز دو بعدی و سه بعدی تراوش از سدهای خاکی با استفاده از نرم‏افزارهای SEEP/3D SEEP/W (چکیده)
6840 - Identification of Anti-microbial Producing Enterococci Isolated from Iranian Raw Milk Cheeses Using Polyphasic Approach (چکیده)
6841 - Parametric assessment of a low-swirl burner using the exergy analysis (چکیده)
6842 - A hybrid NN-FE approach to adjust blank holder gap over punch stroke in deep drawing process (چکیده)
6843 - Novel grid voltage estimation by means of the Newton–Raphson optimisation for three-phase grid connected voltage source converters (چکیده)
6844 - Dust-ion acoustic waves modulation in dusty plasmas with nonextensive electrons (چکیده)
6845 - Study of Cash Waqf and Its Impact on Poverty (Case Study of Iran)1 (چکیده)
6846 - Semantic similarity assessment of words using weighted WordNet (چکیده)
6847 - Analysis and Improving the Security of the Scalar Costa Scheme against Known Message Attack (چکیده)
6848 - مقایسه دو مدل ریزمقیاس نمایی LARS-WG و ASD در پیش بینی بارش و دما تحت شرایط تغییراقلیم و در وضعیت های آب و هوائی متفاوت (چکیده)
6849 - Who Should be Interviewed? A Response from Cluster Analysis (چکیده)
6850 - Relationship between microbial load and histamine content in the rainbow trout fillet during refrigeration (چکیده)
6851 - Transformer Differential Protection by Online Core Modeling and Orthogonal Polynomials (چکیده)
6852 - Effects of Turmeric Rhizome Powder and Oil Sources on Performance, Immune System and Bone Characteristics in Pre and Post Heat Stressed Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
6853 - The Relationship between Structure and Agency in Communicative Action Theory (چکیده)
6854 - Properties of two-dimensional resonant reflectors with zero-contrast gratings (چکیده)
6855 - Antioxidant and anticoccidial effects of garlic powder and sulfur amino acids on Eimeria-infected and uninfected broiler chickens (چکیده)
6856 - Damage identification of 2D and 3D trusses by using complete and incomplete noisy measurements (چکیده)
6857 - Using wavelet transforms to estimate surface temperature trends and dominant periodicities in Iran based on gridded reanalysis data (چکیده)
6858 - A Generalized Write Channel Model for Bit-Patterned Media Recording (چکیده)
6859 - Microwave functionalized single-walled carbon nanotube as nanocarrier for the delivery of anticancer drug cisplatin: in vitro and in vivo evaluation (چکیده)
6860 - Numerical study of liquid flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannel with longitudinal vortex generators (چکیده)
6861 - Three new species of mygalomorph and filistatid spiders from Iran (Araneae, Cyrtaucheniidae, Nemesiidae and Filistatidae) (چکیده)
6862 - Effects of shear work on non-equilibrium heat transfer characteristics of rarefied gas flows through micro/nanochannels (چکیده)
6863 - Mercury Contamination in Khramulia (Capoeta capoeta) from the Cheshme Kile and Zarrin Gol Rivers in Iran and Human Health Risk Assessment (چکیده)
6864 - Rarefied gas flow behavior in micro/nanochannels under specified wall heat flux (چکیده)
6865 - Differential Physiological and Morphological Responsesof Persian and Hybrid Petunia (Petunia hybrida cv. Sonja Pink) in Vegetative and Reproductive Growth Stagesunder Drought Stress (چکیده)
6866 - Size comparison of biogenic selenium nanoparticles that produced using bacteria isolated from glass factory sewage (چکیده)
6867 - In vitro Rumen Fermentation and Gas Production: Influence of Different by-productFeedstuffs (چکیده)
6868 - Isolation and identification of ferric reducing bacteria and evaluation of their roles in iron availability in two calcareous soils (چکیده)
6869 - جداسازی و شناسایی باکتری های کاهنده آهن فریک از خاک های شالیزاری شمال ایران (چکیده)
6870 - The Impact of Water Stress and Salinity on Water Requirement and Crop Coefficient of Greenhouse Bell Pepper (چکیده)
6871 - A New Method to Improve Directivity Bandwidth of Directiional Coupler (چکیده)
6872 - Electronically Switchable Microwave Bandpass Filter With Wide Stopband Using Parallel Loaded Stepped-Impedance Resonators (چکیده)
6873 - Analysis of Coverage Region for MIMO Relay Network with Multiple Cooperative DF-Relays (چکیده)
6874 - Longitudinal study of price model: before and after Iranian Accounting Standards (چکیده)
6875 - Increased soyabean-rhizobium symbiosis by magnetically treated water (چکیده)
6876 - تاثیر عوامل غیرزنده روی بیماریزایی نماتود های بیمارگر حشرات روی مینوز گوجه فرنگی Tuta absouleta (چکیده)
6877 - Phenological response of milk thistle (Silybum marianum [L.] Gaertn.) to different nutrition systems (چکیده)
6878 - Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy on Psychological Well-Being of People with Late Blindness (چکیده)
6879 - Sonochemically Synthesized LaPO4 Nanopowder and Its Catalytic Activity (چکیده)
6880 - Elastic/plastic Buckling Analysis of Skew Thin Plates based on Incremental and Deformation Theories of Plasticity by using Generalized Differential Quadrature Method (چکیده)
6881 - Adsorption of CCl4 on Armchair Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Sheet (چکیده)
6882 - Water capture efficiency, use efficiency and productivity in intercropping of rapeseed, bean and corn (چکیده)
6883 - Water capture efficiency, use efficiency and productivity in intercropping of rapeseed, bean and corn (چکیده)
6884 - Capacity region of the Gaussian doubly dirty two-way channel in the presence of partial side information (چکیده)
6885 - Phylogeography and population genomics of a wide-ranging bird in Eurasia, the Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus, (چکیده)
6886 - Critical path-aware voltage island partitioning and floorplanning for hard real-time embedded systems (چکیده)
6887 - First record of the genus Eryngyothrips from Iran with description of a new species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) (چکیده)
6888 - High-resolution stratigraphy of the Changhsingian (Late Permian) successions of NW Iran and the Transcaucasus based on lithological features, conodonts and ammonoids (چکیده)
6889 - A critical look into Iranian EFL University Students' Critical Thinking and Argumentative Writing (چکیده)
6890 - Determination of optimal strip width in strip intercropping of maize (Zea mays L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Northeast Iran (چکیده)
6891 - Genetics and molecular mechanisms of resistance to powdery mildews in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and its wild relatives (چکیده)
6892 - Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Biological Parameters of the Cowpea Aphid and Associated Productivity Losses in Common Globe Amaranth (چکیده)
6894 - Geochemistry of the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous shales (Shurijeh Formation) in the intracontinental Kopet-Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran: implication for provenance, source weathering, and paleoenvironments (چکیده)
6895 - An off-line NMPC strategy for continuous-time nonlinear systems using an extended modal series method (چکیده)
6896 - Torsion of tubes with quasi-polygonal holes using complex variable method (چکیده)
6897 - Dust-storm dynamics over Sistan region, Iran: Seasonality, transport characteristics and affected areas (چکیده)
6898 - Novel Power Differential Protection Algorithm for Series Compensated Transmission Line Using Hybrid Indices (چکیده)
6899 - Pre-execution power consumption prediction of computational multithreaded workloads (چکیده)
6900 - Influence of spark plasma sintering and subsequent hot rolling on microstructure and flexural behavior of in-situ TiB and TiC reinforced Ti-6Al-4V composite (چکیده)
6901 - Microstructural aspects of in-situ TiB reinforced Ti6Al4V composite processed by spark plasma sintering (چکیده)
6902 - Surface Modification of TFC Membranes using Silver Nanoparticles to Enhance Membrane Fouling Resistance for Desalination and Wastewater Treatment (چکیده)
6903 - optimization of Extraction Process of Bioactive Compounds from (چکیده)
6904 - The study of Prescription-Writing Erros of Midwifery Stydents in Common Gynecological Treatments (چکیده)
6905 - A New Evolutionary-Incremental Framework for Feature Selection (چکیده)
6906 - Approximate Dynamic Programming for Two-player Zero-sum Game Related to H∞ Control of Unknown Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems (چکیده)
6907 - Reinforcement learning and neural networks for multi-agent nonzero-sum games of nonlinear constrained-input systems (چکیده)
6908 - Online Concurrent Reinforcement Learning Algorithm to Solve Two-player Zero-sum Games for Partially-unknown Nonlinear Continuous-time Systems (چکیده)
6909 - Policy Iteration Algorithm Based on Experience Replay to Solve H∞ Control Problem of Partially Unknown Nonlinear Systems (چکیده)
6910 - A novel industrial technique for recycling ethylene-propylene-diene waste rubber (چکیده)
6911 - Learning parameters of fuzzy Bayesian Network based on imprecise observations (چکیده)
6912 - Intertextual Postmodernism through WWW.com: Reading Dick’s Scanner Darkly and Linklater’s Adaptation (چکیده)
6913 - Water scarcity conditions affect peach fruit size and polyphenol contents more severely than other fruit quality traits (چکیده)
6915 - Seismic inversion and attributes analysis for porosity evaluation of the tight gas sandstones of the Whicher Range field in the Perth Basin, Western Australia (چکیده)
6916 - Shadow Economy in Asian Developing Countries (چکیده)
6917 - Government Effectiveness, Rule of Law and Informal Economy in Asian Developing Countries (چکیده)
6918 - Physiological and biochemical responses of four edible fig cultivars to water stress condition (چکیده)
6919 - Analysis of the Conceptual Layers of Iranian Islamic Architecture in an Urban of Iranian Spiritual Capital Atmosphere (چکیده)
6920 - Adaptive Competitive Resource Control Protocol for Alleviating Congestion in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Evolutionary Game Theory Approach (چکیده)
6921 - Knowledge Creation in Nursing Education (چکیده)
6922 - The Effect of Gender in Persian Translations (چکیده)
6923 - Effects of magnetized water on ovary, pre-implantation stage endometrial and fallopian tube epithelial cells in mice (چکیده)
6924 - دورنمایی از وضعیت خشکسالی دهه 2020 (چکیده)
6925 - Anomaly detection and foresight response strategy for wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
6926 - Effect of doping on structural and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles: study of antibacterial properties (چکیده)
6927 - Development of a Broadband Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity Backed Slot Antenna Using Perturbation Technique (چکیده)
6928 - Bis(imino)pyridyl iron complexes immobilized on MgCl2 for ethylene polymerization: Effect of polymerization temperatures (چکیده)
6929 - Synthesis of PE reactor alloys using Ziegler-Natta/ Late Transition Metal hybrid catalyst: Study of vinyl content and molecular weight (چکیده)
6930 - Ethylene polymerization with hybrid nickel α-diimine/Cp2TiCl2/MgCl2 catalyst to prepare blends of linear and branched polyethylene (چکیده)
6931 - Effect of 2-EHA as a soft monomer on the adhesion properties of PSAs syhnthesized by Emulsion Semi-Batch Terpolymerization Process Using Hybrid Emulsifiers (چکیده)
6932 - Impacts of Feeding Selenium-Methionine and Chromium-Methionine on Performance, Serum Components, Antioxidant Status, and Physiological Responses to Transportation Stress of Baluchi Ewe Lambs (چکیده)
6933 - The effects of resistance training and testosterone enanthate injections on thyroid function (چکیده)
6934 - Irrigation levels and dense planting affect flower yield andphosphorus concentration of saffron corms under semi-arid region ofMashhad, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
6935 - Measurement of difference in acute pain threshold between dominant and recessive hands of children (چکیده)
6936 - Hydroalcoholic extract of stem and leaves of Ferula szowitziana affects chemical pain sensation in the rat (چکیده)
6937 - The anti-inflammatory effect of hydroalcoholic extract aerial parts of Ferula szowitziana on male rat (چکیده)
6938 - The effects of stem and leaves hydroalcoholic extract of Ferula szowitziana on PTZ induced seizure in male rats (چکیده)
6939 - Hopf bifurcation in a general n-neuron ring network with n time delays (چکیده)
6940 - Global stability analysis in delayed BAM neural network models (چکیده)
6941 - Examining the role of knowledge management on organizational performance with considering mediating role of market orientation and innovation (چکیده)
6942 - مدیریت استراتژیک در بخش خدمات سلامت( مورد مطالعه: بیمارستان های دولتی ایران) (چکیده)
6943 - Brave and holdness in Alomeiatol Arab (Ashanfari (چکیده)
6944 - A Method To Model And Forecast Seasonal Load Duration Curve (چکیده)
6945 - Stochastic congestion management considering power system uncertainties: a chance-constrained programming approach (چکیده)
6946 - Some Reverses of the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality for Complex Functions of Self-adjoint Operators in Hilbert spaces (چکیده)
6947 - Investigation of micropropagation of Rosa canina in different medium in vitro condition (چکیده)
6948 - Effect of acceleration on dynamic stall of airfoil in unsteady operating conditions (چکیده)
6949 - Optimal economic-environment Method for solid Waste Disposal in Fuzzy environment (چکیده)
6950 - Bounds for Multiple-Access Relay Channels with Feedback Via Two-way Relay Channel (چکیده)
6951 - Flow-Sensitive Points-to Analysis for Java Programs using BDDs (چکیده)
6952 - Exponentiality Test Based on the Progressive Type II Censoring via Cumulative Entropy (چکیده)
6953 - Total Data Collection Algorithm Based on Estimation Model for Wireless Sensor Network (چکیده)
6954 - Hybrid Control of DC–DC Series Resonant Converters: The Direct Piecewise Affine Approach (چکیده)
6955 - Integrating PSO with modified hybrid GA for solving nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
6956 - An Overload Window Control Method Based on Fuzzy Logic to Improve SIP Performance (چکیده)
6957 - ODT: Optimal deadline-based trajectory for mobile sinks in WSN: A decision tree and dynamic programming approach (چکیده)
6958 - On Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks in Event-driven Applications with Mobile Sinks (چکیده)
6959 - Measuring technological gap ratio of wheat production using StoNED approach to metafrontier (چکیده)
6960 - Effects of Different Water and Super Plasticizer Amount, Pre-Setting and Curing Regimes on the Behavior of Reactive Powder Concrete (چکیده)
6961 - Comparison of three different protocols for synthesis of one formulation based on functionalized single-wall carbon nanotubes and conjugated cisplatin (چکیده)
6962 - A Confidence-based Software Voter for Safety-Critical Systems (چکیده)
6963 - Modeling the exceptional south Foehn event (Garmij) over the Alborz Mountains during the extreme forest fire of December 2005 (چکیده)
6964 - تعیین سهم تولید رواناب زیرحوضه ها با استفاده از مدل سازی هیدرولوژیکی (چکیده)
6965 - پیش بینی اثر تغییر اقلیم بر الگوی زمانی جریان رودخانه در پارک ملی گلستان (چکیده)
6966 - Optimal Irrigation Water Allocation Using a Genetic Algorithm under Various Weather Conditions (چکیده)
6967 - Application of Robust Optimization Approach for Agricultural Water Resource Management under Uncertainty (چکیده)
6968 - Eight New records of gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Iran (چکیده)
6969 - Improving the Computational Efficiency of the DSMC Simulation of Micro/Nano Nozzles Flows Using Simplified Bernoulli-Trials Algorithm (چکیده)
6971 - Numerical and Experimental Study of a Ventilated Supercavitating Vehicle (چکیده)
6972 - تحلیل اثرات اقتصادی و رفاهی تشکیل بازار آب آبیاری در استان قزوین (چکیده)
6973 - Modification in the Functional Properties of Sodium Caseinate-based Imitation Cheese through Use of Whey Protein and Stabilizer (چکیده)
6974 - Strain-dependent constitutive modelling of AZ80 magnesium alloy containing 0.5 wt% rare earth elements and evaluation of its validation using finite element method (چکیده)
6975 - Climate change impacts on stream flow and sediment yield in the North of Iran (چکیده)
6976 - Electrofacies Analysis and Shale Gas Potential of the Carynginia Formation (Perth Basin, Western Australia) (چکیده)
6977 - Rubber Jaw Syndrome in a Young Dog (چکیده)
6978 - ارزیابی نفوذپذیری و تزریق پذیری نهشته های کواترنری و توده سنگ های رسوبی ساختگاه سد نرگسی (چکیده)
6979 - A Study on the relationship between multiple Intelligences and mathematical problem solving based on Revised Bloom Taxonomy (چکیده)
6980 - شبیه سازی واکنش کشاورزان به سیاست های قیمت گذاری و سهمیه بندی آب آبیاری (مطالعه موردی: شهرستان زابل) (چکیده)
6981 - Where is the boundary of knowledge sharing? Identifying Knowledge sharing Criteria (چکیده)
6982 - managing the knowledge lifecycle: An Integrated Knowledge Management Process Model (چکیده)
6983 - A Wireless Hybrid EEG-NIRS instrument for monitoring the electric and hemodynamic brain activity (چکیده)
6984 - Ultra-compact portable NIRS system for distributed hemodynamic activity monitoring NIRS - Body Area Network (چکیده)
6985 - Security-Based Tariff forWheeling Contracts Considering Fair Congestion Cost Allocation (چکیده)
6986 - Wireless, Battery operated, Ultra compact Near Infrared Spectrometer (چکیده)
6988 - Effect of alcoholic extract of Tarantula cubensis on wound healing in dogs (چکیده)
6989 - تحلیل ناپایداری ساختاری و طراحی تمهیدات نگهداری برای تونل انحراف آب سد حاجیلرچای (چکیده)
6990 - VPP decision making in power markets using Benders decomposition (چکیده)
6991 - Buckling behavior of perfect and defective DWCNTs under axial, bending and torsional loadings via a structural mechanics approach (چکیده)
6992 - Circulation of Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Strains Among Hospitalized Children with Acute Lower Respiratory Infection in Malaysia (چکیده)
6993 - Population dynamics of Caspian spirlin (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in the Kesselian Stream, Iran (چکیده)
6994 - Fecundity and maturation of South Caspian spirlin, Alburnoides sp. (Actinopterygii: Cypriniade) from Iran (چکیده)
6995 - Synthesis, structure and DFT study of a chelidamic acid based Cu coordination polymer: On the importance of p–p interactions and hexameric water clusters (چکیده)
6996 - Comparative study of Bhattacharyya and Kshirsagar bounds with Bootstrapping (چکیده)
6997 - Statistical analysis of thermal conductivity of nanofluid containingdecorated multi-walled carbon nanotubes with TiO (چکیده)
6998 - Effects of Fe additions on self propagating high temperature synthesis characteristics of TiO2–Al–C system (چکیده)
6999 - mNAFSA: A novel approach for optimization in dynamic environments with global changes (چکیده)
7000 - Adaptive brain emotional decayed learning for online prediction of geomagnetic activity indices (چکیده)
7001 - Real-parameter compact supervision for the Particle Swarm Optimization (RCSPSO) (چکیده)
7002 - Rule Selection by Guided Elitism Genetic Algorithm in Fuzzy Min-Max Classifier (چکیده)
7003 - Dynamic Agent-Based Reward Shaping for Multi-Agent Systems (چکیده)
7004 - Dynamic task scheduling modeling in unstructured heterogeneous multiprocessor systems (چکیده)
7005 - Methane storage in homogeneous armchair open-ended single-walled boron nitride nanotube triangular arrays: a grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation study (چکیده)
7006 - Design Investigation of a Modified HMSIW Leaky Wave Antenna (چکیده)
7007 - Effect of sowing dates on the morphological characteristics, oil yield and composition of fatty acids in flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) (چکیده)
7008 - New data on the spider fauna of Iran (Arachnida: Araneae) (چکیده)
7009 - Effect of Jogging Program on Midwives’ Physical Fitness: A Randomized, Controlled Trial (چکیده)
7010 - Application of Dispersive Liquid–Liquid Micro-extraction Using Mean Centering of Ratio Spectra Method for Trace Determination ofMercury in Food and Environmental Samples (چکیده)
7011 - The Effects of Ramadan Fasting and Physical Activity on Body Composition and Hematological-Biochemical Parameters (چکیده)
7012 - In situ pre-concentration and voltammetric determination of trace lead and cadmium by a novel ionic liquid mediated hollow fiber-graphite electrode and design of experiments via Taguchi method (چکیده)
7013 - Experimental study on the effects of flame regime on the exergy destruction in premixed low swirl combustion (چکیده)
7014 - Improving the Scheduler’s Energy Saving Capability by Noting both Job and Resource Characteristics (چکیده)
7015 - Toward mitigating wind-uncertainty costs in power system operation: A demand response exchange market framework (چکیده)
7016 - Economic evaluation of demand response in power systems with high wind power penetration (چکیده)
7017 - Numerical Analysis of Mass and Momentum Transfer in Co-Axial Cylinders with Rotating Inner Cylinder (چکیده)
7018 - Effects of High-Order Slip/Jump, Thermal Creep, and Variable Thermophysical Properties on Natural Convection in Microchannels With Constant Wall Heat Fluxes (چکیده)
7019 - Probing the Predictive Power of Cultural Intelligence on Iranian EFL learners' performance on IELTS writing test (چکیده)
7020 - Fluid-structure interaction in abdominal aortic aneurysms: Structural and geometrical considerations (چکیده)
7021 - بررسی کارایی پرده آب بند با استفاده از روش تحلیل تراوش در سد مخزنی استلج قزوین (چکیده)
7022 - An optimal power flow control method for grid-connected inverters (چکیده)
7023 - Spatial changes of socio-economic Melbourne Metropolitan area from 2001 to 2011; Compactness Versus Sprawl (چکیده)
7024 - بررسی روش های تولید سلولهای دندرتیک در محیط آزمایشگاه (چکیده)
7025 - Response of T cell induced by dendritic cells pulsed with myelin basic protein (MBP) and matured in the presence of histamine, interferon-β and 2, 3-dimethoxy-1, 4 naphtoquinone (DMNQ) (چکیده)
7026 - New records of plant parasitic nematodes Nothotylenchus ferepolitor andNeopsilenchus paragracilis from rhizosphere of Allium cepa in Iran (چکیده)
7027 - Shallow Gas Accumulations and Seepage in the Sediments of the Northeast Persian Gulf (چکیده)
7028 - Assessment of rain-gauge networks using a probabilistic GIS based approach (چکیده)
7029 - Geometrical comparison of two protein structures using Wigner-D functions (چکیده)
7030 - Efficacy of two entomopathogenic nematodesHeterorhabditis bacteriophoraandSteinernema carpocapsaefor control of the leopard moth borerZeuzera pyrina(Lepidoptera: Cossidae) larvae under laboratory conditions (چکیده)
7031 - Elastic wave propagation and time history analysis in FG nanocomposite cylinders reinforced by carbon nanotubes using a hybrid mesh-free method (چکیده)
7032 - Foliar application of Ca(NO3)2and KNO3affects growth, essential oil content, and oil composition of French tarragon (چکیده)
7033 - Investigation of simple and water assisted tautomerism in a derivative of 1,3,4-oxadiazole: A DFT study (چکیده)
7034 - Influence of xylanase and vitamin A in wheat-based diet on performance, nutrients digestibility, small intestinal morphology and digesta viscosity in broiler chickens (چکیده)
7035 - Design of multilayer high-dispersion mirrors using multi-swarm optimization method (چکیده)
7036 - The Effect of Growth Stage and Cutting Time on Chemical Composition In Vitro Digestibility and Fermentative Gas Production of Alfalfa Forage (چکیده)
7037 - Cooperative Beamforming in Relay Assisted MIMO-OFDMA Cognitive Radio Systems (چکیده)
7038 - The Effect of Semi-circular Side Weirs on Hydraulic Properties and Discharge Coefficient of Side Weirs (چکیده)
7039 - Exergetic Approach to Investigate the Arrangement of Compressors of a Pipeline Boosting Station (چکیده)
7040 - Use of grey relational analysis for multi-objective optimisation of NiTiCu shape memory alloy produced by powder metallurgy process (چکیده)
7041 - Growth Rate of Equine Marrow- Derived Versus Fat- derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (چکیده)
7042 - Uncertainty assessment of the agro-hydrological SWAP model application at field scale: A case study in a dry region (چکیده)
7043 - Linguistic-Bound or Life-Wise Language Teaching Beliefs: A Mixed Methods Approach (چکیده)
7044 - An investigation on the mechanism of land subsidence in the northwest of mashhad city, NE Iran (چکیده)
7045 - بررسی اثر گردابه ها بر راندمان توربین باد محور عمودی (چکیده)
7046 - Geochemical constraints on the provenance of Oligocene– Miocene siliciclastic deposits (Zivah Formation) of NW Iran: implications for the tectonic evolution of the Caucasus (چکیده)
7047 - Trichoderma harzianum and Fe spray improve growth properties of Spathiphyllum sp. (چکیده)
7048 - A two-phase theoretical study of Al2O3–water nanofluid flow inside a concentric pipe with heat generation/absorption (چکیده)
7049 - Analytical solution for dynamic behavior of multiwall carbon nanotubes subjected to mechanical shock loading (چکیده)
7050 - Authentic Leadership and Employee Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Attachment Insecurity (چکیده)
7051 - ٍEvaluation of the capacity of urban wastewater for microalgae production (چکیده)
7052 - Bow-Tie Infrared Antennas for Solar Energy Collection (چکیده)
7053 - First record of the velvet ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) reared from puparia of the ber fruit fly Carpomya vesuviana Costa (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Iran (چکیده)
7054 - Spin-Polarized Transport Through a Zigzag-Edge Graphene Flake Embeddedbetween Two Armchair Nanoribbon Electrodes (چکیده)
7055 - the relationship between culture and work ethic in multi-Faceted cultures (چکیده)
7056 - Exploring the relationship between Willingness to Communicate in English and Social/Cultural capital among Iranian undergraduate English majors (چکیده)
7057 - Pt catalysts on PANI coated WC/C nanocomposites for methanol electro-oxidation and oxygen electro-reduction in DMFC (چکیده)
7058 - A fast method in estimating shielding effectiveness for an enclosure with apertures (چکیده)
7059 - The effect of increasing the number of cycles on the performance of labyrinth side weir (چکیده)
7060 - The Iranian Deendrothripinae (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) with description of a new genus and species (چکیده)
7061 - Preparation of antimicrobial wound dressing composed of fish swim bladder & NanoMg(0.97) Ag(0.03) O (چکیده)
7062 - سنتز و بررسی خواص ساختاری و مغناطیسی نانو ذراتMnFe2O4 با ساختار تتراگونال Synthesis and study of structural and magnetic properties of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles with tetragonal structure (چکیده)
7063 - Study of magnetic and structural and optical properties of Zn doped Fe3O4nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation method for biomedicalapplication (چکیده)
7064 - Gradual Growth of Gold Nanoseeds on Silica for Silica@GoldCore-Shell Nanoparticles and Investigation of Optical Properties (چکیده)
7065 - Non-Bayesian Two-sample Prediction for progressively Type-II censored Weibull Lifetimes (چکیده)
7066 - Evaluate and control the weld quality, using acoustic data and artifical neural network modeling (چکیده)
7069 - بررسی و مدل سازی کمی آب های زیرزمینی (مطالعه موردی: دشت نیشابور) (چکیده)
7070 - The effect of rapid and gradual weight loss on some hematological parameters in trained wrestlers (چکیده)
7071 - Wiretap Channel with Strictly Causal Side Information at Encoder (چکیده)
7072 - Two-way Writing on Dirty Paper in the Presence of Noise-dependent Interference (چکیده)
7073 - Relationship between Cultural Values and Professional Commitment and Ethical Ideologies in the Accounting System of Iran (چکیده)
7074 - The Relationship between Ownership Structure and Conservatism of Companies in Iran (چکیده)
7075 - Relationship between the Institutional Ownership and Non-Executive Directors in Iran (چکیده)
7076 - Deep-drawing of thermoplastic metal-composite structures: Experimental investigations, statistical analyses and finite element modeling (چکیده)
7077 - Synthesis, characterization and first application of keggin-type heteropoly acids supported on silica coated NiFe2O4 as novel magnetically catalysts for the synthesis of tetrahydropyridines (چکیده)
7078 - The role of information technology in knowledge (چکیده)
7079 - A study on combinational effects of job and resource characteristics on energy consumption (چکیده)
7080 - Screening of resistance to egyptian broomrape infection in tomato varieties (چکیده)
7081 - Three dimensional investigation of the shock train structure in a convergent–divergent nozzle (چکیده)
7082 - Predicting Job Failures in AuverGrid Based on Workload Log Analysis (چکیده)
7083 - Geometrically nonlinear elastodynamic analysis of hyper-elastic neo-Hooken FG cylinder subjected to shock loading using MLPG method (چکیده)
7084 - Generalized prediction intervals under Type-II censoring (چکیده)
7085 - Investigation of Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Dispersion in Water Using Molecular Dynamics Simulation (چکیده)
7086 - Optimal Cluster Head selection in Wireless Sensor Networks using Integer Linear Programming techniques (چکیده)
7087 - Two new species of the genus Odontobuthus (Scorpiones, Buthidae) from southern and eastern Iran (چکیده)
7088 - Groundwater Mixing and Contaminant Studies Using Hydrogeochemical and Environmental Stable Isotope Techniques (چکیده)
7089 - Consequence of Different Nitrogen: Potassium Regime Ratios on performance of black bean aphid and related growth parameters change in bean (چکیده)
7090 - An investigation on the bulging phenomenon in the clay core of rockfill dam based on the stress and pore water pressure data (چکیده)
7091 - Capacity analysis of power line communication point-to-point and relay channels (چکیده)
7092 - A Contrastive Study of Rhetorical Functions of Citation in Iranian and International ELT Scopus Journals (چکیده)
7093 - FSA: A Fast Stepwise Addition Algorithm for Constructing Phylogenetic Trees (چکیده)
7094 - Contribution to the distribution of spiders with significant medical importance (Araneae: Loxosceles and Latrodectus) in Iran, with a new record for the country (چکیده)
7095 - Implementing the New First and Second Differentiation of a General Yield Surface in Explicit and Implicit Rate- Independent Plasticity (چکیده)
7096 - Devulcanization of ethylene–propylene–diene waste rubber by microwaves and chemical agents (چکیده)
7097 - Experimentally analyzing compressive and tensile strengths of concrete containing steel waste fibers (چکیده)
7098 - Hydraulic Analysis of Water Supply Networks Using a Modified Hardy Cross Method (چکیده)
7099 - Wall heat transfer effects on the hydro/thermal behaviour of Poiseuille flow in micro/nanochannels (چکیده)
7100 - Energy-Based Prediction of Low-Cycle Fatigue Life of CK45 Steel and SS316 Stainless Steel (چکیده)
7101 - Investigation of Unsteady Parameters Effects on Aerodynamic Coefficients of Pitching Airfoil Using Coarse Grid CFD (چکیده)
7102 - Devulcanization and recycling of waste automotive EPDM rubber powder by using shearing action and chemical additive (چکیده)
7103 - Reclaiming EPDM waste rubber by various techniques (چکیده)
7104 - Predictive permeability model of faults in crystalline rocks; verification by joint hydraulic factor (JH) obtained from water pressure tests (چکیده)
7105 - Radiation spectrum of a magnetized supercritical accretion disc with thermal conduction (چکیده)
7106 - An Integrated Rock Typing Approach for Unraveling the Reservoir Heterogeneity of Tight Sands in the Whicher Range Field of Perth Basin, Western Australia (چکیده)
7107 - Synthesis of a novel fused tricyclic heterocycle, benzo[b]pyridazino[4,3-f][1,4]thiazepin (چکیده)
7108 - Enhancement of Biogas Production by Co-digestion of Potato Pulp with Cow Manure in a CSTR System (چکیده)
7109 - Experimental investigation and characterization of an efficient nanopowder-based flame retardant coating for atmospheric-metallic substrates (چکیده)
7110 - Sidelobe Suppression for Non-systematic Coded UW-OFDM in Cognitive Radio Networks (چکیده)
7111 - An Investigation into Factors Influencing the Acceptance of E-Government Service Counters as a Service Delivery Channel: A case of developing Country (چکیده)
7112 - Erysimum hezarense, a new species and Rhammatophyllum gaudanense, a new record of Brassicaceae from Iran (چکیده)
7113 - Photocatalytic Abatement of Naphthalene Catalyzed by Nanosized TiO2 Particles: Assessment of Operational Parameters (چکیده)
7114 - Growth performance and nitrogen retention in lambs fed diets containing two different levels of crude protein supplemented with pistachio by-product extract as a source of tannins (چکیده)
7115 - Predicting the contents of volatile and non-volatile amines in rainbow trout fillet during storage time via image processing technique (چکیده)
7116 - Comparative Investigation of Half-mode SIW Cavity and Microstrip Hybrid Antenna Using Different Patch Shapes (چکیده)
7118 - A 10-bit 110 kS/s 1.16 μW SA-ADC With a Hybrid Differential/Single-Ended DAC in 180-nm CMOS for Multichannel Biomedical Applications (چکیده)
7119 - Diversity and Distribution of Benthic Invertebrates in the West Port, Malaysia (چکیده)
7120 - Development of Low Profile Patch and Semi - Circular SIW Cavity Hybrid Antenna s (چکیده)
7121 - Conflict over Underground Water and Pressurize Irrigation in Iran: A Spatial Analysis (چکیده)
7122 - Assessment of Sowing Date impacts on productivity of different Grass pea ecotypes (چکیده)
7123 - A review on catalytic applications of Au/TiO2 nanoparticles in the removal of water pollutant (چکیده)
7124 - Endohedral functionalisation of multi-wall carbon nanotubes by acidic cesium salt of Preyssler in nanosize (چکیده)
7125 - Modelling of austenite grain growth kinetics in a microalloyed steel (30MSV6) in the presence of carbonitride precipitates (چکیده)
7126 - Modeling of microreactor for methane dry reforming: Comparison of Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetic and microkinetic models (چکیده)
7127 - Microstructure and hardness evaluation of Al-SiO2nanocomposites produced with ultrasonic technique (چکیده)
7128 - An Investigation of Tribological Properties of Al-Al2O3 Composites Fabricated by Spark Plasma Sintering Method (چکیده)
7129 - Prediction of Shear Wave Velocity Using Artificial Neural Network Technique, Multiple Regression and Petrophysical Data: A Case Study in Asmari Reservoir (SW Iran (چکیده)
7130 - Possibility of Pedestrian Countdown Signals Usage at Tehran Signalized Intersections (چکیده)
7131 - Conjured-Up Reality Shattered: Examining the “Uncertain” Ideology Underlying Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” (چکیده)
7132 - Use of quince seed mucilage edible films containing natural preservatives toenhance physico-chemical quality of rainbow trout fillets during cold storage (چکیده)
7133 - Biotechnology and its Impact on Food Security and Safety (چکیده)
7134 - An energy-efficient deadline-based data gathering algorithm in hierarchical WSN with mobile sink (چکیده)
7135 - Evaluating Dimensions of Social Capital and its Role in Improving Knowledge Management (Case of Robaat Karim Municipality) (چکیده)
7136 - Optimized Congestion Management Protocol for Healthcare Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
7137 - Free Vibration Analysis of Gabled Frame Considering Elastic Supports and Semi-Rigid Connections (چکیده)
7138 - بررسی اثر لغزش گرهها در دکلهای انتقال نیرو (چکیده)
7139 - Effects of Shear Work on the Non-Equilibrium Heat Transfer Characteristics of Rarefied Micro/Nano Flows (چکیده)
7141 - An application of principal component analysis method in wood defects identification (چکیده)
7142 - The Effect of Reading Awareness on EFL learners’ Performance on Achievement Test (چکیده)
7144 - Spatio-temporal soil quality assessment under crop rotation irrigated with treated urban waste water using fuzzy modeling (چکیده)
7145 - Determining the amount and location of leakage in water supply systems using a neural network improved bat optimization algorithm (چکیده)
7146 - Graphene nanosheets as efficient adsorbent for an azo dye removal: kinetic and thermodynamic studies (چکیده)
7147 - Cellular reactions of the white grub larvae, Polyphylla adspersa, against entomopathogenic nematodes (چکیده)
7148 - Exploring Digital Forensics Tools in Backtrack 5.0 r3 (چکیده)
7149 - An Incentive Mechanism for Cooperative Data Replication in MANETs — A Game Theoretical Approach (چکیده)
7150 - An Efficient Cluster-based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (چکیده)
7151 - High Load Diminution by Regulating Timers in SIP Servers (چکیده)
7152 - MPKMS: A Matrix-based Pairwise Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
7153 - Dynamic Prioritization of Path for Quality-of-Service Differentiation in Multi-Priority Traffic (چکیده)
7154 - Entropy analysis for an unsteady MHD flow past a stretching permeable surface in nano-fluid (چکیده)
7155 - Synthesis, structure, solution and DFT studies of a pyrazine-bridged binuclear Cu(II) complex: On the importance of noncovalent interactions in the formation of crystalline network (چکیده)
7156 - A Theoretical Mass Transfer Approach For Prediction of Droplets Growth Inside Supersonic Laval Nozzle (چکیده)
7157 - Structural analysis for the autofrettage of FGM cylindrical vessels (چکیده)
7158 - A framework for analysis of extended fuzzy logic (چکیده)
7159 - Effects of hot rolling and inter-stage annealing on the microstructure and texture evolution in a partially homogenized AZ91 magnesium alloy (چکیده)
7160 - provienence, tectonic setting and geochemistary of Ahvaz sandstone member (Asmari Formation, oligo -miocene), Asmari Formation, Marun oilfield Zagros Basin, NW Iran (چکیده)
7161 - Selective adsorptionofmetoprolol enantiomersusing 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin cross-linked multiwalled carbon nanotube (چکیده)
7162 - Using Neural Network Approach for Bifurcation Analysis of a Reaction-diffusion System (چکیده)
7163 - A Comparison of Effects of Rapid and Gradual Weight Loss Methods on Body Composition, Aerobic Capacity, And Anaerobic Power in Trained Wrestlers (چکیده)
7164 - Response of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) to sulfosulfuron: The role of degradation (چکیده)
7165 - Overcoming Hard Water Antagonistic to Glyphosate or Imazethapyr with Water Conditioners (چکیده)
7166 - Behavior of Sethoxydim Alone or in Combination with Turnip Oils on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameter (چکیده)
7167 - Evaluating the efficacy of pre- and post-emergence herbicides for controllingAmaranthus retroflexus L. and Chenopodium album L. in potato (چکیده)
7168 - Seismic control response of structures using an ATMD with fuzzy logic controller and PSO method (چکیده)
7169 - First-principles study of structural and electronic properties of different phases of GaAs (چکیده)
7170 - Solvent influence upon complex formation between 1,10-diaza-18-crown-6 with the Ce3+ cation in some pure and binary mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
7171 - Average Shadowing Property With Non Uniform Hyperbolicity on Periodic Points (چکیده)
7172 - Assessment of Industrial Sites Based on Aggregation of the Environmental Criteria in GIS (چکیده)
7174 - Utilization of 241Am-9Be Neutron Source in PGNAA Setup Used in Cement Raw Material Analysis (چکیده)
7175 - A Monte Carlo Study of the Influence of Neutron Source Spectrum on PGNAA Facility Performance in Cement Raw Material Analysis (چکیده)
7176 - Lakes dryness and Meteorological complex associated with dust cycle over south West Asia (چکیده)
7177 - Electropolymerized polypyrrole/multiwalled carbon nanotubes/TiO2 composite on stainless steel wire for solid-phase microextraction of BTEX coupled to GC-FID (چکیده)
7178 - Minimum Wage Law and Its Effects on Labor Force Supply And Demand from Micro and Macroeconomics Perspectives (چکیده)
7179 - Estimation of Cpmk Process Capability Index Based on Bootstrap Method For Weibull Distribution: A Case Study (چکیده)
7180 - Multiwalled carbon nanotubes/polypyrrole/SiO2 composite prepared by electrodeposition technique as a new solid phase microextraction sorbent for preconcentrationon of BTEX (چکیده)
7181 - Accurate electrostatic and van der Waals pull-in prediction for fully clamped nano/micro-beams using linear universal graphs of pull-in instability (چکیده)
7182 - Comparative analysis of the gene expression profile of chemokine receptors between adipose - derived and bone marrow - derived mesenchymal stem cells (چکیده)
7183 - Preservation of Dependence Concepts Under Bivariate Weighted Distributions (چکیده)
7184 - On a bivariate Kumaraswamy type exponential distribution (چکیده)
7185 - DSMC simulation of micro/nano flows using SBT–TAS technique (چکیده)
7186 - Scenario-based quasi-static task mapping and scheduling for temperature-efficient MPSoC design under process variation (چکیده)
7187 - A multi-crack effects analysis and crack identification in functionally graded beams using particle swarm optimization algorithm and artificial neural network (چکیده)
7188 - Hydraulic Analysis of Water Distribution Network Using Shuffled Complex Evolution (چکیده)
7189 - Evaluation of Ceres-Rice, Aquacrop and Oryza2000 Models in Simulation of Rice Yield Response to Different Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Strategies (چکیده)
7190 - The Study of Replacing the Central Clay Core with the Plastic Concrete cut-off Wall in the Body of Soombar Reservoir Dam (چکیده)
7191 - Efficient Clustering Algorithm For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (چکیده)
7192 - Network intrusion detection based on neuro-fuzzy classification (چکیده)
7193 - A multi-objective genetic algorithm based approach for energy efficient QoS-routing in two-tiered Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
7194 - Genetic regulatory network inference using Recurrent Neural Networks trained by a multi agent system (چکیده)
7195 - MAMAC: A Multi-channel Asynchronous MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
7196 - Class imbalance handling using wrapper-based random oversampling (چکیده)
7197 - Minimizing access cost of replicas in tree data grids for read-only objects (چکیده)
7198 - A survey of risk management practices in public and private swimming pools in khorasan Razavi (چکیده)
7199 - Relationship between and accidents/injuries and lawsuits in risk management behaviors aqua complex managers of Khorasan Razavi (چکیده)
7200 - Time to failure analysis of single mode long-wavelength InGaAsP vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers (چکیده)
7201 - Mixed matrix membranes incorporated with cubic-MOF-5 for improved polyetherimide gas separation membranes: Theory and experiment (چکیده)
7202 - New plant records for Khorassan province,Iran, V, with complementary notes to its flora (چکیده)
7203 - The effect of transactional leadership on innovation with respect to intermediary role of knowledge absorptive capacity (چکیده)
7204 - Estimation of operator monotone functions (چکیده)
7205 - Inclusion of Dietary Zeolite Reduces Aflatoxin B1 Levels in Household Bread Waste Used as Cattle Feed (چکیده)
7206 - Barkley's Parent Training Program, Working Memory Training and their Combination for Children with ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (چکیده)
7207 - Effect of (Pleurotus  florida) Fungi on Chemical Composition and Rumen Degradability of Wheat and Barley Straw (چکیده)
7208 - The linear and quadratic link between metacognitive-knowledge, and self-regulation with goal-orientation of young male and female athletes (چکیده)
7209 - In vitro Pollen Grain Germination and Tube Growth of Ten Iranian Jujube (چکیده)
7210 - Phlomoides binaludensis (Phlomideae, Lamioideae, Lamiaceae), a new species from northeastern Iran (چکیده)
7211 - Assessing the effect of heavy metal concentrations (Fe, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cd, As, Cu,Cr) on the quality of adjacent groundwater resources of Khorasan Steel Complex (چکیده)
7212 - The Effect of Rate of Weight Reduction on Serum Myostatin and Follistatin Concentrations in Competitive Wrestlers (چکیده)
7214 - Depth Image Compression Using Geometrical Wavelets (چکیده)
7215 - Effect of different isolates of Trichoderma harzianum fungus on Lettuce (Lacttuca sativa) seedling growth traits in soilless culture (چکیده)
7216 - A simplified control strategy for single-phase UPS inverters (چکیده)
7217 - Artificial Autotetraploidy Induction Possibility of Two Iranian Endemic Mint (Mentha mozaffarianii) Ecotypes (چکیده)
7218 - Measurement and Comparison of Air-flow in Condenser Axial-flow Fans with Aluminum and Fiberglass Blades (چکیده)
7219 - How Political Indices Affect The Shadow Economy (چکیده)
7220 - Modeling the growth of Staphylococcus aureus as affected by black zira (Bunium persicum) essential oil, temperature, pH and inoculum levels (چکیده)
7221 - Applying the min-projection strategy to improve the transient performance of the three-phase grid-connected inverter (چکیده)
7222 - Two relaxation time lattice Boltzmann equation for high Knudsen number flows using wall function approach (چکیده)
7223 - Exergy analysis of gas turbine with air bottoming cycle (چکیده)
7224 - Effect of a new wet soot absorber on soot removal of a diesel engine (چکیده)
7225 - Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al/nanoAl2O3 Composites fabricated by ARB process (چکیده)
7226 - Transonic Flow Simulation Around the plunging Airfoil with Oscillation of flow boundary condition (چکیده)
7227 - Time evolution of nonplanar electron acoustic shock waves in a plasma with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
7228 - Biochemical Characterization of A Novel Thermophilic Esterase Isolated from Shewanella sp F88 (چکیده)
7229 - Effects of Turmeric Rhizome Powder and Oil ources on Performance, Immune System and Bone Characteristics in Pre and Post Heat Stressed Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
7230 - Fuzzy Clustering-based Neural Networks for Describing Rainfall-Runoff Process (چکیده)
7231 - Fuzzy Systems as a Fusion Framework for Describing Nonlinear Flow in Porous Media (چکیده)
7232 - Evolutionary Neural Network Modeling for Describing Rainfall-Runoff Process (چکیده)
7233 - Fuzzy-stochastic linear programming in water resources engineering (چکیده)
7234 - Heat transfer and fluid characteristics of rarefied flow in thermal cavities (چکیده)
7235 - Improving chilling tolerance of rice seedling by seed priming with salicylic acid (چکیده)
7236 - Ramond-Ramond S-matrix elements from T-dual Ward identity (چکیده)
7237 - A Novel Dynamic System Model Based on NCP Function for Solving Nonconvex Nonlinear Optimization Problems (چکیده)
7238 - A neural network for solving fuzzy quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
7239 - A Multiple Model Predictive Control for Maximum Energy Extraction from Variable Speed Wind Power Systems (چکیده)
7241 - Bifurcation Analysis of a Simplified BAM Neural Network Model with Time Delays (چکیده)
7242 - An Investigation on the Effect of Execution of Boundary Elements on the (چکیده)
7243 - Fractography of Al6061/Al2O3 nanocomposites fabricated by stir-casting process (چکیده)
7244 - An investigation on microstructure properties of Al6061/Al2O3 nanocomposite in as-cast state and in extruded condition (چکیده)
7245 - Single or combined effects of fructo- and mannan oligosaccharide supplements on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, immune responses and stress resistance of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish, Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
7246 - مدل چند هدفه بودجه بندی سرمایه بابکارگیری برنامه ریزی آرمانی و فرایند تحلیل سلسله مراتبی فازی (چکیده)
7247 - Water Quality Effects of a Water Sensitive Urban Design Retrofit in an Urban Streetscape in Adelaide, Australia (چکیده)
7248 - The examination of Effectiveness of Emotionally focused couples therapy on life satisfaction and Improvement of depression due to heart diseas (چکیده)
7249 - Efficiency of Neural Networks for Estimating the Patch Load Resistance of Plate Girders with a Focus on Uncertainties in Material and Geometrical Properties (چکیده)
7250 - Determination of Rock-fill Parameters Based on a Hardening Soil Model Using Large Scale Triaxial Test results (چکیده)
7251 - Construction of a PVC based 15-crown-5 electrochemical sensor for Ag(I) cation (چکیده)
7252 - Geo-genetic level of arsenic studied in Bijar, Kordistan, hazardously disrupts human monocyte-derived DCs in vitro (چکیده)
7253 - بررسی وضعیت گردشگری ورزشی در شهر مشهد بر اساس تحلیل SWOT (چکیده)
7254 - Effectiveness of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Glycemic Control in Children with Type 1 Diabetes (چکیده)
7255 - Evaluation of β-actin as a Reference Gene for Comparative Expression Analysis of Equine Adipose- and Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells by qRT-PCR (چکیده)
7256 - فیلوژنی گاوماهیان زیرخانوادهOxudercinae ،با تأکید بر موقعیت گلخورک والتونی.... (چکیده)
7257 - New Techniques to Improve Radiation Characteristics of SIW Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas (چکیده)
7258 - A Two Element perturbed SIW Cavity Backed Slot Antenna Array (چکیده)
7259 - Performance investigation of electrochemical treatment process on wastewater of applicable (چکیده)
7260 - تحلیلی بر پتانسیل های گردشگری درخش با استفاده از مدلSWOT (چکیده)
7261 - Dynamics of effective brain connectivity during working memory: potential for a new brain computer interface system (چکیده)
7263 - Ultra-wideband multiple-access relay channel with correlated noises and its diversity analysis (چکیده)
7264 - Fuzzy Min–Max Neural Network for Learning a Classifier with Symmetric Margin (چکیده)
7265 - Alternative curved-boundary treatment for the lattice Boltzmann method and its application in simulation of flow and potential fields (چکیده)
7270 - Mode Count and Modal Density of Isotropic Circular Cylindrical Shells Using a Modified Wavenumber Space Integration Method (چکیده)
7271 - Local and Moment Magnitude Scales in the Iranian Plateau Based on Strong Motion Records (چکیده)
7272 - A comparative study of body composition, aerobic power, anaerobic power and srenght of Iranian freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestlers participating in the Beijing Olympic Games 2008 (چکیده)
7274 - Assessment of Khorasan Steel Complex Impacts on Ground Wather Resources of Neyshabur Plain of Iran, Using Water Quality Index and Statistical Methods (چکیده)
7275 - Bootstrapped neural network models for analyzing the responses of broiler chicks to dietary protein and branched chain amino acids (چکیده)
7276 - Hopf bifurcation analysis of a delayed five-neuron BAM neural network with two neurons in the X-layer (چکیده)
7277 - Global stability analysis and existence of periodic solutions in an eight-neuron BAM neural network model with delays (چکیده)
7278 - Effects of including alfalfa hay cut in the afternoon ormorning at three stages of maturity in high concentraterations on dairy cows performance, diet digestibility andfeeding behavior (چکیده)
7279 - Study For Changes In Social Welfare In Iran, 1380s (چکیده)
7280 - On the importance of non covalent interactions in the structure of coordination Cu(II) and Co(II) complexes of pyrazine- and pyridine-dicarboxylic acid derivatives: Experimental and theoretical views (چکیده)
7281 - Osteoarthrirtis and systemic infection caused by Candida albicans in a Mynah (Acridotherestristis (چکیده)
7282 - The first report of cytauxzoon felis infection of a wild cat (Felis silvestris) in Iran (چکیده)
7283 - ML and MW Scales in the Iranian Plateau Based on the Strong-Motion Records (چکیده)
7284 - 3D Numerical Study of the Efficiency of the Grouting Curtain in an Embankment Dam (چکیده)
7285 - A graph based approach for reliability analysis of nano-scale VLSI logic circuits (چکیده)
7286 - A survey on real world botnets and detection mechanisms (چکیده)
7287 - برآورد تبخیر-تعرق واقعی در مقیاس سال - حوضه با استفاده از SWAT (چکیده)
7288 - The role of Metacognition on effect of Working Memory Capacity on students' mathematical problem solving (چکیده)
7289 - Comparative study of starting age of training, training background, sport achievement and performance consistency of Iranian elite wrestlers and six other countries (چکیده)
7290 - The Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Biochemical and Performance Parameters in Collegiate Wrestlers (چکیده)
7291 - Extension of a second order velocity slip/temperature jump boundary condition to simulate high speed micro/nanoflows (چکیده)
7292 - Points of openness and closedness of some mappings (چکیده)
7293 - Occurrence of Soil-Borne Cereal Viruses and Molecular Characterization of The COAT PROTEIN GENE OF BARLEY YELLOW MOSAIC VIRUS ISOLATES FROM IRAN (چکیده)
7294 - Three-dimensional transient analysis of functionally graded truncated conical shells with variable thickness subjected to an asymmetric dynamic pressure (چکیده)
7295 - The Effects of Two Different Resistive Loading Patterns on STRENGTH, HYPERTROPHY, ANAEROBIC POWER AND ENDURANCE IN YOUNG WRESTLERS (چکیده)
7296 - The Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Biochemical and Performance Parameters in Collegiate Wrestlers (چکیده)
7297 - Metabolizable energy and digestible amino acid prediction of wheat using mathematical models (چکیده)
7298 - Neurofeedback and physical balance in Parkinson’s patients (چکیده)
7299 - Exact Solution Of An Axisymmetric Stagnation-Point Flow And Heat Transfer Of Viscous, Compressible Fluid On An Moving Cylinder (چکیده)
7300 - A 2-D Analytical Model for Double-Gate Tunnel FETs (چکیده)
7301 - Especial skill in the favorite locations of experienced Basketball Players (چکیده)
7302 - بررسی تأثیر WPC و آغازگرهای تولید کننده EPS بر برخی خصوصیات فیزیکی دوغ (چکیده)
7303 - Shock-induced molar concentration wave propagation and coupled non-Fick diffusion-elasticity analysis using an analytical method (چکیده)
7304 - A comparative numerical study of a geosynthetic-reinforced soil wall using three different constitutive soil models (چکیده)
7305 - Evaluation of diacetyl encapsulated alginate–whey protein microspheres release kinetics and mechanism at simulated mouth conditions (چکیده)
7306 - Investigation of aerodynamic characteristics of rarefied flow around NACA 0012 airfoil using DSMC and NS solvers (چکیده)
7307 - Integration of artificial neural network and simulated annealing algorithm to optimize deep drawing process (چکیده)
7308 - Drought monitoring using a Soil Wetness Deficit Index (SWDI)derived from MODIS satellite data (چکیده)
7309 - Instantaneous grid voltage estimation based on the Newton-Raphson optimization for grid connected VSC applications (چکیده)
7310 - Micropropagation of Rosa canina through axillary bud proliferation (چکیده)
7311 - Super-non-wettable surfaces: A review (چکیده)
7312 - The Benefits of Lentil Autumn Sowing (چکیده)
7313 - Evaluation of Lentil germplasm Under Cold Conditions In Armenia and Iran (چکیده)
7314 - The study lentil adaptations to highland winter-sown environments in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
7315 - Study of Post-Harvest Losses of Wheat in North Eastern Iran (چکیده)
7316 - New data on the Jumping spiders from northeast of Iran (Aranei: Salticidae) (چکیده)
7317 - Evaluateand control the weld quality, using acoustic data and atrifical neural network modeling (چکیده)
7318 - Improvements in fatigue life of amine-functionalized carbon nanotube-reinforced epoxy composites: effect of microwave-assisted procuring (چکیده)
7319 - Mapping groundwater recharge areas using CRD and RIB methods in the semi-arid Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
7320 - Comparison of numerical, experimental and empirical results for flows over vertical drops (چکیده)
7321 - In situ grown of pt-pd nanowires with excellent electrochemical performance as a facile route polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell electrodes preparation (چکیده)
7322 - Asymptotic average shadowing property on nonuniformly expanding maps (چکیده)
7323 - Dopant induced changes in physical properties of ZnO:Mg nanosuspensions: Study of antibacterial activity (چکیده)
7325 - Mites associated with passerine birds in eastern Iran (چکیده)
7326 - Alternative growth functions for predicting body, carcass, and breast weight in ducks: Lomolino equation and extreme value function (چکیده)
7327 - Synthesis of high molecular weight polyethylene using FI catalyst (چکیده)
7328 - The effects of a somatosensory interventions training on balance in healthy elderly (چکیده)
7330 - Dry chemical processing and ensiling of rice straw to improve its quality for use as ruminant feed (چکیده)
7331 - A contribution to the knowledge of spiders in wheat fields of Khorasan-e-Razavi Province (چکیده)
7332 - The Investigation of Modelling Material Behavior in Autofrettaged Tubes Made from Aluminium Alloys (چکیده)
7333 - Using data island method for creating metadata records with indexability and visibility of tag names in web search engines (چکیده)
7334 - Comparison of Performance Base and Optimized Blades of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (چکیده)
7335 - Growth analysis of rhizomania infected and healthy sugar beet (چکیده)
7336 - Non-carbonaceous nanostructured support materials for low temperature fuel cell electrocatalysts (چکیده)
7337 - Exploring Hedges and Boosters in 9/11 English Front Page News Articles (چکیده)
7338 - Interactional Metadiscourse in English and Persian News Articles about 9/11 (چکیده)
7339 - Qualitative Study of Iranian English University Entrance examination in light of positive washback strategies (چکیده)
7340 - Microwave-induced high surface functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes for long-term dispersion in water (چکیده)
7341 - Residual strains around cold worked holes from statistical view (چکیده)
7342 - DSMC Simulation of Micro/Nano Flows using SBT-TAS Technique (چکیده)
7343 - Adaptive Mesh Generation for Approximation of Traffic Flow Equations (چکیده)
7344 - Optimal control strategy for a HIV infection model via fourier series (چکیده)
7345 - Using shifted Legendre polynomials for solving optimal control problem of an HIV infection treatment control model (چکیده)
7346 - Optimal Control of Fuzzy Linear Controlled System with Fuzzy Initial Conditions (چکیده)
7347 - A new approach for the optimal fuzzy linear time invariant controlled system with fuzzy coefficients (چکیده)
7348 - Optimal control of time-varying linear delay systems based on the Bezier curves (چکیده)
7349 - Numerical solution of some linear optimal control systems with pantograph delays (چکیده)
7350 - Application of a hybrid mesh-free method for shock-induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a layered functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with nonlinear grading patterns (چکیده)
7351 - Oscheius rugaolensis, new genus and species of insect parasitic nematodes from Iran (چکیده)
7352 - A Proposal for Geological Groutability Index (GGI) of Cement Grouting in Rock Foundations (چکیده)
7353 - Structural, potential surface and vibrational spectroscopy studies of hypophosphorous acid in the gas and liquid phases. A theoretical study (چکیده)
7354 - بررسی میزان انباشتگی و توزیع +Cr3 در گیاه پیاز خوراکی (Allium cepa cv. Hybrid) . (چکیده)
7355 - Experimental investigation of the effects of silica/water nanofluid on PV/T (photovoltaic thermal units) (چکیده)
7356 - Two dimensional transient analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion-thermoelasticity based on Green-Naghdi theory using meshless local Petrov – Galerkin (MLPG) method (چکیده)
7357 - A HMSIW Circularly Polarized Leaky-Wave Antenna With Backward, Broadside, and Forward Radiation (چکیده)
7358 - Influence of molecular structure on thermal behavior in vacuum packaged MEMS/NEMS using DSMC (چکیده)
7359 - Simulation of 3-D Cavitation behind a Disk Cavitator using Different Turbulence/Mass Transfer Models (چکیده)
7360 - Exploring Stance and Engagement Features in Discourse Analysis Papers (چکیده)
7361 - Low power wide gates for modern power efficient processors (چکیده)
7362 - Ionic Liquid-Based Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Combined with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Determination of Silver in Water Samples (چکیده)
7363 - A Study of the Driving Factors of Knowledge Management and Corporate Entrepreneurship in Iran (چکیده)
7364 - The Possibility of Enhanced Oil Recovery by Using Magnetic Water Flooding (چکیده)
7365 - Effects of timing to start lipogenic diet on productive and reproductive responses in periparturient dairy cows (چکیده)
7366 - پایش شاخص خشکسالی هیدرولوژیکی با استفاده از نمایه SWSI و مدل زنجیره مارکف (مطالعه موردی: حوزه آبخیز اترک) (چکیده)
7367 - Correction of the previous reports of the Red Back Spider Latrodectus hasseltii Thorell, 1870 from Iran by recording L. renivulvatus Dahl, 1902 for the first time from the country (چکیده)
7368 - Is Reading Mistreated in a Translation Class? (چکیده)
7369 - کاربرد مدل WEAP در ارزیابی تأثیر مدیریت مصرف آب آبیاری بر منابع آب دشت نیشابور (چکیده)
7370 - Supplementation of Clove Essential Oils and Probiotic to the Broiler’s Diet on Performance, Carcass Traits and Blood Components (چکیده)
7372 - Seal of the prophets from two perspective, Qeysari And Seyed Heydar e Amoli (چکیده)
7373 - Numerical Analysis of the 3D Flow Field of Pressure Swirl Atomizers with Helical Passages (چکیده)
7375 - Increasing the extraction of alpha-amylase from the malted barley by means of ultrasound (چکیده)
7376 - The assessment and comparison of content management of some websites of National libraries in America, Europe and Asia (چکیده)
7377 - Pull-in time study of double clamped micro-electromechanical beam under the squeezed air-film effect (چکیده)
7378 - A simple method for isolation, culture, and in vitro maintenance of chicken spermatogonial stem cells (چکیده)
7379 - Naturally occurring level of mixed aflatoxins B and G stimulate toll-like receptor-4 in bovine mononuclear cells (چکیده)
7380 - The Effects of Rosemary and its Products on the immune response of Japanese quail to Influenza killed vaccine virus (H9N2) (چکیده)
7381 - Isolation and Molecular Identification of a velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle Disease Virus, Genotype VIId in a dead Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) in Iran’s Northeastern Town of Quchan (چکیده)
7382 - Haemadsoroption-RT-PCR Assay: A Novel Simple Approach to Concentrate and increase the sensitivity of detecting NDV from Fecal and Environmental Samples (چکیده)
7383 - UV-Vis Spectra and AFM Study of a Lipid Multilayer with Cholesterol (چکیده)
7384 - بخش بندی بازار با مدل جدید RFMP و اولویت بندی بخش ها با روش AHP (چکیده)
7385 - Assessment of feeding extruded flaxseed on egg characteristics, hatchability, and growth performance of English white quails (چکیده)
7386 - Some moment inequalities for fuzzy martingales and their applications (چکیده)
7387 - Comparative Study of Colors in sustainable housing - Residential buildings in Ahmedabad - Pardis Complex (چکیده)
7388 - Effect of CO2 concentration on growth and lipid productivity of a newly isolated microalgae Chlorella sp (چکیده)
7389 - Self-Optimizing Control Structure Design for DWC (چکیده)
7390 - Ecological capability evaluation for Urban physical development by using Multi-criteria decision- making analysis methods in GIS (Case study: Mashhad City in Iran) (چکیده)
7391 - Water–gas shift kinetics over lanthanum-promoted iron catalyst in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis: thermodynamic analysis of nanoparticle size effect (چکیده)
7392 - The role of urban region structures in crime developments (چکیده)
7393 - Corrosion evaluation of multi-pass welded nickel–aluminum bronze alloy in 3.5% sodium chloride solution: A restorative application of gas tungsten arc welding process (چکیده)
7394 - The Relative n-th Commutativity Degree of 2-Generator p-Groups of Nilpotency Class Two (چکیده)
7395 - Description of a new Aelurillus species from Khorasan province of Iran, with comments on A. concolor Kulczyski, 1901 (Araneae: Salticidae) (چکیده)
7396 - The growth and survival of plants in urban green roofs in a dry climate (چکیده)
7397 - Evaluation of the heavy metal contaminations in water resources in ophiolitic complex of Pangi area-Kadkan, NW Torbat Hydarieh, Iran) (چکیده)
7398 - Current-comparison based new low-leakage high speed domino circuit for wide fan-in gates (چکیده)
7399 - ExcaliBAR: a simple and fast software utility to calculate intra- and interspecific distances from DNA barcodes (چکیده)
7400 - Students' educational level and their goal choices, self-efficacy, motivation, and writing performance (چکیده)
7401 - The Role of Single-sex and Mixed-sex Context on Iranian Students' Willingness to communicate (چکیده)
7402 - Examining the relationships between willingness tocommunicate in English, communication confidence and classroom environment (چکیده)
7403 - Cultural Intelligence and Writing Ability: Delving into Fluency, Accurasy and Complexity (چکیده)
7404 - The Relationship Between Metacognitive Awareness and Test-Taking Strategies and Their Effects on Test Performance of Iranian EFL learners (چکیده)
7405 - Introducing green infrastructure into the built environment of Adelaide (چکیده)
7406 - Molecular Characterization of Iranian Encarsia formosa Gahan Populations with Natural Incidence of Wolbachia Infection (چکیده)
7407 - Impact of Technological Change on Wheat Production Risk in Northwest of Iran (چکیده)
7408 - Adjustment of pH and enzymatic treatment of barley straw by dry processing method (چکیده)
7409 - Experimental Study of CuO/Water Nanofluid Turbulent Convective Heat Transfer in Square Cross-section Duct (چکیده)
7410 - Heat Transfer Performance of Milk Pasteurization Plate Heat Exchangers Using MWCNT/Water Nanofluid (چکیده)
7411 - Measurement of Pigeon Blood Glucose Concentration with Accu-Chek active Glucometer in Comparison with Standard Methods (Autoanalyzer Biotecnica Targa, 3000) (چکیده)
7412 - Carbon nanotube assisted sol-gel based hollow fiber solidphase microextraction combined with pre-heating injectionhigh performance liquid chromatography as a novel sample preparation method for determination of nitroaromatics (چکیده)
7413 - Synthesis and characterization of permalloy-reinforced Al2O3 nanocomposite powders by mechanical alloying (چکیده)
7414 - Management of nitrogen fertilizer, irrigation and plant density in onion production using response surface methodology as optimization approach (چکیده)
7415 - Admissible Wavelets on Groups and their Homogeneous Spaces (چکیده)
7418 - Adaptive Optimal Control of Partially-unknown Constrained-input Systems using Policy Iteration with Experience Replay (چکیده)
7419 - A policy iteration approach to online optimal control of continuous-time constrained-input systems (چکیده)
7420 - Integral reinforcement learning and experience replay for adaptive optimal control of partially-unknown constrained-input continuous-time systems (چکیده)
7421 - Investigating the impact of global financial crisis on the commonwealth (Selected Countries of the Middle East including Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Syria) (چکیده)
7422 - Extrusion of sorghum starch enhances ruminal and intestinaldigestibility, rumen microbial yield and growth in lambs fedon high-concentrate diets (چکیده)
7423 - Influence of Moisture Content, Variety and Parboiling on Milling Quality of Rice Grains (چکیده)
7424 - Experimental investigation of performance improving and emissions reducing in a two stroke SI engine by using ethanol additives (چکیده)
7425 - Experimental investigation of exhausttemperature and delivery ratioeffect on emissions and performance of a gasoline–ethanol two-strokeengine (چکیده)
7426 - Examining the relationship between affective commitment and knowledge sharing, and considering variables affecting thrust and cost of knowledge sharing (چکیده)
7427 - Determination of Mercury in Real Water Samples Using in situ Derivatization Followed by Sol-Gel–Solid-Phase Microextraction with Gas Chromatography–Flame Ionization Detection (چکیده)
7428 - adaptive optimal control of unknown constrained-input system using policy iteration and neural networks (چکیده)
7429 - Effects of Quran sound on children and study of learning rate in normal laboratorial situations (چکیده)
7430 - A Simple and Fast Technique for Detection and Prevention of SQL Injection Attacks (چکیده)
7431 - Nested splitting CG-like iterative method for solving the continuous Sylvester equation and preconditioning (چکیده)
7432 - Preparation of biological dressing As an antibacterial activate for wound composed of fish swim bladder (FSB) & aloe Vera and to study its effect on bacterial growth (چکیده)
7433 - Production of selenium nanoparticle using bacteria isolated from glass factory sewage (چکیده)
7434 - Analytical model for CMOS cross‐coupled LC‐tank oscillator (چکیده)
7435 - Biological Variability of Sweat Gland Pores in the Fingerprints of a Fars Iranian Family from Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran (چکیده)
7436 - Improving soil physical indicators by soil amendments to a saline-sodic soil (چکیده)
7437 - Some Limit Theorems for Independent Fuzzy Random Variables (چکیده)
7438 - A New Keynesian Small Open Economy DSGE Model in Islamic Economic Framework: The Case of Iran (چکیده)
7439 - Slow light transmission in a photonic crystal power splitter with parallel outputs (چکیده)
7440 - study of the effects of environmental color on pain in mental retarded (down syndrom) children in the age of 6-9 (چکیده)
7441 - Highly Efficient and Selective Membrane Transport of Silver(I) Using 15-Crown-5 as a Selective Ion Carrier (چکیده)
7442 - The effects of water and land exercise programs in static and dynamic balance among elderly men (چکیده)
7443 - The effect of phenyl groups on the electronic properties and stability of tetracene molecule (چکیده)
7444 - The effects of dietary nucleotide content on the growth performance, digestibility and immune responses of juvenile narrow clawed crayfish,Astacus leptodactylus leptodactylusEschscholtz, 1823 (چکیده)
7445 - Cancer, A Big Monster, Which Should Be Defeated / The Editorial (چکیده)
7446 - Evaluation of Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Biochemical Traits of Lettuce under Drought Stress and Super Absorbent or Bentonite Application (چکیده)
7447 - Emulsion Semi-Batch Terpolymerization Process Using Hybrid Emulsifiers for Synthesizing New Emulsion Pressure Sensitive Adhesives (EPSAs) (چکیده)
7448 - Investigation of the relationship between emotional intelligence and dimensions of power sources of high school principals of Neishabour city in academic year 2005-2006 (چکیده)
7449 - Challenges of Return Orphans and Vulnerable Children to family, from the perspective of caring team members\' ideas and their experiences in the like family home care centers (چکیده)
7450 - A thorough study on thermal mass flux of rarefied flow through micro/nanochannels (چکیده)
7451 - Indicators of Iranian- Islamic Gardens on Reclamation of Timeworn Structures (چکیده)
7452 - The Relationship between Major Oil Products Consumption and Efficiency of Industry Sector in Selected Oil Exporting and Importing Countries (چکیده)
7453 - Reforming Accounting Education Content to Fulfill Business Environment Needs (چکیده)
7454 - بخش بندی بازار و اولویت بندی بخشها مبتنی بر تصمیم گیری چند معیاره (چکیده)
7456 - Thermal Performance Prediction of Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
7457 - heat transfer enhancement in helical coiled tubes using Al2O3/water nanofluid (چکیده)
7458 - Hirshfeld surface analysis of the 1,100 0 -(ethane-1,2-diyl)dipyridinium dication in two new salts: perchlorate and peroxodisulfate (چکیده)
7459 - A new modified quadrature method for solving linear weakly singular integral equations (چکیده)
7460 - An analytical investigation on thermomechanical stress analysis of adhesively bonded joints undergoing heat conduction (چکیده)
7461 - Some properties and applications of shifted proportional stochastic orders (چکیده)
7462 - Efficient distinction of invasive aquatic plant species from non-invasive related species using DNA barcoding (چکیده)
7463 - A Study on the relationship between human development and intellectual and human capital in banking industry (چکیده)
7464 - Efficient and Reliable Ray Tracing, Some Challenges and Proposed Solutions (چکیده)
7465 - Analytical investigation of simultaneous effects of friction and heating to a supersonic nucleating Laval nozzle (چکیده)
7466 - Effect of quince seed mucilage edible films incorporated with oregano or thyme essential oil on shelf life extension of refrigerated rainbow trout fillets (چکیده)
7467 - Static Damage Identification of 3D and 2D Frames (چکیده)
7468 - Two new hybrid methods in integrating constitutive equations (چکیده)
7469 - Swimming injuries and their risk factors among. Iranian elite freestyle and butterfly swimmers (چکیده)
7471 - Numerical Simulation of Electroosmotic Flow in Flat Microchannels with Lattice Boltzmann Method (چکیده)
7472 - Five new species of Astragalus sect. Malacothrix (Fabaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
7473 - ارزیابی اثرات هیدرولوژیکی تغییر اقلیم در حوضه آبخیز گرگانرود (چکیده)
7474 - Climate Change Impacts on Weather Characteristics of Golestan National Park (چکیده)
7475 - Modeling Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Flow and Sediment Yield: Implications for Adaptive Measures on Soil and Water Conservation in North of Iran (چکیده)
7476 - Simultaneous Effect of the Catalyst Precursor Concentration and the Longitudinal Position on the Growth Patterns of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes (چکیده)
7477 - Characterization of Rod-like High-purity Fluorapatite Nanopowders Obtained by Sol-gel Method (چکیده)
7478 - Modelling and analysis of compressive strength properties of parboiled paddy and milled rice (چکیده)
7479 - Future Production of Rainfed Wheat in Khorasan Province: Climate Change Scenario Analysis (چکیده)
7480 - Optimized task scheduling for estimation in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
7481 - Applications of Stochastic Orders in Reliability and Mixture of Exponential family (چکیده)
7482 - A Review Tour on Properties of Reliability Concepts under Weighting for Univariate Distributions (چکیده)
7483 - Weakly Negative Dependent of Random Variables With Applications (چکیده)
7484 - ORC-based power generation from low-grade heat sources (چکیده)
7485 - پیش بینی نوسان بارش در زیر حوزه گرگانرود برای دوره 2039-2011 با استفاده از مدل HadCM3 و روش ریز مقیاس نمایی LARS-WG (چکیده)
7486 - Twist-stretch correlation of DNA (چکیده)
7487 - Changes in productivity in the boundary between Abderaz and Abtalkh Formations (East Kopet Dagh, NE Iran) evidenced by calcareous nannofossils and elements (Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb and CaCO3) (چکیده)
7488 - Forecasting Bank Deposits Rate: Application of ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks (چکیده)
7489 - Effects of Different Intensities of Warm up on the Balance of Indoor Climbers (چکیده)
7490 - The Comparison of Three Rehabilitation Protocol on Pain and Performance in Women Patients with Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Painc (چکیده)
7491 - Fault section estimation in power distribution network using impedance based fault distance calculation and frequency spectrum analysis (چکیده)
7492 - Effects of supplementation of lactic acid bacteria on growth performance, blood metabolites and fecal coliform and lactobacilli of young dairy calves (چکیده)
7493 - Topologically mixing solenoid type attractors (چکیده)
7494 - Exergy recovery from the exhaust cooling in a DI diesel engine for BSFC reduction purposes (چکیده)
7495 - Developing a Writing Strategy Model for Iranian Context (چکیده)
7496 - Bacterial Mutation; Types, Mechanisms and Mutant Detection Methods: A Reviw (چکیده)
7497 - Methamphetamine Use Among Iranian Heroin Kerack-Dependent Women: Implications for Treatment (چکیده)
7498 - Government and managerial influence on auditor switching under partial privatization (چکیده)
7499 - Circuit breakers maintenance planning for composite power systems (چکیده)
7500 - Surrogate worth trade off method s review, applications and extension (چکیده)
7501 - Distribution of interaural time difference in the barn owl s inferior colliculus in the low- and high-frequency ranges. (چکیده)
7502 - Neural correlates of binaural masking level difference in the inferior colliculus of the barn owl (Tyto alba). (چکیده)
7503 - Multi‐objective expansion planning approach: distant wind farms and limited energy resources integration (چکیده)
7504 - An augmented NSGA-II technique with virtual database to solve the composite generation and transmission expansion planning problem (چکیده)
7505 - Segmented Architecture for Successive Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converters (چکیده)
7506 - Application of Radial Basis Neural Networks in Fault Diagnosis of Synchronous Generator (چکیده)
7507 - Structure of advection-dominated accretion discs with outflows: the role of toroidal magnetic fields (چکیده)
7508 - Nutritional evaluation of ensiled brewers’ grain by the in vitro and in situ techniquesin vitro and in situ techniques (چکیده)
7509 - World Wide Web and Intertextual Postmodernism in Media (چکیده)
7510 - Paradise Lost(s) as a Hypertextual Archetype in Milton’s Paradise Lost and Tykwer’s Heaven (چکیده)
7511 - A comparative numerical investigation of flow through channel expansion system, using finite volume and finite element methods (چکیده)
7512 - entanglement between two tavis-cummings systems with N=2 (چکیده)
7513 - Role of Safe Water in Urban Environments : Accessing and Obstacles (چکیده)
7514 - Wind Generation Following Using Demand Dispatch Via Smart Grid Platform (چکیده)
7515 - The effect of IFN beta on denderitic cells polariziation and MBP related autoreactive T cells responses (چکیده)
7516 - شبیه سازی جریان رودخانه با استفاده از مدل هیدرولوژیکی-توزیعی WetSpa در حوزه آبخیز اترک (چکیده)
7517 - Users Reading Behaviors in Electronic Era: A Case Study in Iran (چکیده)
7518 - Dependency on Electronic and Print Journals: A Case Study (چکیده)
7519 - Analysis of Power in Dynamic Comparators (چکیده)
7520 - Modified Structures for Power-Efficient Level Translators (چکیده)
7521 - Detailed Study of the Time Estimation in Level-Crossing Analog-to-Digital Converters (چکیده)
7522 - Particle swarm optimization approach to portfolio fuzzy optimization (چکیده)
7523 - Optimization of the Exothermic Welding Process for Aluminum Parts (چکیده)
7524 - Evaluation of the Urban Environmental Quality in Golbahar New Town (چکیده)
7525 - TiAl3 Formation in the Titanium-Aluminum Diffusion Couple (چکیده)
7526 - Effect of Zn doping on optical properties and photoconductivity of SnS2 nanocrystalline thin films (چکیده)
7527 - A Study on Cross-Cultural Contrastive Rhetoric in English Writing and the Myside Bias (چکیده)
7528 - Metadiscourse Across Academic Text; A Contrastive Analysis of Persian, Malay and English Research Articles (چکیده)
7529 - The Numerical Study of the Gas-Solid Flow in a Conventional Cyclone Separator (چکیده)
7530 - Correlation of Apparent Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity of Moist Thermal Insulation Materials (چکیده)
7531 - An AQM-support congestion control for SCTP multi-homing (QCC-SCTP) (چکیده)
7532 - Investigation of factors affecting consumers’ bread wastage (چکیده)
7533 - A survey on infrastructural exclusions in new established cities of Iran (Case of ICT Diffusion in Golbahar & Binalood) (چکیده)
7534 - Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making in Strategy Determination for Application of Low Capacity Grain Harvester in Iran High-Yield Fields (چکیده)
7535 - Hydrogen production by gasification of biomass in supercritical water; Effect of alkali catalysts and temperature (چکیده)
7536 - Effect of Reaction Temperature and Type of Catalyst on Hydrogen Production in Supercritical Water Gasification of Biomass (چکیده)
7537 - Mechanization planning for tillage of saffron fields using multiple criteria decision-making technique as a policy framework in Iran (چکیده)
7538 - The up and down states of cortical networks (چکیده)
7539 - Nonlinear-dynamics theory of up-down transitions in neocortical neural networks (چکیده)
7540 - Design and analysis of new substrate integrated waveguide resonance antennas (چکیده)
7541 - The Role of Furniture Cluster in Promoting Knowledge City Concept in Iran (چکیده)
7542 - The Most Difficult Areas in English Writing: A Study on Iranian and Malay Students’ and Teachers’ Perception (چکیده)
7543 - Promoting the Concept of Knowledge Cities through University-Industry Collaboration in the Iranian Context (چکیده)
7544 - A Study on Myside Bias and the Iranian EFL Students (چکیده)
7545 - Parametrization of Projector-Based Witnesses for Bipartite Systems (چکیده)
7546 - A comparative evaluation of level set algorithms with applications for the segmentation of narrow-leaf plant images (چکیده)
7547 - Decoherence in a one-dimensional quantum walk (چکیده)
7548 - The effect of different vermicompest concentration on biochemical characteristics of two savory cultivars (چکیده)
7549 - The beneficial effects of olibanum on memory deficit induced by hypothyroidism in adult rats tested in Morris water maze (چکیده)
7550 - Evaluation of Sustainable Urban Development In Mashhad city, Iran (چکیده)
7551 - The Relationship Between Institutional Ownership, Active and Passive Institutional Ownership With Return On the Firm s Operating Cash (چکیده)
7552 - Barremian-Aptian Dasycladalean algae, new and revisited, from the Tirgan Formation in the Kopet Dagh, NE Iran (چکیده)
7553 - Balkhania balkhanica Mamontova, 1966 (benthic foraminifera) and Kopetdagaria sphaerica Maslov, 1960 (dasycladalean alga) from the Lower Cretaceous Tirgan Formation of the Kopet Dagh mountain range (NE Iran) and their paleobiogeographic significance (چکیده)
7554 - Oil Rents, Institutions and Financial Development: Case Study of selected Oil Exporting Countries (چکیده)
7555 - Miocene scleractinian corals from a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate system: Bakhtiari succession, Zagros Basin (central-western Iran) (چکیده)
7556 - Segmentation of Cereal Plant Images Using Level Set Methods – A Comparative Study (چکیده)
7557 - Precautionary Principle in the International Trade Regime: A Careful Look at the WTO\'s SPS Agreement (چکیده)
7558 - Sandstone petrography and geochemistry of the Oligo-Miocene Zivah Formation, NW Iran: implications on provenance and tectonic setting. (چکیده)
7559 - Age assignment of section 4 of Teichert et al. (1973) at Ali Bashi Mountains (Julfa, NW Iran) (چکیده)
7560 - Geochemistry as a provenance indicator of clastic rocks of Zivah Formation, Moghan area, NW of Iran (چکیده)
7561 - Induction of callogenesis and rhizogenesis in Perovskia abrotanoides Karel., a little known medicinal plant (چکیده)
7562 - Classification of images of wheat, ryegrass and brome grass species at early growth stages using principal component analysis (چکیده)
7563 - Fault section estimation in power distribution network only with special cutout fuse links setting (چکیده)
7564 - Accurate inference of shoot biomass from high-throughput images of cereal plants (چکیده)
7565 - Modeling and analysis of magnetorheological inner mass single unit impact dampers (چکیده)
7566 - Assessing Impact of Organizational Culture and Organizational Structure on Organizational Effectiveness through Knowledge Management Case Study: Mashhad s Science and Technology Park (چکیده)
7567 - The Impact of Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure and Knowledge Management on Organizational Effectiveness; Case Study: Mashhad's Science and Technology Park (چکیده)
7569 - Hirshfeld surface analysis of new organotin(IV)-phosphoramide complexes (چکیده)
7570 - Precautionary Principle in the International Trade Regime: A Careful Look at the WTO\'s SPS Agreement (چکیده)
7571 - Investigating the effective brain networks related to working memory using a modified directed transfer function (چکیده)
7572 - مدل سازی نشت در بدنه و پی سد مخزنی روداب سبزوار به روش اجزاﺀ محدود با استفاده از نرم‌افزار Seep/W (چکیده)
7573 - Regression Equation Fitted to Knowledge Management and Organizational Effectiveness in the Selected Sport Organizations of Iran (چکیده)
7574 - An investigation into the static response of fiber-reinforced open conical shell panels considering various types of orthotropy (چکیده)
7575 - Realisation of New Single-Layer Triple-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide and Dual Mode Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filters Using a Circular Shape Perturbation (چکیده)
7576 - Design of a Novel Dual Mode Filter Based on HMSIW Structure Using Mode Shifting Technique (چکیده)
7577 - Optimization of traits to increasing barley grain yield using an artificial neural network (چکیده)
7578 - Solvent influence upon complex formation between kryptofix5 and Cd2+ in some pure and binary mixed non-aqueous solvents using conductometry (چکیده)
7579 - Complexation Study of Cryptand 222 with Lanthanum(III) Cation in Binary Mixed Nonaqueous Solvents1 (چکیده)
7580 - Complexation of Cd2+, Ni2+, and Ag+ Metal Ions with 4,13Didecyll,7,10,16tetraoxa4,13diazacyclooctadecane in Acetonitrile–Ethylacetate Binary Mixtures1 (چکیده)
7581 - Immortality of cell lines: challenges and advantages of establishment (چکیده)
7582 - An Overview of Ibn Majeh Traditions (چکیده)
7583 - The effect of organic and biological fertilizers on essential oil content of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Sweet Fennel (چکیده)
7584 - Weak Visibility of Two Objects in Planar Polygonal Scenes (چکیده)
7585 - α-Visibility (چکیده)
7586 - Analytic Investigation of the Effects of Condensation Shock on Turbulent Boundary Layer Parameters of Nucleating Flow in a Supersonic Convergent-Divergent Nozzle (چکیده)
7587 - Carbon paste ion selective electrode based on 15-benzo crown-5 and carbon nanotubes for determination of silver (چکیده)
7588 - The relationship between Ownership Structure and Stock Price Volatility with Dividend in Listed Firms of TehranStock Exchange (چکیده)
7589 - Rate-distortion analysis of multiview coding in a DIBR framework (چکیده)
7590 - بررسی احتممالی وجود تنوع پلاسمیدی در جدایه های باکتری E. amylovora (چکیده)
7591 - Power Spectrum Characterization of Systematic Coded UW-OFDM Systems (چکیده)
7592 - Analysis of supersonic separators geometry using generalized radial basis function (GRBF) artificial neural networks (چکیده)
7593 - Experimental study and techno-economical evaluation of Khangiran sour natural gas condensate desulfurization process (چکیده)
7594 - Reliable prediction of condensation rates for purification of natural gas via supersonic separators (چکیده)
7595 - The process of estimating the recreational value of Sarein spas using visitors’ welfare changes (چکیده)
7596 - تاثیر مشارکت در کنترل فرکانس بر پره های توربین واحدهای گازی مطالعه موردی بلوک سیکل ترکیبی نیروگاه شریعتی مشهد (چکیده)
7597 - Tennessee Williams in the 50s: A Mirror of Competing Discourses (چکیده)
7598 - On/off-switchable electrochemical folic acid sensor based onmolecularly imprinted polymer electrode (چکیده)
7599 - Wastewater Algae: A Potential Candidate for Biodiesel Production (چکیده)
7600 - The Effect of Mercury in Iron Metabolism in Rats (چکیده)
7601 - [(Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)copper(II)]- l-(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)-[bis(ethylenediamine) copper(II)]-l-(pyridine-2,6- dicarboxylato)-[(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato) copper(II)] ethylenediamine monosolvate tetrahydrate (چکیده)
7602 - Design Investigation of a Dual-Band Circularly-Polarized Wearable Antenna (چکیده)
7603 - Bandwidth Enhancement of Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna Using Perturbation in SIW Cavity (چکیده)
7604 - New Hybrid Antenna Using Microstrip Patch Antenna Fed by Half-Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity (چکیده)
7605 - Comparative investigations in the effect of angle of attack profile on hydrodynamic performance of bio-inspired foil, (corrected) (چکیده)
7606 - Bioretention Swales as Multifunctional Landscapes and their Influence on Australian Urban Biodiversity: Hymenoptera as Biodiversity Indicators (چکیده)
7607 - Protection of Bend from Erosion Caused by Gas- Particle Flows in Town Border Station (چکیده)
7608 - The effects of dietary 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol and hydroalcoholic extract ofWithania somniferaroot on bone mineralisation, strength and histological characteristics in broiler chickens (چکیده)
7609 - Review of economic issues in marketing Mohammadi flower Fars Case Study: Darab city (چکیده)
7610 - گزارش میاز لثه ای ناشی از Wohlfahrtia magnifica )Diptera: Sarcophagidae- در یک راس بز از اطراف مشهد (چکیده)
7611 - Numerical solution for nonlinear-quadratic switching control systems with time delay (چکیده)
7612 - Wastewater treatment plant site selection using AHP and GIS, a case study: in Falavarjan, Esfahan (چکیده)
7613 - Effective pruning strategies for branch and bound Bayesian networks (چکیده)
7614 - Fuzzy c-means improvement using relaxed constraints support vector machines (چکیده)
7615 - Effect of essential oil of Mentha piperita on growth, morphology and pectinase activity of Macrophomina phaseolina (چکیده)
7616 - Evaluation of hooves’ morphometric parameters in different hoof trimming times in dairy cows (چکیده)
7617 - Study of environmental fish carcinogens (چکیده)
7618 - Intracellular GTP levels determine cell fate toward differentiation and apoptosis (چکیده)
7619 - Power Play and the Space in ‘Feminist . . . Male Directors’ (چکیده)
7620 - Potent RNAi-mediated dystrophin knockdown in skeletal muscle cells in vitro and in vivo (چکیده)
7621 - Intracellular GTP levels determine cell fate toward differentiation and apoptosis (چکیده)
7622 - Using cubic B-spline interpolation for efficient ray-tracing-based ultrawideband propagation modeling (چکیده)
7623 - Efficient shooting and bouncing ray tracing using decomposition of wavefronts (چکیده)
7624 - Streetscale bioretention basins in Melbourne and their effect on local biodiversity (چکیده)
7625 - Factors affecting terrestrial invertebrate diversity in bioretention basins in an Australian urban environment (چکیده)
7626 - Identification of Coxiella burnetii by Touch-Down PCR assay in unpasteurized milk and dairy products (چکیده)
7627 - Streetscape biodiversity and the role of bioretention swales in an Australian urban environment (چکیده)
7628 - Investigation of the water quality and quantity from green roof mesocosms in an Australian urban environment (چکیده)
7629 - PAD: A Semantic Social Network (چکیده)
7631 - Introducing green infrastructure into the built environment of Adelaide (چکیده)
7632 - Isolation and characterization of rhizosphere auxin producing Bacilli and evaluation of their potency on wheat growth improvement (چکیده)
7633 - Effect of Acetylcysteine on Experimental Corneal Wounds in Dogs (چکیده)
7634 - Molecular structure and intramolecular hydrogen bonding of 1,1,1- trifluoro-5,5-dimethyl-2,4-hexanedione. A DFT study (Part I) (چکیده)
7635 - Timeliness of Annual Financial Reporting: Evidence from the Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
7636 - The Effect of Conformation Method and Sintering Technique on the Densification and Grain Growth of Nanocrystalline 8 mol% Yttria‐Stabilized Zirconia (چکیده)
7637 - Tolerance and sensitivity of the Adelaide parklands’ landscape plants to the Glenelg recycled wastewater (چکیده)
7638 - The role of green roofs in Water Sensitive Urban Design in South Australia (چکیده)
7639 - Water requirements of urban landscape plants: A comparison of three factor-based approaches (چکیده)
7640 - A review of ET measurement techniques for estimating the water requirements of urban landscape vegetation (چکیده)
7641 - Effect of Planting Dates on Flowering Period of Calendula officinalis, Bellis perennis and Viola sp. (چکیده)
7642 - Impact of green roofs on stormwater quality in a South Australian urban environment (چکیده)
7643 - Morphological relationships of the Wheatears (genus Oenanthe) (چکیده)
7644 - Quasi-Monolithic Integration Technology for Flexible and Reliable Design of Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits (چکیده)
7645 - Potentiometric and spectroscopic studies of three new mixed inorganic–organic hybrid materials based on Preyssler and Wells–Dawson heteropolyoxometalates containing proline, leucine, and asparagine (چکیده)
7646 - Thermal imaging of microwave power GaAs-FET with scanning thermal nanoprobe (چکیده)
7647 - Using a neural networks algorithm for high-resolution imaging in pulsed laser radar (چکیده)
7648 - Application of Neural Networks for Distance Measurement in Pulsed Laser Radar (PLR) (چکیده)
7650 - Effectiveness of Positive Couple Therapy on Life Satisfaction of Mothers of Children with Special Needs (چکیده)
7651 - An Assessment of Lexical Sense Relations Based on Word Association Test (چکیده)
7652 - Design and Optimization of a P+N+IN+ Tunnel FET with Si Channel and SiGe Source (چکیده)
7653 - Serodiagnosis of Brucella Infection in Aborted Cattle by an Indirect Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay in some Dairy Herds in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
7654 - Callus induction and organogenesis capacity from lamina and petiole explants of Anthurium andreanum Linden (Casino and Antadra) (چکیده)
7655 - Book Review of Critical Readings in Translation Studies, 2010, Edited by Mona Baker, Routledge (چکیده)
7656 - Report of some histologic alterations in brain of rat newborns induced by zolpidem treatment during pregnancy (چکیده)
7657 - Study of the effects of environmental color on pain in mental retarded (Down syndrome) children in the age of 6-9 (چکیده)
7658 - Some anatomic alterations in the rat’s newborns induced by zolpidem treatment during pregnancy (چکیده)
7659 - The effect of melanocortin (Mc3 and Mc4) antagonists on serotonin-induced food and water intake of broiler coc (چکیده)
7660 - Antinociceptive effect of the aqueous extract obtained from Foeniculum vulgare in mice: the role of histamine H1 and H2 receptors (چکیده)
7661 - Preventive and Control Programme for Brucellosis in Human and Animals (چکیده)
7662 - Cultural Values and Professional Commitment in Accounting System: Empirical Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
7663 - Effect of Different levels of Salt Stress and Salicylic Acid onMorphological Characteristics of four Mass Native Basils (Ocimum basilcum) (چکیده)
7664 - Methods for rice genotypes cold tolerance evaluation at germination stage (چکیده)
7665 - Effectiveness of Behavioral Inhibition Training in Prison Inmates with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (چکیده)
7666 - Application of modal analysis to the watermelon through finite element modeling for use in ripeness assessment (چکیده)
7667 - An Optimization of Wind Turbine Airfoil Possessing Good Stall Characteristics by Genetic Algorithm Utilizing CFD and Neural Network (چکیده)
7668 - Optimization of Operational Parameters to Fortify Iranian UF-Feta Cheese with Fish Oil Using Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
7669 - Implications of Partial Conjugation of Whey Protein Isolate to Durian Seed Gum through Maillard Reactions: Foaming Properties, Water Holding Capacity and Interfacial Activity (چکیده)
7670 - depositional history and sequence stratigraphy of Tirgan Formation (Barremian-Aptian) in Central Kopet-Dagh, NE Iran (چکیده)
7671 - امکان سنجی قابلیت های توسعه گردشگری روستایی در دهستان چغامیش در راستای توسعه پایدار (چکیده)
7672 - Comparison of Serological tests iELISA with Rose Bengal for the Detection of Brucellosis (چکیده)
7673 - Influence of salicylic acid & Humic Acid on Salinity Stress Tolerance During Seed Germination of -Lens Culinaris Medik (چکیده)
7674 - Effect Of Diffrent Amount Of Salts On Detoxification And Some Chemical Properties Of Municipal Solid Waste Leachate (چکیده)
7675 - Investigation on the Effect of Atmosphere on the Pores of Sintered Astaloy CrM Steel (چکیده)
7676 - Prevalence and Molecular Identification of Cryptosporidium Spp in Pre-Weaned Dairy Calves in Mashhad Area,Province, Iran Khorasan Razavi. (چکیده)
7677 - Evaluation of PCR sensitivity in detection of Brucella from serum and whole blood samples of human (چکیده)
7678 - Multiplex-PCR method for detection of Brucella (چکیده)
7679 - Optimization of PCR with different primers for the detection of Brucella from sera with DNA isolation by using the boiling method (چکیده)
7680 - Evaluation of different primers for the detection of Brucella in human and animal serum samples by PCR method (چکیده)
7681 - Assessment of magnetized drinking water on excreta quality, nutrients digestibility, serum components and histomorphology of digestive tract in broiler chickens (چکیده)
7682 - Detection of Brucella in human and animal serum samples by PCR and DNA extraction with boiling method optimization (چکیده)
7683 - EMPSACO: An improved hybrid optimization algorithm based on particle swarm, ant colony and elitist mutation algorithms (چکیده)
7684 - Prediction of Economic Value Added of Iranian Listed Companies (چکیده)
7685 - New faunistic records of Salticidae (Araneae) from Khorasan Province of Iran (چکیده)
7686 - Analysis and optimization of Tunnel FET with Band gap Engineering (چکیده)
7687 - Design of tunneling field-effect transistor (TFET) with AlGaAs/InGaAs hetero-junction (چکیده)
7688 - Investigation of convective heat transfer through constant wall heat flux micro/nano channels using DSMC (چکیده)
7689 - A novel dual-membranes WGS reactor with palladium alloy and polyvinyl alcohol membranes for enhanced hydrogen recovery (چکیده)
7690 - (2D & 3D Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of an Asphaltic Concrete Core Rockfill Dam (a Case Study (چکیده)
7691 - Evaluation of Hydraulic Fracturing Potential in the Inclined Clay Core Dams in Narrow Valleys Using 3D Numerical Modeling (چکیده)
7692 - A facile one-pot synthesis of functionalized fused benzochromene derivatives via intramolecular Wittig reactions (چکیده)
7693 - Establishing a correlation between interfacial microstructures and corrosion initiation sites in Al/Cu joints by SEM–EDS and AFM–SKPFM (چکیده)
7694 - Agricultural impact on economic growth in Iran using ARDL approach co integration (چکیده)
7695 - Wheat Production Response to the Shocks of some Economic Variables in Iran (Vector Autoregression Model Framework (چکیده)
7696 - Presence of the endosymbiont Wolbachia among some fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Iran: A multilocus sequence typing approach (چکیده)
7697 - The Relationship between Capital Structure and the Efficiency In both state and Private Banks by the Use of DEA Technique (چکیده)
7698 - کاربرد مدل هیدرولوژیکی- توزیعی مکانی در تعیین هیدروگراف سیل رودخانه اترک (چکیده)
7699 - Foreign direct investment, economic growth and Islamic banking industry (چکیده)
7700 - The Estimation of Agriculture Share in Economic Growth of Iran by Using OLS Method (چکیده)
7701 - Agricultural Impact on Economic Growth in Iran Using Johansen Approach Cointegration (چکیده)
7702 - واسنجی و تحلیل عدم‌ قطعیت یک مدل نیمه‌ توزیعی در یک منطقه ‌نیمه‌ خشک (چکیده)
7703 - An Investigation into the Deep Drawing of Fiber-metal Laminates based on Glass Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene (چکیده)
7704 - A Study of Relationship between Accruals over Life Cycles of Food and Drug Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
7705 - Survey effects of intent and materiality earnings management on ethical judgment of students in Iran (چکیده)
7706 - Comparing the Earning Quality Methods of the companies Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
7707 - A Study on Combination of von Mises and Tresca Yield Loci in Non-associated Viscoplasticity (چکیده)
7708 - Investigation of electrokinetic mixing in 3D non-homogenous microchannels (چکیده)
7709 - The impact of emotional intelligence on faculty members knowledge sharing behaviors (چکیده)
7710 - The Effect of Ionic liquid on Electrical Conductivity of Epoxy resin/MWCNT Nanocomposites (چکیده)
7711 - A Study of Relationship between Accruals over Life Cycles of Food and Drug Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
7712 - Association between Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance in Iran (چکیده)
7713 - Investigating the effect of Iran accounting standards on improving earning quality (چکیده)
7714 - Relationship between Operational and Financial Risk and Economic Value added: Iranian evidence (چکیده)
7715 - Effects of Acetylcysteine and Dexamethasone on Experimental Corneal Wounds in Rabbits (چکیده)
7716 - Optimal thresholds of metabolic indicators of hepatic lipidosis in dairy cows (چکیده)
7717 - Performance Analysis of Two-Level Asynchronous Optical CDMA Systems Utilizing Wrapped OPPM (چکیده)
7718 - Patterns of skull shape variation in Meriones persicus (Rodentia: Muridae) in relation to geoclimatical conditions (چکیده)
7719 - Carbonaceous Nanostructured Support Materials for Low Temperature Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts—A Review (چکیده)
7720 - Genotyping of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy and diseased ostriches (Struthio camelus) (چکیده)
7721 - PCR-based detection of cow and goat milk in sheep milk and dairy ‎products marketed in Mashhad city of Iran (چکیده)
7722 - A newly recorded genus and species of Megaseliini (Diptera: Phoridae), a parasitoid of ladybird pupae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), from Iran (چکیده)
7723 - Lexical bundles in research article acknowledgments: A corpus comparison (چکیده)
7724 - An Analysis of Lexical Bundles in Research Article Abstracts by Iranian and Native English-speaking Authors of Applied Linguistics Articles (چکیده)
7725 - Study of Non Genetic Factors Affecting Growth Traits of Sistani Goat (چکیده)
7726 - An empirical investigation on relationship between organizational intelligence and faculty members knowledge sharing behaviors (چکیده)
7727 - Predicting the metabolizable energy content of corn for ducks: a comparison of support vector regression with other methods (چکیده)
7728 - ساخت نانو ذرات ابررسانای گرم HoBa2Cu3O7-x با روش سیترات ژل و بررسی خواص فیزیکی و مغناطیسی آنها (چکیده)
7729 - The spider family Hersiliidae Thorell, 1870 (Arachnida: Araneae) in Iran (چکیده)
7731 - Forced Vibration Analysis of Cross-Ply Laminated Plates Using a Layerwise Theory (چکیده)
7732 - Analysis of the reservoir electrofacies in the framework of hydraulic flow units in the Whicher Range Field, Perth Basin, Western Australia (چکیده)
7733 - Effect of salt stress on genes encoding translation-associated proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana (چکیده)
7734 - Investigation of vacancy defects effects on the buckling behavior of SWCNTs via a structural mechanics approach (چکیده)
7735 - The Investigation of Mediating Role of Organizational structure and Organizational learning in Relationship between Knowledge management and Organizational Performance (چکیده)
7736 - Measurement of Acid‐Binding Capacity for Poultry Feedstuffs in Deionized and Magnetized Water (چکیده)
7737 - The Comparison of BMC, BMD, T score, and Z score of the Lumbar Spine and Femur between Professional Swimmers and Non-athletes (چکیده)
7738 - The role of epiphyticPseudomonasandPantoeapopulation diversity on prevalence of fire blight disease (چکیده)
7739 - Risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the West Port semi-enclosed basin (Malaysia) (چکیده)
7740 - A review of strategies to monitor water and sediment quality for a sustainability assessment of marine environment (چکیده)
7741 - Numerical simulation of a submerged cylindrical wave energy converter (چکیده)
7742 - Maximum Covering Location Model in Project Control Problem (چکیده)
7743 - Effect of dexamethasone in combination with acetylcysteine at different times on corneal wound healing in dogs (چکیده)
7744 - Effect of different treatment regimen with dexamethasone and acetylcysteine on corneal wound healing in rabbits (چکیده)
7745 - Effects of latanoprost and pilocarpine combination on the intraocular pressure and pupil size of dogs (چکیده)
7746 - Preparation and Characterization of Biodegradable Blend Membranes of PBS/CA (چکیده)
7747 - Improving Power Plant Efficiency using Water Droplet Injection in Air Condensers (چکیده)
7748 - Molecular characterization of Avian Adenoviruses in Iranian Broiler Flocks (چکیده)
7749 - Isolation, antimicrobial susceptibility and mecA gene analysis of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Iranian white cheeses (چکیده)
7750 - Dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Bajocian–Lower Oxfordianof the Dalichai Formation in Binalud Mountains (their biostratigraphical and biogeographical significanceNE Iran): (چکیده)
7751 - Influence of different amino acid groups on the free radical scavenging capability of multi walled carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
7752 - Polymerization of Ethylene Using α-Diimine Nickel Catalyst (چکیده)
7753 - Comparison of two methods estrus synchronization by CIDR and sponge along with PMSG various levels on Baloochi ewes on reproductive performance in breeding season (چکیده)
7754 - Peroxidase as markers for rooting response in microcutting of (Juglans regia L. cultivars (چکیده)
7755 - A case of gingival myiasis in a one-humped camel caused by Wohlfahrtia magnifica in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
7756 - Evaluation of broadleaf weeds control with some post-emergence herbicides in maize (Zea mays L.) in Iran (چکیده)
7757 - Online neural network model for non-stationary and imbalanced data stream classification (چکیده)
7758 - A Computer Forensics Approach Based on Autonomous Intelligent Multi-Agent System (چکیده)
7759 - Pharmaceutical application of frog skin on full-thickness skin wound healing in mice (چکیده)
7760 - The Effect of Time-Based Demand Response Program on LDC and Reliability of Power System (چکیده)
7761 - Magnetic effects on the solvent properties investigated by molecular dynamics simulation (چکیده)
7762 - Security Based Congestion Management Considering Transmission Network Contingencies in a Competitive Environment (چکیده)
7763 - A Cumulative Residual Entropy Characterization of the Rayleigh Distribution and Related Goodness-of-Fit Test (چکیده)
7764 - ارزیابی اثر تغییر اقلیم بر دما و بارش دوره 2030-2011 با استفاده از مدل LARS-WG (مطالعه موردی:حوزه آبخیز اسکندری، استان اصفهان) (چکیده)
7765 - پیش بینی خشکسالی دوره 2030-2011 تحت اثر تغییر اقلیم (مطالعه موردی: حوزه آبخیز اسکندری، استان اصفهان) (چکیده)
7766 - Development of Achaemenid Studies in the West after 1979 (چکیده)
7767 - Effect of Esterified Glucomannan on Carryover of Aflatoxin from Feed to Milk in Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
7768 - Simultaneous Determination of Vitamin A and E in Infant Milk Formulas Using Semi-Micro liquid–liquid Extraction Followed by HPLC-UV (چکیده)
7769 - New record of the Mediterranean Recluse Spider Loxosceles rufescens (Dufour, 1820) and its bite from Khorasan Province, northeast of Iran (Aranei: Sicariidae) (چکیده)
7770 - PQWs in complex plane: Application to Fredholm integral equations (چکیده)
7771 - Reevaluation of the taxonomic status of sand boas of the genus Eryx (Daudin, 1803) (Serpentes: Boidae) in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
7772 - The effect of Pediococcus acidilactici bacteria used as probiotic supplement on the growth and non-specific immune responses of green terror, Aequidens rivulatus (چکیده)
7773 - Cooperating Mobile GIS and Wireless Sensor Networks for Managing Transportation Infrastructures in Urban areas (چکیده)
7774 - Characterization of MAO‐Modified Silicas for Ethylene Polymerization (چکیده)
7775 - Optimization of Synthesize conditions of high Tc superconductor HoBa2Cu3O7-ä nanoparticles by citrate gel route and investigation of their physical and magnetic properties (چکیده)
7776 - Fabrication of Aluminium-Carbon nanotube Composites Via Spark Plasma Sintering Method (چکیده)
7777 - Implementation of water spreading project as a logical strategy of drought control in arid zones (Case study: Miankooh waterspreading system of Mehriz, Iran) (چکیده)
7778 - Effects of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) emergence time and density on growth and competition of maize (Zea mays L.) (چکیده)
7779 - The Effect of Working Memory Training on Gait in Older Adults with Balance Impairment (چکیده)
7780 - Examining the Relationship between Willingness to Communicate in English , Communication confidence and classroom Environment (چکیده)
7781 - Estimation based on sequential order statistics with random removals (چکیده)
7782 - Evaluating Compositions and Comparing Pathos radical power and Oxidative Stability of Different Concentrations of Laurus Nobilis Leaf Extract with BHT (چکیده)
7783 - Improvements in mechanical properties of carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy composites: A microwave-assisted approach in functionalization of carbon fiber via diamines (چکیده)
7784 - Numerical Modeling of the Exceptional South Foehn Event over Alborz Mountains during December 2005 Extensive Forest Fire (چکیده)
7785 - کنترل تناسبی-رزونانسی فرکانس-تطبیقی جریان مبدل PWM متصل به شبکه بدون سنسور ولتاژ شبکه در سیستم های تولید پراکنده (چکیده)
7786 - Cultural Differences in Commands among Iranians and English natives (چکیده)
7787 - River instantaneous peak flow estimation using mean daily flow data (چکیده)
7788 - بررسی اثر باکتریوسین های تولیدی باکتریهای اسیدلاکتیک ایزوله شده از کره محلی مسکه، بر روی میکروارگانیسم های بیماریزا (چکیده)
7789 - A New Combinatorial Algorithm for QRS Detection (چکیده)
7790 - Using neural networks for high resolution distance measurements in pulsed laser radar (چکیده)
7791 - Optimization of thermal resistance in quasi monolithic integration technology (QMIT) structure (چکیده)
7792 - Tungsten Oxide Nanocrystals and NOx Sensing Properties (چکیده)
7793 - Application of neural networks for extraction of distance and reflectance in pulsed laser radar (چکیده)
7794 - Application of a Scanning Thermal Nano-Probe for Thermal Imaging of High Frequency Active devices (چکیده)
7795 - Effects of a Nanofluid and Magnetic Field on the Thermal Efficiency of a Two‐Phase Closed Thermosyphon (چکیده)
7796 - Analysis of Lattice Temperature Effects on a GaInP/6H-SiC Strained Quantum-Well Lasers (چکیده)
7797 - An enhanced quasi-monolithic integration technology for microwave and millimeter wave applications (چکیده)
7798 - Double Cracks Identification in Functionally Graded Beams Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
7799 - بررسی اثرات تغییر اقلیم بر خشکسالی در حوزه رودخانه اعظم هرات در استان یزد (چکیده)
7800 - The effect of planting pattern on weed diversity and some physio-morphological characteristics of black cumin (Bunium persicum L.) (چکیده)
7801 - Some physicochemical properties of sage (Salvia macrosiphon) seed gum (چکیده)
7802 - The Effect of Dune Sands onPermanent Deformation Characteristics of Asphalt Mixtures (چکیده)
7804 - Predictions of viscoelastic behavior of pomegranate using artificial (چکیده)
7805 - Management of water agriculture regarding to profit index - Case study: Mashhad-Chenaran weald in Iran (چکیده)
7806 - Rapid, One-Pot Synthesis of Highly-Soluble Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized by L-arginine (چکیده)
7807 - Recycling waste chemicals in general chemistry laboratory of ferdowsi university of mashhad (Part 3: the rate of chemical reactions, electrolysis of sulfuric acid and thermo gravimetric analysis of copper (II) oxide experiments) (چکیده)
7808 - Prediction of Super Critical Oil Extraction Yield Using Single and Combined Intelligent Systems (چکیده)
7809 - Simulation of an Improved Cyclone System by Artificial Neural Network, Adaptive-network-based Fuzzy Inference System and Hybrid ANN-genetic Algorithm Approach (چکیده)
7810 - Optimization of Cleaning Procedure for Polyethersulfone (PES) Membrane by a Statistically Designed Approach (چکیده)
7811 - A Review Over Diverse Methods Used in Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater (چکیده)
7812 - Theranekron: Effects on healing of cutaneous wound in Rats (چکیده)
7813 - Cerebral coenurosis in a goat: case report and literature review (چکیده)
7814 - Vaginal leiomyosarcoma in a dairy cow during pregnancy (چکیده)
7815 - Study of Relation Wheat Price Variation, Wheat Insurance and Subsidies Paid to Wheat in Iran Agriculture (چکیده)
7816 - An in vitro model for studying the interactions of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) pathogens with the isolated gut tractus (چکیده)
7817 - &lt;strong&gt;&lt;em&gt;Odontobuthus tirgari&lt;/em&gt; sp. nov. (Scorpiones, Buthidae) from the eastern region of the Iranian Plateau &lt;/strong&gt; (چکیده)
7819 - Subcutaneous cellulitis of the thigh due to grass awn migration in a German shepherd dog (چکیده)
7820 - Analytical two-dimensional analysis of the transport phenomena occurring during convective drying: Apple slices (چکیده)
7821 - Reactive Power Pricing Using Marginal Cost Theory In Competitive Electricity Markets (چکیده)
7823 - synthesis and optical analysis ofZnO and ZnO:Agnanopowders via modified sol-gel method (چکیده)
7824 - Unsteady Two-Dimensional Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous, Compressible Fluid on an Accelerated Flat Plate (چکیده)
7825 - A Study on Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Learning (چکیده)
7826 - Computer Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Photovoltaic Thermal (PV/T) Water Based Collector System (چکیده)
7827 - Dynamic rheological properties of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum: Effect of concentration, temperature and heating/cooling rate (چکیده)
7828 - Nitrogen and Cultivated Bulb Weight Effects on Radiation and Nitrogen-Use Efficiency, Carbon Partitioning and Production of Persian Shallot (Allium altissimum Regel.) (چکیده)
7829 - Numerical Simualtion of a Non-Newtonian Fluid during the Filling Process of a Die (چکیده)
7830 - On the microscopic parameters at a moving contact line during wetting process (چکیده)
7831 - An experimental investigating the width and height of a stable arch formed in granular materials by using a new developed trapdoor apparatus (چکیده)
7832 - Inverse Unified Power Quality Conditioner: Investigations towards its Performance and Capabilities (چکیده)
7833 - Assessment Of Total RNA Extraction From Edible Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) With Three Current Methods (چکیده)
7834 - Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum: A new source of carbohydrate tomake a biodegradable film (چکیده)
7835 - Study on the quality control of commercially cold-pellet and extrude diets of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (a case study in the Khorasan Razavi Province farms) (چکیده)
7837 - Synthesis of Novel Cyclophane-Type Crown Ethers from 2-Methylindole (چکیده)
7838 - ارزیابی و پهنه‌بندی کیفیت آب دریاچه‌ی زریوار با استفاده از شاخص‌های کیفی NSFWQI ، OWQI وCWQI (چکیده)
7839 - Pro-apoptotic pathway of endoplasmic reticulum stress is activated by renal Ischemia/Reperfusion; compensative effects of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) (چکیده)
7841 - A Psychological Model for Mathematical Problem Solving based on Revised Bloom Taxonomy for High School Girl Students (چکیده)
7842 - Value of Water in an Arid Area of Central Iran (چکیده)
7843 - Investigation of effective Microorganisms (EM) Impact in Water Stress (چکیده)
7844 - The genus Mycterothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Iran, with three new species (چکیده)
7845 - Kernel Recursive Least Squares-Type Neuron for Nonlinear Equalization (چکیده)
7846 - High coupling efficiency to a low dispersion slow light-supporting photonic crystal waveguide (چکیده)
7847 - Robust Density of Periodic Orbits for Skew Products with High Dimensional Fiber (چکیده)
7848 - Productivity growth of barley in Iran (چکیده)
7849 - The Comparison of Bone Mineral Content (BMC) and Bone Area in Professional Water Polo Players and Non-Athletes (چکیده)
7850 - Predicting the yield of pomegranate oil from supercritical extraction using ar ti ficial neural networks and an adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (چکیده)
7851 - Analysis of Korean Drama Series with an emphasis on the notions of tradition and modesty, as their main themes, from a religious point of view (چکیده)
7852 - Study of broiler chicken responses to dietary protein and lysine using neural network and response surface models (چکیده)
7853 - A new skew generalization of the Kotz type distribution‎: ‎Properties‎ ‎and applications (چکیده)
7854 - An Achievable Rate Region for Interfering Multiple Access Channel and Broadcast Channel with a Cognitive Transmitter (چکیده)
7855 - Interference Channel with Common Message and Slepian-Wolf Channel State Information (چکیده)
7856 - An Investigation into Iranian EFL Learners level of Writing Self-efficacy (چکیده)
7857 - A rare congenital anomaly of wing in a pigeon chick-Columba livia (چکیده)
7858 - New Approach to High-Fidelity Aerodynamic Design Optimization of a Wind Turbine Blade (چکیده)
7859 - Simulation and Optimization of Affective Causes on Quality of Electronic Services (چکیده)
7860 - Experimental Study on Thermal Efficiency of Flat Plate Solar Collector Using TiO2/Water Nanofluid (چکیده)
7861 - The investigation of non-genetic factors affecting survival of Karakul lambs from birth to one year of age using linear and nonlinear models (چکیده)
7862 - Effects of drought stress on quantitative and qualitative yield and antioxidative activity of Bunium persicum (چکیده)
7863 - on the performance of multiwavelets for handwritten numeral recognition (چکیده)
7864 - Study on the effects of probiotic, Pediococcus acidilactici in the diet on some biological indices of Oscar Astronotus ocellatus (چکیده)
7865 - Development of a novel thin film composite membrane by Interfacial polymerization on polyetherimide/ modified SiO2 support for organic solvent nanofiltration (چکیده)
7866 - New and interesting records for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
7867 - محاسبه شباهت واژه ای با بهره گیری از تکنیک های الگوهای نامگذاری در تطابق هستان شناسی ها (چکیده)
7868 - Multivariate analysis of morphological variation in (چکیده)
7869 - New Approximation of Traffic Flow Equations (چکیده)
7870 - Investigation of damage detection in blade root joints of a 100 kW wind turbine using frequency tracking (چکیده)
7871 - SWAT model application through uncertainty assessment in a semiarid watershed, Iran (چکیده)
7872 - New plant records for Khorassan Province, Iran (چکیده)
7873 - A framework toward developing a groundwater conceptual model (چکیده)
7874 - Application of NN-ARX Model to Predict Groundwater Levels in the Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
7875 - تاثیر تمرین هوازی منظم بر بیان ژن رزیستین لنفوسیت در زنان جوان فعال Effect of Regular Aerobic Training On Resistin Gene Expression In Active Young Females (چکیده)
7876 - بررسی عددی جریان آرام و گذرای سیال ویسکوالاستیک از نوع گزیکس حول سیلندر دایروی (چکیده)
7879 - On the computation of weighted Moore- Penrose inverse using a high-order matrix method (چکیده)
7880 - Effects of chicory root powder on growth performance and histomorphometry of jejunum in broiler chicks (چکیده)
7881 - GA-Based Optimal LQR Controller to Improve LVRT Capability of DFIG Wind Turbines (چکیده)
7882 - Proposed mechanism for performance of power system stabilizers in the condition of strong resonance (چکیده)
7883 - Pre-processing ontologies to improve the results of matchers (چکیده)
7884 - Modified PWM Technique for Harmonic Reduction (چکیده)
7885 - The effects of washing and drying on the crystal structure and pore size distribution (PSD) of Zn4O13C24H12 framework (IRMOF-1) (چکیده)
7886 - The Analysis of the relationship between gender, the theoretical Knowledge of of translation and practical skills (چکیده)
7887 - Wind Turbine Power Tracking Using Multiple Model Predictive Control (چکیده)
7888 - The Analysis of the Relationship between the Theoretical Knowledge of Translators and Their Practical Translation Skills: An Evaluation of Graduate Translation Courses (چکیده)
7889 - The Effect of Wrestling Exercise in Morning and Afternoon on Some Hematological Indices (چکیده)
7890 - Elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded nanocomposite reinforced by carbon nanotubes employing meshless local integral equations (LIEs) (چکیده)
7891 - A New Approach to Reliable, yet Flexible Software (چکیده)
7892 - WNR Approach: an Extension to Requirements Engineering Lifecycle (چکیده)
7893 - Reliable yet flexible software through formal model transformation (rule definition) (چکیده)
7894 - Detrital mode and geochemistry of the Shurijeh Formation (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) in the central and western parts of the Intracontinental Kopet-Dagh Basin, Northeastern Iran: Implications for provenance, tectonic setting and weathering processes (چکیده)
7895 - Density of States and Natural Bond Orbital Analysis on the NO Degradationon the Tungsten OxideSurface (چکیده)
7896 - Theoretical Study of NO Oxidation on the Nanocrystalline Surface of the Cubic Tungsten Oxide (چکیده)
7897 - Synthesis of new heterocyclicsystem of [1,2,4]triazolo[4 ,3 :1 ,6 ]pyrimido[4 ,5 :3,4]pyridazino[1,6- d][1,2,4]triazine (چکیده)
7898 - Modeling and Simulation of Erosion–Corrosion in Disturbed Two-Phase Flow Through Fluid Transport Pipelines (چکیده)
7899 - Application of Three Different Calibration-Uncertainty Analysis Methods in a Semi-Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Model Application (چکیده)
7900 - Molecular genotyping of Echinococcus granulosus from dromedaries (Camelus dromedarius) in eastern Iran (چکیده)
7901 - The Optimum Oil Revenue in Iran (چکیده)
7903 - Effect of Corner Bluntness on Energy Absorbing Capability of Non-circular Metallic Tubes Subjected to Axial Impact (چکیده)
7904 - Axial Crush of Metallic and Hybrid Energy Absorbing Thin-walled Tubes with Polygonal Cross-sections: Numerical Analysis (چکیده)
7905 - Dynamic stability of smart sandwich beams with electro-rheological core resting on elastic foundation (چکیده)
7906 - Applicability of small-scale models in prediction flutter pressure of delaminated composite beam-plates (چکیده)
7907 - Aeroelastic stability of smart sandwich plates with electrorheological fluid core and orthotropic faces (چکیده)
7909 - An Assessment of Subject Position in Persian Language (چکیده)
7910 - Heteropolyacids: An Efficient Catalyst for Synthesis of CL-20 (چکیده)
7911 - Structural Damage Identification Based on Modal Data and Wavelet Analysis (چکیده)
7912 - اثر Wolbachia (همزیست زنبور تریکوگراما ) روی تنوع ژنتیکی میزبان (چکیده)
7913 - بررسی و مقایسه کاهش زیستی آهن فریک ساختمانی در کانی‌های نانترونیت، گئوتیت و هماتیت (چکیده)
7914 - Evaluation the Effects of Hoof Trimming on Bovine Leg Score Improvement and its Distribution (چکیده)
7915 - Covalent functionalization of TiO2 nanoparticles on multi wall carbon nano tubes (چکیده)
7916 - Studies on the Applicability of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) in Evaluation of Photocatalytic Performance of TiO2 thin Film Doped by SiO2 (چکیده)
7917 - Exploring the Relationship Between Foreign Language Proficiency and Cultural Intelligence (چکیده)
7918 - Schema Theory and Categorization of Student and Teacher Metaphors (چکیده)
7920 - Exploring the relationship between employees’ perception of empowerment and organizational citizenship behavior (چکیده)
7921 - Knowledge Cities and the Role of Industrial Cluster: Case of North East Saffron and Food Clusters in the City of Mashhad (چکیده)
7922 - The effect of eight weeks of aerobic training on hsCRP and resistin levels in menopause women (چکیده)
7923 - Effects of Tween 80 concentration as a surfactant additive on morphology and permeability of flat sheet polyethersulfone (PES) membranes (چکیده)
7924 - A Voronoi Decomposing Cooperative Learning Particle Swarm Optimization with Random Walk Strategy (چکیده)
7925 - TSK Function Approximator Design Using GA and PSO with Minimum Membership Function and Guaranteed Approximation Error (چکیده)
7926 - Application of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for solubility prediction of carbon dioxide in polymers (چکیده)
7927 - Microleakage and antibacterial properties of ZnO and ZnO:Ag nanopowders prepared via a sol–gel method for endodontic sealer application (چکیده)
7928 - Promotion of polysulfone membrane by thermal-mechanical stretching process (چکیده)
7929 - A Study the Relationship of Earnings and Cash Flows: Evidence of Finance Sector in Iran (چکیده)
7930 - New size dependent kinetic model of water-gas-shift reaction on iron based catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
7931 - Development of Slot Array Antenna Using s Multiresonant SIW Cavity (چکیده)
7934 - Numerical Simulation of Smart Hydrofoil in Marine System (چکیده)
7935 - Analysis of two-dimensional functionally graded rotating thick disks with variable thickness (چکیده)
7936 - Minimizing total weighted late works in the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (چکیده)
7937 - Three-Dimensional Stagnation Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous, Comprresible Fluid on a Flat Plate (چکیده)
7938 - Cash Flow Accounting and the Cost of Debt (چکیده)
7939 - Determination of brilliant green in fish farming water using carbon nanotube assisted pseudo-stir bar solid/liquid microextraction combined with UV–vis spectroscopy–diode array detection (چکیده)
7940 - Susceptibility of immature stages of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella Hübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) to ozonated water (چکیده)
7941 - On the natural convective heat transfer from a cold horizontal cylinder over an adiabatic surface (چکیده)
7942 - Evaluation of Hydrogeochemical Processes and Groundwater Table Decline (چکیده)
7943 - Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube/Water nanofluid or helical coilingtechnique, which of them is more effective? (چکیده)
7944 - Max-Flow Network Interdiction Problem with Reliability (چکیده)
7945 - Improvement in Heat Transfer of a Two-Phased Closed Thermosyphon Using Silver-Decorated MWCNT/Water (چکیده)
7946 - Laminar convective heat transfer of Al2O3/water nanofluid through square cross-sectional duct (چکیده)
7947 - The effect of pH and calcium ion on rheological behaviour of β-lactoglobulin-basil seed gum mixed gels (چکیده)
7948 - Hydrodynamic behaviour of micro/nanoscale Poiseuille flow under thermal creep condition (چکیده)
7949 - An application of a merit function for solving convex programming problems (چکیده)
7950 - A New Rail-to-Rail Ultra Low Voltage High Speed Comparator (چکیده)
7951 - A Low-Noise Low-Power MOSFET only Electrocardiogram Amplifier (چکیده)
7952 - A New Power Efficient Wireless Non-Uniform Adaptive-Sampling ECG Recording System (چکیده)
7953 - A Low-Power Area-Efficient Dynamic Circuit Using Conditionally Charging Pattern with Embedded Latching Capability (چکیده)
7954 - A New Design Technique for Low Power Subthreshold Logic Circuits with Enhanced Robustness Against Process Variations (چکیده)
7955 - Effect of sowing dates on quantity and quality of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) under semi-arid condition in Iran (چکیده)
7956 - Optimal control problem via neural networks (چکیده)
7957 - Environmental and sequence stratigraphic implications of anhydrite textures: A case from the Lower Triassic of the Central Persian Gulf (چکیده)
7958 - Properties and Performance of Concrete Made with Recycled Low-Quality Crushed Brick (چکیده)
7959 - A fast static security assessment method based on radial basis function neural networks using enhanced clustering (چکیده)
7960 - The efficacy of computerized working memory training on reducing comorbid psychiatric symptoms among prison inmates with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (چکیده)
7961 - Seed identification of medicinal plant species using machine vision (چکیده)
7962 - Cobalt Loading Effects on the Structure and Activity for Fischer-Tropsch and Water-Gas Shift Reactions of Co/Al2O3 Catalysts (چکیده)
7963 - The Coiflet–Galerkin method for linear Volterra integral equations (چکیده)
7964 - The Relationship between thinking styles with organizational innovation in physical education teachers of Iran (چکیده)
7965 - Application of Geostatistical Methods for determining nitrate concentrations in Groundwater (case study of Mashhad plain, Iran) (چکیده)
7966 - Bifurcation analysis of a cellular nonlinear network model via neural network approach (چکیده)
7967 - Ce-promoted Mn/Na2WO4/SiO2 catalyst for oxidative coupling of methane at atmospheric pressure (چکیده)
7968 - An investigation on the performance of a FTS fixed-bed reactor using CFD method (چکیده)
7969 - Optimum Cost Design of Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Retaining Wall using Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
7970 - تحلیل لرزه ای دیواره گود مسلح شده به روش مهاری به کمک نرم افزار FLAC3D (چکیده)
7971 - Localization operators on Homogeneous spaces (چکیده)
7972 - Alternative Equations to Compute the Network and the Thermal Efficiency of the Irreversible Diesel Cycle Using Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
7973 - Q-Particle in Azari Turkish (چکیده)
7974 - Gel Spinning Characteristics of Ultra-high MolecularWeight Polyethylene and Study on Fibre Structure before Drawing (چکیده)
7975 - New data on spider fauna from Golestan province, Iran (Arachnida, Araneae) (چکیده)
7976 - A Study on Systematic Procedure for Choosing the Best Powertrain Configuration in Hybrid Sedan Cars (چکیده)
7977 - Using of natural patterns in urban design &planning-Case study: Mashhad meddle area (چکیده)
7978 - A convenient one-pot method for the synthesis of highly functionalized 1,3-oxazole (چکیده)
7979 - Synthesis of new derivatives of 2-Substitueted 4-(4-methyl-12Hpyrimido[4,5:5,6][1,4]thiazino[2,3-b]quinoxalin-2-yl) (چکیده)
7980 - Study of carbon monoxide hydrogenation to higher hydrocarbons over nano-sized iron catalyst (چکیده)
7981 - Novel acidic ionic liquid as efficient and reusable catalyst based on imidazolium cation (چکیده)
7982 - An efficient synthesis of imidazo[4,5-a]acridine-11-yl cyanides as new fluorescent heterocylic compounds (چکیده)
7983 - Piperazine immobilized on silica gel as an inexpensive and recyclable catalyst for synthesis of 2-amino-2H-chromenes (چکیده)
7984 - Synthesis of new pyrimido[4,5-d]pyrimidin-4(1H)-one derivatives in the presence of ferric hydrogensulfate (چکیده)
7985 - One-pot solvent free synthesis of someindolylmethane amine derivativesbyFe(HSO4)3 as a recycable catalyst (چکیده)
7986 - A novel and efficient one-pot synthesis of new α-aminophosphonates and evaluation of their biologicalactivities (چکیده)
7987 - Synthesis of new pyrrolizine derivatives via ring annulation under green conditions (چکیده)
7988 - Synthesis of new derivatives of pyrimido[5,4-e][1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazine and stadise of their biological activities (چکیده)
7989 - Synthesis of new derivatives ofdipyrimido[4,5-b:5,4-e][1,4]thiazine and their enzyme inhibitory activity assessment on soybean 15-lipoxygenase (چکیده)
7990 - Synthesis of some novel 1,3,4-thiadiazine containing tetrazolonucleus (چکیده)
7991 - Nano-spinel catalyzed reduction of imines to amines by sodium borohydride (چکیده)
7992 - Synthesis of new derivatives of pyrimido[4,5-c] pyridazine (چکیده)
7993 - A facile approach for the synthesis of new derivatives of pyrazolo[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-c]pyrimidine (چکیده)
7994 - Synthesis of new heterocyclic system: [1,3]oxazolo[4,5-d] [1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a] pyrimidine (چکیده)
7995 - Synthesis of new pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine derivatives as potential antibacterial agents (چکیده)
7996 - Accuracy analysis of predicted velocity profiles of laminar duct flow with entropy generation method (چکیده)
7997 - A New Piecewise-Spectral Homotopy Analysis Method for Solving Chaotic Systems of Initial Value Problems (چکیده)
7998 - Two dimensional stress wave propagation in finite length FG cylinders with two directional nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG method (چکیده)
7999 - Maximum dynamic network flow interdiction problem: New formulation (چکیده)
8000 - Analysis of the Probability Distribution of LMP by Central Limit Theorem (چکیده)
8001 - The Implicit Instruction of Grammar via Pictures: A Technique to Improve Writing and Speaking Abilities of Iranian Elementary EFL Learners (چکیده)
8002 - Farm decision making by applying a Constraint multi objective model: a case study in Iran (چکیده)
8003 - Evaluation of carbon sequestration potential in corn fields with different management systems (چکیده)
8004 - A survey of risk management practices in public and private swimming pools in khorasan Razavi (چکیده)
8005 - Investigation of water balance in water recovery of closed steam injection gas turbine cycles (چکیده)
8006 - Treatment with Salicylic Acid extends the Vase Life of Important Commercial Cut Flowers (چکیده)
8007 - The effect of alcoholic fuel additives on exergy parameters and emissions in a two stroke gasoline engine (چکیده)
8008 - Assessment of Concentrations of Nano and Bulk Iron Oxide Particles on Early Growth of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (چکیده)
8009 - Surface Electromyography Feature Extraction Based on Wavelet Transform (چکیده)
8010 - Effect of Salinity on Carbon Isotope Discrimination of Shoot and Root of Four Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris) Cultivars (چکیده)
8011 - Effect of speed and load on exergy recovery in a water-cooled two stroke gasoline-ethanol engine for the bsfc reduction purposes (چکیده)
8012 - The Wonder of Illustrations: The Impact of Illustrated Literary Texts on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability (چکیده)
8013 - Different pattern of SOX2 expression as an embryonic marker in equine adipose and marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (چکیده)
8014 - Providing a New Empirical Failure Criterion for Intact Rock and Comparing it With Three Criteria Bieniawski, Ramamurthy and Hook-Brown (چکیده)
8015 - A review of entropy generation in nanofluid flow (چکیده)
8016 - Efficient filtration system for paraffin-catalyst slurry separation (چکیده)
8017 - Effects of altitude on the soot emission and fuel consumption of a light-duty diesel engine (چکیده)
8018 - Capacity Analysis of Asynchronous Optical CDMA Systems Utilizing Wrapped OPPM: Multiple Access Interference Limited Case (چکیده)
8019 - Sympathy is Aroused for the Avenger (چکیده)
8020 - Relationship between employees empowerment with organizational commitment in employess of Khorasan Razavi sport and youth administration (چکیده)
8021 - Solidification of Two-Dimensional Viscous, Incompressible Stagnation Flow (چکیده)
8022 - LMP decomposition: A novel approach for structural market power monitoring (چکیده)
8023 - probabilistic model for assessing the reliability of wind farms in a power system (چکیده)
8024 - Torsional Buckling Behavior of SWCNTs Using a Molecular Structural Mechanics Approach Considering Vacancy Defects (چکیده)
8025 - Antioxidant peptides obtained from goose egg white proteins by enzymatic hydrolysis (چکیده)
8026 - Ionic Liquid-Based Dispersive Liquid-Liquid Microextraction Combined with FlameAtomic Absorption Spectrometry for Determination of Silver in Water Samples (چکیده)
8027 - Comparison of various progressive Type-II censoring schemes in Bayesian two-sample prediction for Generalized Exponential Distribution (چکیده)
8028 - تاثیر دو برنامه کاهش وزن بر مقادیر پروتئین وابسته به آگوتی AgRP پلاسمای کشتی گیران نخبه.The Effect of Two Weight Loss Protocols on Plasma Concentration of Agouti Related Peptide (AgRP) in Elite Wrestlers (چکیده)
8029 - On the cozero-divisor graphs of commutative rings (چکیده)
8030 - Second Order Generalized Integrator Based Reference Current Generation Method for Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters Under Adverse Grid Conditions (چکیده)
8031 - Recovery Period, Inventories, Sales Growth Cycles and Companies’ Profitability: Empirical Evidence of Iran (چکیده)
8032 - Correlative study of perceived organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior (چکیده)
8033 - A General Solution For Implicit Time Stepping Scheme in Rate-Dependant Plasticity (چکیده)
8034 - A Dynamic Discrimination Information Based On Cumulative Residual Entropy And Its Properties (چکیده)
8035 - Progressive Failure and Energy Absorption of Aluminum Extrusion Damage (چکیده)
8036 - influence organic manures and nitrogen fertilizer on growth, yield and essential oil composition of agastache (agastache foeniculum) (چکیده)
8037 - Effect of different levels of n fertilizer and row spacing on growth, development, oil content and herbage yield of moldavian dragonhead (dracocephalum moldavica l.) (چکیده)
8038 - FDI Localization, Wage and Urbanization in Central Europe (چکیده)
8039 - Hydrothermal Synthesis and Crystal structure of a Three-Dimensional Networks Constructed from Keggin Anion and Lanthanide –Organic Complex (چکیده)
8040 - Rapid, OnePot Synthesis of HighlySoluble Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized by Larginine (چکیده)
8041 - The study of the effect of increasing adsorbed hydrog s atomic percentage on electronic properties of boron-nitride nanotube (چکیده)
8042 - Optimization of foam filled spot-welded column for the crashworthiness design (چکیده)
8043 - Numerical and experimental investigations on the buckling of steel semi- spherical shells under various loadings (چکیده)
8044 - Influence of Boundary Conditions and Defects on the Buckling Behavior of SWCNTs via a StructuralMechanics Approach (چکیده)
8045 - Frequency analysis of perfect and defective SWCNTs (چکیده)
8046 - Serodiagnosis of human hydatidosis with an ELISA developed based on antigens derived from sheep hydatid cysts and comparison with a commercial human ELISA kit (چکیده)
8047 - Multiple-Access Relay Channels with Non-Causal Side Information at the Relay (چکیده)
8048 - Effect of defects and loading on prediction of Young’s modulus of SWCNTs (چکیده)
8049 - An experimental and numerical crashworthiness investigation of crash columns assembled by spot-weld (چکیده)
8050 - Crashworthiness Optimization of Foam-filled and Empty Spot-welded Columns (چکیده)
8051 - A novel 4H–SiC MESFET with recessed gate and channel (چکیده)
8052 - A Comparative Study of Word Formation processes of Ilami kurdish and English (چکیده)
8053 - Mite infestation of honeybee (Apis mellifera) in apiaries of North East of Iran (چکیده)
8054 - Gingival myiasis of camel (Camelus dromedarius) caused by Wohlfahrtia magnifica (چکیده)
8055 - Festuca karatavica (Poaceae), a new grass record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
8056 - An Environmental and Economic Perspective on Integrated Weed Management in Iran (چکیده)
8057 - Applying dynamic load estimation and distributed‐parameter line model to enhance the accuracy of impedance based fault location methods for power distribution networks (چکیده)
8058 - A branch‐and‐bound algorithm for scheduling of new product development projects (چکیده)
8059 - A New Synchronous Reference Frame-Based Method for Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filters (چکیده)
8060 - گذار از برنامه ریزی جامع به برنامه ریزی استراتژیک (نمونه ی موردی: شهر بانه) (چکیده)
8061 - On characterization results based on the number of observations near thek-records (چکیده)
8062 - How Institutional Socialization Tactics Affects the Drivers of Socialization; Newcomers Proactivity and Socialization Outcomes (چکیده)
8063 - Effects of particle diameter on performance improvement of adsorption systems (چکیده)
8064 - Comparing MSW landfill sites of Ottawa (capital of Canada) and Mashhad (the 2ed biggest city of Iran) (چکیده)
8065 - The Effect of Management Entrenchment on the Equity Capital in Iran (چکیده)
8066 - Comparison Models of Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction in Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Support Vector Machine Algorithm (چکیده)
8067 - The effect of minocycline on seizures induced by amygdala kindling in rats (چکیده)
8068 - Examination of the Effect of Spirulina platensis Microalgae on Drying Kinetics and the Color Change of Kiwifruit Pastille (چکیده)
8069 - The impact of website content dimension and e-trust on e-marketing effectiveness: The case of Iranian commercial saffron corporations (چکیده)
8070 - Detection and quantification of cell-free fetal DNA in ovine maternal plasma; use it to predict fetal sex (چکیده)
8071 - The Sensitivity of Grain Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Developmental Stages to Salinity Stress: An Integrated Approach (چکیده)
8072 - Effect of different drought stress levels on germination characteristics and preliminary growth of fleawort and purple coneflower (چکیده)
8074 - Sustained Delivery of Amphotericin B and Vancomycin Hydrochloride by an Injectable Thermogelling Tri-Block Copolymer (چکیده)
8077 - The Relationship between Body Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Bone Mineral Density (BMD) of the Lumbar Spine and Femoral Neck in Professional Cyclists of Iran and Tour-de-France (چکیده)
8078 - The Effect of a Single Circuit-Resistance and Aerobic Exercise on Plasma Obestatin Levels in Well-Trained Females (چکیده)
8079 - Physical and flow properties of d-limonene-in-water emulsions stabilized with whey protein concentrate and wild sage (Salvia macrosiphon) seed gum (چکیده)
8080 - اثر مصرف گلوکز بر مقادیر AGRP ، انسولین و گلوکز پلاسما پس از یک وهله فعالیت دایره ای مقاومتی در کشتی گیران آزادکار جوان (چکیده)
8081 - New plant records for Khorassan province, Iran, IV (چکیده)
8082 - Identification of antimicrobial producing Enterococci isolated from Iranian raw milk cheeses using cultural methods (چکیده)
8083 - Influenced of Quality of Light Reflected of Colored Mulch on Cucurbita Pepo Var Rada Under Field Condition (چکیده)
8084 - DemocraticOP: A Democratic way of aggregating Bayesian network parameters (چکیده)
8085 - Simultaneous derivatization and extraction of iodine from milk samples by hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography-electron capture detection (چکیده)
8086 - Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity: A Study of Iranian Listed Companies (چکیده)
8087 - Design Investigation of a Substrate Integrated Cavity Microwave Filter Using Neural Network (چکیده)
8088 - An investigation on Impact of Institutional ownership and company proprietorship on Tax Aggressive Policy (چکیده)
8089 - شبیه سازی رواناب خروجی در حوزه های آبخیز فاقد آمار با استفاده از مدل بارش- رواناب AWBM (مطالعه موردی: استان سیستان و بلوچستان) (چکیده)
8090 - effects of magnetized water on fertility and heights of epithelial cells in pre-implantation stage endometrium and fallopian tube in female mice (چکیده)
8091 - SWAT model application through uncertainty assessment in a semi - arid watershed, Iran (چکیده)
8092 - Synthesis and Structural Characterization of a Nickel(II) Precatalyst Bearing a b-Triketimine Ligand and Study of Its Ethylene Polymerization Performance Using Response Surface Methods (چکیده)
8093 - Within the cell: analytical techniques for subcellular analysis (چکیده)
8094 - Sodium dodecyl sulfate‐capillary electrophoresis of proteins in a sieving matrix utilizing two‐spectral channel laser‐induced fluorescence detection (چکیده)
8095 - Exergy analysis; the practical method for investigating the effect of parallel heating on welding residual stresses (چکیده)
8096 - Numerical Investigation of a Broadband Dielectric Resonator Antenna Backed by SIW Cavity (چکیده)
8097 - SIW Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas with Improved Gain (چکیده)
8098 - Design Investigation of a Dual Band, Dual Polarized Probe-fed DR Antenna feeding by SIW Cavity (چکیده)
8099 - Effects of ozone treatment on microflora of dried saffron and its living larvae (چکیده)
8100 - استخراج آنتی اکسیدان های منابع آنتی اکسیدانی H با آب زیر بحرانی (subcritical water) (چکیده)
8101 - Developing an Accurate and Simple Dispersion Analysis of TE10 mode of Substrate Integrated Waveguides (چکیده)
8102 - Islamic Banking and Economic Growth: Evidence From Asia (چکیده)
8104 - Optimization of Polyphenolic Compounds Extraction Process from Bene Hull(Pistacia atlantica var mutica) Based on Superheated Water Using Neural Network (چکیده)
8105 - Subcritical Water Extraction as a New Environmental Friendly Method for Bioactive Compounds Extraction Process from Bene Hull (چکیده)
8106 - Study of the Effect of Vermicompost as One of the Substrate Constituents on Yield Indexes of Strawberry (چکیده)
8107 - Three-dimensional transient analysis of functionally graded cylindrical shells subjected to asymmetric dynamic pressure (چکیده)
8108 - Non-Linear Equilibrium Points in geomorphology (چکیده)
8109 - Non-linear analysis of fiber-reinforced open conical shell panels considering variation of thickness and fiber orientation under thermo-mechanical loadings (چکیده)
8110 - On The Average Shadowing Properties and Hyperbolicity (چکیده)
8111 - Experimental Study of Heat Transfer of a Car Radiator with CuO/Ethylene Glycol-Water as a Coolan (چکیده)
8112 - Accelerated normal and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for positive definite linear systems (چکیده)
8113 - The Effect of Six Months of Aerobic training on Renal Function Markers in Untrained Middle-Aged Women (چکیده)
8114 - Thermoelectric power and resistivity of Nd1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (چکیده)
8115 - Note on Strong Product of Graphs (چکیده)
8116 - Determination of monocyclic aromatic amines using headspace solid-phase microextraction based on sol–gel technique prior to GC (چکیده)
8117 - Impact of Milk Components on Recovery of Viral RNA from MS2 Bacteriophage (چکیده)
8118 - Addition of metoclopramide or tramadol on analgesic effects of lidocaine in epidural analgesia in rabbit (چکیده)
8119 - Performance of On-Off Keying and Pulse Position Modulation for Diffused Indoor Optical Wireless Channels Employing Neural Equalizers (چکیده)
8120 - Thermoelectric power of charge-neutral Nd1-2xCaxMxBa2Cu3O7-d „M=Th and Pr: Evidence for different types of localization… (چکیده)
8121 - An anomalous dip in thermoelectric power of Nd1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (چکیده)
8122 - Thermoelectric power and resistivity of Nd1-xCaxBa2Cu3Oy and Nd1-xLaxBa2Cu3Oy (چکیده)
8123 - Global Optimization with Electro Weak (چکیده)
8124 - اثر 1و25 دی هیدروکسی کوله کلسیفرول (کلسیتریول) و عصاره هیدروالکلی میوه گیاه دارویی پنیرباد (Withania Coagulans) بر عملکرد,معدنی شدن استخوان و قابلیت هضم کلسیم و فسفر جیره (چکیده)
8125 - اثر 1و25 دی هیدروکسی کوله کلسیفرول (کلسیتریول) و عصاره هیدروالکلی میوه گیاه دارویی پنیرباد (Withania Coagulans) بر بافت شناسی استخوان درشت نی در جوجه های نر گوشتی (چکیده)
8126 - اثر 1و25 دی هیدروکسی کوله کلسیفرول (کلسیتریول) و عصاره هیدروالکلی میوه گیاه دارویی پنیرباد (Withania Coagulans) بر خصوصیات مکانیکی استخوان درشت نی در جوجه های نر گوشتی (چکیده)
8127 - Normal pulsed wave Doppler echocardiographic parameters of Turkmen horses of Iran (چکیده)
8128 - Polymerization of propylene catalyzed by a-diimine nickel complexes/methylaluminoxane: catalytic behavior and polymer properties (چکیده)
8129 - S-wave anisotropy in the aftershock region of the 2003 Bam, Iran, earthquake-Mw 6.5 (چکیده)
8130 - Initial Free Self-Organizing Map by Aggregation (چکیده)
8131 - Correlation between Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for Soil Resources in classifying calcareous soils: (A case study of arid and semi-arid regions of Iran (چکیده)
8132 - Impact of Sodium Bentonite Addition to the Diets Containing cottonseed meal on Productive Traits of Hy-Line W-36 Hens (چکیده)
8133 - Comparative study between metal oxide nanopowders on thermal characteristics of nanofluid flow through helical coils (چکیده)
8134 - Effect of intracervical infusion of prostaglandin F2α and prostaglandin E2 on dilation of cervix in ewes with Ringwomb (چکیده)
8135 - Comparison of the effects of fixed timed insemination and natural mating on the sex ratio of offspring in Ewes (چکیده)
8136 - The Effect of Trade Openness and Economic Freedom on Economic Growth: the Case of Middle East and East Asian Countries (چکیده)
8137 - Adaptive numerical simulation of traffic flow density (چکیده)
8138 - The Effect of Fatigue Protocol on Dynamic Balance in Soccer Players with Functional Ankle Instability (چکیده)
8139 - Geogenic Arsenic in Drinking Water of Chelpu Region (North of Kashmar-NE Iran) : Implication for Its Concentration in Urine and Hair Biomarkers (چکیده)
8140 - The spatial analysis of effective factors on development of border rural regions of Saravan, Sib and Suran (چکیده)
8141 - Effect of caudal on hydrodynamic performance of flapping foil in fish-like swimming (چکیده)
8142 - Study of the environmental genetic and phenotypic trends for pelt traits and body weight traits in Zandi sheep (چکیده)
8143 - Effect of Chemical and Bio-fertilizers on growth traits and essential oil of Funnel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill) (چکیده)
8144 - Two-dimensional elastic wave propagation analysis in finite length FG thick hollow cylinders with 2D nonlinear grading patterns using MLPG method (چکیده)
8145 - Axisymmetric stagnation-point flow and heat transfer of a viscous, compressible fluid on a cylinder with constant heat flux (چکیده)
8146 - A multi-objective structural optimization using optimality criteria and cellular automata (چکیده)
8147 - Solution of The Smoluchowski’s Equation by Homotopy Analysis Method (چکیده)
8148 - A new nonlinear neural network for solving quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
8149 - A new nonlinear neural network for solving convex nonlinear programming problems (چکیده)
8150 - The Effects of Aerobic Training on Pulmonary Function in Postmenopausal Women (چکیده)
8151 - Axisymmetric stagnation-point flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid on a moving plate with time-dependent axial velocity and uniform transpiration (چکیده)
8152 - The Effect of Base Metal Conditions on the Final Microstructure and Hardness of 2024 Aluminum Alloy Friction-Stir Welds (چکیده)
8153 - Microstructural Evolution in Partially Homogenized AZ91 Alloy during Hot Rolling and Interpass Annealing (چکیده)
8154 - Investigation the effect of internal radial clearance on the nonlinear dynamic response of a balanced rotor supported by deep groove ball bearings (چکیده)
8155 - Investigation of Casimir and Van der Waals Forces for a Nonlinear Double-Clamped Beam Using Homotopy Perturbation Method (چکیده)
8156 - Analytical Solutions for the Static Instability of Nano-switches under the Effect of Casimir Force and Electrostatic Actuation (چکیده)
8158 - Obliquely propagating electron acoustic solitons in magnetized plasmas with nonextensive electrons (چکیده)
8160 - Estimation of groundwater recharge using various methods in Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
8161 - Implementations of Smart Transmission Grid in Iran (Case Study: Khorasan Regional Electricity Company (چکیده)
8162 - In situ inhibitor synthesis from admixture of benzaldehyde and benzene-1,2-diamine along with FeCl3 catalyst as a new corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 0.5 M sulphuric acid (چکیده)
8163 - A Coupled Two Degree of Freedom Model for Nano/Micromirrors under van der Waals Force (چکیده)
8165 - Identification of a novel angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from ostrich egg white and studying its interactions with the enzyme (چکیده)
8166 - Data Mining Approach to Prediction of Going Concern Using Classification and Regression Tree (CART) (چکیده)
8167 - An investigation on the seismic performance of reinforced concrete panel structures (چکیده)
8168 - Bending buckling behavior of perfect and defective single-walled carbon nanotubes via a structural mechanics model (چکیده)
8169 - Static Pull-in Analysis of Micro-Cantilevers in Wet Etching Fabrication Process (چکیده)
8170 - A general approach of preserving of some aging classes under weighting (چکیده)
8171 - River instantaneous peak flow estimation using daily flow (چکیده)
8172 - Reflections of post feminist viewpoints on female related issues in organizations (چکیده)
8173 - Recessed p-buffer layer SiC MESFET: A novel device for improving DC and RF characteristics (چکیده)
8174 - خصوصیات تکاملی و ساختار ژنتیک جمعیت جدایه های ایرانی ویروس beet necrotic yellow vein virus بر اساس پروتئین p25 (چکیده)
8175 - DSMC Simulation of Low Knudsen Micro/Nano Flows using Small Number of Particles per Cells (چکیده)
8176 - Detailed investigation of hydrodynamics and thermal behavior of nano/micro shear driven flow using DSMC (چکیده)
8177 - شناسایی مولکولی ویروس موزائیک کلم گل( Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV در استان های خراسان رضوی، شمالی و آذربایجان غربی (چکیده)
8179 - Mixed Convection Between Two Vertically Eccentric Rotating Spheres with Time-Dependent Angular Velocities (چکیده)
8180 - Investigating the Effects of Perceived Value on Users View toward Internet (چکیده)
8181 - Identification of Customers’ Satisfaction Attributes in Offset Printing Industry (چکیده)
8182 - Linking organizational culture, structure, Leadership Style, strategy, and organizational effectiveness: Mediating role of knowledge management (چکیده)
8183 - Dust storms and their horizontal dust loading in the Sistan region, Iran (چکیده)
8184 - Diversity of Beet curly top Iran virus isolated from different hosts in Iran (چکیده)
8185 - Synthesis of nano-structure molybdenum disilicide from primary mixture of MoO3 + Si + Al through mechanochemical reactions (چکیده)
8186 - Hypolipidemic and antioxidative effects of Curcumin on blood parameters, humoral immunity, and jejunum histology in Hy-line hens (چکیده)
8187 - Measuring the Ethnocentric Tendencies of Iranian Consumers: An Assessment of Validity and Reliability of the CETSCALE (چکیده)
8188 - Relationship between the bases of power of the principals and job involvement of the High School teachers of Physical Education (چکیده)
8190 - Experimental investigation of Al2O3/water nanofluid through equilateral triangular duct with constant wall heat flux in laminar flow (چکیده)
8191 - The relationship between antibody generated against BVD virusand hematologic finding associated with non-specific immunity in high yielding cows (چکیده)
8192 - Comparison between Scalar, CUSP and AUSM family Schemes in Low and High Mach numbers (چکیده)
8193 - An Improved Direct Decoupled Power Control of Doubly Fed Induction Machine Without Rotor Position Sensor and With Robustness to Parameter Variation (چکیده)
8194 - Robust Maximum Power Point Tracking Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Grid Connected Wind Turbines (چکیده)
8195 - Mixed Tabu Machine for portfolio optimization problem (چکیده)
8196 - Existence and stability analysis of bifurcating periodic solutions in a delayed five-neuron BAM neural network model (چکیده)
8197 - Bacteriological Evaluation of Aloe vera L. Fresh Gel on Experimental Infected Full-Thickness Open Wounds Induced with Staphylococcus aureus in Dogs (چکیده)
8198 - One-pot synthesis of functionalized 2,5-dioxo-4- (triphenyl phophoranylidene) pyrrolidines by three-Component Reaction between Benzoyl Isocyanates and Dialkyl acetylenedicarboxylates in the Presence of Triphenylphosphine (چکیده)
8199 - One-pot condensation of B-naphthol, aldehydes and cyclic 1,3-dicarbonyll compounds by NbCl5 as an efficient lewis acide (چکیده)
8200 - Wastage woods fly ashes as abase, heterogenous and reusable catalyst for one-pot synthesis of 2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones (چکیده)
8201 - Combining ontology and folksonomy: An Integrated Approach to Knowledge Representation (چکیده)
8202 - Coordinated Decisions for Transmission and Generation Expansion Planning in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
8203 - Frequency response calculation of non-linear torsional vibration in gear systems (چکیده)
8206 - An Analytical Approach to Modeling Static Behavior of Torsional Nano-/Micro-actuators under Effect of van der Waals Force (چکیده)
8207 - How Wind Power Plants Can Affect Electricity Markets by gaming on their generation power? (چکیده)
8208 - Impacts of Wind Power Plants Strategic Gaming on Electricity Markets: A Supply Function Equilibrium Approach (چکیده)
8209 - Analytical modeling of static behavior of electrostatically actuated nano/micromirrors considering van der Waals forces (چکیده)
8210 - Annalytical Modeling of the Effect of Electrostatic Actuation and Casimir Force on the Pull-in Instability and Static Behavior of Torsional Nano/Micro Actuators (چکیده)
8211 - A coupled bending-torsion model for electrostatically actuated torsional nano/micro-actuators with considering influence of van der Waals force (چکیده)
8212 - Evaluation of competencies sport Department managers in Khorasan Province Using 360 Degree feedback model in Iran (چکیده)
8213 - Analysis of sunset yellow in adulterated saffron from solvent components gradual change–visible spectra data processed by Rank Annihilation Factor Analysis (چکیده)
8214 - The relationship between the health status of athletic facilities and participation in physical exercises (چکیده)
8215 - Determination of Sunset Yellow and Erythrosine in Binary Mixture Using of second-order calibration Methods (چکیده)
8216 - Spatial Analysis Distribution Sports Places in Bojnourd City Using Geographic Information System (GIS) (چکیده)
8217 - Determination of Stability Domains for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using the Weighted Residuals Method (چکیده)
8218 - Bovine neutrophils’ oscillation and transition period (چکیده)
8219 - The novel, one step and facile synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using heteropolyoxometalates and their photoluminescence behavior (چکیده)
8220 - Emotional mediators of psychological capital on well-being: The role of stress, anxiety, and depression (چکیده)
8221 - Estimating the robust domain of attraction and directional enlargement of attraction domain via Markov models (چکیده)
8222 - The Effect of Ramadan Fasting and Physical Activity on Body Composition, Serum Osmolarity Levels and Some Parameters of Electrolytes in Females (چکیده)
8223 - Cooperative beamforming, power allocation and relay selection in MIMO cognitive radio systems (چکیده)
8224 - Parametrized post-Newtonian virial theorem (چکیده)
8225 - Notes On The Post-Newtonian Limit Of Massive Brans-Dicke Theory (چکیده)
8226 - Thawingf(R)cosmology (چکیده)
8227 - Investigating the Effects of Different Fading Channels on the Performance of Generalized Hammerstein Equalization Technique (چکیده)
8228 - The Impact of Receiver Imperfections on the Performance of Optical CDMA Systems Employing Equal Weight Orthogonal Signaling and Single Optical Hardlimiter (چکیده)
8229 - Kinematics and Motion Analysis of a Three-Dimensional Sidewinding Snake-like Robot (چکیده)
8230 - Impact of feed withdrawal and addition of acetic acid in drinking water during preslaughter phase on intestinal microbiota of broilers (چکیده)
8231 - The Effects of Thyme and Cinnamon Essential Oils on Performance, Rumen Fermentation and Blood Metabolites in Holstein Calves Consuming High Concentrate Diet, (چکیده)
8232 - Internet Financial Reporting: Case of Iran (چکیده)
8233 - Data Mining Approach Using Practical Swarm Optimization (PSO) to Predicting Going Concern: Evidence from Iranian Companies (چکیده)
8234 - The Relationship between Delay in Announcing Quarterly Forecasts of Annual Earnings and the Type of Earnings News (چکیده)
8235 - Leakage Detection in Water Distribution Network Based on a New Heuristic Genetic Algorithm Model (چکیده)
8236 - Spectrometric determination of silver ions after selective bulk liquid membrane transport using phenylaza-15-crown-5 as carrier (چکیده)
8237 - Highly Efficient and Selective Membrane Transport of Silver(I) Using 15-crown-5 as a Selective Ion Carrier (چکیده)
8238 - Solid-phase microextraction based sol–gel technique using poly(ethylene glycol) grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes as extracting phase (چکیده)
8239 - Thermodynamic study of complex formation between 4\',4\'\'(5\'\')-Di-tert-butyldibenzo-18-crown-6 and lantanium(III) ion in some binary non-aqueous solvents using a conductometric method (چکیده)
8240 - Selective Polymeric Membrane Sensor for Determining Lanthanum(III) Based on 4\',4\'\'(5\'\')-Di-tert-butyldibenzo-18-crown-6 as Ionophore (چکیده)
8241 - Construction of Ion selective electrode for Yttrium(III) Based on Dibenzo-18-crown-6 (چکیده)
8242 - Two fuzzy-based direct power control strategies for doubly-fed induction generators in wind energy conversion systems (چکیده)
8243 - Application of Wavelet Thresholding Filter to Improve Multi-Step Ahead Prediction Model For Hydraulic System (چکیده)
8244 - Considering Fluctuations of Stability Level of Underground Water to Improve Water Usage Model in Agriculture Department Case study: FARS province, ZARRIN DASHT town (چکیده)
8245 - New species and records of eriophyid mites from Iran (چکیده)
8246 - Modeling of activated carbon preparation from Spanish anthracite based on ANFIS structure (چکیده)
8247 - A Prioritization Based Congestion Control Protocol for Healthcare Monitoring Application in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
8248 - Improvement of Quench Factor Analysis in Phase and Hardness Prediction of a Quenched Steel (چکیده)
8249 - Growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) as influenced by different organic fertilizers (چکیده)
8250 - Design and Modeling of a Snake Robot Based on Worm-Like Locomotion (چکیده)
8251 - Position, Jacobian and workspace analysis of a 3-PSP spatial parallel manipulator (چکیده)
8252 - Online Trajectory Generation of a 2 Link Robot in Presence of Obstacle (چکیده)
8253 - Effect of stiffeners on crashworthiness of square aluminium columns considering damage evolution (چکیده)
8254 - Companies Life Cycle Stages and Capital Structure in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Iran (چکیده)
8255 - On the dependence of spray evaporation and combustion on atomization techniques (چکیده)
8256 - Forecasting Seasonal and Annual Rainfall Based on Nonlinear Modeling with Gamma Test in North of Iran (چکیده)
8257 - Optimum routing and scheduling for estimation in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
8258 - A blocking probability reduction method in path computation schemes for inter domain networks (چکیده)
8259 - Probability based hop selection approach for resource control in Wireless Sensor Network (چکیده)
8260 - Energy efficient data gathering algorithm in hierarchical wireless sensor networks with mobile sink (چکیده)
8261 - Spin-dependent rectification in the C59N molecule (چکیده)
8262 - Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction:‎ Crystal Structure Determination of New Phosphodiesterase Enzymes Inhibitor (چکیده)
8263 - Low-Complexity QRD-based Detection Scheme for Full Rate QOSTBC with Four-Transmit Antenna (چکیده)
8264 - The effect of biofilm growth on hydrodynamic properties of bioreactors (چکیده)
8265 - Measuring and Evaluating Urban Textures Abrasion Amount by Using Fuzzy Logic,Index Overlay, AHP (چکیده)
8266 - Experimental and numerical investigation of biofilm growth and hydrodynamic/biomass interaction in a granular bioreactor (چکیده)
8267 - Optimization of flapping-wing micro aircrafts based on the kinematic parameters using genetic algorithm method (چکیده)
8269 - Power Reduction Techniques in a 6 bit 1 GSPS Flash ADC (چکیده)
8270 - Library research, some strategies for weed management in organic farming (چکیده)
8271 - Application of fuzzy logic to classify raw milk based on qualitative properties (چکیده)
8272 - Two Dimensional Wavelets and Applications in Image Analysis (چکیده)
8273 - subclinical hypocalcemia: dilemma of dairy cows in transition period (چکیده)
8274 - Fuzzy Bayesian system reliability assessment based on prior two‐parameter exponential distribution under different loss functions (چکیده)
8275 - The mystery of invulnerability: Greek and Persian myths on invulnerable heroes (چکیده)
8276 - Analysis of Field Oriented Urban Planning and Architecture with Emphasis on Application of New Technologies in the Era of Globalization (چکیده)
8277 - Influence of Modeling, Internal Mental Imagery and a Combination Methods on Acquisition and Retention of Throwing Darts Motor Skill (چکیده)
8278 - Monitoring Fuzzy Capability Index Cpk by using the EWMA Control Chart with Imprecise Data (چکیده)
8279 - A simple well-logging tool using boron-lined sodium iodide scintillators and an 241AM-BE neutron source (چکیده)
8280 - Effects of particle size and equivalence ratio on cyclone gasification of wood powder (چکیده)
8281 - Adsorption mechanisms of cadmium onto Pillared Clays and chalcogenides (چکیده)
8282 - ارزیابی توانائی مدل LARS-WG در پیش‌بینی برخی از پارامترهای جوی سنندج (چکیده)
8283 - Generative learning revisited: The impact of metacognitive awareness on EFL learners' reading comp. ability (چکیده)
8284 - Designing and Validating a Scale on English Language Teacher Perfectionism (چکیده)
8285 - Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Reactive Power Dispatch Problem in Electricity Markets (چکیده)
8286 - Biomedical Signal Denoising by Adaptive Wavelet Design Using Genetic Algorithms (چکیده)
8287 - Fast Voltage and Power Flow Contingencies Ranking using Enhanced Radial Basis Function Neural Network (چکیده)
8288 - On-line Voltage and Power Flow Contingencies Rankings Using Enhanced Radial Basis Function Neural Network and Kernel Principal Component Analysis (چکیده)
8289 - Improvement of permeation performance of polyethersulfone (PES) ultrafiltration membranes via addition of Tween‐20 (چکیده)
8290 - Thermal Analysis of Shell-side flow of a shell-and-tufe heat exchanger (چکیده)
8291 - HOCA: Healthcare Aware Optimized Congestion Avoidance and control protocol for wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
8292 - Knowledge-based Closed-loop Control of Blood Glucose Concentration in Diabetic Patients and Comparison with H∞ Control Technique (چکیده)
8293 - Support Vector Machines and Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference Systems in medical diagnosis (چکیده)
8294 - The Effect of Foot Reflexology on the Reduction of Chronic Low Back Pain (چکیده)
8295 - Effects of Increasing Different Levels of Wheat Bran on Chemical Composition and Fermentational Properties of Citrus Pulp Silage (چکیده)
8296 - Development of a Low-Profile Circularly Polarized Cavity-Backed Antenna Using HMSIW Technique (چکیده)
8297 - African Americans and Reconceptualization of Identity: Black Participation in World War I and the Rise of the New Negro Consciousness (چکیده)
8298 - ارائه یک الگوریتم کارا جهت کشف حمله wormhole در شبکه های حسگر بیسیم (چکیده)
8299 - The Effect of Regular Aerobic Exercise on The FBS, Homa Indexes and Lipid Profiles in Non-Active Obese Men; With Emphasis on Ramadan Fasting (چکیده)
8300 - An Adaptive Congestion Alleviating Protocol for Healthcare Applications in Wireless Body Sensor Networks: Learning Automata Approach (چکیده)
8301 - The Effect of Eight Weeks Swimming Training on Hepatic Enzymes and Hematological Values in Young Female (چکیده)
8302 - Fibromyxoma in the reticulo-omasal orifice of a cow (چکیده)
8303 - بررسی اثر تراکم بر ویژگیهای فیزیکی و هیدرولیکی یک خاک لوم (چکیده)
8304 - Medicinal plant seed identification using machine vision (چکیده)
8305 - Influence of Drought Stress and its Interaction with Salicylic Acid on Medicinal Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) Seedling Growth (چکیده)
8306 - Effectiveness of an Eight Weeks Aerobic Exercise in Improvement of Body Composition and Modulation of hsCRP, Fibrinogen and Resistin in Middle Aged Men (چکیده)
8307 - Bandwidth Enhancement of Substrate Integrated Waveguide Quadrature Hybrid (چکیده)
8308 - Ranking Gene Sets and Biological Pathways Underlying Production Traits (چکیده)
8309 - طراحی فیلتر دو مودی با موجبر مجتمع شده در زیرلایه (SIW) با برش مربعی (چکیده)
8310 - A new non-uniform adaptive-sampling successive approximation ADC for biomedical sparse signals (چکیده)
8311 - Low-voltage low-power Gm-C filters: a modified configuration for improving performance (چکیده)
8312 - Estimation of genetic parameters for growth traits in Baluchi sheep using Gompertz growth curve function (چکیده)
8313 - Effects of conjugated linoleic acids on prostaglandin secretion by bovine endometrial epithelial cells in vitro (چکیده)
8314 - Design and analysis of new substrate integrated waveguide resonance antennas (چکیده)
8315 - Broadband Substrate Integrated Waveguide Four-way Power Divider (چکیده)
8316 - On the reliability properties of some weighted models of bathtub shaped hazard rate distributions (چکیده)
8317 - More on operator monotone functions (چکیده)
8318 - Employing an intelligence model and sensitivity analysis to investigate some physicochemical properties of coated bell pepper during storage (چکیده)
8319 - A Closed-Form Non- Linear Solution For Plastic Flange Wrinkling of Circular Plates in Deep Drawing Process (چکیده)
8320 - اثر درمانی فعالیت ورزشی هوازی و رژیم غذایی کم کالری براستاتوهپاتیت غیر الکلی (چکیده)
8321 - An Ultra-low Power Redundant Split-DAC SA-ADC using Power-optimized Programmable Comparator (چکیده)
8322 - Discrete Log-Odds rate function and a new measure of skewness (چکیده)
8323 - The Effect of Ciprofloxacin Injection on Genetically Absence Prone (Wag/Rij) Rat s Electroencephalogram Characteristics (چکیده)
8324 - Alteration of gut microflora through citric acid treated drinking water in preslaughter male broilers (چکیده)
8325 - Pre-Concentration and Determination of β-Blockers Using Carbon Nanotube-Assisted Pseudo-Stirbar Hollow Fiber... (چکیده)
8329 - Effect of Electromagnetic Waves (Cold Pasteurization) on Storage Time of Yolk Liquid (چکیده)
8330 - Cylindrical ion-acoustic solitary waves in electronegative plasmas with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
8331 - Modulational instability of electron-acoustic waves in plasmas with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
8332 - Cylindrical or spherical dust-ion acoustic soliton in an adiabatic dusty plasma with electrons following a q-nonextensive distribution (چکیده)
8333 - Effect of electromagnetic waves (cold pasteurization) on Yolk liquid stored at different time on the logarithmic count of mesophilic aerobic bacteria (چکیده)
8334 - Peroxidase: as a marker for dormant and waking stages of saffron growth (چکیده)
8335 - The Role of Ice Cover in Heavy Lake-Effect Snowstorms over the Great Lakes Basin as Simulated by RegCM4 (چکیده)
8336 - Simulation of Heavy Lake-Effect Snowstorms across the Great Lakes Basin by RegCM4: Synoptic Climatology and Variability. (چکیده)
8337 - A 1-V Process-Insensitive Current-Scalable Two-Stage Opamp With Enhanced DC Gain and Settling Behavior in 65-nm Digital CMOS (چکیده)
8338 - A Reconfigurable and Power-Scalable 10–12 Bit 0.4–44 MS/s Pipelined ADC With 0.35–0.5 pJ/Step in 1.2 V 90 nm Digital CMOS (چکیده)
8339 - Isosyme variation in some populations of wild diploid wheats from Iran (چکیده)
8340 - Relationship between Endogenous Free IAA Levels and Peroxidase Activities during Root Development from Shoot Microcuttings of Persian Walnut Varieties (چکیده)
8341 - Unified Conditional Probability Density Functions for Hybrid Bayesian Networks (چکیده)
8342 - Assessment of Physical Activity Among Female Students of Tonekabon- Iran Based on Trans-theoretical Model (چکیده)
8343 - Analysis of Milk Production Traits in Early Lactation Using a Reaction Norm Model with Unknown Covariates (چکیده)
8344 - Performance Comparison of Different Separation Systems for H2 Recovery from Catalytic Reforming Unit Off‐Gas Streams (چکیده)
8345 - Pinpointing the classifiers of English language writing ability: A discriminant function analysis approach (چکیده)
8346 - Solubility of H2S in aqueous diisopropanolamine + piperazine solutions: new experimental data and modeling with the electrolyte Cubic Square-Well equation of state (چکیده)
8347 - Nonelectrolyte NRTL-NRF model to study thermodynamics of strong and weak electrolyte solutions (چکیده)
8348 - A square-well equation of state for aqueous strong electrolyte solutions (چکیده)
8349 - Combination of New Solid/Liquid Phase Microextraction Technique Based on Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy for the Extraction and Determination of Zn(II) in the Environmental Samples (چکیده)
8350 - Neural network models for predicting early egg weight in broiler breeder hens (چکیده)
8351 - Microstructure and mechanical properties evolution of 6061 aluminum alloy formed by forward thixoextrusion process (چکیده)
8352 - A new practical-analytical method to determine residual stress around cold worked holes on Measured Residual Strains (چکیده)
8353 - Determining the Prevalence and Causes of Sport Injuries among Female Volleyball Players of Iran Super League (چکیده)
8354 - بررسی تغییرات محتوی ترکیبات فنلی در طول دوره کشت درون شیشه واریته های گردو (چکیده)
8355 - Two level DCT Based Digital Watermarking (چکیده)
8356 - A New Adaptive Watermarking Attack in Wavelet Domain (چکیده)
8357 - A Watermarking Attack Based on Content-Aware Image Resizing (چکیده)
8358 - A New Watermarking Attack Using Long-Range Correlation Image Restoration (چکیده)
8359 - A Robust Image Watermarking using Two Level DCT and Wavelet Packets Denoising (چکیده)
8360 - EWA: An Exemplar-based Watermarking Attack (چکیده)
8361 - Content of different groups of phenolic compounds in microshoots of Juglans regia cultivars and studies on antioxidant activity (چکیده)
8362 - Expression of chalcone synthase influences flavonoid content and frequency of rhizogenesis in microshoots of Juglans regia L. (چکیده)
8363 - Effect of endogenous phenols and some antioxidant enzyme activities on rooting of Persian walnut (Juglans regia.) L (چکیده)
8364 - Omnidirectional edge detection (چکیده)
8365 - the impact of the broadcasting mistake management culture in a healthy organization on the quality of the perdoneel work life (چکیده)
8366 - Some Consequences of The Equation [xn; y] = 1 on The Structure of a Compack Group (چکیده)
8367 - CycloidGrid: A proximity-aware P2P-based resource discovery architecture in volunteer computing systems (چکیده)
8368 - A Typological Description of Word Order-Rules in Kurdish(Ilami Dialect (چکیده)
8369 - Multispecies weed competition and their economic threshold on the wheat crop (چکیده)
8370 - The effects of 8 weeks aerobic exercise on levels of homocysteine, HS-CRP serum and plasma fibrinogen in type II diabetic women. Life Science Journal. 2013 (ISI) (چکیده)
8371 - Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from raw milk of bovine subclinical mastitis in Tehran and Mashhad (چکیده)
8372 - CuO:Fe nanoparticles: preparation, characterization and antibacterial properties (چکیده)
8373 - Normal state Hall effect in Nd1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-d: competition between added charge and disorder (چکیده)
8374 - Synthesis and Characterization of Modified Carbon Nanotubes with Silica-supported Preyssler Nano Particles and Study of Their Catalytic Activities in Synthesis of β-acetamido Ketones/Esters (چکیده)
8375 - Weighted Semantic Similarity Assessment Using WordNet (چکیده)
8376 - The Response of Plasma Leptin and Some Selected Hormones to 24-weeks Aerobic Exercise in Inactive Obese Women (چکیده)
8378 - Investigation of salinity stress and potassium levels on Morphophysiological Characteristics of Safferon (چکیده)
8379 - Analog Implementation of Radix-2, 16-FFT Processor for OFDM Receivers: Non-linearity Behaviors and System Performance Analysis (چکیده)
8380 - Outage Probability Bound and Diversity Gain for Ultra-Wideband Multiple-Access Relay Channels with Correlated Noises (چکیده)
8381 - Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization for Orthogonal STBC over Frequency-Selective MIMO-PLC Channels (چکیده)
8382 - An Information Theory Criteria Based Blind Method for Enumerating Active Users in DS-CDMA System (چکیده)
8383 - DSMC Modeling of Rarefied Flow through Micro/Nano Backward-Facing Steps (چکیده)
8384 - Applying Neural Network for the Identification of Multiple Cracks in Beams Using Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
8385 - Rapid removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by low cost adsorbents (چکیده)
8386 - Preparation of ceramic matrix nanocomposites using Ni coated Al2O3 nanoparticles (چکیده)
8387 - Decorating and Filling of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with TiO2 Nanoparticles via Wet Chemical Method (چکیده)
8388 - Does leaf pubescence of wheat affect host selection and life table parameters of Sipha maydis (Passirini) (Hemiptera: Aphididae (چکیده)
8389 - Natural convection on a vertical plate with variable heat flux in supercritical fluids (چکیده)
8390 - Effects of the Theranekron®”an alcoholic extract of the Tarantulacubensis”On Hematology and Serum Biochemical Properties in Horses (چکیده)
8391 - Attachment styles and its relationship with cognitive triad (views of the self, others/world and future) (چکیده)
8392 - Applications of frame operators in image processing (چکیده)
8393 - Distributed Adaptive Spanning Tree for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
8394 - Teachers’ Feedback on EFL Students’ Writings: A Linguistic or Life Syllabus Perspective (چکیده)
8395 - Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Particle Growth in Propylene Polymerization (چکیده)
8396 - Similarities and Differences of the Active Sites in Basic and Advanced MgCl2-Supported Ziegler-Natta Propylene Polymerization Catalysts (چکیده)
8397 - A modified Peng–Robinson equation of state for phase equilibrium calculation of liquefied, synthetic natural gas, and gas condensate mixtures (چکیده)
8398 - Modified higher-order wake oscillator model for vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinders (چکیده)
8399 - Accurate determination of stress distributions in adhesively bonded homogeneous and heterogeneous double-lap joints (چکیده)
8400 - Frequency-Domain Equalization for Orthogonal and Quasi-Orthogonal STBCs over Frequency-Selective Wireless and Power-Line Channels (چکیده)
8401 - A New Outer Bound for a Class of Interference Channels with a Cognitive Relay and a Certain Capacity Result (چکیده)
8402 - Recent development in wet underwater welding technology (چکیده)
8403 - Comparison the effect of six weeks aerobic training and diet on Body Composition, Lipid Profile and Metabolic Syndrome Indexes in obese women (چکیده)
8404 - Comparison of cognitive, emotional and behavioral attitudes of sports and non-sports teachers to exercise and physical activities Bojnourd city (چکیده)
8405 - Studying of antifungal activity of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes by microwave‐assisted technique (چکیده)
8406 - The Role of the Psychological Capital on Quality of Work Life And organization performance (چکیده)
8407 - Effectiveness of psychological capital on mistake management culture as a resource for learning in organization (چکیده)
8408 - Identification of approaches in the approved objectives, the syllabuses of teacher training, and National Program in Irans case (چکیده)
8409 - Evaluation of Copper Concentration in Subclinical Cases of White Muscle Disease and Its Relationship with Cardiac Troponin I (چکیده)
8410 - Comparison of Colchicine Content Between Hysteranthous and Synanthous Colchicum Species in Different Seasons (چکیده)
8411 - Contact toxicity and persistence of essential oils from Foeniculum vulgare, Teucrium polium and Satureja hortensis against Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) adults (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) (چکیده)
8412 - Application of meshless local integrale quations to two dimensional analysis of coupled non-Fick diffusion–elasticity (چکیده)
8413 - Estimates of (co)variance components for production and reproduction traits with different models in Fars native fowls (چکیده)
8414 - Design Investigation of a Leaky Wave Antenna Using HMSIW Technique (چکیده)
8415 - Coordinate Up-regulation of Vacuolar PPase and V-Na+ /H+ Antiporter to Early Salt Stress in Halophytic Monocot Leptochloa fusca Roots (چکیده)
8416 - Microwave-assisted Cutting and Opening of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Arrays with Permanganate Potassium in Acidic Medium (چکیده)
8417 - Improving Pitting Corrosion of 304 Stainless Steel by Electropolishing Technique (چکیده)
8418 - Hybrid Modeling of a DC-DC Series Resonant Converter: Direct Piecewise Affine Approach (چکیده)
8419 - Mass flow rate prediction of pressure–temperature-driven gas flows through micro/nanoscale channels (چکیده)
8420 - تولید مکانوشیمیایی پودرنانو ذره کاربید تنگستن با استفاده از سیستم WO3/Zn/C (چکیده)
8421 - On Properties of Reversed Mean Residual Life Order for Weighted Distributions (چکیده)
8422 - Controllable purification, cutting and unzipping of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with a microwave method (چکیده)
8423 - Bis(2-amino-4-methylpyrimidin-1-ium) hexaaquacobalt(II) disulfate dihydrate (چکیده)
8424 - Effect of Different Levels of Wheat Bran on In Vitro Gas Production of Citrus Pulp Silage (چکیده)
8425 - Effect of Urea and Molasses on the Chemical and Fermentational Properties of Citrus Pulp Silage (چکیده)
8426 - Resistance of Winter Wild oat (Avena ludoviciana Durieu.) to Aryloxyphenoxy Propionate Herbicides in Wheat Fields of Khuzestan Province: First Screening Test (چکیده)
8427 - Compound Multiple Access Channel with Common Message and Intersymbol Interference (چکیده)
8428 - Elimination of Alignment Stage in Feature Extraction for a Slepian-Wolf Fingerprint Biometric System (چکیده)
8429 - A Coding Theorem for the Discrete Memoryless Compound Multiple Access Channel with Common Message and Generalized Feedback (چکیده)
8430 - Asymmetric Broadcast Channels (چکیده)
8431 - Synthesis, experimental and theoretical investigations of Zn1xCuxO nanopowders (چکیده)
8432 - Topical effects of frog ‘‘Rana ridibunda’’ skin secretions on wound healing and reduction of wound microbial load (چکیده)
8433 - A Pioneer in Off-Off Broadway Drama (چکیده)
8434 - Separation of Salmonella Typhimurium Bacteria from Water Using MWCNTs Arrays (چکیده)
8435 - Effects of high dietary zinc concentration and zinc sources on hematology and biochemistry of blood serum in Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
8436 - Natural gas storage on silicon, carbon, and silicon carbide nanotubes: a combined quantum mechanics and grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation study (چکیده)
8437 - Stochastic Placement and Sizing of Combined Heat and Power Systems (چکیده)
8438 - Reliable distributed detection in multi-hop clustered wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
8439 - Promoter effect on the CO2-H2O formation during Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on iron-based catalysts (چکیده)
8440 - Examining Job Characteristics Model in an Oriental Culture (چکیده)
8441 - A Semantic Web Based Approach for Design Pattern Detection from Source Code (چکیده)
8442 - ارزیابی کیفیت آبهای زیرزمینی آبخوان درگز از نظر شرب با استفاده از نمودار شولر و شاخصGQI (چکیده)
8443 - Optimizing the shape of rotor blades for maximum power extraction in marine current turbines (چکیده)
8444 - The maximum energy extraction efficiency of an airfoil and its optimum operation conditions in aero/hydro kinetic energy converters (چکیده)
8445 - Investigations on optimization of kinematics parameters of oscillating foil for energy extraction from tidal current flows (چکیده)
8446 - Energy analysis and optimization of inputs for wheat production in Marand region (چکیده)
8447 - Roles of Linguistic Knowledge, Metacognitive Knowledge and Metacognitive Strategy Use In Speaking and Listening Proficiency of Iranian EFL Learners (چکیده)
8448 - A Comparative study between National Innovation System in Switzerland and Iran (چکیده)
8449 - Neural Network for Modeling of Chemical Reaction Systems: Kinetics of Concentrated Acid Hydrolysis of Walnut Green Skin (چکیده)
8450 - A Study of Relationship between Accruals and Managerial Operating Decisions among Listed Firms in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
8451 - Implementation of Demand Response in Different Control Strategies of Smart Grids (چکیده)
8452 - A new coordination number model for development of a square-well equation of state (چکیده)
8453 - A new three-parameter cubic equation of state for calculation physical properties and vapor–liquid equilibria (چکیده)
8454 - Investigating factors influencing women‟s inclination in adopting managerial positios in Iranian higher education (چکیده)
8455 - La Consommation de l Energie Renouvelable et la Croissance Economique dans l Europe de l Ouest (چکیده)
8456 - The study of the Effective Factors on Dryland Wheat inefficiency in Iran an Evaluation of the Effect of Inefficincy on Wheat Output and Its Input Demand (چکیده)
8457 - Effects of gas properties and geometrical parameters on performance of a vortex tube (چکیده)
8458 - The Effect of Media and Plant Growth Regulators on Embryo Culture of Salvia leriifolia (چکیده)
8459 - Synthesis of Nanovectors Based on Functionalization Of Single wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWNT) with Polyethylenimine and Evaluation of their Transfection Efficiency in Gene Delivery (چکیده)
8460 - A hybrid fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for desalination process selection (چکیده)
8461 - Kochia Scoparia as A Model Plant to Explore the Impact of Water Deficit on Halophytic Communities (چکیده)
8462 - Critical and synergy nodes in insulin-EGF signaling network (چکیده)
8463 - Vibration and Stability Analysis of Micropipes Conveying Fluid Based on Strain Gradient Theory with Surface Energy (چکیده)
8464 - The effects of viscosity, surface tension, and flow rate on gasoil-water flow pattern in microchannels (چکیده)
8465 - Electron transport simulation in bulk wurtzite ZnO and its nþ–n–nþ diode, compared with GaN (چکیده)
8466 - Considering the effect of using JPEG images on accuracy results of radiology images and application programs (چکیده)
8467 - Effects of density on the Bending and compressive properties of closed-cell aluminum foam (چکیده)
8468 - Ceramic Particles Stabilized Aluminum Foams Produced by Melt Gas Injection (چکیده)
8469 - JDL Fusion Model for ECG Arrhythmia Detection (چکیده)
8470 - On the role of aluminum powder on production copper foam by turning chips (چکیده)
8471 - An investigation of production Al-Al2O3 composite foam via SHS (چکیده)
8472 - Influence of main emulsion components on the physical properties of corn oil in water emulsion: Effect of oil volume fraction, whey protein concentrate and Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum (چکیده)
8473 - Studies on the steady shear flow behavior and functional properties of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum (چکیده)
8474 - Antioxidant status, immune system, blood metabolites and carcass characteristic of broiler chickens fed turmeric rhizome powder under heat stress (چکیده)
8475 - Acoustic Absorption Behavior of closed-cell Aluminum Foams and sandwich panels (چکیده)
8476 - Cylindrical and spherical ion acoustic solitary waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
8477 - Discontinuous piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions for planar piecewise affine systems (چکیده)
8478 - Uniform modeling of parameter dependent nonlinear systems (چکیده)
8479 - Fully nonlinear viscous wave generation in numerical wave tanks (چکیده)
8480 - Effects of curvature ratio and coil pitch spacing on heat transfer performance of Al2O3/Water Nanofluid laminar Flow through helical coils (چکیده)
8481 - Exergoeconomic Analysis of a Steam Power Plant in Iran (چکیده)
8482 - The Privatization Effects on Iran Insurance Industry (چکیده)
8483 - Optimum Switching Pattern of Matrix Converter Space Vector Modulation (چکیده)
8484 - Fuzzy-based Direct Power Control of Doubly Fed Induction Generator-based Wind Energy Conversion Systems (چکیده)
8485 - Application of PSO for Selective Harmonic Elimination in a PWM AC/AC Voltage Regulator (چکیده)
8486 - The Investigation of Shortening Processes of Persian Vocabularies in Web Chats (چکیده)
8487 - Multivariate Shewhart Quality Control for Standard Deviation (چکیده)
8488 - Evaluation of Water Balance in a Mountainous Upland Catchment Using SEBAL Approach (چکیده)
8489 - Assessment of potential climate change impacts on drought indicators. Case study: Yazd in central Iran (چکیده)
8490 - Evaluation of the application of artificial neural networks and climate factors on drought prediction in Yazd (Iran), (چکیده)
8491 - Application of ANN and ANFIS Models on Dryland Precipitation Prediction (Case study: Yazd in central Iran (چکیده)
8492 - Using Neural Networks to Predict Run off from Ungauged Catchments (چکیده)
8493 - Evaluation of the efficiency of surface and sub-surface irrigation in dryland environments (چکیده)
8494 - Application of ANN and ANFIS models for reconstructing (چکیده)
8495 - Evaluation of the effects of industrial wastewater on soil properties and land desertification (چکیده)
8496 - Optimisation of irrigation system in arid land pistachio orchards (چکیده)
8497 - A hydrodynamic/neural network approach for enhanced river flow prediction (چکیده)
8498 - A hybrid DSMC/Navier–Stokes frame to solve mixed rarefied/nonrarefied hypersonic flows over micro-obstacles/nano-obstacles (چکیده)
8499 - Electricity procurement for Large Consumers with Second order Stochastic Dominance Constraints (چکیده)
8500 - Application of a New Hybrid Method for Day-Ahead Energy Price Forecasting in Iranian Electricity Market (چکیده)
8501 - Wavelet density estimation and statistical evidences role for a GARCH model in the weighted distribution (چکیده)
8502 - Mechano-chemical Synthesis Of Tungsten Carbide Powder In The Presence Of Carbonate (چکیده)
8503 - Modeling the effects of water stress and temperature on germination of Lactuca serriola L. seeds (چکیده)
8504 - Effect of soil chemical properties on bio-saline production of blue panic grass (Panicum antidotale Retz.) under water-deficit and salinity stress conditions (چکیده)
8505 - بررسی جریان غیر لزج حول بال‌های قابل انعطاف (اثر پیچش روی مشخصه‌های آیرودینامیکی) (چکیده)
8506 - Comparison of RCMV-PWM methods for photovoltaic systems with deadtime effect consideration (چکیده)
8507 - In vitro and in vivo antifungal activates of the essential oils of various (چکیده)
8508 - A novel data transfer technique for bio-implantable devices through the inductive power transfer link (چکیده)
8509 - The Effect of Wrestling Exercise in Morning and Afternoon on Some Leukocytes, Thrombocytes and Erythrocytes Indices (چکیده)
8510 - Epidemiology of High Body Mass Index and Its Relationship with Menarche Age in Middle-aged Women with Emphasis on Physical Activity (چکیده)
8511 - The changing Foundation of Geopolitic Genome in the Arab M IDDLE eAST (چکیده)
8512 - Stochastic hybrid numerical method for transient analysis of stress field in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders subjected to shock loading (چکیده)
8513 - Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Genotypic Variation in Germination and Early Seedling Growth of Chickpea under Sub-optimal Soil Water Conditions (چکیده)
8514 - Evaluating the Productivity of Prawn Farms Using Malmquist Index in Guatr Gulf, Iran (چکیده)
8516 - Effect of 8 Weeks Aerobic Training on Serum Resistin levels and Fat percent in Trained Young Females (چکیده)
8517 - 3D Reconstruction Using Cubic Bezier Spline Curves and Active Contours, Case Study (چکیده)
8518 - Evidential inference and optimal sample size determination on the basis of record values and record times under random sampling scheme (چکیده)
8519 - اثر کاربرد دو نوع جایگزین چربی بر خصوصیات فیزیکی شیمیایی و حسی پنیر موزارلای کم چرب (چکیده)
8520 - A Study of the Audit Information Technology Usage and Perceived Importance by Auditors in Iran (چکیده)
8521 - Diphenyl (isopropylamido) phosphate (چکیده)
8522 - N-(4-Fluorobenzoyl)-N- ,N-- -diisopropyl- phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
8523 - Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Southern Asia (چکیده)
8524 - Preconcentration of lead using solidification of floating organic drop and its determination by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
8525 - Flow injection electrochemical hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry for the determination of cadmium in water samples (چکیده)
8526 - Multivariate Optimization on Flow-Injection Electrochemical Hydride Generation Atomic Absorption Spectrometry of Cadmium (چکیده)
8527 - The response behavior of PPy-DB18C6 electrode to terbium(III) in acetonitrile and its thermodynamic application (چکیده)
8528 - The Effects of Simultaneous Application of Different Organic and Biological Fertilizers on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Cucurbita pepo L. (چکیده)
8529 - Investigation of Dynamic Pull-in Instability in Clamped-Clamped Nanobeam-Based NEMS Devices under Intermolecular Surface Forces (چکیده)
8530 - Seed identification of ten rangeland species based on machine learning using combination of RBF and Feed Forward neural networks (چکیده)
8531 - Oxidative stress and trace elements before and after treatment in dairy cows with clinical and subclinical endometritis (چکیده)
8532 - A Dynamic-Growing Fuzzy-Neuro Controller, Application to a 3PSP Parallel Robot (چکیده)
8533 - A New Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm for Dynamic Optimization Problems (چکیده)
8534 - The effects of adding water and PolyglycerolPolyricinoleate on the texture, appearance and sensory qualities of compound milk chocolate (چکیده)
8535 - Prediction of Variables Via Their Order Statistics in Bivariate Elliptical Distributions with Application in the Financial Markets (چکیده)
8536 - Vibration of wavy single-walled carbon nanotubes based on nonlocal Euler Bernoulli and Timoshenko (چکیده)
8537 - The relationship between Women s Empowerment and HDI in Islamic countries (چکیده)
8538 - Particle Tracking BasedMethod for Evaluation of Cylinder-to- CylinderDistribution of EGR/Blowby (چکیده)
8539 - Effects of thermal creep and high order slip/jump on natural convection in microchannels (چکیده)
8540 - Controlling Nonlinear Processes, using Laguerre Functions Based Adaptive Model Predictive Control (AMPC) Algorithm (چکیده)
8541 - Wheat Class Identification Using LBP, LSP and LSN Textural Features and Monochrome Images (چکیده)
8542 - Current-Comparison-Based Domino: New Low-Leakage High-Speed Domino Circuit for Wide Fan-In Gates (چکیده)
8543 - Investigations on landmine detection by BF3 detector (چکیده)
8544 - Analyzing the Effects of Changes in Price and Amount of Irrigation on Cropping Pattern in Khorasan Razavi, Using PMP Pattern (چکیده)
8545 - تحلیل ساختاری وعددی، تعیین میزان پایداری و پتانسیل وقوع ریزش در سقف و دیواره های تونل انحراف سد سررود (چکیده)
8546 - بررسی زمین شناسی مهندسی و پهنه بندی تغییرات نفوذ پذیری وspt در محور سد بار (چکیده)
8547 - Study of Physical Aspects of Rarefied Gas Flow Through Micro/Nano Scale Channels Using DSMC (چکیده)
8549 - The role of mathematical homework and prior knowledge on the relationship between students’ mathematical performance, cognitive style and working memory capacity (چکیده)
8550 - Immunohistochemical expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-B1) in canine cutaneous tumours (چکیده)
8551 - Evaluating the egg production of broiler breeder hens in response to dietary nutrient intake from 31 to 60 weeks of age through neural network models (چکیده)
8552 - Klasea nana (Asteraceae) , a new species from NE Iran (چکیده)
8553 - A systematic Preparation and investigation of optical properties of silica@gold core-shell nanocomposites for using in photothermal therapy (چکیده)
8554 - On the Nonparametric Mean Residual Life Estimator in Length-biased Sampling (چکیده)
8555 - Asymptotic behavior of product of two heavy-tailed Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
8556 - Comparison of competitive State Anxiety among Elite and Non- Elite Badminton Players in Iran (چکیده)
8557 - Control of Low-Density Lipoprotein Concentration in the Arterial Wall by Proportional Drug-Encapsulated Nanoparticles (چکیده)
8558 - Controlled Forging of a Nb Containing Microalloyed Steel for Automotive Applications (چکیده)
8559 - Effect of Physical State of Fatty Acids on the Physical Properties of PGP-Based Emulsified Edible Film (چکیده)
8560 - Generalized Fuzzy C-Means Clustering with Improved Fuzzy Partitions and Shadowed Sets (چکیده)
8561 - Synthesis and Studying Optical Properties of PVA/CaF2 Nanocomposite (چکیده)
8562 - The south-eastern house mouse Mus musculus castaneus (Rodentia: Muridae) is a polytypic subspecies (چکیده)
8563 - Developement of a Linearly Polarized Cavity Backed Antenna Using HMSIW technique (چکیده)
8564 - Effects of different interphases on the mechanical properties of cured silanized silica-filled styrene–butadiene/polybutadiene rubber blends for use in passenger car tire treads (چکیده)
8565 - The effect of aerobic exercise on serum ferritin levels in untrained middle-aged women (چکیده)
8566 - Operator inequalities related to weak 2-positivity (چکیده)
8567 - Yield Performance of Lingzhi or Reishi Medicinal Mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum (W.Curt.:Fr.) P. Karst. (Higher Basidiomycetes), Using Different Waste Materials as Substrates (چکیده)
8568 - پیش بینی وضعیت خشکسالی استان خراسان رضوی در طی دوره 2030-2011 با استفاده از ریزمقیاس نمایی آماری خروجی مدل LARS-WG (چکیده)
8569 - Application of edible coating and acidic washing for extending the storage life of mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) (چکیده)
8570 - ارزیابی تغییرات مکانی کیفیت آب زیرزمینی آبخوان دشت امامزاده جعفر با استفاده از شاخص کیفیGWQI (چکیده)
8571 - Effect of organic and inorganic amendments on parameters of water retention curve, bulk density and aggregate diameter of a saline-sodic soil (چکیده)
8572 - Investigation of land subsidence in Southern Mahyar Plain in Isfahan province, Iran (چکیده)
8573 - Impact of Climate Change Scenarios on Wheat Yield Determined by Evapotranspiration Calculation (چکیده)
8574 - Confidence intervals obtained from different methods using simulated data and their (چکیده)
8575 - تاثیر یک جلسه تمرین مقاومتی و هوازی بر بیان ژن ABCA1 لنفوسیت دختران تمرین کرده (چکیده)
8576 - Investigation on Effect of location and Field age on Yield and Frequency of Different Corm Weights of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) (چکیده)
8577 - Effects of hight corm planting density and applying manure on flower and corm yields of saffron (Crocus sativus L (چکیده)
8578 - Flower and Corm Characteristics of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) as affected by Levels of Applying Wheat Straw as a Mulch (چکیده)
8579 - A Comparison of Data Mining Techniques for Going Concern Prediction (چکیده)
8580 - Second Law Analysis of Micro/Nano-Couette FlowUsingDirect Simulation Monte Carlo Method (چکیده)
8581 - Rotary Power Flow Controller (RPFC) Characteristics Analysis (چکیده)
8582 - Effect of Site Specific Application of Nitroxin Biofertilizer and Sowing Depth on Saffron (Crocus Sativus) production (چکیده)
8583 - Predicting Body and Carcass Characteristics of Two Broiler Chicken Strains Using Support Vector Regression and Neural Network Models (چکیده)
8584 - Immune response and ileal microflora in broilers fed wheat-based diet with or without enzyme Endofeed W and supplementation of thyme essential oil or probiotic PrimaLac® (چکیده)
8585 - Milk production, milk fatty acid composition, and blood biochemical parameters of Holstein dairy cows fed whole or ground flaxseed instead of extruded soybeans in the first half of lactation (چکیده)
8586 - Direct active and reactive power control of single-phase grid-tie converters (چکیده)
8587 - Predictions of 305-day milk yield in Iranian Dairy cattle using test-day records by artificial neural network (چکیده)
8588 - Supercritical flow profile improvement by means of a convex corner at a bend inlet (چکیده)
8589 - agglutinated foraminifera of the paleocene/eocene boundary in shallow setting (chehel-kaman formation, kopet-dagh basin, Iran) (چکیده)
8590 - Unified Conditional Probability Density functions for hybrid Bayesian networks (چکیده)
8591 - Spatial and temporal dynamics of microbial communities in alpine ecosystems (چکیده)
8592 - Intrapritoneally administration of 20 & 30% ethanol (3g/kg) affected rats’ spatial working memory (چکیده)
8593 - A comparison between learning progress before and after maturation under the effect of repeated infancy anesthesia induced by Thiopental in Wistar rats (چکیده)
8594 - بررسی سمیت تماسی سه فرمولاسیون لامبدا-سی هالوترین روی حشرات کامل سوسری آلمانی Blattella germanica (چکیده)
8595 - A Parallel DSMC Investigation of Monatomic/Diatomic Gas Flow in Micro/Nano Cavity (چکیده)
8596 - EFL Learner’s Evaluation of Writing Tasks in Iran’s TOEFL and IELTS Preparation Courses in Light of the Process-oriented Approach (چکیده)
8597 - Language Teaching and Iranian EFL Learners: Restrictions in Verb Selection and Errors (چکیده)
8598 - Language Learning and Literature: EFL Students and Learning plays through Performance (چکیده)
8599 - A Genetic Algorithm Approach For Prediction of Process Parameters in Submerged Arc Welding (چکیده)
8603 - Obliquely propagating electron acoustic solitons in a magnetized plasma with superthermal electrons (چکیده)
8604 - Parameters Estimation of the Gamma Distribution in the Presence of Outliers Generated From Gamma Distribution (چکیده)
8605 - Four new eriophyoid mite species (Acari: Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) from Iran (چکیده)
8606 - Comparison of responses to dietary protein and lysine in broiler chicks reared before and after 2000 via neural network models (چکیده)
8607 - Effects of Resistance and Endurance Exercises on Serum Androgens, Cortisol and Lactate in Menopause Women (چکیده)
8608 - Leaf chlorophyll of corn, sweet basil and borage under intercropping system in weed interference (چکیده)
8609 - Log-Gamma generated families of distributions (چکیده)
8610 - Investigation of Antioxidant Capacity and Some Bioactive Compounds of Iranian Pistachio (Pistachio vera L.) Cultivars (چکیده)
8611 - A new metal-organic framework of Mn11–chelidamic acidconsolidated by octamer water clusters (چکیده)
8612 - Evaluation of growth characteristics and yield of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) by application of organic planting beds and different sowing methods (چکیده)
8613 - Ecological weed management of saffron by using mushroom compost (چکیده)
8614 - An EM Algorithm for Estimating the Parameters of the Generalized Exponential Distribution under Unified Hybrid Censored Data (چکیده)
8615 - Opening up a New Pathway to the Future of ELT: Construction and Validation of a Scale for the Measuremen of L2 Teachers’ Life -Responsive Language Teaching Perceptionst of L2 Teachers’ (چکیده)
8616 - A Comparative Study on Conservatism Using Basu’s and Ball & Shivakumar’s Methods (چکیده)
8617 - Structure changes in Er-160 from low to ultrahigh spin (چکیده)
8618 - Response of multiwall carbon nanotubes to impact loading (چکیده)
8619 - Computational study of the intramolecular proton transfer reactions of dipicolinic acid (pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid) and its dimers (چکیده)
8620 - 5Amino-3-methyl-1,2-oxazole-4-carbo- nitrile (چکیده)
8621 - N,N- -Dibenzyl-N-- -(2-chloro-2,2- difluoroacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
8622 - Hexakis{[1-(dimethylamino)propylidene]oxidanium} bis(dodecamolybdophosphate)N,N-dimethylpropionamide pentasolvate (چکیده)
8623 - O,O- -Dimethyl (cyclohexylamido)thio- phosphate (چکیده)
8624 - Agro-ecological zoning for wheat (Triticum aestivum), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and corn (Zea mays) on the Mashhad plain, Khorasan Razavi province (چکیده)
8625 - Behavior of vegetable oils in relation to their influence on herbicides’ effectiveness (چکیده)
8626 - Shock - induced thermoelastic wave propagation analysis in a thick hollow cylinder without energy dissipation using mesh-free generalized finite difference (GFD) method (چکیده)
8627 - Study on Role of the Applied Load and Height of the Structure on the Performance Level of the Dual Steel Moment Frame with the Coaxial Steel Bracing (چکیده)
8628 - Study on the Seismic Performance of the Buckling- Restrained Braced Frames (چکیده)
8629 - N,N-Dibenzyl-O,O′-dimethyl thiophosphate (چکیده)
8630 - Optimal control of nonlinear systems using the homotopy perturbation method: Infinite horizon case (چکیده)
8631 - Numerical Solution of Linear HPDEs Via Bernoulli Operational Matrix of Differentiation and Comparison with Taylor Matrix Method (چکیده)
8632 - Development in Wear Resistance of Fe-0.7Cr-0.8Mn Milling Balls through In Situ Reinforcing with Low Weight Percent TiC (چکیده)
8633 - A New Approach for a Class of Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems Using Linear Combination Property of Intervals (چکیده)
8634 - Employing Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of an Exciter Machine (چکیده)
8635 - The Effect of Portfolio and Self Assessment on Writing Ability and Autonomy (چکیده)
8636 - The bacterial and fungal floral associated with digestive system of Blattella germanica L. collected in spring and autumn from dormitories and dwellings in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
8637 - Investigating Nonlinear Vibration of a Fully Clamped Nanobeam in Presence of the van der Waals Attraction (چکیده)
8638 - Stress Analysis of Heterogeneous Double-Sided Strap Joints under Mechanical Loading Using Full Layerwise Theory (چکیده)
8639 - N,N- -Bis(4-methylphenyl)-N-- -(2,2,2-trichloroacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
8640 - N,N,N-,N- -Tetrabenzyl-N-- -(2,6-difluoro- benzoyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
8641 - Bis(pyrrolidin-1-yl)phosphinic (2,4-difluorobenzoyl) amide (چکیده)
8642 - Diphenyl (methylamido)phosphate (چکیده)
8643 - A second monoclinic polymorph of N-[bis(morpholin-4-yl)phosphinoyl]-4-fluorobenzamide with the P21/n space group (چکیده)
8644 - N,N- -Dibenzyl-N-- -(2,4-difluorobenzoyl)- N,N- -dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
8645 - Cyclohexylammonium acetate– N,N-,N-- -tricyclohexylphosphoric triamide (1/1) (چکیده)
8646 - N,N-Dimethyl-N-,N-- -bis(2-methyl-phenyl)phosphoric triamide monohydrate (چکیده)
8647 - Crystal structure of N,N-,N--,N--- -tetrakis(4-methylphenyl)- diphosphoric tetraamide, C28H32N4O3P2 (چکیده)
8648 - On a Numerical Model for Free Surface Flows of a Conductive Liquid Under an Electrostatic Field (چکیده)
8649 - Varistor behavior of Mn doped ZnO ceramics prepared from nanosized precursors (چکیده)
8650 - Evaluation of the nutritional value of sunflower meal and its effect on performance, digestive enzyme activity, organ weight, and histological alterations of the intestinal villi of broiler chickens (چکیده)
8651 - Complexation Study of N-Phenylaza-15-Crown-5 with Cd2+ Cation in Binary Mixed Non-aqueous Solvents (چکیده)
8652 - Solvent influence upon complexation of N-phenylaza-15-crown-5 with UO2 2+ cation in binary mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
8653 - Determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in urine by hollow-fiber liquid membrane-protected solid-phase microextraction based on sol–gel fiber coating (چکیده)
8654 - Analyzing research article introductions by Iranian and native English-speaking authors of Applied Linguistics (چکیده)
8655 - Head and Face parts naming in Kurdish: Lexical diversity and productivity (چکیده)
8656 - A generalized skew two-piece skew-elliptical distribution (چکیده)
8657 - Neutral vs. zwitterionic form of dipicolinic acid: A DFT study (چکیده)
8658 - Orbital shadowing and weak shadowing points (چکیده)
8659 - Convergent evolution of morphological and ecological traits in the open-habitat chat complex (Aves, Muscicapidae: Saxicolinae) (چکیده)
8660 - Asymptotic behaviors of the Lorenz curve for left truncated and dependent data (چکیده)
8661 - Thermodynamics of ZrO2+ cation complexation with dibenzo-18-crown-6 in mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
8662 - Incorporation of wheat distillers dried grains with solubles and a cocktail of exogenous enzymes in the rations of Hy-Line W-36 hens (چکیده)
8663 - A New Block-Wise Algorithm for License Plate Location (چکیده)
8665 - Gabor Wavelet Correlogram Algorithm for Image Indexing and Retrieval (چکیده)
8668 - Enhanced Wavelet Correlogram methods for Image Indexing and Retrieval (چکیده)
8669 - The effect of chemical and organic fertilizers on saffron flowering (چکیده)
8670 - A Novel Active Contour for Medical Image Segmentation (چکیده)
8671 - A Novel Evolutionary Approach for Optimizing Content-Based Image Indexing Algorithms (چکیده)
8672 - Wavelet correlogram:A new approach for image indexing and retrieval (چکیده)
8673 - Oil prices, economic activity and inflation: Evidence for G7 countries (چکیده)
8675 - Piecewise Affine Control Design for Power Factor Correction Rectifiers (چکیده)
8676 - Analysis of first and second laws of thermodynamics between two isothermal cylinders with relative rotation in the presence of MHD flow (چکیده)
8677 - Micropropagation of Anthurium andreanum cv. Terra (چکیده)
8678 - Preparation and Characterization of Graphene Nanosheets (چکیده)
8679 - Effect of Different Levels of Methionine, Protein and Tallow on the Productive Performance and EggQuality of Laying Hens in the Late-phase Production (چکیده)
8680 - A study on the occurence of aflatoxin M1 in bulk tank raw milk in Khorasan Razavi province (چکیده)
8681 - Evaluation of microbial quality of Bulk Tank Raw milk from some dairy herds of Khorasan Razavi Province (چکیده)
8682 - The effects of dystocia on production, reproduction and health of dairy cattle (چکیده)
8683 - Evaluation of AHP and Frequency Ratio Methods in Landslide Hazard Zoning (Case Study: Bojnord Urban Watershed,Iran (چکیده)
8684 - Role of ohmic resistance on the performance of pure culture microbial fuel cell (چکیده)
8685 - دادن رفتار هذلولوی به یک الگوریتم فشار مبنا و بکارگیری آن در حل عددی جریان لوله ضربه در یک WENO شبکه درشت با استفاده ازروش درونیابی مرتبه بالای (چکیده)
8686 - Comparative effects of glucogenic and lipogenic diets on milk production and blood responses of dairy Holstein cows in transition period (چکیده)
8687 - بررسی ژنوتیپ جدایه های اپی فیت Pantoea agglomerans به دست آمده از سطح برگ درختان گلابی با اثر آنتاگونیستی علیه Erwinia amylovora در استان خراسان رضوی (چکیده)
8688 - P2O5/SiO2 as an Efficient and Mild Catalyst for Trimethylsilylation of Alcohols Using Hexamethyldisilazane (چکیده)
8689 - بررسی تنوع ژنتیکی جدایه های اپی فیت Pseudomonas fluorescens جداشده ازسطح برگ درختان گلابی در استان خراسان رضوی با اثرآنتاگونیستی علیه Alternaria maliو Erwinia amylovora (چکیده)
8690 - Optimal control of switched systems based on Bezier control points (چکیده)
8691 - Chemical Oxidative Cutting of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Arrays with Electromagnetic Waves (چکیده)
8692 - A Study of the Roles of Firm and Country on Specific Determinates in Capital Structure: Iranian Evidence (چکیده)
8693 - Slip flow over micron-sized spherical particles at intermediate Reynolds numbers (چکیده)
8694 - A neural network model to describe weight gain of sheep from genes (چکیده)
8695 - Pre-concentration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in water using dispersive liquid–liquid and single-drop microextraction with high-performance liquid chromatography In (چکیده)
8696 - Extended Modified Inverse Distance Method for Interpolation Rainfall (چکیده)
8697 - بررسی اثر آنتاگونیستی جدایه های اپی فیت Pantoea agglomerans بدست آمده از سطح برگ درختان گلابی با اثر آنتاگونیستی علیه Erwinia amylovoraدر استان خراسان رضوی (چکیده)
8698 - Use of fluorescent DNA-intercalating dyes in the analysis of DNA via ion-pair reversed-phase denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
8699 - Ecological management of cumin common diseases in Iran; Planting date, intercropping and biofertilizer (چکیده)
8700 - Noise‐immune dual‐rail dynamic circuit for wide fan‐in gates in asynchronous designs (چکیده)
8701 - Role of polymeric surfactants on the growth of manganese ferrite nanoparticles (چکیده)
8702 - Use of Sawdust of Aspen Tree for the Removal of Chromium (VI) from Aqueous Solution (چکیده)
8703 - An optimized derivative-free form of the Potra–Pták method (چکیده)
8704 - مقایسه مدل‌های مفهومی LNRF وWLC در پهنه‌بندی خطر زمین‌لغزش (مطالعه موردی: حوزه آبخیز اخلمد, شهرستان چناران) (چکیده)
8705 - Divergence-free vector fields with average and asymptotic average shadowing property (چکیده)
8706 - Investigation of land subsidence in southern Mahyar Plain in Esfahan province, Iran (چکیده)
8707 - Barriers to E-Customs in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Iran (چکیده)
8708 - The Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Sesamum indicum L. in condition of cultivation of cover crops (چکیده)
8709 - The effects of winter cover crops and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on fertility of soil and crop yield in an organic production system of Ocimum basilicum (چکیده)
8710 - پهنه بندی میزان ضخامت لایه تغذیه شونده آبخوان فارسان- جونقان با استفاده از روش نوسانات سطح ایستابی(WTF) (چکیده)
8711 - Stonequist’s Concept of “The Marginal Man” in Langston Hughes’ Play Mulatto (چکیده)
8712 - Comparison of the 3-phase segmented linear regression and artificial neural network models to predict broiler hatchability (چکیده)
8713 - Estimating the lifetime performance index with Weibull distribution based on progressive first-failure censoring scheme (چکیده)
8714 - ارزیابی پایداری ترانشه مجتمع مسکونی نگین در ارتفاعات جنوب شرقی شهر مشهد (چکیده)
8715 - The effects of turmeric supplementation on antioxidant status, blood gas indices and mortality in broiler chickens with T3-induced ascites (چکیده)
8716 - Effects of Concentrations of Bulk and Nanosized Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) on Germination of Wheat Seed (چکیده)
8717 - Achievable Rate Regions for Compound MultipleAccess Channel with Channel State Information (چکیده)
8718 - Effect of feeding pistachio by-products silage supplemented with polyethylene glycol and urea on Holstein dairy cows performance in early lactation (چکیده)
8719 - Comparing the Efficacy of Amicarbazone, a Triazolinone, with Sulfonylureas for Weed Control in Maize (Zea mays) (چکیده)
8720 - Synthesis and Theoretical Study of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond at Two Possible Positions in Pyrazolo[1,2‐b]phthalazine (چکیده)
8721 - Relationship Between Self-Efficacy And Anxiety Among Indian And Iranian Students (چکیده)
8722 - Fabrication of FeNi–Al2O3 nanocomposites and optimization of mechanical properties using Taguchi method (چکیده)
8723 - New Ground-Motion Prediction Equations Using Multi Expression programming (چکیده)
8724 - Improving L2 Writing Ability in the Light of Critical Thinking (چکیده)
8725 - On the milling and preheating on fabrication of NiTi produced by combustion synthesised NiTi (چکیده)
8726 - Complexation study of dibenzo-18-crown-6 with UO22+ cation in binary mixed nonaqueous solutions (چکیده)
8727 - Study of complex formation between dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 and UO22+ cation in some binary mixed non-aqueous solvents using conductometric method (چکیده)
8728 - Effects of Processing of Starter Diets on Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Rumen Biochemical Parameters andBody Measurements of Brown Swiss Dairy Calves Body Measurements of Brown Swiss Dairy Calves (چکیده)
8729 - Comparison Of Electron Transport Properties In Inn At High Electric Field For Zincblende And Wurtzite Crystal Structure (چکیده)
8730 - Optimal Operation Management of a Microgrid Based on MOPSO and Differential Evolution Algorithms (چکیده)
8731 - Fault Detection and Isolation of Vehicle Driveline System (چکیده)
8732 - An antioxidant peptide derived from Ostrich (Struthio camelus) egg white protein hydrolysates (چکیده)
8733 - The prevalence of behavior problems, encouragements, punishments and obedience in domestic dogs in Iran (چکیده)
8734 - A simple and cost effective method for recovering gold from the jewelers’ electroplating waste water workshops using nano-wires structure of manganese oxide as an adsorbent (چکیده)
8735 - Prediction of flooding and pressure drop in a spinning cone column using neural networks (چکیده)
8736 - The contribution of women in Iranian scholarly publication (چکیده)
8737 - Scientometric Analysis of Nuclear Science and Technology Research Output in Iran (چکیده)
8738 - A Colpitts CMOS Quadrature VCO Using Direct Connection of Substrates for Coupling (چکیده)
8739 - Foreign Direct Investment Effect on Urban Wages in MENA Countries (چکیده)
8740 - Similarity Solution for Unsteady Free Convection From a Vertical Plate at Constant Temperature to Power Law Fluids (چکیده)
8741 - Accumulation of chromium and its effect on growth of (Allium cepa cv. Hybrid) (چکیده)
8742 - Vibration analysis of nanofluid-conveying carbon nanotubes embedded in Pasternak-Winkler type elastic foundation with consideration of surface effects (چکیده)
8743 - A Study the Reasons of Failure in Implementation of Enterprise Resource Management Systems in Iran (چکیده)
8744 - واسنجی و تحلیل عدم قطعیت یک مدل نیمه توزیعی در یک منطقه نیمه خشک، مطالعه موردی حوضه آبریز نیشابور (چکیده)
8745 - A new estimator of entropy and its application in testing normality (چکیده)
8746 - Sensitivity analysis of a CO2 Stripper Column Using Linear and Nonlinear modeling, a Case Study (چکیده)
8747 - Application of Artificial Neural Network and multiple linear regression for modeling and sensitivity analysis of a stripper column (چکیده)
8748 - Histhopathologic Evaluation of Curative Impact of Aloe vera L. Fresh Gel on Healing of Eexperimental Infected Full-Thickness Open Wounds Induced with Staphylococcus aureus in Dogs (چکیده)
8749 - A Simple and Fast Mthod for Translate a Fischer Projection to Newman or Angular Line Representation (چکیده)
8750 - DOS Spectra and NBO Analysis of the NO2Surface Interactions on the Cyclic (WO3)n (n=2-6) Nano-Clusters (چکیده)
8751 - Design of safety management system in juice industries (چکیده)
8752 - Effects of caraway (Bunium persicum L.) density on density and diversity of weeds (چکیده)
8753 - Comparison of various progressive Type-II censoring schemes in Bayesian two-sample prediction based on weibull model (چکیده)
8754 - limit shadowing and average shadowing property in linear dynamical systems (چکیده)
8755 - A Hybrid GRASP Algorithm for Minimizing Total Weighted Resource Tardiness Penalty Costs in Scheduling of Project Networks (چکیده)
8756 - شیوع Wolbachia در برخی گونه های مگس های میوه خراسان:مطالعه ای با رویکرد MLST (چکیده)
8757 - Determination of Stress Intensity Factors in Half Plane Affected by tilted Wedge by Digital Shearography (چکیده)
8758 - Effect of mastitis during the first lactation on production and reproduction performance of Holstein cows (چکیده)
8759 - Predicting caloric and feed efficiency in turkeys using the group method of data handling-type neural networks. (چکیده)
8760 - Comparison of scaling equation with neural network model for prediction of asphaltene precipitation (چکیده)
8761 - Extraction of shrimp waste pigments by enzymatic and alkaline treatment: evaluation by inhibition of lipid peroxidation (چکیده)
8762 - Effect of Humic Acid on Nutrient Uptake and Physiological Characteristic Fragaria ananassa var: Camarosa (چکیده)
8763 - An effective variational iteration algorithm for solving Riccati differential equations (چکیده)
8764 - Beyond Adomian polynomials: He polynomials (چکیده)
8766 - معرفیStictospora sp (APICOMPLEXA: EUGREGARINIDA: ACTINOCEPHALIDAE) بیمارگر جدید لارو کرم سفید ریشه ، Polyphylla adspersa (چکیده)
8767 - Rainfed wheat yields under climate change in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
8768 - Scorpion sting in Iran: A review (چکیده)
8769 - Effective Components on the Forecast of Companies Dividends Using Hybrid Neural Network and Binary Algorithm Model (چکیده)
8770 - The Effects of Water Table Decline on the Groundwater Quality in Aquifer of Torbat Jam Plain, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
8771 - The Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Serum C - Reactive Protein and Leptin Levels in Untrained Middle-Aged Women (چکیده)
8772 - The Comparison of Aerobic Fitness and Anaerobic Power of Iranian Soccer Players in Different Playing Positions during Competitions Season (چکیده)
8773 - پهنه بندی آسیب پذیری و ارزیابی تغییرات مکانی کیفیت آبخوان دشت امامزاده جعفرگچساران با استفاده از مدل DRASTIC و شاخص کیفی GWQI (چکیده)
8774 - ارزیابی کروم افیولیت ها و آبهای زیرزمینی و پتانسیل آلایندگی زیست محیطی آن در جنوب شرقی بیرجند (چکیده)
8775 - The Classification of Iranian Banks Based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (چکیده)
8776 - Geelectrical exploration for groundwater in Shooroo basin, southwest of Zahedan, Iran (چکیده)
8777 - Flocculation and Separation of Oil Droplets in Ultrasonic Standing Wave Field (چکیده)
8778 - Characterization results based on entropies of concomitamnts of order statistics and record values (چکیده)
8780 - The isotope geochemistry of water resources in Zarivar Lake area -West of Iran (چکیده)
8781 - Fatty acid composition of oils from fruits of three Pistacia species growing in Iran (چکیده)
8782 - A Mini-Review Over Diverse Methods Used in Starchy Wastewater Treatment (چکیده)
8783 - Weakly polymatroidal ideals with applications to vertex cover ideals (چکیده)
8784 - Localized Thermal Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Single-lap Joints using Full Layerwise Theory (چکیده)
8785 - Spatial integration of fry and fractal analyses in regional exploration: A case study from Bafq–Posht-e-Badam, Irán (چکیده)
8786 - Heuristic algorithms for permutation flow shop scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs (چکیده)
8787 - ترسیم نقشه علمی محققان علوم پزشکی با استفاده از نرم افزار HistCite : مورد پژوهی در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان (چکیده)
8788 - System identification and control using adaptive particle swarm optimization (چکیده)
8790 - women and literature in modern iran: an historical over view (چکیده)
8791 - Predicting carcass energy content and composition in broilers using the group method of data handling-type neural networks (چکیده)
8792 - Numerical Investigation of a 3-D Flow Past an Impenetrable Rotating Microparticle at Low and Moderate Reynolds Numbers (چکیده)
8793 - Electrical properties comparison of NTC thermistors prepared from nanopowders and mixed oxide process (چکیده)
8794 - A retrospective study of abattoir condemnation due to parasitic infections and its economic importance in Ahwaz, south–western of Iran (چکیده)
8795 - Phytotoxic Potential of Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) to Control Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) Weed (چکیده)
8796 - Prediction of temperature performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
8797 - Ultra-low Power Encryption Engine for Wireless Implantable Medical Devices (چکیده)
8798 - Signal processing approaches as novel tools for the clustering of N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidases (چکیده)
8799 - Factors affecting stillbirth and twin birth in Holstein dairy cattle in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
8800 - Comparative Histological Structure of The Sinus Node in Mammals (چکیده)
8801 - Optimal Control of an HIV Model (چکیده)
8802 - A new single ended fault location algorithm for combined transmission line considering fault clearing transients without using line parameters (چکیده)
8803 - The effect of water content on the mechanical behaviour of mudrocks (چکیده)
8804 - Salinity and water Effects on Growth Analysis, Seed Production and oil content of Kochia scoparia (چکیده)
8805 - Problems of groundwater development in Zahedan City, Iran (چکیده)
8806 - Hybrid Modeling and PID-PSO Control of Buck-Boost Chopper (چکیده)
8807 - Comparison of Lift and Drag Forces for Some Conical Bodies in Supersonic Flow Using Perturbation Techniques (چکیده)
8808 - Acute‐phase protein concentration and metabolic status affect the outcome of treatment in cows with clinical and subclinical endometritis (چکیده)
8809 - Auditors Professional Power and Users’ Expectations: Iranian View (چکیده)
8810 - An Electrowetting-Based Technique for Hot-Spot Cooling of Integrated Circuits: Experimental and Numerical Approach (چکیده)
8811 - Water-Rocks Interaction and Arsenic Pollution in Chelpu-Region Water Resources (North Eastern Iran (چکیده)
8812 - Solving Volterra integral equations of the second kind by wavelet-Galerkin scheme (چکیده)
8814 - Harmonic reduction in wind turbine generators using a Shunt Active Filter based on the proposed modulation technique (چکیده)
8815 - Accuracy improvement of impedance based fault location method for power distribution network using distributed-parameter line model (چکیده)
8816 - A Robust Digital Blind Image Watermarking Based on Spread Spectrum in DCT Domain (چکیده)
8817 - The Effects of Substrate and Cultivar in Quality of Strawberry (چکیده)
8818 - Effect of substrate and cultivar on growth characteristic of strawberry in soilless culture system (چکیده)
8819 - The Inflammatory properties of single walled carbon nanotubes functionalized with polyethylene glycol (PEG-SWNT) in human monocytic THP-1 cells (چکیده)
8820 - Production, purification and characterization of egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) against antibiotic-resistant strains of Pseudomonas aerogenosa in laying hens (چکیده)
8821 - Survey the relationship between attachment style and general self efficacy with homesickness among college students (چکیده)
8822 - Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Water in Single Wall Carbon Nanotube (چکیده)
8823 - Aeluropus laciniatus (POACEAE), A New Species From Iran (چکیده)
8824 - Estimating the Optimal Dosage of Sodium Valproate in Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy with Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
8826 - Continuous Wavelet Transform on Homogeneous Space (چکیده)
8828 - Online cost-sensitive neural network classifiers for non-stationary and imbalanced data streams (چکیده)
8830 - Two-particle momentum correlations in jets produced in e+e− annihilation at √s = 60 GeV (چکیده)
8832 - Accelerated normal and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for positive definite linear systems (چکیده)
8833 - Determination of frequencies of referee’s football injuries in different degrees (چکیده)
8834 - The comparison of overtraining syndrome indexes and body composition of Fc.Aboomoslem Players (چکیده)
8835 - Calibration of Soil Model Parameters Using Particle Swarm Optimization (چکیده)
8836 - An Experimental Study on the Effect of EGR and Engine Speed on CO and HC Emissions of Dual Fuel HCCI Engine (چکیده)
8838 - Dry bean competitiveness with redroot pigweed as affected by growth habit and nitrogen rate (چکیده)
8839 - On almost sure convergence for weighted sums of pairwise negatively quadrant dependent random variables (چکیده)
8840 - Hazardous waste landfill site selection in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
8841 - Code Cross-Correlation Effects on the Performance of Optical CDMA Systems in the Presence of Receiver Noises (چکیده)
8842 - New Fault-Location Algorithm for Transmission Lines Including Unified Power-Flow Controller (چکیده)
8843 - New Records and New Synonym of Astragalus Sections Ammodendron and Caprini (FABACEAE) From Iran (چکیده)
8844 - Effect of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum addition on whey protein concentrate stabilized emulsions stored at cold and ambient temperature (چکیده)
8845 - Study of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Income Distribution (A case study in Iran during the period 1971-2007) (چکیده)
8846 - Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous, Compressible Fluid on a Cylinder (چکیده)
8847 - The Investigation of Punctuation in Photographic Copies of Persian Writing (چکیده)
8848 - Analysis of the Effects of Geometry on Irreversibility by Entropy Generation Method (چکیده)
8849 - Studying Some Physicochemical Characteristics of Crust Coated with White Egg and Chitosan Using a Deep-Fried Model System (چکیده)
8850 - A highly computational efficient method to solve nonlinear optimal control problems (چکیده)
8852 - Deadline-constrained workflow scheduling in software as a service Cloud (چکیده)
8853 - Deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithms for Infrastructure as a Service Clouds (چکیده)
8854 - Phosphorus pentoxide supported on silica gel and alumina (P2O5/SiO2, P2O5/Al2O3) as useful catalysts in organic synthesis (چکیده)
8855 - Does hooft rimminga lfect locomotion of the cows (چکیده)
8856 - Evaluatioonf h oofs corec hangedsu ringti mei n dairy cows (چکیده)
8857 - A new species and a new record of Acanthophyllum C. A. Mey. (Caryophyllaceae) from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
8858 - A review on the visible light active titanium dioxide photocatalysts for environmental applications (چکیده)
8859 - Factorial Validation of a Writing Self-regulation Scale: With and without Acceptably Cross Loading Items (چکیده)
8860 - Size Optimization of New Hybrid Stand-alone Renewable Energy System Considering a Reliability Index (چکیده)
8861 - Genetic Regulatory Network Inference using Recurrent Neural Networks trained by a Multi Agent System (چکیده)
8862 - A Study of the Effective Variables on Earning Management: Iranian Evidence (چکیده)
8863 - The Role of Low Level Jets in the Formation and Evolution of Summertime Dust Storms over Southeastern and Southwestern of Iran (چکیده)
8864 - The effect of selected relaxation training with physical activity on mental well-being (چکیده)
8865 - Dianilinium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-3O2,N,O6)cuprate(II) hexahydrate (چکیده)
8866 - Hybrid Modeling of Intelligence and Linguistic Factors as Predictors of L2 Writing Quality: A SEM Approach (چکیده)
8867 - Weighted Semantic Similarity Assessment Using WordNet (چکیده)
8868 - Cost-Driven Scheduling of Grid Workflows Using Partial Critical Paths (چکیده)
8870 - Numerical prediction of springback in side-wall curl in U-bending of anisotropic sheet meals (چکیده)
8871 - Analyses of wrinkling and buckling of elastic plates by DXDR method (چکیده)
8872 - Optimal Control of Bone Marrow in Cancer Chemotherapy (چکیده)
8873 - Effect of drying temperature on in vitro gas production and energy content of wheat dried distillers grains using mixed rumen micro-biota obtained from Holstein steers (چکیده)
8874 - Control strategies for single-phase grid integration of small-scale renewable energy sources: A review (چکیده)
8875 - Effect of Diet Containing Different Amount of Wheat Dried Distillers’ Grain as a Substitute for Alfalfa Hay on Holstein Lactating Cow Responses (چکیده)
8876 - Asymptotic Average Shadowing Property For Flows (چکیده)
8877 - A New Heuristic Solution Method for Maximal Covering Location-Allocation Problem with M/M/1 Queueing System (چکیده)
8878 - بررسی نیم‌رخ شناختی کودکان مبتلا به اختلال نارسایی توجه/ فزون کنشی در آزمون وکسلر کودکان (چکیده)
8879 - Using of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Sediment Cores As Method Interpretation of Sedimentary Environments the Estuaries of Northern West Oman Sea (چکیده)
8880 - Would Aluminum and Nickel Content of Apricot Pose Health Risk to Human (چکیده)
8881 - Effects of dry period length on milk yield and composition, blood metabolites, follicular dynamics and complete blood count in Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
8882 - Effect of Supplementation of Fish and Canola Oil in the Diet on Milk Fatty Acid Composition in Early Lactating Holstein Cows (چکیده)
8883 - Evaluation of the effect of fat content of sunflower meal on rumen fungi growth and population by direct (quantitative competitive polymerase chain reaction) and indirect (dry matter and neutral detergent fibre disappearance) methods (چکیده)
8884 - The Evaluation of Reservoir Quality of Sarvak Formation in One of Oil Fields of the Persian Gulf (چکیده)
8885 - Sedimentological, geochemical and geomorphological factors in formation of coastal dunes and nebkha fields in Miankaleh coastal barrier system (Southeast of Caspian Sea, North Iran) (چکیده)
8886 - An efficient method to solve the strongly coupled nonlinear differential equations of impact dampers (چکیده)
8887 - Improving methane storage on wet activated carbons at various amounts of water (چکیده)
8888 - The Study of Bubble Coalescence in Coaxial and Side-by-Side Motions (چکیده)
8889 - Is Osteoporosis and Osteopenia a Health Risk in Professional Cyclists of Iran and Tour-de-France (چکیده)
8890 - Microbiological characterization of Iranian raw milk cheese “Lighvan” with reference to food safety (چکیده)
8891 - Double-diffusive natural convection in a rectangular cavity with partially thermally active side walls (چکیده)
8893 - A New Reference Waveform Estimation Strategy for Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC( (چکیده)
8894 - Effect of Power Losses on the Operation of Matrix Converter Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (چکیده)
8895 - Prevalence, Patterns, and Socio-Demographic Correlates of Nicotine Use in a Sample of Iranian University Students (چکیده)
8896 - Numerical Modeling of Flow in Open Channel with a Side Concavity (چکیده)
8897 - Fermentative Lactic Acid from Deproteinized Whey Using Lactobacillus bulgaricus in Batch Culture (چکیده)
8898 - Thermal optimization of combined heat and power (CHP) systems using nanofluids (چکیده)
8899 - Teaching and Learning:Learning a foreign language and its Influence on the Identity of EFL Students (چکیده)
8900 - Priority Based Congestion Control and Partial Reliability Guaranty Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
8901 - A Fuzzy Based Approach for Rate Control in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
8902 - Dynamic recrystallization and precipitation in low carbon low alloy steel 26NiCrMoV 14-5 (چکیده)
8903 - Nano Titania-Supported Dawson Heteropolyacid as Green Solid Catalyst for Synthesis of Linear Alkylbenzene (چکیده)
8904 - Association between Yearling Weight and Calpastatin and Calpain Loci Polymorphism in Iranian Zel Sheep (چکیده)
8905 - Use of Myth(s) in Postmodern American Drama Case Study: the Plays of Sam Shepard (چکیده)
8906 - The Effects of Aging Treatment Parameters on Microstructure and Hardness of Aluminium Bronze Alloy (چکیده)
8907 - Experimental Research about Effect of Mathematics Anxiety, Working Memory Capacity on Students’ Mathematical Performance With Three Different Types of Learning Methods (چکیده)
8908 - Transdifferentiati on: a cel l and molecular reprogramming process (چکیده)
8909 - An Investigation of aluminum foam produced by sintering evaporation process (چکیده)
8910 - Calibration of a FE Model of Masonry wall Retrofit by CFRP-Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (چکیده)
8911 - Estimation of the power ratio and torque in wind turbine Savonius rotors using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
8912 - Three-Receiver Broadcast Channels with Side Information (چکیده)
8913 - Balakrishnan Skew-tDistribution and Associated Statistical Characteristics (چکیده)
8914 - Discourse Analysis and the Dynamics of Word and Gesture in Robert Browning’s ‘Andrea del Sarto’ (چکیده)
8915 - Design and experimental verification of a dead beat power control strategy for low cost three phase PWM converters (چکیده)
8916 - Numerical investigation of the effects of constraint design on 5XXX Al Alloy GTA Welding (چکیده)
8917 - Evaporation Exergy Analysis For Different Ambient Temperature In Timber Dryer (چکیده)
8918 - Preparation and characterization of high energetic Al/Ni core-shell nanostructures (چکیده)
8919 - The effects of phytase and root hydroalcoholic extract of Withania somnifera on productive performance and bone mineralisation of laying (چکیده)
8920 - Aluminum nano particles as high energetic materials;Improvement on Combustion Performance through Nickel Deposition Particles Deposition on (چکیده)
8921 - The Effect of Channel State Information on the Capacity Bounds of MIMO Relay Channel (چکیده)
8922 - Petroleum Science and Technology The Use of Statistical Techniques in Studying Petrophysical Properties of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: A Case Study of SW Iran (چکیده)
8923 - Study on small ruminant lungworms and associated risk factors in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
8924 - Identification of Safflower as a fraud in commercial Saffron using RAPD/SCAR (چکیده)
8925 - Synthesis of 1H,7H,12bH-Pyrano[3’,4’: 5,6]pyrano[3,4-c][1]benzopyran-1- one via Domino Knoevenagel/Hetero-DielsAlder Reaction with Theoretical Investigations (چکیده)
8926 - Comparing the behavior of reinforced HSC beams whit AFRP bars and Confined HSC beams whit AFRP sheets under bending (چکیده)
8927 - Synthesis of new indolyl crown ethers catalyzed with ferric hydrogensulfate (چکیده)
8928 - Masonry Infilling Effect on Seismic Vulnerability and Performance Level of High Ductility RC Frames (چکیده)
8929 - Seismic Vulnerability and Performance Level of Confined Brick Walls (چکیده)
8930 - A new species and a new combination of Minuartia L. (Caryophyllaceae) from NE Iran (چکیده)
8931 - Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) fluvial deposits in eastern Kopet- Dagh Basin, northeastern Iran (چکیده)
8932 - On the Wear Behavior of Cyanoacrylate in Presence of Nano-Sized SiO2 (چکیده)
8933 - It Might Have Been a Slip of Tongue: Iranian EFL Teachers’ Reaction to their Colleagues’ Linguistic Goofs (چکیده)
8934 - Examining Relationship between Working Capital Changes and Fixed Assets with Assets Return: Iranian Scenario (چکیده)
8935 - Thermal-Pressure-Driven Gas Flows through Micro Channels (چکیده)
8936 - A Case-Control Study of Association between Diarrhea in Newborn Calves and Infection with Rotavirus and Coronavirus in Some Industrial Dairy Herds of Mashhad Area, Iran in 2008 (چکیده)
8937 - Relationships between some soil quality indicators in different agricultural soils from Varamin, Iran (چکیده)
8938 - The role of performance in teaching short story to EFL students (چکیده)
8939 - Modeling the electroless nickel deposition on aluminum nanoparticles (چکیده)
8940 - A Low Profile Circularly Polarized Cavity Backed Antenna Using HMSIW Technique (چکیده)
8941 - Low Profile H-Plane Horn Antenna Based on Half Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide (HMSIW) Technique (چکیده)
8942 - Phylogeography and Taxonomic Status of the Greater Mouse-Tailed BatRhinopoma microphyllum(Chiroptera: Rhinopomatidae) in Iran (چکیده)
8943 - Morphological comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Rodentia: Gerbillinae) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
8944 - Patterns of morphological evolution in the mandible of the house mouse Mus musculus-Rodentia: Muridae (چکیده)
8945 - Two Novel Chiral Inorganic–Organic Hybrid Materials Containing Preyssler and Wells–Dawson Heteropolyoxometallates with Valine (val), Glycine (gly), and Proline (pro) Amino acids: (Hval)2(Hgly)(H3O)6K5[Na(H2O)P5W30O110].19.5H2O and (Hpro)6[P2W18O62].8H2O (چکیده)
8948 - The Esemplastic Power of Thematic Imagery in Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis (چکیده)
8949 - An extension of the Lowner--Heinz inequality (چکیده)
8950 - A pseudo-continuous neural network approach for developing water retention pedotransfer functions with limited data (چکیده)
8951 - A study on dynamic behaviour of functionally graded thick hollow circular cylinders (چکیده)
8952 - Analytical Localized Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Bi-Material Thermostats using the Full Layerwise Theory (چکیده)
8953 - A Comparison of Working Capital Management of Chemical and Medicine Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange (چکیده)
8954 - Prediction of permeate flux and ionic compounds rejection of sugar beet press water nanofiltration using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
8955 - Relationship Between Color and Tannin Content inSorghum Grain: Application of Image Analysis andArtificial Neural Network (چکیده)
8956 - Influence of seed nitrogen content and biofertilizer priming on wheat germination in salinity stress condition (چکیده)
8957 - Statistical Inference Based on the Top Scores (چکیده)
8958 - 9Aminoacridinium bis(pyridine-2,6- dicarboxylato-j3 O2 ,N,O6 )ferrate(III) tetrahydrate (چکیده)
8959 - Voltage security constrained active and reactive power pricing considering reactive market power (چکیده)
8960 - Investigation of Two-Dimensional Unsteady Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer Impinging on an Accelerated Flat Plate (چکیده)
8961 - Erratum to: Effects of Short-Term Over-supplementation of Copper in Milk on Hematology, Serum Proteins, Weight Gain, and Health in Dairy Calves (چکیده)
8962 - Beneficial Effects of Polyethylene Packages Containing Micrometer‐Sized Silver Particles on the Quality and Shelf Life of Dried Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) (چکیده)
8963 - بررسی رشد حرکتی در کودکان با اختلال حرکتی گروه های خام حرکت ،ناتوان ذهنی ومبتلا به نشانگان داون (چکیده)
8964 - modeling of oil-water emulsion separation in ultrasound standing wave field by neural network (چکیده)
8965 - The Position of Self Evaluation in the Quality of Learning and Teaching in High Education (چکیده)
8966 - Reproductive performance in out-of-breeding season of fatty ewes using implant norgestomet with or without PMSG (چکیده)
8967 - Effect of copper edetate injection in dry pregnant cows on hematology, blood metabolites, weight gain and health of calves (چکیده)
8968 - Development of an assay to evaluate differences in germination rate among chickpea genotypes under limited water content (چکیده)
8969 - DSMC Simulation of rarefied gas flows under Cooling Conditions Using a New Iterative Wall Heat Flux Specifying Technique (چکیده)
8970 - Analysis of elastic wave propagation in a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder using a hybrid mesh-free method (چکیده)
8971 - Would Trichoderma Affect Seed Germination and Seedling Quality of Two Muskmelon Cultivars, Khatooni and Qasri and Increase Their Transplanting Success? (چکیده)
8972 - Simultaneous placement and tuning of power system stabilizers via genetic algorithm (چکیده)
8973 - An Arcless Current Interruption Technique via Application of Liquid Metal Contacts (چکیده)
8974 - An arcless controlled switch (چکیده)
8975 - Conceptual design of a novel arcless controlled switch (چکیده)
8976 - A Parallel Quadtree Approach for Image Compression using Wavelets (چکیده)
8977 - Position Control of Servomotors Using Neural Dynamic Sliding Mode (چکیده)
8978 - Influence of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) and Planting Method on Growth and Yield in Oil Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo var. styriaca) (چکیده)
8979 - Polymorphism and Sequencing of DGAT1 Gene in Iranian Holstein Bulls (چکیده)
8980 - A general double inequality related to operator means and positive linear maps (چکیده)
8981 - Studying different levels of low irrigation and drought tolerance of some eco-types of fig. (چکیده)
8982 - Synthesis and Characterization of Ca2Co2O5 Nanoparticles Prepared, Using Modified Sol-gel Method (چکیده)
8983 - Synthesis and Structural, Optical and Antibacterial Characterization of ZnO and ZnO:Ag Nanopowders Prepared via Modified Sol-Gel Method (چکیده)
8984 - Users’ perception of Aboutness and Ofness in Images: an Approach towards Subject Indexing Based on Ervin Panofsky’s Theory and Users’ View (چکیده)
8985 - Production of bacteriocins by Enterococcus spp. isolated from traditional, Iranian, raw milk cheeses, and detection of their encoding genes (چکیده)
8986 - A new iterative wall heat flux specifying technique in DSMC for heating/cooling simulations of MEMS/NEMS (چکیده)
8987 - Silene ferdowsii (Caryophyllaceae), a new species from Iran (چکیده)
8988 - The Assessment of Work Hardening Behaviour of Dual Phase Steels with Coarse Martensite Islands (چکیده)
8989 - Periodic solution for nonlinear vibration of a fluid-conveying carbon nanotube, based on the nonlocal continuum theory by energy balance method (چکیده)
8990 - A taxonomic study on the genus Silene (Caryophyllaceae) in Iran (چکیده)
8991 - Effect of Different Parameters on WEPS Production and Thermal Behavior Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) (چکیده)
8992 - Genetic and phenotypic parameter estimates for birth weight in Iranian indigenous goat (چکیده)
8993 - Salicylic and Citric acid treatments improve the vase life of cut chrysanthemum flowers (چکیده)
8994 - Effects of QTL parameters and marker density on efficiency of Haley–Knott regression interval mapping of QTL with complex traits and use of artificial neural network for prediction of the efficiency of HK method in livestock (چکیده)
8995 - An analytical solution for thermal shock analysis of multiwall carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
8996 - Pre-concentration andDetermination of brilliant green from fish pond water using carbon nanotube assisted pseudo-stir bar solid/liquid microextraction combined with UV–vis spectroscopy–diode array detection (چکیده)
8997 - Artificial neural network and support vector Machine applied for simultaneous analysis of mixture of nitrophenols by conductometrics acid-base titration (چکیده)
8998 - Design and Tuning of a Modified Power-Based PLL for Single-Phase Grid-Connected Power Conditioning Systems (چکیده)
8999 - Hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous solutions by using low-cost biological wastes: equilibrium and kinetic studies (چکیده)
9000 - بررسی و ارائه شیوه‏ های نوین خدمات رسانی در بازارهای ارزاق شهرداری: مطالعه موردی بازارهای ارزاق شهرداری مشهد (چکیده)
9001 - Testing Goodness-of-Fit for Exponential Distribution Based on Cumulative Residual Entropy (چکیده)
9002 - بررسی ضرورت کالیبراسیون مدل های برآورد فرسایش برای هر منطقه در محیط GIS (مطالعه در مورد مدل های فرآیندی GUEST و WEPP همچنین مدل های تجربی EPM و MPSIAC و هیدروفیزیکی) (چکیده)
9003 - Comparing resistance and endurance exercise on motor function in woman with multiple sclerosis (چکیده)
9004 - Prediction of moisture content in pre-osmosed and ultrasounded dried banana using genetic algorithm and neural network (چکیده)
9005 - Altered JS‐2 expression in colorectal cancers and its clinical pathological relevance (چکیده)
9006 - A Feed-Forward Neural Network for Solving Stokes Problem (چکیده)
9007 - An almost optimal control design method for nonlinear time-delay systems (چکیده)
9008 - Solving the Optimal Control of Linear Systems via Homotopy Perturbation Method (چکیده)
9009 - Using sliding mode control in stability treatment of HIV disease (چکیده)
9010 - The Thermal Effect on Pull-in Instability of Electrostatically Actuated Nanoswitches (چکیده)
9011 - Nonlinear vibration and rippling instability for embedded carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
9012 - Effect of Microwave Heating Treatment on Mortality of Indian Meal Moth (Plodia interpunctella) in Pistachio (چکیده)
9013 - Ranking desertification indicators using TOPSIS (چکیده)
9014 - برای تولید و صادرات انار در ایران swot تشکیل ماتریس (چکیده)
9015 - Numerical investigation of delta and arrow wings with various sweep angles at different angles of attack and Mach numbers (چکیده)
9016 - Fabrication of Fe/Al2O3 composite foam via combination of combustion synthesis and spark plasma sintering techniques (چکیده)
9017 - A Numerical Model for Modeling the Effect of Plasma Actuators in Flow Control (چکیده)
9018 - Numerical modeling of charring material ablation with considering chemical reaction, mass transfer and surface heat transfer effects (چکیده)
9019 - Forced Convection Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in a Porous Channel (چکیده)
9020 - Comparing the Upwind and Central Methods in Estimating Bed Slope Source Term in SWE With Standing Shock Waves (چکیده)
9021 - An Ensemble Classifier Approach for Static Signature Verification Based on Multi-Resolution Extracted Features (چکیده)
9022 - Phytotoxic effects of aqueous extract of eucalyptus, sunflower and sugar beet on seed germination, growth and photosynthesis of Amaranthus retroflexus (چکیده)
9023 - Determination of brilliant green from fish pond water using carbon nanotube assisted pseudo-stir bar solid/liquid microextraction combined with UV–vis spectroscopy–diode array detection (چکیده)
9024 - the effect of nonstructural carbohydrates and addition of full fat roasted canolaseed on milk fatty acid composition in lactating cows (چکیده)
9025 - An Effective Slow-Motion Detection Approach for Compressed Soccer Videos (چکیده)
9027 - Miocene decapod crustacean from the Guri Member of the Mishan Formation, Bandar-Abbas, Southern Iran (چکیده)
9028 - Economic evaluation of hybrid renewable energy systems for rural electrification in Iran—A case study (چکیده)
9029 - Inverse shadowing and weak inverse shadowing property (چکیده)
9030 - Dilute solution properties of wild sage (Salvia macrosiphon) seed gum (چکیده)
9031 - Designing an Energy Efficient Prediction-based Algorithm for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
9032 - Joint Active Queue Management and Congestion Control Protocol for Healthcare Applications in Wireless Body Sensor Networks (چکیده)
9033 - An Improvement on TCP Congestion Control Protocol for Next Generation Networks (چکیده)
9034 - Designing a Prediction-based Clustering Algorithm for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
9035 - Proximity-Aware Resource Discovery Architecture in Peer-to-Peer based Volunteer Computing System (چکیده)
9036 - Different effects of scopolamine on learning, memory, and nitric oxide metabolite levels in hippocampal tissues of ovariectomized and Sham-operated rats (چکیده)
9037 - A Novel DS-CDMA Direction of Arrival Estimator for Frequency- Selective Fading Channel with Correlated Multipath by UsingBeamforming Filter (چکیده)
9038 - A Facile Route to Functionalized 1-Arylsulfonyl- 1,2-dihydroquinolines (چکیده)
9039 - Formation of nanocrystalline h-AlN during mechanochemical decomposition of melamine in the presence of metallic aluminum (چکیده)
9040 - Queen-MAC: A quorum-based energy-efficient medium access control protocol for wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
9041 - Estimates of Flushing Time in a Tidal River Using Fluvial Acoustic Tomography (چکیده)
9042 - Bayes Estimation Based on Joint Progressive Type II Censored Data Under LINEX Loss Function (چکیده)
9044 - Comparing upwind and central schemes in predicting stall characteristics of NACA0012 using vorticity confinmenet (چکیده)
9045 - Effect of rheological properties change on heat transfer coefficient of Non Newtonian fluid (چکیده)
9046 - Modification of SST Turbulence Model on the Basis of Delay Time Concept for Unsteady Flows. Mahtab (چکیده)
9047 - Dynamic modeling of flux and total hydraulic resistance in nanofiltration treatment of regeneration waste brine using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
9049 - Response of selected hormonal markers to the exercise during training cycles in semi-endurance elite runners (چکیده)
9050 - The Effect of Text-Based Direct Vocabulary Instruction On Vocabulary Acquisition (چکیده)
9051 - Theoretical investigation of effects of local cooling of a nozzle divergent section for controlling condensation shock in a supersonic two-phase flow of steam (چکیده)
9052 - Evaluation of simultaneous effects of inlet stagnation pressure and heat transfer on condensing water-vapor flow in a supersonic Laval nozzle (چکیده)
9053 - Allelopathic Effect of Ephedra Major On Growth and Photosynthesis Of Cirsium Arvense Weed (چکیده)
9054 - Investigation of basic molecular gas structural effects on hydrodynamics and thermal behaviors of rarefied shear driven micro/nano flow using DSMC (چکیده)
9055 - Impact of Wind Integration on Electricity Markets: A Chance-Constrained Nash Cournot (چکیده)
9056 - Efficiency Upgrade in PWRs (چکیده)
9057 - MREEP: A QoS based routing protocol for wireless multimedia sensor networks (چکیده)
9058 - An operator extension of the parallelogram law and related norm inequalities (چکیده)
9059 - Parallel DSMC simulation of Nano Cavity Structures (چکیده)
9060 - DSMC Simulation of Shear Driven Flow in Nano Gap Structures (چکیده)
9061 - آینده شناسی جهت گیری سیاست خارجی ایران در پنج کشور آسیای مرکزی(کاربست مدلswotدر رفتارشناسی روابط خارجی) (چکیده)
9062 - Inhomogeneous two-parameter abstract Cauchty problem (چکیده)
9063 - Thermal analysis of hybrid solar power plant (چکیده)
9064 - On Two-parameter Dynamical Systems and Applications (چکیده)
9065 - Designing the floor heating system in a 3 dimensional room by using of neural network (چکیده)
9066 - Edge/Corner Programming (چکیده)
9067 - A modified adaptive controller design for teleoperation systems (چکیده)
9068 - On Two‐Parameter Regularized Semigroups and the Cauchy Problem (چکیده)
9069 - Effect of Polyethylene Packaging Modified with Silver Particles on the Microbial, Sensory and Appearance of Dried Barberry (چکیده)
9071 - Tydeoid Mites (Acari: Triophtydeidae, Iolinidae, Tydeidae) of Razavi Khorasan (چکیده)
9072 - A glimpse at the Dunkl-Williams inequality (چکیده)
9073 - An approach to operator Dunkl--Williams inequality (چکیده)
9074 - Rate-Distrotion Analysis of Directional Wavelets (چکیده)
9075 - Identification of nine Iranian wheat seed varieties by textural analysis with image processing (چکیده)
9076 - Turbulent mixed convection of a nanofluid in a horizontal curved tube using a two-phase approach (چکیده)
9078 - Effect of organic manure on Echium amoenum flower production (چکیده)
9080 - ترتیب تصادفی EW و برخی ویژگیهای آن (چکیده)
9081 - Pareto analysis based on records (چکیده)
9082 - Discrete Modified Weibull Distribution (چکیده)
9083 - Central Limit Theorem for ISE of Kernel Density Estimators in Censored Dependent Model (چکیده)
9084 - The Saying /Showing Distinction in Early Wittgenstein and its Implications (چکیده)
9085 - Analysis of Magnetic Flux Linkage Distribution in Salient- Pole Synchronous Generator with Different Kinds of Inter- Turn Winding Faults (چکیده)
9086 - Reducing Short Channel Effects in Dual Gate SOI-MOSFETs with a Drain Dependent Gate Bias (چکیده)
9087 - DC and RF characteristics of SiC MESFETs with different channel doping concentrations under the gate (چکیده)
9088 - Evaluation of turbulence models in the simulation of oblique standing shock waves in supercritical channel flows (چکیده)
9089 - A General Upper Bound for the Capacity of FreeSpace Optical Channel and the CorrespondingOptimal Input Distribution (چکیده)
9090 - •The effect of nonstructural carbohydrate and addition of full fat roasted canola seed on milk production and composition in lactating cows (چکیده)
9091 - Milk production and components of Holstein dairy cows fed diet supplemented with whole barely grain treated with sodium hydroxide (چکیده)
9092 - Effects of chemical treatment of whole barley grain with sodium hydroxide on nutrient intake and digestibility in medlactation of Holstein deiry cows (چکیده)
9093 - Effects of feeding different levels of guar meal on performance of Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
9094 - Effect of different pectin rich by products on feed intake,milk production and compsition and rumminal PH of lacting dairy cows (چکیده)
9095 - Effect of different sources of pectin feedstuffs on blood metaboites in early lacting cows (چکیده)
9096 - Effect of different sources of pectin feedstuffs on chewing activities in early lactating holstein cows (چکیده)
9097 - The effects of high pressure steam treatment on some chemical and physical characteristics of sugarcane pith (چکیده)
9098 - Comparison rumen degradability of Phragmites australis,Nitraria schoberi and atriplex canescens species with wheat straw and alfalfa hay (چکیده)
9099 - Effect of different sources of pectin feedstuffs on milk yield and composition of early lactating (چکیده)
9100 - Evaluation of nutritional values of caraway-seed pulp fed to Holstein dairy cattle (چکیده)
9101 - گزارش یک مورد نادر فیبرومیکسوما در یک راس گاو (چکیده)
9102 - Clinical and pathological study of experimentally- induced yew (چکیده)
9103 - Zero-divisor graphs of extension rings (چکیده)
9104 - عنوان: تعیین ترادف نوکلئوتیدی و بررسی علائم دو جدایه جدید ویروس موزائیک هندوانه از استان‌های خراسان رضوی و شمالی (چکیده)
9105 - A Software-Based Error Detection Technique Using Encoded Signatures (چکیده)
9106 - An FSM-based monitoring technique to differentiate between follow-up and original errors in safety-critical distributed embedded systems (چکیده)
9108 - کاهش خیز جانبی قاب با کنترل فعال (چکیده)
9109 - Evolutionary model selection in a wavelet-based support vector machine for automated seizure detection (چکیده)
9111 - TDMA Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Network Using Artificial Immune System (چکیده)
9112 - Some results on σ-DERIVATIONS (چکیده)
9113 - Genetic Regulatory Network Inference using Recurrent Neural Networks trained by a Multi Agent System (چکیده)
9114 - Biosorption of Hexavalent Chromium Ions from Aqueous Solutions using Almond Green Hull as a Low-Cost Biosorbent (چکیده)
9115 - sequence stratigraphy of Upper Bajocian-Lower Batonian, Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
9116 - The study of laminar convective heat transfer of CuO/water nanofluid through equilateral triangular duct at constant wall heat flux (چکیده)
9117 - FAPSWPP: یک پروتکل خرید امن کالای الکترونیکی مبتنی بر APSWPP (چکیده)
9118 - Centralized Key Management Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
9119 - توصیف سیستماتیک، پالئواکولوژی و پالئوبیوژئوگرافی دوکفه‌ایهای اویستر سازند خانگیران در برش ناودیس چهل کمان، شرق حوضه رسوبی کپه داغ (چکیده)
9120 - Zero-divisor graphs of Ore extension rings (چکیده)
9121 - Production of tropane alkaloids in diploid and tetraploid plants and in vitro hairy root cultures of Egyptian henbane(Hyoscyamus muticus L) (چکیده)
9122 - Preparation and characterization of novel polysulfone nanofiltration membranes for removal of cadmium from contaminated water (چکیده)
9123 - RTBIMS: Accuracy Enhancement in Iterative Multiplication Strategy for Computing Propagated Trust (چکیده)
9124 - A Novel Approach for Pupil Diameter Measurement Based on Soft Computing Techniques (چکیده)
9125 - Determination the frequency and types of coliforms in egg shell and egg yolk in different stages (چکیده)
9126 - Nucleotide and deduced sequence analysis of VP2 gene of chicken infectious anemia virus circulating in commercial broiler farms of Northeast Iran (چکیده)
9127 - Newcastle disease virus isolated from laying chicken flocks is the same strain circulating in broiler flocks of Northeast Iran (چکیده)
9128 - Fractal Image Compression Based on Particle Swarm Optimization And Chaos Searching (چکیده)
9129 - Viscous Flow Behavior of Low-Calorie Pistachio Butter: A Response Surface Methodology (چکیده)
9130 - Modeling free surface flows in presence of an arbitrary moving object (چکیده)
9131 - The effects of microbial inoculation of corn silage on performance of lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
9132 - Proposing a Market based Approach for Restoration of Power Systems (چکیده)
9133 - Determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in water samples by solid-phase microextraction based sol–gel technique using poly(ethylene glycol) grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated fiber (چکیده)
9134 - Comparison the PERSIANN model with interpolation methods toestimate daily precipitation (A case study: North-Khorasan, Iran) (چکیده)
9135 - DESC: Distributed Energy Efficient Scheme to Cluster Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
9136 - Average shadowing, asymptotic average shadowing and dominated splitting for conservative systems (چکیده)
9137 - Guided-mode resonance polarizers with 200-nm bandwidth (چکیده)
9138 - Experimental Study on Optimization of the Agglomeration Process for Producing Instant Sugar by Conical Fluidized Bed Agglomerator (چکیده)
9139 - Bis(9-aminoacridinium)bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k3O2,N,O6)zincate(II)trihydrate (چکیده)
9140 - Willingness to Communicate in English Among Iranian Non–English Major University Students (چکیده)
9141 - Use of Agricultural Waste for Removal of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solution (چکیده)
9142 - A novel antioxidant and antimicrobial peptide from hen egg white lysozyme hydrolysates (چکیده)
9143 - The validity of between Wingate test and Running-based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) in young elite basketball players (چکیده)
9144 - The effect of variety, size and moisture content of sunflower seed and its kernel on their terminal velocity, drag coefficient and Reynold’s number (چکیده)
9145 - A Local Cluster Head Election Algorithm in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
9146 - The effects of probiotic on growth performance and mortality of broiler chickens (چکیده)
9147 - Dual-Purpose Custom Instruction Identification Algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (چکیده)
9148 - Energy-Aware Design Space Exploration of RegisterFile for Extensible Processors (چکیده)
9149 - Instruction and Data Cache Peak Temperature Reduction Using Cache Access Balancing in Embedded Processors (چکیده)
9150 - Securing Embedded Processors against Power Analysis based Side Channel Attacks using Reconfigurable Architecture (چکیده)
9151 - Assessing the Available Surface Water Resources of Torogh Dam for Agricultural Consumption-Problems and Solutions for Future (چکیده)
9152 - تحلیل جایگاه حکمروایی خوب شهر ی در مشهد با مدل swot (چکیده)
9153 - The Effects of Segmentation in Above Knee Prosthesis during the Swing Phase (چکیده)
9154 - On the Derived Subgroups of Some Finite Groups (چکیده)
9155 - On the Minimum Number of Generators of the Free Products of Alternating Groups (چکیده)
9156 - Interaction effect of CO2 enrichment and nutritional condition on physiological characteristics, essential oil and yield of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) (چکیده)
9157 - A Hybrid Clustering Approach for Prolonging lifetime in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
9158 - Prediction of mechanical properties of a warm compacted molybdenum prealloy using artificial neural network and adaptive neuro-fuzzy models (چکیده)
9159 - Cylindrical and spherical ion-acoustic solitons in electron-positive ion-negative ion plasmas (چکیده)
9160 - Isolation and molecular characterization of Newcastle Disease Virus circulating in broiler flocks of Northeast Iran (چکیده)
9162 - thermodynamic study of complex formation berween benzo-15-crown-5 and phenylaza-15-crown-5 with La3+ cation (چکیده)
9163 - Design, synthesis and evaluation of a molecularly imprinted polymer for hollow fiber–solid phase microextraction of chlorogenic acid in medicinal plants (چکیده)
9165 - Software-Level Instruction-Cache Leakage Reduction Using Value-Dependence of SRAM Leakage in Nanometer Technologies (چکیده)
9166 - بررسی علل وقوع توفان های گرد و خاک شدید در مشهد (چکیده)
9167 - Efficacy of Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Activated By Thromboplastin-D on the Repair and Regeneration of Wounds in Dogs (چکیده)
9168 - Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties of Refrigerants (چکیده)
9169 - A Novel Fuzzy Metric to Evaluate Clusters for Prolonging Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
9170 - Effects of Soret/Dufour on Steady MHD Mixed Convection over an Infinite Vertical Plate embedded in a Porous Medium with a Convective Boundary Condition (چکیده)
9171 - Echocardiographic Measurement of Systolic Time Intervals In Healthy Great Dane Dogs (چکیده)
9172 - Application of Image Analysis and Artificial Neural Network to Predict Mass Transfer Kinetics and Color Changes of Osmotically (چکیده)
9173 - Effect of Osmotic Dehydration and Air Drying on Physicochemical Properties of Dried Kiwifruit and Modeling of Dehydration Process Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
9174 - Investigation of the optimum number of heat pipe rows in HPHX used for energy saving in an air conditioning system (چکیده)
9175 - Pistachio Allergy-Prevalence and In vitro Cross-Reactivity with Other Nuts (چکیده)
9176 - Effects of selenium and vitamin E and night or day feeding on performance of Holstein dairy cows during hot weather (چکیده)
9177 - The influence of impact loading on the fatigue life of EA4T steel (چکیده)
9178 - Additional scaled solutions to Richards’ equation for infiltration and drainage (چکیده)
9179 - Welding of aluminum alloys through thermite like reactions in Al–CuO–Ni system (چکیده)
9180 - English for B. Sc. Students of Physical Education in Iran: A Study of Perception of English Needs and Effectiveness of ESP Textbooks (چکیده)
9181 - Optimization of low-cholesterolelow-fat mayonnaise formulation: Effect of using soy milk and some stabilizer by a mixture design approach (چکیده)
9182 - One-step Synthesis of Dialkyl 1,2-Dihydroquinoline- 2,3-dicarboxylates. A Vinyltriphenylphosphonium Salt Mediated Intramolecular Wittig Reaction (چکیده)
9183 - A Facile One-Pot Synthesis of Functionalized 1,5-Dihydro-2H- [1]benzopyrano[2,3-b]pyridin-5-ones (چکیده)
9184 - Solvent-Free Crossed Aldol Condensation of Cyclic Ketones with Aromatic Aldehydes Assisted by Microwave Irradiation (چکیده)
9185 - Structural Similitude and Scaling Laws for Cross-Ply Laminated Plates (چکیده)
9186 - Structural Similitude and Scaling Laws for Laminated Structures (چکیده)
9187 - 1,1-(Ethane-1,2-diyl)dipyridinium dichromate(VI) (چکیده)
9188 - Identification of the Effective Stractual Factors in Creating and Developing Digital Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Sector (چکیده)
9189 - Growth hormone, prolactin and cortisol response to exercise in patients with depression. (چکیده)
9190 - Detection of Sss gene involved phase variation phenomenon in some fluorescent pseudomonas and its role in root colonization in wheat (چکیده)
9191 - Incidental Vocabulary Learning And Recall By Intermediate Foreign Language Students: The Influence Of Marginal Glosses, Dictionary Use, And Summary Writing (چکیده)
9192 - The Causes and Consequences of Labeling in Patients with HIV/AIDS (چکیده)
9193 - Crack Identification in Functionally Graded Beams Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
9194 - Experimental and thermodynamic investigation of a triangular channel geometry PEM fuel cell at different operating conditions (چکیده)
9195 - The effect of material properties on the performance of a new geometry PEM fuel cell (چکیده)
9196 - Experimental characterization and Correlation of a triangular channel geometry PEM fuel cell at different operating conditions (چکیده)
9197 - Three-dimensional modeling and development of the new geometry PEM fuel cell (چکیده)
9198 - Correlation of the performance of a PEM fuel cell at different channel geometries (چکیده)
9199 - بررسی کیفیت آب دریاچه ی تالابی زریوار و پهنه بندی آن با استفاده از شاخص های کیفی (NSFWQI) و (OWQI) و استفاده از سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (چکیده)
9200 - The effects of a high dose of estradiol on nitric oxide level in brain tissues and learning of ovariectomized rats (چکیده)
9201 - Histological evaluation of wound healing effects of alcoholic and oily extract curcuma longa – cattle’s eye vitreous in male rat skin (چکیده)
9202 - An experimental study of the healing effect some biostimulator (ghee and morphine) on the cutaneous wound wistar rats (چکیده)
9203 - A glance on the effects of temperature on axisymmetric dynamic behavior of multiwall carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
9204 - Welfare and environmental quality impacts of green taxes in Iran (a computable general equilibrium model) (چکیده)
9205 - Economic Efficiency of Smallholder in Iran: Adjusted for Market Distortion (چکیده)
9206 - Rumen development and growth of Balouchi lambs offered alfalfa hay pre- and post-weaning (چکیده)
9207 - Mitochondrial DNA (CYTB & COX1) Divergences in Two Distinct, Old World and New World Barn Owls (چکیده)
9208 - Designing A Knoeledge Based System For Marketing Strategy: A DEA Approach (چکیده)
9209 - بررسی جریانات ترازهای زیرین جو بر روی خاورمیانه و نقش آن بر وقوع توفان های گرد و غباری در جنوب غرب ایران (چکیده)
9210 - Optimum management of water and wastewater network in GIS environment using geospatial database, a case study on part of Ahvaz city, SW Iran (چکیده)
9211 - X-ray structure of 1D-coordination polymer of copperII bearing 1,4-pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid and 2-aminopyrimidine (چکیده)
9212 - Offline Handwritten Signature Identification and Verification Using Multi-Resolution Gabor Wavelet (چکیده)
9213 - CuO/water nanofluid heat transfer through triangular ducts (چکیده)
9214 - Rheological and Textural Characteristics of Date Paste (چکیده)
9215 - An evaluation of freezing tolerance of winter chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) using controlled freeze tests (چکیده)
9216 - The Geochemical, Mineralogical and Characterization of Mineralization Zones In Quartz Diorite, Quartz Monzodiorite and Granite associations (Suite) of Tarik Dareh (Torbat-E Jam) area By Multispectral Data (R s) and artificial Ne ural Networks (ann) Methods (چکیده)
9217 - The effect of magnetic field and nanofluid on thermal performance of two-phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) (چکیده)
9218 - A Novel Patch-Based Digital Signature (چکیده)
9219 - Head-on collision of electron acoustic solitary waves in a plasma with nonextensive hot electrons (چکیده)
9220 - Comparative study of the sol–gel based solid phase microextraction fibers in extraction of naphthalene, fluorene, anthracene and phenanthrene from saffron samples extractants (چکیده)
9221 - Pain reduction after initial archwire placement in orthodontic patients: A randomized clinical trial (چکیده)
9222 - Investigation on some mechanical aspects of safflower seed to the design of processing equipment (چکیده)
9223 - Active vibration isolation of machinery and sensitive equipment using H∞ control criterion and particle swarm optimization method (چکیده)
9224 - Voltammetric determination of 4-nitrophenol using a modified carbon paste electrode based on a new synthetic crown ether/silver nanoparticles (چکیده)
9225 - Kinetic modeling of concentrated acid hydrolysis of walnut green skin (چکیده)
9226 - On Hawaiian groups of some topological spaces (چکیده)
9227 - Electrochemical Analysis of Shewanella sp. Behavior In Microbial Fuel Cells (چکیده)
9228 - three- dimentional investigation of smart flap aerodynamic for a WIG vehicle (چکیده)
9229 - Consideration of Lock-in Using a Modified Wake Oscillator in Vortex Induced Vibrations about a Cylinder (چکیده)
9232 - Transverse vibration of fluid conveying carbon nanotubes embedded in two-parameter elastic medium (چکیده)
9233 - Antimicrobial resistance and K99 (F5) gene possession in generic Escherichia coli isolated from different age groups of diarrheic and non-diarrheic newborn dairy calves in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
9234 - An efficient one‐pot synthesis of a new heterocyclic system with high‐fluorescent properties (چکیده)
9235 - Investigation of wind erosion process for estimation, prevention, and control of DSS in Yazd–Ardakan plain (چکیده)
9237 - Mixed Convection Heat Transfer over an Isothermal Vertical Flat Plate in Supercritical Fluids (چکیده)
9239 - A novel congestion control protocol with AQM support for IP-based networks (چکیده)
9240 - Energy efficient/highly secure data aggregation method using tree-structured orthogonal codes for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
9241 - Enhanced antibacterial activity of amino acids-functionalized multi walled carbon nanotubes by a simple method (چکیده)
9242 - 2Aminopyridinium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)ferrate-III (چکیده)
9243 - Shadowing and Chaos (چکیده)
9244 - An integrated costumer knowledge management framwork for academic libraries (چکیده)
9245 - Institution and functions of national innovation system in Norway and Iran (چکیده)
9246 - Silicon-on-insulator based resonant leaky-mode broadband reflectors (چکیده)
9247 - Particle swarm optimization: principles and application to the design of diffraction gratings (چکیده)
9248 - The Optimization of Blank Holder Gap Profile in Deep Drawing Process (چکیده)
9249 - The Effect of Blank Holder Gap Profile upon Section Thickness Distribution in Deep Drawing Process (چکیده)
9250 - Macroscopic evaluation of wound healing activity of the Persian shallot, Allium hirtifolium in rat (چکیده)
9251 - Lattice Boltzmann Finite Volume Formulation with Improved Stability (چکیده)
9252 - Effect of Zinc supplementation on physical growth of school age children (چکیده)
9253 - Quantum Chemical Study of the NO Adsorption on the WO3 Nano-clusters (چکیده)
9254 - Detection of some antibiotic residues in poultry carcasses slaughtered in an industrial abattoir of Mashhad (چکیده)
9255 - Exergy and economic analysis of a pyramid-shaped solar water purification system: Active and passive cases (چکیده)
9256 - Investigation of Heat-Transfer Characterization of EDA-MWCNT/DI-Water Nanofluid in a Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon (چکیده)
9257 - Modeling and simulation of arsenic (V) extraction from water by emulsion liquid membrane process using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
9258 - Effect of different levels of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis on digestive enzyme activities in Artemia urmiana (چکیده)
9259 - Minimizing the Total Cost of Energy Production by Choosing the Best Energy Conversion Technologies for a Case Study in Iran (چکیده)
9260 - Optimization of Energy Flow Model Function for a Case Study in Iran by Genetic Algorithms (چکیده)
9261 - Prediction of improved cyclone system efficiency: Multi objective optimization by hybrid approach based on the genetic algorithm and artificial neural network (چکیده)
9262 - Dynamic Stability of Sandwich Beam with ER Core and Orthotropic Faces (چکیده)
9263 - Stability of smart sandwich beams with cross-ply faces and electrorheological core subjected to axial load (چکیده)
9264 - Free Vibration of a Carbon Nanotube-Based Mass Sensor (چکیده)
9265 - Investigation into Seasonal Effect and Browning Inhibitor on Callus Regeneration of Seedless Barberry (Berberis vulgaris var. asperma) (چکیده)
9266 - Does Critical Thinking Enhance EFL Learners’ Receptive Skills (چکیده)
9267 - Propagation of solitary waves in non uniform dusty plasmas (چکیده)
9268 - Study on different levels of fishmeal replacement by canola meal on serum and lipoproteins of 100-g-rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (چکیده)
9269 - Experimental Study on the Wrinkling During Deep Drawing of Dual Phase Steels (چکیده)
9270 - Studying pressure sores through illuminant invariant assessment of digital color images (چکیده)
9271 - Nanofiltration treatment of waste brine obtained from sugar decolorizing resin regeneration (چکیده)
9272 - Quantitative assessment of pressure sore generation and healing through numerical analysis of high-frequency ultrasound images (چکیده)
9273 - Effect of Operating Parameters on Performance of Nanofiltration of Sugar Beet Press Water (چکیده)
9274 - Investigation into the Reaction of 2-Amino- 4,5-dimethylthiophene-3-carboxamide with Iso(and Isothio)cyanates under Microwave Irradiation (چکیده)
9275 - The biodiversity and evolution of lactic flora during ripening of the Iranian semisoft Lighvan cheese (چکیده)
9276 - Extraction of Arsenic(V) from Water Using Emulsion Liquid Membrane (چکیده)
9277 - Extending FUM-LD Framework by Including an Academic Data Model (چکیده)
9278 - The Comparison of Sport Injuries in Different Parts of the Body of Elite Male Volleyball Players (چکیده)
9279 - Efficient and Novel Method for Thiocyanation of Aromatic Compounds Using Trichloroisocyanuric Acid/ Ammonium Thiocyanate/Wet SiO2 (چکیده)
9280 - Identification of different Malassezia species isolated from patients with Malassezia infections (چکیده)
9281 - Relationship of Neck Circumference and Other Antropometeric Indices to Athrosclorosis Risk Factors (چکیده)
9282 - Aerobic exercise along with low-caloric diet is more effective than low-caloric diet alone in tretment of patients with non alcoholic steatohepatitis (چکیده)
9284 - A New Approach for Comparing Communication Infrastructures of Power Systems (چکیده)
9285 - Some Characterization Results Based on Dynamic Survival and Failure Entropies (چکیده)
9286 - Critical Point Temperature of Ionic Liquids from Surface Tension at Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium and the Correlation with Interaction Energy (چکیده)
9287 - تشخیص مولکولی ویروس حلقه زرد گوجه فرنگی در السترو مریا در استان خراسان رضوی (چکیده)
9288 - The Effect of MWCNT on the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of HDPE/MWCNT Nanocomposite (چکیده)
9289 - Comparison of Scattering Effect in Zincblende and Wurtzite AlN Structures (چکیده)
9290 - Generating Unit Maintenance Scheduling for Reducing Market Power (چکیده)
9291 - تحلیل عوامل موثر بر توسعه تعاونی های تولید استان خراسان رضوی با استفاده از مدل SWOT (چکیده)
9292 - Effect of Salt Stress on Growth and Essential il of Matricaria Chamomilla L. (چکیده)
9293 - The Impact of a Solid Object on to a Liquid Surface (چکیده)
9294 - Effects of foliar application of zinc on physiological indices and yield of three spinach cultivars in Bojnourd,Iran (چکیده)
9295 - Impact of crop management on weed species diversity and community composition of winter wheat fields in Iran (چکیده)
9296 - Phylogenetic analysis of the five-toed Jerboa (Rodentia) from the Iranian Plateau based on mtDNA and morphometric data (چکیده)
9297 - Geometric morphometric comparison of mandible and skull of five species of genus Allactaga (Rodentia: Dipodidae) from Iran (چکیده)
9299 - Burrow configuration of Persian jird Meriones persicus Blanford, 1875 (Rodentia: Muridae, Gerbillinae) (چکیده)
9300 - Dependent Communication Systems: A New Approach for Designing Communication Infrastructures of Smartgrid (چکیده)
9301 - Comparison Between Communication Infrastructures of Centralized and Decentralized Wide Area Measurement Systems (چکیده)
9302 - Effect of drying temperature on in vitro gas production and energy content of wheat dried distillers’ grains using mixed rumen micro-biota obtained from Holstein steers (چکیده)
9303 - Modeling the time-dependent rheological behavior of pistachio butter (چکیده)
9304 - The potential of visible-near infrared hyperspectral imaging to discriminate between casing soil, enzymatic browning and undamaged tissue on mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) surfaces. (چکیده)
9305 - Skeleton Network Reconfiguration for System Restoration in Restructured Power Industry (چکیده)
9306 - Solving infinite horizon nonlinear optimal control problems using an extended modal series method (چکیده)
9307 - Fermentation Characteristics, In Situ Rumen Degradation and Nutritional Value of Whole Crop Barley Ensiled with Microbial Inoculant or Ammonium Propionate for Lactating Dairy Holstein Cows (چکیده)
9308 - Fermentation Characteristics, In Situ Rumen Degradation and Aerobic Stability of Whole Crop Barley Ensiled with Urea or Aqueous Ammonia (چکیده)
9309 - Radioactivity and dose assessment of heavy radioactive pollution, radon and radium from water sources of 3 northern regions in Iran (چکیده)
9310 - Application of “panel-data” modeling to predict groundwater levels in the Neishaboor Plain, Iran (چکیده)
9311 - Effect of thermal wall storage rotation on winter space heating (چکیده)
9312 - Non-commutative Callebaut inequality (چکیده)
9313 - Unconfined laminar nanofluid flow and heat transfer around a square cylinder (چکیده)
9314 - Electronic Transport Properties in InN Submicron n+-n-n+ Diode with InGaN Heterojunction Cathode (چکیده)
9315 - A Dielectric Loaded HMSIW H-Plane Horn Antenna (چکیده)
9316 - Parasitic wasps as natural enemies of aphid population in the Mashhad region of Iran: new data from DNA sequences and SEM (چکیده)
9317 - Hardware Implementation of Wavelet Transforms for Real-time Detection and Compression of Biopotentials in Neural Implants (چکیده)
9318 - Contemporary and sub-fossil house mice (Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758) (Rodentia: Muridae) from Iran (چکیده)
9319 - Estimation of genetic parameters and trends for age at first calving and calving interval in iranian Holstein cows (چکیده)
9320 - Hierarchical hybrid fuzzy-neural networks for modeling of activated carbon preparation for methane storage (چکیده)
9321 - Bis(l-pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylato)bis[aqua(3-carboxypyridine-2-carboxylato indium(III)] tetrahydrate) (چکیده)
9322 - Study of structural and antibacterial properties of Fe doped CuO nanoparticles; prepared by a chemical method (چکیده)
9324 - CuO:Fe nanoparticles: preparation, characterization and antibacterial properties (چکیده)
9325 - Drainage Network Analysis, Comparis of Digital Elevation Model(DEM) from ASTER with High Resolution Satellite Image and Areal Photographs (چکیده)
9326 - Fabrication and wear behavior investigation of the carbon/epoxycomposites based on wood using artificial neural networks (چکیده)
9327 - A new fuzzy neural network model for solving fuzzy linear programming problems and its applications (چکیده)
9328 - Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Porous Carbon Body Fabrication from Cellulose Based Materials (چکیده)
9329 - Analysis of power consumption and linearity in capacitive digital-to-analog converters used in successive-approximation ADCs (چکیده)
9330 - Reproductive performance of crossbred dairy cows under smallholder production system in Kurdistan province of Iran (چکیده)
9331 - تحلیل لرزه ای دیواره گود مسح شده به روش مهاری به کمک نرم افزار FLAC 3D (چکیده)
9332 - IPv6 Migration towards Developing E-Government (چکیده)
9335 - A Cluster-Based Distributed Hierarchical IDS for MANETs (چکیده)
9336 - New approach for flow control using PAUSE frame management (چکیده)
9337 - A New Approach for Web Applications Examination before Publishing (چکیده)
9338 - Hybrid hierarchical approach for addressing service discovery issues in MANETs (چکیده)
9339 - Survey and new Approach in Service Discovery and Advertisement for Mobile Ad hoc Networks (چکیده)
9340 - Guided-mode resonance enabled absorption in amorphous silicon for thin-film solar cell applications (چکیده)
9341 - Multi-level periodic leaky-mode resonance elements: design and applications (چکیده)
9342 - A New Spectral Variational Iteration Method for Solving Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problems (چکیده)
9343 - A Combi-Stroop Test for Measuring Food-Related Attentional Bias (چکیده)
9344 - Survey of canine Dirofilaria immitis infection in Caspian provinces of Iran (چکیده)
9345 - Membrane permeate flux and rejection factor prediction using intelligent systems (چکیده)
9346 - Numerical Solution of Two-Dimensional Volterra Integral Equations by Spectral Galerkin Method (چکیده)
9347 - Optical delay elements based on leaky-mode resonance structures (چکیده)
9348 - بررسی روند تغییر پارامترهای اقلیمی مشهد در دوره 2030- 2011 با استفاده از داده های شبیه سازی شده توسط مدل LARS_WG5 (چکیده)
9349 - Electricity Generation Using Dairy Waste Water in a Microbial Fuel Cell (چکیده)
9350 - Effect of Si-Doping Position on Optical Properties of Nitride Quantum Well (چکیده)
9351 - Design of silicon-based leaky-mode resonant nanopattered devices using inverse numerical methods (چکیده)
9352 - Microscopic Evaluation ofAutologous Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) on Skin Wound`s Healing in Dog Treated with Dexamethezon (چکیده)
9353 - Rainfed Cereals Response to Interseasonal Rainfall Variability in Semiarid Regions of Khorasan (چکیده)
9354 - An Investigation of Relationship between Earnings Conservatism and Price to Book Ratio Based on Basu s Method (چکیده)
9355 - Comparative study of anatomy and histology on the ovary and oviduct in camel(Camelus dromedarius) (چکیده)
9356 - Integrative Farming Approaches for Highland Areas of CWANA Region (چکیده)
9357 - The effects of contact zone on phylogenetic characters in Persian Wheatear (چکیده)
9358 - Moving mesh adaptation techniques (چکیده)
9359 - Multi-mode renewable resource-constrained allocation in PERT networks (چکیده)
9360 - Review on Fast Neutron Therapy (چکیده)
9361 - A General Achievable Rate Region forMultiple-Access Relay Channels and Some Certain Capacity Theorems (چکیده)
9362 - Development of a Bonner sphere spectrometer with emphasis on decreasing the contribution of scattering by using a new designed shadow cone (چکیده)
9363 - A Delay-Constrained General Achievable Rate and Certain Capacity Results for UWB Relay Channel (چکیده)
9365 - Improving pore morphology of PM 316L stainless steels by prealloyed powder prepassivation in 20% nitric acid (چکیده)
9366 - An Achievable Rate Region for Cognitive Radio Channel With Common Message (چکیده)
9367 - The Capacity Region of Gaussian Fading Multiple Access Relay Channels with Orthogonal Components (چکیده)
9368 - Evaluation of response matrix of a multisphere neutron spectrometer with water moderator (چکیده)
9369 - the effect of modes of discourse adn L1 on teh writing quality of Iranian advance EFL learners (چکیده)
9370 - The Capacity Region of Fading Multiple-Access Relay Channels with Common Information (چکیده)
9371 - Fauna of bacteria and fungi associated with digestive system of Blattela germanica L. collected from various locations in Mashhad, Iran. (چکیده)
9372 - An optimal procedure for minimizing total weighted resource tardiness penalty costs in the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (چکیده)
9373 - Species divergence based on statistical and evolutionary models (چکیده)
9374 - Phylogeny of Puntius (Family: Cyprinidae) in Peninsular Malaysia according to 16s ribosomal RNA (چکیده)
9376 - Silicon membrane-based narrow bandpass leaky-mode resonance filter (چکیده)
9377 - Tunable nanoelectromechanical RGB pixels (چکیده)
9378 - Hydraulic performance analysis of sewer systems with uncertain parameters (چکیده)
9379 - Evaluation of Allium hirtifolium effects on wound healing In rainbow trout( oncorhynchus mykiss) (چکیده)
9380 - Mitigation of climate change impacts on maize productivity in northeast of Iran: a simulation study (چکیده)
9381 - Narrow bandpass MEMS-tunable filters based on phase-shifted guided-mode resonance structures (چکیده)
9382 - Particle swarm optimization: principles and application to the design of resonant grating devices (چکیده)
9383 - Optical filters, reflectors and polarizers fashioned with periodic leaky-mode resonant layers (چکیده)
9384 - Widely-tunable nano-structured leaky-mode resonant pixels for the visible spectral region (چکیده)
9385 - High performance Bragg gratings in chalcogenide glass rib waveguides written with a modified Sagnac interferometer: fabrication and characterization (چکیده)
9386 - Nonlinear pulse propagation and all-optical regeneration in chalcogenide waveguides integrated with Bragg grating filters (چکیده)
9387 - Phase-shifted resonance Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides (چکیده)
9389 - Support Vector Regression with Fuzzy Target Output (چکیده)
9390 - The Effects of Heat Treatment and Cold Working on the Microstructure of Aluminum Alloys Welded by Friction Stir Welding (FSW) Technique (چکیده)
9391 - Modelling the Flow Behaviour of Dual-Phase Steels with Different Martensite Volume Fractions by Finite Element Method (چکیده)
9392 - Monte Carlo comparison of five exponentiality tests using different entropy estimates (چکیده)
9393 - Monte Carlo comparison of seven normality tests (چکیده)
9394 - An Evaluation of Iranian Banking System Credit Risk: Neural Network and Logistic Regression (چکیده)
9395 - Forecasting Stock Price Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Multi-Layer Perception Model- Iranian Evidence (چکیده)
9396 - Determination the frequency of Ixodid ticks on the sheep in Khorasan Razavi province, Iran (چکیده)
9397 - Modeling Semiconductor Device by Using Neuro Space Mapping (چکیده)
9398 - Analytical modelling of gate tunneling current of MOSFETs based on quantum tunneling (چکیده)
9399 - N,N--Dibenzyl-N,N--dimethyl-N---(2-phenylacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9400 - Preparation, characterization and catalytic application of some polyoxometalates with Keggin, Wells-Dawson, and Preyssler structures (چکیده)
9401 - Successful application of S-transform time-frequency method in hydrocarbon reservoirs and low frequency shadows detection (چکیده)
9402 - An investigation on low-frequency passive seismic waves as a hydrocarbon indicator in SW-Iran (چکیده)
9403 - O-Phenyl (tert-butylamido)(p-tolylamido) phosphinate (چکیده)
9404 - N,N--Dicyclopentyl-N--,N---dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9405 - Evaluation of the Impacts of Fall Sowing Dates on Different Ecotypes of Cumin (Cuminum cyminum, Apiaceae L.) Productivity in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
9406 - Resonant wideband polarizer with single silicon layer (چکیده)
9407 - New Nonpolarizing Resonant Beam Splitters (چکیده)
9408 - Fabrication of Guided-Mode Resonance Elements by Nanoimprint Lithography (چکیده)
9409 - Dispersion engineering with leaky-mode resonant photonic lattices (چکیده)
9410 - Wideband leaky-mode resonance reflectors: Influence of grating profile and sublayers (چکیده)
9411 - Silicon-layer guided-mode resonance polarizer with 40 nm bandwidth (چکیده)
9412 - Physical basis for wideband resonant reflectors (چکیده)
9413 - Widely tunable guided-mode resonance nanoelectromechanical RGB pixels (چکیده)
9414 - Self-phase modulation-based integrated optical regeneration in chalcogenide waveguides (چکیده)
9415 - Ultra-strong, well-apodized Bragg gratings in chalcogenide rib waveguides (چکیده)
9416 - Effect of Salinity on Growth and Leaf photosynthesis of Two Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Cultivars (چکیده)
9417 - Review and classification of modeling approaches of soil hydrology processes-2 (چکیده)
9418 - Evaluation of PTFs developed from large databases for Iranian soils to predict SMRC (چکیده)
9419 - recognizing pathogenic antibodies in sle using general regression neural networks (چکیده)
9420 - A New Method to Prevent Distance Protection from Operating Due to Power Swing (چکیده)
9421 - Coordination of Overcurrent and Distance Relays Using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization (چکیده)
9423 - The Effect of a Single Bout Circuit Resistance Exercise on homocystein hs-CRP and Fibrinogen in Sedentary Middle Aged Men, (چکیده)
9424 - Synthesis and Characterization of CaF2 NPs with Co-precipitation and Hydrothermal Method (چکیده)
9425 - complaxation of 4-nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 with Zn2+ , Mn2+ , Cr3+ and Sn4+ cations in acetonitrile-ethanol binary mixture (چکیده)
9426 - stability of dibenzo-18-crown-6 complexes with Ce3+ , Y3+ , UO22+ and Sr2+ cations in acetonitrile-Dimethylformamide binary solutions. (چکیده)
9427 - thermodynamics of ZrO2+ cation complexation with dibenzo-18-crown-6 in mixed nonaqueous solvents (چکیده)
9428 - thermodynamic behavior of compleation process between 4-nitrobenzo-15-crown-6 with Y3+ cation in some pure and binary mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
9429 - highly selective and efficient transport of lead (II) cations in natular water using a liquid membrane system with dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 as carrier. (چکیده)
9430 - voltammetric determination of 4-nitrophenol using a modified carbon electrode based a new synthetic crown ether/silver nanoparticle (چکیده)
9431 - study of complex formation between 15-crown5 with Fe3+ (چکیده)
9432 - construction an ion selective membrane electrode for lead (II) cation based ob benzo-18-crown-6 as an ionophore with polyvinylchloride matrix using of dip-coating method (چکیده)
9433 - Preparation of nanospinels NiMnxFe2−xO4 using sol–gel method and their applications on removal of azo dye from aqueous solutions (چکیده)
9434 - Learner Creativity in Accuracy, Complexity and Fluency in Written Narrative Tasks (چکیده)
9435 - Landslide Susceptibility mapping Using AHP metod in Yadak -Tevil Watershed,NE Iran (چکیده)
9436 - N,N-Dimethyl-N-,N---diphenylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9437 - N,N--Dibenzyl-N,N--dimethyl-N---(p-tolyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9438 - Improvement the winter space heating by the effect of rotating thermal wall storage (چکیده)
9439 - ارزیابی روش‌های افزایش عملکرد و بهره‌وری آب گندم با استفاده از گزینه‌های مدل SWAP (مطالعه موردی: دشت نیشابور) (چکیده)
9440 - Investigating the structure of summer atmospheric circulation over Southwest Asia (چکیده)
9441 - Characterization and evaluation catalytic efficiency of La0.5Ca0.5NiO3 nanopowders in removal of reactive blue 5 from aqueous solution (چکیده)
9442 - Effects of irrigation frequency regimes on morphological and physiological characteristics of six sedum species (چکیده)
9443 - Impact of NBTI on performance of domino logic circuits in nano-scale CMOS (چکیده)
9444 - Optimization of cutting conditions in WEDM process using regression modelling and Tabu-search algorithm (چکیده)
9445 - Graphite Disk Lanthanum(III)-Selective Electrode Based on Benzo-15-crown-5 (چکیده)
9446 - conductace study of complexation ability of Li+, Na+, and NH4+ cations with 15-crown-5 in acetonitrile-- Metho anol binary solutions (چکیده)
9447 - Fabrication of an Y3+-PVC Membrane Sensor Based on Dicyclohexyl-18-Crown-6 for Determination Fluoride Ion (چکیده)
9448 - A Novel Ion - selective Polymeric Membrane sensor for Determining Thallium (I) with high selectivity (چکیده)
9449 - Use of neural network models to estimate early egg production in broiler breeder hens through dietary nutrient intake (چکیده)
9450 - Flow in translation (چکیده)
9451 - JSM: Job Submission Manager for Large-Scale Distributed Systems based on Game Theory (چکیده)
9452 - A Fair Active Queue Management Approach Based on Supply and Demand Model (چکیده)
9453 - DSMC simulation of subsonic flow through nanochannels and micro/nano backward-facing steps (چکیده)
9454 - Effects of applying various levels of nitrogen on parent plants on the resistance to salinity stress in achieved seeds in Triticum aestivum L. cv. Gaskojen at germination period (چکیده)
9455 - Antioxidant activity of the essential oil and methanolic extract of cuminum cyminum at three concentrations in purified sunflower oil (چکیده)
9456 - Nine eriophyoid mite species from Iran (Acari, Eriophyidae (چکیده)
9457 - Determination of furan in food samples using two solid phase microextraction fibers based on sol–gel technique with gas chromatography–flame ionisation detector (چکیده)
9458 - Complexation of 4′-Nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 with Zn2+, Mn2+, Cr3+ and Sn4+ Cations in Acetonitrile–Ethanol Binary Mixtures (چکیده)
9459 - Evaluation of Mineralogical Characteristics and Erosion of Tous Historic Mud Wall, Ne of Iranl (چکیده)
9460 - Artificial neural network approach for locating internal faults in salient-pole synchronous generator (چکیده)
9462 - Measurement of Power Supplier’s Market Power Using a Proposed Fuzzy Estimator (چکیده)
9463 - Development of an analytical model for generation expansion planning as a tool to provide guidelines for preventing instability in the long‐term electricity market (چکیده)
9464 - Effect of Ethanol and Essential Oils on Extending Vase-life of Carnation Cut Flower (Dianthus caryophyllus cv. ‘Yellow Candy (چکیده)
9465 - The Role of persin news paper published in India in Constitutional Revolution of Iran (چکیده)
9467 - Bayesian Two-Sample Prediction with Progressively Type-II Censored Data for Some Lifetime Models (چکیده)
9468 - Automatic evaluation of pressure sore status by combining information obtained from high-frequency ultrasound and digital photography (چکیده)
9469 - A new approach based on genetic algorithm in Schrödinger equation solution for nanostructurCarlo operators e applications, the effect of some genetic and Monte (چکیده)
9470 - Response of germination and seedling growth of, hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) and Marguerite (Chrysanthemum x superbum) as medicinal plants to water stress (چکیده)
9471 - Cylindrical and spherical electron acoustic solitary waves in the presence of superthermal hot electrons (چکیده)
9472 - Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al/Al2O3 micro and nano nanocomposites fabricated by a novel stirr casting (چکیده)
9474 - مقایسه نتایج تجزیه و تحلیل داده های پانلی در نرم افزارهای R و eviews (چکیده)
9475 - Determination of Iron in Water Samples by Directly Suspended droplet Microextraction Combined with UV–Vis Spectrophotometry (چکیده)
9476 - DS-CDMA Blind Detection for Frequency-Selective Multipath Channels by Neural Networks (چکیده)
9477 - N-(3-Fluorobenzoyl)-N-,N---bis(4-methylphenyl) phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9478 - مطالعه وضعیت ناپایداری هوا و الگوهای سینوپتیکی مؤثر بر وقوع توفان های گرد و خاک (مطالعه موردی : مشهد) (چکیده)
9479 - The Effect of Teachers’ Self-reflection on EFL Learners’ Writing Achievement (چکیده)
9480 - Performance Analysis of Optical CDMA Systems Utilizing Optical Encoding in Presence of Interference and Receiver Noises (چکیده)
9481 - The Comparison of Mental Skills Profile of Young Iranian Elite Wrestlers in Various Weight Classes (چکیده)
9482 - N,N--Dicyclohexyl-N--(3-fluorobenzoyl)-N,N--dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9483 - N,N--Dicyclohexyl-N--(2,6-difluorobenzoyl)-N,N--dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9484 - حل مستقیم عددی جریان جت صفحه ای غیر قابل تراکم با استفاده از روش تفاضل محدود فشرده (چکیده)
9485 - A New Method for Obtaining Natural Coordinates for Conductive Porous Media Under LTNE (چکیده)
9486 - A Study of Spatially Growing Mixing Layer By Means of Linear Stability Theory Using Spectral Method (چکیده)
9487 - Airfoil Analysis of an Inviscid Incompressible Flow (چکیده)
9488 - شبیه سازی مستقیم عددی جریان گردابه ای با استفاده از روش تفاضل محدود فشرده تطبیقی (چکیده)
9489 - Direct Numerical Simulation of Round Jet Flow Using Mapped Compact Finite Difference Scheme (چکیده)
9490 - Crop Water Consumption and Crop Yield Prediction under Climate Change Conditions at Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
9491 - Impact of Bulk and Nanosized Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) on Wheat Seed Germination and Seedling Growth (چکیده)
9492 - Self Similarity Models of Time Trace and Time Characteristics of Spherical Shock Wave Parameters. (چکیده)
9493 - An Experimental Investigation of Initiation, Propagation and the Fatigue Life of Modified Coach Peel (MCP) Spot Weld Specimens (چکیده)
9494 - The Effects of Supplemental Zinc and Honey on Wound Healing in Rats (چکیده)
9495 - N-[Bis(morpholin-4-yl)phosphinoyl]-2-chloro-2,2-difluoroacetamide (چکیده)
9496 - Learner Creativity and Performance in Written Narrative Tasks (چکیده)
9497 - N,N--Bis(2-chlorobenzyl)-N--(2,2,2-trichloroacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9498 - 3-(4-Bromoanilino)-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-phenylpropan-1-one (چکیده)
9499 - Cyclohexyl(methyl)ammonium(bis[cyclohexyl(methyl)amino]-phosphoryl)(4-methylphenylsulfonyl)-azanide (چکیده)
9500 - N,N,N\',N\'-Tetraethyl-N\"-(2-fluorobenzoyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9501 - N,N--Dibenzyl-N--(2-chloroacetyl)-N,N--dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9502 - Comparison of Chemical Composition of Achillea eriophora and A. wilhelmsii Grown in Wild and Cultivated Conditions in Iran (چکیده)
9503 - p-Tolyl bis(cyclohexylamido)phosphinate (چکیده)
9504 - Piperazine-1,4-diium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-κ3O2,N,O6)cobaltate(II) tetrahydrate (چکیده)
9505 - N,N--Di-tert-butyl-N--(2-chloroacetyl)-phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9506 - rac-Phenyl (benzylamido)(p-tolylamido)-phosphinate (چکیده)
9507 - Phenyl bis(m-tolylamido)phosphinate (چکیده)
9508 - Linear Stability Analysis of Spatially Growing Mixing Layer Flow Using Spectral Method (چکیده)
9509 - Experimental Study of Crack Growth Behavior and Fatigue Life of Spot Weld Tensile Shear Specimens (چکیده)
9510 - Orr Sommerfeld Solver Using Mapped Finite Difference Scheme for Plane Wake Flow (چکیده)
9511 - Outflow Boundary Condition Issues in Direct Numerical Simulation of Three Dimensional Plane Wake Flow (چکیده)
9512 - The Direct Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Spatially-Developing Free Shear Flow (چکیده)
9513 - Effects of Formalin and Copper Sulfate on water content of the bovine hooves (چکیده)
9515 - Distribution of different hoof lesions in different hoof trimming timings (چکیده)
9516 - Herd investigation of lameness in cattle (چکیده)
9517 - Impact of lameness in Iran’s dairy herds (چکیده)
9518 - Study on Hoof Growth Pattern in Sheep to find Proper lndices of Hoof Trimming (چکیده)
9520 - A new cut point for bovine hoof trimming (چکیده)
9521 - Evaluation of annual hoof trimming timings in dairy cows (چکیده)
9522 - Evaluation of sole ulcer cure rate (چکیده)
9523 - Evaluation of rosemary extract on full tickness wounds of sheep (چکیده)
9530 - N,N -Bis(2-methylphenyl)-N -(2,2,2- trichloroacetyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9531 - N-(2,6-Difluorobenzoyl)-P,P-bis-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)phosphinic amide (چکیده)
9532 - Spatial analysis of the frequency-magnitude distribution of aftershock of 2003 Bam earthquack:southeast Iran (چکیده)
9533 - Density estimators for truncated dependent data (چکیده)
9534 - Phenyl bis(morpholin-4-ylamido)-phosphinate (چکیده)
9535 - Diphenyl [(S)-1-phenylpropanamido]-phosphate (چکیده)
9536 - The Effect of Grammatical Error Correction On the Development of Learning English Writing as a Foreign Language (چکیده)
9537 - Improving performance and energy efficiency of embedded processors via post-fabrication instruction set customization (چکیده)
9538 - Nonlinear flow-induced vibration of a SWCNT with a geometrical imperfection (چکیده)
9539 - بررسی اثر سطوح مختلف کنسانتره پروتئین آب پنیر (WPC) بر خصوصیات فیزیکوشیمیایی و حسی کیک روغنی (چکیده)
9540 - The physical Attributes of Safflower Seed as a Function of Moisture Content, Variety And Size (چکیده)
9541 - Fabrication of Nanocrystalline MoSi2 Powder Using Combustion Synthesis and Investigation of its Properties (چکیده)
9542 - Non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics perturbation theory: A new approach to Maxwell molecules (چکیده)
9543 - Seasonal Influences of Boundary Conditions in Coastal Water Quality Variations (چکیده)
9544 - Improved multilevel bipartitioning for controlled power system islanding (چکیده)
9545 - Weather conditions associated with irrigated crops in an arid and semi arid environment (چکیده)
9546 - Rate-distortion improvement of directional wavelets by megablocking (چکیده)
9547 - تحلیل ویدئو اخبار به منظور آشکار سازی وتشخیص چهره گوینده خبرو آشکار سازی مرز بخش های خبری (چکیده)
9548 - Offline Signature Recognition using Modular Neural Networks with Fuzzy Response Integration (چکیده)
9549 - Biotechnology and the Flat World (چکیده)
9550 - Effect of salinity and silicon application on oxidative damage of sorghum [sorghum bicolor (l.) Moench.] (چکیده)
9551 - Does Trichoderma harzianum really increase growth parameters in plants (چکیده)
9552 - How may Trichoderma application affect vegatative and qualitative traits in tulip ( Darwin hybride) cultivar (چکیده)
9553 - the effect of Trichoderma on pollanthes qualitative and quantitative properties (چکیده)
9554 - Evaluation of Characteristics of Interfacial Phases Produced in Al/Ni3Al Composite during Manufacturing (چکیده)
9555 - Exceptional catalytic efficiency in mineralization of the reactive textile azo dye (RB5) by a combination of ultrasound and core–shell nanoparticles (CdS/TiO2) (چکیده)
9556 - A second-harmonic LC-quadrature voltage controlled oscillator with direct connection of MOSFETs’ substrate (چکیده)
9557 - CMOS second-harmonic quadrature voltage controlled oscillator using substrate for coupling (چکیده)
9558 - Determine of residual stresses around cold-worked hole based on measured residual strains (چکیده)
9559 - The influence of impact loading on the fatigue life of EA4T steel (چکیده)
9560 - Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Chemical Composition, Antioxidant Activity, Anthocyanin, and Total Phenolic Content of Cherry Fruits (چکیده)
9561 - The comparison of body composition of Iranian soccer players in different playing positions during competitions season (چکیده)
9562 - Efficacy of conventional and extended intra-mammary treatment of persistent sub-clinical mastitis with cefquinome in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
9563 - The effect of desiccated ox bile supplementation on performance, fat digestibility, gut morphology and blood chemistry of broiler chickens fed tallow diets (چکیده)
9564 - Determination of AMEn and nutrients digestibility of wet extruded full fat soybean (EFFSB) in broiler chickenc (چکیده)
9565 - Effect of extruded full fat soybean (EFFSB ) on small intestine morphology of broiler chickens (چکیده)
9566 - Effect of genotypes and culture medium on shootregeneration and proliferation of Gerbera jamesonii (چکیده)
9567 - Multiobjective optimization for force and moment balance of a four-bar linkage using evolutionary algorithms (چکیده)
9569 - Application of mathematical models for true metabolisable energy in sorghum grain for poultry (چکیده)
9570 - Relationship between chemical composition and total amino aci contents in pearl millet hybrid (چکیده)
9571 - Allelopathic Effects of some Medicinal Plants Extracts on Seed Germination of Some Weeds and Medicinal Plants (چکیده)
9572 - Simultaneous effects of inlet stagnation pressure and heat transfer to water vapor condensing flow of supersonic Laval nozzle (چکیده)
9573 - Critical and synergy nodes in insulin-EGF signaling network (چکیده)
9574 - Purification and characterisation of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from lysozyme hydrolysates (چکیده)
9577 - The study of nutritional management of parent plant in combination with seed priming by biofertilizers in toward to increase of salinity tolerance in wheat cv. Sayonz at germination period (چکیده)
9579 - بررسی نتایج برنامه توانمندسازی زنان سرپرست خانوار (چکیده)
9580 - Effects of feeding whole or physically broken flaxseed on milk fatty acid profiles of Holstein lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
9581 - Bis(9-aminoacridinium)bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-κ3O2,N,O6)manganate(II)trihydrate (چکیده)
9582 - An extension to fuzzy support vector data description-FSVDD (چکیده)
9583 - Effects of Trogonella foenum-graecum essential oil applied as intraperitoneal injection on blood cells and blood biochemical parameters of white Wistar rats (چکیده)
9585 - Drought stress effects on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and water (چکیده)
9586 - Validation and testing of the AquaCrop model under full and deficit irrigated wheat production in Iran (چکیده)
9587 - Evalution of Melatonin effects on some biochemical parameters in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss) (چکیده)
9588 - Effect of dry period length. and lipogenic vs. glucogenic diets on dry matter intake. milk production and composition in Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
9589 - Study of dormancy-breaking and optimum temperature for germination of Russian knapweed (Acroptilon repens L.) (چکیده)
9590 - An efficient GDQ model for vibration analysis of a multiwall carbon nanotube on Pasternak foundationwith general boundary conditions (چکیده)
9591 - Response surface and neural network models for performance of broiler chicks fed diets varying in digestible protein and critical amino acids from 11 to 17 days of age (چکیده)
9593 - The Effect of Magnetic Feild on the stability of (Kryptofix22DD)complexes with Ytrium Ion (چکیده)
9594 - The Relationship Between Types Of Paragraphs And Topic Progression Used In Paragraphs Written By Iranian EFL Students (چکیده)
9595 - Change in nomads income and its effect on rangelands vegetation of Iran through past 40 years (چکیده)
9596 - Removal of Chromium(VI) from Aqueous Solution by Adsorption Using Cousinia Eryngioides Boiss and Activated Carbon (چکیده)
9597 - Modeling individual leaf area of basil (Ocimum basilicum )using different methods (چکیده)
9598 - Effects of Frequency Variation at Inlet Flow on the Vortex Shedding Frequency Behind a Circular Cylinder (چکیده)
9599 - گروه بندی مولکولی Wolbachia ، همزیست زنبورهای تریکوگرامای برخی نقاط ایران (چکیده)
9600 - رهیافتی مولکولی بر مطالعه زنبورهای تریکوگرامای برخی مناطق ایران و همزیستش : Wolbachia (چکیده)
9601 - A Chronotopic Analysis of Cover Letters in Persian and English (چکیده)
9602 - Study on the prevalence of dairy cattle lameness and its effects of production indices in Iran. A locomotion scoring base study (چکیده)
9603 - Evaluation of Food Withholding time on Propofol Total Intravenous Anesthesia in Sheep (چکیده)
9605 - An optimal energy‐efficient clustering method in wireless sensor networks using multi‐objective genetic algorithm (چکیده)
9606 - Digital Amputation for the Salvage of Lame Dairy Cows (چکیده)
9607 - Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase activity in dairy cows (چکیده)
9608 - Study on Distribution of Dairy Cattle Hoof Lesions and its Relation to Locomotion Scoring (چکیده)
9609 - Functionally-graded Permanent Magnets for Power Transmission Applications (چکیده)
9610 - Variability of growing season indices in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
9611 - Slip-Flow Heat Transfer in Trapezoidal Microchannels (چکیده)
9612 - Goodness-of-fit Test Based on Kullback-Leibler Information for Progressively Type-II Censored Data (چکیده)
9613 - Recursive algebraic method of computing power system harmonics (چکیده)
9614 - Investigating differentiation of rat’s bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells towards Keratinocytes by using Natural Scaffolding (چکیده)
9615 - Estimation of the time- dependent heat flux using the temperature distribution at a point in a two layer system (چکیده)
9616 - Application of new nickel(II) thiosemicarbazone supported on nano porous silica as a catalyst for selective oxidation of alcohols (چکیده)
9617 - Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-2-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene) hydrazinecarbothioamide as a new tridentate ligand and it s Co(III), Cu(II) and Cd(II) complexes (چکیده)
9618 - Mixed Ligand Palladium(II) Complex with NS-Bidentate S-allyldithiocarbazate Schiff Base (چکیده)
9619 - Synthesis of New Schiff Bases of S-allyl Dithiocarbazate, Spectroscopic Properties and X-ray Crystal Structures of S-allyl-β-N-(2-Pyrrolylmethylene)hyrazinecarbodithioate (چکیده)
9620 - Agar alternatives for micropropagation of African violet-Saintpaulia ionantha (چکیده)
9621 - Factors affecting employees' readiness for knowledge management (چکیده)
9622 - The effect of fatigue protocol on semi dynamic and dynamic balance in (چکیده)
9623 - Evaluation of Effective Parameters on EGR/Blowby Distribution (چکیده)
9624 - Synthesis and properties of a new organic-inorganic salt based on Preyssler type Polyoxometalates and amino acids:[C2H6NO2]3[C3H8NO2]4[Na(H2O)P5W30O110].20H2O (چکیده)
9625 - Hydrothermal Synthesis, X-Ray Crystallography, TGA and SEM Analyses and Solution Studies of a Novel Nano-Sized 1D Zinc(II) Coordination Polymer (چکیده)
9626 - The Effect of CALL Programs on Learning Grammatical Features by the Third-grade Iranian Junior High School Students (چکیده)
9627 - Bis(2-amino-6-methylpyridinium)trans-diaquabis(pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato) cuprate(II) hexahydrate (چکیده)
9628 - The Effect of Narrative and Expository Modes of Discourse on Reading comprehension and Recall (چکیده)
9629 - The Effect of Narrative and Expository Modes of Discourse on Reading comprehension and Recall (چکیده)
9630 - The effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/water nanofluid on thermal performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon (چکیده)
9631 - Experimental investigation of pool boiling characteristics of low- concentrated CuO/ ethylene glycol-water nanofluid (چکیده)
9632 - Effects of the relative time of emergence and the density of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) on corn (Zea mays) yield (چکیده)
9633 - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al–Al2O3 Micro and Nano Composites fabricated by Stir casting (چکیده)
9634 - Application of an axial flux eddy current coupling in a mild hybrid power-train (چکیده)
9635 - Purifying anion exchange resin regeneration effluent using polyamide nanofiltration membrane (چکیده)
9636 - Effect of Different Growing Media on Growth and Development of Two Lilium (Oriental and Asiatic Hybrids) Types in Soilless Condition (چکیده)
9637 - Evaluation of the Radiation Dose from Radon Ingestion and Inhalation in Springs, Wells, Rivers and Drinking Water of Ramsar in Iran (چکیده)
9638 - Application of the Genetic Algorithm to investigate nanostructures of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells (چکیده)
9639 - Radon and Radium Measurement in Water Supplies of Sadatshahr and Javaherdeh Regions in Iran (چکیده)
9640 - Determination of Radon and Radium in Springs, Wells, Rivers and Drinking Water Samples of Ramsar in Iran (چکیده)
9641 - The effect of magnetic water on strength parameters of concrete (چکیده)
9642 - Radon and radium concentrations in 120 samples of drinking springs and rivers water sources of northwest regions of Mashhad (چکیده)
9643 - First principles studies of band structure calculations of 6H-SiC and 4C-SiC using pseudopotential approches (چکیده)
9644 - Fabrication, characterization, and measurement of viscosity of α-Fe2O3-glycerol nanofluids (چکیده)
9645 - Analytical Solution for Thermoelastic Waves Propagation Analysis in Thick Hollow Cylinder Based on Green-Naghdi Model of Coupled Thermoelasticity (چکیده)
9646 - Finite Element Modeling for Transverse Vibration of Sandwich Beam with ER Core Resting on Two-Parameter Elastic Foundation (چکیده)
9647 - First record of Aphelinus paramali Zehavi and Rosen 1989 (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae), parasitoid of Aphis pomi de Geer (Hemiptera, Aphididae) in Iran, and its phylogenetic position based on sequence data of ITS2 and COI genes (چکیده)
9648 - Effects of Crop Density and Irrigation Management on Water Productivity of Rice Production in Northern Iran: Field and Modeling Approach (چکیده)
9649 - Comparing thermal and mechanochemical decomposition of ammonium paratungstate (APT) (چکیده)
9650 - An Integer Linear Programming based heuristic for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem (چکیده)
9651 - Molecular Characterization of Iranian Trichogrammatids (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) and their Wolbachia endosymbiontds (چکیده)
9652 - Generation of an Enriched Pool of DNA Aptamers for a HER2 Overexpressing Cell Line selected by Cell –SELEX (چکیده)
9653 - Optimum Quantities of Make and Buy in Multi-Item Manufacturing Firms with Restriction in Production Capacity (چکیده)
9654 - The Relation between Paragraph Organization and the Topic Progression Used in English Paragrahs Selected from Native Books on Teaching Writing (چکیده)
9655 - One-pot, efficient functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with diamines by microwave method (چکیده)
9656 - Whole crop barley silage characteristics treated with sugar beet molasses or dried sugar beet pulp (چکیده)
9657 - Chemical composition and In situ dry matter degradation of whole crop barley silage treated with urea or anhydrous ammonia (چکیده)
9658 - The effect of supplementation with monensin, garlic oil or turmeric powder on rumen pH and ammonia-N concentration responses of sheep (چکیده)
9659 - Effect of emotional intelligence reinforcement program on controlling of teenagers bullying behavior (چکیده)
9660 - Nanofiltration process for treatment of ground water of south of Quchan (چکیده)
9662 - Numerical Modeling of Non-Charring Material Ablation with Considering Chemical Reaction Effects, Mass Transfer and Surface Heat Transfer (چکیده)
9663 - Attachment styles and its relationship with cognitive triad (views of the self, others/world and future) (چکیده)
9665 - A novel solid-phase microextraction using coated fiber based sol–gel technique using poly(ethylene glycol) grafted multi-walled carbon nanotubes for determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and o-xylene in water samples with gas chromatography-flam ionization detector (چکیده)
9667 - Electrical and Optical Properties of Nanosized Perovskite-type La0.5Ca0.5MO3 (M=Co,Ni) prepared using a Sol-Gel Method (چکیده)
9668 - Effects of ethanolic extract of pine needles (Pinus eldarica Medw.) on reserpine-induced depression-like behavior in male Wistar rats (چکیده)
9669 - Effect of Essential Oils, Ethanol and Methanol to Extend the Vase-life of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) Flowers (چکیده)
9670 - Evaluation of freezing tolerance of three Persian shallot (Allium altissimum Regel) ecotypes under controlled condition (چکیده)
9671 - Effect of air temperature of a tower heat-dryer on in vitro digestibility of organic matter and metabolozable energy content of brewer s grain (چکیده)
9672 - Effects of the timing of initiation of glucogenic diet on performance of transition Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
9673 - The topological centre of skew product dynamical systems (چکیده)
9674 - The Higher duals of a Banach Algebra induced by a Bounded Linear Functional (چکیده)
9675 - The effect of single walled carbon nanotubes functionalized with polyethylene glycol (PEG-SWNT) on the expression of several pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) genes in human monocytic THP-1 cells (چکیده)
9677 - Thermal shock analysis and thermo-elastic stress waves in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders using analytical method (چکیده)
9678 - Model for simulation of winter wheat yield under dryland and irrigated conditions (چکیده)
9679 - Fractal-Markovian scaling of turbulent bursting process in open channel flow (چکیده)
9680 - Hybrid layerwise-differential quadrature transient dynamic analysis of functionally graded axisymmetric cylindrical shells subjected to dynamic pressure (چکیده)
9681 - Nonlinear Regression Model of a Human Hand Volume: A Nondestructive Method (چکیده)
9683 - Production of concentrated yogurt using superabsorbents and a permeable membrane (چکیده)
9684 - Modelling of Some Physical Characteristics of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruit during Ripening Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
9685 - Enhancement of Clutch Efficiency in Hybrid Vehicles by Electromagnetic Assisting Technology (چکیده)
9687 - Optimal Sizing of Hybrid Wind/Photovoltaic/Battery Considering the Uncertainty of Wind and Photovoltaic Power Using Monte Carlo (چکیده)
9688 - Size Optimization of New Hybrid Stand-alone Renewable Energy System Considering the Reliability Index (چکیده)
9689 - Optimizing dosage of sethoxydim and fenoxaprop-p-ethyl with adjuvants to control wild oat (چکیده)
9690 - A study of the knowledge of auditors in the field of tax laws: Evidence of Iran (چکیده)
9691 - The effect of qualified audit report on share prices and returns: Evidence of Iran (چکیده)
9692 - An Investigation of the relationship between audit firm size and earning management in quoted companies in Tehran stock exchange (چکیده)
9693 - A study of the reasons for shortcomings in establishment of internet financial reporting in Iran (چکیده)
9694 - پیش بینی نیاز آبی چغندرقند در دوره 2030-2011 با استفاده از داده های اقلیمی شبیه سازی شده توسط مدل ریزمقیاس کننده LARS-WG5 (مطالعه موردی: استان خراسان رضوی) (چکیده)
9695 - پیش بینی تغییرات فصلی پارامترهای اقلیمی در 20 سال آتی با استفاده از ریز مقیاس نمایی آماری داده های مدل HADCM3 (مطالعه موردی: استان خراسان رضوی) (چکیده)
9696 - Nonplanar ion-acoustic solitary waves with superthermal electrons in warm plasma (چکیده)
9697 - A target-based color space for sea target detection (چکیده)
9698 - A modification of Wong-Sandler mixing rule for the prediction of vapor-liquid equilibria in binary asymmetric systems (چکیده)
9699 - ضرورت و جایگاه مداخله زود هنگام و آموزش پیش دبستانی برای کودکان دارای نیازهای ویژه (چکیده)
9700 - Effects of dietary chromium-methionin supplementation on blood methabolites and insulin resistance index in fructose-fed diabetic rats (چکیده)
9701 - Physiological Response and Phytoaccumulation of Chromium (III and VI) by Petroselinum crispum (چکیده)
9702 - Head-on collision of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a plasma with aq-nonextensive electron velocity distribution (چکیده)
9703 - Isolation and Identification of campylobacter jejuni from poultry carcasses using conventional culture methods and multiplex PCR assay (چکیده)
9704 - فعال سازی جریان یاددهی - یادگیری (چکیده)
9705 - گزارش اقدام پژوهی پیرامون کاربرد قصه درمانی به مثابه تکنیک و ابزار مشاوره و رواندرمانی کودک (چکیده)
9707 - Nonplanar ion-acoustic solitary waves in electron–positron–ion plasmas with electrons following a q-nonextensive distribuation (چکیده)
9708 - آیا آموزش فراگیر دانش آموزان دارای نیازهای ویژه(استثنایی) می تواند نقطه عطف تحول در نظام آموزش ویژه ایران باشد؟ (چکیده)
9709 - Effect of Salt stress on germination and seedling growth of four medicinal plants (چکیده)
9710 - A neural network model to describe weight gain of sheep from genes polymorphism, birth weight and birth type (چکیده)
9711 - Iranian Sheep and Goat Industry at a Glance (چکیده)
9712 - The Effect of Iranian Shallot or Garlic Aqueous Extracts on Learning, Memory and Serum Biochemical Variables in Fructose-fed Wistar Rats (چکیده)
9713 - Application and Functions of Stabilizers in Ice Cream (چکیده)
9714 - نگرش به خواندن دانش آموزان دوره ابتدایی: بررسی تفاوت حسب جنسیت، طبقه بندی اقتصادی، اجتماعی و پایه تحصیلی (چکیده)
9715 - Global Warming Potential of Wheat Production in Southwest of Iran (چکیده)
9716 - Acute pulmonary oedema and electrocardiographic changes following ketamine administration in a crossbreed dog (چکیده)
9717 - Effects of a simulated oral environment and sterilization on load deflection properties of superelastic nickel titanium based orthodontic wiers (چکیده)
9718 - Synthesis and application of new Schiff base Mn(III) complexes containing crown ether rings as catalysts for oxidation of cyclohexene and cyclooctene by Oxone (چکیده)
9719 - Asymptotic behaviors of the Lorenz curve under strong mixing (چکیده)
9720 - Relationship between students critical thinking and self-efficacy belifs in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
9721 - Effect of Drought Stress and Paclobutrazol- Treated Seeds on Physiological Response of Festuca arundinacea L. Master and Lolium perenne L. Barrage (چکیده)
9722 - The modeling and process analysis of resistance spot welding on galvanized steel sheets used in car body manufacturing (چکیده)
9723 - Analysis of Toll like Receptor2 &4 (TLR2 & TLR4) Expression in Testis Tissue of Wistar Rats with Induced Hyperglycemia (چکیده)
9724 - Coupling Numerical and Physical Modeling for Analysis of Flow in a Diversion Structure with Coanda-effect Screens (چکیده)
9725 - The Geopolitical Characteristics of Iran s Qajar era (چکیده)
9726 - Conventional and extended intramamary therapy pf persistent subclinical mastitis using nafcillin-penicillin-dihydrostreptomyavin in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
9727 - Two new records of Cousinia Cass. (Asteraceae) from NE Iran, Khorasan provinces (چکیده)
9729 - A Detailed Review of Multi-Channel Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
9730 - Propane-1,2-diaminium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-j3O2,N,O6)cuprate(II)tetrahydrate (چکیده)
9731 - Optimal Coordination of Overcurrent and Distance Relays with Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
9732 - Considering Characteristics of Arc on Travelling Wave Fault Location Algorithm for the Transmission Lines without Using Line Parameters (چکیده)
9733 - Prediction of Egg Production Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
9734 - effect of sheep grazing on weed control in saffron ( Crocus sativus L.) fields (چکیده)
9735 - Allelopathic effects of saffron (Crocus sativus) leaves and corms on seedling growth of red root pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) and lambsquarter( Chenopodium album) (چکیده)
9736 - Evaluation of soil erosion and sediment yield using semi quantitative models: FSM and MPSIAC in Eivaneki watershed and the sub basins (Southeast of Tehran/Iran) (چکیده)
9737 - A novel secure and energy-efficient protocol for authentication in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
9738 - Effects of Autumn and Spring sowing on yield, oil content and fatty acid composition of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) cultivars in Shirvan region (چکیده)
9739 - The effect of supplementation of feed with exogenous enzymes on the growth of carps (Cyprinus carpio). (چکیده)
9740 - Metaphors of “Death” in Persian Curses (چکیده)
9741 - Contrastive Analysis of Dog Expressions in English and Persian (چکیده)
9742 - MAC (چکیده)
9743 - Thermodynamic study of complex formation between 4´-nitrobenzo-18-crown-6 with Y+3 cation in different non-aqueous binary solutions (چکیده)
9744 - Hollow fiber supported solid phase microextraction technique based on carbon nanotube reinforced sol-gel and differential pulsed anodic stripping voltammetry: a new technique for pre-concentration and determination of heavy metals. (چکیده)
9745 - Effect of salinity and silicon on root characteristics, growth, water status, proline content and ion accumulation of purslane (چکیده)
9746 - Study of complexation process between N-phenylaza-15-crown-5 with yttrium cation in binary mixed solvents (چکیده)
9747 - Blade curve influences on the performance of Savonius rotors: experimental and numerical (چکیده)
9749 - Modeling and simulation of CO2 removal from power plant flue gas by PG solution in a hollow fiber membrane contactor (چکیده)
9750 - Highly selective and sensitive coated-wire yttrium (III) cation selective electrode based on kryptofix-22DD (چکیده)
9751 - Study of Complex Formation of Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 with Ce3+, Y3+, UO2+ 2 and Sr2+ Cations in Acetonitrile–Dioxane Binary Solvent Mixtures (چکیده)
9752 - Application of Fractal Theory for Prediction of Shrinkage of Dried Kiwifruit Using Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
9753 - Synthesis and application of a novel solid-phase microextraction adsorbent: Hollow fiber supported carbon nanotube reinforced sol–gel for determination of phenobarbital (چکیده)
9754 - A conductometric study of complexation reaction between dibenzo-24-crown-8 with yttrium cation in some binary mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
9755 - A thermodynamic study of interaction of Na+ cation with benzo-15-crown-5 in binary mixed non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
9756 - Parameter Study in Plastic Injection Molding Process using Statistical Methods and IWO Algorithm (چکیده)
9757 - Wool characteristics in the third generation of Arkharmerino × Ghezel and Arkharmerino × Moghani crossbreed sheep (چکیده)
9758 - A heuristic Method to solve the Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem (چکیده)
9759 - اثربخشی کارگاه‌های آموزشی سواد اطلاعاتی برای دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی: پژوهشی با رویکرد زمینه‌گرا (چکیده)
9760 - A Variable Neighborhood Search and its Application to a Ring Star Problem Generalization (چکیده)
9761 - A heuristic procedure for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star problem (چکیده)
9762 - Genetic Algorithm–Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Moisture and Oil Content of Pretreated Fried Mushroom (چکیده)
9763 - A new method of fictitious viscous damping determination for the dynamic relaxation method (چکیده)
9764 - Bis(8-hydroxy-2- methylquinolinium) bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato) nickelate(II) methanol monosolvate monohydrate (چکیده)
9765 - 1,1 -(Ethane-1,2-diyl)dipyridinium bis(iodate) (چکیده)
9766 - Budget Constrained Scheduling of Grid Workflows Using Partial Critical Paths (چکیده)
9767 - Modeling and Simulation of Hamburger Cooking Process Using Finite Difference and CFD Methods (چکیده)
9768 - 2-Aminopyrimidinium hydrogenoxalate hydrate (چکیده)
9769 - A hybrid token-based distributed mutual exclusion algorithm using wraparound two-dimensional array logical topology (چکیده)
9770 - A multiplex polymerase chain reaction for the identification of cows’ and goats’ milk in sheep’s milk (چکیده)
9771 - Auto-Design of Neural Network–Based GAs for Manipulating the Khangiran Gas Refinery Sweetening Absorption Column Outputs (چکیده)
9772 - Ectrodactyly in a mix breed dog (چکیده)
9773 - The Impact of Well - Being Therapy on Symptoms of Depression (چکیده)
9774 - Well - Being Therapy (WBT) for Depression (چکیده)
9775 - Comparative Analysis of Chemokine Receptor's Expression in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from Human Bone Marrow and Adipose Tissue (چکیده)
9776 - Suitable growth stage to start irrigation with saline water to increase salt tolerance and decrease ion accumulation of Kochia scoparia (چکیده)
9777 - تاثیر هشت هفته تمرین هوازی بر مقادیر ادیپوکاین‌های پلاسمایی مردان میان‌سال (چکیده)
9778 - Group Work in EFL Children‟s Classes: A Qualitative Study (چکیده)
9779 - A Quantitative Survey on Iranian English Learners' Attitudes toward Varieties of English: World English or World Englishes (چکیده)
9780 - Ultraviolet to visible frequency-conversion properties of rare earths doped glass ceramics (چکیده)
9781 - Legendre Method for a Class of Nonlinear Optimal control problems (چکیده)
9782 - varphi -Factorable Operators and Weyl-Heisenberg Frames on LCA groups (چکیده)
9783 - Maximal covering location-allocation problem with M/M/k queueing system and side constraints (چکیده)
9784 - LB simulation of heat transfer in flow past a square unit of four isothermal cylinders (چکیده)
9785 - Biosystematics of genus Calomyscus (Calomyscidae, Rodentia) of Iran regarding biological species concept (چکیده)
9786 - Numerical calculation of optical property molecular wires polyacetylene (چکیده)
9787 - بررس ضربه قوچ در شبکه آبیاری شهر باخرز با استفاده از نرم افزار WHMO (چکیده)
9788 - O-Phenyl (cyclohexylamido)(p-tolylamido)phosphinate (چکیده)
9789 - Surfactant-Extraction Method (چکیده)
9790 - The effect of the Zagros Mountains on the formation and maintenance of the Iran Anticyclone using RegCM4 (چکیده)
9791 - A Variable Neighborhood Search and its Application to a Ring Star Problem Generalization (چکیده)
9792 - Workplace and Challenge With Stress (چکیده)
9793 - Comparative Analysis of Chemokine Receptors Expression in Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived From Human Bone Marrow and Adipose Tissue (چکیده)
9794 - Investigating epithelium-forming capacity of rat's mesenchymal stem cells cultured on decellularised human gingiva as a scaffold (چکیده)
9795 - Effect of time-dependent transpiration on axisymmetric stagnation-point flow and heat transfer of a viscous fluid on a moving circular cylinder (چکیده)
9796 - Development of a two-phase model for simulating the behavior of reinforced soils (چکیده)
9797 - Study of Heat Transfer on Elliptic Parts in One and Two Row Arrays of Plate Fin and Tube Heat Exchangers, a CFD Approach (چکیده)
9798 - Effects of Suction and Blowing on Flow and Heat Transfer Between Two Rotating Spheres With Time-Dependent Angular Velocities (چکیده)
9799 - C–H/p synthon repetitivity in coordination compounds, established from single-crystal and powder diffraction† (چکیده)
9800 - Effect of Salt Stress on Growth and Essential oil of Matricaria chamomilla (چکیده)
9801 - Synthesis of 8-aryl-1H-pyrazolo[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazolo[4,3-a] pyrimidine-4(5H)-imine by Using the Preyssler’s anion [NaP5W30O110]14− as a Green and Eco-friendly Catalyst (چکیده)
9802 - new electroplation bath based on an inorganic polymer (چکیده)
9803 - A new non-cyanide electroplating bath (چکیده)
9804 - Modeling the fracture resistance of sunflower seed and its kernel as a function of moisture content, variety, size and loading orientation (چکیده)
9805 - The Bahadur representation for kernel-type estimator of the quantile function under strong mixing and censored data (چکیده)
9806 - Mathematical modelling and experimental study of a solar distillation system (چکیده)
9807 - Effect of irrigation and organic manure on Khorasan thyme(Thymus transcaspicus Klokov (چکیده)
9808 - Climatic Suitability of Growing Summer Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) as a Medicinal Plant in Iran (چکیده)
9809 - The Effectiveness of EFL Teachers’ Locus of Control and Self-reflection on EFL Teachers’ Success and their Learners’ Achievement: A Quantitative Meta-analysis (چکیده)
9810 - Electro facies interpretation of petrophyisical well logs in south Fars area, Iran (چکیده)
9811 - Water deficit-induced changes on growth parameters and radiation use efficiency of promising durum wheat genotypes (چکیده)
9812 - Diphenyl (cyclopentylamido)-phosphonate (چکیده)
9813 - Corrosion of Gas Arc Weleded Nickel-Aluminium Bronze C9580 in 3.5% NaCl (چکیده)
9814 - A New Approach for Accurate Pricing of Reactive Power and Its Application to Cost Allocation in Deregulated Electricity Markets (چکیده)
9815 - Transmission Expansion Planning and Cost Allocation Under Market Environments (چکیده)
9816 - بهینه سازی شبکه فاضلاب با استفاده از روش لاگرانژ افزاینده و مقایسه آن با نرم افزار (چکیده)
9817 - A Qualitative Analysis of ELT in the Language Institutes of Iran in the Light of the Theory of ‘World Englishes’ (چکیده)
9818 - اثر هشت هفته تمرین های دایره ای بر بیان ژن AGRP لنفوسیت کشتی گیران تمرین کرده (چکیده)
9819 - Black holes in Born-Infeld extended new massive gravity (چکیده)
9820 - N,N\'-Dibenzyl-N,N\'-dimethyl-N\"-(4-nitrobenzoyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9821 - A piecewise-spectral parametric iteration method for solving the nonlinear chaotic Genesio system (چکیده)
9822 - N-(2-Fluorobenzoyl)-N-,N-- -bis(4-methylphenyl) phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9823 - N-Benzoyl-N-,N-- -dicyclohexylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9824 - N,N- -Dibenzyl-N,N- -dimethyl-N-- - (methylsulfonyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9825 - Kenetics inhibition of angiotansin converting enzyme by quail egg white hydrolysate fractions (چکیده)
9826 - ACE kinetic inhibition study of derived peptides from tryptic hydrolysate of HEWL (چکیده)
9827 - Microbial Evaluation of Fresh Cut and Minimally Processed Vegetables During Washing and Packing Steps (چکیده)
9828 - Microbial Evaluation of washing and Packing Steps pf Fresh Cut and Minimally Processed vegatables (چکیده)
9829 - Study on ovine abortion associated with Toxoplasma gondiin affected herds of Khorasan Razavi Province,based on PCR detection of fetal brains and maternal serologyran (چکیده)
9830 - Characterization of equality in a generalized Dunkl--Williams inequality (چکیده)
9831 - Embedding-Based Sliding Mode Control for Linear Time (چکیده)
9832 - Optimal Control of HIV Dynamic Using EmbeddingMethod (چکیده)
9833 - Diphenyl (o-tolylamido)phosphonate (چکیده)
9834 - N,N- -Dibenzyl-N-- -(2-chloro-2,2- difluoroacetyl)-N,N- -dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9835 - N-(2-Chloro-2,2-difluoroacetyl)-N-,N-- -diisopropylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
9836 - Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Pumpkin oil (Cucurbita pepo) on Performance and Blood Fat of Broiler Chickens during Finisher Period (چکیده)
9837 - بررسی تاثیر تنش شوری بر برخی شاخص های فیزیولوژیک ژنوتیپ های نخود تحت شرایط هیدروپونیک (چکیده)
9838 - Numerical analysis of thermal conductivity of charring material ablation with considering chemical reaction, mass transfer and surface heat transfer effects (چکیده)
9839 - Determination of Bismuth by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry using Single Drop Micro Extraction in Real Samples (چکیده)
9840 - Platelet-rich plasma activated by thromboplastin-D and calcium chloride can not accelerate wound's healing and regeneration in dog (چکیده)
9841 - Experimental Investigation on Flame Radiation Enhancement of Methane Burners Using Pre-Heated Inlet Fuel (چکیده)
9842 - Simulation of Two Designs of Micro-Mixers with Enhanced Advection Mechanisms (چکیده)
9843 - Electrowetting Actuation for a Sessile Liquid Drop: Experiments and Simulations (چکیده)
9844 - Stochastic Assessment of Thermo-Elastic Wave Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) with Gaussian Uncertainty in Constitutive Mechanical Properties (چکیده)
9845 - Transient analysis of thermo-elastic waves in thick hollow cylinders using a stochastic hybrid numerical method, considering Gaussian mechanical properties (چکیده)
9846 - The Effect of Eight Weeks of Wrestling and Wrestling Technique Based Circuit Trainingon Lymphocyte ABCA1 Gene Expression and Plasma Apolipoprotein A-I (چکیده)
9848 - Effects of Trogonella foenum graecum essential oil applied as intraperitoneal injection on blood cells and blood biochemical parameters of white Wistar rats (چکیده)
9849 - مطالعه تاثیر ترکیبات مختلف سوبسترا بر فرایند میوه دهی قارچ شی تاکه (چکیده)
9850 - Microstructural and mechanical properties of friction stir welded Cu–30Zn brass alloy at various feed speeds: Influence of stir bands (چکیده)
9851 - Acute Plasma Glucose and Lipoproteins Responses to a Single Session ofWrestling Techniques-Based Circuit Exercise (WTBCE)in Male Elite Wrestlers (چکیده)
9852 - An LB Study of Flow past Moderately and Widely Spaced Units of Four Cylinders: Force Coefficients Calculation and Flow Structure Simulation (چکیده)
9853 - Channel capacity analysis of spread spectrum audio watermarking (چکیده)
9854 - Quantitative Structure-Retention Relationships Study of Phenols Using Neural Network and Classic Multivariate Analysis (چکیده)
9855 - On a three-dimensional model of free surface flows with heat transfer and solidification (چکیده)
9856 - Surface cooling by an impinging water drop (چکیده)
9857 - On a 3D computational model of free surface flows including internal obstacles (چکیده)
9858 - A Fast Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm based Approach for Energy Efficient QoS-Routing in Two-tiered Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
9859 - The Impact of Green Tax on Promotion of Environmental and Welfare Indices (چکیده)
9860 - Estimation of Willingness to Pay for Air Quality Improvements (Case study: Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
9861 - Drought Risk Management for Sustainable Use of Agricultural Water Resources in Golestan Province, Iran (A Case of Gonbad-e-Kavous County) (چکیده)
9862 - Effects of precipitation and temperature on crop production variability in northeast Iran (چکیده)
9863 - The Histopathological Survey of Uterine Tissue in Holstein Dairy Cows with or without Recorded Reproductive Disorders (چکیده)
9864 - Relationship between students (چکیده)
9865 - Multiple Access Relay Channel with Orthogonal Componentsl (چکیده)
9866 - Computation of the Capacity for Discrete Memoryless Channels and Sum Capacity of Multiple Access Channells with Causal Side Information at Receiver (چکیده)
9867 - Estimation and modeling true metabolizable energy of sorghum grain for poultry (چکیده)
9868 - A Signal-Specific Successive-Approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter (چکیده)
9869 - A neural network approach for solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (چکیده)
9870 - An Agent-Based Framework for Automated Testing of Web-Based Systems (چکیده)
9871 - Effect of L-Thyroxin hormone (T4) on compensatory growth in broiler chicks (چکیده)
9872 - Determination of PSS Location Based on Singular Value Decomposition (چکیده)
9873 - Relative gain array and singular value decomposition in determination of PSS location (چکیده)
9874 - Antioxidant activity of sesame, rice bran and bene hull oils and their unsaponifiable matters (چکیده)
9875 - Standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in wheat, barley, pea and flaxseed for broiler chickens (چکیده)
9876 - Quantitative verification of the morphing evolutionary structural optimization method for some benchmark problems using a new performance index (چکیده)
9877 - Effect Of Boundary Conditions On Transient Response Of Sandwich Plates With Electrorheological Fluid Core (چکیده)
9878 - Structural Similitude between Vibration Response and Flutter Boundary of Cross Ply Composite Plates (چکیده)
9879 - Structural similitude for flutter of delaminated composite beam-plates (چکیده)
9880 - Accuracy of scale models for flutter prediction of cross-ply laminated plates (چکیده)
9881 - 1,3,5Trichloro-2,4,6-Triazinetrion: A Versatile Heterocycle for the One-Pot Synthesis (چکیده)
9882 - 1,3Dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin as a Novel and Efficient Homogeneous Catalyst (چکیده)
9883 - Analysis of Alternative Splicing Mediated by the PASA Software (چکیده)
9884 - Metabolic predictors of post-partum disease and culling risk in dairy cattle (چکیده)
9885 - From Information to Knowledge: SuperWorks and the Challenges in the Organization and Representation of the Bibliographic Universe (چکیده)
9886 - Performance of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Intercropping System under Different Rates of Nitrogen (چکیده)
9887 - Inclusion of full-fat safflower seed (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in broiler diet (چکیده)
9888 - Prevalence of Leptospira hardjo antibody in bulk tank milk in some dairy herds in Mashhad suburb (چکیده)
9889 - Shallow Semantic Parsing of Persian Sentences (چکیده)
9890 - The Study of Different Levels of Vermicompost and Phosphorus on Growth and Development and Some Elements Absorption in Tomato Transplants (چکیده)
9891 - The Structure of Summer Atmospheric Circulation over Southwest Asia (چکیده)
9892 - Studying the relationship between leg deformities and patellafemoral pain syndrome in athletes (چکیده)
9893 - Numerical Study of Circular Hydraulic Jump Using Volume-of-Fluid Method (چکیده)
9894 - An Experimental Study on the Behavior of Sulfur Concrete (چکیده)
9895 - Estimation of genetic parameters for lamb weight at various ages in Mehraban sheep (چکیده)
9896 - Prediction of the overall sieve tray efficiency for a group of hydrocarbons, an artificial neural network approach (چکیده)
9897 - Effects of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on cutaneous regeneration and wound healing in dogs treatedwith dexamethasone (چکیده)
9898 - Influence of Short-term, RepeatedFasting on the Skin Wound Healingof Female Mice (چکیده)
9900 - A Virtual Work Based Algorithm for Solving Direct Dynamics Problem of a 3-RRP Spherical Parallel Manipulator (چکیده)
9901 - Contribution of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Heavy Metals Uptake by White Clover (چکیده)
9902 - A low-power successive-approximation ADC for biomedical applications (چکیده)
9903 - A Study on the Performance of Students’ Mathematical Problem Solving Based On Cognitive Process of Revised Bloom Taxonom (چکیده)
9904 - ارزیابی قابلیت‌های عمومی و سیستم مدیریت پایگاه داده نرم‌افزار گرین‌استون برای طراحی و ایجاد کتابخانه دیجیتال پزشکی (چکیده)
9905 - کارکردی نو برای وب سایت های کودکان: بسترسازی برای پرورش ویژگی های تفکر عملیات عینی (طبقه بندی، ردیف بندی، نگهداری ذهنی و بازگشت پذیری) از دیدگاه نظریه پیاژه (چکیده)
9906 - Evaluation of five resynchronization methods using different combinations of PGF2a, GnRH, estradiol and an intravaginal progesterone device for insemination in Holstein cows (چکیده)
9907 - Preparation, structural characterization, semiconductor and photoluminescent properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles in a phosphonium-based ionic liquid (چکیده)
9908 - Coalescence Collision of Two Droplets: Bubble Entrapment and the Effects of Important Parameters (چکیده)
9909 - Conceptual linearization of Euler governing equations to solve high speed compressible flow using a pressure‐based method (چکیده)
9910 - DSMC Solution of Subsonic Flow through Micro-Nano Scale Channels (چکیده)
9911 - Study of Supersonic-Subsonic Gas Flows through Micro-Nano Scale Nozzles Using Unstructured DSMC Solver (چکیده)
9912 - Splat Shapes in a Thermal Spray Coating Process: Simulations and Experiments (چکیده)
9913 - BLSpray: Understanding the effects of black liquor properties and splash-plate nozzle configuration on spray characteristics (چکیده)
9914 - Quality of life and social capital in Mashhad city in Iran (چکیده)
9915 - An Investigation of Nucleating Flows of Steam in a Cascade of Turbine Blading-Theoretical Treatment (چکیده)
9916 - 3Ethylsulfanyl-5-methyl-1-phenyl- 7-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)-1H-pyrimido[4,5-e]- [1,3,4]thiadiazine (چکیده)
9917 - Bis(1-methyl-4-oxoimidazolidin-2- iminium) diaquabis(pyridine-2,4-dicarboxylato-k2N,O2)zincate(II) dihydrate (چکیده)
9918 - distribution, habitat and differentiation ofthe poorly-known black morph of MourningWheatear Oenanthe lugens lugens in Jordan (چکیده)
9919 - ارائه یک الگوریتم کشف WormHole کارا مبتنی بر آنتن های جهت دار در شبکه های حسگر بی سیم (چکیده)
9920 - بهبود عملکرد پروتکل پرداخت Payword (چکیده)
9921 - The Discourse Function of Conjunctions in conveying the propositional meaning (چکیده)
9922 - Effect of Calcination Process on Phase Formation in Nano-Sized Zn0.9Mn0.1O Particles (چکیده)
9923 - A scientometric model for the assessment of strength and weakness of scientific disciplines (چکیده)
9924 - Triphenyl[2-(triphenylphosphaniumyl)- ethyl]phosphanium bis(periodate) (چکیده)
9925 - A new look at location of Parsua, Parsua(w)as and Parsumash (چکیده)
9926 - Tall-i Malyan and the development of Urbaism in Anshan/Parsa (چکیده)
9927 - The comparison of dynamic equilibrium function before and after delivery (چکیده)
9928 - مقایسه روش های مختلف درون یابی در پهنه بندی خشکسالی های استان گلستان. (چکیده)
9930 - Calibration of a SWAT hydrologic model for the Tamer Watershed in Northern Iran. (چکیده)
9931 - Trend Analysis of Golestan’s Rivers Discharges Using Parametric and Non-parametric Methods. (چکیده)
9932 - Review and Classification of Modeling Approaches of Soil Hydrology Processes-1 (چکیده)
9933 - پهنه بندی خطر سیل در بخشی از محدوده رودخانه زیارت در حوزه آبخیز شهری گرگان. (چکیده)
9934 - Vibration of Sandwich Beams with ER Core and Laminated Faces (چکیده)
9935 - In Situ Ruminal Dry Matter and Crude Protein Degradability of Extruded Soybean, Soybean Meal and Guar Meal (چکیده)
9936 - The Effect of Delayed in Ensiling and Dried Citrus Pulp, Dried Beet Sugar Pulp and Wheat Straw as Silage Additives on By-Products of Orange Silage (چکیده)
9938 - Removal of hydrogen sulfide from methane using commercial polyphenylene oxide and Cardo-type polyimide hollow fiber membranes (چکیده)
9939 - Effect of Feeding Pistachio Byproduct on Performance and Blood Metabolites in Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
9940 - Static Security Assessment Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks Based on Growing and Pruning Method (چکیده)
9942 - A comparison between sexed and conventional semen and some reproduction items in Iranian Holstein dairy herds (چکیده)
9943 - In situ ruminal degradability of dry matter and crude protein of soybean meal treated with formaldehyde and extru- sion (چکیده)
9944 - Milk production and components of Holstein dairy cows fed diet supplemented with whole barley grain treated with sodium hydroxide (چکیده)
9945 - Effects of feeding different levels of guar meal on performance (چکیده)
9946 - Effect of tannins in pistachio by-product and urea infusion into the rumen on rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Ira- nian Balochi sheep (چکیده)
9947 - Effect of different pectin rich by products on feed intake, milk production and composition and ruminal pH of lactating dairy (چکیده)
9948 - Effect of different sources of pectin feedstuffs on chewing activities in early lactating Holstein cows (چکیده)
9949 - Effect of different sources of pectin feedstuffs on blood metabolites in early lactating Holstein cows (چکیده)
9950 - Analysis of Energy and Reserve Markets Interaction Using a New Market Simulator (چکیده)
9951 - The time-independent rheological characteristics of reduced calorie pistachio butter (چکیده)
9952 - Effect of Chemical Composition and Dietary Enzyme Supplementation on Metabolisable Energy of Wheat Screenings (چکیده)
9953 - Separation and Determination of Amitriptyline and Nortriptyline in Biological Samples Using Single-Drop Microextraction with GC (چکیده)
9954 - Analytical elastic–plastic study on flange wrinkling in deep drawing process (چکیده)
9955 - An Investigation Into the Prediction of Forming Limit Diagrams for Normal Anisotropic Material Based on Bifurcation Analysis (چکیده)
9956 - on the extension and torsion functors of local cohomology of weakly Laskerian and Matlis reflexive modules (چکیده)
9957 - Metabolic Profiling in Dairy Herds: Meatbolic Predictors of Post-partum Diseases (چکیده)
9959 - Head pose estimation using fuzzy approximator augmented by redundant membership functions (چکیده)
9960 - Perception-based evolutionary optimization: Outline of a novel approach to optimization and problem solving (چکیده)
9962 - Domestication in Literary Translation: The English Translation of Hedayat’s Blind Owl (چکیده)
9963 - Detailed Investigation of Rarefied Flow in Micro/Nano Lid-driven Cavities Using DSMC (چکیده)
9964 - Simulation of Rarefied Gas Flow in Micro/Nano Cavity Using DSMC (چکیده)
9965 - DSMC Simulation of Micro/Nano Shear Driven Flows (چکیده)
9966 - Invulnerability in Greek and Persian Mythology: A Comparative Study of Achilles and Esfandiar (چکیده)
9967 - Numerical simulation of slip flow over flat plate (چکیده)
9968 - Fabrication of cerium oxide nanoparticles: Characterization and optical properties (چکیده)
9969 - Kinetics of Mass Transfer in Microwave Precooked and Deep-Fat Fried Ostrich Meat Plates (چکیده)
9970 - Modeling and Optimization of Mass Transfer during Osmosis Dehydration of Carrot Slices by Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms (چکیده)
9971 - Crystal structure of 4,4 -bipyridinium bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)mercurate(II) — diaquabis(hydrogen (چکیده)
9972 - Bis(8-hydroxy-2- methylquinolinium) bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)-cuprate(II) methanol monosolvate (چکیده)
9973 - Bis(2,3-diaminopyridinium) bis(µ-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)-k4O2,N,O6:O6;k4O2:O2,N,O6- bis[aqua(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k3O2,N,O6)bismuthate(III)] tetrahydrate] (چکیده)
9974 - Prediction of Pile Behavior Using Artificial Neural Networks Based on Standard Penetration Test Data (چکیده)
9975 - Modeling and simulation of adsorption bed in pressure swing adsorption process (چکیده)
9976 - The effect of allicin on blood and tissue lead content in mice (چکیده)
9977 - An approach to fuzzy Hilbert spaces (چکیده)
9978 - Transient Flow Analysis and Disturbance Propagation through a High Pressure Pipeline Suddenly Opened to a Lower Ambient Pressure (چکیده)
9979 - Non Isentropic Performance of Supersonic Separators (چکیده)
9980 - Biological Control of Sclerotinia Stem Rot (S. minor ) of Sunflower Using Trichoderma Species (چکیده)
9981 - A Learning Based Protocol for Bidirectional Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Network (چکیده)
9982 - Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing (چکیده)
9983 - A New Model Formulation for electron Interations in Ge (چکیده)
9984 - Comparison of Low field lectron Transport in Zincblende and Wurtzite 6H-SiC structures for High gain Device Modeling (چکیده)
9985 - Effect of Distributed Generation Capacity on the Coordination of Protection System of Distribution Network (چکیده)
9986 - A predictive model for mathematical performance of blind and seeing students (چکیده)
9988 - Using WordNet to determine semantic similarity of words (چکیده)
9989 - بهبود یک سیستم پرسش و پاسخ جهت پاسخگویی به سوالات بیشتر مبتنی بر گرامر واژه ای - نقشی (چکیده)
9990 - Maximum Lightning Overvoltage Location and Reliability Indices in Power System with Combined Transmission Line (چکیده)
9991 - Transient Analysis of Wind Power Plant Connected to Network (چکیده)
9992 - Participation in Reactive Power Market Considering Generator Aging (چکیده)
9994 - Transmission network cost allocation with nodalpricing approach based on Ramsey pricing concept (چکیده)
9995 - A new robust capacitively coupled second harmonic quadrature LC oscillator (چکیده)
9996 - Generation expansion planning in Iran s power system using probabilistic production simulation (چکیده)
9997 - Market Oriented Reactive Power Expansion Planning (چکیده)
9998 - Globally Optimal Structure Learning of Bayesian Networks from Data (چکیده)
9999 - Analysis of bovine growth hormone gene polymorphism of local and Holstein cattle breeds in Kerman province of Iran using polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) (چکیده)
10000 - Changes in ghrelin mRNA level, plasma growth hormone concentration and performance in different dietary energy and protein levels in broiler chicken (چکیده)
10001 - Assessment Relationship Between Leptin and Ghrelin Genes Polymorphisms and Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) of Growth Traits in Baluchi Sheep (چکیده)
10002 - Implied Attitudes in The New York Times Reports on Political Issues Concerning Iran and Israel in 2007: A CDA Approach to Text (چکیده)
10003 - An Investigation on Effects of Catalytic Bed Temperature, Tailgas Ratio and Type of Catalytic Bed on the Sulphur Recovery UsingTSWEET® Process Simulator (چکیده)
10004 - Solving nonlinear optimal control problems using a hybrid IPSO–SQP algorithm (چکیده)
10005 - Water-gas-shift kinetics over a Fe/Cu/La/Si catalyst in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis (چکیده)
10006 - Analytical Solution for Two-Dimensional Dynamic Response Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinder with Finite Length Subjected to Impact Loading (چکیده)
10007 - A New Controlling Parameter in Design of Above Knee Prosthesis (چکیده)
10008 - Creating Organizational Learning and Learning Organization: Management Experience in an Iranian University Library (چکیده)
10009 - A QoS-based Multichannel MAC Protocol for Two-Tiered Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
10010 - Proportionally fair flow control mechanism for best effort traffic in network-on-chip architectures (چکیده)
10011 - Buffer Optimization in Network-on-Chip Through Flow Regulation (چکیده)
10012 - A treatment of the Cauchy--Schwarz inequality in C^* -modules (چکیده)
10013 - A Diaz-Metcalf type inequality for positive linear maps and its applications (چکیده)
10014 - Frequency analysis for a Timoshenko beam located on an elastic foundation (چکیده)
10015 - Application of experimental design approach and artificial neural network (ANN) for the determination of potential micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration process (چکیده)
10016 - Meshless local Petrov–Galerkin method for coupled thermoelasticity analysis of a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder (چکیده)
10017 - Stochastic meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method for thermo-elastic wave propagation analysis in functionally graded thick hollow cylinders (چکیده)
10019 - Invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in the perineal region of a cow (چکیده)
10021 - The Effect of 8 Week Walking Program on Serum Lipids and Estrogen Hormone Concentration in non_Athlete Menopause Women (چکیده)
10022 - The Effect of Eight Weeks Aerobic Training on Plasma Fibrinogen in Overweight Men (چکیده)
10023 - Alternative Shared Key Replacement in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
10024 - Prediction of Methane and Ethane Hydrate Phase Equilibria in Porous Media Using Artificial Neural Network (چکیده)
10025 - Serodiagnosis of sheep hydatidosis with hydatid fluid, protoscolex, and whole body of Echinococcus granulosus antigens (چکیده)
10026 - Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Triphenylmethane Dyes in Complex Samples Using Synthetic Accommodation of Unknown Interferents During Partial Least Square Regression (چکیده)
10027 - Macrophage lineage phenotypes and osteoclastogenesis-Complexity in the control by GM-CSF and TGF-beta (چکیده)
10028 - Oxidation of benzylic and some aliphatic alcohols 1,2-ethylenebis(triphenylphosphonium)chlorochromate (EBTPPCC): As a new, an efficient and mild oxidant (چکیده)
10029 - A new approach to solve Multi-objective linear bilevel programming problems (چکیده)
10030 - Transforming Growth Factor Beta Inhibits Osteoclast Formation Via The Down Regulation Of c-Fos (چکیده)
10031 - Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Inhibits Osteoclast Formation in Bone Marrow- Derived Macrophages (چکیده)
10032 - Wheat Class Identification Using LBP, LSP and LSN Textural Features and Monochrome Images (چکیده)
10033 - Chemical Wave Studies in the Bromate–Pyrocatechol Beads System (چکیده)
10034 - Corrigendum to ‘‘Phylogeny of the mourning wheatear Oenanthe lugens complex (چکیده)
10035 - Phylogeny of the mourning wheatear Oenanthe lugens complex (چکیده)
10036 - Bootstrap testing fuzzy hypotheses and observations on fuzzy statistic (چکیده)
10037 - Bootstrap Statistical Inference for the Variance Based on Fuzzy Data (چکیده)
10038 - Parenteral Selenium and Vitamin E Supplementation to Lambs:Hematology, SerumBiochemistry, Performance, and Relationship with Other Trace Elements (چکیده)
10039 - Modeling of a 6H-SiC MESFET for high-power and high-gain applications (چکیده)
10040 - Beta-entropy for Pareto-type distributions and related weighted (چکیده)
10041 - A numerical scheme for Fredholm integral equations (چکیده)
10042 - بررسی مقایسه ای تعیین محیط کشت اپتیمم در اندام زایی رویان Taxus baccata L (چکیده)
10043 - Predicting dryland wheat yield from meteorological data using expert system in Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
10044 - Propane-1,3-diaminium pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylate dimethyl sulfoxide monosolvate (چکیده)
10045 - catena-Poly[4,4´-bipyridinium [[tetraaqua(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k3O2,N,O6)cerate(III)]-µ-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k4O2:O2´,N,O6-[(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k3O2,N,O6)-cerate(III)]-µ-pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato-k4O2,N,O6:O6´] pentahydrate] (چکیده)
10046 - Bis(4-carboxypyridine-2-carboxylato-k2N,O2)copper(II) dimethyl sulfoxide disolvate (چکیده)
10047 - 2,2Bipyridine)(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)oxidovanadium(IV) ethanol monosolvate (چکیده)
10048 - Bis(2-amino-4-methylpyridinium) bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato) cuprateII (چکیده)
10049 - A field study on the effects of the herbicide Tribenuron methyl on biodiversity of wheat aphids (Homoptera: (چکیده)
10050 - DNA damage induced by cisplatin is increased by combination with feselol on 5637 cells (چکیده)
10051 - In vitro differentiation of blastema cells derived from New Zealand white rabbit pinna into insulin producing cells (چکیده)
10052 - Spatial Statistical Analysis of Groundwater using Geopack and ArcGIS (چکیده)
10053 - The Meteoric Relationship for 18O and 2H in Precipitations and Isotopic Compositions of water resources in Mashhad Area (NE Iran) (چکیده)
10054 - A Process-oriented Evaluation of EFL Writing Tasks in FCE/CAE Preparation Courses versus IELTS/TOEFL Courses of Iran (چکیده)
10055 - Effect of Substrate and Variety on Some Important Quality and Quantity Characteristics of Strawberry Production in Vertical Hydroponics System (چکیده)
10056 - Study of complexation process between Dibenzo-18-crown-6 and Yttrium(III) cation in binary mixed non-aqueous solvents using conductometric technique (چکیده)
10057 - Influence of solvent and temperature upon complexation between 4’-nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 and Y3+ cation in some organic solvents and their binary solutions (چکیده)
10058 - Palynofacies and Paleoenvironmental of the Sarcheshmeh formation at Anjirbolagh section east of Kopet- Dagh (northeast of Mashhad, Iran) (چکیده)
10059 - Thermodynamic Study of Complex Formation Between Benzo-15-Crown-5 and phenylaza-15-crown-5 with La3+ Cation in Different Non-aqueous Binary Solutions (چکیده)
10060 - Solvent influence upon complex formation between benzo-15-crown-5 and Mg2+, Ca2+ and Sr2+ cations in some pure and binary mixed solvents (چکیده)
10061 - Complexation ability of dibenzo-24-crown-8 with UO22+ cation in binary mixed non-aqueos solvents (چکیده)
10062 - Foreign Language Learning and World EnglishesPhilosophy (چکیده)
10063 - Lead (II)-selective coated graphite electrode based on benzo-18-crown-6 (چکیده)
10064 - Transport study of some transition metal cations through a bulk liquid membrane using dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 as carrier (چکیده)
10065 - Influence of temperature, pressure, nanotube’s diameter and intertube distance on methane adsorption in homogeneous armchair open-ended SWCNT triangular arrays (چکیده)
10066 - Comparison of urban solid waste leachate and vermi-compost as foliar spray and root medi on nutritional perfonnance of Fhaseolus vulgaris L (چکیده)
10067 - Bioattenuation in Groundwater Impacted by Landfill Leachate Traced with δ13C (چکیده)
10068 - A Secure Mobile Ad hoc Network Based on Distributed Certificate Authority (چکیده)
10069 - Capillary Gas Chromatographic determination of Palladium Chelates using MIP-AED (چکیده)
10070 - Selective transport of lead (II) through a bulk liquid membrane using dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 as a carrier (چکیده)
10071 - Study of competitive transport bulk liquid membrane using macrocyclic ligand as carriers (چکیده)
10072 - Solvent influence upon complexation process between N-Phenylaza-15-crown-5 with Yttrium (چکیده)
10073 - Study of competitive transport of metal cations through bulk liquid membrane using 4’-nitrobenzo-18-crown-6 and diaza-18-crown-6 (چکیده)
10074 - Morphological consequences of hybridization in twointerbreeding taxa: Kurdish Wheatear (Oenanthexanthoprymna) and Persian Wheatear (Oenanthechrysopygia) (چکیده)
10075 - Highly Selective Transport of Lead Cation through Bulk Liquid Membrane by Macrocyclic Ligand of Decyl-18-Crown-6 as Carrier (چکیده)
10076 - ارزیابی وقوع و شدت بیماری غربالی درختان میوه هسته دار در استان خراسان رضوی (چکیده)
10077 - بررسی آلودگی و تعیین پراکنش ویروس زردی چغندرقند در مزارع استان خراسان رضوی (BYV) (چکیده)
10078 - Platinum-selective capillary gas chromatographic determination with microwave-induced plasma atomic emission detection (چکیده)
10079 - A Polarographic Study of Tl+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ Complexes with Aza-18-crown-6 and Dibenzopyridino-18-crown-6 in some Binary Mixed Non-aqueous Solvents (چکیده)
10080 - Solvent influence upon complex formation between benzo-15-crown-5 and Mg2+, Ca2+ and Sr2+ cations in some pure and binary mixed solvents using conductometric method (چکیده)
10081 - Effect of four types of mulch including wood chips, municipal compost, sawdust and gravel in four different thicknesses on soil temperature, soil moisture and weeds growth (چکیده)
10082 - Schatten p-norm inequalities related to an extended operator parallelogram law (چکیده)
10083 - The effects of acute administration of ultra low and usual doses of morphine on retention of memor yformed in the presence of forced swimming stress in rat (چکیده)
10085 - The Effect of Methylcellulose, Temperature, and Microwave Pretreatment on Kinetic of Mass Transfer During Deep Fat Frying of Chicken Nuggets (چکیده)
10086 - Determination of Radon and Radium Content of Drinking Water Supplies of Kelardasht-Kalenov Region in Iran (چکیده)
10087 - 9-Aminoacridinium nitrate monohydrate (چکیده)
10088 - Tris{4-[(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)methyl]-morpholinium} dodecatungstophosphatehexahydrate (چکیده)
10089 - The effect of short-time microwave exposures on Escherichia coli O157:H7 inoculated onto beef slices (چکیده)
10090 - Chronic forced swim stress inhibits ultra-low dose morphine-induced hyperalgesia in rats (چکیده)
10091 - An accurate and simple method for measurement of paw edema (چکیده)
10092 - Writing through literature: A Novel Approach to EFL Writing Instruction (چکیده)
10094 - Characterization of temperature-induced phase transitions in AgSbS2 phases by HTXRD, DSC, EXAFS and TEM (چکیده)
10095 - Cost-driven Scheduling of Grid Workflows Using Partial Critical Paths (چکیده)
10096 - Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal axis and stimulatory G proteins signaling role in nociceptive changes induced by forced swim stress (چکیده)
10097 - A novel predictive approach to direct power control of a grid connected multilevel converter (چکیده)
10098 - Model-based direct control of PWM converters with an LCL filter (چکیده)
10099 - High performance DPC for PWM converters (چکیده)
10100 - Overview of modulation techniques for the four-switch converter topology (چکیده)
10101 - Application of boost converter and superconductive coil combination in variable speed wind energy system (چکیده)
10102 - A novel fuzzy predictor for wind speed (چکیده)
10103 - Two comparative approaches for online voltage stability monitoring and contingency ranking (چکیده)
10104 - A more accurate dynamic wind energy conversion system emulator (چکیده)
10105 - Three phase asymmetrical load flow for four-wire distribution networks (چکیده)
10106 - Simulation and implementation of a novel model-based DPC for three-phase power converters (چکیده)
10107 - A Simple and Efficient Control Strategy for Four-Switch Three-Phase Power Converters (چکیده)
10108 - High performance direct instantaneous power control of PWM rectifiers (چکیده)
10109 - A new strategy for wind speed forecasting using artificial intelligent methods (چکیده)
10110 - Online tuning of genetic based PID controller in LFC systems using RBF neural network and VSTLF technique (چکیده)
10111 - Static and dynamic wind turbine simulator using a converter controlled dc motor (چکیده)
10112 - The effects of date syrup and guar gum on physical, rheological and sensory properties of low fat frozen yoghurt dessert (چکیده)
10113 - The comparison of body composition, anaerobic power and aerobic fitness profiles in soccer players with playing positions during competitions season (چکیده)
10114 - Nano Iron Oxide Particles efficiency on Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu Concentrations in Wheat Plant (چکیده)
10115 - Bis(2-amino-6-methylpyridinium) transdiaquabis(pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato)-cobaltate(II) octahydrate (چکیده)
10116 - Tetrakis{4-[(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)methyl]-morpholin-4-ium} dodecatungstosilicate hexahydrate (چکیده)
10117 - تخمین اجزای بیلان آب در مقیاس مزرعه با استفاده از مدل شبیهسازی SWAP (مطالعه موردی: منطقه نیشابور) (چکیده)
10119 - N,N--Dicyclohexyl-N--,N---dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
10120 - Influence of sex on (co)variance components and genetic parameters of some growth traits in Kermani sheep (چکیده)
10121 - Estimation of genetic trends for live weight traits in Kermani sheep (چکیده)
10122 - Exact Solution of Three -Dimensional Unsteady Stagnation Flow on a Heated Plate (چکیده)
10123 - Response of Weed Communities and Corn (Zea mays) to Nitrogen and Herbicide Application (چکیده)
10124 - Effect of somatic cell count on milk composition (چکیده)
10125 - Prediction of repair and maintenance costs of farm tractors by using of Preventive Maintenance (چکیده)
10126 - Effect of aspect ratio on the Double-diffusive convection of a fluid contained in a rectangular cavity with partially thermally active side walls (چکیده)
10127 - Ethyl methanesulfonate treatment of celery plants affects the expression pattern of CEL I endonuclease (چکیده)
10128 - Production of Frozen cubes from Muskmelon and Watermelon Using Osmosis (چکیده)
10129 - Production of Frozen Pulp from Watermelon Cantaloupe and Muskmelon (چکیده)
10130 - Long Life Beverages from Cantaloupe and Watermelon (چکیده)
10131 - Extraction of Protein from Fish of Kilka (clupeidae) Mince of Different Washing Conditions (چکیده)
10132 - Eigenvalue extensions of Bohr\'s inequality (چکیده)
10133 - Agent-based Centralized Fuzzy Kalman Filtering for Uncertain Stochastic Estimation (چکیده)
10134 - Multiprocessor Scheduling with Evolving Cellular Automata Based on Ant Colony Optimization (چکیده)
10135 - HMM Training by a Hybrid of Chaos Optimization and Baum-Welch Algorithms for Discrete Speech Recognition (چکیده)
10136 - Intelligent Water Drops a new optimization algorithm for solving the Vehicle Routing Problem (چکیده)
10137 - Hybrid of Chaos Optimization and Baum-Welch Algorithms for HMM Training in Continuous Speech Recognition (چکیده)
10138 - An Intelligent System for Diagnosing Sleep Stages Using Wavelet Coefficients (چکیده)
10139 - Fractal Image Compression Based on Spatial Correlation And Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization With Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
10140 - N,N- ,N-- ,N---Tetrakis(2-methylphenyl)- oxybis(phosphonic diamide): a redeter- mination at 150 K with Mo Ka radiation (چکیده)
10141 - Spectrometric determination of Pb2+ cation after selective bulk liquid membrane transport using benzo-18-crown-6 as carrier (چکیده)
10142 - Osmotic dehydration of cantaloupe: Influences of time and concentration (چکیده)
10144 - Systematic Design of a Pistachio Hulling Machine (چکیده)
10145 - Design and Manufacture of a Pistachio Peeling Machine (چکیده)
10146 - Prediction of large peak ground acceleration with artificial neural network and support vector machine (چکیده)
10147 - Relaxed constraints support vector machines for noisy data (چکیده)
10148 - Applying interactive multi objective decission making method in design of a sustainable recovery network to include differnet stakeholders preferences (چکیده)
10149 - Designing sustainable recovery network of end-of-life products using genetic algorithm (چکیده)
10150 - Relationship between anthropometric variables of handedness with strength of handedness and serum testosterone-cortisol ratio (TCR) in well trained wrestlers (چکیده)
10151 - Effects of Exercise and Glucose Beverage Consumption on Plasma Concentration of IL-6 in Overweight Females (چکیده)
10152 - The Effect of Weeks anaerobic and aerobic exercise training on plasma lipid and lipoprotein profile in female College student (چکیده)
10153 - Relationships between finger-length ratios of handedness with handedness strength, serum testosterone, GH,IGF-I, insulin , cortisol hormones , IGF-I- conrtisol ratio and testosterone-cortisol ratio in well trained wrestlers (چکیده)
10154 - The Effect of 4 Weeks anaerobic and aerobic exercise training on selected Hematological parameters in female College students (چکیده)
10155 - Optimization of Cyclone Separators Using Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
10156 - Cooperative Beamforming and Power Allocation in the Downlink of MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems (چکیده)
10157 - Finite element simulation of post-buckling distortion of welding on thin plates located by fixture (چکیده)
10158 - Poly[aqua(dimethyl sulfoxide)(l4- pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylato)calcium(II)] (چکیده)
10159 - 2Amino-4-methylpyridinium 6-carboxypyridine-2-carboxylate methanol monosolvate (چکیده)
10160 - Acridine–benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (3/1) (چکیده)
10161 - Bis(9-aminoacridinium) bis(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)cuprate(II) trihydrate (چکیده)
10162 - Effect of electrolysis condition of zinc powder production on zinc–silver oxide battery operation (چکیده)
10163 - Detailed profiling of CNTs arrays along the growth window in a floating catalyst reactor (چکیده)
10164 - Effect of Acetic Acid on Amorphous Carbon Removal along a CNT Synthesis Reactor (چکیده)
10166 - Manifestation of Self-lowering and Other-raising as Politeness Strategies in Persian Political Discourse And the Implications for TEFL (چکیده)
10167 - Synthesis and Complexing Properties of Novel Crown Ethers and Thiacrown Ethers Incorporating New Heterocyclic Moieties (چکیده)
10168 - Estimation of Elastic Follow-Up in Structures (چکیده)
10169 - N,N’-Bis(2-chlorobenzyl)-N”-(dichloroacetyl) phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
10170 - N-Cyclohexylcyclohexanaminium chloride (چکیده)
10171 - Application of Runge-Kutta Numerical Methods to Solve the Schrodinger. Equation for Hydrogen and Positronium Atoms (چکیده)
10172 - Evaluation of the Radiation Dose from the radon Ingestion and Inhalation in Drinking water source of Mashhad (چکیده)
10173 - A New Variety and A Review of the Genus Neotorularia (Brassicaceae) in Flora of Iran (چکیده)
10174 - A novel recurrent nonlinear neural network for solving quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
10175 - Handelia Heimerl, A New Genus of the Asteraceae-Anthemideae for the Flora of Iran (چکیده)
10176 - Two New Species of the Genus Astragalus sect. Ammodendron (FABACEAE) From Iran (چکیده)
10177 - پیش‌بینی رطوبت نیمرخ خاک در سه مزرعه گندم با استفاده از مدل SWAP (چکیده)
10178 - The Effect of Glycine and Desiccated Ox Bile Supplementation on Performance, Fat Digestibility, Blood Chemistry and Ileal Digesta Viscosity of Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
10179 - Morphmetric comparison of fourteen species of the genus Meriones Illiger, 1811 (Gerbillinae, Rodentia) from Asia and North Africa (چکیده)
10180 - U-Pb zircon geochronology and Sr-Nd isotopic characteristic of late Neoproterozoic Bornaward granitoids (Taknar zone exotic block), Iran (چکیده)
10181 - A new approach for solving non-linear non-smooth programming problems (چکیده)
10182 - A New Approach for Finding Minimum Delay Control Centers of Control Networks (چکیده)
10183 - A New Approach for Classification of Data Transmission Media in Power Systems (چکیده)
10184 - The relationship between sources of sport confidence and athletic performance in young Iranian elite wrestlers (چکیده)
10186 - The Wonder of Reading: The Effect of Generative Study Strategies on EFL Learners Reading Comprehension and Recall of Short Stories (چکیده)
10187 - The Manifestation of ideology in a literary translation (چکیده)
10188 - The Role of Visualization in EFL Learners Reading Comprehension and Recall of Short Stories (چکیده)
10189 - Strong Laws for Weighted Sums of Negative Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
10190 - Effects of annealing temperature on some structural and optical properties of ZnO nanoparticles prepared by a modified sol–gel combustion method (چکیده)
10191 - Publishing Data of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad as Linked Data (چکیده)
10192 - Numerical Computation of Sum Capacity for Discrete Multiple Access Channelswith Causal Side Information at the Transmitter (چکیده)
10193 - Origin of honeycomb weathering and tafoni in cavernously weathered sandstones, Neyzar Formation, NE Iran (چکیده)
10194 - Optimal record-based statistical procedures for the two-parameter exponential distribution (چکیده)
10197 - Simulation of two-dimensional turbulence flow in pipe lines with abrupt expansion (چکیده)
10198 - Effects of Diets Containing Monensin, Garlic Oil or Turmeric Powder on Ruminal and Blood Metabolite Responses of Sheep (چکیده)
10199 - Transient Analysis of Rectangular Laminated Plates Subjected to Dynamic Transverse Loading Using a Layerwise Theory (چکیده)
10200 - A Study on the fracture behavior of polyethylene/calcium carbonate nanocomposites using the essential work of fracture (EWF) method (چکیده)
10201 - Effect of 8 weeks wrestling techniques-based circuit exercise (wtbce) on plasma lipid andlipoprotein profiles in male elite wrestlers (چکیده)
10202 - The Effect of Magnetic Field on Scale Prevention in the Industrial Boilers (چکیده)
10203 - Impacts of Large-Scale Integration of Intermittent Resources on Electricity Markets: A Supply Function Equilibrium Approach (چکیده)
10204 - Turfgrass Seedling Height and Quality in Paclobutrazol- Treated Seeds of Lolium perenne L. Barrage and Festuca arundinacea L. Master (چکیده)
10205 - Ground and tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Kerman and Khorasan provinces of Iran (چکیده)
10206 - Effects of Short-Term Over-supplementation of Copper in Milk on Hematology, Serum Proteins, Weight Gain, and Health in Dairy Calves (چکیده)
10207 - The almost sure convergence of weighted sums of negatively dependent random variables (چکیده)
10208 - Some new aspect of the application of Genetic algorithm to investigate nanostructures (چکیده)
10209 - Genetic algorithm based diamagnetic shift investigations of the GaAs0.7Sb0.3/GaAs and Al0.3Ga0.7As quantum wells (چکیده)
10210 - Negatively dependent bounded random variable probabilityinequalities and the strong law of large numbers (چکیده)
10211 - A facile method for the nitration of aromatic compounds under neutral conditions (چکیده)
10212 - An industry guide for the prevention and control of odors at organic wastes processing facilities (چکیده)
10213 - Physicochemical Properties and Antioxidant Activities of Pomegranate Fruit (Punica granatum) of Different Cultivars Grown in Iran (چکیده)
10214 - A Lightweight Security Protocol for Ultra-Low Power VLSI Implementation for Wireless Implantable Medical Devices (چکیده)
10215 - Fast Watermarking Based on QR Decomposition in Wavelet Domain (چکیده)
10216 - Reverses Cauchy-Schwarz type inequalities in pre-inner product C*-modules (چکیده)
10217 - Ghrelin Gene Expression in Broiler Proventriculus Tissue are Changed by Feed Restriction, Different Dietary Energy and Protein Levels (چکیده)
10218 - Relation between leptin gene polymorphism with economical traits in iranian sistani and brown swiss cows (چکیده)
10219 - Mathematical modeling and optimization of weld bead geometry in cladding by flux cored arc welding (چکیده)
10220 - change in ghrelin mRNA level and plasma growth hormone in dietry energy protein levels of the diet in broiler chickens (چکیده)
10221 - Modeling and optimization of the in submerged arc welding consuming a mixture of fresh flux and fused slag (چکیده)
10222 - شبیه سازی جدا کننده پیشرفته مافوق صوت برای تنظیم نقطه آب و شبنم هطدروکربن سیالات واقعی (چکیده)
10224 - Experimental Investigation of a Dual Band-Reject Filter Using C-Shaped DGS with Improved Q-Factor (چکیده)
10225 - SEP Controlling Parameter in Design of Above Knee Prosthesis with Moving Ankle (چکیده)
10226 - Galvanic corrosion in tangstan arc welding on 17-4 PH stainless steel (چکیده)
10227 - Antioxidant Capacity, Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of Some Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Cultivars (چکیده)
10228 - Diphenyl (2-chlorobenzylamido-phosphate (چکیده)
10229 - The Effects of Water and Land Exercise Programs on Functional Fitness Factors in Elderly Men (چکیده)
10230 - Vortex study at orifice spillways of Karun 3 Dam (چکیده)
10231 - مدل سازی هیدرولوژی حوزه آبریز با استفاده از ArcSWAT (چکیده)
10232 - The Strong Law of Large Numbers for Negatively Dependent Generalized Gaussian Random Variables (چکیده)
10233 - A Kolmogorov inequality for quadratic forms of (چکیده)
10234 - Hot deformation behavior of Nb-V microalloyed steel (چکیده)
10235 - Evaluation of electronic and transport properties of a nano-scale device in the presence of electric field (چکیده)
10236 - An Investigation of Flow Energy Dissipation in Simple Stepped Spillways by Numerical Model (چکیده)
10237 - Charged black holes in new massive gravity (چکیده)
10238 - Soot emission prediction of a waste gated waste-gated turbo- Charged DI diesel engine using artificial neural network (چکیده)
10239 - A comparison of the effects of two weight loss protocols on plasma concentration of IL-6 in female sedentary college students (چکیده)
10240 - Elastic-Plastic Flange Wrinkling of Circular Plates in Deep Drawing Process (چکیده)
10241 - Necking Prediction in Tube Hydroforming by Stress-Based Forming Limit Diagrams (چکیده)
10242 - Reducing entropy generation by volumetric heat transfer in a supersonic two-phase steam flow in a Laval nozzle (چکیده)
10243 - Designing a process-oriented evaluative checklist of EFL/ESL writing tasks: application on FCE and CAE exam preparation courses (چکیده)
10244 - Allelopathic Effects of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on seed germinatin and growth seedling of Acroptilon repens, Plantago lanceolata and Portulaca oleracea (چکیده)
10246 - Studies of nucleating and wet steam flows in two-dimensional cascades (چکیده)
10247 - Suppression of Condensation Shock in Wet Steam Flow by Injection of Water Droplets in Different Regions of a Laval Nozzle (چکیده)
10248 - Multiarea Transmission Cost Allocation in Large Power Systems Using the Nodal Pricing Control Approach (چکیده)
10249 - Thermal behavior of a Two Phase Closed Thermosyphon using CuO/water nanofluid (چکیده)
10250 - Designing a neural network for closed thermosyphon with nanofluid using genetic algorithm (چکیده)
10251 - Switching Performance Analysis in RF MEMS Capacitive Shunt switches by Geometric Parameters Trade-Offs (چکیده)
10252 - The assessment of PERSIANN model as an alternative for interpolation methods toevaluate wheat rainfed yield (چکیده)
10253 - Thermal Behavior Prediction of MDPE Nanocomposite/Cloisite Na+ Using Artificial Neural Network and Neuro-Fuzzy Tools (چکیده)
10254 - Performance improvement of proton exchange membrane fuel cell by using annular shaped geometry (چکیده)
10255 - Road traffic injuries in Iran: literature review (چکیده)
10256 - Thermodynamic behavior of complexation process between benzo-15-crown-5 with Li+, Na+, K+, and NH4+cations in acetonitrile–methanol binary media (چکیده)
10257 - Evaluation of a vehicle powertrain fitness to application using driving cycle by Monte Carlo method (چکیده)
10258 - استفاده ازالگوریتم AWPSOدرکنترل فیدبک خروجی بهینه جهت بهبود مساله کنترل بار فرکانس درسیستم قدرت چند ناحیه ای تجدید ساختارشده (چکیده)
10259 - Fault Location Algorithm for Series Compensated Transmission Lines Using Fault Clearing Transients Independent of Line Parameters (چکیده)
10260 - Compare and investigation of two methods of weight loss protocols onplasma levels of AGRP in accommodated female students (چکیده)
10261 - Literary Translation by Way of Roland Barthes (چکیده)
10263 - Galvanic corrosion of gas tungsten arc repair welds in 17-4 PH stainless steel in 3/5% NaCl solutionr (چکیده)
10264 - Post-weld heat treatment influence on galvanic corrosion of GTAW of 17-4PH stainless steel in 3/5%NaCl (چکیده)
10265 - The Analysis of Lightning on Urban Railway Fed with Direct Current Overhead Power Supply (چکیده)
10266 - A New Single Ended Fault Location algorithm for Combined Transmission Line Considering Fault Clearing Transients without Using Line Parameters (چکیده)
10267 - A novel approach for evaluating market power in reactive power markets (چکیده)
10268 - Considering system non-linearity in transmission pricing (چکیده)
10269 - Market-Based Transmission Expansion Planning (چکیده)
10270 - Two new high-performance cycles for gas turbine with air bottoming (چکیده)
10271 - Developing User-centered Displays for Literary Works in Digital Libraries: Integrating Bibliographic Families, FRBR and Users (چکیده)
10272 - Umberto Eco's The Name of The Rose: A Critique of Capitalism (چکیده)
10273 - The Emerging Social Critic: The Plays of Theodore Dreiser (چکیده)
10274 - Provenance and tectonic setting of Upper Devonian sandstones from Ilanqareh Formation (NW Iran) (چکیده)
10276 - A Review on Transmission Media in Power Systems (چکیده)
10277 - Tetraphenyl piperazine-1,4-diyldiphosphonate (چکیده)
10278 - Riesz Representation Theorems for Factorable Operators (چکیده)
10279 - Anatomy of Cenchrus ciliaris, Chloris gayana and Zea mays plant parts in relation to digestion and chewed particle characteristics (چکیده)
10280 - Investigation of the effects of Natural Gas Equivalence Ratio and piston Bowl Flow Field on combustion and pollutant Formation of DI Dual Fuel Engine (چکیده)
10281 - Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar) Populations in Khorasan-e-Razavi Province of Iran by RAPD-PCR (چکیده)
10282 - Use of silver Nano particle for controlling the powdery mildew diseases at Celastrales plants (چکیده)
10283 - Rosemary wilting disease and its management by soil solarization technique in Iran (چکیده)
10284 - Effect of Leptin and Ghrelin Gene Polymorphisms on Estimated Breeding Values of Growth Traits in Baluchi Sheep (چکیده)
10285 - N,N -Di-tert-butyl-N -(2,6-difluoro-benzoyl) phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
10286 - The static VAr compensator equations development for load balancing at desired power factor based on load admittance parameters and instantaneous voltage and current values (چکیده)
10287 - Different Physiochemical and Metabolic Responses of Pomegranate Genotypes to Freezing Stress (چکیده)
10288 - مطالعه سازگاری رشد و نمو و پتانسیل دارویی و زینتی مریم گلی کبیر در شرایط اقلیمی مشهد (Salvia sclarea) (چکیده)
10289 - Noise immuneConditional Footer Domino WIDE-OR Logic Design (چکیده)
10291 - Comparsion of fixed and random regression test-day models for genetic evaluation of milk yield trait of Iranian Holstein cows (چکیده)
10292 - Comparison of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor C (VEGF-C) expression in canine breast cancer by using quantitative rea-time PCR technique (چکیده)
10293 - Prediction of 305 days milk production using artificial neural network in Iranian dairy cattle (چکیده)
10294 - Effect of Pistachio - By Products Silage Treated with Urea and Polyethylene Glycol on Holstein Dairy Cow s Performance (چکیده)
10295 - The Effects of Dry Matter Content and Hay Particle Size of Total Mixed Ration on Eating and Lying Behaviours of Dairy Cows (چکیده)
10296 - Milk Composition and Production of Saanen Dairy Goat Fed by Ration Containing Date Palm Leaves (چکیده)
10297 - Effect of Substitution Wheat Straw with Date Palm Leaves on Blood and Rumen Parameters of Saanen Dairy Goats (چکیده)
10298 - Effect of Trivalent Chromium on Microbial Fermentation Rate of Barley and Straw Using In Vitro Gas Production (چکیده)
10299 - Utilization of High Content of Pectin Co - Products on Intake and Chewing Behavior in Early Lactating Holstein Cows (چکیده)
10300 - Response of Holstein Dairy Cows to Different High Content Pectin Sources (چکیده)
10301 - Profile of Blood Metabolites in Dairy Cows when Receive Different Sources Pectin Co - Product (چکیده)
10302 - manufacturing of aluminum foam sandwich panels:comparison of a novel method with two different conventional methods (چکیده)
10303 - Effect of garlic powder on productive performance and immune response of broiler chickens challenged with newcastle disiease virus (چکیده)
10304 - Comparison of Hydatid fluid, Protoscolex and Whole body Antigens of Echinococcus granulosus in Serodiagnosis of Sheep Hydatidosis (چکیده)
10305 - Application of DL-EPR Method for Measuring Degree of Sensitization of DSS2205 (چکیده)
10306 - Adsorption properties of a thiazole-prymidine derivative on mild steel surface in 0.5M H2SO4 (چکیده)
10307 - Weldment corrosion characterization of multi-pass hybrid GTAW-SMAW 2205 duplex stainless steel in 3.5%NaCl solution (چکیده)
10308 - طراحی آنتن فراپهن باند با قابلیت حذف موثر باندهای تداخلی با استفاده از مشددهای تزویج شده به خط تغذیه (چکیده)
10309 - Gain Enhancement of Small Size UWB Antenna for Wireless Body Area Network Applications (چکیده)
10310 - A novel method for manufacturing of aluminum foam sandwich panels (چکیده)
10311 - ارزیابی عملکرد مدل تحلیلی نیومن و نرم افزار PMWIN در پیش بینی جریان در آکیفرهای آزاد (چکیده)
10312 - What Factors are Associated With Auditor Switches in Iran (چکیده)
10313 - What Factors are Associated With Auditor Switches in Iran? (چکیده)
10314 - Auditor Switching in an Emerging Market for Auditor Services (چکیده)
10315 - Investigating the Factors Associated with Auditor Switches in Iran (چکیده)
10316 - Auditor Switching in an Emerging Market for Auditor Services (چکیده)
10317 - Auditor Switching in an Increasingly Competitive Audit Market (چکیده)
10318 - Modeling and optimization of the electron beam welding process using statistical approaches (چکیده)
10319 - Optimization process parameters in laser welding by Simulated Annealing Algorithm (چکیده)
10320 - Optimization of fair curves based on the strain energy criterion using Tabu Search algorithm (چکیده)
10321 - Acridinium 2-hydroxybenzoate (چکیده)
10322 - Growth and Reproduction of Eisenia fetida in Vermicomposting of Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Wastes (چکیده)
10323 - petrographic and geochemical eviedance for paragenetic sequence interpretation of the lower Cretaceous limestones in the eastern Binalood Mountain range, NE Iran (چکیده)
10324 - Artificial Neural Networks Approach for Solving Stokes Problem (چکیده)
10325 - Time optimal control problem of the wave equation (چکیده)
10326 - The Effect of Fat Content of Chemically Treated Sunflower Meal On in vitro Gas Production Parameters Using Isolated Rumen Microbiota (چکیده)
10327 - Effects of Foliar Nutrition and Media on Vegetative and Reproductive Characteristics of Pepino (Solanum muricatum) as a New Vegetable in Iran (چکیده)
10328 - The Influence of Different Levels of Brewers Spent Grain and Enzyme on Performance and Digesta Viscosity of Broiler Chicks (چکیده)
10329 - Wavelet-Based One-Terminal Fault Location Algorithm for Aged Cables without Using Cable Parameters Applying Fault Clearing Voltage Transients (چکیده)
10330 - Application of Power System Stabilizer in a Combined Model of LFC and AVR Loops to Enhance System Stability (چکیده)
10331 - Relations among Machiavellianism beliefs and goal orientations in academic situations (چکیده)
10332 - Isolation and Identification the indigenous Lactic Flora from Lighvan, as an Irania Raw Milk Cheese from Milk and Ripend Cheese (چکیده)
10333 - Prediction of flow pattern and velocity distribution in pipe lines, using COMSOL MILTIPHYSICS simulator (چکیده)
10334 - Lithostratigraphic and facies analyses of the Sarcheshmeh Formation (Lower Cretaceous) in the eastern Kopet Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
10335 - Analysis of controls on downstream fining along three gravel-bed rivers in the Band-e-Golestan drainage basin NE Iran (چکیده)
10336 - Application of Neural Networks for Characterization of Porous Materials (چکیده)
10337 - Di-µ-hydroxido-bis[aqua(pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylato)iron(III)) monohydrate (چکیده)
10338 - Receiver Design for Downlink MIMO MC-CDMA in Cognitive Radio Systems (چکیده)
10339 - Application of Sol–Gel Based Poly(ethylene glycol)/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Coated Fiber for SPME of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether in Environmental Water Samples (چکیده)
10340 - Ionic Liquid-Based Submerged Single Drop Microextraction: a New Method for the Determination of Aromatic Amines in Environmental Water Samples (چکیده)
10341 - The effect of keyword versus semantic mapping methods on vocabulary retention of Iranian intermediate EFL learners (چکیده)
10342 - Effect of vermicompost extract on seed germination, growth and salinity resistance in seedling of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Light Red Kidney (چکیده)
10343 - Effect of calcium on growth and biochemical adaptation in tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum) var. Mobile) under salt stress (چکیده)
10344 - The effect of EDTA on chromium (CrIII) accumulation in radish (Raphanus sativus L) (چکیده)
10345 - Sand–soil–organic Matter Filter Column for Removal of Heavy Metals from Industrial Waste Water (چکیده)
10346 - Pseudomonas bacteria and phosphorous fertilization, affecting wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and P uptake under greenhouse and field conditions (چکیده)
10347 - آینده شناسی جهت‌گیری‌ سیاست خارجی ایران در پنج کشور آسیای مرکزی (چکیده)
10349 - Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment: A Multi-Dimensional Study (چکیده)
10350 - Investigation of the effects of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on sex hormones in Wistar rat (چکیده)
10351 - The relation of dermatoglyphic patterns and distribution of sweat gland pores with hypertension in Iranian women (چکیده)
10352 - The Effect of Physically Effective Fiber and Soy Hull on the Ruminal Cellulolytic Bacteria Population and Milk Production of Dairy Cows (چکیده)
10353 - The effects of two weight loss protocol onresting plasma concentration of IL-6 inoverweight and obese health sedentaryfemale of college students (چکیده)
10354 - Isolation and purification of lysozyme from hen egg wight (چکیده)
10355 - شکل دهی طیفی سیگنال فراپهن باند مرکب گوسی با استفاده از الگوریتم (چکیده)
10356 - Asymptotic Behaviors of the Lorenz Curve for Censored Data Under Strong Mixing (چکیده)
10357 - Comparative study of direct immersion and headspace single drop microextraction techniques for BTEX determination in water samples using GC-FID (چکیده)
10358 - Determination of chlorophenols in environmental water samples using directly suspended droplet liquid-liquid-liquid phase microextraction prior to high-performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
10359 - Sociological analysis of re-prison rate with an emphasis on labeling theory (چکیده)
10360 - A New Method for Standard-setting Using the Rasch Model (چکیده)
10361 - Vibration and instability of a viscous-fluid-conveying single-walled carbon nanotube embedded in a visco-elastic medium (چکیده)
10362 - Application of dicyclohexyl-18- crown-6 in Construction of a Selective Membrane Electrochemical Sensor for Determination of Yttrium (III) in Environmental Sample (چکیده)
10365 - The Influence of Elastic Follow-Up on the Integrity of Structures (چکیده)
10366 - Root Diseases of Onion Caused by Some Root Colonizing Fungi in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
10367 - Cooperative location management method in next generation cellular networks (چکیده)
10368 - A novel location management method based on ad hoc networking (چکیده)
10369 - A PSO-Based UWB Pulse Waveform Design Method (چکیده)
10370 - آنالیز In-cell Western، روشی نوین در مطالعات پروتئومیکس سلولی (چکیده)
10371 - The impact of common dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) planting dates and densities on weed growth characteristics (چکیده)
10372 - Response of Ientil (Lens culinaris Medik.) to drought stress during germination stage induced by polyethylen glaycol 6000 (چکیده)
10373 - Effect of weeding and plant Population density on yield of chickpea (Cicer areitinum L (چکیده)
10374 - Evaluation of Tensile Properties of of a C-Mn-Si TRIP Steel in Comparison with Dual-Phase Steel (چکیده)
10375 - Preconcentration of thallium (III) and speciation of thallium (1) and (III) by single drop micro extraction using ‎dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 and their determination by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (چکیده)
10377 - Fabrication of nanospinel ZnCr2O4 using sol–gel method and its application on removal of azo dye from aqueous solution (چکیده)
10378 - The integration of broiler chicken threonine responses data into neural network models (چکیده)
10379 - Effects of Dry Period Length on, Milk production and Composition, Blood Metabolites and Complete Blood Count in subsequent Lactation of Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
10380 - catena-Poly[diacridinium [zinc(II)- di-l-pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato- j3 N1 ,O2 :O3 ;O3 :N1 ,O2 ]] (چکیده)
10381 - 1.4Diazoniacyclohexane bis(3-carboxypyrazine-2-carboxylate) dihydrate (چکیده)
10382 - Defining a knowledge management conceptual model by using MADM (چکیده)
10384 - Simultaneous monitoring of the conventional qualitative indicators during frying of sunflower oil (چکیده)
10385 - Prediction of Water Activity Coefficient in TEG-Water System Using Diffusion Neural Network(DNN (چکیده)
10386 - Synchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction: Crystal Structure Determination of New Phosphodiesterase Enzymes Inhibitor (چکیده)
10387 - The study on the effect of different irrigation levels and manure in organic production of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L. var. Keshkeny Levelu) (چکیده)
10388 - Composition on the essential oil of Five Achillea species, cultivated on Mashhad (چکیده)
10389 - Variations on the essential oil content and composition of Achillea millefolium subsp. millefolium in two successive years after sowing, in Iran (چکیده)
10390 - Design and Optimization of LNA Topologies with Image Rejection Filters (چکیده)
10391 - The effects of carrier gas and liquid feed flow rates on longitudinal patterns of CNT growth (چکیده)
10392 - Effects of cottonmeal on ram fertility (چکیده)
10393 - Axisymmetric Vibration Analysis of Finite Length Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Using a Continuum Model (چکیده)
10394 - Effect of Air Temperature of a Tower Heat-Dryer on In Vitro First Order NDF Disappearance Kinetics of Brewer s Grain (چکیده)
10395 - Screening of 25 medicinal and wild plant species for allelopathic activity using the sandwich method (چکیده)
10396 - Anatomy of chewed leaf blade particles of Cenchrus ciliaris and Lolium perenne in relation to digestion (چکیده)
10397 - In Vitro Effect of Peppermint (Mentha Piperita) Essential Oil on Gas Production Parameters of Wheat Straw Supplemented by Various Water Soluble Sugars or Starch (چکیده)
10398 - The Effect of Supplemental Fish Oil and Canola Oil from Transition Period to Early Lactation on Immunology Responses in Early Lactating Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
10399 - New approach for attenuation correction in SPECT images, using linear optimization (چکیده)
10400 - Optimization of Hydrocolloid Extraction From Wild Sage Seed (Salvia macrosiphon) Using Response Surface (چکیده)
10401 - Effects of Long-Term Feeding Flaxseed on Growth and Carcass Parameters,Ovarian Morphology and Egg Production of Pullets (چکیده)
10402 - Simultaneous Detection of Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) in Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) by Touchdown PCR (چکیده)
10403 - Evaluation the potential use of agricultural waste in spawn production of medicinal mushroom of (چکیده)
10404 - High pressure swirl injectors, Air-Cavity, Volume-of-Fluid, Discharge coefficient, Cone angle (چکیده)
10405 - DFT calculations on the retro-ene reactions, part II: allyl n-propyl sulfide pyrolysis in the gas phase (چکیده)
10407 - Effect of eight weeks Basketball Training on Social Development of non-athletes girl students (چکیده)
10409 - Antioxidant and antibacterial activity of flowers of Iranian cultivars of carthamus tinctorius L (چکیده)
10410 - A Comparison of Neural Network and Nonlinear Regression Predictions of Sheep Growth (چکیده)
10411 - Bis(2-amino-4-methylpyrimidin-3-ium) trans-diaquabis(pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato)cobaltate(II) hexahydrate (چکیده)
10412 - The Relationship between Sources of sport confidence and sport confidence in young Iranian elite wrestlers (چکیده)
10413 - Semantic Web Service Composition Based on Ant Colony Optimization Method (چکیده)
10414 - 2-Aminopyrimidinium 4-hydroxypyridinium-2,6-dicarboxylate monohydrate (چکیده)
10415 - Bis(2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazin-1-ium) pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylate tetrahydrate: a synchrotron radiation study (چکیده)
10416 - Bis(2-amino-4-methylpyridinium)trans-diaquabis(pyrazine-2,3-dicarboxylato)cuprate(II) hexahydrate (چکیده)
10417 - Relationship between in vitro antimicrobial sensitivity of bovine subclinical mastitis isolates and treatment outcome in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
10418 - A case study of energy use and economical analysis of irrigated and dryland wheat production systems (چکیده)
10419 - Entropy of Hybrid Censoring Schemes (چکیده)
10420 - Interactive Effect of Sodium Bentonite with Pigments on Performance and Egg Quality of Laying Hens (چکیده)
10421 - Comparison of Pattern Recognition, Artificial Neural Network and Pedotransfer Functions for Estimation of Soil Water Parameters (چکیده)
10422 - Vapor activity of essential oils extracted from fruit peels of two Citrus species against adults of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) ‎‎(Coleoptera: Bruchidae)‎ (چکیده)
10423 - Comparison of High and Low Concentrations of Hydrogen Sulfide Removal from Methane Using Commercial Polyphenylene Oxide Hollow Fiber Membrane (چکیده)
10424 - The CO2/CH4 Separation by Commercially Available PPO and Cardo-type Polyimide Hollow Fiber Membranes (چکیده)
10425 - study and comparing the land use and capability in asadly waetrshed using GIS (چکیده)
10426 - Comparison of the effect of exhaustive resistance exercises with various resistances on local strength of youth muscles (چکیده)
10427 - The effect of ethane on the performance of commercial polyphenylene oxide and Cardo-type polyimide hollow fiber membranes in CO2/CH4 separation applications (چکیده)
10428 - Application of a New Modified PWM Technique on Shunt Active Filters (چکیده)
10429 - Effect of different salinity and potassium levels on saffron motphophysiological characteristics (چکیده)
10430 - A New Configuration for Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based-on Matrix Converter (چکیده)
10431 - Stability Improvement of Wind Farms With Fixed-Speed Turbine Generators Using Braking Resistors (چکیده)
10432 - Micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration ofzinc in synthetic wastewater using spiral wound membrane (چکیده)
10433 - Economic growth, CO2 emissions, and fossil fuels consumption in Iran (چکیده)
10434 - Ion acoustic shock waves in weakly relativistic and dissipative plasmas with nonthermal electrons and thermal positrons (چکیده)
10435 - A characterization of inner product spaces related to the p-angular distance (چکیده)
10436 - Hawaiian Groups of Hawaiian Earrings (چکیده)
10437 - Growth and Yield Characteristics of Paprika Pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in Response to Plant Density (چکیده)
10438 - Characterizations Based on Cumulative Residual Entropy of First- Order Statistics (چکیده)
10439 - Topological games, equicontinuity and sigma-fragmentability in function spaces (چکیده)
10440 - Effect of sodium selenite and turmeric powder on Compertz nonlinear function in broilers reared under heat stress (چکیده)
10441 - Prediction of the left ventricular ejection fraction using cavity-to-myocardium count ratio and perfusion scores in myocardial perfusion SPECT (چکیده)
10442 - Iranian Angle to Non-Audit Services: Some Empirical Evidence (چکیده)
10443 - Adaptation of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for seroepidemiological studies of enzootic bovine leukosis (چکیده)
10444 - Almost sure convergence of kernel bivariate distribution function estimator under negative association (چکیده)
10445 - Ground Magnetic survey for exploration of ore deposits and identify of geometry of intrusive bodies cased alteration and mineralization in the east of Keybarkuh area (southwest of Khaf) (چکیده)
10446 - The Relationship among Reading Comprehension Ability, Grammar and Vocabulary Knowledge: An Experimental and Schema-Based Approach (چکیده)
10447 - Effects of drought stress on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and chlorophyll contents in chickpea (Cicer arietinum. L) genotypes (چکیده)
10448 - Histological and histochemical study on the alimentary canal in Walking catfish (Claris batrachus) and Piranha (Serrasalmus nattereri) (چکیده)
10449 - True and apparent metabolizable energy values of various wheat screening samples (چکیده)
10450 - Blood lipid concentration and performance parameters of broiler was fed by tomato pomace and turmeric powder under heat stress condition (چکیده)
10451 - Effect of dry period lengths on follicular dynamics in early lactation Holstein cows (چکیده)
10452 - Selected influences on student s use of wireless handheld devices: an Iranian case study (چکیده)
10453 - Detection of antibody against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis glycoprotein gE in aborted cattle in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
10454 - N,N -Dibenzyl-N -(2,6-difluorobenzoyl)-N,N -dimethylphosphoric triamide (چکیده)
10456 - The Effects of Feeding Clinoptilolite on Hematology, Performance, and Health of Newborn Lambs (چکیده)
10457 - Allelopathic Activity of Some Wild Population Plants by Dish Pack Method (چکیده)
10458 - on the wavelet expansion with an application to approximate the moments (چکیده)
10459 - Effects of dimensional parameters and various boundary conditions on axisymmetric vibrations of multi-walled carbon nanotubes using a continuum model (چکیده)
10460 - Effect of Plant Density and Shoot Pruning on Yield and Growth of Sweet Pepper (چکیده)
10461 - Effect of different Substrates and Varieties on Yield and Quality of Strawberry in Soilless Culture (چکیده)
10462 - Investigation of physico-chemical properties and antioxidant activity of twenty Iranian pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cultivars (چکیده)
10463 - Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic compositions and Petrogenesis of ore-related intrusive rocks of gold-rich porphyry copper Maherabad prospect area (North of Hanich), east of Iran (چکیده)
10464 - Wives’ Positions and the Relationship between Coping and Insecurity Feeling (چکیده)
10465 - in Vitro Regeneration of Anthurium Andreanum Var. Tera (چکیده)
10466 - Compost thermophilic bacteria promoting mycelia growth in button mushroom (چکیده)
10468 - Solving nonlinear integral equations in the Urysohn form by Newton - Kantorovich quadrature method (چکیده)
10470 - Wastewater Pretreatment of Welding Electrode Manufacturing Plant before Nanofiltration (چکیده)
10471 - Allocation of Spinning Reserve Cost Amongst Customers in Deregulated Power Systems (چکیده)
10472 - Development of a Web Availability Analyzer Software Tool (چکیده)
10473 - Connectance and Reliability Computation of Wireless Body Area Networks using Signal Flow Graphs (چکیده)
10474 - Parameter estimation of bilinear systems based on an adaptive particle (چکیده)
10475 - Analysis of Dynamic and Static characteristics OF InGaAs/GaAs Self-Assembled Quantum Dot Lasers (چکیده)
10476 - Transient Analysis of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Circular Cylinders under Mechanical Loadings (چکیده)
10477 - Effect of Non-uniform Heating on Entropy Generation for Laminar Developing Pipe Flow of a high Prandtl number fluid (چکیده)
10478 - Heat transfer in open microchannel at constant heat flux (چکیده)
10479 - Investigating the behavior of blastema tissue with acellular cancellous bovine bone (چکیده)
10480 - Some Engineering Properties of Sunflower Seed and Its kernel (چکیده)
10481 - Piecewise-Truncated Parametric Iteration Method: a PromisingAnalytical Method for Solving Abel Differential Equations (چکیده)
10482 - Numerical Analysis of Thermal Conductivity of Non-charring Material Ablation Carbon-Carbon and Graghite with Considering Chemical Reaction Effects , Mass transfer and surface Heat transfer (چکیده)
10484 - A New Method for Fault Section Estimation in Distribution Network (چکیده)
10485 - Temperature and Geometry Dependence of Fracture Toughness in "Euro Fracture Dataset" (چکیده)
10486 - Simulation of Liquid Fuel Atomization in an Industerial Spray Nozzle of a Powerplant Boiler (چکیده)
10487 - Effect of boundary conditions on transient response of sandwich plates with electrorheological fluid core (چکیده)
10488 - Discharge Estimation in a Tidal River with Partially Reverse Flow (چکیده)
10489 - Experimental investigation of exergy destruction in a 8-kW power plant (چکیده)
10490 - Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Drying Conditions of Kiwifruit (چکیده)
10491 - Optical absorption and electron energy loss spectra of single-walled carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
10492 - Effect of adsorbents and chemical treatments on the removal of strontium from aqueous solutions (چکیده)
10493 - Task Execution Availability Prediction in the Enterprise Desktop Grid (چکیده)
10494 - A Linda-based Hierarchical Master-Worker Model (چکیده)
10495 - The Study of the Relations Between Grid Job Failure Patterns and Workload Characteristics (چکیده)
10496 - A Perturbation Method to analyze the effect of cross section and angle of attack for some conical bodies in Hypersonic flow (چکیده)
10497 - Axisymmetric stagnation flow obliquely impinging on a moving circular cylinder with uniform transpiration (چکیده)
10498 - Cell wall thickness and cell dimensions in plant partsof eight forage species (چکیده)
10499 - Volume, surface area and cellular composition of chewed particles of plant parts of eight forage species and estimated degradation of cell wall (چکیده)
10500 - A New Hybrid Intelligent Based Approach to Islanding Detection in Distributed Generation (چکیده)
10501 - A Semantic Feedback Framework for Image Retrival (چکیده)
10502 - Immunomodulatory Effects of Graded Copper and Zinc on SRBC Titer and Lymphoid Organs in Broiler Chicks (چکیده)
10503 - Kinetics of the water-gas shift reaction in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis over a nano-structured iron catalyst (چکیده)
10504 - Scheduling of scientific workflows using a chaos-genetic algorithm (چکیده)
10505 - A unified formulation for the analysis of temperature field in thick hollow cylinder made of functionally graded materials with various grading patterns (چکیده)
10507 - Capacitor scaling for low-power design of cyclic analog-to-digital converters (چکیده)
10508 - Low-dropout voltage reference: an approach to buffered architectures with los sensitivity (چکیده)
10509 - Stability of monomial functional equation in quasi normed spaces (چکیده)
10510 - Role of nano-size TiO2 particles on the crystallite size of microwave—Combustion synthesized Al2O3/TiC composite (چکیده)
10511 - DNA Aptamers selected as a molecular probe for diagnosis of cancerous cells (چکیده)
10512 - SW parameter in magnetic multilayers with rough interface (چکیده)
10513 - New Achievable Rate Regions for Interference and Cognitive Radio Channels (چکیده)
10514 - Effect of short term over-supplementation of ascorbic acid on hematology, serum biochemistry, and growth performance of neonatal dairy calves (چکیده)
10515 - Role of neutrophils in protection of udder from infection in high yielding dairy cows (چکیده)
10516 - Comparison of Yield and Yield Components of Autumn and Spring Sowing of Chickpeas Grown in Iran (چکیده)
10517 - New records of three Latrodectus species found in Khorasan province (Araneae: Theridiidae) (چکیده)
10518 - Impact of milk components in recovery of the MS2 bacteriophage as an indicator of enteric viruses (چکیده)
10519 - Tris(2-methoxyethanaminium) dodecamolybdophosphate trihydrate (چکیده)
10520 - Insecurity feeling amongst Wives (چکیده)
10521 - Application of Novel Inertial Technique to Compare the Kinematics and Kinetics of the Legs in the Soccer Instep Kick (چکیده)
10522 - Prediction of order statistics and record values from two independent sequences (چکیده)
10523 - An interview with LARS-ERIK PERSSON (چکیده)
10524 - New capacitive coupled superharmonic quadrature LC-VCO (چکیده)
10525 - Elastic-Plastic Flange Wrinkling of Circular Platesin i Deep Drawing Process (چکیده)
10526 - Comparison of Geometrical Properties of Sunflower Seeds and Kernels Cultivars (چکیده)
10527 - Effect of Biological and Chemical Additives on Fermentation Responses and Degradation Characteristics of Whole Crop Barely Silage (چکیده)
10528 - Silage characteristics, and nutritive value of sugar beet tops and crown harvested by two different methods. (چکیده)
10530 - p-Tolyl bis(o-tolylamido)phosphinate (چکیده)
10531 - N,N -Dicyclohexyl-N,N -dimethyl-N -(4-nitrobenzoyl)phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
10532 - Ab initio calculations of opticaspectra of a chiral (4,1) carbon nanotubel (چکیده)
10534 - An approach into management of white grub, Polyphylla olivieri in fruit orchards of Iran (چکیده)
10535 - Evaluation of Susceptibility of Walnut Genotypes to Sudden Cold and Frost Injury (چکیده)
10536 - Estimation of heritability and breeding values using predicted data produced by artificial neural network (چکیده)
10537 - Wideband circularly polarized quasi‐spiral slot antenna (چکیده)
10538 - Comparative Study of Anxiety ، Stress and Depression in Physically Abused and None-Abused Wives (چکیده)
10539 - آینده شناسی جهت گیری سیاست خارجی ایران با استفاده از مدلswot (چکیده)
10540 - Geometric morphometric comparison of the mandibles of three species of vole of the genus Microtus (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) from northern IranGeometric morphometric analysis of Iranian wood mice of the genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Murida (چکیده)
10541 - Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays Considering Different Network Topologies Using Interval Linear Programming (چکیده)
10542 - The effect of microwave irradiation on gas production parameters of cottonseed hulls using medium containing ruminal bacterial isolation (چکیده)
10543 - An in vitro gas production technique to evaluate the effect of microwave irradiation on fermentation potential of cottonseed hulls using medium of ruminal fungal isolation (چکیده)
10544 - Use of Somatic and Excretory- Secretory Antigens of Fasciola hepatica in Diagnosis of Sheep by ELISA (چکیده)
10545 - Expression Profiling and Bioinformatic Analyses of a Novel Cold Stress-Regulated and Chloroplast-Targeted Protein from Triticum Aestivum and Aegilops Tauschii (چکیده)
10546 - Slip-Flow and Heat Transfer in Isoflux Rectangular Microchannels with Thermal Creep Effects (چکیده)
10547 - Geological Investigation and Mineralization of the Dardway Iron deposit, Sangan Ore Field, Northeast Iran (چکیده)
10548 - Petrochemical characteristics of Neogene and Quaternary alkali olivine basalts from the western margin of the Lut Block, Eastern Iran (چکیده)
10549 - Milk Urea Nitrogen and Fertility in Dairy Farms (چکیده)
10550 - Major, minor element chemistry and oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of Marun oil‐field brines, SW Iran: Source history and economic potential (چکیده)
10551 - A Brief review of the iterative methods for solving Toeplitz systems (چکیده)
10552 - Isolation and Identification of Helicobacter pullorum in Chickens flocks in Mashhad-Iran (چکیده)
10553 - Pressure-driven electrokinetic slip-flow in planar microchannels (چکیده)
10554 - A neural network approach for solving Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (چکیده)
10555 - Optimal control strategy for a fully determined HIV model (چکیده)
10556 - Campylobacteriosis as a Zoonotic Disease (چکیده)
10557 - تشخیص آنتی بادی علیه گلیکوپروتئین E رینوتراکئیت عفونی گاوان در سرم گاوهای سقطی در مشهد، ایران (چکیده)
10558 - Analytical Approach to Free Vibrations of Cracked Timoshenko Beams Made of Functionally Graded Materials (چکیده)
10560 - A study of blow up in reaction diffusion equations with adaptive mesh method (چکیده)
10561 - Adaptive Mesh Redistribution with Upwinding Scheme (چکیده)
10562 - Association between climate indices, aridity index, and rainfed crop yield in northeast of Iran (چکیده)
10563 - A Reliable 3D Laser Triangulation-based Scanner with a New Simple but Accurate Procedure for Finding Scanner Parameters (چکیده)
10564 - An insight of using remote sensing technique on water resources management (چکیده)
10565 - A computational study of unsteady flow around circular cylinder (چکیده)
10566 - Chemical and Antimicrobial Studies of Juniperus sabina L. and Juniperus foetidissima Willd. Essential Oils (چکیده)
10567 - Effects of multiwall carbon nanotubes on the thermal and mechanical properties of medium density polyethylene matrix nanocomposites produced by a mechanical milling method (چکیده)
10568 - Evolution of manufacturing parameters in Al/Ni3Al composite powder formation using blending and mechanical milling processes (چکیده)
10569 - In-plane Vibrational Analysis of the Circularly Curved Carbon Nanotubes in Pasternak-Winkler Type Foundation (چکیده)
10570 - Thermo-mechanical Vibration of a Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Embedded in a Pasternak Medium Based on Nonlocal Elasticity Theory (چکیده)
10571 - Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome in dairy cattle in Iran: a case report (چکیده)
10572 - A comparison of artificial neural networks with other statistical approaches (چکیده)
10573 - A Finite Difference Schemes for Stochastic Parabolic Differential Equations (چکیده)
10574 - Displacement time history analysis and radial wave propagation velocity in pressurized multiwall carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
10575 - Experimental investigation of the Exhaust Gas Recirculation effects on irreversibility and Brake Specific Fuel Consumption of indirect injection diesel engines (چکیده)
10576 - The role of natural factors in stability of rural settlements (case study: Sabzevar county) (چکیده)
10577 - FRBR and OPAC Users Views on Bibliographic Families: A Mixed Method Approach to Categorization of Works (چکیده)
10578 - The Comparison of Acute and Gradual Weight Loss Methods in Well-Trained Wrestlers (چکیده)
10579 - Bend Sweep Angle and Reynolds Number Effects on Hemodynamics of S-Shaped Arteries (چکیده)
10580 - Transmission cost allocation in restructured power systems based on nodal pricing approach by controlling the marginal prices (چکیده)
10581 - Rheological Characterization and Sensory Evaluation of a Typical Soft Ice Cream Made with Selected Food Hydrocolloids (چکیده)
10582 - A Brief Review on Formation of (H2O)n Clusters in Supramolecular Proton Transfer Compounds and Their Complexes (چکیده)
10583 - Beneficiaries’ Tendency and Patterns of Participation in Civic Regeneration Plan: Case of Tabarsi Area, Mashhad City Centre, (چکیده)
10584 - Synthesis, X-Ray characterization and molecular structure of a novel supramolecular compound of antimony(III); Theoretical investigation on molecular and electronic properties based on the ab initio HF and various DFT methods (چکیده)
10585 - Strong Gaussian Approximations of Product-Limit and Quantile Processes for Strong Mixing and Censored Data (چکیده)
10586 - Horizontal and vertical distribution of weed seed bank in Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) fields. (چکیده)
10587 - Effects of site-specific and conventional herbicide application on spatial and temporal variability of Cardaria draba (L.) population. (چکیده)
10588 - Curve fitting space for classification (چکیده)
10589 - Miniaturized Ultra Wideband Elliptical Monopole Antenna with WLAN band Rejection Characteristic (چکیده)
10590 - Prevalence of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus antibodies and antigen among the aborted cows in industrial dairy cattle herds in Mashhad area - Iran (چکیده)
10591 - Antibody Responses to Hydatid Cyst in Experimentally Infected Lambs (چکیده)
10592 - The impact of liberalization on agricultural import in Iran (چکیده)
10593 - Optimizing Surface Tension in Two-Phase Flow by Levenberg-Marquardt`s Method (چکیده)
10594 - Frictional Behavior of Sunflower Seed and its Kernel as a function of moisture content,variety and size (چکیده)
10595 - Fuzzy-Bayesian Network Approach to Genre-based Recommender Systems (چکیده)
10596 - A Probabilistic Fuzzy Approach for Sensor Location Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
10597 - The effect of electrode and current type on estimation of soil EC using (چکیده)
10598 - Determining soil EC based on Wenner method with plate type (چکیده)
10599 - Optimal: a program for optimising microstrip networks (چکیده)
10600 - A QoS Based Data Dissemination Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
10601 - Tree Based Hierarchical and Congestion Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
10602 - An investigation to the subfamily. Lixinae from Khorasan Junoubi and Razavi provinces of Iran (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) (چکیده)
10603 - A contribution to the snout beetles fauna of Khorasan province in Iran (Coleoptera: Curculionidae (چکیده)
10604 - Formulaic Writing: A Novel Approach to Writing Instruction (چکیده)
10605 - Environmental Effects on Mechanical Properties of Wet Lay-Up Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (چکیده)
10606 - Necking prediction in tube hydroforming by stress-based forming limit diagrams (چکیده)
10607 - The effect of anisotropy on forming limit diagrams based on bifurcation analysis (چکیده)
10608 - Application of Neural Network and FEM to optimize ‎load path of T-shape tube hydroforming (چکیده)
10609 - Indigenous knowledge in agriculture with particular reference to medicinal crop production in Khorasan, Iran (چکیده)
10610 - Centralized Fuzzy Kalman Filtering for Uncertain Stochastic System Over Sensor Network (چکیده)
10611 - Reducing the Search Space in Evolutionary Optimization Using Computing with Words and Perceptions (چکیده)
10612 - Investigation of the effectiveness of silvr nano particlefor controlling the box powdery mildew (چکیده)
10613 - On Topological Homotopy Groups of n-Hawaiian Like Spaces (چکیده)
10614 - Effects of drying and rewetting on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) of two alfisols in the north of Iran (چکیده)
10615 - A modified moving element free Petrov_Galerkin viscous method (چکیده)
10616 - An adaptive mesh method with variable relaxation time (چکیده)
10617 - A weak order one stochastic Runge-Kutta method (چکیده)
10618 - A Gradient Weighted Moving Finite‐Element Method with Polynomial Approximation of Any Degree (چکیده)
10619 - New ROW-type scheme with weak order 2 for approximating stochastic differentisl equations (چکیده)
10620 - Adaptive grid based on geometric conservation law level set method for time dependent PDE (چکیده)
10621 - Moving mesh method with local time step refinement for blow-up problems (چکیده)
10622 - Weakly stochastic Runge-Kutta method with order 2 (چکیده)
10623 - A moving mesh method with variable mesh relaxation time (چکیده)
10624 - Numerical study of bubble rise and interaction in a viscous liquid (چکیده)
10625 - An Experimental Study on the Effect of Premixed and Equivalence Ratios on CO and HC Emissions of Dual Fuel HCCI Engine (چکیده)
10626 - Structural Similitude between Vibration Response and Flutter Boundary of Cross Ply Composite Plates (چکیده)
10627 - Effect of different levels of fish oil and canola oil on productive performance of early lactating Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
10628 - Fatty acid composition of milk from Holstein cows fed fish oil, canola oil, or their combination in early lactation (چکیده)
10629 - The effect of high fat sunflower meal treated with formaldehyde and sodium hydroxide on milk yield and composition of Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
10630 - Kinetic of in vitro gas production of high fat sunflower meal treated with sodium hydroxide and or formaldehyde by rumen bacteria+protozoa (چکیده)
10631 - In vitro gas production parameters of sesame (Sesamum indicum) straw treated with sodium (چکیده)
10632 - Effect on animal performance of the source of energy (glucogenic vs. lipogenic) of early lactating dairy cow diets with similar content of metabolizable energy (چکیده)
10633 - Water-gas-shift kinetic over nano-structured iron catalyst in FischereTropsch synthesis (چکیده)
10634 - Damage Detection in Reinforced Concrete Beams Based on the Ritz Vectors (چکیده)
10636 - Neighbor Based Topology Control Protocol for Prolonging the Lifetime of Ad Hoc Networks (چکیده)
10637 - Comparing of different methods of performance prediction of gas turbine power plants (چکیده)
10639 - Factors Affecting Days Open in Holstein Dairy Cattle in Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran; A Cox Proportional Hazard Model (چکیده)
10640 - Effects of Suction and Blowing on Flow and Heat Transfer Between Two Rotating Eccentric Spheres with Time-Dependent Angular Velocities (چکیده)
10641 - Effects of anionic salts supplementation on blood pH and mineral status (چکیده)
10642 - Optimizing the performance of diclofop-methyl, cycloxydim, and clodinafop-propargyl on littleseed canarygrass (Phalaris minor) and wild oat (Avenaludoviciana) control with adjuvants (چکیده)
10643 - The Common Errors in Statistical Modeling and Forecasting (چکیده)
10644 - A Novel Fuzzy Model and Control of SingleIntersection at Urban Traffic Network (چکیده)
10645 - Artificial Neural Network Models of the Ruminal pH in Holstein Steers (چکیده)
10646 - An Analytical Solution of Flow Between Two Rotating Spheres With Time-Dependent Angular Velocities (چکیده)
10647 - Effects of Parenteral Supply of Iron on RBC Parameters, Performance, and Health in Neonatal Dairy Calves (چکیده)
10648 - Learners evaluation of EFL writing tasks in Iran ESOL exam preparation courses (چکیده)
10650 - Some Results Based on Entropy Properties of Progressive Type-II Censored Data (چکیده)
10652 - An Experimental Investigation of Hybrid Position/Force Control for Metal Spinning Process (چکیده)
10653 - A psychological model applied to mathematical problem solving (چکیده)
10654 - Effect of Combined Transmission Line (Overhead Line/Cable) on Power System Reliability Indices (چکیده)
10655 - The effect of sodium hydroxide treatment of whole canola seed on milk production and milk component of Holstein dairy cow (چکیده)
10656 - Responses of dairy cows to diatry pistachio by-product and carbohydrate source in early lactation (چکیده)
10657 - The effects of supplemented diet with fish oil and canola oil during transition period to early lactation on complete blood count of Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
10658 - The effects of supplemented diet with fish oil and canola oil during transition period to early lactation on follicular dynamics of Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
10659 - The effects of replacing dride citrus pulp with barley grain on the performance of Iranian sannen kids (چکیده)
10660 - Effects of tomato pomace on feed intake and milk production of lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
10661 - The effect of nonstructural carbohydrate and addition of full fat roasted canola seed on milk fatty acid composition in lactating cows (چکیده)
10662 - The abomasal infusion of wheat starch or cottonseed oil with csein on milk yield and composition in sannen dairy goats (چکیده)
10663 - Genetic variation of lactation gross energy efficency and its association with a number of traits in Holstein dairy cattle (چکیده)
10664 - The composition between cow behaior to free stall and straw bedding system (چکیده)
10665 - Effects of different levels of nonfiber carbohydrates with and without spplemental fat on production and composition of Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
10666 - Using mixture enzyme as feed additive in growing diets of young Holstein calves (چکیده)
10667 - The chemical composition, in vitro and in situ digestibility of whol crop canula silage mixed with different by-products (چکیده)
10668 - Using different levels of hydrolyzed bagass pith in early lactation Holstein cow nutrition (چکیده)
10669 - Role of climatic parameters on blooming times of apple cultivars in apple gene bank plantation (چکیده)
10670 - Design of a Software for a Novel Inertial Data Logger to Measure High Kinematic Parameters of Soccer Instep Kick (چکیده)
10671 - A Novel Method to Measure Biomechanical Parameters of Soccer Kicks and Two-Footedness in the Field (چکیده)
10672 - Shape and topology optimization of mechanical components using the adaptive biological growth method (چکیده)
10673 - A comparative study of DWT, CWT and DCT transformations in ECG arrhythmias classification (چکیده)
10674 - new procedure for evaluation of cap rock across the oil fields in sedimentary basin in sw iran (چکیده)
10675 - Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the front cross member of the Peugeot 405 (چکیده)
10676 - Enrichment of cow milk by feeding potassium iodide (چکیده)
10677 - Effects of substitution barley grain with dried citrus pulp on performance of Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
10678 - Effects of whole crop canola silage on Holstein dairy cow performance in early lactation (چکیده)
10679 - Seasonal changes of lameness and relation with hoof lesions in dairy cow (چکیده)
10680 - Genetic variation of income over feed costs as an individual trait in Holstein cows (چکیده)
10681 - Expression of EIN2 Gene in Petunia Flowers is Down-regulated During Glucose Treatment (چکیده)
10682 - The effects of magnetic water on milk and blood (چکیده)
10683 - Comparison of Neural Network and K-Nearest Neighbor Methods in Daily Flow Forecasting (چکیده)
10684 - Learning of Relevance Feedback Using a Novel Kernel Based Neural Network (چکیده)
10685 - Linear and Quadratic PSO Based Color Space Conversion for Sea Target Detection (چکیده)
10686 - Ultrasound with low intensity assisted the synthesis of nanocrystalline TiO2 (چکیده)
10687 - Monoclinic modification ofN-benzylpropan-2-aminium chloride (چکیده)
10688 - An efficient iterative analytical method applied to a nonlinear biochemical reaction model (چکیده)
10689 - Potential use of high-temperature and low-temperature steam treatment, sodium hydroxide and an enzyme mixture for improving the nutritional value of sugarcane pith (چکیده)
10690 - Effects of rumen protected and unprotected choline on energy-relatedbiochemical metabolites of lactations dairy cows (چکیده)
10691 - Water buffalo industry in Iran (چکیده)
10692 - spectrophotometric study of complex eormation of Y, La, andCe with some 18-and15-membered crown ethers in methanol (چکیده)
10693 - Growth of MnCl2.4H2O crystals and measurement the exact percent of cobalt impurities in the crystal, using radioactive isotopes of 54MN,60Co,57Co and NMRON technique. (چکیده)
10694 - Silicification of carbonate rocks of Chehel-Kaman Formation( Upper Paleocene) in the west pf Kopet-Dagh Basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
10695 - The nature of intramolecular hydrogen bond in 2-nitromalonaldehyde (چکیده)
10696 - Effect of Calcination Process on Phase Formation in Nano-Sized Zn0.9Mn0.1O Particles (چکیده)
10697 - Influence of full-fat sunflower seed on performance and blood parameters of broiler chickens (چکیده)
10698 - Determination of apparent metabolizable energy of sunflower seed meal in broiler chickens (چکیده)
10699 - Postgraduate programs: Where teaching and research integrate together to assist academic staff for competency (چکیده)
10700 - Numerical Simulation of a Non-Newtonian Free Surface Flow by VOF Method in a Wire Coating Process (چکیده)
10701 - محاسبه نظری ساختار الکترونی و چگالی حالتها در بلور تیتانات باریم (چکیده)
10702 - Mechanical Properties of Sunflower Seed and Its Kernel, Azargol variety as a case study, under compressive loading (چکیده)
10703 - Approximate double centralizers are exact double centralizers (چکیده)
10704 - Carbone Isotope Anomaly of the yellow beds in the Lower Cambrian Mila Formation in Shahmirzad, Alborz, Northern Iran (چکیده)
10705 - Electron transport through SWNT/trans-PA/ SWNT structure (the role of solitons) : A t-matrix technique (چکیده)
10706 - Influence of solitons on the conductance properties of double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (چکیده)
10707 - Effect of the synthesis route on the structural properties and shape of the indium oxide (In2O3) nano-particles (چکیده)
10708 - Fe-doped SnO2 transparent semi-conducting thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis technique: Thermoelectric and p-type conductivity properties (چکیده)
10709 - The effect of the post-annealing temperature on the nano-structure and (چکیده)
10710 - Multi-pass hybrid GTAW-SMAW operation on 2205 duplex stainless steel; Microstructure characterization and micro-hardness measurement (چکیده)
10711 - استفاده از آنتی ژنهای پیکری و ترشحی فاسیولاهپاتیکا در تشخیص بیماری فاسیولوز در گوسفند با روش الایزا (چکیده)
10712 - Juraella bifurcata Bernier, 1984 (Calcareous alga, Gymnocodiaceae?) fromthe lower cretaceous (Barremian) Tirgan Formation of the kopetdagh basin, NE Iran (چکیده)
10713 - Phylogenetic consequences of hybridization in two interbreeding taxa: Kurdish Wheatear (Oenanthe xanthoprymna ) and Persian Wheatear (Oenanthe chrysopygia ) in western Iran (چکیده)
10715 - Steinernema Carpocapsae Weiser, 1955 (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae) From Natural Population of White Grub, Polyphylla Olivieri (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae (چکیده)
10716 - Thermal Properties and Crystallization Behavior of Co67Fe4Cr7Si8B14 (چکیده)
10718 - Operator Extensions of parallelogram Law (چکیده)
10719 - A New Approach for Predicting andOptimizing Weld Bead Geometry in GMAW (چکیده)
10720 - A Statistical Approach for Predicting andOptimizing Depth of Cut in AWJ Machiningfor 6063-T6 Al Alloy (چکیده)
10721 - An Equation Oriented Approach to Steady State Flowsheeting Of Methanol Synthesis Loop (چکیده)
10722 - A Sequential Modular Approach to Steady Sate Flowsheeting of the Dehydration Plant of a Commercial Gas Refinery (چکیده)
10723 - Inverse dynamics analysis of a general spherical star-triangle parallel manipulator using principle of virtual work (چکیده)
10724 - Accuracy and stiffness analysis of a 3-RRP spherical parallel manipulator (چکیده)
10725 - Simulation of Absorption and Desorption Loop in a Gas Refinery by Sequential Modular Method (چکیده)
10726 - A modified wake oscillator model for vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinders for a wide range of mass-damping ratio (چکیده)
10727 - Computer-aided design of microwave intergrated circuits (چکیده)
10728 - The quality and isotope geochemistry of Garow saline water springs, Mashhad-Iran (چکیده)
10729 - Prédiction de Précipitation mensuelle par réseau de neurones artificiel (Étude de cas: station synoptique de Mashhad) (چکیده)
10730 - High Dimensional Problem Optimization Using (چکیده)
10731 - In vitro first order Kinetic Disappearance of dry matter and neutral detergent fiber of chemically and physically treated cottonseed hulls (چکیده)
10732 - Mortality in juvenile rainbow trout caused by acute viral diseases in Mashhad suburb area (چکیده)
10733 - Evaluate and Appointment to Chillig and Freezing Resistance in Three Comertial cultivar Grape( Vitis vinifera L.) in north of Khorasan. (چکیده)
10734 - Controlling Nonlinear Processes, Using Laguerre Functions Based Adaptive Model Predictive Control (AMPC) Algorithm (چکیده)
10735 - Human s or God s Will: A Cosmological Critique of the Theory of Attribution (چکیده)
10736 - Neural network approach for modeling the mass transfer of potato slices during osmotic dehydration using genetic algorithm (چکیده)
10737 - Efficacy and host range of thistle tortoise beetle (Cassida rubiginosa) for (چکیده)
10738 - Paclobutrazol Can Reduce the Negative Effects of Salinity on Reproductive Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Strawberry Plants (چکیده)
10739 - Interaction Effects of Paclobutrazol and Salinity on Photosynthesis and Vegetative Growth of Strawberry Plants (چکیده)
10740 - First-principles study of structural, dynamical, and dielectric properties of A-La2O3 (چکیده)
10741 - Study the effect of high level of CO2 Concentrations on anatomical and morphological traits in marigold (Tagets tenuifolia). (چکیده)
10742 - Effect of some microelements fertilizers on quantitative traits in tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L. var. Double). (چکیده)
10743 - Investigationon effect of High Level Co2 Concentration on Anatomical and Morphological Traits in Floss flower (Ageratum houstonianum) (چکیده)
10744 - A novel approach for forward position analysis of a double-triangle spherical parallel manipulator (چکیده)
10746 - Traveling Wave Locomotion of Snake Robot along Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical body shapes (چکیده)
10747 - An almost optimal control for time-delay systems (چکیده)
10748 - Measure theory approach in sliding mode control for nonlinear systems (چکیده)
10749 - Application of Value Stream Mapping in Improving the Service Processes of a Dental Clinic (چکیده)
10750 - Effects of parenteral over-supplementation of vitamin A and iron on (چکیده)
10751 - Polar compounds distribution of sunflower oil as affected by unsaponifiable matters of Bene hull oil (BHO) and tertiary-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) during deep-frying (چکیده)
10752 - Prediction of Pile Settlement Using Artificial Neural Networks Based on Cone Penetration Test Data (چکیده)
10753 - Reliability of stress field in Al–Al2O3 functionally graded thick hollow cylinder subjected to sudden unloading, considering uncertain mechanical properties (چکیده)
10754 - Identification and Categorization of related works in the Persian Bibliographic Universe: a FRBR approach (چکیده)
10755 - Ecological methods of weed management in Cumin (چکیده)
10756 - Levels of some Trace Element in Dry and Fresh Fruit Samples of 9 Apricot Cultivars (چکیده)
10757 - Hazardous Element Content and Consumption Risk of 9 Apricot Cultivars (چکیده)
10758 - Screening of chickpea genotypes (Cicer arietinum L.) for drought tolerance (چکیده)
10759 - A Genetic Algorithm Approach For Prediction of Process Parameters in Submerged Arc Welding (چکیده)
10760 - The effect of short-time microwave exposures on Salmonella typhimurium inoculated onto chicken drumettes (چکیده)
10761 - Reliability of Wireless Body Area Networks used for Ambulatory Monitoring and Health Care (چکیده)
10762 - Design of Augmented Fuzzy Logic Power System Stabilizers to Enhance Power (چکیده)
10763 - Numerical study of dispersion velocity in turbulent flow and the effects on separation (چکیده)
10764 - Improving Power Plant Efficiency using Water Droplet Injection in Air Condensers (چکیده)
10765 - Antioxidants activities and total phenolics content of pistachio cultivars (چکیده)
10766 - Thermodynamic studies on the interaction between sodium n-dodecyl sulphate and histone H2B (چکیده)
10767 - Thermodynamic studies of the interaction of glucose oxidase with anionic and cationic surfactants (چکیده)
10768 - Spectroscopic and microcalorimetric study of the interaction of n-alkyl sulfates with insulin in aqueous solution (چکیده)
10769 - Folding of the interaction of Histon H1 with Sodiu n-Dodecyl sulphate (چکیده)
10770 - Isolation and purification of human chorionic gonadotropine (hcg) from the urine of pregnant women (چکیده)
10771 - An approach based on diffusion to study ligand–macromolecule interaction (چکیده)
10772 - Improved photonic crystal directional coupler with short length (چکیده)
10773 - Effects of somatic cell counts on the physicochemical and rheological properties of yoghurt made from sheep’s milk (چکیده)
10774 - Effects of root stock on growth pattern of sour cherry cultivars (چکیده)
10775 - Climate dependence of cherry flowering (چکیده)
10776 - Response of alternate bearing of badamy sefid Pistachio cultivar to foliar application of some macro and micro elements (چکیده)
10777 - Comparison of varying pollen source on productivity of sour cherry cultivars (چکیده)
10778 - Preparation and Characterization of Fluorohydroxyapatite Nanopowders Nonalkoxide Sol-gel Method (چکیده)
10780 - Study of the Anti-Scale Magnetic Water Treatment in the Industrial Boiler (چکیده)
10781 - Vapor toxicity of Lavandula angustifolia (Mill) and Zataria multiflora (Bioss ) essential oils against the adults of cowpea seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae ) (چکیده)
10782 - Fumigant toxicity of Lavandula angustifolia Mill and Zataria multiflora Bioss on Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)-Coleoptera: Bruchidae (چکیده)
10783 - Fumigant toxicity of Elettaria cardamomum (L.) Maton. and Bunium persicum (Boiss.) Fedtsch. oils against Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) (چکیده)
10784 - An analytical study on elastic flange wrnkling of laminated circular plates in deep drawing process (چکیده)
10785 - Influence of transmembrane pressure and feed concentration on the retention of arsenic, chromium and cadmium from water by nanofiltration (چکیده)
10786 - Springback simulation of friction aided deep drawing process (چکیده)
10787 - Reasons for culling of Holstein dairy cows in north east of Iran (چکیده)
10788 - 2-Amino-4-methylpyridinium trifluoroacetate: a monoclinic polymorph (چکیده)
10789 - یک لایه امنیتی برای وب سرویس ها (چکیده)
10790 - The Effect of Blankholder on Flange Plastic Wrinkling of Laminated Circular Plates in Deep Drawing Process (چکیده)
10791 - Optimal statistical procedures on the basis of records in a two-parameter exponential distribution (چکیده)
10792 - Preventive Maintenance in Agricultural Machinery (چکیده)
10793 - An investigation ino the friction aided deep drawing using four and eight tapered segments (چکیده)
10794 - An investigation into the influence of blankholder force on springback in U-bending (چکیده)
10795 - Distribution of External Taste Buds in Walking Catfish (Clarias batrachus) and Piranha(Serrasalmus nattereri) (چکیده)
10796 - Synthesis and structure of spinel-type oxides in Mn, Co and Ni ternary system nanopowders at low temperature (چکیده)
10797 - Calcination Process Effect on Phase Formation in Nano-Sized Zn0.9 9Mn0.1O Particles (چکیده)
10798 - Highly Diastereoselective Synthesis of Oxazolidines under Neat Condition Using Focused Microwave Irradiation (چکیده)
10799 - Geometric simulation of surface texture in low immersion side milling (چکیده)
10800 - Stereoselective Aminomethylation of m-Cresol with ChiralAmine Mediated by 4A Molecular Sieves under Neat Conditions (چکیده)
10801 - High yielding oxidative deprotections of silyl and pyranyl ethers to their corresponding carbonyl compounds with strontium manganate in the presence of aluminium chloride in solution and under net conditions (چکیده)
10802 - Electrical properties comparison of NTC thermistors prepared from nanopowders and mixed-oxide process (چکیده)
10803 - Selective Oxidative Cleavage of Benzylic and Allylic Oximes to Their Carbonyl Compounds with Strontium Manganate in the Presence of Aluminium Chloride in Solution and under Solvent-Free Conditions (چکیده)
10804 - 1,3Dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin or N-bromosuccinimide as efficient reagents for chemoselective deprotection of 1,1-diacetates under solvent-free conditions (چکیده)
10805 - Sufficient Conditions for Stabilizability of Switched Linear Systems with Sub-optimal Convergence Rate (چکیده)
10806 - Terminologyof fruit set and fruit drop of sour cherry cultivars (چکیده)
10807 - A New Signal Processing Approach to find Parameters Affecting Fuel Consuming in Power Plants (چکیده)
10808 - اثر اسانس آویشن شیرازی، pH ، دما و زمان نگهداری بر احتمال رشد کلستریدیوم بوتولینم تایپ A در محیط BHI. (چکیده)
10809 - ارزیابی سمیت کمپوست زباله شهری تولیدی درفصول مختلف بر جوانه زنی ورشد گیاه . Lepidium sativm L (چکیده)
10810 - Modeling and optimization of MAG welding for gas pipelines using regression analysis and simulated annealing algorithm (چکیده)
10811 - Investigation of thermal behavior a two-phase closed thermosyphon at medium input heat (چکیده)
10812 - Improving Mechanical Properties of High Strength Concrete by Magnetic Water Technology (چکیده)
10813 - New records of the afghan Vole, Blanfordimys of ghanus (Rodenia: Arvicoinoe) form North- East of khorasan Iran (چکیده)
10814 - Gravimetrical properties of sunflower seeds and kernels (چکیده)
10815 - Survey the effect of irrigation periods on PDS and BCH gene expression with semi quantitative RT-PCR in Saffron. (چکیده)
10816 - ارزیابی ساختمان های مختلف بلوک گچی برای تعیین رطوبت خاک (چکیده)
10817 - Genetic polymorphism at the growth hormone locus in Iranian Talli goats by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) (چکیده)
10818 - Agent-based Simulation for Blood Glucose (چکیده)
10819 - Sorption studies of nitrate ion by a modified beet residue in the presence and (چکیده)
10820 - Hydrogen Cyanide Production Ability by Pseudomonasfluorescence Bacteria and their Inhibition Potential on WeedGermination (چکیده)
10821 - Effect of Plant Diversity and Nutrient Resource on WeedComposition and Density in Different Cropping Systems (چکیده)
10822 - The electrical conductivity of seed soak water provides a rapid estimate of field emergence for seed lots of chickpea in Iran (چکیده)
10823 - A rare case of septicemia due to Bacteroides melaninogenicus in a Holstein cow (چکیده)
10824 - کاربرد مدل MS-SWOT در تحلیل مدیریت گردشگری مطالعه موردی کلان شهر مشهد (چکیده)
10825 - Prevalence of Cryptosporium spp. infection in some dairy herds of Mashhad(Iran) and its association with diarrhea in newborn calves (چکیده)
10826 - Compare and evaluate the influence of two weight loss protocols on plasma concentration of agouti related peptide (AGRP) in sedentary female collage students (چکیده)
10827 - Development of thesaurus structure through a work-task oriented methodology (چکیده)
10828 - تحلیلی بر طبیعت گردی با نگاه به توسعه پایدار (مطالعه موردی؛ بهشت گمشده استان فارس) (چکیده)
10829 - Acute circuit-resistance exercise increases expression of lymphocyte agouti-related protein in young women (چکیده)
10830 - Study on possibility of Fraction Stir Welding of dissimilar and Non uni-Thickness Materials (چکیده)
10831 - Radon and Radium Measurement in Drinkables Water Supplies of Shirvan Region in Iran by Prassi System (چکیده)
10832 - Your eyes are beautiful; a study of compliment responses in Persian (چکیده)
10833 - Influence of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum on the stability and flow properties of O/W emulsion prepared by high intensity ultrasound (چکیده)
10834 - On shadowing: Ordinary and ergodic (چکیده)
10836 - Literature and Language: Discourse Analysis and the study of Literary Texts (چکیده)
10837 - Optical properties of spinel MgAl2O4 oxide (چکیده)
10838 - On Structural and optical properties of Mn doped ZnO nanopowders (چکیده)
10839 - Screening of damask rose genotypes for powdery mildew resistance (چکیده)
10840 - Artificial neural network approach for solving fuzzy differential equations (چکیده)
10841 - Optimal Stabilizable Switching Law for Switched Linear SystemsUsing GA (چکیده)
10842 - The effect of selenium sources and supplementation on neutrophil functions in dairy cows (چکیده)
10843 - A Fast Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm based Approach for Energy Efficient QoS-Routing in Two-tiered Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
10845 - A Novel Thermostable, Acidophilic -Amylase from a New Thermophilic -Bacillus sp. Ferdowsicous- Isolated from Ferdows Hot Mineral Spring in Iran: Purification and Biochemical Characterization (چکیده)
10846 - Arsenic and antimony bioremediation by Phragmites australis:Rizofiltration technology (چکیده)
10847 - Improvement the uniformity of the gamma production rate distribution with depth in a large biological sample for an IVNAA facility (چکیده)
10848 - phi Factorable Operators (چکیده)
10849 - Continuous wavelet transform for locally compact commutative hypergroups (چکیده)
10850 - System values development of Students in School: Attention to Femalr student s Value in Interaction with educational Manager s Role (چکیده)
10851 - A Characterization of Square Integrable Representations Associated With CWT (چکیده)
10852 - High Gain CMOS UWB LNA Employing Thermal Noise Cancellation (چکیده)
10853 - A CMOS Low-Noise Low-Power Quadrature LC Oscillator (چکیده)
10854 - A new low-phase noise direct-coupled CMOS LC-QVCO (چکیده)
10855 - Bioethanol production from lignocellulosic biomass: Modeling of pretreatment step (چکیده)
10856 - The effect of short-time microwave exposures on Listeria monocytogeneses inoculated onto chicken meat portions (چکیده)
10857 - Morphological and morphometric analyses of dental and cranial characters in apodemus hyrcanicus and a. Witherbyi (rodentia: Muridae)form Iran (چکیده)
10858 - The Aurignacian in the zagros region: new research at Yafteh Cave, Lorestan, Iran (چکیده)
10859 - N-Benzylpropan-2-aminium chloride (چکیده)
10860 - Analytical solution for supersonic flow on a conical body with rounded triangle cross section via the perturbation method (چکیده)
10861 - Analytical study for hypersonic flow past a triangular cone via perturbation method (چکیده)
10863 - Calendula karakalensis (Asteraceae) ,A new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
10864 - A new species of Astragalus L. sect. Ornithopodium (Fabaceae)from northeast of Iran (چکیده)
10865 - Discriminant anatysis of dental and cranial characteristies in the miee apodemus hyrcanicus and ...(rodentia, Muridae) form Iran (چکیده)
10866 - Relationship between Competitive Professional Swimming Time and some Anthropometric Characteristic in Elite Female Iranian Swimmers (چکیده)
10867 - A numerical simulation for solving two dimensional non-Newtonian jet buckling in Moulding Process by VOF method (چکیده)
10868 - Numerical Simulation of a Non Newtonian Free Surface Flow by VOF Method in a Wire Coating Process (چکیده)
10869 - Relationship between Athletic Self-Concept and Exercise Self-Efficacy of Iranian Elite Wrestlers Participated in the Qatar Asian Games (چکیده)
10870 - Prediction of thickness and fouling rate in pulsating flow heat exchangers, using FLUENT simulator (چکیده)
10871 - New plant records for Khorassan province, Iran,III (چکیده)
10872 - Biosystimatics study of steppe field mouse Apodemus witherbyi (rodentia: Muridae) form North-West Iran, (چکیده)
10873 - Parallel Implementation of Eye Detection Algorithm on Color Facial Images (چکیده)
10874 - ارزیابی ماکروسکوپیک تاثیر داروی ترانکرون بر التیام زخمهای باز در سگ (چکیده)
10875 - The effect of grain sources on in vitro rumen acid load of close-up dry cow diets (چکیده)
10876 - Fertility response of high producing Iranian Holstein dairy cowse (چکیده)
10877 - A Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (چکیده)
10878 - A new modeling algorithm – Normalized Kernel Least Mean Square (چکیده)
10879 - Using artificial neural networks and levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for prediction of staphylococcus aureus growth (چکیده)
10880 - The Effect of the Solid Fuel Dimensions on the Downward Flame Spread (چکیده)
10881 - Rodents and Lagomorphs remains from late pleistocene and early Holoeene Caves and Rochshelter sites in the Zagros region, iran (چکیده)
10882 - Experimental and Modeling Technique for Liquid Holdup between Spherical Particles (چکیده)
10883 - Application of almond green hull for the removal of cobalt ion from aqueous solution (چکیده)
10884 - Studies on adsorption of mercury from aqueous solution on activated carbons prepared from walnut shell (چکیده)
10885 - Experimental Investigation of the Effect of the Solid Fuel Dimensions on the Downward Flame Spread (چکیده)
10886 - Valuation of Water and its Sensitive Analysis in Agricultural Sector A Hedonic Pricing Approach (چکیده)
10887 - The Determination of Optimal Crop Pattern with Aim of Reduction in Hazards of Environmental (چکیده)
10888 - Uranium removal from aqueous solutions by wood powder and wheat straw (چکیده)
10889 - Distortion analysis of bootstrap switch using Volterra series (چکیده)
10890 - Offline Handwritten Signature Identification and Verification Using Contoulet Transform (چکیده)
10892 - Farsi and Arabic document images lossy compression based on the mixed raster content model (چکیده)
10893 - A Novel Forgetting Factor Recursive Least Square Algorithm Applied to the Human Motion Analysis (چکیده)
10895 - Intelligent Arrhythmia Detection using Genetic Algorithm and Emphatic SVM-ESVM (چکیده)
10896 - ECG Arrhythmia Classification with Support Vector Machines and Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
10898 - Experimental Investigations Water Surface Characteristics in Strongly-Curved Open Channels (چکیده)
10899 - Semi-active Control of Structures Using Neuro-Predictive Algorithm for MR Dampers (چکیده)
10900 - Damage Index Monitoring of Structures Using Neural Networks (چکیده)
10901 - Incorporation of Eulerian–Eulerian CFD framework in mathematical modeling of chemical absorption of acid gases into methyl diethanol amine on sieve trays (چکیده)
10902 - Evaluation of Performance of an Industrial Gas Sweetening Plant by Application of Sequential Modular and Simultaneous Modular Methods (چکیده)
10903 - Power Estimation of Pipeline FFT Processors (چکیده)
10904 - Template Protection and Performance Improvement of Biometric Authentication Systems Using Watermarking (چکیده)
10905 - Genetic Algorithm based Logic Optimization for Multi-Output Majority Gate-based Nanoelectronic Circuits (چکیده)
10906 - Low-Power Adder Design for Nano-Scale CMOS (چکیده)
10907 - Counter Synchronization in CCMP Algorithm (چکیده)
10908 - IP Prefix Lookup at OC-768 Rate on Reconfigurable Hardware (چکیده)
10909 - Effect of different sources of supplemental protein on performance and on ruminal pH and NNH3 NH3 (چکیده)
10910 - Accuracy of Energy and Momentum Principles for Gradually Varied Analysis of Flow through Compound Channels (چکیده)
10911 - Effects of feeding zinc sources on biochemical parameters, concentration of some hormones and zinc in serum of Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
10912 - 1Naphthylmethyl-Ammonium Chloride (چکیده)
10913 - In vivo effect of albendazole and mebendazole on hydatid cyst of mice (چکیده)
10914 - The effect of feeding potassium iodide on performance and iodine excretion in Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
10915 - Nephrolithiasis in two Arabian horses (چکیده)
10916 - The international publication productivity of Malaysian in social sciences: developing a scientific power index (چکیده)
10917 - Examining Iranian EFL Learners and Teachers Beliefs about Teachers through metaphor analysis (چکیده)
10918 - The Characteristics of Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Electron-Positron--Ion magnetized Plasma (چکیده)
10919 - Now rooz is a part the common culture of iran and India (چکیده)
10920 - Elastic follow-up and relaxation of residual stresses (چکیده)
10921 - Bis(2,6-diaminopyridinium) hydrogen phthalate nitrate monohydrate (چکیده)
10922 - On the Minimax Optimality of Block ThresholdedWavelets Estimators for ro-Mixing Process (چکیده)
10923 - طراحی آنتن فراپهن باند فشرده با ساختار زمین اصلاح شده و تغذیه CPW (چکیده)
10924 - pcr -based identification of aflatoxin fungi with iranian saffron (چکیده)
10925 - modeling the effect of formulation on the leakage of sweet whipped (چکیده)
10926 - Green synthesis and structural characterization of zinc sulfide nanoparticles (چکیده)
10927 - Weak Strictly Persistence Homeomorphisms and Weak Inverse shadowing and Genericity- (چکیده)
10929 - Estimation of Elastic Follow-up in Structures (چکیده)
10930 - Moisture-Dependent Physical Properties of Saffron Flower (چکیده)
10931 - Comparison of BMD Muscle strength and some hormonal and biochemical factors of blood serum in athletic groups (volleyball and taekwondo) and athletic girls (چکیده)
10932 - An Equation Oriented Approach to Steady State Flowsheeting of Methanol Synthesis Loop (چکیده)
10933 - Effect of Non-Aqueous Solvents on Stoichiometry and Selectivity of Complexes Formed Between 4 Nitrobenzo 15 Crown 5 with Fe3+, Y3+, Cd2+, Sn4+, Ce3+ and Au3+ Metal Cations (چکیده)
10934 - A concise review on the anatomy of the atrioventricular node in mammals (چکیده)
10935 - the effects of different irrigation regimes on the growth caractrestictes of saffron (چکیده)
10936 - intercropping saffron with cereals , pulsesandmedicinal plant (چکیده)
10937 - O,O -Di-p-tolylpyrophosphoric bis(dimethylamide) (چکیده)
10938 - the investigation of prevalence of lower extremity injuries in Iranian elite female artistic gymnasts:study on two momen s artistic gymnastics appara (چکیده)
10939 - the comparative study of two types of PNF and static stretching in Amputee Athletes (چکیده)
10940 - A note on convex renorming and fragmentability (چکیده)
10942 - Biochemistry of Organophosphates Resistance in Boophilus Decoloratus (چکیده)
10943 - Evaluation of susceptibility of 12 Walnut genotypes to sudden cold of 2008 and frost injury (چکیده)
10944 - Can peak-LAI be used as an appropriate index to estimate wheat performance (چکیده)
10945 - Longitudinal Vibrations Analysis of Vehicular Clutch (چکیده)
10946 - Coupled Thermoelasticity (Without Energy Dissipation) Analysis in Thick Hollow Cylinder Subjected to thermal shock loading Using a General Analytical Method (چکیده)
10947 - Modeling and simulation of sour gas membrane-absorption system: Influence of operational parameters on species removal (چکیده)
10948 - تاثیر برنامه تمرین هوازی بر عملکرد ریه و تحمل به فعالیت بیماران آسمی (چکیده)
10949 - Optimum Designing of Thin Film Filter Layers of SiO2 and SnTe Based on Optical Particle Swarm Opimizer (چکیده)
10950 - Effects of Suction and Blowing on Heat Transfer between Two Eccentric Rotating Spheres with Sinusoidal Angular Velocities (چکیده)
10951 - unsteady flow between two concentric rotating spheres along with uniform transpiration (چکیده)
10952 - Precipitation pool design and study of physical water treatment for decarbonizes water production unit (چکیده)
10953 - Experimental and Modeling Technique for Liquid Holdup between Spherical Particles (چکیده)
10954 - Experimental Observations of Gradually Varied Flow Formation in Compound Channels (چکیده)
10955 - A new adjustable blind Watermarking based on GA and SVD (چکیده)
10956 - Experiments and predictions of the effects of load history on cleavage fracture in steel (چکیده)
10957 - Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Some New Thioether-Ester Crown Ethers (چکیده)
10958 - A Computational Study of Droplet Impingement onto a Thin Liquid Film (چکیده)
10959 - Synthesis of novel disulfide-bridged dilactam crown ethers (چکیده)
10960 - Synthesis, biological evaluation and QSAR studies of some new thioether-ester crown ethers (چکیده)
10961 - Individual and combined effect of meso-2, 3-dimercaptosuccinic acid and allicin on blood and tissue lead content in mice (چکیده)
10962 - Growth analysis of chickens fed diets varying in the percentage of metabolizable energy provided by protein, fat, and carbohydratethrough artificial neural network (چکیده)
10963 - By-alternative key management in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
10964 - Assessment of nutritional value of caraway seed pulp for feeding Holestein dairy cattle (چکیده)
10965 - Effect of Feed Restriction and Different Energy and Protein Levels of the Diet on Growth Performance and Growth Hormone in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
10966 - The therapeutic potential of thiamine for treatment of experimentally-induced subacute lead poisoning in sheep (چکیده)
10967 - A Novel Communication Aided Approach for Protection of Shunt Compensated Transmission Lines (چکیده)
10968 - Enteric viruses of raw milk II: Evaluation the impact of milk components on RNA extraction (چکیده)
10969 - Enteric viruses in raw milk:Caharacterization of milk components in recovery efficiency & RNA extraction (چکیده)
10970 - Astragalus ghouchanensis (Fabaceae), a new speciies from Iran (چکیده)
10971 - A Study on Some Ecological Aspects of Snow Trout ( Schizothorax pelzami )from Laiinsoo River in Northeastern Iran (چکیده)
10972 - Allium oriento-iranicum (Alliaceae), a new speciies from Iran (چکیده)
10973 - Effect of die temperature on mechanical properties of hot pressed P/M (چکیده)
10974 - Heat transfer enhancement by application of nano-powder (چکیده)
10975 - A note on classical Stein-type estimators in elliptically contoured models (چکیده)
10976 - Effect of crop rotation on weed seed-bank in Potato fields (چکیده)
10977 - Liquid Phase Microextraction (چکیده)
10978 - Determination of 3-nitroaniline in water samples by directly suspended droplet three-phase liquid-phase microextraction using 18-crown-6 ether and high-performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
10979 - Sedimentation problem in Tabarak Abad Dam, northeast Iran (چکیده)
10980 - N,N -Dicyclohexyl-N -(4-nitrobenzoyl)- phosphoric triamide (چکیده)
10981 - A New Hybrid Recommender System Using Dynamic Fuzzy Clustering (چکیده)
10982 - Maximum Dynamic Flow Interdiction Problem (چکیده)
10983 - Development of an unsteady model for flow through coarse heterogeneous porous (چکیده)
10984 - Operator extensions of parallelogram law (چکیده)
10986 - Effect of Essential Oils of some Medicinal Plants on Control of (چکیده)
10987 - Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Medicinal Pumpkin Influenced by Sowing Time (چکیده)
10988 - A new key management scheme in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
10989 - Optical Design of Multilayer Filter by using PSO Algorithm (چکیده)
10990 - Performance and population growth rate associated with yield losses response of cotton aphid on cucumber under different nitrogen fertilization levels (چکیده)
10991 - Predation by Allothrombium pulvinum on the spider mites Tetranychus urticae and Amphitetranychus viennensis: Predation Rate, Prey Preference and Functional Response (چکیده)
10992 - Optimal Location for Mobile Sink in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
10993 - A Novel Congestion Control Protocol for Vital Signs Monitoring in Wireless Biomedical Sensor Networks (چکیده)
10994 - Use of agricultural waste for removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solution (چکیده)
10995 - Application of nut shells for chromium removal from wastewater (چکیده)
10996 - Host preference by Allothrombium pulvinum (Acari: Trombidiidae) larvae on aphids: Macrosiphum rosae, Aphis gossypii and Hyalopterus amygdali (Homoptera: Aphididae (چکیده)
10997 - Mites (Acari: Prostigmata & Mesostigmata) inhabiting green plantings in urban environment of north-eastern Iran, including six new records (چکیده)
10998 - A Mild and Simple Iodination of Phenos with Trichloroisocyanuric Acid/ I2 /Wet SiO2 Systems (چکیده)
10999 - An investigation into the different hardening models in reverese forming of thin sheets (چکیده)
11000 - Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) on Exhaust Performance (چکیده)
11001 - Effect of Using EGR on In-Cylinder Irreversibility of an IDI Diesel Engine (چکیده)
11002 - Effects of water deficit and spraing of dessicants on yield, yield components and water use efficiency of wheat genotypes (چکیده)
11003 - An Energy Efficient Data Dissemination Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11004 - An efficient energy aware routing protocol for real time traffic in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
11005 - A fair routing protocol using generic utility based approach in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11006 - Energy aware multi-path and multi-SPEED routing protocol in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
11007 - O-H Bond Cleavage Step of the Wacker Process: A DFT Study (چکیده)
11008 - Production of biological nanoparticles frrom a-lactalbumin for drug delivery and food science application (چکیده)
11009 - Soot emission prediction of a turbo-charged DI diesel engine in different (چکیده)
11010 - Long-Term Effects of Oxymetholone vs. Testosterone with or Without ZnSO4 on Growth Performance of Turkey Chicks (چکیده)
11011 - Performance of the Evolutionary Structural Optimization Based Approaches with Different Criteria in the Shape Optimization of Beams (چکیده)
11012 - Diphenyl (benzylamido) phosphate (چکیده)
11013 - Seismic Assessment of electric power transmission concrete beams (چکیده)
11014 - Eriophyoid mites (Acari: Eriophyoidea) from Iran, with descriptions of three new species, one new record and a checklist (چکیده)
11015 - Practical viewpoints on load frequency control problem in a deregulated power system (چکیده)
11017 - The effects of the violation of local independence assumption on the person measures under the Rasch model (چکیده)
11018 - Comparison of reproductive parameters, plasma and milk E2 and P4 concentrations following application of Ovsynch-CIDR Vs two consecutive injections of PGF2 , in dairy Holstein cows (چکیده)
11019 - Prevalence of MAP in a Large Dairy Herd and its Effect on Reproductive and Production Indices (چکیده)
11020 - A Hybrid of the Newton-GMRES and Electromagnetic Meta-Heuristic Methods for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations (چکیده)
11021 - The Lock-in Phenomenon in VIV Using A Modified Wake Oscillator Model for both High and Low Mass-Damping Ratio (چکیده)
11022 - Graph Partitioning Applications in Electrical Engineering with an Emphasis on Power System Intentional Islanding (چکیده)
11023 - Automating the Design of Ultra-Low-Voltage, Low-Power Analog Integrated Circuits using Improved Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
11024 - Economic Dispatch Problem Considering Natural Gas Transportation Cost (چکیده)
11025 - Iran’s Stock Market Prediction By Neural Networks and GA (چکیده)
11026 - Market clearing price and load forecasting using cooperative co-evolutionary approach (چکیده)
11027 - Analysis of disposition in twin calving (چکیده)
11028 - Evaluations of dormancy breaking treatments on seeds of thirty three weed species (چکیده)
11029 - On the Sylow p-subgroups of the Baer Invariant of Groups (چکیده)
11030 - Cooperative Co-evolutionary Approach to Electricity Load and Price Forecasting in Deregulated Electricity Markets (چکیده)
11031 - Comparison of insecurity feeling between Normal and Self sacrificer Wives: the Case of Khorasan Razavi Province (چکیده)
11032 - The influence of exogenous enzyme, formaldehyde and/or sodium hydroxide on in vitro Gas Production parameters of sunflower meal (چکیده)
11033 - Almost sure convergence of kernel bivariate distribution function estimator under negative association (چکیده)
11034 - Almost Sure Convergence of Two-Dimensional Distribution Function Under Negative Association (چکیده)
11035 - Transmission Loss Analysis of an Expansion Chamber in Stationary Medium by Experimental and Numerical Methods (چکیده)
11036 - Comparison of Computational Requirements of Spectral and Kernel k-means Bisectioning of Power systems (چکیده)
11037 - Estimation of parameters of parallelism model with elliptically distributed errors (چکیده)
11038 - Assessment of common turbulence models under conditions of temporal acceleration in a pipe (چکیده)
11039 - Study of microstructure and mechanical properties of high performance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111 (چکیده)
11040 - A high temperature deformation mechanism map for the high performance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111 (چکیده)
11042 - The effect of harvest weather on germination of Scottish wildflower seeds (چکیده)
11043 - A comparative study of the germination characteristics of Wild Flower Seeds in Commercial Seed Production (چکیده)
11044 - The influence of experimental substrate on early seedling growth under stress conditions (چکیده)
11045 - The effects of reduced water availability and salinity on the early seedling growth of Soybean (چکیده)
11046 - The effects of salinity on the germination and early seedling growth of soybean (چکیده)
11047 - Comparative studies of the effects of reduced water availability and salinity stress on the germination of six soybean cultivars (چکیده)
11049 - Gelatin Extraction from the non- treated (Lim- Skin) and treated (Wet Blue Skin) cattle skin (چکیده)
11050 - بررسی تاثیر ابعاد حل بر دقت نتایج مدل تلاطمی k-w در جریان توربولنس غیر پریودیک شتاب دار در درون لوله (چکیده)
11052 - Dust acoustic solitary and shock waves in strongly coupled dusty plasmas with nonthermal ions (چکیده)
11053 - Predicting the effects of cam manufacturing errors on the follower motion (چکیده)
11054 - Land slide hazard zonation usinf the relative effect method (چکیده)
11055 - Development of a quantitative model for the assessment of Zahedan aquifer, southeast Irasnِ (چکیده)
11056 - Aril Paleness, New Physiological Disorder in Pomegranate Fruit (Punica granatum): Physical and Chemical Changes during Exposure of Fruit Disorder (چکیده)
11057 - مدیریت آبخوان دشت شورو با استفاده از مدل آبهای زیرزمینی (چکیده)
11058 - Complexation of 4 -Nitrobenzo-15-Crown-5 with Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+and Ba2+Metal Cations in Acetonitrile-Methanol Binary Solutions (چکیده)
11059 - New correlation Formulas to Relate Heat Transfer in Wick Heat Pipe Based on Experimental Study (چکیده)
11060 - An investigation of groundwater condition by geoelectrical resistivity ‎method: A case study in Korin aquifer, southeast Iran ‎ (چکیده)
11061 - An Investigation on the Performanceof Approximate Methods in theRepresentation of Stressed Power Systems (چکیده)
11062 - Scotish wild flower seeds: Production and use (چکیده)
11063 - Comparson of the seed germination and early seedling growth of soybean in saline conditions (چکیده)
11064 - Distribution of BoLA-DRB3Allelic Frequencies and Identificationof a New Allele in the IranianCattle Breed Sistani (چکیده)
11065 - Finite Element Analysis of Tension – Weak Materials (چکیده)
11066 - Elasto – Plastic Analysis of Material with Uniaxial Symmetric Tresca Yield Condition and Cyclic Loading (چکیده)
11067 - Effects of dolomitization in reservoir quality of Sarvak Formation (Cretaceous) in one of the giant oil field in SW Iran (چکیده)
11068 - The role of mineralogy on durability of weak rock (چکیده)
11069 - Constructions preserving n-weak amenability of Banach algebras (چکیده)
11070 - Contamination of grounwater resorce in Zahedan city due to rapid development (چکیده)
11071 - Groundwater pollution in the city of Zahedan, eastern Iran (چکیده)
11072 - The effect of water table decline on the groundwater quality in Marand plain, northeast Iran (چکیده)
11073 - Vertical electrical sounding fo groundwater assessment in southeastern Iran: A case studyr (چکیده)
11074 - کنترل فعال ایزولاسیون سیستم‌ها و تجهیزات اندازگیری حساس با استفاده از الگوریتم Particle Swarm Optimization (چکیده)
11075 - CuO/water nanofluid heat transfer through triangular ducts (چکیده)
11076 - Effect of magnetic field on the Copper oxide/water nanofluid heat transfer enhancement in two-phase closed thermosyphon (چکیده)
11077 - Improvement the uniformity of the gamma production rate distribution with depth in a large biological sample for an IVNAA facility (چکیده)
11078 - Two-dimensional sensitivity analysis (چکیده)
11079 - 2Aminopyrimidinum hydrogen oxalate monohydrate (چکیده)
11080 - Effect of Variety and Size on the Mechanical Damage of Watermelon in Quasi Static Load (چکیده)
11081 - The Wheatstone bridge-based analog adaptive filter with application in echo cancellation (چکیده)
11082 - Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Designing (چکیده)
11083 - تحلیل و طراحی برنامه نت در سیستمهای تولید ایستگاهی بوسیله شبیه سازی (چکیده)
11084 - Optimization of Control Parameters in Submerged Arc Welding Using GA (چکیده)
11085 - Solar vehicles – a feasibility study toward optimization of energy consumption based on regional insolation and traffic data (چکیده)
11086 - An ant colony optimization for single-machine weighted tardiness scheduling with sequence-dependent setups (چکیده)
11087 - Direct Adaptive Neurocontrol of Structures under Earth Vibration (چکیده)
11088 - Low-dropout voltage reference: an approach to low-temperature-sensitivity architectures with high drive capability (چکیده)
11089 - SVD-Based Receiver for Downlink MIMO MC-CDMA Systems (چکیده)
11090 - Pi-shaped MEMS architecture for lowering actuation voltage of RF switching (چکیده)
11091 - Determination of Trihalomethanes in Tap Water by UV-Vis ‎Spectrophotometry (چکیده)
11092 - Evaluation of Electrochemical Reduction of Chloroform by Drop ‎Mercury Electrode (چکیده)
11093 - The Effect of Magnetic Water on Growth and Quality Improvement of Poultry (چکیده)
11094 - Effects of a magnetic field and adjuvant in the (چکیده)
11095 - Optimal DWT-SVD Domain Image Watermarking Using Multi-Objective (چکیده)
11096 - Unsupervised Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System For Solving Differential Equations (چکیده)
11097 - Dynamic and Static Softening Behaviors of AA2024 Aluminum Alloy Under Hot Deformation Applications (چکیده)
11098 - تاثیر افزودن کنسانتره پروتئین آب پنیر ( WPC )و صمغ های گوار و زانتان بر خصوصیات کیفی و فیزیکوشیمیایی کیک روغنی (چکیده)
11099 - Preconcentration Of Thallium (I) By Single Drop Microextraction With Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Detection Using Dicyclohexano-18-crown-6 as Extractant System (چکیده)
11100 - Neural network application to solve Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (چکیده)
11101 - Transient analysis of functionally graded THICK HOLLOW Circular cylinders under (چکیده)
11102 - Pentakis(L-prolinium) dodecatungstoborate trihydrate (چکیده)
11103 - The Effect of Ethane on the Performance of Commercial Polyphenylene Oxide and Cardo-type Polyimide Hollow Fiber Membranes in CO2/CH4 Separation Applications (چکیده)
11104 - Removal of hydrogen sulfide from methane using commercial polyphenylene oxide and Cardo-type polyimide hollow fiber membranes (چکیده)
11105 - Aqueous synthesis of interconnected ZnO nanowires using spray pyrolysis deposited seed layers (چکیده)
11106 - semiactive control of structures using neuro-inverse mode of MR dampersl (چکیده)
11107 - Damage Index Monitoring of Structures Using Neural Networks (چکیده)
11108 - Semi-active Control of Structures Using Neuro-Predictive Algorithm for MR Dampers (چکیده)
11109 - neural network model as a new powerful tool to describe and predict hatchability of broiler breeder eggs (چکیده)
11110 - A conceptual framework of impeders to strategy implementation from an exploratory case study in an Iranian university (چکیده)
11111 - A low-power architecture for integrating analog-to-digital converters (چکیده)
11112 - Semi-active control of structures using neuro-predictive algorithm for MR dampers (چکیده)
11113 - Semi-active control of structures using a neuro-inverse model of MR dampers (چکیده)
11114 - بررسی رابطه بین راهبردهای یادگیری و سبک های اسناد در دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه (چکیده)
11115 - Mild and Efficient Iodination of Aromatic Compoundswith Trichloroisocyanuric Acid/I2/Wet SiO2 System (چکیده)
11116 - Electrical resistivity survey for predicting Samsor aquifer properties, southeast Iran (چکیده)
11117 - Happiness Level of Accounting Students at University of Mashhad (چکیده)
11118 - Modeling and Optimization of Abrasive Waterjet Parameters using Regression Analysis (چکیده)
11119 - The relationship between inspiring leaders and their learning styles in Iran (چکیده)
11120 - Effect of Mobile Phone Microwaves on Fetal Period of BALB/ c Mice in Histological Characteristics of Hippocampus and Learning Behaviors (چکیده)
11121 - A recurrent neural network-based method for training probabilistic Support Vector Machine (چکیده)
11122 - New reports from Rodentia in Turkaman Sahra (چکیده)
11123 - Comparing the radioprotectory effect of vitamins A, E and Cotoneaster nummularia on mouse bone marrow cells against Gamma irradiation (چکیده)
11124 - Optimizing the ignition behavior of microwave-combustion synthesizedAl2O3/TiC composite using Taguchi robust design method (چکیده)
11125 - Control of carbon loss during synthesis of WC powder through ball milling of WO3-C-2Al mixture (چکیده)
11126 - Effect of alkaline electrolysis conditions on current efficiency, and morphology of zinc powder (چکیده)
11127 - Effect of the aluminum content on the behavior of mechanochemical reactions in theWO3–C–Al system (چکیده)
11128 - Thermoelectric power and low-field electron mobility in AlxGa1−xN lattice-matched to GaN (چکیده)
11129 - Innovative processing of porous copper composite by chemical reaction (چکیده)
11130 - Pyrus pashia (Rosaceae),A new record for the flora of Iran (چکیده)
11131 - پهنه بندی تغییرات نفوذ پذیری درساختگاه سد بار با توجه به نقش پارامترهای زمین مهندسی درمحیط نرم افزار Rockwork (چکیده)
11132 - On locally uniformly convex renorming (چکیده)
11133 - Comparison Of Perfomance of Thin Steel Shear Walls And Concentric Braces by Capacity Spectrum Method (چکیده)
11134 - Seismic Vulnerability and Performance Level of confined brick walls (چکیده)
11135 - Masonry Infilling Effect on Seismic Vulnerability and Performance Level of High Ductility RC Frames (چکیده)
11136 - Performance Level of Masonry Structures (چکیده)
11137 - Some Properties Of Strong Chain Recurrent (چکیده)
11138 - Static Analysis of Antisymmetric Cross-Ply Thick Laminated Plates Using a Layerwise Theory: The Lévy-Type Solution (چکیده)
11139 - Analytical Approach to Free Vibration of Cracked Timoshenko Beams Made of Functionally Graded Materials (چکیده)
11140 - Determining RF MEMS Switch Parameters by Neural Networks (چکیده)
11141 - Allium hirtifolium (Iranian Shallot) as a Anticancer (چکیده)
11142 - On the power efficiency of cascode compensation over Miller compensation in two-stage operational amplifiers (چکیده)
11143 - Aerodynamic properties of sunflower seed, kernel and its hull affected by moisture content and size, Azargol variety as a case study (چکیده)
11144 - Casualties arising from Plesiomonas shigelloides in rainbow trout, in Sabzevar (چکیده)
11145 - Streptococcal septicemia in rainbow trout farm in Sabzevar (چکیده)
11146 - اثر کاربرد پاکلو بوترازول بر رشد رویشی و زایشی زرد آلوی رقم لاسجردی (چکیده)
11147 - Design and simulation of a low voltage wide band RF MEMS switch (چکیده)
11148 - Design and simulation of a RF MEMS shunt switch for Ka and V bands and the impact of varying its geometrical parameters (چکیده)
11149 - Factorial design based medium optimization for hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) production by Aspergillus niger (چکیده)
11150 - Metabolic pathways of clostridia for producing butanol (چکیده)
11151 - A new methode for optimization of analog integrated circuits using pareto-based multi-objective genetic algorithm (چکیده)
11152 - Modeling and optimisation of a solenoidal integrated inductor for RFICs (چکیده)
11153 - Optimal Path Planning for Controllability of Switched Linear Systems Using Multi-level Constrained GA (چکیده)
11154 - Genetic diversity of Iranian populations of melolonthids (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Melolonthidae) based on mtDNA analysis (چکیده)
11155 - Enrichment of Chicken Meat With Long Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids Through Dietary Fish Oil (چکیده)
11156 - Association of the polymorphism in the 5’ flanking region of the ovine IGF-I gene with growth traits in the Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
11157 - بررسی حساسیت برخی ارقام هلو و شلیل به سرمای زمستان 1386 مشهد (چکیده)
11158 - The effect of propionic acid or propionate ammonium on chemical composition and in situ dry matter degradation of whole crop barley (چکیده)
11159 - In situ dry degradation coefficients of whole crop barley silage treated with lactobacillus plantarum or mixed with pediococcus pentosaceus plus propionbacter freudenreichii (چکیده)
11160 - Effect of Stewing in Cooking Step on Textural and Morphological Properties of Cooked Rice (چکیده)
11161 - Nutrient digestibility of Holstein steers fed diets containing different levels of nonforage fiber in a law forage diet (چکیده)
11162 - improving RF characteristics of MEMS Capacitive Shunt Switches (چکیده)
11163 - On Geometry Dependence of Weibull Parameters: BEREMIN Approach Revisitd (چکیده)
11164 - The Effects of Collection Methods on Species Diversity of Family Syrphidae (Diptera) in Neyshabur, Iran (چکیده)
11165 - Iranian white brined cheese using traditional kefir grain (چکیده)
11167 - the relation between gender -linked factors and the writing ability of pre- university student (چکیده)
11168 - Investigation of genetic diversity in gray partridge populations in Khorasan province of Iran by RAPD-PCR (چکیده)
11169 - On a Numerical Model for Gasification of Biomass Materials (چکیده)
11170 - WheatPot: A simple model for spring wheat yield potential (چکیده)
11171 - A novel algorithm for solving optimal path planning problems based on parametrization method and fuzzy aggregation (چکیده)
11172 - Considering Different Network Topologies in Optimal Overcurrent Relay Coordination Using a Hybrid GA (چکیده)
11173 - Comparison of Global and Local Approaches to Predicting Warm Pre-stress effect on Cleavage Fracture toughness of ferritic steels (چکیده)
11175 - the effect of a shortened dry priod on follicular dynamic in early lactation Holstein cows (چکیده)
11176 - Effects of a shortened dry period on milk production and composition in early lactating cows (چکیده)
11177 - The Effects of WPS on Cleavage Fracture of ferritic steels (چکیده)
11178 - Influences of ensiling wet barley distillers grain with sugar beet pulp on lactating performance of dairy cows (چکیده)
11179 - The effects of supplemented diet with fish oil and canola oil during transition period to early lactation on milk yield, dry matter intake, and metabolic responses of earley lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
11180 - Effect of Protein Sources of Isonitrogenous Whole Crop Barley Silage Based Diets on Perfonnance and Blood Metabolites of Early Lactating Holstein Cows (چکیده)
11181 - Modeling and Simulation of Apple Drying, Using Artificial Neural Network and Neuro -Taguchi’s Method (چکیده)
11182 - Introducing a lexicographic goal programming for environmental conservation program in farm activities (چکیده)
11183 - Assessment Of Nutritive Value Of Four Dominant Weed Species In Range Of Khorasan Distric Of Iran By In Vitro And In Situ Technique (چکیده)
11184 - Application of image texture analysis for evaluation of osmotically dehydrated kiwifruit qualities (چکیده)
11185 - Rheological and Sensory Properties of a Typical Soft Ice cream as Influenced by Selected Food Hydrocolloids (چکیده)
11186 - Flora , Growth From And Chorotypeophytic plants in East and West of mazandaran (چکیده)
11187 - Expression of Phenylpropanoid Pathway Genes in Chickpea Defense Against Race 3 of Ascochyta rabiei (چکیده)
11188 - Impact of Residual Stress and Elastic Follow-up on Fracture (چکیده)
11189 - The impact of elastic follow-up on integrity assessment of structures (چکیده)
11190 - Reasons for culling of Holstein dairy cows in Neyshabur area in northeastern Iran (چکیده)
11191 - Effect of dry period lengths on complete blood count in early lactating Holstein cows (چکیده)
11192 - Convective Heat Transfer of a Cu/Water Nanofluid Flowing Through a Circular Tube (چکیده)
11193 - A Numerical study of flow and heat transfer between two concentric rotating spheres with time-dependent angular velocities (چکیده)
11194 - Preparation of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Using Bi- supported Sio2/Mgcl2 (spherical)/Ticl4 Catalyst: A MorphologicalStudy (چکیده)
11195 - Similarity solution in the study of flow and heat transfer between two rotating spheres with constant angular velocities (چکیده)
11196 - An Optimal Radial Basis Function (RBF) Neural Network for Hyper-Surface Reconstruction (چکیده)
11197 - Classical biological control of Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) by thistle tortoise beetle (Cassida rubiginosa) collected from Iran (چکیده)
11198 - nonparametric Estimation of Partial Derivatives of a Multivariate Probability (چکیده)
11199 - Use of elastic follow-up in integrity assessment of structures (چکیده)
11200 - Design and Prototyping of a Microcontroller Based synchrocheck relay for improved reliability (چکیده)
11201 - Complexities of using graph partitioning in modern scientific problems and application to power system islanding (چکیده)
11202 - Experimental investigations of Irreversibility effect on Noise level of a dissipative muffler with heat exchanger in a DI Diesel engine (چکیده)
11203 - Toxicity evaluation of different urban solid waste compost on germination and growth parameters of Lepidium sativum L (چکیده)
11204 - Language and literature: Eugene O Neil s language, his characters and contribution in modern American drama (چکیده)
11205 - Influence of Alyssum homolocarpum seed gum on the stability and flow properties of O/W emulsion prepared by high intensity ultrasound (چکیده)
11206 - FL-GA method for optimization of 3PRR planar parallel manipulator for a prescribed workspace (چکیده)
11207 - Isotropy design and optimization of a planar parallel manipulator with combination of Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm (چکیده)
11208 - Prediction of pile settlement using artificial neural networks based on standard penetration test data (چکیده)
11209 - Comparative Histology of the Alimentary Canal of Owl and Hedgehog (چکیده)
11210 - Synthesizing UHMWPE Using Ziegler-Natta Catalyst System of Mgcl2(ethoxide type)/Ticl4/tri-isobutylaluminum (چکیده)
11211 - Comparison of Global and Local Approaches to Predicting Warm Pre-stress effect on Cleavage Fracture toughness of ferritic steels (چکیده)
11213 - Indium-doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films by Sol–Gel Method (چکیده)
11214 - Shock-capturing method using characteristic-based dissipation filters in pressure-based algorithm (چکیده)
11215 - The Gentle craft: short story, structural analysis and novel (چکیده)
11216 - Metaphor Analysis: A Qualitative Study of Iranian High School and Language Institute Learners’ Ideas and Beliefs in the Current and Ideal Situations of Teaching and Learning (چکیده)
11217 - The Impacts of Teacher Self-disclosureon the Speaking Ability of EFL Learners (چکیده)
11218 - مدلی کارآمد برای مدیریت اعتماد در وب معنایی بر پایه شهرت عامل ها (چکیده)
11219 - An Adaptive Cross-Layer Multichannel QoS-MAC Protocol for Cluster Based Wireless Multimedia Sensor networks (چکیده)
11220 - Effect of Rearing System on Rumen Develpment of Balouchi Lamb (چکیده)
11221 - General analytical solution for elastic radial wave propagation and dynamic analysis of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders subjected to impact loading (چکیده)
11222 - Effect of Thiobacillus, sulfur, and vermicompost on the water-soluble phosphorus of hard rock phosphate (چکیده)
11223 - Study of complex formation between 18-crown-6 and diaza-18-crown-6 with uranyl cation (UO2+) in some binary mixed aqueous and non-aqueous solvents (چکیده)
11224 - Complexation Ability of Dibenzo-24-crown-8 with Cs+ Cation in Binary Mixed Non-Aqueous Solvents (چکیده)
11225 - Analyzing the Effects of Water and Agriculture Policy Strategies: An Iranian experience (چکیده)
11226 - The Application of Multigrid method for pipe network analysis (چکیده)
11227 - General Three-dimensional stagnation-point flow and heat transfer on a flat plate (چکیده)
11228 - A redetermination of 2-amino-5-chloropyridine at 100 K (چکیده)
11229 - a local stress based approach to fracture following warm pre-stressing (چکیده)
11230 - Moisture dependant geometrical properties of sunflower seed, Azargol variety as a case study (چکیده)
11231 - The relationship of palmar distribution of sweat glands and hypertension in women of Khorasan province (چکیده)
11232 - The Effects of Warm Pre-Stressing on Cleavage Fracture, Part 2: Finite element analysis (چکیده)
11233 - 31P-NMR Assignments in Some New Diazaphosphorinanes and Diazaphospholes (چکیده)
11234 - 1-(1H-1,3-Benzimidazol-2-yl)guanidinium dihydrogendodecamolybdophosphate-methanol-water(1/2.5/4) (چکیده)
11235 - N-Benzyl-2-propanaminium O-methyl trichloroacetamidophosphate (چکیده)
11236 - 4Methylphenyl (dimethylamido)-(isopropylamido)phosphate (چکیده)
11237 - N,N-Dimethyl O-p-tolyl phosphoramidocyanidate (چکیده)
11238 - Investigation of Residual vibrations in cam-follower systems with different cam profiles (چکیده)
11240 - Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Rheological Behaviour of Non-Newtonian Fluids Using Falling Cylinder Rheometer (چکیده)
11241 - Compact and Ultra Wideband printed Elliptical Monopole Antenna with Modified- Shape Ground Plane (چکیده)
11242 - Crystal Structure of New POM-Based Organic-Inorganic Hybrid (چکیده)
11243 - A novel spherical parallel manipulator: forward position problem singularity analysis and isotropy design (چکیده)
11244 - A Conductometric Study of Complexation Reactions Between N-phenylaza-15-Crown-5 with Na+, Li+, Hg2+, Tl+ and Cu2+ Metal Cations in Acetonitrile-Methanol and Acetonitrile-Water Binary Solutions (چکیده)
11245 - A Conductometric Study of Complexation Reactions Between Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 with (چکیده)
11246 - 2J(P,C) and 3J(P,C) Coupling Constants in Some New Phosphoramidates (چکیده)
11247 - Selective uranyl ion detection by polymeric ion selective electrodes based on benzo-15-crown5 (چکیده)
11248 - N-tert-Butoxycarbonylation of amines using H3PW12O40 (چکیده)
11249 - Evaluation of antibody against hydatid fluid, protoscolex and adult worms of Echinococcus granulosus antigens by ELISA in mice (چکیده)
11250 - Antibody response against hydatid fluid, protoscolex and whole body of Echinococcus granulosus antigens in lambs (چکیده)
11251 - Hydrodynamic and thermal characteristics of nano diamond engine oil through circular pipes under constant heat flux (چکیده)
11252 - Discussion on the Complexing Ability of 4’-nitrobenzo-15-Crown-5 with Au+3, Ce+3, Cd+2, Fe+3, Sn+4 Cations in various solvents using Conductometric method (چکیده)
11253 - Power-Delay Efficient Overlap-Based Charge-Sharing Free Pseudo-Dynamic D Flip-Flops (چکیده)
11254 - A 0.8V ΔΣ modulator using DTMOS technique (چکیده)
11255 - A bioimplantable telemetered blood pressure measurement system for transgenic mice (چکیده)
11256 - Using DTMOS technique in the design of common mode feedback in a 0.8 V folded cascode amplifier (چکیده)
11257 - A 0.8-V 420nW CMOS switched-opamp switched-capacitor pacemaker front-end with a new continuous-time CMFB (چکیده)
11258 - An ultra-low-power 10-Bit 100-kS/s successive-approximation analog-to-digital converter (چکیده)
11259 - Application of Modal Series Method to Place Power System Stabilizers in Stressed Power Systems (چکیده)
11260 - An ultra low-power low-voltage switched-comparator successive approximation analog to digital converter (چکیده)
11261 - Continuous time common mode feedback technique for sub 1 V analogue circuits (چکیده)
11262 - Determination of optimum condition for producing Al/Ni3Al composite powder using blending and mechanical milling (چکیده)
11263 - p-Tolyl bis(p-tolylamido)phosphate (چکیده)
11264 - New 12-Tungstophosphate-Based Organic-Inorganic Hybrid. Synthesis, Spectroscopic (چکیده)
11265 - Study of Compelex Formation Between 4 -Nitrobenzo-15-Crown-5 and Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2 (چکیده)
11266 - Selective Bulk Liquid Membrane Transport of Metal ions Using Dibenzopyridinio-18-Crown-6 (DBPY18C6) as Ionophore (چکیده)
11267 - reducing bias and variance by sample inflation (چکیده)
11268 - A Thermodynamic Study of Complex Formation between Dicyclohexyl-18-Crown-6(DC18C6) with La3+, UO22+, Ag+ and NH4+ Cations in Acetonitrile-Tetrahydrofuran Binary Media (چکیده)
11269 - Evaluation of Freezing Tolerance of Two Fennel (Foeniculum vulgarL.) Ecotypes Under Controlled Conditions (چکیده)
11270 - Stability of Quartic Mappings in Non-Archimedean Normed Spaces (چکیده)
11271 - Approximate isometries in Hilbert C*-modules (چکیده)
11272 - A new and accurate fault location algorithm for combined transmission lines using Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (چکیده)
11273 - Asymptotic Behavior of product of two heavy-tailed Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
11274 - Characterizations of independence under certain negative dependence structures (چکیده)
11275 - Strontium Ion-Selective Electrode Based on 18-Crown-6 in PVC Matrix (چکیده)
11276 - Study of complex formation between La+3, Ce+3 and Y3+ cations with some 18-membered crown ethers in methanol–water and methanol-acetonitrile binary mixture (چکیده)
11277 - A New Method for Fast Compution of Maximum Loading Margin Utilizing the Weak Area of the System (چکیده)
11278 - Asymptotic Behavior of Convolution of Dependent Random Variables with Heavy-Tailed Distributions (چکیده)
11279 - Study of Complex Formation Between Diaza-15-Crown-5with Uranyl Cation in Some Binary MixedAqueous and Non-Aqueous Solvents (چکیده)
11280 - Transport Study of Metal Cations Through a Bulk LiquidMembrane Using Benzo-18-crown-6 as an Ionophore (چکیده)
11281 - Ultra-low voltage common-mode voltage detector circuit (چکیده)
11282 - A new approach for cost allocation and reactive power pricing in a deregulated environment (چکیده)
11283 - Thermodynamic study of complex formation between dibenzo-18-crown-6 and UO2+ cation in different non-aqueous binary solutions (چکیده)
11284 - Structure comparison of PMN–PT and PMN–PZT nanocrystals prepared by gel-combustion method at optimized temperatures (چکیده)
11285 - Effect of diverse sire origins on first-parity performance in Iranian Holstein cows (چکیده)
11286 - Complete convergence of weighted sums under negative dependence (چکیده)
11287 - Scaled models for predicting buckling of delaminated orthotropic beam-plates (چکیده)
11289 - DNA Aptamers as a molecular probe for diagnosis and therapeutic in cancer cells (چکیده)
11290 - Modeling and simulation of wind turbine Savonius rotors using artificial neural networks for estimation of the power ratio and torque (چکیده)
11291 - The effects of warm pre-stressing on cleavage fractur, Part I: Evaluation of Experiments (چکیده)
11292 - Global Equations for Size Dependence for Weibull Parameters in a Ductile-to-Brittle Transition Regime (چکیده)
11293 - Impact of Residual Stress and Elastic Follow-Up on Fracture (چکیده)
11294 - Theoretical and Experimental study of falling Cylinder Rheometer (چکیده)
11295 - Experimental investigation of convective heat transfeof Al2O3/water nanofluid in circular tuber (چکیده)
11296 - Experimental investigation of oxide nanofluids laminar flowconvective heat transfer (چکیده)
11297 - Investigation of CuO/Water Nanofluid Laminar Convective Heat Transfer through a Circular Tube (چکیده)
11298 - Module homomorphisms and multipliers on locally compact quantum groups (چکیده)
11299 - Theoretical Studies of the Effect of Ti, Zr and Hf Substitutions on the Electronic Properties of Alpha-Alumina (چکیده)
11300 - Stochastic dynamic analysis of a functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with uncertain material properties subjected to shock loading (چکیده)
11301 - Preventive maintenan//ce in agricultural machinery (چکیده)
11302 - Erosion types and sediment yield estimation using MPSIAC Model in GIS framework in Ardak Watershed, NE, Iran (چکیده)
11303 - Three-Dimensional Stagnation Flow and Heat Transfer on a Flat Plate with Transpiration (چکیده)
11304 - Heat transfer properties of nanodiamond-engine oil nanofluid in laminar flow (چکیده)
11305 - Investigating yoghurt Dewatering using permeable membrane and polyacrylic superabsorbent (چکیده)
11306 - Dynamic Stochastic Analysis of Radial Displacement in Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinder Using Hybrid Numerical Method and Monte Carlo Simulation (چکیده)
11307 - Synthesis and x-ray study of a new oxo-bridged heterotrinuclear compound (چکیده)
11308 - Synthesis and crystallography of a new oxo-bridge complex Cr, Mn, with p-chloro benzoate ligand (چکیده)
11309 - Synthesiz and characterization analysis of new oxo-bridged , trimer of mixed-metal complexes with acrylic acid (چکیده)
11310 - heat transfer enhancement using al2o3/water nanofluid in a two-phase closed thermosyphon (چکیده)
11312 - Barriers to teaming: An Iranian case study for virtual training in universities (چکیده)
11313 - Synthesis of Cobalt oxide and Cu doped Cobalt Oxide for Biosensor (چکیده)
11314 - An investigation into the relationship between on line services and customer satisfaction (چکیده)
11315 - Higher education Student s View about Wireless Technology, An Iranian Case Study (چکیده)
11316 - Knowledge Sharing Capabilities in Today s University Libraries: A proposed model for evaluation (چکیده)
11317 - An experimental study on the effect of EGR and engine speed on CO and HC emissions of dual fuel HCCI engine (چکیده)
11318 - An experimental study on the effect of premixed and equivalence ratios on CO and HC emissions of dual fuel HCCI engine (چکیده)
11319 - Exergy Analysis in Boiler of an experimental Power plant (چکیده)
11320 - مقایسه دو عصاره گیر در تعیین اورانیوم قابل جذب گیاه در خاک لومی شنی (چکیده)
11321 - Transient mass transfer modeling and simulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers combustion in incinerators (چکیده)
11322 - Experimental investigation on soot reduction in city driving Diesel vehicles in comparison with EuroII standard (چکیده)
11323 - Effect of engine parameters on turbocharger second law efficiency in turbocharged diesel engines (چکیده)
11324 - Investigation of the Effect of Injection Pressure on bsfc and Exhaust Emissions in Turbocharged Diesel Engines (چکیده)
11325 - Exergy Analysis of Air Bottoming and Simple Gas Turbine Cycles for Different Intake Air Temperatures (چکیده)
11327 - A Theoretical Framework for Development of a Customer Knowledge Management System for Academic Libraries (چکیده)
11328 - Discharge Estimation by the Aid of Isovel Contours in a Tidal River with Partially Reverse Flow (چکیده)
11329 - New method for determination of depth-averaged velocity for estimation of longitudinal despersion in natural rivers (چکیده)
11331 - Control of Cucumber Whitefly and Spider Mite Under Greenhouse Conditions by some Medicinal Plants Extract (چکیده)
11332 - Influence of Vermicompost on the Growth of Tomato’s Transplanting (چکیده)
11333 - Design of low-power single-stage operational amplifiers based on an optimized settling model (چکیده)
11334 - A 60o Photonic Crystal Waveguide Bend with Improved Transmission Characteristics (چکیده)
11335 - An investigation of the capability of Library and Information Science Electronic group in Iran to establish social capital (چکیده)
11336 - Synthesis and structure of PMN–PT ceramic nanopowder free from pyrochlore phase (چکیده)
11337 - A Novel Congestion Control Scheme in Network-on-Chip Based on Best Effort Delay-Sum Optimization (چکیده)
11338 - A New Priority Based Congestion Control Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11339 - On global clustering algorithm: layer-oriented approach for First - Last node dying applications in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
11340 - A new middleware for multipurpose applications in wireless sensor networks (چکیده)
11341 - Priority-based rate control for service differentiation and congestion control in wireless multimedia sensor networks (چکیده)
11342 - Genetic study on Apodemus avicennicus and Apodemus witherbyi RAPD-PCR (چکیده)
11343 - Solitons of the KP equation in dusty plasma with variable dust charge and two temprature iopns: energy and stability (چکیده)
11344 - Comparison of CEL I gene expression and mismatch-cleavage activity in some Apiaceae plants (چکیده)
11345 - Almost optimal control design for discrete-time nonlinear time-delay systems (چکیده)
11346 - Detection of species of brucella in aborted fetuses in sheep herds of Mashhad (چکیده)
11349 - Microwave-assisted fast and efficient synthesis of some crown ethers (چکیده)
11350 - Bioethics and Animal Cloning (چکیده)
11351 - Evaluation of Echinococcus granulosus coproantigens by Dot-blotting in dogs (چکیده)
11352 - Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) as a new tool in predictive food microbiology (چکیده)
11353 - Response of sour cherry cultivar Erdi jubileum fruits to modified atmosphere packaging after ethephon spraying (چکیده)
11354 - Prevalence of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from raw milk samples in Mashhad (چکیده)
11355 - Numerical Scheme to Solve Integro-Differentia Equations Systeml (چکیده)
11356 - Web Usage Mining: User s Navigational Patterns Extraction from Web Logs Using Ant-based Clustering Method (چکیده)
11357 - Semiquantitative RT-PCR Analysis to Assess the Expression Levels of Wcor14 Transcripts in Winter-Type Wheat (چکیده)
11358 - Presentation a New Model to Measure National Power of the Countries (چکیده)
11359 - Isolation of a Cold-Responsive Gene (Wcor14) Encoding a Chloroplast-Targeted Protein from Aegilops tauschii (چکیده)
11360 - Detection of pathogenic bacteria responsible for mastitis in dairy cattle (چکیده)
11361 - Effect of biofertilizer and inorganic fertilizer on generative growth and yield of saffron under high corn density (چکیده)
11362 - Nonaxisymmetric Three-Dimensional Stagnation-Point Flow and Heat Transfer on a Flat Plate (چکیده)
11364 - The Role of Islam in the Dialog of Civilizations (چکیده)
11365 - The effects of ultrasound on the stimulation barley seed and alpha-amylase (چکیده)
11366 - Numerical Simulation of viscous wet steam flow with condensation shock in a cascade of turbine (چکیده)
11367 - Studying the effects of ultrasound shock on cell wall permeability and survival of (چکیده)
11368 - The Effects Of Ultrasound On The Activity Of Alpha-Amylase During Barley (چکیده)
11369 - The effect of physicochemical factors of water on distribution of diatoms of Mashhad (چکیده)
11370 - Isolation, partial sequencing, and phylogenetic analyses ofSoybean mosaic virus(SMV) in Ontario and Quebec (چکیده)
11371 - the application of factor analysis and artificial neural networks in predicting spring percipitation by means of climatic parameters of the upper (چکیده)
11372 - A Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Direct Detection Receivers in WDMA Systems (چکیده)
11373 - Investigation of the role of biotin in the regulation of wool growth in sheep hair follicle cultured in vitro (چکیده)
11374 - Capacity Region for a More General Class of Broadcast Channels (چکیده)
11375 - A Nonlinear Signal Processing Method for Diversity Combining Using Hammerstein Type Filter (چکیده)
11376 - Comparison of OFDM and Single Carrier Transmission in Power Line Communications (چکیده)
11377 - Single Carrier Transmission in Power Line Channels Using Time and Frequency Domain Decision Feedback Equalizations (چکیده)
11378 - A New Approach for Automatic Quality Control of Fried Potatoes Using Machine Learning (چکیده)
11379 - Wavelet transforms via generalized quasi-regular representations (چکیده)
11380 - Amelioration of water stress by potassium fertilizer in two oilseed species (چکیده)
11381 - A new method for computing Moore-Penrose inverse matrices (چکیده)
11382 - Optimal iterate of the power and inverse iteration methods (چکیده)
11383 - A sparse-sparse iteration for computing a sparse incomplete (چکیده)
11384 - Adaptive system control with PID neural networks (چکیده)
11385 - The principles of ultra high pressure technology and its (چکیده)
11386 - Breakdown-free version of ILU factorization for nonsymmetric positive (چکیده)
11387 - A working memory model applied to mathematical word problem solving (چکیده)
11388 - Exponential inequality for negatively associated random variables (چکیده)
11389 - Effects of Non-Fiber Carbohydrate on in vho First Order Kinetic Disappearance of Neutral Detergent Fiber and Neutral Detergent Insoluble Nitrogen of Wheat Bran (چکیده)
11390 - Effect of Ensiled Barley Distillers Grains for Holstein Dairy Cows (چکیده)
11391 - Synthesize of Al2O3 nanoparticles by polymerizing-complexingcomplexing Sol-Gel method and study of structure ,optical and electronic properties (چکیده)
11392 - Effect of spawn type and preparation methods on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Shiitake mushroom (چکیده)
11393 - Effect of Row Spacing and Plant Density on Yield and Yield Components of Soybean (Glycine max (چکیده)
11394 - Structural and Optical Studies of Zn1-xMnxO Nano Powders Prepared Using Sol- Gel Technique (چکیده)
11395 - on the developement of tense aspect system in EARLY NEW and NEW persian (چکیده)
11396 - Metaphorical Word-Formation Processes in Persian (چکیده)
11397 - Chewing behaviour of Holstein steers fed diets containing different levels of non-forage fibre in a low forage diet (چکیده)
11398 - In vitro rumen fungi quantification in medium containing sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde treated sunflower meal using quantitative competitive PCR assay (چکیده)
11399 - Evaluation of a zero-order model to describe ruminal degradation kinetics of whole soybean incubated in situ (چکیده)
11400 - Disappearance of dry matter and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of sunflower meal treated with sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde by isolated mixed rumen bacteria using in vitro culture (چکیده)
11401 - Extending the perturbation technique to the modal representation of nonlinear systems (چکیده)
11402 - Removal of mercury from water by carbonaceous sorbents derived from walnut shell (چکیده)
11403 - A novel architecture of ultracompact pulse position modulator in photonic crystals (چکیده)
11404 - metal-organic framework structure of Ni(II) with pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate and 2-aminopyridinium spacer: synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and molecular structure (چکیده)
11405 - syntheses, spectroscopic characterization, and molecular structures of two novel supramolecular coordination compounds of trivalent chromium (چکیده)
11406 - A new high-speed hollow fiber based liquid phase microextraction method using volatile organic solvent for determination of aromatic amines in environmental water samples prior to high-performance liquid chromatography (چکیده)
11407 - A new high speed hollow fibre based liquid phase microextraction method using volatile organic solvent for determination of aromatic amines... (چکیده)
11408 - Separation and determination of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and o-xylene compounds in water using SDME coupled with GC (چکیده)
11409 - Tetraploid Induction of Hyosyamus muticus L. using colchicine Treatment (چکیده)
11410 - Evaluation of Genetic Diversity among Different Genotypes of Brassica napus using Rando Amplified Polymorphic DNA Marker (چکیده)
11411 - Assessment of nutritional values of Caraway seed pulp (CSP) by in situ and in vitro technique (چکیده)
11412 - Causality between non-oil exports and GDP growths in Iran (چکیده)
11413 - Association of Growth Traits with SSCP Polymorphisms at the Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR) and Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptor (GHRHR) Genes in the Baluchi Sheep (چکیده)
11414 - New Subthreshold Concepts in 65nm CMOS Technology (چکیده)
11415 - Rapid removal of cobalt ion from aqueous solutions by almond green hull (چکیده)
11418 - A reduced-order estimator with prescribed degree of stability for two-area LFC system in a deregulated environment (چکیده)
11419 - Damping of Synchronous generator using two FACTS devices based on optimal rating of SMES (چکیده)
11420 - An optimal and flexible control strategy for active filtering and power factor correction under non-sinusoidal line voltages (چکیده)
11421 - A discretisation method for solving time optimal control problems (چکیده)
11422 - Effects of shortened dry period on milk production and composition in early lactating Holstein cows (چکیده)
11423 - Galvanic corrosion in gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)304L austenitic stainless steel (چکیده)
11424 - nannofossil biostratigraphy of the Gurpi Formation in the type section (Zagros basin, NW Iran) (چکیده)
11426 - Identification and Categorization of related works in the Persian Bibliographic Universe: a FRBR Approach (چکیده)
11427 - Histopathological survey of cervicovaginal samples of Holstein dairy cows with or without reproductive tract disorders (چکیده)
11428 - Effects of feeding menhaden fish meal or Ca salts of fish oil fatty acids on some cytokine genes expression and endometrial cytology in early lactating cows (چکیده)
11429 - The Study on Shadow Price of Greenhouse Gases Emission in Iran: Case of Dairy Farms (چکیده)
11430 - An approach to predict galvanic corrosion using identical couple electrodes; investigation of weld zone and parent alloy AA6XXX welded through FSW technique (چکیده)
11431 - Modification of Bostwick method to determine tomato concentrate consistency (چکیده)
11432 - H-Transfer steps of the Wacker process: A DFT study (چکیده)
11433 - Evaluation of the acidified hot-break process effect and heating methods on tomato paste quality (چکیده)
11434 - New Method for measuring of tomato paste consistency (چکیده)
11435 - New Method for measuring of tomato paste consistency (چکیده)
11436 - modification of Bostwik method to determine tomato concentrate consistency (چکیده)
11437 - Widening applications for VAr compensation (چکیده)
11438 - IEEE-519- based real time and optimal control of active filters under nonsinusoidal line voltages using neural networks (چکیده)
11439 - Application of metabolic flux and sensitivity analysis for optimization of Aspergillus niger medium (چکیده)
11440 - Medium optimization for hen egg white lysozyme production by recombinant Aspergillus niger using statistical methods (چکیده)
11441 - Metabolic flux analysis for optimizing the specific growth rate of recombinant Aspergillus niger (چکیده)
11442 - Ecomporphological relationships and species similarities in the Wheatears (Turdidae (چکیده)
11443 - Ecological segregation between Iranian wheatears (چکیده)
11444 - Efficacy of ozone to reduce microbial populations in date fruits (چکیده)
11445 - Control the Fiber Orientation Distribution at the Outlet of Contraction (چکیده)
11446 - Optimal Supply Bidding with Risk Management in an Electricity Pay-as-Bid Auction (چکیده)
11447 - Nutritional Evaluation of Full-fat Sunflower Seed for Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
11449 - Application of commercial immuno assay(ELISA) technique for determination of Hepatitis A antigen(HAV) in raw milk (چکیده)
11450 - Groups satisfying a symmetric Engel word (چکیده)
11451 - Relationship between mercury concentration and body size in 5 species of owls, Iran (چکیده)
11452 - A synonym and a new record of Euphorbia L. (Euphorbiaceae) from Iran (چکیده)
11453 - Niche segregation, behavioural differences and relation to morphology in two Iranian syntopic wheatears: Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe libanotica and Mourning Wheatear O. lugens persica (چکیده)
11454 - Conservation status of Caribbean coot Fulica caribaea in the Netherlands Antilles, and other parts of the Caribbean (چکیده)
11455 - تأثیر دگر آسیبی اندامهای هوایی و ریشه اسپند بر خصوصیات رشدی گیاه بابونه (چکیده)
11456 - Effect of summer savory (Satureja hortensis L.) density on essential oil yield to Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) intercropping (چکیده)
11457 - An Economic Approach for Scheduling Dependent Tasks in Grid Computing (چکیده)
11458 - Ultraweak continuity of σ-derivations on von Neumann algebras (چکیده)
11459 - Comparison between single injection of Pentylentetrasole and separated injections for induction of epileptiform convulsions (چکیده)
11460 - Design of Rotor Profile for Lobe Pumps Based on Flowrate Function (چکیده)
11461 - The Effect of Salinity on Growth, Inorganic Ions and dry Matter partitioning in Sugar beet Cultivars (چکیده)
11462 - Effect of salinity on Seed Germination and early seedling growth of Sugar Beet Cultivars (چکیده)
11463 - An Attempt to Improve Empirical Formulas for (n, p) and (n, alpha) Cross Sections (چکیده)
11464 - Solitons of the Kadomstev-Petviashvili (KP) and the modified KP equation for the dust dust acoustic solitary waves in dusty plasmas (چکیده)
11466 - Microstructural and optical characterization of PZT nanopowder prepared at low temperature (چکیده)
11467 - Volume Measurement of Human Hand by Using Digital Image Sequences (چکیده)
11468 - Vehicle Type Recognition Using Probabilistic Constraint Support Vector Machine (چکیده)
11469 - Gait Recognition Based on Human Leg Gesture Classification (چکیده)
11470 - Creating New Color Space Using Convex Constraint Programming Applied to Skin Color Detection (چکیده)
11471 - A Numerical Approach Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Systems for Obtaining Functional Inverse (چکیده)
11472 - A Novel Unsupervised Neuro-Fuzzy System Applied to Circuit Analysis (چکیده)
11473 - Tracking by a New Type of Nonlinear Adaptive Filter (چکیده)
11474 - Adaptive Data Reusing Normalized Least Mean Square Algorithm Based on Control of Error (چکیده)
11475 - A Mouth Detection Approach Based on PSO Rule Mining on Color Images (چکیده)
11476 - A New Quantized Input RLS, QI-RLS, Algorithm (چکیده)
11477 - A lossy/lossless compression method for printed typeset bi-level text images based on improved pattern matching (چکیده)
11478 - On the Convergence of Morphing Evolutionary Structural Optimization Method to the Global Optimum for the Beam Design (چکیده)
11479 - The impact of colocational instrucion on the writing skill of Iranian EFL learners (چکیده)
11480 - Monte Carlo Simlation of Electron Transport in Wurtzite Phase GaN MESFET Including Trapping Effect (چکیده)
11481 - مشخصه یابی نوری و ساختاری نانو پودر سنتز شده با دو روش احتراق ژل و هم رسوبی (چکیده)
11482 - Static Parallel Job Scheduling in Computational Grids (چکیده)
11484 - neglet of community architecture (چکیده)
11485 - New Source of Butein in Root of Salvia leriifolia-Nowroozak (چکیده)
11487 - Monte Carlo Simulations of Steady-State Transport in Wurtzite Phase GaN Submicrometer n+nn+ Diode (چکیده)
11488 - Dynamic response of functionally graded hollow cylinder (چکیده)
11489 - The effect of strain rate variations on the microstructure and hot deformation behaviour of AA2024 aluminium alloy (چکیده)
11490 - Analytical Solution in Transient Thermoelasticity of Functionally Graded Thick Hollow Cylinders (Pseudo-Dynamic Analysis) (چکیده)
11491 - The Almost Sure Convergence for Weighted Sums of Linear Negatively Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
11492 - Synthesis, molecular structure, and characterization of a new 3D-layered inorganic-organic hybrid material: [D/L-C6H13O2N-H]3[(PO4)W12O36].4.5H2O (چکیده)
11493 - Weak-Kadec renormable Banach spaces (چکیده)
11494 - Production responses to temperature and humidity index in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
11495 - Effects of different additives on chemical composition of whole crop canola silage (چکیده)
11496 - Effect of alfalfa hay particle size and dry matter content of barley based diets on ruminal, faecal and blood measurements of dairy cows in early lactation (چکیده)
11497 - Effect of a dietary cellulase/xylanase enzyme mixture on dairy cow performance (چکیده)
11498 - Effect of supplemental fat and NDF on fibre digestibility, ruminal pH and chewing activity in lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
11499 - Effect of lucerne hay particle size and physical effectiveness factor of diet on utilisation of soya hulls by dairy cows (چکیده)
11500 - Interaction of water and nitrogen on maize grown for silage (چکیده)
11501 - Considering Failure Probability for Back-up Relay in Determination of the Optimum Routine Test Interval in Protective System Using Markov Model (چکیده)
11502 - A Kadison-Sakai type theorem (چکیده)
11503 - Evalution of the effects of the fallow fallow /forrage barly and sugar beat forrage barly rotations (چکیده)
11504 - Impact of common dry bean planting and densities on weed groght characteristics (چکیده)
11505 - Using airborne lidar to predict Leaf Area Index in cottonwoodtrees and refine riparian water-use estimates (چکیده)
11506 - Using Airborne Lidar to Discern Age Classes of Cottonwood Trees in a Riparian Area (چکیده)
11507 - Effect of various levels of full-fat sunflower seed on performance of broiler chickens (چکیده)
11508 - Determination of apparent metabolizable energy of full-fat sunflower seed in broiler chickens (چکیده)
11509 - Enrichment with long chain omega-3 fatty acids and sensory evaluation of chicken meat (چکیده)
11510 - A stochastic model for austenite phase formation (چکیده)
11511 - Variation of serum calcium, phosphorus and magnesium (چکیده)
11512 - The effect of surface regression on the downward flame spread over a solid fuel in a quiescent ambient (چکیده)
11513 - Optimal statistical procedures on the basis of records in a two-parameter exponential distribution (چکیده)
11514 - A New Wavelet Linear Survival Function Estimator (چکیده)
11515 - the influence of nitrogen application on critical period for weed control in corn (چکیده)
11516 - Numerical study of homogeneous cylinder-to-cylinder distribution of EGR/bolwby to intake manifold (چکیده)
11517 - Lacewings (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae & Hemerobiidae) from North eastern and East Provinces of Iran (چکیده)
11519 - Allelopathic Effects of Sunflower-Helianthus annuus (چکیده)
11520 - Molecular Study of Resistance to Aryloxyphenoxypropionate (چکیده)
11521 - Study of Phenological Stages in Russian Knapweed (چکیده)
11522 - Study of Desiccation and Freezing on Vegetative (چکیده)
11523 - Evaluation of Amount and Time of Nitrogen Application (چکیده)
11524 - اثرات ژئومورفیکی وقایع نو ظهور دهه های اخیر (چکیده)
11525 - Microwave-combustion synthesize of Al2O3/TiC Composite (چکیده)
11526 - Effect of copper content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of multipass MMA, low alloy steel weld metal deposits (چکیده)
11527 - Age related changes in the morphology of adrenal glands in cow (چکیده)
11528 - Braneworld inflation (چکیده)
11529 - Wing drag minimization by using measure theory (چکیده)
11530 - Measure theoretical approach for optimal shape design of a nozzel (چکیده)
11531 - Evaluation of human norovirus (GGΙ&GGΠ) presence in refined wastewater and untreated raw milk using semi nested RT-PCR in the same area simultaneously (چکیده)
11532 - Multivariate Stochastic Regression Estimation by Wavelets for Stationary Time Series (چکیده)
11533 - Incremental Hybrid Intrusion Detection Using Ensemble of Weak Classifiers (چکیده)
11534 - Shape optimization of an Arterial baypass (چکیده)
11535 - اثر الحاق به WTO بر بخش کشاورزی اقتصاد ایران (چکیده)
11536 - Unified Approach to the Capacity Evaluation of the Relay Channel (چکیده)
11537 - A New Achievable Rate and A Certain Capacity Result for A Stochastic Two Relay Network With No Interference (چکیده)
11538 - A New Achievable Rate For A Stochastic TwoRelay Network With No Interference (چکیده)
11539 - A key and four new species of Hedysarum (Fabaceae) in Iran (چکیده)
11540 - Molecular Characterization of Puroindoline a and b allele in Iranian Commercial and landrace wheat cultivars (چکیده)
11541 - European Community Law and Recognition of Cultural Differences (چکیده)
11542 - European Community Law and Recognition of Cultural Differences-the European Court of Justice Case Law (چکیده)
11544 - Characterizations based on Rényi entropy of order statistics and record values (چکیده)
11545 - Weyl-Heisenberg Frames and phi-Factorable Operators on LCA groups (چکیده)
11546 - Incremental Hybrid Intrusion Detection Using Ensemble of Weak Classifiers (چکیده)
11547 - Finding the differential characteristics of block ciphers with neural networks (چکیده)
11548 - A sub-1-V high-gain single-stage operatinal amplifier (چکیده)
11549 - Design of high-speed two-stage cascode-compensated operational amplifiers based on settling time and open-loop parameters (چکیده)
11551 - ارائه راهبرد مناسب برای توسعه تجارت خارجی کشور افغانستان بر مبنای مدل SWOT (چکیده)
11552 - A Neural Network -Based Training Scheme for Probabilistic Support Vector Machine (چکیده)
11553 - On the performance of a cascade of improved turbine nozzle blade in nucleating steam Part1: Surface pressure distribution (چکیده)
11554 - On the growth sequences of the free products of some copies of PSL(n,q (چکیده)
11555 - A new nonlinear neural network for solving quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
11556 - Fuzzy Expert System Design for Diagnosis of Liver Disorders (چکیده)
11557 - Linaria kavirensis(Scrophulariaceae), a new species from Iran (چکیده)
11558 - Cost Estimation and Optimization of the Topping Unit Products at the Steady State Condition (چکیده)
11559 - A note on double K-class estimators under elliptical symmetry (چکیده)
11560 - Detection of Babesia ovis in tick vectors by using PCR (چکیده)
11561 - Photothermal impact on maize performance: a simulation approach (چکیده)
11562 - Effect of irrigation frequency and planting density on herbage biomass and oil production of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and Hyssop-Hyssopus officinalis (چکیده)
11563 - Statistical inference based on k-records (چکیده)
11564 - Solving fuzzy shortest path problem with a new neural network model (چکیده)
11565 - A differential model for solving an optimization problem with interval- valued objective function (چکیده)
11568 - Neural network models and its application for solving linear and quadratic programming problems (چکیده)
11569 - Solving the optimal control problem of the parabolic PDEs in exploitation of oil (چکیده)
11570 - Application of projection neural network in solving convex programming problems (چکیده)
11571 - Solving of optimal control problem of parabolic PDEs in exploitation of oil by iterative dynamic programming (چکیده)
11572 - Resistance of Slender Web Panels to Combinations of In-Plane Loading (چکیده)
11573 - Change in Content and Chemical Composition of Hypericum perforatum L. Oil at Three Harvest Time (چکیده)
11574 - Predication of Cardinal Temperatures and Thermal Time Requirement for Seed Germination of Chickpea Genotypes (Cicer arietinum L.) in Drought Stress Condition (چکیده)
11575 - Comparison of Mist Effect on the Heat Transfer Coefficient and Skin Friction Factor in an Impinging Jet (چکیده)
11576 - Improving Object Cache Performance through Selective Placement (چکیده)
11577 - A Data Hiding Capacity Estimation Technique for Biometric Images (چکیده)
11578 - A Low Leakage Power Adder Structure for Nano-Scale CMOS (چکیده)
11579 - Effect of Transmembrane pressure on concentration polrization, fouling and membrane performance during ultrafiltration of milk (چکیده)
11580 - The study of milk ultrafiltration performance as a function MWCO (چکیده)
11581 - Reduced fat sesame paste/date syrup blends: A novel product (چکیده)
11582 - Housing market and migration (چکیده)
11583 - بررسیتنوع توده های وحشی و زراعی زرشک استانهای خراسان با استفاده از نشانگرهای مورفولوژیکی و مقایسه کارایی آن با نشانگرهای مولکولی AFLP (چکیده)
11584 - Stormwater Pollution Due to Urbanization (چکیده)
11585 - The Role of Context in the Interperetation of the Jurisprudential Verses of Quran. (چکیده)
11586 - The proposed Design for Jurists’ Council in Unity of Muslims in Modern World (چکیده)
11587 - Numerical Simulation of Partial Cavitation over Axisymmetric Bodies :VOF Method vs. Potential Flow Theory (چکیده)
11588 - Numerical Solution of the Cavitation over Axisymmetric Bodies using Boundary Element Method Based on Potential (چکیده)
11590 - Antisense RNA to the type I insulin-like growth factor receptor reversed the transformed phenotype of PC-3 human prostate cancer cell line in vitro (چکیده)
11591 - Buckling and Ultimate Shear Capacity of Plate Girders with Perforated Webs (چکیده)
11592 - compilation and implimentation of a thermodynamic model to predict the minimum temperature resulted from accumulated cold air in complex terrain (چکیده)
11593 - Analytical solution in transient thermo‐elasticity of functionally graded thick hollow cylinders (Pseudo‐dynamic analysis) (چکیده)
11594 - Dynamic analysis of two-dimensional functionally graded thick hollow cylinder with finite length under impact loading (چکیده)
11595 - Heat conduction and heat wave propagation in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder base on coupled thermoelasticity without energy dissipation (چکیده)
11596 - Dynamic response and radial wave propagation velocity in thick hollow cylinder made of functionally graded materials (چکیده)
11597 - Vibration and radial wave propagation velocity in functionally graded thick hollow cylinder (چکیده)
11598 - Use of growth indices on the mechanisms of competition between barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) and redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) with dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris (چکیده)
11599 - Effect of non aqueous solvents on stoichiometry and selectivity of complexes formed between 4-Nitrobenzo-15-Crown-5 with Fe3+,Y3+, Cd2+, Sn4+, Ce3+ and Au3+ metal cations (چکیده)
11600 - Solvent Influence upon complex formation Between 4-Nitrobenzo-15-Crown-5 and Ni2+, Co+ and Cu2+ Cations in Acetonitrile-Methanol Binary Mixtures using the Conductometric Method. (چکیده)
11601 - A Conductometric Study of Complexation Reactions Between 4Nitrobenzo-15-Crown-5 with Ag+, Hg2+, Tl+ and La3+ Metal Cations in Acetonitrile-Methanol Binary Solutions. (چکیده)
11603 - Thermodynamic Studies on Complexation of Cu2+, Ag+ and Tl+ Metal Cations with 4,4 (چکیده)
11604 - Discussion on complexation reactions between dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 (DCH18C6) with Na+, K+, Cs+, Rb+, and Tl+ metal cations in acetonitrile-water binary mixtures (چکیده)
11605 - Molecular dynamic simulations of some thermodynamic properties of mixtures of argon with neon, krypton, and xenon using two-body and three-body interaction potentials (چکیده)
11606 - A thermodynamic study of complex formation between dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 (DCH18C6) and La3+, UO22+ , Ag+, and NH4+ cations in acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran binary media using conductometric method (چکیده)
11607 - Conductometric studies of solvent influence upon complex formation between 4′-nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 and Ni2+, Co2+ and Cu 2+ in acetonitrile-methanol binary mixtures (چکیده)
11608 - A conductometric study of complexation reactions between 4-nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 with Ag+, Hg2+, Tl+ and La3+ metal ions in acetonitrile-methanol binary solutions (چکیده)
11609 - Selective bulk liquid membrane transport of metal ions using dibenzopyridinio-18-crown-6 as ionophore (چکیده)
11610 - بررسی اثر هیدروژن بر روی لایه های نازک تهیه شده از پلیمر نیمه هادی PEDT/ PSS (چکیده)
11611 - Effects of vitreous humour on growth and differentiation of rat mesenchymal stem cells (rMSCs) and human NTERA2 cells (چکیده)
11612 - Systemic transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells can reduce cognitive and motor deficits in rats with unilateral lesions of the neostriatum (چکیده)
11613 - بررسی امکان کشت سلول و تهیین الگوی پرتوانی در سلول های بلاستمایی حاصل از زخم گوش خرگوش (چکیده)
11614 - بررسی حسگرهای لایه نازک اکسید قلع با درصدهای مختلف ناخالصی ایندیوم به روش اسپری پایرولیزیز (چکیده)
11615 - Stabilities of alkaline earth metal ion complexes with dicyclohexano-18- crown-6 in acetonitrile-water binary solutions (چکیده)
11616 - Transport of silver ion through bulk liquid membrane using macrocyclic and acyclic ligands as carriers in organic solvents (چکیده)
11617 - On a numerical model for gasification of biomass materials: an alternative method to combustion (چکیده)
11618 - the effct of microwave radiation in reducing the superficial contamination of red meat to escherichia coli O157:H7 (چکیده)
11619 - Study of complex formation between dicyclohexyl-18-crown-6 with La 3+, UO22+, Ag+ and NH 4+ cations in acetonitrile-nitromethane binary mixtures (چکیده)
11620 - Complexation of 4′-nitrobenzo-15-crown-5 with Li+, Na +, K+, and NH4+ cations in acetonitrile-methanol binary solutions (چکیده)
11621 - the effect of forage particle size and water addition to barley based TMR on eating and rumination behavior and ruminal pH in early lactation period (چکیده)
11622 - Application of Value Stream Mapping in Improving the Service Processes of a Dental Clinic (چکیده)
11623 - Species composition of Hover flies caught by Malaise and Yellow water traps in Razavi Khorasan Province, Iran (چکیده)
11625 - On the relation of plastic strain and springback in sheet draw bending (چکیده)
11626 - Enteric viruses in raw milk:Caharacterization of milk components in recovery efficiency & RNA extraction (چکیده)
11627 - comparison between two climatologically environment on milk yield and composition of iranian holstein cows (چکیده)
11628 - Potential statistical evidence in experiments and Renyi information (چکیده)
11629 - in vitro evaluation of wheat straw and alfa alfa hay supplemented different zinc sources (چکیده)
11632 - پیش بینی و کنترل فرایند جوشکاری رباتیک قوسی با استفاده از شبکه عصبی مصنوعی (چکیده)
11633 - An Investigation into the application of wavelet transform for crack detection in plates using Finite Element Method (چکیده)
11634 - Effects of choline and rumen protected choline (Reashure®) on energy-related biochemical metabolites of lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
11635 - Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase in Chickpea: Changes in GenExpression during Vegetative and Reproductive Developmente (چکیده)
11636 - Effects of different levels of an enzyme mixture on in vitro gas production parameters of contrasting forages (چکیده)
11637 - A Numerical Study of Flow and Heat Transfer Between two Rotating Concentric Spheres with Time-Dependent Angular Velocity (چکیده)
11638 - Improved variance estimation under sub-space restriction (چکیده)
11639 - اثر دوزهای فوق العاده ناچیز مرفین بر روی تشنج القاء شده با پنتیلن تترازول (PTZ) (چکیده)
11640 - study of the effects of maternal hypothyroidism and thyroxin therapy on the neuronal density of subiculum in rat newborns (چکیده)
11641 - Chemical Composition, Ruminal Degradability and in vitro Gas Production of Wheat Straw Inoculated by Pleurotus ostreatus Mushrooms (چکیده)
11642 - effect of different levels of an enzyme mixture on in vitro gas production parameters of contrasting (چکیده)
11643 - the potential of low temperature steam treatment for improving the nutritional value of sugarcane pith (چکیده)
11644 - effect of forage type and enzyme feed additive on performance of iranian holstein cows (چکیده)
11645 - Synthesis of new functionalized fused heterocyclic compounds derived from isoxazole (چکیده)
11646 - Effects of Global Warming on Decomposition of Soil Organic Matter: A Simulation Study (چکیده)
11647 - Investigation of the effect of whey protein concentration on the properties of soft frozen yogurt (چکیده)
11649 - Minimum drag of a wing (چکیده)
11650 - Condensation of 4- amino- 2- mercapto[1,2,4]triazoles with 2,3- (چکیده)
11651 - The Effects of Feeding Cubed Complete Ration on Feedlot Male Calves (چکیده)
11652 - Effect of organic and inorganic zinc supplements on degradability of wheat straw and alfalfa hay by using gas production techniques (چکیده)
11653 - Ruminal degradability of wheat straw Colonized by Pleurotus ostreatus under mushroom growing conditions (چکیده)
11654 - Sandwich-type Uranium-Substituted of Bismuthotungstate: Synthesis and Structure Determination of [Na(UO2)2(H2O)4(BiW9O33)2]13 (چکیده)
11655 - Paleogeographic Reconstruction of Paleocene Silisiclastic and Carbonate Rocks in West parts of Kopet-Dagh Basin- NE Iran (چکیده)
11656 - Essential Oil Composition of Achillea eriophora, A. nobilis,A. biebersteinii and A. wilhelmsii from Iran (چکیده)
11659 - Gingival vascular hamartoma in a young Holstein calf (چکیده)
11660 - Influence of short-term repeated fasting on the skin wound healing of mice (چکیده)
11661 - Stein-type improvement under stochastic constraints: Use of multivariate Student-t model in regression (چکیده)
11662 - Evaluation the nonlinear response function of a 3*3 in NaI scintillation detector for PGNAA applications (چکیده)
11663 - Response Function of a 3×3 in. NaI Scintillation Detector in the range of 0.081 to 4.438 MeV (چکیده)
11664 - مقایسه درصد و اجزای اسانس دو توده وحشی بومادران Achillea wilhelmsii C.Koch (چکیده)
11665 - مدل های حیوانی آزمایشگاهی برای صرع آبسانس (مکانیسم های پاتوفیزیولوژی) و دورنمای پژوهشی آن در ایران (چکیده)
11666 - سیپروفلوکساسین فرکانس و آمپلی تود SWDs را در الکتروآنسفالوگراف رت های نژاد Wag/Rij تغییر می دهد (چکیده)
11667 - Evaluation of the efficacy of curcuma longa rizom ointment in healing process of burning wounds (چکیده)
11668 - Macroscopic and microscopic survey of the effectiveness degree of some of the biostimulators used in traditional medecine in process of healing of sheep skin wound. (چکیده)
11669 - effect of a natural polymer(rabbit vitreous) wound therapy on an experimental modelto (چکیده)
11670 - Paclobutrazol Can Reduce the Negative Effects of Salinity on Reproductive Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Strawberry Plants (چکیده)
11671 - COMPARISION OF TWO PROPAGULES TYPES of Beauveria bassian against Trialeurodes vaporariorum (چکیده)
11672 - On Multiresoluation Analysis (چکیده)
11673 - Neural network models for solving the maximum flow problem (چکیده)
11674 - A new nonlinear neural network for solving a class of constrained parametric optimization problems (چکیده)
11675 - Nonlinear neural networks for solving the shortest path problem (چکیده)
11676 - Physical properties of watermelon seed as a function of moisture content and variety (چکیده)
11677 - Effect of walnut leaf, coriander and pomegranate on blood glucose and histopathology of pancreas of alloxan induced diabetic rats (چکیده)
11678 - Maternal diabetes proliferate the choroid plexusand and enlarge the lateral ventricle in brain of newborn rats (چکیده)
11679 - Evaluation of Allicin for the Treatment of Experimentally (چکیده)
11680 - Some maximal inequalities for random variables and applications (چکیده)
11681 - Incidence of natural infection of the white grub Polyphylla olivieri (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) with entomopathogenic nematodes in Iran (چکیده)
11683 - بررسی خواص درمانی کفیربه عنوان یک نوشیدنی عملگر (چکیده)
11684 - شیر شتر (چکیده)
11685 - بررسی برخی از خصوصیات کیفی روغن هسته انگور و اثرات آن بر سلامتی انسان (چکیده)
11686 - Chemical Analysis and Potential Uses of Date Seed in Foods (چکیده)
11687 - Dimensionless studies of 2D stationary shocks in an open channel flow (چکیده)
11688 - Numerical and experimental studies of fully developed stationary shocks in an open channel (چکیده)
11689 - New species of five-toed jerboa (rodentia:Dipodidae, Allactaginae) from north-east Iran (چکیده)
11690 - Contribution to Heteroptera fauna of Khorasan Razavi province of Iran (چکیده)
11691 - A new leaving group in nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions - Sn Ar (چکیده)
11692 - Detection of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in Feces and Milk Samples from Holstein Dairy Cows by PCR (چکیده)
11694 - Thermodynamic Behavior of Complexation of 18-Crown-6 with Tl+, Pb2+, ‎Hg2+, and Zn2+Metal Cationsin Methanol–Water Binary Media (چکیده)
11695 - Thermodynamic Behavior of Complexation Process between Dibenzo-18-‎Crown-6 and K+, Ag+, NH4+, and Hg2+Cations in Ethylacetate-Dimethylformamide ‎Binary Media‎ (چکیده)
11696 - Induction Motor Identification Using Elman Neural Network (چکیده)
11697 - Multiphase Signal Generation Using Capacitive Coupling of LC-VCOs (چکیده)
11698 - A Low-Voltage Low-Noise Superharmonic Quadrature Oscillator (چکیده)
11699 - Causality Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in Iran (چکیده)
11700 - Dynamical assessment of fog harwesting based on fractal theory (چکیده)
11701 - Using artificial neural network(ANN)for seasonal rainfall forcasting based on tele-conection patterns (چکیده)
11702 - Study on the effect of drought stress on morphological and physiological characteristic of millets (چکیده)
11703 - Comparing Grass evapotranspirations estimated by micrometeorolocal and lysimeters in Iran (چکیده)
11704 - Root studies on chickpea - Cicer arietinum (چکیده)
11706 - evaluation of the effects of the fallow forage barley and sugarbeet forage barley rotations on density and distribution of weeds (چکیده)
11707 - تأثیر تصویرسازی آرامش (آرام سازی)، پیاده روی و روش ترکیبی بر پُرفشارخونی (چکیده)
11709 - مقایسة مؤلفه های خود پندارة ورزشی کشتی گیران شرکت کننده در بازی های آسیایی 2006 قطر (چکیده)
11710 - The Effect of anchoring on Learning of New Asymmetric Bimanual Coordination (چکیده)
11711 - The comparison between wrestler s athletic self - concept participating in 2006 Asian s Games (چکیده)
11712 - تعیین فراوانی و علل احتمالی آسیب های ورزشی درمیان دختران دانشجوی والیبالیست دسته یک کشور (چکیده)
11713 - گزارش یک مورد گاو مبتلا به MCF با علایم عصبی (مننگوآنسفالیت) در یکی از گاوداریهای اطراف مشهد (چکیده)
11714 - Simulation of Vortex Shedding behind Square and Circular Cylinders (چکیده)
11715 - Numerical Simulation of Flow Instabilities during the Rise of a Bubble in a Viscous Liquid (چکیده)
11716 - A Computational Study of Cavitation in a Hydraulic Poppet Valve (چکیده)
11717 - Investigation of Steam Injection Effect and Exergy Analysis on ABC Gas Turbine Cycle (چکیده)
11718 - Contributions to the flora and vegetation of Binalood mountain range, NE Iran: Floristic and chorological studies in Fereizi region (چکیده)
11719 - Modeling Bubble Growth and Departure from a Cavity (چکیده)
11720 - Predicting realizations of daily weather data for climate (چکیده)
11721 - Effect of damping and detuning on Van der Pol equation (چکیده)
11722 - The Relation between Gender-linked Factors and the Writing Adility of Students (چکیده)
11723 - Introducing Easy to Use and Accurate Image Processing Object Detection Algorithms Suitable for Sprayer Calibration and Other Similar Purposes (چکیده)
11724 - The Integrated Applied Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographical information System (GIS) Models in Determining Old Neighborhoods for Development in Iranian Cities: Case; Mashhad Pachnar neighborhood (چکیده)
11725 - Pyrometallurgical Pre-Treatment of EAF Dust at Reduced Pressure (چکیده)
11726 - Effect of Steady State Engine Parameters on Transient Turbocharger Response in Turbocharged Diesel Engines (چکیده)
11727 - An experimental study on the effects of different opening ranges of waste-gate on the exhaust soot emission of a turbo-charged DI diesel engine (چکیده)
11728 - Use of Liquid Phase Sintering in Production of a new High Alloy Steel with Good wear Properties (چکیده)
11729 - A Low Alloy Sintered-Heat Treated Steel with Good Fatigue Properties as a suitable Material for Resisting Cyclic Stresses (چکیده)
11730 - Conformational stabilities, infrared, and vibrationaldichroism spectroscopy studies of tris(ethylenediamine) zinc(II) chloride (چکیده)
11731 - Modeling Cavitation in a Hydraulic Poppet Valve: Comparison with Experiment and the Effect of Processing Parameters (چکیده)
11732 - بررسی تاثیر بازه عملکرد دریچه میان بر بر نشر دوده در موتورهای دیزل پر خوران (چکیده)
11733 - Numerical simulation of partial cavitation over axisymmetric bodies: VOF method vs. potential flow theory (چکیده)
11734 - Fuzzy Inference System for Prediction of Power Ratio in Wind Turbine (چکیده)
11735 - The shadowing property and chaos (چکیده)
11736 - Ergodic shadowing, transitivity and chaotic behaviour (چکیده)
11737 - The topological centre of Ellis groups and Weyl algebras (چکیده)
11738 - یک روش جدید مبتنی بر رفتار کاربران جهت تخمین بار کاری وب سرورهای شبکه (چکیده)
11739 - Transient Response of Sandwich Beams with Electrorheological Core (چکیده)
11741 - Shelf-life Determination of Saffron Stigma: Water Activity and Temperature Studies (چکیده)
11742 - The effect of ultrasound in combination with thermal treatment (چکیده)
11743 - The Effectiveness of Ultrasound Treatment on the Germination Stimulation of Barley seed and its Alph (چکیده)
11744 - Asymptotic average shadowing property on compact metric spaces (چکیده)
11745 - Comparing Physical and Mechanical Properties of Two Varieties of Watermelon: Charleston Gray and Crimson Sweet (چکیده)
11746 - Design of continuous microwave dryer for pistachio (چکیده)
11747 - A new technique for extraction of metal ions in water samples, combination of ‎multiwalled carbon nanotubes and polypropylene hollow fiber as a solid-liquid ‎microextraction technique‎ (چکیده)
11749 - Skew product dynamical systems, Ellis groups and topological centre (چکیده)
11750 - The weighted convolutio measure algebras characterized by measure algebras (چکیده)
11752 - C-Tests: Method Specific Measures of Language Proficiency (چکیده)
11753 - On a Numerical Model for Gasification of Heavy Fuel Oils: An Alternative Technology for Processing Refinery Residues (چکیده)
11754 - Optimal shape design of iron pole section of electromagnet (چکیده)
11755 - On Type IIA String Theory on the PP-wave Background (چکیده)
11756 - Transient simulations of cavitating flows using a modified volume-of-fluid (VOF) technique (چکیده)
11758 - wavelet based estimators for density (چکیده)
11759 - Effects of Cyclic Test in Decreasing Damages to Structures and Roads on Gypsum Soils (چکیده)
11760 - Effect of close-up fat plus wheat grain supplementation on first 90 days milk production of Holstein dairy cows. (چکیده)
11761 - Effects of Drought Stress and Defoliation on Sunflower (چکیده)
11762 - evaluation of alternaria alternata as a potential biocontrol agent for gield bindweed (چکیده)
11763 - dryland wheat yield by precipitation and edaphic data-2 (چکیده)
11764 - A numerical study of flow and heat transfer between two rotating spheres with time-dependent angular velocities (چکیده)
11766 - Shape Optimization of a Nozzle with Specified Flow Field Including Viscosity Effect (چکیده)
11767 - Filtration problem in inhomogeneous dam by usinge mbedding method (چکیده)
11768 - Identification of Tool Life and Wear Characteristics of HSS Tools Used in Turning of Ck45 (چکیده)
11769 - Overview of Issues in Agricultural Water Management in Iran (چکیده)
11770 - Role and importance of water productivity in Iran (چکیده)
11771 - Studying mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes under radial pressure with an energy-equivalent model (چکیده)
11772 - Finite element modeling of single-walled carbon nanotubes (چکیده)
11774 - Optimization in seeded cooling crystallization: A parameter estimation and dynamic optimization study (چکیده)
11776 - The prediction of cutting force for boring process (چکیده)
11777 - Assessing antibiotic resistance of host plants (Pisum sativum L.) to the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) in response to nitrogen fertilisation (چکیده)
11778 - Moment Method Analysis of Probe-Fed Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antennas with a Rigorous Source Modeling and Finite Ground Plane (چکیده)
11780 - Numerical Modeling & Experimental Study of Probe-Fed Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna (RDRA) Supported by Finite Circular Ground plane (چکیده)
11781 - A High Gain Dual Stacked Aperture Microstrip Antenna for Wideband Application (چکیده)
11782 - Slot Coupled Microstrip Antenna for Ultra Wideband Applications in C and X Band (چکیده)
11783 - زمین شناسی، کانی سازی، آلتراسیون و اکتشافات ژئوشیمیایی در منطقه کجه فردوس (چکیده)
11784 - تأثیر شیرابه زباله شهری بر عملکرد و اجزای عملکرد گیاه گندم دسامبر (2007).تایلند . (چکیده)
11785 - A Short Term and Long Term Learning Based on Fuzzy Transaction Repository and Feature Re-Weighting (چکیده)
11786 - Vehicle Recognition Based on Fourier, Wavelet and Curvelet Transforms - a Comparative Study (چکیده)
11787 - Identification IGF-I gene polymorphism by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism and its relation to growth traits in Iranian Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
11788 - Purification methods for water used in the preparation of carbonated drinks (چکیده)
11789 - Extraction of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of henna leaves extracts (lawsonia inermis) using solvent and ultrasound assisted method (چکیده)
11790 - Effect of wheat bug damage on the physical dough properties and semi flat bread baking quality of different Iranian wheat cultivars (چکیده)
11791 - Effect of different lactic acid bacteria on phytic acid content and quality of toast bread made with whole wheat flour (چکیده)
11792 - A comparison between brain deat and unstable life: Shiite perspective (چکیده)
11793 - The Effect of the Solid Fuel Dimensions on the Downward Flame Spread (چکیده)
11794 - Limsup Shadowing Property and Chaotic Behaviours (چکیده)
11795 - Load Frequency Control of Multi-Area Restructured Power System (چکیده)
11796 - Nickel nanowires under uniaxial loads: A molecular dynamics simulation study (چکیده)
11798 - A hybrid layerwise and differential quadrature method for in-plane free vibration of laminated thick circular arches (چکیده)
11799 - Nanoscale simulations of Bauschinger effects on a nickel nanowire (چکیده)
11800 - Design of a wind tunnel for separating flower parts of saffron (چکیده)
11801 - Modeling of temperature gradients in packed-bed solid-state bioreactors (چکیده)
11802 - prediction of Al-B4C nanocomposite powder particle size distribution bu nueral network modeling (چکیده)
11803 - Genetic diversity of Rhizoctonia spp. associated with sheath diseases of rice in India (چکیده)
11804 - Molecular Weight Control of a Batch Suspension Polymerization Reactor (چکیده)
11805 - Interaction of Foliar Application of Paclobutrazol and Manganese Sulfate on Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Strawberry cv. Paros (چکیده)
11806 - A New Wavelet Linear Survival Function Estimator (چکیده)
11808 - Q-norm inequalities for sequences of Hilbert space operators (چکیده)
11809 - Series approximations for the means of k-records (چکیده)
11810 - Physical properties and image analysis of wild pistachio nut (Baneh) (چکیده)
11811 - Numerical investigation of freezing process with forced convection in channel flow (چکیده)
11812 - Use of Artificial Neural Network and Image Analysis to Predict Physical Properties of Osmotically Dehydrated Pumpkin (چکیده)
11813 - Effect of hulling and milling on the physical properties of rice grains (چکیده)
11814 - Metabolic pathway reconstruction of C. elegans from genome database (چکیده)
11815 - Metabolic Organization of Caenorhabditis elegans (چکیده)
11816 - Evaluation of nutritional values five common weed forages using in-vitro gas production and in situ rumen degradability techniques (چکیده)
11817 - The implementation of fog water collection systems in Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
11818 - Cost Estimation and Optimization of the Topping Unit Products in Khangiran Gas Refinery (چکیده)
11819 - A New replenishment Policy in a Two-echelon Inventory System with Stochastic Demand (چکیده)
11820 - Introducing a new ordering policy in a two-echelon inventory system with Poisson demand (چکیده)
11821 - The assessment of Acid concentration and Wet deposition in spring and autumn rainfalls in mashhad (چکیده)
11822 - New method for bioethanol production from waste wood (چکیده)
11823 - Modeling of temperature gradients in packed-bed solid-state bioreactors (چکیده)
11824 - Fatal splenic rupture caused by an atypical malignant (چکیده)
11825 - Atypical bovine lymphosarcoma in a Holstein cow (چکیده)
11826 - Magnetic resonance imaging of the normal bovine digit (چکیده)
11827 - Vanishing of the first (σ,τ)-cohomology group of triangular Banach algebras (چکیده)
11828 - Perturbation of the Wigner equation in inner product C*-modules (چکیده)
11829 - Effect of organic sources as foliar spray and root media on nutrition of cowpea plant (چکیده)
11830 - Low Power Photonic Crystal All Optical Switch (چکیده)
11831 - Compact and Broadband Circular Polarized Microstrip Antenna with Wideband Axial-Ratio Bandwidth (چکیده)
11832 - All-optical Switching Structure Using Nonlinear Photonic Crystal Directional Coupler (چکیده)
11833 - Design of High Efficiency Wide Band 60º Bend for TE Polarization (چکیده)
11834 - Wideband Low-Profile Circular Polarized Rectangular Loop Antenna over a Mushroom-Like EBG Structure (چکیده)
11835 - Non-Newtonian Pulsatile Blood Flow in a Curved Artery (چکیده)
11836 - Slip-flow and heat transfer in rectangular microchannels in the presence of thermal creep (چکیده)
11837 - Three-Dimensional Blood Flow through Asymmetric Stenosis (چکیده)
11838 - Design of a Novel Wideband Single-Mode Waveguide in a Crystal Slab Structure (چکیده)
11839 - Developing slip-flow and heat transfer in trapezoidal microchannels (چکیده)
11840 - Optimization of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Waveguide for TE and TM Polarizations (چکیده)
11841 - The estimation of one day duration probable maximum precipitation over Atrak watershed in Iran (چکیده)
11842 - Notes due to Lorenz curve and Lorenz Ordering in veiw of weighted distributions (چکیده)
11843 - Weighted convolution measure algebras characterized by convolution algebras (چکیده)
11844 - Analytic, neural network, and hybrid modeling of supercritical extraction of α-pinene (چکیده)
11845 - The relative Schur multiplier with algebraic topological approach (چکیده)
11846 - A note on interval estimation for the mean of inverse Gaussian distribution (چکیده)
11847 - Mushroom breeding program in Iran (چکیده)
11848 - Market Oriented Reactive Power Expansion Planning using Locational Marginal Price (چکیده)
11849 - Attitudes towards the Mashhadi... (چکیده)
11850 - Ideology, language and power… (چکیده)
11851 - The variational iteration method: A highly promising method for (چکیده)
11852 - Exact solutions for nonlinear integral equations by a modified (چکیده)
11853 - Some strong limit theorems of weighted sums for negatively dependent generalized Gaussian random variables (چکیده)
11854 - Nonparametric regression function by wavelets (چکیده)
11855 - Complete Convergence and Some Maximal Inequalities for Weighted Sums of Random Variables (چکیده)
11856 - Aspects of dependence in Lomax distribution (چکیده)
11858 - effect of drought , salinity and defoliation on growth characteristics of some labiate plant (چکیده)
11859 - dryland wheat yield by precipitation and edaphic data-1 (چکیده)
11861 - An exponential inequality for negatively associated random variables (چکیده)
11862 - Asymptotic Behavior of Weighted Sums of Weakly Negative (چکیده)
11863 - Laws of large numbers for random linear programs with associated sequences (چکیده)
11864 - Probability inequalities for sums of negatively dependent random variables (چکیده)
11865 - Internal bruising prediction in watermelon compression using nonlinear models (چکیده)
11866 - A Note on the Strong Law of Large Numbers (چکیده)
11867 - Laws of Large Numbers for Random Linear Programs under Dependent Models (چکیده)
11868 - Central Limit Theorem for Integrated Square Error of Kernel Hazard Estimator under Censored Dependent Model (چکیده)
11869 - formula for mean intgrated squared errot for wavelet based nonlinear density estimator (چکیده)
11870 - Continuous wavelet transform for locally compact commutative hypergroups (چکیده)
11871 - Phi-factorable operators (چکیده)
11872 - Multiresolution Analysis on L2-G (چکیده)
11873 - Wavelet Linear Density Estimation for M-Dependent Random (چکیده)
11874 - Transfer and loss of naturally-occurring plasmids among isolates ofRhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae in heavy metal contaminated soils (چکیده)
11875 - Elongation of Shoot and Root in Wheat by ACC Deaminase ofRhizobium Spp. Indigenous to Soils of Iran (چکیده)
11876 - Adsorption Capability of Lead, Nickel and Zinc byExopolysaccharide and Dried Cell of Ensifer meliloti (چکیده)
11877 - Spraying of Sucrose on the Greenhouse-Grown Rose and Its Effects on (چکیده)
11878 - Best Effort Flow Control in Network-on-Chip (چکیده)
11879 - A Novel Congestion Control Scheme in Network-on-Chip Based on Best Effort Delay-Sum Optimization (چکیده)
11880 - Max-Min-Fair Best Effort Flow Control in Network-on-Chip Architectures (چکیده)
11881 - Proportionally-fair best effort flow control in network-on-chip architectures (چکیده)
11882 - A New Priority Based Congestion Control Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11883 - A Model for Differentiated Service Support in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11884 - Energy Efficient Spanning Tree for Data Aggregation in Wieless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11885 - CFL: A Clustering Algorithm For Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11886 - Virtual Topology Reconfiguration of WDM Optical Networks Using Fuzzy Logic Control (چکیده)
11887 - Energy Efficient and Congestion Aware Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks Connected as Hypercube (چکیده)
11888 - A Novel Flow Control Scheme for Best Effort Traffics in Network-on-Chip Based on Weighted Max-Min-Fairness (چکیده)
11889 - A Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11890 - Tree Based Energy Efficient and Congestion Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11891 - Automata based Energy Efficient Spanning Tree for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks (چکیده)
11892 - Waveletbasedestimationofthederivativesofa (چکیده)
11893 - Wavelet-BasedEstimatirsoftheIntegratedSquaredDensityDerivativesfor (چکیده)
11894 - modeling of medical time series (چکیده)
11895 - Wavelets for nonparametric Stochastic regression with mixing stochastic processes (چکیده)
11896 - ایجاد پوشش کاربید تنگستن روی سطوح آلومینیومی به روش مکانو شیمیایی (چکیده)
11897 - A Formulation for mean integrated squared error of nonlinear wavelet-based density estimators with negatively dependent sequences (چکیده)
11898 - ارزیابی دمای پوشش سبز جهت زمان بندی آبیاری و عملکرد گیاه گندم زمستانه (چکیده)
11899 - Nonparametric probability density estimation by maximum penalized likelihood method for negatively dependent sequence (چکیده)
11900 - Wavelet based estimation of the derivatives of a density for a negatively associated process (چکیده)
11901 - Study the morphology and granulometry of polyethylene-clay nanocomposite powders (چکیده)
11902 - A New AHP-Based Reactive Power Valuation Method (چکیده)
11903 - Conditional Footer Domino Logic for Noise Immune Applications (چکیده)
11904 - Subgroup theorems for the Baer invariant of groups (چکیده)
11905 - Comparative two new molecular techniques for detection of benzimidazole resistance in trichostrongylid nematode parasites (چکیده)
11906 - Supplier’s optimal bidding strategy in electricity pay-as-bid auctionComparison of the Q-learning and a model-based approac (چکیده)
11907 - Connectivity As a Measure of System Integrity (چکیده)
11908 - Debittering of tryptic digests from beta casein and enzyme modified cheese by X-PDP (چکیده)
11909 - Rheological Characterization of Low Fat Sesame Paste Blended With Date Syrup (چکیده)
11910 - Estimation of Parameters of the Gamma Distribution in the Presence of Outliers Generated From Uniform Distribution (چکیده)
11911 - Blood and ruminal metabolites of early lactating Iranian Holstein cows fed raw or roasted whole soybean (چکیده)
11912 - Effect of age at first calving on milk production and days open in first-parity Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
11913 - oil sunflower meal treated with formaldehyde or sodium hydroxide (چکیده)
11914 - Effect of different levels of fish oil and canola oil on milk production and composition of high producing Holstein dairy cows in early lactation (چکیده)
11915 - An evaluation of the changes in prolin and nutritional elements in flower buds of pistachio cultixvars (چکیده)
11916 - 1bit subthreshold full adders in 65nm CMOS technology (چکیده)
11917 - Determination of PSS Location Based on the Control Structure Design Indices (چکیده)
11918 - Paclobutrazol application ameliolates the negative effect of salt stress on reproductive growth, yield, and fruit quality of strawberry plants (چکیده)
11919 - A Novel Circuit Design Technique to Minimize Sleep Mode Power Consumption due to Leakage Power in the Sub-100nm Wide Gates in CMOS Technology (چکیده)
11920 - A Fast Algorithm for Connectivity-Based Computations in Dynamic Networks (چکیده)
11921 - The Construct Validation and Application of a Questionnaire of (چکیده)
11922 - The interplay between explicit and implicit knowledge (چکیده)
11923 - Design and Implementation of a Novel High Performance Content Processor for Storage Disks Using an Exact String Matching Architecture (چکیده)
11924 - Reliability Improvement of the Analog Computer of a Naval Navigation System by Derating and Accelerated Life Testing (چکیده)
11925 - Fast Estimation of Network Reliability Using Modified Manhattan Distance in Mobile Wireless Networks (چکیده)
11926 - A fast algorithm for connectivity graph approximation using modified Manhattan distance in dynamic networks (چکیده)
11927 - Connectivity Graph Approximation Using Modified Manhattan Distance in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (چکیده)
11928 - Physiological race and Genetic Diversity determination of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis by Differential Hosts and Molecular Marker in Northern and Razavi Khorasan provinces (چکیده)
11929 - Pollen Viability and In vitro Germination of some Sour cherry Cultivars (چکیده)
11930 - Design of a wind tunnel for seprating flower parts of saffaron (چکیده)
11931 - Superplastic power-law creep of Sn–40%Pb–2.5%Sb peritectic alloy (چکیده)
11932 - Disappearance of dry matter and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of sunflower meal treated with sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde by isolated mixed rumen bacteria using in vitro culture (چکیده)
11933 - Phenological Stages, Pollen Production Level, Pollen Viability and in vitro Germination Capability of Some Sour Cherry Cultivars (چکیده)
11934 - Serum Constituents Analyses in Dairy Cows: Effects of Duration and Temperature of Storage of Clotted Blood (چکیده)
11935 - The effects of chemical and organic fertilizers on saffron flowering (چکیده)
11936 - The effect of dry period length reduction to 28 days on the performance of multiparous dairy cows in the subsequent lactation (چکیده)
11937 - T lymphocyte proliferative capacity and CD4+/CD8+ratio in primiparous and pluriparous lactating cows (چکیده)
11938 - Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria on growth characteristics of corn under organic and conventional cropping systems (چکیده)
11939 - اثر سطوح مختلف کود دامی و استفاده از قیم بر تولید ارگانیک کدو پوست کاغذی (چکیده)
11940 - Petrochemistry of the Reduced, Ilmenite-Series Granitoid Intrusion Related to the Hired Gold-Tin Prospect (Basiran), Eastern Iran (چکیده)
11941 - Influences of Hand Thinning of Bud and Blossom on Crop Load, Fruit Characteristics and Fruit Growth Dynamic of Újfehértói fürtös Sour Cherry Cultivar (چکیده)
11942 - Changes of biochemical parameters and enzyme activities in broiler chickens with cold-induced ascites (چکیده)
11943 - Effect of Prebiotic Fermacto® on Gut Development and Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Diet Low in Digestible Amino Acids (چکیده)
11944 - A risk‐based approach for bidding strategy in an electricity pay‐as‐bid auction (چکیده)
11945 - Comparison of Various Methods for Endogenous Ileal Amino Acid Flow Determination in Broiler Chickens (چکیده)
11946 - Effect of Free Access to Whole Wheat, Dietary Wheat Level and Enzyme Supplementation on Broiler Performance (چکیده)
11947 - Immunization of rabbits against Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick using antigen derived from whole tick and gut extract (چکیده)
11948 - An epidemiological study on babesia infection in smmal ruminants in Mashhad suburb area, Provinc (چکیده)
11949 - Towards understanding the impeders of strategy implementation in higher education (HE) – a case of HE institutes in Iran (چکیده)
11950 - Effect of collagen cross-linking inhibition by local application (چکیده)
11951 - Experimental Study of the Tendon Healing and Remodeling After Local Injection of Bone Marrow Myeloid Tissue in Rabbit (چکیده)
11952 - Detecting Outliers in Gamma Distribution (چکیده)
11953 - Effect of Existential Group Therapy on the promotion of Mood in women after Myocardial Infarction (چکیده)
11954 - A new method for fabrication of TiC-Al2O3 composite using nano-size TiO2 (چکیده)
11955 - The study of disclosure extent and its relationship with non-financial characteristics of companies accepted in the stock exchange organization of Tehran-Iran (چکیده)
11956 - The Effect of Milling Conditions on Morphology and Grain Size of Al/SiC Nanocomposite Powders Produced by Mechanical Alloying Method (چکیده)
11957 - Accurate determination of coupling effects on free edge interlaminar stresses in piezoelectric laminated plates (چکیده)
11958 - The Ultra Structural Study of Blastema in Pinna Tissues of Rabbits with Transmission Electron Microscope (چکیده)
11959 - A Study On The Role Of Multi Wall Carbon Nano Nanotube On Tensile Properties Of Epoxy Nanocomposite (چکیده)
11960 - On the Estimate of Mean Activity Durations in PERT Networks (چکیده)
11961 - Demands and Preferences for Organic Foods: A survey study in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
11962 - Prediction of Temperature distribution during semi-solid forward extrusion by using finite volume method (چکیده)
11963 - Non-Linear Analysis of Interlaminar Stresses in Composite (چکیده)
11964 - Optimal Design of Sandwitch Composite Laminates for Minimum Cost and Maximum Frequency Using Simulated Annealing (چکیده)
11965 - Ant Colony Optimization of Hybrid Laminates for Minimum Cost and Weight (چکیده)
11966 - Analytical Solution for Nonlinear Bending of FGM Plates by a Layerwise Theory (چکیده)
11967 - Synthesis of Some New Macrocyclic Bis-sulfonamides by Fast Addition Method (چکیده)
11968 - Synthesis of some new 2-arylthieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)-one derivatives (چکیده)
11969 - Isolation of Intermediates in the Synthesis of Thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine-2,4(1H,3H)-diones Using Microwave Irradiation (چکیده)
11970 - Methimazole-disulfide as an Anti-Thyroid Drug Metabolite Catalyzed the Highly Regioselective Conversion of Epoxides to Halohydrins with Elemental Halogens (چکیده)
11971 - P2O5 / SiO2 Catalyzed One-Pot Synthesis of Amides from Ketones via Schmidt Reaction under Microwave Irradiation in Dry Media (چکیده)
11972 - Silica sulfuric acid as a reusable catalyst for the conversion of ketones into amides by a Schmidt reaction under solvent-free conditions (چکیده)
11973 - Microwave-Assisted Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of Nitriles from Aldehydes in the Presence of the P2O5 / SiO2 in Solvent-Free Media (چکیده)
11974 - Microwave-Assisted Cleavage of Epoxides with Amines in the Presence of the Catalytic Zn(OAc)2/1,7-Bis(2-Benzoic Acid)-1,4,7-Trioxaheptane :ZnBBATOH (چکیده)
11975 - Efficient Synthesis of Macrocyclic Dilactam Crown Ethers by Fast Addition Method (چکیده)
11976 - Studies on Dynamic Behavior of Functionally Graded Hollow Cylinders (چکیده)
11977 - Improvement of Selectivity in the Fries Rearrangement and Direct Acylation Reactions by Means of P2O5 / SiO2 Under Microwave Irradiation in Solvent-Free Media (چکیده)
11978 - An Easy Method for the Generation of Amides from Ketones by a Beckmann Type Rearrangement Mediated by Microwave (چکیده)
11979 - A Novel and Efficient Synthesis of New Dixanthones (چکیده)
11980 - Mercury (II) – Ion Selective Electrode Based on Dibenzo Diazathia-18- Crown –6- dione (چکیده)
11981 - A Convenient Synthesis of Azobenzo-Crown Ethers (چکیده)
11982 - Investigation of Geyser Boiling Phenomenon in a Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon (چکیده)
11983 - Effects of Wheat-Soybean Meal Based Diet Supplementation with Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Zinc on Blood Cells, Organ. Weights and Humoral Immune Response in Broiler Chickens. (چکیده)
11984 - Effect of heat processing on ruminal degradability and intestinal disappearance of nitrogen and amino acids in Iranian whole soybean (چکیده)
11985 - The application of heat pipe for desiginig uniform temperature batch reactor (چکیده)
11986 - The Effect of Acetic and Lactic Acid on the Oil Uptake, Texture and Color of Rice (Sang Tarom) During Cooking (چکیده)
11987 - Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Sandwich Composite Laminates Using Simulated Annealing and FEM (چکیده)
11988 - Effect of Diets Containing Anionic Salts or Hydrochloric Acid Treated Alfalfa Silage on Blood and Urine Acid-Base Properties of Holstein Dry Cows (چکیده)
11989 - In vitro production parameters of Sesame (Sesamum indicum) stover treated with sodium hydroxide and/or urea (چکیده)
11990 - Nonlinear Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates in Cylindrical Bending under Thermomechanical Loadings Based on a Layerwise Theory (چکیده)
11991 - Top bar effect of steel bars in self-consolidating concrete-SCC (چکیده)
11992 - Flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by CFRP sheets (چکیده)
11993 - Behavior of coupling beams Strengthened with CFRP Sheets (چکیده)
11994 - Axial compressive strength of reinforced concrete columns wrapped with Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) (چکیده)
11995 - Homogeneous Polymerization of Ethylen Using an Iron - Based MetalCattalyst System (چکیده)
11996 - Achieve to desired weld bead geometry for the vessel fillet joints in mobile robotic welding (چکیده)
11997 - Biological control of weeds with plant pathogenic fungi. (چکیده)
11998 - Evaluation of Alternaria alternata for biological control of Amaranthus retroflexus L. (چکیده)
11999 - Allelopathic Effects of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) on Germination and Initial Growth of Redroot Pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus) and Common Lambsquarter (Chenopodium album). (چکیده)
12000 - Effect of Planting Date, Weed Control Time and (چکیده)
12001 - Effects of Sheep grazing on weed control in Saffron fields (چکیده)
12002 - Effect of cropping systems and crop rotations on weeds (چکیده)
12003 - Soil management for sustainable crop disease control: a review (چکیده)
12004 - Effects of environmental factors on germination and emergence of swallow wort (چکیده)
12005 - Improvement of late blight management in organic potato production systems in Europe: Field tests with more resistant potato varieties and copper based fungicides. (چکیده)
12006 - Effect of age at fi rst calving on milk production and days open in fi rst-parity Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
12007 - Effect of close-up fat supplementation on fi rst 90 days milk production of Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
12008 - Effect of diets containing soybean meal or canola meal on blood metabolites in early lactation Iranian Holstein cows (چکیده)
12009 - In vitro gas production of high fat sunflower meal treated with sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde by rumen fungi and protozoa (چکیده)
12010 - The relation between in vitro gas production by rumen fungi and protozoa and low fat sunflower meal treated with sodium hydroxide or formaldehyde (چکیده)
12011 - Analysis of productive life in Iranian Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
12012 - In vitro gas production parameters of high fat sunflower meal treated with formaldehyde, sodium hydroxide or exogenous enzyme (چکیده)
12013 - Effect of dietary methionine concentration on some blood metabolites of early lactating Holstein cows (چکیده)
12014 - Canola meal as a substitute for soybean meal in diet of early lactation Holstein cows (چکیده)
12015 - Effect of diets containing soybean meal or canola meal on follicular dynamic in early lactation Holstein cows (چکیده)
12016 - Effect of different energy and protein content of the diet on performance and growth hormone concentration in the blood of broiler chickens (چکیده)
12017 - Effect of feed restriction and energy and protein contents of the diet on performance and growth hormone concentration in the blood of broiler chickens (چکیده)
12018 - Effective reduction of condensation shock strength in two-phase super sonic flow by spraying water droplets at inlet of laval nozzle (چکیده)
12019 - The effects of water injections in wet steam flow in different regions of mini laval nozzle (چکیده)
12020 - Single nucleotide polymorphism within exon 4 of the bovine prolactin gene in three Iranian native cattle (چکیده)
12021 - Combustion wave stability in diluted TiO2/Al/C system in atmospheric air (چکیده)
12022 - اثر دو نوع چربی محافظت شده در اوایل دوره شیر دهی بر روی عملکرد گاوهای شیرده هلشتاین (چکیده)
12023 - Role of collagen cross-linking on equine wound contraction and healing (چکیده)
12024 - A Survey of White Line Disease in Racehorse Population in North of Iran-Gonbad (چکیده)
12025 - Influences of milk yield and fertility traits in the first lactation on the length of productive life of Holstein dairy cows in Iran (چکیده)
12026 - Effect of dietary levels of tallow and NSP-degrading enzume supplements on nutrient efficiency of broiler chickens (چکیده)
12027 - افزایش کارایی مصرف اب در بخش کشاورزی و تاثیر آن بر ذخیره آب زیر زمینی (چکیده)
12028 - Molecular basis of differential gene expression in the mouse preimplantation embryo (چکیده)
12029 - Water Quality Improvement through Bioretention Media: Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal (چکیده)
12030 - مدیریت منابع آب حوضه آبریز با استفاده از مدل WEAP(مطالعه موردی حوضه ازغند) (چکیده)
12031 - Effect of Dietary Dried Berberis Vulgaris Fruit and Enzyme on Some Blood Parameters of Laying Hens Fed Wheat-Soybean Based Diets (چکیده)
12032 - Influence of Supplemental Dried Whey on Broiler Performance and Cecal Flora (چکیده)
12033 - Boundary shear stress in open channel flow: A comparison among six methods (چکیده)
12034 - Ontology-Based Web Application Testing (چکیده)
12035 - A General Framework for Testing Web-Based Applications (چکیده)
12036 - Sensitivity Analysis of Biomass Gasification: Application of Thermochemical Equilibrium Approach (چکیده)
12037 - Effects of Friction Factor and Inlet Stagnation Conditions on the Self Condensation of Steam in a Supersonic Nozzle (چکیده)
12038 - The response of broiler chicken to diet diluted with whole wheat at different ages (چکیده)
12039 - Similarity Solution of Unaxisymmetric Heat Transfer in Stagnation-Point Flow on a Cylinder With Simultaneous Axial and Rotational Movements (چکیده)
12040 - Water softening by combination of ultrasound and ion exchange (چکیده)
12041 - Design of a vertical wind tunnel for separating stigma from the other parts of saffron flower (چکیده)
12042 - The new M.A. Curriculum for Librarianship and Information Science: the report of the research project (چکیده)
12043 - Effect of Aspect Ratio and Filling Ratio on Thermal Performance of an Inclined Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon (چکیده)
12044 - Effect of Inclination Angle and Filling Ratio on Thermal Performance of a Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon under Normal Operating Condition (چکیده)
12045 - تصفیه شربت خام نیشکر با بنتونیت: 1 - تعیین مقدار بهینه بنتونیت وph (چکیده)
12046 - Determining Optimum Conditions for Sugarcane Juice (چکیده)
12047 - Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Henna Leaves Extracts (Lawsonia Inermis (چکیده)
12048 - Using Virtual Reality to Manage Broadband Telecommunication Networks (چکیده)
12049 - WWW-based 3D Distributed, Collaborative Virtual Environment for Telecommunication Network Management (چکیده)
12050 - Customizing ISO-9126 Quality Model for Evaluation of B2B Applications (چکیده)
12051 - The Fundamental Issues in Rural Sustainable Development in The Third world (چکیده)
12052 - Neural networks modeling of hollow fiber membrane processes (چکیده)
12053 - تخمین توزیعات انرژی و اندازه حفرات با استفاده از رگولاریزاسیون خطی (چکیده)
12054 - An Orgnaizational learning framework for leaverging knowledge in collaborative process (چکیده)
12055 - Identifying knowledge-sharing requirements in academic libraries (چکیده)
12056 - How Implementation of Knowledge Management can make a difference in Libraries: A Case Study of KM practice in Astan Quds Library Organization (چکیده)
12057 - knowledge schema for organisational learning in academic libraries (چکیده)
12058 - On a Banach space with no weakly fragmented metric (چکیده)
12059 - Study of Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR) and Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptor (GHRHR) genes polymorphism and their association to average daily gain in Iranian Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
12060 - Identification IGF-I gene polymorphisms by polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism and its relation to growth traits in Iranian Baluchi sheep (چکیده)
12062 - Histomorphometrical Study of Infundibulum and Magnum in Turkey and Pigeon (چکیده)
12063 - Risk analysis of bidding strategies in an electricity pay as bid auction: A new theorem (چکیده)
12064 - Simulation of thixoformability of A356 aluminum alloy using finite volume method (چکیده)
12065 - Swarm intelligence based classifiers (چکیده)
12066 - Rolling element bearings multi-fault classification based on the wavelet denoising and support vector machine (چکیده)
12067 - Effect of supplemental fish meal on reproduction and immunology responses in early lactating Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
12068 - Effects of feeding fish meal and n-3 fatty acids on ovarian and uterine responses in early lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
12069 - Effects of feeding fish meal and n-3 fatty acids on milk yield and metabolic responses in early lactating dairy cows (چکیده)
12070 - The physical properties of pistachio nut and its kernel as a function of moisture content and variety: Part I. Geometrical properties (چکیده)
12071 - The study of dynamic milk ultrafiltration performance influenced by membrane molecular weight cut off (چکیده)
12072 - Antifungal Effects of Volatile Compounds from Black Zira (Bunium persicum) and Other Spices and Herbs (چکیده)
12073 - Diversity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from Kurdish ewe s milk cheese (چکیده)
12074 - Non-Linear Hyperbolastic Growth Models for Describing Growth Curve in Classical Strain of Broiler Chicken (چکیده)
12075 - Neural Network Model for Egg Production Curve (چکیده)
12076 - Predicting performance of broiler chickens from dietary nutrients using group method of data handling-type neural networks (چکیده)
12077 - Prediction Model for True Metabolizable Energy of Feather Meal and Poultry Offal Meal Using Group Method of Data Handling-Type Neural Network (چکیده)
12078 - Testing exponentiality based on Kullback-Leibler information with progressively Type-II censored data (چکیده)
12080 - Antimony and arsenic pollution in Chelpo surface water, kohsorkh area, Kashmar and the arsenic remediation (چکیده)
12081 - Solving linear integral equations of the second kind with repeated modified trapezoid quadrature method (چکیده)
12082 - A quadrature method with variable step for solving linear Volterra integral equations of the second kind (چکیده)
12083 - Some inequalities for nilpotent multipliers of powerful p-groups (چکیده)
12084 - Phylogeny of Palaearctic wheatears (genus Oenanthe) - Congruence between morphometric and molecular data (چکیده)
12085 - Comparison between optimized geometries and vibrational frequencies calculated by the DFT methods for the Anderson-type heteropolyanion: Hexamolybdoaluminate(III),[Al-III(OH)(6)Mo6O18](3-) (چکیده)
12086 - A novel flow injection potentiometric graphite coated ion-selective electrode for the low level determination of uranyl ion (چکیده)
12087 - A New Application of Hexamethylenetetramine‐Bromine Supported onto Wet Alumina as an Efficient Reagent for Cleavage of Phenylhydrazones under Classical Heating and Microwave Irradiation (چکیده)
12088 - Theoretical studies on the geometry, vibrational frequencies and electronic properties of [X(OH)(6)Mo6O18](4-/3-) (X = Fe-II/Co-III) Anderson-type anions (چکیده)
12089 - Water as an efficient solvent for oxygenation transformations with 34% hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by some heteropolyoxometalates (چکیده)
12090 - Ecomorphology of the wheatears (genus Oenanthe) (چکیده)
12091 - Environmentally benign oxidation of some alcohols with34%hydrogen peroxide catalysed by H3PW12O40 (چکیده)
12092 - Experimental investigation of water EV Aporation in indoor swimmimg pools (چکیده)
12093 - پهنه‌بندی دوره خشک با استفاده از شاخص بارندگی استاندارد شده در محیطGIS «مطالعه‌موردی:استان‌خراسان» (چکیده)
12094 - Evaluation of chemical and biological consequences of soil sterilization methods (چکیده)
12095 - Some physical and Mechanical properties of Kiwifruit (چکیده)
12096 - شناسایی تیپ A ویروس BNYVV با استفاده از آغازگرهای اختصاصی در آزمون RT-PCR در استان خراسان رضوی (چکیده)
12097 - Response of aphidophagous hoverflies (Diptera, syrphidae) to herbicide in winter wheat (چکیده)
12098 - Nonparametric Estimation of the Derivative of Density by the Metod of Wavelets with Negatively Dependent Sequences (چکیده)
12099 - اثر WO3 و MnO2 بر ابررساناهای دمای بالای 2223- Bi تهیه شده به روش سل - ژل (چکیده)
12100 - تخمین تابع تقاضای پول با استفاده از سری‌های زمانی و هم جمعی در اقتصادایران (چکیده)
12101 - Estimating Growth Rates and Decomposition Analysis of Agricultural Production in Iran (1970-2000) (چکیده)
12102 - Deterction of midgut antigens of hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum tick using SDS-PAGE and Western blot (چکیده)
12103 - Allium L. subgen. Rhizirideum sensu lato in Iran: Two new records and a synopsis of taxonomy and phytogeography (چکیده)
12104 - New records of Haplophyllum Juss. Rutaceae from Iran (چکیده)
12105 - New Bromus (Poaceae) Record for the Flora of Iran (چکیده)
12106 - Effects of water deficit and salinity on germination properties of Aeluropus spp. (چکیده)
12107 - On the Role of Emotional, Psychometric, and Verbal Intelligences in the Academic Achievement of University Students Majoring in English Language (چکیده)
12108 - Determining the climatologically suitable areas for wheat production using MODIS-NDVI in Mashhad, Iran (چکیده)
12109 - Evaluation of the Anticonvulsant Activities of Rosa damascena on the PTZ Induced Seizures in Wistar Rats (چکیده)
12110 - Determining the Role of Inputs, Climate and Insurance Protection Policy on Income Equality of Wheat Producers in Khorasan Provinces (چکیده)
12111 - Structural Similitude for Buckling of Delaminated Beams (چکیده)
12112 - The diversity of BOLA- DRB3 gene in Iranian native cattle (چکیده)
12114 - Application of Cardo-type polyimide (PI) and polyphenylene oxide (PPO) hollow fiber membranes in two-stage membrane systems for CO2/CH4 separation (چکیده)
12115 - Behavioural responses by dairy cows provided two hays of contrasting quality at dry-off (چکیده)
12116 - The effects of feed bunk competition on the feed sorting behavior of close – up dry cows (چکیده)
12117 - Laws of large numbers for random linear programs under dependence model (چکیده)
12118 - A note on the consistency of kaplan meier estimator dependent failure time data (چکیده)
12119 - Wavelet linear Density Estimation for Negativel Associated Sequences (چکیده)
12120 - Strong convergence of weighted sums for negatively orthant dependent random variables (چکیده)
12121 - Central limit theorem for integrated square error of kernel hazard estimator under censored dependent model (چکیده)
12122 - On the combined effect of lubrication and compaction temperature on properties of iron-based P/M parts (چکیده)
12123 - Idiopathic lingual fossa ulcer in cattle in Iran (چکیده)
12124 - Control structure design in power system (چکیده)
12125 - کاربرد شیکه عصبی در سیستمهای کنترل و پایدارکننده های قدرت (چکیده)
12126 - Effect of heat treatment, lubricant and sintering temperature on dry sliding wear behavior of medium alloyed chromium PM steels (چکیده)
12127 - A systematic and simple approach for designing Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy controller with reduced data (چکیده)
12128 - Covering Groups With Respect to Two Varieties of Groups (چکیده)
12129 - The Stair way to Heaven ,or Seven articles of Sullam-al- Sama, of Al- Kashi, for determination of the diameter, distance, and the masses of the earth and its seven planets (چکیده)
12130 - Effect of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Petals on Germination and Primary Growth of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (چکیده)
12131 - Effect of Peganum harmala on germination and emergence of Anthemis nobilis L (چکیده)
12132 - Abundance of adult hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) on different flowering plants (چکیده)
12133 - Frequency Response Calculation of Nonlinear Torsional Vibration in Gear Systems (چکیده)
12134 - بررسی فلور قارچی رحم گاوهای شیری نژاد هلشتاین سالم و مبتلا به بیماریهای تولید مثلی (چکیده)
12135 - Comparative study on the Essential Oil Composition of Achillea eriophora DC. in Field and Wild Growing (چکیده)
12136 - Evaluation the Anxiolytic Effects of Zinc Supplimented Diet in the Elevated Plus-maze Test (چکیده)
12137 - Antioxidant activity of various extracts of old tea leaves and black tea wastes (Camellia sinensis L.) (چکیده)
12138 - Impact of Age at First Calving on Lactation and Reproduction of first-parity Iranian Holsteins Dairy cows (چکیده)
12139 - The effect of Feed Bunk competition on the Feed sorting Behavior of Close-Up Dry Cows (چکیده)
12140 - Performance of Acyrthosiphon pisum (HARRIS) (Homoptera: Aphididae) on pea varieties (pisum sativum L (چکیده)
12141 - A thermodynamic study of complexation of 18-crown-6 with Zn2+ ,Tl + ,Hg2+ and UO2þ 2 cations in acetonitrile-dimethylformamide binary media and study the effect of anion on the stability constant of (18C6-Na+ ) complex in methanol solutions (چکیده)
12142 - Some physical properties of the watermelon seeds (چکیده)
12143 - On a Wavelet-Based Method of Estimating a Regression Function (چکیده)
12144 - Mechanism and Kinetics of the Wacker Process: A Quantum Mechanical Approach (چکیده)
12145 - اثر شدت توربولنس جریان آزاد و گرادیان فشار بر شکل گیری لایه گذرا در کانال واگرا (چکیده)
12146 - The Effect of Square Splittered and Unsplittered Rods in Flat Plate Heat Transfer Enhancement (چکیده)
12147 - Synthesis, characterization and crystal structure of novel mixed bridged trinuclear oxo-centered iron(III), chromium(III) complexes containing terminal unsaturated carboxylato and acrylic acid dimer anion ligands (چکیده)
12148 - Studying the Effects of Heat and Cold shock on Cell wall Microstructure an Survival of Some LAB in Milk (چکیده)
12149 - Study of Ice Cream Freezing process after Treatment with Ultrasound (چکیده)
12150 - Effect of Ultrasonie power on the activity of Barleys Alpha-amylase from post-sowing treate of s (چکیده)
12151 - Influence of lactulose on the survival of probiotic strains in Yoghurt (چکیده)
12152 - Past peak lactational performance of Iranian Holstein cows fed raw or roasted whole soybeans (چکیده)
12153 - Estimates of genetic parameters for growth traits in kermani sheep (چکیده)
12154 - Design Guidelines for High-Speed Two-Stage CMOS Operational Amplifiers (چکیده)
12155 - Effects of pre-strain on microstructure of Ni-Ti orthodontic archwires (چکیده)
12156 - Microwave activated synthesis of 2-aryl- quinazolin-4 (3H) ones (چکیده)
12157 - Ovarian activity in high and average producing Holstein cows under heat stress conditions (چکیده)
12158 - Changes of Blood Gases, Internal Organ Weights and performance of Broiler Chickens with Cold Induced Ascites (چکیده)
12159 - Effect of CIDR and Different Doses of PMSG on Pregnancy and Lambing Rate Out of Breeding Season in Balouchi Ewes (چکیده)
12160 - Mycoflora of cervicovaginal fluids in dairy cows with or without reproductive disorders (چکیده)
12161 - On automatic continuity of 3-homomorphisms on Banach algebras (چکیده)
12162 - A hybrid of the restarted Arnoldi an electromagnetism meta-heuristic methods for calculating eigenva (چکیده)
12163 - Facile and Rapid Synthesis of Some Crown Ethers Under Microwave Irradiation (چکیده)
12164 - Glycoluril-derived crown clips as new ditopic receptors (چکیده)
12167 - The genus Allium (Alliaceae) in Iran: current state, new taxa and new records (چکیده)
12168 - New Route to pyrimido[4,5-e][1,3,4] thiadiazine Derivatives (چکیده)
12169 - Effects of salinity levels on proteome ofSuaeda aegyptiaca leaves (چکیده)
12170 - A generalized block-by-block method for solving linear volterra integral equations (چکیده)
12171 - Synthesis and structures determination of new polytungstoarsenates (چکیده)
12172 - Conductance studies on Complex Formation Between Aza-18-Crown-6 with Ag+, Hg2+ and Pb2+ Cations in D (چکیده)
12173 - Evaluation of wound contraction and epithelialization after subcutaneous administration of Theranekr (چکیده)
12174 - Local injection of a mixture of beta-ainopropionitril fumarate and sodium hyaluronate together with (چکیده)
12175 - Influence of ultrasonic stimulation on the germination of barley seed and its alpha-amylase activity (چکیده)
12176 - One - Pot Efficient Beckmann Rearrangement of Ketones Catalyzed by Silica Sulfuric Acid (چکیده)
12177 - Growth sequence of Free product of alternating groups (چکیده)
12179 - Oxidation of sulfids to sulfoxides with zirconium hydroxy chromate (zr4(OH)6(CrO4)5(H2O2) (چکیده)
12180 - اثر تنش خشکی پس از گرده افشانی بر ویژگی های فیزیولوژیک و میزان آنتی اکسیدان های موجود در ارقام مختلف (چکیده)
12181 - The effect of mixed live vaccines of Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis on systemic and local antibody responses in chickens (چکیده)
12184 - New plant records for khorassan province, Iran (چکیده)
12188 - Application of optimal RBF neural networks for optimization and characterization of porous materials (چکیده)
12189 - Solving some optimal path planning problems using an approach based on measure theory (چکیده)
12190 - Slot nozzle design with specified pressure in a given subregion by using embedding method (چکیده)
12191 - Taknar polymetal (Cu-Zn-Au-Ag-Pb) Deposit: A new Type Magnetite-Rich VMS Deposit, Northeast of Iran (چکیده)
12192 - Synthesis of Some New 3-Alkylthio Derivatives of 1-Phenyl-1H-[1, 3, 4]thiadiazino[5, 6-b]quinoxalines (چکیده)
12193 - Two New Records of the Genus Euphorbia (EUPHORBIACEAE) for the Flora of Iran (چکیده)
12194 - Intelling particle Swarm Classifier (چکیده)
12195 - Evaluating websites A systematic investigation of internet site quality from a single country domain name (چکیده)
12196 - Anomalies in magnetoelastic properties of NdFe10V2 alloy (چکیده)
12197 - A Note on Growth Sequences of PSL (m,q) (چکیده)
12198 - Flotation separation and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric determination of thallium in wastewater samples (چکیده)
12199 - Novel oxidation of aromatic aldehydes catalyzed by Preyssler s anion, [NaP5W30O110](14- (چکیده)
12200 - Modification of fracture toughness of isotactic polypropylene with a combination of EPR and CaCO3 pa (چکیده)
12201 - Microstructure evolution of high-performance Ni-base superalloy GTD-111 with heat treatment paramete (چکیده)
12202 - Synthesis and extraction properties of new fused benzocrown-heterocycle ligands for alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Cations (چکیده)
12203 - Effect of plant age, temperature and humidity on virulence of Ascochyta caulina on common lambsquart (چکیده)
12204 - Heat extraction from a salinity-gradient solar pond using in pond heat exchanger (چکیده)
12205 - Histology of gills of white fish (چکیده)
12206 - A Conductometric Study of Complexation Reactions Between Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 (DB18C6) with Cu2+, Zn2+, Tl+ and Cd2+ Metal Cations in Dimethylsulfoxide–Ethylacetate Binary Mixtures (چکیده)
12208 - Acetylation of alcohols catalyzed by dodeca-tungsto(molybdo)phosphoric acid (چکیده)
12209 - Comparative study of artificial neural networks (ANN) and statistical methods for predicting the per (چکیده)
12210 - Prevalence of Theileria spp. infection in sheep in South Khorasan province, Iran (چکیده)
12211 - Effect of solvent on competitive bulk membrane transport of transition and post transition metal cations Using Decyl-18-crown-6 (چکیده)
12212 - Structure and vibrational assignment of the enol form of 1,1,1-trifluoro-2,4-pentanedione (چکیده)
12213 - Prediction of surface tension of HFD-like fluids using the Fowler’s approximation (چکیده)
12214 - Prediction of stage–discharge curves in open-channels using a fixed-point velocity measurement (چکیده)
12215 - New access to thiazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidine derivativess (چکیده)
12216 - Electro-osmotic flow in reservoir-connected flat microchannels with non-uniform zeta potential (چکیده)
12217 - The potential of microfiltration and ultrafiltration process in purification of raw sugar beet juice (چکیده)
12218 - Density functional theory and Hartree-Fock studies: Geometry, vibrational frequencies and electronic (چکیده)
12219 - An epidemiological study on Anaplasma infection in cattle, sheep, and goats in Mashhad suburb, Khora (چکیده)
12220 - Wavelet Based Estimation of the Derivatives of a Density for a Discrete-Time Stochastic Process: Lp-Losses (چکیده)
12221 - Major, Trace and REE geochemistry of Paleo – Tethys Collision – Related Granitoids from Mashhad, Ira (چکیده)
12222 - 3D velocity structure of the 2003 Bam earthquake area (SE Iran): Existence of a low-Poisson s ratio layer and its relation to heavy damage (چکیده)
12223 - Discussion on the complexing Ability of Macrocyclic Ligand, 12-Crown-4 with Li+ Cation in Some Binar (چکیده)
12224 - CONTROL OF GREENHOUSE WHITEFLY (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) BY THYME AND PEPPERMINT (چکیده)
12225 - Downward flame spread over PMMA sheets in quiescent air: Experimental and theoretical studies (چکیده)
12226 - Field-dependent spin-wave damping in ferromagnet/ antiferromagnet bilayers (چکیده)
12227 - The Baer invariant of semidirect product and verbal wreath products of groups (چکیده)
12228 - Mass Cyanide Intoxivation in Sheep (چکیده)
12229 - A Proposed Method to Evaluate Ultimate Resistance of Plate Girders Subjected to Shear and Patch Loading (چکیده)
12231 - Dynamic predication of milk ultrafiltration performance (چکیده)
12232 - Dynamic modeling of milk ultrafiltration by artificial neural networks (چکیده)
12233 - A two-dimensional double minimum potential function for bent (چکیده)
12234 - Investigation on the effect of various surface preparations on corrosion performance of powder coate (چکیده)
12235 - Edge effects of uniformly loaded cross - ply composite laminates (چکیده)
12236 - Application of neural networks for cross flow milk ultrafiltration simulation (چکیده)
12237 - Singular Value Decomposition as a Measure for Control Structure Design in Power Systems (چکیده)
12238 - Soil water regime and water conservation efficiency in a non-irrigated semi-arid environment (چکیده)
12239 - Existence of turbulent behavior for non – chaotic two dimensional jets (چکیده)
12240 - EIS examination of mill scale on mild steel with polyester–epoxy powder coating (چکیده)
12241 - A Genetic-neuro algorithm for tiling problems with rotation and/or reflection of figures (چکیده)
12242 - Thermal behavior of a small salinity-gradient solar pond with wall shading effect (چکیده)
12243 - Modelling of metal flow during hot forging with regard to microstructurol aspects (چکیده)
12244 - An Investigation of Two-Dimensional, Two – Phase Flow – of Steam in a Cascade of Turbine Blading by (چکیده)
12245 - Theorems on n-dimensional laplace transformations involving the solution of wave equations (چکیده)
12246 - First – principles study of structural, dynamical, and dielectric properties of K- Al2 O3 (چکیده)
12247 - the effects of on structural and electronic properties of BaTiO3 ceramic (چکیده)
12248 - evaluation of the methods for gradient establishment in salinity gradient solar ponds (چکیده)
12250 - haematology of persian fallow deer - dama mesopotamica (چکیده)
12251 - effects of photoperiod on the phenological development of redroot pigweed (amaranthus retrofkexus L. (چکیده)
12252 - effect of temperature and photoperiod on the phenological devdlop,ent of wild mustard (sinapis arven (چکیده)
12253 - A novel FLC-based approach for ATM traffic control (چکیده)
12254 - Cooling Flows of Self-Gravitating, Rotating, Viscous Systems (چکیده)
12255 - General nonlinear modal representation of large scale power systems (چکیده)
12256 - contingency reserve pricing via a joint energy and reserve dispatching approach (چکیده)
12257 - an appropriate candidate for exact distridution of closed random walks using quantum groups (چکیده)
12258 - application of the ceres-wheat model for whithin-season prediction of winter wheat yield in the unit (چکیده)
12259 - the temperature dependence of the spin-wave damping in co/coo bilayers (چکیده)
12260 - effects of three cruciferous weeds on yield and yield components of winter weat(triticum aestivum) (چکیده)
12261 - weed dynamics of conventional and ecological cropping systems in different rotations with wheat (چکیده)
12262 - Apex development of three wheat cultivars in the presence of salinity (چکیده)
12263 - factors affecting on acceptance and shelf life of soy - drink (چکیده)
12264 - optimization of soy - yogurt production according to iranian preference (چکیده)
12265 - effects of whey utilization on the quality of yogurt (چکیده)
12266 - measurment of D2O in water using 2H(y,n) 1H reaction (چکیده)
12267 - adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control of svc and tcsc for improving the dynamic performance of power s (چکیده)
12269 - اثر فین های افقی در کنترل انتقال حرارت جابجائی آزاد لایه ای از صفحات قائم (چکیده)
12270 - بررسي و تحليل فاصله بهينه بين توربين هاي بادي در يك مجتمع بادي (چکیده)
12271 - c*_dynamical systems and on the powers_sakai conjecture (چکیده)
12272 - an effective apprach of the optimal control for an inhomogeneous wave problem (چکیده)
12273 - a doman decomposition for steady groundwater flow in porous media (چکیده)
12274 - an additive schwarz method for a stationary convection _diffussion problem (چکیده)
12275 - marcinkiewicz_type strong law of large numbers for double arrays of negatively dependent random vari (چکیده)
12276 - computer simulation of mpls networks (چکیده)
12277 - thermal characteristics of a two_phase closed thermosyphon (چکیده)
12278 - طراحی پایدار ساز سیستم قدرت با در نظر گرفتن مدرج سازی (چکیده)
12279 - Three Dimensional transonic flow computations Over a Projectiles and at the Base Region (چکیده)
12280 - A New Approach to Resource Discovery and Dissemination for Pervasive Computing Environments Based on Mobile Agents (چکیده)
12281 - Continuum-Wise Expansive Homeomorphisms have Totally Disconnected Minimal Sets (چکیده)
12282 - Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat transfer in a Rotary Regenerator (چکیده)
12283 - An Investigating of the origin and the groundwater discharge to Bazangan Lake, Eastern Kopet-Dagh Basin-Iran, using geochemistry and stable isotopes approaches (چکیده)
12284 - Numerical Simulation of Partial Cavitation over Axisymmetric Bodies: VOF Method vs. Potential Flow Theory (چکیده)
12285 - Full Navier-Stokes Computations of Supersonic Flows over a Body at High Angles of Attack and Investigation of Crossflow Separation (چکیده)
12286 - The relationship between students’ cognitive styles: A case study (چکیده)
12287 - نقش دانش محاوره ای بر عملکرد کودکان در تکالیف باور کاذب (چکیده)
12288 - Rashid al din and Caucasus (چکیده)
12289 - Separation and Determination of Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and O-Xylene Compounds in Water Using Directly Suspended Droplet Microextraction coupled with Gas Chromatography-Flame Ionization Detector (چکیده)
12290 - Directly Suspended Droplet Three Liquid Phase Microextraction of Diclofenac Prior to LC (چکیده)
12291 - BTEX determination in water matrices using HF-LPME with gas chromatography–flame ionization detector (چکیده)
12292 - Effect of Both Uncoated and Coated Calcium Carbonate on Fracture Toughness of HDPE/CaCO3 Nanocomposites (چکیده)
12293 - Incidence of Listeria spp in raw milk in sharekord, Iran (چکیده)
12294 - Introducing Easy to Use and Accurate Image Processing Object Detection Algorithms Suitable for Sprayer Calibration and Other Similar Purposes (چکیده)
12295 - Influence of filler particles on deformation and fracture mechanism of isotactic polypropylene (چکیده)
12296 - Streaming Electric Potential in Pressure-Driven FlowsThrough Reservoier-Conected Microchannels (چکیده)
12297 - Almost derivations on C*-ternary rings (چکیده)
12298 - Approximately intertwining mappings (چکیده)
12299 - Power and Euler-Lagrange norms (چکیده)
12300 - Yield and seed quality of Plantago ovata and Nigella sativa under differen irrigation treatments (چکیده)
12301 - Weather Analogue: A tool for lead time simulation of daily weather data based on modified K-nearest-neighbor approach. Env. Modeling and Software 23, 703-713. (چکیده)
12302 - طراحی ، ساخت و ارزیابی عملکرد دستگاه خودتراز روی تراکتور (چکیده)
12303 - Analysis of laminated composite beams using layerwise displacement theories (چکیده)
12304 - Hall effects on magnetohydrodynamic transient free convection about a semi-infinite vertical flat plate with mass transfer (چکیده)
12305 - The survey of maternal and fetal effects on calving time of single pregnancy in Holstein dairy cattle (چکیده)
12306 - effect of feeding periods and sodium levels of pre-starter diet on Broiler performance and (چکیده)
12307 - replacement value of regular oyster shell with mine oyster shell on the performance and egg Quality of Laying Hens (چکیده)
12308 - Days in milk at culling in Holstein dairy cows (چکیده)
12309 - A model of annual orographic precipitation and acid deposition and its application to Snowdonia (چکیده)
12310 - Effect of Deficit Irrigation on Yield, WUE and some Morphological and Phenological Traits of Three Millet Species (چکیده)
12311 - Effects of Salinity on Carbon Isotope Discrimination of Shoot and Grain of Salt-Tolerant and Salt-Sensitive Wheat Cultivars (چکیده)
12312 - On the Existence of the Solution of an Optimal Shape Design Problem Goverend by Full Navier-Stokes Equations (چکیده)
12313 - An applicable method for solving the shortest path problems (چکیده)
12314 - Wing drag minimization (چکیده)
12315 - Effects of Seven substrates on Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Three Strawberry (چکیده)
12316 - Comparison of the effects of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and progesterone on Conception rates in repeat breeder dairy cows (چکیده)
12317 - The relationship between blood indicators of phosphorus status in cattle (چکیده)
12318 - Effect of Air Velocity on Water Evaporation Rate in Indoor Swimming Pools (چکیده)
12320 - Gas Permeation Properties of Polyvinylchloride/Polyethyleneglycol Blend Membranes (چکیده)
12321 - The Effects of Paclobutrazol on Fruit Yield, Leaf Mineral Elements and Proline Content of Strawberry cv. Selva under Saline Condition (چکیده)
12322 - Water resource management in Kabul river basin, eastern Afghanistan (چکیده)
12323 - Finding suitable differential characteristics for block ciphers with Ant colony technique (چکیده)
12324 - باز زایی و پرآوری شاخساره از ریز نمونه های بافتی مختلف و مقایسه ریشه زایی شاخساره ها در شرایط درون شیشه ای و درون گلخانه ای در 16 رقم تجاری بنفشه آفریقایی-Saintpaulia jonantha Wendl (چکیده)
12325 - Somaclonal variation induced De novo leaf chimeric mutants during In vitro propagation of African violet( Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl (چکیده)
12326 - بررسی تاثیر ضد قارچی اسانسهای نعناء فلفلی ، رازیانه و زیره سیاه (چکیده)
12327 - Allelopathic Effects of some Medicinal Plants Extracts on Seed Germination of some Weeds and Medicinal Plants (چکیده)
12328 - Determination of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Electrolytes Alteration in the Developing Rats Born from Diabetic Mothers (چکیده)
12329 - Numerical Study of Hemodynamic Wall Parameters on Pulsatile Flow through Arterial Stenosis (چکیده)
12330 - On Fatigue Crack Propagation of One- Way Rail Road (چکیده)
12331 - Food Biotechnology and its impact on pur food supply (چکیده)
12333 - Helping ants for adaptive network routing (چکیده)
12334 - Application of Q-learning with temperature variation for bidding strategies in market based power systems (چکیده)
12335 - Q-adjusted annealing for Q-learning of bid selection in market-based multisource power systems (چکیده)
12336 - Multi-objective meta level soft computing-based evolutionary structural design (چکیده)
12337 - Mycoflora of cervicovaginal fluids in dairy cows with or withoutre productive disorders (چکیده)
12338 - Analysis of Channel Capacity of Spectrum Audio Watermarking System (چکیده)
12339 - A Novel Constructive-Optimizer Neural Network for the Traveling Salesman Problem (چکیده)
12340 - Cooperative co-evolving neural networks for robosoccer simulation (چکیده)
12341 - Adaptive spectral separation two-layer coding with error concealment for cell loss resilience (چکیده)
12342 - A cell loss resilient two-layer MPEG coding algorithm (چکیده)
12343 - Evaluation of cardinal temperature for three species of medicinal plants, Ajowan(Trachyspermum ammi) Fennel and dill (چکیده)
12344 - Macroscopic aspects of wound healing (contraction and epithelialisation) after topical administration of allicin in dogs (چکیده)
12345 - Effects of Zn-7® on open wound healing in dogs (چکیده)
12346 - Studying the Sustainability of a Wheat-cotton Agroecosystem in Iran (چکیده)
12347 - Axisymmetric Stagnation—Point Flow and Heat Transfer of a Viscous Fluid on a Rotating Cylinder With Time-Dependent Angular Velocity and Uniform Transpiration (چکیده)
12348 - Peripartal serum biochemical, haematological and hormonal changes associated with retained placenta in dairy cows (چکیده)
12349 - Axisymmetric stagnation - Point flow and heat transfer OBLIQUELY IMPINGING ON A ROTATING CIRCULAR CYLINDER (چکیده)
12350 - Using GIS for Priority Assessment of Road Construction in Kermanshah Province (چکیده)
12351 - Estimating Wheat Planted area in North East of IRAN by MODIS sensor (چکیده)
12352 - Predicting Wheat Yield by Using Meteorological Data and a Statistical Model in Gharakhil Area (North of Iran) (چکیده)
12353 - Seroepidemiology of Neospora caninum infection in dairy cattle herds in Mashhad area, Iran (چکیده)
12354 - Serum Biochemistry of Persian Fallow Deer-Dama Mesopotamica (چکیده)
12355 - studies on hemoglobin polymorphism of two breed of (چکیده)
12356 - EFFECT OF SWIRL NUMBER ON SOOT FORMATION IN TURBULENT GAS FIRED DIFFUSION FLAMES (اثر عدد چرخش بر تشکیل دوده در شعله های متلاطم پخشی سوخت گاز) (چکیده)
12357 - On the Dependence of soot Formation and combustion on swirling combustion Furnaces: Measurement and (چکیده)
12358 - Immunization of lambs with whole body Echinococcus granulosus (چکیده)
12359 - Temperature dependence of the linewidth of spin-waves in Co/CoO bilayers (چکیده)
12360 - Phytoremediation of arsenic by macroalgae: Implication in natural contaminated water, northeast Iran (چکیده)
12361 - Arsenic and antimony in drinking water in kohsorkh area, northeast Iran possible rosks for the public health (چکیده)
12362 - The Effect of Anionic Salts Feeding During Dry Period on Metabolism and Health of Dairy Cows (چکیده)
12363 - Relationships between fertility and serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus in dairy cows (چکیده)
12364 - Efficacy of dried colostrum powders in the prevention of diarrhea in neonatal Holstein calves (چکیده)
12365 - Serum and whole blood inorganic phosphorus in lambs from birth to 400th day of life: effect of weaning as a cutoff point between neonatal and adult levels (چکیده)
12366 - کاهش آلودگی در موتورهای بنزینی با تبدیل سیستم سوخت رسانی کاربراتوری بهمراه مانی فولد گرم به سیستم جدید کاربراتورهای تبخیری با مانی فولد سرد.Reduction of SI engine pollutions by converting carburatore fuel system with warm inlet manifold to (چکیده)
12367 - Low Complexity turbo Equalisation for Power line communications (ترازگر توربوی با پیچیدگی کم برای مخابرات با استفاده از خطوط انتقال برق) (چکیده)
12368 - A New Fuzzy Algorithm for Global Job Scheduling in Multiclusters and Grids (چکیده)
12369 - Study of Complexation Reactions Between Alkali and Alkaline- Earth Metal Cations with Dibenzo-18-Crown-6(DB18C6) in Mixed Nonaqueous Solvents Using the Conductometry Method (چکیده)
12370 - Study of Complex Formation between N-Phenylaza-15-Crown-5 with Mg2+,Ca2+, Ag+ and Cd2+ Metal Cations in Some Binary Mixed Aqueous and Non-aqueous Solvents Using the Conductometric Method (چکیده)
12371 - Discharge estimation in tidal rivers with partially reverse flow (تخمین دبی در یک رودخانه جزر و مدی با جریان برگشتی موضعی) (چکیده)
12372 - Neutrophil bactericidal impairment in dairy cows around parturition: supportive effects of dietary organic selenium (چکیده)
12373 - Growth Response and Gass Exchanged of Sugar Beet Plant Under Salt Stress (چکیده)
12374 - Urethral Extension and Caslick s Surgery for Infertility Treatment in Pneumovagina Cases with Sunke (چکیده)
12375 - Wavelet Linear Density Estimation for Negatively Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
12376 - Distilled Water as an Irrigation Fluid in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (چکیده)
12377 - Wavelet Based Estimation of the Derivatives of a Density for m-Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
12378 - Wavelet based estimation of the derivativesof a density with associated variables (چکیده)
12379 - Estimation of the Survival Function for Negatively Dependent Random Variables (چکیده)
12380 - On the Minimax Optimality of Block Thresholded Wavelets Estimators for p-Mixing Process (چکیده)
12381 - Evidential inference based on record data and inter-record times (چکیده)
12382 - Energy and Momentum Approaches for Analysis of Gradually-varied Flow through Compound Channels (چکیده)
12384 - Calibration of Hydraulic Parameters for Flow through Rockfill Structures (چکیده)
12385 - Antimicrobial susceptibility testing ofMannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida isolated from calves with dairy calf pneumonia (چکیده)
12386 - Effect of clinical mastitis on production and days from first breeding to conception in Holstein cows using survival analysis test (تاثیر ورم پستان بر تولید و DFBC در گاوهای هلشتاین) (چکیده)
12387 - Effect of welding parameters on the microstructure and mechanical properties of fraction stir welds of 70%Cu-30%Zn alloy (اثر یارامترهای جوشکاری روی ساختار میکروسکیی و خواص مکانیکی الیاژ Cu-Zn جوشکاری اصطکاکی شده) (چکیده)
12388 - Approximate double centralizers (چکیده)
12389 - The effect of water vapor on the performance of commercial polyphenylene oxide and Cardo-type polyimide hollow fiber membranes in CO2/CH4 separation applications (چکیده)
12390 - Gas permeation properties of commercial polyphenylene oxide and Cardo-type polyimide hollow fiber membranes (چکیده)
12391 - Ion exchange resin and MINTEQA2 speciation of Zn and Cu in alkaline sodic and acidic soil extracts (چکیده)
12392 - Water : soil ratio influences aqueous phase chemistry of indigenous copper and zinc in soils (چکیده)
12393 - Some Characterizations Based on Entropy of Order Statistics and Record Values (چکیده)
12394 - Nonparametric confidence and tolerance intervals from record values data (چکیده)
12396 - Soft computing-based nonlinear fusion algorithms for describing non-Darcy flow in porous media (چکیده)
12397 - An extension of lower crust in central Kyushu, Japan, inferred from GPS derived velocity field- An Implication of Beppu-Shimaba ra graben structure (بازشدگی در پوسته تحتانی کیوشو-زاپن) (چکیده)
12398 - Down‐regulation of Hsp27 radiosensitizes human prostate cancer cells (چکیده)
12399 - A New Quadrature LC Ocillator (چکیده)
12400 - Assessing the most important factors in the development and launch of government web sites. (case study in Iran) (ارزیابی مهمترین عوامل موثر در توسعه و دستیابی وی سایت های دولتی ( مطالعه موردی)) (چکیده)
12401 - Dirac–Born–Infeld action, Seiberg–Witten map, and Wilson lines (چکیده)
12402 - Transformation of the Dirac–Born–Infeld action under the Seiberg–Witten map (چکیده)
12403 - A comparison between Ant colony and Tabu search algorithms for job shop scheduling with sequence-dep (چکیده)
12404 - Potential impact of climate change on rainfed wheat production in Iran (چکیده)
12405 - Sugar Beet Plant Water -uptake and Plant water Relationships under Salt stress (چکیده)
12406 - Antioxidant Activity of Various Extracts of Old Tea Leaves and Black Tea Wastes (Camellia sinensis L.) (چکیده)
12407 - Free edge stress analysis of general cross-ply composite laminates under extension and thermal loading (چکیده)
12408 - Three-dimensional interlaminar stress analysis at free edges of general cross-ply composite laminates (چکیده)
12409 - The Development of a Computer Program for Cam and Follower Design (چکیده)
12410 - Comparison of Genetic Algorithm with Variable Metric Methods in Optimization a Cantilever Beam for Maximum Tip Velocity (چکیده)
12411 - Comparison of Evolutionary Program with Variable Metric Methods, in Optimization of a Cantilever Beam for Maximum Tip Velocity (چکیده)
12412 - Application of the Genetic Algorithm and Davidon-Fletcher-Powell Method in the Maximization of the tip Velocity of a Simple Diving Board (چکیده)
12413 - Modal Analysis of an Automotive Wheel (چکیده)
12414 - Investigation of geyser boiling in a two – phase closed thermosyphon (بررسی آبگرمکن در یک ترموسیفون بسته دو فاز) (چکیده)
12415 - Effect of inclination angle on thermal performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon under normal operating condition (چکیده)
12416 - A New Leakage-Tolerant Design for High Fan-in Domino Circuits (چکیده)
12417 - اثرAspect Ratio وFilling Ratio بر روی عملکرد گرمایی یک ترموسیفون دو فازی بسته شیب دار(The Effect of Aspect Ratio and Filling Ratio on Thermal Performance of an Inclined Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon) (چکیده)
12418 - Heat transfer characteristics of a two-phase closed thermosyphon (چکیده)
12419 - نگهداری انرژی به وسیله بازیابی گرمای هدر رفته در صنعت با استفاده از مبدل حرارتی ترموسیفون (Energy Conservation by Waste Heat Recovery in Industry using Thermosyphon Heat Exchangers) (چکیده)
12420 - Thermal Characteristics of a Tow-Phase Closed Thermosyphon ( مشخصات گرمایی یک ترموسیفون بسته دو فاز ) (چکیده)
12421 - “Waste Heat Recovery Using Loop Thermosyphons Heat Exchanger (LTHE) In Buttercup Bakery ( بازیافت حرارت با استفاده از حلقه ترموسیفون مبدل حرارتی در نانوایی ) (چکیده)
12422 - Association of Leptin Polymorphism with Production, Reproduction and Plasma Glucose Level in Iranian Holstein Cows (چکیده)
12423 - “Experimental investigation of a Two-phase Closed Thermosyphon ( بررسی تجربی از یک ترموسیفون بسته دو فاز ) (چکیده)
12424 - Application of Fuzzy Logic Controllers in Traffic Management of Communication Networks (چکیده)
12425 - Trials to Induce Protective Immunity in Mice and Sheep by Application of Protoscolex and Hydatid Fluid Antigen or Whole Body Antigen of Echinococcus granulosus (چکیده)
12426 - Detection of hydatid fluid and protoscolices antigens in sheep with hydatidosis (چکیده)
12427 - Protective Immunity in Mice with Whole Body of Echinococcus granulosus (چکیده)
12428 - Streamwise velocity distribution in irregular shaped channels having composite bed roughness (چکیده)
12429 - A simple model for estimation of dimensionless isovel contours in open channels (چکیده)
12430 - Application of the single point measurement in discharge estimation (چکیده)
12431 - New Method for Estimation of Discharge (چکیده)
12432 - Comparing Immersive and Non-Immersive Virtual Reality User Interfaces for Management of Telecommunication Networks (چکیده)
12433 - Workload Analysis of 3D versus 2D User- Interfaces for Network Management (چکیده)
12434 - Building an Enterprise Information Portal Using Open Source Software (چکیده)
12435 - Decetralised Approaches for Network Management (چکیده)